Bed for coarse 6 letters scanword. Pekti with a couch: ordering, scheme, how to choose infamously cooking and stone models with your own hands. Another scheme of pichno masonry

pіch z couch - tse unperfected classics, as it was practically installed in a skin booth, even hundreds of years ago. Today, such simple constructions can be seen both in private cottages and in summer cottages.

Aggregates mayut bezlіch perevag, krіm lounger. The stench can have an oven, a cooking stove that works on wood. The couch itself is not only a place for repairing, but it is also possible to reach the maximum heating efficiency. The construction itself is possessed by this element, which is shorter and more evenly heated, and after the firebox it reaches more, keeping warm. So it is up to you to prove the simple principle of being primitive constructions. And the order is laid down by a professional, chairs allow you to make a single design with your own hands. In order to get to know the report design features it is recommended to look at the video in this article.

We select the order

Pekti with a couch - tse in the first line is correct, the scheme is correctly drawn, the ordering. Itself in the same way to lay down those, naskolki effective, korisny and safely installations will be such a slanderous attachment at the booth.

The great expanse of the lounger warms up well and brings in some of the heat from the host.

Greatly open the fire of vikonu opalyuvalnuyu function often and is assigned for the preparation of їzhi.

It’s nobility: such a simple design that works on wood, maybe mothers are small in size, a bench and a furnace chamber, so I’ll fold the house more. Another variety of transferring the building with your own hands is a stove, additionally equipped with an oven, a cooking stove.

A stove with a stove bench and a cooking stove can also be beaten for comfortable cooking, drying of yagid, mushrooms, robes, vzuttya.

In addition, a single stove with a couch will provide a more efficient, equal scorching application. The best ones are scorching units, which are based on furnace chambers, possessing the function of a thriving furnace. Also, the fireboxes of a trival mountain are classified as the most efficient, economical, which are made of firewood and other types of solid firewood.

Features of stoves from stove bench

Pekti with a stove bench and a cooking surface, ordering like a vikonan with your own hands can be practiced in one of two modes. Depending on the season, the installation on firewood can be used in summer or winter mode.

  • In summer, the fireplace is equipped with a special draft, for the fire of which only a stove bench, a cooking stove and an oven are heated. The unit itself does not warm up, which allows you to save a comfortable temperature in the booth;
  • In the winter season, if the application has a particularly intense heating, the special draft is taken up more, so that the heating of the stove is heated, with the help of the accompanying elements.

A part of the opal construction with a stove bench is taken from a simple cauldron, which can be done efficiently and economically

In order for the pich with a couch to serve the yakomoga longer, for folding the best vicorist, fireclay chain.

In order to prepare the pichka before boiling, it is also necessary to open two or three shutters, and after that, as soon as I burn it out, the stench begins to curl up again. It is also necessary to clean the polluted water from the products of the mountain, which are settled (ashes, soot). Quietly mіstsya in the oven, the third shutter is also closed.

In order to do it with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Order, armchair;
  2. Nearly 2500 fireclay chains;
  3. 900 kg of earthenware;
  4. 1900 kg of pisku z kar'єru;
  5. 250-290 kilograms of mortar.

Link principle:

  • The first few rows of rows need to be well tied up for the massive construction of the additional minerality and durability;
  • On the third and fourth, the installation of doors is carried out;
  • On the fifth and sixth row, the grate is being installed;
  • From the 7th to the 9th row, we begin to form the walls of the firebox opening;
  • On the 11th and 12th rows, the installation of a cooking stove with chavun is carried out;
  • From the thirteenth to the fourteenth mount and vlashtovuєmo kovpak, zdіysnyuєmo reinforced construction with coils, size 100x100;
  • From 15 to 18 rows, we continue to shape the firebox, make a cross;
  • At 19 mount shutters;
  • Z 20 to 23 vikonuemo standard masonry;
  • On the 24th row, shutters are installed;
  • For the 25th row, it is characteristic of the dimoobigu;
  • 26-28 rows are stacked as standard;
  • On the twenty-ninth, a steel sheet is fixed;
  • Z 30 to 32 vikonuemo standard masonry;
  • From 33 to 36 we create a dimochid system;
  • On the 37th row, a steel sheet is laid, which vikonuvatime the role of overlap;
  • 38 row completes the order.

A small Swede for a summer residence, possessed by a tapchan

Pekti with a couch can be designed with your own hands according to the Swedish principle. For whom one chooses special chairs, order, videos. Such a unit is also supplemented with a cooking stove and an oven.

Swedish pіchki z tsegli are supplemented with bagatma pіchniki couch. The stench is installed between two accommodations (a bedroom and a kitchen), buildings are evenly burned with a total area of ​​​​up to 30 square meters.

Do-it-yourself pick-up unit from the chain is operated in summer and winter regimes. For the work of the wind, it is necessary to open two clear shutters. In the winter season, only one springs up, for which the whole fire begins to warm up, and the warmed up again, the masses begin to pass through the old dimochid system.

Tsіkavo nobility: the basis of such an aggregate is small, its size is 1148x765 mm, while the dimensions of the tapchan are 1785x638 mm.

Lining a Russian pichka with a sun lounger is one of the most expensive materials-kahls.

Mustaches of traditional Russian pichkas, which were restored dozens of years ago, were additionally plastered.

For everyday life, we need:

  1. Chervona cegla 900 alone;
  2. fireclay chain 200 units;
  3. Pdduvalo, doors for the firebox, reading chairs, a grate, a cooking surface, steel coils (they can be bathed or robbed for a shower).

Swede with a couch: ordering

Choose such a Swedish woman with a stove bench with your own hands, you may not be a professional, which may be the least beginners and dosvid at your gallery:

  1. It will be necessary for us to build a solid foundation in front of us, so that the construction may be large, unimportant in the middle dimensions;
  2. Dali pochinaemo vkladati that part, in a kakіy roztashovuetsya firebox;
  3. Cooking surface is laid on 11-12 rows;
  4. 18th row is reinforced with metal folds.

You can learn more about the order in the presentation of the photo, as well as shortly with explanations:

  1. The main zasuvny dimovi channel;
  2. Zasuvny mechanism that victorious in the summer season of rock;
  3. Protipozhzhny stelovy razdelnik;
  4. Cooking chavunna surface;
  5. grate;
  6. Doors for firebox;
  7. Inflatable chair;
  8. Clean the chair;
  9. Coils and smugs, made from steel;
  10. Cooking vіdsіk;
  11. Pechurki;
  12. Chamber deaf sound;
  13. Kovpakovy mechanism;
  14. Zimov's dimochidna horizontal system;
  15. Vertical dimochid system for cooking surface;
  16. Ventilation vent;
  17. Inlet opening, which directs the rise of gas (wicking in the winter mode);
  18. Misce, for which gas enters the dimochid system;
  19. Opening of the input type;
  20. bypass;
  21. Clearance temperature type.

Opalyuval-boiling ovens with lounger

The most popular designs are vvazhnіshnymi at vikoristanny, the couch in some roztashovuєtsya on the level of the standard bed. Such a variant is good for vikoristan as grown-up, so for children.

With the help of supplementary handiness, a stove with a stove bench is installed with your own hands between such applications as a kitchen (cooking surface, oven) and a bedroom. In this rank, the heating will be more intense, swedish and equal.

The main point, which is a trace of vrahuvati during the life of a cellar stove for a dacha cottage, is the construction of an additional foundation, which is not attached to the foundation of a dacha. This element is indispensable, the shards of the sumar vaga of the cellar I will add to the great arc.

Massive unit, installation on a supplementary foundation and lining with fireclay tiles

There is a small cavity with a place for repairing, the surface is lined with plaster and stone.

For the rahunok, the structures are correctly folded with their own hands, the sunbed does not overheat and you can lay carpets, blankets on it

The safest way is to have one of the fires with doors that are hermetically sealed.

In order to increase the heat output and add heat, the surface is tiled

The principle of being a supplementary foundation:

  1. Pekti with a stove bench are installed on a reinforced concrete frame. The slab is to blame for the greater part of the scorching unit itself and the troch protruding from the sides;
  2. As the basis of the foundation pit is vibrated, with a depth of up to 100 centimeters. Protect those who between both foundations need to deprive a trio of free space (nearly five centimeters);
  3. On the bottom of the pit, a ball of sand (about 100 millimeters) is suffocated, robbed and tamped with water. Dali laying and tamping rubble;
  4. Supplement the foundation with a reinforcing frame, which is based on vertical struts and horizontal reinforcement (two equals);
  5. It is possible to fasten the frame behind the auxiliary dart. We fill the foundation with concrete in such a way that the wine ends up a troch lower for the equal of the underlayment.

After that, as the foundation is completely dry, roofing material is laid on the surface, bagged in two balls. Because the first row of the chains is laid dry, and the other row is laid out.

This video will help you in more detail and learn more about the process of choosing a stove with a stove bench with your own hands:

In terms of technology, we have flowed far into our ancestors. Ale pekti couch - tse that spadshchina, in view of which it is not varto and you don’t want to act. In the past, the design of the kazkovy Emeli was in love with the middle of a leather strong booth. At the same time, there are a lot of homeowners who can also work on seeing the success of the traditional Russian stove.

Malyunok 1. Simple, alle garna coarse with a couch

Perevagi oven-couch

Before the advent of modern medicine, our ancestors rejoiced in the yards, hovering at the lazna and lying on the stove. The rest at the non-working hour was zavzhdi under the hand of that back. Dekilka nights on a warm day, and not only a cold, but strong pain at the slopes.

Sometimes serious sores came up. Ale is not only in the jubilant powers of the right. It’s already pleasant to lie down on a warm bed. It is not for nothing that the hero from the fairy tale did not want to get out of the oven. That is why the popularity of the classic “opalous possession” is turning around.

Pekti can be done with fahivtsyu, or you can make it with your own hands. And about those, go to the power.

How to grow a Russian bird independently?

Classical rough small size approximately 2000x3000 mm. Modern designs are important in overall dimensions, as they reach a size of 1500x2300 mm. Up to small ones they can be sporadized with a dozhinoy and a width of up to 1800 mm.

There are many types of similar constructions. Ale stinks are made up of low-burning elements:

  • opalous pichka;
  • couch;
  • oven;
  • cooking surface;
  • ash pan.

There may be another place for stuffing that woodcutter. Schob zbuduvati design, it is necessary to mother scheme-ordering. At the article, the order of masonry is examined. Ale, I’ll first need a podbat about the base.

Figure 2. Working process of the furnace

Another scheme of pichno masonry

We will not report on this option. From the past scheme it is difficult to understand what is the skin element in the illustration.

Figure 5. Scheme of masonry of another stove option

This model is one of the simplest. Tim is not less, she is effective and effective. On the vіdmіnu vіd folded structures, vykonannya tsієї can also be trusted to navіrit schodo unprepared homeowner.

Baby 6. Alternative design with a bed

The nuances of the furnace

The outer part of the dimar is made of bazhano robiti from silicate chain. Vіn more resistant to water and colivan temperatures. After laying the dimar, install the fittings, as they have not yet been installed (the chavun cooking panel is too thin).

If the goal is simple masonry with chains, then you can get by with simple cleaning and repairing seams. As soon as you plan to enter the decorating of a wood-burning stove, it is necessary to give respect to the sticks. Sound such constructions embellish with heat-resistant ceramic tiles. For example, with a clinker.

The first option is shorter, from the point of view of heat transfer. Zrazki are characterized by a stylish box-shaped shape, which increases the thermal efficiency of the coating.

Malyunok 7. Pich, veneered with kahlami

Tim, who doesn’t want to get in touch with the tile, but if he wants to embellish the structure, we can recommend using a heat-resistant farboi. You can embellish with the traditional Russian ornamental style.

Between the main structure and dimarem - near the overlap zone - a necessary attachment to the thermoprotection. Її shatter, for example, from basalt panels. Bazhano vikoristovuvati plate zavtovshki up to 100 mm. At the extreme slope, 50 mm can be used. Ale is not thinner.

Like sumish masonry, you can beat it like I buy it, so it’s a good way to prepare it. In the rest of the fall, a warehouse of clay and sand will be blocked. The ratio of the components is 1:1 to 1:2 depending. The specificity of the deposit is in the form of clay. The choice of proportions is determined by the experimental way. All the same, it is recommended not to be stingy and come ready to sum up the sum of vivirenim spіvvіdnoshnyam warehousing.


Malyunok 8. Pekti-bed, made from fireclay

Є impersonal schemes of stoves with a stove bench. Acts from them are evidently simple (for example, from the article). Others are considered by a great number of constructive elements. I will fold the masonry better to trust the professionals, otherwise there will be no problems. Have a vipadku before the start of the robit bazhano take away the goodness of fahivtsya. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever get confused about incorrect functioning, or the short-lived operational term of the oven.

Wooden beds of white Russian rudeness, var. pigeon

First letter "g"

Another letter "pro"

The third letter is "l"

Remaining beech letter "c"

Response to the request "Wooden couch with Russian rudeness, var. pigeon", 6 letters:

Alternative food in crossword puzzles for the word golbets

Vidgorodzhena part of the hut on kshtalt komori, klitі for Russian rude

Golbchik, gobets m. mon. cx. and sіb rіd primostu, fences, komіrchini or kazenki in the village hut, between pіchchyu and polatami; pripіch, with descents for the descent on the pіch and on the floor, with doors, shelves in the middle and with a manhole at the bottom: the comora is called the upper

Bakery komora

Pіdpіllya in the village hut

The meaning of the word golbets in the dictionaries

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
on the Kazansky tsvintary in Pushkin This is the tombstone in the form of a hut. For whom the meaning is also “pigeon”. Buli fenced, ale traplyayutsya on the Old Believer graves. On the Russian Pivnochi - a tombstone memento of the type of cross, or the cross of a schematic...

New tlumach-word dictionary of Russian, T. F. Efremov. The meaning of the word in the glossary New tlumach-word dictionary of Russian, T. F. Efremov.
m. Pіdpіllya, pіdval at the village hut. m. div. golbets.

Tlumachny dictionary of live music, Dal Volodymyr The meaning of the word in the glossary Tlumachny dictionary of Russian language, Dal Volodymyr
golbchik, gobets m. mon. cx. and sіb rіd primostu, fences, komіrchini or kazenki in the village hut, between pіchchyu and polatami; parable, with gatherings for gathering on the pich and on the ward, with doors, shelves in the middle and with a manhole at the pidpilli: the room is called the upper, ...

Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian. D.M. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the glossary Tlumachny dictionary of Russian. D.M. Ushakov
gobtsya-golbtsya, m. (Region). In the city, watching the clits, the commissar rules in the dwelling hut for Russian food.

Apply the vzhivannya of the word golbets in literature.

Makar wiped the Lithuanian coat with a bunch of grass, slyly blinking at Akulina, the squads: like, moving, now Kuzevan-darkness is spinning, like a person is turning right into yoga chicken pirne that on golbets to eat yoga with an icon?

She laid herself on the Russian pichts, there she slept the most and slept, golbets, and Katerina ruled on the tapchani at the front coddle.

In order to kill the embittered, incomprehensibly suffocating restlessness, Dar'ya wanted to get up - and so wanted, the flooring was necessary, that there, rozumіyuchi, sho navіscho, nevertheless put her feet in scarves on the step, went down the stairs. golbtsyu on a pіdlog i approached vіkna.

One thing is clear - they fought here mіtsno, in the darkness they whipped for nothing and in golbtsі rushed, but they didn’t steal the clothes and renew, as if the old one had thrown it into the kut, here I lie.

It seems that the bezpodarsky budinok is not long to stand, chewing it up, and then they guessed that the thieves in golbtsі they joked around.

Tsya pіch is recognized as a scorched booth, so prepared їzhi, tobto. є opal-cooking pichchyu. Pich I.V. was taken as the basis for the project. Kuznetsova RTIK 3, like a full-fledged version of the stove "Teplushka-2" I.S. Pidgorodnikova. The peculiarity of the oven is the presence of a stove bench above the cooking chamber of the oven. However, at the same time, it becomes warm and can warm up more accommodation. All we can do for the fire is the expansion of the furnace at the height.

Before positive traits at the construction of the stove it is possible to add a depth of more than 70 cm, a fire chamber, as well as a stove stove. At the link, scho, access to the cooking stove and the doors of the stoking chamber are placed on different surfaces of the stove, while cooking on the stove, the heat is on the stove during the day, and the door of the stoking chamber is heated to the people, as they are engaged in cooking the hedgehogs. Cooking їzhi with tsomu can be carried out like on a cooking stove, so at a cooking chamber, like a bread oven chamber.

The advantage of the oven is those who can’t have a little bit of work modes.

First - the firebox in a summer way. Hot gases under the hour of the “summer” blowing of the “summer” course can be directly directed into the pipe, without heating the scorching chamber.

In another way, a winter firebox. With this gas, they warm up the scorching chamber and only after that go to the pipe.

The offensive mode is a firebox for an hour of baking. The fire that burns in the fire chamber warms up the cooking chamber. With this, the door of the shutter of the cooking chamber is to be closed. After that, as the fire will be heated, and the cooking chamber will warm up, you can bake bread and cook food in it.

Pekti can be heated like a typical Russian food, with open doors of the cooking chamber. When you put it on the hearth of the cooking chamber, and open the doors of the chamber. As the main dim draft is closed, and the ventilation is blown, smoke through the open doors of the cooking chamber goes into the pipe. Just open the main draft and close the ventilation draft, until the moment we leave the room, warm up and bottom of the stove.

Pects can be expanded in the base 1020x1270 mm. Height її become 2 m-10 cm.

The heat output is not less than 5000 W with a dvorazovіy toptsі. The area of ​​opaluval application is up to 40-45 m2.

If you would like to see more detailed information about the stove, look at the presentations here, the initial video.

Basic information about the oven report description dermal range is rebuying from the project.

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