Bolovі priyomi suglobakh paltsіv. Bolovі pour on the knuckles of jiu-jitsu

Do you want to learn how to fight pain and take it? Marvel at ours!

Bolovі priyomi ce rіznі zgini, razgini, vityaguvannya on pain points, drifts, ligaments, nerve centers of people strong bill that injury to the superman. Tse gives us an hour that opportunity to flow, to achieve chi zatrimannya malice. Specially for zatrimannya we realize. Come and make the law.

Nasampered, in order to increase the pain by taking it necessary to disorientate the supernik, destroy his coordination, secrecy and strength. It is possible to carry out a spatula on the back, and then carry out a pain reception. Obviously, you can do yoga and hit it on the cob of the beaten, stribnuvshi in the legs and zrobivshi zipper of the Achilles tendon, as shown in one of ours. Ale carrying out a similar reception will require the greatest wrestling class. It's easier for you to crush a weakened opponent with a heavy hit.

Look at the picture. Zagalom, on the other hand, it is shown how to get pain and pain on the fingers, the lightest part of the pain.

You can immediately try them on yourself or on someone nearby, if you allow it, and within the framework of reason.

Now take a look at a series of pictures that show how robiti the pain technique "name your hands is important."

Priyom to go against the malice that has been cut with a knife, but I don’t raja zastosovuvat yogo, the docks of wine are not practiced to automatism. So, as if some kind of mistake could ruin your life.

We marvel at the "little 406". Zakhoplennya fight for the brush from the inner side of the hand with two hands, and with two thumbs we rest against the tiled side of the hand. Now we direct the entire construction in the middle to the inner side of the elbow. Under the infusion of pain, the villain dies and falls to the ground. At the process of wines, singly, it is also vikin and lower, but even if it wasn’t trapilos, just shake your hand or add a penzel. Nizh at the hands of the snot. But to take it away with one hand, a little bit of it is not safe, shards to ease the pain infusion.

After that, like a bandit lying on the ground, you can finish him off with a kick in the face or sleepy gossip. Like you have a knife, trim yoga in your hands. Do not let go, do not put it in your belt. Now tse your zbroya.

I have described how to work painfully, take that brush on your fingers. There is nothing complicated here. Subscribe to ours, grow together with us.

First lower go to qiєї those next say a few words about principles encourage training, yakі mаyut on methі vіdpratsyuvannya kansetsu-vaza technique (pain priyomіv on suglobi) and pro їх bases (kihon). Kihon y razdіlі kansetsu-waza - the whole set of basic technical methods and theoretical postulates that lie in their foundations, which allow you to create an effective pain injection on the loam of the human body.

How can I be a wild pidkhid to master the basic technique at trainings? Recommendations for tori - the choice of pain remedies - can be like this. For us, it’s not necessary to try to apply the strength of our own hands, as we often work in everyday life. It is necessary to make the best of all the body in Russia, wanting to look at first glance, you can get it, so that you can win it all with your hands.

Svіdoma vіdmova vіd vikoristannya forces priyâє that scho tori intuitively starts choosing the most correct trajectory. In a different way, the tori is guilty of thinking well, for the sake of which it is effective. At this stage, it is even more important to have control from the side of the mentor, which you can immediately correct your learning. It is more correct and more correct to repeat the basic method to the point where you start practicing. As soon as uke (partner, on whom the pain is won), then at the first stages of the development of a new technique, you do not need to repair the operation. More than that, the shards from the side of the uke pardon to the Torah are visible, the wine is guilty at the same time to instruct and correct them, so that the trajectory, form and sequence of the ruins of the Torah were correct.

What next work was done, since the first stage of the vyvchenny kihon has already been passed? The recipe is simple: practice it yourself, but with a progressively growing active support for uke. Opir uke maє sponukati tori actively contribute chivalry to priyomi, tobto. go to vikonannya with "kime". It is also possible to use the “step-by-step” method of incorporation, if the first one breaks up the phases, and then starts the operation of the first phase. You yourself can work in reverse order, Starting from the final phase of the painful reception and passing to the first cob, in such a way, the whole “trajectory” of this technique is used. The remaining stage of training is, so called, “zhorstke training”, or training with a kime, if you work dynamically and with the contributions of strength (not lamayuchi, naturally, kintsivki partner). Often vvazhayut, so training marni, tk. lead to inconvenient injuries, but also remember that sens kansetsu-waza is the ordering of the opponent of pain. Pain in pain and may be painful!

Sometimes you can get stuck with an oncoming problem: raptomy shows that the technology does not work for the presence of a partner’s support. If, theoretically, I can take action, I can’t think of anything else. For example, it’s impossible to twist my hoisted hand too thin. The situation is also possible, if you do not dare to go from one technical element to another. How do you like this time?

Nasampered, do not need to be afraid that you will not go out, and throw a roar on pіvdorozі. Such situations often trapleyatsya mayzhe z usima practitioners. On the right, in the fact that here one of the key moments of the victory was spent, this “rodzinka”, without any effective infusion of impossibility, although the whole day was not beaten well. At the other end of the problem, two main points can be seen.

1. It is necessary to re-analyze the structure of the ruins in order to see how the instructor demonstrates and clarify any unclear points. At the vikonanna I will receive, starting in the sight of the new formal form and ending yoga vikonannyam z kime, it is not guilty to get rid of everyday ambiguities. If you don’t dare, it’s necessary to try yoga vikonati with the minimum support of uke. After analysis, there is no need for repetition to accept that other path. A lot of newcomers know the price of tedious and stubborn and try to move on to the development of a new technique without having mastered the old one, and as a result, they won’t be able to neither tієyu, nor іnshoy.

2. You can go to this point only if you have exhausted all other possibilities, but in another way, all sense cuihon disappears, which is guilty of serving as the foundation of all other applications, without seeming to be about the practical zastosuvannya of technology. It is possible that I do not go out through the individual physiological features of the life of the body, which I am engaged in, I will become a bone-m'yazovogo apparatus, etc. Todi, not getting stuck in endless trials of vikonati and not trying to podolat opіr uke, then move on to such a technical action, as it is effectively easy to implement in a singing situation for a human being. The goal is to create a new technique, so that you can cover a wider range, starting in preparation for the transition to the exit in hand for carrying out for the reception of the position (dogs) and finishing the movements of the hands in the grips (techs) and the technique of aiki (aiki giho). The creation of such “special secrets” (often they are taken from the “kuden” divisions, which are passed orally from the teacher to the teacher) will require an hour.

Vіdpratsovouchi tekhnіko bolovoi na sugly sled memoirs about two fundamentally important points: 1) how part of the body of the enemy should be moved? and 2) what part of it is necessary to fix? About the next thing to think about, start from kihon and finish your free work with a partner. As an illustration, the popular technique of the “fifth control” (gokaze) is introduced here. The rotten part is the wrist, as if it could be turned like the middle, so called. A fixed point is the partner's elbow, which clings to the breasts. The pressure on the end of the zdijsnyuєtsya at a straight line її fixation.

I, nasamkinets, one more respect about kihon. Most often, in aiki-kei schools, they will practice in the standard position, if uke hoots, for example, one hand (junte-dori), offensive hands (rete-dori), kimono gate in front (eri-dori), kimono gate in the back (usiro eri-dori ), a jacket on the breasts (mune-dori, munadori), shoulder (kata-dori), sleeve (sode-dori), touching the hands behind the back (usiro rete-dori), etc. It goes without saying that there are many practitioners (especially beginners) who are convinced that jiu-jitsu (aikido, etc.) - if the partner attacks, and you defend and counterattack, and are focused on the practice of self-defense. At the same time, the standard kihon: uke attack + defense and tori counterattack - just one of the stages in the implementation of the basic, standard technique of the school. Really, training in a traditional school of jiu-jitsu is richly planned. It includes the priming of the priyomiv, which are initiated from the power attack of the tori (sikake or kakete, like “kakeru” - “attack, attack”), other options vivendennya z rivnovagi (kudzusi), preparation of tricks (tsukuri), deceitful, suggestive and additional actions, as it is possible to carry out tricks against a strong enemy, to repair the opir. The crowning achievement is the practice of free sparring with mutual attacks and counterattacks. It is only in this way that you can prepare the training for real hand-to-hand combat.

An important place is occupied by additional duties, without which it is often-densely impossible to vikonate on the uke, which gives an active opera. It is customary to subdivide this kind of class into 2 classes: 1) striking technique (atemi-wadza), until you can see it, for example, hit your eyes with your fingers (metsubusi), hit your groin with your foot (kintekі-geri) and іn, i 2) burying your fingers ( jubі-dorі) chi control of fingers (jubі-kime). About the rest and timetsya further.

Use impersonal ways to pour on the hummocks of the fingers with different variations, which are influenced by offensive factors.

In the first place, there are many situations (for example, when zatrimanni), if you hit the blows in an unacceptable way or not. In another way, through those who only show up at the trainings, the rich adherents of jiu-jitsu do not oppose these tricks to achieve a high level and recognize the innocence of their mastery. That's why the instructors svіdomo slander on the hobbled fingers. In addition, for the sake of riches, it is psychologically necessary to hit a person richly folding, lowering the burden. Significant part of the last point is also that the technique of youthfulness gives the ability to easily control a physically strong opponent, and also that it is much easier to move from it to painful infusions on less snowy, lower after atemic. Vzagali, on the thought of rich experts in jiu-jitsu when practicing on training and practical stosuvanni bolovyh priyomіv on suglobi slid to the principle of transition from the extreme points of the syllables to the center of the body.

Nareshti, painfully spitting on the fingers of little memory for third-party eyes, which, due to the respect of Mizukos Hiro, may have become one of the reasons for the expansion of such receptions in the "Land of the Vranishny Dream", where it was always considered obscene to give people in including public images. and wave your fists in the street). About those, how popular in Japan was the technique of important fingers, one can judge from the fact that such an all-world view was created by the Japanese artist Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849) - the author of the series of small manga "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji", "53 See the Roads of Tokaido masterpieces, consecrating after the introduction of one of the schools of jiu-jitsu of the Edo era, a series of small ones (“Senribiki”) to the very technique of the jubilee. Tsіkavo look at the deeds of them report.

1. Exchanging hands with uke, torui, choking your fingers, twisting uke’s hand against ch.s.

2. Let's use the left hand to crush the torus and lift the hand from the bottom right hand:1) for chotiri fingers; 2) for two fingers: the middle one and the ring finger) and, pushing the hand with the left hand upwards, with the right hand pulling the yogo finger in front of oneself. On the little Hokusai, the left hand is not shown, and the role of the tori is played by the pointed finger. The next memory that the vice on uke's fingers is to blame is carried out under the hood 45o from the bottom uphill at the straight throat of uke. Only in such a state of mind, one’s hand will be left with a straightened one, and it’s impossible for the recipient to sink. And one more respect. As if to clasp uke's hand by two fingers, it's the responsibility of the middle and ring fingers. In the other direction, the force of the grip will not be straightened along the yogo central line and uke can escape the pain infusion. However, it still happened that when the tori choked up the ring finger and the little finger at once (or okremo), then the statement about the pain infusion on the body of the uke along the central line wasted sensation. At such a time, you can simply break the fingers of uke, pulling them back and not slacking off the distant ones.

3. This technical combination is completed in this way. If uke rises on toes, to change the pain pressure, torui sharply presses with his left hand on his elbow. For the sake of anger, get down on your knees and walk, leaning on your body, waving your fingers like a hand down in front of you.

Here you can blame the food: on which finger (or fingers) is it most effective to spend pain? Definitely, it is unlikely that it is possible. The little finger is the weakest of the fingers, and the weakest finger is the best to resist the break at the gate. From the other side, having poured into the middle finger, it can also be effective, the shards of the veins of the troch protrude over the others (meaning it is easier to drink) and through the new one to pass the main flow of the “ki” from the shoulder by the tendon-m'azov meridian of the hand (you can marvel at the be-yak doctor of acupuncture). The rest of the furnishing allows through the middle finger to pour into the hand, the elbow and shoulder.

In every case, in real essence, if there is no time to think, it’s best to do it like this, as an expert from the jiu-jitsu bark Hirokami Nobuyuki: “It’s not necessary to turbulate for some kind of finger, it’s a smut – to shopiti.” However, let me clarify that “...Daito-ryu has a tradition of burying the thumb. Yakshcho vіdokremiti thumb if you decide what to choose, then for them to use, obviously, methods of attacking suffocation, prote in a right way with real military equipment є suffocation of the thumb, shards through it you can completely control the body of the opponent. Before of the same if you break the great finger, then the sword cannot be taken away. To that, the samurai for a long time protected the great fingers and clenched the enemy into a fist. For this reason, in Japanese jiu-jitsu, a large number of fist shapes were formed with the thumb held together.

From the other side, in order to catch the opponent, it is necessary to spread the thumbs, which was the drive for a manual counterattack. Vzagali, zatskannya thumbs at the fist was a symbol of saving the samurai in critical situations, and became perhaps an unfamiliar gesture in everyday life.

Among the traditional schools of Japanese jiu-jitsu, it’s even more difficult to know the form (kata), based on nothing more than pouring on the snow of the fingers. This is due to the fact that more and more people should be of a complex nature and catch a lot of snow, as well as often and for the reason that when they take an anniversary, they can be brought to the class of “hidden techniques” (goku), which are transmitted by art (kuden) seldom used in the distribution of standard devices. Tsіkavo, scho in some schools, like, for example, Sendai-den Asayama Itiden-ryu ta Tensіn Senyoryu, the techniques were saved on the fingers of the nіg, like vikoristovuyutsya for the adversary's attack.

Nareshti, if there are stylistic features of the jubilee technique, then characteristic rice all the scales that weigh up to Daito-ryu aiki jiu-jitsu є pain infusion on the fingers of the way to the stile side of the penzle, as a bulo demonstrated more. With tsomu, at bagatioh priyomah, diya is straightened on the thumb. Characteristic butts can be a variant of kote-gaesі (“important brushes”) from the choke of the thumb, siho-nage (“throw on the chotiri side”)

The catalogs of the Meiji era (1868-1912) of the Daito-ryu itself (Daito-ryu hiden mokuroku) as the eighth day in the sitting position (suwari-dori hakkaze) have a description of the technique “kasivadze kote-gaesi” (“important penzla with bavovnoyu”)) . Go about the house of all the cat-gaes, for the blame of the fact that the back of the hand of the uke is zdiisnyuetsya for the rahunok of the great toe.

Paradoxically, despite the great versatility of methods of injections on the fingers, local pain reliefs, including on the loam of one or a few fingers, are not rich enough. It is more important to have a large number of priyomіv to be complex in nature and include an one-hour operation on the fingertips and prominence-zap'yastkovy (or lektoviy) drift. The most characteristic types of insulated pleural effusions on the knuckles of the fingers are lowered (Uvaga! If you have thoracic pleural effusions on the fingers, you should show special care, because in case of slight susilla it is easy to injure your partner).

1. Bosidzume eri-dori (“Squeezing the thumb while choking on the collar of the jacket”)

Uke rob gliboke zakhoplennya for v_vorot jacket torui. The first variant of the sound of suffocation includes the use of force by pouring the thumb of the left hand of the right hand onto the uke's finger. After pouring a line of zdijsnyuvati on the tip of the thumb (nail edge) at the straight line of the yogo base. In another variant, tori rob deeply with the left hand of uke's right hand, crushing uke's big finger at the base with his chotirma fingers.

2. Issidzume (“Pressing one finger”)

From the thumb, you can go to the inflow of suglobs of the other four fingers of the hand. The principle of division is left to itself, except for the fact that it is crushed directly from another snowdrift, and do not put your finger on it. The zakhoplennya is carried out with a pointed, middle and great finger.

3. Boshizaki ("Opening the thumb")

This technique is often victorious for zvilnennya zakhoplennya by the hand and the transition to other technical types of nikadze, sankaze that іn Uke zahoplyuє right hand for the wrist of the beast. Before carrying out, I will receive a torui, in order to ease the suffocation of uke, giving a shock blow in the eyes of the metsubus. Then, having choked the right hand of the right hand to the beast with the right hand, toruy lift it up with two hands uphill, at the same time spreading it so that at the end point of the little finger of the hand of the uke the straightening is strictly uphill. After that, the tori is strongly pressed by the inner side of the left wrist on the thumb of uke, pressing it down (so that the hand does not slip from the finger, the wrist is not put on the wrist, but on the entire surface of the thumb of uke). At any front of the left hand, the tori is ripped vertically. From which camp you can already go to the vikonannya nikudi or sankadze.

4. Bosi-tsukamiori (“Zhoplennya that vilamuvannya of the thumb”)

Uke and tori perebuvayut at the position of seiza (sitting on the knees) - one to one. After that, yak uke, having grabbed his left hand by the wrist of the beast, the rest with his right hand makes a shocking blow of the metsubus with his fingers on the eyes. Let’s sweat, not vivayuchi clasped hand, tori straighten fingers and, vikoristovuchi all frontal, as if all wrapping straighten left hand forward so that її arm in the last point of the bula is turned uphill. This kind of action is easy to fit, as if the straightening of the hand is accompanied by twisting. An important point: tori at any time is not guilty of bending a hand at the wrist, otherwise uke can easily carry out a counterattack. Dali tori to pass to the vikonannya to the reception of the kasivadze kote-gaesi, clapping the hand of the uke from the bottom with the right hand. With tsimu torui chotirma, the edge of uke's thumb is smacked with fingers. Striking the hand of the uke on the mist, toruy turn the left hand behind the year’s arrow down, victoriously in front of the plea like the whole wrap, with the left hand, as it sounded, sing the great finger of the uke to the beast and roll forward in front of you. With whom, with the right hand, you continue to trim the penzel on the spot. An important moment: when the left arm of the right hand is left behind, the torui is to blame buti is straightened on the central entire body of the uke along the central line, and not marveling at the kill. In real minds, the thumb will end with a wave of the thumb. If it is necessary to call uke to the ground, then torui, continuing to trim the thumb of the uke with the left hand, with the right hand pressing on the yogo elbow from the bottom uphill and throwing the uke to the left side.

5. Bosi-hasamiori (“Zatiskach and vilamation of the thumb”)

Uke the head of the blow with the edge of the right side (migi tegatan) to the beast down in the guise of a toruy in a straight line. Tori go from the line of attack to the left, stepping with the right foot behind the left in a circular motion, the left foot wins the role of the axis of wrapping (tenkan). The turn becomes 270o, hence the tori appear under a straight cut to the uke's attack line. With this tori, with the edge of the left arm, a hit on uke’s wrist, they beat his hand down (otherwise, he simply accompanies him, so that uke strongly “failed”). Crying with your left hand, clasping uke, with your right hand, torui cries for your big finger. The thumb of the right hand torui is guilty of buti strongly pressed to the base of the thumb of uke. Dali, vikoristovuyuchi vaga svogo tіla і nahlyayuchis ahead, toruy with the force vіdzhimaє (vilamuє) uke's thumb forward and down in front of yourself. With this tori, one is guilty of squeezing not only on uke's finger, but on the other hand, how to destroy the dilyanka between uke's impressive and great fingers forward to the base of the crouched finger.

And one more respect for the isolated pain injection on the finger. In order for such a diya to be effective, just remember two key points:

1) It is necessary to secure the maximum distance between the point of reporting force (in to this particular type the place of suffocation and pressing on the finger) and the point of fixation of the finger (sound the base of the finger, that is yogo swag), that is. The “shoulder of strength” can be as great as possible.

2) For vikonannya, wash 1 mіstse zahoplennya maє buti trochs with a finger (fingers) as the basis.

The burrowing of the finger at the bottom of the foot, it is possible, and handy on its own, but with this force, the pressure rises between the first swamp of the finger and the wrists, which drastically reduces the effectiveness of the reception. In times of near-deep suffocation, closer to the base of the finger, you can immediately go to the painful infusion on the promeneo-wrist gloom.

Mizukoshi Hiro is Japan's guide to traditional jiu-jitsu practitioners. Vyvchav different schools of koryu jiu-jitsu and Daito-ryu aiki jiu-jitsu under a ker_vnitstvom number of maistrov, including the head of Daito-ryu aiki budo Takeda Tokimune. Vіn є a member of the Partnership for saving the decay of koryu jiu-jitsu (Koryu jiu-jitsu hodzonkai) and one of the instructors of the Partnership for saving the spirit of Daito-ryu jiu-jitsu (Daito-ryu jiu-jitsu sinkіkai), who was honored by his honorary friend, and also the author of books " Ways to induce pain relief on the loam in aiki budo” (“Aiki budo kansetsu-waza sosakuho”), “Secrets of pain relief on the loam” (“Kansetsu-waza gokuї”) serufu-defensu manyuaru") and "Technique of self-defense" ("Dza jiko fight-jutsu").

It's a pity that the school's name is left unattended. As judged by the technique (for example, the reception of the gyaku-yubi (div. lower)), it is even similar to the reception of the Tensin Senior school, there is no record of the Yodo era about this school. Only newer materials from the Meiji era. Although the deacons fahivtsy admit that the artist, having painted over the creation of Tensin Sinyoru in the period of its birth, is described for everything, the technique of the other school of jiu-jitsu of the Edo era - Sin-no Sindo-ryu is described as similar to it.

The name of one of the convoy convoys - letters. "news for a thousand rі" (rі - mira dozhini \u003d 3.93 km).

De is a personal suffix for writing a serial number (I will accept it later). Among the practitioners of aikibudo terminology adopted at the same time, it is accepted to translate it as “control” - a word that means a group of techniques united by one principle. More about the "eighth control".

Bolovі take on the crooked fingers

Wrap your fingers, with all the simplicity of these tricks, hand-to-hand combat. Look, give the opportunity to lead the enemy out of the way with one hand, or I’ll do it again for myself - in a word, I’ll win. In the most effective way, spend the qi in such a way that the bending of the fingers to the stile side of the hand ends with the spreading of the fingers. However, it’s even more powerful to inspire an opponent with one finger, you’ll be successful already on your side.

The enemy has put his right hand forward with the palm down. With the right hand of the yogo, grab the hand from the bottom, put the lion on the beast and chotirma with your fingers and with your thumb, look at the little finger of the enemy (Fig. 1).

With your left hand you vilified the right hand of the enemy and twisted it up the hill. With your right hand, hold your little finger in front of your other fingers, wrap it around with your thumb and bend it down, moving the finger under the base (Fig. 2).

The enemy trims his left hand in such a manner that the great finger is straightened up.

With your right hand, choke from the bottom of your wrist, with your left choke the base of your thumb and press the blocking thumb with your left thumb (Fig. 3).

Vikhidne camp those same. So zahoplyuєte from the bottom of the left wrist of the enemy. The left hand clapped once again the great finger of the left hand of the opponent, and tried to put pressure on the new one. Push more quickly for all the deaths between the great and impressive fingers on the pad of the enemy’s left thumb, and with the ringless and little finger immediately squeeze into the right one - on the p'yasta brush of the same great finger. The enemy will be in your hands in both direct and figurative meaning (Fig. 4).

The enemy wants to take you down with his left hand, the thumb to marvel at the mountain.

With your left hand, as if you were shaking your hand, and with your right hand, you will groan on the right side of the brush. Place the thumb of your right hand on the yoga thumb in a "wispy" way and forcefully push it sideways and down (mal. 5).

The enemy tries to hit you with his fist near the horizontal plane.

To grab the yogo palm with both hands, at once pressing the right thumb on the little finger, and with the pad of the left thumb - the thumb. It’s even more sore, and the opponent’s fingers will inevitably open up. Press with the lower fingers of both hands on the right side of the opponent's hand (Fig. 6).

The lion valley of the enemy is slaughtered to the ground.

With your right hand, grab your left little finger from below, and with your left hand - your great left finger so that you have consumed wine at the grave between your great and impressive fingers.

With the lower fingers of both hands, press the left hand and right hand on the right side of the opponent's hand, and curl up the burrowed fingers uphill (Fig. 7).

The left side of the opponent is in the same position.

With the right hand, grab the little finger and the ring finger, and with the left hand, the opposite finger and middle finger. Sharply pull the fixed fingers in the different sides, and with the great fingers press on the humps of the metacarpal brushes (small 8).

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Bolovі priyomi, scho pogotyuyutsya without a middle zі stіyki Opponent when wrestling standing in the main scoring attack with throws, concentrating their respect on the defenders in them. That is why sometimes it is not possible to anger the opponent at a painful reception,

From the book Zaboronenі accept self-defense author Aleksiev Kirilo A

Bolovі priyomi - tse specifіchnі on sglobi kіntsіvok enemy. In sports, a painful reception will end only if the opponent declares to the one who succeeds. It hurts, it’s hard to be able to, patience is not safe for health, the axis of guilt is

3 books Self-defense the author Andriychuk V I

Bolovі priyomi - tse rіznі ways of pain infusion (bending, fold, twisting, important, pressing hard) on the life of important and sensitive people of the body of a person (sugloby, tendon, eyes, nerve centers, shyu thinly). In the meantime, that zhorstke zastosuvannya of the pain to the receiver calls out a pain shock or a serious injury and leads the opponent out of the combat camp. Tse allows you to move in the direction of suffocation, zatrimat the enemy, and possibly escort.

First, let’s proceed to the description of the technique of pain tricks, we want to tell our readers that the pain trick, as a rule, is effective after a precisely given blow, if the enemy is in a shock camp or yogo shock.

Pain and phalanges of the fingers are shown in fig. 37. Essentially, take it easy. It's a smut, which is necessary to remember when they are stagnant, thickly swamped and sharply twisted (twisted) of the loam (tendon).

Bolovі priyomi on promenevo-zastkovy, lіktovyy and humeral lobe.

In different schools of martial arts (aiki-do, sambo, ji-u-jitsu and others.), pain methods are assigned to do well. In our brochures, we suggest only some of them, in our opinion, the most accessible and effective. As a rule, most of them are used in a complex infusion on a kilka from the designated suglobs.

Bolovyy priyom "very important hands on the mountain". Tsej priyom can zastosovuvatisya as a variant of zakhistu in the face of a blow with a hand, a sip or a knife.

The main elements of the technique are the block entanglement of the attacking hand in the area of ​​the wrist and the entrapment of the right arm in the middle and below over the elbow crease (Fig. 38a).

With a sharp ryvk of the right hand on oneself and with a left hand on oneself (at times, as if the blow was inflicted by the enemy with the right hand), injure the opponent’s hand in liquor loam. With this trick, you can throw the opponent on your back, after which you can hit him with your foot or with your hand (Fig. 38b).

Bolovyy priyom on promenevo-zastkovyy suglob(Fig. 39).

Zhorstka vykonannya tsy priyomu allows escort of the enemy.

Bolovyy priyom "important hands name".

A favorable situation for the transition is a moment, if you zahopili with one hand the enemy’s hand for a penzel ring. Chop this hand with your other hand so that the big fingers rest on the surface of the enemy’s hand (Fig. 40a).

Pressing the opponent's hand with your fingers down to yourself, and with your thumbs pressing on it, you can see yourself and open the opponent's hand, injuring the promeneu-wrist gloom (znezbroїti) (Fig. 40b).

With this trick, you can throw the opponent on his back and complete the counterattack with a kick (Fig. 40c).

Bolovyy priyom "important hands in the middle."

This is a universal technique and a rich way of transitioning a new (yogo vikonannya) to a self-defense method. In this brochure, we have a list of hundreds of different situations of confrontation with the enemy.

Situation, if the enemy is going to strike with a rub of the valley (with a knife, with a club, then) on the scales. Having fired the body, killed in the blow, sharpen the attacking hand in front of the shoulders of the hands (Fig. 41a). With your left hand, grab the enemy’s hand behind the wrist, and with your right hand, behind the kitty from below.

Sharply pull the enemy by the hand to the right under yourself, roaring the right leg with your right foot, not letting your hands choke, move your left elbow over the enemy’s crouched hand and squeeze it in front of your shoulders and shoulder to your chest. Lead the enemy out of position, moving his center of the arm to the right leg, pressing his hand to his left shoulder, moving his right hand uphill and forward in front of himself, injuring him in the elbow, shoulder and promeneuvo-carpal folds (Fig. 41b).

Another variant of the completion of the pain admission. If the enemy is significantly stronger (or more important) for you, it is necessary from the position shown in fig. 41a, vikonati suffocated and stretched with your hands, as described above, and with your left foot crush the enemy’s crook and press him with your chest to your quilt (Fig. 41c).

You can see that the enemy can take this position, work to stand (sit on the back surface of the left leg) forward, call the enemy on his chest, pressing him with his chest to the floor, bring his crouched hand forward and uphill, injure him (Fig. 41 d ).

The third variant of this method is shown in fig. 50a, b, art. Bolovyy priyom "hang your hands behind your back." This method is also universal and can be victorious for escorting the enemy for additional pain infusion on the elbows and shoulders.

A friendly situation until the end of the enemy’s stance is weakened (shocked) after the given blow. In this position, grab with your left hand behind your right hand in front, and with your right hand - behind your clothes over your right elbow or behind your shoulder (Fig. 42a).

Pull sharply with your right hand on yourself, and with your left hand in front of you, I will bury my hand in the elbow loam, and bring it in front of my back (Fig. 42b).

Without allowing the suffocation with the right hand, pass the left hand under the front of the slaughtered hand closer to the elbow bend, put the brush on the shoulder of the suffocated hand to the animal (Fig. 42bc).

Like a trio raise your lion in front of the hill, and press the hand down, which caused a sharp beat at the elbow and shoulder gnarls of the scrambled hand. Reporting zusil, it is possible to cause a serious injury to the hand.

In order to save the enemy the ability to burrow into the chest, or in some other way, it is necessary to grab the beast’s clothes on the left shoulder with the right hand, or by the hair on the head in front and pull the tangled one on yourself so that the center of gravity of the yoga body moves to the right leg. Strongly press the suffocated hand with the elbow to yourself on the equal footing (fig. 42d, bud).

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