English school for engineers. Technical English for IT: dictionaries, handbooks, magazines. Energy and temperature

Peculiarities of technical texts in English language and specifics of technical translations from English to Russian and foreign languages. Included in this article is information that can help a wide range of people, especially if you are a cicada. to engineers who speak English language at VNZ. English engineers need it after the completion of the training.

Deyakі іnzheneri pratsyuyut in international companies, devastating spіvpratsya and mutually intelligible with foreign colleagues. It's too early for others to get stuck with my English documentation - for example, for the hour of zamovlennya obladnannya from behind the cordon. In any case, knowledge of English language significantly expands the ability of people, as they practice in this sphere of activity.

Features of English language for engineers

The basics of English language for engineers are little challenged by the fact that most students have to study at universities to decide on specialties. Prote є th features:

  1. Terminology specific to the engineering department. Tse nutrition has already been broken at the article about technical English, but at different engineering specialties the set of terms will be more important. Vkrai bazhano give a dictionary, assignments to your specialty - For example, "English-Russian and Russian-English polytechnic dictionary of an engineer".
  2. You will need to read authentic materials in Russian and English language, in order to recognize, like the words that are used to get used to the language of the language in the real situation. Do not make texts for your specialization, as they already use in two versions, Russian and English. Before such texts, there may be references to the customary possession or, for example, specifications (technical standards) for various working processes, or the characteristics of any product, I will add a component of the system. Even more often, such specifics may have international significance and are based on the language of all lands, to which a technical standard should lie.
  3. Don't forget about communication skills, moreover, there is a need for written communication, and verbal. It’s also a high level of intelligence, that for obov’yazkom service you happen to be able to communicate with foreign colleagues, laborers or post-employees, and you need to be able to communicate with English language for topics that are worth your profession. That’s why it’s too late for those who want to take a course in engineering English with an emphasis on audio and speaking (for example, “Cambridge English for Engineering – Student’s Book with Audio CDs” by Mark Ibbotson), and practice writing.

Help with English language for engineers

In Russian universities, students of engineering specialties learn English for assistants, who develop the specifics of their future profession. There are two main such aids: “English for technical VNZ” by Aghabekyan and “English language for engineers” by Polyakova. Offended by the assistants to give material from Aziv and in Persian black directing to the translation of the English language from the infamous linguist; but it is especially those that, on a larger scale, you will be familiar with the texts of scientific and technical directivity, and in the zavdannya you will be able to write the most important vocabulary.

The supporters of Polyakova and Aghabekyan were called to a similar rank. They give new materials that allow you to expand your vocabulary, auditing and reading texts, and also allow you to practice writing these sheets for the cordon, and storing that translation of documentation.

Of the appointments of two assistants, the assistant of Polyakova is respected by the most authoritative, and there is a wide range of tasks and rights, lower for the assistant of Aghabekyan. Prote with a stink of stench mutually.

If you want to go to the interuniversity course of English for engineers, and it’s already enough for me, English helpers can come to the rescue, course and guidebooks - so, as well as “Cambridge English for Engineering”, “Professional English in Use: Engineering” by the same author, “Pocket Book of English Grammar for Engineers and Scientists” or “Technical Writing: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists” .

According to the results of the British recruiting agency CBSbutler, in 2017 recruits could earn 54,000 pounds sterling. For whom it was necessary to work as an engineer in the oil and gas industry. Sobchit similar numbers on your bank account, to report chimalo zusil. One of them is to learn English and become a demanded foreigner in a foreign Russian company.

Navіt yakshcho vy not аєte odno vіdnoshennia to іnzhenerії іаlnostі, it's rad to learn from the article. For example, the English names of screws and dowels will be in your favor, as you will choose furniture for instructions in English, or purchase exclusive materials on English sites.

A short glossary of technical terms

We have tried to choose the terms, which are most commonly used by the robotic engineer. Bezperechno, we hooted over the basic vocabulary. If you want to learn English from a larger engineering field, you can learn our language. Whether you are a design engineer or an electrical engineer, we will pick up those materials, so that you can become a good friend in your gallery.

If you are familiar with the basic terminology, read the article to the end: we have chosen 33 cows of brown resources for you, so that you will be in good luck for the development of the new language to learn the language by ear and read it. In addition, our list of video blogs, podcasts, serials and courses will help you to get started.

Global terminology

For the cob, let's name the engineering galleys and the names of certain settlements.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
engineeringengineering on the right
mechanical engineeringmechanical engineering, machine building, design of mechanical systems
electrical engineeringelectromechanics, technical design of electrical circuits
civil engineeringdesign and life of civil objects
structural engineeringdesign of industrial disputes / budіvelne design
biomedical engineeringbiomedical engineering
chemical engineeringchemical engineering
software engineeringsoftware engineering
systems engineeringsystems engineering
an engineerengineer, designer
an engineering technician_engineering and technical practitioner


Let's move on to the basic set of words, the necessary folding armchair and schemes.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
design informationproject information
a design solutiondesign and technical solutions
an itemdetail, virib, loneliness
CAD /kæd/ (computer-aided design)system automated design
technical requirementstechnical characteristics, vimogi
to overdesigndesign from the reserve
a drawing (short dwg)armchair, scheme
a blueprintblue (copy of armchair)
a detail drawingchair detailing
a general arrangement drawingzagalne krestlennya, zagalna scheme
a preliminary drawingsketch, front armchair
a working drawingrough scheme, roboche armchair
schematicssketchy armchair, plan
a drawing boardtablet, armchair
to draw up a drawingfold the armchair


Conduct vimir, correctly showing the radius of the stake and the English death, in addition to the offensive lexical typing.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
a measurementvimir, calculation, entry system
calculationsrozrahunki, billing
dimensions (short dims)rosemary
linear dimensionslinear expansion
a directionstraight ahead
a tape measurepeace roulette
a theodolitecutomir
an anglekut
a degreedegree
a grademetric degree
a radius (plural: radii)radius
circumferenceperimeter, dovzhina stake
a constantconstant
a surfacesurface
a faceface surface
a circlecolo
a concentric circleconcentric colo
a curved linecrooked line
extremeextreme point
a spanstand between objects
distancestand up
cross-sectional areacross section
surface areasurface area
volumeAbout `em
smoothsmooth, equal
inclinedpohily, pіd kutom
to measurewin back
to increasezbіshuvati
to decreasechange
Accuracy of vimiriv
dimensional accuracyaccuracy of vimiriv
a deviationmindfulness
a rounding errorpardon when rounded
performance gapnerіvnіst have pokaznikami
tight tolerance = close tolerancesmall admissible respite
loose toleranceallowable in wide ranges
within toleranceat the limits of admissible values
outside tolerancebeyond acceptable values
to varyquarrel
round up or downround y larger chi smaller bik
a centrelineaxis line, center line
an offsetdisplacement
centre-to-centremove between centers/axes
a reference pointdot vіdlіku, pochatkova dot
a gridmesh
a gridlinegrid line
a diagonaldiagonal
perpendicular toperpendicular to
to set outsignifies a camp
to locatedesignate the place of roztashuvannya, rozmіstiti
to run parallel withroztashovuvatisya in parallel
to intersect atshift into

Technology of materials

Practice with wood, concrete and metals to help a short dictionary for the technology of materials.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
an elementelement
a compoundz'ednannya
chemical compositionchemical warehouse
a chemical reactionchemical reaction
a mixturesumish
an alloysmall house
a coefficientcoefficient
non-metals (carbon, silicon)non-metals (vougillya, silicon)
metals (iron, copper):
  • ferrous metals
  • non-ferrous metals
threw (zalizo, midd):
  • threw, scho to revenge
  • threw, scho do not avenge zalizo
precious metalexpensive metal
raw materials:
  • powder, fine particles
  • a pellet
  • a fiber
raw materials:
  • powder, highly dispersed particles
  • granule
  • fiber
  • carbon steel
  • alloy steel
  • stainless steel
  • tool steel
  • high speed steel
  • carbon steel
  • alloyed steel
  • stainless steel
  • tool steel
  • shvidkorizalna steel
a composite materialcomposite material
a reinforcing materialchanging material
a matrixin'yazhcha speech, rozchin
carbon fibercarbon fiber
moltenmelting, rare
to disintegratedivide into pieces
to flowprotikati
to covertwist
to meltmelt
to rustrust
a natural polymernatural polymer
a synthetic polymersynthetic polymer
  • acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
  • polycarbonate
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS plastic)
  • polycarbonate
  • polyvinyl chloride
thermosetting plastics = thermosets:
  • epoxy resin
  • polyimide
  • epoxy resin (guma)
  • polyimide
an elastomerelastomir
Minerals and ceramic materials
a mineralmineral
oreore mineral
an abrasive materialabrasive
a kilnpich for vipalu
  • float glass
  • safety glass
  • glass = tempered glass
  • laminated glass
  • sheet slope
  • bezskolkove slo, scho not to fight
  • hardened high-grade slope
  • sharuvate bezkolkove sklo
before annealgartuvati, scorch
fine aggregatedrіbny zapovnyuvach
coarse aggregategreat zapovnyuvach
concrete mix designsupply of concrete sums
an additiveadditive
a retarderspovіlnyuvach shoplyuvannya (concrete)
reinforced concretecast concrete
reinforcing barsfittings
formwork = shutteringformwork
to cast concretelay the concrete bag
  • hardwood
  • softwood
  • solid wood
  • m'yaka tree
solid wood:
  • grain
  • knots /nɒts/
solid wood:
  • knots
engineered wood:
  • a particle board = chipboard and medium-density fiberboard (MDF)
  • a oriented strand board (OSB)
  • a glue-laminated section (short glulam)
composite village material:
  • medium width fibreboard (MDF/Fibreboard)
  • oriented strand board (OSB)
  • adhesive beam
timber = lumberlumber
a sawmilltartak
resinresin village
stress-gradedsortings for medical
to sawsawing
Dominance of materials
material propertiespower of materials
thermal propertiesthermal power
a thermal insulatorthermal insulation material
a coefficient of thermal expansionthermal expansion coefficient
a coefficient of linear expansionlinear thermal expansion coefficient
tension strengthbetween the points for rozryv
compressive strengthbetween the points on the stick
elasticityelasticity, springiness
ductilityelasticity, pliability
  • scratch hardness
  • indentation hardness
  • hardness on opera rags
  • indentometric hardness, indentation hardness
trivalityterm of service, durability
fracture toughnessmalice
thermal conductivitythermal conductivity
stiffhard, inelastic
brittletrendy, german
before conductpass, skip
before fractureshake, shake
to resist wearshake up staunchly to the point of wear and tear

Virobnitstvo and folding

Prepare and select fittings, furniture and details - a task not only for a talented engineer, but also for a skin engineer who starts repairs with his own hands.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
manufacturingmaking, preparing
machiningmechanical processing, verst processing
Computer Aided Design (CAD) / Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)computer-aided design system / computer-aided manufacturing system
a workpiecedetail, preparation
a blankharvesting
blankingvirubuvannya harvesting
drillingdrilling, drilling
grindinggrinding, sharpening
  • flame-cutting
  • guillotining
  • plasma cutting
  • laser cutting
  • gas semi-lumen rіzannya
  • cutting on guillotine scissors
  • plasma cutting
  • laser cutting
tools for cutting:
  • a machine tool
  • a circular saw
  • a band saw
  • a power hacksaw
  • a milling machine
  • a later
  • a waterjet
  • a cutting disc
  • an abrasive wheel
cutting tools:
  • metallurgical workbench
  • circular saw
  • string file
  • knife file
  • milling verstat
  • lathe worker
  • installation for water jet cutting
  • disk lower
  • grinding wheel, grinding wheel
swarf = chipsmetal shavings, thyrsus
a jointz'ednannya, stick
an edgefacet
a ridgeedge
a rebategroove, groove
a helical groovescrew groove, spiral groove
a threadscrew thread
a tongue-and-groove jointz'ednannya "into the sheet pile"
a cavity = voidhollow, sinkhole
a through the holeopenly open
a blind holeinscrutable, deaf otvir
pointedhostile, hostile
proud = raisedtumor
recessedrecesses, flush installations
flush withtime s, time s
to slot intofasten in a groove
to screw intovinchuvati
to taperring out, make a cone
to machinesubmit mechanical processing, process at the verstat
to rotate = to spinwrap
a boltbolt
a nut (here)screw
  • a flat washer = a plain washer
  • a spring washer
  • flat washer
  • spring washer
  • a slot head screw
  • a crosshead screw
  • a machine screw
  • a grub screw = a set screw
screw, screw:
  • twist іz straight slot
  • a cross-shaped screw slot
  • drіbny kripilny gvint
  • setting screw, after screw
a self-tapping screwself-narrative screw, self-tapping
a screw anchordowel
a rivet:
  • a solid rivet
  • a blind rivet = a pop rivet
  • sucilna rivet
  • blind rivet, single rivet
tools for fastening:
  • a spanner = a wrench
  • a hex key
  • a torque wrench
  • a screwdriver
  • pliers
  • a rivet gun
fastening tools:
  • wrench
  • hex key
  • torque wrench
  • twist
  • pliers
  • hand tool for setting rivets, riveter
to tighten (here)screw tight, tighten
to loosenloosen up
to work looseroam
to screw intwist, twist
Neroz'єmnі z'єdnannya
  • resistance welding
  • spot welding
  • seam welding
  • ultrasonic welding
  • shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) = arc welding = stick welding
  • gas welding
  • contact not electrically welded
  • spot welding
  • seam zvaryuvannya
  • ultrasonic zvaryuvannya
  • arc welding with a metal electrode
  • gas filling
brazingsoldering with refractory solder
solderingsoldering with soft solder
Adhesivesticky speech
a solventretailer
to weldto stir up, to stir up
to fusefloat
before exhaustviparovuvatisya, viparovuvatisya

Energy and temperature

Forms of energy, temperature control - in offensive terms.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
  • kinetic energy
  • thermal energy
  • electrical energy
  • sound energy
  • light energy
  • chemical energy
  • nuclear energy
  • kinetic energy
  • thermal energy, thermal energy
  • electricity
  • sound energy, acoustic energy
  • light energy
  • chemical energy
  • atomic energy, nuclear energy
energy efficiencycoefіtsiєnt korisnoї ї ії (KKD)
energy sourcedzherelo energy
waste energyenergy wasted
a joulejoule
a wattwat
wattagesweating in vata
degrees Celsiusdegrees Celsius
heat capacityheat capacity
heat transferheat transfer, heat transfer
a heating systemopium system
a convectorscorching radiator

Water supply

The onset of distribution of assignments to pipe lines and robotic lines.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
water supplywater supply
pipe workpipe line
a mainmain pipe
a drainsewer pipe, drainage pipe
a hosehose
a pumppump, pump
a turbineturbine
a valvevalve
a pressure gaugeprilad for vimiryuvannya vise, manometer
pressure differentialdifferential vise
fluid dynamicsdynamics of gas and gas, hydrogasdynamics
to flowprotikati


Let's move on to the engines, motors and gears.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
  • a petrol engine
  • a diesel engine
  • a jet engine
  • petrol engine
  • diesel engine
  • jet engine
an internal combustion engineinternal combustion engine
an electric motorelectric motor
thrustreactive force, traction
a fuel injectorfuel injector
transmissiontransmission, transmission
a gear = a gear wheel:
  • a spur gear
  • a helical gear
  • a bevel gear
  • a crown gear
  • a worm gear
gear, gear wheel:
  • spur gear
  • helical gear
  • final gear
  • ring gear
  • worm gear
a gear traingear block, gear train
a chainlanciug
chain drivelanceg gear, lance gear
a wire ropecable
a crankshaftcrankshaft, crankshaft
a flywheelflywheel
reciprocating motionback-and-forth move
rotary motionwraparound roc
to interlocksplurge, splurge
to mesh togetherget hooked up, get hooked up


Select the electric lansyug and reduce the frequency of the strum strum to help the rest of the division of our short technical vocabulary.

Word/Word Receipttranslation
  • direct current (DC)
  • alternating current (AC)
  • constant strum
  • change strum
an ampereampere
an electric chargeelectric charge
a charge carriercarrying a charge, wearing a struma
an electromotive force (EMF)electrical breaking force (EPS)
a voltvolt
an ohmohm
a deviceattachment
an applianceaccessory
an electrical insulatorelectrical insulator
power ratingnominal tension, maximum allowable tension
electric shockelectric blasting, electric blasting
technical failuretechnical error, inaccuracy
Electric animation
electrical supplyelectricity supply, electricity supply
mains electricityMerezheva electrician
a power gridelectrical metering, energy metering
a hertz (Hz)hertz
AC generationgeneration of snake strumu
field coilelectromagnetic coil, inductance coil
electromagnetic inductionelectromagnetic induction
a power stationpower station
a power line = transmission linepower line
a generatorgenerator
a rechargeable batterybattery on the battery, what is being recharged, the battery
to chargecharge
Electric lanceug
an electrical circuitelectric lanceug
a parallel circuitparallel lanceug
a series circuitlast lance
a conductorconductor
a semiconductornapіvprovіdnik
a switch boardrosepodilchy shield
switchgearrozpodіlne obladnannya
a power socketpower outlet
an electric wireelectrical conduit, electrical conduit
a strandbaggage allowance
extra-high voltage (EHV)supratemporal tension
to earthground
to switch oninclude
to switch offvimikati

Corresponding resources

The time has come for the 33 resources themselves to be quiet, as they promised to secure earlier.

Submit an application for training right now and get free access to the first lesson, de mi tell you about 14 secrets for a swedish english movie!

It is now possible to master the course of technical English language in the style of the term on the modern program “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” of the Business Academy MBA CITY!

The meta of the intensive course “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” is to allow anyone who is interested to quickly learn those technical English language for robots, as well as learn to wrap that stalk virazi to describe the principles of robotic mechanisms.

The course of technical English language insurance is both for those who learn English for work in industry, and for those who have already mastered the level of intermediate and want to develop further.

In the course of learning the technical English language, the listeners of the course in the English language for engineers should learn all the necessary grammatical forms and lexical features of the English language technical descriptions. Takozhkoye for mastering Navichiki Vedennya negotiators of the folding techic meterates Anglіysko, the rosema of the techychychni -izhsterathstetsi Anglіykoyu, and the vicoristovati of his knowledge of the professor of the terminology,

You will master and be able to master in practice and a lot of other important modern knowledge - for example, the compilation of technical knowledge in English, the knowledge of technical demonstrations in English, the use of English to explain technical problems and breakdowns in your setup.

Still wondering how to take a technical English movie course faster? If you live in Moscow, be it some other world, you can now study English language at the prestigious Institute of Foreign Languages, without leaving home.

Starting the course of technical English language at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Business Academy MBA CITY You can improve your knowledge and pretend to be a valuable foreign language professional!

For the passage of the course of 3 years of technical English language at the Business Academy MBA CITY, we suggest the most efficient and effective ways of learning.

Distance course of English movie Today's ta Swedish way to master technical English language - to pass a distance primary program at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of Business Academy MBA CITY. The distance course of technical English language is full of up-to-date information sufficient to learn how to speak fluently and understand technical instructions. A clear and informative multimedia presentation of the material of the distance course allows the listeners to master it independently qiu program training.

Individual training format. The Danish format transfers impersonal options for training, including training tete-a-tete with a depositor, corporate training with a view of a trader to a private person or an organization. In addition, individual training can be done online via video calls or Skype. Choose your full time job English my or via skype, in any case, in an individual format, they check on you without intermediary contact with the depositor. The individual format of the tutorial also gives you access to the remote course material.

The skin lesson of the course includes a few informative blocks: the wines are made up of text materials with additional blue-colored illustrations. Also, before the full distance course of the technical English language, diagrams, tables, audio and video are included, having become familiar with those, hearing the course, after the first lesson, they can improve their knowledge of the English language. Proceed to take You can be more mittevo - access to the program is available after paying for the course through special office on site. Run out of food? Fahіvtsі Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Business Academy MBA CITІ will promptly give you an opinion on them through the website or by phone and obov'yazkovo will give you a professional podtrimku.

English online courses Business Academy MBA CITY - this is your chance to learn about everything that is necessary in order to develop especially professionally in the international sphere!

Having studied the program “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” in the Business Academy of MBA CITY, you will be able to feel fluent in the English medium and most effectively spoof the shoe, as you will require knowledge of the English movie.

To expand one's knowledge of English language means to increase the contribution of future specialties to success and professional growth.

Submit an application for a high-level technical English language course at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Business Academy MBA CITY on our website today. Hurry up to get down to the beginning and advancement of your qualifications. The result will definitely be an increase in your income and an increase in the number of professional opportunities!

Upon completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate of holding. zrazka with an international supplement about the successful completion of the “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” program.

English for engineers. Polyakova T.Yu., Sinyavska O.V. that in.

7th view. - M.: 2007 - 463s. 6th view. - M .: 2004 - 463s.

A handbook of spellings is suitable for programs from foreign languages ​​for non-languages. The teacher's metaphor is a lesson in reading different types of specialized literature, volodinnya as necessary for a future engineer, as well as shaping a new language, listening to and writing letters. It is more efficient and practical for me to take care of the system of communicative rights and role-playing games, which stimulate the interest of students and their creative activity. The assistant is seen as a sound supplement (2 audio cassettes), all materials are read by the speakers of the mov. Recommendations for ensuring the basic course at technical universities. You can be vikoristany by persons with technical knowledge, as if they independently improve their skills in English language.

Format: pdf (7th view. - M .: 2007 - 463s.)

Rozmir: 14 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Format: pdf (6th view. - M .: 2004 - 463s.)

Rozmir: 48 MB

Watch, download:drive.google


Format: mp3/zip

Rozmir: 99 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

For students with 3 authors
Vikladacham as authors 5
Unit 1. Value of Education 16
Unit 2. Live and Learn 43
Unit 3. City Traffic 68
Unit 4. Scientists 91
Unit 5. Inventors and Their Inventions 117
Unit 6 Modern Cities 142
Unit 7 Architecture 167
Unit 8. Traveling by Car 190
Unit 9. Water Transport 213
Unit 10 Air Transport 238
Unit 11. Construction Materials and Structures 261
Unit 12. PC means a Personal Computer 285
Unit 13. A Few Concepts of Market Economy 309
1. TV Competition of Inventors 328
2. Applying for a Job 332
3. Conference 341
Alphabet 348
Letters and Sounds 348
Basic School Vocabulary 350
Main grammatical understanding(Basic Grammar Terminology) 355

Today is the day of the programmer. From what drive at our office is holy, bags, fireworks (actually, we diligently practice). But we couldn’t pass such a day, so they prepared an article about technical English for IT-fahivtsiv.

Why does the retailer need English? The reason is obvious: English is necessary for understanding terminology, working with English interfaces, reading technical documentation, studying professional literature, conferences and webinars ... Well, for the sake of being able to work behind the cordon.

Rozrobniki and so know the greatness of the kіlkіst English words(if you want to listen to ours: stink, it’s better not to speak Russian mine, but rather “fix”, “debate”, “assap”). But victorious professional slang does not mean full English language. Therefore, we have taken resources from the statistician, so you can fully pump English for robots.

Change of article "English for retailers":

Shukaemo professional vocabulary:

Downloading newbies:

English Dictionary of Programmers: Dzherela Vocabulary

Vocabulary for retailers is great. Those whom the inhabitant can call an “IT specialist” include a dozen different specializations: frontend retailers, backend retailers, testers, web designers, products and others (although all the stinks are to blame for “good computer”).

We chose Dzherel, so you can know both basic and highly specialized vocabulary.

1. English for it-farmers: assistants

The assistants are especially helpful to those who have mastered the language independently, shards are ready to take the program.

English for Information Technology- Suitable for cob row. Includes basic basic vocabulary.

Career Path Software Engineering- a lexical guide for programmers, which will help you to specialize vocabulary and work situations for the development of new skills. Topics: software development, testing, interface of the coristuvach, modeling, car options and other.

Oxford English for Information Technology- One more advanced course. Appropriate for the average level. Includes student's working book and audio course before it.

Professional English in Use ICT- the course is suitable for the average level. The book will be from simple to folding, all units are divided into themes.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Computers and ITworking zoshit, Poklikana improve the understanding of technical vocabulary. Includes crosswords, puzzles and other.

2. English for it: online courses

On the Internet, you can find sites with various online simulators for your technical English.

You can also know the specialized vocabulary on the sites:

Websites in English, but our translation is a word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: blogs, magazines for IT professionals

The most effective way to improve vocabulary is to put words in a living context. For example, read an article about professional nutrition and write new words. Such vocabulary is more likely to be remembered, even if associated with a clearer context.

Materials on Lingualeo: technical English for programmers

The Lingualeo Library of Materials has over 250 ths. authentic texts, video, audio. The main trick is what you can 1. press on an unknown word ⇒ 2. make a translation ⇒ 3. add a word for a wedding ⇒ 4. learn yogo for help. That context will always be with you.

We have a great amount of materials on IT topics: , collection, collection and other.

Also, the vocabulary and ideas can be scooped from and from special. And we chose the classy Elevator Pitch stocks.

How to find materials: you enter any technical term in English and sort the materials according to the equal folding and format (video, audio, book). Instructions for asking.

Magazines and blogs in English for retailers

The principle of working with texts on other sites can be so self-explanatory: 1. insert ⇒ 2. tick on unknown words ⇒ 3. and add them to the match.

De shukati texts:

  • news.ycombinator.com
  • blog.codinghorror.com
  • www.improgrammer.net
  • www.smashingmagazine.com
  • designm.ag
  • sdtimes.com
  • www.drdobbs.com
  • www.creativebloq.com

Practice with other newbies: audio, language practice

Povnotsіnne Volodynnya my foreign includes 4 lessons: reading (for the new one they called a lot of sites), listening, writing and speaking (tobto mova). For audio and video, we know additional resources.

1. Audio: podcast and video

Part of the collections on Lingualeo, about which I spoke more, are collections of videos, which also help to pump audio. Now let's know the other trick:

  • Herding Code is a technology podcast by Scott Allen, Kevin Dente, Scott Kuhn and John Galloway.
  • Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: english for web designers, it-fahіvtsіv

    • Like a fahivtsyu, retailers need not only basic English, but also higher education. There is a need for special vocabulary.
    • Vocabulary can be found in professional dictionaries and in English materials. Another option is short: so you can learn the best words.
    • Do not forget other newcomers: audio (listen to podcasts, watch videos and series) and language (talk with English colleagues on special forums and in social networks).

    Well, well, one more time we swear to the gods! And now the guide. 🙂

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