Perfect continuous rules and apply. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Koristuvannya Rules Present Perfect Continuous in English Mov

From one side present Perfect Continuous Tense even a simple hour, for those who understand yoga easily. For the rest - it's one of the most convenient hours, I'll have a look.

Sound a group of these hours (completed prodovzhenі) turn on the biggest equals of the English movie. Ale, I will hurry to please you.

I was preparing a report article, which I will not only tell and show how I will be at the right time, but I will equalize yoga with other hours, so that everything will be clear to you.

In the article I will explain to you:

  • Vіdmіnіst Present Perfect Continuous vіd іnshih hіv english movi

Koristuvannya Rules Present Perfect Continuous in English Mov

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is translated as "a good, thorough trival hour."

For the time being, we live, if we are talking about a diyu (process), as if it started at the last hour and tried for a long time until the present moment, or three times at a time.

Let's take a look at the insults of the speeches of the report:

1. Diya trivaє at once

Tobto diya began to prick at the past, the hour was thriving and still thrive at the same time.

We began to be budinok 2 years ago, were all the whole hour and at a time (today) still going yoga.

Let's take a closer look:

Vaughn works at this company for 6 years.

Vaughn began to practice there 6 years ago, she spent the whole hour and then continued to practice there.

We stand by the devil for 2 years.

We stood at the edge 2 years ago, stood for the whole hour and at the same time we stood there.

Win to marvel at the whole series from the past fate.

Starting to marvel at the series of the past, marveling at yoga all the time, and in the given hour continue marveling at yoga.

2. Diya ended at once

Tobto diya began to prick at the past, the hour was thriving and ended not long ago cleanly. With whom, regardless of those that the day ended, we can bachiti result tsієї dії.

We began to wake up the bunks 2 years ago, they stayed all the whole hour, and at once we have є budinok budinok.

Let's take a look at some more applications:

Snіg ishov usu nіch.

Snіg pochavsya in the evening, ishov at night, at the same time vin ended, but mi bachimo the result is kuchuguri.

Vaughn climbed from the very wound.

Vaughn began to pick up lies, robbed all day, immediately stopped picking up, but the result is clear - the apartment is clean.

I spent the whole year looking for the keys to the apartment.

I started shukati keys, robbed the stretch of the year, knew them at once, but, as a result, I stumbled on zustrich.

How do you bachite, remember, if the hour of Present Perfect Continuous is victorious - it doesn’t matter. But to better understand yoga, let's analyze yoga in the light of other hours of the English movie.

Vіdmіnіst Present Perfect Continuous vіd іnshih hіv english movi

At once, let's take a look at the Present Perfect Continuous type of hours similar to the new one.

1. DochimretailmizhPresent Perfect Continuousіpresent perfect?

Present Perfect perekladaєtsya as "pravzhnіy doskonaly (completions)" hour. Yogo mi vikoristovuєmo, if we are talking about diyu, as it has become in the past, but the result is tsієї ії mi bachimo at once.

Let's take a look at the example:

I mav cooked dinner.
I prepared supper.

Do your propositions work focus on results- Your supper is ready. At what time it is not important for us how many hours you prepared yoga, only the result is important.

Now let's look at what we can think of for the correct proposition in Present Perfect Continuous.

I have been cooking dinner for two hours.
I cooked dinner at 2:00.

How do you bachite, have your propositions mi robimo accent on the results and trivality. Tobto we are talking not only about the result of diy (I'm ready to supper), but about those, how long ago it was done until the end of the result.

2. DochimretailmizhPresent Perfect ContinuousіPresent continuous?

Present Continuous shifted like a "right follow-up" hour. Yogo mi vikoristovuєmo, if it seems that the diy started this hour and do it. At the same time, it’s blatantly on the fact that it’s possible to be at the same time in the process.

Let's take a look at the example:

I am reading a book.
I read a book.

You seem to be changing at once in the process of reading, so you could read this hour ago and you are still reading at the same time. At any given time, it is not important for us how long you are reading, but it is important that you work at this moment.

We compare with the proposition in Present Perfect Continuous:

I have been reading a book since morning.
I am reading a book of lies.

In my propositions, we robably focus not so much on those who at the given moment we are sitting and reading a book, but on those what took us a singing hour. To that very fact, in such speeches, there are always present indicators of the hour (from the wound, by the stretch of the year, the whole evening is thin).

3. DochimretailmizhPresent Perfect ContinuousіPast continuous?

Past continuous perekladёtsya like "minuli prodovzheniya" hour. This hour is my victory, if we are talking about the day of the past, it was three times. You can read this hour in this article.

Let's take a look at the example:

He was driving a car all night.
Vіn vіv car tsіlu nіch.

In this proposition, we are talking about the process of the past, which is the last hour. Ale to show respect, this process is not related to the right. For example, last week I went to see my father and the whole car.

And now let's marvel at how the change of propositions changes, how to encourage її in Present Perfect Continuous:

He has been driving a car all night.
Vіn vіv car tsіlu nіch.

As I already said, Present Perfect Continuous shows that the day ended not long ago, but we can get the result at once. For example, at once we look at the impression (result), to the fact that we did not sleep without sleeping in the car.

Let's once again look at the table of the timing of all these hours:

Hour butt What is the emphasis on
Present Perfect

I have cleaned my room.
I took my room.

Robimo focus on results - the room is immediately clean. It took a while to clean up, we didn’t cry.

Past continuous

I was cleaning my room.
I cleaned my room.

Wislovlyu trivala diya in the past. Ale tsya diya n_yak is not related to today.

If you cleaned it up for a long time (yesterday, last week), but at the same time, the room could be brudnoy.

Present Continuous I am cleaning my room.
I'm cleaning my room.
I’m working right now. With whom it is not important, if I myself started.
Present Perfect Continuous

1. I have been cleaning my room for two hours.
I've been cleaning my room for two years.

2. I have been cleaning my room for two hours.
I cleaned my room for two years.

1. At once I rob. With which emphasis to fight for those skilki at the same time
tse occupied dosi.

2. Turns not only zv'yazok iz tsim,
result - room at a time
clean. Ale and yak long
I saw you
up to the result.

Now, if we have sorted out at the best hour, let's figure out how to be in a new proposition.

The rule of inducing propositions in Present Perfect Continuous in English language

Denmark is a thorough trival hour to settle for help:

  • Additional idiom have/has
  • Diyeslova to be in the 3rd form - been
  • Addition of completion -ing to the diєslov (self diї)

The scheme of such a proposition would be as follows:

Dіyucha persona + have/has + been + dіya іz zanіchennyam -ing

When we are talking about someone alone(he - wine, she - won, it - won), mi vikoristovuemo has. At reshti vipadkiv - maє.

We have cooking
They been sleeping
She cleaning
He has

They have been do ing I have a homework for two years.
You stink to work at home for two years.

She has been work ing since morning.
Vaughn works from the wound.


We can speedily have that has an offensive rank

have = 've

Refill rule -ing

Є kіlka features when adding ending -ing to diєslov:

  • If the dialect ends in -e, then the letter e is taken away and the letter e is added to the dialect -ing

dance - dancing - dance
move - moving - ruhati

  • Even though the word is short, I will remain in my voice:

sit - sitting - sit
ban - banning - harrow

Vinyatki: words that end in -x and -w:

mix - mixing - mix
flow - flowing - flow

  • As if the word ends in -ie, we replace it with -y

lie - lying - lie
tie - tying - pov'yazuvati

Indicators of the hour Present Perfect Continuous

At English languageє 2 words, yakі dozhe often vykoristovuyutsya in Present Perfect Continuous. Tse:

  • for- atleak

for an hour/two hours/a month/a year/a long time

  • since - s

since morning/yesterday/6 o'clock/1956

Likewise, at this hour, such victories are victorious:

  • all my life - all life
  • all this day/week/year
  • these two/three/four day/week/month

For example:

We have been living in a house all our lives.
We live at this booth all our life.

He has been writing this book for a year.
Vіn write tsiu book stretching rock.

Dieslova, yakі do not win in Present Perfect Continuous

As I already said, the Present Perfect Continuous hour is celebrated if we are talking about the process. Tobto diya began, the hour was thriving, but soon it ended and everything is still going on.

To get accustomed to our trival hour, dieslovo can remember trivati. For example: sleep - you fell asleep if you slept for an hour, only rushed in and still sleep.

Dieslova-inclusion cannot be trivayed, it is impossible for us to win at any hour. We can’t begin to know (to know) or to understand (to understand) and in another hour, finish this process.

Such words cannot be processes:

1. Diєslova, scho turn around

hear - a little,
smell - smell the smell,
feel - sensible, etc.

2. Diezlova, scho turn rozumovy camp

forget - forget,
know - know
understand - understand, etc.

3. Die words that express emotions

love - love,
want - want,
like - fit, etc.

4. Diєslova, scho volodinnya chimos

have - mothers,
possess - vodity, etc.

All words of the word cannot be known by processes. For the same reason, the words are not victorious in Present Perfect Continuous. At this point, the replacement of the new victor is the hour of Present Perfect.

Not properly:

I have been knowing him for a month.
I know yoga month.


I have known him for a month.
I know yoga month.

The resolution of negative propositions at the hour of Present Perfect Continuous

Negative propositions will be like solid ones. Only after the additional dialogue, we put a negative part of it.

The scheme of such a proposition:

Dіyucha persona + have/has + not + been + dіya iz zakіnchennyam -ing

We have cooking
They not been sleeping
She cleaning
He has

I have not been study ing for two days.
I didn't work out for two days.

He has not been clean ing yoga room.
Vin don't clean up the room.


We can quickly have/has that part is wrong:

have + not = haven't
has + not = hasn't

Consecration of food at the hour Present Perfect Continuous

To put the supply, we need to put have / has on the first place at the river. The scheme of such a proposition looks like this:

Have/has + dіyova persona + been + dіya iz zakіnchennyam -ing?

have we cooking?
they been sleeping?
she cleaning?
Has he

have have you been crying?
Did you cry?

Has he been running?
Vin bigav?

I respect you, you need to keep a memory of what happened at the right time. As we put people's food at this hour, it means that we can do it at once, what can be said to the day, how we will be asked.

For example, you see a friend, her red eyes are smeared with cosmetics. After talking, you ask: Did you cry?

Feedback on the power of the Present Perfect Continuous

Vіdpovіd on such a request can be “so” chi “nі”. We can give yoga:

  • in short form
  • in new form

A short positive answer to avenge the word yes, a diyova persona and an additional deed word:

have have.
Did you sleep? So.

Has have you been training? Yes, he has.
Are you exercising? So.

A short negative sentence begins with no, and before the additional verb we add a bit of not.

have have not.
Did you sleep? Ni.

Has have you been training? No, he has not.
Are you exercising? Ni.

A new positive view looks like a firm proposition, only on the cob we put yes.

have they been sleeping? Yes, they have been sleeping.
Did you sleep? Yes, they were asleep.

Has have you been training? Yes, he has been training.
Are you exercising? So, I've been exercising.

Again, the negative view looks like a negative proposition, only on the cob we put no.

have they been sleeping? No, stink have not been sleeping.
Did you sleep? No, they didn't sleep.

Has have you been training? No, he has not been training.
Are you exercising? Nі, vіn not training.

Otzhe, we have analyzed the theory. And now let's put it into practice.

Appointment for confirmation

Translate the next propositions in English mine. Leave your opinions in the comments under the article.

1. Checked here for 4 years.
2. Do you stink from the very wound?
3. There are two fates in Moscow.
4. We alone know all of our lives.
5. I do not sleep from a pretty day.
6. There are ten fates here.

English grammar has folding moments. The hour of Present Perfect Continuous tense (Spravzhnіy Doskonaly Trivaly) comes before such. Ale not varto zazdalegіd panic and rozcharovuvatisya, rather rozbiratsya at once.

Smut food

If not everything, then there is a lot of chuv about the main fold of the English movie - hour. That is why, at the first lesson, the sound of the music will sound like a nourishment for a number of hours. Ale, as it seems, the devil is not so black as it is painted (not so terrible bіsa, ​​like yoga is painted). In the English language, there are only three hours - Present (Today), Past (Minule) and Future (Maybutne). However, depending on the fact that we have a diya in front of us, the skin hour distinguishes chotiri aspects - Simple (Simple), Continuous (Trival), Perfect (Complete), Perfect Continuous (Trival Complete).

Today we are talking about those, how it is established if they live Present Perfect Continuous.

Formula of enlightenment

The hour of Present Perfect Progressive is extended to the unknown hours. The new one has to go “non-stop” - the aspect of Perfect (Finished) with the aspect of Continuous (Trival) in Present (Today). Zvіdsi viplivaє i podvіyna formula osvіti: (have/has + 3rd form of the word) + (to be + 3rd form of the word + -ing) = have/has + been (3rd form of the word to be) + 3rd form of the word + -ing . In other words, the temporal form is settled for the help of the “subway” additional dialect have/has been (does not translate, but changes for persons and numbers) that main discourse from endings - ing (transferred, but not changed).

How to practice in practice, you can look at the tables:

The form of the word in the Present Perfect Continuous Passive voice (Spravzhnє Trivale Doskonale in the passive state) will follow the formula “pіdlyagayut + have/has + been + being + the main dієslovo in the 3rd form”, but it will be victorious in moving texts very rarely (This monument has been being built for 50 years - This memo was built for 50 years)


Negative propositions in the Present Perfect Progressive will follow the very same formula, but with additions negative parts not (not) between two additional words: pіdlyagayut + have/has + not + been + main diєslovo + -ing .


Questions in English language return order slіv. The enlightenment of nutrition in Present Perfect Continuous is also subject to this rule: Have/has + pіdlyagayut + been + main diєslovo + -ing?

TOP-4 articlesyakі read at once with tsієyu

As a rule, special meals in Present Perfect Continuous start from How long? (How long?) That Since when? (At what time?). Stink, one might say, hour markers (How long has it been snowing? - How long has it been snowing?)


Aspects of Perfect (Finished) and Continuous (Trival) are not only added to the formula for the hour of Present Perfect Continuous, but also to the steps of yoga living. From one side, it will determine the result. And for the other - naked on yoga trivality in the hour. So, without regard to longevity, I’ll name a little, the functions of the new one are not so rich and easy to remember:

  • To describe the way, how to take your cob from the past, it continues right up to the present moment:

Alice has been swimming since morning - Alice swims from the wound

My grandfather likes news. My mind is to love news. You can marvel at the news on TV for two years.

  • For the description of the podia, as if they recently rose up, thrived the same hour, ended well, and there is a visible result for the present:
  • For this hour, the indicator words are characteristic, as they reinforce the trivality of the diї: recently (not long ago, for days), lately (for the rest of the hour, not long ago), all day (all day), since (recovering from), for (stretching).

And vіdomy vcheniy recently rozroblyav new programs of scientific research.

What did we recognize?

Look at the rules and apply the Present Perfect Continuous to bring out that calling can be deceptive. The long formula of enlightenment is confused with the name of the timchasovy form - it’s just like a shriveled shell. In fact, everything is much simpler: there are two functions. Persha - indicate the completion of the di and її result for the present. Another - bald on trivality.

Topic quiz

Statistical assessment

Average rating: 4.7. Usy otrimano ratings: 235.

Meaning of Present Perfect Continuous: Rules and Practice

The aspectual form of Present Perfect Continuous is the value of a three-time hour (Continuous) and a completed hour (Perfect). Vaughn victorious for the recognition of di, yak:

  • started in the past,
  • it’s been a long time (not obov’yazkovo without interruption),
  • ended before the moment of promo chi che trivaє.

Tobto tse take unstretched at the hour of the day, which began at the past. I will bring examples of life situations, yakі podpadat pіd tse appointment. For clarity, the butts will be in the form of the first individual.

I have been living in tsomu booth for quiet rokiv. - I live at this booth for ten years.

Whose example:

  • diya began in the past (ten years since I settled in this house),
  • thrived like an hour (ten years), moreover, thrived without interruption.
  • dosi trivaє (I dosi live at my booth).

I'll give you another example. Often the Present Perfect Continuous form is victorious with a word to wait(Chekati).

I have been waiting for you for three hours. “I checked you for three years.

Whose example:

  • diya began in the past (the year of that, if I started checks),
  • uninterruptedly thrived like an hour (a year),
  • ended without a hitch before the promotion moment (I don’t check now, I checked to that).

I'll give you one more example. Here diya trivaє is not without interruption.

I have been working here for a week. - I'm working here every day.

It dawned on me that the very “robot” itself did not work uninterruptedly during the whole day, day and night, 24 years in the extraction. Maєtsya on uvazі, sho diya regularly, on post-yny bases it seemed to stretch out for an hour.

Awakening Present Perfect Continuous

Even if you know the last hours (otherwise, there is still no sense to watch the Perfect Continuosu hours), it will be easy to remember the Present Perfect Continuous. The form is approved for help:

Rigid form

Apply propositions:

I have been waiting for you for a long time. “I've been checking on you for a long time.

She has been living in New Jersey for two years. - You live near New Jersey for two years.

Negative form

The negative form settles for the help of the part not:

Apply propositions:

I have not been sleeping well late. – For the rest of the hour, I didn’t sleep well.

Leopold has not been workingfor the firm since the end of 2012. - Leopold did not work for this company since the end of 2012.

Nutritional form

In the power form, the word have put before pіdlyagaє.

Apply propositions:

how long have you been working with Daniel? - How long have you been working with Deniel?

how long have you been driving a cab? - How long do you order taxis?

The right, thorough continuation of the hour is a manifestation, at first glance, a trifle paradoxical in the English language: how can we finish it and such that we three at once? Let's take a look at the help of a specific butt:

At the butt of the butt, which was proponated, the day was seen, that it was three times a day, starting from the song moment in the past and just as it had ended. In the hours of the Continuous group, the form was given to the obov'yazkovu trivality of the diї, and in the hours of the Perfect group, the manifestation of the song result in the form of the diї (in our case, there are leaves, grass and soil).

However, situations are possible, if the situation, which has lasted until that moment, does not end, but continues further. In such situations, the Present Perfect Continuous is also victorious, and then it sounds like the timing of the trivality of the day right up to the present moment, for example:

In this mood, trivality is assigned as a vagomic result for today.

Stverjuvalne river

The structure of the proposition in Present Perfect Continuous is based on the same elements of these hourly groups, as included in the title: present pointing to those that the first (and head) additional cost at the given hour, Perfect- for those that will be in addition to the English word, and then we will use the third form of the English language, and Continuous - for those that in the third form are worth the English language to be, for some other meaning of the language from the ends -ing. The result will come up with a prompt scheme:

have/has been Ving

The axis of the kіlka priklіv sverdnyh rhez with an award to the right, thorough, tribal hour:


When prompted by negative propositions in my timchasov form, next memory, which is often not add to the first additional idiom ( haven't/hasn't). It’s easy to see on specific butts:

Looking at the specifics of this timchasovy form, living in negative words is often surrounded by a narrow context.

Power supply

Hot meals with the adjudication of this timchasovy form, they will be with the help of transferring an additional dialect before the month:

When prompted special food food is added to the price of the scheme, as a loan first place in the speech:

Meals before pіdlyagaє also starts from the capital word Who (who) orWhat (what)- ale in to this particular type it replaces the subject, plays its role, you can’t do anything else in the speech, and the words are vishikovyvayutsya in the next scheme:

Alternative food transferring the choice between two or more options, expressions for the help of the union o r/bo And it will be just like that, like a hot food:

Nutrition - "yarlik", the necessary sumnivation of the zmіsti tієї chi іnshої propositions, ranks also separate meals, will be for the help of an additional word haven't / hasn't for a solid one / have / has for a negative speech, for which it follows in a similar way, pronounced by a special borrower:

... harder ...,haven't/hasn't +SP? It has been snowing isn't it? Proyshov snig, chi is not so?
Maria has been learning English for two years, hasn't she? Maria teach English already two years, is it not so?
Tom has been smoking too much recently, hasnt he? Tom smoke too late for the rest of the hour, isn't it?
…negatively…,have/has+SP? You haven't been looking for us have you? You weren't kidding us, were you?
Ann hasn't been working for two hours, has she? Enn didn't practice stretching for two years, right?
The girls haven't been swimming, have they? The girls didn't swim, didn't they?


As it was said earlier, the adjudgment in the Present Perfect Continuous is demonstrating that it started in the past, it’s a trivaly hour, or it ended well, or it’s trivaє, but in such a situation yoga trivality is indicated:

On the need for implantation of the timchas form of Present Perfect Continuous in the speech, marker words are often indicated - receivers since(c; s quiet fir, yak) that for(stretch, stretch).

Often the swindler is called out to the opposite situation to the choice of hours Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. In order to prevent misunderstanding, let's look at the difference in the sphere of implantation of two similar timcha forms on specific stocks:

Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
action is completed, and I create the best result for everyone d_ya trival until this moment, and the very trivality is important
Walls in the room are white. Now stinks є oranžovі. Tom has painted them. Tom'S clothes are covered in paint. He has been painting his room.
The walls in the room were big. Nine stinks of oranges. Tom pofarbuvav їх. Tom's clothes vkrity farboi. Vіn farbuvav his kіmnata.
an important result - the furring of the wall, no matter how long it took for the process of fermenting it doesn’t matter how far the kіmnata has been farmed to the end, that’s not an important result, but trivality is important, as it brought to dressed up clothes

The Timchasova form of Present Perfect Continuous, although it is surrounded by a narrow context, is often spoken in lively English language, leading to the fact that the situation, in which the trivality itself is important, is widened.

And once again about the help ...

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous- correct the trivaliy hour thoroughly. Some people call Russian yoga "a good, thorough follow-up hour".

Present Perfect Continuous serve for the expression of diї, as if the last hour had lasted until the present moment (and, perhaps, more three times the hour). Vlasne, this hour essentially includes the formal signs of two hours: a thorough one and a trivial one (star and name).

You can pay attention to what you can do here to finish a rich sleepy mіzh Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. However, there is still a difference. Level:

Tina has traveled a lot late. - Tіna has risen in price a lot in the last hour. (Maybe it won’t go up in price at once).
Tina has been traveling a lot late. - Tina will rise in price for the rest of the hour. (i, imovirno, continue to rise in price)

Light of the hour:
Correct follow-up hour settle for the help of an additional dialect have / (has - for the 3rd individual of the same number) + been + ing to the dialect. For example:

I have been trying contact him for couple of hours. Where can he be now? - I soaking up zv'yazatisya with him for a year already. De vin can be at once?

At the powerhouses, it is additionally necessary to swear at the first place:
Have you been trying to contact him? - Are you trying to get in touch with him?

In negative speeches, we add a particle not to the additional discourse:
I have not been trying to contact him. “I don't bother contacting him.

    Live Present Perfect Continuous

  1. To express diї, as it began in the past and continue dosі:
    I have been working for Microsoft since 1999. - I've been working on Microsoft since 1999.
  2. For the expression of diї, like a trival in the past and quickly ended:
    Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? - You have red eyes. Did you cry?
  3. W "how long":
    how long have you been waiting for me? - How long have you been checking on me?
So it goes, like i have a vipadku z Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous sound to be specified whether or not on the cob (since), or trivality (for). So, it is possible to win and more blatant furnishings for the hour, such as recently (recently) or the rest of the hour (lately).
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