Features of the Alpha generation: children of a new formation. Tiger and wil

Children who were born after 2010 rock, have a special character and a special mission. It is important that approximately 20 years of life are declared with their own values.

The theory of generations of vinyl in 1991 in the United States. Vcheni zoomed in to reveal a period of time, for a stretch of which the greater number of people appear as carriers of similar values. The stench is formed in children up to 12-14 years of age under the influx of huge pods, technical abilities, vihovannia at them. The child is simply alive in singing minds and dumb sponge absorbs everything that comes up. Tse vіdbivaєtsya less on equal pіdsvіdomostі. The result is a skin generation with a singing rank.

  • From 1963 to 1984, representatives of generation X were born.
  • 1984-2000 - the hour of the Y generation.
  • After the year 2000, children from generation Z began to come before us.

I axis is now talking about the special generation of Alpha. About children, they drank the development of technologies and social changes at the whirlwind of a stream. Їх fathers wriggle from generations X and Y. Many mothers gave birth to these little ones already after 30-40 years.

Without primus

Malyuki Alfa zovsim іnshi. Їx it is not possible to zmusity schos robiti. Primus as a way to train them does not die. The stench of the tskavistyu zdobuvatimut znannya, but it’s less in that moment, as if to inform, it’s necessary for them. Fear, screams, threats, punishments in front of them do not reach good results. Tse, unfortunately, do not start to reconcile the readers, as they sounded pratsyuvati in the old way. That's why there are more than alternative schools and pre-school mortgages. Effective methods recognized spіvpratsyu, zahochennya that vmila praise!

The Alpha Hour is the period of yaskravikh, creative, harmoniously developed self-sufficient special features, like building access to the greater realization and positively pushing yourself into the world!

Your little one is talented!

You have a healthy toddler, which, at least, knows exactly what you don’t want. Your task is to help him to know those who make him happy, inspire that motive. Vіn vmіє accept great obsyagi іnformatsії, sensitive, irritable and not tolerate violence: neither physical nor moral. You should learn how to house with him - command methods no longer work. Cry and lyapantsi happen to be stricken in the past.

People from the Alpha generation are richly less smart to the point of formal rules. For them, it is important to be not in the system, but in the pot. The stinks are better at self-discipline, not call control.

Holy mission

Demographics care what children of the Alpha generation become a driving force for the progress of our century. The stench is more vrіvnovazhenі, positive, less aggressive. І namagatimutsya not to structures, denominations and organizations, but to the way of life and thoughts.

It is assumed that Alpha will be an important robot cicava, take away from its own less than 40% sanctuary. The stench is lying in the form of technology, occupied by a kіlkom on the right, even more mobile.

Rocky Tiger:

1902,1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010, 2022

In the mythology of ancient China, the Tiger has seen strong demons, to which gravestones were often decorated with stone statues, and doorposts with images. The povaga to the creatures trembled with bobobonny fear, through which the owls with the tiger tried to escape.

Sound under this sign, the boys are good-natured and endowed with a firm character. The tiger can never afford to be safe in a peaceful life. Vtіm, vіn do not bazhaє її. Filled with vipadkovost, life yoga will be biased and gurgling. And relish until risky shtovhne yogo for those, schobi postiyno gratiy their lives. If the furnishing will be folded friendly, the Tiger knows the way to the edge of everything.

People of this sign are sensitive, smart to the point of thinking, but at times they are playful. Often stinks take wrong decisions, or come to the right decisions right away. Zagalom is strong that masculine nature, and їх, as a rule, it is good to evaluate.

The main representatives of this sign are natural leaders and can achieve success in any future.

The tiger loves to be in the center of respect, miraculously knowing how to deal with the enemy. I am guilty of vicorist and my old privability, and I will accept the manner of behavior.

Vіn is still alive, warm, you may develop an enmity, which your mind does not in any way recognize. Look at the original, win new ideas and burn with enthusiasm in life, prote even more quickly “achieve”.

The Tiger has an ardent character, and often opposes the senior in rank. It's marvelous, ale, not respecting those that the Tiger is proud and wise, and sometimes does not show respect for the elders, it is graciously accepted from the court.

Tigers are fantastically clean and natural. Try to behave with the Tigers, like from your own creatures, you can’t do anything. Not a gut, not a dog from the Tiger can not be killed in any way. The tiger doesn't want to be a goiter, let it be to someone, to bring the fathers or the cohanim. Vіn takes away the right to lie down on his own.

From such people come revolutionaries, leaders. Fighters for nature, stench of the building, sacrifice yourself for the cause. Hisist is in the dribnitsy, the Tiger can be absolutely ruthless in some great way. Relish until risky in the blood. I’m ready to show my ideas even to the point of imprudence. It is important to repair opir yoga to magnetism. Yogo is respected to hit it, if they are trying to drive it in.

The Tiger has a restless nature, which takes an hour to thoughtless vchinkiv, but, for good luck, you can always be happy. Dyuchi impulsively, tsya zdatna zdatna come to collapse, ale, if you will be careful and listen to good owls there, then obov'yazkovo reach success.

Sometimes, hostility develops, that in the Tigers everything in life does not go out of the blue, but out of the blue. Yogo b'yut, and virostaє good; to cherish, and from the new one the misanthrope comes out.

Ale, even though the life of the Tiger was greedy, we continue to create light and radio. Optimism raises the Tiger over the vanity, bringing yoga to a philosophic way. Yogo went out: "Hot bi sho trapilos - everything is on the edge." The tiger of innocence is at the crossroads of goodness for whatever it is.

Tigers can be tolerant, or even better, the docks on the right do not care about their honor. Tigers cherish royal generosity and are willing to forgive, the shards of stench are not dribbling. The tiger is self-confident, but the tiger is powerful and to the point of overwhelming. Vіn chesny z usіma ta vіdkritiy. Truth, yoga honesty is often between zayvoyu straightforwardness.

I am a guide to everyday life, but I call vin on myself I carry. Vіn hate swearing, but you might be afraid to listen to others. Navіt akshcho dії Tiger mum impulsive character, yoga neimovіrna іntuїtsіya utrimuє vіd povnoї catastrophe. Ale, regardless of everything, the Tiger with his sensitive nature is powerful deep thoughtfulness, and his heart is built on a stick on a stick.

Naturally, in this case, the stench does not show the kermo rule. The stench of obov'yazkovo know your own squad, I'll not only be the ruler, but embellish your life.

The people on the Tigris River can earn money, but don’t really spend a lot of time on them. People of this sign can easily operate in the financial spheres, reach success in favors with a rough and unruly lane, in exchange operations. You can often see them at theatrical salons and sports facilities;

Tigers need to be even richer, because they have more high water, lower in other people.

Їхнє childishness is richer with various manpowers and windings. The youth of the Tigers is already hvilyuyucha, emotional, spovnena conflicts and changes. The Tigers have a biased nature, and to this they often stick with other people's ignorance. If the stench doesn’t fool around, then it’s time for the shoes to beat them up and catch a friend. Ale zagalom, pershu part of life stench live happily ever after.

The maturity of the tiger cicava. But if the stench didn’t learn the lessons of the past and didn’t learn how to stream for themselves, then the period of discord is here. Sound them re-examine financial difficulties, family conflicts, love dramas. In old age, it is also important for Tigers to calm down, because the stench cannot ring out to their camp. Old age was not created for the Tigers, it is important after such battles to live to see it. Vzagali, їhnє zhiznі zhe raznomanіtne, sovne predilection, і, zreshtoyu, stink to live in this life, which is bad.

No one is happy on the floor, like the Tiger. For similar peoples, the Tigris is a miraculous sign, which makes the earth a symbol and a symbol of the protection of human life.

Tiger man. Characteristic

A sharp, fiery fighter, a building wine to sacrifice himself for the sake of help. Vіn love usі vidi diyalnostі, yakikh є risik.

The tiger is dumb. Not this, like an orderly, but a hundred times guilty of guilt, the first time to dare to fight. Then the value of the solution is increased in a big way, because in the new case all options are cleared, all the inheritance is transferred.

The tiger is hisist in the dribnitsa. Zavzyaty and vperty, vexatious and dribbling, often perebova s ​​kimos in conflict. However, the great rights of the building are blameless.

Zavdyaki strategic myslennyu, zdatnosti dorimuvatisya silently looking at themselves, as well as zavdyaki hypnotic injection on the people of the Tigris є the best organizers. Tiger, let's move forward, ignoring the established power, hierarchy and conservatism.

Paradoxically, ale wine can be so overwhelmed by the praise of an important decision that it will be good to take yoga already. Tse, before the speech, come to the women-tigers, like the first to deafen the war.

The tiger will not squeak a penny, but you can lay down your camp.

Tse people of the supra-lingual podії. It’s getting hotter, hard, nasty, the Tiger enters the arena of life - by my will, inviolability, self-control, let’s make plans for future fates.

Tse people of the vinnyatkovo ї share, inconsistent situations. Such people sound out of the swamp of crisis and lead out of the edge of the river.

Indeed, this warrior is sensitive, emotional and building for deep thought, stronger kohannya Ale, being more addicted, rarely becomes happy at the kohanna.

Tiger female. Characteristic

The women of this sign are to be diyal and emancipated. The stench can’t constantly beat the punishment and command less in this. The Tiger-Woman vstigaє skrіz, but only in that slump, as if її chelovіk vykonuvatime deyaki ob'yazki around the house. The Tiger Woman can set up a booth for the sake of success at the car'er.

Women who were born in the rocks of the Tigris, for a rare vinnyatka, celebrate the defeat of strong, wholesome and sovereign natures, which the people of this sign do not do anything for. They have a strained and original timbre to their voice, a respectable look, upevnіnіst see through the ruffles and vchinka.

With all her majesty, the female Tigers can have an excellent reaction, a thirst for struggle, a fighting fuse. The stench is not to be ruined by the lack of furnishing, not to be fearful.

Women who were born in the rocks of the Horse, the Dog and the Tiger, show great vibrancy in the gallery of abstract thought, people of impersonal original ideas.

You mustn't talk about intellectual activity, scientific joke, creation of fundamentally new worlds.

Women-Tigers will have a life of immeasurable benefits, like some people can end badly.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad tsikh zhіnok to talk about one thing, and myslennya vlastovane zovsіm in a different way. The image is volovy, and the thought is more logical.

It is even more important for us to know the equivalence, the golden mean, the stench often rushes from extremes to extremes.

Variations of the Tiger

Metal Tiger (1950, 2010, 2070)

Water tiger (1902,1962, 2022)

Tree Tiger (1914, 1974, 2034)

Fire Tiger (1926,1986, 2046)

Earth Tiger (1938, 1998, 2058)

People on the river Tigra

Marco Polo, Georg Hegel, Admiral Horatio Nelson, Emilia Brontë, Karel Chapek, Maximilian Robesper, Dmitro Donsky, Ivan the Terrible, Niccolo Paganini, Oleksandr II, Karl Marx, Arthur Rimbaud, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Mary Stuart, Oscar Wilde , Petro Kropotkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Dwight Eisenhower, Ho Chi Minh, Charles de Gaulle, Agatha Christie, John Steinbeck, Louis de Funes, Marilyn Monroe, Petro Wrangel, V'yacheslav Molotov, Yuri Andropov, Mikhailo Suslov.

Spiritual growth is not less important, less physical. A child's horoscope can become an additional indicator for your little one's path to perfection. Vivchayuchi zdіbnostі ditini, razumіyuchi and podіlyayuchi її ії іnteresi, and in no way stumble in a situation of collapsible choice - infringe on your will, or allow the growing man to go his own way. Your child is your prodovzhennya, but not an exact copy of you and, more importantly, not power. For your mother, your life, your decisions, your life and joys - you cannot live for someone else, but you must accept him as such, as you are.

To the little Taurus, in order to feel calm and harmoniously develop, it is more important to read and keep up the strict order of the day. The regime may be motivated in such a way that during the long day of the equal world, physical and intellectual occupations were drawn.

Small ones are the best children. It is even more important for this, that the fathers of children created all their minds to stimulate the development of the intellect of the representative sign. Ditina-Bliznyuk wants to know absolutely everything ...

The most important thing for little Raku is the stability and security. If the fathers can take care of you and two factors and you can sharpen yoga with a fast turbo and love, then we’ll be more kind loving child, diligently read and do not bother the fathers.

Tsya child from the very childhood is pragmatic to perfection, to that, to be the best for all. - Natural leader and actor. For this reason, the little Leo is also pragmatically choosing to look around for himself, as if to hoot at him.

Divi — nayohaynishі and nayorganizovanіshi children. The child is forever clean, wanting to love digging in the earth, she will do everything carefully. Little Divi, better for everything, is worthy of doing gardening at the same time with mom and grandmother.

Children, people under the sign, dear friends and require company. The stinks are better and better, they develop more rapidly in children's collectives, but they still have such an atmosphere in the collective, as if they are mutually speaking spivpratsyu, and not magic.

Little Scorpios are the names of the quietest and secretive children. But in the middle of the circle of children, there will always be a lot of strong emotions, that number of din of other feelings, which can be easily hurt.

Striltsі - neimovirno energetic, active and nutritious children. Don’t sit right, don’t endure nudgi. The stench is ready to do something for good, but don't sit on the floor.

Capricorns are the most important children. The stinks always look not for the fates, mature and serious, and mumble about life as a wise old man. Feel the obov'yazku and vіdpovіdalnostі vіdpovіdnosti vіlі vіstі vі tsomu sign z early rokіv.

The peculiarity of all Aquarius Poles lies in the fact that the skin of them is an absolute individuality, the original one is unique. It is especially difficult to characterize children with such scorched rices.

Ribi - m'yakoserdnі i mriylivі children. The stinks are constantly hovering in the darkness. They have a lot of richness, which needs to be regularly developed from the very childhood.

Wanting to richly remember the phrase “No share” from the film “Terminator”, it is possible to convey the life of a person. Everything that is necessary for someone, to understand the nature of a child from childhood and help in whom a childish horoscope can be. The birth date of the baby is the right point. Aje at the moment of appearing in the world, the stars, the Sun, the Moon converge in a singing order. The horoscope describes the influx of light on that chi between behavior and nature, but with that, the skin of a person is individual.

A little person is a star for the appointed ones, especially for the fathers. A childish zodiac horoscope, especially for your child, it is suggested that, in the manner of behavior, you should give yourself respect to help you succumb to you and not be critical, but even more special. Keeping an eye on the child, you will learn to indulge in a wide interest in the form of a simple hoarding. You will understand that your child herself will truly love to work, for example, to play games, to read books, which is only for the one you ask for.

The horoscope for the little ones is those that will help you to be not only the fathers of your children, but also the best friends, bringing the fate of that enlightenment to your life, adding to your good fortune, not imposing yoga.

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Articles from the rubric:

  • Period of the sign: (24 Zhovtnya - 22 leaf fall) Planet: Mars, Pluto Element: Water Power of the sign: ...

Nearly a thousand years ago the Chinese horoscope appeared. Zgіdno with him, the literacy was increased by twelve river cycles and five elements or elements.

The change of signs of creatures was seen wearing leather wearing the name of the creature and the name of the element. Permissible: Metal Rabbit or Earth Bik.

Chinese Literature

The last cycle of the calendar was composed of 12 cycles of 5 elements, and a total of 60 years. Elements or elements changed skin two fates in a strict order: Wood, followed by Fire, then Earth, Metal, Water ... To understand the principle of changing the elements, we will work with the appointed.

Vіzmemo blowing youma over
Marveling at the twelfth cycle, daubing at the sight of a stake from the images of creatures.

Two fates under the sign of the Earth - 2008 and 2009 (Earth Bik) - come to change two fates under the sign of Metal - 2010 (Metal Tiger) and 2011 (Metal Rabbit).

The difference between hizhaks, the Dragon and the Tiger, and the herbs, the Vivey and the Rabbit, you can see it right away - these creatures are insane. This is how other signs are born: Zmiya and Mavpa - smart and cunning, and Kin and Bik - workers, robots.

Power of the elements

Positive vibes of village signs: people under the influence of the Tree are comrades, practical, wine-loving, spivchutlivy.

Negative drawings: intolerant, forgetful, unrepentant in bajans, irritable, angry, dissatisfied with life.

The element of Fire is positive: such people are dynamic, strimki, energetic, merciful, gentry, and passionate.

Negative pictures of Fire: reckless, stubborn, ambitious, intolerant, powerful, unrepentant in the towns.

The elements of the Earth: fair, practical, logical, peaceful, vitrival, objective.

Negative drawings: general, stubborn, closed, focused on particular problems.

Element Metal, positive risi: rich, stable, happy, happy, romantic.

Negative drawings: hard, straight, stubborn, jerky.

Positive drawings of Water: generous, penetrating, artistic, able to speak, conflict-free, loyal, accommodating, soft, vrіvnovazhenі.

Negative power: passive, distrustful, emotionally awake, shy to mood swings, windy, windy, stale.

Tigers are different: yellow, white, red.

Like 2009 - the river of the elements of the Earth, so 2010 - the river of the creature? The answer is simple: Metal Tiger. Tse means that tigers are earthlings, fires, woods and waters. Fallow in the nature. Tobto the tiger, born under the sign of the Earth, and the tiger, born under the sign of Fire - there will be two differences for the character of tipi.

King of the Zviriv-Tiger

Horoscope tsієї creatures seem to be for themselves. The tiger is a royal person among other creatures. Tse kar'єristi, yakі zavzhd pragnimut vlady. It does not matter that not all of them will achieve the best settlements. Plant the Middle Lanka - also reach. The stink of loving the robot, for which you can quickly protrude through service gatherings.

tiger warrior

Їhnya share - military form that battles with kim and chim for sure: elements, thieves, evil spirits, twigs. There are tigers in the lavas of police officers, military officers, medical practitioners and pozhezhniks. The stench is creating revolutions and the masses of the people are collapsing. The tigers are in conflict and are up in arms, but they are bezkorislivy and build on the heroic instigation for the sake of people. Tigers - s quiet, who can throw off the lawful power and destroy the ancient orders.

Love extreme and can be like law enforcement officers, and generals. The horoscope of the Tiger is consolation of a calm life, but there are people of strong will of a strong character, building for exploits.

Dobrozichlivі, fair, hoch i zapalnі - zagalnі risi narodzhenikh on the river Tigris. The characteristic of milking is positive. Knowing their respect, they will listen to the thought.

What is written on the paw of the Tiger?

The life of the Tiger, as a rule, is relieved by the absence of turbotness and calmness. Tse share of the warrior is that fighter. Problems that are blamed on life: material, life, love, and family - everything must be blamed on the Tiger. Tigers can be close to Horse, Dog and Dragon. Vіn is guilty of unikati intelligent and cunning Zmії and Mavpi and fear Bik, who is the strongest for the Tiger and can always attack his own enemy. If Bik and the Tiger are in the same booth, then the Tiger needs to be quiet, "English" drink, so as to avoid conflicts. Such is the fortune-telling of the Cat's Tiger - the stench will never get along. So hard similar horoscope. The Rick of the Tiger is a chance for the brave and the daring.

Tiger intrigues

Tiger and Shchur. The union is capable, so Shchur will become less false and cunning, and the Tiger will be less stubborn. For whom youmu will need namovirnі zusilla, adje tse head characteristic narodzhenikh on the river Tigris.

Tiger from Bikom. Love that friendship is impossible. It's nonsense. This is how it is in business - on the їhnі spіlnі podpriєmstva chekayut collapse and bankruptcy.

The school of negligence. Kozhen pragne vlady. be post-conflicts. Friendship is possible.

Tiger from Dragon. Dzhe garna spіlka strong signs. The dragon is bold and wise, the stink is miraculous to add one to the other. The dragon is the whole head, and the Tiger is the right one.

Tiger with a horse. Normal feet. I have a love, I have a friendship, and I have a business.

Tiger from Goat. Shlyub іz Kozoyu nebazhany and navit unsafe. Annoying Tiger building pіd hour of welding z'їsti bіdnu Goat. Friendship and business are possible.

Tiger with Mavpoyu. Shlub is small. Friendship can be but, for the time being, it is only filled with friendship! Business is possible. The cunning of Mavpi and the strength of the Tiger unite the susilla of both and destroy the successful right.

The tiger with Pivnem is clearly insane. The piven is proud, and the Tiger is shove. Craving both to vlady zruynuє whether they are їхні stosunki, want a kohanna, want a business!

Tiger from the dog's bag with the slave. Friendship is impossible. Business is acceptable in any kind of activity, Crimean commerce and finance.

The tiger and the pig are good partners for a girl and for simple friendship. The pig is smart, protective, shunning the Tiger. Business is also possible, like the Tiger valued an affiliate program.

Judging by the above descriptions, the Tigers are not simple people, now they are upright and zhorstki, with a nimble character. Life for them is not the price of a cause for that rose, but only a tool for achieving it, it doesn’t matter, whatever it is, we’ll ruin it well. Folding and rvuchky zvіr, tsey tiger. The horoscope is such a mess.

Black and white smuga rock of the Tiger

The characteristic of 2010 (under the sign of the metal Tiger) shows that this is an important and stressful period for people, due to instability in all areas. Cost economic crises and defaults, accidents and catastrophes on the paths of success, strikes and calls on enterprises.

But in order of the negative of this rіk nіs and a part of optimism: for praciovith and sumlіnnih pracіvnіkіv tse buv a real chance to get through the service and take a day off.

Some people ask: “And if you take the year 2010, what kind of creaturely quality is typical for this period?” Having laid down the “revolutionary and reforming” of the Tigris in his own place, and giving a chance to new businessmen and politicians, they rise up and take the kermo power to their hands. Other political forces came to power and new positions on the sovereign Olympus declared themselves at the top of their voices. The business life was actively promoted budding projects on a sovereign scale: the existence of the Olympic objects near Sochi was carried out and preparations were made for EURO-2012, both in Russia and in Ukraine.

Ambition and super-niceness, agility overtake and ocholiti, become the best and richest for others, stringers and beautiful, lower іnshi - all tsі pragnennya awakening in people a restless, albeit progressive river of the Tiger. The characteristics of other aspects of the life of the people were approximately the same. She fought for the kokhannya, power, pennies and space under the sun burned.

In this manner, the River of the Tiger gives a chance to the young, energetic, and demanding to show themselves that they can take a good place in life in our restless world.

"Royal" Tigers

I. Grozny, Marx, Robess'єr, Beethoven, Hegel, D. Donsky, K. Chapek, Kropotkin, Romain Rolland, Eisenhower, Ho Shi Min, Charles de Gaulle, Wrangel, Y. Andropov, M. Suslov - people who were born on the river Tigris. Complete the list.

Pіdbivshi pіdbags, I want to try out the future on the butt of 2010. Will we come for some creature behind a similar calendar, and like, vrakhovuchi vplіv vplії, vіn imovіrno bude?

Now you already know.

2010 whom? 2010 rіk what a creature? - Rik of the White Metal Tiger. Tigers can be called right wild animals. Many individuals love ruh and can realize themselves, being too active. The people of 2010 are roci - doomed to success, shards to practice yoga for any price. For them, it is important to set goals and reach them, and the axis of being able to work to reach them is depression.

Tigers rіshuchі ta vіdvazhnі і і і і risi s rіkami polyuyuyutsya only, more on way of life representatives of this sign give an impersonal change. At the same time, the penetrability and arrogance of the White Tiger do not allow him to go ahead, different ways vyshennya odnієї th ієї g problems.

Trochs about symbolism

The main symbol of the White Tiger, popularized in 2010, is roci, є zbroya. The creature itself in ancient China was always associated with masculinity and that strength. The element of Metal gives representatives of the sign, perhaps not by themselves the best capacities- tse vpertist that pride. If you want to eat rice, you can have a whole harmonious temperament. Also Metal building viklikati kolyvannya mizh creations and ruins.

Tiger and kokhannya

Bіli Tigers are super smart, but not strong enough to compromise. The stinks are trying to take a leadership position and dictate their own mind, that their examples happen to show wisdom and patience.

Tі, who was born in 2010, roci, shilnі to ardor, but call them to injustice and hiszmі is very foldable. Approximately on such contrasts, there will be stosunki with the other half. Tim is better, that the tiger companions are more reliable and more reliable in their choice.

Retirement to work

Metalevy Tigris is a miracle worker, but you can show yourself less than victoriously serious tasks. Representatives of this sign need more freedom and more creativity, even if they don’t like to work “in the old way” and always joke about non-primary methods for working.

Astrologers to please the Tigers try themselves in business, only so stink can realize themselves in real life.

Important aspects

The nature of the Tiger suggests a volcano and no one knows when the volcano can erupt. Here is the main recommendation for the people of 2010 roci - practice hanging out your feelings before the rest of the droplet recycle the bowl.

By raising their emotions, Metal Tigers can not only cherish their lives, but also acquire such important qualities as patience, wisdom, diplomacy. Inner peace is also positively marked on the sky: representatives of which sign to stop living are past and can enjoy the skin moment of today.

tiger individuals

Chimalo was born near the rivers of the White Metal Tiger bringing people, among those who spoke Oleksandr Buinov, TV presenter Boris Burda, actress Keti Baker Ale is the most representative of the middle politicians and state servicemen. Tobto there, it is necessary to actively implement reforms in life.

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