Pedagogical college 4 on tsyurupi

Pedagogical College No. 4 was founded in 1963.

Over 12,000 teachers and learners became graduates for the years of yoga college graduates. The college has its own traditions, in the midst of a school held at the College of the Years, various competitions of student creativity. At the Pedagogical College, in the fierce fate of 1994, a museum of ethnography was opened. The meta yogo creation is the study of students to the history of pobutu, zvichaїv, traditions and zvichaїv of the peoples of Russia. For the bags of the museum of ethnography, the youth international club ETHNOSPHERE.

Today, the college has created all the minds for the well-being of your enlightenment. For the successful implementation of the initial process in the college, 32 primary classrooms were created. Of these, 2 modern computers class, possessing computers of the new generation with access to the Internet, the other 10 classes for learning music, de pass individual lessons with students.

The classrooms have their own order of teaching and methodological complexes, the necessary teaching aids, posters, basic literature, didactic care, materials for graduation qualification work by students

Computerization was carried out in the working areas of the supervisors and intercessors of the director;

Represent a solid part of the middle-professional lighting state of the capital. Graduates of mortgages assign their lives to work at preschool mortgages, schools, at sports teams, sections and other institutions, the activity of which is overshadowed by the light of education of pedagogical SSNU.

About the prospects for pedagogical education in Russia

As a priority direct activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the development of pre-school and supplementary education systems, which is designated in the state program, for the period from 2013 to 2020, is named. The main method of the program is to turn to the prestige of the profession of a teacher. In a row, we have named specific jobs, calling for the safety of a high life and the honor of vikladachiv shkil, VNZ, SUNZ, vihovatelіv child gardens.

At the cob stage, advancement is transferred salary to the teachers, because of which the state officials may look at us for a better income in preschool mortgages, middle professional education mortgages and in the sphere of supplementary education. Realization of the appointed prospects invariably led to an increase in the number of applicants to join one of the state pedagogical colleges in Moscow.

The Russian system of education is in great need of qualified pedagogical personnel. Today, there are close to 700 illuminating mortgages, among them:

  • approximately 350 pedagogical colleges and schools;
  • 55 industrial-pedagogical and professional-pedagogical SSNU;
  • 160 sovereign vishivs;
  • close to 100 professional retraining and qualification advancement.

(Secondary professional education): distribution "Osvita"

After graduating from one of the metropolitan colleges, graduates have a real chance to continue their education in one of the pedagogical vishis of Moscow. As part of the middle professional education, the followers of Makarenko acquire the following specialties and professions:

Specialty in SPO Number Pedagogical profession
Adaptive physical culture 050721 Teacher of physical culture
Geography 050103 Geography teacher at the school
Preschool education 050704 Vikladach of psychology, preschool pedagogy
Image-making art, armchair 050603 Teacher of figurative art (painting)
foreign movies 050303 Vchitel іyaz
History 050401 Teacher of History
Correctional pedagogy at the Pochatkovyi education 050719 Organizer and methodologist at preschool education
Maths 050201 Teacher of mathematics (work in the main educational school)
Musical illumination 050601 Music teacher
Organization of spiritual activities 050702

The profession of a teacher-organizer plus additional qualification for direct:

  • Folk creativity;
  • youth policy;
  • psychology; choreography;
  • home lighting;
  • theatrical vistava;
  • education management;
  • artistic improvement.
Pedagogy of supplementary education 050710 Teachers in the field of supplementary education
Vikladannya at cob classes 050709 Readers cob classes
Professional training 050501 Technician, designer, technologist, fashion designer and in.
Ridna mova, literature 050302 Teacher of native language, literature with the possibility of writing in the main educational school
Russian language, literature 050301 Teacher of Russian language, literature with the possibility of writing in the main educational school
Social pedagogy 050711 Social educator plus additional qualification, for example, counselor, facilitator and other.
Special pedagogy at special, chi corrective educational foundations 050718 The facilitator of children school age from the savings of the development of chi with the development of the development
Special preschool education 050705 The caregiver of children from saving the development of chi with the encouragement of the development
Technology 050503 Teacher of technology
Physical culture 050720
  • Physical education teacher;
  • spinner;
  • organizer of a tourist group at the school;
  • physical education instructor at preschool setting.

Okremo traces the special status of the leading pedagogical SSNU, for example, social and pedagogical colleges in Moscow. Some of the most important rules for all are accepted by those specialties, which are more important, for these initial pledges, you can take a larger, lower profession of a teacher. Take, for example, the social and pedagogical college of the MDPU (Moscow Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University). Mortgage of organizing the admission of students among children, as if they could suffer from medical pathologies. At the walls of the college, students can get a profession for specialties:

  • Vidavnicha on the right;
  • programming.

Respect: students of pedagogical colleges in Moscow, who were born after the 9th grade, should have a seniority in the army until they reach the 20th century.

Pedagogical colleges of Moscow: general rules for admission

You can become a student of a pedagogical college, be it for the mind:

  • the visibility of the main global coverage and the relevant document;
  • the visibility of the average new knowledge of the relevant document;
  • manifestness of the first professional, middle professional and higher education.

The right to enter the Moscow Pedagogical College is given to the bulk of foreign powers, as well as the Russians, who live behind the cordon. The illuminating process of transferring training for full-time, evening, part-time and part-time forms, including remotely. For the entry of the citizens at the best pedagogical colleges of Moscow, the declaration of an individual to come.

Documents for joining the Pedagogical College of Moscow

The transfer of documents for submission to the SSNU Commission includes:

  • Passport (when submitting documents, it is necessary to send a copy).
  • Document about the adoption of the sovereign zrazka (copy or original).
  • Photo, 4 pcs., Black and white, 3x4 size.
  • Medical proof.

When you enter the part-time form of a deed of the SSNU, for example, university college No. 5, you need to submit additional documents, among them a copy of the attribution certificate, a work book (copy), a final report from the month of work and іn. the admissions committee of your college.

All documents must be sent by mail to the address set or brought to the primal commission in a special way.

Sleep to enter the pedagogical college

The main disciplines, rіven knowledge of some of them are of particular interest, є:

  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • maths;
  • foreign language.

Not all pedagogical colleges in Moscow take as a basis the results of the GIA chi EDI. About sleeping in a pedagogical college on the basis of 9 or 11 classes, it is necessary to know ahead of time.

Average score for the results of the ЄДІ (ДІА) I will enter the Pedagogical College

Days of opening doors at the Pedagogical College No. 4 are held on the third Thursday of the skin month at 15:00 (Zhovtnya on the grass) on the 1st Maidan College (Kostromsky pr., 46)

On the day of the opening of the doors You will find the opportunity:

  • get to know more about student life;
  • listen to an excursion about the history and traditions of the college, seeing the theater studio, the concert hall and the sports hall, the head office;
  • otrimati povnu іnformatsiyu about the reach of students in the college, osvіtnі programs and prospects for education;
  • put food, what to chirp.

Contact information for applicants

per hot meals to the recipient of documents for full-time and full-time education, as well as to feed the regime of the work of the primal commission: 417-25-58 - primal commission (Kostromsky pr., 46, room 5).

Secretary of the Admissions Committee: Davidova Svitlana Mykolayivna

Email: [email protected]

Nearest colleges

College of Economics and Law є non-state illuminating establishment of middle professional education. From 1993 rock is engaged professional training and promotion of the qualifications of fahivtsiv at the gallery of law, management, economics and accounting style. The programs of the College have been folded for the participation of the leading fahivtsiv of the city and will be gradually improved. The college will request students of grades 9 - 11 for training at the system of tririval education School - College - University.

The University Polytechnic College is a structural subdivision of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great. To the warehouse of the University Polytechnic College, St. Petersburg’s primary foundations of secondary professional education were brought: “Radiopolitekhnіchum” and “Economic and Technological College of Eating”. For 86 years of its foundation, the University Polytechnic College has trained over 75,000 highly qualified fahivtsiv.

University Polytechnic College `Radiopolytechnicum` for the fate of its foundation, having prepared over 27,000 highly qualified fahivtsiv, they created glory for the initial pledge. Business leaders and organizations highly appreciate the training of graduates in the college, as if they were able to take away the knowledge of that practical skills from their own labor activity successfully coping with the tasks set and the bindings put on them, and also you can quickly adapt in the new minds of modern warfare.

Medical College No. 3 is one of the largest, oldest primary foundations in the country, which prepares highly qualified professionals from the care and improvement of the health of the population. Training – individually, dermal outcome of more than eight students. Tse allows you to give maximum respect to the student, to reveal his creative potential, to develop individual zdіbnostі. Great installers of robots take an active part in the educational process: they appoint students to the competence of graduates, change programs, assess the quality of training of specialists.

College "PetroBudServis" may have its own equipped classrooms, mains, laboratories, assembly hall, distant hall, library, sports and gym, all-season stadium. College spivpratsyuє іz profiled foreign (Estonia, Finland, Ukraine, Slovak region) primary pledges, which gives the opportunity to lyceum students to train and train abroad. Most graduates of the college are guaranteed training at the enterprises of the city. The college has a course of promotion of qualifications and short-term training of the adult population in the most advanced specialties.

In 1963, five years of education were established - Pedagogical School No. 4, in response to a severe shortage of teaching staff of young specialists - teachers for preschool mortgages in the capital.

For over twenty years, the director of the Pedagogical College Bula Fіnogєva Tetyana Oleksіїvna. From time to time, the work in the pedagogical school was reworked on the old traditions, yak shaped the social orientation, spirit, style of the initial pledge, secured the reach of the team, saved them.

In 1981, the staff of the graduates of children for post school. At the beginning of the year, 1981, in the school of pedagogy, there are school graduations, as if preparing students for the first grades for the schools of the city of Moscow.

Ninі the director of the initial mortgage Rudinsky Viktor Grigorovich, Merited teacher of the Russian Federation, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

The system of spiritual work, which was formed in the school, which ensures a comprehensive approach to education, was presented at the Exhibition of the Achievement of the People's Governance (VDNG) at the pavilion "Narodna osvita". Vikladachi school Aksionova A.K., Fіnogєєva T.A. were awarded with gold and silver medals of the VDNG for performances of excellence.

By order No. 945 of the state committee of the SRSR for national education on December 26, 1989, the pedagogical school was included in the experiment for the development of a model of a new type of initial mortgage - “a higher Pedagogical school (college)” with a holy light in the system of pedagogical college - pedagogical VNZ.

Today's Pedagogical College No. 4 is a rich-profile initial pledge of a new type.

The college has Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidates of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, Honored Teachers of National Education, Honorary Practitioners of Middle Professional Education. Bagato graduates of the college were awarded with diplomas of the laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the gallery of science and technology in education, Honorary diplomas to the Department of education of the city of Moscow.

The training of young specialists at the college is carried out by 75 candidates, of which 65 may have a qualification category, 43 - teachers of national education and honorary practitioners of the middle professional education.

Special pride of the pedagogical college - Honored Readers Russian Federation:

Rudinsky V.G., director of the college,

Aksionova O.K., methodologist of the college,

Kaplan L.I., contributor to Russian literature,

Kulik L.S. department of music,

Savateeva L.P., assistant director of higher education,

Samoylenko I.G., vikladach of music,

Ninі published 29 educational programs, which are used by students of pedagogical colleges in Russia. Among them: "Child neuropathology", "Psychopathology of the child's age", "Fundamentals of genetics", " Theoretical foundations Postgraduate Course in Mathematics” and many others.

The School of Education No. 4 takes part in the most creative, professional, scientific and sports competitions.

Over 12,000 teachers and learners became graduates for the years of yoga college graduates.

The college has its own traditions, in the midst of a school held at the College of the Years, various competitions of student creativity. At the Pedagogical College, in the fierce fate of 1994, a museum of ethnography was opened. The meta yogo creation is the study of students to the history of pobutu, zvichaїv, traditions and zvichaїv of the peoples of Russia. On the basis of the museum of ethnography dіє youth international club Ethnosphere.

Students from tsikavistyu stand up to the celebration of the heroic past of our Batkivshchyna, dbaily take away military relics, take material about the feat of our people from the Great Vytchiznyanoi war. At the college, a Museum of Battle Glory of the 8th Mechanized Oleksandriya Order of Kutuzov Corps was created, and materials about the battle route were collected. The Pedagogical College has one of the largest library funds.

For students, the most convenient mind for independent work with literature has been created in the spacious reading room, as it has access to the Internet.

050146 Specialty "Vikladannya at cob classes"

The graduate is expected to qualify - "Teacher of corn classes".

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