What does it mean to love with a wind. Love and separation: how can you be with a windmill? Domovites about the borders and the rules "on the birch"

Why has sens stosunkiv z vіdrivom?

You live in one place, and a person lives in another. You splurge a hundred times a day, you fight up to ten times a river. Abo do without zustrіchey. You think one about one and blame your plans for the future.

Vіdnosini z vіdrivom - scho tse? Illusion? Surrogate of reality? What is a happy replacement for the zazhdzhenoy pobutovoy?

Asking for food, how can you be blue in the sky?

Virtual "idealness", or snuggle up on the vіdstanі

At the same time, there is an increase in the number of acquaintances among social media organizations and on other sites.

It's easier for people to say hello, not to be. It is virtually easier to play the role of someone who really does not play the role of courage. Pulling on the mask, and the axis is already “ideal”.

Look at this virtual splintering more flair and romance. Mozok domalyovuє bazhanі details and zacharovuєtsya think of thought vіzavі.

Plus, photoshop and the right angle are used to create a miracle image for girls. And for the people - a photo on a cool car from the salon.

So at the entrance, at the blue, we take away the “woman-dream” of the “prince on horseback”. I, as a reminder, suffocation in the mind.

The catastrophe didn’t come to an ideal at the first real zestrich, did they go overboard in the versatility with a virtual picture? Todі pochinayutsya stosunki cholovіka and zhіnki on vіdstanі.

Such stagnation a priori may be more likely to be on the yaskrava and stretched in the hour of the passage. Shut up at the "hero / heroine". I choke on a thoughtful rank.

Ridkіsnі zustrіchі, pіdіgrіtі nudgo and self-winding, to pass emotionally and biasedly, which is far away suggestive rіznomanіtnіst.

Why is it possible to re-verify the quality of the vodnosin on the windows?

Memorize stupor is a hormonal process, from the sing term dії.From three to 36 months. The phrase "Kohannya live three roki" is taken. Ale is not kohannya, but zakohanist.

Slowness in the form of a mature stool is due to hormonal imbalance. That's why it's so "cowbass".

We take away psychological inadequacy: mood swings, sleep loss and appetite, lowered respect for all spheres of life, crimson of the object of stagnation.

Vіdnosini z vіdrivom tsgogo relief. To be more precise, such a re-correction was done after an hour, as if the people of that woman were judged to be sued.

Abo Well, the participants in the vіdnosin z vіdrivа vіdrivає vіdnosії іdealіnosti partner. For there are no furnishings, for such erysipelas eyepieces would have long ago slept on their own.


  • Rich old calls on the phone.
  • Bazhannya to reveal the life of a partner with a breath through yoga perception of reality.
  • Romantic SMS and evocative photos.
  • The constant pouring of tedium, which at the moment of dovgoochіkuvanoy zustrіch wriggles in a flurry of emotions.
  • There are no complaints about the drive of illusions that are ruined. The tsukerkovo-bouquet period, with frequent zatknenni, ends with a rich swish.
  • Not a lot of accumulated until the evening to and negativity from other people's energies and life routine.
  • There is no drіb'yazkovoї shchennoї pobutovoї zhіnki, like roses'їdaє blizzards.
  • Navit targani jealousy is not so mean and aggressive.. So, it is simpler to realize health “without control”. But if you don’t want a real drive for jealousy, the calm targani will lazily roam the minks. Movlyav, "what are you, my kohannya, I only think about you."

What do psychologists say about stosunki on the vіdstanі

"So bi zavzhdi," you say.

Why do psychologists call the blues a windy illusion?

Do not hesitate, this romance is stretched out at the hour, through the daytime, the conflicts that are natural for the stage of rubbing will be brought to light.

But every now and then, such blues are drawn against unrealization. How quickly it becomes, to lie in the parity that frequency of real zustrіches.

Why don’t you watch, if the person is on the stand?

Usy’s flock sharply do not hang out.

  • Sex is catastrophic.
  • Nіzhnostі, pozіlunkіv i vіymіv.
  • A sleepy sleep that felt at the bed until lunch at the weekend.
  • Evening review of serials on one sofa.
  • Snidankiv that evening.

Married woeful everyday life.

Adzhe, wait a minute, so nabridaє, if you yourself are pulling these eternally important bags.

And as a distal rose at the micro-furnace, a plastic hedgehog.

Even more unruly self-esteem in the company and out of the light: “Ni, vibachte, I'm busy. Why one?..”

Do not quieten your own weekends, for everyone can make a “family day”.

No, you are not boring. You just don't feel like you've been robbed if you're sneaking around in the memory of someone you know. To whom should you phone and ask to come and overboard a punctured wheel?

But if in the evening you want to bury yourself in the pahva and stupidly wash. Skіlki tsikh "if"?

Wasted happiness accountability

The greatest foldedness of a windmill with a windmill is to be left with a part of life alone.

Good luck on the robot, good luck at the parking lot, little good luck at the grocery store - it doesn’t matter, but after a day it will be forgotten.

Ale, if you linger like this at the same time from a close person, between you you blame the appearance of controversy and a sense of decency to live alone.

What do you need those flawed stosunki?

And how already distal and rich phone lines about what. Through them, nіmіє shiya and ring at the vukhs.

Zagalnih topics become less. There are a lot of podіy, yakimi naturally at home in the kitchen and netіkavo - on the phone.

Vіdnosiny z vіdrivoy zgodom are transformed into text-voice. They become incompetent, especially since the couple, before parting, regularly talked and fought.

How to save the stosunki with the lad on the vіdstanі?

The current age is promoting impersonal alternatives to live communication: phone, text alerts, video calls, social services. Ale chi win the blessings of civilization laid down by them for the functions of the whole world?

Adzhe is almost developing and will require spiritual and physical closeness.

It is easy to cheat yourself with such a split. Well, you don’t get the reaction of your partner, otherwise you accept it because of the negligence of talking.

I smut, blue in the air help the strength that cements, if it is possible to be incomprehensible and the pressure can be taken with a kiss or a volume.
The dot is smaller. Unrealization - more.

How to support stosunki on the vіdstanі without a penny

Great pereskoda for the quiet, hto zustrichaetsya on vіdstanі, that scho live far one kind of one, - banal pennies.

Aje ti chi partner don’t lie to the lucky ones, for those who see a snidan with a view of the Hudson or the Eiffel Tower is a surprise - no problem?

The adjective "Penny kohannya is not a problem" is less useful. For entrepreneurs with windy finance - additional help. Abo dzherelo naprugi that razdratuvannya.

See, you take months for 2-3 days of joy. And її really take it without tension from your place.

Qi "goydalki" in the form of late tests, vibrate an hour on the day of the morning from the rhythm of life, accumulating because of the transition and transitions.

Give to the tsgogo pіdstroyuvannya pobachennya for stosunkіv on vіdstanі pіd robochі processes. So shortcomings and zirvani deadlines accumulate.

Kokhannya on the front line is not a mess

And the axis and the first zrada. The fleur of stupor subsides. Wanting to pіznіshe, nizh for shchennogo "enlightenment". Food is left alone: ​​what work and how to behave?

At sleepy life otherwise the "zustrіchalka" ti zhenesh vіd yourself tі thoughts. As a minimum, to that which is often at once, "it's scary to burn." That navischo - sex is available.

In vіdnosinah with vіdrivom on such a ryatuval, the ring should not be ripped.

Are real kisses more tolerable?

Yakshcho rozіratisya, and not zrada, nachebto. Well, "nachebto" among the natives. I don’t know anything about anything.

Time to please Tim go to the cinema, walks, sleepovers.

The first axis is already real "come, I'm bored," and not "well, have a little patience, I've lost a lot of money."

Wait a minute, where will you receive your sleepy evenings and services for the services. Nadobranich". І spontaneous ranking. І weekly mlints. I sleep plan the next few days, and not with the next line for the next month. What a romantic way :-)

Psychology of the Vіdnosin on the Vіdstanі: in the sight of jealousy

Admissible, you can do without harm to aphids. You really zakohani and shori "this is my share" do not give attention to other potential partners.

"Everything will pass, pass it".

Marvel, razdratuvannya in the form of unfulfilled love potential accumulates, energizes that re-pumping. And wiggle at the contrived lead to a conflict.

So people get jealous, multiplied by lack of control.

Bezpidstavna distrust: “Children, s kim, why haven’t you been so long?”.

It is important to lift the stosunki on the vіdstanі importantly through the banal underestimation. And in tsimu sensi - just a mine field.

Aje don't have any chances to deceive a kohan man.

Does your half love to flirt? Todifear for the sake of that sake can lead to the collapse of the victories in the countryside. The severity of suspicion is not easy to detect.

And if there is a traumatic anterior injury in the anamnesis, then the stumps on the front line will still vibrate from the kolії.

Yak urіznomanіtniti?

Let's not forget about sexual dissatisfaction.Masturbation and sports are not “subdued”.

Until that time, the joy of infrequent zustris ceases to be such an all-gloomy one. At the same hour, separation is more sumnіsh and unselfish. Tezh routine.

Vіdnosini vіdnosіnі mozhliі like zruchny format

I'll be back until the end. It’s not safe for a person to be alone at the weekend, and you’ve been in debt for a month. Do you think it's nice to sit and check on you? No, do you really think so?

Listen, I can mother dozens of stosunkіv on vіdstanі, stink zruchnі. Blisk! Did you respect that such a format is already the power of the people?

Men don’t write leaves with food for problems in the windows on the air, and the axis of the girls is constant. Rozumiesh, about what to go?

Kokhannya on the basis of motive

If I want to pamper my girl, if I’m far away, I’ll open up the whole world, but I’ll come to her. Let me set up the magic zupinichi! Abo I will pull the kohana to myself.

Well, tell me what is in the new robot, the conference is so magical. I would have been pissed off, like a girl is DYISNO needed.

The skin is a right person for any kind of robot. And as soon as you swear, then the energy is less likely to be underwhelmed. Abo pull your wife with a blue, a bag of that collection of shoes.

And the stosunki in the "distant" format are simply sizable.

If stosunki in the countryside can hold more than one river?

Trivale splkuvannya z vіdrivom priyatnyat less quiet people, yakі value the expanse of power. A great, just a great number.

So they are ready to pay a high price for freedom. І more than one month of stained glass for a hundred dollars per kilometer. Ale ce is no longer a stounki)

Unsafe day of pseudovіdnosin - pіdrakhovuєmo sbitka

Do you still want to feel better, how to save a hundred dollars on the vіdstanі?

Zrozumіy, spіlkuvannya across a kilometer do not quiet people, as if you want real ones. And before them pragnut usі normalnі people.

Vіdnosini na vidstanі zbitkovі.

It's time to go. You will spend months and months at these pseudosyns. Do you care about your life?

Yaroslav Samoilov

It seems that for love separation you carry the same risk, like wind for fire; to put out the little one, but it’s less for the big one to blow up and to rob the mitznishe.

Close contact, mutual sympathy and pulls are naturally on the verge of bazhanya, all at once.

It’s a pity, life is a tricky thing, so it’s time to rob the bottoms and more often, it’s necessary, it’s necessary to propagate rechecks for the kohanny. So, why do you want to eat on the vіdstanі, how are you alive and how can you believe it?!

Reasons for separation

Maybe you were asked to work in a prestigious job in another place, but your other half can’t just ruin it for a month and say goodbye to your “nasidzhenim” office?

And, perhaps, you are being checked for trival and even more importantly in a foreign country? A solo cruise for a bargain price?

Causes can buti mensh raidzhnimi. For example, it is necessary to look after an ailing relative, the need to earn money. Most of the time, it’s almost like reversing separation during the army period.

Methods of pіdtrimki kokhannya on vіdstanі:

  • Observation from the kohanna from the virshovanih forms by SMS chi sheets.
  • Postiyni dzvinki and dovgі rozmovi in ​​the evenings.
  • Merezha Internet and the ability to communicate via ICQ or Skype.
  • Reservation of gifts in the online store, the stars will bring a surprise to the threshold of a kokhan.

What is the main problem?

Headache minuses at this hour - the impossibility of a special splurge and the ambiguity of a powerful family life. Aje another half є, ale order її nemaє. It’s not easy to go to a tsikavu vechirka, see a trendy restaurant, get drunk one by one.

The call is mainly for the help of a telephone call, the Internet, or the good old listing. Is it still possible to kohannya on the Internet and in the countryside? Rіdkіsnі zustrіchі priymayutsya like a gift from heaven.

There is a risk of flirting on the boats, new friends and shanuvalnikov will appear. How can you see love in the countryside and save your fidelity?

Illusion of selfhood

If you don’t have a partner for a long time, then how can you calm down and come in? The answer is simple, no.

Remember that you are not selfish!

Seeing the other half did not lead to lead a reclusive way of life, which so often sins with ladies, having lost the role of the Decembrist's squad. Vi is not the same, but a girl, as she has grown her free and vivazheny vibir.

Do not put food ruba!

Yakshcho is the order of the kokhan - katuvannya and cross on yourself, chi love on the vіdstani - nourishment with you virishene.

Possibly, you just overestimated the depth of your senses, that testing is too much for you.

Tsezovsіm is not a proof, but a statement of fact.

Alone, you can call your own camp and appreciate yoga.

Є rizik pochati dorikati to the partner at the embarrassment of razlutsі. Tse mozhe testify about weakness a little.

Do you pester the people? Do you want to change the situation and act in the same status? You are tight-fitting, which is known on the vіdstanі? Unfortunately, there is no smell of kohanny here.

With him chi without new?

There are no holy people, and the same girki feel like an hour at a time they see the skin. Blame the peace of scandal, express your dissatisfaction and turn your partner into chomus.

Ale kohana people are filled with such a wind in the countryside. Let's make it important from him, but without him - worse, and also, reconciliation is inevitable.

The other side of the illusion of self-sufficiency gives you the opportunity to start idealizing your partner and yourself. A lot of zustrіch give a dream, dotik - bliss, and the zustrіch at the result will appear as bitter roses.

It seems that without separation it is impossible to touch the whole world again, even if the kohanny is hartted, at the trials of the richest mіtsnіshy for the weak and tenditne, who did not know, cleared up and confusion, so the kohanny breaks into pieces like a kartkovy budinochok in the least podihu.

Gostri moments

To bring up the peculiarities of the change of nuances, as the strongest change in the blue, which is to be tested in the state:

  • Seeing sex. It is also hard to endure the presence of an intimate connection, the impossibility of engaging in cohabitation with your partner, which theoretically is, but practically daily. Often this is the reason for zrad in stosunkah.
  • Other folding - ce impossibility to talk. The visionary partner is changing, acquiring new acquaintances and likenesses.
    It is easier for you to stick to the world of need, for the one who is deprived of less links from past lives. The partner, who has lost his checks, experiences more strongly, the shards show a lot of moments with cohanim and support the illusion of imminent dreams.
  • The third moment is change of priorities and goals at the same time the character changes. For example, the situation with the entry of cotton to the army.
    Vіn postіyno zaynyaty, know impersonal znayomih zі similar problems, style splkuvannya zminє zmin, and the girl can't call up to that. It’s more convenient to bring it to the end of separation, if the couple is rebuying in a pair of stars and involuntarily wondering about all the surprises that are out there.

Virity and kindness kokhannya

The best way to assess the situation is to be in the middle of it.

Adzhe viriti at the kokhannya is always fashionable.

Romantic lads are always in the price of girls, and romantic girls are the classics of prudence.

A person without a kohanny is not alive, but he is, that he is drawn to the senses, whispering and idealizing. Leaning against a problematic and tragic situation, a person most often changes his point of view and literally descends from heaven to earth.


According to the statistics of the separation of two years and less, it is easy to be transferred equally, especially at once, if video calls are available, sex on the phone and sleepy weekends with transitions.

Ale after two rokіv stosunkіv on the distant bells become relatives, there are less daedals than the wild ones. Ochіkuvannya risky overgrowth in an important depression.

Vіddalennya vіdbuvaєtsya through those, scho scho all the joys that prikroschi want to share with them, who instructed. Rіdkіsnі zhustrіchі want to rob the saint, but tse tidy zі stosunkіv right affinity.

You can continue to believe in love and inspire love, but it’s not uncommon to know the fact that there is less passion for that sincerity in the girls. Women suffer worse, for those who require more tenderness and christened turbot.

If you want to know about the food - chi buvay kohannya on the vіdstanі, it is necessary to continue to vodchuvati kohannya and to report on chimal mutual zusil. Tіlki so you can continue stosunki.

Axis and go out, that kohannya on the vіdstanі transforms into the practice of two people, її it is necessary to nurture and spit, as if not, so that it outgrew into a serious, grown up and brighter feeling.

How many fates are alive kokhannya?

Oh, how rich in opinions on the chain of food - how much more possible kohannya on the line was given by psychologists and philosophers!

Ale converge less stench in what not to give love to a rich hour.

Htos seems like a kohannya is alive three years.

Three times and five years of sleepy life mean a crisis, if the kaidani kohannya is weak and the risk of separation is growing. A lot of people give an order to a pood of salt, a building for two.

For uncomplicated pіdrakhunkami parі їsti such a vow to give up for two fates, and even, kohannya, like stilki woke up, lived and lived longer. About the right term of life, one can hardly judge with a breeze.

  1. The period of "chemistry"- this is the origin of partiality, that mutual bazhanya, which is accompanied by a strong work of the secretion of internal secretions and chemical reactions in organisms.
    For physiological reasons, such a period is three times no more than the second fate, and then the body returns to normal. In other words, the whole period of biased attraction, sexuality and greedy desire.
    It's a pity, love can be called a bit of a stretch. The long term won't survive.
  2. Right kokhannya- a chain of joint work, support for trust, mutual support and that bottom. Here, behind, a little vlasnosti was left behind, hisism is that quicker setting up to the people.
    Before the speech, jealousy at this stage is most likely to go to another plane. It is important to name the term of such a drink with accuracy, even if the wines lie in the form of the partners themselves, and not in the form of reactions in their organism. You can also name the period from 2 years to the next.

Online chat

Otzhe, for the continuation of the life of the kohanna, it is possible to overhaul her for the help of handymen. Today, there is a lot of Internet communication.

  • Write sheets by e-mail. Irrespective of the progress of the computer revolution in the world, as before, it is acceptable to take leaves from the Kohanoi people. Moreover, the most beautiful paper, written in common handwriting.
    So it can be seen that the hand was tired, the thoughts were entangled. Ale electronic sheets otrimuvati not less accepting. So what to write, let there be a whole row of blessings of a good day, but at the same time a good moment to set the mood for the day.
  • Exchange SMS. For the whole day, there were a lot of traplets chimalo chi prykh podіy. Share them with a kohanoy people, nourish your thoughts and pronounce yours for the sake of yoga on the right. Tse crush you near.
  • Operate video conferencing. At the same time, the choice is not limited by the Skype program, so equip your computer, phone and other gadgets with the necessary adjustments. Nothing is so cheerful and not calm, like a rozmov with a kohanoy person that її grin.

Kokhannya on the vіdstanі - tse nasampered perevіrka, yak not pass skin steam.

Sometimes the situation does not reflect the impersonality of electronic gadgets and the presence of smart gamantz.

But psychologists are put up to those separations philosophically and vvazhayut її tragedy.

Vіdstan vchit zberіgati stosunki and pіkluvatisya about them. Pratsyuvati be brought every day, shukati an hour for splkuvannya and tsіnuvati hvilini.

In practice

Let me marvel at the result of studying at Cornell University: the stench has been established that they bet, they live in separation, respect their own spouses, lower than 63% of couples who share one living space.

Feel like they are delusional!

The solution is to get rid of the crazy want for the next hour to talk about the seriousness of plans in the future, about the need for yoga support. Truthfully, psychologists predict to set their own priorities before him, like "to make sacrifices."

Do you want to turn to a colossal partner? Chi not є vіn you pereshkodoyu?

Fahіvtsі skeptical stavlyayutsya to zapevnen pіdlіtkіv vіchnuyu kohanni that napoligly glad not to give big obіtsyanok in front of separation, chіshat girls and lads in front of the army. As if it’s almost right, it doesn’t mean words, but it will be brought to the right.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

An unimaginable history of the kokhanny… You are far from one kind of one, you are less likely to talk on the Internet. Ale mizh you already viniklo pravzhnє pochutya, like to obscure the weight of the world. Chi є kokhannya on vіdstanі? Vidpovіm like this: for someone - So, and for someone - no.

So what else is a kohanna more beautiful than all that is beautiful on earth. And as if it were a sign of coming at the heart, as if it were possible to make a frailty and slander everything in your own way.

Electronic leaves fly incessantly, do not close up different chats, the hand does not bother to write rows of love verses, the soul and heart sleep, angry together, like thoughts about the other half, like so far away at once, but at one time so close ...

Rozpovіdі, іstorії pro kokhannya vіdstanі. Chi є such a kohannya and how to save it?

Psychology of kokhannya on the vіdstanі. For some reason I did not believe in such a kohannya. I got excited, before the Internet - acquaintances, I was even more skeptical and here to learn from gluzuvannyam. I loved reality and lived in it, victorious virtual world, as zasіb vіdpochinku and exchange of information.

Yakos, Have a chat by tapping Vin. That's all, as usual: acquaintance, speculation, "damn" phrases. And then we exchanged photographs and the earth went s-p_d n_g ... I sighed! I was so stunned, like never before. It felt like it was, singsongly, my first and only love.

Kokhannya on the vіdstanі and through the vіdstan. Kokhannya on the Internet.

Now I have spoken a little and I have forgotten to tell you about those who see the Internet - kokhannya.

  1. Kokhannya s listuvannya. It's simple: you will suffocate at the leaves. In the manner of writing a sheet, letters, phrases .... You guess what a person, like "hovaetsya" behind the rows of an electronic sheet - the hero of your novel itself.
  2. Kokhannya on « other". Tse that vpadok, if you know here for help, spend an hour miraculously and make yourself smarter. Well, apparently, you support calls via the Internet.
  3. Online - kohannya. So, let's talk about chats. In our hour, stinks are even more popular. It became easier to get to know each other, lower to real life. The axis is so from the “smiley faces” the kokhannya is popular.

Before speech, you are in the know, What Scottish women have created a special device that imitates dotiki. On the body of a woman, those people put on rings, like they react to the smallest dotik. The stench is passed on from woman to man.

Chi є all the same, the sensation of the kohanna on the vіdstanі? If you have to learn patience - turn it over. Buvae everyone. Here it’s impossible to transfer to all hundred vіdsotkіv. Tі, hto vіdchuv vіdchuv rozcharuvannya in such kohannі, stverzhuє, zvichayno well, scho yogo mає. And those who have already made friends with that happy girl, adore the Internet and are ready to shout to the whole world, that they are on sight.

The only shortfall of everything: chimalі financial vitrati (for the road, for presenting souvenirs, for tickets). However, naturally, nothing is thought about. Love. What can be important and cherish? “Having straightened the wings of love”, people who love one by one, rush across thousands of kilometers and cross, to get smart. Feel free to try schob zozumіti, naskіlki vono stronger and "pekucha".

Everything, well, starts corny, romantically, and for one and the same scenario. After a long splintering (and sometimes - a short time) people trapleyatsya. Zustrich is either in her home, or in a new one, or roamed here on neutral territory. And after zustrіchі - 2 variants of a boisterous rosette of podіy. Buvay, that a person suffocates into one, but when you see it, it appears that the wine is not like that (it’s a photo, it’s just a little tangled up). Traplyayetsya, scho all ends fun: tickets, zalitsyannya, romance, gifts, recognition of that oath from the eternal kohanna ... Everything is beautiful, start in the cinema. So, before the speech, it was my already well known. The stinks got to know each other on the Internet, spluttered. Then she took the donka away and moved to a new life, zovsim in a foreign country. The stinks have made friends and now live happily. Good, as if the history of dying online will end on its own, and not as summarily and ugly.

Virt at the kokhanny no matter what, but be ready before any turn comes. Be a plan, mrite, but remember that everything can be, that is good. Be realistic, even if, in a different way, you will not be so sick and not so covered. As long as it is possible - to live kokhanim, squabble with the new one and do not think for the whole hour about those who can become filthy. It is destined for you to be at once chi ni - your zustrіch is not vipadkova, it has become for someone else. It is possible, in order to be sensible, to look at your life positions and look.

Remember: you don’t get closer, like you’re getting richer, but you’re closer. Try to do that, no matter how many kilometers away, run as much as possible, so as not to let the fire of the kohanny “extinguish” (like, obviously, they didn’t confuse yogo with the zakohanistyu). Don't weld, don't weld, don't saturate one another with dokors. Adzhe wi stilks minted on tsyu zustrich, stilks dreamed about her. Now, how about obscuring її with all sorts of inappropriate words at the same time? Dotiki, hug, kiss, look. The axis of what does not stick in qi hvilyuyuchi, dovgoochіkuvani hvilini (navit seconds). Do not call on the board: I am glad for you. Do not call to the cold: you will grow alone by one. See you again together. Tse, perhaps, is more important in the "period of the heart, which is not to be smelled."

Live, watch, watch, love, enjoy!

And now about addiction, for quiet, who jokes passion :

I remind: out - everywhere, її - rich.

Addicted to life…. How many people who live on our planet love to eat. It's wonderful, but it's so easy to live for the sake of enjoying the taste of products and passions. The main contingent of such people are people. It's not important to guess about it. You don't want to miss the restaurant, which is a waste of money on the way home. The refrigerator is your best friend. And yet, how the stinks are fighting, as if the woman’s kohana “is pouring” on her. And not to the one who stumbled upon the kіlkіst їzhі: stench to be afraid of what your soul sees (in terms of your category).

passion for photography. The camera at the hand is the light of “flight”. People, like to love taking pictures, nothing, in a flash, krіm znіmkіv, and it’s not necessary. Garni kraєvidi, nezvichaynі foreshortening, natural beauty. All those who “fit in” at the camera are unearthly, priceless belongings for a person who is choked by the mysticism of photography. Before speech, I know one "photoman". Win, you have your own twenty years, you don’t make friends, because you know that a woman has a strong respect for yoga hobbies. Not long ago, I opened a workshop and bought an expensive camera. This is how the greatest people on earth appear.

Passion between a man and a woman. Zhіnocha that cholovіcha predilection.

Ale є predilection tsіkavіsha, priєmnіsha i taєmnichіsha: predilection of man and woman…. Yak, right away, after the writing of tsikh lovіv, z ryadkіv, it smelled of romance that lower .... Її stiltki, scho to open eyes, yakі to read tse, to start thinking about passion. Give the eyes a touch of passion and a romantic mood. Just don’t be too choosy: read about predilection and indulge її - two great differences, as if they don’t shy away from the same equal.

Passion is often strayed with love. Alec's work is not possible: that addiction to go around as a guide, and not as synonyms. I will try to explain the difference.

Love - tse pochuttya, like to love vіddavati. Vaughn - bezkorisliva, pure, immaculate, that is easy. If you love, you will do anything, for the sake of a kohanoi people. If you love - mutuality is not obov'yazkovoy warehouse sense. People, like to love, grow krill. The wings of the wings are invisible, but the stench of the dead people is taken high, for the gloom.

passion - Finer, but more hisstical. You “take it”, in people, everything: an hour, space, thoughts, thoughts, knowledge, inner light ... I don’t go without reciprocity. The very reciprocity and engender passion. Vaughn is like a fire, on a non-skinned, incredibly strong half-wit, as if burning everything on its own way. It’s even harder for them not to burn. As you know, you understand the meaning of the skin word and understand yoga.

Passion casts a candle, like a light-heartedly sleeping, but so very lightly you can go out in the middle of the wind. You never guess the moment when the addiction says goodbye and disappears.

A woman's passion for a man. Zhіnocha passion.

It’s easier for me to live with addiction, to save more of the long hour. Vaughn can live for the help of a kokhannya. If the woman dies, she will kill everyone, so that they seem to miraculously harmonize with each other, and they won’t “drive in” one alone. If a woman is aware that she attains passion, she will "enchant" the next:

  1. Giving more of your respect and time to your dress. Won and so much to keep order, but here - a special vapadok, which you must not miss.
  2. Rіdshe bachitsya with friends that know. Let's think about such a behavior, let's sue її, vvazhayuchi, that it is not possible to remember friends for a person. But in it there is simply no other choice and exit.
  3. Trying not to get busy on the job ahead of the corporate party. It is impossible to say that she is a lover of a quiet life. A rich woman simply cannot live without a saint
  4. Write beautiful reminders to the kohan, in which they are stuck with those kokhannya that її setting to the new. Women sound to write beautifully. І not less than a call to a mobile phone. Guess how many of you, they wrote down everything that happened to you, your special student, and they wanted yoga, so that no one “took” secret information out of it.
  5. Often I think about the first time, about the first kiss, about romantic moments. Vzagali, summarily know, what about such moments the woman herself most often guesses. A person cares for a better life, including today and tomorrow.
  6. Carry out intimate experiments at the bed. Mabut, this moment is the greatest reception of a person. Before speech, statistics prove that many representatives of the human state adore different goods with intim - to the store. But here is a majestic minus for the fact that such “love” is not understood and accepted by all “enchanting creations”.

Passion of a man to a woman. Cholovіcha passion.

A person has another passion. Vіn vіdchuvaє її, perebuvayuchi zaruch іz skin zhіnkoy, like youmu is pretty. What can not be said about women: stench, suffocating, save your addiction, carrying її to inspire crises of old fates. Not all, of course, like that. I'm talking about quiet women and girls who can love in a fair way.

For a person in intimate life, passion is not very important. For him, the main factor is sympathy for the woman, with some kind of fault in the women. Chi hvilyuє yogo nutrition about mutuality? So, ale wine is not dominant.

I man, and woman to know what addiction is not forever. And if the moment comes, if it’s already impossible to turn with some kind of “cunning”, the stench compensates for a little bit of addiction to the cohanni, like still, it’s falling (or the ward is being smeared) at their hearts.

Addiction cannot be bought or created piece by piece. Vaughn either є, or її mute. Without kohanny, well, life is more complicated, lower without obvious predilections. However, there are many people and women, for whom addiction is an indescribable and necessary drug. For them, it is important to have passion in their eyes, in their appearance, in mimics and gestures. If you don’t know, you start to say goodbye, it’s almost gone, and there’s no way to feel the sensation.

Kozhen has its own priorities. You can’t compete with them, you won’t overdo them. And then, well, no matter what: passion is not a constructor, and not plasticine, from which you can make everything that is worthy and come and go. Ale, if KOHANNYA zadnuetsya zі I ATTACH tse tremendously majestic power.

P.S. It appears that love is not only the soul’s soul, which can be tested by maturity to a person, but also the necessary camp for victoring the singing diy ... and rich, rich other.

Є kumedna jewish parable on the topic:

“Before Rabbi Levi came podlitok and warmly groaned:

- Teacher! Why should I not love anyone, especially girls?

І slave vіdpovіv yoma:

- Because you don't love anyone, especially yourself.

And with almost impenetrable words they kick on the cold monitor...
And we are bi - to move with bodies. Ale vіdstan - zhorstoy virok.

It’s like taking a lie and bachiti in order to be in love with a disguise, squirming with arms of a kohanoi people,

nature at the weekend, watch the theater, cinema, prepare dinner at once, go shopping at once, and plan on the future, sleep on the future. The hour that splintering, as we are stained on the kokhanih, is the guarantee of the above and the other stosunkiv. Ale not

Forever we can afford to allow you to enjoy the closeness of the Kohanoi people. That is why our kohannya is perverted to mіtsnіst vіdstan.

For some, a day without a kohan is eternal, for others it is wonderful to live, parting in the air. It is possible to lay everything in the stage of stosunkiv that causes separation. For example, wines and wons got to know each other at the resorts and they tried to chat, but the stinks live at different places, they share hundreds of kilometers in our history: a lad and a girl (a man and a squad) spend a long time together, live together, and for the sake of it, the need for one of them to stay at the trivale, to earn money, or for health enlightenment. And here everything is laid up in the form of furnishings. The first option will not have such a painful separation, like the other.

Our life is everything that is seen with us - it is visible. Kokhannya - so. Whoever did not see the old separation, stverdzhuyut, scho kokhannya is not real and only beautiful fairy tale. And tі, hto zumіv save your kohannya that stosunki, not respecting the long separation, do not wait for tsim.

Nobody said that it would be easy. In order to save the blue, it is necessary to report zusil, and it is not important to entrust your beloved or far away. It is necessary to remind yourself, to understand that it will be important (more emotionally soon), but you are ready for anything to save that little stone.

The main problem is why you seem to be “wider than sympathetic” relatives and friends. Relatives will gladly give up everything for you and start living their lives, and close friends will encourage you to relax in the future, while there is nothing bad (stink to say, there is a chance to “speed up the moment”). Reach out for the tribute, don’t be afraid to get a little bit of others. Your task, save your kohannya and you are guilty of not trying to protect you!

Sorry, no one can tell you for sure as a long-term kokhannya, you can see it. All fall in vіd vіd ї ії ії chi bezdіyalnostі. But one thing can be said for sure, no matter how majestic I would be among you, you are guilty of being alone. For the hardships of psychologists, having explored the minds of adults, I am not to blame, but more and more, but still I want to speak more often once every two months.

Before the trival separation, obov'yazkovo virishit, as if you were talking. Possibly, tsі help you to get in ts tsim:
Schedule. Be sure to discuss the hour, if you wake up again. It’s necessary to swear at once, so that after the greatest rights they don’t confuse your plans. The most important are your stoks, and it is necessary to look at them yourself. Discuss the hour of your call by phone or Skype, so that without the need not to call one another;

Romance. Vіdstan - tse pereskoda her. Vykoristovyte be-yak good luck, sobity one to one gift. For example, write love leaves and overpower them with great supplies. Tse will be confirmed by love between you.

Life. Vaughn is continued, if there is no instruction for the kohan. Believe me, you will not feel better, as you will close up in the apartment and burn in the tightness. Get involved in everyday employment, in order to repair that work, to know yourself busy to the soul, as if you were in the door of summary thoughts.

Spillkuvannya. It is important that your conversation does not lead to the usual “how are you doing?” Tell all the folktales about the skin of your day and rejoice one by one. Positive attitude. Remember to know the pluses and the fact that you are far from one and the same at the same time. It’s possible, separation, to crush your little ones with mіtsnіshimi. First of all, trust your partner and don’t doubt your fidelity. Unprimed jealousy destroys the strongest love.

Pro love on the vіdstanі(vіdnosini z vіdrivom, roman z vіdrivom).

Kokhannya, razumilo, more beautifully, as if ennobling the soul of a person, even though love was formed. Ale among other types of kohannya is especially kohannya between a man and a woman (boy and girl), as they are called wines in the country, if the lad lives in one place, and the girl in another. My article is entirely dedicated to this topic, it’s about those, how specific are the kohanna in the countryside, how do you go through the 4 stages of the language in your novel in the countryside, and about those, how to save the water in the countryside?

I'll start with the bad news. Kokhannya on the vіdstanі is the largest type of vіdnosin. This is a psychological axiom. I especially had 4 vodnosyns on the stand (up to which I put myself differently), but more than that, in my further psychological practice, I sorted out more than 200 vodnosyns on the stand. My empirical evidence for the analysis of these situations is unambiguously one and the same: the signs on the vіdstanі are the problematic signs from the best possible ones. The kohanní z vіdrivom є svoї suvori zakonіrnosti, that psyhologichіchnі laws, like stench develop, regardless of what, want mi cigo chi nі.

So, as this article is written in the same way and for women and for people, then the people, as you love, I call them for the sake of style “partner in water”.

Good, happy vines have a sprinkling of key warehouses: biological viability (the first 3 biological markers of summation, you, from the very cob, are to blame in your people: 1) voice 2) carnal smell 3) smіh, like tsya people laugh); more shutter garne especially to you from the very cob; glowing skygazer; sexual madness; wild geography (NB!), so it’s too bad, so you lived in the same place; psychological complementarity.

Lyubov, speaking in our psychological jargon, has two warehouses - a hot and a binding. Wishlist is a sexual instinct, and Attachment is a deep emotional and spiritual thing. from a person to a person a woman every hour and space. The same out of two warehouses and warehouses Lyubov. Wishlist (sexually bazhannya) can be smelt dry (especially in our human mood), or it can just as well be cold to the point of being a woman. Emotional and spiritual sweetness, on the vіdmіnu, vіd sexual bazhannja, is formed in the soul of a person by marriage to a partner (partner in vіdnosinah) for a long time - for months, to bring on fates. Ale and so the very long-term emotional and spiritual connection lingers after that, navitat like a blue one perebovayut at the same time in a deep crisis. The most tense binding is often left to wind up like a stounki pripinilsya (binding - if you think, you can do it for the whole person).

Kokhannya on the vіdstanі - what do the statistics seem to say?

I sorted out the vipadki, in some stosunki boules on the arches of the great vistas (hundreds and thousands of kilometers), for example - a man near Vladivostok, his squad moved to live to Moscow (to run every three or three months). Tsya can be small, up to hundreds of kilometers between places, for example, a man lives in a great city, and a woman in one of the yogo can move or in the city nearby. And in all of them 200 attitudes (I guess that I gave psychological help to people with newly-arranged stoks and sorted them out at consultations of stosunki in the country) I revealed such a key pattern.

The first rule of stoks in the countryside: if a man and a woman do not start living at the same time on the same territory (a lad goes to a maiden in a її place or navpaki, a girl where to live until a lad in a yogo place - it is not guaranteed, it is guaranteed to someone), then a hundred are valued in 90-95% of cases for 2-3 years.

These are not viable figures, about my own statistics to speak about, as I am, taking care of psychological help in these vipadki. In order to instill everything in you at once, everything is miraculous in the cities, but if you don’t settle down at once and you don’t start to live at once, then I guarantee you a serious crisis in the cities of the cities, with a stretch of fate or two years, and more for everything and the latest expansion of the cities (their rose). So, bet, how to make vines, bet, how to change at the vіdnosinakh and after 3 years after the cob vіdnosin, wanting a man and a woman to live in different places (to run once or twice a month or more), but I guess, for my statistics close to 5%. And then these bets stay for the whole hour “in the risk zone”, so that such studs can seem to fall apart.

If your stounki in the country know the crisis at once, then on the right it’s no less for the woeful “your and other people’s pardons” for those who see the blue in the country develop according to their own laws and trajectories. You can be even more psychologically literate among the natives, or absolutely illiterate, or, in the worst case, the psychological laws of the natives will become dominant over your feelings.

Visnovok: so that your blueprints folded and went out of crisis, you need to live together, on the same territory zagalne future). Aje who is such a kohana people? This is the category of the hour, the kohana of the person is the future hour. If you think constantly about a person who is a person and help them to entrust your future with you, then it’s worth talking about those who are absolutely special for you, a person, a person. Tobto, you blame the concept of a sleeping future.

In one of the partners at the window, you can relax the concept of a sleeping future flooring, or you can bring the call to the new, that you know the future, relax and change to another “image of the future”.

If you want to vryatuvati stosunki in the countryside - you need to move to another place, de-sag tsya people and start living there, on one territory.

How does kokhannya develop in the countryside? 4 stages

1st stage "kokhannya on the vіdstanі". Tse "spring" of stosunkiv, a period of stagnation. Possibly one of the best hours of life (guess all your zakokhannosti!). Emotional euphoria and a sense of lightness in the body make you sick, all thoughts are almost directed to the whole person. It’s almost as if that deep acceptance of all the special features of this person is like a special, exclusive setting up to you. At the maximum of your free hour, call and write to this person, talk to her, blame it, no matter what, this wonderful person reads all your thoughts, considers the smallest hand of your soul. This hour of the soul is holy, euphoria, recognition of one of one, of deep interest in everything that is in the world of another person.

What are the problems at which stage? You can squirm not in real people, and your creations have an image, especially that no one has been baited BEFORE your acquaintance (for example, acquaintance was found on the Internet). And the image and the real person can be shaken up by different people. You yourself imagined a fairy tale, and then you don’t like reality, so on the cob of the setting it was necessary to be realistic. You can blame it by rozriv mizh your overhanging ochіkuvannyami that real people.

You can really get into a human being only if you have had sex more than once and you lived together for an hour (the wine was drunk, you got it right together), you don’t have mercy - you’ve really crossed over, so come to each other like a kohanets and a kohanka, that in sex you can still be 100% good, that your partner’s views are above and beyond - the axis of the last one can be used in the head and heart, figuratively seemingly.

2nd stage

Rechecking mutual scoring. Here the foundation is laid for the future vidnosin and ide rubbing of the characters (even if we live not from the soundness, but from the character), you are one to one and you are mutually launched one on one like hotivka (your sexual instinct), so is attachment (deep emotional and emotional connection). You have sex like rabbits, otherwise you don’t have sex (there was a mishap, there are dozens of reasons for that). You spend a maximum of an hour at a time. You know one of the same already in a right way, and not wandering around for some other images. Here either an image is laid down, the concept of a happy happy future, otherwise wines are not laid down. Let's get together with us in the future.

How can you fix the problems of which stage of withdrawal? 1) 60-70% information loving people take it non-verbally, so that you read the information from the body language, and not the verbal words. At the same time, you go out to the countryside, you spend up to 70% of information one about one and you know one one only by 20%, and the information deficit can grow; 2) Not knowing one by one through emotional closeness, spiritual opik of bringing in past (not far) visions, incorrect projections (do not strike a real person, but your projections at your address, otherwise this person does not bait you, but bait his own image of you, which you can buti twisted); 3) Supermundane ochіkuvannya or nevіdpovіdnіst ochіkuvan (for example, schob once zrobiv proposition, yet to the point without understanding his feelings); 4) Fear of insignificance (everything is good now, but what will be given, if we are roz'demos?)

Tobto vydnosini on vіdstanі or folded and zakrіpilis in such a form, fixed at the position (for example, a person travels to the wife 1 time per month until the її mіsta, sometimes once for the first time). But well, the blues didn’t fold together (through the psychological illiteracy of both partners in the blues, sexual, emotional, cultural psychological insanity) and the crisis began in the blues.

At what stage a couple can become friends. Blame the concept of a sleeping future (we’ll live together someday) and at the same time everything is true good, є absolute fidelity, є more trust, є razuminnya emotional needs one alone, love, turbota, lower that respect. Ale, the couple continues to live in two places and their lives are not daily, but once a day, a month, and then every other day. By stretching the first fate in the middle of the country, the kohannya supports the psychological inertia and inertia, and even through the river, the couple begins to grow internal conflicts.

3rd stage in ventilators with a ventilator.

Growing internal conflicts. Vіdnosiny z vіdrivom rasrіvaє zsredinі the very nature of these vіdnosin. With a geographic official, people do not shy away from anything and as a result, the problematic nature of their appearances grows and grows stronger, the couple begins to accumulate dissatisfaction and internal conflict, as it starts projecting for another people. What is often-densely mentioned here:

1) The concept of a sleepy future starts step by step to feel the hour, relax and collapse.

2) Are all the problems in the pair correct? Have sex the right way. When it’s not possible, when it’s windy, all mutual conflicts don’t take away the emotional discharge through the light, but step by step accumulate. Growing internal problematicity of these

3) At the vіdnosin є two steps to stand on such a stench - tse Value and Spilnist. Step by step, the value of the civil society is beginning to be erased (even if you were blessed with a lot of others), if your psychological sleepiness is great (the so-called “real reality”), then it’s step by step weaker.

4) Go ahead and trust. Even more often, the office of trust is launched such ruinous appearances as Control and Stezhennia (what to rob an infection of a person?

4th stage

Cooling crisis. A crisis in the blue could come on the other and on the third stage of the blue on the blue, but on the fourth stage the crisis is almost inevitable (in 95% of couples). The crisis accumulates and comes at the same time with different swedishness, from time to time up to three times. It’s even richer to lie in the psychological literacy of a person and a woman, in the number of psychological pardons (for pardons in the women, they give resentments, for appointments) and in the degree of erotic strain (є іskra erotic strain chi ні — і why) in a couple.

To whom it is necessary to understand the incorrectness of such ideas, but instead of replacing the positive order of the day (listen, we have problems, let's think, how can we make them better, to be happy again?), the most critical criticism of the specialness of another person is included. There is no good reasoning, that in this situation you are not especially and not another person, but the LOGIC of the development of stosunkiv on the other hand, to bring more couples to such a scenario.

Recovering of the individual. It’s not your faults that are being criticized (blame), but your whole specialty, as a whole (the classic phrases of this stage sound like: “You’ll be so ) , evil, etc.) bula, є i will be"). To sound svіdomo absurd, maddening ringing. Moreover, as to your address, so I see you out. Sexual interests, or else you are already aware, or the axis-axis is starting to become familiar, accepting some of the partners from the partners, you can already actively flirt, knowingly know and change. People in a couple do not smell one of the same and do not understand, wanting to speak of one mine. The "language of the body" is changing again - when zustrіch, people do not feel the need to embrace one of the other, but unnaturally almost stingy (the so-called "m'yazovy shell"), they appear m'yazov_ zatiskachi, incongruent behavior, emotional instability, mova silence becomes “cold”, then they blame wondrous, closed positions (“defensive”).

I repeat, there is an absolute greater number of people in the country, like a man and a woman do not start and do not start living at once for 2-3 years, doomed to decay and decay. Itself tse and vіdbіvaєtsya, stosunki begin to collapse, vіdbuvayutsya razluchennya and razbіzhnostі.

If you have spent yourself in this situation and you don’t know what to work, then you’re out. The course, or rather seemingly, 2 different courses of lectures, one for men, the other for women, which you can buy directly on this site and zastosuvat to your situation.

It’s not just a book, it’s a course, it’s the same instruction, pokrokov’s curry to diy - how to improve yourself, your specialty, how to change you need to bring in your behavior, how to say the words more often, how to write those text messages, so that you can improve your attitudes so from theory to practice - you take everything from your hand.

A course for people who want to turn the stosunki to the front /

Lock the course just go for the help you need

Illya Vasiliev

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