Methodical security of the management system of the organization. Science electronic library

Regulatory and methodological security of the personnel management system - the sequence of documents of organizational, organizational and methodological, organizational and ordering, technical, regulatory and technical, technical and economic and economic nature, as well as regulatory and concluding materials, characteristics, rules, etc. , methods and other data that are awarded at the first hour of the organization of the practice of personnel management and approved in the prescribed manner by the competent competent authority or the organization's core organization.

Normative and methodological safety creates minds for an effective process of training, praise and implementation of the solution for the nutrition of personnel management. Vono polagaє at the organization of the development and zastosuvannya of methodical documents, and navit vedenni normative state in the system of personnel management.

The grouping of normative and methodological materials, the characteristics of their change, the application of norms, standards, documents and the names of the relevant documents are presented in Table. 3.6.

Vіdpovіdіlnіst sаzpezpechennya sistem pravіnіnnya prіsіnіnnya normative-methodical documents bear vіdpoіdnі іnіdіnі іdrozdіli uparatа adminіnna organіzatsії (vіddіl stаndіlіzії, vіddіl organіzаcіії adminіnnyа, juridical vіddіl).

For the subbags of typical documents with the improvement of the organization's features, the personnel management service practitioners develop documents for internal coronation. So, an important organizational and ordering document is the rules of the internal labor order, as they regulate the work order of the group. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the worker's goiter must be put to work by her work in accordance with the internal labor order. The rules are in order. The administration is investigating the draft rules and submitting them to the discussion of high-profile gatherings (conferences), as well as confirming them in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The typical structure of the rules of the internal labor order is as follows:

1. Light position

1.1. The right to practice. Appointment of discipline

1.2. Tsіlі rules

1.3. Vikoristanya rules

1.4. Zastosuvannya rules

2. The procedure for receiving a call from employees and employees

2.1. Documents

2.2. Obov'yazki administratsiy pіd hour reception

2.3. Labor books

2.4. Attached to an employment contract

3. Basic obov'yazki workers and service workers

3.1. Pratsyuvati honestly, dotremuvatsya discipline

Table 3.6. Regulatory and methodological documents of the system of supervision by personnel

Groups of normative and methodological documents

Apply norms, normatives and documents

Name of documents

Regulatory documents

Include the norms and standards necessary for the implementation of the organization and planning of work in the field of material production and management

1) Primary operating hours and rates; standard time for the management procedures

2) Other norms and standards, taken away on the basis of the first ones

Route-technological map

Operational and technological map

Technological map of management procedures


Parts release program

Zminno-dobovі zavdannya

3) Norms established by superior organizations in accordance with the centralized order (norms for subscribing to the fund for paying for work; rozmir pributkovy tax from physical osib)

Federal Instruction tax service of the Russian Federation according to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the income tax from physical disabilities"

Organizational documents. organizational-ordering and organizational-methodical character

Regulate the zavdannya, functions, rights, obov'yazki pіdrozdіlіv and okremih pratsіvnіkіv system of personnel management; to avenge the methods and rules of vikonannya robit z personnel management

1) Legislative acts for the supply of labor and personnel

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Law "On employment of the population Russian Federation»

2) Order the President of the Russian Federation. Decree and order the order of the Russian Federation for the food of the corpse, pay for the work, protect the work, and keep busy.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the study and selection of foreign labor force in the Russian Federation"

Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation “On Come in for Social Defense of the Disabled”

3) Basic documents (regulations, instructions, by the method of filing, rules) and other documents of state bodies

Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation “On the Approval of Tariff and Qualification Characteristics for the Salvage Plantings of Servicemen”

Zagalnogaluzevі methodical statements"Normative method of planning the number of servicemen of enterprises and purchasing organizations of the galleys of material production"

4) Punishments, camps, instructions; methodical statements, rules and other documents of the ministry, Federal Service or agencies, as they are subject to organization

Instructions of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation on the replenishment of the minds of practical workers employed in important and difficult robots

5) Punishment, regulations, rules and other documents that are seen by the organization’s ceremonial officer, or by additional subsidies for food, practicality, numbers, pay for the corpse thinly.

Rules of internal labor order

collective agreement

Regulations on pіdrozdіl

Posadova instruction

staff layout

Documents of a technical, technical and economic and economic nature

Standards for planning the placement of those working areas

Yakosti standards

TU for products

Annual tariff rate

Coefficients of reimbursement to the social insurance fund, medical insurance

Coefficient of additional payment for substandard work

Standards for the organization of practical work of engineers in engineering support

Timchasov sanitary norms and rules of practitioners of the EC

Business plan

Koshtoris vitrat for virobnitstvo

A note about the number of workers in organizations

System of standards for safety technology

Typical norms for an hour for the development of design documentation

3.2. Increase productivity

3.3. Polypshuvati akіst roboti

3.4. Dorimuvatsya could s bury the practice

3.5. Find out the reasons why robots respect

3.7. take care of mineno

3.8. behave properly

4. Basic bindings of administration

4.1. Organize your work properly

4.2. Create your mind for increased productivity practice

4.3. Develop form and stimulate practice

4.4. Planuvati pratsyu and ensure the vikonannya set the task

4.5. Complete the organization of payment for services

4.6. Take care of discipline

4.7. Seek out legislation

4.8. Zdіysnyuvati prevention of traumatism

4.9. To control the knowledge of practitioners of the instructions for the protection of practice

4.10. Develop magic

4.11. Provajuwati winego

4.12. Ensure the advancement of qualifications

4.13. Catch up with the workforce for yoga robots

4.14. Respectfully put to the needs of practitioners

5. Working hour and yoga contest

5.1. The cob and the end of the work, interrupt for the meal and the meal

5.2. The shape of the working hour

5.3. Substandard robots

6. Interested in the success of the robot

6.1. Vila

6.2. The procedure for logging in

6.3. Wishing for special merit

6.4. Come in with a desire to get busy with the work team

7. Liability for violation of labor discipline

7.1. Significant damage

7.2. See the tie

7.3. Contract for walking

7.4. The tightening procedure

7.5. Disciplinary power of the labor collective

Organizations to improve the labor order, looking at the rules of the internal labor order as the most important normative act - a tool for improving the organization of work. Won additionally include the following distributions: about paying for the cost, about commercial secrets, about insurance, about the protection of work

The most important organizational document is a collective agreement, which is drawn up for the participation of the personnel management service (personnel management, salary organization, legal agreement). Collective agreement - tse favors that fit the labor collective for the administration of how to regulate their mutual relations in the process of military-government activity in terms of one to three years.

The procedure for the formation of a collective agreement is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Collective Agreements and Agreements" dated 11.03.92 No. 2490-1 at the editorial office federal law dated December 24, 1995 No. 176-FZ. Vidpovidno to the Law by representatives of practitioners and professional organizations of the unions. Robot providers represent the employees of the organization and other individuals, upgraded to the statute of the organization.

The initiator of the negotiations on how to expand, lay down and change the collective agreement has the right to act on the skin of the parties. For the conduct of collective negotiations and the development of the draft agreement, the parties, on an equal basis, create an increasingly important commission, warehouse, lines, place of conduct and the order of the day's negotiations are established by the parties. The draft collective agreement is due to buti discussions by practitioners in the organization's subdivisions and additional operations for the improvement of respect and propositions that were needed. The supplementary draft of the contract is confirmed by the formal meetings (conference) of the workers in the organization and is signed by the representative of the workers and the robot supplier.

Prior to the collective agreement, mutual crops and labor supply and practitioners can be included in such food:

Form, system of payment for practical work, pennies of wine growing, help, compensation, surcharges;

the mechanism for regulating the payment of labor costs for the increase in prices, the equal of inflation, the expiration of indications, assigned by the contract;

employment, retraining, wash up the workers;

Appointment of a working hour and an hour of repair;

The polypshennya of minds and the protection of the practical workers, including women and young people (pіdlіtkіv);

Voluntary and obov'yazkove medical and social insurance;

Dotrimannya _interesіv pratsіvnikiv pіd h privatization ії podpriєmstva, vіdomchogo zhitla;

Economical security and protection of the health of workers in the field;

Pilgi for practitioners, yakі to work with navchannyam:

Control over the victories of the collective agreement, the procedure for making a new change and additional amendments, the validity of the parties, social partnership, ensuring the normal functioning of representatives of the workers;

Vіdmova vіd strikes for the minds, included before the contract, for their time and total vikonannya.

Wash the collective agreement, laid down vіdpovіdno before legislation, є obov'yazkovimi for robots. If you think the agreement should be harmed against the legislature by the establishment of practitioners, all stinks are invalid.

Before documents of organizational-methodical and methodical nature lie those that regulate the functions of personnel management. These include: provisions for the formation of a personnel reserve in an organization; regulations for organizing the adaptation of practitioners; recommendations on how to organize recruitment and selection of personnel; the position of the regulation of mutual relations among the collective; a camp with payment for labor; instructions for dotrimannya rules of safety technology and int.

The distribution of these documents is carried out by practitioners of the relevant lines of the personnel management system.

For its own sake, for the development of these and other documents, as well as for low functions and personnel management, such a regulatory document is won, as a Qualification Adviser of Posad Kerivniki, Specialists and Other Services, Approval of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 1998. (in the new edition in 2007). Vіn poklikaniya to regulate the organization of the practice of tsikh categorіy prаtsіvnіkіv, zabezpechuvati rational dobіr, rozmіschennya and vikoristannya kadіvnіkіv, vstavlyuvat payment prаciі prіcіvniki zalezhno vіd їх їх іх іх іх іх іх іхіфікаї. Dovіdnik includes the qualification characteristics of the settlements, the skin of some may have been divided: "Planting clothes" - functions, which can be done more or more often entrusted to the practitioner, such a man of the plantation; “Guilty to the nobility” - help to the practitioner of any special knowledge, knowledge of legislation, methods and methods of tying landowner's shoes; "Vimogi to qualification" - the song and the profile of the special training of a practitioner, yoga education, the necessary work experience.

For the characteristics of working settlements, the tariff of work, the assignment of qualifications to employees, the folding of training programs and the advancement of the qualifications of employees, such a regulatory document as the only tariff-qualification document (ETCS professional). The tariff-qualification characteristics of the professions of workers are given for the categories and are added up from the divisions: “Characteristics of the work” - a replication of labor novice, which is the responsibility of the mother of the worker for the removal of the higher grade; “Maє vmiti” - a minimum of special knowledge and skills required to work in a given category; “Pryklady work” is a copy of the most typical jobs for this profession and this tariff category.

Let's take a look at some of the types of documentation that regulates.

The Regulations on the Personnel regarding the nutrition of the professional and social development of the labor collective, and the interdependence of the administration, the guarantee of employment for the personnel and other. Regulations are being developed mainly in commercial organizations. The structure of this document was approved and recommended until it was approved by the Federal Agency for Management of the Federal Mines of the Russian Federation and the Russian Fund federal lane. It is recommended to include the following divisions in the text of the Regulations: understood by the staff; principles of mutual administration and personnel; staff development program; recruitment system; promotion of qualifications for personnel; the right for the staff to choose the forms of organization of work; employment guarantee for the staff; social guarantees for personnel; the fate of the staff at the surplus; administration, staff and profspilka; vidpovіdalnіst adminіstrаtsії i personnel; Final provisions; addendum: for example, the Rules of Business Conduct for Personnel (Code of Business Ethics).

Regulations on the release - a document that regulates the activity of any structural extension of the organization (executives, services, bureaus, groups, etc.) The typical structure of the regulation includes the following divisions:

1) legal provisions (to whom it is necessary to follow this order, the steps of your independence, what legal documents are required to have wine at your own duty);

2) the manager of the delivery;

3) the organizational structure of the subdivision (scheme of the assigned linear and functional, methodical and other subordering and interrelationships of the four lines and practices of the subdivision);

4) the function of the parent;

5) mutually with other links of the organization from the designated information, documentation, which is accepted and transferred to this parent, depending on whom and to whom, the terms and frequency;

6) the rights of the driver (no more than the duties of her functions);

7) vіdpovіdalnіst pіdrozіlu (near the borders of the lads to you, it's more important for neakіsne, nevchasne vikonannya).

The typical provisions about infants are found in special literature, but it is necessary to adapt them, clarifying the exact skin specific approach and infants.

To know about the number of workers in the official categories (staff units) from the skin planting, the names of the settlements, the allowances for them and the allowances for them.

The staff layout can be folded behind the form below.

For skin planting, which should be located at the standard layout, may be broken posadova instruction, which is formed on the basis of the Regulations on the work, qualification characteristics, as well as the analysis of the work (or work place, plant) and the folded description of the work (work place, plant). Posadova's instructions indicate bindings, the rights and the validity of the skin practitioner, which is about the name of the plantation, commencing from the intercessor of the guardian to the father. The activities of the first organizations and yogo intercessors are regulated by the Statute, and the clerks of the subdivisions - by the Regulations of them.

A special specification is a set of vimog, like a robot to the worker's job you put before the practitioner. Vaughn yells without a trace about the description of the robot (or work place, plant it) and responds to the question: “How can you draw character, how can you get a person’s knowledge, її enlightenment in order for you to successfully win the robot on your work place (plant)?” Special specification gives information necessary for the reception of practice and selection of the necessary interviewers, how to speak.

Most of the main principles were developed by the English professor A. Roger in 1930. In a given skin type, their warehouse may be curtailed.

Special specification can be either in text form or in tabular form (Table 3.7).

The table has three categories of capacities:

The main necessary capacities, tobto. so, without some kind of work, you can’t work on the same level;

Table 3.7. Special specification

Bazhani yakosі: the prevaga can be given to candidates, like stinks, for minding the obviousness in them of other main yakos;

Contraindications: as a rule, which automatically includes candidates, even suitable friends for the parameters.

Establish other options for folding special specifications. So it was in the USA that the special characteristics of M. Fraser were widely celebrated, which include five points: the influx of other people (physical data, zvnishnist, language, manner of behavior); accumulated qualifications (education, professional training, preparation, completion of work); natural health (swidkіst rozumіnnya i zdatnіst up to navchannya): rushing force-motivation (setting own goals, rіshuchіstі і sledovnіst і reach tsіley, suspіh їх іхініні); adaptation (emotional stability, building ability to resist stress and come into contact with people).

The folded Izami Tsich Cides is a specialty-fingered specifykatika є Vice Isshstarment under the Viddori candidate for Vakantnu Posad, conducted by the VIDBIKOVOVAYA SPIVBESID, the same in the way of the Okremoya School. bi ideal. from a glance of the organization, a portrait of the future spivrobitnik.

The preparation of special specifications will require special knowledge and is most often a professional consultant or a specially trained specialist of the personnel management service. In a different selection of candidates for a vacant seat, the choice of this document is based on the fact that special features the skin pretender is compared with the features of the “ideal” spivrobitnik.

3.6.2. Legal security

The legal security of the personnel management system is based on a variety of costs and forms of legal impact on the organization of the personnel management object in order to reach the effective activity of the organization.

The main tasks of the legal security of the personnel management system - ce legal regulation labor benefits that are formed between robotic workers and hired workers; defender of the right and lawful interests of workers, like labor vodnosin.

The legal security of the personnel management system includes: dotrimanny, vikonannya and stosuvannya of the norms of civil legislation in the workplace, labor permits; development and approval of local regulatory and non-normative acts of an organizational, organizational and ordering, economic nature; preparation of propositions about the change of official chi skasuvannya old-timers and actually spent the ceremoniality of normative acts, seen in the organization of labor, personnel meals.

The health of the legal legal in the organized organizing of the Kerivniks of the same Zavadoviki Osіb (among the sides of the nadani of the right of the right to beasted, the organized-land-and-dimensions of the same. what to enter to їхної competence. The main contribution from the conduct of legal work in the gallery of labor legislation is a legal decision.

One of the specific minds of the work of personnel departments lies in the fact that their daily activity is connected directly with people. Organize the work with the reception of the workers, at the same time ensure that it is transferred to another work, please, do not allow conflict situations that result in damage to the reception of the robot, call, that in. - all similar people can come in only on the basis of a clear regulation of the rights and obligations of all participants in labor permits

Tse reaches the path of the establishment of legal norms of a centralized chi local character. In labor legislation, it is more important to have acts of centralized regulation - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Order of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Health and Development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, about those nutritional practices, which can be violated with the help of local legal norms adopted by the skin organization.

In different markets, the scope of local regulation is steadily expanding. To such acts lie: the punishment of the manager of the organization for personnel nutrition (for reception, call, ordering), regulations on the delivery, planting instructions, standards of the organization and other.

The main tasks of the legal department at this gallery are as follows: (a) development of draft regulatory acts of the organization; (b) legal expertise of normative acts, developed in the system of personnel management, for the validity of the law and legislation; (c) the organization of a systematized form and the collection of legislative and regulatory acts that need to be organized by it; (d) informing the podrozdilіv and services about the order of legislation on labor; (e) clarification of proper labor legislation and the order of yogo zastosuvannya.

The system of normative acts about practice includes general, galuzev, regional and territorial areas, collective agreements and other legal acts that are to be enforced by organizations.

Legal acts of a non-normative nature - orders and statements, which can be seen by the employees of the personnel management service and all the employees of the company for the nutrition of the disciplinary contract, the recruitment of practitioners, safety equipment, the admission, the employment contract.

The main legislative acts that regulate labor disputes are: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Collective Agreements and Agreements", the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes ( conflicts)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership and resolution of labor disputes (conflicts)” and int.

Normative and methodological safety of the system and care by personnel - the entirety of documents and normative-documentary materials, which establish the norms, rules, recommendations, characteristics, methods, which are victorious in the process of organizing the organization of work and personnel management, and approved in the prescribed manner by the competent competent authority or the core organization.

Normative and methodological safety creates minds for an effective process of training, praise and implementation of the solution for the nutrition of personnel management. Vono polagaє at the organization of the development and zastosuvannya of methodical documents, and navit vedenni normative state in the system of personnel management.

Normative and methodological documents are divided into three groups:

  • regulatory documents;
  • documents of an organizational, organizational and ordering and organizational and methodological nature;
  • documents of a technical, technical-economical and economic character.

Regulatory documents include the norms and standards necessary for the implementation of the organization and planning of work in the sphere of material production and management. Before them follow:

  • 1. Primary operating hours and rates; standard hour for managing procedures (route-technological map, technological map of management procedures).
  • 2. Pokhіdnі norms and standards, otrimanі on the basis of the first ones (the norms of labor costs for the production of products).
  • 3. Norms established by superior organizations in accordance with the centralized order (norms for subscribing to the fund for paying for work; rozmir pributkovy tax from physical osib).

Documents of organizational, organizational and ordering and organizational and methodological nature regulate the tasks, functions, rights, obov'yazki pіdrozdіlіv and okremih pracіvnіkіv system of personnel management; to avenge the methods and rules of vikonannya robіt z personnel management. Qi documents include:

  • 1. Legislative acts for the supply of labor and personnel.
  • 2. Decree the President of the Russian Federation, decree the Order of the Russian Federation on food, protection of work, employment.
  • 3. Key documents (regulations, instructions, methodological instructions, rules and other documents) of the Ministry of Practice of the Russian Federation and other state bodies.
  • 4. Punishments, regulations, instructions, methodical statements, rules and other documents of the ministry, the government committee, the department, as they are under the order of the organization.
  • 5. Punishment, regulations, rules and other documents that are seen by the organization’s clerk or as additional support for food work, numbers, pay for money. (Rules of the internal labor order, Collective agreement, Regulations on the release, Posadova instructions, Staff list).

An important organizational and ordering document is the rules of the internal labor order , to include the following divisions:

  • 1. Zagalni position.
  • 2. The procedure for accepting that letter of employees and servicemen.
  • 3. Basic obov'yazki workers and service workers.
  • 4. Basic obov'yazki administration.
  • 5. Working hour and yoga contest.
  • 6. Interested in the success of the robot.
  • 7. Vidpovіdalnіst disruption of labor discipline.

collective agreement It is the most important organizational document that is developed for the direct participation of the personnel service. Collective agreement - tse favors that fit the labor collective for the administration of how to regulate their mutual relations in the process of military-government duty on the calendar day.

Prior to documents of organizational and methodological nature lie those that regulate the functions of personnel management. These include: Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve in the organization, Regulations on the organization of adaptation of workers, Recommendations on the organization of selection of personnel, Regulations on the payment of incentives for work Instructions on the implementation of the rules of safety technology.

Internal organizational and regulatory documents є Regulations on the renewal and Posadova instruction.

Regulations on pіdrozdіl (Viddil, bureau, groups, etc.) - a document that regulates the activity of any structural subdivision of the personnel service: its task, functions, rights, vidpovidalnist.

The typical structure of the regulation includes the following divisions:

  • 1. Legal provisions (to whom this order is given, the steps of your independence, what regulatory and legal documents are required to have wine at your own duty).
  • 2. Order for delivery.
  • 3. Organizational structure of subdivisions (scheme of assigned linear-functional, methodical and other subordering of okremikh lanoks and practices of subdivision).
  • 4. Functions of the update.
  • 5. Vzaєmini poddіlu z іnshimi lankami organіzatsії іz znachennyam іnformatsії, dokumentatsії, oberzhuvannі ї handed over tsі і і іdrozdіl (vіd і to whom, terms і і periodicity).
  • 6. The rights of the driver (no more than the functions she laid down).
  • 7. Vіdpovidalnіst pіdrozdіlіv (at the borders of the nadah, you need to pay more attention for neakіsne, nevchasne vikonannya).

Typical provisions on parenting, including those on personnel services, are found in special literature, and further adaptation is required, clarification of a hundred-fold skin-specific organization.

Posadova instruction - a document that regulates activity at the borders of the skin management plant and avenges vimogi to the practitioner, which is about the plant. Vaughn can be folded on the basis of typical vimog to the plant, which should be in the Qualification of the settlement of gerivniks, specialists and servicemen, but also to the improvement of social and economic minds that change.

To fold the yakіsnu posadova instruction, it is necessary to deeply remember those processes, robots, yakі may vykonuvatsya vіdpovіdno to this plant (or on this working place), and then we will appoint the help to the pracіvnik, yak obіymatime, let's plant, then . put together a special specification

Documents of a technical, technical and economic and economic nature to enforce the rules, norms, rules that regulate the standards of all categories and types. Up to the group of documents you can add:

  • 1. Standards for planning the placement of those working areas.
  • 2. Quality standards, specifications for products.
  • 3. Standards for the organization of the practice of ker_vniki in engineering support.
  • 4. Business plan.
  • 5. Koshtoris vitrat for virobnitstvom.
  • 6. A note about the number of workers in organizations.

Vіdpovіdіlnіst sаzpezpechennya sistem pravіnіnnya prіsіnіnnya normative-methodical documents bear vіdpoіdnі іnіdіnі іdrozdіli uparatа adminіnna organіzatsії (vіddіl stаndіlіzії, vіddіl organіzаcіії adminіnnyа, juridical vіddіl).

Normative-methodical and legal security of the personnel management system.

The objectives of the task of normative and methodological security of the personnel management system. Apply preliminary, organizational and methodological, technical and economic and technical documents. Tsіlі that zavdannya folded planting instructions. The main tasks of the legal security of the system of care for personnel. The main legislative acts that regulate labor output.

The objectives of the task of normative and methodological security of the personnel management system.

Regulatory and methodological security of the PM system - the collection of documents of organizational, organizational and methodological, organizational and ordering, technical, regulatory and technical, technical and economic and economic nature, as well as regulatory and legal materials that establish, Methods and other data, which are awarded at the hour of the ceremony of organizing the organization of the practice of the UE and approved in the prescribed manner by the competent competent authority or the main organization. Normative-methodical security creates minds for the effective process of preparation, praise and implementation of the solution for the nutrition of the UE. Vono polagaє in the organization of the development and zastosuvannya of methodical documents, as well as the maintenance of the regulatory state in the UP system. Vidpovіdalnіst vіdpіdіlnіnіnіnі sistem UP normative-methodical documents carry vіdpovіdnі vіdrozdіli uparatа adminіnna organіzаtsії (vіddіl stаndіlіzії, vіdіl organіzаcіії adminіnnia, juridіchіnі іddіl).

Tsіlі: 1. the establishment of sovereign guarantees, labor rights and freedoms of the people, the creation of friendly minds of the workers; 2. defender of rights and interests of workers and robots.

manager: 1. the creation of the necessary legal minds to achieve the optimal satisfaction of the interests of the parties of labor resources,

2. organization of practice, management of practice,

3. professional training and retraining, advanced qualifications, laying down collective agreements that please,

4. the fate of practitioners in professional unions,

5. material durability of ceramics and practitioners in the field of practice,

6.Visual control over dotrimannyam labor legislation,

7. outcome of labor disputes,

9. defender in the absence of work

10. paid in due time wages,

11. ensuring the rights of practitioners to participate in the management organization,

12. obov'yazkove vіdshkoduvannya shkodi, zapodiyanoї yoma u zvyazku z vykonannyam obov'yazkіv,

13. dotrimannya obov'yazkіv storіn for work. treaty,

14. ensuring the right of the practitioner to defend his own goodness.

Apply preliminary, organizational and methodological, technical and economic and technical documents.

Normative-dovidkovі: 1. first operating hours and rates; norms for an hour to follow administrative procedures, 2. standard norms and standards, removed on the basis of the first ones, 3. norms, established by superior organizations or in a centralized order

organizational and methodological: 1.legislative acts of nutrition and staffing; 2. Decree the President of the Russian Federation, decree the Order of the Russian Federation for food, pay for food, protect food, and employment; 3. key documents (regulations, instructions, rules) and other documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of other state bodies.

technical and economic: norms for planning the accommodation and working areas, standards for quality, the current tariff rate,

technical documents: coefficients of reimbursement to the social insurance fund, medical insurance, coefficients of additional payments for substandard work, standards for organizing the work of engineers and engineers

Tsіlі that zavdannya folded planting instructions. For skin planting, which should be located at the regular layout, it is the fault of the divided planting instruction, which is formed on the basis of the Regulations on the planting, qualification characteristics, as well as the analysis of the work (or the work job, plant) and the folded description of the work (work, plant). META: Posadova's instructions indicate obov'yazki, the right that the reliability of the skin healer, which embraces the song of the plantation, commencing from the intercessor of the kerivnik pdrozdil. The activities of the first organizations and yogo intercessors are regulated by the Statute, and the clerks of the subdivisions are regulated by the Regulations of them.

The main tasks of the legal security of the system of care for personnel. The legal security of the UE system is used in victorious costs and forms of legal influence on the organization of the UE object in order to reach the effective activity of the organization. Main manager legal security of the UE system - tse: 1. legal regulation of labor allowances, folded between robotic providers and hired practitioners, 2. defending the rights and legitimate interests of workers, yakі z labor allowances.

The main legislative acts that regulate labor output: Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Code of Laws on Labor, Law of the Russian Federation “On collective agreements and agreements”, Law of the Russian Federation “On employment in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes (conflicts)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership that version of labor disputes (conflicts)”.

Planning work with the staff of the organization.

Day, purpose, and task of personnel planning. See planning. Riven planning. Methods of planning. Officials sho vplyvayut personnel planning system.

Day before adrovogo scheduling polagaє in nadnі people working mіsts u nebnіbnіy vіdnіy іnіy іlkostі vіdpovіdno їkh zdіbnosti, schilnosti ta vimog virobnitstva. Working hours with a glance of productivity and motivation of guilt allow you to develop your health, increase the efficiency of work, and help to create good people's minds and ensure employment. This method of managing the personnel of the building uzgodzhuvati and vrіvnovazhuvati the interests of roboticists and roboticists.

Personnel planning is in the interests of the organization, and in the interests of the staff. One of zavdan KP є vrahuvannya Іnteresіv sіkh prаtsіvnіkіv organіzatsії.

KP may give advice on the following food:

How many practitioners, what qualifications, if they will be needed?

How to get the necessary and speedy zayviy staff without zapodіyannya social shkoda;

How better to beat the staff to the best of your ability?

How to ensure the development of personnel for the graduate work, who needs to develop new, higher qualifications and support of their knowledge before the recruitment of recruitment? ;

If you need more information about the planned staff, come in.

(table) Goals of the organization - KP in the organization: Personnel strategies (development of the foundations of the possible personnel policy of the organization, creation of the possibility of planting and professional training of practitioners, ensuring the development of personnel for the graduate work of new qualifications and learning to adapt to them); Staffing (determining the specific goals of the organization of the skin practitioner, as a personnel strategy, achieving the maximum convergence of the goals of the organization and individual goals of the practitioners); Personnel manager (Provision of organization at the required hour, at the required place, at the required quantity and with the necessary qualifications by such personnel, which is necessary for reaching the goals); Personnel entry (development of the plan of personnel entry for the implementation of specific goals and the organization of the organization of the skin doctor, assignment of expenses for the implementation of the plan of personnel entry).

vidi KP. KP may be richly vimiriv. Krim timchasovogo podrozdil (dovgostrokovy, midstrokovy, korotkostrokovy) important є pіdrozdil planning for strategic, tactful and operational. Leather from cich view of planning May your goal, come and see the potential for groups of functions of the skin subsystem of the personnel management system.

Rivni KP: 1. strategic planning; 2. more tactful planning; 3. operational checkpoint.

At strategic planning talk about problem-oriented, long-term planning (for a period of 3 to 10 years). The joint venture is oriented towards the main problems. It is more important to lie down in the name of the established officials (economic, social, technical development). UPC is a warehouse joint venture organization. Strategic planning decisions are the main and subsequent key decisions that form the basis of tactful planning.

At tactful planning it is possible to understand the middle-oriented transfer of personnel strategies to specific problems of personnel management (terms from the 1st to the 3rd years). Vono can suvoro focus on the goals set by the UPC. At the tactful plan, it is equal to the UPC, the details of personnel entries are fixed in more detail.

Operationally, the CP can be characterized as a short line (term up to the 1st date), oriented towards reaching four operational goals. The operational plan is to avenge precisely designated ceremonies and specific entries, created for the achievement of these goals, and to bring sights of material assets from a designated mind, quantity and hour. Operational plans are subject to detailed operations, as well as global strategic plans. Your folding is only possible with the provision of accurate information.

methodi KP. The stink of the mind: types of consumer assessment(1.kіlkіsna - the analysis of the organizational structure (equal management), analysis of the marketing plan, , then if?), forecast of change in numbers and quality; organizational financial plan for staffing(1. entry plan for the distribution of training programs for personnel, 2. development of assessment methods for personnel, 3. assessment of financial expenses, operational rozrahunkom number of personnel: major tribute to the designation of the necessary numbers (1.production program, 2.production standards, 3.planned increase in work productivity, 4.structure of work).

Officials sho vplyvayut personnel planning system. The call and the internal middle of the organization are revealed through the change of the external and internal factors. Pid foreigners Factors are understood, as an organization, as a subject of management, as a rule, cannot be changed, but is responsible for ensuring the correct assignment of consumption from the personnel and the optimal costs of consumption. To zvnіshnіh faktorіv, scho zmіst zmіst marketing personnel, can be considered factors: global economic situation and the state of the galusі of activity, development of technology, special social needs, development of legislation, personnel policy competing organizations. Under the internal officials, such officials are roused, as in a significant world they give in to the managerial infusion from the side of the organization. The main internal officials: the number of organizations, financial resources, personnel potential of the organization, dzherela covering personnel needs

Dilova assessment of the staff.

Head, come in and explore the methods of business assessment. Stages of assessment. Establishment of indications of a business assessment. Methods (abo methods), for the help of those, those other showings are evaluated.

Head, come in and explore the methods of business assessment. Good rating for staff- The purpose of directing the process of establishing the viability of the same characteristics of the staff (advantages, motivations and authorities) is to put a worker or a worker in the position. On the substantiation of the level of the appointed degree, there are such basic manager: - Selection of the position in the organizational structure and the establishment of the functional role of the assessed practitioner; - Development of yoga software development; - Vznachennya step vіdpovіdnostі set the criteria for payment pratsі vstanovlennja її value; - Appointment of ways to motivate the practitioner. In addition, a good assessment of the staff can help with the improvement of some additional tasks: the establishment of a salutary link with doctors from professional, organizational and other nutrition, as well as satisfaction of the needs of the practitioner in assessing the power of work and other characteristics. Whether or not the organization is allowed to pardon the business assessment of the staff, tobto. may be unrealistic business assessment, viklikana ob'ektivnoy or subjective nevidpovidnistyu otsіnyuvacha or the method of assessment vymogami, scho vysuvayutsya. It is hardly possible to use more pardons of a business assessment, but it is also necessary to try to minimize their negative impact as much as possible. For this purpose, it was clearly implemented and the organizational process for preparing a business assessment was implemented. The whole process of transferring the footprints of the shoes visits: - development of the methodology of business assessment and binding to specific minds of the organization; - shaping of the assessment committee from the centerless ker_vnik of the tested spіvrobitnik, fakhivtsіv of the highest, equal and lower level of the ієrarchії, as well as fakhіvtsіv of the service of the UE organization or special valuation centers; - the date of the month of the business assessment; - Establishment of the procedure for pіdbittya pіdzumkіv otsіnyuvannya; - opratsyuvannya supply of documentary and informational security for the assessment process; - consulting on the evaluation of the methodology of the retailer, or fahivtsya, which is the way of her.

Stages of assessment. When developing the methodology of business assessment, I pay special attention to the following description stages assessment: 1) selection of previous information from individual, unspecified assessment of the interviewer from the side of the subject assessment; 2) zagalnennya іnformatsiї, otrimanoї at the front stage; 3) preparation of a stone-worker to an estimated rozmovі with the help of qualified specialists; 4) conducting an assessment interview and presenting the results; 5) shaping by a ceramic worker of an expert vysnovka based on the results of a business assessment and submission to an expert committee; 6) accept the decision of the expert commission on the essence of the propositions that are to be found in the expert visnovki.

Installed indicators of business assessment є central power, be it a business assessment. The stench can characterize hot moments, equal to all practical organizations, and specific norms of practice for a particular job or plant. In the first case, the indicators of the assessment indicate the trustworthiness of the practitioner to a specific organizational and social system; for the other, the practitioner's trustworthiness to professional assistants. Under the VSOOMO RIZNOMANITTI, they can be uttered by the RODILITY to Kilka Group: 1) the effectiveness of pratsі (“Zhorsstki” to get along easily, the yak rule, ilformati organized systems; that vikoristovuyutsya at pіdrozdіlakh z zamezhenoyu mozhlivіstyu vymіru specific result); 2) wash the achievement of the effectiveness of practice (to be understood by the head rank high-profile functions management, as by extension to other objects, as well as by extension to oneself); 3) professional behavior (exploiting such aspects of activity, like spivrobіtnіstvo and kolektіvіzm іn robotі, independence іn virіshenі quiet іnshih іnshіvdanі, readiness tо priynyattya dodatkovoї іdpovidalnostі chi dodatkovogo navantazhennya); 4) special quality ( Head problem crying without the ability to be without the middle guard of the authorities of the special. The specialty of stosuvannya osobistіsnih authorities as evidence of assessment of the staff will require careful and dignified approach in case of obligatory contact with other groups of evidence).

Methods (or methods), for the help of which, these other indications are evaluated:

Scaling method: The whole method, which guesses the system of school marks, does not tie with great wines for distribution and is therefore efficient and economical.

Alternate ranking method: May have a number of shortcomings: the ranking scale is not normalized, the subjectiveness of the assessment is promoted, the impossibility of a reliable visnovka about the same distance between the two objects that are assessed.

Questionnaire method: not vikoristovu systematized ways to win. Assessing the proponuetsya perelіk vyslovluvan image spіvrobіtnik. Evaluation designates the validity and inconsistency of a particular image.

Pairwise matching method allows you to show the best ratings from different spivrobitnikiv after this or that indicator of the rating through the next pairing of spivrobitnikiv one by one. The implementation of this method is based on the completion of tables.

The method of given subdivision of estimates (primus subdivision): other scientists of subdivisions depend on the ratings of their spivrobitnikivs, for the adoption of a similar phenomenon vicorists, this method - behind the list are given hundreds of estimates of the ratings of estimators on the ratings

Goal management method: indicators of the assessment are not installed in front. The key idea of ​​the method is based on the results of the effectiveness of the practice of spivrobitnikov, with which the contribution of the practitioner is established to reach the goals of the organization.

16. Vitrati on staff.

Analysis of the assessment of the impact on the staff. Classification of bills for staff. Warehouse vitrat organizatsii on staff for the purpose of recognition.

Analysis of the assessment of the impact on the staff. Vitrati on the staff of the organization - the deepest knowledge for the country market economy an integral display, which includes the collection of vineyards, tied up with radiation, wine growing, stimulating, solving social problems, organizing work and improving the minds of the staff.

Estimation of staff turnover at a glance, the value for the organization is viroblyayetsya for two groups of vitrates: on the cob(Vitrati pridbannya) turn on witrati for poshuk, pridbannya that in front of the training of practitioners that inspirational(Vitrati replacement) - tse current vitrati, necessary for replacing a doctor who is contagious with a different, building one, violating those functions. The stench includes wiping on the dressing of a new fahіvtsya, yogo navchannya that wiping, tied with the exit of the worker.

Evaluation of the contribution to the working force from the position of the state is mainly brought up to the shape of a wise penny vision of the advancing costs: the salary fund of the workers of the people's state, the contribution from the public funds for the promotion of public lighting and political development, for the income of the capital professional qualifications, to pay for the hour of illness, to single mothers that іn.

Oskіlki in the practice of business organizations practically the daily appearance of the work force on the labor force from the cost of work per one worker at analysis to be brought up by the average showings of your staff, for example, the average cost per practitioner, the average work experience.

Classification of visas for personnel as a sign of the possibility of that docіlnostі їх skorochennya it is connected with it, that there is a rich investment in personnel, being in the form of streaming vitras, that it is included to cooperation, and, also, require constant savings, in fact, they are a capital investment, which brings in addition to the three-valued the period of that їх shortness has led to negative consequences, beats in yay can outweigh the losses themselves. One of the ways of solving this problem is the creation in the organizations of special depreciation funds, which may become a permanent source of financing for the development of personnel in the ranks of the old knowledge, the need to improve the qualifications of personnel, retraining.

Classification badges (at the temples - see vitrat for staff): 1) the phases of the process of creating a working force (for the production of a working force, for the distribution of a working force, for the reduction of a working force); 2) state-of-the-art activity - bringing prosperity to the future income (cobs, refills); 3) rіven pіdkhodu (from positions: powers, organizations, practitioners); 4) purposeful recognition (for the provision of workers, for the payment of labor and material to the winery, for the development of personnel, for training, retraining and advanced qualifications of workers, for the services of social and industrial recognition, for social protection and social insurance, mental health care ); 5) dzherela finance (funds of community organizations, state: state budget, budgetary dzherela; organization: co-production / services, income, other dzherela; practitioner); 6) the nature of the vitrate (straight, indirect); 7) the hour of air-breathing (did you prepare, in-line); 8) obov'yazkov_st vitrate (obov'yazkovі, neobov'yazkovі); 9) setting up to a dozilnosti skorochennya vitrate (reserve-creating, non-reserve-creating); 10) place of viniknennya vitrat

Warehouse vitrat organizatsii on staff for the purpose of recognition. For the purpose of recognition, all the organization’s expenses for the personnel were accepted to be subdivided into: main(salary payment: it’s the same weather, pay the full-time spivrobitnikiv, pay the out-of-staff spivrobitnik, and the other pay) and allowances (1.on the basis of tariffs and legislation: social insurance and insurance in the event of unfortunate accidents, payment for admission, medical care, disability, expenses for safety equipment and organization of work, premiums, expenses, utilities2) , payment for medical and health services, payment for training and advancement of qualifications, and other fees)

17. Certification to the personnel of the organization.

The goals of attestation to personnel. Organization of the certification process. Zmist, method and procedure for complex assessment of personnel. Stages of passing certification. Objects and indicators of attestation assessment.

Objectives of certification for personnel. BUT testing to the personnel of the organization - the main management line - the procedure for the appointment of qualifications, equal knowledge, practical skills, business and special qualities of practitioners, the quality of practice and results and the establishment of їх vіdpovіdnostі (nevіdpovіynosti) loans. Metoyu carrying out attestation and rational placement of personnel and effective recruitment. Values: 1) administrative: promotion, transfer, reduction, attachment to an employment contract; 2) information (information of practitioners about the performance level of their qualifications, the quality and results of work. 3) motivatist (vinagorod as subpoenia, salary, pirdvishchens. Vishukuvannya reserve Zrostanni Products Pratsi. Zskivalevy prazivnikiv in the results of his own organized stimulus.

Organization of the certification process. Razrіznyayut chotiri vidi attestatsiї sluzhbovtsіv (kerіvnіkіv, spetsіalіstіv іn. sluzhkovtsіv): 1) cherdov attestation(є obov'yazkovoy all and be carried out at least once every two years for a ceramic warehouse and not less than once every three years for fakhіvtsіv and іn. sluzhbovtsіv); 2) attestation after completion of the trial term(To be carried out with the method of shaping the recommendations of a certified practitioner on the basis of the results of labor adaptation to a new job); 3) attestation when passing through the service(May show the potential of the practitioner and equal professional training for the job of planting a new work place and new shoes); four) attestation pid hour of transfer to the next structural pіdrozdil(To be carried out in quiet vipadkah, if there is a day to change the landowner's shoes, it will help, as if they are presented to a new working place).

The change of the settlement, which is used for attestation, and the lines that have been carried out, are installed by the organization's supervisor in all the organization's subdivisions.

Zmist, method and procedure for complex assessment of personnel. (I look at the table.). Comprehensive assessment of management personnel: 1) Zmist assessments: 1. assessment of candidates for a vacant post (selection), 2. in-line periodic assessment (attestation). І to 1. і to 2. - a) assessment of business and special qualities (objects, criteria); b) assessment of the strength of the work (change of that assessment of the work by the hour, assessment of the folding of the work); c) evaluation of the results of practice (non-intermediate results of indirect results); 2) Assessment Methods those: a) methods of revealing evidence (a program for collecting data; selecting data: document collection, conversation, experimentation, guarding; processing and registration (for a sufficient and given form); b) methods of simulating evidence (natural and varietal vimiryuvachі; smart vimiruvachi: ) , Coefficients; practical methods: description characteristics); 3) Assessment procedure: a) place of assessment; b) the subject of the assessment (who should be carried out); c) the order of evaluation (її periodicity); d) winning technical aids.

Stages of passing certification. Chotiri etapi: 1) preparatory(видається наказ про проведення атестації та затвердження складу атестаційної комісії, розробляється положення про атестацію; складається список співробітників, що підлягають атестації; готуються відгуки-характеристики (оціночні листи) та атестаційні листи на атестованих, інформується про трудовий колектив; атестації Проведення атестації здійснюється на основі schedules, which should be brought to the certification office no less than a month before the onset of attestation, and documents for attestation are submitted to the attestation commission two days before the onset of attestation), 2) stage assessments of the worker and yogo labor activity ( at pіdrozdіlakh, de pratsyut attestovanі, ekspertnі groups are created. To their warehouse, enter: a non-intermediate certifier of the certified one, the highest certifier, one - two fakhivtsy of the PD, a practitioner (s) of the UE service. An expert group for the best methodology, evaluating the evidence of equal knowledge, decrease, beginner, and the quality of the results of the practice of the certified person), 3) the stage of the certification ( polagaє at the meeting of the attestation commission, on the basis of the request for attestation and their non-intermediate cerivniki; review of all materials submitted for certification; hearings of attestations of those їх kerіvnikіv; discussion of materials for certification, discussion of requests, molding of visnovkіv and recommendations for certification of practitioners ), 4) the stage of making a decision on the results of certification (формулюється висновок з урахуванням: - висновків та пропозицій, викладених у відкликанні керівника атестованого, - оцінок діяльності атестованого, зростання його кваліфікації, - оцінок ділових, особистісних та інших якостей атестованого та їх відповідності вимогам робочого місця, _ думок кожного члена комісії, висловлених при діяльності certified, - matching the materials of the previous certification with data at the time of certification and the nature of the change of data, - the thoughts of the certified person about his work, about the realization of his potentialities)

Objects and indicators of attestation assessment.

Under the VSOOMO RIZNOMANITTI, they can be uttered by the RODILITY to Kilka Group: 1) the effectiveness of pratsі (“Zhorsstki” to get along easily, the yak rule, ilformati organized systems; that vikoristovuyutsya at pіdrozdіlakh z zamezhenoyu mozhlivіstyu vymіru specific result); 2) wash the reach of the effectiveness of the practice (to be understood as the main rank of the rise of chi bazhanya to the top of the top functions of management, as in relation to other objects in the flow, so in relation to oneself); 3) professional behavior (exploiting such aspects of activity, like spivrobіtnіstvo and kolektіvіzm іn robotі, independence іn virіshenі quiet іnshih іnshіvdanі, readiness tо priynyattya dodatkovoї іdpovidalnostі chi dodatkovogo navantazhennya); 4) special power (the main problem lies in the presence of the possibility without the middle guarding of the power of the special).

  1. Formation of personnel reserve. Carriage planning.

Tsili work with a reserve. Tipi reserve. Principles of forming a reserve. Stages of work from the reserve. Methods of work from the reserve. Form robots from the reserve. Etapi planning, tipi kar'єri.

Tsili work with a reserve. The main success of the KP is based on the well-prepared reserve of candidates for the planting of graves new formations, building at the stylist's terms, to master a new job of robotics and to ensure an efficient task to stand in front of him. At the same time, the emphasis should be on the creation of a reserve not to "charge" the preparation of candidates, but on the cores of the whole type of management and the improvement of new approaches to the organization of the work of state structures and the apparatus of economic management. The presence of a personnel reserve allows for a delay on a planned basis, for a scientifically and practically grounded program, to prepare candidates for new jobs and to fill in vacancies, to effectively organize the training and probation of fahivtsiv, including direct and equal in the management system.

Tipi reserve. vidi personnel reserve: 1. by the type of activity: 1) development reserve (a group of fakhivtsiv and kerivnikiv, who are preparing to work within the framework of new directions (when developing new goods and technologies). They can choose one of two direct kar'єri - professional or kerіvnu kar'єru); 2) a reserve of functioning (a group of fakhіvtsіv and kerіvnіkіv, yakі mаyutný mаyutnіm probavіlі effektivіonuvannіа organіzії. Zі spіvrobіtniki orientirovanі on kerіvnu karієru). for equal preparation: 1) group A - candidates, who can hang on trees and plant at a given hour; 2) group B - candidates, the selection of which is planned for the nearest one - three years.

The principles of forming the reserve: 1) principle of relevance to the reserve transferring the payment of real consumption from the occupied settlements. The reserve for the plantation is to blame for the formation of the rozrahunka, so that the practitioners, insured up to the last, may have a real chance to get through; 2) the principle of the candidate's viability put the type of reserve talk about the need to vouch for the qualifications of a candidate for an hour of work on a singing plantation; 3) the principle of the candidate's prospects includes a dekilka. Among them, the orientation on the professional growth, more to the light, centuries of age, work experience in the plantation and the dynamism of the car as a whole, the camp of health.

Stages of work from the reserve. 1) Analysis of consumption from the reserve. Before the beginning of the procedure for forming the reserve, you can but vikonanі so: a) forecast of change in the structure of the apparatus; b) the improvement of the promotion of practitioners in the service; c) a designated level of security by the reserve of nomenklatural settlements; d) a designated level of population for the reserve from the skin planting of the group of the same settlements (how many candidates from the reserve for the skin planting of the same group). The sub-bag of the appointment of the work and the appointment of the in-line and prospective consumption in the reserve. 2) Forming and folding the list to the reserve, This includes: a) the formation of a list of candidates for the reserve; b) setting up a reserve for a specific planting. Subsuming another stage of formation of the list of the reserve є correction of the forward list of evaluation and ranking of candidates. 3) P preparation of candidates includes the following steps: a) individual preparation for the stonework of the higher stoneworker; b) probation at the plantation at one's own and other enterprises; c) start a fallow planting from a planned planting. For the preparation of the reserve, the administration is expanded and confirmed by programs: the main program, special program, individual programs.

Methods of work from the reserve.

Viriznyayut such methods of training staff:

Navchannya at the work station:

· The method is folded back;

· Changing the working place;

· straight forward to inform you;

· Virobnichiy briefing;

· Delegation method vіdpovіdalnosti іn.

Navchannya posture by the worker:

· Lectures;

· Business games;

· Analysis of specific situations;

· Conferences, seminars;

· Groups with the exchange of information;

· Gurtki akostі that іn.

Form robots from the reserve. Mustache individuals, insured to the reserve, improve their appearance at the personnel services. At the special office, the candidates for examination receive attestation sheets, documents for the promotion of qualifications, call for the results of probation, showcases. In thoracic skin diseases in the organs of vikonavchos and the territorial and galuze administration, an analysis of the placement of core personnel is carried out, and I will also become a reserve for visualization. In case of an assessment of the validity of a skin doctor insured to the reserve for a few minutes, a decision is made about the lack of yoga at the reserve warehouse or about exclusion. The blame from the personnel reserve can be taken from the connection with the unsatisfactory performance of the work on the trust for the results of the certification, the camp of health, retirement just fine.

Etapi planning, tipi kar'єri. Dilova kar'єra - progression of the specialty of the sphere of activity, change of skills, abilities, qualification opportunities and expansion of the winegrowers, that of the activity; pushing forward along one reversed path of activity, reaching popularity, glory, wealth. Practice has shown that practitioners often do not know their prospects for this team. It's not worth talking about the filthy organization of work with personnel, the need for planning and caring control in the organization. Planning and control business card It is believed that from the moment the practitioner is accepted into the organization, it is necessary to organize a planned horizontal and vertical insertion of the practitioner behind the system of planting chi working areas. Pratsіvnik is obliged to know not only his own perspectives on the short-line and long-term period, but also those showing

Normative and methodological safety of the system and care by personnel

Technical security of the system of care by personnel

The basis of technical security of the system of care by personnel- Tse complex of technical zasobіv, so that centrally presented and (or) autonomous technical zasobi collection, collection, processing, analysis, transfer and visualization of information, as well as office equipment. Efficiency of stosuvannya tekhnіchnyh zabіv may depend on the increase in economic indicators in the work of the personnel management service, but not on the decrease in the cost of expenses.

The management has upgraded the main benefits to the complex of technical requirements of the personnel management system.

1. Programming, informational, technical summіsnіst zabіv, scho enter to the complex.

2. Adaptation to the minds of the functioning of the personnel management service.

3. Possibility of expansion with the method of connecting new technical devices and coristuvachs. When choosing a technique, the next step is to respect the following: recognition; productivity of possession; superficiality and bezvіdmovnіst roboti; summіsnіst work and statkuvannya rіznih typіv, zokrema. personal computers; varity of possession; warehouse and number of service personnel; flat, necessary accommodation installation.

Choose the type, models of technical facilities that are included in the management system for the personnel of the enterprise, follow the classifier of industrial products (with the improvement of changes), as well as for the help of other catalogs. Efficient molding of the complex of technical zasobіv system of personnel management should be combined with unification and standardization in the field of technical security. Crim of national standards, with the creation of a technical base of the personnel management system, de facto standards can be established, as they are established by conducting companies-virbniks of high quality, which determine the standards of work and technical zasobiv.

The technical security of the personnel management system can lead to significant investments. The last thing to remember is that the technical security is the least adapted part of the personnel subsystem, changing the technical capabilities of the organization's personnel management system will require significant material costs. For this reason, pardons when molded to a complex of technical zasobіv can lead to serious consequences.

To the complex of technical zasob_v, the personnel management service includes the office equipment. Also, with the indicated needs in the technical services of the organization of the organization, there is a memory that the achievement of various costs of office equipment will bring with it a short laboriousness of about 3 - 4 times.

Normative and methodological safety of the system and care by personnel- all documents of organizational and methodological, organizational and ordering, organizational, technical and economic, technical, normative and technical and economic character and regulatory and dovodkovі vіdomostі, scho to avenge the norms, rules, wimogi, methods and other regulations, scho vikoristov manage in the process organization and approved in the prescribed manner by the company's ceramics. Regulatory and methodological security of the personnel management system is used in the organization of development and maintenance of normative and methodological documents, as well as the enforcement of the totality of norms and rules in the personnel management system. Basic organizational documents for companies - the statute and the establishing agreement.
Placed on ref.
We gave an important organizational and ordering document in the field of human resource management - the rules of internal labor order. Let's come with a significant document - a collective agreement.
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Інші зазначені нижче документи організаційно-методичного та методичного характеру регламентують виконання функцій з управління персоналом: положення щодо формування кадрового резерву в організації, положення щодо організації адаптації працівників, положення щодо підтримки сприятливого психологічного клімату та запобігання конфліктам, положення щодо матеріальних компенсацій працівникам, інструкції щодо дотримання safety rules

Posadov's instruction is the most important organizational and ordering document in the organization's management system and personnel management system, on the basis of which there will be a distribution of obov'yazkiv in structural subdivisions, effective to reach the goals of the organization. The main change in the planting instructions is to improve the labor process, facilitate the adaptation of a new spyware, ensure control over the work of the spyware and self-control, in lighting functions, set standards and technology for setting up.

Details of the land of the same part of such part: the layers, whims to Kvalifіkatsіy (ryvenes Obvyti, Znowan, Umіn, Navichka, navitovyati named Posadi), Posadovsky Vikannia Vikannnya, Praziytovsky, owing prazoviniki, Vydovniki. The result is to complete a great document, the process of being more detailed, giving us the opportunity to expand the process of managing the order, clearly, understand and see through.

Regulatory and methodological security of the personnel management system - you see that. Classification and special features of the category "Regulatory and methodological security of the personnel management system" 2014, 2015.

It is normatively methodical to ensure the system of personnel management for the selection of the first kind of documents, which help to regulate a wide range of areas of activity, start in the form of information and stop the economy. Zavdyaks of such documentation can be competently issued. labor activity of his undertaking. In order to properly fold the data paper, it is necessary to know what the stench itself includes and how to present before the varto.

Information and technical management

Informational and technical security of kerіvnitstva by the staff is indicated by documents, like roses explaining obsyagi, rozpodіl that form of cognizable materials. Itself won't be able to expand in the organization of the SUP and regulate the work of the skin specialist.

The information sphere includes normative and legal documents, technical and economic, operational and system papers. To guarantee the victoriousness of the appointments, the information given is subject to the following rules:

  1. Be complex. The information security of the personnel management system can gradually improve all areas of labor to occupy - technical, technological and economic moments.
  2. Be on time. All information is due to be given at the right time and not later, the work will end.
  3. Be systemic. In addition, chi є interrupt at the necessary data, the stale efficiency of management and vikonannya work and support.
  4. Be truthful. The information can be distorted, and the logic can be inferred in it.

In addition, there are certain differences in the supply of information and information for the personnel management service.

Regulatory and methodological management

And here control is explained in documents of an organizational and methodical nature, social and papers of an organizational-technical and technical plan. Here, too, normative-technical and technical-documentary documentation are covered. Documents of the normative and methodological plan include normative and legal statements, norms and rules, as well as established guidelines that regulate activities in the skin sphere of business.

Having taken the leather into account at the same time with its package of normative and methodological recommendations, it is possible for the robot to work on the standardization standardization, legal and administrative control.

Іsnuє a number of typical documents, as a basis for the development of internal documentation. One of the most important documents is the Rules of internal order at the enterprises.

In order to improve the legal basis for personnel management, it is necessary that you have the following legal provisions:

  • hot position;
  • rules for hiring for a job and for admission;
  • chapter, yak raspisyut all functional obov'yazki dermal practitioner of the organization;
  • roz'yasnennya labor day schodo yogo cob, zakіchennya that obіdnyoї break;
  • may be a head, dedicated to the zahochennyam and punishment (її can be divided into 2 okremi parts).

The legal security of the personnel management system may be subject to the presence of one more obligatory document - the collective agreement. Vіn є pleasing, as it fits between the working team and the administration of the organization. Such documents for personnel management are prepared by the personnel department, lawyers and representatives of the head office without intermediary.

Before cієї documentation, secure the documents that regulate the functional obligations of the practitioners with the management of the entrepreneurs:

  • documents that should be used to form a reserve of personnel at the enterprise;
  • documents, which have prescribed for additional successful adaptation of workers;
  • recommendations on how to organize the selection and selection of a skin practitioner for a specific planting;
  • regulations that are mutually regulated by the labor collective;
  • documents, which have registered the moment of stimulation of the skin practitioner, payment for yoga practice;
  • safety engineering rules.

Documentation security of the personnel management system includes provisions on specific updates. This document is a set of rules that govern the work of the personnel service, or rather, the task, rights and obligations.

Such a document may have but obov'yazkovo prescribe the coming moments:

  • zagalni camps - here the type of sub-order is indicated for the improvement of the basic legal documents;
  • main tasks, functions and purposes of the service;
  • yakі vzaєmini personnel support with other business services;
  • human resources rights;
  • vіdpovіdalnіst.

If the documents that regulate personnel management will be folded up to the point where they can, then at the time of admission, you can get rid of all force majeure situations. Particularly worthy is the sound, even if the given procedure is pedantic.

What is a planting instruction

This document is the name of the units of the rules that could, as they may be present in the framework of administrative practice. In these papers, they swear by the power of acceptance to a specific spivrobitnik, or rather, to plant it. In order to make such a contribution, it is necessary to pay attention to the tariff-qualification dovіdnik.

The correct planting instruction is formed on the basis of:

  • vyvchenih processes of work, as in the future it is necessary to vikonuvat spіvrobіtnik on a specific service station;
  • vymog, scho vysuvayutsya kerіvnitstvom pіdpriєmstva on a particular settlement;
  • vynachayutsya themselves vomogi, yakim may vouch for knowledge, dosvid that special qualification of a potential practitioner.

In order to conduct an analysis of the working area, it is necessary to determine the most significant characteristics of the practical planting. Call such a robot to be engaged in a specialist - an analyst, who is safe in all moments, repairing the specifics of the enterprise and ending with a showman of the viability of planting.

legal side

Legal security of personnel management є rational selection of costs and forms of legal character, yak directing to the object of management. Tse allow the reach of effective business activity. Legal security may have its own task:

  1. Regulates the work of blue, as it is formed between spivrobitniks, as they have long been employed in the undertakings, and they are new pribulim.
  2. Protects the rights and legitimate interests of spivrobitniks. For tsієї meti yakraz і fold labor contracts, de tsі vіdnosini are prescribed.

The legal security of the control system is guilty of including the following moments:

  • control over dotrimannyam and violation of the norms of civil legislation in the country, which regulate labor activity and labor activity;
  • obov'yazkovo present rozrobka and hardening of the main normative and non-normative provisions that are necessary for organizational, ordering and economic aspects of labor activity;
  • vysuvannya propozitsiy schodo zmіn dokumentatsії or їh skasuvannya in old provisions, yakі at the given hour could spend their strength and relevance.

The legal security of personnel management is the head of the organization.

Vіn already at your side you can beat on the sphere deyakі moments and vіddavati їх at vikonannya to your intercessors. And the main controlling body is the legal authority.

Basic Documentation

For any business, a personnel service is needed. Itself won't have direct contact with the workers. її have the prerogative to enter the reception of that kind of practitioners, non-admission conflict situations, Translated in one place, put in Russian. І as a rule early moments you can sing for the help of your communicative skills, two other sources of food due to the mother's documentary base.

Personnel and documentation security of the personnel management system is within the reach of the development of the regulatory framework. For whom are they subject to such acts of centralized regulation:

  • civil code;
  • the Code of Laws on Labor Activity;
  • the law “About Collective Pleasures and Agreements”;
  • the law "On the order of resolution of collective labor disputes";
  • the law "On employment of the population";
  • the law "On Organizations";
  • the law "On social partnership";
  • the law "About pridpriyomnitstvo".

Usі ts_ pravov_ acts ensure the correct organization of practice for business.

Documentation security

Obov'yazkovo varto bumped into the sides of documentation security. Here, business management is taken as the basis, as it regulates the cob and end of the work with leather paprika. Here you can see the main tasks:

  • rozroblyayutsya and folded positions, how to regulate the work of the system of personnel management and to determine the area of ​​​​exact obov'yazkіv skin practitioner personnel;
  • timely processing of correspondence and other documents that are transmitted;
  • if someone from the spіvrobіtnikіv following the mother or signing some kind of document, then the staff is guilty of vikonati tse hourly or to control vikonanny of the set task;
  • distribution and other relevant documentation;
  • ensure the registration, appearance and collection of all necessary documents, according to the organization’s explicit nomenclature;
  • if you blame the need to multiply and distribute a personnel document among the employees of the enterprise, then the personnel officer of the goiter will be engaged;
  • control not only over the maintenance of documentation, but also over the execution of what is prescribed for them;
  • owe to transfer documents yak by horizontal links, and y by vertical ones.

Obviously, business management in various businesses can be one kind of one, and even one organization can mother a dozen practitioners, and in others there will be a hundred. The very same sphere can be dealt with not only by the personnel department, but also by the secretariat, the office. bud. Most of all, in order to keep up with the obligatory commitment, the vicorists at their organizations will form robots - centralized and decentralized at once.

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