Verbal and non-verbal splintering, having poured them into the people. Alternative nutrition in crossword puzzles for the word psychotherapy

Non-verbal movement

Non-verbal movement spitting - spitting, which is accompanied by accompanying movement non-verbal signals (gestures, mime, signals of callousness and behavior of movement, up to the voice of the voice). non-verbal communication - such a zasіb transmission from people to people, like verbal communication (verbal), non-verbal communication is no longer corrosive in other ways.

Non-verbal ways to splurge, supplement the language, and in certain moods, replace it (in such speeches, it seems - “to understand without words”).

Non-verbal signals have the following functions:

· Transfer information to a spymaster;

· To pour on a spіvrozmovnik;

· To pour on the one who speaks (self-injection).

In all three of these functions, non-verbal signals can be victorious either svіdomo or unsvіdomo.

Spivvіdnennia of verbal and non-verbal signals in splіlkuvannі

In the process of splintering verbal and non-verbal officials with a mutual splurge of mutual rank, prote є pevna asymmetry in that role at various stages of the act of communication.

So, at the thought of more linguists, non-verbal factors of communication may be of great importance at the stage of getting to know people one by one, at the stage of the first defeat, that at the process of creating categorization.

For the tribute of Petrova Є.A., when knowing, in the first two seconds, 92% of the information that is taken by the speakers is transmitted non-verbally. For її danimi, the main information about the mutuality of people is transmitted by svіvrozmovniks one to one in the first 20 minutes of splkuvannya.

The number of non-verbal signals is already great. There are close to 1000 non-verbal signals (according to A. Piz). Deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho tse number reaches 3-5 thousand, moreover, okremi signals may have a few options: close to 1000 postures, close to 20 thousand virazіv guise.

A. Piz to suggest to American fahivtsiv about the use of verbal and non-verbal information in speech: Professor A. Meyerbian introduces verbal information 7%, intonation 38% and non-verbal signals - 55%; Professor R. Birdwissle added 35% verbal factors and 65% non-verbal ones. A. Piz himself designates that the verbal channel is victorious by people, it is more important to transmit information about the call of the world, the call of the earth, that it is subject information, and the non-verbal channel for the discussion of inter-social remarks. It is also noted that the non-verbal signal carried approximately five times more information than the verbal one.

Women are shorter than people, they recognize non-verbal signals, especially the building is blamed for quiet, who wheezes small children.

Congruence- visibility of the sense of verbal and accompanying non-verbal signals, incongruity - the opposite of them. It has been established that for the minds of incongruity, as if the sense of a non-verbal signal supersedes the verbal signal, people are able to perceive non-verbal information. So, if a person rubs it with his fist and sticks like it’s for spivpratsyu, for those who know their sleep well, then the public singsongly does not believe it through an aggressive gesture, which supersedes the truth of verbal information.

Non-verbal signals are richly meaningful, like words. For example, the non-verbal signal “nodding the head” depending on the context of living can mean - good luck, respect, recognition, venting, vdyachnist, podyaku, allowed, slacked off.

Behind the warnings of E.A. Petrova, for official splintering, tins are approaching national and cultural norms, with informal splintering, their individuality is manifested. Non-verbal communication is the most active in a person in a child and a young person, because of the greater age of wearing language, it is progressively weaker.

See non-verbal cues

Non-verbal communication skills are formed from non-verbal signals.

Non-verbal cuestse non-verbal, non-verbal appearances, as they carry information in the process of communication.

See the following non-verbal signals:

.Sound signals

.Mova ruhіv tіla:

· Look;

В · Mimic;

In · Tin and position;

V Postava;

В· Stіyka;

B Landing;

V Rukh;

V Move;

· Physical contacts;

· Manipulations with objects.

.Signal to space:

В Distance;

· Horizontally roztashuvannya;

· Vertical spreading.

Non-verbal help to strengthen the communicative position of the one who speaks

Let's look at non-verbal signals, which allow us to strengthen our communicative position in order to promote effective communication.

Among the non-verbal signals, which promote the effectiveness of a person’s speech, one can see a sprinkling of officials. The skin factor is the same type of signals. For example, such a clerk of a movable infusion, like a clerk, I’ll look at the functions of different views, and, having twisted this clerk, we’ll learn how to correctly wink a glance at the conjugation. The addressee factor is equally effective on different addressees (spіvrozmovniki): accept on people, women, older generations, lighted, low-lighted people too.

The official


The communicative position of the people is strengthened by the dark traditional clothes, good-quality material, the contrast of dark and white tones. Pіdsilyuyut di ї vysok_ kapelushki, heels, eyepieces in a dark horn rim. Vigrashno looking clean, neat clothes. Juicy colors of clothes characterize a person as a happy life, successful. Substantiates the communicative position of the one who speaks the fashionableness of his clothes.


High zachіska podvischuu status її wear. It’s clear that blondes are perceived as being more accommodating, but with so many superficial, shallow judgments, and brunettes are perceived as serious, intelligent, competent. A short essay of a person to talk about yoga diyalnist, low intellect, long hair - about the creative cob, intellectuality.


The upright silhouette of the robe reinforces the position of the person, and the curly silhouette, soft lights, jeans, loosen up the communicative position of the one who speaks. The closer the silhouette of a person to a rectangle, the more effective the defeat. A suit for a man, a traditional English suit for a woman creates the impression of an authoritative, competent, arrogant person.


A high-rise, athletic statue strengthens the communicative position of a person. High people have great authority.

Physical privacy

The physical privatility of a person is associated in people with positive human qualities. Physically accommodating people are friendly, like comrades, popular, successful, reconciled (reconstructed), happy, like a lot of friends. Sensible people are less intelligent (when it’s far from the case, often it’s wrong, but in the American experiment, people evaluated the works written by women, as if they reported their photographs to their works, and beautiful women took the highest rating). However, people do not want to sound, sob їkh kerіvnik buv even more beautiful. Everyone notices that, by changing the order of accommodating people, the stench will be improved by the alienated hostility to yourself. Particularly important is physical familiarity during the first acquaintance.

Chinnick I'll have a look

It is necessary to maintain visual contact with the helper (spreader). It takes about half of the call to marvel at the supporter, or else it is accepted as a support to the contact. Yakshcho we marveled kindly 60-70% of an hour on a svіvrozmovnik, vіn razumіє, scho we should.

A friendly, with a smile, a short glance at the eyes is seen as a signal of a positive attitude, affection, sympathy, pragnennya contact.

With a trivial splurge, the etiquette looks amazing over the eyes, but the disguise, I do not fix respect to the eyes of the spy. Pilny glance at the vіchі it looks like having shown divination - you don’t need to marvel at it respectfully at anyone.

In case of virishenni business nutrition, you need to victoriously look businesslike - directing at the tricutnik "eyes - nis", which creates an enemy of the seriousness of the minds.

With a friendly conversation, it’s better to lower your gaze lower - at the “eyes - mouth” tricoutnik, such a glance demonstrates a friendly setting, a banquet of contact. Looking lower, from the eyes to the breasts, is called intimate, it shows a special zatsіkavlenіst.

The look of the bevel sounds to talk about interest, or divination. If the wines start to rise with slightly raised eyebrows with a smile, then talk about interest. Well, it’s like a fault with drooping eyebrows, frowning brows, or the folds of the company are lowered, it’s not enough to talk about an adult, or an ironic one.

As a spy is unacceptable to you, he tries to fix a vice on you - to marvel at you in the "third eye" - to be transferred. You will strengthen your communicative position and weaken the communicative position of the speaker.

Clerk of physical behavior

Tse - mova mimics and ruhіv body. This official conveys the correct expression of mime, gestures, poses.

Mimic signals

Mimika -tse viraznі ruhi individuals.

The most effective is that kind of mime of privacy, the core of which is a laugh.

Smiling has the following functions:

· Characterizes the smiley person as wearing positive signs;

· Calling out a positive emotion from a spy;

· Raise the mood yourself, who to speak;

· Stimulates the continuation of contact;

· Trenuє close to 40 m'yazіv guise;

· Changes painful sensations.

A sign of a wide smile is the frizziness of the brows at the moment of a laugh.

Gesture signals and poses

Tin -dynamic viraznі ruhi tіla.

Posy -fixed, static position of the body, as if accepting a person. The pose can be like a caught gesture.

Gesture signals are subdivided into the following types:

· Evaluation: positive, negative;

· clear blue signals;

· call signals;

· station signals;

· Rhetorical: pidsiluvalny, figurative statements.

Let's look at the effectiveness of certain kinds of non-verbal signals. Efficient signals of a positive assessment, spreading to the mind. These are the signals, like a “opening” of the chest, the hand is at the back of the speaker, the demonstration of the arms, whether it’s the gesture of one’s own appearance (like the yoga speaker at the closed position), the head is raised, the hand is turned uphill, the hand is forward, the coat is forward.

Important and correct rhetorical gestures - nasampered pіdsilyuvalni (rhythmic movements with a hand, hands, a pointer to the beat of movement). Vkazіvnі zhestіvnі zhіd robit doloney, not finger, іnakshe tse vljadaє yak showing aggressiveness.

Pozi buvayut vіdkritimi, zakriti and authoritarian. For an effective connection, you should be blamed, but the legs are not guilty, but the arms are not crossed, the chest can be broken, lightly lifted. Authoritarian poses - tse posits, like demonstrating the high status of the one who speaks, yogo win over the spymaster, pragnennya repair the vice on the spymaster. Apply authoritarian poses: legs wide behind the shoulders, hands behind the back (“pose of an army sergeant”), the pose “hands on the hips” and others. Catch, call, call, fix a vice on the speaker, order yogo. Such signals are received negatively.

The postava is guilty of being unflappable, the back is not guilty of being stooped (a sign of innocence), the ridge can be straight.

Stance, when the left leg is set forward, it looks like an aggressive (for a swing, strike), the right leg is set forward - a signal of readiness for contact, a signal of trust. You can’t defiantly cross your legs - that’s a negative signal. Dotsilno trohi lift up the mountain of the boardboridya - you give yourself confidence, whoever speaks, and it is read by the speaker as the mind of the mind of the authority in the rightness.

Landing - the best sit, do not cross your legs, sit on all the seats, do not spread your legs wide, do not put your hands on your stomach. The head of the troch forward, the troch of the open mouth - a sign of respect to the guardian.

Rukh in the process of mixing is also required to correctly win. Under an hour of speaking in front of the audience, it is recommended to snuggle up at the auditorium, stretch out your hands at the auditory speakers, go up to them from behind the podium, walk around the audience.

The course also vikonu sign functions. Creates a positive anger, darkened the energy of the move, badiorist ruhiv. Not a trace on the go of trimming your hands in the guts - it’s taken as if you were revealing skritnostі, nepevnennostі.

The clerk of the organization of the open space

This clerk went on signals, tied to significant roztashuvannyam spіvrozmovnіv schodo one alone.

Distance of communication - which is closer, then more effective. But it is not recommended to come closer than 40-50 cm, because the intimate zone of a person, and you can see the intrusion before her, like a swing at the power of freedom, that lack of torment.

It is marked with a zagal that people of smartness splurge with them, who is the closest neighbor. If people want to talk, they come one to one, if they don’t want to, they don’t come and go.

The communicative position is strong for those who easily change the distance of communication: it is easy to go to different partners, it is easy to go in and go again, etc.

Pomiriye flare of expansionism (pragnensnya Skorchuvati distance to the spіvrozmovnik) is the same to the fiction of the unfortunate fiber: children knit forward legs, twist the hand on the back of the Susіdno abed, to sit spivroma, the bagato migato, the bagato tipadovo tipadovo Torknovo Torknovo Tork,

The expanse of closeness confuses people to ignore the shortfalls one by one, be tolerant of one to one, go one to one nastrich. With susіdami, zagalom, sing to weld more, lower from unknown chi territorially more distant people.

Horizontally spreading the participants of the conversation: the people at the round table are miraculously kind, across the table they are one of the same - out of the blue, slender to the point of superechki, confrontation. The most effective position for a business conversation is through a cut-to-table all-to-all one with one or in reverse one to one. It is also noted that if people are sitting in order, then it is easier to turn the zliva to the right (at the back of the right hand), lower right-handed.

Vertical expansion, more, more effective (“the law of vertical dominance”). High people always seem to be authoritative, kings do not sit on thrones and wear crowns - the stench is trying to get better, they call your highness, your majesty. Z tsієї Well reasons for the Viysks to wear high sholomi and kashkets.

It’s easier for him to stand up, and also get up quicker, as you want to say more respectfully. It’s good to sit three times more than a spy, the bosses love to sit on a chair with a high back - there’s a better seated one. Standing up was more comfortable than sitting on a chair, sitting on the edge of a bed - than a recumbent person on a bed.

Influences on the efficiency of the scaling the same space of splintering. I use the "law of the dark kut": it is easier to change the way for a dark, tight place with a low stele, and for a great one it is light. If you surround the sluggishness of the speaker and move with him, squeezing him into the hood, the communicative position of the speaker will be weakened.

Influence on the effectiveness of the splicing and the tenacity of the territory - it is easier to change the people, having appeared on the territory, for example, to get home.

Like a boss calling out to himself for a move - it’s a demonstration of strength, distance, a squeeze on the new one. If you go to neutral territory - it’s a demonstration of equivalence so it’s easier to discuss those problems, as they were already discussed in advance, and the mood is on them. Rozmov on the territory of the svіvrozmovnik є effective, if he came to her є unstoppable, without any advance.

List of references

1.Golovin B.M. Fundamentals of culture and promotion. - M: your school, 1988.

2.Golub I.B. Rhetoric: Heading help. - M: View of Eksmo, 2005.

.Vvedenska L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture is the art of moving. The current rhetoric. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1995.

4.Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. - Voronezh, 1993.


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The literal meaning of the term "psychotherapy" is associated with two cloudings, which are based on the translation of Greek words psyche- that soul therapy- turbota, watchfulness, exuberance: “healing of the soul” or “exaltation of the soul”. The term “psychotherapy” itself was introduced in 1872 by D. Tuke in the book “Ilustrations vpluv rosa na volo” and became widely popular from the end of the 19th century.

To this day, it has not yet been formulated in such a way as to have a profound understanding of the purpose of psychotherapy, the building of a vision of all forms. You can talk about the basis of medical, psychological, sociological and philosophical models of psychotherapy.

In a narrow sense of the word (medical model), psychotherapy is understood as a complex verbal and non-verbal influx on emotions, judgment, self-confidence of a person. Such psychotherapy is victorious in case of various mental, nervous and psychosomatic illnesses.

But in the scientific world and the psychological model of psychotherapy, and also, її (psychotherapy) can be seen as a direct activity of a practical psychologist. In psychotherapy, there is a sense of “giving psychological assistance to healthy people (clients) in situations of various psychological difficulties, and to instill in time the wisdom of your life” (Psychological dictionary, 1996). Oskіlki mi dotrimuєmosya to the very psychological model of psychotherapy, then we gave the term "client" and "patient" as equal rights.

A practical psychologist vikoristov's own methods, as a clinical psychotherapist. Retail is poking us in front of their nationality. The most important task of a psychologist is not for the relief of symptoms of illness, but for the mentality of minds for the optimal functioning of special features and development. The All-World Organization for the Protection of Health is right in the preamble before its Declaration instructing: “Health is not the presence of illness or physical infirmity, but a standard, wild, physical, sensible, and social self-esteem.” In this context, we can talk about those that psychotherapy is spurred on by the support of “infamous harmony of self-perception” in the broadest sense of the word, and not “fortification”, “correction” or “correction” of any kind of discord.

A broader understanding of the concept of psychotherapy is enshrined in the Declaration of Psychotherapy, adopted by the European Association of Psychotherapy in Strasbourg in 1990. This Declaration has the following:

Psychotherapy is a special discipline in the gallery of the humanities, an occupation that is a free and independent profession;

Psychotherapeutic education will require a high level of theoretical and clinical training;

Guaranteed variety of psychotherapeutic methods;

Knowledge in the field of one of the psychotherapeutic methods can be integrated integrally: it includes theory, special therapeutic background and practice under the supervision of a supervisor, at the same time gaining wide knowledge about other methods;

Access to such enlightenment is provided for additional advanced training, education in the gallery of the humanities and advanced sciences.

To learn how to look at psychotherapy within the framework of the medical model, to pay attention to the influence of other methods of treatment. Let's go ahead with the fact that in psychotherapy vikoristovuyutsya less psychological methods and self, and chi not pharmacological, physical, then. In addition, people with these and other disorders of the psyche act like patients, and like fahivts - individuals who can have an average professional training in the gallery of the basics of psychology.

The rest of the rocks are mentally divided clinically oriented psychotherapy, directed more importantly to help eliminate obvious symptoms, that specially oriented, as a pragmatic help people change their position to social sharpness and to the power of specialness.

Clinically-oriented psychotherapy traditionally uses such methods as hypnosis, autogenous training, different vision and self-guidance.

In the special-orientation of psychotherapy, there is a great variety of methods and techniques based on conceptual models of impersonal schools and technologies.

Prote you can talk about the presence of the key and guiding ideas, which may bring together all the facts in psychotherapy – the exercise to help the development of the special path of raising the border, fence and complexes. At the heart of psychotherapy lies the idea of ​​the possibility of change, the transformation of the human Self in the world, which is dynamically changing.

In other words, go about the actual work on those chi and other warehouses of self-confidence.

According to current glances (Oleksandrov, 1997; Godefroy, 1992; Karvasarsky, 1999; Rudestam, 1993), in non-medical psychotherapy, one can see such fundamental problems that there is a difference in directing and changing psychotherapeutic methods:

Follow-up of the client's psychological problems and assistance in their cases;

Polypshennia of subjective self-esteem and mental health;

The development of psychological patterns, mechanisms and effective ways of inter-special interaction for creating the basis of effective and harmonious interaction with people;

Development of self-confidence and self-acceptance of clients for correction or prevention of emotional damage on the basis of internal and behavioral changes;

Achieving the process of special development, realization of creative potential, reaching the optimal level of life and visibly happiness and success.

It is a head meta whether there is a psychotherapeutic injection in order to help patients make the necessary changes in their lives. How can you rob? Vіdpov_d on the delivery of nutrition of the skin directly psychotherapy let's understand in terms of power. The success of the effectiveness of psychotherapy is assessed depending on the number of changes; optimal will be those psychotherapeutic approaches that will ensure a stable, lasting positive effect. Zrozumilo, be it a psychotherapeutic school is perekonana, scho proponovaniya itself sposіb sposіb to help patients є optimal, nadayuchi tim, hto doubtful, perverit tse on the vlasnym dosvidі. At present, there are approximately 400 different psychotherapies in practice for older patients and about 200 for children and young adults (Kazdin, 1994).

You can often read and feel that as a result of psychotherapy, there were positive changes in the patient's personality. Tim himself is on the verge of those who have psychotherapy change speciality, to rob it її іnshoy. Strictly seeming, like in the course of therapy, so and as a result, there are no changes in the specialty of the sensations, whether new or existing ones. The power of the skin is like a specialty, like a vіdomo, it can be achieved with a stable mental illumination, like a complex and signifying a special like that. Tsі stіykі psihіchnі osvіti a little schilnі navіt vіkovih zminіn. The tininess of specialness, її adaptation to the tinny minds of the middle man reach for the skin of the fact that the skin’s quality can be a wide range of situationally rationalized manifestations, which can sometimes be taken as a manifestation of the quality, which is similar to the real. Psychotherapeutic injection, not creating new features in particular, as if to cite the evidence, for example, with the life situation that has changed. Such a “reduction in the appearance” and ensure the success of psychotherapy. minor mental breakdowns(Burlachuk et al., 1999).

Today, there is a tendency to converge medical and psychological psychotherapy. It manifests itself as in the fact that doctors, just like psychologists, show interest to foreign schools and technicians, so in the "stranded" cordons in the medical "territory", as until recently it was carefully guarded by psychologists penetrating this territory.

There is a thought that psychotherapy is a system of specially organized methods of curiosity for neurotics, and psychocorrection is an influx on “they are sick, but not healthy”, tobto. on people with maladjusted behavior and neurotic reactions that are being formed. As a matter of course, to go out, having poured into a sick person - tse psychotherapy, but in a healthy one - psychocorrection; psychotherapy is done by doctors, and psychocorrection - by psychologists; psychotherapy is the method of healing, and psychocorrection is the method of prevention. It seems that behind such a demarcation of regions, a psychologist’s mission is to christen and defend the “psychological territory”.

We vvazhaemo, what about psychotherapy next to speak in the way of orientation on the jubilation and special growth. The task of a consultant is to help the client to understand the situation, in problems: suggest, give joy, imitate the behavior of the client, to indulge yourself, educate, educate, calm down. At the same time, in a number of ways, it is important to accurately qualify the work with the client as a psychotherapeutic consultation. In foreign literature, the terms "therapy" and "psychotherapy" are used as synonyms. In connection with this, that in this day the main directions of foreign psychotherapy are seen, the authors respected for the possibility of preserving this tradition. That is why in the text the terms “psychotherapy” and “therapy”, “psychotherapist” and “therapist” are interchangeable. In addition, a number of vipadkiv have the most significant victorious term “consultant”.

In this hour, hundreds of scales are being used in psychotherapeutic practice and directly, which can be classified according to different signs. At the same time, they discover the main psychotherapeutic approaches, as if they are essentially arguing for their conceptual foundations. The details are related to the description of special features, mechanisms of development, pathogenesis of neuroses, mechanisms of therapy and assessment of effectiveness.

See the psychotherapy that is seen in this day, mum different “targets” of the psychotherapeutic injection. So, the “target” in bioenergetic analysis is the body, and client-centered therapy is the experience (it’s not easy to try out emotions, but the experiences are experienced), in cognitive therapy – non-adaptive thoughts and other images show it poorly.

Psychotherapeutic approaches can be mentally subdivided into: 1) focusing on the problem and 2) focusing on the client. Before the installation of psychotherapy of the first type, it is the installation on obov'yazkove zanurennya patient in the problem. If the patient doesn’t care about him (“zanuryuvatisya”), then, at the borders of this type of psychotherapy, he is treated like an opir to a therapeutic injection. "Walking with stakes" is like the problems of the patient, not entering, not getting stuck with her, being considered ineffective.

In another type of psychotherapy, however, the client is free to choose what to talk about with the therapist and how much time to add to the therapy. If the client does not talk about his problem, he looks not as an opir, but as a legal right of the client to speak less about those who are guilty himself.

These types of therapy (directive, problem-oriented and non-directive, client-oriented) may be significant in the procedural aspect. So it was in non-directive therapy during the day, or weakly expressed the process of the client transferring his needs to the therapist, the type is clear from the significant positions of childishness. Therefore, first of all, the client in the process of therapy is an independent form of the therapist, and, in a different way, the therapist has ceased to be a riddle of the client, “bіlim screen”. See therapies practice and with a different zmist: “devilish” (a person significant in the world is a toy in the hands of a devil) and “human” (a person is free and viable in front of him). Notes between these types of therapy can be multiplied, but there is no need for it, the shards of the reports of skin analysis can be directly read in the text.

Non -viability in the “mines” in the “mines” of psychotherapeutic fouls, at the positions of a psychotherapist that Klikt in the process of therapy, orіntatsia, the theoretical of the RIZNIKH SHKIL, the psychotherapeutic of the process, and the same strategic for the all were dousy for all the tactiles. Before them one can see:

Stages of the psychotherapeutic process;

Principles of the primary consultation and basic techniques of psychotherapeutic intervention;

Verbal and non-verbal features of psychotherapeutic work;

The creation of that victorious metaphors in the process of psychotherapeutic counseling;

Wimogi to the specialty of a psychotherapist/consultant;

The ethics of a psychotherapist (consultant).

To the very same hot food and dedicated to this branch.

Stages of the psychotherapeutic process

In the literature (Menovshchikov, 2000), a “five-crook” model of the consultative interview process is suggested, which all psychotherapists are trying to achieve in this world:

1) setting up a contact and orienting the client to the job;

2) collecting information about the client, solving the question “Who has a problem?”;

3) notification of the bazhany result, confirmation of the request “What do you want to achieve?”;

4) the development of alternative solutions, which can be understood as “Who can we create this drive?”;

5) the psychologist looked at a summary of the results of the interaction with the client.

First stage The work of the psychotherapist with the client is assigned to the need for additional help, motivation. The greatest respect is given to the establishment of optimal solutions between the therapist and the client, underlining the first line of support. On it, the principles of encouraging psychotherapeutic interaction are discussed (Burlachuk et al., 1999).

Here it’s hard to overthink the types of motivations of the client, which came to the psychotherapist.

1. Directing patients hunt under the clutches of the fathers, partners only, tobto. under the pressure of external reasons. The first interview, as a rule, is more difficult; skargi - a better social type. Patients can be ranked among “victims”. Jubilation is mostly unsuccessful. A positive result is understandable that such a patient is seen in a complex of interrelationships with a wealth of people. In this way, the first interview is dominated by a special technique, the essence of which is the transition from the patient’s passive position to the active one (for example, the patient himself appoints the hour of the attack). With such patients, it is also important to uniquely assess the assessment of yoga, and, if possible, to recommend yoga to relatives to undergo therapy.

2. Longing for therapy patients most often, you can try the therapy, and the first interview with them is more difficult. Such patients bombard analytics with the most addictive powers and tricky meals. The stinks are suddenly roaring, but in fact they show a significant difference between the vimogami before therapy and the wet bazhannami pracsyuvati. Roses can exercise control, demonstrate innocence. The history of ailment, how to describe the stench, is dramatic, “various colors”, with rich fantasies. Often the stench is tactless, aggressive and shy to the point of negative assessments. An important characteristic is the lack of acceptance for therapy for one-hour instability, low tolerance to frustration and aggression.

3. Unmotivated patients stretching from the front to the front. Their symptoms are most often seen in the area of ​​functional somatic disorders. Tse galmovani, passive, stereotyped in behavior, without sufficient knowledge of their problems of the patient. The stench rozum_yut psychic nature zahvoryuvannya; It is important for them to know metatherapy.

4. Illuminated patients(With psychotherapeutic enlightenment), - as a rule, kindly informed and may try to practice with yourself independently. Characteristic drawings: the head over the heart, galvanization of emotions, rationalization. Such patients are willing to take therapy, but working with them will require special firmness.

To follow up the client's problems, it is not uncommon to use standardized and non-standardized interviews, tests, watchfulness, ahead of non-verbal behavior, results of self-care, specific methods for a symbolic description of the problem, for example, a direct way of thinking, design methods, role-playing games. These methods allow evaluating the interim and final results of psychotherapy.

Before the beginning of psychotherapy, different diagnostic procedures are called for. Psychotherapeutic schools explore the way of solving the client's problems, revealing the possibilities and solutions, formulating goals. As an example, we will introduce one of the most recent interview schemes, which is selected for collecting information about the client.

1. Demographic data (statya, vіk, rіd to occupy, family camp).

2. The history of the problem: if the client got stuck with the problem, what else was going on the whole time. How the problem manifests itself in behavior on the somatic level, how the client is experiencing, seriously, out of turbulence, as if it were put before her. In a certain context, it manifests itself, chi pour on її show whether you are under, chi pov'yazanі її show with yakim-nebud people, whose vtruchannya to rob її gostrіshim chi weak. Like її positivnye nasledki, її її difficulty viklіkaє, yakі єєє її її її її vіrіshі ta z yakim result.

3. Chi otrimuvav client psikhiatrichnu chi psikhologichnu podpomogu zv'yazku z tsієyu chi other problems.

4. To take education, among them there are students with classmates, teachers at school, satisfaction with the work, students with colleagues, the most stressful factors in this sphere.

5. Health (illness, the most important health problems in the present, trouble about the health of the father and in the family, disturbed sleep, appetite, vikoristannya likіv thinly).

6. Social development (the most important aspects of life, early wake up, current life situation, daily routine, work, employment, interpersonal skills, hobbies, values, vіruvannya).

7. Sim'ya, family camp, vzaєmini z protilezhnoyu statue, sex. Data about batkivs, stosunki with them from the past and present, batkivska sanctions of the client; like a cost, in the mind of a client, having won a victory as a father, mother; their bedrooms are busy. Data about sisters and brothers, stosunki, whom of them the client loved more or less, whom of them the mother (father) loved more, with whom the client was more beautiful (here). Vіdnosini z protilezhnoyu statyu, cause, through yakі stench torn. Vzaєmini іz cholovіkom. Children (kіlkіst, vіk). Who is still alive at the same time with the client. Sexual dosvіd form of sexual activity.

8. Stereotyping response. Stay on guard for non-verbal behavior.

The interview, prompted by the scheme, allows you to assess the psychological status of the client, the general life situation, understand the characteristics of the problem, the main difficulties, with some faults, the motivation of this development and the possibility of solving the problem. It is not obligatory to win all the positions of this interview. For far away work it is especially important to understand the stages of damage, to look at the possibility of an organic defect and reorientation of the client from psychiatric assistance.

The psychotherapist discusses with the client what he would like to achieve after psychotherapy. Such a rozmov can be saved by inadequate goals, unrealistic goals. Vіn spriyaє svіdomlenom pobudovі system tsіley, yakom participants in the psychotherapeutic process are oriented to a specific and achievable result for the future.

Often the problem presented by the client can be called a scarga. For a distant work, it is necessary to see a request, which I can give you the prospects for a distant work. However, the one who asks may not be able to file appointments clearly. At this point, I should carry out the work of a robot in order to identify the client's request and to be notified by the client himself. The request can be “facade”, for which you need a reference request, which client does not formulate for any reason. I’m sorry, the situation is possible, in a future day I will ask for a psychotherapeutic help during the day.

All the richness and diversity of the customers’ requests can be reduced to some of the main ones strategiesїhnє setting up the situation. Stink can want (Tutushkina, 1999):

Change the situation;

Change yourself to adapt to the situation;

Get out of the situation;

Find new ways to live in this situation.

All other requests (for example, good advice to practicing consultants ask “I want to vin (won, stink, tse) changing, then you will become better") not constructive, effective, it will require an hour for consultation.

On the thought of V.V. Stolin (1983), spontaneously expressed client's scargae can be structured like this:

1. Skarga locus What to share on subjective(on whom to complain) that object(What to complain about).

Behind the subject locus five main types of skargs are summarized (or combinations of them):

1) for a child (її behavior, development, health);

2) on the family situation as a whole (with the family “everything is bad”, “everything is wrong”);

3) on a person (yoga behavior, specialness) and friendlike blue (“no reason, love”, etc.);

4) oneself (one's own character, well-being, especially thinly.);

5) on the third osіb, including on the bagmen sim'ї or pose sim'єyu grandmother and didusіv.

By object locus you can see it like this skarg:

1) disruption of psychosomatic health and behavior (enuresis, fears, obtrusiveness);

2) on the role of behavior, yak does not show the status, age, status of a person, squad, children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, too. - Your or others people;

3) at a glance, according to the mental norms (for example, the norms of the rozum development);

4) on individual mental characteristics (overactiveness, volility, "lack of will" just like a child; the lack of emotion, the rarity of just a friend);

5) on the psychological situation (extra contact, closeness, understanding);

6) on the objective furnishing (difficulties with life, work, hours, separation too long).

2. Self-diagnosis- It is better to explain by the client the nature of the other damage in life, based on the yoga manifestations about himself, about this human mutually. Often the self-diagnosis turns the client's setting to discord or yogo overdose. The most widespread self-diagnosis:

1) “evil will” - a negative mind of an individual, as if it were the cause of destruction, otherwise (as an option) it is unreasonable to be a special truth, that unreasonable understanding of them rules;

2) "mental anomaly" - the introduction of an individual, about how to go, to a mental illness;

3) "organic defect" - an assessment of an individual, about how to go, as if born defective;

4) “Genetical Requested” - explained the quiet behavior of the manifested negative of the negative spadkosti (Stoso Ditini, Yak Rule, Spadkovosti with the Bokui Cholovik Cholovyk, with Yakim Kliynta in the conflicts; mutually);

5) "individual originality" - the understanding of quiet and other behavioral features as a manifestation of stable, special rice that has developed, and not specific motives for the situation;

6) “moistly unfavorable deeds” - an assessment of the miraculous past behavior, zocrema. yak vihovatelya, squad;

7) "powerful special insufficiency" - anxiety, insensitivity, passivity, just as a result - wrong behavior;

8) “infusing the third osib” - father, man, grandmother, didusiv, vchiteliv, as relevant as it is in the past;

9) "unacceptable situation" - separation, school conflict, a change for a child; perevantazhennya, ailment and other. - for yourself or a person;

10) “directly” (“I was sent to you ...”, and this is the name of the official body, the headmaster of the school).

3. Problem- Tse statement for those that the client wants to bi, but can not change.

1. Don't be blamed;

2. I don’t know, I want to learn (to instill, instill, extinguish conflicts, squash, endure too much).

3. I don’t understand, I want to understand (child, її behavior; team, її father thinly).

4. I don’t know what to work, I want to know (forgive, punish, exult, drink thinly).

5. I can’t, I want a mother (will, masculinity, patience, good health).

6. I know that I need, but I can’t work, I need additional incentives.

7. I don’t run into myself, I want to change the situation.

8. In addition, a possible global formula: "Everything is rotten, what work, how did you live?"

It is necessary to distinguish between the problem of the client and the object locus of the skarga, which is formulated in the looking problem of the individual, about how to go. Just to talk about those who are a person, a team of a child do not understand, do not think thinly, but it does not mean that the client wants to understand, to recognize thinly.

4. Request- Concretization of the form of additional assistance that the client should consider in consultation. Call the problem and ask for money for a pov'yazan. For example, if a client formulates a problem: “I don’t know, I want to learn” - I’ll ask for more knowledge for everything. Prote will ask you a problem.

You can see the following drinks:

1. Shit about emotional and moral support ("I'm right, what's wrong?", "I'm a good person, what's wrong?", "My decision is right, what's wrong?").

2. Prohannya about confusion in analysis (“I’m not wondering, what’s the right way to understand this situation, why don’t you help me figure it out?”).

3. Talk about information (“Who knows about it?”).

4. Prohannya about teaching newcomers (“I don’t have to go out, learn”).

5. Prohannya about help at the wrong position (“Who work, how do you protect me?”, “What can you punish for my child?”).

6. I’ll spit on a member of this family or change your behavior in your best interests (“Help you get rid of these fears”, “Help you learn how to talk to the lads”).

7. Prohannya about nadanny pouring on a member of this family to the greed of the client (“Grow more than hearing”, “Help me to break the evil will”, “Zusit Yogo more to love and respect me”).

Spontaneously skarga maє sing plot, that is the sequence of vikladu life kolіzіy (Stolin, Bodalov, 1989).

Explicit and prihovaniya zmіst skargi can be analyzed for these same parameters described above. There is no such thing as a tacked-together with scarz. If it won't, it won't run away from the obvious.

Razbіzhnist can be by locus. For example, the locus of scarga is the child's behavior, and the locus of skarga is the position and behavior of the father, who does not take a sufficient active part in the wickedness.

Rozuzogodzhennya is more than ib for self -unionosis: the text has an explanation of the wiring of the imperious nonsense, and the whims of the serpent, the izhotonasy, the pantomіmіkoy, the gestures, and the reason, and the second -zimni is the other.

Razbіzhnist can cause problems. For example, it is clearly stated: "I don't know, I want to know." In case of any hoaxing, it’s clear: “I don’t mind, I want to take it.”

I, nareshti, rozbіzhnіst poserіgaєtsya poderіgaetsya pіd hаlіzа zazatu: obviously zmіst zapіtu - prohannya about help: "Who work, if you change me?"

Significantly, that the money is not attached to the skarga - there is no reason to see it, there is no more misunderstanding.

Tactfully, correctly, for the first time, try to translate the attachments in a clear, apparently formulary way. As a rule, the reaction of clients in some way is positive.

On the face of the attached letter, the text of the scarga may be unrecognised, or it may be seen, to which it may be shown to the client at the first notice, it may break the contact.

The psychotherapist at once clarifies with the client, chi vyslovluє will wash down the whole problem chi її part, doviznaє yoga. The psychotherapist helps the client to qualify, determines the specifics of psychotherapeutic assistance.

Another stage assignments to the manifestation of vіdnosin Participants in the psychotherapeutic process are talking about spivpratsy, the psychotherapist describes the model of psychotherapy. Quite often the client tries to propagate the role of the doctor to the psychotherapist, who will require more than reporting information to make the correct diagnosis and formulate the harmonies. Therefore, the most important moment of this stage is the establishment of mutual responsibility. The success of psychotherapy is rich in what lies due to the fact that the client is actively involved in the work and accepts his responsibility for taking away the result.

In the process of psychotherapy, there are some special transformations, and the obligations of a psychotherapist - discuss the prospect with the client. Aje yogo svidomo chi unseen mozhe lyakati mozhlivist razstavannya s be-yakim little stars, unproductive, but long-established stosunki that navіt painful experiences. Peculiarities of psychotherapeutic interrelations, steps of a psychotherapist's self-discovery vary directly, however, in all schools of psychotherapy, major peculiarities are taken care of: the expression of encouragement, praise and interest in the client. Oskіlki nebhіdnoy umovoy є svіvpratsya, psychotherapist vrakhovuє installations, ochіkuvannya, style splkuvannya client. It is important for the client to note that you can express your experience, express your fear and will be accepted.

Conservation of mindfulness and confidence is more important for the upcoming stages of psychotherapy. In different schools, different models are formed in exchange for її participants. It is known that the client will require a permanent re-verification - you can trust the psychotherapist.

About the establishment of good therapeutic tips, you can be sure that the client and the psychotherapist are ready to self-discovery, they can discuss the difficulties of the therapeutic process with the help of the cream. If the client is really involved in the process, practice, practice, it seems that the psychotherapist understands correctly, and the psychotherapist is not aware of the tension in self-discovery, confrontation and other methods, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

on the third stage it is necessary to determine the goals and the implementation of alternatives. Psychotherapist general psychotherapeutic strategy, naming the main milestones and components. The choice of strategy depends on the preparation of the psychotherapist, the characteristics of the client, the characteristics of the problem. The client will master the psychotherapeutic metaphor of this directly, get to know the main characteristics of the chosen approach, the problem and the difficulties, negative experiences, take the fate of the client, take the fate of the choice of mother. You must enter the work as an active participant, beginning with the choice of a direct psychotherapeutic psychotherapist. It is important that the increase in the activity and viability of the client was carried out through the whole process of work, verbally and non-verbally expressing one's own feelings. Psychotherapist vrakhovuє yogo setting, pogodzhuє їх зі his methodical arsenal, adequately responding to his manipulative behavior. Active, aware of the client's participation in psychotherapy as a catalyst for success.

The work with problems is repaired with її follow-up. Followed by an inquiry about the facts, details of the subdivisions, and possible reasons that provoke an unproductive opir. Doslіdzhennya transfer viraz, priynyattya that svіdomlennya by the client not svіdomlenih emotsіy. Viraz almost gives a cathartic effect, lowering the voltage. The client knows a little about what they see earlier. Such an effect can reach us before the eyes of the one who almost accepts a psychotherapist. The client is wise, the ability to cherubate with his feelings, not out of breath, but through worrying about them. In such a rank, on the glybin level of wines, we take away the sound of crying out and inflicting emotions without strangling.

Next, add that it doesn’t seem to be the best method. For example, Vіn maladaptive to work with depressive clients. Too frustrated, the client can greatly repair the opir of traumatic experiences and not reach catharsis.

However, describing the overall strategy, we can say that the fluctuations in the tension of the spawn more clear understanding of itself, the significance of the constructive forms of the problem. To that we will come with an important crochet є transition from the expression of the mind to the understanding. The focus of the robot is shifting from the experience of being aware and integrating it.

Understood insight may trival іstorіyu different clouding. Under it, the reasons for blaming the symptom were revealed as a result of interpretation, and the connection between the past experiences, fantasies with current conflicts, and emotional feedback on the connection, and mittve when the experience of clay was experienced. There are intellectual and emotional insights. A lot of theorists are talking about the need to reach the rest for real changes in the life of the client. Another thought: the representatives of the cognitive orientation are aware that by itself there is a reason for the non-adaptiveness, pardoning of the attitudes of attraction in their own correction and change of behavior. Emotional insight leading to major changes will require great effort from the side of participants in the psychotherapeutic process.

The therapeutic orientation of behavior change is more specific and symptomatic. To that directly, scho focusing on the symptom does not include insight as a necessary element of psychotherapy. Different schools formulate the method of work differently. В результаті психотерапії клієнт може змінити свій життєвий стиль на більш адаптивний (індивідуальна психологія), визнати частини особистості, що раніше відкидаються (гештальт-терапія), скоригувати неадаптивні думки (когнітивна психотерапія), досягти трансформації (аналітична психологія), сформувати творчий підхід до життя and to reach the wisdom of the Self (humanistic psychology). Strategies for reaching these goals are also different: the passage through the traumatic experience in careless minds of psychotherapy, the work with the body, the development of new skills that time. The psychotherapist can focus on the past, the present future; on robots with emotions, images, thoughts and behavior.

fourth stageє work on the set goals. The theoretical model, which is accepted, the structure for the psychotherapist of the psychological reality and the choice of methods. Gnuchko and productively organizing his picture of the world, the psychotherapist generates a unique strategy of interaction with a specific client, focusing on the characteristics of the problem, the specific features and resources of the client (financial, timchas, special), the role of the closest sharpening. For example, even steeper individual psychotherapy if there are problems with the client, the team of which took the role of a mother figure.

The nature of the problem depends on the choice of methods to be fixed. With the choice of a therapeutic strategy, it is quite possible to find a lot of opportunities for the particularity of the problem. The problem of the client is not a single projection, it manifests itself in all equal ways, so it is possible to fall into a theoretical framework, like a vicarist's psychotherapist, and, different methods can be equally effective.

on the fifth stage After the phase, in the course of which the client takes a new mind to himself, a meta-introduction of internal changes is made to the real behavior. In some types of psychotherapy, this stage is like a bi-blame for її between (for example, in psychoanalysis), in others, the main emphasis is on the other (for example, in behavioral psychotherapy). In the course of this stage, the client masters new behavioral skills, gaining the ability to work spontaneously, on the basis of adaptive cognitive strategies, according to their internal needs.

Sixth stage- attached to psychotherapy - depends on the reach of the equal of the middle of various factors: the need for a change, likuval motivation, psychotherapeutic frustration, the art of psychotherapy just. First of all, praise the decision about the application of jubilation, it is necessary to evaluate the negative result in terms of the same and the least characteristics. The psychotherapist talks with the client about those who have experienced symptoms, how they have put him on the cob of psychotherapy, how he has become better, how he has changed his self-acceptance and mutually with others, setting up important life goals, or without psychotherapy

Acts of the therapist to pronounce the client on the list of firms that characterize the situation:

I richly otrimav vіd psihoterapії i feel zadoіlno;

I begin to think about those who are deprived of psychotherapy;

My friends and that family want me to get psychotherapy;

I (my psychotherapist) cannot continue therapy through the outside environment;

I don’t have a psychotherapist to visit right away;

I think that having won everything, that moment, I worked as a psychotherapist;

I think that having taken away a greater part of what I want, I am given an indispensable continuation;

My psychotherapist, having said what I can think about applying psychotherapy;

I don't want an hour or a pittance for prodovzhennya;

The psychotherapist respects the client's needs, even if they stink, prote yogo ob'yazok - rozіbratisya, chi effectively the client has accepted the decision about the application of psychotherapy chi only shukaє for a new representative.

Welcoming by the client to us can be astonishing with vipadkovy modern surroundings, influx of other people, support, transfer, counter-transfer, it is important to follow this up with your vindication. So, as the sessions become silent, the client gets tired, becomes disrespectful, forgets about homework, it seems that if you want to take psychotherapy, you can show support, which is necessary to correct, having discussed with the client, show that motive. Completion of psychotherapy is a trivial process, which may take more than a month, as psychotherapy itself was close to fate. Particular respect is attached to the representatives of schools, who are mutually considered as an important therapeutic factor (for example, psychoanalysts).

One of the minds of the success of psychotherapy є umovlennya її between (let's not go in a slanderous look) at the cob period of glee. The stench may be discussed not with the temporal vimir, but with the sergeant. During the first sessions, the substantiations are discussed, the criteria for making a decision about the completion of the lure are being discussed. The client is told about the folding dynamics of psychotherapy, difficulties, with some faults that can be closed, which reduces the ability of the pre-stroke attachment of glee. Efficient mutual work and shifting the therapist’s influence, focusing on intermediate results, also prepares the participants in therapy for a well-grounded decision. At the final phase, it is clear what has changed during the hour of psychotherapy, in some aspects. Yakshto in chomus change is not reached, the reasons are revealed. It is discussed, in what order is the transfer of what has been achieved in psychotherapy to a day and a day beyond it.

Psychotherapy is attached, as if the client had access to independence, taking responsibility for his problems, succumbing to them and can overcome them without professional assistance of a psychotherapist.

I know one truth, that many therapists have already known, but in public they rarely talk about it. Irrespective of those who need a lot of practice with thousands of clients who want to see it, most therapists are encouraged to talk about it in their books, write about it in their magazines, or talk about it with their colleagues. This is one of the most important and most important aspects of the work of a therapist and one of the main causes of stress for many professionals in mental health.

What is truth? It's simple: customers do not change until the stench is disturbed. Most of the clients, continue to change and change, to shy away even more painfully and in small steps, many people continue to suffer through their problem, until, as if by a crisis, they are not shaken up. To wake up to the hour of the crisis of the client, to take the choice to the rest and to the rest, to unify the choice, connected with the changes. The stench will inevitably be doty, the docks absolutely, definitely cannot be seen. It’s not worth it, to that it will end with additional trivial emotional pain and a stupid waste of an hour.

Clients can go into other types of sabotage.

? Indirect vigoda. Calls for support to support the client's reconciliation. "It's easier not to change anything."

? Social support"People don't like it because I change."

? Cleaning of valuables. The stability of the hierarchy of values ​​of the client occupies the upper station. "It would be wrong to change."

? Internal comfort. A lot of behavior is connected with stіlky speeches, which її revisited vimagatima change the whole life of the client. "The price of change is great."

? Zakhist."Change unsafely."

? Supernice."I will not allow anyone to tell me what to work for me."

? Fallow."If I change, you will not need me."

? Magical exuberance.“In order to change, I don’t need to try especially hard. Tse maє vіdbutisya shvidko that without special zusil.

? Motivation.“I don’t know what I can change, I can be happy without it.”

? Zarechennya."I will understand everything, about what you are talking about me" (not understanding). "I by no means understand anything about what you talk about me."

? Behavioral sabotage. Missed sessions; asking whether any of the principles; nevikonannya work at the session and post-calling at the after-school hour; non-payment; skargi for those who do not rejoice in yoga. Metannya from one therapist to another, if the consultation goes into a busy plan and work phase; scars on the front of therapeutivs. Seeing you only in the period of crisis and pinning sessions at the same time, like just gone.

Sabotage is more likely to be done before, like a client, to go further. If the client, having publicly revealed his attitudes, he will happen to protect his authority from attacks. If you know that the client is capable of sabotaging the correction, in the early stages of the consultation, encourage you to compile a list of good ways in which a skin person can sabotage therapy. Ask him to appoint, what method of vikoristovuvav, yakbi virishiv if-nebud sabotage the consultation. Let's talk about why sabotage makes people reach their goals, from which stench they came to therapy.

Override the skin of the ways to sabotage the client okremo. Hang hypotheses about those, as positive or negative reinforcement (vigoda) is associated with them. Discuss the best with your client and help him know other ways to get rid of it. To help him to invigorate the corysnі zasobi from the destructive ones.

Other clients work from consultations to a dramatic show, a theatrical show, a show, in which the client is the main diyova, and the therapist is a spectator. On the back, the client can create a drama for the outrageous splashes, but with the fates of practice, the stench can begin to play a role for himself, navit a long time after the fact that the old vigoda has arisen.

A lot of psychotherapeutic approaches are not effective for clients, like doing everything for a therapist, shards often look at therapy like a black arena for their own vistup. If such clients can go as far as they can to practice therapy, in fact they will make little progress. Sometimes the game is manifested in an unfamiliar smile, which is guarded. Sometimes they stink and take advice, if they become serious.

In order to call the client out of self-deception, it is necessary to overcome his appearance as a deed and then switch your attention to the problem. For the sake of simplicity, think about the benefits and inner benefits for a theatrical icon. Demonstrate to the client and then explain how the negative consequences of the manifestation of the manifestation and how the stink can be seen on the building to reach your goals. Teach your client productive and efficient ways to achieve goals.

In the yakost somogo, the rest, stage next to see the assessment of the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Through the folding of the fixation of the achieved result, there is a great diversity of looking at the criteria for the effectiveness of psychotherapy. As such, one can look at the symptoms, and positive changes in the client's life posture of psychotherapy, client's satisfaction, the psychotherapist's thought, and test results.

The following changes achieved by the results of psychotherapy, convey three benefits to the patient:

1. Why did the client change at the hour of psychotherapy?

2. Were these changes the result of psychotherapy?

3. What is enough change to improve yoga?

Differentiation in the first place and other nutrition is indicated by this, change can be called both as a well therapeutic, and as a post-therapeutic clerk. The conclusion on the third nutrition allows you to praise the correct decision about the application of psychotherapy.

Principles of the initial consultation

The first session with the client always includes a number of tasks. Up to three main, closely interrelated, one with one, the head of the primary consultation can be considered interspecial, diagnostic and therapeutic (Yagnyuk, 2000b).

At the interspecial plan, the manager of the consultant polgaє at the installed vіdnosin from the client. The client will require a wide range of natural consultants to get in touch with him. The most important intellectual blame for the psychological contact between the client and the consultant is the presence of the presence, so that the building of the non-verbal expression by the consultant is heard to the point of roaming.

At the diagnostic point of view of the consultant's manager, he understands the identified problems of the client and working hypotheses about their nature. On the basis of the observation of the client's behavior, understanding and understanding of the power of subjective damages in mutual relations with him, as well as the analysis of his story told by him, the consultant begins to develop a working model of the inner world of the client and the therapeutic adjunct.

I, nareshti, metatherapy in order to create a special mind in a consultative situation, so that the client will take away the possibility of solving his psychological problems. The therapeutic method of the primary consultation is the demonstration by the consultant of a therapeutic position - direct feedback on the client's needs. Just remember, if it is not obvious at first glance, remember those who even often seek psychological help in the crisis camp. The task of the consultant at the same time is in order to demonstrate the readiness to emotionally respond to the psychological needs of the client, and to put yourself in a position of understanding before showing support for your mind.

Start of consultation


Tell me about the next hour at your order.

Vikoristovyte zahochennya both verbally and non-verbally.

Vykoristovyte vodkriti zapitanya.

Vikoristovyte actively listening, repeating that clarification.

Designate that account for the client's scars.

Plan the level of control and activity.


Vykorist direct developing control.

Submit a new topic.

Start a skin theme from the vіdkritih nutrition.

Victory close food for example those.

Pіdsumovuyte, yakscho vtracheno straight away.

Give respect to new information.

Get rid of the jargon.

To express hypotheses, use a test interpretation.

As a reminder to the client, take the piss, beat the confrontation.

To stimulate the expression of emotions, vikoristovyte visualize that turning link.

Completion of the consultation

Add a sum of money.

Demonstrate your readiness for a slightly arrogant need.

Ask about the validity of the scoring client.

Discuss the upcoming rock.

The beginning of the consultation. As a kind of rank, I rozpochat pershu zustrіch, lie down in the environment, and I will become a client. If you can, if you can, tell me about the method of grazing, as well as the hour, which you can take. Which one can be put first before the power supply. In order to get the client to a confession about yourself, start with good food, for example, you can’t say “so” or “no”, for example: “Why did you lie to turn to a psychologist?” or "Why would you want to start?" If the evidence on the cob of nutrition is insufficiently reported, you can formulate more advanced nutrition: “Could you tell me more about it?”

A good way to establish contact with the client is to be interested. Confused - like non-verbal (nods, good-natured and insinuations viraz shrug), and verbal (phrases like "So", "I hear", "Tell me more about you") - can be banal, but for them besіd stinks stimulate mova client and want yogo self-exploration.

The first phase of the consultation is the hour of the client’s active request until the reasons for bringing him to the consultation do not mean that at times of pauses the consultant is guilty of repeating them. Trival pauses are true negligence, shards can call out anxiety and trouble. Under an hour of short pauses, the client will sound out what you think about this problem, and often he himself will add new meaningful information. In natural circles, interrupt those who you have already recognized, to help you comprehend the offensive crook.

It is important to listen to the client's view of the problems and understand their subjective picture, so that the way the client understands the problem is one of the main tasks of the initial stage of consultation. You will help the client to make it clear, so that for additional repetition and clarification of the meanings and emotions, you will consequently demonstrate your mind as a more accurate and better understanding.

At the beginning of the cob phase, change your mind, you know about the main scars of the client, and ask: “What is it, what are you turbulent about?”. If it’s necessary, then it’s necessary to sum up the skargi, so that you can briefly overthrow them, as well as the accompanying ideas. The function of summing up to this stage helps to sum up the client's scarg and the situation that has developed.

With the technique of summing up, the problem of recording for an hour session is closely related. Letter fixation of scarg, key words and main themes of the client, so short notes, can be even more intricate, and many people successfully sing them in their work, when they fail to reach the contact. However, not everyone goes into it. And the retelling recording, which, insanely, is instantly bibuti, is more difficult for further reflection on the material, it is unlikely that it will help establish contact with the client - the main tasks of the initial consultation. It is unlikely that you will trust a consultant, who gives more respect to his client, to the client. Therefore, perhaps, the next work is either short notes, or it is necessary to consider in the record keeping the first sound. If it’s even more important that you don’t want to forget it, you can interrupt the client and say: “You don’t forget, so I will write down the details? The stench is important, and I don’t want to show them.” After finishing the recording, write it down with a pen and non-verbally demonstrate your readiness to make contact.

At the bud stage of development, the next step was to determine the average level of activity. At the first glance of conversation, after the structure of the situation and the information given about the causes of the atrocities, the consultant should take a passive position for the current hour. When the client speaks, then listen and plan the consultation strategy, as much as possible to control the conversation process. So, for example, with a pampering client, who is being called, they should show great activity, so that the hour of consultation does not come with insignificant details. First of all, with the client, who consequently describes the problem, improving everything with new and new types, control from the side of the consultant can be minimal. Here, the best advice would be to actively listen and hear, which will mitigate the problems of the consultant's remarks. However, in this situation, it’s not easy to forget about the subsoiling of the hour, as you can add to the list of songs.

Middle of the consultation. The main task of this stage is the formulation of hypotheses about the nature of the client's problems and their re-verification for the additional collection of supplementary information and the recording of pre-river trial presentations. As you take away the information you need, keep a minimum of control. If the client’s response is small, then it’s a good idea to take an active position. Don't be afraid to show control. The client reacts normally if something is interrupted. Sometimes the client jumps on unimportant those who report on important details. Although sometimes insignificant things can lead to feelings that are significant for the client, more often the stink is less likely to take away the surroundings the first time.

If you see the following line and are important, if the information is not related to it, then say it to yourself, first go to it, change the line, so you have finished the current topic. You can go to the new one with the help of an offensive construction: “If you talked about ... you guessed about ...; could not tell more about it.”

Before that, how to get lost at the new one, importantly finish the front line of follow-up. Chopped up with a new topic and pardon, which is often discussed, as if for an hour to lead to a confused and superficial understanding of the client's problems.

In the situation of a sudden transition of the client to the next week, those directly showing control from the side of the consultant can look like this, for example: and tell about them?

Give new ones to the client, schob vin rozumiv, where rozmov collapses.

Unlearn professional jargon and clarify the words and phrases, if you don’t understand and if you can mother one sense for you and another for the client. Zavzhdy next to clarify the diagnostic and psychological "labels". For example, if a client is feeling depressed, the counselor might say, “You said you were depressed. Could you describe in more detail what you saw yourself?”

When showing emotions to the pre-language ones, showing support and empathy, which stimulates their expression. Vaughn is often taken by the client as if showing pity. To that, if the client thinks about pity, then he should understand that you did not switch from empathy to sympathy. Empathy is the essence of understanding that psychological state of mind of another person, and not just an automatic reaction of sympathy and regret.

Well, as you say in my therapeutic voice, then for the expression of emotions, such techniques are most suitable, as they seem to be sensitive (“Your voice smells of rosemary; you saw that they had overcome all these problems, and with a rap, it sounds like a guilty plea”), 'language ("Tears appeared in your eyes") and food ("Could you say more about those who make you angry?").

Completed consultation. The stage of completion of the move includes a low order, and the very beginning of the summation of consultations, discussing the next step in the solution of the problematic situation, and in different cases, you also need to clarify that correction of the client’s assessment. The client's opinion about the first consultation with the consultant may be initially significant for the completion of the nutrition for the continuation of advisory services. Hurry up, “impressed” completion of the rozmozhe, you can start a successful consultation in a flash, then an hour will be specially seen at the end of the consultation.

In addition, the current hour is also necessary for the completion of the process of experiencing. As soon as the client’s response is important, important material is revealed and it is felt like it is felt by him, as a method of the final phase of the consultation, it becomes a relief of emotional resuscitation and completion to the end of the conversation.

Be sure to see ten credits for the best possible summation of consultations - stylistically and accurately summing up the cost of moving and reaching out to the well-reached half-hour of the session, understanding the main problem of the client. From the point of view, you often see what else is needed to be clarified both from the side of the consultant, and from the side of the client. After summing up the problems, ask the client in a nutshell: "What do you care about your main problem, what would you like to improve?" Such a food stimulates the client's motivation and forward planning for further developments in the heat of the moment, and home-building about the onset of a future crisis.

As a matter of psychotherapeutic practice, the most important client is often spoken about in the last few sessions, so it’s worth asking: “Why didn’t we waste something important, what else would you like to add?” You can bring up the food before the appearance of absolutely new important information, a report review of which may become the task of the upcoming session. In addition, the food is also a demonstration of your readiness to recognize the insolent need of the client - I will tell you the reason for the animal, about the yak, it’s possible, I don’t dare to say directly.

One of the goals of the final stage of the consultation is related to the recognition of the validity of the assessment, with which the client turned for help, that real consultation: “How do you feel the connection with the arrival of this day?” abo “How many of those that have become, did it give your ochіkuvannyam? Why yourself?" - the axis of nutrition, which allows you to show the client’s assessment and discuss possible roses. there is also the potential for correction of unrealistic errors in the case of one-time problems, and also, for further implementation of a realistic plan, which will help the client solve problems.

The final phase of the move is also the time to give the client information that needs to be dealt with, and give a professional recommendation. Іsnuyut problems, yakі mаyut kіlka vіmіrіv (so, for example, the problem in іntimnyh vіdnosynah can be connected with damage like psychological, so i sexual vіdnosin), and then y zovsіm go beyond the intercompetence of the consultant. To that, krіm (or deputy) of psychological assistance, the client may require professional assistance of another fahіvtsya: a psychiatrist, a lawyer, a sexologist, or even a few other services, for example, a group of anonymous alcoholics. Informing the client about the possibilities available to him and the possibility of acquiring a degree before the third degree is just one more task of the final phase of the first consultation.

At the end, you can add that the hour for recording a different consultation (main topics, facts of history, hypotheses, difficulties, etc.) is right after the consultation. I want to even more importantly take care of my respect and write down a change of heart and immediately after it, as if you don’t want to, important information can be irrevocably lost.

Firstly, the first consultation is due to be carried out at the form, which gives the client an idea for approval, so that he is ready to go before the course of consultation or psychotherapy, and to take on himself the positive, which will inevitably lead to the implementation of this idea.

Therapeutic insertion techniques

K. V. Yagnyuk (Yagnyuk, 2000c) propagated the typology of “sharp techniques” of therapeutic introduction, so that these techniques, like the majority of consultants and psychotherapists, are victorious regardless of their theoretical orientation.

Technique chi therapeutic intervention is a simple type of reaction from the side of the consultant, contributions to the achievement of intermediate and final goals of psychological counseling.

zaohochennya- Tse minimum zasіb for pіdtrimki vykladu vlasnoї іstorії, podtverdzhennya vyslovlennya him and ensure a smooth transition rozmovi. Until the desire to lie firm, like demonstrating the knowledge, confirmation of that understanding of what the client said.

repetition- tse may be more literally the implementation of what the client said, or the accentuation of the singing elements of the reminder. I turn what was said in the client’s mind, that the consultant will understand and understand what was said to him. In addition, repeated focusing on respect for the client’s information, allowing him to understand the additional meaning and not to be seen.

Food– tse request for disclosure, request for the collection of information, what to click, clarification or follow-up to the client’s notice. In the literature of psychological counseling, one often sees closed and closed nutrition.

shut down food- tse z'yasuvannya chi clarification of specific facts, zgadannyh client chi provided by the consultant. Close the food - the food chain, as if passing a short statement of confirmation of the consultant's admission. It is more common to say “so” chi “nі” in this way.

Open the food- Tse mozhlivist to zaredit respect of the client on the singing aspect of yoga, ask directly to the singing voice of the rozmovi. Call out the helper to speak out your thought, in a good situation. Forget the power to directly ask the client, however, at the borders of which directly the client is supposed to have complete freedom. Questions often start from asking “what”, “why”, “how” and serve to collect information. Similar food is important in the case of a client who has been fired, it is important for them to say “so” or “ne”.

Short meals- the most economical way (through introducing short phrases into the context, or naming words with the intonation of power) to add to the text by the client of history, change the thread of the story, or turn around for clarifications or clarifications. In a number of ways, in the best way, there is the shortest food, in which all words are omitted, as if they were understood otherwise from the deep context of the conversation. Replies like "I what?", "Why?", "Which method?" it is easy to get into the mind of the client, directing him to break.

For the help of a properly spoken linguist, the consultant can tell you how the client is dealing with a problematic situation, pick up the facts that they are trying to do it right, explain the client’s emotions to them, and also lead the client to notice the problem. Therefore, the management of technology is one of the most important tasks of a first-time consultant.

clarification– as a rule, in greater style and clear form, to the point of cognitive change of the client. The clarification of the knowledge of the correctness of the consultant's advice to the client, this process of clarification can be called the star of surprise. The method of clarification is also clearer understanding by the client of the damp inner world, and to instill their mutual relations from the outer world.

confrontation- Tse reaction, in which it is manifested by the resistance to his own maneuvers or to the irrational manifestations of the client, if he does not notice or does not change. Confrontation - tse brutal respect of the client for those who are unique, tse demonstration of the contradiction of differences between different elements of yogo mental awareness.

Interpretation– the whole process of giving additional meaning and a new explanation to them and other internal experiences and to the client’s inner podias, to linking different ideas, emotional reactions and psychic connections among themselves. Interpretation - the purpose of linking various elements to the client's notice.

Subsumovuvannya- tse vyslovlyuvannya, as in a short phrase, I take at once the main ideas of the client's message, I put in the next sequence, and then the result, reaching the hour of the song of the roar, all the roam and the sound is low.

Feeling good- tse expression and verbal recognition verbally or non-verbally of the emotions expressed by the client (which were experienced in the past, which are experienced at the same time or are transferred to the future), to make it easier for them to understand that understanding. Feeling the need to express your feelings directly, helping the client to get in touch with them, what to say and understand at the given moment.

The most common pardon with the most common technique and the most often stereotypical introductory phrase “You look ...”. In order to get rid of this, you can pick up a word that can be read almost. For example: "You were ripped (imaged, strivozhenі), if it happened." Other options for a bunch of phrases: "It seems to be ...", "It looks like you ...", "As I understand correctly, you tried ..." or "There is an anger ...".

Another frequent pardon of consultants-pochatkivtsiv - ochіkuvannya, if the client stutters, sob vykoristovuvat vіbryazhennya pochuttіv. In fact, it is often necessary for the consultant to interrupt the client to focus on significant and often overlooked feelings (Brammer and Shostrom, 1977).

Another stereotypical pardon is inadequate expression of the difference in the client's experience (underestimation or overestimation of their intensity).

The cream of the uninterrupted excitation of feelings, coming after the client’s phrase, can be victorious in such a way as “total exaggeration of sensitivities”, which selects the affective summation of the whole controversy, or to instill all the words, and not just a phrase of the rest.

Information- the purpose of giving information in the form is an explanation, a summary of the facts and thoughts, either from the will of the authorities, or at the request of the client's supply.

Perekonannya. The technique of reconciliation is closely intertwined with navіyuvannyam, let's first let's signify yogo. "Navіyuvannya - tse induction by a therapist (individually in an authoritative position) of ideas, emotions, etc., so that various mental processes in a patient (individually in a lying position) without improving the rational assessment of the rest" (19).

It is not so easy to conduct a reading of the difference between navіyuvannyam and perekonannyam. Perhaps, it is possible to designate that it’s a change, to the point of view, sound the appearance of a position, thoughts, a list of the client, yaki, prote, the consultant is trying to help with a special injection, oskarzhennya just manipulations.

Paradoxical reaction- The creation of an extraordinary perspective, a call to an alternative, often to a directly opposite obvious and rational for the client to accept the situation or the way of reacting to it. Paradox and humor - tse zasіb, scho often vikoristovuєtsya in psychotherapy.

Zvorotniy zv'azok- this is a description of the client's behavior, which helps to recognize how others take yoga, how the stench reacts to yoga behavior. The return call is also a way to help the client make up his mind about correcting his behavior. Let's induce the criteria for a coryne severing link.

1. Zvorotny zv'azok descriptive and priceless. The description of the client's behavior gives him the freedom to choose how to respond to her. Unique estimates, we ourselves change the need for the client to be protected.

2. Providing accurate and specific information about those and other aspects of the client's behavior when calling to the next follow-up.

3. The return link is directly related to that aspect of the behavior, with which the client is building. Vkazіvka on nedolіki, scho poses the control of the client, less frustrating yogo.

4. Zvorotny zv'azok svoєchasny. It’s as bad as possible, if it’s pronounced at once, for the other reaction of the client.

self-revealing- ce shared with the client a wealthy information, information about himself, about his own life, or without a middle expression in the minds of the client, chi bazhan, that they blame, blame ideas or fantasies.

Directive– the best way to learn the client from the process of following up on the modification of the power of feelings, knowing the behavior, the proposition of learning singing songs at the walk of the session or the viscounts of the singing of the head of the intermediary between them.

Verbal and non-verbal features of psychotherapeutic work

To describe the causes of such manifestations of neurotic behavior in different schools, different metaphors are used, for all the stinks, they indicate damage as the rigidity of behavioral skills, romatic structures, and methods of emotional response. For someone who looks at psychotherapy, there is a development of zhorst structures in the behavior and mind of the client, there is a change in the representation of the problem. Can there be a new understanding of the genesis of the broken after the interpretation of psychoanalysts, a symbolic demonstration of the unseen experience through the artistic image for the help of the Jungian method of amplification, the expansion of the possibility of representation in the be-like technicality of the victorious students? Psychotherapy is within the reach of the mind to change the understanding of the client's problems, to create special language, which allows you to express your experience.

The skin psychotherapeutic school, creating its own metaphor, expands a specific language, especially a map of psychological space. Entry into this new space gives the client the money for more effective structure of the inner world. The solution of the problem seems to be like an interaction between a movie client and a psychotherapist. Therefore, the most important mental psychotherapy is entering the metaphor of psychotherapeutic directing through the client's mastering specific understanding of those explanatory schemes. At the same time, it is important that the other side of the victory of my own interests is to follow my client. In order for the client to express his feelings instantly, it is necessary, for the intercourse with the psychotherapist to form a mutual understanding, and the coherence of special meanings appeared.

It is important to intuitively understand through the language of representation the way of light perception of a person that speaks to her alone. Chuyny psychotherapist vikoristovuє rozmovі z client yogo key words. As if there is a robot with a person, as if experiencing a subjective reality in the images of others and like: “I don’t care about prospects for myself”, then the psychotherapist can say: “Let’s look at this problem otherwise.” Like a psychotherapist will say: “I will understand what is important to you,” or it may appear too far away from the client’s uninterrupted knowledge. The largest client in the larger world of orienting to the body feels and describes his feeling in such a way: "Our vessels are rejected by warmth." You will be enlightened by the words that reflect the experience from the kinesthetic modality. And for the third world, it sounds: “I don’t have to talk too much about what.” I know the warning of the beast: "Listen to yourself."

In this way, the very form of representation can bring about problems. In a splintered person, a part of his or her knowledge is consequently splintered, crusted with singable rules, shards of grammatical and syntactical peculiarities of speech do not stray from “grammar and syntax of a thought”. Relying on this regularity, the creators of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) J. Grinder and R. Bandler (Bandler, Grinder, 1993) directly formulated the concept of “psychotherapeutic incorrectness”. Psychotherapeutic incorrectness is a grammatically correct and syntactically correct way of expressing that understanding of subjective reality in no less effective way. The picture of the world is shaped by means of a traumatic experience. Three main types of psychotherapeutic irregularities are seen: generalization, omission and creation.

Generalization- To clarify the specific information and expand it on other similar situations, to specify the specific information that is observed in the living of the universal quantifiers "zavzhdi", "nіkoli", "nіhto", "everything", "skin" and so on.

Omission- the process of filtering information, for which a person is turned off out of respect. Just an omission in the fact that the rechenni vіdsutnya vkazіvka on the object, disguise chi podіya.

Contemplation– the sub-activation of information has been transferred, the sub-ordering of acceptance and adoption by individual regulators. To speak about the nominalization, as in the case of the decency, the object is replaced by the object (from the glance of the grammatical warehouse, the name of the word gets used to the name). In such a rank, a person who preserves the main camp, is encouraged to change and be viable for his own work.

These are the general rules, behind which there will be a modern representation, the stench is characteristic for whether there is some kind of connection with it, if the context is added to the words, the partners in the same world avoid special use of sterile sensi , cleared view of the subjective detail of the picture. Moreover, the very meaning of the fabric is a subject of interest, and the focus is brown product human proof.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the psychotherapist's robot is spurred to the point of bringing to a concrete conclusion as a dzherel of psychotherapeutic irregularities. The NLP strategy is based on what has been behind the superficial structure of the proposition, the definition of the border with the right client and the renewal of a new representation.

Zagalny pіdhіd that psychotherapist, paraphrasing, pochutya, interpreting, confronting, summing up what the client said, helping to understand his way of light perception. Vykoristovuyuchi key words, propositions, participants in the psychotherapeutic process explain the exchange at the structure of the client's information. For example, as a client, a few phrases starting from the words: “It’s a pity ...”, the psychotherapist can ask: “About what are you sorry about?”, Or: “Are you sorry for yourself?”, Or: “Sorry?”, which will help the client hear yoga a little. With whom it is important to protect paralinguistic traits - like voice and vocalization. Everything that robs a client is more obvious and more desirable - to serve one's self-expression. Non-verbal behavior can be supplemented verbally, super-speech to you, substitute, help me to remember what was said. It is less subject to control, more spontaneous and to that greater world it reflects the inner spontaneous.

From non-verbal sobіv splkuvannya even more informative look. Technique look maє risi, zagalnі all people, features, characteristic representatives of singing culture, and individual specifics. For example, contact cultures are unique to eye contact. At the same hour, the rhythm of contact-watching is individual. It’s rich in what to lie in specific minds: trust, psychological comfort, degree of focus on the topic, depth of operation, physical and psychological distance, communicative intention of the client. So, if the client says what he wants to talk about, he will be more surprised at the vіchi. For different people, in different situations, the parameters of the technique will look different. The contact of the eyes can mean respectful hearing and a signal to make a pause in the monologue. Fixation at a glance can mean that the client has lost his mind. Eye movements are the basis of Shapiro's technique.

Expansion in vzaєmodії (rozmіr kіmnati, її zadnenija, orientatsija and vіdstan іmіzh psychotherapist and client) is also an important parameter of the non-verbal behavior of the participants in psychotherapy, which changes invariably in the case of their problematic, procedural psychotherapeutic features. Prostorova closeness correlates from psychological distance, on the basis of "allowing" the client to himself. It is more important for that, that you can regulate yourself as a psychotherapist. Anxious clients, especially in important situations, try to reduce the psychological distance. Vіdchuvayuchi, scho їhnіy psikhonіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchny prosіr rіshuієє, stink pragnіt put yakієєєr (for example, with a gesture of the hand) or vіdvodvod look. Deyakі clients feel more comfortable behind the "sweet bar" at the sight of a coffee table. Sound the participants of psychotherapy roztashovuyutsya one against one, nizh prokuvat competitive style splkuvannya, and kilka under the hood. It is especially important for women. When a psychotherapeutic cabinet is issued, the vibrancy degree of stimulus acceptance is guaranteed. People with low vibrancy react to rich elements in the design of rising excitement, anxiety. At that very hour, sensory deprivation (empty room, full noise) increases discomfort.

An hour is also a parameter of a psychotherapeutic injection. A specific injection may be a frame (cob - end) of a therapeutic session. It will require special attention to the factor of structuredness to the hour. Vіn is determined by the individual characteristics of the client, the theoretical orientation of the psychotherapist, the stage of jubilation. Important keys to the understanding of the client will give caution to the breath, kinetics (gestures, viraz of disguise, posture, movements). Acts of body movement serve the function of adaptation. If the client is boasting, you can tap your fingers on the table, rhythmically kick with your foot, rub your hands, etc. The appearance of these manifestations gives the possibility of reaching a higher contact for an hour of work.

As one client's language does not fit with others, talking about verbal-verbal incongruity. Parts of the body can show different reminders. For example, the client’s hands, oriented to a psychotherapist, with a straight look and a face to speak about a dream, but when you do it, one hand closes your mouth, your legs are crossed and your voice sounds unsung. The client is not similar to Peter Pen's little girlfriend, only one emotion was contained in the yak. On the faces you can smile, but in the eyes you can see the tightness. In such behavior, a non-verbal-non-verbal incongruence manifests itself.

Due to incongruity, confrontation is effective, which allows the client to gain respect for the “lacunae” in the process of notification. The psychotherapist can respond to the expression of super-exciting emotions like this: “If you said that you wanted to be like a father, you stole your head and locked it. What do you mean?", or repeat, having put more doubts on the voice: "Similar?", or give the possibility of a reaction that appeared non-verbally, hang on the words, adding: "ale ..." two styles" - created within the framework of Gestalt therapy. The method allows you to conduct a "dialogue" of confronting parts of specialty, spontaneously, emotions. The blatant pidkhіd to work with incongruence lies in the fact that super-clear explanations are clearly fixed in different systems of representation, the nature of the conflict is shown and the mind is created for it. Of particular importance is the congruence of the behavior of the psychotherapist himself. Vaughn allows the client to accurately understand what was said, zmіtsnyuє dovira to the psychotherapist.

An effective psychotherapist is sensitive to the client's desire to enter into resonance with him, repeating the key characteristics of both verbal and non-verbal behavior. Insanely, I don’t convey a mechanical repetition of positive gestures, but I will become more empathetic to the client. This one has an optimal balance between “admission” and “reception” (Bandler, Grinder, 1993), that is. living at the client's camp and active management of the change process, broadcasting more effective behaviors. For example, if the psychotherapist propagates the situation, in which the strength and intensity were experienced, then the voice speaks louder and clearer.

There are three ways to work as a psychotherapist.

The first field is at z'yasuvanni dzherel, the reasons for the ineffective structure are known. This way is also a psychodynamic psychotherapy, which continues the infantile experience and fantasy of the client.

Another path is most characteristic of cognitive psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming. Vіn maє on the basis of changing the very method of svetorozuminnya on the basis of research and correction of non-adaptive thoughts.

The third way is to work with non-verbal representations of knowledge, with interchanges in various sensory modalities. Gestalt therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, body-oriented psychotherapy are oriented on the whole way of the greater world.

The client's problem is manifested in different ways: with additional words, images, ruins and inspire my dream. Different nature of representation can give the same possibility of active treatment of the problem. The cathartic effect and insight into the problem can be reached, if the experience knew enough to comprehend that understanding, there was a lot of symbolic vision. Previously, the therapeutic effect of the symbolic expression of an unseen change was described by Do. R. Jung, this idea was won over by other schools.

The problem of the client may be impersonal representations in the structure of the client's information, whether it be її viraz - zavzhd transition from one system to another, then. translation. The "Vilnist" of the translation is due to the unambiguousness of the language of evidence and the unseen, the image of that word, the rush of that emotion. The bagatioh directly presented the bones for the formation of a new representation for the rahunok, translated into a new modality: engraving in psychodrama, modeling in behavioral psychotherapy, visualization in NLP. The advantage of this chi іntshom method is to be observed in the form of peculiarities, to describe the problem and the special characteristics of the client, and to navit in the form of the theoretical orientation of the psychotherapist.

Demonstration by the consultant of the quality of presence is the basis for establishing contact with the client through the first communication and support to the contact through the entire process of psychological counseling (Yagnyuk, 2000b).

The quality of presence includes both physical and psychological presence of that unity. Congruence with every corner of the bag, but not a trace of forgetting that a contact is established is a process that will require an hour and special efforts. In this process, more, let and incongruent viraz of physical presence allow you to improve on the same scale with the client and lead to an increase in the level of psychological presence and authenticity.

Now let's take a look at the elements of non-verbal communication and messages that can be conveyed.

Position and distance

Reveal to rebuke- the most practiced, although not the only one possible roztashuvannya. The position of the hour-on-the-hour, how to set up the seats of the consultant and the client in the open space of the office, is requested before the dialogue. “I am smarter than you, I am ready to listen to you” - the axis of those messages, like a consultant to the right to convey to clients. Such a position is to confirm the readiness of the consultant to the contact, to inform about his/her engagement before moving and requesting the client to open self-submission. However, sometimes the readiness of the consultant to the point of straight line is accepted by the client as a threat. This problem can be solved by changing the position of the seats and increasing the distance between the consultant and the client. Pochatkove roztashuvannya armchairs under a small kut and at a sing distance to put forward the possibility of regulation of the contact cordon by both participants, then call the chairs to put on a distance of 1.5-2 meters under a small kut.

Keep the contact under the hour and move more importantly with those who seem to be standing or standing in the armchair. As soon as the consultant got sick, he forwards the message "I'm with you, I'm here for you, and those that you want to say," then stepping back often means "I don't call for you" or "I'm boring." Nahil in front of you can be experienced by the client, we’ll get sick of being sick, like a support from the consultant’s side, and, on the contrary, we’ll move back - like that mother’s carelessness on the right with yoga feelings. Too fast, rapt, quick-witted quickly the distance between the consultant and the client, which can disrupt the contact and take it as a kind of threat. So, for example, a consultant can say: "Father, I've heard your scars, and now I want to know what you think is the cause of all these difficulties?" - І at tsomu, as if bi hanging over the client, sharply nahlititsya forward. Such a non-verbal behavior can give an unsustainable benefit to the consultant's pre-river nutrition. First of all, if the consultant sharply moves back after these phrases, the client can take it as a negligence of hearing yogo scarga and ignorance before explaining their reasons.

A good consultant is honored to be placed up to the psychological cordons of human identity, respectful to the country, comfortable for the client, and winning the client's reaction like a turning signal to the optimal level of physical distance and psychological closeness.

Open posture. Seriously asking the camp is right, ringing out to see the opening and closing the position. Vіdkrita pose to know about the consultant's opinion and his spontaneity before the client says. The pose is closed, obvious markers of which are used to cross one’s hands, to say about a lesser engagement before the opening.

The consultant periodically inquires to himself: “In what way does my posture convey to the client my acceptance and accessibility?” The ideal option here is to take into account the situation, if you adopt a natural, authentic behavior for the consultant. Typical is the same vibir mizh vіdkrituyu, but with tsimu tієyu chi іnshoy unhandled, unnatural pose that comfortable, protієyu chi іnshoy іnshoy poza closed pose. In such a situation, it is necessary to at least take into account the ups and downs of the changes in the critical and closed positions and win the results of caution as information about the particularity of your relationship with the client. It is possible, if not periodically, to inquire to yourself: “What in the behavior and reactions of the client calls me to change my posture?” The situations of the Viber, as soon as the consultant is unknown to Zberiga, Vidkrit, Ale at Tsoma, all the yogo respect, he is in the aggressor on himself, Mabut, take it away from the same time, Ale of the natural pose, I will adhere to the natural recesses, and the Scho pose.

Vіdkrita posture is not transferring, scho, posting її, the consultant saves її protyazh uhogo session without change. Vidkrita posture is not enough to deal with the damage, if it is not strained and natural. Non-verbal naturalness includes the freedom and calmness of your body as a means of communication. Active gesticulation often reflects positive emotions and accepts as a sign of affection and friendliness, and a smooth change of posture and natural victorious gestures testify to Rozmov’s calmness and inclusion.

Viraz is disguised. Viraz of individuals is the most important source of information about people, especially about them. The very mimic reactions of the speaker to speak about his emotional note, to serve as a means of regulating the process of communication. In addition, the facial expression for the client without intermediary information is not only about the feelings that the consultant looks at, but also about the building of the city to take control over them.

Let's take a look at the acts of showing a facial expression that message, like stench can carry. The most memorable manifestation of facial expressions is a chuckle, yak, without being overly victorious, is a positive stimulus. “Subtaries, yak rule, vysylovliy, prose is permissible, it is often required to be captured ... The assidation is pulled in an unbearable situation of vibachennya ib napokokonnya ... Scho, skewed with Brov, Vyzlovl. .

Stroke your eyebrows yourself, sound like an incomprehensible, as a consultant, destroy your eyebrows, and you can help the client yourself, but you don’t follow the light of the movie. Stiff cracks can be evidence of hardness and swelling, as well as aggressive moods. Fear, zahoplennya chi podiv can zmusit hearing vodkrit company, nіbi tsim almost do not stick out in the middle. And a person with strained nostrils and drooping lips could say: “I breathe in this way and I know order for you, but I won’t praise you either.” Better yet, apply quiet reminders, as they can be transmitted by virus to individuals in the process of mutual consultation of the consultant and the client. The consultant's awareness of similar mimic reactions (like those of the body and the client), the reflection of attachments in some senses can significantly improve the process of therapeutic communication.

visual contact. Eyes - tse, as if seen, a mirror of the soul, that visual contact can be seen as well as specifically in the mind. Direct visual contact is another way to say: "I'm with you, I want to hear what you want to say." As K. S. Stanislavsky wrote, “look - straight, without intermediary intercourse in a pure look, from the soul - to the soul” (quoted by Labunskaya, 1999). However, the best option, in my opinion, is based on the fact that you maintain visual contact, but at the same time periodically allow yourself to marvel at other objects, without dwelling on them for a long time. Visual contact is not broken, as if you were looking at someone else. However, more often than not, looking at the client can take it as unpretentiousness to the new. Such behavior may also be indicative of the consultant's discomfort, calling out equal proximity to the client, or specific problems that cause intimacy. Іsnuє raznitsa mіzh vіdkritim with a direct look and yoga extreme - with a sawy look. A good look at the enemy's active participation in contacts, in fact, often fails to mention the "dead contact". A drunken look (you want to look at a person in the eyes of a spy) can also indicate a specific need for a mirror, which is characteristic of a client with a narcissistic type of specialness.

Visual contact is necessary for mutual regulation of the process of moving. To all of us, with the knowledge of the ongoing communication, it is known that visual contact is easily made when discussed by the receptionists, the sound of the speakers will sound unique, if there is a confusion about the reception of food. Like the one who speaks, marvels in her eyes, then look at the kill, tse ringing means that you still do not stop talking. After the end of the speech of the promotion, ring out, let me know about it from the look of a direct look at the vіchі svіvrozmovnik, hіba sho proponuyuchi that rozpochati rozmovu.

It is important for such people to make direct visual contact, and this stink is unique, they are afraid of voicing ideas and emotions and discussing singing topics (for example, such as sex and aggression) and see if the rozmos are swaying like that. If the consultant has problems with visual contact, if he is unique, he can shift his gaze from the object to the object and not stare at the client, while the client is sleeping and vibrating tension.

Follow along, as the contact between you and the client is formed, remember that visual contact is the process of mutual interaction of two osib. However, these other problems with visual contact are not blamed on us, but only on one client, there is a sense of looking at them as potentially there was information about the client. So, for example, if the client is unique by a direct look, if you look at the psychologist with a glance of a spidloba, then the reason for this can be, for example, the experiences of the childishness, if the person cooks yoga and at that, he marvels just at the vіchі.

Head nods. Nodding your head is a good way to show the client that you are listening. Keeping up with the work of professionals, reconsidering how therapeutic it is, simply nodding your head at the same time with visual contact and reactions such as "Uh-huh" and "I'll understand." On vlasny dosvіdі perekonuєshsya in fact, naskіlki tse foldable. Nodding your head for the client is an unbiased confirmation that you follow him step by step and understand what was said. It’s easier to remember, as if it’s a succession to win, start to win the function of a turning link. The daily nodding tells the client about the lack of understanding and the need for clarification, and now the appearance - about those who are sensational, which is trying to explain the client, accumulations. Here, maybe, remember warto, that nods with your head will come in, it’s like they’re too tired, the stench is more fighting and sleeping, lowering the dialogue.

Tone, tempo and volume of voice. The voice is important for expressing a whole range of subjective feelings and meanings. The tone and pace of the movie can say a lot about the emotional state of a person. As a rule, the speed of the movie grows, if the one who speaks, squalls, awakenings, or turbulences. It’s Shvidko to say the same to the one who tries to change her spy. Povіlna well mova often speak about the oppression of the camp, zarozumіlіst because of this.

Those, who are loudly vociferous with words, can be an indicator of the strength of feelings. One and the same phrase in the staleness in the intonation can sound like a different zmist. You can speak in a sing-song and low-key, accepting and re-questioning, triumphant and unimportant tone. Most people react on their own to intonation, and not to words. The reaction of the client to the counselor's speech is rich in what is due to him, in such a tone to speak from him. That consultant needs to gradually expand the range of intonational virtuosity and accurately, without subdued messages, to sing out the headlines. The tone of the voice can be not only kindly, it can also be helpful to those who want to go. As a general rule, the counselor will speak quietly. The voice of the greater world is muffled and blamed on the speaker for his trustfulness.

One of the manifestations of the voice is laughter. Smіh may sound soft and with metal notes, often false. In certain situations, smіh is the best way to relieve tension, or to get rid of the sickly feeling. Smіkh and humor in a flash may have a great positive potential in consultative practice, and that presence in moderate doses is a sign of a warm atmosphere. However, don’t forget that such words, like “smіyuvati” and “smіhatisya”, reflect a negative bіk smihu. It’s even more important that the client doesn’t take your jarry like a vismіyuvannya yogo yakos, that it’s necessary to carefully vikoristovuvat jarti, for which the target is the client. I also respect that no less care should be taken by the consultant to reach out to his address.

Pause and movchannya. Take a pause for a while as one of the most important professional skills of a consultant. While waiting for pauses, the consultant gives the opportunity to speak to the client. I create the presence of pauses in a conversation of apparently inconsistency, thoughtfulness of what is being said, it’s not too early to put the supply on, or comment on what seems to be a client. A pause gives you the opportunity to add to what has been said, correct, clarify the information. A pause reinforces the significance of what was expressed in words, the need to comprehend and understand them. The adviser's speech emphasizes the ability to speak to the client, and if the consultant speaks at his desk, suggest that his words will be respectfully received.

An hour of pause takes place at the rose in a special way. A hvilinna pause can take on like eternity. Follow the memory that the transcendental pause causes anxiety and provokes aggression. It is permissible to take a pause to lie down at the stage of consultation and become a client. The consultant should take a break for a practical pause after the client’s conversation, around quiet interactions, as if to take care of the food without interruption.

Movchannya seems to be a bit threatening to the consultants, who focus all their respect on them, demonstrating their professional incompetence. This is how early consultants often describe the period of moving. As a result, it is necessary to say, if you like, abi interrupt the move. In such situations, the consultant should set no better food, like bringing the client to the minimum to the minimum. In such a situation, the client's appearance is not so important, so the food was not thought out. The consultant can be called a quote. Such a situation is blamed for a skin problem, if the consultant is trying to think that he was responsible for the daily pauses at the promotional client, nibi rozmov is the only evidence that the client is important for the psychological work.

On the clients of Movchannya, I most often hope to be similar to the day. The stench is also aware of the ability to speak, and it is necessary to respond, filling the empty ones at the rose. At the link with the consultant and the client, you can win a secret agreement on filling the empty balakan of the client. Once aware, the consultant can correct the situation by asking the client to take a deep breath and focus on internal experiences during the black pause. Tim himself makes a lot of sense. Focusing on internal information (observations, feelings, images, fantasies) will require an hour and a pause in this situation - an adequate reaction of the consultant.

Another reason for the move can be the bazhannya of both participants to stop for a certain hour, to comprehend, to sum it up earlier, to think about the consequences. In addition, the client will often require a pause after a period of self-expression, or for an attainable insight, in order to gain a little knowledge, to integrate yoga into the main system of internal manifestations. For such clients, there is such a period of integrating movement and dosvіd human interrelationship, which is not seen before, it would be a serious pardon.

Movchannya may have a different meaning. So, for example, movchannya can witness about the pragnennya hovatisya, usamіtnyuvatisya and protect yourself from other people. The client can win the move in order to send the message to the consultant: “I am approaching those who love me, and I will require encouragement” or “I am independent and will not require your intelligence.” Consultant, at your side, you can send such a message through Moscow: “I want us to crumble more,” or “I want you to think more about what you said,” or “At the moment, I have more respect for your feelings" .

Good consultants often win the move as a best technique for particular situations. Tse zovsim does not mean that the stench is not active. The most important way to focus on the current experience is to focus on the moment with the method of feeling the internal feedback of both the client and the consultant. Movchannya can also be vikoristane as a stronger force of what is happening, for example, a stronger sing-song-like mechanism and pattern of behavior, so we’ll sweat it, if the stench becomes more pronounced, more obvious to the client. So you can talk about the movchaznu turbota. Such a movchannya may be misplaced, if there are no necessary words for a note on the client’s experience, for example, on a pochutya, it’s necessary to spend it on an ill fortune. At to this particular type movchannya peredusіm transmit spіvchuttya.

Introduced more elements of non-verbal communication, even more important storehouses of human communication, which can become a direct path to the inner life of the client, as well as your own inner world. Be more spontaneous non-verbally, less verbally, and more importantly control. It is important for a consultant to remember to read the client's non-verbal behavior as well as express it non-verbally. The presence of non-verbal manifestations in the course of the conversation allows them to carry on and reveal the significance attached to them. So, for example, as in the world of that, as a client, you see the growth of poverty and tension in the body, you can ask yourself: What called out my anxiety? What kind of non-verbal message do I immediately convey to the client? Your invitations to annunciation can be even more important information about your stosunki, so ask for a confirmation of the request “Why do I myself not know the client and why can’t I hear the message?” є an important storekeeper of professional reflection. The sooner the consultant sees the power of the non-verbal reaction, the sooner the more time for understanding and the ability to save control over it. So, for example, as if the client had said, “About growing up, what called out to you a fortune-telling, you should try to calm yourself down in the face of an outward expression of aggression, and then reflect on those that have happened. Practicing to understand the causes of your aggression allows the singing world to stand aside from emotions, and also, to shrink from your expression. When prompted by internal reactions, the consultant sticks with super-clear vimogami: be critical to the vlashnyh sensitivities and at once calm down in the face of an outward expression. Tse vashke, ale meritorious for Zusilla task.

In addition, non-verbal behavior itself is a channel of communication through non-verbal manifestations (mimicry, gestures, body movements, etc.) the consultant can be seen or uninformed to supplement and modify his verbal communication. Knapp (Knapp, 1978) has seen such non-verbal manifestations:

1. Confirmation of that repetition. Non-verbal behavior can confirm and repeat what was said in words. For example, as if in response to the client’s ill-humoured sensibilities, which were brought out of the situation by chance from the past, the consultant, nodding his head correctly, with a viraz disguise, that he is experiencing, like: “I will understand, how important it was for you at that moment non-verbally confirming the speech and understanding.

2. Forbidden and misguided. Non-verbal behavior can be misunderstood or mislead verbal messages. Like a consultant at the interview for a new client request “Hey, I hooked you with my criticism?” in a three-toned voice, you say that you are not embarrassed, but if you look at someone, unique visual contact, then this non-verbal message will be blocked by what he said. With the butt of a delusion, you can take into account the situation, if a person seems to be angry with someone else, but laughs at him. The time has a non-verbal reaction of a misleading speaker. A chuckle in this situation can mean: “I’m angry at you, but I’m afraid that you’ll get away from me,” or: “I’m angry, but it’s even more uncomfortable for me to talk about it.”

3. Strengthen that accent. Non-verbal behavior can be used to emphasize and accentuate what is said, so that it will increase its intensity and put pressure on it even more emotionally. For example, as a consultant advises the client to discuss food with the team, you can say: “I can’t show myself,” - splattering with my eyes with my hands. Otherwise, for example, as a consultant advises for the sake of the client, who tries to shift the distance on his shoulders, and at the same time we stare at him with a frown, then we give an understanding to the client, that we are ready to prepare, angry.

4. Control and regulation. Non-verbal messages are often used to regulate what is involved in the process of interaction, to control the behavior of others. For example, the frowning eyebrows of one of the participants in the conversation can serve for someone who speaks in remembrance about those that his mind did not fully understand, that it will require an explanation. And, first of all, the nods of the consultant are about the last understanding of the client's move. Tim himself bulo zdіysnyuєtsya regulation pace opovіdannya. And for additional help, the consultant can help the client about the problem, get stuck in the topic, for example, at the link with him, you don’t know wine, how to react, and the anxiety of anxiety, that you become too high.

At the end, I want to respect that all of them are friendly and the presence of specificity in the mind, regardless of their obvious simplicity, to achieve a great hour for their practical mastering. It’s even more foldable, and it’s possible to do it only once, if you become an extension of the human qualities of a consultant, the realization of your special values, and not just warehouse technologies of psychological assistance.

Metaphors in the process of psychotherapeutic counseling

Metaphors (in the form of enchanting fairy tales, verses, anecdotes) are commonly used by therapists to help clients with their important changes. Such stories, anecdotes and idioms have one fundamental quality: they have an important reason for chi in the background about some specific problems. Htos stikaetsya with a problem and as a rank, either do it, or know the blows. The way, for the help of which the hero overcomes his problem, may, in a similar situation, appear adventitious for other people. If, as a matter of fact, these stories are presented by hearing people with us, to give pleasure or to instruct them (because the hearer can be such a name on the street), then it becomes a metaphor for these people. In the global sense, metaphor can be used as a reminder, in which one area of ​​speech is expressed through terms that overlap with another area of ​​speech, and all at once sheds new light on the nature of what was described earlier (Gordon, 1994).

It is obvious that metaphors are entrenched in all therapeutic approaches and systems. The butt can be used by Freud sexual symbols as a tool for interpreting dreams, fantasies and "unfamiliar" associations. Jung vinayshov metaphors "animus" and "animi". Reich vinayshov "orgone". It is humanistic psychology to talk about “peak-experience”, just like the mechanics of rozmirkovuyut about “a small black screen”. Bern had “igris”, Perls had “upper” and “lower” dogs, and Yanov spoke about the “first” dosvid. Further, skin therapy or a system of psychology can, in the quality of its foundations, a set of metaphors (in the form of a dictionary), which represents the singing part of people, the ability to communicate some of their own information about the world. However, important clarifications, as far as we can add here, is the fact that such metaphors are not clear. People don’t carry around their heads small “upper” dogs, or “primary essences” to run around the outskirts of the jokes of “Vono” in order to compete with him in a duel. Metaphors are only a way to remind about facts.

Introducing more of those other metaphors allows you to understand that your client's description of this situation is also a set of metaphors, in which you can "see" the world of your abilities. However, “obviously” and “obviously”, as if you are guilty of these metaphors, they will not be identical until the right information of your client, just like your opinion of the client will be misunderstood by the singing world. It often happens that the system of communication for additional metaphors is similar to leading to greater pardons for mutually intelligible friends.

Human skin develops a unique model of the world that comes out of a combination of genetically educated factors and special certificate. The “model” includes all the experiences and all the considerations behind which these experiences arise, as well as all the rules behind which these developments arise. Some parts of this model recognize the same changes in the world of physiological development, and eventually until a new one, while other parts of this model seem to be rigid and unchangeable. There are no two identical models of the world. Given thousands of experiments on the development of spriynyattya and її vіdmіnnosti among different individuals to be seen, people significantly differ among themselves on the neurophysiological level. We all develop our own unique models of the world. Tse clarification is already important to the mother on the basis of information, the selection of accurate information is a fundamental aspect for whether it is an effective therapeutic situation. Considering that all communications are metaphorical and grounded on a unique information, we can remember about those who cause stench not only because of the smell .

The psychotherapist did not in any way admit that the client has a new world of mind. Vin is guilty of perekonatisya, that the client has reached those who told the psychotherapist. One and the same words and the use of different people can understand each other in a different way. The sense of such people can be understood as "sorry", "deposit", "self-abasement" and so on, but it can be explored by the way of their introduction to specific experiences in the patient's life, and it is even more important in the process of psychotherapy. The pounding principle of the Pidenn to the Vedenna is a psychotherapeutic dialog є the stimen of such minds, in the Yakik Klіnta mig Bi, Voznchiti Zmiz, Yaki TII TISHIS, IS NIZHASTYASHYASHYASHYA, Vygosy, Vygosyti What is conveyed by the whole singing type of vіdpovіdі. One of the most important in the repertoire of a psychotherapist is food: “What do you have at the moment?” You should set a tone that allows you to convey that the psychotherapist is less likely to understand the client and does not hesitate to know the answer independently.

Obviously, among the models of the world, there is no less vіdminnostі. Іsnuє and impersonal imitations, often mind-witted by the minds of a specific social environment. When developing and victorious therapeutic metaphors, it is guilty to maximally victorize those similarities, how to describe the patterns with which people express their life experiences.

The most important understanding is that it is necessary to denigrate the psychotherapist, as if it were a victorious tactic, or we can vindicate a metaphor for therapy, to understand the “transderivative joke”. Transderivative search is the process of turning over one's own model of the world with a method of understanding. Method, for the help of which you understand the words, as you read at once, rely on the help of the transderivation process with the relevant parts of your model. The very process of correlating input sensory information with our models makes it possible to make metaphors of the floor meaningful as a change of mind. If in the course of therapy the client is told that there is a slip, we will need to look for transderivation in order to understand what has been said. Moreover, if the context, in which the story is told, is therapeutic, then the client is better for all spivvіdnostime її, as well as possible, with his own problem or situation.

Fascinating fairy tales to that and є therapeutic, that the patient knows his own solution, associates those who are in them in such a way that they can be brought up to the new, with the conflicts of their inner life, and, therefore, that they are experiencing at the given hour. Instead of fairy tales, you can’t sound until the last life of the patient, but you can as a whole think of those who create his internal problems, as they are made to him incomprehensibly, and to him inexplicable.

In this way, by the method of therapeutic metaphors, it is the initiation of a svіdom or pіdsvіdomogo transderivation quest, which can help people win special resources for such an enrichment of the model of the world, which it will require, so that you can understand the problem, їїї її

Most importantly, up to a metaphor for efficiency, they are those who won the client in this model of the world. It doesn't mean that changing the metaphor of obov'yazkovo can be zbіgatisya with the changing situation of the client. “Instructing the client in his own model of the world” means only those that the metaphor can save the structure of the problem situation. Otherwise, it seems that important officials of metaphor are inter-society stosunki and paterns, with which the client operates in the middle of the context of the problem. The context itself has no meaning.

Therapeutic metaphors, like the beginning of therapy, start from the problem. The first and foremost task of someone who helps people is to understand the nature of the characteristics of the client's problem, as well as to know in what way you want to change your situation. p align="justify"> An important rethink for effective therapy and for robotic therapeutic metaphors is the need for precise formulation of the client's goals. Tse means that the client is in control of the change, as it is necessary to work.

The fundamental characteristic of therapeutic metaphor is those that are participants in the history and subdivisions, who are in it, equivalent - isomorphic - to these individuals and subtypes, as they characterize the situation and the problem of the client. It is represented in the metaphorical list of diyovih osib, and in the processes and parameters of situations where problems arise. Such representations are not equal to the parameters of the problem itself, but are equivalent to those of the sensations of the installation of the voices themselves, as they are identified between the parameters of the metaphor and the real situation. In this sense, “isomorphism” is taken here as a metaphorical saving of mutual relations, as if it were a place in an actual problem situation.

In the course of constructing effective metaphors, it is not enough to simply include one participant in the story, one by one, to the participants in the action problem, and one line for the skin action problem, so there are problems. It is clear that the overrun of the current situation may be safe in history so that the client accepts the whole representation of the problem that is significant for the new one. Podіbna vimoga means: what is significant for metaphor, then it is an isomorphic representation of ideas and processes that are manifested in the problem. If Umov is satisfied with isomorphism, then the folding of metaphor is an adjunctive context. When choosing characters for metaphor, there is no meaning, who stinks. Golovne at tsimu those, like the stench vzaєmodіyut.

Dosі єdinim for the completion of the main metaphor was the source of the problem. Keeping an eye on your client, you intuitively know how the changes would be correct for him, and you can determine what the result of the request may be. However, in case of rich behavior, the client himself decided to do it. Call the clients to know if they change the stench they would like to know. De stinks most often opine, so when there is a bridge between their right, unsatisfactory and repeated situation, from one side, and a bad situation - from the other side. That is why the metaphor is like two main components of its own and can provide a result and a strategy, as if it could shift the place between the problem and the important result.

In order to lead the client through a constantly repeating problematic situation to the best result, at this time and at other times, you may induce your own kind of experimental site. It’s not enough just to jump from “problems” to “new behavior,” the whole client’s shards are unsuccessfully trying to improve. Such a place between a problem and the result is called a successful strategy.

In order to understand that such a “successful strategy”, one can quickly understand the recalibration. Sound all the problems of a recursive nature, so that the same similar changes are repeated anew and anew, producing the same set of unacceptable chi irrelevant results. Also, to alleviate the problem, there can be a recalibration, as a function of a successful strategy and in the end, allow people to choose from situations that may be repeated, allowing freedom of choice.

Recalibration recurring situations include:

1. To ensure the safety of the client's building, to establish such a proportion in the case that stinks become problematic.

2. Security of the client with the help, for which wines it is possible to reproportionate the prices of the subdivisions.

Then, turning to the power of formulating metaphors, the first step is to recalibrate the field in the introduction of such a character (equivalent to the client), which, in some way, destroys the old pattern of behavior, after which the faults are found to be constructive to an effective change of the situation. Tse "be-like a rank" in a way, which you will find in metaphor and which is stale in your opinion, that intuition is like a helper to people and a great human nature.

Another approach is reasonable in that, in a descriptive form, present a character who has a clear calibration, who transforms into a problem, in that way, for the help of which the problem could be recalibrated.

As it happened before, a poor result often fails on a successful strategy. But the most suitable strategy, how to bring to the desired result, is a strategy, like the client directly or indirectly induces himself. An excellent way to capture this information is to describe how the client dealt with the problem before coming to the therapist. Describing in detail your forgiveness in case of a crisis, the client will describe in the middle what needs to be done in order to reach the meta bula, to describe, in such moments of guilt, one is blamed and, in such a rank, in some straight lines the yoga model is surrounded.

In another miraculous way, take away the information and food: “Who is trying to take you out of sight ..?” So, happy is the strategy, as the client induces for himself, poking around in the fact that he is too late, or to bypass his fear of him, so that you work, you want to work, and in that, to understand, what you can’t use, put fear on the front place.

Another vital component of the virishenny problem is reshaping. "Reshape" - means to take a lot of sickness or negligence, or to correct the behavior and recombine yoga so that the wine becomes valuable and potentially corrosive.

So, the whole process of formulating the main metaphor looks like this:

Selected information

1. Identification of significant errors, received from the problem:

a) Identification of their interspecial features.

2. Identification of subtypes characteristic of the problem situation:

a) how the problem develops (calibration).

3. Appointment of changes, if the client wants to make a change (exit):

a) reverification of those that stinks are precisely formulated.

4. Identification of what the client lived earlier to resolve the problem, or else, what will be mitigated in the light of the necessary changes (which can initiate a successful strategy).

Creation of metaphor

1. Select the context.

2. Selection of characters and plan of metaphor for the fact that it will be isomorphic to the identification of significant features and subdivisions and the result.

3. Appointment is permitted, including:

a) recalibration strategy;

b) bad result;

c) reformulation without a middle problem situation.

4. Reminder of metaphor.

Specialties of the consultant

Oskіlki specialty consultant є yogo zaryaddyam pratsі, її povnota i tsіlіsnіst nabuvaє important value for effective consultation.

It is necessary for the consultant to list the qualities: to win people over to yourself, to feel yourself freely with the help, building up to empathy and other wonderful attributes of enchantment. Tsі yakostі not zavzhd buvayut inborn, but the sign of the world є nabutimi. The stench appears as a result of the step by step enlightenment of the consultant himself and, as a result, a kindly interest in people, which he shows. If you want to bring joy to a consultant and bring goodness to him, you will automatically begin to attract others to you.

How can I get away with special zabobonivs? It’s impossible to take care of them as a whole, but you can see them and be on your guard. The axis of why a lot of psychotherapeutic schools influence the fact that the entrants themselves went through psychoanalysis themselves, to understand the complexities of the body and, if possible, deal with them, otherwise they will probably come out of these complexes during the first hour of consultation. The consultant should take a course of psychoanalysis with a professional psychotherapist to help him know himself better (May, 1994).

The consultant should be blamed for those that Adler called masculine underachievement, so that in my husband’s life he will accept bad luck. The masculinity of insufficiency lies in the fact that we muster all our strength for one victorious battle, the result of which can be seen through victory and defeat.

The consultant is guilty of learning not only for attainable goals, but for the very process of life. Satisfaction, which is taken from life and work, to allow us the need to constantly motivate our wines and make our skin stale, depending on what wine will give us. Zovsіm not tse can signify our life.

The consultant can make some changes, which show interest in people for their own sake.

The problem of professional consulting is no less important for the seen professionally significant qualities of an effective consultant. So, K. Rogers (Rogers, 1957), already in his early works, came up with a hypothesis, as he repeatedly experimentally verified by him himself by those other successors, about the professional specialty of a psychotherapist (caregiver), necessary for an effective psychological support. Vіn vvazhav, scho:

Pomіchnik can buti vіdkritim i zdatnym vyavlyat insanely positive respect, to accept and accept the client as meritorious for duty independently, depending on what you say or how to rob;

Pomіchnik can be powerful congruence, so that he is guilty of victorizing his feelings in the process of counseling, his verbal and non-verbal behavior may be pronounced for the client and be consequential;

The helper is guilty of influencing his behavior rightness, to be honored, to open the door and not to hovat for our “facade”;

Vіn is guilty of viyavlyat empathy to show the client that you can understand the way of your thoughts and feel like you can make the world so that you can make the client, but at once take your water from the world of the client.

As a cost, it is not only the responsibility of the consultant, but it also shows up in yoga behavior in such a way that the client instantly understands.

Kolshed, the author of the concept of the practice of social work, seen by the British Association of Social Practitioners as a facilitator, in distributing, conferring counseling, directing the interpretation of the seven qualities of an effective consultant (cited by Tutushkin, 1999):

1. Empathy, chi rozuminnya - zusillya cheer up the light of another person.

2. Povaga - standing up to your own people, who can get into trouble in your home

3. Concreteness, making the building sound and precise - a way of communication with other people, while a new winemaker has great clarity of his own words.

4. Knowing that you accept yourself, as well as being ready to help others.

5. Righteousness - in the meantime, we are expanding in mutuality.

6. Congruence - zbіg those, as they say, about those who follow my body.

7. Bezperednist (building work is negligent, without guards, intermediaries and introductory) - work with this knowledge that there is a place for the consultation process at times, as a butt for those that may be for a regular client.

The Daedals are bigger than fahivtsiv, they are engaged in the theory of psychotherapy and counseling, shirk to the thought that yakist interspecialties between a client and a psychotherapist and a consultant is an important factor, a lower philosophy, a method of technique, like a supporter and a victorian helper (consultant and a psychotherapist). The whole thing was demonstrated a hundred times before the consultation, as well as before the psychotherapy and the training.

Having shown a number of pre -lijen, the mija is an ethnic psychotherapy by the person, the psychotherapist is picked by the psychotherapist, the adversaries of the ass, aezal pizl Robit Troux, Karchaf (cit. For Tutushki, 1999), the authorities were in fact, the author was permanent in mutual the effectiveness of the consultant and yoga empathy, povagoyu to the client and the correctness of yoga behavior. The results also shed light on a number of other factors, which were discussed in the scientific literature as, perhaps, what to add to the effectiveness of psychotherapy (in this case, it was more about psychotherapy, and not about help). Von showed this:

The fact that the psychotherapist himself took a course of his psychotherapy does not guarantee the effectiveness of psychotherapy;

Podloga and nationality (racial identity) do not add to the effectiveness of psychotherapy;

The value of bringing the work of a psychotherapist as a factor that makes psychotherapy effective is even more debatable: it has been shown that people, who may have a greater psychotherapeutic benefit, are not necessarily more psychotherapists;

Psychotherapists who deal with emotional problems are often less effective in work;

A number of doslіdzhen pіdtverdzhuyut position about those that psychotherapists are more effective in quiet depressions, if the stench can be right with the clients, yakі podіlyаyat їх vlasnі zhittєvі іnnostі.

In similar cases, it is noted that the psychotherapist and the client may or may not fit one to one. No one can be an effective psychotherapist for any skin client. Prote zalishaєtsya nez'yasovanim those, as it is possible to ensure the safety of the client and the psychotherapist in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness of psychotherapy. The deyakі authors vvazhayut that the consultant is not enough, but only more dbaylivim and razumіuchimi: the mother of the expert's novice is also to blame.

Development of newcomer consulting is dedicated to books. The lists of these beginners are even more detailed, the lists of the “effective consultants” are lower, and there are 45 names. In rich similar robots, to instill in the attachment of counseling to social robots, the position of the consultant is a priori active, lower in other types of counseling, it is supported that the most important “permit people to feel themselves”. Let's guess that this principle was expounded by Freud, let's describe it through a metaphor about those that a psychoanalyst is a "mirror of a patient". Parallel with the principles of the technique of psychoanalysis is not out of the question: we can continue the recognition of evidence between descriptions of the manifestation of countertransference and advances in professional counseling:

Remember to let people stop talking without reacting;

Precisely vіdbivati ​​that vіdvoryuvati zmіst rozmovi pochutya;

Paraphrase what was said to others;

Consider the stage of the interview in such a way as to put the Rozmova through;

clarify your role for a spіvrozmovnik;

vikoristovuvaty vіdkritі nutrition;

Vykoristovuvati sufflyuvannya, priyayuchi slipping svіvrozmovnika at yogo opіdanny;

? "vytyaguvati" a little like a svіvrozmovnik;

To propagate experimentally (so that it is in the form of a real, and not obvious evidence) razuminnya problems, situations;

Watch out, like some other person is pouring on you;

be tolerant to the point of movchannya;

Control your own anxiety and relax;

Focusing on "here and at once" is as easy as on "there and then";

Designate directly and trim the focus at the move;

Register and resist ambivalence and inconsistency;

Know that put sleeping numbers;

Be tolerant to sore topics;

Discuss and generate alternative plans;

Estimate vitrati and win at times reach meti;

Start, continue and finish (skin session and all contact with the whole).

On the basis of what has been said above, we can formulate help to a consultant (psychotherapist).

Communicative competence is a dominant, system-creating component of the professional activity of a psychotherapist.

Communication is the most important element of professional and qualification characteristics.

Looking at the interplay of the current positions of the theory of activity, we characterize it as a communicative activity, as a process of mutual interdependence of subjects, skin from their own active activity and transmission from partners.

The communicative mentality is thoughtful as a kind of specialness, as a readiness to achieve successful development of communicative activity (cooperation) in the unity of the three sides (communication, interaction, perception) in the mind.

The informational side is related to the manifestations and the cultivation of subjective attitudes, the goals of one alone, with the skin of the participants to stick in, to join the behavior of the other, to secure your ideal "representation" to the new one (verbal and non-verbal).

Interaction is the side of splintering, which is directly related to the overall strategy of interaction. It includes a choice of optimal strategies and tactics of intercourse (smartly knowing the necessary forms of intercourse with different people), self-regulation (smartly controlling behavior in different situations of intercourse).

The creation of a successful fusion is impossible without the implementation of a third party - perception, which ensures the process of shaping the image of another person. Spriynyattya that razuminnya іnshої people zdіysnyuyut vykonavske regulation іyalnostі, polyagyut vyborі the subject of recognition of adequate ways of intercourse.

To the correct understanding of that mind, it is necessary to interpret the specialness for the її zvnіshnistyu and behavior, to the right people to correctly understand that mind to itself.

The psychotherapist needs:

Vminnya, directing to the development of informational and media aspects of communication;

Vminnya, creations for the purpose of pobudova zagalnoї strategії vzaєmodії;

Vminnya, created for spriynyattya partners one by one.

Integrative communicative mind:

Vminnya orientate yourself in the situation of splintering and koristuvatisya with different ways of splintering;

Mind your own behavior;

Vminnya hearing that razumіti spіvrozmovnika.

Ethical principles of a psychotherapist

In the system of regulation of the activity of a professional, ethical ambush plays an important role. The stench seals the right-hand man that kind of evidence, the type of witness of the participants in the psychotherapeutic process. Professional spivtovaristva sanction the system of norms, yakі may know and yakі orient at your robotic psychotherapist. In our country, there is still not enough authoritative knowledge, so that such functions can be won. The consulting practice of non-professionals, and the practice of ignoring ethical norms by psychologists is rich in what discredits the image of a psychotherapist in our country.

A special problem is those that the rights of the client are not protected by the legislator. As a whole, court practice is reviewing the rights of both participants in the psychotherapeutic process. In this situation, the importance of ethical norms is especially high, although the stench may be less than a recommendation. Below will be described the most important principles that ensure the safety of professional ethics in the psychotherapeutic process.

1. Vidpovidalnist. The psychotherapist takes responsibility for organizing, overcoming the result of psychotherapy. Your work can be based on the care of the client's interests. It is important to correctly understand these interests. For example, the client can develop a positive transfer ta vimagati turboti ta vtihi. If the transfer is not implemented and the consultant is not aware of the correct nature of the client, it is important to consider the behavior in psychotherapy. The client is less often satisfied with his infantile needs.

Another situation is possible: the client needs to repair the opir (move abo, navpaki, imitate the work). If psychotherapeutic frustration is consistent with the rule of abstinence, then it will appear adequate and primed. However, not all the responsibility for solving the problem lies with the psychotherapist. From the very beginning, the client is to blame for the understanding that this stale passage is ahead of him, and it is his fault to go through this folded path of wine himself, relying on the knowledge, reaching out to that support of the psychotherapist.

Cognitive insight will be required for special consideration. According to the norm, it should be understood that the psychotherapist should be aware of his knowledge and understanding of his competence. For example, the establishment of an accurate psychiatric diagnosis and correction of the robot on this basis influences the participation of a psychiatrist. Being a specialist in the singing room, the psychotherapist is guilty of zdiisnyuvati qualifikatsii diї on the basis of vocational training, and not svaville. Don't super-talk to the creative approach, just kidding. However, in order for the search to be not spontaneous, but productive, it is necessary to understand the situation in depth, it is impossible without special training.

As a rule, psychotherapists obtain a certificate stating that they have the right to practice. Specialization in psychotherapy transferring knowledge to the general public, social, age, pedagogical, medical psychology, pathopsychology, psychodiagnostics, etc. Krim theoretical training, the type of psychotherapist needs special skills and knowledge. Nareshti, vin is guilty of mother pevni special characteristics. The psychotherapist is guilty of usvіdomlyuvati and vmіti virіshuvati vlasnі problems, tk. stink provokuyut pardons from robots. As the psychotherapist compensates for his problems, he appears to be closed for the client's understanding and sips the countertransfer from the pasta. For example, a consultant, who can’t get an early notice, has been checking all the time for recognition and from the satisfaction of his brother, the fate of the “miraculous doctor”. The psychotherapist is a model for the client, and that is why he became rich in what he determines the extent of the changes that are needed.

It is important for a psychologist to develop his own understanding and to satisfy his own needs in an adequate way.

2. Privacyє another important principle for a robotic psychotherapist. Dominating the interests of the client, we must secretly take care of everything that is necessary for the hour of the session. If you want to protect the position and status of the psychotherapist in the system of professional communication. Vin is not guilty of giving information about the client, whether it be a landowner. Do not talk about the zmіst robots and fathers, navіt like the stink they were the initiators of the child's carnage for help. For us, the psychotherapist respects the rights of his client, and confidentiality is his essence. Among the other factors of dotrimannya to the principle of viklikaє doviru to fahіvtsya and spryaє installation of good therapeutic vіdnosin.

At the same time, confidentiality may have its own boundaries, and about them they should be ahead of the client on the cob of work. As soon as the client has given some information about the possibility of harm for his life, health, well-being or the life of other people, then the psychotherapist will come in live for his safety. You can also use the introduction of other specifics and disclosure of information. For example, a psychotherapist can not deprive the posture of respect for the reminder about the conceived self-destruction, or the child will flow out of the house. About the possibility of discussing the client's problem with colleagues, we are in front of our supervisor, we also talk about it at the beginning stage of work. A special consideration is to ensure the confidentiality of the group during the hour of work. The psychotherapist is responsible for the formation of such group norms, which could create an atmosphere of trust, if those who are familiar with the group do not go beyond this framework.

3. Setting up to the client can be based on the acceptance of the client in such a way as to win. Todі vіn staє zdatnym accept yourself. The paradoxical nature of this situation lies in the fact that only after accepting oneself, a person changes. The position of the psychotherapist is over the assessment of the severity of the sin, over the client's truthfulness, over giving joy, and in addition to helping special growth. In this case, the client loses the right to choose and pace, and characteristics of psychotherapy.

The psychotherapist is like a person, like a professional, like a hromadain, he has his own values ​​and ideals. Ale, being overwhelmed by the deep human significance of your values, do not indoctrinate, do not betray your own faith, do not manipulate the thoughts and attitudes of the client. The psychotherapist does not teach and instruct the "righteous path", wanting the skin to directly be on a wholesome light-gazer, on a specific roaming path, in the development of one's own ideal of healthy functioning.

Molded reconnaissances serve as a guide for robots, they are the basis of technology. And yet, the psychotherapist does not act as an ideologist, but as a help in special growth, making the newcomer self-reliant and independently make a decision. To that, unethical, unprofessional and ineffective for the sake of manipulation. Golovna, why is the psychotherapist right, that the client himself has taken responsibility for his needs and behavior.

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People may have an unparalleled superiority over other forms of life: they can stink. Vihovannya, navchannya, robot, stosunki with friends and that same sim'єyu - everything is here for help splkuvannya. One can take away the satisfaction in the form of communication, one can not, but such a positive in all senses of the process of communication cannot be overestimated.

Splkuvannya is considered one of the main forms of social activity of a person. At the process of splintering, those who previously knew and gave in to one person, become a bunch of rich people. Interaction with the scientific understanding of the interaction of people (injecting people one-on-one with those different reactions to this infusion) and exchange of information with this mutual interaction.

We see two groups of ways in which interactions can work for people: verbal and non-verbal communication skills. It is important that verbal communication is given less information about goals, the truthfulness of information and other aspects of communication, even though behind non-verbal manifestations it is possible to insert a lot of moments, such statements in roses are not accepted. Ale zastosovnі and znachnі raznі zasobi splkuvannya zalejno situatsії.

So, in a businesslike world, it is important that verbal communication is important, the shards are unlikely to be stezhitime for their gestures, but emotionally responsive to the trust of a spivrobitnik. When talking with friends, with new people you know and with other people, non-verbally show importance, give signs of feeling about the emotions of those who speak.

Verbal communication.

There is a verbal connection with additional words. Promotion is taken into account by verbal means. We can contact you for additional written language. Movlennєva diyalnіst podіlyayat kіlka vidіv: speaking - hearing and sheet - reading. It expresses itself in letters, and sleeps in the eyes of the movement - a special system of signs.

In order to learn how to effectively speak and speak verbally, you need to do your best to master your language, know the rules of Russian language and learn foreign language, if you want, insanely, even more important. In my plan, one of the main moments is in the mind of the mind of the psychological sense. Too often people blame different psychological barriers on the fear of establishing contacts with other people. For successful interaction with the support of them, it is necessary to show that amount at the hour.

Mova and її functions.

Mova speaks like a sign of the expression of thoughts and feelings of people. Necessary wine for the rich aspects of human life in the future, which is manifested in the upcoming yoga functions:

  • Communicative(Interaction between people). Mova is the main form of the full-fledged splintering of people from themselves similar.
  • accumulative. For the help of my mother, we can save that knowledge. If you look at the song of a person, then tse її notes, abstracts, create creativity. And in the context of the global - tse art literature and memos of writing.
  • Pіznavalna. For help, move a person can gain knowledge about what to seek in books, films and information about other people.
  • constructive. For the help of language, it is easy to form thoughts, to draw them into the material, the concrete form is clear (either in the case of a verbal verbal expression, or in the case of a written one).
  • ethnic. Mova allows you to unite the people, spіlnoti and other groups of people.
  • Emotion. For help, you can express emotions that feel, and here you can see the same direct expression for help words. But more importantly, the function, obviously, is vikonuetsya by non-verbal means of communication.

Non-verbal speech.

Non-verbal interpretation is necessary for people to understand one another. Obviously, non-verbal manifestations are more than verbal communication. Oskіlki zvnіshnє non-verbal expression of emotions and feelings, like a victorious body, also a singing set of symbols and signs, which is often called my body.

"Mova body" and її functions.

Be non-verbally more important in the interaction of people. The main functions of the offensive are:

  • Addition to the said recollection. If a person talks about a win in a right way, it’s possible to dotably raise your hands above your head, or to inspire a wave of joy.
  • Repetition of what has been said. Tse posilyuє sleep povіdomlennya that yogo emotsіynu warehouse. So, when you say “Yes, that’s so” or “Hi, it’s not suitable”, you can repeat the change in the gesture: with a nod of the head, or, on the contrary, to the mists from the side to the bek to the sign of the cross.
  • Viraz protirichcha mіzh with a word that is right. A person can speak alone, but at the same time speak differently, for example, fry out loud and sumuvati in the soul. The very non-verbal ability to give the ability to understand.
  • Emphasis on Chomus. Deputy words "respect", "remember", etc. you can show a gesture, such as attaching respect. So, a gesture with a pointed finger on a raised hand shows the importance of what is said in your text.
  • Change of words Sometimes deeds of gesture, or show mimicry, can completely replace the text with yourself. If a person lowered her shoulders or pointed her hand straight ahead, it’s no longer obligatory to say “I don’t know” or “to the right and left.”

The diversity of non-verbal means of communication.

In non-verbal speech, one can see the deuce elements:

  • Gesture that pose. People value one by one even before they speak. So, with just one pose, you can create an injury in oneself, on the other hand, a restless person. Tin allows you to substantiate the meaning of what has been said, place accents, express emotions, and follow the memory, which, for example, can be too rich for a business splurge. It is also important that those who are different people can mother the same gestures themselves, as they mean the same different speech.
  • Mimika, look and viraz rebuke. The person of a person is the main transmitter of information about moods, emotions and almost a person. Eyes staring are called the mirror of the soul. It is not for nothing that it is not for nothing that one should take into account the development of emotions in children for a century, they begin with the recognition of the main feelings (anger, fear, joy, excitement, turmoil, skinny.) Appearances in photographs.
  • distance between spivrozmovniks and dotik. That being said, on such people it is comfortable to mingle with otochyuchimi, and the ability of dotikiv people to recognize themselves in the fallacy of the degree of proximity of that chi of the other spirit.
  • intonation the characteristics of the voice. This element of splіkuvannya nachebnuє verbal and non-verbal zasob splkuvannya. For the help of different intonations, richness, timbre, tone of that rhythmic voice, one and the same phrase can change the flooring in a different way, so that the sense of repetition changes directly to the prolongation.

It is important to use verbal and non-verbal forms of expression in your promo. Tse allow you to convey your information as fully as possible to the speaker and understand your message. How can a person speak without emotion and monotonously, yoga mova is swept up in it. First of all, if a person is actively gesticulating, often inserting wiguks and less likely to use words, it is possible to change the attitude of a spy, so that you can see such an expressive partner in a conversation.

Movlennєviy spit - tse spitting on a person for help mov and accompanying mov non-verbal benefits for the achievement of the set point, what to say. How to accept such a spitting is a new science - a science about movable spitting, about effective splintering.

There are two main ways of verbal infusion: verbal (for the help of words) and non-verbal.

With a verbal (Lat. Verbum - word) infusion is important, in a certain movable form you express your thoughts, in a certain sequence, point out those other facts, as in a voice, speak with a certain intonation. For the verbal movable slur, as a choice of movable suffixes of thought, and the most sensible promo - її sense, an argumentation has been made, elaboration of the elements in the text of one or the other, and the selection of slurs of the movable slur and others. Verbal signals are words.

Non-verbal movable spitting - spitting out for additional non-verbal benefits, like accompanying our language (gestures, mime, our behavior at the hour of the wash, the call of the roaming, the distance of the conversation and that іn.)

All these factors accompany and supplement the language and are considered in the language slur, including in their consonance with the language, which allows the term "non-verbal language slur" to be distinguished.

Non-verbal signals - tse okremі tin, posture, risi zvnіshnosti, dії svіvrozmovnіv u splkuvannі thinly.

The functions of verbal and non-verbal signals in conjunction are different. Yak ti, so і інші:

transmit information to a spivrezmovnik (mind and hate);

spit on a spivrezmovnik (svіdome and not svіdome vpliv);

vplyvayut on the one who speaks (self-ply, svidome and unsvіdome spit).

Correctly prompted verbal and non-verbal verbal infusion ensure the effectiveness of communication.

In the process of verbal and non-verbal factorization, the interplay is closely intertwined, prote and remembering in their roles at different stages of intercourse.

Non-verbal clerks of communication may be more important when people know each other, with the first hostility in the process of introducing a person of any category - professional, age, intellectual, social and others. For tribute E.A. Petrova, while knowing the Persians 12 p. Speak 92% of the information is obtained non-verbally.

Allan Piz to inspire American fahivtsiv about the spivvіdnennia of verbal and non-verbal information in splіkuvannі: about 35% are given to verbal factors and 65% to non-verbal ones. Piz itself designates that the verbal channel is victorious by people, it is important to transfer information about the world, the soundness of the earth, tobto. subject information, and the non-verbal channel - for the discussion of interspecial information.

Information, how verbal and non-verbal signals are transmitted to the process of communication, may or may not. Congruence- the value of meanings of verbal and accompanying non-verbal signals, incongruity- Wipe between them. It has been established that for the minds of incongruity people sound more confident to trust non-verbal information.

Allan Piz appoints similar protirichcha: "We often run into great politicians, who stand on the podium with arms crossed on their chests (defensive position) and let's lower the guards (criticality or fortune-telling). ideas of youth”.

In this way, moving one single person into an indistinct link with non-verbal ways to help the head of the head of the move-change the behavior, or the thought of the speaker in the necessary direct way, change the mind to accept our point of view.

Spilkuvannya zdiisnyuetsya different ways. see verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Verbal communication(Sign) zdіysnyuєtsya for help slіv. Before verbal sobіv splkuvannya lay human language. Fakhіvtsami zі splkuvannya podrakhovaná, scho schasna lyudina per day vymovlyaє approximately 30 yew. sliv, or need 3 yew. slive for the year.

Zalezhno in the name of the people of the communicants (shchos povіdomiti, dіznatisya, vysloviti otsіnku, stavlennya, sponukati until chogos, domovitsya thinly) blame different modern texts. For any text (written numeric) the movie system is implemented.

Otzhe, mova - tse system of signs and ways of their minds, as a sign of the expression of thoughts, sensing that will of people and є in the most important way human intercourse. The language is featured in various functions:

  • Communicative. Mova speaks in the role of the main task of communication. The obviousness of the movement of such a function, people think that it is possible to have a full-fledged connection with themselves.
  • Pіznavalna. Mova as a manifestation of the activity of witness. The main part of the information about the world is taken through language.
  • accumulative. Mova yak zasіb accumulated knowledge. Nabuti dosvіd that knowledge of a person is urged to be lost, so that they can be won over to the future. We have abstracts, schodenniks, zapisniks for everyday life. And with the “notebooks” of all people, there are various memos of writing and artistic literature, which would be impossible without the basis of a written language.
  • constructive. Mova is like a molding of thoughts. For help, the thought “materializes”, takes on a sound form. It is spoken verbally, the thought becomes clear, clear for those who speak.
  • Emotion. Mova is one of the reasons for expressing feelings of emotion. This function is realized in promotions only once, if the emotional attitude of a person is directly expressed before talking about it. A great role is played by one's own intonation.
  • Contacts. Mova yak zasіb established contact for people. In other words, it’s like a beztsіlne, informativeness of zero, it’s less ready to prepare the soil for a mean, plausible, trustworthy conversation.
  • ethnic. Mova yak zasib ob'ednannya people.

Under the movnoї diyalnistyu, the situation will be understood, if you are talking with other people, the person vikoristovuє mova. Іsnuє kіlka vidіv movnoї іyalnostі:

  • speaking - voicing the language in order to remember;
  • hearing - spriynyattya zmistu movi, what to sound;
  • sheet - fixing the change of promotion on paper;
  • reading - spriynyattya fixed on paper information.

From the point of view of the formation of the basis of the movement, the conversation is divided into sleep and writing, and from the point of view of the number of participants - on the international community and mass.

Whether the national language is heterogeneous, it exists in different forms. From the point of view of the social and cultural status, literary and non-literary forms of the movie are distinguished.

The literary form of the movie, otherwise - the literary language, understands like a zrazkova. The main sign of the literary movement is the presence of stable norms.

Literary language has two forms: sleep and letters. The first one is sounding, and the other one is graphically designed. Usna form is primary. Before non-literary forms of the language lie territorial and social dialects, space.

For the psychology of activity and behavior, the importance of non-verbal communication is especially important. With non-verbal splintering in a special way, there are non-verbal signs (poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, look, the expanse of roztashuvannya is thin.).

up to the main non-verbal means of communication be seen:
Kіnestіka - looking at the manifestation of human feelings and emotions in the process of intercourse. To lie before her:

  • gesture;
  • mime;
  • pantomime.


Tin - tse rіznomanіtnі ruhi with hands and head. Language of gestures is the most recent way to reach understanding. In different historical epochs and in different peoples, the ways of gesticulation were widely accepted. In the hour of day to be timid, try to create dictionaries of gestures. About that information, as the gestures carried, it seems rich. Nasampered, the number of gestures is important. Among different peoples, the expressions of different cultural norms of strength and frequency of gestures have grown and evolved to natural forms. According to M. Argyle, in which the frequency and strength of gesticulation in different cultures were wielded, they showed that in one year the fins gesticulated 1 time, the French - 20, the Italians - 80, the Mexicans - 180.

The intensity of gestures can grow at once due to the growing emotional excitement of a person, and also, if you have access to a greater understanding between partners, especially if it is more difficult.

Concrete sense of different gestures in different cultures. However, in all cultures there are similar tins, among which one can see:

  • Communicative (gestures, farewell, respect, fences, hard, negative, energizing)
  • modal, tobto. scho express the assessment of that statement (gestures of praise, satisfaction, trust that distrust too soon).
  • Descriptive gestures, like sensing less in the context of the language of speech.


Mіmіka - tse ruhi m'yazіv guise, the head show of pochutіv. Studies have shown that with a non-destructive, invisible individual, a spy is used up to 10-15% of information. Literature has over 20,000 descriptions of virazu denunciations. The main characteristic of facial expressions is consistency and dynamism. Tse means that in the mimic expression of the six main emotional states (anger, joy, fear, turmoil, war, fear) all the movements of the individual are coordinated. The main informational focus in the mimic plan is carried by eyebrows and lips.

Visual contact is also an extremely important element of communication. To marvel at the one who speaks does not mean only zatsіkavlenіnі, but it helps to take pride in what we say. People who are talking, start to wonder in the eyes of one to one no more than 10 seconds. It’s not enough to be surprised at us, we can imagine that it’s up to us, or before what we say, it’s bad, and if it’s too rich, you can take it like a viklik, or it’s good to put it up to us. In addition, it is noted that if a person is wrong or trying to get information, then his eyes are heard from his partner’s eyes less than 1/3 hour of moving.

Part of the look of the people to lie down depends on how much the nation is to lie down. Bags of pivdennoi evropi mayut high frequency I’ll see what we can manage to imaginative others, and the Japanese, for an hour, let’s marvel at the speedy, lower disguise.

For your specifics, you can look at:

  • Business - if the glance is fixed at the forehead of the spy, it conveys the creation of a serious atmosphere of business partnership
  • The social look is concentrated in the knitwear between the eyes and the mouth, creating an atmosphere of unimpressed secular splintering.
  • Intimate - a look of straightening over the eyes of a spy, and below the face - equal to the breasts. Such a glance speaks of a great zatsіkavlenіst one by one in the splintering.
  • The look of the bevel wins the transmission to the interest of the fortune-telling. As if vin is accompanied by three raised eyebrows or a laugh, vin means zatsіkavlenіst. Well, if the wine is accompanied by a frowning cholom, or by the company’s lowered folds, it’s not enough to talk about the critical suspicion of being put to the guardian.

Pantomime- the whole move, posture, position, full motor skills of the whole body.

The move is the style of passing people. Її foldable є: rhythm, dynamics of the curve, amplitude of the transference of the body under the hour of the rush, mass of the body. Behind the course of a person, one can judge the self-esteem of a person, his character, age. In past psychologists, people recognized such emotions as anger, suffering, pride, happiness. Z'yasuvalosya, scho "important" move th in people, scho in anger, "easy" - for radisnyh. A person who is proud of has the greatest life, and if a person is suffering, his mind is humiliated, such a person rarely marvels uphill, or in that direction, where he goes.

In addition, you can make sure that people, like walking fast, waving their arms, inspired by themselves, may have a clear goal and are ready to implement it. Those who always keep their hands in the intestines - more critical for everything and more secretive, as a rule, they should strangle other people. Lyudina, who keeps her hands on the buckles, can reach her mark with the shortest path in the minimum hour.

Pose- the camp of the body. The human body would not accept close to 1000 different stable positions. The pose shows how a person assumes his status in the same way as the status of other present features. Individuals with a greater high status acquire a greater unimpressed position. In another case, conflict situations may be blamed.

p align="justify"> Psychologist A. Sheflen was one of the first to play the role of a poseable person as a person in non-verbal speech. In further investigations, carried out by V. Schyubts, it was revealed that the head sergeant poses in the placement of an individual of his body according to the appointment to the spy. Tse placement to tell either about closeness, or about prihilnist to splkuvannya.

The pose, for which a person crosses his arms and legs, is called closed. Crossing on the chests of the arm is a modified version of the crossing, as a person puts himself between himself and his companion. A closed posture is taken as a posture of distrust, scoundrels, opposition, criticism. Moreover, about a third of the information received from such a position will not be acquired by a spy. The most simple way to see the position and the proposition is to take a look at it.

The posture is important, in which the arms and legs are not crossed, the body of the body of directions is at the back of the speaker, and the arms and legs are raised to the partner of the intercourse. Tse - a pose of trust, good, kindness, psychological comfort.

As if a person is addicted to the splurge, they will focus on the spymaster and cheat on the yogo bik, and if not more than the stagnation, navpaki, orient the killer and turn back. Lyudina, as if to declare about herself, trims herself straight, at the strained stand, with raised shoulders; And a person, who does not need to reinforce his status and camp, will be relaxed, calm, rest in a free calm position.

The best way to achieve mutual understanding from a spy is to copy the pose of the same gesture.

Takesika- the role of dotics in the process of non-verbal communication. Here one can see handshaking, kissing, stroking, and thinning. It has been proven that a dynamic dot is a biologically necessary form of stimulation. The honorary person of the splkuvanni dynamic dotikiv is recognized as a wealth of officials: the status of partners, their century, the statute, the degree of acquaintance.

Inadequate selection of the specialty of such facilities can lead to conflicts between the parties. For example, slapping on the shoulder is only possible for the minds of relatives, zealousness of the social status of the household.

Exchange of hand scans- a rich gesture, a reminder of old hours. The first people, under the hour of dawn, stretched out their hands one to one with open palms forward, to show their lack of strife. Having recognized the change in the course of the year, and yogo variants appeared, such as waving a hand in a povіtri, an appendage of a hand to the breasts, and richly others, including hand-pulling. Often, handwriting can be even more informative, especially its intensity and trivality.

Handwriting is divided into 3 types:

  • dominating (the hand of the beast, the flank is turned down);
  • pokіrne (hand below, flanked up on top);
  • equal.

Dominant hand-waving is the most aggressive yoga form. When dominating (lordly) hands-on, the person tells others that they want to go head-to-head in the process of splintering.

Pokіrne squeezing of hands is necessary in situations, if a person wants to take initiative in another way, let him feel like the ruler of the camp.

Often a gesture is made, titles with a mitten: two people with their hands stomp the hand of the other. The initiator of this gesture is blatant, that you can trust him and you. Prote the “mitten” gesture should be made well known to people, because at the first acquaintance, a reversal effect can be generated.

Mіtsne rukoskannya right up to the crunch of fingers є vіdminnoy rice aggressive, zhorstkoї people.

A sign of aggression is the pressure of an unbent, straight hand. Yogo smut recognized - save the distance and do not allow people near their intimate zone. Qiu, I’ll follow and press the fingers of my fingers, and still take the hand-waving to tell about those that a person is not inspired by himself.

Proxemica- Designate areas for the most effective communication. E.Hall saw some of the main areas of interfacing:

  • Intimate zone (15-45 cm) - her people allow only people close to her. At this zone, there is a quiet intercourse, tactile contacts are established. Damaged by third-party zones causing physiological changes in the body: more frequent heartbeat, increased blood pressure, a rush of blood to the head, an increase in adrenaline and other. The intrusion of "foreign" to the zone is regarded as a threat.
  • Special (personal) zone (45 - 120 divs) - a zone of constant communication with friends, colleagues. Only visual - oral contact is allowed.
  • Social zone (120 - 400 cm) - a zone for holding official meetings and conducting negotiations, meetings, administrative meetings.
  • Public zone (over 400 cm) - a zone of intercourse with great groups of people for an hour of lectures, rallies, and public speeches.

In conversation, it is also important to pay respect to the voice characteristics, as if they are standing for non-verbal speech.
Prosody- the whole name of such rhythmic-intonation sides of promotion, like height, deep voice, and timbre.

Extralinguistics- not included in the language of pauses and other non-morphological manifestations of a person: crying, coughing, laughing, sighing.

Prosodic and extralinguistic ways regulate the flow of language, economize on the movements of the language, add stink, substitute for the movement of language, express emotions.

It is necessary to remember not only hearing, but also a little intonational way of moving, to appreciate the strength of that tone of voice, the speed of movement, as it is practical to allow us to express our feelings of that thought.

Wanting nature and heaped up people with a unique voice, zabarvlennya stinks of you to give yourself a stench. Those who are powerful to sharply change the height of their voice, ring out, badorish. Suspіlnіshe, vpevnіshe, kompetentnishe and richly accepting, lower people, like to speak monotonously.

Feel, try to speak, try, first for everything, in a tone of voice. Some people feel they know their expression independently of the words that they wield. So, ring out easily anger and confusion.

There is little information to give strength and height to the voice. Deyaki feel, for example, enthusiasm, joy and distrust, sound are transmitted in a high voice, anger and fear can also be heard in a high voice, but in a wide range of tonality, the strength and height of sounds. So you feel, like grief, confusion, then the sounds are transmitted in a soft and muffled voice with lowered intonations to the end of a skin phrase.

The speed of the movie is also felt a little. The person speaks swiftly, as if she is swindled, turbulent, to talk about her special difficulties, or else you want to change us, to lure us. It’s more common for me to talk about the humiliation of the camp, grief, arrogance, or that’s why.

Allowing for my vague pardons, for example, repeating the words, unintentionally or incorrectly choosing them, shaving off phrases in simple words, people involuntarily hang their feelings and open our mouths. The incompetence of the choice of words is manifested only if the one who speaks is not intoxicated in himself, or they choose to amaze us. Ring out these shortcomings of the big turn at the hour of praise, otherwise, if a person tries to fool his spy.

If the characteristic of the voice lies in the work of various organs of the body, then this yoga camp is born in someone else. Emotions change the rhythm of breathing. Fear, for example, paralyzes the throat; With a good mood, the voice becomes deep and rich sounds. Vіn dіє on іnshih calmly and instill more confidence.

Іsnuє i zvorotny zv'azok: s additional breath can be poured into emotions. For whom it is recommended to be quiet, open your mouth wide. If you breathe on the chest and breathe in a great number of times, the mood will improve, and the voice will mimicably decrease.

It is important that people trust more signs of non-verbal communication, less verbal. According to the assessment of fahivtsiv, mimic expressions carry up to 70% of the information. When you show your emotional reactions, sound, truthful, lower in the process of verbal intercourse.

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