Phrase language get out of. Dієslovo GET in english movі - virazi, idiomy and other constructions. Phrasal language get ahead

Dieslovo to get є one of the widest and most important English language Vin may have a rich meaning and may be introduced into Oman. Get vikoristovuєtsya as well as a word, so and in poddnanny s without any priymennikov for molding with a wide range of values. In these articles you will find a list of effective meanings and apply propositions get as a basic and phrasal language.

1. Meaning to get as the main discourse

Take away, kupuvati, kupuvati Olga got three leaves two days ago . (Olga took off three leaves 2 days ago.)
Earn Wine is collected in salary from £10 an hour. (Won takes a salary of 10 pounds sterling a year.)
Bring or Distavati Please get me my ball. (Be a caress, bring me some troch їzhi.)
Understand He didn't get the essence of the joke. (Vin does not understand the essence of this heat.)
Get infected, get sick He got a flu last week. (Last week I had a flu.)
Systems in transport We got our train 5 hwilin before departure . (We were able to get to the train for 5 hvilin before the departure.)
Splkuvatisya, put in a link I got him by telephone. (I talked to him on the phone.)
Torknutisya, give a strong injection. That music really gets me. (This music is right for me.)
Sleep, sleep Politics nareshti got him at the airport. (Nareshti police shopped yoga at the airport.)

2. Get like a phrasal language.

get around be socially active Sarah really gets around, doesn't she? (Sarah is really a friend, isn't she?)
get at - mothers on uvazi, - mothers on uvazi What are you getting at? (What are you doing on the street?)
get ahead - flourish - You are responsible for studying hard to get ahead. (You are guilty of reading diligently in order to achieve success.)

get away - vtіkati - Boys got away like their parents. (Cots ran into their fathers.)
get back - rewind, turn - Vin kinets got back magazine vin mav lents him. (Zreshtoyu, she turned the book, yak looked at youmu.)
get by - get around - I can't get by on such a small salary. (I can't get by with such a small salary)

get in - Get into the car, train, etc. - Stink go to the bus. (The stinks went to the bus.)
get into behave, react. Він got into a temper. (Vona chuckled.)
get off - Znіmati (clothes), call (plyami) - Vin is guilty buti hard to get such stains off your shirt. (It would be important to put such laces in your shirt.)
get on with - ok kimos. Oleg got on well with his boss. (Oleg is good luck with his boss.)

get out - vtіkati - I know how the thief got out. (I know how evil I am.)
get over - get out after the illness of grief - He can't get over his wife's death. (Vіn can't wait after the death of the squad.)
get through - successfully add sleep, test - I think we could get through that difficult test. (I think we can pass that important test.)
get up - get up from the bed) - My sister got up at 8 o'clock that day . (My sister got up about the 8th of that day.)

3. Design Have got

About the design have got on our website.

What a p_dlyagaє look, є get . Whose word does not know less value, lower at the front doors. I would say, navit more richly. Vivchayuchi tsey phrasal dialect " get» Yak is wrong, we remember less than the first of its meaning - take, know. A little less than a part of that iceberg, which you can try to look at as a whole, as if you could read the dictionary article of the first word, or dig into the dictionary of phrasal words, which we borrow at once.

The meaning of the phrasal disword

Skilki and the meaning of a phrasal disword get should we give a fuck?

  1. Get about/around- Roz'zhzhati, change your head; expand. Dієslovo with the first for , and with the other - for . Also, it's a day get around to for both versions of the English movie. Meaning of the phrasal dialogue get- Zіbratisya (to work), step by step (for example, to the unfinished work), to go (by hand).

    The news got about that he was ready to marry her. - The novelty has expanded, that wine is ready to make friends with it.

    You can take the stick. - Vaughn moves around with a chick.

    I get about quite a lot, suitable for this international company. – Pratsiyuyuchi on tsyu international company, I richly zhzhdzhu.

    I nareshti got around to meeting her yesterday. - I'll get in touch with her yesterday.

    I'll get around to it. - I'll take care of it.

  2. Get across- clearly viklasti (dumku), explain in a convoluted way, convey; achieve success.

    The speaker got his point across. - The speaker clearly announced his point to the dawn.

    Sometimes it's quite difficult to get the jokes across the footlights. – Sometimes it’s important to bring the jar to the hall for the peeps.

  3. Get ahead- prosvіtati, prosvіtati, reach success.

    In order, in order to take it off, you are guilty of pratsyuvati like rich. - In order to achieve success, you need to practice a lot.

  4. Get along- well, live, prosvіtati, manage, cope. This variant of the phrasal dialect get the widest in American English. The English version has the most coexistence get on from these values.

    I can't get along with my mother-in-law. - I can’t get used to my mother-in-law.

    I wonder how she's getting along with her duties. - Tsikavo, how is she coping with her bindings?

    How will she get along without him? - How can you live without something?

  5. Get at- Get to (something), attack (someone), catch, understand (something), pick up, push.

    What are you getting at? - What are you pulling on?

    She was not easy to get at. - It was important to approach her.

  6. get away- Get in, get in; virushiti (curse), bring; drink, go; get dry from the water, get rid of the bezkarnim.

    He shouldn't tell you lies. Don't let him get away with it. - Vіn is not guilty of buv lies tobi. Do not let him get dry from the water.

    The prisoner got away. - Vyazen vtik.

    We got him away to the mountains. “We took Yogo to Gori.

  7. Get back- Turn around, pull back; take revenge; blow beater); criticize.

    By the time we got back home, she had already slept. - If we turned back home, she was already asleep.

    I'd better get back to work. - I'll quickly turn to roboti.

    I'll get back at him one day! – If I rush to youma.

    If I give him some money, I will never get it back. “If I give you a troch of pennies, then I won’t take them back by any means.

  8. Get back to- call later, help, give to the nobility; I'm starting to work again.

    Anyway I'd better get back to work. - It would be better for me to turn around to work.

    She'll get back to you later with her composition. - Won zv'yazhetsya z you pіznіshe z drive svogo creation.

  9. get behind- Vіdstavati (in Rusі, navchanni).

    You don't attend lectures. Are you going to get behind? You don't go to lectures. Do you want to see the teacher?

  10. Get by- continue life (in the face of difficulties); get out of the camp; pass.

    See, I can take it without your help. - Dyakuyu, but I'll manage without your help.

    Please, let me get by. - Be kind, let me pass.

    You'll never get by with it. - You can't see it.

  11. get down- beat; know (from the police); go down, angry; write down; stomluvati, gnіchuvati; embarrass.

    All this mistrust is really getting me down. - All the misunderstanding of the truth confuses me.

    I got a book down from the shelf. - I borrowed a book from the police.

    The baby couldn't get the pill down. - Ditina couldn't take a pill.

    Are you getting down everything I'm telling you? - Do you write down everything that I tell you?

  12. Get down to- Come on, get on with it.

    It's time we got down to work. - It's time for us to get to work.

  13. Get in- get to know closely (with kimos); enter, sit; turn (borg); strike; pick (harvest); enter; to come, to come (curl); Buti we'll take care of it. (The meaning of phrasal words get rich).

    The got the crops in. - The stench tidied up the vrozhay.

Dieslovo get beyond the extensions of my English language. This meaning can change, depending on how part of the movie follows it.

Below you can see the most drops getting the language of get into English language.

Get + name / borrower

Yakshcho behind the word get followed by a direct addition to the name of the name or the borrower, vin sounds means "take", "come", "deliver", "distance", "bring", and so on.

For example:
I have got an invitation to his part.
I otrimav request for the evening party.

Can you get me a coffee?
You can bring change kava?

Get + prikmetnik

Yakshcho behind the word get sled prikmetnik, vіn zazvychay maє znachennya transition to the next camp ("stavati"), for example:

get ready to leave in five seconds.
Get ready (= get ready) five in five seconds.

When I get nervous, I get angry.
If I nervous (= flock nervous), I angry (= flock angry).

The construction is also possible get + addon + prikmetnik. Such a construction sounds victorious at the vipadkas, if you want to entrust the one who speaks, or ask someone to work to take care of yourself.

For example:
Can you get the children ready for the school?
You can choose children to school?

Get + receiver

Yakshcho behind the word get next successor, then vin mayzhe zavzhdi means yakus diyalnist, ruh, for example:

I often get up at seven o'clock.
I often get up at 7:00.

When vikoristanni at once with additions, such a construction also means diyalnist abo ruh, but by extension to another person, for example:

Can you get the children to bed?
You can put the kids to bed?

I have got the doctor to call get busy.
I asking the doctor to call tomorrow.

Get + communion of the past hour

Dieslovo get you can vikoristovuvatisya with the diplomat of the past hour. Such a construction describes something, directed at the one who speaks of a spy, and means the same as the construction get + prikmetnik- Moving from one camp to another.

For example:
They are getting married in May.
pong make friends in grass.

I never get interviewed.
I have none take an interview.

Get dressed at five khvilinakh.
dress up through five hvilin.

Construction get + addition + participle of the past hour often make a passive meaning, and sound means vikonannya be-like a kimos for someone.

For example:
We are getting the house painted.
Us farm the booths.

I must get my hair cut.
I need it haircut. (= Menі need, schob I got a haircut).

We must get the roof repaired to monsoon sets in.
We need remontuvati yes before the monsoon breaks out. (= It is necessary for us, for we were repaired yes before the monsoon kicks in.)

Also, a construction is given that can be victorious for a description of situations, if something was done by appointment to anyone, for example:

I got my car stolen last night.
Yesterday evening at my place stole a car.

They got their roof blown off in the storm.
Under the hour of the storm with them zdulo dah.

This construction can be victorious for a long time, in order to show the completion of the action until someday, for example:

You must get the job done before lunch time.
You are guilty finish your job until the end.

Get those orders placed as soon as possible.
Relocation and reassignment yakomoga swidshe.

May form: get - got - got ten US (got UK ).

Basic meanings of the word Get

to obtain or buy something
bathe, bathe

I will demand a deaky ridge on the way home.
I need to bring a little bit of bread on the way home.

I'll try to get you a ticket.
I'll try to get you a ticket.

to go somewhere and bring back someone or something
pick up, take away and bring

Wait here while I get the car.
Check while I get the car.

to receive something or be given something

Did you get anything nice for your birthday?
Did you take everything good for your people's day?

Guy still hasn't got my email yet.
Lap dosi without taking off my sheet yet.

to understand deaky

He never gets any of my jokes.
Vіnіkoli not razumіє zhodnogo z my zhartіv.

to arrive somewhere (get here /there /to the bank , etc)
come here / there / to the bank too soon.

What time do you normally get home from work?
If you call, come home with robots?

push the current hour on bus/train, etc (get a bus /train , etc)
take a bus/pull, etc.

Maybe we should get a taxi home.
Possibly, we can take a taxi home.

get + prikmetnik
stand up, go to another state

get tired - get tired (become tired)

I can help you if you choose.
I can help you if you are tired.

get older - old (get older)

He calmed down as he got older.
Vin calmed down if he became a senior.

get better - get better (get better)

Thell get better with practice.
The stench will be better with practice.

get dressed - dress up (become dressed)

Go and get dressed!
Go and get dressed (become dressed)!

to become sick or develop an illness

I feel like I'm getting a cold.
I realize that I'm getting cold.

Phrasal words, adopted with the word Get

get across

to make smth. understand, understand understandably
razrobiti razumilim, convey (to the ear), clearly speak, explain in a convoluted way, roz'explain

Gary couldn't get his message across in Japanese. Finally he got the message across in English.
Geri did not immediately take away his Japanese introduction. Nareshty wines having taken away the English instructions.

This is a reminder that we would like to take away the bulk.
Tse message, as if you want to convey to the bulk.

get ahead

achieve success, to be successful
reach success, reach success

After several slow business years, our company finally got ahead of the competition.
After many years of global business, our company is ahead of competitors.

Tse 's tough for any woman who wants to get ahead in politics.
It's important for being a woman, if you want to stick out at the politics.

get along

to have a friendly relationship with
mother friendly blue s ..., get along, buti in good luck, get along

Do you get along with your family?
Are you happy with your homeland?

I don't really get along with my sister's husband.
I'm really not the same as my sister's man.

get around

move from place to place
move from month to month

Walter gets around town on his bicycle.
Walter walks around with his bike.

avoid having to do smth.

Kids tried to get around doing the dishes, but they weren't successful.

get around to
nareshti, at the deaky hour, until the end. eventually
nareshti robiti schos

I'll get around to doing the laundry soon, but I'm busy right now.
I'm going to get married without a break, but right now I'm busy.

get at

before try zdіysniti or robiti clear
magatisya bring chi clarify

I couldn't understand what Gary was getting at. He didn't make any sense.
I didn’t have a moment to figure out what Gary was to heal. Vіn robiv as a nurse.

get away

to squeeze or to get out of the city, or to a person, to take it away, it’s difficult to do this
shovatsya, vkti, poїhati, ryatuvatisya, unikati

Walter tried to get away from the office, but he had too much work to do.
Walter rushed to the office, but then he did a lot of work.

We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.
We went to the approaching beach, to get to the bottom of the attack.

to go somewhere to have a holiday, especially because you need to rest
choose on vіdpochinok

You wished to pass to Scottland before passing susikh (= may relaxing holiday).
We were going to go to Scotland, to get away from everything (= mothers of a relaxing way).

get away with
to escape punishment, to avoid criticism

Edgar got away with stealing that money. He should have gone to jail!
Edgar zіyshla from the hands of a stealer of quiet pennies. Vіn mav have a drink until you're done!

get back

return to a place after you've been somewhere else
turn around

What time will you get back home tonight?
When will you turn back home this evening?

By the time we got back to the hotel, Lydia had already left.
At that hour, when we turned back to the hotel, Lydia was already gone.

get by

to survive, financially, in a difficult situation
manage financially in a twisted situation, survive

After that, like a booth, I choose to take it without a booth.
If you wait, I can live without a home.

I don't know how he gets by on so little money.
I don't know how I live on such small pennies.

get even with

to get revenge, seek revenge, pay in kind
call rahunki, take revenge, get even with be-kim

When Terry wants bi me, I got even with him.
If Terri zbrehav about me, I got even with him.

get in

to enter
get in, get in, get in

I lost my keys and so I couldn't get in the house.
I've spent my keys, and I couldn't get enough of that until the hut.

Damn you mother got in through bathroom window.
The stench, maybe, got in through the windows at the bathrooms.

to enter a male, closed vehicle
go to a small, closed transport facility

Sara got in her car and drove away.
Sarah got to her car and drove off.

to arrive

What time will your flight get in tonight?
What time will your flight arrive this evening?

Our flight "s getting in later than expected.
Our flight arrived later, lower was cleared.

be chosen
pass (on selections), enter (up to the initial pledge)

He wanted to go to Oxford University but he didn't get in.
They wanted to go to Oxford University, but they didn't take it.

get into

to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in
but we’ll get a lot of it, or we’ll get it in a chomus

I'm sorry, I just can't get into the game right now. I'm thinking about a job.
I’m sorry that I just can’t get into the game right away. I'm thinking about a job.

get off

to dismount
zlіzti z (horse, bicycle)

Charles got off the horse, then walked him to the barn.
Charles got out of the horse, then let's take him to the barn.

to be excused from work, class, or other regularly scheduled activities
be allowed to work, take

Pam got off doing homework to the one who wins over the person.
Pm pіshla robiti homework to the fact that she had already finished her lessons.

to finish one's workday
finish work day

I get off at 5:30. Let's meet for dinner.
I will finish about 5:30. Let's call for supper.

to receive a lesser punishment than what might be expected
take less punishment, lower merit

Edgar got off easy after he stole that money. He should have gone to jail!
Edgar was easily seen after he stole money. Vіn mav have a drink until you're done!

to leave a large, closed vehicle
deprive the great transport zasib,

Martin will get off the bus in Los Angeles.
Martin Zijde from the bus near Los Angeles.

get on

to enter a large, closed vehicle
see the great transport zasib

Quick! Get on the train, it's about to leave.
Shvidshe! Sit at the train, the virushas are picking up.

to mount
climb on (horse, bicycle)

Let's go. Get on your bicycle, it's time to leave.
Let's go. Get on your bike, it's time to ride.

to upset, to make angry
piss off, piss off

Cho rap “music” is really getting on my nerves!
Tsya rap "music" really makes me nervous!

get out of

up to lining, closed vehicle
deprive of malium, closing of transport zasib

Get out of the taxi now because we're here!
Seek a taxi at once, to the one who is here!

to avoid having to do something
unique obov'yazkіv robiti schos

Kids tried to get out of doing the dishes, but they weren't successful.
The children tried to escape the dishes, but the stench was not successful.

You're just trying to get out of doing the housework!
You're just trying to get the job done around the house!

get over

to recover from illness or painful experience, overcome, surmount
remembrance after illness

I hope Jeffrey gets over his cold soon.
I'm happy, Geoffrey can't wait to be inspired by his illness.

to finish (for okremy actions, not repeated actions)
complete (person on the right, so that the action does not repeat)

What time does the party get over?
What time will the party end?

to be very shocked or surprised about something (informal)
be hostile, let's defeat each other

I can't get over how different you look with short hair.
I cannot be hostile, otherwise you marvel at short hair.

get rid of

to dispose of, give away or throw out
have some fun

I think it's time to get rid of those shoes. They have too many holes in them!
I think that this hour will wake up these chereviks. They have a lot of dirok!

We must get rid of some of those old books.
I am guilty of some of these old books.

to fire someone from a job; cause someone to leave; dismiss someone
call someone

The manager got rid of the secretary because he wasn't doing his job properly.
The manager took care of the secretary, to the one who did not break his job with a proper rank.

Win buv useless at her job so we had to get rid of her.
Vaughn was marny at her robot, for that I am guilty of bully її.

get through

do ruhu pas a difficult time / place

After John's wife died, vіn khotіv, otrimati through yoga sadness.
After the fact that John's squad died, youmu had a chance to survive his turmoil.

get together

to meet, gather, assemble in a group

Let's get together at Marta's apartment.
Let's go to Marty's apartment.

get up

before hugging after sleeping and begin your daily activities
roll over and rozpochati diї, get up

When Steve got up this morning it was still dark.
When Steve got tired of that morning, it was still dark.

Everything that turns out got up and started clapping.
The entire audience stood up and began to splash.

The word "To get" for beginners is the most annoying word for two reasons.

1. Vіn maє impersonal meaning,
2. Do not write about anything in grammatical assistants.

The words 'to get' are one of the most common words in English, you need to know the basic meaning. Rather briefly, ale hoarsely, I will bring the widest options, I will translate that word into a movable language, so that I will change your English word into a spear of punctuation.

Get - the main value of that living

1. Come, get, come:

I got home late last night because of the traffic.
I arrived home late, because traffic jams were there.

I'll call you if I get home.
I'll call you when I get home.

I got to Tokyo at 3 a.m.
I buv / arrived / at Tokyo about 3 wounds.

How to get to the nearest hospital?
How to get to the nearest liquor?

What time will you get here?
Will you be here?

Call me as soon as you get to the office.
Call me in a hurry, as soon as you get to the office.

2. Buy now:

I got a new laptop.
I bought a new laptop.

She got a dress.
Vaughn bought cloth.

3. Earn:

You can withdraw $50 an hour for her servises.
Won take/earn 50 dollars a year for their services.

4. Otrimuvati, kupuvati:

He got many presents for his birthday.
Youmu was presented with a lot of gifts for their national day.

I got a new job.
I vlashtuvavsya / I otrimav / new work.

I got an e-mail like my friend.
I won an email in the name of my girlfriend.

In order, schob apology.
Take away the vibachennya.

I've got a call.
They phoned me = I took a call.

5. Understand:

Did you get that?
Are you sensible?

I didn't get that.
I am not sensible.

Got it.
I understood. Perceptive.

I don't get it.
I don't understand.

Do you get what I'm saying?
You understand, what am I telling you?

6. Answers to the call or call, if ringing at the door:

Can you get that call for me?
Can you give me a call?

I'll get it.
I'll take a hearing aid = I'm sound.

7. Promotion/proposition:

Can you get me a glass of water, please?
Bring me, be kind, bring a bottle.

Can you get me that book?
Won't you bring me that book?

Could you get me my phone? It's in the bedroom upstairs.
Can't you bring me my phone? Vіn nagorі near the bedroom.

Can I get you something to drink?
Chi can I bring you a drink?

8. Sisti in a taxi, in a car, bus:

Get in the car.
Sit by the car.

I got in the taxi.
I am the strength of the taxi.

Get on the bus.
Get on the bus.

9. Catch a taxi:

I got a cab. I took a taxi.

10. Know:

I couldn't get any information.
I could not know/remove the information.

11. Pіdhopiti ailment:

I got a cold last week.
I fell ill = I have a cold.

12. Viklikati be-whom:

Get the doctor!
Call out the doctor!

13. I will change:

Get hungry Get old get wet
Get thirsty Get divorced Get married
Get confused Get excited get better
get cut Get sick Get hot
Get calm Get tired get lost
Get stuck Get taller Get more interesting


Food is getting cold.
I'm realizing.

Tse gets announced when people ignore her.
Vaughn get angry if її іgnoruyut.

I get confused with English grammar.
I got lost in English grammar.

He got rich just after moving to Dubai.
Vin became rich after having moved to Dubai.

Right to fix the words

Right 1

Write a speech in English vikoristovuyuchi dієslovo Get.

1. I bought a brand new sofa.
2. I arrived at home about the 10th evening.
3. Can't you bring my mobile tomorrow?
4. I start to get nervous before speaking in public.
5. Can I bring you a drink?
6. I need to buy milk.
7. I did not know anything /information/.

The right way to the right #1

1. I just get a new sofa.
2. I get home at 10 pm.
3. Could you get me my phone tomorrow?
4. I get nervous when I have to speak in public.
5. May I get you a drink?
6. I need to get some milk.
7. I couldn't get any information.

Right #2

Storing words from pointing words.

1. home/I/at 3 am/get.
2. confusing / get it now / at first / it was / but I.
3. get/when/I have/a lot of work/tired/I.
4. horror movies / why / I don't / are so popular / get.
5. you/me/a glass of water/get/could.
6. got / yesterday / Tom / for drunk driving / arrested.
7. get / make sure / on time / you / to the airport.
8. New laptop / I / from my dad/ for Christmas / got.
9. from school/do/what time/home/the kids/get.
10. to get / at the supermarket / a job / how.

The right way to the right #2

1. I get home at 3 am.
2. It was confusing at first but I get it now.
3. I get tired when I have a lot of work.
4. I don't get why horror movies are so popular.
5. Could you get me a glass of water?
6. Tom got arrested for drunk driving yesterday.
7. Make sure you get to the airport on time.
8. I got a new laptop for Christmas from my dad.
9. What time do kids get home from school?

For the beginning of this material, it’s enough, so that newcomers can get into the minds of the language of the language, and I will understand it myself. Ale, yakshcho, your rіven vyshchy, nizh intermediate, proponoyomiti z variations of the phrasal dialect Get. This part is more important and necessary in English language, so I will try to be as short as possible and just give some information on 10 GET phrasal words.

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