Priymenniki after prikmetnikov. Diezlova with successors in English language

Below we will look at the habitation of the words and the apprentices from the apprentices.

Dislova with receiver AT

  • aim at- kiss in

Never aim at people. - Never aim at people.

  • arrive at- Arrive in (place, destination)

I arrived at the station in Tokyo. - I arrived at the station in Tokyo.

Note: we victoriously arrive in, speaking about arriving in the country, place: I arrived in Tokyo. - I arrived to Tokyo.

  • hint at- Pull on

What are you hinting at? - What are you pulling on?

  • laugh at- laugh at

Don't laugh at me! - Don't laugh at me!

  • look at- marvel at

look at me. - Look at me.

  • shout at- scream at

Don't shout at the kids. - Don't yell at the kids.

  • throw at- throw in

He threw a snowball at me. - Win throwing a snowball at me.

  • value (estimate) at- Rate in

The expert was pleased with the painting at $45,000. - The expert estimated the picture at 45,000 dollars.

Diagrams with drive ABOUT

  • ask about- Ask about shchos, komus

I asked my friend about yoga hobby. - I asked my friend about yogo zahoplennya.

  • argue about- Talk about shit

Critical styles argue about those old movie. - The critics of the dosi are talking about this old film.

  • care about- be unstoppable to someone, to put yourself well, to love, to stand up

John really cares about you. - You really don't bait John.

  • feel about- mother thought about shchos

How do you feel about the plan? - What is your plan?

  • forget about- forget about shit, who

You are choosing about your prize! - You forgot about your obіtsyanka!

  • talk about- Talk, talk about shchos

We will talk about your new car. We were talking about your new car.

  • hear about- a little about

I heard about strike. - I'm talking about the strike.

  • say about- Say, talk about shchos, komus

What can you say about our new employee? – What can you say about our new companion?

  • worry about- turbulent about shchos, for whom

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. - Do not worry about me, I will be garazd.

English words with BY drive

  • divide\multiply by– divide/multiply by

To divide by zero. – Dilution to zero.

  • increase\decrease by– zbіshiti \ change to

The pressure increases up to 5%. – Tisk was reduced by 5 vіdsotkіv.

  • judge by- Judged by

Never judge by appearance. - Don't judge by the soundness.

  • mean by- Mothers on uvazі pіd

What did she mean by that? - Why is it small on the uvazі pіd tsim?

  • take\hold\pull by- Take \ trim \ pull for

He held the bull by his horns. - Vin trimav bika by the horns.

Diagrams with FOR drive

  • ask for- ask be-something, ask be-someone

Ask them for some water. - Ask them for some water.

Did anybody ask for me? - Feeding me?

  • exchange for- exchange for

I'd like to exchange rubles for dollars. – I want to exchange rubles for dollars.

  • hope for- lean on

We are hoping for a change in the weather. - We're going to change the weather.

  • prepare for- get ready for

Prepare for battle! - Get ready for battle!

  • leave for- go to

Voni Lіvoruch for Denver this morning. - The stinks went to Denver this morning.

  • wait for- Chekati someone, chogos

I've been waiting for you. - I checked you.

Diagrams with FROM drive

  • buy from- bathe at

I buy vegetables from local farmers. – I buy vegetables from local farmers.

  • borrow from- take to borg

I don't want to borrow money from my parents. – I don’t want to take pennies from the borg from the fathers.

  • differ from- take a breather

Current products are seen in the picture. – Whose goods are aired in the air.

  • prevent from- zavazhat, overshkodzhati

Protective equipment prevents us from injury. – Zahisne ekіpiruvannya zabіgaє injuries.

  • recover from- wear (after ailment)

There are so many days to recover from such an illness. - It takes a few days to be aware of such an ailment.

  • save from– ryatuvat vіd

Save animals from people. - Vryatite creatures like people.

  • suffer from- suffering from

During the whole summer hour, the boules are stained with strength. - For many years we suffered in the form of specks.

Diagrams with IN drive

  • include in- turn something on

I didn't include this incident in my report. - I did not include this incident before my svіtu.

  • result in- mother the result of something

The business meeting resulted in a good deal. - Dіlova zustrіch has called to the garni.

  • succeed in- go in, flourish in chomus

Have you succeeded in getting her address? - Did you get far away from your address?

Dієslova with receiver OF

  • Accous of- ringing in

What is he accused of? - Why does yogo ring?

  • consists of- stack up

The novel consists of five chapters. – A novel is made up of five divisions.

  • deprive of- have some fun

You can protect my qiu on the right. - You let me get rid of me.

  • inform of– be informed about

We have not been informed of this fact. – We were not informed about this fact

  • remind of (about)- guess about

Can I remind you of your promise? - Can I tell you about your obitsyanku?

  • remind of somebody\something- guess someone, shchos

You remind me of my sister. - You will tell me my sister.

  • speak of (about)- talk about

Are you speaking of me? - Are you talking about me?

  • think of (about)- think about

What do you think of your new assistant? - What do you think about your new assistant?

  • get rid of- have fun with

How to get rid of bad habits. - How to call a shkіdlivih zvichok.

  • so it's new- speed up chimos, be-kim

We must take advantage of this opportunity. - We can speed up with goodness.

  • take care of- pikluvatisya about someone

She took care of my garden. Vaughn looked at my garden.

Diagrams with drive ON

  • agree on- Home about

We can agree on the terms of the contract. - We can get it over with the contract.

  • comment on- Comment something

Thedidn't comment on my statement. “The stinks didn’t comment on my application.

  • depend on- Deposits like chogos

What depends on you. - Tse lie in front of you.

  • insist on- lean on

I insist on your presence. - I'm taking advantage of your presence.

  • rely on- rely on

You can rely on me. - You can bow to me.

  • spend on- stained glass on

I spent a lot of money on my education. - I spent a lot of pennies on the light.

Diagrams with TO drive

  • agree to- wait on

Don't agree to his offer. - Do not wait on yoga wash.

  • apologize to- Vibachati before

I apologized to my colleagues. – I vybachivsya in front of colleagues.

  • belong to- lie down

What hotel belongs to her parents. - Tsey hotel lie down її fathers.

  • happen to- trapletsya s

What happened to you? - What was wrong with you?

  • listen to- hear

You are not listening to me! - You can't hear me!

  • object to- zaperechuvati

He objected to my suggestion. - Winning against my propositions.

  • pay attention to- give respect to

Pay attention to small details. - Pay attention to the details.

  • prefer to- give precedence

I prefer coffee to tea. - I will have some tea.

  • reply to- acknowledgment to

I replied to your email. - I've received your email.

  • refer to- ask for

Please refer to the study. - Be kind, give me the strength to do it.

  • seem to- Say hello to someone

He seems strange to me. - Meni wines are wonderful.

  • speak to/talk to- speak kimos

Can I speak to Mr. brown please? - Can I speak to Mr. Brown?

Dієslova with a receiver WITH

  • agree with- cheer up

I agree with you but…

  • compare with\to- pay attention to

Don't compare movies with books. - Don't compare movies with books.

  • deal with- mother right s

I had to deal with some bad people. - I had a mother on the right of filthy people.

  • fill with- Remind me

Her eyes filled with tears. – Її eyes filled with tears.

  • supply\provide with- Be safe chimos, hit

Our companies supplies them with food. – Our company provides the products.

Applicants with a successor to the English language

In the okrema, a small group of vartos can see the following “dієslovo to be + prikmetnik + priymennik”. Let's take a look at the main examples from the receiver.

  • be concerned about- turbulent about shchos

I'm sorry about your behavior. - I don't care about your behavior.

  • be worried about- boast about shchos, worry about someone

I am worried about our children. “I brag about our children.

  • be sure about- be sung by chomus

Do you think about your theory? – Are you inspired by your theory?

  • be upset about- buti confuse through shchos

He is upset about budget cuts. - Vіn embarrassment through short budget.

  • be nervous about- unnerve, worry through shchos

Voni is nervous about my wedding. - The stench gets nervous through the veil.

  • be good at- remember, be good at someone else

What a lad is a really good shooting hour. - This lad is really good at shooting.

  • be bad at- it's bad to die

Sorry, I'm really bad at singing. - Vibachte, I'm sleeping badly.

  • be surprised by- zdivuvatisya chomus

I was surprised by my uncle's visit. - I was looking forward to the visit of my uncle.

  • be responsible for- vouch for

Human is responsible for what is happening to the world. - The person is commended for those who are in the light.

  • be suitable for- Suitable for Chogos

Your transmission is not an adjective for gіr. - Your equipment is not suitable for gir.

  • be good for– be corny for

Running is good for your health. - Bіg korisny for zdorov'ya.

  • be bad for- be shkidlivy for

Really, boy is bad for pigeons. - Really shkidlivy bread for pigeons.

  • be late for- stop by, until

I was late for dinner. - I spiznivsya on obid.

  • be familiar with- be aware of

I am familiar with the rules but I can't play. - I know the rules, but I can’t play.

  • be fond of- love shoss

My wife is fond of art. - My squad loves painting.

  • be in charge of- be vidpovіdalnym for shchos, be headstrong

Who is in charge of this city? - Who is the head of which city?

  • be short of- look out for a little chomus

We are really short of time. - We are already married for an hour.

  • be afraid of- be afraid of someone, something

I am not afraid of mosquitoes. - I'm not afraid of mosquitoes.

  • ru ashamed of- soromitis someone, chogos

I am ashamed of what I said. - I am ashamed of what I said.

  • be proud of- write kimos, chimos

company є pass their employees. – The company is written by its practitioners.

  • be experienced in– be aware of someone else

He is experienced in tracking wild animals. - Vіn dosvіdcheny stozhennі wild creatures.

  • be interested in- chimos chimos

I am interested in mathematics and physics. - Don't talk about mathematics and physics.

  • be busy with- get busy

I'm busy with work. - I'm doing a job.

  • be satisfied with- be satisfied with chimos

Are you satisfied with the result? – Are you satisfied with the result?

Especially vipadki

Okremo need to see virazi be happy, be disappointed with receiver. Fallen water from the receiver of the stench changes the sens.

Be disappointed with, in, by

Today be disappointed with receivers with, in, by different types disappointment.

  • be disappointed with- The most infamous way to win roses

With the drive with mi otrimuєmo rozcharuvannya have infamous sensi: schos chi htos not really ochіkuvan.

I'm disappointed with my new phone, it's too heavy. - I'm disappointed with my new phone, it's important.

I am disappointed with our new driver. He was late for his first shift. - I am disappointed in our new water. Vіn zapіznivsya for the first change.

  • be disappointed in- rozcharuvatisya in people, spend faith in people

We say be disappointed in, if it is necessary to express a serious rozcharuvannya in people. Mayzhe vtratu vіri in people.

The mason boove disappointed in yogo apprentice. The boy couldn't even learn the basics. - Mulyar buv roses at the submaster. The lad did not know how to learn the basics.

  • be disappointed by- buti rozcharovanim chimos sing

Transferring to the court, that the rozcharuvannya boulo zavdno chimos or kimos. It is possible to boldly say that it is a concrete fact that it is possible to be disappointed.

Investors buli disappointed by the news. – Investors were delighted with the news.

I'm so disappointed by Your efficiency. - I'm so disappointed by your whistle.

Be happy with, for, about

  • be happy with- be satisfied, we will be pleased with chimos

Russian my be happy with me is translated, sooner, not like "be happy", but like "be happy". Vikoristovuemo this turn, if we are all in power.

Are you happy with your new working schedule? - Do you like your new work schedule?

I am happy with the result. – I am already satisfied with the result.

Be happy with can mean literally “be happy from kimos”:

I am happy with my family. - I am happy with my homeland.

  • be happy for- be happy for someone

We are so happy for our children! – We are so happy for our children!

I am happy for you. - I'm happy for you.

  • be happy about- happy chomus, be happy chomus

I'm not good about profession I had chosen. - I'm not a radiant profession, I choose it.

I am happy about the news like my brother. - I am a radiant novelty, we will take away the appearance of a brother.

Friends! I am often nourished, but at the same time I am not engaged in tutoring. If you need a teacher, I ALWAYS recommend it - there are readers who wear (and don’t wear) mov 👅 for all the fluctuations of life and try it for you!


In order to connect the applicator with the other members of the proposition, it is necessary to select the apprentices. Call for an apprentice and follow an apprentice name-list, borrower abo English in English form. At this school of Anastasia, we looked at a sprinkling of structures "Prikmetnik + Priymennik", yakі dosit often vikoristovuyutsya at the movement.

good/nice/kind/generous/stupid of you to do something - kindly / generously / badly from your (your) side
good/nice/friendly/kind/polite/rude to somebody - kindly / friendly / courteous / rude by age to anyone
angry/furious/annoyed about something - Evil / lyutі z the drive of something, dissatisfaction with someone else
excited/nervous/worried about something - shaking (positive) / nerve-wracking / turbulence from the drive of the chogos
angry/furious/annoyed with somebody - Evil / lyutі on someone, dissatisfaction be-kim
satisfied/pleased/delighted/disappointed with something- satisfaction / satisfaction / embarrassment

Scenario lesson

Hello everyone!

Priymenniki, priymennikov, tse just head bіl dermal, who can teach English language. Ale, don’t run into them, so let’s take a look today at the practical apprentices and the followers, with such stench you get used to. My name is Anastasia, the PE channel ...

In one of the past videos, we talked about the words of the successors. Even though you did not marvel, go for the alms of the mountains. Today, let's talk about prikmetniki and priymennikami.

As a rule, in order to hang out a thought, it is not enough for us to make one prikmetnik. You need a bribe, some kind of link between the clerk and the name, the borrower, or the figurative in the english form. (Adj.+Prep.+Noun/Pronoun/Ving) Sound the victorious formula itself. At one time, this construction establishes its own small phrase with its own meanings. There are a great number of such constructions in English language, and today we can see only a few of them.

It was generous of you to do that.
At to this particular type we translate this construction for additional words “from your / your side”.
Bulo cute chi lovingly / / generously / stupidly from your side tse robiti.

And how, for example, I want to say, about the good chi filthy setting before anyone?

Here I need a prikmetnik with a TO drive.

He is so good/ nice/friendly/ kind/ rude/ to Kate.
Vin is so kindly placed before Kate.
Vin is so sweet/friendly/kind/rude in terms of age to Kate

Sometimes we get embarrassed, or we get angry because of some kind of drive, or at the moment:

My mum is angry / furious /annoyed/ pro waiting for so long..
My mother is angry with the drive of such a trivial ochіkuvannya.
My mother is not happy with such trivial ochіkuvannyam. Її fight so long check.

However, if we are angry at someone, then we need another reason:

Don't be angry//furious/annoyed with me!
Don't be angry with me!

If we want to say what we can feel a little through the situation, we can win the ABOUT:

I knew about those going to Fiji.
I have a bad trip to Fiji.

I am nervous/worried about meeting him.
I get nervous, I boast about the drive / through the sound of it.


Are you satisfied with your exam results? - Are you satisfied with the results of your sleep?
I am pleased/delighted with the present you gave me. - I am a happy gift, which you gave me.
I am disappointed with your speech.

Deyakі prikmetniki can vikoristovuvatsya only with one drive, but in others they can be sprat, sens can vіdіznyatisya. for example, a happy apprentice can get used to the drive about and with.

Are you happy about getting the presents? You radium, scho otrimav gifts?
Here we winkoristavo privіd pro, tk. Go about the podia - Htos having taken away the gifts and we ckavo chi radii vin. However:

- Do you need a gift, which one did I give you?
Happy with victorious, if the language is about those who deserve it, vlashtov, pleases those who can.

Otzhe, in conclusion, I want to say that the choice of the priymennik is individual for the skin applica- tion , so you are not convinced that it is a kind of victorious act, you have to consult with a dictionary. In the article, according to the application you need, it can be assigned with some kind of drives, it can be victorious. We chose only a small number of illustrators, some of the most experienced.

Why is everything! Do not forget to follow the right lessons after the lessons, so that you can better remember the new material. Good luck everyone! Boo!

1. Prepositions with nouns

Names with drive by
by accident - hatefully
by chance - vipadkovo
by mistake - pardon
by the way - before speech, between others
by your favor / with your permission - with your permission

Names with drive for
for a walk/swim - walk swim skinny.
for breakfast/lunch too thin. - on snіdanok / obіd then.

Names with drive on
on holiday/business/a trip/an cruise
on the radio/television - by radio/television

Names with receiver in
in case - at times
in fact - actually true in fact
in somebody "s opinion - on the thought of anyone

2. Prepositions with adjectives

Applicators with receiver at
to be shocked/surprised at / by - buti is hostile / zdovanim toscho. besides
to be bad/good/hopeless at - don’t mother the good (success) / mother the good (success) / be hopeless, etc. have some kind of activity

Applicants with receiver of
to be aware of - to be aware of
to be afraid / frightened of buti - let's go over / go over be-chim or be-kim; be afraid
to be ashamed/proud of
to be full of - buti povnim chogos (strength, energy)
to be fond of - love shos
to be jealous/envious of
to be tired of
it is nice (kind/good/stupid/impolite skinny) of someone from whose side

Driven pickups about
to be angry/annoyed about

Applicators with receiver for
be / feel sorry for smb. - shkoduvati / spіvchuvati be-to whom
to be famous for - buti vіdomim chimos (record, vchink toshcho)
to be responsible for

Applicators with receiver in
in general in - zagalom, vzagali
to be interested in

Applicants with Receiver with
to be disappointed/satisfied with

Applicators with receiver to
to be glad to meet smb. - buti radim get to know be-kim
to be similar to - be similar to
to be married / engaged to - buti friendly (friendly) / enlisted
it is nice to meet you - welcome to get to know you

3. Prepositions with verbs

Diaslova with drive for
apply for - apply for
care for - pikluvatisya about
go for a (walk/swim) - go for a (walk/drink swim)
look for- look after
search for -
punish for - punish for
wait for chekati - be-whom, be-whom

Diezlova with drive to
belong to - lie
listen to - listen to, be someone
happen to
speak to / with - speak with

Dієslova with a successor in
believe in - believe in
succeed in - prosper in

English with about/of drive
complain about - complain about
consist of - add up
dream about/of - dream about
think about/of - think about
remind of - be similar, guess

Dієslova with a successor at
laugh at - laugh at
mock at
look at - marvel at
shout at - shout at

Diewords with drive on
be on go
depend on - deposits
live on - live on
insist on - insist on
rely on - swear on

Diezlova with drive after
look after - look after

Dieslova with drive through
look through - look over (newspaper, magazine)

Driven words by
stand by buti - nearby, buti preparing to come to the rescue

Diezlova with the drive from
suffer from - suffer from

Diewords with drive off
be off - virushati
put something off - add, transfer

Diezlova with around/about drive
wait around/about - check

Dієslova with drive up
get up - rise, get up
wake up - roll over, wake up

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Receivers after application:
afraid of / for
answerable + for/to
anxious + about/for
bad or good + at/for
good + about/to/with
concerned + about/with
glad + for/of and others

Deyaki prikmetniki, ring out, vikoristovuyutsya with specific priymennikami. Information about them can be found in a good dictionary. Here we will look at the deacies of the prikmetniks, yak different values. Vivchit qi apply.

Afraid + for/of
Jane used always to be afraid of swimming. Jane used to be afraid of swimming.
My son has tried to prepare for examination, afraid for his examination. My son was trying to get ready to sleep, fearing for his sleep.

Angry or annoyed + about/with
My wife felt a great deal annoyed about being late. (About something). My retinue felt the trochs torn apart about those who are sleeping.
My cousin is not angry with your sister, Vault.
(with somebody) My cousin doesn't get mad at your sister, Volt.

answerable + for/to- vіdpovidalny + for / before
Ted was answerable for (=responsible for) project that had not been approved. Ted gave credit for a project that didn't get praised.
Last 2 committees boules answerable only to (=
explained their actions, before) the President. The two remaining Committees were nods to the President.

anxious + about/for
My friend Todd is increasingly anxious about
(=worried about) his son's health. My friend Tod was taken over by the health of his son.
My sister has been anxious for (= wanted very much) the brambores to be planted as soon as possible.
My sister was turbulent by planting potatoes for the shortest term.
bad or good + at/for
The stench was even worse / good on the road. (=successful) - They don't have much living/building before water.
You are guilty of drink.
It "s bad / good for you. (= I'm healthy)
You are guilty of drinking. Tse good / bad for
your health. (= healthy)

good + about/to/with
Victoria felt bad about losing the prize.
(= Satisfied with myself) Viktoria thought, she was dissatisfied with herself if I program.

concerned + about/with
We are very concerned about your exam results.
(= turbo)
This person on window is concerned with (=about) his.

glad + for/of
He is very glad for us. Vin is happy for us.
My mom would be glad of some help.

pleased + about/at/with
Were they pleased about/at this information?
Pong is really pleased with his new helicopter.

right + about/for
Timothy is right about Tony. He has moved to
I think this house is right for you.

sorry + about/for
sorry about smth/for doing smth
to be/feel sorry for somebody
We are sorry about telling you the wrong information.
Buli deysno sorry for Victor.

Behind the idiom is the following prikmetnik + priymennik + idioslovo z –ing form:
We didn't agree with smacking a child if he did the bad thing.

Phrases with prepositions Stays virazi with successors

In the English language, there are a number of stable viruses with applica- tions, as it is necessary to remember:
1. Prepositions with nouns
a. Names with drive by
by mistake pomilkovo
by accident
by chance vipadkovo
by the way to speech, between others
by your favor/with your permission
b. Names with drive for
for a walk/swim walk swim too thin.
for breakfast/lunch too thin. for credit/obid and in.
in. Names with receiver in
in somebody "s opinion on the thought of anyone
in fact
in case
on the radio/television too. by radio/television
on holiday/business/a trip/an cruise at the exit / at the train / at the train / on the excursion / at the cruise too.
2. Prepositions with adjectives
a. Applicants with receiver of
to be afraid / frightened of buti zlyakanim / nalyakanim chimos chi kimos; be afraid
to be ashamed / proud of soromity / write chimos abo be-kim
to be aware of
to be fond of love
to be full of buti povnim chogos (strength, energy)
to be jealous/envious of
to be tired of
it is nice (kind/good/stupid/impolite etc.) of someone from whose side
b. Applicators with receiver at
to be bad/good/hopeless at don’t mother of happiness (success) / mother of happiness (success) / be hopeless toshcho. have some kind of activity
to be shocked/surprised at / by buti is hostile / zdivovanim toshcho. besides
in. Applicants with Receiver with
to be disappointed/satisfied with buti
to be angry/annoyed about
to be responsible for
to be famous for buti v_domim chimos (record, vchinka toscho)
be / feel sorry for smb. shkoduvati / spіvchuvati be-to whom
e. Prikmetniki with priymennik in
to be interested in Tskavitisya
in general
and. Applicators with receiver to
to be similar to
to be glad to meet smb. buti radim get to know be-kim
to be married/engaged to be friendly (friendly)/engaged
it is nice to meet you
3. Prepositions with verbs
a. Diaslova with drive for
apply for
care for
look for
punish for
search for shukati
wait for checky what-nebud, be-someone
go for a (walk/swim)
b. Dієslova with a successor in
believe in
succeed in flourish
in. Diezlova with drive to
belong to lie
happen to tramp
listen to
speak to/with
complain about
dream about/of
think about/of
consist of
remind of look yak
d. Dієslova with drive on
depend on deposits
insist on
live on
rely on
be on go
e. Dієslova with a successor at
laugh at
mock at
look at
shout at
and. Diezlova with drive after
look after
h. Dieslova with drive through
look through (newspaper, magazine)
in. Diezlova with the drive from
suffer from
k. Dієslova with drive by
stand by buti nearby, buti preparing to come to the rescue
l. Diewords with drive off
be off
put something off
m. Dієslova with around/about drive
wait around/about check
n. Dієslova with drive up
wake up
get up

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