Typical schemes for curing. Schemes of keruvannya by electric drives Schemes of automated kerubanny by an electric motor

Electric heating system

Such electrical and noise systems of remote automatic keruvannya, in which the transmission of commands is necessary for the help of electrical signals, may not be surrounded by the radius of the air, and it is practical to mitigate the width of the electrical impulse, which allows for inconveniences.

Electrical systems follow two main types:
1. Automatic electric drives without interruption.
2. Automatic electric drives of variable frequency, ranks of contact-relay circuits of automatic control.

Electrical circuits of automation, based on non-contact elements, may be high-minded, but more expensive and until now they have not gained a wide width on river courts. Є systems of remote care by motors with one body of care. In these schemes, like sensors, there are selsins of machine telegraphs, and like receivers - selsins tied with a control handle. The jet of inconvenience can be strengthened by a nap_vprovidnikov pіdsilyuvachem and lead to an electric motor, which through the gearbox installs the handle at the weather position.

Below is a description of the contact-relay system for ship engines NVD-48. Automation of the engine is started up to the management of a number of the simplest operations of positional regulation “on-off”. Start and reverse are controlled by pneumatics. For control of these operations, electromagnetic valves are used, and for the drive of handles, reverse and start - electric drive mechanisms of special design.

Electric system of remote automatic keruvannya by engine NVD-48

The basic electrical circuit of this DAU system for the NVD-48 engine is shown in fig. 188. Diya systemi polagaє in the offensive. It is acceptable that the engine should be transferred from the reverse gear to the front gear. When the handle of the machine telegraph is inserted into the “Reverse forward” position, the lancets “Reverse - forward”, “Start” and “Feed fire” to “Reverse forward” flicker. When you stop the live, the relay coil B and with its contacts turn on the electric motor D1 to the mechanism for driving the handle in reverse, which translates the handle into the "Forward" position, after which it starts to turn on with a 1KB switch. At the same time, the end-of-line vimikach of the ZKV lansyuga of the relay reverses PP. The PP relay turns on the solenoid valve-pilot to reverse the EMP through some repetition to get into the reverse valve and turn it off. Turning the reverse valve through the valve and the spool should go to the reverse mechanism, which shifts the rozpodilny shaft of the “Forward” position. At this position, the switch 5KV vimikachem through the PP relay, the lancet of the electromagnet is switched off. The reverse valve closes, again venting from the pipeline into the atmosphere. The reverse of this one will end.

Rice. 1. Electrical diagram of remote automatic turning by NVD-48 motor

As soon as the engine is started, which sounds like a sound at the "Forward" position, then when the handle of the machine telegraph is inserted into the "Forward forward" position, it is not reversed, but the "Start" is immediately reversed, which is an offensive rank. At the same time, when the 5KV starting vimikacha is turned on, the 7KV lansyug relay for starting the RP is switched on, as if behind the help of the solenoid valve for starting the EEMP, the head starting valve is opened. At every start-up, it is necessary to come near the cylinder and begin to rotate the crankshaft.

In engines of type NVD -48, the first lower rozpodilny shaft moves more often at the hour of reversing, the starting valves of the cylinders open. After the rearrangement of the rozpodilchogo shaft, the starting valves close. So that the starting wind was not supplied to the cylinders during the period, if the stench was raised from the atmosphere, and it was not fooled, the start-up delay mechanism was installed.

To shut off the opening of the head starting valve until the moment the starting valves of the cylinders are closed, after the reverse, a pneumatic relay is used, which accumulates from the capacity of two non-rotary valves. At the hour of the reverse, the capacity will be restored again, and at the start of the hour, it will be repeated, which is vented from the tank capacity, trimming the opening of the main starting valve for an hour, with the pull of which the starting valves are closed.

In addition, as the number of revolutions of the engine reaches the required value, the RNV relay, which takes life from the tachogenerator connected to the shaft of the head engine, switches off the switch of the PC speed relay. The PC relay opens the switch of the P relay. After this, the start pulse is applied, and the start handle moves to the “Robot” position. With the help of the electric motor D2, the start-up handles are vimicated by the terminal vimikach 11KV. As soon as the engine is not started, the number of revolutions starts to change, the RNO relay closes its contacts, and the start is automatically repeated.

When the relay is activated, the speed relay PC is activated by relay B, which turns on the electric motor D3 for the supply of fire. The electric motor turns on the pump for the full supply of the fuel and is turned on by the PVg heater. At the same time, when the electric motor D3 is turned on, it turns on and the galvanic electromagnet TEM is turned on, which activates or turns on the electric motor D3.

The engine starts when the handle of the machine telegraph is installed in the “Stop” position, after which the ventilator is switched on by the end switch 9KV through relay C. he himself is turned on by the launcher of the PVv.

For the protection of the power of the electric power in the electric lances, there are various attachments of remote control, protection, telemechanics and automation, which should be added to the switching equipment and the inclusion of the regulation.

Figure 5.4 shows the principle of a control circuit for an asynchronous electric motor with a short-circuited rotor. qia scheme widely used in practice when driven by drives of pumps, fans and others.

Before the ear of the robot, the QF automatic conditioner is switched on. When pressing the SВ2 button, the KM starter is activated and the M engine is started. To start the engine, it is necessary to press the SВ1 button, when the KM starter and the M engine start

Fig.5.4. Scheme of switching on an asynchronous electric motor with a short-circuited rotor

When the electric motor M is switched over, the electrothermal relay KK is switched on, so that the contacts KK: 1 lance of the KM coil are switched off. The KM launcher flickers, the M dvigun starts up.

At the same time, the control circuits can change the winding of the electric drive, reversing it, changing the frequency of wrapping just fine. The skin type has its own control scheme.

In systems of keruvannya with electric drives, blocking links are widely used. Blocking will ensure the fixation of the sing station or the position of the working organs I will add or the elements of the scheme. Blocking the safety of the operation of the robot and the drive, the safety of the service, the necessary sequence of switching on or switching on of other mechanisms, as well as the exchange of movement of the mechanisms or other organs at the boundaries of the working zone.

Separate mechanical and electrical blocking.

The butt of the simplest electrical blocking, which is practical for all control schemes, is blocking the "Start" button SB2 (Fig. 5.4) with contact KM2. Blocking with this contact allows you to release the SB2 button after the motor is activated, without interrupting the life of the coil of the KM magnetic starter, which goes through the KM2 blocking contact.

In schemes of reversing electric motors (in case of safe movement of mechanisms back and forth, uphill and down, etc.), as well as in case of galvanization, magnetic reversing starters stop. The reversible magnetic starter consists of two non-reversible ones. When operating a reversing starter, it is necessary to disable them at once. For this, the circuits are transmitted electrically and mechanically blocked (Fig. 5.5). As the motor is reversed by two non-reversible magnetic triggers, the role of electrical blocking is played by contacts KM1:3 and KM2:3, and the mechanical blocking is secured by the buttons SВ2 and SВ3, the skin of them is composed of two mechanical contacts, which are connected by each other. At the same time, one of the contacts is muting, the other is roaring (mechanically blocking).

The scheme works in this way. It is acceptable that when the KM1 launcher is turned on, the engine M wraps around the year arrow and the anti-year arrow - when the KM2 is turned on. When the button SВ3 is pushed on the back, the opening contact of the button opens the life switch of the starter KM2 and then the switching contact SВ3 closes the switch of the coil KM1.

Fig.5.5. Mechanical and electrical blocking when reversing the drive

The KM1 launcher turns on, starts with the wrapper for the year arrow of the M engine. until the inclusions of KM1, the life of the launcher KM2 is disconnected and cannot be removed. To reverse the engine, it is necessary to start it with the SВ1 button, and then, by pressing the SВ2 button, start it in the return beck. When SВ2 is pressed against the cob, contact SВ2 opens the lance of the coil KM1 and then the lance of the coil KM2 closes (mechanically blocking). The KM2 launcher starts and reverses the M motor.

Most of the reversing of the engine is carried out by one reversing magnetic starter. Such a launcher is made up of two simple launchers, the fluffy parts of which are mechanically tied together for an additional outbuilding at the looking yoke. Such an attachment is called mechanical blocking, as it does not allow the power contact of one KM1 launcher to simultaneously close the power contacts of another KM2 launcher (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Mechanical blocking by a "rocker" of the roaring parts of two launchers of a single reversible magnetic launcher

Електрична схема управління реверсом двигуна за допомогою двох найпростіших пускачів єдиного реверсивного магнітного пускача така сама, як і електрична схема управління реверсом двигуна з використанням двох нереверсивних магнітних пускачів (рис. 5.5), із застосуванням електричної схеми таких же електричних і механічних блокувань.

When automating electric drives of flow lines, conveyors, etc. zastosovuetsya electrical blocking, as a safe start of the electric motor in the line at the singing sequence (Fig. 5.7). For such a scheme, for example, the inclusion of another dvigun M2 (mal. 5.7) is possible only after the inclusion of the first dvigun M1, the inclusion of the dvigun M3 after the inclusion of M2. Such a low start-up is ensured by blocking contacts KM1:3 and KM2:3.

Fig.5.7. Scheme of the aftermath of the engine

Example 5.1. Wicorous electrical circuit (Fig. 5.4) for controlling an asynchronous electric motor with a short-circuited rotor, it is necessary to turn on the additional contact circuit to the circuit, which will ensure the automatic tooth of the electric motor of the working mechanism in one or two given points.

Solution. In order to ensure the electric motor's sound at one given point, it can be done with a number of switches SQ1 with a normally closed contact, we will install in series the block contact KM2, bypassing the SB2 button. For the zupinkka of the electric motor of the working mechanism, at two given points, in series with the contact of the kolіy vimicach SQ1, place the contact of another kolіyny vimicach SQ2. On fig. 5.8, the electric circuit of the electric motor zubik in one and two preset points is induced. After the engine is started, the mechanism begins to collapse and, when the teeth are reachable, it presses on the coliy vimikach, for example SQ1, and the electric motor starts to rattle. After the necessary technological operation is completed, the SB2 button is pressed again, and the mechanism continues until the next step of the SQ2 vibration, the technological operation ends.

Rice. 5.8 For example 5.1

Example 5.2. Into the electrical circuit (Fig. 5.5) by reversing a short-circuited asynchronous motor behind additional blocking links, add light signaling elements to control the direct winding of the motor.

Solution. Scheme of light signaling to control the direct wrapping of the engine during reversing, summed up with the scheme of control of the reversal of the engine, is shown in fig. 5.9. When the engine is turned, for example to the right, the HL1 lamp is on, which is turned on by the KM1.4 contact of the KM1 magnetic starter, the HL2 lamp is extinguished, because magnetic launcher KM2 is not included. When the left-hand motor is turned on, the HL2 lamp is on, it is connected to the KM2.4 contact of the KM2 magnetic starter. In this order, the lamp HL1 signals about the wrapping of the engine to the right, and the lamp HL2 - the wrapping of the engine to the left. As a result, the blocking of the light signaling with the help of the links ensures control over the direct wrapping of the engine during the reverse.

Rice. 5.9 For example 5.2

Control nutrition

1. How do electric circuits follow types and types?

2. What are the basic rules for motivating electrical circuits?

3. Point the butt letter designation electrical elements.

4. Give examples of the graphic designation of electrical elements.

5. Paint the diagrams of the engine boost, pointed at fig. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4.

6. Explain the operation of the circuits in fig. 5.5 and 5.7.

Control schemes and automation of electric drives are widely spread in projects of power electric equipment and electric supply of industrial companies. And the automation of a large number of objects is inextricably linked to the control of technological mechanisms with electric drives. At to this particular type it is necessary to develop four control schemes for electric drives at the warehouse for the project of automation of technological

As an electric drive for an automated technological installation (pumps, fans, vents, valves, etc.), there are mainly reversible and non-reversible asynchronous electric motors with a short-circuited rotor, the control circuits will be looked at from a distance. Pobudov tsikh control schemes mainly for the improvement of relay-contact devices. It is grounded by the presence of a great choice of relay-contact equipment, which is serially produced, with contact attachments of various vikonans and windings, which are used on various voltages.

Analysis of control schemes, including the most complicated ones, showing that schemes
control of electric drives of technological outbuildings;
Pіznannya typical solutions Significantly simplifies the reading of simple control schemes.

Reading important schemes for controlling electric drives of technological attachments should be started from the development of technical capabilities that are presented before the scheme, and the installation of minds and the sequence of the scheme. An important place in case of a loan is the adoption of the adopted scheme for organizing the management of electric drives, which is more significant.

Scheme of organization of keruvannya by electric drives

The scheme of organizing the control of electric drives can be transferred manually, remotely and automatically. All three types of control are victorious
at all possible people. The largest expansion was formed by the structures of management, which are conveyed by: mistseve and remote management; mistseve and automatic control; mistseve, distance that

Automatic wrapping. In some vipadkas, as a rule, with significant views before the object of care, telemechanization of care is zastosovuetsya.
The central control of the electric drive is carried out by the operator with additional control bodies, for example, push-button posts, spreading at the direct proximity to the mechanism. The control over the robot mechanism is vibrated by the operator visually and by ear, and in the case of vibrations, where such control is impossible, the light signaling of the station is set.

At remote control the start of that zupinka to the electric drive of the mechanism vibrates from the plant of the control. The object is located outside the field of view of the operator, and its position is controlled by the signals: "Enabled" - "Enabled", "Closed" - "Closed" then.

Автоматичне управління забезпечується за допомогою засобів автоматизації технологічних параметрів (регуляторів або сигналізаторів температури, тиску, витрати, рівня тощо), а також за допомогою різних програмних пристроїв, що передбачають автоматичне управління електроприводами пристроїв технологічного обладнання з дотриманням даних функціональних залежностей (одночасності, певної послідовності тощо ).

The type of control of the electric drive (mistseve, automatic or remote) is selected for additional toggle switches (toggle switches in the form of control), as they are installed on the manual, aggregate and dispatcher panels and control panels.

Prodovzhuyuchi reading circuits, they recognize, yakі neznayomi zasobi avtomatizatsii and electrical equipment to take the fate of robots, and they learn the principle of their action.

It is especially important to look at the diagrams and tables of switching contacts in electronic devices and attachments, which explain the technological schemes, schemes of blocking deposits of robotic technological possession, the table of logging and other entries. In addition, as resolutely and seriously, there will be vikonn
The success of all further work is due to the principle of di analysis of the scheme.

circulation pumps

Circulation pumps are installed by central heating substation for hot water supply. The stench raises the necessary temperature and the pressure of the water supply points.

For example, let's take a look at the electrical circuit for controlling circulation pumps (Fig. 2.23), installed on the central heating station for circulating hot water to the circuit of the heat recovery system (div. Fig. 3.1-3.3).

The principle of the robot circuit. Before turning on the pumps, the robot is supplied with a voltage to the power lance and lance control of the pumping units by automatic switches QF1, QF2і SF. Vibration of the working pump is controlled by a switch SA. When choosing a working pump NC1 jumper SA install at the camp I. Voltage is applied to the control relay coil K1, yak spratsovuє K1(1-13) supply voltage to the coil of the magnetic starter KM1. Magnetic starter with its own power contacts KM1 turn on electric motor M1 pump NC1 KM1(1-21) supply voltage to signal lamp HL1"Normal operation of the pump NC1».

Rice. 2.23. Basic electrical circuit diagram

circulation pumps

What is the cause of a serpentine pump NC1, then spratsovuє relay differential vice SP and with its blinking contact SP(1-25) supply voltage to the clock relay coil CT, as if from a zatrimkoy hour, your contact is closed CT(1-27) it supplies voltage to the relay KA for the provision of automatic switching on to the reserve (ATS), which ensures the automatic switching on of the reserve pump NC2. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in such a way. Relay KA spratsovuє and your contact KA(3-5) change the voltage from the control relay coil K1, but by a flashing contact KA(3-7) apply voltage to the intermediate relay coil K2. Relay K2 with a blinking contact K2(1-17) apply voltage to the coil of the magnetic starter KM2, with power contacts KM2 turn on the electric motor M2 pump NC2 HL2"Normal operation of the pump NC2 ON THE HL3 « AVR KA(1-27) bypass NC contact CT SB (27-29).

When choosing a working pump NC2 jumper SA install at the camp ІІ. Then the pump will be a worker NC2, and the backup pump NC1.

QF1, QF2і SF QF1, QF2 and electrothermal relays KK1і KK2., zero zahist magnetic launchers. KM1і KM2.

Electrical control scheme

Life pumps

Heating pumps are installed at the central heating substation with an independent supply of a scorching system to fill the system with water (div. Fig. 3.2). Pump management can be controlled by the diagram shown in fig. 2.24 two pumps were transferred, one of them is working, and the other one is reserve.

Rice. 2.24. Basic electrical circuit diagram

lubricating pumps

When choosing a working pump NP1 jumper SA install at the camp I how to prepare a lancet for the improvement of a working pump NP1.

With a change in the pressure of the lead at the return pipeline of the scorching system to a predetermined Pmin, contact, sho closed SP1 vice sensor (electrocontact pressure gauge ( EKM)) apply voltage to the coil K3 intermediate relay, as a spratsovuє i svoїmikayuchim contact K3(1-3) apply voltage to the intermediate relay coil K1. At the moment contact K1(1-21) turn on magnetic starter KM1 i, vіdpovіdno, pump electric motor NP1. One hour block contact KM1(1-29) energize signal lamp HL1"Normal operation of the pump NP1».

Under the operation of the pump NP1 the pressure at the pipeline will move and in a day contact SP1 open up, ale electric motor M1 do not turn on, relay chips K3 you will eat with force through the lancet, what is shunted, what is made up of successively made contacts K3і K4(1-13-17).

When the pressure has reached the set maximum value, the contact will close SP2 (EKM), voltage is applied to the relay coil K4, yake help and with your contact, what roams K4(15-17) turn on relay K3. Tse to cause the relay to switch off K1, magnetic launcher KM1 i, otzhe, pump NP1.

The hour of the emergency pump spike NP1 contact flickering SP3(33-35) differential pressure relay RKS time relay CT1, what time to turn on the system AVR. At the same time, the relay of the emergency switching of the pumps KA and with its blinking contact KA(3-7) turn off relay K2 how to apply voltage to the coil of the magnetic starter KM2. Magnetic launcher KM2 spratsovuє that include in the work of the backup pump NP2. One hour sleeping signal lamp HL2"Normal operation of the pump NP2", turn on the sound of the battle ON THE and sleeping signal lamp HL3 « AVR enabled." Flickering contact KA(37-39) bypassed contact CT1 (37-39). The alarm can be deactivated by pressing the cancel button SB (1-37).

In the scheme of transferring, you can see the defense of the power lancer and the management lancer. The maximum defense is set by automatic vimics QF1, QF2і SF. QF1, QF2 and electrothermal relays KK1і KK2 zero zahist with magnetic launchers KM1і KM2.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the site "Notatki electrician".

After the publication of articles about the connection scheme of a magnetic starter, I often-densely began to receive food about those, how to operate a motor with a motor in two or three places.

And it’s not surprising, even if such a need can be blamed often, for example, when carving with a dvigun from two different places, or in one great place, but from the opposite sides, or on different levels of heights.

The axis I and having written about this statute, so that I will start again with similar food, I will not explain what and where it is necessary to connect, but simply give a request for this statute, de everything is reportedly explained.

Also, we have a three-phase electric motor, which is wired through a contactor for the help of one button post. How to choose a similar scheme, I’ll report and thoroughly explain in the article about proceeding according to the request and know.

Axis diagram for connecting a magnetic launcher through one button post for a pointed butt:

Axis mounting option tsієї scheme.

Be respectful! If you have a linear (interphase) voltage of a three-phase lancet to become not 220 (V), like in my butt, but 380 (V), then the circuit looks similar, only the launcher’s cat is to blame for 380 (V), otherwise it will burn out.

Also, a remote control can be connected from two phases, and from one, tobto. vikoristovuvat yakus one phase i zero. In this case, the coil of the contactor is to blame for the nominal value of 220 (V).

I changed the scheme in front a little, having installed for the power lancers and lanciugs keruvannya okremі automatic vimikachi.

For my butt with a low-pressure engine, it was not a critical pardon, but if your engine is loaded with more tightness, this option will not be rational and in such situations it will not work, because. Resection of the wires for the lancers of the control in such a situation is guilty of re-cutting the wires of the power lances.

It is assumed that the power lancers and lancers are connected to one machine with a nominal stream 32 (A). At the time of the stink, you can but one perezu, tobto. not less than 6 sq. mm midi. And what is the sensation for the local management to beat such a peretin? Strumi spozhivannya there zovsіm miserni (cat, signal lamps too thin).

And how will the dvigun be automatically stolen with a nominal strum of 100 (A)? Show that, if you cut the darts, it will be necessary to zastosuvat for lanceugs keruvannya. That stench simply does not fit under the terminals of the coil, buttons, lamps and other low-voltage automation attachments.

Therefore, it would be more correct to install an automatic machine for lancet control, for example, 10 (A) and install a wire of no less than 1.5 sq. mm for installation of lancet control wire.

Now we need to add one more push-button control post to the scheme. I will take for the butt the post PKE 212-2U3 from two buttons.

Like a bachite, near your plant, all the buttons turn black color. All the same, I recommend for keruvannya zastosovuvaty button posts, in which one of the buttons is seen in a red color. Їy i give the “Stop” sign. The axis of the butt of the same post PKE 212-2U3, only with red and black buttons. Wait a minute, looking richly better.

The whole essence of changing the scheme is brought up to the fact that the “Stop” buttons of both buttons should be connected to us sequentially, and the “Start” (“Forward”) buttons in parallel.

We call the buttons for post No. 1 "Start-1" and "Stop-1", and the button for post No. 2 - "Start-2" and "Stop-2".

Now, from the terminal (3) of the normally closed contact of the "Stop-1" button (post No. 1), a jumper is connected to the terminal (4) of the normally closed contact of the "Stop-2" button (post No. 2).

Let's pull two jumpers from the terminal (3) of the normally closed contact of the "Stop-2" button (post No. 2). One jumper to the terminal (2) normally connected to the contact of the "Start-1" button (post No. 1).

And to the other, a jumper to the terminal (2) of the normally open contact of the Start-2 button (post No. 2).

And now one more jumper has been lost from the terminal (1) normally open to the contact of the "Start-2" button (post No. 2) to the terminal (1) of the normally open contact of the "Start-1" button (post No. 1). In this order, we connected the buttons "Start-1" and "Start-2" in parallel one to one.

Axis chosen scheme and її installation option.

Now you can turn the coil of the contactor, as well as the dvigun itself, from any nearest post. For example, you can turn on the engine from post No. 1, and turn it on from post No. 2, and again.

About those, how to choose the scheme of keruvannya with a dvigun z two months and the principle of robotic work, marvel at my video clip:

Pardons, yakі can viniknut pіd hіvіdklyuchennya

If you mix it up, and connect the "Stop" buttons not sequentially one by one, but in parallel, then you can start the engine from any post, and the axis of the start of yoga is unlikely, that's why. at this moment it will be necessary to press against the insults of the "Stop" button.

First of all, if the "Stop" buttons are selected correctly (in sequence), and the "Start" buttons in sequence, the engine cannot be started, because in order to launch it, it is necessary to press two “Start” buttons at the same time.

Scheme of keruvannya dvigun іz trоkh mіsts

If you need to use the engine three times, then one more button post will be added to the circuit. And everything was given in the same way: all three "Stop" buttons must be connected sequentially, and all three "Start" buttons in parallel, one alone.

For a long time, then the sensation is left by ourselves, only to get into the scheme, around the “Stop” and “Start” (“Forward”) buttons, another “Back” button, it will be necessary to connect in parallel the “Back” button of the other post of the keruvannya.

I recommend: at the posts of management, krіm buttons, vykonuvat light indication of the presence of the pressure of the lancegіv of the control (“Merezha”) and the camp of the dvigun (“Push forward” and “Push back”), for example, for help, it’s quiet, about the odds that I didn’t have so long ago I reported to you. Approximately so tse viglyadatime. Wait, what you look at first glance and intuitively understand, especially if the motor and contactor are far from the posts of the care.

Yak Vee already guessed that the number of button posts cannot be separated by two or three great number Mіsts - tse all lie down in the form of concrete vimog and minds of the working mіstsya.

Before the speech, the deputy of the dvigun can be connected, whether it be vanity, for example, clarification, but I will tell you about it in my articles.

P.S. On what, maybe, and everything. Thanks for the respect. E nutrition - feed ?!

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