You see the pleasure of the Russian language butt. Organizational ambush procedures for document clearance. Meaning of the word pleasure

Methods for a contractual connection are as follows: uzgodzhennya, keruvannya, primikannya

Uzgodzhennya as a way of contracting a call

  • Uzgodzhennya- tse kind of a stringed link, if the word is full of grammatical forms of the head word, for example: a garne picture.

head word when using a name, substantivation, a prikmetnik or participle (tobto. transfers to a category of names), as well as a borrower, a name, for example: raising mood, student's distance.

Fallow word you can be an apprentice, a borrower-prikmetnik, an ordinal numerical or a diprikmetnik, that is. such ranks of words, in some categories of gender, numbers and names are not independent, for example: the solution is correct, our zustrich.

Management as a method of contracting communication

  • management- a type of contracting link, if the word is getting used to that indirect word, which means a smut word, for example: write a book, clatter your teeth, for the sake of others (to whom? far.

Golovne word when managing, you can act like a word (radio zustrіchі), a name (love for people), an apprentice (I’m sorry), an attendant (not far from the city), ordinal numerical (the first in class).

When managing fallow word name-bearers, borrowers-namers, substantiated prikmetniks (cover with snow, talk with workers).

Primikannya as a way of contracting a link

  • primikannya- this is such a kind of syntactic link, if the word is not necessary, the head is replaced by the head. For example: Too cute (how cute?).

The inevitable words come together: infinitive, admonition, form of a simple povvnyalny step, depreslavnik, deyakі imminent prikmetniki (command to advance, doors levoruch, troch pivdennishe).

Infinitive primakє to the diaslov (magazatsya vіdpovіsti, priїhav stay), іmennik (bazhannya to reconcile), prikmetnik (maє namіr vіdpochiti)

Forms of a level step adjoin to the diaslov (shorter, bigger, quicker), to the name man (novina cіkavіsha, mіtsnіshiy drank)

Dieprislivniki adjoin to the word in vipads, if they develop the meaning of the inscription (read lying down, sitting down to sleep).

Permanent prikmetniki type beige, min, maxi, hindi, midi, cloche, etc. adjoin to іmennikіv (movie khіndi, year of pіk).

Slid razraznyat primikannya that keruvannya

  • Її outrageously- Tse primikannya (what?),
  • Bachiti yoga- Management (of whom?).

The ranks of borrowers have two homonymous ranks. The special borrower is giving support to indirect widows, and taking part in the sub-contractor's liaison - tse management, and taking the fate of the primate.

  • Get to the store- management,
  • Pete here- Admiration.

It is important to separate the priymennikovo-vidmіnkovu form and the adjective, so that they can have the same food! Like a master and a fallow word, there is a receiver, a manager.

Today we’ll talk about such an understanding of my Russian as a blessing. You know that it’s such a blessing, why it’s special, it’s also known to me, like you see it’s a blessing.

Uzgodzhennya: the chosen term

The direct syntactic link can be three different: management, connection, and convenience. Uzgodzhennya means that the fallow component is similar to the panivny component to such grammatical categories, which are called the same names (number, рід, відміок). It seems simpler, with the use of the head word and the fallow of the new one, as a whole it is similar in the gender, including the head word. With every change of a panuycho word, it also causes a change of a fallow one. For example, "red apple". Here the word "chervone" can be one number, the middle rіd and the nazivny vіdminok. Ale, having already changed to “red apples”, we are afraid that the categories are changing - a multiplicity, a “red apple” is a generic vіdminok.

On the vіdminu vіd adminіnnya that primikannya, type zv'yazku uzgodzhennya є weak zv'yazkom. Aje, there are no basic words in the appearance, but for the time being, the obviousness of the fallow blessings of the words, as if from the minds of one’s own life, was evident. Tim an hour, sometimes they trap, if it is obov'yazkovo the presence of a fallow word, for example: "our arrival has embarrassed everyone", "she has a cheerful look." Fallen words (for the first one, "our", for another - "fun") cannot be used.

Vidpovidno to the main word, those words are taken into account, in which the form is signified by the word transmitted by the zmist. Vidpovidno to the form of the head word, the form of the fallow is chosen. In the meantime, in the next few days, such as, for example, a “young student”, for another criterion, it is not possible to distinguish between the fallow and head elements, shards of stench are seen only from the meaning of mirkuvan.

Vidi uzgodzhen

Pogodzhennya in Russian language can be correct and incomprehensible. In another type of fallow, the word is similar to the head one not in the same categories. For example, as if you are talking about kіlkіsnі numerals (two small stiltsі, two small people), the applicator of "small" zіmenniki uzgozhuєєєєєєєєєєєєє only vіdmіnku, at tsomu among the weather it is not considered. And the numeral "two" with names is used in genus, but not in vіdmіnku.

There are three types of word-finding in the speech: connection, management, uzgodzhennya. The skin type has its own signs and features, it is simply necessary to distinguish it. Varto designate, that one of the orders for the Single Sovereign Sleep in part "B" is the order for the appointment of the same mind, or the search for the necessary word formation of the singing type.

Uzgodzhennya, keruvannya, primikannya: the rule

Later, all three types of in-line linkage are based on one common rule: to select the type for the cob, it is necessary to designate the head word and, in the case of the new one, put the food before the fallow one, after which to designate a part of the promotion of the head word. For whom you need the knowledge of self-sufficient people service parts rinse. Uzgodzhennya, primikannya, management - this is a kind of foundation for the correct prompt to move the text. Knowing the foundations will help you successfully get out of the leaders of the advanced level at the Single Sovereign Exam.

Primikannya, keruvannya, uzgodzhennya

Otzhe, uzgodzhennya - the same type of contracting link, the head word in which is the name, and the fallow should be at the same vіdmіnku, genus that number. Also, when changing the head word, the fallow is changed. False words can be borrowers, prikmetniki, diprikmetniki chi numerals. For example: on your own version, radio call, bіla my car.

Upravl_nnya - the same type of contracting link, if the head word is the fallow one. In such situations, the head word is spoken, as a rule, dієslovo, prote nerіdki vpadki, if you use the fallacious word іmennik or dієprislіvnik. It’s even more important not to confuse the type of connection with the head diversifiers and dieprikmetniks. For example: think about the book, girl from the place, come home. Varto designate that the phrases of the type "I don't have a board" will be put in the same way before the management.

Appropriation, management, uzgodzhennya - these are the three whales, on which the basis of the correct and harmonious movement will be based. The third and the remaining type of connection is the same, in which the head word is є In such situations, the words are more often used for zmіst, and there are no stink grammatical signs. As a rule, such a word will be an adjective chi infinitive. The main features are those that, with the head word, can be called the most difficult. For example, you can bring the following phrase: yogo dog, came fast, can't read.

Appropriation, management, uzgodzhennya - tse type of a contractor's connection. Doing yoga is easy. Golovne - correctly put the power and honor the promotion of the head word. Also varto nobility kіlka thin rule, such as the type of connection with to the borrower that for the obviousness of the word "ni". Knowing this rule will help you in the Single Sovereign Spit, the shards of the head assigned to the type of connection are rebuying from the block head from the advancement of the river.

The best practices of current organizations to meet real meta uzgodzhennya - increase the yakіst stіlki dokumentіv, sіlki real administrіnskih protsesіv і іѕ scho scho stіlki tsimy documents. Uzgodzhennya dokumentіv becomes the most important administrative procedure and organizational tool, for the help of which the security is secured.

Pogodzhennya is not a better way to look ahead at that assessment of the draft document, the essence of uzgodzhennya is the consistency of work, directing to the security of distribution, the correct execution of that management decisions that are taken for the most important directives of work. In the process, it is necessary to ensure a comprehensive analysis of legal, economic and financial factors, which should be added to the praise of the decision, to minimize the risks and to secure the obov'yazkovistnost of the solution.

Sounds important that the paperwork is a part of business management, and the main characteristic of the paperwork is the hour and route of paperwork, tobto. one is a sign of documentation. For all the fairness of this principle, try to speed up the uzgodzhennya for the sake of the implementation of electronic document management systems, in which case typical solutions proponuyutsya nalashtuvannya routes in the rush of documents, recognized as insufficient. It is necessary for business services to carry out the procedure to improve it as a system. The regulation of the processes for the improvement of the solution and the mutual modality of the updates, as well as the presence of a special regulation for the satisfaction of the international practice of management are assessed as an element of that sign of the quality of management, of its integrity. And it is important for quiet organizations, if they need to be certified for quality management system standards.

Taking part in the procedure for achieving success, the organization’s spivrobitnik more quickly recognizes its special features to reach common goals, follow the entry plan, develop a new product, prepare important favors, etc. And the PIDRODILAMS OF ACTOMISITION OF THE PRODUCTIONS INGOGZHENNIT IN THE VIGNITION OF THE VOUSED TO THE PRODANGES THIS PROGRAMS, PROMIMATIT LOKALNI RISHENNE without urachuvannye of the native of the Ekonovynskoye situation, conflicts of the whimsyuvati izinform. In the process of uzgodzhennya, the solutions are more quickly opratsovuetsya, and then, keratinization moves beyond the shell of the strengthening of internal links and molding of integration solutions.

Pogodzhennya spryyaє development of command, the spirit of spіvrobіtnitstva and comradeship vzaєmodії, tk. in the regulation of procedures, the first plan has an important blue role (functions of workers) at the borders of the hard labor process, a good-natured work environment and a positive style of communication are created. This procedure also helps to shape obov'azkovіst and povagu interests of one to one, honesty in making a decision (the rule of "garlic gris"). Significantly, there is one more important ethical aspect of the procedure for granting, which reflects the influence of the specialty of the first clerk on the management. Management decisions, formalized in documents, as a signature of a certifier, to “practice” the formation of one particular style of management, one “image” as a clerk and a leader, show the value of one’s contribution to the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals. Therefore, the solution may be accurate, sensible, and correct, and the punishment of that order is thoughtlessly written and formalized.

p align="justify"> The system of justifying documents in a meaningful world form and viconian discipline, because The main thing in the implementation of managerial decisions is not the control of vikonanny, which is “offensive” control, but the planning of vikonanny, that is. universal preparation of a similar project solution, in which resources are seen to be divided, optimal terms are established and risks are minimized.

Three "golden" rules of pleasure

Zvernimo respect for the rules of organizational behavior, as to form the basis for the development of the procedure for approving documents in both the business (technological) and managerial aspects. The study of the best practices of current organizations shows that these rules can be called “rules of convenience”.

The rule is ahead. On uzgodzhennya maє buti directions povnіstyu pіdgotovleny and registration vіdpovіdno vstanovlenyh in the organization of the rules of the draft document. The initiator of the draft document (pіdrozdіl, vykonavets) prepares the project in accordance with the most formal instructions from business, internal standards and other internal regulatory documents of the organization, which fix the rules for preparation, folding and execution of specific types of documents. In the Instruction for Business Administration or Special Regulations for the Use of Documents, it is recommended to follow a strict standard: zaboryaetsya vikoristovuvaty procedure uzgodzhennya as a method of preparation (development) of the document.

Other. For the implementation of the process of satisfaction a project of a specific type or a variety of a document (control over the completion of the procedure and the main lines of compliance, the appearance of respect for the compliance of the necessary subdivisions and their consideration in the text of the project) bear the validity of the document initiator (Pidrozdil-іnіtіator, vykonavets), who had explained the managerial decision.

Rule of thirds. Pіdrozdil, taking part in the weather procedures, evaluating the draft document, try to respect and introduce propositions in the boundaries of their subject galleys and fixed zones of vіdpovіdalnosti, as installed at the position about pіdrozdil. Cі respect for those propositions, and also, and vіdpovіdnі ekspertnі vysnovki schodo project, є obov'yazkovymi.

butt 1

Zgornuti Show

The visa of the business administration service was canceled: “Uzgodzhenno іz respect. It is necessary to correctly fill out the heading and drawing up part of the draft contract, and in the preamble correct the number of the signature's power of attorney. The initiator of the draft agreement of the goiter needs to take into account the respect for the proper execution.

Ale pіdrozdіli - the participants in the procedure of uzgodzhennya look at the draft document in a flash and have the right to formulate the respect for that proposition, so as not to lie up to their straight line of the summіzhnї fixed zone of vіdpovіdalnostі. The initiator is guilty of paying respect for the given respect and propositions, all the risks of the decisions, drawn up in the draft document, fall on the landowner, as signing the document, but in the weather system this respect will be optional, supplementary.

butt 2

Zgornuti Show

The service of the head accountant cannot put down the visa “Not satisfied” through the grammatical pardons she has shown in the text, the shards are a direct zone of validity of the service - ensuring the correctness of the accounting and taxable form. And before the execution of the details of the documents and the grammatical correctness of the text, the service of the business administration and the service of the head accountant must always know the difference.

The rules of the weather are due to be trimmed on all levels of management organization and procedures for the satisfaction of all types of projects, decisions and types of documents. The following are the same rules and the same terms are used in the process of preparing projects for the decisions of higher administrative bodies, for the central apparatus in the territorial bodies, in the framework of the preparation of projects for the decision of collegiate bodies and for the execution of orders on the basis of unity of command.

Roles of updates

Whether or not an organization has been able to expand a draft document (and also, a draft managerial decision) in an initiative manner or by order of the supreme governing body. The system has such a fuss pіdrozdіl-іnіtіator .

You can and can take part in successful projects, solutions and documents, as a result of victorious tasks in the framework of a coherent business process for a single technology, and the ultimate result is also worthy of success. Tse - pidrozdil-participant the process of satisfying the risk controller at once for the functions assigned to it.

Pіdrozdіl at the structure of the organization can vikonuvat special control functions within the framework of the global system of control and focus on improving the efficiency of operations and the viability of the viability of official legislation and other normative legal acts. So pidrozdil-controller є, for example, the service of internal control at the leading joint-stock companies.

Є podrozdіli, yakі on pіdpriєmstvі vіdpovіdat vykonannya zagalnyh, so-called "staff" functions, or centralized functions of administrative support and material and technical security. Before them, call not the directorate and assistant assistants, but the services: business management, personnel, legal, security, information and technological security, head accountant, planning and economic management. In the system, uzgodzhennya was also called “system-creating”, tobto. support , because in the zone of economic viability, there are the main legal, financial, tax and operational risks of the organization zagalom.

Zones of air supply

The analysis of the procedure for the improvement shows that the main thing in it is not the organization of the structural hierarchy of the subsidiaries that take part, but their functions and roles in the management system of the organization and in the system making decisions. At the link with the cim, such functional upgrades, such as the financial service, the head accountant service, the legal service, the business service, the information technology service, the security service, the control service, can also be seen in the status pіdrozdіlіv / іnstantsіy obov'yazykovogo uzgodzhennya draft documents, especially procedures internal satisfaction. This status means that the draft decision/draft document is practically legal for the route of your weather, can be analyzed by this functional subdivision, and without a visa, taken in the office of the language of weather, the annual draft of the document cannot be submitted for signing and approved.

For the development of procedures and itineraries, it is important to determine and regulate the zones of airworthiness of the flights. For example:

BUT other pіdrozdіli, що беруть участь у процедурі узгодження (за спеціальними видами діяльності організації), а також заступники першого керівника організації, які «курують» діяльність цих підрозділів за системою делегування повноважень, відповідають за виявлення та оцінку ризиків за закріпленим за ними видом діяльності, напрямком бізнесу тощо ., for the control of the compliance of projects under the influence of special (galuzy) legislation and control/regulatory bodies, for the maintenance of internal regulatory documents in the organization that regulate the performance of the activity.

Wash the successful implementation of the weather procedure

In the process of development of the global procedure for the improvement, as well as specific routes and schemes, it is recommended to give respect to the deeds of the specialty and mind, which also lies before the culture of the organizational behavior, as it is necessary to form the process of implementing the instructions from the internal regulations of the internal documents.

The necessary intellectual cob of the procedure of the weather is the presence of the “exit” in the presence of the highest clerk of the parent-initiator (this is not less than a viconaut, and the clerks are guilty and praise the rules for the approval of documents).

The visa in the name of the parent of the organization may have the right to affix the chit of the planting individuals, supporting him. Only one visa is issued for an appropriate departure.

Visa day pіdrozdіli, which takes part in the weather procedures, do not allow the document to be accepted “for absolution”(navіt at the time of damage to typical terms of use). It's a pity that my mind is not always ready to try to navit on a equal footing federal bodies vikonavcho, about scho to certify the facts of the unharmed state authorities. Let's hope that to minimize the risks of such inconvenience, the system of intergovernmental electronic document processing, the regulation about how, for example, in 2009, was approved by the praise of the RF Order.

One more mind installation of re-translation of air supplies, according to the weather of projects of documents in the Corporation at the procedure of satisfaction (a possible variant of such a translation was introduced in Appendix 3).

Posadov's regulations planting instructions kerіvniki structural subdivisions, z yak pogodzhennya, it is necessary to make clarifications about their rights and bindings to the procedure for the approval of documents.

butt 4

Zgornuti Show

Within the framework of the procedure, you may have the following rights:

  • to help the initiator of the project to add to the draft document with subprojects, to take part in the development of management decisions, business schemes, to manage operations or to subprograms, as to control their subsidies;
  • do not pogodzhuvati (vіdkhiliti) the draft document with the grounded reasons (Arkusha has a special service note);
  • to continue the installation of the term of the weather, indebtedly, to oblige and change the document, but not more than on the specific regulation of the term, for example, five days;
  • do not take into account the documents, the weather of which has not been handed over by a confirmed scheme or by a route (draft document to this particular type vіzuєtsya, but with a comment that the date of the document was not forwarded by the letter);
  • don’t accept a compliment without justifying the reasons, so the respect doesn’t lie up to the subject line and the zone of validity of the reward that you give, the parent;
  • send the document for a later date for the procedure, as it is considered as established in the organization, as if it was sanctioned by the first ceremonial officer of the organization or as the intercessor of that viklikana terminovistyu and importance of food.

Vidpovidalnist for the quality of the execution of the document prepared for the project, the appearance, the timeliness and the timeliness of the introduction of the respect and propositions of the grant, which take part in the procedure for granting, it is relied on the chief clerk of the grant-initiator, who has passed the “release” visa.

The established procedure for the improvement of documents in an organization with a developed organizational and corporate culture is one of the indications for assessing the viability of the ceramics and the linear ceramics in the production.

Algorithm and way to please

The analysis shows that it is independent of the level of automation of document processing ruhu route the draft document in the process of uzgodzhennya, as a rule, comes:

Removal of the signing of the signature of the clerk of the pidrozdil-initiator and the honor of the greater certifier of the pridrozdil-initiator (removal of the "graduation" visa of the "intercessor who smokes", the first cerebrate).

Pogodzhennya with pirzdrzdilov, pusk the fate of Vikonanni Opeksai, yaki to get involved in the draft document, the rosobli, and such a pydrodrodili vapor weather, with pirodrodyls, and control of the Riziki, and the pivotyazovsky is a diverse for the core of the document. in the regulations of the agreement or by the initiator himself. The route to the document project in the process of uzgodzhennya is determined by the type of document. Ale to follow the approved scheme of obliging the draft of a document of a given type / variety in the fallow in terms of the importance of food and the prepared project managerial decision to choose the route to lie in the name of the initiator of the procedure for granting.

The procedure of uzgodzhennya zdіysnyuєtsya one of the ways - parallel, poslіdovnim chi combinations. In case of stasis of the dermal route, the route of the term should be treated in the obligatory order.

With a parallel method the draft document is sent for review at the same time to all the planters / planters, including the chief engineer of the planter-initiator. This way of uzgodzhennya is best implemented in electronic document management systems / corporate information systems, which may be a valid module of electronic uzgodzhennya.

With the sequential method the draft document is sent for the benefit of three-chotiri stages in the sequence, as it is established by the regulations of the benefit, tobto. reviewing the document with the help of the procedures, which are implemented sequentially.

Combinations(In practice - the widest) transfers the route directly to the draft document. For example, on the cob of the procedure, the initiator waives the visa for the release of an emergency, and then, in parallel, directs the project for the release of the inspectors of the relevant risks. This way is the main one for the route, if the cob of mind helps the process of uzgodzhennya є “letting go” the visa of the chief certifier of the pioneer-initiator. Everyone knows that the stoneworkers are working, that the stoneworkers are “smoking”, that they are preparing draft documents and making their changes before submitting them for consideration of the cob projects.

Vikonovets or pіdrozdіl-іnіtіtіator of uzgodzhennya can choose whether any of the ways to uzgodzhennya project document the actual date on the cob is later for the draft document at the pіdrozdіlakh at a specific stage of the subsequent weather the actual date of completion of the draft document is important at the next stage. The skin from the draft, which is later, with the last method of agreement, has the right to accept the draft document before review until the time the previous stage of the agreement is completed, which means that the last term of the document agreement is completed.

Order and procedure okremi types of documents can and should be clarified and regulated by specific instructions, rules and other internal normative acts of acceptance for the mind and obov'yazykovogo dotrimannya of the installation of instructions for business wild rules please.

Pleasure lines

Practice shows that a common term suits one draft document with one subtitle, as a rule, to become 5 days and calculated from the date of putting down on the archway the weather of the "graduation" visa of the chief certifier of the parent-initiator.

In specific instructions for conducting business, it is recommended that the terms of the document's convenience be clarified depending on the type / variety of the document that is different, for example, "five working days", "five calendar days, for the vindication of the date of the withdrawal of the document" etc. In addition, it is recommended to further regulate and regulate the terms during the application procedure, as the organization does not direct the draft documents for approval in third-party approval by the controlling bodies, but itself is a participant in the award process.

In order to look at the weather of projects in documents for specific types, more operational terms can be established, for example: "prolonging the day off", "not later than the coming day from the date of the end" etc.

When specific terms are inserted, it is recommended to use the terms of spivvdnosity as well as the hardened (typical) terms for specific types and various documents and hand in hand for food, which should be kept from them, tobto. it is possible to work with the documents with the same control 3, 5, 10 and no more than 30 days. The optimal term is uzgodzhennya draft document vіd 2-3 to 5 days., Dotrimannya kakogo secure parallel or combinations of ways to use, implemented in the system of electronic document management.

Schemes and routes

Route the flow of documents in the process of the weather and the terms of use will require monitoring and constant respect from the side of the business service. У рамках реального управління документами та документообігом організації перед цією службою постає завдання не лише регламентувати процеси узгодження проектів документів у тексті Інструкції з діловодства, а й розробляти та підтримувати в актуальному стані переліки підрозділів, які беруть участь у обов'язковому узгодженні, типові терміни узгодження документів , typical routes of service, etc. Podіbnі dovіdniki not only help the vikonavtsy as well vikonati druchennya, prepare a draft document and use it in optimal terms, but within the framework of the management of the entire organization, they can help the service of business management itself to submit schemes to the mapmakers, for which you can actually create documents In addition, hardened bright or typical schemes(routes) using the established terms, it is necessary to manually select as a guide for setting up the electronic document processing module in electronic document processing systems.

butt 5

Zgornuti Show

Scheme of the route of the Uzgogozhennya ProjectIn Documentyv can be framed, to the same OSCIB (with a parallel method of Uzgogozhenny, the worms of the Posadoviki is not the principle of the service of the Ostannoi, the Ostannya Uztniye, Yaki Yaki Yaki Yakiyna whole) :

In the process of organizing the procedure for the improvement of the following memory, it is also necessary to add other documents to the draft document, which is used for the purpose of the agreement, which is the basis for the preparation / folding, and other documents, on the basis of the text, tobto. the whole set of necessary programs, applications, etc. Supporting documentation may include:

  • clarification of the need to expand (sign, approve) a new document, lay down the contract or make changes to the official documents;
  • obґruntuvannya financial parametrіv chi zminіh financial minds of the agreements porіvnjano z chinnimi;
  • agree that please, yakі є the main or the first hundred of documents that are sent to the uzgodzhennya;
  • clarification to the "schemes" of contracts that please;
  • materials of tenders/competitions;
  • heroes from the minutes of the meetings of the collegiate management bodies, at the meeting of which a draft document was prepared;
  • programs, on the basis of which the instructions are given for the draft document.

Prior to the draft agreements, which are subject to the weather, we add that binding to the choice of the counterparty, copies of the establishing documents and approvals of the contractors' landlords for re-verification. Therefore, in the instructions for business management, it is recommended to clearly establish a warehouse for the entire set of documents that are dependent on the weather, that should not be more clear than the draft of the main document, and the general language warehouse of supporting documents to the new one.

Registration of results for satisfaction

Vikonavets or pіdrozdil-іnіtіator to direct the preparation of the draft document to the pіdrоdіlіv, scho to take part in the vіdpovіdnosti vіdpovіdno to the sing route, which is handy to fix at the archway of uzgodzhennya (the sign of the design of the arch of the uzgodzhennya is pointed at Butt 5). Direction for uzgodzhennya zdіysnyuєtsya centralized through the service of business (depending on the Rules of business) or through the system of electronic document management. The next step is to indicate that at the stage of preparing the document, the development of the managerial decision before sending the project to the weather procedure all organizational, technological, financial and financial support can already be planned and regulated with the support, which take a part from the viconan, which controls the risk management, control functions, and the implementation of the preparation of the entrances.

Posadovі individuals pіdrozdіlіv, scho vіdpovіdnosti, chi svіvnovahenіnі them svіvrobіtniki look at the project of the document independently and entrust the uzgodzhennya of the project of the document to specific executors. The results of the weather are issued with a visa on the draft document or with a visa affixed to the weather sheet.

For obviousness, respect (additional) before the project, the landowners formulate their respect and give them a vote. The draft of the document in this way is subject to caution as to the obviousness of respect, as it can be split in the text of the document (seen in font, color or formatted in the editing mode).

In case of an unfortunate person, one of the arrears may be issued with a visa “Not satisfied” with obligatory written explanations of the reasons for the visa application. The initiator of the weather may prepare a new version of the draft document and send it to him on repeat to the respite, having put down the visa “Not approved”, as well as to the respite, the interests of those were damaged when changes were made to the draft document for the results of the weather.

Mustaches, which are blamed on the stage of uzgodzhennya, are to be regulated in the order of constructive interaction between feeds and manufacturers. In the case of older couples, a protocol of differences is drawn up, looking at what they are doing on the level of the "kurts" of the higher ceremonies in the subdivisions of the chi collegiate bodies.

Pіd hour of the procedureїї The results are made out to the relevant listings (weather sheets).

In case of omission of visas from the us air carriers, moreover, it is possible to put down the visas for the form in the process of internal convenience:

  • draw up a residual version of the draft document, before attaching a copy of the updated draft with visas and respect (“visa” copy) or a later sheet
  • put down a note about the appearance of the recognition, which is a documentary confirmation of the procedure for supplementing the draft document. A note about the repayment of respect for the residual edition of the document, issued on the “visa” example of the project, or Arkushi later, may be dated and signed by the signature of the signature of the pdrozdil-initiator;
  • after the completion of the weather, the draft document is submitted to the clerk or to the landowner's approval for approval, or centrally signed through the business management service. Directly on the signature, you can zdijsniti at the paper's electronic view.

It is recommended that you also pay attention to Methodological recommendations when issuing visas and the stamp of approval as requisites of the document to promote the deeds of innovation. Tsіkavo, scho “it is allowed to use a sheet of paper of a document that yogo addendum”, scho conveying the possibility of vikoristanny not all elements in a requisite as a requisite, which consists of naming a plant, a special signature, deciphering a signature and a pair of data in a single letter (ist) , which is widely zastosovuetsya at the notarial business and in the execution of civil and legal documents for the security of their integrity. And as soon as the draft document is held with the help of archivists, then on the document with the requisite “signature” it is closer to the bottom margin.

Pleasure control

Control over the violations of the established procedure for the improvement of documents is one of the functions of the business management service. Pleasure control includes:

  • supproviding the procedure for improving documents, ensuring effective interoperability of documents, control of the terms for improving projects of documents in the documents (with the help of traditional journal form forms or in the system of electronic document processing);
  • informing pіdrozdіlіv, scho to take part in the weather about the upcoming or the current terminіv uzgodzhennya dokumentіv (in the system of electronic document processing - for the account of setting up an automatic rozsilannya povіdomlenya that advance);
  • analysis of the progress and results of the improvement of documents, informing the clerks about the completion of the procedures for the improvement and the quality of the mutual modification of the supply chain (within the framework of the implementation of the information and analytical functions of the business management service).

The best practices of organization to note that the ultimate control over the quality of draft documents, prepared by the initiator-initiator, may be supervised by the chief author of the initiator’s initiator, which puts down a visa, which “releases”. The procedure for approving the law can be approved and introduced into the order by the first certifier of the organization at the warehouse Instructions from business management or at the status of an independent regulatory document.

At the end, we will guide the buttstock of the document's approval sheet. Tsya form is handy and for electronic filling, and for stosuvannya at the paper-like look.

Grammatically please vyznachuvannogo word with the head word of the word received (great success, great luck) and award z pіdlyagayuchim (Batko said, Mati said) є the norm of Russian language.

Ale, in some sort of fluctuations, the choice of the fallow form calls for difficulties, which will require the appearance of a whole series of minds.

1. In roman language, there is often a choice of semantic (rather than grammatical) use for names of a human family, which characterizes the special features of a woman’s status.

The professor said; Lekar came; The director of the lyceum called.

However, in the official promo, the change of grammatical comprehension is not allowed, for a little quiet vipadkiv, if such a name is possible with his own authority of the name.

Let's aim a butt: the doctor Petrov. In such constructions, appointments and awards are assigned to the nearest name.

Let's build a butt: Ivanov's doctor's report is respected by patients.
Vznachennya-communion forever uzgodzhuetsya s vlasnym іm'yam.
For example: Ivanov's doctor, who went to the ward.

Yakshcho pіdlyagaє - vlasne іm'ya - maє with your own watering of appendages, expressions with a slander name, then the award is uzgodzhuetsya with such:

Let's aim a butt: Galina Petrivna, a teacher of chemistry, fell ill.

With the choice of names of contemporary Russians literary mine smyslovye uzgodzhennya (Brothers didn’t like yoga; Young people got off at the cinema) is not allowed.
One norm - a form of one: Yogo brothers were not loved; Young people picked up at the cinema;

Pleasure features:

It is not allowed to sound for the sake of the word of pleasure and when the borrowers are quiet, who, as well as those who are like them (something, some others).
Independently, in view of the really pronounced situation, the borrower who has received the award is assigned to the form of one human family, and the borrower is in alone middle class:

Tse robbed the one who had been here earlier;
Some of us have come to pardon;
That little light lay in the far corner of the hall.

When pіdlyagaє hto, the multiple of the accrual can be vikoristan in that case, if in a row the name part of the warehouse accrual is expressed by the name of the multiple:

Those, who twenty years ago were schoolchildren, were able to manage the share of the country.

The multiplicity of awards with the borrower that sound victorious only in constructions of the type: everything that ...; you, what...

You, as you saw, did not waste your hopes to catch up with the advanced fold.

2. Pogodzhennya appointed by namemen, scho lie down in the number of two, three, chotiri, under the advancing rules.

When the names of a person of that middle family are assigned to the form of the generic name, the plural (the name of the person in the family name should be in the form of the generic name).
For example: three small windows, chotiri great styles,

When the name of the female family is assigned to the form of the nominal name of the plural (the name of the name of the same name also stands for the form of the nominal name of the plural).
For example: three small vases.

If the name of the female family is in the form of the generic name alone, then the name can be placed in the form of the family name, but there are many.
For example: three high trees.

Appointment before the numerical chi in the Kremlin, the appointment should be placed in the nazivny vіdmіnka independently of the genus of the name:

We aim an example:
great three tables;
Three leaves, written by my sister, shook me.
some pictures, written by olієyu, hung on the wall;

Winyatok become prikmetniki tsіliy, povniy, kind, yakі call to stand at the generic vіdmіnku i in front of the numerical one (twіl tіzhnі, nіh three months), wanting in the living language even wider vikoristannya form of the native vіdminka.

Uzgodzhennya award z pіdlyagayuchim, Variation of the name of the selected number of meanings (part, greater, number and so on), are determined by offensive factors.

If a name-bearer cannot, with his own words, or if a word stands alone, then the award will live alone:

Bigger team supported the coach;
More pіdtremala dopovіdach.

If the word is worth a plurality, then the award, as a rule, is accepted by the chosen name and put in one:

Most of the practitioners supported the chief.

Wislovlyuvane in many ways sounds get used to such moods:

A) between a pdlyagayuchim and an adjudgment є іnshі terms of the rechennya, especially the reckoning turnover with a plurality, in a row h allied word what have a lot of.
We aim an example:
Most of the critics, as they marveled at the film, highly appreciated the work of the director;
Most of the critics, as they marveled at the film, highly appreciated the work of the director;

B) when the name is є kіlka kerirovannyh forms in the plural:

Most of the engineers, workers and employees of the plant supported the chief;

C) when pіdlyagaє є homogeneous awards:

Most of the students laid down the halls and were well prepared for the drinking;

D) at the rechenni vikoristovuetsya storage of a nominal award, moreover, the nominal part is pronounced by prikmetniks and diprikmetniks:

Most of the children were shaken and cheerful; Bigger budinkivs on this wooden street.

4. Three sisters, thirty chotiri styles, etc.) are chosen by the system of factors, so that the numerical value rodovim vіdminkom name-list. The main norm is the setting of an award in one:

Five fighters broke at the separation;
Won sim matches.

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