Derzhavna, suspіlna that special value of enlightenment. Social and special significance of education Social and special significance of education presentation

One of the most important criteria for the level of civility of the suspense, show your culture and enlightenment, with which, in different periods of life, all those who live in the modern suspense are brought.

What is illumination? Vidpovly, to the law of the Federal Federal Administrative Offenses “About Obvyta”, there is a yak “tsayleses of the process of vyhovanni on the barkness of the people, sustaining, holding, and the storage of the re -asnication of the bunnes (hubbing) is the insertion of the possession of the possession of the ritual (supervision of the price).

Osvita is a social institution that is formed from impersonal institutions that include the management of that organization.

Enlightenment at the Suspіlstvі vikonuє impersonal functions. Before them, bring:

The transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and the expansion of culture;

Generation and preservation of the culture of suspenst;

Rozrobku and creation of new ideas and theories, vidkrittiv and winemaking;

Socialization of specialty, especially young people, and integration in the household;

Provision of professional orientation and professional selection of young people;

Creation of the minds of social mobility. The position of an individual in the service, the possibility for successful promotion by service gatherings is determined by the degree of well-being, rich in what is due to the prestige of the initial mortgage.

It is important to learn to play an important role in the assigned social status of specialness, in the development of the social structure of society, in the promotion of the social order and stability, in the development of social control over the processes of intellectual, moral, physical development young generation. And on the system of professional education, moreover, lies the function of controlling the generation of the generation that enters into an independent labor life, behind the various middle parts of the social structure of the welfare: social groups, versts, virobnichimi collectives.

Osvita is a social lift. Light, the order of the army and the sphere of labor stagnation, is one of the lifts of social mobility. Having gained knowledge of that high qualification, it is easier to build a career in modern life, lower: a) it was worth it in pre-industrial and industrial life, b) yakby people are not small.

Those who go to school early may have a lower social and economic status. Moreover, the main vіdsotok vіdsіvu posіdaє sіm'ї s low social and economic status. It is explained not only by a lack of pennies, wanting often the stink itself to become the main cause.

From a long time ago and until this day, the establishment of a social institution acts as the main mechanism of social testing, the selection and selection of individuals for social versions, groups.

Not blessed people you can’t take away the highly paid work, even if you don’t want to have some kind of social commitment. At illuminated that unilluminated nervous life chances, but you can correct the situation by improving your qualifications, it’s better to report zusil.

Zrozumіlo, you can always know the ways, relying on a job, de not get a university diploma. And yet there are few such places, before that it’s a trivial hour to change to such a social position is risky: what is the Chergov’s re-verification with attestation on the attack, what are the competitors to bypass, what is a gross mistake for your lack of writing. Suddenly knowing laziness is richer. Navit falsification of documents about education, buying a fake diploma to testify about the growth of education as a channel of vertical mobility.

Riven of enlightenment - riven of income. On the right, that the link between the two is different - equal enlightenment and equal income - is not so obvious, but in certain connections of wines it is problematic. A philologist or a doctor-therapist can have more information, even more than one of successful businessmen. Ale take away the stench of different incomes. Before that, turn the VNZ, it is necessary to find out about the market variability of future enlightenment. Won and count your chances of achieving a wealthy level of material well-being. The profession of an economist and a lawyer until recently in our country is the smallest one, and competitions for specialized universities have gradually increased. But at the same time, it has come to overpopulate the market with such fakes. Therefore, the price of engineering education is higher.

Sustainability with a stable and prosperous economy between equal enlightenment and expansion salary a harsh sound appears. For example, in the United States, practitioners who have completed less than secondary school, earn from the middle school two times less, lower their same years, as if they can earn a bachelor's degree, and may be less, lower doctors. Approximately the picture itself is the same in the lands of Europe. The skin of the tree in the hills is illuminated by gatherings of good wine, for the Suspіlstvo has taken root spiritually to sanctify everything as a social good, and as a greater spiritual value.

Yakіsna osvіta vigіdna yak for a sane person, ale and suspіlstva zagalom. Zavdyaki youmu іndivіd can spodіvati spodіvati zrobiti nasty career in business, in the political and cultural fields. The leaders of the system of enlightenment of the country are gaining highly qualified practitioners. And tse means increasing the productivity of practice, introducing new technologies, being at the forefront of social development.

Illuminate that education. Today, the system of illumination in the world is based on the fundamental understanding of the concept of “a person is illuminated” to the concept of “a person is trained” and on the basis of the process of illumination with the process of education. However, they are far from being the same.

Navchannya - the process of translating knowledge, learning, learning from the teacher to learning, which can clearly regulate the goal, the task of that stage of implementation.

Well, before enlightenment, it’s richer and more fundamentally understandable. The process of enlightenment, the formation of human specialness is constantly being carried out, stretching the life of a person in the course of an individual-special dialogue with the world of a special person of culture. With whom, situations are trapped, if a person needs to be specially trained, trained; there is no special training for the majestic kіlkostі vіpadkіv, and the process of learning everything is one thing. For example, if a person simply reads books, or mingles with intelligent people, otherwise she herself tries to create in the spiritual sphere.

It is also not easy to go to the right place and understand the concepts of “illumination” and “literacy”, which is why we change our minds.

What is such an illuminated person. Illuminated people may be forgiven by the feelings of conscience and that it is worthy to bear the responsibility for their own and their legacy, not only in front of themselves and their friends and relatives, but in front of a richly wide community, as if they call people zagal. A blessed person is a whole person, in a yakіy є moral cob. Even the specifics of the moral position of the one that cannot be acquired as if it were the best knowledge, it can be less afflicted.

Illuminated people - tse іndivіd іz broad humanitarian outlook on the world; good knowledge of the achievements of light culture; how to orient in history and straight lines; to encourage Rozmov to show his erudition in different nutrition, science and natural science profile. Vіn can be at once a deeply moral person, according to the criterion of morality, there are no mortgages in the very understanding of the enlightened person. Shvidshe, tse yakys' addition to the new one.

Homo edoctus (the person is illumined) - not only good information and understanding on the modern sciences of individuals. In addition, there is an independent way of thinking, a flexible and roaming device that allows you to joke and know non-standard solutions. If so, there are not those who are guilty of thought by the prepared algorithms of thought or schemes of knowledge, like a person illuminated, but about those who have their own unique handwriting.

Natomist lyudina is illumined - the head of the individual, which is Volodya with a wide palette of cultures, which allows him to enter into a productive dialogue with representatives of other cultures. Nasampered tsemova of artistic and poetic creativity. Such people belong to the color of the humanist intelligentsia. At that hour, as a person, you can be enlightened by a narrow fakhivtsy or become a practitioner in technical fields.

Competent and enlightened people. As a result of the development of the mixed system of middle and higher education, the Crimean other, є created, first, literate (on the basis of average education), in a different way, illuminated (on the basis of higher education) population.

It is no longer customary to speak about the melancholy of enlightenment in our century in the form of education. Few doubt yoga needs. Wanting all the world's different world to get to this fruit. The one who has mastered the basics of sciences, who excels in middle school, is called a literate person. And even before that, you’re educated on the modern science and literature, knowing the classic recession in the gallery of a humanist thought, then why not call you a blessed person. And to the one who reaches the knowledge not for the sake of cliques, but to carry out serious research, expanding our knowledge about the world, bringing the growth of new knowledge, without a doubt, respects it.

Navchannya gives qualifications, enlightenment - metaqualifications, so that the system of knowledge, which makes it easier to learn and acquire new knowledge. For example, farmers in the rozvinenye kraina may not only have a high qualification, as they were given permission to work on the farm that middle of the world. The stench may be a metaqualification, as it gives knowledge of the one to whom and if you turn for joy - to a lawyer, a veterinarian, a medical agent, a specialist in the University of Pathology Faculty of Russia, a wholesale postal worker, a meteorologist, a mechanic. Metaqualification, in such a rank, allows people to know the necessary information and acquire it, to know how to be known far beyond the borders of special information.

Basic terms and understanding

Education, education, nutrition and education


1. Describe the education as a social institution.

2. What is a social lift? What can be illuminated before it? Level yoga with the possibilities of other social lifts.

3. Expand the difference between the sense of the phrase: a person is enlightened, a person is trained, a person is enlightened, a person is literate. Why are there such different results of training?

4. What is a metaqualification? How many won? Why does it show up?


1. The paragraph has the main functions of enlightenment. Group them, knowing the criterion, which becomes the basis for the selection. What are the middle functions of one or two, which can be called central, system-creating? Round up your thought.

2. Model the arguments of the participants in the discussion, some of them would talk about the importance of the health of the average lighting by all the people, and others would go out of position: “Not all people need a temple of lighting. Tim more, not everyone wants to read. Also, why varto vitrachati koshti, the strength of that read all, do they read more zmushuvat?”

Zaporuka success people in to the current world- Otrimannya current illumination, enriching the necessary life with the support of knowledge, commendations, newcomers, and methods of activity. People today need to learn practically all their lives, mastering everything new and new, knowing new professional qualities. In order for you to be hired for a prestigious job, it is necessary for the mother not to be alone sanctuary, Or maybe two or three.

What to understand in the light of the light? The glossary of suspіlstvoznavchih termіnіv says: "illumination - the process is the result of acquiring systematized knowledge, reduce that navičok". Enlighten the transfer of generations to generations of spiritual wealth accumulated by people, knowledge about the nature of that spirituality, about the people. People learn to practice, to master new things.

How do people reach enlightenment? To take us in front for help from various illuminating mortgages, the head rank - from the school. Wanting to reach richly by the path of self-sufficiency to occupy - self-enlightenment, working for the search for information and understanding.

Zmіst osvіti zavzhdi vznachaєtsya vomogami and minds the development of suspіlstva. Such a bulky man is necessary for the country, such a quality in the new and it is necessary to form in the process of learning and vihovannia, like in a complex and є illuminating. That is why, in the skin of the country, that political illumination is being formed, as if it were based on the question: “Whom to read?”, “What to read?”, “How to read?”

But if it weren’t for politics, it’s important to remember that, if it were a transformation in the system of enlightenment, it’s not guilty that it will lead to a look of that positive that is in the enlightenment. The computer is not to blame for replacing the book like the theater, but for the desire for individuality, the appearance of special interests and the peculiarities of the skin schoolboy, it does not require understanding like povna vidmova vіd vzaєmodії y kolektivі, vіd pochutya camaraderie and svіrobіtnitstva.

What is the task of modern day illumination? What kind of person needs to be approved this year? Let's keep it short. Today, as a person, it’s necessary, first, be a good teacher in your profession, in a different way, constantly upgrade your knowledge, thirdly, but we are preparing to change the sphere of your activity, fourthly, mothers of the beginnings of successful people in mutual relations.

In our country, in our people, have a high authority of a literate, enlightened people. Vіdome rosіysk prislіv'ya, vmіschene vіshchene V.І. Dalia, it seems: “Learning is light, unlearned is dark.”

Vchitisya was respected by the brown and prestigious at all times. Even Prince Volodymyr Monomakh, at his “Povchannі dіtâm”, balked at the need for education, enrichment of bookish knowledge. About those high levels of literacy in the old Russian city, to witness the numerical knowledge of birch bark letters during the excavations of Pskov, Izborsk, Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod. At the XVI century. for Tsar Ivan the Terrible, it was done to create “schools of literacy” in the homes of clergymen, to recruit boys and read reading, writing, “numerical wisdom” (arithmetic) in them. In 1687, Moscow opened the first great initial mortgage - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, as M.V. Lomonosiv. The most important milestone in the development of Russian education became in 1755 the year of the recognition of Moscow University, the creator of which Lomonosov is rightfully considered to be.

The system of illumination, based on the principles of low learning, first began to take shape in Russia, for example, in the 18th century for Catherine the Great, the class-lesson system, that subject-based learning, itself appeared. The Empress respected that the school could take on a new generation of people, that the future hulks should be taken away from their families for 10-12 years, so that the fathers from the early childhood "could not take the child."

In the XIX century, the number of the most famous people is expanding initial mortgages- Crimea to Moscow University, most of the principal deposits are made in other great places - St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan, Odessa, Tomsk, lyceums, classical gymnasiums and real schools, private boarding schools are organized. At the same time, there is a great discussion about those who can be enlightened, for which the main respect should be given - theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, humanitarian disciplines and exact sciences, development of law-hearing people and the development of critical thought. Zreshtoy, the transition of the classic pidkhid - the most important thing was to recognize the development of old ideas and the foundations of science, and not practical newcomers. In the midst of this resistance, there was a super girl between "physicists" and "lyricists" in the SRSR, if it was so, what is more important for the development of humankind is the technical and humanitarian sciences.

However, at that hour of illumination, I was privileged to be the leading rank of the nobility. Sorry people, villagers, workers, the native boule is illiterate, in times, it was possible for them to study church paraffial schools, busy with a literate dyak. For example, according to one of the authors, a teacher, who was born in 1898 in a child's rock, having started in a similar school. I oskіlki yogo homeland bіdna bіdna, the children had only felt boots on chotiroh, in the winter hour the children went to work to school on the blue. Only for the sake of radian hours did I manage to get a higher education, graduating from the Law Academy, having obtained the profession of a lawyer.

Among the main problems of pre-revolutionary Russia, thinkers called "non-illumination to the people and non-nationality of enlightenment." Close to 80% of the population of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century were left with non-literate. The first time after the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917, the fate began to work hard for the liquidation of non-literacy among the people. For workers and villagers, there was a way to open up the way as an average one, as well as a higher education. Ale, vyhіdtsі іz families of nobles, sluzhbovtsіv, navpaki, have spent the right to join universities.

radianska vlada urged to change the system of education formed in Russia - for the schoolchildren, the school lessons and the subject system were eliminated, grades were obtained, there were home tasks and tutors, and the atomism of the students was united in the group and solved the problem posed. For example, on the cob of the beginning of fate, the stench was engaged in the topic “Practice of the peasant”, and they picked up material from various knowledge bases - geography, biology, literature, history. Under the bag of kіlkoh tizhnіv robots buv zvіt groupi. The idea of ​​the bula is simple - viruyuyuchi put before them zavdannya, dopitlivy uchnі touch different sciences without violence, with the interest of themselves design clearings in the world. Indeed, it has called to the fall savage rіvnya illuminance - scientists wrote and praised with rude pardons, often a few scientists victorious over the group, others didn’t do anything, ideology supported the enlightenment. It is true that the communism was hanging in the first place, but it led to the fact that the graduates were absolutely unprepared to get the light of the day.

Therefore, in 30 years, all previous experiments were called “pedological problems in the system of the People’s Commissariat for Education” and it was decided to switch to the class-lesson system that had been overturned by the centuries. step by step form current system enlighten what is functioning in Russia until this day. Won is formed from a number of stages - preschool ( nursery garden), Pochatkov school, middle education, special education (professional, middle and high).

Zrobiv his contribution to the reformation of the enlightenment of N.S. Khrushchov, having done the work training at school and having taken it for granted, so that the graduates did a lot of work on the undergraduates, and then entered the higher primary mortgages. For L.I. Brezhnev was voiced about obov'yazkovu 10-th century lighting.

The current Russian state is also carrying out a reform of the lighting system. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, according to Article 43, guarantees the declaration of skin education, access to education and free of charge pre-school, basic education and secondary professional education in state-run municipal lighting institutions, on the basis of skin I can get a free job.

To all the people of the community Russian Federation guaranteed the possibility of health education independently of status, race, nationality, movie, travel, place of residence. With this, the main indoor lighting (grades 1-9) is obov'yazkovoy. The Constitution also has to say about different forms of illuminating institutions (they may have the right to establish and private schools, those schools with burying them in singing subjects, too) and the possibility of self-illumination (for which there are publicly accessible libraries, various groups of clubs).

The power of the state to enlightenment is reflected in the system of principles of the state's lighting policy. Nina in Russia voted on the following principles:

humanistic nature of education, priority sacred human values, the right of an individual to a free development;

· Unity of federal education with the right to freedom of education of national and regional cultures;

· global accessibility of lighting and adaptability of the lighting system to the needs of students;

· Svіtsky character of osvіti in state regulations;

· Freedom and pluralism in education;

· Democratic, sovereign-communal nature of management, self-sufficiency of illuminating institutions.

In Russia, enlightenment will be voted a priority direct development. Citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the opportunity to receive health independently in the form of status, race, nationality, movement, travel, place of residence, promotion to religion, reconciliation, belonging to community organizations (ob'єdnân, community), health camp camps, obvious convictions.

Держава гарантує громадянам загальнодоступність та безоплатність початкової загальної, основної загальної, середньої (повної) загальної освіти та початкової професійної освіти, а також на конкурсній основі безплатність середньої професійної, вищої професійної та післявузівської професійної освіти в державних та муніципальних освітніх закладах у межах державних освітніх стандартів, as if to sanctify this equal, the bulky man will get ahead.

In the state and municipal lighting institutions, the governing bodies of the lighting and the activity of the organizational structures political parties, suspіlno-political and religious movements and organizations (union) are not allowed.

The Russian Federation implements lighting programs, which are subdivided into:

1) загальноосвітні (основні та додаткові), які спрямовані на вирішення завдань формування загальної культури особистості, адаптації особистості до життя в суспільстві, на створення основи для усвідомленого вибору та освоєння професійних освітніх програм: дошкільної освіти, початкової загальної освіти, основної загальної освіти, середньої (again) global education

2) професійні (основні та додаткові), які спрямовані на вирішення завдань послідовного підвищення професійного та загальноосвітнього рівнів, підготовку спеціалістів відповідної кваліфікації: початкової професійної освіти, середньої професійної освіти, вищої професійної освіти, післявузівської професійної освіти.

With the improvement of the needs and possibilities of special lighting programs, they are mastered in the following forms: in the lighting mortgage - in the form of full-time, part-time (evening), part-time; in the form of family enlightenment, self-illumination, external education.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Lighting” rehabilitates the following types of lighting regulations in Russia:

1) preschool;

2) indoor lighting (pochatkovo hot lighting, main hot lighting, middle (new) hot lighting);

3) establish primary professional, secondary professional, higher professional and secondary professional education;

4) install supplementary education for grown-ups;

5) special (correction) for studies, trainings and revisions for the development;

6) install additional lighting;

7) establish for children - orphans and children, as they were left without pikluvannya batkiv (legal representatives);

8) install additional education for children;

9) otherwise establish how to create the lighting process.

As a social institution, it meets the needs of special needs and suspres- tivities in the knowledge base; є a system of installations, which can be material, communications; vykonuє vіdpovіdno to normative acts of the function of transferring social dosvіdu, inclusion of an individual in the various spheres of life of society, education to culture. The school carried the recognition of the supremacy of that power for its accessibility, the quality of enlightenment, and the recognition of modern scientific views

The Law of the Russian Federation "About enlightenment" is characterized as a purposeful directing of the process of development and education, orientations of the interests of a person, a society, a state.

First landmark- specialty. Vіn go іznannya іznannya people vishchoy tsіnіstyu, and the right to - one of the fundamental rights of specialty

osvita ozbroyuє a person with a system of knowledge, wisdom, necessary for successful activity in various spheres of life.

osvita to introduce the individual into the cultural life of the people, adding it to the main fruits of civilization. Vono is a necessary basis for understanding and reinvigorating political, economic, legal, and artistic culture.

osvita help an individual to more accurately orient himself in the folding minds of a modern butt, to show his hromadian position, to recognize the Batkivshchyna and become a patriot.

Other landmark- social, in the interests of the state and the state, they organically mutually cooperate with the specialties, moreover, the richness of the state is the people. The vcheni stverdzhuyut: the development of skin individuality, without any blemishes, adheres to the development of the suspense, in the narrowed sense the development of the development of the suspility is equivalent to the development of specialness. As suspenstvo creates special feasibility to develop, it’s possible, it’s inevitable to lead to the development of suspense by zagal.

In rich lands, it is accepted as the greatest value of the skin people, the worldly civilization. Turbine about lighting is considered a priority (if you don’t want to do it in real life). Only the basis of the full functioning of all spheres of life, also, and social stability.

osvita positively contributes to social processes, well-illumined people know better and more precisely abide by law, better protect possible conflicts, protect yourself and your close ones from unsafe shocks, realize important for yourself the advances of evolutionary development.

Great is the role of enlightening the functioning of the democratic society, the rule of law. Vono spriyaє vihovannu gromadyanskoi ї svіdomostі, podpomagaє people osvіdomleno come to the assessment of the main documents of different parties and signify their position to the current policy. osvita serve zmіtsnennyu national securitynews our country.

osvita spray environmental safety. About educated people raised their voices to the defense of nature, organized for the majestic fate of the young masses, who shoveled all the world, for the sake of environmental disasters.

In addition, the preparation of a scientific, engineering warehouse, which ensures the current level of the various spheres of chemistry, including combat equipment to serve the defense of the state.

Among the social institutions of the current welfare, she plays one of the most important roles.

osvita- one of the ways of becoming a special way of taming people's knowledge, on the other hand, will reduce the development of knowledge and creativity through a system of such social institutions, like a family, a school, acquire mass information.

meta light- promotion of an individual to the well-being of human civilization, relaying and preserving cultural surplus.

The main way of health enlightenment - trainingі self-illumination, then. like knowledge, vmіnnya and novice nabuvayutsya people independently, independently of the main skills.

Light functions

Socio-economic and political devices, cultural and historical national features determine the nature of the lighting system.

Lighting system in Russia
Sukupnіst osvіtnіh standards and programs
Lighting management
Merezha - lighting installation:
. Pre-school mortgages
. Central lighting schools(gymnasium)
. Vocational and technical education mortgages (lyceums, colleges)
. Install additional education for children (schoolhouses for schoolchildren, creativity for young people)
. Spiritual educational foundations (seminaries, spiritual academies, theological faculties, etc.)
. Universities, colleges, technical schools
. Establish the training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel
. Establish promotion of qualifications and retraining of personnel (institutes, faculties, centers, etc.)
A set of principles that determine the functioning of the lighting system:
. The humanistic nature of enlightenment
. Priority of sacred human values
. The right of an individual to a free development
. Unity of federal education with the right to freedom of education of national and regional cultures
. Global accessibility of lighting
. Adaptability of the lighting system to the needs of students
. The secular nature of enlightenment at the state institutions
. Freedom and pluralism in the world
. Democratic, sovereign-communal nature of governance and self-sufficiency of lighting institutions

Global trends in the development of education
trend Її daytime
Democratization of the lighting system In the rich lands, non-literacy has been eliminated, the masses have gained an average and higher education. Lighting has become accessible to a wide range of people, although they want to take care of certain types of initial mortgages
Growing Trivality of Light The modern society will require highly qualified fahivtsiv, who will continue the term of training
Uninterrupted illumination In the minds of the scientific and technological revolution, the practitioner is guilty of but the builders are up to speed on the new or the summative work, new technologies
Humanization of enlightenment Respect of the school, teachers to special education, yoga interests, drinking, individual characteristics
Humanitarianization of enlightenment Promoting the role of various disciplines in the educational process - such as economic theory, sociology, political science, the foundations of legal knowledge
Internationalization of the process of learning Creation of a single lighting system for different lands, integration of lighting systems
Computing the process of learning The selection of new modern technologies for training, telecommunications on a global scale

Features- tse specific person, yak may be individual psychological features.

Socialization of specialty- The development of a person in mutual intercourse with the necessary light.

Її components: development, development, training, special molding.

Also, the social and special significance of enlightenment in the fact that the most important intellectual socialization of specialness, the integration of individuals in the social group, in the succession of swearing.

In the informational sector, the role of that importance of uninterrupted enlightenment is growing.


    Suspіlstvoznavstvo: Grade 10: tutor for lighting installations: profile rіven / ed. L.M. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnovy - 5th species. - M., 2011. - S. 7 - 290.

Topic 1.2. Introduction to sociology

Primary meals

    Sociology as a science.

    The social structure of society.

    Economic institutions of welfare.

    Socialization of the individual.

    Sim'ya that shlyub as social institutes.

    Ethnic difference of the modern world.

    The role of law in the Suspіlstі. Legal culture.

    Motivation, which is revealed, form it and manifest it.

    The role of religion in the life of society.

    Social problems of modern Russia.

      Sociology as a science

The most important sociology is the science that develops suspenstvo as a form of social life of people.

Ale, suspіlstvo vvchayut that іnshі science.

Sociology- tse science about the sustainability as a whole system, about the regularities of its functioning and development.

The word "social" means the collection of large-scale vodnosin, tobto. vіdnosin people one to one that to suspіlstva.

Socially understand as a result of the spіlnoї zhittєdіyalnosti people, as manifested in їх splіkuvannі and social vаєmodії, suspіlnі vіdnosiny are formed in the course of which.

      The social structure of the household

Under the structure, there is a combination of mutually dependent elements, which will form the internal structure of the object.

Social structure- The totality of mutual social groups, statuses, roles, institutions and interpersonal relations.

The main elements of the social structure of the household

1. Social groups.

Social group- be it a marriage of people, seen for socially significant criteria (statute, century, nationality, profession, place of residence, income, power, enlightenment). Skin social group has social interests.

The young people play a special role in the life of society as a social group (16-30 years old).

Other social groups:

The people of the place that village;

marginal groups;

Socio-demographic groups (young people, women and people, older than a generation);

National communities (nations, nationalities, ethnic groups).

2. Social status- The first position in the social structure of the group or the suspension is tied to other positions through the system of rights and obov'yazkiv.

3. Social role- Behavioral model, oriented to given status (social roles in youth).

4. The social institution of the sensibilities is the totality of norms, rules of conduct in the social sphere of life of a person (political, economic, social, legal, institutions of sіm'ї, science, education, culture, religion and others.).

      Economic institutions of welfare

The economic sphere of welfare is the most important. Vaughn includes warfare, rozpodіl, exchange and saving of goods and services.

Economic institutes- tse norma that rules, behind which vzaєmodіyut and zdіysnyuyut ekonomіchnu іyalnіstіїї її participants.

Institutions lie before them:




financial and credit;

Sovereign regulation of the economy and in.

The development of the economy directly flows into the social structure of society, the quality and life of the population.

Economic activities create and material basis for the development of culture.

In its own right, rіven the development of culture is given a positive injection into the economy.

Economy and politics

    Politics is the concentrating viraz of the economy.

    Politics cannot but mother the first over the economy.

The sociology of practice in the Russian Federation is based on the system of social partnership, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

      Socialization of the individual

Socialization of specialty is the development of a person in mutuality with the world of greatness.

Її components: development, shaping, training, special molding.

Officials of socialization specialty


    Natural geographic.

    Social official.

Mechanisms of socialization of special

    Traditional- acquired human knowledge, and rules of conduct, looking, like a taman, of the nearest sharpened.

    institutional in the process of interaction between people and institutions of welfare.

    Stylizations dіє at the boundaries of the singing subculture, zokrema. youth subculture.

    International in the process of interaction between people and other people.

    reflexive interfering with the internal dialogue of a person.

An important role of socialization is the specialty of social control, which is based on the improvement of social values ​​and norms.

The process of socialization of particularity is based on a dual basis:

1) injecting the team and the clerk into the specialty;

2) self-realization of specialness, as a means of conveying self-confidence, self-recognition, self-determination, freedom, and freedom of specialness.

The process of socialization of specialty goes without interruption to the people of the people. With whom self-knowledge begins from self-knowledge, self-knowledge of oneself in the calling world.

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