Fighting sambo technique. Fig. 83 Bіchna pіdsіkannya іz zahoplennymi zvnі legs. Vazhel of a liquor suglob with a streak of a stribkom

, Fight

The word "sambo" viniklo as an abbreviation for "self-defense without armor" (sam-b-o). Vono means a kind of single combat and a single system of self-defense, which was broken up for hours to the Radian Union. Look like a synthesis of many types of national martial arts - zokrema, judo and Georgian wrestling. Combat sambo is a different type of wrestling in clothes.

History of combat sambo

Officially, the date of vindication of combat sambo is 1938– on the same autumn of 16 leaf fall, there was a decree number 633, which stood for the development of wrestling in a free style (this is how small sambo called the first of its foundations). Because of this, sections began to be opened in the country at the local, regional, regional, republican committees for the nutrition of physical culture and sports. The type of martial arts took its actual name after 9 years - 1947.

However, before the singing hour, it was necessary to prepare for training in combat sambo, the shards were broken up for the training of representatives of law enforcement organizations. For civilians, it was under the fence and it was classified. And in an hour, such an exchange was taken and sambo was distributed at the battlefield and sports ground. For yoga training, regular training and training were carried out, systematic training, and it went up to the wild calendar of sports training.

Beginning in 1972, international sports events began to be organized in sambo. They began to hobble over 70 countries of the world. Z 1981 sambo recognized Olympic sports Even though it was so, it was not included in the program of promotion for the annual Olympiad. Even so, regardless of the IOC's knowledge, this sport is gaining popularity and sambisti step by step from judo athletes. That's the fault - inconsistency status.

In 1994, the first Combat Sambo Championship of the Russian Federation was organized in the capital of Russia, de on the vіdmіnu іnshih militant mystekstv, vdannym whether any duel was put like a demonstration pain medications and kidkovih tekhnіk, and y effektivnіst dіy, scho zastosovyutsya for zabіgannya physical aggression.

2003 combat sambo celebrated its 80th anniversary from the moment of vindication, and in 2006 for given species sport was founded the Cup of the President of the Russian Federation. The number of tournaments will be held based on the award of a copy of the Cup.

Combat sambo technique

Combat sambo is a mixed sport, which allows you to use the arsenal of techniques from other martial arts, Especially directing to self-defense, oskіlki vіn spochatku emphasis on nіy. For example, in sambo, such wrestling techniques are acceptable, such as:

  • hit, that they kick with their feet and with their hands (characteristic of shock martial arts);
  • suffocating infusion for the rahunok, for the parts of the body and the elements of clothing (remaining typical for judo wrestling);
  • classical throws from buried bodies (characteristic of classic and free wrestling);
  • Bolovy vplive on suglobita and zvyazki (typical for judo and sambo);
  • throws / mornings from burying for clothes (also typical for judo and sambo).

Krim tsgogo є th іnshi tekhnіki fight. Lack of Persches, at least turning on the Bagato Elementiv Zahist: vid shock with a paletical palette - with the pydstavka pereplichchi, the seductors of the stake - zbrih, the traffic jams, the zipper hands / nig, for sounding in the form of suffocation - with rivkami in strict tasks on a straight line, with a vice on the pain and infusion on the wrist and fingers of the priming hands.

In addition, in combat sambo, the number of approaches is low, directing to unique attacks after the defense technique has been carried out. At to this particular type skovuyuchi zakhoplennya, zasnovanі on pereginannі and turns of suglobіv. By themselves, the stench is painless, a prote for the active support of the enemy is delivered to him with little pain through some sharp breaks.

Like a fighting technique in sambo, one often gets stuck like this

  • in the face of a blow with a cold armor at the back;
  • in front of the shoulders in the face of a cold strike on the side;
  • in front of the shoulders in the face of a cold strike from below;
  • in the form of cold strikes;
  • like hitting with a fist;
  • zvilnennya in the throat;
  • in the occlusion of the zone of the wrist with zginannyam at the lіktі;
  • in other types of occlusion of the wrist.

Combat Sambo Rules

Combat sambo passed the sambo trophy for the categories of sambo wrestlers:

  1. veterans - 60 years old and older, 55/59, 50/54, 45/49, 40/44 and 35/39 years old;
  2. grown up - 19 and more;
  3. juniors - 19/20 years old;
  4. senior age group - 17/18 years;
  5. middle age group - 15/16 years;
  6. young age group - 13/14 years old;
  7. podlitki - 11/12 years.

It is allowed to vikoristovuvat more pain, take, utrimannya throws by the legs and arms. Kidki are allowed to be carried out for the help of a coat, without that hand. At the moment of mating, the athlete presses the opponent, be it some part of the coat, that holds him in this position for 20 s. If the superman’s thrower wins on his back, and the sambo wrestler loses a big trick at the station and wins, then you can win over the top for 12 points.

Krim tsgogo, in combat sambo bali fight for: 20-second morning of the opponent, for a throw on the back without a fall, for a throw on the back of the attacker's fall - 4 points; for a 10-second morning, for a throw of a superman on the pelvis, life, shoulder, chest without a fall, for a throw from the fall of an attacker - 2 points; for a throw on the pelvis, life, shoulder and chest with one-hour falls - 1 point.

A painful technique in combat sambo is called technical action when wrestling in a lying position, that zmushuє the enemy is given away. Tse single combat allows for the holding of attacks, vuzlіv and vazhelіv on the feet and hands of the superman. The skin essence of sambo wrestlers is three times more than 3-5 min.

Today's rules of combat sambo convey to the skin participant the presence of a tight bandage in the inguinal / chest zones (deposit in the state): the shell is non-metallic or swimming trunks - for men, that swimsuit of a closed type, a bra - for women. So are actual wrestlers, short shorts, belts and special jackets of blue and red tone. Remain worn from the fabric of the bavovnya with the sleeves, which reach the hands and the width is not less than 10 centimeters. Jackets middle age- 15 cm below the line of the belt.

In order to correctly understand and master the technique of fighting sambo, it is necessary to take a closer look at the sports essence of the two sambo wrestlers, in which technique you know your specific technique.

Sutichka is worn in special jackets with a mother's belt. For the belt and whether or not a part of the jacket is wider for a new one, it is allowed to be buried.

You can shove the hands and feet of the opponent and the children with their feet against the yoga nig, the hands and the coat.

Before the cob of the battle, the sambists melt on the diagonally protruding kilims. At the whistle of the court, the wrestlers go to the middle of the kilim and exchange hand-waving. After that, having passed two steps forward, the stench roamed the turn halfway across the left shoulder, melted one to one with the faces and repaired the essence.

The meta of the essence is a pure win, it is awarded for throwing the opponent on the entire back, when the one who threw it is left on her feet, otherwise for the titles of “painful reception”, as a result of the zatosuvannya of which the enemy gives a signal about the problem.

If it’s impossible to get a clean win, then I’ll play for points, as if they are given for a kidkiv that morning.

At tsimu vipadku through 6 min. for beginners and 10 min. for razryadniks, glasses are rebuilt and stunned.

Read about the assessment of different gifts and mornings at the "Kidki" retailer.

As if for an hour, the essence of one of the sambo wrestlers spent three receptions, which are judged behind the eyepiece, for understanding that the opponent did not pass the right reception, the essence is attached to the sambist, which, having scored 3 points, is deafened by a victory with a clear advantage.

If sambists are to be carried out according to the call and for example, the essence will appear, if one of them scores 4 points more, the opponent is also awarded a victory with an obvious advantage.

Victory for points is awarded to the sambo wrestler, who scored 1 point (up to 4) more, lower than his opponent.

A victory with a small advantage is awarded to a sambo wrestler, which may have an advantage over the opponent less than 1 point. Under the hour of wrestling, sambist may have the right to move on their backs, like for deaky kidkivs, and for exiting from twisted positions when wrestling lying down.

Under the hour of struggle, it is defended: throw the opponent on the head or throw, falling on the opponent with the whole body; be as suffocating as suffocating; give blows; twist the neck, squeeze the head with your feet and press it down to the kilim; torkatisya individuals of the enemy; push on a part of the body with a light or a collin; robiti zakhoplennya for the hands or for the fingers on the hands and feet; carry out pain during standing wrestling; robiti fold your hands behind your back; carry out pain with the help of rivkas.

After the end of the battle of sambist, leathers melt on that kulim kulim, from such a stench they started the fight. If the result of the stench is announced, go to the middle of the kilim, squeeze one hand to one and go.


If during the wrestling sambists kilims are pushed with less than their feet, there is a standing wrestling.

However, for the sake of carrying out the kidkiv samboist, you can, with a start, put on your knees, fall on your back or wind it on your entire back.

Watching for the kilim or vishtovhuvannya of the enemy beyond the yogo boundary, and also go to the position of fighting lying down without carrying out the reception and training in honest wrestling and setting up such a person who is worthy of such maneuvers, have more vigilant minds with a hundred comrades. Therefore, when wrestling with standing skin, the sambo wrestler is guilty of trimming the area of ​​the kilim and not pushing yoga to the cob with nothing, except for his feet.

Standing up to the fight, one can see: the main throws and their options, combinations of kickkiv, defense against kidkiv and acceptance of the attack against kidkiv.


The stand of the sambista can be strong, crumbling and at once handy for the attack and the attack. The most important thing in the position of the maє is the correct setting of this position of the toulub. The position of that permutation of the nig is safe for the most important mind in the fight - steadiness and safety of maneuvering along the kilim.

The size of the area of ​​support to lie down is determined by the individual characteristics of the wrestler and we will change his life.

As a basis for walking between your feet, take the width of your shoulders. Fallen from the growth of the qiu vіdstan you can troch zbіlshuvati between 2 1/2 -3 feet of the plant.

The feet of the sambist are above the square support, and the sprat is on the floor. That is why the role of the station directly plays the middle line of the support area. How to spread the legs of only a fringe (small 24, 1 ), then such a stance will be stance at the side straight lines and unstable at the front-rear straight line. It is better to place the feet diagonally (Fig. 24, 2 ).

Figure 24

The best position of the feet will be parallel and open straight legs, standing behind, approximately at a 35-45° angle (Fig. 24, 3 ).

Legs can be straightened in knees and not strained. A stance can be "right", as if in front there is a right leg, and "leva", as if in front of a left leg. The sambist is guilty of fighting both from the position of the right, and from the left position.

The toelub should be trimmed straight, to the fact that with a heeled forward toulub, it becomes difficult to overcome the process of fighting: the stench must be in the distance in the face of the opponent. In addition, with a shaved coat, it is more important to take care of your jealousy.

With the correct position, the projection to the center of the vag of the body is guilty of being located in the center of the area of ​​​​the support, the troch is closer to the foot, to stand behind, so the leg, to stand in front, as it is most often attacked, could be more rumpled.

Obviously, in the course of wrestling, one often has to bend one's legs, put on one line (frontal stance) and heal the toelub, and then invariably turn to the right or left stance - the position is handy, like for a defense, so for an attack (Fig. 25).

Fig. 25 The most widened sambo stance (main stance)

Deyakі sambosti impurely lead the so-called low stіykoy, but it’s not guilty of buti trivaloy and її next vikoristovuvat only like a natural transition to deakie pryomіv abo zahistu against singing diy adversary.

When fighting, standing between two wrestlers is called a distance.

The distance is more importantly assigned to the hoarders.

There are five distances in sambo wrestling.

1. The distance of the posture to suffocate - with such a sambist, they do not stick around one by one and hang out a good moment for an attack, shifting over the kilim and roaming the mighty ruhi to deceive with their hands without suffocating the enemy (Fig. 26, 1 ).

2. The distance is far - with some kind of sambist, they sing one by one by the sleeves with one or both hands (Fig. 26, 2 ).

3. The middle distance - with some kind of sambo, they sing one by one for the robe on the front part of the toulub or with one hand for the sleeve, and the other for the robe on the front part of the toulub (small 26, 3 ).

4. Close distance. The wrestlers sing with one hand on the sleeve, and with the other on the clothes on the back, or on the leg (mal. 26, 4 ).

5. Distance close. Wrestlers stomp one by one, squeezing one to one with their sheepskin coat.

Fig.26 Distance

The struggle for a handful of hoarding at once is a struggle for a distance. Rarely both wrestlers are satisfied with the distance itself.

Uminnya reach bagannogo zahoplennya and vikoristovuvat yogo for carrying out the reception to become even more important part of the struggle standing up.

Burials are subdivided on the basis of the main ones. Sambist, like a zoom, to take the enemy first, to carry out the main slaughter. Zapіznіly zahopit first pristosovuє your zahoplennya to the minds, represented by the enemy, - tse i will be zahoplennya at vіdpovіd.

And yet, as a sambo player, the distance is not propagated by the government, because the enemy is buried, you are vivayasya from the burrowing, and, with your own blackness, proponing your own burrowing.

Like a sambo wrestler, approaching the enemy, aiming to reach the farthest middle distance, keeping his hands upright. If the sambo wrestler is straight to the nearest distance, and the distance is close, then, approaching, keep your hands clenched.

The main grips during wrestling are standing. When wrestling standing up, the following main entanglement occurs:

1. Chopping over licks: burying the robe under the opponent's various faces (Fig. 27, 1 ).

2. Zakhoplennya sleeves of the beast: burying the robe on the shoulder parts of the lower arms of the opponent to the beast (Fig. 27, 1 ).

3. Buried under the collarbone. With one hand, a robe under the hood, with another - a robe over the same collarbone (Fig. 27, 2 ).

4. Get through it. With one hand, the robe under the cloak, the other - the robe under the enemy's groin (Fig. 27, 3 ).

5. Burrowed on the chest. Buried with one hand the robe under the lungs, with the other - on the breasts (mal. 27, 4 ).

6. Whacked upside down. Closing clothes on the chests behind the same gate (the hand, with the same zі stegnom, as if it will turn, or with the foot, as we carry out the grab, it is the responsibility of the lower hand for the other) (Fig. 27, 5 ).

7. Zakhoplennya belts in front. With one hand, the robe under the elbow, the other belt of the opponent in front (mal. 27, 6 ).

8. Zakhoplennya belt z-pіd hands. With one hand, the robe under the elbow, other than the belt on the back of the opponent, with one hand of the opposite hand (mal. 27, 7 ).

9. Zakhoplennya belt through the hand. Cuffing the robe with the hand under the elbow, and the other one - gird the opponent on the back through the other hand (mal. 27, 7 ).

10. Zakhoplennya belt over the shoulder. With one hand, the robe under the hood, and with the other - the belt on the back through one shoulder (mal. 27, 8 ).

11. Crushing feet call. Buried with one hand the clothes under the hood, and with the other - the different legs are called for the podkolinny zgin.

12. Zhoplennya legs in the middle. Buried with one hand the robe under the elbow, with the other - the same leg in the middle for the podkolinny sgin.

Fig. 27 Burrowing during standing wrestling

You can add to the overburdening of the burrowing, whether it is a burrowing, which is in accordance with the rules of sambo wrestling and handy for something else.

Burrowed at the vіdpovіd when wrestling standing up. The most common types of grabs from wrestling while standing:

1. If you need to wear a cloaked robe with your elbows, you can put a cloaked robe on your shoulders.

2. In case of a cloaked robe on the shoulders, you can put a cloaked robe under the elbows.

3. In the event of a cloaked robe over the collarbone, you can carry out a cloaked robe under the same groin.

4. At the point of burying different groin, you can carry out the burying of one hand. For whom it is necessary to squeeze the wrist of the enemy with groin, and with both hands, grab clothes on the shoulder part of that hand (Fig. 27, 9 ).

5. In case of a cloaked garment on the breasts, it is possible to carry out a cloaked garment under the elbows.

6. At the front of the belt on the front, you can hold the back of the arm under the shoulder, so that you can grab the opponent’s wrist in the middle on the hand, which trims your belt. In addition, bringing the elbow in the middle, you need to choke it with your hand under the paw of the same hand of the opponent (Mal. 27, 10 ).

7. At the point of burying the belt with the hands, you can carry out the burying of the head; for whom, with one hand, hold the cloaked garment under the elbow, and with the other, bury the head of the opponent with the liktov’s chin, and with the penzle of the same hand, one-way pakhva from the side of the back (mal. 27, 11 ).

8. At the choke of the belt with the z-p_d of the hand, carry out the chuck of the clothes on the breasts of the z-p_d of the hand (Fig. 27, 13 ).

9. At the sight of the hobbled belt of the z-pod of the hand, you can grab the arm of the opponent, get close to him and shove his tulub with one hand, shove the leg with the other.

10. In the case of clavicle occlusion, it is possible to carry out the occlusion of the head with the arm. For this z-pіd of the opponent’s hand, rob yoga shyu (mal. 27, 12 ).

Passing the sambo over the kilim. If there hadn’t been a sambist’s stance, but if you had to stand on the same place, then be there a postal worker of your body, I’d threaten you with a second equal.

For the recognition of jealousy, it is necessary to change hands at the bіk postovkhіv and rivkіv of the opponent. When you change your shoes, it is necessary to protect yourself, that, roblyachi kozhen krok, sambo wrestlers seem to be on the same nose and at the same time the camp is not enough. In addition, sambo wrestlers appear in an unsteady position when they are crossed. It dawned on him that great value when wrestling, you can stand up correctly and change your shoes as importantly as you learn the basics and practically master them.

As a rule, for shifting, you need to work your hips with your foot, so that you stand closer to the point of shifting, and then step with your other foot for the sake of saving a great step between your feet. For example, the attacker should stand at the position of the right stance and you need to push forward. For this step it is necessary to work forward with the right foot and step forward with the left foot.

Peresuvayuchis, the need to make a yakomoga stand less on one leg and in the position wider for the head. For whom it is necessary to change oneself not only correctly, but also quickly.

Peresuvayuchis, not a trace of work after a sprinkling of the same ruins: the enemy can remember that victory in his interests.

Slid zavzhd unikati aimless transfers. It’s necessary to constantly try to occupy the enemy’s camp for a hundred times, seeing what was planned for the reception.

If the enemy wants to attack, or attack your right leg with your foot, if you stand in front, then, changing the right stance to the lion, you will allow him the opportunity to carry out the intention to take.


The essence of sambo wrestlers has such moments, if for the sake of that rank of kid you have a more pleasant mind.

Although there were some short moments, they can be seen to speed up.

Such moments are most often heard when the enemy:

1. vodvolikaє chimos, scho not to lie down to fight on the kilim;

2. rest at the unstable station:

a) heel forward and do a vice on the sambo wrestler;

b) to carry the weight of the body back and pull on oneself;

c) carry the vaga tila on one leg;

d) crossing legs;

e) stribaє near the partner;

f) after the throw is lifted from the kilim, not allowing it to be swept up on the partner.

For the selection of listings and rich other pleasant moments, it is necessary to develop the quickness of the reaction, as well as to develop the ability to master such a skin type of priyomi.

As soon as the enemy starts fighting for an hour, then ignorantly carry out an attack with a kid, which is good training and directly supports the enemy’s susilla.

So, for example, as if the enemy is hurting forward and fixing a vice on the sambist (Fig. 28, a); throwing through the stegno (div. fig. 107); tossing the hands under the shoulder (div. fig. 112); throwing hands on the shoulder (div. Fig. 114); throw over the shoulders (Fig. 118).

As an opponent of the pull of the sambo wrestling (Fig. 28, b), then, sharply and strongly shoving the opponent at a straight line of yogo traction and troch down, next to carry out one of the offensive kicks: a back kick (div. Fig. 60); grasp (div. fig. 99); pіdbivshi (div. fig. 102); start in the middle (div. Fig. 71); throwing two nigs to the bunkers (div. fig. 48).

Fig. 28 The enemy pushes (a) and pulls on himself (b)

If the enemy is to transfer the heaviness of his body to his foot, if he stands in front, then the first thing to do is to give respect - his leg is straight or bent. It’s like it’s bent (div. Fig. 29, a), next zahopit її hands; wrap around (div. Fig. 79); grasp (Fig. 99); pіdbivshi (div. Fig. 102). Well, it’s straight out (Fig. 29, b); planting a gomilka (div. fig. 91); pіdhoplennya (div. fig. 105).

Fig. 29 Opponent to transfer the heaviness of the body to the leg, to stand in front, bending її (a) and trimming straight (b)

If the enemy is to transfer the weight of the body to the leg, set back (Fig. 30), then carry out a kick (div. Fig. 81) of the leg set forward.

Fig. 30 Opponent to transfer the weight of the body on the leg, placed back

If the enemy crosses his legs (Fig. 31), then he will carry out a better fight (div. Fig. 81); podvіyny pіdbivshi (div. fig. 103); back podnizhka (div. Fig. 60); bіchnu pіdnіzhka (div. fig. 70).

Fig. 31 The enemy crosses his legs

As an opponent of the striba, then, pіdsadzhuyuchi yogo pіd hour stribka zusillyam their hands uphill and by the same zbіlshyuchi yogo stribok, it is required to conduct a bіchne pіdsіkannya, front pіdsіkannya (div. small. 84) or front pіdsіkannya in the knee (div. fig. 86).

Like an opponent, rising from the knee, spiraling on the sambist (Fig. 32, a), then, helping the enemy to stand up with the susils of his hands, hold a whip on that leg, put the foot on the kilim like a wine (Mal. 32, bі in).

Fig. 32 The opponent, standing up from the knee, spirals on the sambo wrestler. Sambist to hold a parade

An advanced adversary rarely becomes himself at the risk for a new camp. Therefore, in essence, it is necessary to take it piece by piece, if you want to create such a camp, if you want to carry out the thoughts of kidok.

Otherwise, it seems that you need to prepare your opponent before the throw.

One and the same preparation can be a miraculous cob for rich kids. Let's consider the most wide-ranging methods of preparation, if there is a sensibility to succumb to the order of the day of the kidnappings, so that we can stop them at the conducted various kidnappings and with the occasional hoardings.

Beating one leg. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand, take clothes under the right hand, and with your right hand, under the left groin of the opponent. At that moment, if, when moving forward or right-forward, the opponent is placed on the right foot, simultaneously with a small crock of the left foot, back a strong rush with the left hand down and on oneself to the left, and with the right hand - on oneself-to the left and uphill. Rivok is guilty of buti crushing the straight line between the left and right feet of the enemy, moreover, the right shoulder of the yogo is guilty of straightening under the kutom 45 ° down, and the leve under the same kutom uphill (Fig. 33).

For good preparation, carry out the front apron (Fig. 66); anterior pidsikannya (div. Fig. 84); pіdhoplennya (div. fig. 105) and a lot of other kidkіv.

Fig. 33 Beating one leg (with different grips)

Zbivannya on shkarpetki. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand, grab the robes under the right elbow, and with your right hand, by the belt on the back of the left hand of the opponent, with both hands robit at the straight line of the opponent’s scarves and uphill. In order to make a straight line more precisely, it is necessary to think to draw a line between the feet of the enemy and from the middle of them at the back of the scribbles draw a perpendicular (Fig. 34).

In order to prepare for the good, conduct: anterior pidsikannya in the knee (div. Fig. 86); throwing hands on the shoulder (div. Fig. 114); tossing the hands under the shoulder (div. fig. 112) and a lot of other tricks.

Fig. 34 Beating on scarpets (with different grips)

Zbivannya to hell. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zhopit the sleeves of the opponent and build a short, al-energetic post-office with both hands at the straight heel of the five legs of the opponent, to stand at the new rear (small 35, 1 ).

With a particularly distant beating on the heel in front, the opponent's leg, while standing, is lightly cremated in front of the kilim.

For the sake of good preparation, carry out a scourge and choke the enemy’s leg.

Fig. 35 Beating on the heel (1) that beating on the five (2)

Zbivannya on five. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zahopіt sleeves of the opponent. Ideas to draw a line between the feet of the opponent and in the middle of the line to establish a perpendicular. With a short, energetic push with both hands, look at yourself and down at the straight line of this perpendicular, confuse the enemy to move the leg of your body to five. With a particularly distant beating on the heels, the enemy’s socks are lightly lifted from the kilim (Fig. 35, 2 ). With good preparation, carry out the back step, pick it up, pick it up in the middle.

Sitting on one leg. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zahopit robes under the rule of the enemy with the left hand. At that moment, if the enemy is standing on the right foot, put the front of your right hand to the beast on the right leg of the beast and use your whole body to crush the enemy to transfer the yoga shoulder to the right foot, like a fault in the absence of a troch sign in the knee (mal. 36, 1 ). In order to prepare for the good, carry out: the back apron (div. fig. 60); chopping with the left hand of the right leg of the enemy is called for the bellows, and with the help of burying the hind leg from the burrowed legs of the bell (div. fig. 64) and grabbing from the burrowed legs of the bell (div. fig. 100).

Fig. 36 Sitting on one leg (1) and on two legs (2)

Sitting on hurt legs. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Buy clothes under the licks. At that moment, if the opponent is standing on the right leg, it’s quick to make a strong revok of the obom with his hands down and back. At the rivers, it is necessary to put the weight of your body and not only crush the enemy, to transfer the heaviness of the body to five, but even if you want to bend the knee (mal. 36, 2 ).

In order to prepare for the good, carry out: a throw to the buried two feet (div. Fig. 48); podvіyny pіdbivshi (div. fig. 103); podvіyny podbivshi podvіd one leg (div. fig. 104) and іnshі take.

The death of the enemy by the slaughter of pakhvi. Offending sambo in the right position. With your left hand, choke the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with your right hand, choke through the yogo on the right shoulder to the right pakhva from the side of the back. With your left hand, pull to the left, and with your right hand, pull a strong pull down and right-handed, hurting the enemy right-handed in front of you (Fig. 37).

In order to prepare well, carry out: a throw over the head from the grip of the head under the shoulder (div. Fig. 98); throwing over the head from the entangled belt on the back (div. fig. 98); coup іz zahoplenyami belt front and back (div. Fig. 56) and іnshі priyomi.

Fig. 37 Pakhvi

Mortgage. Tsya preparation can be vikonan during different seizures (Fig. 38, 1, 2, a 1 , a 2 ). Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zahopit clothes on the shoulders of the opponent. With your left hand, pull at the back of your right foot, so that you can move it at the vag of the body. Right hand pull the left part of the enemy’s body uphill and with a roar “bring” the enemy so that the veins of turmoil will break with the left foot the great arcuate crook forward-to-left (mal. 38, 1 ).

To conduct good preparation for good: start in the middle (div. Fig. 72); pіdsіkannya zmid (div. fig. 89); all throws from the suffocated feet are called and others take.

Fig. 38 Mortgage (with different captures)

Pledge to bury my hands with liktov's death. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand grab the clothes on the right front of the enemy and pull to the left, transferring the weight of your body to your right leg. With the elbow of the right hand, go around the lower right shoulder of the opponent of the yakomog closer to the pakhvi. Zusillam of the tuluba and the right hand uphill and the right hand to bring the enemy to the right (Fig. 38, 2 ).

In order to prepare for the good, carry out: a throw to the cuffed hands on the shoulder (div. Fig. 114); planting a gomіlka (div. fig. 91); front bottom (div. Fig. 66) and other priyomi.

Turning the toelub to the cross. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zahopit clothes on the shoulders of the opponent. At that moment, if the opponent is standing on the right leg, with your left hand, pull Yogo down by the sleeve and troch to the left, musing Yogo to transfer the entire support to the right leg. At once, with your right hand, pull the robe of the ugor, kill your back to turn your toelub, and cross the enemy’s left leg behind him with your right foot (Fig. 39).

In order to prepare for the good, carry out: the back apron (div. fig. 60); bichne pidsikannya (div. fig. 81); podvіyny pіdbivshi (div. fig. 103) and іnshі priyomi.

Fig. 39 Turning the tulub to the crossing nig

Opponent turn. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand, grab the calls to the right wrist of the enemy, and with your right hand, the shoulder part of your hands below. With both hands, make a strong roar on yourself and to the right, zmushyuyuchi the enemy turn your back to you With your right hand, try to move the right shoulder of the enemy more to the right and uphill. Raise the energy rivok with your left hand, forbid it, so that you bury it, the necessary construction of the conceived throw (Fig. 40).

In order to prepare for the good, carry out: the back apron (div. fig. 60); pіdbivshi (div. fig. 102); back flip (div. Fig. 59) and other tricks.

Fig.40 Rotation of the opponent

Rotate the opponent's hand. Offended at the right side. With your left hand, shove the robe on the right sleeve of the opponent, and with your right penzle, slander and sing the bells of your left wrist so that your great and impressive fingers are closer to your hand.

Turning the left hand of the opponent in the middle, lower the clasped wrist down and right-handed (Fig. 41).

For good preparation, carry out the throw over the shoulders (div. Ryas. 118); throwing through the stegno (div. Ryas. 107); pіdhoplennya (div. fig. 105); throws from zakhoplennyam legs call and іnshі accept.

Fig. 41 Rotation of the opponent's hand

Lifting the enemy. It is easier to lift the enemy, the lower it will be crushed and the shorter the distance at the time of the launch. It is necessary to lift the opponent of the sambo wrestler in such a way as not to give him the opportunity to kick the attacker with his feet. In order to prepare for the good, they carried out coups, following them with flails, pidgardens and pickups.

Viklik showing the opponent's legs. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With the left hand, choke up clothes under the right hand; With your right hand, try to grab the enemy’s left leg. At that moment, if the enemy, having safely secured the leg, put it back, the leg of the yoga body will appear transferred to the right leg (Fig. 42, 2 ).

In order to prepare the right leg of the enemy to attack well: with the back foot (div. Fig. 60) and cry with the left hand for the podkolinny zgin. In addition, you can carry out a throw over your shoulders (Fig. 118) and other tricks.

Fig. 42 Viklik showing the opponent's legs (with different goals)

Combination of preparations to kidkiv. The preparations can be used to deceive the enemy’s alertness and replace the throw, attacking for the first preparation, to prepare a friend, as if disorienting the enemy, and to create a camp, more convenient for carrying out the throw, conceived by the sambo wrestler.

Combinations from preparations to kidkivs can be folded even richer. Axis, for example, actions from them:

1. turn the toulub to the cross, nіg vіd mortgage;

2. turn the toulub to cross the nig in the beating of one leg;

3. pledge for beating one leg;

4. slaying the enemy by suffocating pakhvi by beating one leg;

5. rotation of the opponent in response to the introduction of the opponent's legs.

Trival preparations for kidkiv. These preparations are directed at those who, for the help of trivaly pleas on the enemy, will try to get at the yoga station of quiet changes, as if to accept the victorious throw, conceived by the sambo wrestler. From the most coexisting trivalent trainings, you can, for example, bring:

1. to kick the enemy out of the choke of the belt z-p_d of the hand - repeatedly try to choke the enemy’s head, call out straightening the stance;

2. how to kick out of the head of the enemy and the belt over the shoulder - repeatedly try to choke the opponent’s legs, call out the front of the enemy and hit the top of the coat forward;

3. shodo kidkіv u bіk sеmе - vikoristannya without interruptions rivkіv i draught vіn, call out through the opposition of the enemy yogo draught;

4. when throwing the enemy forward - closing the vice on the enemy and without interruption, pressing yoga, which calls out against the opponent like a vice on the preparation of the throw;

5. how to throw a kill - vikoristannya without interruption rivkiv and traction kill, along the planned throw (vicorist protidiya of the enemy), which circles the enemy. at the beck of a passed-out kid (wonder of inertia, which is established).


Kidki are called priyomi, for such an enemy, from the camp occupied by him, fight standing up to transfer to the camp lying down. This shift is due to buti zdіysneniya not by smooth lowering of the enemy on the kilim, but by pushing him to the ground, but for the help of such a move, as if he will secure the watering of the enemy at the edge of that clear fall of his body. A sambo wrestler, who is to conduct a throw, may lose his feet, or, having begun to take it, push the kilim, be some part of his body.

So, as the position lying on the back is weak and, later, it is visible for the attacker with pain tricks and mornings, then the method of skin throwing is to throw the enemy down on the entire back, moreover, throwing a wave of vigor over the enemy.

But not all throws that are carried out reach the target. Deyakі come out incomprehensibly through the opponent's opir, deyakі - through not far away they throw themselves. In addition, the position, in which it is abandoned, is also different in the fallowness in the sambist's mastery, which is the one after the kidok.

For this reason, in sambo, it is customary to come to the assessment of kidkivs for their combat and sports values.

A throw on the entire back is assessed with a clean win, and when it is covered (koshtuє) on the legs. Moving to the pace along the entire back, and also the throw on the spot is equal to the throw on the whole back.

One point (+) is evaluated:

1. a throw for the whole bek, with the one who has left it, it is left (koshtuє) on its feet;

2. throw on the entire back, with the one who did yoga, bumping the kilim with some kind of part of the body, the cream of his feet.

Half points (1/2) are valued:

1. throwing on the side chi like a part of the tunic, in which case, having left it, it is left (koshtuє) on the legs;

2. throwing on the bik, with the one who conducts yoga, having bumped into the kilim, which is some part of the body, the cream of his feet.

How the activity of sambo wrestler is assessed:

1. throwing on knees, knees, four-wheels and winding a kilim with a hand, viklikan with a sambo wrestler, when throwing, the thrower gets tired (koshtuє) on his feet;

2. Throw on the saddles, knees or karachki, with the one who, after seeing off, bumping into the kilim, chim-nebud, the cream of his feet. However, in the minds of the mind, the assessment is the camp of the thrower. Vin is guilty, otherwise he will appear to the beast that is thrown, or the first one will rise to the rack.

The kicks of sambo wrestling are quite different. At the table there is a scheme of the main sambo fights, systematized according to their form and nature of the movement.

Such a systematization gives sambist the opportunity to understand and memorize all the material.

The lower ones are less than the widest at the same time throws.

Kidki mostly with hands

Kidok rivkom for p'yat. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Pochatkove zahoplennya sleeves under the elbows. Shvidko crouched down, with your left hand call the right heel of the opponent, and put it with the right hand on the inner part of the right knee of the opponent so that the fingers point to the left. Then, with your left hand, work the rows of five on yourself and uphill, and with your right hand, press straight down to the left (Fig. 43).

If the enemy falls more often, I prostrate and raise my foot on the shoulder of my chest.

A friendly camp of the enemy to anyone who accepts - crossing him nig. Preparations before the reception can be: the siege of the enemy with one leg; turn the toulub to the cross of the foot, and turn the winding of the opening of the other leg.

Self-insurance in case of learning to accept - it’s more correct to fall on your back.

The widest pardon at the time of the victorious reception: the onslaught of the right hand on the knee is not to the left and down, but directly in front of oneself.

Kidok rivkom for a p'yat can be vikoristany as a trick against the front pidchki and the front pidchka in the knee.

Fig. 43

Kidok Rivkom for the heel in the middle. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take clothes under the elbows of the opponent. Unstoppable and slouching heavily and crouching, shove the enemy with your right hand for the right to kick in the middle and in the air, standing up, ryvkom blame the shoveled leg, you can go far to the right-uphill. At the same time, pull your left hand strongly to the left and down (Fig. 44). If the enemy falls more often, it is necessary to insure yoga, lifting the right sleeve and letting go of the choked leg.

Self-insurance: it’s more correct to fall on the Libyan bik.

The pardon was widened the most when rozuchuvannya: zahopivshi p'yata and straighten up, sambo wrestler spiznyuetsya robiti rivok by the sleeve.

Kidok ryvkom for the heel of the middle of the good vikoristovuvaty like a reception at the front against the front pidsіchki in the knee.

Fig. 44 Kidok Rivkom for the heel in the middle

Kidok with a return ryvk for a p'yat. Offending sambo in the position of the left hand. Take clothes under the elbows of the opponent. Unstoppable, having greatly shriveled up and crouching down, grab the right penzle for the left heel of the enemy in the middle so that the little finger shows up behind the other fingers. With the help of the right hand, you can carry the choked leg with the right hand, as if trying to throw it behind your back (Fig. 45).

Insurance for the hour of the fall: pull up on the right sleeve and let out the choked leg. Self-insurance: it is correct to fall on your back.

Kidok with a return ryvkom-for the heel of the good vikoristovuvaty like a reception at the front against the front pidsіchki in the knee.

Fig. 45

Kidok by the hand and gomilka. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. Chopping up clothes under the right hand of the enemy with your left hand, drop down on the right knee and at once with your right hand grab the call of the enemy’s left-handed homilk-foot swamp. Immediately after carrying out this burying, they rise from the knee, tensing up all the forces, so that they bend the enemy’s burrowed leg into the knee and squeeze the gomilka to his right leg. Then, with a strong twist of the coat and the left hand, pull the enemy by the sleeve in a circle down-left-hand (gvinto-like hand) and at the same time kick the enemy’s left leg uphill-left-hand with the right hand (Fig. 46).

Preparing for the first throw can be a pledge.

Kidok ryvkom by the hand and gomilka kindly victorious as a reception at the counter against the middle in the knee.

Fig. 46

Kidok rivkom for one leg and belt. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with the right hand, over the right shoulder, the belt on the back. Vice on the enemy down-to the right, to yourself, zmusiti yogo to cross the right leg behind the left. As soon as you were far away, with your left hand, grab the middle (ring) of the enemy’s left leg behind the knee (fig. 47, fig. 47, a shows the entrapment of the legs in the middle, in fig. 47, a 1 - Zovni).

With a strong pull of the left hand to the left-uphill with an one-hour onslaught of the right hand to the right-down, tempt the enemy to fall on his back. As soon as the opponent’s fall appears, lower the choked belt with the right hand, continuing with the left hand to lift the opponent’s left leg, it is possible more (Fig. 47, b), put your left leg back-to-left.

A kid can be beaten as a trick against a kid by a coup.

In preparation for the next reception, you can buti heal the enemy with a sack of the same pakhvi from the side of the back.

Fig. 47 Kidok rivkom for one leg and belt

Kidok zahoplenyam two nig. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Burying the clothes under the opponent’s elbows, pull both hands down strongly and in front of yourself, zmushyuyuchi opponent to transfer the heaviness of the body to the five. Having crushed a small crock with your right foot forward, sitting down on both legs and bending your toelub, grab both hands of the opponent’s legs behind the knees of the knee and rest your right shoulder against yoga living (mal. 48, a). Pressing with the right shoulder at the enemy’s life in front of himself, with his hands he riveted a strong roar for yoga, his legs on him uphill, instantly spreading their kills. When the enemy falls on the back, put the right foot back and, hooting the opponent’s gomіkki under the groin, making this fall possibly soft (Fig. 48, b).

Self-insurance: it is correct to fall on your back. As the enemy bends his legs and pulls the wines, this moment is the most friendly way to throw to the hoarded two of them.

Shorter preparations of the enemy for carrying out this throw: sitting on the enemy on the offended legs, or transferring one’s hands to the sleeves from the bottom along the stake in the middle-uphill-downward without the middle to the yogo of the knee bends. In addition, you can grab the opponent’s belt with your hands, strongly pulling up the opponent, you can get closer to yourself, thereby making it easier to grab yoga.

Krim of the described method, Kidokov who wanted the cucumber of the cucumber of the conduct of I Pidnіmann.

Having buried the opponent's legs, bend your back and lift the opponent straight uphill. After the present, you can throw the opponent, who offend his legs in one kick (left-handed or right-handed).

The widest pardon in the event of a victorious reception: forget to put your right foot forward (when the enemy’s legs are choked).

Fig. 48

Kidok razdіlnym zahoplenyam dvoh nіg. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Kozhen tramples the back of his opponent with his right hand from the left side of his left hand. At once, with the shoulder of the left hand, it is necessary to squeeze under the groin of the right in front of the opponent’s shoulder and with the left hand, grab the clothes between the elbow and the groin of the opponent’s right hand.

Vibrating the moment, if the opponent stands on the right foot, build a strong rivo with your left hand to the left-down and on yourself, and pull the yoga to the left-uphill with your right. Koristuyuchis tim, scho to serve as a point of support for the enemy one right foot i, henceforth, the foot has become little rotten, cry out with your left hand for the pidkolinny zgin (mal. 49, a). Then, with your left hand, lift the right leg of the enemy to the left-uphill, with a sharp post of the right hand, in front of yourself and to the right, push the enemy to stand on the left leg, so that at the same moment, call with your right hand the call for the bottom of the hill, and, right-handed (Fig. 49, b).

If the enemy puts his left leg to reach far and in a great way, it’s important to choke, you can choke the opponent’s left knee with the right hand in the middle, trimming the brush in such a manner that the little finger is bigger. thumb.

In preparation for a throw, you can beat the enemy with one leg.

Insurance that self-insurance is the same, but with a great throw, two people are buried.

Fig. 49

Kidok zvorotnym zahoplenyam dvoh nіg. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take clothes under the elbows of the opponent. With your left foot, crush the great crochet forward so that she stands behind the enemy’s right leg, and, allowing the sleeves to be tucked up at the bottom, grab with your right hand the enemy’s right leg for the foot of the knee, and with your left hand, having missed it in front of the opponent, call for the foot of the leg legs (Fig. 50).

With both hands, with a sharp ryvk to the right-uphill, throw the opponent to your left leg, as at the moment of the fall it is necessary to bring it to the left-back.

Self-insurance: it is correct to fall on your back. The most friendly camp of the enemy is to throw out to the return entrapment of two legs, if the enemy crosses his legs.

The best preparations: beating or reining in the enemy with one leg, turning the toe-bag to cross the leg.

Fig. 50

Kidok zahoplenyam two p'yat. The enemy is at the position of the frontal stance, the toulub is straightened. Having buried clothes under the opponent’s elbows, shave on the new one so that you sit on the top in front, like a saddle. Then, trembling with your feet on the opponent's coat, lower your back on the kilim. Hit both hands with different five feet of the enemy and blame your right foot on your chest. Pushing with the right foot in front of oneself, one hour a strong roar of the hands behind the heels on oneself, and the enemy fell with his back on the kilim (Fig. 51).

Insurance: smoothly push with your foot on the opponent's toulub (so that you hit the chest wall).

Self-insurance: fall by rolling onto the back. The most friendly camp of the enemy should be accepted: the enemy should stand straight for a few steps forward.

Preparing for the next reception, you can put the enemy on the offended legs.

From the first throw, there is an easy transition to the buttock of the Achilles tendon (Fig. 205).

Fig. 51

Kidok shkerebert. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. The enemy is at the low station. Press with your right hand on the enemy’s pothole, and with your left hand, take your right hand in front of you. With a sharp turn of the toelub to the right, with a roar of hands and a great crochet of the right leg back, the opponent will be thrown over and fall on his back (Fig. 52).

In preparation for the next reception, you can kill the enemy by suffocating the same pakhvi from the side of the back (div. Fig. 37).

Kidok shkerebert can be used as a trick as a trick to prevent two people from being suffocated, or kicking from the suffocated legs.

Fig. 52 Kidok shkerebert

Kidok by transferring to bik. Offending sambo in the lion's stan. Push the left arm against the enemy's sweatshirt, and with your right hand grab it from below for the armhole. With a sharp turn of the toulub to the left and with a great crochet of the left foot back, the opponent’s scuttles are thrown to the left in front of you and fall on your back (Fig. 53).

Fig. 53

Kidok coup. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance.

With your right hand, choke over the right shoulder of the enemy through the gate of the dress on the yoga shi zzzada, and in front of the shoulders of the left hand, choke in the middle of the yogo to the right. Stepping forward with your right foot and placing it between the enemy’s legs, lift him uphill and then turn so that his head moves to the right-forward-down, and his legs - to the left-back-uphill (Fig. 54).

Robe the great crochet with your right foot back, throw your opponent onto the kilim, with your right hand pulling the upper part of the yoga coat closer to you, and with your left hand, pull your legs up to yourself.

Insurance: direct the body of the enemy to a soft flip forward.

Self-insurance: flip forward.

The most friendly camp is like a coup: the enemy is standing and close to the attacker.

Preparation before the reception can be: knocking the enemy on toes, knocking and reining in one leg.

Fig. 54 Flip throw

Kidok with a coup іz zahoplennyam feet zvnі. Offending sambo in the right position. With the left hand, grab the right shoulder of the opponent's jacket, and with the right hand, the sleeve under the left elbow.

Pulling the opponent up to you, crunching with your right foot forward and lightly crouching, groan with your right hand. call the upper part of the left side of the opponent. Pressing the opponent to your stomach, straighten and rot. Lifting the opponent's legs to the right-uphill, throw yoga on the back to your left leg (Fig. 55).

Figure 55

Kidok with a coup іz zahoplenyam belt front and back. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your right hand, choke through. on the opponent's right shoulder is a belt on his back, and the left belt is on his stomach below. Place your left foot between the opponent's and sit on both feet. Pressing the opponent to yourself, tearing it apart from the earth, the loose coat and straightening the leg (Fig. 56). Wheezing with your right hand the shoulders of the opponent forward and lifting with your left hand the lower part of the yoga coat uphill, throw the opponent with his back on the kilim.

The most friendly camp of the enemy to any reception: close distance, the camp of the body of the body is sick and the belt is buried on the back of the attacker over the right shoulder.

With good preparation before the reception, you can buti heal the enemy with a shovel of the same pakhvi from the side of the back. You can take it easy with an offensive rank: deputy of a high lift of the enemy, the attacker himself can go down on the right knee, then easily turn over the opponent’s strong, that he is very sick.

Fig. 56 Thrower with a coup іz zahoplennyami belt front and back

Kidok with a bichny coup. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the opponent, and with the right hand, the belt was beaten on the right side. Thwart both hands with a strong rivk of the vines to the right-uphill і, pіdpіrnuvshi under the right hand of the enemy, let go of the offense of suffocation; without wasting your time, grab the opponent’s coat with your right hand from the side of your right side and back, and pass your left hand in front of your stomach and the back of both hands hitting the opponent’s left side.

Having wrapped your hands around the opponent’s toulub, beating the belt or a little lower, lift the enemy with your feet to the left-uphill, continuing to turn your body (Fig. 57).

Fig. 57 Kidok with a coup

It is possible to carry out a whipping coup by grabbing the legs in the middle (Fig. 58).

As soon as the opponent’s back is more straight up to the kilim, shove the kilim with the penzle of the right hand and, introducing the right leg back with a turn to the right, throw the opponent with his back on the kilim.

It is the best way to rob this throw, if the enemy tries to grab it, or by grabbing the belt on the back of the attacker over the right shoulder. At the same time, the choke is vibrating from the side of the left side, and the hands are backed up against the right side of the enemy.

Preparing for the next reception, you can beat the enemy on toes.

The pardon has been expanded: when the throw is completed, they forget to grab the opponent's cloak, and they rarely fall on their backs.

Kidok with a bіchnyy coup can be beaten like a kidok at a reversal against a throw with a coup іz zaholennyami belt front and back.

Fig. 58 Kidok with a bichny coup іz zahoplennya legs in the middle

Kidok rear coup. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having clasped the wrist of the opponent’s right hand with the left hand, and with the right hand in the middle of the shoulder of the other hand, rob both hands with a strong pull of the right hand of the opponent to yourself and the right hand. At the moment when the enemy appears turned right side to the attacker, step with your left foot behind the back of the enemy and grab yoga by the toulub with your left hand behind the back along the line of the belt (Fig. 59, a).

With your right hand, turning її to the top of the mountain, sing in the middle of it right, right. With a strong rivk, the right-handed arm of the opponent is in the ground and turn his body upside down. Showing the left leg back, gently lay the opponent on the kilim with the entire upper part of the back (mal. 59, b).

The back flip can be twisted as a trick to throw against the tucked up arms under the shoulder, the front anklet, the front and throw through the quilt.

Preparing for the next reception: turn of the opponent.

Fig. 59 Back flip throw

Kidki mostly kicks


Back pіdnіzhka. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with the right hand over the right collarbone.

With your left foot, step forward-to-left (shkarpet flared to the left), placing the beat of the enemy’s right foot (Fig. 60, aі b). Let's then bring the slightly bent right leg to the left-forward and with the hand, as if kicking, put the right leg straight on the whole foot behind the opponent's right leg so that the knee bend bends the knee bend of the opponent's right leg (Fig. 60, in).

At the moment of the kick-off, the body of the attacker's body was to blame, but it was transferred to the left leg bent in the knee. With a strong pull of the hands and the coat to the left and down, throw the opponent to your left toe.

The falling one needs to be insured with the left hand for the right hand (Fig. 60, G).

There is often a pardon when raising the back of the foot: transferring the heaviness of the body to the right leg and dying.


The back leg can be vikonati, falling on the kilim at once from the enemy. In this fall, at the moment of kicking the leg, it is necessary to strongly push your toelub forward and fall at once from the enemy (Fig. 61).

For insurance, move the right hand over the shoulder of the opponent forward and help to soften the fall of the forgings of the right hand along the kilim forward-levoruch.

The back leg is carried out manually if the opponent steps up, bends his legs and pulls on himself, and also if the opponent crosses his legs.

The best ways to prepare for a back day:

a) the siege of the enemy alone and on hurt legs;

b) enemy's mortgage;

c) turning the toulub to the cross nig;

d) turn of the opponent;

bud) viklik showing the opponent's legs.


Rear hem under two legs. As if the opponent was at the position of the narrow right stance, he should work the back foot with his right foot so that the Achilles tendon of the attacker’s right leg appeared to be pressed close to the Achilles tendon of the opponent’s left leg (Fig. 62). In the other case, the throw is carried out in the same way, like a hind leg under one leg.

If the opponent moves to the right side (levoruch to the attacker), introducing the right leg and putting the lion to it, then at the moment of putting the right leg to him, it is necessary to kick the left leg forward and to the left, and at the moment the enemy puts the left leg to the right, kick it back with your right foot under hurt legs.

Good preparation before carrying out the back step under two legs can turn the enemy.

The rear footrest under the two legs can be vikoristan as a trick against the rear footstep and in the grip.


Back sash from the knee. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with the right hand over the right collarbone. Having crushed with the left foot the crotch in advance on the dozhina of the foot, send the body forward and sink down on the left knee. At once, with the right foot, work the hind leg under the right leg of the opponent (Fig. 63). With a strong roar of arms and a coat to the left and down, throw the opponent to your left knee.

Falling trail to insure, trimming yoga with your left hand on the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

Preparing for the next reception: a pledge and a turn of the enemy.

The back apron from the knee can be vikoristan as a reception at the vіdpovіd against the posterior apron and the grip.


The back lid with the grip of the leg is called. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side.

With your right hand, grab the enemy's robe under your left elbow, and with your left robe on your chest. To transfer the weight of the body to the right leg with a sharp jerk of the enemy.

If you don’t get close to anyone and don’t spend jealousy, the enemy will raise his left foot from the ground. Koristuyuchis tsim moment, zahopit lion leg of the opponent with the right hand call for podkolinny zgin.

Turning the toelub right-handed, work the back foot with the left foot under the enemy’s right foot and throw it on the ground to your right nose (Fig. 64).

In case of learning to insure the partner with the left hand for clothes on the breasts and with the right hand for the left leg.

Self-insurance: fall on the back.

The Crimea is brought, preparations for which one can be accepted: a pledge and a siege of the enemy with one leg.

The back leg from the suffocated legs of the ring can be used as a vikoristan as a trick against the front leg and the front leg in the knee.


Rear tuck with a leg grip in the middle. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take clothes under the elbows of the opponent. It is not possible to grab with the right hand the right leg of the opponent in the middle for the knee joint and lift it onto the right hip joint. Let's work the back leg with the right foot under the enemy's left leg with such a ruffle, so that the Achilles tendon of the attacker's leg is pressed close to the Achilles tendon of the opponent's leg (div. Fig. 65).

When I take insurance for the right sleeve, I fall, letting in the suffocation of the right leg.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

Preparing for the next reception: turning the toelub to the cross, then sitting on one leg.

The back foot from the suffocated legs in the middle can be beaten as a trick against the back foot, in the grip, the foot and the foot of the gomilka.


Front pedestal The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With your left hand, grab the opponent by the right sleeve, and with your right hand, grab the clothes on the back of your left hand (behind the armhole). With a turn of the toe-coat, turn it to the left side, move the left leg back and forth to the right and put the left foot of the enemy’s left toe (shkarpets are guilty of marveling at one straight).

Bring the right leg for the swing to the left-uphill and sweat with your hand, as if kicking, put it for the front leg so that the right knee of the attacker rests on the right knee of the enemy, and the right toe is in one straight line with the toe (Fig. 66). Transfer the severity of the body to the left leg bent in the knee; The straight right leg is all the responsibility of standing on the kilim. With a turn of the toelub and a roar of hands to the left and down, throw the opponent to your left leg.

Insurance: lift the falling left hand behind the right sleeve of the yoga.

The main pardon that is sharpened when the front leg is expanded: often put the right foot not in front, but on the side of the right leg of the opponent. In addition, they turn their backs to the opponent, not doing yoga with equal preparation to throw.

If the enemy (when the attacker tries to hold the front tuck) does not let him grab the belt on his back with his right hand, or I’ll cut it, then it’s necessary to grab the clothes with the right hand under the enemy’s left elbow so that the attacker’s right arm is straight uphill and the thumb of straightening is not forward, and uphill to the right.

If the enemy is hurting his toe forward and transferring the heaviness of his body to the scarves, it is the most comfortable position for the front hem.

Ways to prepare the enemy for the front march:

a) a pledge of the enemy, moreover, you can put a kick as if under that leg, as if describing an arc (at the moment, if the leg is standing kilim), and under that leg, as if turning at home;

b) beating the opponent with one leg;

c) beating the opponent into shkarpetki.

Fig.66 Front hem

Front hem from the knee. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the turn of the toelub to the left-stake, go down on the left knee against the opponent’s left foot, and put the right leg for the front kick so that the attacker’s right leg rests on the opponent’s right leg (Fig. 67).

On the other hand, the front day of the kolіna is carried out in the same way, like the front day.

Fig.67 Front hem from the knee

Anterior pіdnіzhka іz zahoplennâm hand lіktovіm zgin. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with the elbow of the right hand, grab the bottom of the right shoulder of the pakhvi. With a ribcomb of the right hand and a coat, lead the enemy to the right in front of oneself and work the front foot with the right foot under the right foot of the enemy. (Fig. 68).

With the step of the toelub and hands to the left and down, throw the opponent to the toe of your left leg.

Insurance is self-insurance; yak at the front bottom.


Anterior tuck with leg grip. The sambist is at the right side, and the opponent is at the left. Capture an opponent for robes with licks. It is not necessary to grab with your right hand the enemy’s lion’s foot for the lower leg, and, having squeezed it to your right kulshovy loam, negligently raise the front foot with your right foot under the enemy’s right leg. Keep track of it, so that the right toe is in the direction of that bik, which is the right toe of the enemy (Fig. 69). As soon as the opponent falls, let the opponent's leg in, choked with his right hand, then insure him with his left hand by the sleeve.


Preparations before carrying out the throw can be: laying down and laying down the enemy with one leg.

The anterior tuck from the clogged legs of the call may be a vikoristan as a trick against the front tuck and the front tuck in the knee.

Bіchna pіdnіzhka. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Zahopiti clothes under the right hand of the enemy with the left hand, and with the right hand I will arm the lion. Roblyachi small crochet left foot back and lightly crouching on it, with a sharp twist of the coat and arms, pull the opponent at the back of the right leg. Continuing to pull your left hand on yourself to the left and down, sit on your left side and bring your left foot forward, putting it on your heel so that the attacker’s left hand clings tightly to the enemy’s right hand. The left leg can be brought forward and so that the call was firmly pressed down to the gomіlka of the opponent's right leg (Fig. 70).

At the moment of the enemy’s fall, pull the yakomog’s right hand closer to you with the left hand of the yogi, pulling the yogo tubule with the right hand, send the opponent to flip diagonally from the back - from the right shoulder to the left side.

Self-insurance: throw over the right shoulder.

A pardon, yaku is often allowed when raising a bіchnі nіzhki: to sit on a kilim in front of him, like an opponent of visions of jealousy.

The most favorable positions of the enemy for conducting a fighting attack:

a) the opponent stands sideways to the attacker;

b) the opponent to stand at the vuzkіy stіytsі;

c) the opponent crosses his legs.



Zachip in the middle. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. Zakhopiti clothes of the opponent on the shoulder parts of the arms of the animal. Work a small step forward with your left foot and try to sit on it. Capture the right foot of the right leg (closer to the lower knee) the left lower corner of the enemy in the middle. Having roared with your right foot uphill-to the right on yourself, sharply straighten your left leg and at the same time make a strong roar with your hands in front of yourself down and throw the opponent on the kilim (Fig. 71).

Fig. 71 Zachіp zmid

Followed by respect for those who walked the hour with their left foot forward, the toe of their feet was flared to the left and the heel hung forward. Tsya deya easier to carry out a zipper in the middle.

Insurance: when zachepі do not hit the enemy with a knee at the groin, and when the enemy falls, do not fall on him.

Self-insurance: falling on the back with a roll or falling on the back.

The most comfortable position when zapping in the middle:

a) the opponent puts one leg far forward;

b) the opponent bends his legs and pulls his veins;

c) the enemy to rob the attachments of the kill.

The best preparation of the enemy is a pledge, in which case it is done like this: at the moment I’ll lay the right-hander in front of myself, not letting the enemy stand with my left foot on the kilim, anger my right leg with the right gomіlkka with a pouch in the middle, without interrupting the hand, add it by turning 180 ° right-handed, with tsiom, a strong rivk with the hands to the right and down. It is necessary to throw the enemy on the kilim in a straight line, in the opposite position (Fig. 72).

Zachip in the middle, preparing a pledge, go far away for an hour of suffocation with the left hand of the enemy’s right hand under the paw, and with the right hand the robe of the back of the left hand.

It is possible to prepare the sack in the middle by pulling down on one leg. At this point, it begins to wince at the moment of lifting the heaviness of the body on the nose, which is to stand in front.

Danish reception can be used as a trick, as a reception at a vіdpovіd against a zachepu zvnі.

Fig. 72 Zacchip in the middle with a mortgage

Zachip in the middle of the twists. I will receive the cob itself, like a zapp in the middle. If, when lifting the opponent’s tethered leg with the right foot, you can’t get out of the fall on your back, then it’s necessary to roar with your right hand to the left-uphill, and with your left hand, immediately pull it strongly to the left-down on yourself (Fig. 73). You can throw the opponent to your left foot.

Insurance and self-insurance yourself, which is in the middle of the zipper.

Fig. 73 Zip in the middle of the twists

Zachip calls. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take clothes under the right hand of the enemy with your left hand, and with your right hand wear clothes on your chest. With your right foot, work the krok levoruch so that the right toe becomes a charge (ring) with the right toe of the enemy; homilki levoї leg zachepit pіdkolіnny zgin of the right ї leg of the opponent's call (Fig. 74). With a sharp jerk of the coat and hands forward and left hand throw the opponent on his back. Seeing off the rivok, it is necessary to fall forward at once from the enemy, and if you fall forward, blame the left leg bent in the knee forward-left hand, spiraling on it, get lost in the position.

Insurance: lift the opponent with your left hand by the right sleeve.

In preparation for the next reception, you can put down the enemy with one leg.

The zachіp zvnі can be victorious as a trick at the vіdpovіd against the zipper in the middle.

Fig.74 Chip call

Zachіp zzovnі sitting. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right hand of the opponent; I'll pass right through. Having tempted the enemy to move the body arm to the right leg, sit on the left side so that with the left knee ridge to shove the lower part of the enemy’s right leg (Fig. 75). By turning the toelub to the left and with a strong jerk of the left hand to the left and down, and with the right to the left and uphill, crush the enemy to fall to the left in front of you.

Insurance: send the opponent on a soft flip over the right shoulder, without letting you hit the ply-o-plych.

Self-insurance: falling scarlet from the right shoulder on the left side.

In preparation for the next reception, you can beat the enemy with one leg.


Zachіp p'yati zamidi. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s clothes on the shoulder parts of one’s hands, with a straight line of the left leg of the enemy, he should often transfer the heaviness of the body to the left leg and in the same place to clench one’s right foot in the middle to the right of the opponent’s foot (so that the insults of the Achilles tendon pressed one to one ). Winding the right leg with the right leg of the enemy to the left, throw the enemy forward-left-down with a sharp twist of the arms (Fig. 76). When carrying out the reception, it was possible to see that the right of the enemy’s foot could be pushed parallel to the kilim.

A friendly camp of the enemy should be clasped in the fifth middle: a stance with widely spaced legs.

The best preparation of the enemy is a pledge.

Fig. 76 Zachip fifth middle

Zachip foot. The enemy is at the position of the right, the attacker of the left stance. Having buried the enemy's robes on his shoulders, he raised his hands at the left heel of the enemy. As if only because of the disturbances, you will transfer the heaviness of the body to the left leg, turn the heel of your right leg to the left-forward and fasten the Achilles tendon of the enemy’s right leg with the foot of the left leg (Fig. 77). With a strong arm of the left leg, bending in the knees, sharply move the opponent’s right leg to the right-uphill, robbing at the same time with his hands that with a toulub rivo-down. At the moment of the enemy's fall, I will bend my left leg to the left and back.

Insurance: lift the falling opponent by the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The best place is to lace up the foot, if the enemy puts one foot far forward.

Preparation can be like zbivannya on five, and zbivannya on five.

Fig. 77 Zachіp foot

Stop the fall. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the right sleeve of the opponent with the left hand, put the left foot on the right foot of the opponent. Turning to the left sideways on the left foot, let the right leg pass between you and the enemy, and with your right hand grab the enemy’s right hand to your right shoulder. Bend your right leg in a knee and with your toe cheer up for the right homilka of the opponent with your feet (Fig. 78). Sitting yakomog closer to his left heel, defy the enemy with his back on the kilim.

A friendly camp for someone to accept - if the enemy, stepping forward, pulling wine.

The best preparation - whipping on five.

Fig. 78 Zachip with a foot from the fall

Zachіp gomilki that foot (twisted). The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with the right hand, behind the left hand of the enemy, the belt of the back. With your left foot, move a small rock in front, turning your heel to the right and three steps on your nose. With the upper part of the right side of the gomilka (behind the most pied-klinny zgin), grab the left podkolіnny zgin of the enemy in the middle, and with a foot behind the outer part of the tsієї homіlka, as if wrapping the enemy’s leg with your own leg (mal. 79).

With a strong swing of the right leg and turning the toe-bag to the right, bring the opponent’s leg into the mountain in front of you and throw it with your back on the place where your right leg stood earlier. At the moment of the enemy's fall, unleash your right leg, lean with it on the kilim and save your jealousy.

The insurance policy is that you do not fall into the enemy.

Self-insurance: falling onto the back with a roll.

Fig. 79 Zachіp gomilkoy and foot (twisted)

The wrapping can be carried out in the fall, for which, by pulling the troch forward on your supporting leg and strongly bending your back, lifting the opponent uphill. with his right foot and with his hands (Fig. 80). Falling back, make a sharp turn of the toelub to the right with such a flare, so that, smartly bumping the kilim with your right side, entrusting it to the enemy, at the tempo roll over the new one, lying down with your back to the kilim.

Insurance: do not let the enemy get his left hand on the kilim, do not fall on the new one with his whole body and at the moment of the fall, lift the opponent's leg over the kilim with his right foot.

The best moment for the reception, if the enemy hoots clothes on the back of the attacker, or bends his leg forward.

Fig. 80 Zachіp homilka and foot (twisting) with the fall


Bichna pidsikannya. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Burying the opponent's clothes under the elbows, robbing the arms at the left foot of the left foot, in order to transfer the heaviness of the body to the left foot. Hit with the finger part of the sole of the left foot the foot of the right foot of the opponent to the side (Fig. 81, a). Lifting the left leg with the right leg of the enemy to the right-uphill, raising the arms to the left-down; the enemy is more likely to fall (Fig. 81, b). If this fall is to be recognized, I will bend my left leg in the knee for stamina to the left-back. Falling need to insure with the left hand for the yoga right sleeve (Fig. 81, in).

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

There is often a pardon when raising the kicking kick: kicking the opponent’s leg not with the toe part of the sole, but with the inner part of the foot.

Fig. 81

Friendly positions of the enemy for conducting a fight:

a) the opponent puts one leg far forward;

b) the opponent crosses his legs. Whose mind needs pidsikati at the singing moment. For example, under an hour of movement, the right-handed opponent crosses his left leg behind his right. As soon as the enemy raises his right foot in front of the kilim (to move it to the right until the fold of the stable camp), it is necessary to kick it with your left foot;

c) the enemy to rob kroki from the attached nіg chi stribki. And here it is necessary to victoriously create the inertia of the body of the enemy. For example, insulting the sambo in the position of the frontal stance. The attacker chomped on the clothes of the opponent under the elbows. The opponent shifts left-handed with attached crochets, and the attacker is immediately right-handed. At that moment, if the opponent puts his right foot to the left one more often, start kicking with his left foot under his right foot, trying to kick it so that the enemy’s leg is out of his line (Fig. 82). At once, with the help of a strong roar of the coat and hands, it is necessary to transfer the weight of the opponent of the yakomoga more on yourself.

The insurance in case of this variant of the bіchnoї pіdsіchki is guilty of buti especially retelnoi і folded from the enemy's treadmill, so you fall sharply, with your left hand behind your right sleeve;

Fig. 82

d) the opponent gets up from the knee, trimming for the attacker. As if the enemy is standing on his knees, and the attacker is at the position of the right hand, having choked clothes under his elbows, move the enemy’s body arm from the left knee. The enemy, slowly get up on his feet, put his right foot on the kilim. Helping the enemy with your hands, rise on the offending legs, strike a kick with your left foot under your right leg (div. Fig. 32). The strength of the enemy, with which he gets up on his feet, at once with strength, with which the attacker lifts the opponent uphill, bring to a minimum the strength of the support of his right leg and create a friendly position for the kicker.

Like an opponent, getting up on his feet, put his left foot on the kilim with his first foot, obviously shaking his foot with his right foot.

To carry out the biceps, the most far away are the following methods of preparation: turning the toulub to the cross and beating on the heel.

In addition, it is possible to zastosuvat and a special maneuver, which strikes at the enemy's suffocated feet.

Having buried the enemy for robes under the elbows, rivkom saw himself and right-handed zmusiti yogo move the weight of the body on the left leg. With your left hand, grab the right leg of the enemy for the bellows of the knee and pull the veins to the left-up; immediately shift your vaga to your right leg. Unable to let the enemy's shoveled foot in the same place, without letting your feet fall on the ground, to hold the scourge with your left foot.

Under the hour of the fall of the enemy, it is required to evil the yogo with the left hand for the right sleeve and to carry out insurance.

Bichna pіdsіkannya mozhe buti vikoristana as a priyom at vіdpovіd against: bіchny pіdsіkannya, throwing through the quilting and throwing hands on the shoulder.

Bіchna pіdsіchka іz zahoplennymi zvnі legs. With your left hand, grab the robes under the right elbow of the enemy, and with your right hand, call for the kneeling leg of your left leg and lift it up more, pulling the wine. Sob not to waste jealousy, the opponent is on the right nose forward; if the leg is near the floor, build a bichnu pidsіchka (Fig. 83). At the moment of the opponent's fall, let the choke by the leg.

Insurance: lift with your left hand the opponent's right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

This throw can be used as a trick as a trick against the front puff and the front puff in the knee.

Fig. 83

Front pidsikannya. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the opponent’s clothes under the elbows, kick with your right foot to the right and forward so that the right toe strongly turned to the left, showing the call of the opponent’s left toe and kicked straight to the new one. At once, make a strong roar with your hands to the left-uphill, nibi pragnuchi throw the opponent over your left shoulder. As soon as the enemy gets up on the scarpets, continue the rivk with his hands, trying to bend the tuluba, and push the finger part of the left foot into the opponent’s right foot (Fig. 84). At the moment of the enemy's fall, put the left foot on the left and save the jealousy.

Insurance: lift the partner with your left hand by the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The pardon has been expanded when the front line has been expanded: the front line is to fight to the point that you are an opponent of the visions of jealousy.

The most friendly camp of the enemy for carrying out the front podsіchki: the opponent's legs are at the narrow frontal position, the toelub is heeled forward.

The best ways to prepare for the front foot:

a) beating one leg. When beating, swipe at the moment of the complete transition of the vag to the toe of the opponent’s leg, to stand in front;

b) mortgage. When laying the foundation, work at the moment when the enemy starts to stand on the kilim with his right foot.

Fig. 84 Front attack (with different grips and with different opponent's stances)

It is possible to dig a little bit of it up to the front pidsikannya, otherwise, it is described below. In front of him, as if to crush the crock in front with your right foot, you can crush it with a crochet back. Tse dopomozhe beat the opponent on shkarpetki. Difficulty given approach I believe in the fact that if the attacker hits the crochet forward, hitting on the scarpets, the enemy will catch the strike. In order to effectively beat the crock back, it’s necessary, roaming after the new crochet in front, continue with your hands and beat the opponent with a sheepskin coat.

Like, rolyachi front pіdsіchku, attacker vіdchuvaє, scho not vtrimaєє on their feet, then at the moment, if the enemy spends more zealous, it is necessary to "include" in the reception the heaviness of his body and almost fall, strongly bending the toenail and turning it to the left. At the same time, with your left hand, bending your tongue in your mouth, strongly pull the right hand of the opponent to yourself and at the moment of falling uphill, and with your right hand pull the left side of the body of the opponent to yourself (Fig. 85).

Insurance in the event of a frontal strike from a fall: do not allow the enemy to lean with his right hand on the kilim or hit his right shoulder during a fall. It is necessary to throw the opponent in such a way that you fall on your entire back.

Self-insurance in case of learning: roll from the right side to the left.

The front kick can be used as a trick as a trick against the back kick, for which it is necessary to step over the attacking leg with the attacked foot and kick with the other foot.

Fig. 85

Anterior pidsikannya in the knee. The front pidsikannya can be broken not only in the bottom, but also at the point of the outer side of the enemy’s gomіlka, right up to the th knee.

How can the attacker be able to strike with his left foot, and the enemy to stand at the left foot; otherwise the enemy is at the right station, but at a long distance; otherwise, a sambo wrestler of low height should carry out a kick to a high opponent, then it is important for the attacker to reach the bottom of the foot under the opponent’s leg, and the sambo wrestlers should strike in yoga homilka or knee (Fig. 86).

Rosvitok pіdsіchki, insurance and self-insurance: the same, like with the front pіdsіkannі.

In case of violation, it is necessary to carry out an anterior swipe in the knee, that the enemy at the time of the snipe is hoped for great strength to choke your leg with the hand, which is pidsikaє. To save, the enemy’s hand, with the same foot, that you pidskaєtsya, it’s necessary to grab for clothes with a lick.

Fig. 86 Anterior support in the knee

Rear pidsikannya. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s clothes with the left hand under yoga, we right the elbow, and with the right hand over the right collarbone, put the right foot at the right foot of the enemy, flaring up with the right toe right-handed. At once, with a rivk at the straight left leg of the opponent, lift the leg to the right leg in view of the heaviness of the body and smash the finger part of the left foot under the right heel of the enemy (Fig. 87). Lifting the left leg with the right leg of the enemy can be higher, throw the yogo on the kilim with a swipe of the arms to the left and down.

Insurance: with the left hand, lift the opponent by the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: roll from the seat to the back.

For whomever accepts, the camp is most friendly, if the enemy is standing sideways.

The best preparations of the enemy: turning the toelub to the cross on the nig, zbivannya on the heel and that beating on the heel.

Fig. 87

The back pіds_kannya can be stuck as a trick at the front against the throw through the quilt (on the very cob of the pimple by the opponent of the quilt).

Back pіdsіkannya in the knee. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having choked with the left hand the robes of the enemy, under the right hand, and with the right hand over the right collarbone, try to be one of two options to accept:

a) put the right foot on the opponent’s right leg, with the toe to the new one, and try to put the finger part of the left foot in the opponent’s right knee joint (Fig. 88, 1 );

b) work with the left foot the great crochet to the left-forward and with the finger part of the right foot of the foot of the foot of the foot of the right leg of the opponent (Fig. 88, 2 ).

In both swings, it is necessary that the opponent’s leg, which is kicking, strongly bent at the knee, and also throw the opponent to his left leg with a twist of his arms and a toebag to the left and down.

When carrying out the first variant, I will need to catch the hour of the opponent’s fall and put my left foot to the left-forward.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The best preparations for tsikh pіdsіchok will be: beating the enemy on five and turning the toelub to the cross.

The back bolsters in the knee of the same leg can be used as a substitute for the opposite: a throw through the quilt, a throw from the folded arms on the shoulder and a pouch in the middle.

Fig. 88

Pidsikannya in the middle. Obidva. sambo at the position of the right leg. Having buried the opponent’s clothes under the leg, we right it with the left hand, and with the right hand over the left collarbone, with a straight line at the enemy’s left leg, we must move the weight of the body from the right leg and work the foot in the middle of the finger part of the foot of the foot of the right foot of the right foot. Stretching out the sole of the foot of the foot, stretching the kilim to the left, as if bi behind your back, with a ripple of hands and a toe-coat to the left and down, throw yoga on the kilim (Fig. 89).

The pardon was expanded at the rose of the foot in the middle: the foot was replaced by the one to stretch the foot of the kilim, lift up the hill.

Insurance: do not fall on the opponent.

Self-insurance: falling onto the back with a roll.

A friendly camp of the enemy should be placed in the middle: a stance with widely spaced legs, as if the enemy were pulling wines and keeping the knees straight.

The best preparations of the enemy: zbivannya on the p'yatu that mortgage.

Fig. 89

When making a bet, if the enemy strikes the arcuate crochet with his right foot forward and starts to stand on the kilim with it, carry out, as described above, a kick in the middle.

Pidsikannya in the middle in the knee. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. Chopping the enemy by the right sleeve with the left hand, and with the right armhole by the left, step forward with the left foot, strongly flaring the left scarf to the left. Kicking the right leg in the knee, kicking the opponent with the finger part of the right foot under the left knee in the middle (Fig. 90).

Turning the toulub to the left and bending forward, with a strong hand of the right foot, back uphill, lift the enemy’s left leg to the floor, so that the leg of the right leg was resurrected in the kilim and the enemy, turning to the left, falling on his back.

Insurance: under the hour of the fall, take the enemy by the left sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The best preparation for carrying out a strike in the middle in the knee is to beat the opponent on one leg.

Fig. 90


Homilka's nursery. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s clothes under the right hand with the left hand, and with the right hand, the left groin of the clothes on the back, standing with the left foot on the ball of one’s right foot (open the cap to the left). Bend your right leg in a knee and press the middle of the homo to the right leg of the opponent's knee. Strongly pressing the opponent to yourself, sharply nahilite the toelub and at the same time kick the opponent’s legs uphill, pushing the legs of your right leg. If the enemy angers the mountain, open one leg to the right and throw it to the left to your left leg (Fig. 91).

Insurance: under the hour of the fall, lift the enemy by the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The most friendly camp of the enemy: narrowly placed legs with a frail body forward.

Like an enemy at the wide right side, pidsajuvati appropriately with the right homilka under the inner part of the yogic right column.

As the enemy is at the wide left stanitsa, the landing is to fight with the right homilka under the inner part of the yogo left column.

Sometimes, for the strength of the throw, you will increase the importance of the foot, for whom, having squeezed the upper part of your right homo to the opponent’s homo, the yogo kolin’s homo, at the same time, with the outer edge of the right leg, burrowed into the very homo of the opponent’s big foot.

Yakshcho, at the gydsajennya, the enemy is not allowed to hide his back, can be fastened with a clue: to click the opponent’s opponent’s hand, and the likyovo by the zgina of the right hand to the liva -liva hands, the hands are possible to the tie to the tie to the tilu to the tie to the tie to the tie to the til the enemy's lyktem to the deadly hoarding.

The best preparations for the enemy before carrying out this reception: beating on scarpets, beating on one leg and that bet.

Fig. 91 Homilka's kindergarten

Pіdsad homіlki z podіnnyam. There are two typical options for the kindergarten of a gomіlka with a fall:

a) insulting the sambo in the position of the right hand. Burying the clothes under the opponent’s right flank with the left hand, and with the right under the right groin, put the right foot on the heel of the enemy’s right leg so that the lower third of the attacker’s right leg is squeezed to the opponent’s right leg.

The lion's leg was bent with the outer edge of the soles of the feet with a forged hand along the kilim yaknaydali between the opponent's legs (Fig. 92, a, b).

Falling on the left side and robbing a strong roar for the enemy’s robe on itself - left-down, with the right homilka, strongly plant the enemy’s right leg uphill and hit yoga, flying over the attacker, tossing over from the right shoulder to the left side (Fig. 92, in, G);

b) insulting the sambo in the position of the right hand. As if the enemy is trying to try to grab with his right hand the robes on the back of the sambista with the left groin, press the left hand with the right in front of the opponent’s shoulder to his side, and with the right elbow bend around the bottom of the shoulder part of the opponent’s hand. Put the right foot to the right foot of the opponent in the middle, right knee to name. Strongly pressing both hands to the right hand of the enemy to your coat, to your left seat, to your right foot and straight left leg, you can let it pass between the opponent’s legs, with the outer edge of the foot on the kilim. If the enemy, having healed, is more likely to fall, hit him with his right foot with his right foot. The enemy, having flown over the attacker, is guilty of throwing himself over the right shoulder to the left side.

Fig. 92 Homilka's garden with falls

Insurance: do not let the enemy get stuck with the right penzle on the kilim and do not hit him straight with the right shoulder.

Self-insurance: transfer over the right shoulder to the left side.

The best preparation for both options will be beating the opponent on one leg. For another option: a pledge to bury your hands with a likty's death.

Pіdsadzhennya quilted ring. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take the opponent's robes on the right shoulder with the left hand, and with the right z-pod of the left hand, the belt on the yogo back. Sitting lightly on both legs, kick your right foot forward and put it between the opponent's legs. Pressing the opponent to yourself, straightening and bending, with your hands tear yoga from the ground. Transfer the load of the body to the right leg, with a quilt bent in the knee of the left leg, plant the enemy uphill and, if you lean on the boundary height, with the same quilt, move your leg to the right (Fig. 93, 1 ). With the help of a quilted call, you can with a foot shove the opponent’s homil in the middle - it’s easier to carry out the reception (Fig. 93, 2 ). Throw the opponent with his back on the kilim by turning the toe-lub to the left and down. At the moment of the enemy’s fall, it is necessary to catch up with your left leg from the foot, bending it in the knees, and moving it further to the left and back.

Falling insurance for the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The best preparation for the next reception: beating the opponent with one leg.


Pіdzaditi with a quilt in the middle. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With your right hand, grab the clothes on the opponent’s left hand on your back, and with your left hand, clothes on the shoulder part of your right hand.

Sitting down on both legs, crouch with your right foot forward and put it in the middle close to the left leg of the opponent.

Straighten your legs and bend, with your hands break the enemy into the ground, pidsajuyuchi with a quilted right leg bent at the knee at the inner part of the left leg, throw it up to your left leg, robbing your hands and the toulub to the left-down (small 9).

Insuring the enemy with the left hand for clothes on the right sleeve.

If the enemy is rebuking at the right station, preparing to accept it, you can make a pledge.

Fig. 94

Pіdaditi quilted back. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand, grab the enemy’s right hand behind the wrist (or the sleeve is near the new one), and with your right hand in the middle of the shoulder of the right hand. Provіvshi zakhoplennya, vіrazu rob both hands with a strong roar for the right of the opponent's hand on himself and to the right. At that moment, if the enemy turns to his right side, step with his left foot to the left, behind his back; With your left hand, grab the yogo tulub around the belt from the side of the left side, and with your right hand, grab the robe over the opponent’s right collarbone, passing your right hand behind the back of the yogo right pakhvi.

Strongly bending and transferring a part of the enemy’s arm to your own life, planting the call uphill-to the right to the left of the opponent’s steg with the steg of your left leg bent in the knee (Fig. 95). With a sharp turn to the left, you can move your left leg farther to the left and throw your opponent with his back to the ground to his left toe.

Insurance with the right hand for clothes.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

The quilting of the quilted back can be used as a throw-up at the counter: throwing through the quilting, throwing from grabbing hands on the shoulder and throwing from the clogged hands on the shoulder.

Fig. 95

Pіdsad odnomenny pіyom zvnі. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the clothes under the right hand of the opponent with the left hand, and with the right hand of the left hand, the belt of the clothes on the left back, step with the left foot forward and lightly sit on it. With the right foot of the right leg, toss the enemy’s right homil to the right, and to your right, open the knees to the right on the floor, so that the homil of the right appears parallel to the kilim. Let’s sweat, bending the toelub and straightening the left (supporting) leg, with our hands lift the opponent to the ground, and lift the opponent with our hands to the right leg, lift the opponent’s legs to our right (Fig. 96). Having sharply turned the toelub to the left, throw the opponent with his back to his left toe.

Insuring the enemy with the left hand for clothes.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

Preparations for which reception can be beaten on scarpets and beaten with one leg.

Fig. 96

Throw over the head. The enemy is at the position of the frontal stance, having slightly shriveled his coat to the attacker; the attacker at the position of the right stance.

Having buried the opponent's robes under the elbows, with your left foot kick ahead and put your scarlet (or rather the foot) on the line of the opponent's scarves. Roblyachi strong roar with their hands on themselves and uphill, nibi bazhayuchi throw the opponent over your head with one hand, sit on the ground as close as possible to your left heel and put the toe of your strongly bent right leg to the waist on the opponent’s stomach, which falls forward. Without trimming, at the pace of the movement, roll over on the back and at the moment, if your shoulder blades hit the kilim, hit the enemy strongly (albeit without hitting) with the toe of the right foot. Straight ahead, the post can be uphill-back, behind the head of the attacker.

After the opponent falls on the back at the pace of rolling along the back, throw back over the head and sit up on the opponent’s trunk, standing knees on the kilim (Fig. 97).

Insurance: until the post with your foot, do not move your hands beyond the line, perpendicular to the kilim, sob, roblyachi rivok with your hands, do not throw your opponent’s head straight to the ground.

Self-insurance: flip forward. You can fall and in an offensive rank: go on the back to the forward flip, but, like only the shoulder blades hit the kilim, bend gently, bend your legs and spread them wider. After the shoulder blades of the kilim, the feet bump, and the krizh lifted the flooring, so that the kilim would not bump.

A friendly camp is a throw over the head: the enemy bends forward and stands, trying to twist the attacker behind the kilim.

Fig. 97 Throw over the head

So that the enemy does not lose the throw for the kilim, it is necessary to change the throw straight ahead. You should fight like this: sitting on the kilim, make a sharp turn at once to the center of the kilim.

It’s easier to throw a throw over the head, if the enemy is at the frontal position, it’s not important to carry out a throw, as the enemy has become at the right of the left hand.

If the enemy is at the position of the right stance, then, sitting on the seats, you need to turn left-handed and put your left foot on the right foot, and the right foot with your toe to the opponent’s waist, so you fall forward. If the enemy is at the left side, then turn yourself and turn the enemy right-handedly.

In both positions, you will fire up the opponent so that you will lean back towards you at the position of the frontal stance.

Preparations before throwing over the head can be: whipping on socks; mortgage (up to the position of the frontal stand); Viklik showing the opponent's legs.

A throw over the head can be a twist, as a way to get it right: a zachepa in the middle; zachepa zovnі that bіchny pіdsіkannya.

Throw over the head from the pіdsadzhennya homіlki. Throwing over the head of the hominy plantation has three main options, which are distinguished by one type of characteristic hoarding:

a) as the opponent tries to throw with his right hand from the left hand of the sambo player clothes on his back, throw a throw from the trapped one hand of the two. Having buried the front of the opponent’s right hand under the left paw, and with both hands put on the shoulder part of the opponent’s arm, rob the left leg forward and put it between the opponent’s legs. Sitting near the left five, put the right gomilka to the lower part of the enemy’s coat, and rest against the inner part of the left leg with the right foot (Fig. 98, 1 ). Breaking the gomilka and robbing with your hands a strong roar on yourself and to the left, throw the opponent so that the veins roll over the kilim with your back from the right shoulder to the left side;

b) when the enemy is bending down, carry out a throw from the burrowed head under the shoulder. Take with your left hand the robes on the right sleeve of the opponent, and with the right head of the opponent under your right shoulder (Mal. 98, 2 ). Throw the enemy in this very way, like in the front option, but right over the head;

c) when the opponent strongly bends down, carry out a throw from the grip of the belt over the shoulder. Take the left hand behind the robe on the right sleeve of the opponent, and the right belt on the yoga back over the right shoulder and hold the opponent’s throw over your head (Fig. 98, 3 ).

Conducting any of the suggested options, the attacker at the pace can roll back on his back and, having made a new flip back, sit on top of his opponent.

Insurance: direct the opponent to the crossover so that the vin does not hit his head on the kilim.

Self-insurance: throw forward or over the shoulder.

Throwing over the head with the feet of the homilka can be vikoristany as a trick against all the kicks from the hoary feet of the call.

Fig. 98 Throw over the head


Vіdhvat. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s robes under the right hand with the left hand, right over the right collarbone, shake the enemy and move the arm of the body to the right leg; at once, the great crochet of the left foot forward-to-left, spreading the sock of the name. Quickly bring the leg bent in the knee to the right leg to the left-forward and with a strong swing back, kick the enemy’s right leg to the right knee with the right knee, making a strong twist of the hands to the left-down at the same time.

Self-insurance: falling on a livy bik (Fig. 99).


The most comfortable position of the enemy is easy to grasp, if one leg of the enemy is set far forward, and if the enemy steps forward and pulls the wines. In these swings, at that moment, if the enemy, expanding the stance, move his left leg back, with his right foot make a small step in front, and the left great step is forward-levoruch and bring the leg bent in the knee to the right leg forward and to the left. If the opponent is more likely to put his right foot back, increase the grip, as described above.

The best preparations for grasping: whipping on one leg; settling one leg; mortgage and turn of the enemy.

When preparing by laying and turning the opponent, it is necessary to work at the last moment before setting the opponent’s foot on the keel after the arcuate crochet forward.

Vіdkhvat mozhe buti vikoristany as a trick at vіdpovіd against posterior podnіzhki.

Exhalation from the suffocated feet is sweltering. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your right hand, grab the robe on the chest of the opponent, the lion's foot knee of the right leg of the opponent's call. I will lift my foot uphill-levoruch, bring my right foot forward between the opponent’s legs and hit the opponent’s left knee with the knee (Fig. 100).

Insurance: lift the falling man with his right hand by the clothes on the opponent's chest.

In the grip of the suffocated legs, the call can be beaten as a trick at the front against the front puff and the front puff in the knee.

Fig. 100

Exhalation from the occluded legs in the middle. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the clothes under the right elbow, and with the right, under the knee, the opponent’s right leg is in the middle. I will raise my foot to the right-uphill, work my left foot closer to the enemy’s left leg and hold the right foot of the leg under the right foot of the knee (Fig. 101).

If the enemy’s fall is recognized, let him in with his right leg and insure with his left hand for the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

In the grip of the suffocated legs in the middle, it is possible to win as a trick against the back of the foot, in the grip, lifting and planting the gomilka.

Fig. 101 Pulling out of the choked legs in the middle

Pidbivshi. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. Having buried the robes on the shoulder parts of the opponent’s arms, change the position of the leg with a strobkom: place the left leg with the toe turned to the left; under the hour of the haircut, bring the right leg back. With an energetic swing of the right gomilka, beat the opponent’s left leg into the knees of the knee and throw the enemy to the right with the serpentine swing of both hands (Fig. 102). If you fall, try to support the opponent, as you fall, with your right hand behind the left sleeve, at the same time you can lift your left leg with your right foot.

Self-insurance: falling on the right side.

The most friendly camp of the enemy is to pick up: the enemy stands sideways to the attacker, legs wide apart.

You can win as a trick as a trick against a throw through the quilt and a throw from the tangled arms on the shoulder.

Fig.102 Pidbivshi

Podvіyny pіdbivshi ("knives"). The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With your right hand, grab the enemy’s clothes on your chest so that the little finger is pulled by the thumb (zvorotne zahoplennya). You can bury with the right hand from the left hand of the enemy. Strubnuvshi on the enemy from the side of his left side, hit him with his left foot in the lower knee, and with his right foot at the living.

If the enemy falls more often, the attacker is guilty with his left foot to lift the legs of the opponent, perhaps more (Fig. 103).

Insurance: do not let the falling one get his left hand on the ground.

Self-insurance: roll onto the back.

The most friendly camps of the enemy with the help of a lined lining: the enemy stand sideways; the opponent pulls the attacker to himself; the opponent crosses his legs.

The best way to prepare the receptionist: turn the coat to the cross of the neck.

"Knives" can be beaten like a throw at a counter against all kicks from the suffocated legs in the middle.

Fig. 103

Podvіyny podbivshi one leg (knives under one leg). Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your right hand, grab the robe on the opponent’s left shoulder, and with your right hand, grab the right foot of the knee in the middle. Then, with a sharp turn of the toenail to the left, cut back-to the right and fasten the left foot behind the lower third of the opponent’s left hoof (for the Achilles tendon) (Fig. 104).

Falling on the lion's beak, both feet and legs offending the opponent's legs uphill, simultaneously roaring with the right hand, right-handed and pushing back with the right leg on the enemy's left leg.

“Knifes” under one leg can be beaten as a trick against kicking out of the entrapment of the legs in the middle and the ring, for which it is necessary for an hour of the enemy’s entrapment of the leg to be clenched with the clench of the opponent’s leg at the same time.

Fig. 104 Podviyny podbivshi under one leg ("knives" under one leg)

Pіdhoplennya. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take the right sleeve of the opponent with the left hand, and with the right z-pіd of the left hand, the belt of the yoga back. Turning to the left side on the right nose (rolling from five to toe), put the left foot on the right side, and bring the right (pointed) to the left-uphill. Pressing to your right side the opponent’s coat, push the front part of the enemy’s right leg straight back-uphill with the quilt of the right leg, and at the same time throw the opponent to your left leg (Fig. 105). Insuring the falling one with the left hand for the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

Successful recovery can be carried out with the most tempting burrows, for example, from the burrow of a different hand into the elbow, from the burrow into the robe on the breasts, and so on.

It is possible to win as a trick as a trick against kicks from the suffocation of the feet.

Fig. 105

Pіdhoplennya zsrediny. The attacker is on the right, the enemy is on the left. With your left hand, grab a robe on the opponent’s right sleeve, and with your right hand, put a belt on your back. Turning on the right nose to the left, strongly squeeze the lower part of the opponent’s coat to your right kulshovoe loom, using your hands to pull it not only on yourself, but in the corner.

Transferring the arm of the body to the left leg, the right to bring it to the left-uphill and with the force of the right leg, pushing the inner part of the opponent’s left leg. Bending the right leg to give strength to the sharp straightening of the left leg and sticking up the toe.

Having robbed the rivok with your hands and the toelub to the left-down, throw the opponent on the whole back to your left leg (mal. 106, 1 ).

Insurance of the falling left hand behind the right sleeve of the yoga.

Self-insurance: falling on the left bank.

Fig. 106

The rise in the middle can be good for sambo wrestlers, the legs of some of them are good for none of their opponents.

With an arch of a wide and low stand of the enemy, it is necessary to crush the enemy’s head with lithic muck in the middle. In tsikh vipadkah, the backs are not bound with the right hand (Fig. 106, 2 ). It’s safe to say that in case of such a (low) low level in the middle of the day of sambist, they allow hitting the fifth on the inner part of the gomіlka, which, as it seems, in sports wrestling, with a fence.

Kidki mostly in Tulub

Kidok through stegno. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s robes under the right hand with the left hand, and with the right hand, the robes on the back with the left hand, shake the enemy and move the weight of the body to the scarves. With a roll from five to toe, turn the left hand towards the right nose, so that the left side leaned against the enemy’s right leg. At once, with a turn, put your left foot up to your right foot and three feet on both feet. Hit the left side of the inner part of the right side of the enemy straight back and uphill. If the enemy flies over the attacker's coat, before the kilim hits, let the cloak on his back (Fig. 107).

Insuring the falling one with the left hand for the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: falling on a leviy bik, like when crossing over a club.

When twisted, the throw through the quilt should be wound, so that a blow on the keel with a hand, to rob depreciation, next to work under the great kut by extending to the toe, lower when throwing it over the club, so that the fall of the toe is on the right hand.

Fig. 107 Throw through the steno

Throwing through the steno can be carried out with bagatma choked, most of them:

a) chopping clothes on the breasts across the chest (div. Fig. 27);

b) belt tucked into the back over one shoulder (div. fig. 27);

c) cloaking the robe on the chest of the enemy with the back of the hand (div. Fig. 27).

The widest pardon when raising a throw: pushing the opponent’s seats uphill, just like the next slide back uphill. Often there is a second pardon: the attacker thrashes the toulub forward, not yet robbing the opponent's crotch with the seat.

The most friendly place is a throw through the cloak, if the enemy insists and tries to grab the attacker's clothes on his back.

If, with the right stance of the attacker, the enemy is standing in the lion stance, then the turn on the right nose with a roll from five to toe is not followed, so that the enemy can easily strike the bichnu foot with the left foot under the right foot of the attacker. In such situations, it is necessary to repair with an offensive rank: put the left foot with the fifth to the opponent’s left toe, turning the toe to the left as much as possible. Move the weight of the opponent's body to the right leg. Turn on your left foot to the left side, pass your right foot between your left foot and the legs of your opponent, put it to your left foot. Kіntseve position at tsomu pіdkhodі may appear as such, as it was appointed higher (Fig. 108).

Fig. 108 Pidkhid to throw through the quilt "to the side of the leg"

Preparations before throwing through the quilt can be: zbivannya on socks; the pledge of that viklik is the introduction of the opponent's leg.

In addition, there are a few special preparations before throwing through the quilt, for example:

a) skidannya on stegno. Transfer the heaviness of the enemy's body to one five or to the left-down and to the pace of supporting the enemy with a strong jerk with his hands on himself and to the right to throw the opponent on the steno, so that he turns to the right direction;

b) see the colony. The enemy is at the Left Station. Putting the right foot close to the left foot of the opponent in the middle, press the right knee on the left knee of the opponent in the middle. If the wines are more zealous, hold the throw through the steg.

A throw through the steno can be used as a trick as a trick against the same throw through the stegno. For whom it is necessary to step over the leg of the opponent placed in front of you and move firmly.

Bіchny kidok through stegno. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take the opponent by the robes on both sleeves with a wrist, make a strong roar with your right hand on yourself and uphill, so that the opponent steps forward with his left foot.

At the moment, if the opponent rearranges his left leg, with a strong hand of the right hand, put his left hand on the right so that the offending hands crossed over the white of the elbows.

Letting go of the left sleeve of the opponent, which was flailing with the right hand, swish around the yoga coat from the side of the back on the level of the belt. Go around the toulub, you need to lay the floor, so that you can reach the right penzle to the opponent’s stomach and there you can get the yoga belt.

At once, lightly squatting, press the right hip joint to the left side of the opponent.

Throw in an opponent pelvic loam to the right-uphill, one hour turning yoga with his head forward and down, and with his feet to the right-back-uphill (Fig. 109). Direct the opponent, who wants to fly forward, to a soft roll with his back along the kilim.

Throw insurance: with your left hand for clothes.

Self-insurance: yak when crossing a club on a livy bek.

Bichny throwing through the quilt can be stagnant as a trick against throwing through the quilt.

Fig. 109 Bichny throw through the steno

Throw through the back from the burrowed head. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your left hand, grab the right sleeve of the opponent, rightly bend his head with the elbow. At once, from the choke of the head, turn on the right foot with a roll from the five to the toe to the left, so that the lion's seat showed the call of the opponent's right leg. Finishing the turn, put the left foot to the right and transfer the heaviness of the body onto it.

Trochy putting his right foot to the right on the outer part of the scarp, stand on the right knee of his left scarp and heal the opponent through his back. Send the enemy to a soft throw with his back to the kilim. If the opponent is more shy of moving on the back, pull the right leg forward, sit on the right side of the right side of the opponent and take the position of the morning side (Fig. 110).

Insurance: kindly bend the opponent’s head, so that you don’t hit him with his head on the kilim, and sit on the kilim handrail from the opponent, and not fall on him.

Self-insurance: at the same time, having raised your head, make a smooth flip forward.

Throwing through the back from the choked head can be beaten as a trick against throwing through the leg and hold yoga at that moment, if the enemy is trying to throw a belt on your back.

Fig. 110 Throw through the back from the burrowed head

Zvorotny throw through the back. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having grabbed the enemy’s right sleeve with his left hand, turning to the new with his back on the right nose to the left side (rolling from five to toe), the attacker is guilty of grabbing with his right hand from the bottom of the robes on the shoulder part of his right hand and put his right hand on his right shoulder. Let's carry our left hand between ourselves and the right side of the enemy and hug her back with it. Move your seat to the left and throw your opponent forward over your back, not letting your right hand in and trying not to let your left hand cling to the kilim (Fig. 111).

Preparations for the next reception can be: beating the opponent into shkarpets and laying hands on the clogged hands with liquor.

Fig. 111 Back throw

Kidok from zakhoplennyam hands under the shoulder. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. Having buried the enemy’s robe, we right it with the left hand, and we rule with the robe on the left shoulder, with the roar of the hands, crush the enemy and transfer the weight of the body to the scarves. At once, the attacker is guilty of bringing the left foot forward so that the heel becomes whiter than the opponent’s left foot, and the heel appears strongly flared to the left.

Continuing to pull the enemy at a straight line of yoga scarpets, send your right leg to lift your body and with your right hand grab the shoulder part of your right hand under the paw.

At once, it is necessary to sharply turn your toelub levoruch so that you are leaning back in position with your chest to the kilim. Continuing to turn to the left, lie on the right side, zmushyuyuchi the enemy and throw over the attacker (Fig. 112). The turn of the toulub and the fall on the right side can be accelerated with a swing of the right hand, so that you can cross at the forging with the right hand along the kilim forward-left hand.

Insurance: respectfully guard, so as not to fall on the enemy. For whom the thrower is guilty of lying sideways on the kilim first, lower on the new fall of the enemy, and lower the right shoulder on the kilim earlier, lower the enemy will spread over the attacker.

Self-insurance: throw over the shoulder.

Expanded pardons when vikonannі this reception: zakholennya pіd pavu zamіst shoulder parts of the arm - in front of the enemy and small bending of the supporting leg at the back of the back, through which it is important to pull the enemy on a throw.

The most friendly camp is a throw from the snarled hands under the shoulder: the enemy bends forward and stands, pulling his hands together.

Preparations for which one can be taken can be: beating the enemy into shkarpetki and laying a bet.

A kick from the choke of the arm under the shoulder can be beaten as a trick against the back of the foot. For this, falling through the right leg of the opponent, you need to turn left hand and grab the right hand of the opponent under your right shoulder.

Fig. 112 Throwing out of the clogged hands under the shoulder

Kidok іz zvorotnym zahoplennyam hands under the shoulder. The attacker is on the right, the enemy is on the left. With your left hand, grab the right shoulder on the opponent’s jacket, and with your right hand, behind the inner part of the left wrist (or the sleeves). Bending and crouching on your feet, grab the left hand of the enemy under the right pakhva. Sitting on the right side and sharply turning the toulub right-handed, throw the opponent on the kilim so that the veins roll over from the left shoulder to the right side (Fig. 113).

Insurance: do not hit the opponent with your shoulder on the kilim.

Self-insurance: throw over the shoulder,

Throw a throw from the back choke of the hand under the shoulder, if the opponent choke your belt to the side.

Fig. 113 Throw from the back trap of the hand under the shoulder

Kidok with a hand on the shoulder. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the enemy’s robes under the right hand with the left hand, and with the right robes under the yogo with the right groin, muse him with the heaviness of the body on the right nose. Turning your back to the enemy on the right nose to the left sideways (rolling from five to toe), put the shoulder part of the yoga of the right hand on the right shoulder.

Mitzno trembling my hand on my shoulders, sharply stooping forward, pushing my opponent at once with my knees at a straight back-uphill (Fig. 114).

Just like an opponent, having flown over the attacker’s coat, fall down more often, roll back-left-handed with your left foot, pulling the enemy by the right sleeve, secure Yogo’s fall on the keel with your whole back.

Insurance when rozuchuvannya: both hands behind the right sleeve. At all points, stezhit, so that the enemy does not hit his head on the kilim.

Self-insurance: like in case of a fall, shkerebert through a club.

The most friendly camp of any kid: the enemy tries to capture the attacker.

The shortest preparations before the throw from the choke up of the hands on the shoulder will be: whipping into scarves; mortgage; a pledge to bury the hands of the liktov’s death and the viklik of the introduction of the opponent’s legs.

Fig. 114 Kidok іz zahoplennyam hands on the shoulder

As a way to take a throw from a clogged hand on your shoulder, you can beat a blow against a throw over your back from a clogged head at that moment, if the enemy starts to choke your head, even if he has not yet turned his back to you.

Descriptions of kidok can be carried out, vidozminyuyuchi zakhoplennya. Throws are most far away: from the folded hands through the front of the shoulders and from the folded hands into the elbow (Fig. 115).

Fig. 115 Options for grips for a throw with a grip on the shoulder

In addition, a throw with a hand on the shoulder can be carried out, standing on a knee (Fig. 116). For this one, burying your hand on your shoulder and shaking your coat, it’s necessary to drop down on the offending knee and pull up the opponent’s right shoulder to your left knee.

Insurance for this type of throw: do not let the falling one get his right hand on the kilim.

Fig. 116 Kidok iz zahoplennyam hands on the shoulder, flocking to the top

Throw through the chest. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Take the front of the right hand of the opponent under the left shoulder; at once with a penny, grab the opponent’s belt through your right hand and squeeze it to your chest, and with your right, grab the robe on the opponent’s left shoulder.

Strike with your right foot in front and put її mizh nіg of the enemy (you can put the right leg close to the right leg to the left leg). Having strongly arched your back, hit the opponent with the stomach from below, at the yogo zhivit (Fig. 117).

Falling back, make a sharp turn with the toulub to the left sideways with such a rose, to lean over the opponent, as if falling back on the kilim.

Insurance: do not let the enemy get on the kilim with his right hand, do not fall on him with his whole body in the remaining stage of acceptance.

Falling self-insurance: throw over the shoulder from the right shoulder to the left side.

The most lucrative moment for the reception: the enemy slams the attacker's back with his hands.

Preparations for throwing through the chest can be: beating one leg; the opponent's turn and the turn of the opponent's legs.

The throw through the chest can be twisted like a throw at the top against the throw through the quilting, lining and front bottoms.

Fig. 117 Throw through the chest

Throw over the shoulders (mlyn). Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. Having buried the sleeve on the shoulder part of the right arm of the opponent with the left hand, make a strong rip on yourself with it and troch up the hill and at once “bump” under the opponent with the right shoulder so that it digs into the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. With your right hand, grab the opponent’s right leg behind the lower leg with your right hand, energetically kicking the toe up in the air, move your legs to the right.

If the opponent's legs go right-handed at 90 °, throw them up with your right shoulder and right hand. At once, stepping with your left foot to the left and back, pull the enemy with your left hand behind your right hand on yourself and uphill, and fall with your back to the ground (Fig. 118).

Insurance of the falling left hand for the right sleeve.

Self-insurance: like in case of a fall, shkerebert through a club on a leviy bek.

Preparations before carrying out a throw over the shoulders can be: beating the opponent with one leg; viklik showing the opponent's legs; laying ta turn of the opponent's hand.

Fig. 118 Throw over the shoulders ("mlyn")

The Danish version of the throw over the shoulders can be changed by clapping with the right hand not the legs, but the belt with the grip (Fig. 119). Deyakі sambosti pіd an hour vіdrivu adversary vіd kilim vіdstavlyayut leg, scho back to back to stand - tse easier pіdёm enemy.

Fig. 119 Throw over the shoulders from the tucked belt

A throw over the shoulders from the choked gate or through the gate. The opponent is at the position of the left, the attacker is on the right side. With your right hand, the robes on the enemy’s shii back through his right shoulder, and with the left in the middle behind the opponent’s left leg, lift the yoga on your shoulders and throw it on your back to your right leg (small 120, 1 ).

Insuring the enemy, trimming yogo for clothes and slacking on soft perekid.

Self-insurance: forward flip.

This technique can be carried out by suffocating with the right hand the left collar of the jacket on the chest of the enemy, but so, so that the little finger of the attacker is hanging by the thumb (small 120, 2 ).

Preparations: zbivannya on scarpets and a pledge.

Fig. 120 Throw over the shoulders from the gates (1) and through the gates (2)

Throw over the shoulders from the clogged hands. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With the left hand, grab the enemy's clothes on the right front, with the right on the left. Squatting down and pushing the opponent’s foot down, call Yogo on his back and squeeze him tightly to himself. You can throw the enemy right-handed and left-handed. If you throw a right-handed, then with your left hand it is necessary to let the enemy's right hand into the ground.

Insuring the falling one with your hand, a throw is carried out at the bik.

Self-insurance: falling on a beak (Fig. 121).

Fig. 121 Throw over the shoulders and out of the clogged hands

A throw over the shoulders from the suffocation of the same arm and leg. Offending sambo in the position of the right stance. With your right hand, grab in the middle of the right wrist of the enemy and put your right heel near the right leg. Turn left hand sideways, crouching, bending and calling the opponent on your shoulders. With your left hand, grab it in the middle of yoga leve stegno. The attacker, having sharply shriveled his right-handed coat and kicked up the opponent’s left leg with his left hand, can throw yoga to the right leg (Fig; 122).

Insure the falling one, lifting yoga by the right hand.

Preparation: beating the opponent with one leg.

Training, training and development is a single pedagogical process. That’s right, for the first time, we at once, by the singing world, train and learn the low level of yakost. The process of training is inextricably linked to improved practices and may also have a higher significance.

Carrying out the work of the school, the coach creates a change of mind for the achievement of his studies in sports, and the practice of defending our Fatherland.

That is why the training of sambo is carried out by the coach at the lessons, zmagannya and ostentatious vantups in the form of a single virtuous process, in a kind of deep physical development, technical and tactful training in sambo indistinctly shows the development of moral and volovy qualities. The whole process of training and training of sambo will be based on the didactic principles of radian pedagogy: knowledge, accuracy, activity, systematicity, accessibility and intelligence.

Svіdome assimilation of the initial material. Sambo, which is engaged in, is to blame for everything to comprehend doslіdzhuvane, clearly stating why it is necessary to adopt a tactful maneuver, its significance in sports essence and in combat action. The trainer makes sure that he/she is trained by a relay analysis of the passing material. Better yet, when they are engaged, they describe what they are doing, and explain the technique of doing it alone.

Accuracy we allow those who are engaged in swedish and more precisely to assess the notification of sambo and it is easier and more precisely to do it themselves. Trainer to rob learning for help: demonstration of technique; development of technology from photographs, small prints, cinematographs and films; showing the essence of the final sambo wrestlers, etc.

Awakening in activity that is engaged in. The great role of vihovannі activity play zavdannya at the hour of the lesson, require independent work that is done. The goal through activity, which develops, most often leads to creative thoughts of scientists, which is necessary to make everyone want.

The greatest activity is developed in the open section of the section, the organization of the bureau of the section, the organization of the evenings, excursions, trips toshcho.

Systematism and availability of education. The program is guilty of being folded and going through in such a way that the initial material on all sections is from simple to more folding, from easy to more and more important. The availability of the material is determined by the correctness of the selection process depending on the degree of physical differences and technical training of those who are involved.

Systematicity and availability of material to lay down in the form of proper planning (div. "Planning of Sambo").

Doslіdzhuvany material is guilty of conquering the mine. Mіtsnі novice viroblyayutsya bagatorazim repetitions. However, as practice has shown, after a clear assimilation of the scheme, it is necessary for one to acquire a lot of yoga repetition from various tactful minds. It is especially worthy to win over with a mental support, essences with a one-sided support of those free essences.


The main form of the lesson is to take it from sambo.

A practical lesson consists of several parts: introductory, preparatory, main and final.

1st part of the lesson, introductory (4-8 minutes).

Manager: organization of respect for the group, the development of discipline and awareness, the establishment of respect and the peaceful development of the body.

Zasobi: pobudova, re-verification of the present, short rozmov of the temporal character, stroyovі right, hastened walking, rіvnomіrny bіg, right with your hands and the coat on the go. Physiological urgency, as if vitiated by the pulse rate, for example, the first part of the lesson is not guilty of revisiting a 20% lower indicator at the beginning of the lesson.

It is necessary to start the lesson from the heartfelt encouragement, vimagati clarity and total silence. It is recommended to practice the report of the worms about the number of attendees at the lesson. Bazhano zastosovuvati stroyovі teams.

Roll call is necessary to work on the cob of the lesson. Quiet, who zapiznivsya, signify and conduct conversations with them about the inadmissibility of zapiznen.

Until the beginning of the march, it is right to carry out a 1-2-hvilinna Rozmov's twisted character.

Misce, from which the coach conducts the lesson, it is guilty to be fast; it changes stalely in the wake of the group and the method of conducting part of the lesson. In all activities, vikladach can do good work for everyone who is involved. The coach is guilty of giving butt corrected and arrogance in clothes. Tsgogo vіn vіmagає vіd uchnіv.

The right introductory part of the lesson is not to blame for a strong awakening, otherwise, in this part of the lesson, it is not necessary to give a trivial big, nigor, as if they violated the respect and discipline of the group.

2nd part of the lesson, preparation (10-30 min.).

Manager: vihovannya pratsiovitostі and vidomosti, zagalne zmіtsnennya diyalnostі main systems of the body, zbіlshennya friability in the globules and zmіtsnennya zv'yazykovogo device, development of elasticity and zdatnostі razlabljuvat m'yazi, vyroblennya put correctly.

Zasobi: short vkazіvki vyhovnogo character, the right to bending and zmіtsnennya suglobіv, shvidkіst, strength, brіvnovagu, coordination ruhіv and rozslablennya m'yazіv.

The exercise of vibrancy in this part of the lesson of the zdebіlshû vіdbuvaєtsya over the appearance of special rights, and the way to the minimum downtime in the physical activity of the body between the rights, the way of zlivannya tsikh rights in the other series.

The pulse rate is similar to another part of the lesson, sound, you can change it more lower than 35% of the output indicator for the beginning of the lesson.

With the right to develop the elasticity of the masses, it is recommended to increase the amplitude of the movement step by step. If you have the right to develop the strength of good vikonuvat special right to relax.

Ruhi in this part of the lesson is necessary to pick up the yakomoga differently. Under the hour of vikonannya ruhіv slid to tell the teachings, if you work in the air, if you see.

The explanatory presentation must be reduced to a minimum and, if possible, replaced by a display. Learn from this period of guilt to occupy a convenient camp.

For the sake of respect, we will teach the teachings of the need to work, not to sound the right way for the whole group (for example, giving the task to the group).

3rd part of the lesson, main (50-70 min.).

Manager: vihovannya that zakrіplennya physical, moral and volovyh yakosty that navichok; learning the technique of fighting and zastosuvannya tsієї tehnіki in raznomanіtnyh complicated minds.

Zasobi: take insurance and self-insurance, take sambo fights, take self-defence, see the training of the priyomas and the good things. A short note of respect for technical pardons and behavior of sambo wrestlers. Analysis of technology, task of tactics and analysis of the essence.

Physiological concern for example part of the lesson of the greatest magnitude. The pulse rate rises, sound, up to 70-100% against the indicator for the first lesson.

The technique of fighting and self-defense needs to be developed in the main part of the skin lesson in an offensive order:

1. wreathed fall and kidkiv;

2. training in wrestling lying down;

3. Vivchennya accepting self-defense.

At the end of the main part of the lesson, the next thing to do is to conduct various exercises and practice the right things.

Falling without crossings is necessary to wrap the whole group, stashed on kilims in a loose formation, and spend them, so that you can beat one about one obov'yazkovo in one straight.

As if the falls twisted through the chick, then the chicks rolled along the corners of the kilim, the falls rolled in one beat, and the chotiri rolled along the edges of the kilim. Well, it’s also hand-worn and with a twisted fall through the cost of crustaceans.

Before the wedding, whether it’s a kid, you can only rozpochinat after the wedding (chi repetition) of a double fall.

On a kilim with a size of 6x6 m, you can place five pairs at once - chotiri along the ridges and one in the center. Giving orders to carry out throws, it is necessary to indicate exactly exactly, in what way they need to be carried out, otherwise they can hit one by one.

Giving the task of wrestling when you wrestle lying down, you need to tell directly, who can have the head of a lying sambo wrestler. Under an hour of training essences of wrestling lying down, training when wrestling is standing with a mental support and with a one-sided support on kilims, you can immediately buti chotiri bet.

For training on priyomi at the top, one should place only two pairs on kilim at the same time, exactly indicating the place for the skin of them.

For the good things, the whole kilim hopes for full strength only one pair.

Until the beginning of the right things, tactful tasks are put before those who are involved, and after the skin essence, reports are being analyzed from the appointment of positive actions and admissions of pardons.

It is possible to allow only quiet students to reach the vilnyh essences, if they don’t miss to take it, they have well acquired the technique of self-insurance and the insurance of comrades. In a group of students, it is necessary to introduce essences (with exchanges, which change), starting from the 6th-8th lesson.

Under the hour of training, that training of the vikladach can conduct a vikhovna work. Having shown all kinds of tactless vchinkіv, rudeness and nedbalostі on promotion to comrades, it is necessary to swear, slobbery at the same time rose and clarifies that vkazіvka.

Likewise, it is necessary to put on the nights, the unbalance of the clothes, the neohaynost of the suits too thin.

For the time being, one or two wagers on kilims are fighting, deciding to sit and watch for the struggle, respectfully listening to the vikladach’s remarks.

Calling one pair for a kilim, the vikladach can at once give the next pair of preparations to get ready, to put on jackets well.

Methodology for training priyomіv and training їх. Before that, how to proceed to the study of the group, whether it be some kind of reception, you need to show it like this, yakbi wines were held at a free essence, so it’s technically correct, it’s smart and clear. Let's give a roundup to the receptionist with a glance at the technique and tactics. After all, at once, from the explanations and the priming, some characteristic details are shown. At the end, they are again demonstrated by the reception of the whole looking, at once.

Even if the group is not sufficiently prepared, it is recommended after the explanation to the receptionist to divide the reception as a whole and to learn it in parts, step by step uniting them.

If the task has been given and the bet is begun, it is necessary to go around the group and check the correctness of the reception, roblyachi instructing the skin.

Particular respect should be paid to those who, when the partners were recognized, didn’t repair one to one, and didn’t fall when they were raised earlier kidka. When robbing the reception, that thoroughly yogo vykonannya leather from the quiet, who is engaged in handwriting, rob the reception three times. Such a change can be taken for a few times in a protracted hour, when I receive a wedding.

It was necessary to teach the students before they showed good to the stench before the end, and after the end of the dermal use they analyzed their handicap, so that they knew, and not mechanically learned and mastered the use.

On the back, you need to learn the main tricks with the most viable position of the attacker and the most handy for the receiving position of the defense. If in a number of lessons you learn to master in other possible options and from different positions of the attacker, then you defend yourself. Tse step by step accumulates dosvid-sambosta and gives the opportunity to zastosovuvat priyom at different positions at the free essence.

In sambo wrestling, I throw a skin throw, knocking the opponent down on the entire back, but when raising the throws, the partners, raising one to the other, kick the end of the bagatyokh throws so that they fall not on the back, but on the back. Such training (with insurance) gives the possibility of repeating the skin of the kidok and bringing the most important parts of the kidok to full development - the cob and the development. However, the completion of the kidkiv is often poorly acquired. Well, if you have learned to take a kick, then the partners will not be able to continue the training. Obviously, those who train in this way will not have kicks.

As practice has shown, it is necessary about five times after throwing a throw from a good support partner, and ahead of yoga, throwing a throw on the entire back (with “vistilannyam”).

In such a rank, bagatoraz's repetition of the doslidzhuvanih commemoration and mastery of the cob, the development of that completion is reached.

For the best practice of sambo coaches, the trainer is solely responsible for the skin of his students, if he chooses to do so, for others, he can become a sambo wrestler at the right places. Nahil sambista to these priyomіv, scho lie down in yogo character, statuary and development of yogo yakost, chastkovy yogo training minds, training and performances at zmagannyah, bred to see a small number of priyomіv at such ranks and individual complex.

When picking up such a complex, we should pay more attention to those who, like sambo wrestlers, most often and more often go to the free spirits.

However, in most cases, the coach has to make those and other additions in order to ensure that the sambo complex does not replicate, but all the main provisions that apply to the most important things.

It is necessary to practice before using an individual complex of drugs for skin sambosta buli:

2-3 priyomi, recognized for stosuvannya to the enemy, like standing up during the fight (shtovhaє sambosta);

1-2 priyomi for zastosuvannya to the enemy, yakiy, navpaki, tyagne vin;

1-2 take for the enemy, which, when wrestling, standing up, go to the right or to the left (spin), walking at the side of the set leg;

2-3 to receive at the most effective attack of the opponents during the standing wrestling.

So it is necessary for the mother to master:

1-2 mornings;

2-3 bolovі take on the snow of the hands;

1-2 bolovі priyomi on globi nіg.

Mustache must be exercised in offensive ways (right and left). The greater the possibility of stosuvanya tsikh priyomіv vvlnyh essences, with which the stature of sambist develops harmoniously and the possibility of overtraining of quiet chi other m'yazivs changes. Start pіdbіr іndivіdualnogo complex that yogo training is necessary from the 2nd year of training.

1. Vikonanny priyomov without support more quickly, to get better at the details, I’ll take that okremikh yogo parts, then step by step I’ll hurry up. Domagatisya correct, exact that swedish vikonannya received. Training takes place in the form of a subsequent victory 3-6 times in one sambo wrestler, then another, etc.

2. Training priyomіv z umovnym (dose) support. Before which training you can proceed, if by the adoption of conquests and beaten without pardons. The training develops into repetition: not attacking the enemy with a trick, at which the enemy succumbs, but with full strength, giving all the same, you still carry out the right wins on your own and, corysta with the inaccurate hands of the sambo player in order to stand up against the trick. Training to pass at the sight of a handwriting vikonnny 3-6 tricks with one sambo wrestler, then another, etc. Training tricks with support, which is dosed to be carried out on the back while standing on one spot, then at the singing coach directly change over and, nareshti, with a sufficient change over the kilim.

3. Training with one-sided support. In couples, someone will be the first, someone else number. The first numbers attack, be like tricks of the hour, others let themselves be hooted like the first numbers are handily, but when they are victorious, they are protected by the first tricks. After the given hour, the first numbers are exchanged with the roles of others.

4. Training with a stronger one-sided support. At whom the trained sambist, vykonuє the role of the enemy, zastosovu already zahistu like an ear of the cob, and to the cob and does not allow the attacker to hoard those, as if it were handy. The first and other numbers attack and defend the same hour.

5. Training priyomіv vіdpovіd. One is a training attack, the other is to take a hit. Then the sambists change their roles. The first and the other attack and defend the same hour. We need to attack one at a time, we’ll get fooled, we’ll take it, we’ll sweat it, we’ll have a successful zastosuvannya in the world, we’ll take it at the attack, step by step we’ll increase the number of attacks.

6. Training with tricks in the respiratory tract. Tse training is to complicate the training with a stronger one-sided support, to which the opponent’s right to carry out attacks is extended. Tse vzhe mayzhe vilna essence, prote vibir the moment for the cob of attack that іnіtsiativa її її napadnikovі priyat іlki napadnikovі. The first and the other numbers attack the same hour.

7. Alternate training. Training with a one-sided support, training with a stronger one-sided support, training with tricks at the top and training with tricks at the top are carried out with an increasing hour: 1 "+1"; 2"+2"; З "+З"; And so on. However, the coaches begin to note that in the longer hours the roles of the first and other numbers become the same only formally: in the other half of the essence, let yourself feel natural about it. Some scholars invariably want to be the first, to attack with fresh forces (less vitrival), others want to be constantly others, to attack the languor (vitrival). In order to avoid such a high specialization, training should be introduced alternately. It will be carried out with two or three of them by changing roles. For example: 1 "+1" +1 "+1" (4hv.); 1"30"+1"30"+1"30"+1"30" (6 min.); 2"+2"+2"+2" (8 min.); 1"30"+1"30"+1"30"+1"30"+1"30"+1"30" (9 minutes).

8. Training from tying eyes. For the development of the so-called m'yazovy pochutya, sambo students train from eye tying. Eyes zavyazuє only one. The other one - "sighted" - vouched for those who were seen near the center of the kilim. Sambo wrestler from tying up my eyes to work on the enemy, so as not to repair the opir, and then we will go through all the higher-level training and learn to carry out free things.

9. Training with one hand. Sometimes a sambo sambo player in essence should be able to imitate timchasovo with one of his own hands - he can work for the її vіdpochinku and z tactful mirkuvan. In certain moods, for example, in cases of poshkodzhenni, one of the hands must be turned off to the end of the essence. Training with one hand is carried out with a sambo wrestler to fight with two hands. The second hand is tucked into the belt on the stomach.

The best drawing is like this:

first numbers - with the right hand;

other numbers - with the right hand;

first numbers - with the left hand;

other numbers - with the left hand.

For training with one hand, you can beat all the other methods of training, giving the role of an attacker to fight with one hand, then defending.

10. Training on one leg. Most of the wrestling was done standing up, while the greater or lesser burden of the body was carried with one leg. That sambist needs a lot of stamina to build while knowing on one foot. In addition, the leg, not for one, but for a sprat of fluff in the air of the body, becomes a work of folding combinations. Like training in stamina, so training in combinations with tricks carried out by the legs miraculously serve as the proponation of training. Training of sambo wrestlers to fight on one leg is to train with sambo wrestlers to wrestle on two legs. With a “free” foot it is not possible to roll a kilim, with a protea one can squirm for any kind of reception.

The best drawing is like this:

first number on the right nose;

another number on the right nose;

the first number on the left note;

another number on the left side.

On the back of the hand, give an hour of rebuking in essence on one nose for a short time, 30 seconds.

11. Initial (experimental) biy. Sutichka pass over the povnu force. Sambisti, pragnuchi master yakomog more tricks, get out of the simplest and most complicated situations, and learn to stop taking over at the top, give oneself one to oneself free to take over and repair the opir only on the buds. Tsya essence vіdіznyаєtsya in vіlnoї not only tim, scho in nіy mає povnoї prugi, but y tim, scho from it all the zahisti is turned off to the cob of the throw.

12. Training at the station for reconsideration. Training, which is carried out well in standing and lying wrestling, is extremely, necessary, it is necessary to perform wrestling and training in order to start two divisions of wrestling. When training in the position, the attacker or the attacker should either carry out the attack at the counter at the opponent’s position, follow the shoveling of the yoga on the morning or on the painful hold. At the distant support of the opponent, the attacker, without spending time, rises at the counter. In this way, it is necessary to make it easier to move from wrestling while standing to wrestling while lying down.

Take wrestling while lying down with such special trainings.

1. Training zavalyuvannya. The first numbers stand on knees, the others at the station. Zavdannya - for the singing hour, call the first of the knees to the back or the back more times. Then the sambists change their roles.

2. Virivatsya іz utriman. The first numbers hoard others on the task of morning. Others begin to squirm for a signal. After 20" sambists change roles.

3. Flip exercise. The first numbers are crustaceans, the others are above them. Zavdannya - in a singing hour, turn others on their backs more than once. Then the sambists change their roles.

4. Training of pain devices from support. The first numbers are in the given position and are supported by the pain technique, which is carried out by the upper one, without changing its position. After the given hour, the sambists change roles.

Such training is carried out for such positions:

a) on the back;

b) crustaceans;

c) nit.

5. Training of pain stimuli in patients. The first one is from the bottom and, when other pain relievers are carried out, to kill the pain reliever at the end. Then the sambists change their roles. The position of the lower one is more than enough, or it is set by the coach.

6. Exercising from lying down wrestling. The first number is at the position given by the coach, the other is above it. The task of the other is to prevent the first one from getting up at the counter, the task of the first one is to get on his feet. Then, after the singing hour, they change roles.

7. Vilna essence lying down. Exit positions:

a) standing on top of each other;

b) lying on the backs;

c) lying on their stomachs;

d) sitting, leaning back one to one.

p align="justify"> Wrestling is given tasks for an hour without the right to go to standing wrestling.

With the introduction of free essences, the coach on the back is obliged to give tactful task to the skin wrestlers (more precisely, if you don’t know the skin of them, which one we work with another), and then, if the sambists get a good idea, give them themselves to vibrate before the skin essence of the plan and tactical task.

Under the hour of the main part of the lesson, especially under the hour of free things and other training sessions, ring out all the time for a keel to drink, they can’t and settle down. Ochіkuyuchi can cool down and go to the pace of the lesson. To that sambo wrestlers, who know the kilim posture, it is necessary to give training tasks.

Qi zavdannya can be given, for example, according to:

a) introduction of rivkiv to a complex of individual devices on special projectiles;

b) training speed, accuracy and strength pіdsіkan z small and important ball, papyrce too.

It is possible to carry out a pose with a kilim and special training, but not with a tan, but with a part of it. The pose of a kilim can be successfully completed by burying, preparing for a throw and going to a throw.

Grip training:

1. Training grippers with one-sided support. The first sambo wrestler to carry out the flooding, and the other one to repair the opir, do not let himself get swamped and vivaetsya from far away carrying out the flooding. After the given hour, the sambists change roles. Such training can be carried out as on the task of burying, so be it.

2. Training of seizures in the air. The first sambo wrestler will carry out 1-3 tasks of entrapment, and the other one will react to the level of entrapment at the top. After the given hour, the sambists change roles.

3. The fight for hoarding. The skin of the sambo wrestlers seeks to create his own hoarding and at once tries to overthrow the enemy and rob him of his hoarding. Even though the enemy was choked, he still carried out, the sambo wrestler vivaetsya.

Training for pre-kidkiv training:

1. Training of preparations to kicks when the opponent moves forward, backward, kills at a high and low position.

2. Training of preparations to kick-off from a one-sided support. The first sambo wrestler should carry out the preparations before the kick-off, and the other one should repair the opir and try to save the stance. After the end of the delusional hour of sambo, the roles change.

3. Training for pre-kidkiv. The first sambo wrestler attacks with tasks of 1-3 preparations to a throw, and the other one, to attack the first one, to carry out a preliminary preparation to a throw, defeating the enemy’s strength and inertia, which has been evaded. After the end of the delusional hour of sambo, the roles change.

4. The fight for the stance of jealousy. The skin sambo wrestler is trying to lead another zі stіykoї rіvnovagi, at the same time trying to save his own. Vykoristovuyutsya all preparations to kidkiv.

4 parts of the lesson, final (5-10 min.).

Manager: calming the activity of the organs of the respiratory system and the blood circulation, the sustenance of the bags in the lesson, the improvement and the perfection of the organizational nutrition.

Zasobi: walking is right, it is right for relaxation, self-massage, arranging employment, talking about the spirit of nature and following the rules of sambo, goloshennya.

Physiological stress on the 4th part of the lesson is reduced. The pulse rate is to blame, but not more than 20-25% lower than for the weekend, until the beginning of the lesson.

Zagalni vkazіvki before the lesson. The kіlkіst is quiet, who is engaged in the lesson, is not guilty of revisiting 16-20 osіb per one vikladach. Bet for the practical to take the next stack of approximately the same size and weight (the price of the vase is not guilty of exceeding 4 kg).

When compiling the outline of the lesson, and when conducting yoga, the vikladach is guilty of practicing sambo systematically.

After the skin lesson, it is necessary that those who are involved take a warm shower or wipe the body with a wet towel. If it’s not far away from the place to take a river of chi rates, then, having reached the lesson after the lesson, it is recommended to take a bath.

In order to spread the masses' work from sambo, it is necessary to prepare, wihovuvat and dare to get a part of it before the end, and then we will occupy the entirety of trainers-community practitioners. It is necessary for such coaches-suspіlniks to do everything possible to help with the folded plan and program of the skin lesson, to give instructions for the methodology of the conduction, to talk about those who would improve their qualifications, to want them (for example, by assigning them to the work in the newspaper newspapers).

The coach is responsible for ensuring that the athletes-beginners need to explain:

1. Necessity of regular medical examination and supervision of the student's self-control.

2. Shkidlivist to engage in sambo wrestling in 1.5-2 years after the reception of the dog.

3. Necessity to improve inventory and clothing in cleanliness.

4. The importance of setting a sports regime and a severe yoga regimen.

5. Necessity of obov'yazkovy overpowering fear, which is to blame, indolence.

6. Significance of the TRP and benefits for sambists in sports.

The skin trainer, who is out of touch with the real situation, is guilty of helping those for the roses as a whimsical character, so that they can give the necessary hygiene, prevent injuries, the theory of sambo, and the history of the disease.


Zmagannya wrestling sambo є reverification of primary and sports work in sections, as well as a miraculous school of masculinity and vihovannia will.

Without the help of a robot, sambo becomes dead. Those who are engaged, do not get results in their work, and in them there is a progressively weaker job to do well in the sport they have chosen.

But the fate of the magicians from sambo is not to be blamed for being vipadkovoy. Mustaches, in which one chooses to take the part of sambo wrestlers, it is necessary to include them in their sports plan for this region.

Before skin shock (crim “Vidkritikh kilimiv”), special training is required, which shows the level of fitness of the participant and the scale of the shock.

To be sure, that a sambo wrestler regularly trains no more than 2-3 times a day, then the term of preparation is stale due to the scale increase.

When the plan is put together and the training program is up to the mark, it’s important to think about what tasks are taken into account in the light of the most important topics:

1. new initial material is given less and less on the cob of preparation to the point;

2. practice training at the reception of the individual complex;

3. get used to and get used to defend and win against specific opponents;

4. work on the development of speed, strength and other qualities are carried out according to a special plan, fallow in the stage of volodinny technique and preparation of this sambo wrestler;

5. more physiologically challenging by stretching the training to improve the unevenness and maє your specific curve.

We are going to see the food about the lay-out of the preparation to the mark. With 2-3-time training for a day, training is carried out in a complex. As for preparing for the great zmagannya, a selection is organized, then training is carried out every day. In these vipads, the ranks of the lower cycle are restored as follows:

3rd and 5th days - mastering the techniques and special training, aimed at the development of physical and bullock qualities;

4th and 6th days - mastering the tricks of seeing different training and free essence;

7th day - active recovery (watering, fishing, tourism, sports games). On the second day you can see the theater, the concert is too thin.

From the beginning of the preparation to the magic, it is necessary to establish a clear daily regimen, which may be able to confirm the layout of the future magic.

Slid respect for those who first 7-10 days of training to the point of magic are right, so you can raise those other physical and willful qualities of sambist, buli yakomoga rіznomanіtnіshimi. At this time, it is necessary to know about the use of priyoms, as opponents can zastosuvat, still unknown to the members of this team, and to name the priyomi and individual complex to the point of magnification.

In the lessons, I pay special attention to the following trainings with one-sided support and experimental (initial) essences.

In the coming days, those who train, everything is given great and great ambition; training is characterized by a variety of methods of mastering the techniques and a great number of free essences. Sob not to try to take the vanity to occupy the superworldly and by yourself do not call for a big change, follow the step by step special training, which may be developed on the level of some kind of evils. Since vibrancy and spritnist miraculously vibrate when mastering the techniques and in the free essences, then without any trouble it is possible to invent special rights for the development of these qualities. Then we turn on the training for strength: the further trainees have the same strength of strength to try and improve when mastering the tricks, and the right to have the right things.

Specialists have the right to develop swidkіst, slud vikonuvat until the end of the week, so that the interruption at the conducted tsikh has the right to negatively signify on this quality.

Specialists have the right to be flexible and zealous (which will not require great ambition) not to be called, but for the time being, which is to be used for the development of these traits, it is necessary to step by step change.

At the same time, the next time is to start the development of new methods, and the whilins that have called, to dedicate the development of methods to the individual complex.

In other places, 10-12 days before the magic, you can increase the vanity, then you need to reduce the vanity, conducting battles by about 3/4 strength.

It is necessary to carry out training exercises “for the result”, so that it is possible to do it in the skin essence greater number eyepieces and clean wins.

Before the magic itself, there can be organizations of active repairs. For an hour of active sleep, it is necessary to keep up with the established daily routine, but not more than an hour for sleep. The need for a day of work is right for gnuchkіst and right for rіvnovazi: stench improves the elasticity of m'yazіv, not stomlyuyuchi organism.

Walking pishki, without strain, miraculously pour into the body and stimulate appetite.

During the period of recovery, before lifting, you need to change your body, not allowing you to move over the boundary of the body category by 1-1.5 kg. In advance of the day, call (as if it were a lie), after taking a walk, go to bed without evening, and do not take a lie (before the call). As a result of this vaga without shkoda for health, it will change by about 0-1.5 kg.

24 years before the start, you need to work out a warm-up, turning on before it the right to run with small rives. A warm-up session is required for a vikonati in a warm training suit. When the first sweat appears, warm up and take a warm shower.

After the magic, all the special forces have the right to fight for 2-4 days after the next deprivation.

During this period, it is recommended to conduct a selection of all the magic, a selection of participation in a new team and all sambo wrestlers personally. At this hour, it’s fun to walk on the chovni, bicycles or licks, take up watering or fishing, play in the town or volleyball.

After starting the first training session, we should conduct a warm-up, learn new tricks, mark on magic, correct the mark in the technique of sambo wrestlers, but do not carry out stress training and free essences. Їx can be entered step by step after 2-3 lessons.

Behavior on magic. After the foaling, all sambists already know the names of their opponents and the succession of juveniles with them. Zavdyaki to whom you can zazdalegіd correctly spread your strength to magic.

Until the finale, if the most important things pass, it is necessary to get energy from a sufficient reserve of strength. It is within reach of a viable behavior by stretching a mustache.

It is necessary to establish a clear regimen before the start of the morning, to allow an hour for water procedures, aftercare, walks before going to bed and an 8-year-old night's sleep.

For 15-20 min. to the point, it is necessary to calmly vikonati (in a warm training suit) a light warm-up. Warm-up can be folded from:

a) big chi pidskokiv at an average pace (one fluff);

b) 5-7 right to increase the amplitude of the movements (right to bend). Rukhs can be zazdalegіd pіdіbranimi and zvichnym for sambist. It is necessary to lightly move the skin and not disturb the vikonati 8-10 times (increasing the amplitude step by step). Mіzh rіznimi rіkhami sіd bіtі similar 40-50 sec.;

c) a lot of ruhiv, which imitate their main tricks (ale tsi ruhi need to be worked so that the opponent does not fight them).

After the warm-up, right up to the weekend on the beat, it is necessary to walk at an average pace.

After the end of the rest of the essence, it is necessary to be imitated in a warm soul, resolutely to be worn and to be honored. Stop trying to plan your meal before the onset of the call.

Then you need to walk around a little and then calmly lie down on the bed (stretching up on your tongue).

All the free time it is necessary to saturate yourself with the atmosphere of magic.

Slid vrakhovuvaty, scho guarded essence, scho vdbuvayutsya on the magic, strongly impresses, especially as a sambo player in the singing world of instillations in the result of the essence of the essence.

Vikhovna is the first work on the magic. Zmagannya is most often remembered for all life. Tse slid vrakhovuvati and vikoristovuvati for high and primary purposes.

Navchannya on zmaganny ide head rank line of tactics. The goal is to: analyze the essence of the best sambists; preparatory work with a coach for a deep plan of improvement and a plan for the skin essence of the okremo; analysis of the essences; analysis of the attachment of the vag. In addition, you can mark various innovations in technology, which have not yet been published in the press and are not known to your team.

On the magic, the coach can carefully follow the moral camp and the behavior of his teaching.

Our trainer and yoga teacher can be insanely honest. Sport and honor may buti neviddilnі.

A great role is played by the will to win, and that the coach can help. Remembrance of the will to go on the skin streak, and it is necessary to follow it respectfully, so that the sambo wrestler, without hurting his bazhannya, will win in the daily “dribnitsa”. Dotremannya vag regime, the contribution of all their strengths and zdіbnosti to the bіy, vіdmova vіd uѕіh satisfied, yakі wanting to be able to change magic, and so on.

Dearly respectful attitude. The sambo player is guilty of streaming his joys, enduring his husband's inaccuracies and embarrassing himself, but unfailingly visible. The coach is responsible for helping his teachings.

Fighting priyomi are the elements of classical sambo, supplemented with new features and details. Here enter unsafe zahoplennya, throws, hit, on the spot human body, take it out of victorious handicrafts and navkolishnogo sharpening thinly:

  • hit with your hands - zahist vіd hit with your hands;
  • kick with your feet - zahist like kicking with your feet;
  • suffocating, to suffocate - zakhist from suffocating suffocations;
  • zahist in the form of suffocation and girths;
  • hit with a knife - zahist vіd hit with a knife;
  • hit with a cypcom - strike with a cypcom;
  • strike with a sapper shovel - strike with a sapper shovel;
  • hit with a pistol - defend against an attack with a pistol;
  • shtikovy biy - attack and attack;
  • zahist after hitting with an important object;
  • vykoristannya podruchnyh zasobiv;
  • vikoristannya navkolishny sharpening;
  • mutual assistance that viruchka;
  • zahist attacked lying down;
  • defender against a number of attackers;
  • group fight tactics;
  • zatrimannya that suprovid;
  • looking around the zatrimanogo;
  • calling.

Special techniques for combat sambo

Special priyomi of combat sambo (knocking the varsity; squeezing and pushing; unsafe throws; shifting and tearing the vertebral column).

Standing at the wrestling technique, enter:

  • stances, distances, preparations for suffocation, suffocation, shifting and deceptive ruhi. Ways to prepare for the kidkiv, leave the situation for the kidkiv and go to the kidkiv;
  • insurance and self-insurance;
  • throws;
  • combinations from kidkiv;
  • zakhistu against kidkivs;
  • kidki at the vіdpovіd.

Sambo has five distances:

  • distance posture zakholennyam - sambosti do not stick around alone and vyshukuyu zruchkuyut moment for the attack, shifting on the kilim and rolyachi deceitful ruhi without capturing the opponent;
  • long distance - wrestlers choke one by one by the sleeves with one or both hands;
  • middle distance - sambists sing one by one for clothes on a coat in front, or with one hand for a sleeve, and with the other - for clothes on a coat in front;
  • close distance - the wrestlers clamor with one hand for the sleeve of their robes on their chests, and with the other - for the robes on their backs, they steal chi by the leg;
  • distance vpritul - sambisti hoist one to one, squeezing one to one with their toe or wrapping their legs around their legs.


Burials are subdivided into the main, upper, frontal and defensive ones.

The main floods during standing wrestling are called such floods, which are carried out in order to vikonate throws. Sambist zdiisnyuє їх until the moment when the enemy brings his own entrapment.

Crashing at the enemy during the fight is standing up - it’s the same clogging, like a sambo wrestler to carry out at the attack on the enemy’s clogging, going out of their minds. For hoardings at the vіdpovіd, there can also be carried out throws.

Defensive burrows during standing fights are called burrows, which are carried out in order to make it more difficult or to make it impossible for the enemy to carry out another throw. However, at the singing moment of the defense zakhoplennya, you can also win a sambist for a kidkiv.

Frontal burrowing during wrestling - tse zakhoplennya, yak give sruchnі vhіdnі positions for offensive main burrowing and carrying out kidkiv with them.

Sambo kicking technique

Kidki are called priyomi, with the help of such an enemy from the camp of wrestling standing up to throw off at the camp of wrestling lying down.

Kidki is more important with their feet. In such throws, the legs of the sambo player are opposed to the opposing toe or toe and play a vital role in the throw. Variants of throws, at some of them with a foot in front of the enemy's choked legs, however, they look like throws with their feet. The kicks are mainly divided by feet into t-shirts, laces, t-shirts, t-shirts and t-shirts.

Pіdnіzhkami such throws are called, in which sambo wrestlers put their feet behind, in front they are the same (side) legs of the opponent’s legs and with the help of their hands they roll over with their hands. At the time of the raising of the offense, the legs of the sambo wrestler are torn apart by the kilim. The bottoms are divided on the front, back and sides.

Zachepami such throws are called, in such sambists with a kick of a hiba sho puff one of the opponent’s legs, that bov throws yoga, throwing a hooked leg to the enemy’s center of gravity and leading the yoga toulub beyond the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe support. The chains are carried out with a gomilka, the fifth (Achilles tendons) of the pelvic part of the foot. One-hour zachіp homilka and one foot and one leg for one leg of the opponent is called wrapping. Odnochasni zapip one foot of the foot behind the knee joint, the other - behind the Achilles tendon of the other leg of the opponent is called the podvіyny zachop. Couplings and twists can be carried out both at the station and at the fall.

Bivami throws are called, at which the legs of the enemy are kicked with a gomil with a sambo steg at once with a ryvka with their hands in a straight line, to the opposite kick. A kick is called a pickup, at which the opponent’s legs are kicked with a quilted chime in front, on the side in the middle. If the rear part of the gomіlka hits the opponent's knee, then the throw is called a catch. Pіdbivshi - tse kidok, at some front part of the gomіlka pіdbіvєєє podkolіnny zgin of the enemy. Occupies a special place under the foot of the battle, as if to fight with two feet at the same time in straight lines. For tradition, this kidok is called "knives".

Pіdsіchkami kicks are called, with some main action, which calls out the enemy’s fall, stop the beat, homilki or the enemy’s knee with a finger part of the foot. Pidsіkannya divided on the front, rear, side and pіdsіkannya zsredediny. Pidsikannya can be carried out both at the station and at the fall.

Pіdsadami throws are called, for such sambo wrestlers, with their foot, they lift the legs of the enemy’s toulub and, with help of hands, turn them over in a straight line. Pіdsadi pod_lyayutsya on pіdsad with quilt, gomil, pіdyom and pіdsadі with soles. Sit in a sheepskin coat with a foot, or homils, with such throws of the opponent forward over the head, throwing them are called throws over the head. Pіdsad homіlki i stegnom can be carried out both at the station, and from the fall. Throws over the head, a trip to the tuba from the suffocation of two p'yat and a trip to the middle of the place are carried out only in the fall.

Kidki mostly in Tulub. These are throws, for some sambo wrestlers, with a part of their toelub, they throw the legs of the opponent’s toulub and throw it over themselves. The throws are more importantly with a tunic divided into throws through the pelvic girdle, throws through the shoulder girdle, throws through the back, throws through the chest. Throws through the pelvic girdle are called throws through the stehno, and throws through the shoulder girdle are called "mlins".

Kidkami through stegno they call such throws, in some sambo wrestlers they hit the upper part of the opponent’s leg with their pelvic girdle and directly rob the opponent with their hands. Throws through the quilt can be robbed like a st_ytsi, so it’s a fall.

"Mlynami" such throws are called, in some sambo wrestlers, the enemy’s toenails cross over their shoulders, roblyachs with a different kind of hoarding. Throws "mlyn" can be carried out both at the station and at the fall.

Throws over the back such throws are called, in some sambo wrestlers, they move over their backs to the opponent's coat. A throw over the back, a throw to the choke of the arm under the shoulder, and a throw with a roll are carried out only from the fall. A throw with a clasped hand on the shoulder, a return throw over the back and a throw for pulling are carried out both at the station and in the fall.

Throws through the chest such throws are called, with some kind of sambist, he animates the enemy with the lower part of his stomach, or with two hands, he pushes his chest and animates and throws him to the right, or to the left through his chest. Throws through the breasts are carried out less for the fall.

Kidanya is more important with hands. These are throws, when the legs of the sambist don’t stick around either the opponent’s toulub, the yogo’s toulub does not cross over the sambosta’s toulub, prote in such vipadkas it can be vikoristane like an additional point of support for turning the opponent’s back to the kilim. Basically, the opponent rises, rolls over and throws himself at the kilim with the strength of the hands of the sambist.

Rivkom caps for sleeves- some throws, for some sambo wrestlers of the enemy, who are at a long distance, bring out the rіvnovagi and throw on the keel with a strong rivk by the sleeves. According to tradition, the stench is called the vision of jealousy.

Kidki rykkom for the leg they are folded in kidkiv, in which one hand suffocates a leg, and the other - a sleeve, a belt, in front of a shoulder under a chi pressing on a suffocated leg. Neither legs, nor a sambo toe-bag without intermediary injecting onto the opponent’s feet and toelub. Row throws for the leg include throws for the heel, throws for the heel, throws for the gomilka and throws for the quilt.

Throwing rivk for two legs throws are called, in some sambo wrestlers, they groan and insult the opponent’s legs - in a rush, chi is drawn. The stench vibrates without an uninterrupted infusion of legs against the opponent's nig. They include throws to the hoarding of two nigs, throws to the various hoards of two nigs and throws to the return hoards of two nigs.

Kidkami shkerebert such throws are called, as they are thrown with a roar of two hands from the onslaught on the head and the shoulder blades of the enemy. With this, the legs of the sambo wrestler do not stick on the opponent's toe-bag. Throws of the shkerebert are folded from the throws of the shkerebert forward and in the bik.

Coups such throws are called, for some sambo wrestlers of the opponent they lift and turn over with their hands for a throw on the back. When turning over, the legs of the sambo wrestler do not stick neither nor the opponent's toe. In some vipadkahs, the sambist vikoristovu tulub is like an additional point of support for relieving the opponent from turning over. Overturns are placed on the front, side and back.

At the technique of wrestling lying down enter:

  • external provisions and additional duties
  • cut through the defensive bunkers;
  • zalyuvannya;
  • inversion;
  • morning;
  • pain take;
  • combinations of wrestling techniques lying down;
  • zakhistu against priyomіv wrestling lying down;
  • priyomi at vіdpovіd when wrestling lying down.

Breakthroughs of defense zakhoplen methods are called for breaking up the chains, or the hands of the enemy are chipped. The stench is able to carry out painful receptions and utriman in situations, in such cases, yakbi breakthroughs, the sambo wrestler could not carry out any reception.

littered with the methods of transferring the opponent from the standing position on the knee or on the knees from the lying position on the back are called. The stinks are additional tricks and serve to prepare the enemy before holding morning and pain tricks.

inverted they are called priyomi, with the help of such that there are crustaceans chi of a recumbent enemy to turn over at the camp of the recumbent back. The stinks are additional tricks and serve to prepare the enemy before holding morning and pain tricks.

mornings they are called such dії, for the help of such sambo wrestlers, with their toelub, they press the opponent’s toulub with their backs to the kilim and, without stowing pain, take it in this position by stretching the required hour.

Bol'ovі priyomi sambo

Bolovі priyomi- tse zakhoplennya, with the help of such sambo wrestlers, they pour into the marshes of the opponent’s hands, putting yoga tsim at rest.

Bolovі take on the drift of the hands. Pereginannya liktovogo suglob. The traditional name is the importance of the word.

Twisting the hands of the name. Zavdyaki characteristic interweaving of kіntsіvok qі priyomi are called knots.

Twisting your hands in the middle. Such twisting is called turning knots.

Biceps squeeze.

Important shoulder.

Bolovі accept on the brush- present only at the fighting division of sambo.

Bolovі priyomi on suglobi nіg:

  • The infringement is called the crushing of the tendon of the opponent between him and the great gomilk brush and promenev or the great gomilk brush of the sambist. Distinguish the joint of the Achilles tendon and the joint of soleus (lithic) muck.
  • Pereginannya kolіnnogo suglob. The traditional name is the importance of the colony.
  • Bolovі priyomi on kulshovі loamy.

Go from wrestling standing up to wrestling lying down:

  • Mixed combinations with kicks and wrestling in lying position.
  • Bolovі priyomi, scho prepare zі stіyki.
  • Shift to wrestling lying down and accept wrestling at the top of the lying down against the kicks and twisting the enemy.

Go from wrestling lying down to wrestling standing up:

  • Get up.
  • Zmishani combinations from getting up and kicking.
  • Kidki, who are getting ready from the camp of fighting lying down.
Chem BV didn't do, martial arts with other practices, sooner or later you will come to the point where all problems are healthy, energy, share, karma, hundreds of dollars. to build one's root on dekilkoh equals, - physical, psychological and mental. A lot of practice, right and medicine help less than timchasovo, tk. do not practice due to the causes of imbalance, inadequacy, poor health. Є tekhnіka, which works not only with the first causes and the root of all problems, but also works on all levels. You can read the report about the technique in tsіy statti .
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