The past perfect continuous is not victorious. Past Perfect Continuous is a verse of the productive triviality of the past. Dії in the past with singing trivality and in tsієї dії є visible result in the past

Middle rіven

Past Perfect Continuous– equivalent Present Perfect Continuous at the past, so that this hour is over for you yourself Present Perfect Continuous, Only in the past.

  1. Past Perfect Continuous Vikoristovuetsya, as it began at the past and thrived until the singing moment at the past. This moment is signified by another day and special words: for(drawing), since(s quiet fir yak), by the time(until that time, yak), before(before tim yak), after(after that yak).

    She had been cooking a lemon pie for an hour before I came. - Won prepared lemon pie stretching the year before tim, yak I came. (I came - a moment at the past, until that moment I was preparing a pie for one year)

    By the time she woke up, her husband had been fixing the car for 2 hours. – Until the moment, if vona threw herself, її man Lagodiv car two years.

  2. Past Perfect Continuous show the day, as if it was a stretch for some hour in the past and the result of which was visible in the past. Most of the time, such words show trivality.

    Pong boules puddles in the street. It had been raining at night. - There were Kalyuzhs on the streets. At night ishov plank (we didn’t catch the moment, if it was good, but we got the result - kalyuzhi)

    I had been talking on the phone for half an hour when he entered the room. - I speaking phone protyag pіvgodini, if vіn uvіyshov to kіmnati.

  3. Past Perfect Continuous I won’t sing with words (), I’ll navit it like I want to go loud on trivality of diy. Takozh Past Perfect Continuous seldom speaks in negative words. In both vipads, the hour is replaced by past perfect. In case of change, the propositions are overwhelmed by themselves.

    He had admiredїї talent for all his life. – Vin hooting all overїї talent is all life.

    He hadn't been riding a bike since he was a child. = He hadn't ridden a bike since he was a child. – Vin not їzdiv on a bicycle we saw a child.

  • past perfect continuous tense(The hour has passed completely trivaly)
  • Illuminate the hour, the rules of living
  • Apply propositions from the Past Perfect Continuous


The Past Perfect Continuous hour is celebrated for the expression of diї, as if it started in the past, it was like an hour and ended before the singing moment, or it happened at the moment of the next. It is important those that this hour is less likely to be seen until the past hour and point to the trivality of the world.

I had been waiting for two hours when my friend came.

I have been checking for two years already, if my friend came.

The Past Perfect Continuous hour is characterized by the following:


For the adoption of a solid form, it is necessary to victorize an additional word to be in the Past Perfect Continuous form , and myself had been and then partake of the present hour, tobto. English - ing,:

He had been working for the company for 5 years be hee went into business.

Vіn 5 rokіv pratsyuvav at the company before tim, like starting to do business.

The negative form settles for help to add a part not to supplementary idiom ‘had, yak maє shortened form hadnt.

And those who are screaming out of themselves call the hour. Like and all hours of the Continuous band, the whole hour may have a trivaly character. In the group Perfect here is the nature of completeness and the presence of the result. It’s obvious to a group of so-called past hours, Past Perfect Continuous victorious for recognition trivalo dії, What was observed until the moment of the past.

Living Past Perfect Continuous.

Past Perfect Continuous vicariously used for recognition

  • dії, scho rozpochavsya until the moment in the past, like a three-way stretch of the hour and ended until the moment in the past:

jacob reading aloud Ava's letter, stopped suddenly. - Jacob, who read Avi's sheet in a voice, chirped raptly.

  • dії, scho rozpochavsya until the moment in the past, like a trivav protyakogo hour and trivaє at the moment of the past:

Since Ella's return she had been losing strength. - With her turn, she expended strength.

Enlightenment Past Perfect Continuous.

The Past Perfect Continuous is settled for the help of the dialect in the perfect form had been that example of the present hour () of the semantic dialect.

The negative propositions of the Past Perfect Continuous are settled for help not. The stench can mother again that shortened form:

Enriched in the Past Perfect Continuous is settled by the path of guilt of the additional discourse had in front of the person:

Why are the English hours of the day important to celebrate? To that, it’s too rich for someone who wants to capture everything and immediately, capturing a picture from the Internet from the system of hours and the shortest explanations of their living. Ale, don’t do it like that, so I’ll look for 5 hvilin zumiti from the first look grammatical categories movie, vibrated by rock. That's why the skin is kind of a follow-up report. Today, we can look at the meaning of that law of light on the past hour, vicorist for fixing the past perfect continuous butt. Material dosit volume, prote allows you to spread everything literally on the floor.

Situations often arise in the case, if the action takes a long time, and in parallel to it, one more podia appears, and as a result, two actions are susides. The axis for the description of such zbіgіv englіytsі vikoristovuyut constructions perfect continіus. Today, we are talking about the process of setting up a lot of things that will judge you, in the past hour.

At English language There are only two widenings, which clearly mean the setting of one part of the proposition in the past perfect continuous.

Susidstvo diy

The first day is in the process of initiation, another podium is added, as if for its own story it has already been completed, then the first one is still going on.

The explanation sounds a little confused, but in practice the phrases look even simpler:

  • I had been knitting a sweater for 20 minutes when the cat jumped on the table. - I have already knitted light for 20 khvilin, if the whale was cut on the table.

At the moment of knitting, the light of the whale is streaked on the table. Two doubles are parallel, and with the other, the cat's haircut is already completed, and the knitting of the light, like before, was trival. Obov'yazkovo in such constructions there are indicators of the timing interval:

  • He had been growing these flowers since he built the farm. - Vіn viroshchuvav tі kvіti from that hour, like zbuduvav farm;
  • The children discovered that they had been painting this picture for 5 days already.

At the appointed moments, when they came, they didn’t sound the process, but they showed, from which moment the tributes began, or else they stink for a long time. Ale іsnuyut at tsіy category that design іz zaznachennâm dії completed.


Sometimes used in promos, propositional propositions are used in the past perfect continuous for expressions that have recently ended. Such a construction is victorious with the method of reinforcing the podia, which came out on the offensive:

  • - My eyes were ill, because I read a book for a long time
  • Її hands were brudnі, to that she was cleaning beetroots.

Ways to settle propositions

For the creation of a conversation with the past thorough hour, it is necessary to speed up the additional construction of had been and the example I. Another part of the proposition, tobto. thoroughly dіyu put, sound, in Past Simple.

Process Completed

Tsya scheme is suitable for situations, if the choice of construction is connected with the first type - the state of affairs. If the emphasis is on the result, then the parts that get used to folding propositions can change places.

Process Completion Result

Food in this hour is established as it is, as in others: by the way of guilt ahead of the award and for the help of special food. For the listing of had, add a piece of not.

All the main theoretical moments, and be it grammatical constructions, cannot be mastered without practice. Use the past perfect continuous to help better, point in the tables.



She had been looking for her pencil until she stepped on it. Won shukala your olive doty, Doki didn't step on a new one.
I had been sleeping for 2 hours when my phone rank up and mi matka I sleeping already 2 years old When the phone rang, my mother asked me to call a doctor.
Nick felt a muscle ache as he had been working out in the gym for 3 hours. Nіk vіdchuvav bіl і m'yazah, oskіlki vіn got through at the sports hall three years.
My brother said that my boyfriend had been waiting for me since morning. My brother said that my lad check less zranka.

Respect that, when translating the words of an incomplete mind, you will always win the victorious words. If you go about the completion of the undertaking, then it is allowed to live in a thorough mind.

Past perfect continuous butt - table

To understand that memory of the material, whether theory needs to be supported by practice, then. vikonannyam right. Ale first, start before the day, we recommend once again repeating the meaning of that way of living the past perfect continuous, applying the propositions of any representation below. Let's guess, how the design of the virase is of a different type, and we will fold the cheat sheet, as we will be in good condition for the vicons of the right.

+ ?
My little sister had been doing her homework for an hour when I came.

My young sister has been doing lessons for a while now, since I came.

Had my little sister been doing her homework for an hour, when I came?

My young sister was busy with her lessons the same year when I came?

Possibly special * :

What had my little sister been doing…?

What did my young sister do...?

Who had been doing…?


My little sister had not (=hadn't) been doing her homework for an hour when I came.

My young sister didn't miss her lessons when I came.


Vaughn didn't work.

We were tired we had been playing football for120 whilin.

We were awake, to that we played 120 hvilin at football.

Had you been playing football for 120 whilin?

Did you play football for 120 hvilin?

Abo be some special. food, for example:

how long had you been playing….?

How long have you been playing ...?

whyhad you beenplaying…?

Why did you play ...?

We hadn't been playing Football for 120 whilins.

We didn't play football for 120 hvilin.


We didn't play.

his brother had been singing operatic songs since his childhood.

Yogo brother sang opera songs from the very childhood.

Had his brother been singing operatic songs since his childhood?

Yogo brother singing opera songs from children?

Which kind of songs had his brother been singing…?

What songs did you sing to your brother?

Who had been singing…?


Why had he not been singing…?

Why didn't I sleep...?

his brother hadn't been singing operatic songs since childhood.

Yogo brother did not sing a song from the very childhood.


Vіn not sleeping.

* Similar food can be revenged, be it special food. Head of tables show the principle of their encouragement.

look back: 1 143

It’s been a long time since the end of the last hour to finish the story in an English movie at the link with it, so for this living it’s necessary to finish it in a specific context. Tse we can guard in the offensive butt:

From the description of the situation, we become aware that if the one who speaks, looking at the window, she is no longer there, leaning back. Ale wine had been thriving earlier, before, like the one who spoke, glancing at the window, about the snow cover on the ground and on the trees.

At the suggestion of the proposition and the past perfect continuous hour, which is transferred to the present hour - Present Perfect Continuous - in the mind of the past. Let's take a look:

The difference between these two situations is only better in the fact that at some point one can see the trivala of the recent past: just like the present moment, then like the past - Past Perfect Continuous.

Stverjuvalne river I will follow this scheme:

had been Ving.

Let's take a look at a few examples of solid propositions in the Past Perfect Continuous:

When theirsons came home, їх bіlizna buli dirty and turn, їх hair лв untidy and 1 of boys had a black eye. The guys had been fighting. If these blues came home, we’ll tear our clothes like a brooding one, we’ll have a neohain hair, and one of the lads will see a blue eye. The boys fought.
We had already been playing tennis for about 30 minutes when it began to rain very heavily. We were playing at the tenis already for 30 hvilin, if a strong plank had opened up.
Tom had been smoking for 25 years before he gave it up. Tom smoked for 25 years, throw it first.

For enlightenment negative propositions at what hour negative part not add directly to the form of an additional, for example:

Nutrient forms the award is settled for the rahunok to the wine of the additional dialogue had forward and the setting of yoga before the p_dlyagaє. For example, hot food will follow the offensive scheme:

Special nutrition requires adding a capital word to the cob, for example:

For enlightenment alternative food it is necessary to speed up the scheme sleeping food, adding to the new branch union or / or, for example:

Meals before pіdlyagaє next to start from power words Who or What, if they play the role of such a person in such speeches, it is impossible for him to live any other person in such speeches.

Rozdіlovі nutrition- To finish a rare sight for such a temporal form, like Past Perfect Continuous. Ale tsi pitanya navit will be for such, at first glance, a folding hour, it’s easy to finish. If the proposition is a firm one, then if the Komi, which vodokremlyuє її in the form of "food-label", hadn't be put and pіdlyagaє, pronounced as a special borrower:

If the distribution of food is grounded on a negative speech, then the “label” will be positive, so that it will be formed from the negative form of had and p_dlyagaє, expressed by a traditionally special borrower:

Looking at all kinds of propositions, let's say in the past thoroughly trivial hour living tsієї hourly form.

As it has already been shown more, the Past Perfect Continuous is victorious in order to show that the singing of the day or the process of the trival hour at the past and ended before the last moment of the last moment or the past, for example:

Sometimes a similar day does not end until the song moment in the past, but it is less interrupted by it, or it continues right up to the specified moment, and sometimes after a new one:

By the time Mary entered the room Tom had been painting walls for two hours. Until that hour, as Mary had gone to the roost, Tom had been furnishing the walls for two years.
Jessica had been teaching him to use all those office machines for half an hour by the time the new partners went into the office. Jessica taught herself to be respectful of all office equipment, and it was already five years old at the moment when new partners entered the office.
We had been waiting for our flight for two hours by the time a woman's voice announced that the flight was delayed again. We were checking for our flight for two years until that hour, like a woman’s voice, announcing that the flight was reopened.

Do not forget that the number is low, including, for example, know and want that it is impossible to get used to the hours of the Continuous and Perfect Continuous groups. To the same values, do not allow the format of the trivality of the process chi diї. Let's take a look:

As you can see, the very meaning of the word “nobility” (know) does not allow the adoption of this trivial process.

At the end, I would like to point out that, regardless of the small breadth of the Past Perfect Continuous hour in the movie, it is necessary to achieve more accurate transmission of the character of the past in English.

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