Bolovі accept that zakhoplennya. Take the pain in your arms

The most difficult way to fight is lying down, no doubt, painfully. For the correct execution of a painful technique (the enemy gives up and knows he can overcome it), a pure victory is awarded.
“By a painful trick,” it is written in the rules, “it is important to choke the opponent’s arms or legs when wrestling is lying down, as it allows you to carry out a twist, wrapping in a loam, a tendon grip, or we can beat and suffocate the enemy and we will overcome ourselves.”
Let's see from the first sign of the smut: the pain trick is the suffocation of the arms and legs.
Without taking a shovel, it is impossible to carry out a painful reception. Zakhoplennya can be mіtsnim, so that the enemy does not instantly limp in the attack. In addition, wine is guilty of being universal, in order to transfer the possibility of a development of a crushed and stronger grip (overlapping, wrapping around a duck). Attack the attacked kіntsіvka next with two hands with all the coat, beating the strength of the force. Having hoarded the enemy on a painful hold, it is necessary to surround him with fragility on kilim, having hoarded a hand, if possible, so as not to be attacked (or a leg). Having taken the hoarding for a painful reception, it is necessary to transfer the possibility of the transition to another painful reception, or other technical action: utrimannya, a throw, or a coup.
Conducting a painful reception without militant occlusion, which surrounds the fragility of the supernik, can lead to injury or the supernik's exit from the attack.
The smoothness of pain relief is especially seen by the rules. Sharply vikonuvati bolovyy priyom categorically zaboronyaєtsya.

Vіdpovіdno up to the rules of pain, it is possible to carry out only on the arms or legs. In order to fix the pain technique more richly, and richer of them are included in the book below, here we will analyze the technique of typing the main pain techniques, so that the technique is not repeated in detail in the text.


Їх five groups: lіktа vаіl, vuzol, vzvorotny vuzol, biceps latch, shoulder vаlіl.

The importance of the drink.

The pain technique is called the key of the sambo wrestling, when it is carried out, the arm is straightened in the lick, smoothly bending against the natural bend.

The value of the tongue is the most wide-ranging pain technique in sambo wrestling, and the ways of yoga victoriousness, perhaps, the most. When I attacked my hand, I would bend it over my thighs, breasts, front shoulders, etc. Bula would be more like a fulcrum.

Even more simply, you can look at the force of forces on a straightened arm and schematically show how important it is.

Strength F- support reaction (gravity of the attacker); R - attacking zusilla; a - rise from the point of support to the axis of the elbow bend; in - stand in the axle liquor loam to the wrist; G- the force of gravity of the opponent's body; h - rise from the point of stagnation of the force of gravity of the body of the enemy to the point of suspension of the reaction of the support. Yakshcho vvazhat, scho forces Gі R postyni, and vіdstanі s+aі in(shoulder sleeve and front shoulder sleeve) are also inevitable, then winning from strength can be taken away, changing the place of stasis of strength F, to change a i, later, p.

Knowing the laws of physics, you can win over the strength, changing the place of the fulcrum of the support, dozens of hundreds of times. For example, the shoulder “a” is more than centimeters, so you press on the elbow on the vіdstanі 10 centimeters in the direction of the axis of the wrapping of the elbow loom near the hip of the shoulder. Strength F at tsimu matima pevne meaning.

Having shortened the shoulder "a" up to 1 mm (and you can allow yourself to bring the sambo wrestlers further), for all other imminent factors (without changing the forces Gі R), you take away your winnings from strength 100 times. All the same, obviously, theoretically mimicking, and even more primitive, but all the same, they stink on purpose, illustratively, importantly vikonati, and technically competently.

You can, obviously, having saved your shoulders with the inevitable ones, just increase the power of "P". But if with the help of the enemy and the technique of capturing the captured, then no force can help.

Let's now look at the pain in the mind of the importance of the mind in yoga practical zastosuvanni.

Main camp: supernik lie on your back You sit on the side of the new one, burying your hand between your legs, transfer your legs through the toelub and neck of the supernik. Having clasped two hands, straighten the hand of the superintendent in the pharynx and smoothly hold the pain technique.

Details: bend your legs at the knees, and with your heels press the supernik's toulub to yourself. At the same time, squeezing the knee, strongly subdue the hand that is attacked.

Having clasped two hands, follow them, so that the hobbled hand of the bula is turned to the bottom in front of itself (with the elbow of the attacked hand, there will be directions to the attacker).

Characteristic pardons: slightly choked by the hands of the superman's hand (with whom it is possible to turn the hand). Vіdsutnіst control over the position of the elbow of the attacked hand (you can come with it, so that the opponent's elbow turns to kill and replace the opening of the hand in її zginatimet). Weakness of the robot nіg (when your hand is clogged, that coat will be weak, and the supernik can, having turned around, drink).


The terminology of sambo wrestling is not discussed; As if after that, call the receiver nothing to warn, after all, toil on the vuzol of the hand.

Priyom dosit extensions, vin є wrapping bent nіd 90 ° in the elbow of the opponent's hand. Fist of the attacked hand with some straightening to the supernik's head.

Rosemary kuta, under which the superman’s hand is bent, be sure that having ripped the supernik’s hand in the mouth (straightened її), you cannot wrap it. If you change the bending of the hand, you change the shoulder of the report of the force, and the pain may not come out. Take a look, for example, vuzol hands across.

Main camp: the superman lies on his back, attacking to lie across the partner with his stomach up to the kilim right-handed, in front of the new one. Bring the right hand under the partner’s shoulder and put it on the wrist of your left hand. Squeeze the chest of the supernik to the kilim, spread the legs to the sides. Having bent the superman's hand under a straight kutom, turn it around the axis, so as to pass over the shoulder of the crooked hand, raising the elbow of the hand, so that it attacks uphill and lowering the wrist down.

Details: when the superman's wrist is choked, with the left hand press the thumb to a few others (when you do not care when wrapping the superman's hand). In times of insecurity, pull the opponent’s hand up to yoga nig and lower the wrist to attack down, pressing yoga to the kilim.

Characteristic pardons: raising the elbow of the buried hand of the supernik uphill, as a result, the enemy, following your move, wivert his hand, raising the elbow even more uphill, that buv, standing on the spot, go. Incorrect occlusion of the opponent's hands (close to the elbow).

Zvorotny vuzol.

This is the wrapping of the opponent’s arm bent under a straight kutom in the middle (with a fist to the knee). Priyom dosit extensions and v_domy for a long time. All the main laws of conducting a painful reception of the "vuzol" can be caught here. If you increase the kut of the attacked hand, then the wraps will be more coherent, and by bending your hand to a smaller kut, you will spend more zusil. Take a look, for example, vuzol hands across.

Main camp: supernik to lie with his back on the kilim Attacking the beast, across, right-handed in the supernik, belly to the kilim. To grab with the right hand the wrists of the opponent's various hands. Bring the left hand under the shoulder of the same hand and put the palm on your wrist right hand beast. Bending the superman’s hand under a 90 ° cut, turn the arm that is attacking, bridle the axis, go over the shoulder, immediately lowering the fist of the crouched arm down and raising the elbow up.

Details: press down with the breasts of the supernik down, moving yoga over the kilim. Raise the legs to a wider, larger area of ​​support. Great finger squeeze your right hand to a few others, so that you don’t care to bend the hand of the superintendent in the mouth. If a superman leans strongly and spreads his arm, you can bend your arm under the smaller one, lower it straight, or pull up the elbow of the crooked hand to the head of the supernik.

Characteristic pardons: incorrectly clasped superman's hands (too close to the elbow). The bending of the superman's hands under a larger, lower straight cut. Lifting the shoulders of the superintendent to the top (replacement of the hand wrap). Twisting the superman's hand behind his back (which is fenced in by the rules of sambo wrestling).

Biceps squeeze.

The price of a new Bolovian technique, which still has few twists and practically no descriptions in the literature. Yogo can be compared with the seal of the lithic m'yaz, by analogy with the yakim wines and wines of wines. Earlier, the infringement of the biceps was zastosovuly as a preparatory technique. It is permissible, while conducting a painful reception of the importance of the elbow, they twisted the superman's hand in the elbow and pressed the exchange brush on the partner's biceps. Vinikav bіl, supernik straightening his hand, then youmu and held a great liktya. Tobto, in fact, they simply lapped with the biceps. The trick is simple in principle: bending the superman's hand in the lick, the attacker presses the superman's biceps (or in front of the m'yaz) to the brush with a promeneu brush. In connection with the simplicity of zastosuvannya, it’s more correct for the first person to come out first and the next time the supernik is buried under the hour of the patient’s pain. Let's look at an example.

Main camp: supernik to lie on his back The attacker is on the side of the new one to sit on the kilim. Burying the right hand of the superman between the legs and pulling the shoulder of the attacked hand of the yakomog closer to himself, bend the opponent’s hand in the face. Move the left leg through the hand of the superman and move the hoof of your right leg. Bring the right hand under the elbow bend of the enemy’s hand bent in the elbow in the middle and put a long knee on the left knee. Bend the superman's hand in the pharynx, press the promeneu brush of the right hand with the rub of the supernik's biceps to the left hand.

Details: the toe of the right foot of the top of the toe of the supernik. The legs of the attacked bent in knees and squeeze the partner's choked hand. The promeneva brush of the right hand is ruffled so that the bottom of the bula is parallel to the kilim. When carrying out a pain technique, bring the elbow of the right hand up to you. Sit straight ahead, not kicking with your back on the kilim.

Characteristic pardons: the attacker's legs are slightly bent, after which the superman's hands are not suffocated to blame. The attack is carried out in front of the shoulders, and not by the promenade brush, after which the pain effect is not to be blamed.

Important shoulder.

This is not new, prote rіdkіsnіy vykonanna bolovyy priyom. Bіl vykaє vіd smooth razginannya supernik's hands at the shoulders against the її natural zginu. The foldedness of the vikonnnі polagaє at the fixation of the arm or the top coat of the supernik and in the hem of the strong shoulder pads. Let's look at the butt of the shoulder in the middle.

Main camp: supernik lie on his stomach Attacking sit on a kilim zliva in front of him. Having clasped the left hand of the supernik with both hands, and pressing the shoulder and back of the left shoulder of the supernika to the kilim, spread the clasped hand in the shoulders, raising the fist of the supernika uphill.

Details: the legs of the attacker are spread wide and control the spread of your toe-tub and the toe-tulub of the supernik. The attacker presses the supernik to the kilim with his back.

Characteristic pardons: bending the hands of the supernik in the lick, after which the supernik, moving forward, can get away from the pain. Even a low gray, after which the supernik can, resting his head on the kilim, throw the coat over the head of the attacker. Weakly zahoplennya in front of the opponent's arm with his hands. Incorrect dressing of the coat of an attacker in terms of promotion to a superman.


Five groups of bolovy priyomіv can be carried out on the feet: utisk of the lithic m'yaz, utiska of the Achilles tendon, valor of the knee, vuzol of the leg, valor of the stegna. Let's take a look at them in order.

"Fighting SAMBO" ( Zhovten 1999 r

Bolovі priyomi on hand
Prepared by Stepanov O.M.


fighting sambo, you can see five main groups of pain techniques that can be carried out on the hands:
1) the importance of the word,
2) vuzol,
3) zvorotny vuzol,
4) biceps grip,
5) importance of the shoulder.


R the importance of the lіktya is bolovy, during the carrying out of some kind of blame as a result of a smooth bending of the straightened arm in the lіkt against the natural bend. True, sometimes, in shock, the arm is not bent over smoothly, as a result of which the injury of the ulnar lobe is to blame.

    Respect! For some reason, try to do yoga smoothly, so that you can avoid injury to your partner (superman).

  • Rizke vykonannya pain priyomu vvazhetsya zaboronenym rules dієyu (sometimes judges and athletes forget about tse).

The opponent's hand can be folded over the shoulder strap, in front of the chest or chest (other parts of the body), and it is also possible to fold over the front of the attacked.

The most important thing is the knowledge of the word of renunciation, which is often beaten with a painful trick in the essence of sambo wrestlers, which leads to a pre-stroke victory.

Variants of the conduction are important to achieve richly, which signifies its popularity and effectiveness.


At Zel - a painful technique, when carrying out some kind of blame as a result of a wrapping bent under a kutom 90 degrees at the opponent's elbow. Fist of the attacked hand with some straightening to the supernik's head.

    If the enemy’s hand, after an hour of holding the reception, breaks up (kut mizh yogo in front of the shoulders and the shoulder rises), it’s important to carry out the wrapping, and when the enemy’s hand is straightened, it’s impossible (not necessary).

  • As soon as the opponent’s arm bends (cut between the shoulders and the opponent’s shoulder changes), the attacker’s strength will automatically change, and the chance to carry out a big change will change.

The vuzol of the hand is also a "walking" technique for sambo, yoga in essence can be done from different positions of wrestling lying down. In most cases, the fighters for the magic win such options as "the vuzol in the morning on the side for the help of the legs of the beast" and "the vuzol in the opposite direction."

Zvorotny vuzol

Pro fraternal vuzol - a painful trick, for an hour of holding such a thing, it was blamed on the result of the wrapping of the bent arm of the enemy under a direct cut of the attacked arm of the enemy in the middle (with a fist to the bottom). The principles of conducting a group of pain medications are similar to "universities".

    When conducting a technique in sports wrestling, sambo is categorically defended by performing a technique by bending (twisting) the arms behind the back. In a special division of sambo, daniyom (folding the arms behind the back) is widely victorious in the position, being a hard way to escort the enemy, and when the enemy is in the position, "lying on the stomach" garnimu zasobom pain control.


At squeezing the biceps - a painful technique, when carrying out such a bіl vinikaє at the moment when the attacker, bending the opponent's hand in the elbow, presses the yoga biceps to the wrist with a promeneu brush. Dany, according to the principle, break out of the mold of the lithic m'yaz.

At his book "SAMBO. Lying down wrestling technique. Attack", which was written in 1982, David Lvovich Rudman took this approach to a new, little twisted one. A good hour has passed, but the last few days are not enough to be carried out on the magic as an independent action, which leads to the enemy’s goal. The contraction of the biceps in the greater vipadkіv so і zalishivsya p_dovochkoy dієyu when carrying out important lіktya.

    UVAGA! If you have any information about athletes (possibly - tse Vi), how to win (win) with a clean look at the mark, write to us (E-mail: [email protected]).


R the importance of the shoulder is a painful technique, when carrying out any kind of blame as a result of the attacked arm in the shoulders against the natural bend.

The most important options are such as "important shoulder on the near arm to beat", "important to offend the shoulders from the shriveled shoulders of the hands", "important shoulders to the shriveled near hand under the shoulder", as well as "important shoulders in case of winding up from the side, wrapping" .

    This group of prijomіv is given to score widely in a special division of sambo with a hard control of the opponent lying on his stomach, which is to carry out control when he is known, most of all, in the position of a standing knee on the shoulders, shoulder blades, back, and controlled (by the same token, supposing the additional pain injection).

1) the importance of the word,
2) vuzol,
3) zvorotny vuzol,
4) biceps grip,
5) importance of the shoulder.


R the importance of the lіktya is bolovy, during the carrying out of some kind of blame as a result of a smooth bending of the straightened arm in the lіkt against the natural bend. True, sometimes, in shock, the arm is not bent over smoothly, as a result of which the injury of the ulnar lobe is to blame.

    Respect! For some reason, try to do yoga smoothly, so that you can avoid injury to your partner (superman).

    Rizke vykonannya pain priyomu vvazhetsya zaboronenym rules dієyu (sometimes judges and athletes forget about tse).

The opponent's hand can be folded over the shoulder strap, in front of the chest or chest (other parts of the body), and it is also possible to fold over the front of the attacked.

The most important thing is the knowledge of the word of renunciation, which is often beaten with a painful trick in the essence of sambo wrestlers, which leads to a pre-stroke victory.

Variants of the conduction are important to achieve richly, which signifies its popularity and effectiveness.


At Zel - a painful technique, when carrying out some kind of blame as a result of a wrapping bent under a kutom 90 degrees at the opponent's elbow. Fist of the attacked hand with some straightening to the supernik's head.

    If the enemy’s hand, after an hour of holding the reception, breaks up (kut mizh yogo in front of the shoulders and the shoulder rises), it’s important to carry out the wrapping, and when the enemy’s hand is straightened, it’s impossible (not necessary).

    As soon as the opponent’s arm bends (cut between the shoulders and the opponent’s shoulder changes), the attacker’s strength will automatically change, and the chance to carry out a big change will change.

The vuzol of the hand is also a "walking" technique for sambo, yoga in essence can be done from different positions of wrestling lying down. In most cases, the fighters for the magic win such options as "the vuzol in the morning on the side for the help of the legs of the beast" and "the vuzol in the opposite direction."

Zvorotny vuzol

Pro fraternal vuzol - a painful trick, for an hour of holding such a thing, it was blamed on the result of the wrapping of the bent arm of the enemy under a direct cut of the attacked arm of the enemy in the middle (with a fist to the bottom). The principles of conducting a group of pain medications are similar to "universities".

    When conducting a technique in sports wrestling, sambo is categorically defended by performing a technique by bending (twisting) the arms behind the back. In a special division of sambo, the technique (folding the arms behind the back) is widely victorious in the position, being a hard way to escort the enemy, and when the enemy is positioned "lying on the stomach", this technique is good for pain control.


At squeezing the biceps - a painful technique, when carrying out such a bіl vinikaє at the moment when the attacker, bending the opponent's hand in the elbow, presses the yoga biceps to the wrist with a promeneu brush. Dany, according to the principle, break out of the mold of the lithic m'yaz.

At his book "SAMBO. Lying down wrestling technique. Attack", which was written in 1982, David Lvovich Rudman took this approach to a new, little twisted one. A good hour has passed, but the last few days are not enough to be carried out on the magic as an independent action, which leads to the enemy’s goal. The contraction of the biceps in the greater vipadkіv so і zalishivsya p_dovochkoy dієyu when carrying out important lіktya.


R the importance of the shoulder is a painful technique, when carrying out any kind of blame as a result of the attacked arm in the shoulders against the natural bend.

The most important options are such as "important shoulder on the near arm to beat", "important to offend the shoulders from the shriveled shoulders of the hands", "important shoulders to the shriveled near hand under the shoulder", as well as "important shoulders in case of winding up from the side, wrapping" .

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