Pieces have no meaning. Negative part "nі" and "nі": rules, applications. How to live "nі": apply

Chastka NOT you can write in three words at once, or else, part of ND be written with the usual words, krim of negative suffixes (no stars, none) and borrowers without a successor ( nobody, ale no one). In order to properly implant the part NOT the one on the sheet, it is necessary separating their meanings .

The value of the part is NOT

1. Zarechennya: often DO NOT give propositions to the okrem word of a negative change: Don't go there! - Negative change of all propositions; Tsya rіch lay not me - Negative zmіst okremy words.

2. Confirmation with subway locking: Chastka, which is repeated, is NOT (the first is not before the slashing, the friend is not - before the undefined form of the other slogan) may be a solid mark: don't know for a moment = know. In case of guilt, consume, duties: not a moment not to say = maw say.

3. Confirmation at the request-hailing propositions: in similar speeches (rhetorical quotes) there is often no solid answer: De I did not pobuvav! (= screeching); Who is not visiting me! (= Everyone was visiting).

The value of the HI part

1. Forbidden in speeches without pіdlyagaє: part HІ means a listing in the speeches without that generic advice: There is no haze in the sky; Nearly no sound; Nі z mіstsya! Any words! Chastka І at times is strong enough to be recounted, as if to be on the verge. The word NI is negative, otherwise the award, with which є NOT, is omitted.

2. Stronger locking: if in the speech there is a recitation (the word nі, often not with a dієslovі-assignment, a diprikmetnik or a descriptive adjective), then HI will use the recitation: There is no haze in the sky; not seeming to be a desirable word; not marveling neither right-handed nor left-handed. In this way, a part of НІ can be omitted, the sense of the proposition does not change, the loss is only a hint of strength: I didn’t have a good time to think about it. - I don't think about it. Similar vibrations are required to be resurrected in the case of a subfolding part of NOT for the recognition of hardening. Let's take a look: Vіn not a moment not to know and not to say - a solid sense (win knowing and saying); Vіn not a moment to know, not to guess - Negative zmist, you can’t figure it out (you couldn’t know or guess).

3. Confirmation and confirmation of the following of prominent borrowers and servants of a successor: part of the ND gives a hint of a solid meaning to the words who, what, de, if, skilki and so on, yakі є zasobom linking the adnexal proposition with the head. Who does not come, everyone is here for the sake of = be-like a person will come; Skіlki without being surprised, without mentioning anything = for a long time, astonished; De not buvav, skrіz knowing friends \u003d buvav at different places. Podіbnі vіpadki treba vіdіznyati vіd tih folded words, in some appendages may negative valueі in which it is often written NOT. Let's take a look: Who does not read the whole book, that much that you do not know - sometimes has a negative meaning, it doesn’t change (the book has not been read); Whoever does not read this book, everyone deserves it - podryadne maє solid zmist, diya zdijsnen (the book is read).

Get respect! Part HI, which is repeated with the same members, looks like happy couple: Not cool no sound, no sherekh.

It is necessary to remember!

1. How the part is repeated staunchly pronounced , then coma between the parts of which turnover is not put:

No more no less Nі so nі nі Neither day nor night
No end, no edge Not a lot, not a little Not yourself to people
No article no system No back, no forward No date, no take
No two, no second Neither alive nor dead Not for what not about what
Neither ours nor yours No vaccination Neither fish nor meat
No light, no dawn No fluff or feathers Neither hearing nor spirit
None of this, none of that Nі there nі sim None of these
No here, no here Nі cunningly nі rollo No way

2. When it is written NOT, and when - NI? (When written separately)

Table "Parts NOT and NI"

Slid razraznyat spelling chastok, scho not vdaryayutsya. NOTі NI. Parts of qi are distinguished for their meanings and for living.

1. Chastka NOT vikoristovuetsya for zaperechennya, for example: I'm not talking about tse. I'm not talking about tse. I'm not talking about tse.

tsієї parts:

a) For the presence of a negative part NOT and in the first, and in the other part of the warehouse diesel award, the proposition takes a solid charge, for example: I can’t help guessing ... (that’s what I can guess).

b) In nutritional and oklichnyh propositions, a part NOT adjoining to borrowers, adhering to those particles, satisfying them daily: like not, who is not, who is only not, de not, de only not, what is not, what is not, what is not only thin;

here come the power propositions of the day not - chi, for example : Well, how can you not please a dear person! (Griboyedov).

c) Have joined with the union Booway particle NOT get used to the appendages of the hour, which signifies the boundary, to the extent that it is three times, it is pronounced by the attachment of the head speech, for example: Sit here, the docks will not come.

d) Chastka NOT to enter the warehouse of stable days: chi no, chi no, hardly chi no, what does the admission mean, far from, not at all, not antrohi, not antrohi, zovsim not, what does it mean to be stronger, for example: chi is not the best shooter.

e) Chastka NOT to enter the warehouse of unions: not those; chi that - chi those; not only - ale; not those that are not - but; not those shchob not - but, for example: Go to the ring and go; for I will hurt those whom you do not appreciate (Pushkin).

2. Chastka NI vikoristovuetsya for strengthening the recursion, for example: I can’t profit anywhere with a brush (Krilov).

Part that repeats NI nabuvaє the value of the split, for example: Nowhere you can see no water, no trees (Chekhov).

It is necessary to pay respect to okremi vipadki vzhivannya particles NI:

a) Chastka NI get used to the adjudication at the appendages to strengthen the solid sensation, for example: Hear yoga from everyone, no punishment (Pushkin).

Particle NI and additional words of the designated type adjoin to a prominent word, or to a union, and to that supplementary propositions repent by the following: hto nі, hto b nі, sho nі, sho b nі, yak nі, yak nі, skіlki nі, skіlki b nі, kudi nі, kudi b nі, de nі, de b nі, yaky nі, yaky bi nі, chy nі , whose bi nі, if nі, if not etc.

Tsi have gone up to some kind of stable wraps: where it didn’t go, the stars don’t take, be-scho-be etc.

b) Chastka NI zustrіchaєtsya at stіykikh podnannyah, yakі may mean the meaning of a categorical order, for example: not a month, not a short distance, not a word etc.

c) Chastka NI enter the warehouse of negative borrowers:

no one, no one (no one) and so on;

nothing, nothing (nothing) and so on;

none, good (not in any) and so on;

nothing, nothing (no one) and etc.

ta prislіvnikіv: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , as well as to the warehouse of the part - Do not be .

write NI in stable cases, borrowers enter into yak, for example: left to nothing, left to nothing, known for nothing.

d) Podviyne NI to enter at the turn of the turn, which are the two to understand what to oppose, for example: neither alive nor dead; none of these; neither fish nor meat; neither date nor take; neither horn nor crow etc.

Do not write together:

1. At the borrowers, like a part NI not vodokremlena in the form of an offensive borrower by a receiver, for example: nobody, nothing, no one, nothing, no one, no one, no one, no one, ALE: not in anyone, not with yakim toshcho.

2. At the clerks no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no and in particles -Do not be.

In all other ways part is not written okremo.

Note. Sliding wraps not someone else, like..., nothing else, like... number of turnovers nobody else is ...; nothing else... .

2. Spelling of the part NOT

Written list not lie in the same way not part of the word (prefix) chi okremim word - negative part. prefix not- written at once with the next part of the word following it, part not be written okremo with the next word after it. SR, for example: Not punishment is terrible - your disgrace is terrible(P.).

Difficult for the one who writes, swears in separate parts and prefixes.

Particle not chanting, not creating a new word, just like for an additional prefix not- the word is being created, porіvn.: Chi is not a reason for this, but a commonі By the way, the lack of knowledge(P.).

Three words of some grammatical divisions not maybe it’s written more than okay, with the words of other rows - at once, and okay. Krіm moreover, іsnuyet mind, yakі vyznachayut less anger writing not independent of the grammatical order of words. Tilki okremo spelled zaperechennya not , What can be seen to the whole word-finding.

Do not write together:

1. In all moods, if not a word does not get used without a negative part, for example: neviglas.

2. From the names, as if the word was given a new word, with a different meaning, for example: enemy, bad luck, like a recitation to a word, like a maє tsієї parts, a meaning of a counterpoint, a recount.

3. Remember that with short prikmetniks and with suffixes on -o (-e), as well as s NOT to serve not for the denial of any understanding, but for the expression of a new, protile understanding, for example: unhealthy looking

(Tobto sore).

4. With the help of diversifications, with some explanatory words, for example: Unfinished (practice),(In such vipadkah, communion is close to the meanings of the word).

Note. With explanatory words, what do the rіven yakosti mean, NOT with a dieprikmetnik it is written at once (in these cases, the sacrament is NOT close to prikmetniki), for example: in the edge of a thoughtless decision, absolutely inappropriate butt, ale: butt that does not fit the rule at all(Not to be spelled okremo through the presence of an explanatory word before the rule).

5. With borrowers, if NOT in the case of an attacking borrower not confirmed by a borrower, for example: htos, schos, nobody, nothing ( ALE: in no one, no to what, no kim, no for what, no for what).

At borrowers' servants, for example: if, nowhere, nowhere, no stars.

6. At the clerks nothing (The meaning is "without a purpose", for example: there is nothing to go there), reluctantly ; that pryymennikovyh irrespective of, irrespective of ;

at the power part not the same .

7. At the devil's prefix under-, which signifies the inconsistency of the necessary norm, for example: nedovikonati (viconati lower for the required norm).

Note. Vіd dієslіv z prefix under- it is necessary to revise the dialect with a prefix before-, yakі moyut in front of yourself not And so, which means not brought to the end, for example: don't read the book.

Do not write okremo:

1. With dієslov, including і with dієprislіvnikovyh forms, for example: won't p'є.

Note. Living in a spacious and deaf form nowhere, numb, numb write together.

2. When dieprikmetnikah:

a) in the short form, for example: borg is not fused, there are no booths, the coat is not sewn;

b) in a new form, if with the participle there are explanatory words, as well as the same, if with the participle there is an omission, for example: Vіn brіs not finished the work, draw less okrі.

3. With namemen, prikmetniks and clerks, as if it were on the uvazit, for example: not success inoculating us to success, but vitrima and cold-bloodedness.

Note. Sliding respect for deyaki vipadki razdіlnogo writing part. Chastka is not written okremo:

a) as if with a clerk, communion or a clerk as an explanatory word to stand a borrower, which is based on NI, for example: to no one (for no one else) need rich, no pardon is heard, no one can see for it;

b) how not to enter the warehouse of subsidiaries far from and so on, what to change to a name-bearer, a clerk, or a clerk, for example: vin zovsim is not a friend of us.

4. With borrowers and borrowers' servants, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like that, otherwise, not like that.

Note. Philosophical term not me written with a hyphen.

5. With subsidiaries, as well as with apprentices and splits, for example: not better, not familiar, not familiar, not s..., not pid..., not the same... not the same.

Okremo spelled viraz not once , for example: Repeatedly vin zvonuvachuvav yourself at the zayvoї care (Fadєєv).

6. With unchanging words, not illuminated by the views of prikmetniks and yak, they appear at the speech like a prize, for example: not required, not against, not Skoda.

7. With all words that are written with a hyphen, for example: everything is not commercial

promissory undertaking; said not Russian; sleep not in the old way.

DIVISION 2. Syntax and punctuation. Orthoepic and grammatical norms of language .

Topic 2.1.Punctuation in a simple uncomplicated proposition (punctuation marks in the end of the speech, a dash between the members of the speech).

Think about meaning

The main meaning of the part not - Locked up.

Chastka not write:

  1. With different parts of the mov to convey the meaning of the list: not I believe not garniy, not good, not once and etc.
  2. For negative borrowers: not to whom, not why, not' kim, not chim etc. If the stench gets used to the successors, then it is written okremo: є from whom, nі z chim ...
  3. For unimportant borrowers: not who, not what.
  4. In rhetorical phrases: Yak not love yoga?(= It is impossible not to love), Who not know the verse?(= Must know).
  5. In stable people of different genus: trochs not; ice ice not; ledwe not; ledwe-ledwe not; Booway not; only not; not those; not then... not those; not only, a y; not those sho (not) ... but; not those shchob ... a; not so schob ... a; zovsim not, long away not, chi not, hardly chi not, anіtrochs not, anіtrochs not, even n_yak not, trochs not, ledwe not, not more than not bigger yak, as well as in stable lexical words: not for the address not on fire, not on your own, not god knows not sin, not by the teeth not making friends that in.


Borrowers not in a loud voice, and no without voice.
Insignificant borrowers not whoі not what do not use indirect widminkas.

Think about meaning:

1)joden(nіhto) - not alone(rich): Joden did not kill the task! - Vіn skipping lessons more than once.
never(n_koli) - not once(rich): I have not once been in it at home. - More than once I was at her house.
antrochs(nitrochi) - chimalo(rich): nitrohi not zbentezhit - the nobility chimalo tsіkavogo.

1. Like a verbal part NOT to go in loudly to the warehouse of insignificant and negative borrowers and servants ( htos, deshcho, dekilka, dekogo, not de). 1. Like a wordless part NI to enter the warehouse of negative borrowers and servants ( none', none', none', no one', nowhere').
2. Chastka NOT vikoristovuєtsya as the main transcendence of what is signified by the word, to what extent it can be seen behind the zmіst. Eg..: Tse life, not caught bronze, black, not uvіyshov to volіv. 2. For a solid sense, a part of the І vikoristovuєtsya in a row at the same time from the borrowers, servants ( who nі, what nі, what nі, where b nі, de nі, skilki nі and etc.). Eg..: Kudi b us no threw a share and happiness wherever led, you yourself.
3. Chastka NOT you can win in recensions with subvintage records - in the 1st and in the 2nd parts of the warehouse allotment. Eg..: Don't know for a moment(Tobto is guilty of the nobility). Can't help but know(So ​​you need to know). In these moods, the proposition is filled with a solid zmist. 3. Chastka NI serve as a reinforcement. Eg..: To the one who is all in the snow, vzimku no greenery, no I can't bloom. In this way, a part cannot be but, or it is replaced by a union І, otherwise it is omitted, and the main change of the proposition does not change. (!!! Partial NOT do not allow such a substitution, it cannot be omitted, because this proposition to the mother is a different one)
4. Chastka NOT hardly chi not, chi not, little not, zovsim not, and also to the warehouse not those ... not those, not only ... but, not those who are not ... but, not those who are not ... but. 4. Chastka NI enter the warehouse of stable days no date, no take, no fluff, no feather, no hearing, no spirit, no time, no day, no night, no light, no dawn.
5. Chastka NOT vikoristovuetsya at adnexal propositions to the hour from the splits Boowayі poki. Eg..: Kui zalizo, so far cold. Praquy, not yet call out.
6. Chastka NOT get used to calling and asking (often with frequent only). Eg.: De vin only not buvav ? Yakі tіlki thoughts not came to mind !
The next difference in writing today: not alone(and rich, sprat) that joden(nіhto), not once(a lot of times) that never(Nikoli, zovsim). Eg..: At the fox i buv not alone(And there was a lot of people) Zhodin with the excursionists did not sleep until the train (no one slept). Mi not once boules at Krimu (and boules are richly razіv). Mi never don’t be near Krimu (never be).

4. Spelling vigukiv

Let's go wiguki and sound-native words are written through a hyphen: Ah ah ah!; ge-ge-ge!; Ltd!; bang!

Warehouses wiguki spelled okremo: axis wow!; bula not bula!; where ours did not disappear!; say for mercy!; vine: fathers-svіtla!

Topic: Introductory words and phrases

I. Introductory words and phrases are seen komami.

The number of the main groups of introductory words is divided according to their values:

1. introductory words a little promotion(Joy, pity, surprise, etc.)

for happiness, for happiness, for happiness, for happiness, for joy, for pity, for pity, for pity, for spoiling, for zhah, for rubbish, for happiness, for joy, for bіdu, what a good, not equal year, nothing sin taiti, marvelous on the right that in.

Eg. Dyakuyu shche, they nailed it to a haystack, otherwise they all froze clean.

go, why is it important to cope with such a state?

2. st.words that turn assessment rhetoric confidence level remembrance

outrageously, without a doubt, without any doubt, obviously, madly, sensibly, consciously, impeccably, defiantly, sing-songly, possibly, truly, humbly, according to everything, imovirnosti, maybe, maybe, maybe, guilty, hello, hello, hello , perhaps, true true, true, what is wrong, in essence, in essence, in essence, right, tea, I need to think, I think, I guess, I guess and in.

Ex: I know right word, I know!

Vin, go out, do not shy away from anything.

3. st. words, what to say on zv'azok dumok, The sequence of their contributions:

otzhe, otzhe, navpak, navpak, far, nareshti, vtim, mizh іnshim, zagalom, zokrema, persh for everything, moreover, over those, for example, for example, smut, in such a rank, to speech, to speech to say, to speech to say , first, differently, from one side, from the other side, I repeat, I support that in.

Eg. so axis, Spell them in a different way.

A smut, go serve.

4. old words Ways to form thoughts:

in a word, in a word, in other words, in other words, otherwise seeming, briefly seeming, just seeming, softly hanging out, like you can say that, like you can say it like that, if I may say so, say it more simply, so be it, what it is called that in.

For example: We got to know іz suіdami аbo, vernishe with the helpers.

Yogo vitrimka, more precisely, yogo cold-bloodedness zavzhdi ryatuє yogo.

5. Art. words to indicate dzherelo povіdomlennya:

seem, remind, convey, for words ..., for statements ..., for a thought ..., for my thought, in our opinion, for your thought, for my glance, sensitively, for instructions, remember, slightly , moving, moving that in.

Eg. Behind the words of the captain, It takes two days to get to the nearest port.

ale, for a bit, as if a part of it fought incessantly under Kam'yansky.

6. words

turn yoga respect until reminder:

bachish (chi), bachite (chi), rozumієsh (chi), rozumієte (chi), know (chi), know (chi),

understand, understand, turn, listen, wait, show, show yourself,

vibachte, vibachte, virish (chi), be kind, have mercy, respect yourself, care

mercy, tell mercy, if you want to know that in.

For example: You are sly, confess if my youths threw a skein around your neck.

Reveal, our young people are already bored.

7. old words, what to say assessment of the world of what to go about:

most, least, accepted, no more that in.

For example: I without any holidays marveling at you as if in truth.

8. words to show steps of excellence of what to go about:

buvay, buvalo, traplyatsya, traplyas, like a zavzhdi, for zvichaєm that in.

For example: Offended by children, for the old-fashioned call of the old-world assistants, more

loved to eat.

9. old words, what to turn expressiveness:

in truth, according to conscience, in fairness, krim zhartiv, funny to say, not docile

be told, you need to be known, to be honest, to be known, to be honest, apparently,

between us seeming, between us be said that in.

For example: yourself, don't be angry, having blundered richly.

Nine juveniles, not in the image be it said, like ... sour.

Not є introductory and not seen as lumps of the word that phrase: maybe, pack, literally, nibi, for addition, for perfection, raptom, adje, zreshtoyu, axis, hardly, after all, navit, hardly chi, exclusively, itself, nibi, yak bi, yakraz, at the same time, mabut, n_yak, mayzhe, to that, approximately, approximately, moreover, moreover, simply, rіshuche, nibi, nibito, nibito ta іn (chastki, prislіvniki).

II. If the old word should stand after the re-arranging of the same terms of the speech and before the main word, then before the old art. dash, and after a new one - coma.

For example: Middle birds, coma, near dry grass - word, everywhere, navit at the window, I could see the approach of autumn.

III. If the word is on the cob, or on the basis of a vodokremlenny turnover (vodokremlennya, clarification, explanation, advent), then it is not a vodokremlyuetsya with the same sign of the turnover.

For example: And Petro Petrovich, take for rich signs, people are more important. Calmly sip the tube of smuggler, flint captain, maybe italian or greek.

IV. As if the old word is on the cob of turnover, laid in the arms, it is water-reinforced coma.

For example: Offended remembrance ( maybe, which they recently came up with) have secured wide respect for themselves.

Vv. coma, so the old word can be omitted or rearranged in another place of the proposition without damaging its structure.

Eg. however, On the battlefield, the first row - pіhotі.

If it’s a mistake or a permutation of the old word is impossible, then the coma should not be placed after the union.

Eg. And vtim if you don’t know anything, you can’t do anything to the Rhine.

VI. Fallen in the context of one and the same words, they act in the role of centuries. naturally, far, in such a way and others.

For example: It’s a pity, yoga hasn’t been a bit long, maybe what's wrong with you? – Vin maybe t tse robiti.

Vikladenі mirkuvannya naturally lead us to the right decision

pitanya ("natural rank"). – Vikladenі mirkuvannya , naturally,

lead us to the right virishennya nutrition (reasonable).

VII. Punctuation at words and phrases nareshti, zreshtoi, prote, zvichayno, vzagali, zagalom, at every time, at one’s own rank, truly, zokrema, head rank, smut, otzhe, navpaki, for example, accept, from a look, from one’s own side maє one’s own particularities.

1. Word nareshtiє let's enter, yakscho:

Vkazuє on zv'yazyok dumok and zakryvaє perekhuvannya:

Sivshi here on the mound in the steppe, or on the hillock above the river, or, nareshti, on the well-known rocks, blind hearing only the rustle of leaves;

I give an assessment of the fact from the look of someone who speaks or gets used to express impatience, to strengthen something: So go, come!

In the meanings "fid end", "finally", "after everything", "as a result of everything" the word nareshtiє prilivnik:

Nareshti everything was done right. Shvidko sent all the preparations, diamanti squads, nareshti and more of the daughter's dowry. ( practical tip: before you say a word, you can submit a part shchos: Nareshti we got away until the night (= Nareshti got away…). Adding a part - then it’s impossible to say a word.

2. Analogous vіdmіnіnіst є mizh funktієyu vstupnostі and єєyu otstavіni y podednannya in kіntsi kіntsіv:

I'm not a villain in kіntsi kіntsіvIn kіntsi kіntsіv the favor was achieved.

3. Word however Let's start, like to stand in the middle or like propositions.

For example: The weather was windy, windy, however, We don't need a travel companion. Stilki klopotu, however.

On the cob of speech, or as a link of the same members of the word however maximum value of the split ale and do not enter.

Eg. However the cunning politics of the old man did not form an antrohi.

4. Word well sound like coma like an opening.

Eg. well bagato means a sound. Back to back there were problems well.

But sometimes the word is sonic, with a tone of evocativeness, perekonanosti, gaining a solid part of the meaning and not being seen punctually. Eg. well so so.

5. Word vzagaliє we will enter and vodokremlyuєtsya, as if it were taken in by the meaning

"looked up ostensibly." For example: Similar articles, vzagali, be of interest. Vzagali I would like to know what happened.

In other ways, the word vzagali get used to like a servant different values:

Pushkin for Russian art is the same as Lomonosov for Russian education vzagali("zagal", "zagal"). Rozpalyuvati bagatya vin vzagali zaboroniv (“zavzhd”, “zovsіm”, “for all minds”).

Note. Possibility of adding a word seemingly can be a criterion for demarcating vv.words and members of a proposition:

food, before speech, put forward (“before speech”). Tobi, vlasne, you could b and not come (“Vlasne kazhuchi”). Zmіst tsіkaviy, butts perekonlivі, vyklad available, shorter, The book is korisna (“shorter than kazhuchi”). Turn to what has been said in truth, do not want to ("honestly seeming"). Mustache main robots, in essence, vzhe zakіnchenі (“Vlasne kazhuchi”). The weather was autumn or more precisely, predosіnnya (“more precisely kazhuchi”).

6. Word for example connected with offensive punctuation:

a) are seen in clods as if introductory: Mikola Artemovich loves to cross, for example about those, chi can people about'їhat the whole earth kula;

b) seen in clods at once with a turn, on the cob or in the kіntsі of any wines are known: for example near Moscow, bridges are filled with people;

c) vymagaє putting a coma in front of you that two-folds after yourself, as if to stand after the uttered word before same members: Deyakі mushrooms are more brittle. , for example: toadstool, satanic mushroom, fly agaric.

7. Word to mean let's enter, as if it is synonymous with words later,

became booty: So, to mean, You can't come today?

If the word means close to “meaning”, then the punctuation should lie in the same place

in speech:

a) In a position between a pdlyagayachim and an award, the word means to serve as a link between the head members, a dash is placed in front of it: Borotisya - to mean overcome;

b) In other cases, it is not recognized by any signs: Lyudina to mean immirno more, lower it is customary to think about him;

c) If it is found between the adnexal and head parts of the folding proposition, then it is seen as lumps: Now spring has come, to mean, be warm;

d) If it is possible to be found between parts of a non-split folded speech, then it is also seen as lumps: to mean, the lesson is over.

8. Turnover, which includes daily from the point of view, it seems that there can be a meaning "on a thought": from my point of view, away.

Even so, the meaning of “visible” may not be, it will not be waterproofed: Looking for novelty the book deserves respect.

Topic: Vіdokremlіnі i odnіdnі members of the river

Vіdokremlennya uzgodzhenih vyznachen

1. How is the appointment worth following the words that are being appointed.

For example: Andriy Gavrilovich, healthy the same day, having written a review.

2. A designated word has its own designation + 2 single designations.

Eg. Greatness sun, darknessі orange, sinks into the gloom, which is fast growing.

3. The golovne word is a special borrower (in the case of a special position).

Eg. Spring bliss of exhaustion I fell into a mimovilne forgetfulness.

4. Designated before the day head word.

For example: And now call, pidly, police.

5. Sounds like a sign, like standing on the head word.

Eg. Rebellious, viruvav over the city a hurricane.

The presence / appearance of Komi is determined by the peculiarities of the author's idea and intonation. Level:

In the wake of the long way, the children fell asleep quickly.

In the exhaustion of a long road, the children fell asleep quickly.

Clarification of clarifying members of the speech

Members of the proposition, which are being specified, are framed in any position. The constructions, which avenge additional reminders, which were needed in the process of development, are water-creamed in clods. Such constructions are most often associated with words navit, especially, especially, for example, head rank, zokrema, before that, ta y, ta y vzagali. Eg. .: Do not need to be wise and mischievous reader , ta th to himself.

Razdіlovі signs with the same members of the river

Uniform- members of the speech, yakі vykonuyut one and the same function in the rechenni and pov'yazanі with one and the same word. butt . Vin buvav at all evenings, theatrical premieres, concertsі balls, good dancingі knowing all new dances.

1 . With the same members of the speeches, tied bezspіlkovy zv'azkom coma is victorious. butt . Rozbity extinguished in the winds barges, thrown chovni, boards, decks, dahi, kistyaks tsilih budinkiv, virvani z root tree.

Note. Not followed by different signs of the stalk of turnover (such as let's talk about those), warehouse names, terms ( pasteurized sturgeon caviar, teaspoon cupronickel), as well as the words, which stand in the same and the same grammatical form, which signify the movement and yoga of the qil ( come and have a drink, come see, sit and sew).

2 . Homogeneous members of the speech, tied with non-repeated writing spells, podіlyayutsya coma:

a) with opposite alliances ( a, ale, so = ale, zate, prote ). butt . Tse Bulo is not similar ale funny;

b) with adventitious splits ( yes, that ). butt . Now everything is past , ta th no matter.

І don't succumb to anyone at:

a) happy splits ( so = i, i ). butt . From the root of the wind і with the tops of the yalinkas.

b) split splits ( abo, abo ). butt . Early or damn you need to turn around.

Note. For subsidiaries of the type taking that and pishov, nі-nі ta y vіdvіduvali, young і і unemployed, know їхі those radino before the union no coma .

3 . Between the same members of the speech, united repeating unions: i…i, so…so, nі…nі, chi…any, chi…chi, chi…obo, those…then, not those…not that −, coma . butt . I caught a buwati і on the forge , і in theater. Mabut, pidkotiv vіn kamin ,or climb a tree , or standing on lava.

  1. Particle not vikoristovuetsya for zaperechennya, for example: I'm not talking about tse. I'm not talking about tse. I'm not talking about tse.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the surroundings of the vipadki vzhivannya tsієї chastki:
    1. For the presence of a negative part not and in the first, and in the other part of the warehouse diesel award, the proposition takes a solid charge, for example: I can't guess...(tobto is guilty of guessing), can't help but know...(So ​​you need to know).
    2. In nutritional and oklichnyh propositions, a part not adjoining to borrowers, adhering to those particles, satisfying them daily: yak not, who is not, who is not, de not, de tіlki not, chim not, what not, why not etc.; come join me for a meal not - chi, for example:
      Well, how can you not laugh at a dear person!(Griboyedov).
      Who has not cursed the station guards, who has not barked at them?(Pushkin).
      Why are you not good?(Pushkin).
      De vin only not buv! Why are you not bachiv! Chim is not a robot! Having outlined the light; don't you want to make friends?(Griboyedov).
      Why don't you want to, son?(Kriliv).
    3. Have a relationship with an alliance Booway particle not get used to the appendages of the hour, which signifies the boundary, to the extent that it is three times, it is pronounced by the attachment of the head speech, for example: Stay here until I come;
    4. Particle not to enter the warehouse of stable days: chi not, Mayzhe not, hardly chi, What does the admission mean, far from, not even, no antrochs, not at all, zovsіm nі, which means a stronger reversal, for example: chi is not the best shooter, not enough about the fifth year of the wound, no fair decision, zovsіm not filthy goods, far from a good idea;
    5. Particle not to enter the warehouse of unions: not those; not those - not those; not only - ale; not those who are not - but; not those shchab not - but, for example:
      Go to the ring and go; for I am hurting you with those that you do not check(Pushkin).
      Nagori behind the stele htos chi that stack, chi that laugh(Chekhiv).
      The partisans had no less than a guinea pig, ale i kulemeti(Stavsky).
  3. Particle no vikoristovuetsya for strengthening the recursion, for example:
    No brush anywhere I can profit(Kriliv).
    There was no enlightenment in the sky behind(Fadiev).
    A snowstorm to find one’s own once without marveling at the nourishing(Fadiev).
    The village now has no souls: everything is in the field(Fadiev).
  4. Part that repeats no nabuvaє the value of the split, for example:

    Nowhere was it visible, no water, no trees(Chekhiv).
    No music, no practice, no joys of dozville - nothing can replace a single friend(Pushkin).
    Ale natovpi bzhat, not hindering neither yogo, nor yogo tightness(Chekhiv).
    I don't know anyone, none of them(Turgenev).

    It is necessary to pay attention to the surroundings of the vipadki in the living quarters no:

    1. a) Chastka no get used to the adjudication at the appendages to strengthen the solid sensation, for example:
      Listen to yoga in everything, no punishment(Pushkin).
      Not a moment of yamba vіd chorea, like we fought, vіdіzniti(Pushkin).
      Where I don’t look around, life is thicker everywhere(Maikov).
      Who does not pass, praise the skin(Pushkin).
    2. Particle no in the appendages of the designated type, it goes up to a prominent word, or to the union, and to that appendages, the words start with the following: who is not, who wouldn't, what is not, what would, yak not, yak bi ni, skilki not, skilki would not, where not, wherever, de not, de b not, which is not, which would not, whose, whose bi is not, if not, if not etc.

      Tsi have gone up to some kind of stable wraps: where did not go, don't take the stars, what wouldn't have happened etc.

    3. b) Chastka no zustrіchaєtsya at stіykikh podnannyah, yakі may mean the meaning of a categorical order, for example: no month, not far away, any words etc.
    4. c) Chastka no enter the warehouse of negative borrowers: nobody, no one (no one) and so on; nothing, nothing (no matter what) and so on; none, none (at the same) and so on; nobody's, none (to no one) and so on. ta prislіvnikіv: never, nowhere, nowhere, news, no way, antrochs, darma, ani, as well as to the warehouse -Do not be.
    5. write no in stable cases, borrowers enter into yak, for example: filled with nothing, left out of nothing, sign for nothing.

    6. d) Podviyne no to enter at the turn of the turn, which are the two to understand what to oppose, for example: neither alive nor dead; none of these; neither fish nor meat; neither date nor take; neither horn nor crow etc.
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