Scholarship About scholarships

Grant scholarships to successful students who master the world's major programs. higher enlightenment 1st step

Name of exhibits Moving coefficient Rosmir scholarships, rubles
Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus 123,00
Personal scholarships 231,32
Special scholarship 122,59
personal scholarship 134,89
for the specialties of the profiles of education: "Art and Design", "Humanities", "Communications. Law. Economics. Management. Economics and Organization of Manufacturing", "Social Defense", "Physical Culture. Tourism and Hospitality" 1,0 100,20
1,1 110,22
1,3 130,26
1,5 150,30
for the specialties of education profiles: "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy. Professional education" 1,0 100,20
1,2 120,24
1,4 140,28
1,6 160,32
for the specialties of the profiles of education: "Silsk and forest statehood. Garden and park life", "Ecological sciences", "Health protection", "Community eating. Service service", "Safety services", "Natural sciences", "Technique and technologies", "Architecture and everyday life" 1,0 100,20
1,2 120,24
1,4 140,28
1,6 160,32

Grant of scholarships for successful students, who will master the light programs of higher education at the 1st level for the following specialties: physics (nuclear physics and technology); radiation chemistry; radiochemistry; electronic systems control and management at nuclear power plants; steam turbine installations of nuclear power plants; life of thermal and nuclear power plants; nuclear and radiation safety.

Name of exhibits Moving coefficient Rosmir scholarships, rubles
Students who will receive an initial scholarship
1,0 111,40
1,2 133,68
1,4 155,96
1,6 178,24

Grant of initial scholarships for students, who will master the educational programs of higher education of the 2nd stage

No. p / p Name of exhibits Promotion Rosmir scholarships, rubles
1. Personal scholarships 1,3 231,32
2. Students, yakі zdobuvayut vyschu osvіtu II stage, for the vinnyatі students, appointed at p.3 1,3 159,37
3. Students, yakі zdobuvayut vyschu osvіtu II stage for the specialties of the profiles of education "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy. Professional education”, “Art and design”, “Humanities”, “Communications. Right. economy. Management. Economics and Organization of Vibration”, “Social Defense”, “Physical Culture. Tourism and hospitality» 1,3 151,37

Rosmіri social scholarships

Name of exhibits Moving coefficient Rosmir scholarships, rubles
For students who master the educational programs of higher education of the 1st and 2nd stages - 61,09
To orphans, children, who have lost their fathers without pikluvannya, so they will master the svіst osvіtnої programs of preparation of osіb before joining the mortgage of the sanctuary of the Republic of Belarus - 49,20

About giving grants to foreigners for training in Belarus. Three months later, the Rada of Ministers confirmed their minds, for which they would select potential students.

The public order of Belarus plans to give up to 100 grants. Foreign students will receive free education, receive a scholarship, as well as bonuses to it for success in education, science and community work. For the most part, students will be provided with living quarters for the entire period of study, for which they will pay themselves.

The amount of scholarships is indebted according to the tariff rate of the first category, the initial mortgage and success. Looking back at today's rate, the minimum is 191.76 rubles, TUT.BY was told by the Ministry of Education.

Foreigners can study both at universities and at universities in Belarus. The procedure for selecting candidates for a grant goes through three stages.

Until the 20th of the fierce diplomatic mission of Belarus abroad, they will pick up applications from foreign citizens who would like to learn from the Belarusian mortgages of enlightenment.

Let's let the Ministry open a commission, so that we look at the lists of candidates and documents submitted by them, after which we will form a shortlist for participation in the third stage of the selection - interview. On the new one, you definitely shouldn’t waste those whose average score of the certificate is lower than 7.5 points on a 10-point scale (or lower than 75 points in 100%).

– Until the commission is created, the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health, see the government agencies, at the order of those є lay the foundation for education – the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Communication and other, – explains the intercessor of the head of the Department of International Defense of the Ministry German Artamonov.

We will be able to apply once to a number of universities and colleges, while the ministry cannot say: it will take an hour for approbation.

— We can’t say for sure what will be the rіven zatsіkavlennostі. To tell him what we can propagate is also important.

Submit the documents themselves to foreigners, as well as to Belarusians: an application, a copy of documents about enlightenment (or a finalization of the designated badges and objects that are being taken), a document about the rіven of the Volodymyr Russian and Belarusian language, a medical report, a characteristic.

- If Belarusians abroad submit an application, it will be necessary to add a document, which would confirm their identity and identify themselves as an ethnic Belarusian, - Herman Artamonov said.

Until 1 January, the Ministry of Education will hand over the lists to the pledges of education, where the candidates plan to go. Until the 15th of Chernya of the university, the SSNU will hold a conference to mark the day of my volodinnya, which is the enlightenment process.

When entering the specialty "Art and Design", "Art and Music Studies", candidates will need to pass an additional examination of the discipline "Creativity" and submit their own taxes creative robots. You can go through the interview both in person and remotely.

If possible, the SSNU should send the lists of candidates selected for promotion to the Ministry of Education until the next day. Let the candidates know more about the positive decision.

To pay for the journey to the city of education back, accommodation, food, medical insurance, registration of visas and registration, the students themselves are responsible, “for the money of good money of foreign hulks and others, not fenced by legislation,” according to the Regulations on the order osіb without bulkiness.

The first grants for foreign citizens of Belarus will be given more early in 2019.



Middle ball

Rosemir scholarships
(Bil. rub.)

Social 4,0 – 4,9 61,89
Navchalna 5,0 – 5,9 77,36
6,0 – 7,9 92,83
8,0 – 8,9 108,30
9,0 – 10,0 123,78
Undergraduates 123,77

1. Scholarship -Shomasyachna Groshova Vipels, yak є є є є sotzilnye pirims with the sides of the assassin by the Denni form of healthy health, to the newcomers of the Zmіstvni program of the professor-technical, the middle of special vocational training workers (servicemen), illuminating programs for the retraining of core practitioners and specialists, as they may be able to educate.

2. Scholarships are divided into the following types:
2.1. primary;
2.2. graduate students, doctoral students;
2.3. social;
2.4. President of the Republic of Belarus;
2.5. special;
2.6. names;
2.7. personal scholarships for higher education;
2.8. core staff.

3. Initial scholarship призначається особі, яка освоює зміст освітніх програм професійно-технічної, середньої спеціальної або вищої освіти, під час навчання у першому семестрі (півріччі) у розмірі мінімальної навчальної стипендії, у другому та наступних семестрах (півріччях) – залежно від результатів його навчальної діяльності, а when mastering the education program of the middle special or higher education - and fallow in the specialty, which is gaining. The amount of initial scholarships is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Criteria for the success of students, understand that the procedure for recognition and payment of initial scholarships are appointed by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Scholarship for postgraduate student (doctoral student) assigned to a graduate student (doctoral student). Grants of scholarships for graduate students, doctoral students are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Wash that procedure for recognizing and paying scholarships to graduate students, doctoral students are appointed by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Social scholarship is assigned to a person who has mastered an advanced program of vocational and technical education, an average special education or a higher education, and does not receive an initial scholarship, as a person to belong to one of the categories:

  • children-orphans and children, who were deprived of their fathers without pikluvanya, especially from the number of children-orphans and children, who were deprived of their fathers without pikluvanya, and also osib, as they spent the rest of the fathers during the period of well-being during the holidays;
  • osіb, repaid under subparagraph 3.2 of paragraph 3 of article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On state social benefits, rights and guarantees for other categories of citizens”;
  • children osіb, listed at paragraph 10 and subparagraphs 12.2 and 12.3 paragraph 12 of article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On state social benefits, rights and guarantees for other categories of citizens”;
  • іnvalidіv, krіm osіb, іnvalіdnіst іkіm came owing tо oppravіnіh dіy, through alcohol, narcotic, toxic sp'yanіnnya, arthroshkіdnіstvo;
  • Osіb, yaki Mayut pilga vidpovly to articles 18–23 by the law of rebubbleki bilorus 6 sіchnya 2009 Rock "About socialist Zakhist Gromyan, yaki posed by the catastrophi on the Chornobilsi Aes, ilchiye Avari" 17, 2/1561);
  • female women;
  • osіb, yakі mayut children vіkom until vіsіmnadtsjati rokіv;
  • osib, ill with tuberculosis;
  • osіb, like at an important material camp.

The amount of social scholarships is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Wash that order of recognition and payment of social scholarships are appointed by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

6. Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus призначається студенту державної установи вищої освіти або установи вищої освіти споживчої кооперації Республіки Білорусь за відмінну успішність протягом усього навчання у закладі вищої освіти, особливі успіхи у науково-дослідній та творчій діяльності та зразкову поведінку, а також призначається на конкурсній основі аспіранту державної установи освіти або state organizations, which implements the programs for the recognition of scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the order of recognition and payment is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

7. Special scholarship recognized for the entire periode of the Office of the Special, Yak MAH Right to Takui Vidpovly, to paragraph 24 of the Pershim Statti 12, Pidpunct 1.19 paragraph 1 Statti 18, Pidpunct 2.9 paragraph 2 of Statt 23 Law Bilorus 17 Kvyni 1992 Rokiy Vyarkhny Belarus, 1992, No. 15, article 249; National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 67, 2/787). The grants of special scholarships are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The order of recognition and payment of special scholarships is determined by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

8. personal scholarship призначається особі, яка освоює зміст освітніх програм професійно-технічної, середньої спеціальної або вищої освіти, досягла високих результатів у навчанні, високих показників у громадській роботі, а особі, яка освоює зміст освітньої програми вищої освіти, – та високих показників у науково-дослідній діяльності . This scholarship is founded with the method of honoring the memory of a prominent educator or a prominent deacon in the fields of science, culture, craftsmanship, everyday life, and transport of the strong state. The grants of nominal scholarships are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Wash that order of recognition and payment of nominal scholarships are awarded by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

9. personal scholarship for the sake of a pledge of higher education is assigned to a student for special success in the education of the university primary disciplines and scientific and technical creativity. For the sake of greater enlightenment, the Rozmir of Personal Scholarship is established as the President of the Republic of Belarus. Wash that order of recognition and payment of personal scholarships for the sake of establishing higher education, they are appointed by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

10. Scholarship for key personnel assigned to key personnel, individuals, included in the reserve of key personnel, who are sent to the Academy of Management under the Presidential Republic of Belarus for retraining in full-time education within the framework of the sovereign's request. The grant of scholarships for key personnel is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Wash that procedure for recognizing and paying scholarships to core personnel are awarded by the Order of the Republic of Belarus.

11. Особам, які освоюють зміст освітніх програм середньої спеціальної, вищої освіти, освітньої програми аспірантури (ад'юнктури), що забезпечує здобуття наукової кваліфікації «Дослідник», та одержуючи стипендію, можуть встановлюватися надбавки до стипендії за успіхи у навчанні, науковій та громадській роботі.

12. To the persons, yaki, they master the Denni Forms of the Healthy Zvyst Zmіst Assistance-Technical Programs, Serednyoi Special, Vishcho-Ovoye Abo-Ovvyki Aspiranturi (AD'NYNCTURI), Scho Zhakobutti Khumovika, Morotnya, Morotnya, Morch, Buda, Morch, Budows. Persons, who get education on a paid basis, do not receive material assistance for the expenses of the republican and (or) local budgets.

13. Take a recognition of this order of the Vispays to the scholarships for the leadership of the lead, science, that Gromadzky Roboti, Nadannya Matrynoye Dusomki for Rahunov Koshtyv Ta (Abo) Missevich Vynozhaki. Belarus.

14. Іноземним громадянам та особам без громадянства, які освоюють зміст освітніх програм професійно-технічної, середньої спеціальної, вищої, післявузівської освіти, які навчаються відповідно до міжнародних договорів Республіки Білорусь, виплачуються навчальні стипендії, стипендії аспірантам, докторантам, якщо це передбачено міжнародними договорами Республіки Білорусь, depending on how many individuals are accepted for training.

hope for the budget, but you don’t know for what kind of income to pay for the first hour of training? Wonder how students get scholarships at the universities of Belarus and see why to lay її rozmir.

Students who study at the university are awarded scholarships for up toInstructions on the procedure for recognizing and paying scholarships to students of higher initial mortgages. You, as a student, can apply for one of the scholarships: initial, social, personal, personal. Let's say, for some minds they are possessed and chi stinks at the world.

Initial scholarship

Vaughn is assigned in accordance with the initial success of the student. Її rozmіr lie down in the middle ball for the singing semester and in the type of specialty. So, at the start, all first-year students will receive the same scholarship (minimum, about 68 rubles), and after spending their money, the budget will be different. For the best data, which we knew on the site (dated January 1, 2019), the minimum student's initial scholarship, which will increase the session by 6.0-6.9 points, becomes approximately 78.70 BYN. For students, for sub-bags of the session, they took away the other average balls, the amount of scholarships is provided with multiples of the amount of basic scholarships for the total coefficient.

* Profiles of education: A - Pedagogy; E - Communications. Right. economy. Management. Economy and organization of production; M - Social defender; N - Physical culture. Tourism and hospitality.

After the summer session, students receive a scholarship for all months of vacation. Tobto, at the lime on the card to come a scholarship for lime and sickle. And with the cob of initial fate, the "salary" will be less for the faith.

There is also one aspect. Disabled students of the 1st and 2nd groups, students from the number of children with disabilities (3rd and 4th stage of health) are entitled to a scholarship allowance of 50 credits.

Social scholarship

The social scholarship of the last primary school was 54.24 BYN. Such a scholarship can be paid to students who have passed the exam session in the average below 6.0, but there may be a special situation.To such students lie:

- orphan children, children, yak_ were left without a pіkluvannya batkіv or they spent the rest of the batkіv pіd hour of training;

– s-help of children from the family of military servicemen, osіb of the chief and the ordinary warehouse of the internal authorities or workers of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (dead or as they became disabled during the hour of service);

- a lot of military servicemen, as they became disabled after being injured, shell-shocked, ill, deprived of the hour of military service;

- Disabled;

- people who suffered from the disaster at the Chornobyl NPP, other radiation accidents;

- women, as they became on the look of women's consultations up to the 12th term of pregnancy;

- Students-fathers;

- Ill with tuberculosis.

Also, the rector of the university can recognize a social scholarship for students who “flunked” the session, but still have a difficult financial situation. Such a fee can be deducted for two days for the start-up period. For whom it is necessary to write an application and bring documents that confirm the material camp (for example, a statement about the income of the fathers).

personal scholarship

Generally, the university can see a number of places (about 60) for a personal scholarship. Її students become Vlasniks, yakі show the success of the okremi disciplines and scientific and technical creativity. The amount of such scholarships is approximately 119 BYN.

personal scholarship

Even fewer students apply for a nominal scholarship (there may be 10-20 for the entire university). If you are especially successful in scientific, scientific and advanced activities and a huge work, then, apparently, your candidacy will be awarded for a scholarship. Її expansion - 157.98 BYN.

On such a "student's bread" you can pay for an hour of study. Alece is not a boundary. Step by step, first of all, lay down more scholarships. How to activatetime: get busy science, take part in sportswear, olympiads, creative life faculty, then you can . Active students are given .

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  1. Scholarship for the sake of the UO BDEU (given a personal scholarship) is awarded according to the desire of students, as they have shown themselves from the scientists, scientifically advanced and community work.
  2. Candidates for the recognition of a personal scholarship to the university are students who are studying for the budgetary expenses for the day-to-day form of education, as a result of the results of the remaining four semesters, not less than 75% of the scores of 10 (ten) and 9 (nine) balls in below 7 (seven) points and achieved high results in scientifically advanced activities and community work.
  3. In case of recognition of scholarships for the results of success, badges are awarded, taken away for sub-bags of storage of drinks, differentiation of halls, course work, manufacturing practice. Certificates from elective disciplines are not covered.
  4. The nomination of candidates is subject to the "Regulations on the procedure for the nomination of candidates for the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus, scholarships named after F. Skorina, scholarships for the sake of the pledge of education "Belarusian State Economic University"
  5. The decision on the recognition of personal scholarships is praised by the Rada University in the current term from the day the examination session ends.
  6. Appointed to pay a personal scholarship for the sake of the BDEU to be carried out on the basis of the order of the rector.
  7. The payment of a personal scholarship will be carried out at the line, established by the institution of education.
  8. Personal scholarships are awarded for a semester from the first day of the month following the end of the examination session (initial pivrichchya).
  9. A personal scholarship for an hour of summer vacation is paid in total for the period of vacation up to the cob.
  10. The personal scholarship is paid for by the full scholarship independently salary, which is accepted by students during the period of practical training.
  11. Students, who receive a personal scholarship, for the period of retraining in academic leave for medical reasons, are paid 50 thousand scholarships, up to the cob of academic leave.
    After the completion of the academic admission of students, if they have withdrawn a personal scholarship, the payment of a scholarship recognized by them before the admission is renewed at the full extent of the date, for which the stench is respected by those who have begun to take up the order of the rector until the end of the regular semester. If this date does not coincide with the first day of the month, then the scholarship for the whole month is paid at the end of the month, proportional to the number of days per date, to take the cob until the end of the month.
  12. Students Z-Pija Invalіdiv I Grupi, Datey-Invaliz III of the IV step back up healthy, Kolishnіkh Vіskovo service, Yaki became the iznvalis of the wounded, Calitzwykhi, the Kalitzvye, who was extended by the Vikanno-people's nerd. established scholarship allowance of 50 thousand rubles.
  13. Personal scholarships for students are waived if they violate the rules of internal order and public order.
    Decisions about the authority to pay personal scholarships for students are accepted by the Rada of the University and are issued by order of the rector.
  14. For students who receive personal scholarships, the right to waive allowances and allowances for material assistance is reserved until the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
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