Concepts, functions, characteristics, structure and types of small groups in social psychology. Concepts, functions, characteristics, structure of various types of small groups in social psychology Vivchenya groups in social psychology

Group- In terms of the worlds, the commonness of people, which is seen from the social whole on the basis of singing signs, is surrounded.

The reason for the great number of different social groups has brought about the development of different typologies of groups.

The main criteria for seeing such typologies can be:

Number of osib in the group;

suspended status;

Riven rozvitku toscho.

So, for a huge status, groups are subdivided into formal and informal for non-intermediation of mutual intercourse - on real and nominal, for significance - on reference group and membership group. The greatest coexistence of typologies is seen for the number of features and for equal development. There are two significant criteria for pedagogical activity.

Behind the level of development, there are groups of unorganized or poorly organized, with a low index of clustering, as well as groups of high level of development:

- diffuse group- spіlnіst, in yakіy vіdsutnya zgurtovanіst yak tsіnіsno-orієntatsіyna єdnіst, nemає organіzаnії sіlnoії іyalnostі, zdatnoї posredkovuvat vіdnosinі її її uchasnіv. The most diffuse group is a small, short-term association of people on a casual basis. Diffuse groups are found on the arch of a low level of development, and they diverge slightly;

- association- a group, de vidsutnі ob'єdnuє її svіlna dіyalnіst, organіzatsіya і administrаlіnnya, tsіnіsnі orientаtsії, mediating mizhosobistіsnі vіdnosiny, vyyavlyayutsya umakh group splkuvannya. The association is an official group, which can be a solemn, officially established meta, an official structure, but there is no other group that can reach these goals by itself;

- corporation- an organized group, which is characterized by isolation, maximum centralization and authoritarianism of the core, which opposes itself to other social cohesiveness on the basis of its higher education interests;

- team- a group of people united by their goals and goals, who have reached a high level of development in the process of socially valuable activity. There are such signs of the team: high level of development of the group, socially positive activity, high grouping of members of the group, referential group, mediation of interspecial differences of social activity.

For the number of people see large groups, small groups and microgroups. The warehouse of a microgroup includes two or three people (depending on dyads, triads). Great group - tse social cohesion, the members of which, without being able to have direct contacts with each other, are connected indirectly by the psychological mechanisms of group communication. Under a small group, there is an innumerable group behind the warehouse, the members of which are about to join the collective social activity and change at the uninterrupted special splintering, which is the basis for vindication of emotional forces, group and group processes. In a small group, participants especially know one another.

Psychological characteristics of the group

Group norms(Vid lat. norma- kerіvny cob, more precisely ascribed, srazok) - the following rules, as they were devised by the group, accepted by it, and as such, the behavior of the members, so that their cohesion could be possible.

The norms win this rank of regulative function by bringing it to the point of activity. The norms of the group are connected with values, so that whether the rules can be formulated only on the basis of accepting or listing any socially significant phenomena.

Group norms include i significant norms, і specific(Willed by the same group). Group norms to increase the stability and stability of the group. Some group norms play a conservative role in singing sensation.

Social psychology is such an important problem, as the world accepts the norms of the skin member of the group. If a person does not comply with group norms, then mechanisms are switched on, for the help of such a group, “turn” their member along the path to achieve norms. All procedures, from which the behavior of an individual is brought up to group norms, called group sanctions. The system of sanctions is recognized in order to secure compliance with the norms.

Sanctions can be:

positive and negative;

Formal and informal;

Without middle and middle.

Sanctions are based on all levels of social life and in all groups. The stench regulates the behavior of individuals with varying degrees of severity and strength.

group vice - dії, scho sponkayut a person to be led by a singing rank and vidpovidno to the expectation (by the system of salience, could be able to follow the norms of violating individual social roles) otochyuchih. This phenomenon was taken away from social psychology by the name of the phenomenon conformity (or conformal behavior).

Conformity(Vid lat. conformis- podіbny, kmіtlivy) - the pliability of a person to the real chi obvious pressure of the group, which is manifested in the change of behavior and attitudes, obviously did not agree with their position of greatness.


a) outward conformity, if the thought of a group is accepted by an individual less than a call, but at the right side of the wine, you can repair it;

b) internal (right conformity) - an individual rightly accepts the idea of ​​greaterness.

A weak injection of a group vice is seen as nonconformism. Nonconformism does not mean anything good negativism(Navpak conformity). Negativism is manifested in pragmatic people obov'yazkovo vchinit vuperech rules, and in tsomu sensi vn lie down in group norms. Nonconformist maє svіy, an independent look at the phenomena of the world and trust your thoughts, with whom blame is put with honor and to the thoughts of other people, but chinitime vin vіdpovіdno to their own statements about action.

Group dynamics -tse sequence of dynamic processes, which happen at once in the group during the її іsnuvannya.

Leadership and curiosity are seen in social psychology as a group process, associated with social power in a group. Vlada bears the right and the ability to order, be-him, be-kim, to order the will of one person. The leader and the clerk give a wire to the right of the group.

1. Have more experience with management problems leaderі kerivnika person becomes conscious, that we hope for a successful infusion into the group, richem leader - in the system of informal vodnosin, and kerivnik - in the system of formal vodnosin.

2. Social and psychological significance leadership and curiosity- all the mechanisms of group integration, which will unite different groups like an individual, which will defeat the function of a leader and a leader.

In social psychology, there are such distinctions between a leader and a kerivnik:

In the first place, the leader regulates inter-society stances, and the kerivnik - formally;

In a different way, the leader is a representative of his group, її a member (element of a micro-environment). Ker_vnik to enter at the macro-medium (an element of the macro-medium), representing his group of more equal social partners;

Thirdly, on the basis of leadership, leadership is a spontaneous process, nothing can guarantee the planned leadership, that is, before. group processes, such as a regular transfer. Kerіvnitstvo - the process of goal-directing and planning, to that kerіvnitstvo is a stable phenomenon, lower leadership;

Fourthly, the kerіvnik at the procesі vplivu on pіdlеglikh mіє significantly more sanction, nizh leader. If a leader can win more than informal sanctions, then a leader can win both formal and informal sanctions;

In a nutshell, the praise of the decision by the leader is without middle ground, and by the kerivnik indirectly. Aje the leader of Volodya is no more than this information, which is at the borders of the group, and the vikoristov’s kerivnik is a great obsyag like internal, and external information.

Looking at the phenomena of leadership and leadership, one should assign a role to authority. The leader is always authoritative, otherwise you will not be a leader. Kerіvnik can mother authority, and maybe not mother yogo zovsіm.

Authority - this is a special kind of injection of people. Vin appears at the comforts of people, not going to the stove, to straighten out the thoughts and thoughts of other people. Mustaches of charismatic specialty were, without question, authoritative.

In psychology, most often they see the right and wrong types of authorities:

Hibny authority is blamed in the minds of the manipulative activity of the "leader", if the vin reaches power over people in the sight of cunning, hypocrisy, social games ( E. Bern), tobto diy from attached motives. With more vipadkіv hibniy authority allows people to get on the edge and domagatisya from the side of other people, but at the same time setting up to such a person will be very wary, even if obvious manipulations are superbly important.

One of the most traditional food of leadership is the food about the styles of leadership (ker_vnitstva). Back in the 30s of the 20th century, K. Levin saw three styles of leadership: authoritarian (directive), democratic (collegiate) and turmoil (anarchic).

Leadership style- ce Typical for the leader is the system of admissions to members of the group.

Modern sociology has an impersonal definition of the concept of "social group". So, in the opinion of some Russian sociologists, the social group is the totality of people, which may be the most important social signs, which should win a supple necessary function in the structure of the supple subdivision of practice. The American sociologist R. Merton defines a social group as a marriage of individuals, as if by a singing order mutually one by one, acknowledge their belonging to a group group, and they are recognized as members of a group group by sight of others. We see three main risks in the social group: mutuality, membership and unity.

On the vіdmіnu vіd masovyh spіlnosti, social groups are characterized by:

§ stіykoyu vzaєmodієyu, scho spryає mіtsnostі and stability їхіснування;

§ with a high degree of unity and agility;

§ clearly expressed the uniformity of the warehouse, which conveys the presence of a sign that is powerful to all members of the group;

§ mozhlivistyu vladzhennya at shirshі social spіlnosti as structural units.

Oskilki kozhna lyudina in the process of their life is a member of the most influential social groups, who are to fight for the differences, the nature of the relationship, the level of organization and richness with other signs, and the need for them in their classifications for the singers.

See so different social groups:

1. Fallow according to the nature of the relationship - primary and secondary (Supplement, scheme 9).

the primary group, for the appointments of Ch. Kuli, the group, in the interplay between members, to wear a non-intermediate, inter-society character and to be distinguished by a high level of emotion (motherland, high school class, a group of the same kind). Zdiisnyuyuchi socialization of the individual, the first group acts like a happy lankoy between specialty and suspіlstvo.

The second group is the largest numerical group, in which the interaction is subordered to reach the singing mark and may have a formal, non-special character. In these groups, the main respect is given not to special, unique features of the members of the group, as if they were victorious over the same functions. The butts of such groups can be organizations (vicerious, political, religious, etc.).

2. Fallow in the way of organization and regulation of mutual relations - formal and informal.

A formal group is a group that has a legal status, mutually regulated by a system of formalized norms, rules, and laws. Qi groups may be set up goal, normatively fixed hierarchical structure that duly up to the administratively established order (organizations, businesses, etc.).

An informal group blames spontaneously, on the basis of common glances, interests and inter-society interactions. The won is spared official regulation and legal status. On the basis of such groups, call out informal leaders. Friendly companies, associations of informal youth, lovers of rock music, etc. can serve as butts.

3. Fallow in the presence of delinquency to them іndivіdіv - groups and outgroups.

Ingroup- this group, up to which individual is aware of the uninterrupted belonging and identification as "mine", "our" (for example, "my family", "my class", "my company" then).

Outgroup - this group, to which this individual does not belong, and to that I evaluate it as “alien”, not my own (other family, other religious group, other ethnicity too). The skin of an individual group can be controlled by the scale of assessment of the outgroup: from indifferent to aggressive-hex. Therefore, sociologists pronounce the steps to win the acceptance of the closedness of hundreds of other groups for the so-called "scale of social distance" Bogardus.

Reference group - it is real that a social group, a system of values, is real, and assessments that serve as a standard for an individual. The term was first introduced by the American social psychologist Hyman. The reference group in the system of recognition "specialty - suspility" wins two important functions: normative, being for an individual a dzherel of norms of behavior, social attitudes and values ​​orientations; equal, speaking clearly for the individual, allowing him to designate his place in the social structure of society, to evaluate himself and others.

4. Fallow in the kіlkіs warehouse and forms of zdіisnennya zv'yazkіv - small and large.

A small group is a non-numerical contact group of people united for joint activities.

A small group can take on impersonal forms, but they can be called “diad” and “triad”, they are called the simplest moleculessmall group.The dyad is composed of two osib and be respected in the region by German associations, triad actively interact three people, she's stable.

Characteristic rices of a small group:

§ non-numerical and stable warehouse (as a rule, from 2 to 30 osib);

§ open spaces closeness of members of the group;

§ stіykіst ta trivalіst іsnuvannya:

§ high level of learning group values, norms and behaviors;

§ Intensity of inter-society vіdnosin;

§ rozvinene almost belonging to the group;

§ informal control and informational presence of the group.

A large group is a group that is numerous in its own warehouse, as it is created for the singing of that interplay in the main rank of mediating character (labor collectives, enterprises, etc.). Here one can see the number of people, who may have common interests and occupy the same camp in the social structure of the household. For example, social class, professional, political and other organizations.

The team (lat. Collectivus) is a social group, in which all life important links between people are mediated through a supportive important group.

Characteristics of rice team:

§ increase in the interests of the individual and the support;

§ consistency of goals and principles, which act for members of the team as central orientation and norms of activity. The team has the following functions:

§ subject - the vision of that task, for the sake of which wines are created;

§ socially vikhovna - raising the interests of the individual and the support.

5. Fallow as a socially significant sign - real and nominal.

Real groups - all groups that are seen under socially significant criteria:

§ become - people and women;

§ vіk - children, juveniles, adults, people of a frail age;

§ dokhid - bagatі, bіdnі, zamozhnі;

§ nationality - Russians, French, Americans;

§ family camp - friendly, unfriendly, separated;

§ profession (rіd to occupy) - doctors, economy, managers;

§ place of residence - city ​​dwellers, rural meshkants.

Nominal (mental) groups, which are sometimes called social categories, are seen by the method of carrying out sociological research or the statistical appearance of the population (for example, to identify the number of passengers-pilgoviki, single mothers, nominal scholarships and etc.).

The order of social groups in sociology is seen as the concept of "quasi-group".

A quasi-group is informal, spontaneous, non-stop social coherence, which does not have a sing-like structure and a system of values, the interaction of people with which to wear, as a rule, a third-party and short-hour character.

The main types of quasi-groups are:

The audience is the social coherence, united in cooperation with the communicator and possessing the new information. The heterogeneity of this social awareness, vіdmіnіstyu special features, as well as cultural values ​​and norms of people, which enter before the new one, determine the different levels of acceptance and assessment of acquired information.

Natovp - timely, notably unorganized, unstructured crowding of people, united in a closed physical expanse of interests, but with all the relief, which is clearly seen, and become like an emotional one. see hot characteristics natovpu:

§ navigation - people, like perebuvayut at natovpі, sound more navіyuvanі, nizh її between;

§ anonymity -іndivіd, perebuvayuchi in natovpі, nibi get angry with her, become unrecognized, vvazhayuchi, yogo smoothly "virahuvati";

§ spontaneity (infection) - people in natovpі skhilnі before shvidkoї transmission and change of emotional state;

§ incompetence - the individual feels indifferent in the natovp, posture of social control, so it will “leak” with collective unfamiliar instincts and become unfamiliar.

Depending on the method of molding the natural behavior of people, there are different types of people:

§ vipadkovy natovp - the marriage of individuals is invisible, which has settled spontaneously without the obviousness of whether it is meant (beware of celebrity or roadworthiness, which has appeared raptovo);

§ convention natovp - how to structure the gatherings of people, how to change them according to the influx of planned obligatory norms (lookers in the theatre, killers in the stadium too thinly);

§ Expressive NATO - a social quasi-group that settles for the special satisfaction of its members, as by itself it is the same as the result (discotheques, rock festivals, sometimes);

§ fiery (active) natovp - like vikonu yakіs dії group, yak you can speak at the sight: crowd - emotionally agitated at the natovpu, which is heavy to violent deeds, that standing up to the attack - groups that are characterized by particular aggressiveness and destructive actions.

In the development of sociological science, various theories developed, explaining the mechanisms of enlightenment of NATO (G. Lebon, R. Turner and others.). But for all the dissimilarity, the point of dawn is clear for one thing: it’s important to follow the order of the NATO: 1) to reveal the violation of norms; 2) signify their nose in the way of the structure of the natovpu; 3) it is purposeful to spit on їх authors, proponuyuchi natovuyu znachnі tsіlі ta algorithms of further diy.

Among the quasi-groups closest to social groups are social stakes.

Social stake - all social cohesion that are created with the method of exchange of information between their members.

The Polish sociologist Ya. contact - sleepiness, which is constantly growing on the basis of the quiet chi of other minds (interest in sports promotions, sports only); professional - are selected for the exchange of information exclusively for a professional sign; status - who are established to drive the exchange of information between people with the same social status (aristocratic stakes, women's stakes); friendly - founded on the basis of jointly held visits (companies, groups of friends).

At the end, it is significant that the quasi-groups are some kind of transitional decisions, as such signs, like organization, stability and structuring, are transformed into a social group.

Most of us spend most of our time with different groups - at home, at work in initial mortgage, at a party, in the occupations of the sports section, among the road companions at the compartment of the rail car, it’s thin. People have groups to lead family life, swipe children, work hard and wake up. In case of any stench, one should enter into contacts with other people, but at the same time interact with them - help one another, or, navpaki, compete. When the people of the group are experiencing decals, they will become mentally alone, and they will pour in their activity like a chain rank.

A different kind of group has long been an object of social and psychological analysis. However, it should be noted that far from being a collection of individuals can be called a group in a strict meaning of the term. So, a bunch of people, as if they were standing on the streets and watching for traces of what a road and transport fit, not a group, but an aggregation. At to this particular type tse poddnannya people, who vipadkovo stooped here at this moment. Tsі people can't sleep well, between them there is no mutual modality, through a whil-a-friend the stench will rise forever, and nothing will hurt them. However, as soon as people begin to work and sleep to help those who suffered during the accident, then I will become a group for a short hour. Henceforth, if the marriage of individuals was respected as a group by the socio-psychological sensation, it is necessary, like in the dramatic works of classicism, to consider the presence of three things - the month, the hour and the day. When tsimu diya obov'yazkovo can be sleepy. It is also important that people, yakі vzaєmodіyut, respect themselves as members of the group. Such an identification (ototozhnennya) of the skin of them with their own group should result in the formation of almost "mi" against the "їm" - other groups. Henceforth, a group can be called a marriage of individuals, interacting with each other to achieve common goals and confirm their belonging to the marriage.

Often the term "group" is used in a different, expanding meaning. Tse pritamanno socially-demographic doslіdzhen, i vyvіshennya zavdan social governіnnya. In these situations, it is constantly blamed for the need to see different mental groups of the population, for example, such as university students, unemployed, disabled workers, etc. Prote such groups are more commonly called social categories. We gave a group in the socio-psychological meaning of this term. Do not include those that have low membership in any group up to the singing category, they can carry out the functioning of the group as a whole.

All the diversity of human groups in a society can be subdivided, nasampered, into primary and secondary groups, as if the American psychologist C. Cooly had put it on the cob of a century. Primary - ce contact groups, in which mutual relations are established, as it seems, "alternatively" those members of the united emotional affinity. The primary group of Ch.Kulı, having called this family, is the first group for a human being, in a yak they will eat it. Sim'ya plays a primary role in socialization of specialty. Later, psychologists began to call the first groups all those that are characterized by interpersonal interaction and solidarity. As an example of similar groups, you can also name a company of friends or a group of colleagues in work. Belonging to the quiet chi іnshih primary groups as such є tsіnіstyu її її її її її її її її її її і residuє zhdnyh іnshih tsіley.

Secondary groups are characterized by a special interplay of their members, as they are bound by other official organizations. Such groups are proliferating for their first sutti. p align="justify"> The significance of the members of the secondary groups one for one is determined not on the basis of their individual powers, but after all, to reduce the importance of each function. People unite with the second group, think about it, try to take away any economic, political, and other benefits. The butts of these groups are organizing, professional union, political party.

True, some people trap in such a way that they know the specialty of the second group is the same as those who were deprived of it in the first group. On the basis of his warnings, the American psychologist S. Verba robs the visnovoks, which allows them to actively participate in activities, be it political parties you can be your own "vіdpoviddyu" special weakened prihilnostі mіzh members sіm'ї. With all the strength, they urged the individual to such a fate, not so political, but psychological.

Quite often, groups are subdivided into formal and informal. The nature of the structure of the group is put at the basis of such a subdivision. Under the structure of the group, they may be on the verge of snuyuche at nіy schodo postiyne poєdnannya mizhosobistіsnyh vіdnosin. The structure of the group can be defined as external and internal officials. Sometimes the nature of the difference between the members of the group is determined by the decisions of the other group, which are the individuals of the call. Zovnishnya regulation determines the formal (official) structure of the group. It’s a lot of regulations of the Group of the Group of the Privni mutual one (as a male male, improvised by the rank. Yakshcho take it, the departure, the Vobronich brigade, the nature of the mutual systems of the technology, so are they used up. and other normative acts The formal structure is being created in order to ensure that the vikonannya of the first official tasks is taken care of.

Although the formal structure of the group is determined by the rank officials, then it is informal, on the other hand, by the internal ones. The informal structure is the result of a special exercise of individuals to quiet chi іnshih kontaktіv and vіdrіznyаєє more gnuchkіst porіvnja z formal. People enter into informal meetings one by one in order to satisfy their own needs - at splintering, uniting, agreeableness, friendship, taking help, dominating, helping out. Informal ties vinikayut and develop spontaneously, in the world moreover, as individuals vzaimodiyut one by one. On the basis of such links, informal groups are established, for example, a company of friends or of the same mind. In such groups, people spend an hour sleeping, playing, playing parties, going in for sports, fishing, watering.

Viniknennya informal groups can take advantage of the proximity of individuals. So, pidlitki, yakі live in the same yard or snuggly huts, can put together an informal group, more may have common interests and problems. Belonging of individuals to one and the same formal groups facilitates informal contacts with others and also spreads awareness of informal groups. Workers, as they perform the same operations in the same workshop, feel the psychological closeness, the shards of a rich sleeper. Tse to bring to the birth of solidarity and other informal mutual relations.

Why do people establish groups and often value their membership with them? It is obvious that the groups will ensure the satisfaction of the lesser needs of the general health and the skin of the outer limbs. The American sociologist M. Smelser sees the following functions of groups: 1) socialization; 2) instrumental; 3) expressive; 4) support.

The role of different groups in the process of socialization of particularity was considered earlier. People, like other highly organized primates, only in a group can secure their own survival and the development of young generations. Himself in a group, in front of a family, an individual of low social needs, and a newcomer. The primary groups, with whom the child is being rehabilitated, provide the basis of yoga inclusion to the system of broader social links.

The instrumental function of the group is more beneficial for the people of today.

A rich view of the activity is impossible one by one. Conveyor brigade, football team, zagіn ryatuvalnikov, choreographic ensemble - all but apply groups, yakі play the instrumental role of supplication. In addition, the fate of such groups sounds to secure people's material needs until life, giving them the possibility of self-realization.

The expressive role of groups plays a role in satisfying the needs of people who are lame, because they trust. This role is often played by the first and informal groups. As a member, an individual will take advantage of the opportunity to interact with people who are psychologically close to him.

Supporting the function of a group in those who practice unity in important situations. The stench is joking with the psychological support of the group, in order to ease the hostility a little. Let's use the butt of which one can but the experiment of the American psychologist S. Shakhtar. A handful of the last ones, as students of one of the universities spoke, were divided into two groups. The members of the first of them were told that they would be given equally strong blow electric streak. Members of the other group were told that they were being checked by a light, rag-like strike of an electric strum. They gave everyone a chance to test food, like the stench of vvazhayut for better checks on the cob of the experiment: one by one with the other participants? It turned out that about two-thirds of the last third of the first group showed up, but at the same time with the others. In the other group, on the other hand, about two-thirds of the last ones said that they could do it, like an experiment on the cob, - one by one or the others. Later, if individuals are talking about being a threatening official, the group can give them some psychological support in silence. Such a visnovka deyshov Shakhtar. In the face of trouble, people should psychologically get closer to each other.

One of the important factors that determine the power of the group is the expansion of the world, the number. Most of the contributors, speaking about the number of groups, begin with dyads - the day of two osibs. Another point of view is the Polish sociologist Ya. Without going into discussion, it is significant that the dyad, diyno, is a specific human illumination.

From one side, inter-society links in the dyad can resonate with great spirituality. Take, for example, dead friends. Paired with other groups, belonging to the diadi viklikaє has a richer level of satisfaction with its members. From the other side, dyad as a group is powerful and especially crying. Most of the groups continue to exist, so that one of their members of the dyad is allowed to break up.

Together with the triad - a group of three osib - they also explore their specificity. Skin from the members of the triad can work in two directions: take the zmіtsnennyu tsієї grupi or, on the other hand, pragnate її ros'dnannya. It has been experimentally shown that the triad has a tendency to unite two members of the group against the third.

When classifying different groups according to their numerical size, pay special attention to small groups. Such groups are made up of a small number of osibs (from two to ten), as they may have a different metamorphosis and differentiation of the roles of obov'yazki. Tsya meta screams out of the common interests of the members of the group, so it sounds like they are satisfied with their mutual modality. Tsya vzaєmodiya zdіysnyuєtsya on the basis of equal parts of non-intermediate ("vіch-on-vіch") contacts.

Often the terms "small group" and "primary group" are used in the same sense. However, there is a difference between them. The basis of the choice of the term "small group" is the number. The first group is characterized by a particularly high level of group power, a sense of camaraderie. Tse zavzhd pritamanno small groupi. Also, it can be said that all primary groups are small, but not all small groups are primary.

Be-yak a group can have that chi іnshu structure - sukupnіst shkodo stіykh vzaymozv'yazkіv mіzh її members. The peculiarities of these interrelations reflect the whole life of the group, including the productivity and satisfaction of the members. What kind of officials to pour into the structure of different groups?

Nasampered, next name the whole group. Take, for example, the crew of the aircraft. In order to fly so far to the point of recognition, it is necessary that the skin of the crew members come into contact with the skin of the other members. Otzhe, obviously, to the point where the group blames the need for close integration of all її members.

Navpaki, in groups of a different type, the nature of the mutual relationship looks different. So it was in my administrative office that servicemen can carry specific obov'yazki, and for some time they stink of each other and do not lie down and enjoy their duties only with a stone worker. Dosagnennya spіlnoї meti exchange of information between ordinary members of the group at different times (if you want, of course, the presence of informal comradely contacts can be carried out in a friendly way).

The role of such a clerk is significant, as the steps of the autonomy of the group. For example, all functional interrelationships between members of the streaming production brigade are clearly defined in advance. Workers are not able to make changes to the basic structure of these links without arranging for the kerіvnitstvom. The steps of autonomy of such a group are insignificant. Navpaki, members of the cinematic group, the riven of autonomy, which is high, sound themselves to determine the nature of the intergroup interrelationships. Therefore, the structure of such a group is aroused by greater flexibility.

To hundreds of officials, as if to inject the structure of the group, the socio-demographic, social and psychological characteristics of the members are also established. A high level of homogeneity of the group is behind such signs, as to become, century, enlightenment, qualifications, and presence on the basis of the coherence of interests, needs, value orientations, and also the main basis for the production of industrial workers. Differently behind the assigned signs, the group sounds like a sprinkling of informal groups, the skin is similar to the warehouse.

For example, people, women, summer, young people, football players, gardening enthusiasts can unite in one virobnichiy brigade in an informal group. The structure of such a working group is exactly the same as the structure of another group, which consists only of people of approximately one age, so that they may still have the same level of qualification and still support the same football club. In my opinion, all change their minds and blame the permanent and minor contacts between the members of the group. On the basis of such coherence, the people seem to be a little solidarity, a little "mi".

The structure of a group with a high degree is almost "mi" characterized by close interrelationships of її members in a homogeneous group structure, which does not resent such a unity. At different contacts, the exchange may have an important official character. An informal connection with its lesser meaning and unite all members of the group.

As a reminder of the fact that the steps of the clusteredness of the group lie in any way, the degree of belonging to it satisfies the needs of its members. Factors that tie a person to a group can be a cicava robot, the presence of a supple voice, the prestige of a group, the visibility of friends, etc.

Significantly, zreshtoyu, that the structure of the group to fall in the same way in її magnitude. Be careful to show that the connection is between the members of the groups, like 5-10 people, ring out the mіtsnіshe, lower among the great ones for numbers. The structure of small groups is most often formed under the influence of informal exchanges. Here at times it is easier to organize interchangeability, drawing functions between members. From the other side, it is unlikely that post-informal contacts of all members of the group are possible, which is 30-40 people. The middle of such a group is most often blamed for a sprinkling of unofficial subgroups. In this way, the structure of the group as a whole in the world is growing more and more in the world to be characterized by formal relationships.

The social psychology of the group was always interpreted differently. From one side, the interpretation spiraled on various approaches, as if they were asked by the cob interdisciplinarity of social psychology, including that. sociological psychological paradigm Social psychology group and її razuminnya can be revealed from their analysis, it is possible to look at the views of social groups for additional sociology, in which there are rices that form a group as a psychological group. Vaughn allows the skin member of the group to identify himself with her.

When analyzing the understanding of the group, we can look at their classification (Fig. 1).

Malyunok 1. Classification of groups in social psychology

Look at the groups, starting from natural ones, as an object of investigation of social psychology.

When a group is designated, it is always blamed for the problem of identifying the lower and upper boundaries. So, the doslidniki spar, chi vvazhat the dyad by the group and how (de) the upper boundary is shown. An elementary group is a group that consists of 7 ± 2 osib, a small group can be represented by a team of 30-40 osib. On the basis of the indications of the group, the parameters of the term is the basis, the stability of the warehouse, the frequency of contacts, the degree of activity, the rank of structurality and others.

Thus, K. K. Platonov, a researcher, saw a sprinkling of species groups:

  • association with a seemingly unorganized, vipadkovo group with a spontaneous structure and special goals of activity;
  • a corporation, represented by an internally organized group, as long as there is an internal structure that joint activity (marks here are designated as individuals through groups);
  • a team that is characterized by an internal structure and a joint activity (the main ones here are to blame for the intergroups).
Appointment 1

Small group includes the marriage of two or more people who work together one by one and share the common norms and goals.

The genesis of a small group includes a sprat of features:

1. Historical and genetic problems of small groups, the history of the emergence of the development of the suspіlstva as a structural element.

2. Ontogeny of small groups, as a result of development in the context of individual life history.

3. Improvement of the group from the organization to the creation of the team.

You can see a few stages in the development of the group: directing, organizing and communicating (communication aspect).

B. Takmen, having looked at the development of the group, apparently up to the offensive model:

  • orientation by tasks;
  • emotional reactions;
  • internal conflict;
  • functional that role uzgodzhenist and іn.

When looking at the problems of a small group, it is customary to see this structure. Won є sukupnіstyu osoblivim rank uzgodzhenih zv'yazkіv, yakі skladayutsya between members of the group (Fig. 2).

Malyunok 2. Types of communicative structures in small groups and collectives

Small groups also include social and psychological phenomena: social and psychological climate and pressure.

The social and psychological climate of the group is seen in pairs of offensive features:

  • dovira - nedovira;
  • won - antipathy;
  • freedom - lack of freedom (shodo dumok);
  • vice - independence;
  • informedness - the day of informedness;
  • satisfaction - dissatisfaction.

Leadership in the context of the group

In the past small groups, it is possible to look at the theory of leadership. In this context, the group is looked for in addition to the imaginative approach, the concept of dominating goals, normative models for making decisions, and the transactional and cognitive approach.

Leadership as a social and psychological phenomenon plays a great role in the integration of the group. Leadership includes the process of organizing and managing small social groups in order to reach the goals in optimal terms and at a high level of efficiency.

You can see a copy of the main characteristics of the leader:

  1. Spontaneously occupying the position of a leader.
  2. The role of an unofficial curator.
  3. The process of hanging the leader may be dependent on a special situation, which is the fault of the group (or for the group).

Іsnuyut deyaki statuses of the leader, among those conducting є professional, functionally-role, moral and ethical, self-estimating. The typology of leadership conveys three types of substantiation: zmist, style and character of activity.

  1. Vіdpovіdno to zmіstu diyalnostі:
    1. leader-nathnennik, who promotes the program of behavior;
    2. leader-victor, who organizes the victorious work of the tasks of the programs;
    3. a leader who can be both an organizer and a breather at the same time.
  2. Fallen in the style of ceramics, the leader can be:
    1. authoritarian;
    2. democratic;
    3. confusion.
  3. Depending on the nature of the duty, the leaders are:
    1. universal, so that they constantly manifest their own qualities;
    2. situational, tobto such that they show the strength of a leader only in special situations.

The understanding of the climate can be assimilated to the style of leadership, and to the understanding of agility, inter-society privatility and others.

The integral characteristic of the international characteristics of the group is characterized by the groupness, the importance of the warehouse, which is the purpose of the group, the manifestation of conformity. Conformity is understood, from one side, like a vice of more for less. Zvorotne conformity is a phenomenon called nonconformity with a manifestation of banter to be placed in front of the greater thought.

Conformism as a manifestation is signified as it establishes the system of the phenomenon, which infuses more processes, like in small and great groups. The concept was introduced into obіg іz cob eksperimentіv Solomon Asch.

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In social psychology, cultivating suspense in a flash, є okremi directly. The social psychology of groups is the essence of science, which develops the development of the classification of small communities. She looks at the specialty as a part of the molding, as if she hopes to be poured into the middle of sleep.

Understand that task

In modern psychology, the concept of “social group” is the union of individuals, like they think similar rice, win one kind of activity, assimilate themselves as members of the community. Group may 3 main capacities:

  • obov'yazkovu vzaєmodіyu mіzh participants;
  • unity of goals, for the sake of which the group was created;
  • all members have a sign, only their sleepiness is domineering.

The social psychology of the group is developing the process of forming the group, you see, the structure and the impact on the individual. Head of the gallery - assessment and forecasting the development of the group, revealing the characteristics of mutual modality, the main criteria. In the course of a person's life, one hour at a time, he changes in many groups and often moves from one to another. The reason for changing the status is: for example, a schoolboy becomes a student, a worker becomes a pensioner. At the link with cym can be called the main task of social psychology groups - classification according to singing criteria.

History of development

Vivchennyam groups of social psychology took up more than the beginning of the twentieth century. Until the object of the vivchennya buv іndivіd, but chi is not a suspіlstvo. Poglibleno looked at the peculiarities of sprynyattya, installations, international cooperation, but did not try to evaluate the person as warehouse molding.

The deyakі psychologists completely recounted the reasons for the groups as objects of investigation. Such a mindset in social psychology was called personalistic. And in parallel with it, another way of cultivation was developing - sociological. Yogo prikhilniks stverdzhuvali, that it is not possible to fully understand the motives of the behavior of a person, as if it were more like an individual. A group of people, like an association of people, inevitably pours into a people and cannot be ignored.

The development of group processes was actively developed in the USA. Under the supervision of K. Levin, studies were carried out at the laboratory, which showed the dynamics, types of leadership, grouping and other categories, which determined the molding behavior.

Already in the middle of the 20th century, personal and sociological psychology began to rise. Tse became under the influx of state structures, zatsіkavlenih at the emergence of new effective methods management of industrial and military organizations. Interest until the wedding of the new moldings until the end of the 20th century is more than enough. Narazі methods continue to expand and improve thoroughly.

The main forms and signs of sleep

Various social moldings are rich. For the correct classification of groups in psychology, it is necessary to see the exact criteria by which to evaluate the formation.

Behind the nature of the mutual modality, 2 groups are seen:

  • pervinnu - shodo stіyku, with constant close cooperation between members, directed at the socialization of the individual;
  • second - numerical, with the most important formal type of mutuality, direct access to the song.

Behind the type of interrelationship there are:

  • formal - є juridical status іz clearly prescribed norms of vzaєmovіdnosin, method of activity and fixed ієrarchієyu;
  • informal - they appear spontaneously, do not mess with the official regulations, fall apart quickly.

Spіlnoti, until such individuals enter, are called groups (motherland, head of the work team, ethnic minority). Spіlnostі, in some individuals it is impossible to be included (another religious community, a stranger to family, another age category) are called outgroups.

For a large number of people, that form of inter-society connections is seen by small and large groups. Small forever innumerable (two people, united by a common method, are already respected by a group) and may be lowly showing signs:

  • high stability of the warehouse (new members join rarely, often to replace vibulim);
  • participants may have similar values ​​and moral standards;
  • intersobistіsnі stosunki Іntensivnі, stіykі;
  • feel like belonging to sleepiness, repentance, call out to the participants in lamentation, pride;
  • A clear line of roles, a leader with insane authority.

A large group is nurtured by the numerical warehouse and method. Її create for the attainment of a singing result, but there is no mutual modality among the participants, as you can secure the reach of the achievement.

The main form of the group, which ensures the optimal mind for the development of that work and individuals, is a team. Signs that the team is cultivating from other forms: zbіg tsіley іndivіda і suspіlstva, єdnіst principіv і tsіnіsnih orientatsіy.

Podіl behind significant signs saw real and nominal groups. To the real ones one can see the molding, which may be socially significant features:

  • gender - human female;
  • ethnos - European, Asian, Hispanic;
  • vіk - child, pіdlіtok, mature, summer;
  • profession - teacher, doctor, businessman;
  • family camp - friendly, separated, bachelor;
  • place of residence - place, settlement, village;
  • equal to income - security, bіdny, riches.

Forming is up to nominal, as it is specially seen for carrying out flights (passengers, if they may have the right to a free passage, scholarship students, wealthy mothers). A person may have the right to come to such a molding and deprive yoga at any moment. For example, people with disabilities can be hired, unemployed people can be employed.

Mustache groups, regardless of the type, can be obov'yazkovі yakostі:

The manifestation of these qualities invigorates the group of natovpu - spontaneous molding, in which people do not make stable connections and needs in communication.

Obov'yazkovі etapi rozvitku іndivіdіv іndivіdіv useredinі molding

A group does not form once a group of people joins. Stages of social and psychological maturity:

The skin person has its own role in molding, for example, vikonu chi is simply imposing a model of behavior. There are 3 types of roles:

The head of the kerіvnik is to follow the victorious roles, to want the corisne for the cohesion of the mutually, and at the same time to suck up the activity of the disorganizers.

Functions and wash for normal development

Spillness may be low function, yak_ vplyvayut skin penis:

If the functions do not win, the fullness cannot function, it quickly falls apart. In the norm, it can develop like a spіlnіst, swear by the development of special features.

Mіzhosobistіsnі vіdnosinі іndivіdіv seredinі splnostі

The average sleepiness between individuals is established by different types of water:

  • official - founded on the structure, prescribed rules;
  • unofficial - they are due to special sympathies;
  • dilovі - blame and pіd hour of gardening shoes;
  • rational - will be on the objective assessment of others;
  • emotional - subjective assessment of everything.

The management of the economy regulates the flow of the earthenware and the soil. For the positive dynamics, they should blame the authority of the kerivnik. In the case of a negative one - shilling to a protest, a confluence of minds, an informal leader appears.

What kind of officials make the process of recovering small sleepiness easier?

In social psychology, the problem is related to the ability to see clear criteria and characteristics. It is often brought to choose as an object of marriage only one type of sleepiness - small. Vivchennya vnutrishnіh protsesіv difficult, stench rozglyadyutsya vіdrivі vіd character spіlnoї іyalnostі.

Klassifikuvati small spilnoti important, stink overtoo numerical. I do not allow you to see similar, different rice.

Methods for further molding

The method of sociometry is more important for cultivating victories. Yogo Vigadav i razrobiv psychologist D. Moreno. The main task of sociometry is to show the status of a participant, to show formal and informal vouchers. Also, for the cult, group vicorist experiment, watchfulness, experiment. The results will be combined for a larger objective picture.

Korisne video

The report on the social psychology of groups is described in the video:

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