Right on the topics: "Present Perfect". Right For, during or since Vikoristannya since that for

- one hour English language, for which difficulties are blamed on the Pochatkivtsy, for the fact that there is no direct analogue for the Russian language. Right on the Present Perfect, help you learn about the subtleties of yoga, better than remembering them. If you don’t know about this topic, I recommend that you read it first: .

Right 1: Present Perfect in solid form

Repeat the variation of the Present Perfect in solid form. Give respect to .

Show proof of translation:

1. I have finished exercise (to finish). - I already finished on the right.

2. We are tired. We have written 2 essays in a row (to write). - We got tired. We wrote two ese pospil.

3.Ellen has known me for three years (to know). - Ellen knows three fates.

4. You have lost all your savings (to lose). - You have spent your protection.

5. She has lived in Nebraska for 5 years (to live). - Vaughn lived in Nebraska for three years.

6. Julia and her parents have arleady moved to another town (to move). - Julia and її fathers have already moved to another place.

7. I have fixed your bike. You can ride on tse (fix). - I welcomed your bike. You can ride a new one.

8. It has been a year since we moved (to be). - Having passed the river, we were moved.

9. Dad has already picked me up from the school, mom (to pick up) - Tato has already taken me from school, mom.

10. He has already been here before (to be). - Vin already bov here earlier.

Right 2: Present Perfect in the negative form

You have the right to make Present Perfect in the negative form, opening the arms.

Show proof of translation:

1. I can't go. I have not been cleaned my jacket. - I can't go. I haven't cleaned my jacket.

2. They have not opened your letter yet. - They haven't opened your leaf yet.

3. She has not visited her husband since April. - Vaughn didn't see her man in the morning.

4 Bob and Jack have not taken a day off for a month. Bob and Jack didn't take a day off for a month.

5. He has not been here before. - Vіn not bov here earlier.

6.We have not touched anything on the crime scene, detective. “We didn’t chip anything on the mischief, Detective.

7. Anna doesn't know if she is off to Morrow. She has not readїї schedule. - Hanna doesn't know her day off tomorrow. Vaughn didn't read her work schedule.

8. The boy has not washed yoga hands. The stench is dirty. - The lad did not shake hands. You stink.

9. We have not ever seen snow. It's amazing. – We didn’t make any snow. Wine nameless.

Right 3: Present Perfect in the request form

Repeat the presentation of the Present Perfect in the form of a request for help.

Show proof of translation:

1. have you ever eaten shrimps? – Do you want shrimp?

2. Has your sister watched'Titanic'? - Did your sister marvel at the Titanic?

3. have those sparrows already seen the cat? - Did the humpbacks already remember the intestines?

4.What have the kids found in the old mansion? - What did the children at the old mansion know?

5.Who has broken window? - Who broke the vikno?

6. Where have Allen and Nina spent Your honeymoon? – Did De Allen and Nina spend their honeymoon?

Right 4: For chi Since?

One of the difficulties of Present Perfect is living for and since. Choose the correct option, depending on the context.

Show proof of translation:

1. I haven't been to Vice City for two rocks. - I haven't been at Weiss City for two years.

2. John has lived in Japan since 2015. - John lives in Japan since 2015.

3. You have been unconscious for a long time. - You've been quiet for a long time.

4. Liza hasn't been written since Christmas. - Liza do not write from R_zdva.

5. We had sunny weather since Monday. – We have sleepy weather from Monday.

6. I haven't played guitar for ages. - I haven't played the guitar for a hundred years.

Right 5: Present Perfect in all forms

You have the right to close the Present Perfect in solid, negative and nutritional forms.

Show proof of translation:

1. I have never seen an elephant (to see). - I am by no means an elephant.

2. Has Diana forgiven her husband? (to forgive) - Did Diana fuck her boyfriend?

3.Cats have not scratched his palm (not to scratch)

4.What have we decided? (to decide). - What did we say?

5. have you ever been to Russia? (to be) - Have you ever been in Russia?

6.How has the boy survived in the jungle? (to survive) - How did the boy survive in the jungle?

7. They have almost won(to win). - The stench mayzhe overcame.

Right 6: Find pardons from the text

In this short text, pardons have been admitted for good reason. Seeing the words with pardons and typing “Reverify”.

Show proof of translation:

I have lived in Ukraine since April, but I haven't seen Lake Baikal yet. I live near Russia from a quarter, but I haven’t yet visited Lake Baikal.
My friend Igor hasnt seen it too. My friend Igor is also not good at yoga.
The next month will be moving to Irkutsk. Next month we will go to Irkutsk.
I may have already visited five cities. I already saw five places.
It has I may have a good time to visit them but I don’t regret. Tse took a lot of time in me, but I don’t mess up.
I have not traveled so much for stay five years. I didn't chant so richly the rest of the five years.

Friends! I am often nourished, but at the same time I am not engaged in tutoring. If you need a teacher, I ALWAYS recommend it - there are readers who wear (and don’t wear) mov 👅 for all the fluctuations of life and try it for you!

Present Perfect expresses the day, as it began at the past (and may continue to do), without telling the hour. Directly vpivaє ninі.

Osvita Present Perfect

In solid words. Subject + have/has + verb(-ed)

I have ('ve) finish ed
You have ('ve) finish ed
We have ('ve) finish ed
They have ('ve) finish ed
She has('s) finish ed
He has('s) finish ed
It has('s) finish ed


  • I have worked very hard for this exam
  • She likes him but she has never loved him - Vіn їy like, but she didn’t like yoga at all.
  • Vіn buv graduating from the university and at the same time starting to practice in London.

In negative words. Subject + have/has + not + verb(-ed)

I haven't (haven't) work ed
You haven't (haven't) work ed
We haven't (haven't) work ed
They haven't (haven't) work ed
She hasn't (has not) work ed
He hasn't (has not) work ed
It hasn't (has not) work ed


  • You haven't tried very hard - You haven't tried hard.
  • My cousins ​​are coming this weekend. They haven't stayed with me before The stench didn't get in me earlier.
  • I haven't read this book - I haven't read this book. (to read - wrong dієslovo)

At the inquiries. Have/Has + subject + verb(-ed)

have I start ed
have you start ed
have we start ed
have they start ed
Has she start ed
Has he start ed
Has it start ed


  • Has Molly answered your letter? - Moly v_dpovila on your sheet?
  • What has happened? - What happened?
  • It's nice to see you here but why haven't visited me before? - It’s welcome to take you here, but why didn’t you see me earlier?

Short comments

Yes I, you, we, they have.
no I, you, we, they haven't.
Yes he, she, it has.
no he, she, it hasnt.

Correct words in the past participle and past simple can have the same form of the infinitive + ed:

Infinitive past simple Past particle
arrive arriv ed arriv ed
play play ed play ed
visit visit ed visit ed
stop stopp ed stopp ed

Incorrect words Past participle to change their shape.

Present Perfect victorious:

To say about the podії, yakі vіdbulisya in the past, with whom do not try for the next hour:

  • Elena has arrived. (present perfect)
  • Elena arrived at 2 o'clock. (past simple)

We cannot say:

Elena has arrived at 2 o'clock.

We do not victoriously virazi, which indicate the singing interval of the hour (yesterday, last week, in the summer, etc.) from the present perfect. At to this particular type it doesn’t have meaning and doesn’t get used to the speech. Otzhe, we can’t beat the present perfect, to ask about the hour:

  • When did you go there?
  • NOT When have you been there?

Mi often vikoristovuemo present perfect c been(dієslovo to be in the past participle). " been"maє on uvazi" went"(dієslovo to go in the past simple):

  • I went to Paris last year - I went to Paris last year. (past simple)
  • I've been to Paris - I've been to Paris. (present perfect)
  • NOT I've gone to Paris - I've gone to Paris.

Balance the two propositions:

  • She's gone to Canada - Vaughn went to Canada. (and immediately over there)
  • She's been to Canada - Won bula at Canada. (Ale at once її there is nothing)

We often vikoristovuemo ever(if anything) at the request:

  • Have you ever been to Greece? - Have you seen the boules near Greece?

Present Perfect tense c forіsince

Mi vikoristovuemo present perfect s for i since, to say about what started in the past and continues today:

  • I've been here since January - I've been here since January.
  • I've been here for five months - I've been here for five months.

Retail between since and for:

  • since + dot at the hour when it started.
  • for + period hour.

How can you say in Past Simple:

  • I came here in January - I came here at the village.
  • I came here five months ago - I arrived here 5 months ago.

Respect retail:

I've worked for the bank for three years - I've worked for the bank for three years. (I continue to practice dosi)

I worked for the bank for three years - I worked at the bank for three years. (but I don’t practice there)

We can't wink since the past simple:

  • NOT I have worked for the bank since 1988.

This knowledge will help to strengthen your mind to the literate, and do not work for such pardons when folding English propositions. All this allows you to correctly convey your thought to the spymaster, that unrepentant incomprehensibility.
Improve your knowledge of English with us!

Receivers Sinceі Forє drives to the hour.

Since vikoristovuєtsya from the designation of the exact hour, the moment in the hour, for which it began, like, for example: March 31, or 9:19 a.m., or Tuesday.

For example:
I have been studying English since 1993.
I speak English from 1993 to rock.

John has helped me since 10:00 this morning.
John help me from 10 wound.

Those people have been in Europe since August.
Qi people change from Europe sickle.

To gain respect that the shards of diya in such propositions start in the past and continue right up to the present moment, then it is necessary to win the hour of the Perfect group.

For vikoristovuetsya іz zaznachennym period, promizhok hour, stretching out some sort of something, vіdbuvaєtsya, like, for example: 1 day, or 3 years old, or 5 years.

For example:
I have been studying English for 4 years.
I speak English 4 rocky.

John has helped me for 8 hours.
John help me now 8:00.

Those people went to Europe for 2 months.
Qi people traveled to Europe for 2 months.

3 driven For you can beat the Past Simple hour, as the day has already ended.

Note: tsі and іnshі receivers are also looked at at the razdіlі receivers of the hour.

since or for rule

since rule

Inga Meresina:
How can I remember, as in the proposition є since, in one part of the Present Perfect, in the other Past Simple, only in what order? Pefrect to the next receiver? Bring it on, be kind. 🙂

Present Perfect since Past Simple

I haven't been unemployed since I graduated from the university.

I haven’t visited my parents since I moved to another city.

I have loved her since we met.


So everything is correct. Zvichaine, zvichne vzhivannya - Since-. Ale, everything is not so simple, as it turns out. The axis is a classic butt for you: Since I han known Helen, she has always been very nice and polite girl. Axis so.

I’m on the question, in some part of the proposition since the past simple is played, and in some part of the present perfect. Abo we consider all possible options collapsible propositions, de є privіd since?

Really, examples of living similar to yours, English language it’s small and possible only if the day started in the past and three dos, for the mind that the devil can’t do it until the singing and finished moment of the hour.

For and since. What's the difference? Put it right

The receivers for and since are the receivers of the hour. The stench is showing the trivality of the situation. There is a difference between them, but there is a lot of people who are swindling and cheating. Don’t be fooled, having become familiar with the butts, you’ve got it right, you’ll figure it out!

How to wink for and since?

Paulin: How long are you going to Austria?

Jenny: I've lived here for two rocks.

Nickolas: How long have you been working in the city center?

Ken: I have worked there since 2008.

Paulina: How long have you been loitering in Austria?

Jenny: I've lived here for two years.

Nicholas: How long have you been working near the business district?

Ken: I practice there from 2008 rock.

Retailing between for and since.

As you already understood, for is shifted like a stretch, a stretch, and since - from (what hour), from the moment

  • For + time interval
  • Since + valid dot
  • For eight hours - stretching eight years

    Since Monday

    For two days - stretching for two days

    Since birth - type of people

    For many years - a stretch of rich rock

    Since his arrival - from the moment you arrive

    The most frequent successors for and since are victorious for an hour Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

    I have been running for 2 hours. - I've been running for two years. (Present Perfect Continuous)

    I have not seen you since college. “I didn’t give you hours of college. (Present Perfect)

    Since Vykoristovuetsya at times, as a rightful point to serve not an hour, but another action.

    It's ages since I met you. - It's been a lot of rock, we've been shooting.

    Before Tim, how to proceed to the right, summary retail for i since.

    • For - stretch, stretch + interval time;
    • Since - from, from the moment + valid point (hour or day)
    • Right for and since. Since/for exercises.

      Right 1. Add since or for.

      five days

      two years

      Chotiri months

      Last week

      six weeks

      ten minutes

      Ten o'clock

      Right 2. What is Katrin saying? Add for ago, or since.

      I'm Australian. I was born in Canberra. I lived in Canberra (1) _______ 6 years. Then my family moved to Melbourne. I lived there (2) ________ two rocks. Then I moved to Sydney. I've lived there (3) _______ 1990. I work for a travel agency. I started working there a year (4) ______. I'm married to Jack. We got married 3 years (5) _______. We have houses in Sydney. We've had the house (6) ______ two rocks.

      Right 3. Insert since or for.

    1. Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
    2. Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
    3. John has had the ball _________
    4. He has had the ball _________ 8 months.
    5. Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.
    6. Steven has been a worker_________ he left school
    7. We had three tests _________ Tuesday.
    8. The couple will be asked here _________ three days.
    9. I had my player _________ ten weeks.
    10. Molly had had the player_________ Christmas.

    since ten o'clock

    1 for, 2 for, 3 since, 4 ago, 5 ago, 6 for

    1 since, 2 for, 3 since, 4 for, 5 since, 6 since, 7 since, 8 for, 9 for, 10 since

    More right for since and for You can know from the article right for Present Perfect.

    I am convinced, You have understood why the difference is between for and since she learned how to properly live and bring the hour.

    1 Comment for “For that since. What's the difference? Put it right"

    There is no place to talk about those that since and ago are synonymous with the moment of the hour being known. And right maє buti! Get to the dictionary.

    Propositions with the words SINCE and FOR

    English Grammar Murphy

    Hello friends! Continuing the theme of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous, let's look at the peculiarities of propositions, in which words get used sinceі for.

    SINCE and FOR

    Watch the video explanation of the lesson on YouTube:

    We win the words for and since, to say, how long ago it was chi trivalo.

    1. Mi vikoristovuemo for + a period of time (2 years, 6 years later), for is translated as a “stretch” or it is translatable.

    I 've been waiting for two years. - I check already 2:00. (having opened a check 2 years ago, I check dosi)

    We watch the table from the butts of the periods.

    Sally has been working here for six months. - Sally practice here already six months.
    I haven't seen Tom for three days. - I not bachiv Volumes 3 days.

    2. Mi vikoristovuemo since + vkazuemo cob period. For example, 8 years old, Monday, 1999 rec.

    I 've been waiting since 8 o'clock. - I check from the 8th year. (Having sent a check about the 8th year and I check the dosi).

    We watch the table from the butts.

    Sally has been working here since April. - Sally practice here from the quarter. (from the beginning of the day and dosi pratsyuє)
    I haven't seen Tom since Monday. - I not bachiv Tom s monday. (From Monday to today)

    You can leave out the inode for, but don't try anything in negative words.

    They 've been married(for) ten years. - stink friendly already 10 years.
    They haven't had a holiday for ten years. - U їх not bulo admission after 10 years.

    Mi is not victorious for before the word all (all)

    I 've lived here all my life. - I live here is all your life.

    Nutrition with when (if) vikoristovuyut past simple. Food s how long (yak dovgo) vikoristovuyut present perfect.

    Give respect: as only the rechenni have information about those, if it happened in the past, we cannot win Present, only Past.

    When did Joe and Carol persha tea leaves? - If Did Joe and Carol look up?
    stink pershi met a long time ago. / when they were at school. - The stench has been stinking for a long time / if the stench was at the school.

    how long have then known each other? - Yak long ago stink to know one alone?
    They've known whether they were at school. - Stink know one one for a long time / from school.

    We say "It's already passed (a long time) ... as soon as it happened" - 'It's (a long time) since something happened'

    It's two years since I stop saw Joe. - Already 2 rocks, yak I'm up and running Joe. (=I'm not good at Joe 2 Rocky)
    It's ages since we went to the cinema. - Already a hundred years have passed, like we went to the cinema. (= We were not in the cinema for a hundred years)

    You can ask: “Yak for a long time. » - «How long is it since…»

    How long is it since you last saw Joe? - Yak long ago Are you back up Joe? (=When will Bachiv Joe wake up?)
    How long is it since Mrs Hill died? - Yak long ago Is Mrs Hill dead? (=When Miss Hill Died?)

    So you can say "It's been a long time ... s quiet fir, yak ..." - It's been (= It has been) ... since ...

    It's been two years since I stop saw Joe. - Already passed 2 rocky from that hour, yak I'm up and running Joe.

    The constructions are better than anything else, just remember. The Russian stench is not literally translated, to that we combine words in speech in a different way.

    English tests for self-verification and consolidated knowledge on the topic “Words SINCE and FOR”


    Lessons on the topic:

    Present Perfect: Let's talk about results Present Perfect (I have done) - part 2. Apply some more butt

    How long have you been…? How much am I already doing?

    Propositions with the words SINCE and FOR: if I started doing this?

    English in red Murphy

    For і since , vikoristovuemo, to say ‘ yak dovgo', therefore, successors often vicorate with perfect watches.

    Apply with a simple perfect, diєslovo to be(Bootie, rebuvat):
    - Jill has been in London for some days. Jill is in London broach some days.
    - Jill has been in London since Monday. Jill is in London h Monday.

    Apply with the trivalim perfect: to rain go, litsya (about the board):
    - It has been raining since morning. Doshch ide from the wound.
    - It has been raining for 2 days. Dosch trivaє protyazh two days.

    For(prolong) + hour period (4 days, 2 years)
    Since(From, starting from) + cob to the hour (from Monday, from 9 years, from the wound, etc.)
    Also about bring the hour vіd. to until since for>

    Ago [ə'gəu] to that
    - Susan started her new job 2 weeks ago. Susan started her new job two like that.
    Vikoristovuemo ago Forgive me for a moment (Past Simple>).

    Living for, since, during in English language

    For, sinceі during– ce English successors hour. It’s a pity that they often stray and incorrectly sing in propositions, so today I propagate the development of the mist around them and help you to sing, if you sing and what it means to skin them.

    Father, living for, sinceі during in the English language it is connected with kіlkom by grammatical hours, and Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuousі Past continuous.

    Receiver for vikoristovuetsya for the expression of trivality dії, about the period dії, podії that is shifted like “protyazh, prodovzhennyam”.

  • I've lived here for 8 months.
  • She was waiting for him 4 years.
  • We haven't seen each other for a long time.
  • how long will you go there for?
  • Jane will live in Paris for 6 months.
  • Yak bachite, pіslya for obov'yazkovo ide timchasovy vіdrіzok, tbto promіzhok trivality ії.

    Before the speech for can be practiced in all grammatical hours, especially in continuous.

    Receiver since vykoristovuetsya for the recognition of the right point, if this action is still continued, and it is shifted like "s".

    So, since, on the vіdmіnu vіd for, maybe vikoristovuvatisya less at a thorough hour.

    • I haven't seen them since 2012.
    • It has rained since morning.
    • You haven't talked about that since Jake left.
    • Those people have been in the USA since 1998.
    • Since we met, I haven't stopped thinking of you.
    • Receiver during vikoristovuєtsya at once from the namemen and vkazuє, schos vіdbuvaєtsya within the framework of the singing interval of the hour.

      It is shifted like a "stretch".

    • He fell asleep at filmі. He was asleep for half an hour.
    • We commemorated the retail trade forі during? Remember the simple scheme: for- like a long time, during- when.

      Axis of the sprat during:

    • Jane suddenly began to feel ill pid hour of testing. - Jane raptova became nasty on іspі.
    • We met a lot of people duringourholiday. - We got to know a lot of people by stretching out our permit.

    Really remember, if there are victorious receivers: for, sinceі during zovsіm is not difficult. Golovne, create your own in the head combinations of words and tsikh priymennikov, on kshtalt: since 2015, for three hours, film And even if you don’t get lost, in some areas it’s necessary to wicker leather from the riverbeds.

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    Since during

    You, obviously, know that For, since that during - bring the English to the hour. And I have no doubt that the vipads were traipsing, if you had a swindler advancing with them. Do not boast, you are not the only one like me, it was like that. To this very day, we will sort out obov'yazkovo, if there are words vikoristovuyut and yak between them is different.

    Receiver for vikoristovuetsya for the expression of the trivality of the day, the period of the day or the time (insert this rhyme in the same place) we are always talking about the hour and shifting like “stretching, prodovzhennyam”. Before speech, for is often victorious in Continuous hours. І once again - For mi vikoristovuєmo say, how long have you been robbed, how long have you been robbed like a diyu? For example,

    Wine is alive near Moscow for 8 months. - Vaughn lived in Moscow for 8 months - how long is the process, diya? 8 months! 8 months won lived in Moscow
    I've learned French for 5 years Well, I understood, Zhema sang Nastya! Mercy on the side! (insert with jim carrey bridge faké) (French music on aphids, I'm in a tіlnik).
    Yak bachite, after for obov'yazkovo ide timchasovy vіdrіzok,

    And now let's move on to During

    (Replace this trick)
    The receiver during points to those that appear within the framework of the singing interval of the hour and is translated as “at that hour, if”. Tobto mi vikoristovuemo during, in order to say, if it became like a podium, and not like a long time. And also the secret lies in the fact that after the new one, let the name go - during the lesson, during the movie, during the night, during the war.

    I got a call with the lesson. - They phoned me at the hour of the lesson. Ishov lesson - an hour and a half hour of that hour, having phoned.
    Tom suddenly began to feel ill - Tom raptov became nasty on the іspitі. Under the hour of such a vіdrіzku hour yak іspit Tom became nasty.
    Once again - during our victorious times, if it’s an hour like a dії vіdrіzka, it has become an hour and it’s important for us if? it happened - at the hour of the lesson, at sleep, cinema and so on.

    And now let's move on to since
    Receiver since vikoristovuetsya for recognition, respect, rightful point, if any action is still going on, and shifted since like s. I haven’t seen my sister since 2015
    Since I met James, I haven't stopped thinking of him. - From the moment I nailed James, I can't stop thinking about the new one - I sighed, otzhe!
    - my dads live in Italy since 1999, so this river is the very right point, that’s why I win since.

    Once again, let's say, what and if we victorious - for - how long ago did it happen? tse obov'yazkovo kakiysya period an hour, if - if? when did it happen in a certain period of time, since - a valid point - from what moment did it happen? You messed with the fact that everything didn’t turn out so smoothly, so as not to get lost in such a life hack - come up with something like a day, first, for 5 days, stretching war, since 1998 and keep it in your head. Well, in order to remember all the skills - go for the help to the Puzzle English website and check the task for a moment. You can learn English at once and have fun and sleep, and help you with the Puzzle English site, for now!

    The stench is showing the trivality of the situation. There is a difference between them, but there is a lot of people who are swindling and cheating. Don’t be fooled, having become familiar with the butts, you’ve got it right, you’ll figure it out!

    How to wink for and since?

    For example:

    Retailing between for and since.

    As you already understood, for is shifted like a stretch, a stretch, and since - from (what hour), from the moment

    • For + time interval
    • Since + valid dot

    The most frequent successors for and since are victorious with the hour and

    I have been running for 2 hours. - I've been running for two years. (Present Perfect Continuous)

    I have not seen you since college. “I didn’t give you hours of college. (Present Perfect)

    Since Vykoristovuetsya at times, as a rightful point to serve not an hour, but another action.

    It's ages since I met you. - It's been a lot of rock, we've been shooting.

    Before Tim, how to proceed to the right, summary retail for i since.

    Right for and since. Since/for exercises.

    Right 1. Add since or for.

    five days

    two years

    Chotiri months

    Last week

    six weeks

    ten minutes

    Ten o'clock

    Right 2. What is Katrin saying? Add for ago, or since.

    I'm Australian. I was born in Canberra. I lived in Canberra (1) _______ sixteen years. (3) _______ 1990. I work for a travel agency. I started working there a year (4) ______. I'm married to Jack. We got married three years (5) _______. We have a house in Sydney. We "ve had the house (6) ______ 2 years.

    Right 3. Insert since or for.

    1. Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
    2. Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
    3. John has had the ball _________
    4. He has had the ball _________ 8 months.
    5. Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.
    6. Steven has been a worker_________ he left school
    7. We had three tests _________ Tuesday.
    8. The couple will be asked here _________ three days.
    9. I had my player _________ ten weeks.
    10. Molly had had the player_________ Christmas.


    since ten o'clock

    1 for, 2 for, 3 since, 4 ago, 5 ago, 6 for

    1 since, 2 for, 3 since, 4 for, 5 since, 6 since, 7 since, 8 for, 9 for, 10 since

    More kіlka is right on since і for You can know from the article.

    I am convinced, You have understood why the difference is between for and since she learned how to properly live and bring the hour.

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