Who has honored someone in the SRSR and who has more prografied in the wake of this rozval. Who is who in the USSR? Komsomolskaya Pravda, Who Goded Someone in the USSR

(and in the middle of the Russian Federation Autonomous republics lived anew for the sake of the Russians, mayzhe like today). If the Moscow freebie was gone, maybe all the neighborhoods lived in shit, and our expanses were drawn to endless streams of workers - graduates of intestinal schools and Zhmerinsky vocational schools.
Ale, it’s true.
Yaka a) depicts the strength of our ancestors, showing the Russian fools, like everyone is koristuyutsya; and nationalities lived on 1/6 (now 1/8) of the land and cut one of them.
Let's analyze the myth by points:
1) Integral (cooperative) effect.
Have you ever wondered why Baikonur was called near the steppes of Kazakhstan? How about meditating thoughtfully over these foods?
The axis for you is more of a kіlka of classic applications - richly voiced by me on various forums -
if spіlna diyalnіst brought a huge benefit:
2.1. Prior to the introduction of oil to Siberia, the main source of oil for the Soviet Socialist Republic was the Caucasus (95%), and three quarters (!!) of all Radyanskaya oil was produced in Baku. Without cієї oil, there would be no success in the industry, no Great Peremoga.
2.2. Middle Asia - ce bavovna. And bavovna - tse strategic syrovina ЄVPOCHA. In addition, the whole country went to cotton, which is richly colored (be it a happy mother to confirm!) Modern synthetics. Dachivouzhtam ... the current symbol of the Russian - VATNIK

Vіn іz tієї samoї aziatskoї bavovny buv kolos zrobleny!
2.3. Uranium for the first atomic bombing of the first reactor? Tajikistan. Well, a part of the uranium was consumed before the SRSR as a trophy or vivesen from Northern Europe, incl. from the possible NDR. Tse so, to the speech about the greed of the similar European allies.
Takshta visnovok for item 1. prostii - "Together we are rich!" ☺.

2) Labor resources.
If we are spying on dill, then DniproGES, Kiev metro, Mykolaiv shipyard and others. the whole country prompted him, not forgetting that it would be the same - from the first five five aka Magnitogorsk plant and Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Togliatti and BAM at 70-80-ty rr. in Russia, there were people from the territory of our indefatigable radian land. Usogo for a kilometer five times in a straight line cost CMP:
So, as "the country catastrophically consumed metal sling from the second metallurgical plant in Ukraine in the spring of 1942, Chelyabmetalurgbud" was sent from the Special Building, and the 5th sapper army of A. N. Komarovsky was transferred from Stalingrad to ChMZ.
But the main source of work force for Chelyabmetalurgbudu was the so-called "Labor Mobilization of Nimtsiv". Vaughn began to flow 1941. following the decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada for the sake of the SRSR "About the resettlement of the Nimtsiv, who linger near the regions of the Volga region." Before the "labor" was poisoned by the VIISKOVOSKOVOSHNOVARIA NIMETSKOKOKOYA, Politimigranti with the Cracean of the Chemistry, the Yaki was crushed in the SRSR, and Takozhi Radiakiyyani, Rumunskoi, Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarskoi, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and Bolgarsky, and
About convicts and laborers - I’ll okrem rozmov, but what did the sapper army reveal to themselves, I can tell you - tse och. a lot of Tajiks, Kyrgyz and other Middle Asians with shovels and wheelbarrows.
That and my fathers by fathers, calling after the war from Nenka, went out with their important prace of lumbering the life of the RRFSR and developed the vast expanses of our sleepy Fatherland.

3) Russian and Russian beyond the borders of the RRFSR.
I have lived at the homeland of the Viysk, I had a chance to travel to the country, and to learn to become an Abkhazian (!), I can refer to my special dosvid. Ale, you can just take the statistics and marvel at how many Russians (Russians) lived in the national republics, and they occupied an important place there. Well, according to the Komіtraditsiya - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Republic - from the ministry, the other, for ideology, is still Russian.
And so it was with variations creaking on all levels. The director of the school is Georgian, the head teacher and head of state and most of the readers are Russians, the head of state is Greek (!).
That. we raised the day of life in the republics of the intellectual Caucasus, we raised the day of life and the goodness of the Russians, who lived/came there.
Before speech. A million + Russians do not shy away from the current Baltic States, regardless of the pressure on the movi, or the status of "non-gromads". Tse vapsheta is a shame for the current government of the Russian Federation, where is Sophia Vlasivni there.

4) Deputy Uz'yaznennya. Descho about the current situation in the Russian Federation with national nutrition,
or "Make up the Caucasus" ... or maybe Moscow?
There is no secret for anyone in my area, who (for nationalism) barry with us ... uh ... drug control. Tsigani. They have dealers and Russians, and all lead there.
It would be better to have a cherry on the surface. And how can we, having overcome the most, truly, Lenin-Stalin’s confessions, instilled all the gypsies from Chelyabinsk (Russia), to get drugs from our streets? NI.
I’ll come to change one ethnic grouping, otherwise the vulgar lads of the word “Janian style” will occupy a niche.
Other nutrition is the first thing - and why, if you know everything, then you don’t live in? That is why crying out for these "controllers" is even more cool "controllers" from the Deep Burinn's Office. I know all the same to know everything.
Be it a problem - dominating on the "minibuses" vyhіdtsіv z gіr, or gasterіv usіkh kolorіv i vіdtіnіkіv on budіvnitstvі - be not so national, like social and/or political character.
Gasters simply look to the oligarchs, they are cheaper (there is no need to pay pensions, medical insurance), they “come out” less, it is easier to control them and the margin is higher.
Want to hang out with hot Caucasian lads? Get together with the Kremlin ones!

I regularly write articles on the Internet, in which I voice a paradoxical thought - nibito in this head republic of the RRFSR "everything" was "anniversary", but with every nibito it was the most prograte against the collapse of the SRSR.

But the most important - Russians, Belarusians, and Tajiks in the SRSR were still the same - the shards did not make real money, they made money on their robots - a large part of their income was simply "expropriated" by the radian power, rozpіdayuchi for every "kaz_voboda". Wanting to really exploit the people, the people were bula in the SRSR above the butt of the greater, lower at the royal watch.

Skіlki really earned a radian people.

In order to grow up among the nutritionists, who and whom the SRSR is guilty of, for the first time it is necessary to take a look at those who, like in the country, had a great good, formed by all the working inhabitants. Fanatics of the scoop call to love to tell about the "fire cauldron", which they put everything in, and then the mother-magpie distributes the stars to everyone equally.

Well, wonder, what kind of "burning cauldron" is this buv. According to the UN supplement, the allied republics in 1990, the increase in GDP growth was:

In the current economic system, the GDP per capita, divided for 12 months, shows approximately the average salary in the country (for the sake of interest, you can check the quote from "Wikipedia", pratsyuє from the usima kraina with a difference of no more than 20%), people sprout product, style and taking away from looking income. Ale in the SRSR, everything was known otherwise. Let's say, according to the table, the middle Belarusian in 1990 was responsible for his mother's salary of $1300, but it's not enough to get 2166 rubles per month for the "official Radian exchange rate", and even more for the unofficial one.

However, the average salary in the SRSR (among those in the BRSR) did not exceed the sum of 140-150 rubles. And where else? In fact, the government took all the pennies earned from the people. At the same time, it’s worth putting an end to fantasies about those who in the Soviet Socialist Republic had a few “years” - it’s just that workers and villagers for their hard-earned pennies humiliated an unbearable state power, which, by the way, was a right-handed and left-handed person.

Budgets of the Union Republics.

Fans of the SRSR gave their mirkuvannyah, as they try to bring that the RRFSR has never been "every year", show at the price of the GDP of the RRFSR (17.5 thousand dollars per capita in 1990) and for example, Tajikistan (5.5 thousand dollars per capita). Never once did the RRFSR get richer - it means that the republic was better.

However, there is no misrepresentation. The GDP of the Tajik SSR per capita means that the average salary there in 1990 was small, but about $458 per month - the Tajiks earned an average of 140-150 roubles. In fact, it only means that the Radianian bureaucracy robbed the Tajiks in such a way, as it robbed the Russians and Belarusians, it’s just that there are a few pennies less than them. Once again, for the unreasonable - in 1990, the middle Tajik had earned for the SRSR his prace of $ 5,500 per river, and received some kopecks in his hands.

How much money, Zin?

You ask - but where did it go next? Earned pennies went to the morning of the majestic number of darmoids, as they bred at radianska vlady Great Kilkosti has the order of the same as possible factories in the Kraokani in the hundreds of Tisyachi, the Bezlich Zbitkovikh, the dottsihihi, were simply non-suffered by the pitsiye, described by the Minor-Poemi-Paemi-Paemi-Paemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poemi-Poha "Yazannya - stink us once a month salary." The “robot” of the brigade, at the same time, believed that the workers either dug out or dug into the ground one and the same cable, taking for the price of a salary and bezprosvetno thumping.

Крім цього, неймовірна кількість грошей без попиту народу витрачалася на всілякі військові авантюри, начебто, а також на підтримку будь-яких бандитів у заморських Брухтаніях — коштувало в якійсь східній, латиноамериканській чи африканській країні з'явитися великій банді, яка починала воювати з прозахідним урядом . in the Soviet Socialist Republic, a gang was stunned as "freedom fighters", after which they started with containers to send them money and material assistance.

Those who functioned as "replaced the koshtіv" in the SRSR can be well shown on the butt stock. Show pіd'їzd, de є 10 apartments. From the end of the day, you really only work for your money - earning $1,500 per month. The manager of the house is called Shvonder, who takes away your earned pennies, seeing in your hands less than $100 per month. The other $1,400 is spent on the support of your alcoholic from the first apartment, the same alcoholic Petit from the third, a part of the pennies is stolen, and $400 is spent on the support of the drunkards and the purchase of a litany of boons-drunks from the right to record a record, .

Before the speech, the walls at your pіd'їzdі are flaky, and for food about repairs, the manager of the house is richly raising his finger to the sky and starting to sleep nasheed about the international camp.

A tavern for the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Zagalom, like a bachite, there was no “year-old” of some republics in the SRSR - the Radianian hulks throughout the SRSR, however, were underestimated for their work - varying only the rozmіr koshtіv, like the Radianian bureaucracy took from them. But in the topic about those who and whom are at peace with the SRSR, there is one more aspect of cicavia - and who, well, in the SRSR, has been producing products like that for them?

Levova Magasta M'yaso/Milk Products in the SRSR VIDBULED in Baltitzi, Bilorusi that Ukrainian-near the Tsi of the Krains of the Rock (and in the activities of Tsih Krayan-I until the 1939th) ISnili Pilodni Mossevsky Vobro, Yaki was robbed , siri , sir and other products. After the coup of 1917, the Bolsheviks simply took a number of enterprises from the legitimate Vlasniks and began to work there - so it happened, for example, with a lot of Belarusian breweries, meat combines and olive-syr-factories.

І os scho naytsіkavіshe mіstseve the population of the republic for radyansk hours practically did not suffice the production of mіstsevih meat-packing plants and other food plants. About those that are such a product, like a tavern and a balik, I found out only in the 1991-1992 years, even for hours in the Belarusian Belarusian enterprises, everyone vibrated, but they ruled invariably kudi. Literally for 100 kilometers from Minsk, the meat processing plant was immediately processed - and in the city, in the meat barrels, there were empty policemen. Where did all the products go - I don’t know how to get them, but judging by the photo - these are the same empty police boules in other parts of the SRSR. Obviously, all the products went to "special rations" for the nomenclature ...

Axis and come out, that the whole country was working on the Radian nomenclature - fitting them, dressing them, dragging them sponsoring their political adventures.

Illustrations: Angela Jerich.

So do it.

Write in the comments what you think about this drive. Who and whom did you please?

Maksim Mirovich was re-invented with a post about the Radyansk Union, in spite of the illiteracy of the written wine, he simply turned himself over.

If you don’t mention that if you take the principle of marking and rozrahunkiv, just stop the correct numbers (and I’ll point them lower), then the blogger-zmagar safely scribbles his handwriting.

What did you write?

Maksimka dosі kovbasit vіd bezkoshtovnykh apartments, social programs (shkіl, likaren, sanatorіїv and іn.) at the Radyansk Union, subsidized prices for the low price of goods and services just, the axis of wines and having tried to image from your stats, you just didn’t get on the Union salary" - and for the "failure" salary, the rewards and benefits. I vibrated with fasting.

I will sort out this enchantingly illiterate text for you.

Father, Mirovich write:

"I regularly publish articles on the Internet, in which I voice a paradoxical thought - nothing in the SRSR was the head of the Republic of the RRFSR" all "years", but with the most nibito, it most likely played out in the fall of the SRSR.

But the most important ones - Russians, Belarusians, and Tajiks in the SRSR were nevertheless poor - they didn’t make real money, they made money on their robots - a great part of their income was simply “exploited” by the radian power, spreading “freedom about yakus” at the same time.

Fanatics of the scoop call to love to tell about the "fire cauldron", which they put everything in, and then the mother-magpie distributes the stars to everyone equally. According to the UN supplement, the allied republics in 1990, the increase in GDP growth was:

In the current economic system, the GDP per capita, divided for 12 months, shows approximately the average salary in the country (for the sake of interest, you can check the quote from "Wikipedia", pratsyuє from the usima kraina with a difference of no more than 20%), people sprout product, style and taking away from looking income. Ale in the SRSR, everything was known otherwise. Let's say, according to the table, the middle Belarusian in 1990 was responsible for his mother's salary of $1300, but it's not enough to get 2166 rubles per month for the "official Radian exchange rate", and even more for the unofficial one.

However, the average salary in the SRSR (among those in the BRSR) did not exceed the sum of 140-150 rubles. And where else? In fact, the government took all the pennies earned from the people. At the same time, it’s worth putting an end to fantasies about those who in the Soviet Socialist Republic had a few “years” - it’s just that workers and villagers for their hard-earned pennies humiliated an unbearable state power, which, by the way, was a right-handed and left-handed person.

I confirm:
I won’t be too hard on it, I’ll just point out the numbers and tell you, in some places, Maksimka’s nonsense. Can you win and yourself shanuє and zrozumіє, de і naskіlki vin lazhanuvsya? so that we should prepare more for our offensive strokes and not slander.
Against the backdrop of a rude mathematical pardon for Maksimka - $ 1300 for the "official exchange rate of the dollar" tse 767, not 2166 rubles. ALREADY zbrehav vin 2.82 times.

1) I will start from the first yoga firmness, sho "The current economic system has a GDP per capita, divided by 12 months, showing approximately the average salary in the country."
It's really not that far from the truth.

Perevirimo, as I propagate Maxim, from the butt of the USA.
As of 2017, the average salary in the United States for a month for virahuvanniy usikh podtkіv to become 3120 dollars (brudnym - 3800). GDP per capita in the US in 2017 is $58,952 per person.

Please follow the yoga scheme:
$58.952: 12 months = $4.913 per person

a) 3800: 4913 = 77.3% of the average GDP per capita is taken from the United States, as a way to pay for earned income
b) 3120: 4913 = USA deducts 63.5% of average GDP per capita, based on net income

At the fork of 20%, marked by Maksimkoy, we didn’t spend it, but it’s about close.

Maxim zbrehav by 2.7-16.5%(100% - 20% (fork) - 77.3/63.5%)

2) Another strong point is that the salary of the Union in 1990 was 140-150 rubles, absolutely hefty.
A similar average salary was based only in the period of 1977-79, and not in the 1990s, which I described.

In 1984-87, in the country, in the middle village / town, the salary was already on the level of 170-185 rubles (the cost of the difference was based on the numbers assigned by Mirovich), and in 1990 the rotation of the indicator was 248.4 rubles (the official exchange rate of the dollar, 59 copies from 1 leaf fall 1990 year - 1 ruble 80 kopіyok)

Maksimka zbrehav about radyansk salary in 1990 roci by 71.3%.(248,4: 145)

3) And now the axis is about the smut, where illiteracy has become attached to the author from the GDP of the Radyansky Union. Tse table, yaku vin navіv. Vaughn comes from Wikipedia. From Wikipedia, the table was taken from the material from Komsomolskaya Pravda.

This table, like reading the article in the Komsomol, does not show the real GDP, let’s say that the dollar is repaid, but the GDP of the SRSR, which the IMF analysts praised for purchasing power parity , and I think that in 1990 it turned out to be $ 2.7 trillion.

Wait a minute, it’s necessary to recompense the nominal figures (not repaid) from the nominal salary. Correctly?

In light of the economy, it is accepted to take into account the reference tax of GDP for purchasing power parity (PPP). Adjusted for those that for 1 dollar here from China you can buy 1.5 times more products than from the USA. And, for example, in Switzerland and Norway - 1.5 times less. So it is granted to our variant.

And the axis of the nominal GDP of the SRSR was not 2,700 billion dollars, at 784 billion dollars.
And the average GDP per capita, nominally transfers from the US dollar is $ 2722, but not $ 10,000 from the average, as it could be shown from the Maximkina table, as it is insured for the PKS.

Maxim zbrehav 2700 billion: 784 billion = 3.44 times
We need a little money, because Maxim is not an economist. But why are you in the wrong place, de absolutely not understanding?

Now at once rahuemo vykhodyachi z vyrnih digits

I repeat, what is the best way to win the same banners.
Tobto the best way to rozrahunku - tse take the nominal GDP of the SRSR in rubles from 1990 roci and the average nominal salary from 1990 roci.
And you don’t need to change anything, fence the city, convert it into dollars (navischo?) and change it through different coefficients.

That yakim buv GDP to the Union of 1990?

To build on the example of your own history, with the help of internal problems, the Radian Union is really capable. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the Union in 1990 was 1 trillion rubles. Current publications show figures close to 1050 billion rubles

Now respect for the method of Maksimka, for yoga circuit, ale with the correct numbers in rubles:
1050 billion rubles: 288.6 million people: 12 months = 303 rubles

a) 248.4 rubles: 303 rubles \u003d 81.98% of the average GDP per capita, exaggerated by earned income (in the USA - 77.3%)
b) 220 rubles: 303 = 72.6% of the average GDP per capita, excelling in net income (in the USA - 63.5%)

That's why in the USA this ostentatious show is at once remarkably modest, lower than its time in the Union.

That de wages do not give that they do not pay more? Looks like it's in the US!
And in the Union, you remember, krim salaries - a strong social system and bezkoshtovne life (who did not want to stand in black - it's easy to indulge in a moment through the cooperative, but the checks willed it).

Maybe in other times the situation in the Union was different?
Let's cheer up other fates. It is possible in dollars, as in the previous tables everything is reduced to one indicator - the nominal GDP of the country is repaid into dollars at the official rate and nominal wages are also translated at the official rate. Tobto spіvvіdnoshennia digits IS NOT DAMAGED.

1977 rik
GDP per capita $2864: 12 = $238.67 per capita
192.56 dollars salary (to transfer 142.88 rubles at the official exchange rate): 238.67 = 80.68%

1985 rik
GDP per capita $3,308: 12 = $275.67 per capita
246.73 dollars salary (to transfer 173.95 rubles at the official exchange rate): 238.67 = 89.50%

Together: indications for skin rіk in the SRSR were significantly better, lower contagion in the USA, nothing to anyone wages without squeezing and not underdoing. And Maksimka Mirovich, having presented herself as a human being, as if she couldn’t think, she simply cheered. And from pathos to carry nonsense - tse vin wit.

Fans of the SRSR gave their mirkuvannyah, as they try to bring that the RRFSR has never been "every year", show at the price of the GDP of the RRFSR (17.5 thousand dollars per capita in 1990) and for example, Tajikistan (5.5 thousand dollars per capita). Never once did the RRFSR get richer - it means that the republic was better.

I confirm:
Mirkuvannya nevirnі. Tajikistan's average GDP is twice as low as that of the Union. And in the Union of wines in 1990, the average rate was 303 rubles per month. Typically, in Tajikistan, "virobіtok" bv is close to 150-160 rubles per month. For salaries in the country, the average is 250.

The GDP of the Tajik SSR per capita means that the average salary there in 1990 was small, but about $458 per month - the Tajiks earned an average of 140-150 roubles. In 1990, the average Tajik had earned his own $5,500 in cash for the SRSR, and had taken some kopecks into his hands.

I confirm:
Let's hear the laugh, Mirovich's mirroring doesn't say anything. Once again, I’ll guess the nominal figures - the GDP per capita per month in the republic is close to 150-160 rubles, and salaries, premiums, maybe even a little less on the side of the country (250 rubles), but not much. The very fact that Tajikistan paid more, earned less. A resident of Tajikistan, viroblyayuschie GDP vtrychі less nizh nezhkanets RRFSR otrimuvav not only about the same salary, but also the same social program, utrimannya kakoї way.

Okremo podkreslyu, scho I don’t want to hang around here with those who have been honored - we were one country and supported the region for historical and geographical reasons (before speech, and the RRFSR is already heterogeneous). Ale, I'm talking about those who are non-written mirkuvannya Maksimka call out only laughter. Tі, hto having tightened my rozrahunki, I will wait for them.

In connection with the often blamed in the heads of dean historians and representatives of the intelligentsia, the myth about those, how the poor and unfortunate national republics were taken by the Russians and RRFSR, їх domises. Why are they grounded on sounding hard? I dont know. The stench yourself is the same, but always repeat that: “Know everything!”. All that is not all. Let's take for the butt of "the most maligned Russian occupiers" - Estonians.

Apparently, the Estonians themselves were actively engaged in the communist ideology in life, and among the communists among the Estonians there was a large number, as if they were equal with the other republics of the SRSR, more of the lower Estonians, there were only fewer Georgians per capita…

So maybe through pretentiousness to communist ideology, the stench knew their children leave the shirt and gave її to the occupiers? Did the Russian prodrozkladka come from Volodymyr and Saratov and slaughter the remaining pig or cow on the Estonian farm, bringing them from Estonia to the rest of the country? Did the Russians live for the SRSR, and did the national republics go hungry?

Actually, it was like that. Just for the sake of it. As the communes began with the enslavement and enslavement of the Russian peasantry and workers, and continued, until the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic ...

Read that zіstavlyayte realnіst yaku vy bachili on vlasnі ochі and the facts of statistics zі statistichnіh sbіrok SRSR, kakі I'll point you at once! Well scho, how it seems - relax and enjoy! Let's go!

The balance of the international and economic exchange of goods at light prices in 1988 (billion rubles) (Gaidar E.T. The death of the empire. Lessons for today's Russia.- M.: ROSSPEN, 2006.- 440s.- P.299 (*))

Already against? From the tables, I’ll explain, I’ll explain, in order to see if there were any insinuations of the Baltic comrades and spivchuvayuchih, Bachimo, that the RRFSR for 30,840,000,000 rubles virobled more, lowered. From time to time, 45 years ... And just like that, 45 years Estonia saved at least 139,000,000 rubles more, and lowered ...
Why can't the myth be confirmed... Or maybe the damned Russians imported everything from Estonia? Moreover, ominayuchi statistics? Required! It appears that in the State Plan they knew the fate of the 1940s that the Estonian separatists would gain strength for the help of the communists and, having taken the not weak little thing of Russia, it was illegal to see the Warehouse of the SRSR and that they added statistics! There is no need to believe ...

And the axis seemed to look at the distribution of pennies for one bag of the republic from the secret budget of the SRSR, to which, as we bachiled, the main contribution was robbed by the RRFSR:

Lived badly, didn't they? 209 rubles were taken from the skin rosiya on the river, and 812 rubles were paid free of charge to the skin Estonian, without spending money on wines. They chose the damned communists, of course ... But the axis of only whom?
Cicavia fact I believe in the fact that the tables show that LESS Russians lived in the republic. tem GREAT subsidies, the republic took one person from the pererakhunka. Russians and yoga consumers were rated on a different scale. For "fair" - communist.

What are the tables? And the head - truthful. Taken from the official statistics of the SRSR ...
And the axis of more facts, as they knew everything in the SRSR:

1. “It’s better to work without stupidity,” R. Otsason, Head of the State Plan of the Estonian RSR, said openly, “then a great sense can add leaves about help. It is important to remember to ask for pennies, food, feed, commodities, which is worth it - it is more important, less important to remember their labor.
This principle is practiced by Estonia today. Truth be told, finish Nimechchina already. How long? The Germans are not so bad as the Russians. That stench was played out at the war, the next hour was brought, gritting their teeth to pay, until that independence gained geopolitical strength.

2. Doctor of Economic Sciences V. Miloserdov: “Irrespective of those that the main part of the gas was produced in other regions of the country, the Baltic villages were essentially the Russians for gasification. At the time of the exit of the Baltic states from the Union, practically all the villages of the Baltic states, that of Western Ukraine and Transcaucasia were gasified.The majestic differentiation between the allied republics has become established in the development of allocations to the state budget, the obligation to supply material and technical resources, the exported currencies, imported goods and other areas. I, as a reminder, - in equal life between the republics »
A fact that does not require proof. It’s enough to look around - in Estonia gasification under the Rada build dog kennels, where it’s okay to stand, and in Russia and this year, build thousands of forces near Moscow, if gas comes to them. And what can you say about the Russian mud-hole?

3. And what was written by academicians-economics T.S. Khachaturov and N.M. Nekrasov - the hero of the їkhny spilny sheet to the Minister of Gas Industry of the SRSR S.A. Orudzhev, dated 16 leaf fall, 1977: “The RRFSR in the rest of the 10 years is constantly being infringed upon by seen differently manned centralized resources: more and more is seen by other republics, wanting control over the victories in these republics of resources, which are seen to be weaker and becoming formal. More than that: navit from what is seen for the RRFSR, then often omitted from її funds. There is also an unacceptable tendency to freeze like a capital deposit, and different natural resources bіlya RRFSR, however, more and more obsjag those іnshe, apparently, іde аnd get used to other republics. Remaining dependent on the savings and capital investment, and deliveries of import lines (limits), which, considering the greater number of such applications in the RRFSR, are satisfied. Saving such a situation to cause ... irreversible disproportions in the socio-economic development and resource security of the regions of the Soviet Socialist Republic ... "

4. In the 1950s-1980s, the wages and other social payments in the majority of the union republics were 30-45% higher, lower in Russia (RRFSR). Let's say, a cleaner in Tallinn, in the 1970s and 1980s, earned at least 100 rubles in net, just like the "average" Russian engineer from the RRFSR, in net, at least gaining 120 rubles. And the axis of the difference between the prices of the RRFSR was higher by 20, or even by 40%, compared with the majority of the other allied republics ...

5. On January 21, 1947, in the “closed” resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, it was punished to increase the pace of the collectivization of the agricultural state in the Baltic states, Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and more Finnish regions of the Karelian-Finnish RSR. What was vikonuvalos before the collapse of the Radyansk Union (div. "The decision of the party in the order of the government's meals", vol. 3, M., 1968). As a result, until the end of the 1980s, over 70% of commercial agricultural products in these regions, as well as 60% - in the republics of Transcaucasia and in the rich regions of Central Asia - were legally and practically private states. Significantly, in connection with the RRFSR, the collectivization of the strong state was everywhere. In the middle of the 1950s - the middle of the 1980s, I tried the RRFSR in my own case, for example, excesses, like the liquidation of religious institutions everywhere, more importantly Orthodox ones; Everywhere there is talk about "unpromising" forces; everywhere planting "Khrushchov's" corn and cultivating thinness with its own bird from special care of colonists and practitioners of radhospiv. Tіzh RRFSR and Belarus, divided with other allied republics, took the least agricultural equipment and state budget pennies for the obshtuvannya of the rural and mіskogo dwelling, as well as for the development of other galleys.

6. The rent in the RRFSR was always more expensive, lower in most of the other allied republics. Navit official standards for living space in the RRFSR were smaller, lower for the Baltic States, Transcaucasia, Western Ukraine, capital cities of the republics of Central Asia, Pivnichny Caucasus, Tataria, Bashkiria ... I was sent to the RRFSR, and also to Belarus, the kolgospi and the radgospi were transferred, together with their personnel, equipment, which was the foundation for the animal populations in other republics. For obvious tribute, over 150 collective hospitals and regional hospitals were transferred to Kazakhstani territory, including Russian territories - not from the autonomies of the RRFSR, but also from Belarus and Skhidnoy Ukraine (div., for example, D.I. Korkotsenko, V.I. Kulikov "KPRS at the fight for distant development Russian statehood (1946-1958), M., " your school", 1974). From the other side, even to all the allied republics - the Crimea of ​​the RRFSR and Belarus - publicly and privately the planned tasks were lowered.

7. How to increase the SRSR with slow imports, - the relevant decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPRS and the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the SRSR 1959, 1963, 1978 and 1983 pp. transferred chergovіst to the suvor: the import of fresh goods was sent to us in front of the non-Slovak soyuznі republics and to Western Ukraine; we will sweat near Belarus, the Republic of Ukraine, the autonomous republic of the RRFSR, and in the first black - near the Pivnichnokavkazka. Potim - near the national-autonomous region and district of the RRFSR. Himself at the fortune-telling of the sequence. I less than a second, tobto. for the "surplus principle" - reshtu, the official Russian territory of the RRFSR ...

8. For all the goods of the “allied” Baltic States and the Transcaucasus, the Radian power was assigned the prices found in the RSFSR, including those of the purchasers ... . At a rate of 40-55%, it is a showcase for ports and other galleys in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Moldova and Western Ukraine. І tse RRFSR and Belarus such pіlg buv, schopravda, krim pivnіchnokavkazskih avtonomі RRFSR.
div., for example, “Food for a thorough transportation of products that are fast-paced”, M., Institute of Complex Transport Problems under the State Plan of the SRSR, VIP. 28, M., 1972)

Facts, facts, facts. The skin of us is full of eyes. We all remember what the Estonian leaders said on their paychecks, if they were fed “When will you practice?”... Remember - “And let the Russians practice, gee.” - the communist gave - Estonians ...

So from, gentlemen of Estonia, now we see bad myths, if you write what? You can boldly declare that the Axis, having said, we did not take any more than all the graves and party plantings, penetrated massively to the Communist Party, finished off the Russian suckers for decades and didn’t dmukhali! And with success, you continue your efforts at the same time ... The axis is as cunning, sensible, and sprytnі. And the Russians tolerated suckers. Like bulls, so i lost. Why don't you have a national idea for pride?

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