Cho robiti, yakscho kokhanets boyaguz. Friendship = bіl heads and little sex. Chi zahisnik our man? Situations in which it is necessary to show human strength - protect a girl from others

Valeria Protasova

Reading hour: 6 minutes


Let's talk about human fears and fears. What is a person afraid of? Why do our people have the right to be afraid and show fear? How can I help the fear of the wise and calm approach to life? The theme of this article is “boyaguz my man”.

Often on women's forums there are topics about human fears and boyaguztvo: “My lad boyaguz!”, “My kohanets boyaguz!”, “My father boyaguz!” "My boy boyguz!". In these topics, the girls describe situations, for which, as you might think, their man appeared like a right boy, showing spinelessness, escaping, vicious. Why is it so true?

In this article, it is suggested to discuss different situations, in which you can choose whether you are a person. Let's look at them from different sides and try to get to know each other, de fearfulness, de wisdom, and de just bait. What do we pardon for human fearfulness, and what for courageousness? When people's fears are true?

Boyaguz chi cool water? Situations on the road, under the hour of parking and, like a lady in love with a kerm.

Your man was unstoppably ahead of you, or zhorstok pissed off on the road. Chi is guilty of nazdognati hoax and punish?

Why do we have fear? In this situation, the manifestation of fearfulness leads to hysterics. Hysteria can manifest itself in the divine style of water, the non-powerful adequate state of water, loud screams and cries, tears. Clearly manifested by the manifestations of fear and fear, there is no streaming of sechovi- sion , I see a car in front of me.

How can you tell the truth? However, the reason for “smoke break” is not taken into account by fear, as in the road situation there was a real threat to the life of passengers or the life of the water itself. Fear of death is a skin man.

Do not stray with unstriking and aggressiveness! Today, we often feel in the news, we read in the blogs of history about those who, like someone, fired from injuries on the road, beat with bats, broke the slope, fired at the car, stabbed with a knife as a warning for that other road situation. Girls, in any other time, do not take such people for brave heroes. They didn't stand up for their honor! The stench showed inconsistency, unhealthy aggression. Such people, as a rule, walk with their heads in life, feel careless, make a lot of noise, but shy away for the sake of other people's rahunok. Remember! People who are ready to assert themselves for the good life and health of other people, are really not convinced in their strength and the value of their own life and regularly try to bring themselves to it, so that the stench is not afraid and what is good in their life.

Chi maє vin call "foreign" place in the parking lot.

According to the law, if a person has parked right on someone else's land, then you can show papier to you, it is written to someone that “the place was bought and rented by a company”. If you come to visit and park in someone else's yard and a person asks to re-park the car, and the place is obviously huge, then options are insisting.

Why do we have fear? The person swayed and calmly re-parked.

How can you tell the truth? Possibly, not knowingly sly, but simply getting tired and not wanting to stray from unruly dialogues. The other option is to ask the old veteran to re-park, otherwise the girl with three is not transported and five packages of Ikey)) Here your man is well done!)

Do not stray fearfully with arrogance. Possibly, having asked the strongest, most authoritative person to give up the place, and your lad, the person who wins, in this situation it is safe (for you) to give up, and not to get into conflict. Ideally, first of all, a person can try to make a home out of a person. Explain what wine is here for a year. If you are not adequate in front of you, and the person is objectively weaker physically and does not have any special connections, then it’s clear that the solution will be reasonable!

You were drunk before the accident, you have problems in the parking lot. They brought the kokhan.

You tell the person, chatter, clapping about your problem and check for his reaction. How to fix a right person? It is clear from the fact that they called Viyoma, which means that they have already told you about the problem and you will require support. However, the dumbass is right, it’s easy to understand how the very support you need is to calm you down by phone, what’s the term to come? Tell me about yourself!

Why do we have fear? You have spent at an accident an unacceptable situation in the parking lot, ask to come, and you will help, regardless of the day of your important rights.

How can you tell the truth? Possibly, you lie down to that type of woman, for some evildoers, nіgot - also a tragedy? People also get tired of gradually satisfying our whims, so that in general they deserve such rice in our character. The second option - You yourself create conflict situations for yourself, you yourself look for trouble and call before you solve problems. Possibly, this game is more suitable for you, but if you are wrong, you should check and solve the problem on your own.

Do not stray from the baiduzhistyu and the busyness. If a person does not come to help, this is a signal. Varto think about those who are dear to you and dear to you. So, look at your position to the right, those who may not be important to you, may be important for the new one.

Chi zahisnik our man? Situations in which it is necessary to show human strength - protect a girl from others.

Standard situation on the street. There are other people before you - robbers or just hooligans. There are a few people, your man is one.

Why do we have fear? With a boyaguz you can vvazhat, as if your person is ticking, leaving you alone to pick up, or grabbing you by the hand and pronouncing it swiftly into the flow at once.

How can you tell the truth? Possibly, because of reason, if you can’t really get into them, and the hooligans have drunk aggressively, then at once one of the options for a reasonable solution.

Chi do not stray with wisdom. If the lads are really cheap and the person is objectively sensible that they cannot be healed, it is also reasonable: a) try to explain verbally that it is better not to call you; b) ignore the pestering and go further.

My man is a hero! Even though the lad got entangled in the battle with frosts, rozumiyuchi, that the result can be like that - wine or reckless, or a hero). Here you need to marvel at the situation. Axis only sometimes, we girls, think about it, what is more important for us to be with a dead hero or a hero with a disability, or be with a sensible, but healthy boy!?

You fought with a woman. What is the person's fault to intercede?

Why do we have fear? The person is sunken in the face of your conflict.

How can you tell the truth? It is better for people not to stray into women’s discord, so as not to be blamed. Partly it is fearful, and partly it is wisdom.

Chi do not stray with non-strimanity. Vіn vyrishiv check the falsehood and garnenko її beating abo waving matyuk. Now think about those who, having broken the taboo we love, “do not beat a woman”, maybe, if you stop the force before you?

My man is a hero! You can bring your own person to the hero, as if he helped you to take a blameless person in front of you, as if he threw his fists at you. Don't hit chi, but suck it yourself! Abo to wait you were given, in the city conflict situations. In such a rank, he simply extinguished the conflict and, with it, saved his image of a cultured, calm, instilled person in himself.

Kokhannya is afraid. When people are afraid of right feelings?

Vіn do not say “I love you”. afraid?

How can you tell the truth? Possibly, the words for the new one may be true great value. Vin does not throw words into the wind. I will tell you zapovitnі 3 words in front of him, like a proposition, if there are more songs, that you are two halves.

VIN Not to love you? The other one is the only option - you can't call it a kohanny for you. Possibly, there is less sympathy between you from your side, and perhaps, you don’t look at your everyday life serious vіdnosin between you.

Vin doesn't want to make friends. Yogo lakaє stamp at the passport.

How can you tell the truth? Possibly, the fears of your cholovіka podkrіplenі tim, scho behind the shoulders of a new near-near hat, named, scho flowed in, but the filthy butt of the fathers. It is recommended that you turn to a psychotherapist for a consultation.

Do not stray with fear! Part of the people (especially the young ones) are ashamed of friendship as such, especially those of their young friends go for a walk and change partners. For them, a shelter, like a sleeping place - an exchange of will is not less than their own, but in the eyes of an otochuyuchy. Such fearfulness will pass in an hour.

VIN Not to love you? This option is also. The person pіdsvіdomo chi navіt svіdomlyuyut sсho vіdnіk і slіdnіshe call more and more mіzh you like love. Possibly, you got bored, “burned out,” or perhaps, you just realize that it’s hard to live with you. If you yourself are a lady and you demonstrate everything, then a person is afraid that in the fight for you I will have to spend all my life and the ruler of my share, I will not be afraid to go. Likewise, to give respect, how can you live calmly and comfortably with you? Chi scandal V? Are you well prepared? People love comfort and fear yoga.

If I was young, I made such an order: "Friends of a man do not throw a team and you do not throw", because "Kind livak take the hat". Now read it for the sake of a professional psychologist. At the same time, let's take a look at the situation in the report.

The truth about stosunki with a friendly man

Friendships of a man will never leave his squad, the docks are comfortable for you. And youmu is rightly so:

  • Wins are taken away by those that you do not get from your family. Ale buvaє and so, scho in this whole lot of love and respect and sex.
  • And the axis of gravity in the "spies" gives the gostroty of the zvichaynistіnkіy strava "sex". Vzaєmini іz kohanka zavzhd taєmnі. The first person resolutely guards the squad from inaccuracies.
  • I take away all the bajans for free, not investing in the qi vіdnosini neither mentally nor materially. That hour and pennies, like wines attributed to you, are not signified in the life of this same.
  • The appearance of a kohanka elevates his status in the eyes of his friends and friends. I give you all the credit.

Zavdyaki lyubovі, pіdtrimtsі and turbotі kokhanki. no one will leave the squad, the skils would not break. To that stosunki with a kohanka є for a new way of saving a slub! If in s_m'ї є as if the pressure and people do not have the strength to survive, you should know your own kohanka, as a resource for saving sіm'ї. From the secret pleadings of the DODOMU radiance, satisfaction, calmness, indulgence in your own and ... with a slight guilt in front of the retinue. To that, go on the road to the city-dobovogo shop of tickets, or the coming day to rob їy present, easily vykonuє її prohannya that own goiter. And, well, from the satisfaction of working, earning more pennies for your homeland.

Psychology of stosunkivs from a friendly person

Obviously, wine is right for you. Adzhe vіn doglyanuty and vmіє behaving with wives, on vіdmіnu vіd unfriendly people. ALE!

  1. Vin is dumbfounded. It is important to reveal the situation, if a person, walking to the kokhanka, reminds about his squad. And if this person is a lie, why you have been violating, why should you, none of that, none of that, more often tell the truth. It’s obvious, vin rozpovist, that the squad is in a new grimza, that the stink of strangers for a long time and sleeping at different rooms. And then a little one shows up at the new one, singsongly, the little one brought a lot of wine for a bachelorette, walking up to the kokhanka.
  2. Vіn zradnik. A person is healthy, if he ruins his trust (even his squad and children trusted him with their life), destroying loyalty and not breaking the shoes. Your kohanets, having sworn allegiance to the kohanna and the fidelity of his squad. So just one time I will heal you, pishovshi to a new kohanka.
  3. Vin manipulator and victorious you and your squad as zasib to satisfy your needs, worrying a little about the “most beloved” women of your life. Sims have children, wealthy people, material goods, comfortable living. And the kohanka accepts yoga in such a way that it grants you divine sex.
  4. Vіn zhorstoy. Yogo behavior zavdaє bіl! You, if you are left alone for that holy weekend, knowing that it is wonderful to spend an hour with your homeland. Yogo squad, having learned about the evil, feel like an image that is humiliated.
  5. Vin is evil. Skіlki mіsyatsіv and rokiv of your life vіn vkrav. Adzhe vie could have created a truly happy homeland with a person who loves you for a long time. I steal your life to improve yours. Vіn rob and your family, even an hour, respect and pennies for a kohanka by right belong to the motherland.
  6. Vin boyaguz. Vіn can't honestly swear by wiping, tіkayuchi vіd folding food And vvazha for the best, get rid of “everything is like that”, even if you are so kind, why would a person not say friends. Tse tell you whether a psychologist.

І most, not building on the right proximity and creation of deep water. The depth of that closeness is possible there, de є povaga, shirіst, vіdkritіst іt іnsha people є є vіzhlivіshіshі tsіnіstyu, аnd not zasovolennya.

People often replace intimacy with sex, but not the same! People who talk so much about polygamy just can't bear to be serious stosunkivs. Ask a person, ask a new friend, less than right. Show up, scho alone, but such, on whom you can rozrokhovuvat, and for the new one - the fire has that water. And if there are more “friends”, then there are overhead stosunki with them. So and іz zhіnkami. A person who values ​​his partner, save the building with her garni vodnosiny for all life.

For the sake of psychologists, it is necessary to confirm that the main problem of modern people is self-confidence. Possibly, after reading this article, you thought: It’s not about me, everything is different for me. Vіn chesny, on me obov'yazkovo buddy". Make yourself more beautiful!

Ale facts to talk about the protilezhne: a person is unique squads, only as if she herself chose this speech and put it outside the door.

On zv'azok z friendly man a woman shtovhayut a sprinkling of reasons. Key: low self-esteem. Itself won't let women buti "on other" roles of someone else's life.

Like this story about you, I check for the program

Like a squad of a man, like a kohanka: don’t try to z’yasovuvat stosunki negainno.Sign up for a consultation

For those who are still in doubt, marvel at this short video:

I respect you, I'm not a fan of wearing butt shoes on people and women. If you don’t love the lady, if you don’t want to, or if you don’t want to cook, if you absolutely virtuously master the sockets or the plumbing - so let it go to the sockets and the plumbing, and I cook borscht, no problem. And just like my wife seems to me: “Vasya, there it screamed and grunted, we, let’s go, we’ll catch fire at once,” - I may come and greet with the devil’s rosette. Tse my task, for I am a man. І tse, before speech, does not mean that I am not afraid. I'm not an electrician, but I'm afraid of that, right. Ale, I do not have the right to self-destruct in the face of problems. I want to mush b znestrumiti budinok i viklikati elektrika. I. Not out.

I think that it made sense to everyone, and all the same kind of person and check, obviously. Tse is not a catastrophe, but an obvious good fortune. But it’s important to understand that you can’t have normal stosunkiv from a person who, in this situation, would say: “I don’t know what to work, call me somewhere.” To that, life is a thing that is unfathomable. Nobody knows, de vie lean at once for a sprat of rock. You can’t talk if you boil the engine of the car on a deaf road, if you can get away with the wiring at your booth in the country New river), if it becomes unacceptable. And I can forward. Tse become one yourself, if you don’t have any help from the check. What do you work together? Well, why are you not that girl, how do you love the sockets?

Therefore, do not waste your time on a coward, who will propagate you to solve these problems on your own. Otherwise, you work all life. І axis more: sockets, let's be honest, rarely spark. The cranes break through not every day, the police fall once on a penny, and the repair is a cost, like every 10 years they trap. And it's not scary to do it right. Don’t be afraid to eat dishes, don’t be afraid to blame yourself, don’t be afraid to suck. How to pervert, chi not boyaguz wines, godoynoy? It's simpler: take yoga to the pharmacy for pads. It’s scary for you, for the one who “wine is a man!” - Vin is not a man. Vin boyaguz. Drive yoga in the shiiu.


This is the situation, I don’t need to explain it, how do I get it. Like a person lives with you, sleep in the same bed, ask for sleeping friends to the house, ride with you at the devil’s “Ike”, but if you don’t get ready to officially make friends with you - wine boyaguz.

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As if you are guilty, that you are not ready yet, you are deceiving you. Mythical freedom, it is impossible to destroy the wines of love, it is only in your head. There is no such thing as freedom, the crime is internal. І, yakscho won є, її do not take away the stamp in the passport. And її її nemaє - tsey stamp tim more nothing to change.

And you understand, I am convinced of what you are right to be afraid of: you are afraid of evidence. For you. And not just afraid, but do not want to take it on yourself. To that, the woeful stamp does not change anything in the hundred years themselves, and it’s more in the senses: you lived together, so continue to live, and, as you have a little more, the official school of theirs cannot be overpowered and not weakened. Ale vіn duzhe richly change the plan for viability. From this moment on, a man was bound, such as there were no earlier. Vіn bude goiter share your mine with you. Vіn bude goiter vydpovidat for sleeping children, as if they were stinking. In a civilized society, wines, of course, also goiter, to bear responsibility for children, but, in a different way, wines can get angry, and you happen to bring that the child is true. And with a slave - you won’t get it. I wine of reason. І є more impersonal moments, yakі true loving person accept it properly. And boyaguz - do not take it. Do not accept and try with all your strength to get away from the official school. And I’m ready to fight against you, scho you, spoofing with a man, respecting yourself with a retinue.

And you don’t care about yourself for a person, no. І ti maєsh tse razumіti. It is your fault to understand that a person is unique in every way, which means that he is guilty or a boyaguz, or a non-guy. As it seems, insulting gershi.


I axis we got to the worst. Not to vacancy. Not up to the children. To the slopes. To the point that you yourself are most obviously afraid of. Until that moment, if you really need some help. Until that moment, if the wine is consumed by you all, at once from usima yogo metaphysical waste.

I live in the XXI century. I am not guilty of zamikat retinue in the hospital with a midwife, but I myself walk around in circles with a pitchfork in front, banishing evil spirits. I can give you a errand. And I'm scared because I'm not a man.

There is no “mystery of gentleness”, and you can think of it. This is a natural physiological process, there is nothing terrible for him. In 30 seconds, you can google thousands of videos from the flat bays and you can marvel at how everything looks. There is nothing terrible about it. And so, I want to say zhahliva: what is natural is not conducive. If you are needed by your own person, if you look like fairies, if you are like trojans, then you are not needed by you. So, curtains are not just a receiving process. And if I want to force my wife, I will shake her hair and clean up a basin for her - I want to, I know, where I can’t take it, at my glance. Like my wife, don’t bring Svetobudov, become a bedridden ailment - I’ll take away her boots. Why, feed, I may be afraid of the slopes at whom? Vzagali, there people are my child. I am yoga dad. What am I afraid of?

I'll tell you what. Deyakі іstoti, yakі chomu call themselves cholovіkami, fear for their expensive potency. I, which is wild for me, the women of theirs support them: having said, the axis of the wines marveled, but then I don’t want to. Oh zhah!

Ladies, remember: a healthy human potential is not threatened in any way. Yakshcho, obviously, the person has a healthy psyche and no guilt. And I think that as a person being guided by partner canopies, you are a bastard, yes. So that you will never be without a defense, at the same time. You can have a wonderful midwife, you can choose the best doctor, you can prepare yourself to the fullest and not be afraid (but not be afraid - it’s definitely not, it’s great), but you don’t feel like laying on yourself any more One of my friends said: Nirkov Kolka a hundred times more painful for the curtains. The first leg of the lamati is unacceptable. But the people are scarier. Because at that moment you realize that your body has helped you. It’s not yours anymore.”

Cholovik and fearfulness - at first glance, two super-clear understandings. However, the fact that a person is not afraid of bears and targans, crooked scenes in films and winding streamers from a parachute, still does not rob him of a smile. Cowards are more low enough, wanting their fears to be more social in nature.

Boyaguzlivy kokhanets

Liza miraculously knows what viraz means “vibiti ґrunt z-pіd nіg”. Two months of bezkhmarnyh romantic stosunkiv іz kohanim broke off in one day, if a friend simply stopped picking up the phone. They didn't give me anything. For a few days, Liza’s mother didn’t help God a little, and then in Odnoklassniki she took off a new sheet: “You are already good, but I’m a lot of work at once, but I can’t allow myself to be put before you not seriously. Let's get rid of our friends." Surviving the painful blow was only helped by the understanding of the fact that, fortunately, I did not have a chance to tie my share with such a boyaguz.

With the arrival of SMS, the Internet and social measures it's time for the cowards to do the right thing! If you want to separate from a girl, there are no problems: a short reminder - and you can go and drink beer with friends. It is not necessary to marvel at the eyes of abandoned cohanies, it is not necessary to ask for food. Paradise! And those who eat with her - all the same її special grief.

The most fearfulness is the price of reluctance to defend one's own actions. You can graciously greet such a list of reference people.

shy boss

Marina is already richly known as the intercessor of the general director of a great company. Spіvrobіtnikіv is rich, and the plinnіst of personnel is a phenomenon of postіyne. I am satisfied with my work, but only one “ale”. “I already have a guilty complex! - Get out. - Shorazu, if the chief praises the decision of someone to call, he entrusts me with “honor the mission” of me, rely on those who are in their new right to win. You don’t show how important it is to say to spivrobitnikov that the fault of the calls. Someone has a family, someone has a mother, one should cry, one should be angry, but listen to all of me! Hi bi himself tse all th tolerant!

So, the boss is an important, serious and always busy person. Ale tse did not entrust his work to intercessors, secretaries and other representatives. Aje the decision about the call of that other spivrobitnik is accepted by the chief, and also, I can tell you. It’s a pity only, there are few smiles, old ones to declare to you tse in disguise.

Fearful friend

"I hate these people" brotherhood "! Hanna snarl. - After a wager, a person starts to behave like an idiot! For friends of their preparations leave the shirt know, for the first call, run to them! As if in the middle of the night, he phoned alone, asking for information about the airport. Cholovik, zvіsno, poїhav. When writing that this is human friendship, I don’t understand. And we’ll let our “friend”, if we become friends, bring on the party without asking!

About human friendship written verses and songs, made films. People are wildly amazed at the so-called female friendship and condescendingly caress their girlfriend on the shoulder: saying, well, be friends, be friends ... until the first purchase of the same cloth. Only the deacons do not suspect that these women with friends do not make anything good with a right human friendship. A company for self-denial is necessary for a cholovik-boyagu, and we must use the forces of її to create and try not to deprive the “pride”. Friends are calling at the bar, but have you already made friends for a home evening? It’s nothing, my friend, because it’s scary for a fearful person, that suddenly they can’t call him. In principle, it is important to say “nі” to youma. It's hard and scary.

And yet another turning point of the medal: “we are with you”, “we are for you”, and when the time comes - “I will make you understand, but my hut is from the edge”. As Leo Tolstoy said, fearful friend fearful of the enemy, you are afraid of the enemy, but you rely on one.

Are the stars taken by fearful people?

So the ranks of the social boyaguz are a cowardly person with a weak willpower and a weak self-confidence. On the face of depression, cowardice - the heart of the character, but not the temporal camp of the human psyche. That’s not a big deal to spodіvatisya, that the boyaguz will change. Tsіlki in fairy tales The fearful Lion is ready for anything to get goodness. Real "fearful lions" are good and so.

Zvіdki OK be taken timidity? Yak and rich of our problems and complexes - z childishness. In the puberty period, especially in a young person, the struggle for dominance in a group of hardened “his” mothers starts a clearly aggressive character (inculcates “class to class” schoolboys). Looking back at the tsієї fight in low fluctuations, there is a zahisna reaction, expressed in the order with traces of attached aggression. Tsey zakhist zgodom and lead to the development of cowardice - fear of a conflict and a quiet silence. If the lad is growing, timidity can be transformed into cunning, but cunning is filthy, I can’t have anything sleepy with cunning.

And your cholovik is not boyaguz?

If you happen to succumb to a coward, for a long time you won’t suspect about it. If the first flooding of the tsukerkovo-bouquet period passes, be more respectful of yoga behavior, carefully drink about the past romances. The first sign of cowardice - tse ringing in the whole woman, unacceptable words to the address of that rude criticism.

The concept of “boyaguztvo” is even wider, and throwing in a boyaguztvo can be even more agile. Like a young man at the vipadi of hooligans without joining them in a fight - ce arbitrariness. For 5 months not to know a girl with her fathers is not a bad thing. And if you don’t want to go to the army, you’ll have to wake up your car. Chi is still fearful?

Have you ever had a mother on the right with fearful people?

The greater number of people are smitten, that the stinks are miracles. Those, who were spared by the greater-lesser with a rose, respect that they made the girl happy with just one fact. And yet you, who, having given the woman the caresses of the front, let us walk proudly, like Hercules after 13 feats. And what is true?
In truth, most of our muzhiks on the right are not just nasty, but even nasty with love memories.

Zhіnka, yak bazhaє otrimati nasolod, go like a min field. Rizik ran into a naughty peasant on a great pavement, who didn’t beat many others.

To the very same, before sex, our ladies have a summation-summary, like a home-made obov'yazku, a type of pranny, or a mittya pidlog. All to that, which is the place of the unearthly, has made a person to rob a double-witted rough action without the desired sensation of that bark.

Sob not to be fooled, as if on a min, on an unsympathetic kochant, we, dear sir, happen to distinguish the main signs of nevmih. So-so, stink!

Persh sign. Serenity on the genitals.

It turns out at the propositions “to keep on tse aknaishvidshe”, which are shown without the least zbentezhennya. Well, sho, share it on the repeat of the hvilini!

We are sorry to state that the average person does not know anything about the front pests. You are lucky that a woman can fall into it lightly naked, awakened and generously smeared with lubricant. The maximum you can give your partner DO is an obnoxious biting on the nipple. Originally, that will awaken everyone. For up to forty years, to carry out this clumsy operation. And vvazhayut themselves dosvіdchenimi zvabnikami.

Garniy kokhanets, who, having thought of getting a wife of numerical orgasms, do not do anything for swedish hand. Yomu is important and the hour and the place. The best of the best readiness to spend until a few years on the roses. Then the result will be judged later. And then we will tell them all of life, and they will be shaking at the black one.

Friend sign. Nebazhannya learn something new.

Reveals at the stebі over sexual books, films, trainings. The position "what's in it" and "they don't talk about sex, they are engaged in it."

Such a man-know-it-all and in his youth he was not much, but in old age he became stronger, more conservative. Half of the novelties in the sex industry have passed later, you don’t want to experiment, dictating your line of behavior to ladies. In sex, one-man, tedious, marny. Such only rahunki for a short time need to be set up, I respect it! Women are low, delicate, afraid to show off. That's why most of these upirіv navit are not aware that they have a problem. Why don't you call back after the miracle night? Well, poviya, for sure.

Sign of the third. Inherited porn.

I don’t want to get my sexual enlightenment from porn films. Learn more, read the literature, learn the technique? "E porn - there you can teach us."

No, really, men, like they have shown themselves to be pornoactors - the right scourge of our time. You don’t know better, you can marvel at films from before! Often the sound is superimposed on them, and the heroines are knocked down after the process! You are taking risks, stimulated by special preparations and generously paying for the slaughter of actresses at face value. You don't need to change the position of the skin two wings! You do not need to demonstrate knowledge of all the postures of the Kamasutri! You need to look up a partner, and not pragnate the great screen for an hour of sex. Be kind, don't work like that!

Sign four. Vin is not looking after his health.

Why do you see it, I guess, everyone understood: a regular trigger and a loaf after 25 years.

It’s not accepted to talk about it, but it’s a fact. If a person does not pursue his self-esteem, unique physical ambition, zher and p'є any kind of gidot, then his sexual abilities become great and even more deplorable.

To the bіsa delicacy! People, look out of the car! Let's go pishki! Stop thumping, damn it. Buy your own vitamins that increase potency.
Believe me, for 20 years between a reveler and a sportsman, there are not enough of them, then after forty between them there is an abyss.

Privablivyy, umіv, vgaduє navit tі your bajannya, about yakі ti do not know. Sexual ruin of the fates of the forty - otherwise it is impossible to call it a shambles.

The sign of the p'yat. Victory alcohol for the continuation of the love act.

It turns out at impertinent words before sex, garnenko drink, more "if drunk, then doshe"

Why is it bad? The fact that the very act is transformed into a tedious mechanics, like no end of the world. If already 2 hvilini is your main technical characteristic, it’s better to spend an hour on the side of caress. Let the partner program go ahead, and only then we will climb at the beat with our speed. There will be more podiaks, you can call back.

I will repeat again. The deyakі especially poked the gentlemen, having heard enough of friends, volіyut lakat before the statuary act of pіvplyashki gorіlka. For a small decrease in sensitivity, that is the satisfaction of the partner. Salt the next sea, yeah. Not only that, it is an erection that is used, but it is also a great skill not to complete the article of the act in any way. The naigirshiy kohanets - tse p'yany kokhanets, lads. There are no blames.

Why work, how everything is smart in you (if you want someone who is not smart in the first place, show me)? With a penis - nothing. For the sake of ruining, hands that garniy vibrator.

Shost sign. Nehtuvati oral caresses.

Before speech, about ruins. Zastosuvat yakі rich cholovіkіv giduyut. Such an unfortunate kohanets is counted at once for roses about “understanding”, viraz “not in a boyish way”, and other lotions that came from the mist not laying in the distance.

If you can feel these words, then before you, more for everything, there are weirdo complexes, deviances to the point of dominating the country. Kuni vіd nіgo not dоchekaєshsya, skіlki-nebud vraznyh caresses - tezh. You can sing for a short time with the effect of dominating a person, but for all the faults - “understand” not to allow you to rob you of anything vishakan. Vikoristovuvati is possible, but food - navіscho ???

Soma sign. Stick system.

The main sign is a message about the number of love wins, talk about the topic: boys are allowed, but girls are not allowed.

Є men, yaki engage in sex not for the sake of sex, but for the sake of self-denial. The best thing for them is to fill up a woman in a lizhko, and to stink in a stench (at a lizhku, and not in a woman), chi ni - їm all the same. The slogan “putting-strong-and-bigti” brought more than one woman to tears. The stench is similar to the burning of alcohol, purchases unochі z-pіd pіdlogi. On the back of the head it was fun, but in the early morning it was hellishly cracking the head.

It’s good to go to the right of the senior classes, students and on the cob of a working path, which is the joy of mature ladies. Wanting someone there, filling up someone at the lіzhko - it's not clear yet. Then we’re still rude, we’re covered with cynical growths and we don’t praise anyone anymore, krim venereologist.

Sign of the eight. Confusion on orgasms.

Counted from bad food: "You don't get sex?" to unfriendly, or “What do you want, man, don’t fuck?” to the zamіzhnoї zhіnki. Even if you want, the woman has skinned, and it’s terrible.

You know, so, if you changed your position a little, or you just sniffed with your hand, and you were already shouting stars from behind: - Well? You skinned? Cym nutrition can be up to 10 times per article, and in especially pathological episodes, more.

Itself through such nesv_domih comrades whether a woman even once in life had an orgasm. To that it is easier to zіmіtuvati, nizh explain why you didn’t hide.

Nine sign. Narcissism.

Vynachaetsya for funny antics in front of a mirror, numerous professional photo shoots, stubbornness in fitness and healthy lifestyle. If you commemorated this, then before you it’s better for everything a narcissus.

At the sight of the stink, it’s not like anything, all the bodybuilders and fitness instructors, and the fair woman didn’t think about those who would climb up to them at the cowards. At a lie, they look at everyone, be it. Tse and engraved by m'yazami, and look, scho does not look at the mirror ... In short, respect for such people is cherished by their loved one, but not by a partner. Sex stench is taken like a charm, and then we walk and sing a lot of walks. Attachments for a one-time promotion in a fitness club, but no more.

Sign of ten. Povna postіlna marnіst.

It turns out in the phrases: “women need one thing: dick to the guts, that penny bear” is more cultural: “a member of the comrade and more pennies.” It is obvious that not only was the person who was overly concerned about the genitals, but she did not wake up the woman of the floor, so that she was ready to go with her and without a penny.

The lie is marny, one-mantled, hisististic and weak. Vіdrazu in bruht. Just before that, they did not spend 20 years on a deserted island. Cheaper to buy a vibrator, lower retrain.

Father, allow me to sum up my opinion.

Approximately 30 hvilin average statistical maiden stained glass for depilation nіg and bikini zone. So that a single hair didn’t go to the mouth of a man. Another 30 hvilin won't gently bring the eyes of the mascara, and the lips with lipstick, unimpressed by those who smear the qiu lipstick all the same on the penis.

More than a third of your life is to sit on diets, do fitness, and start to get in shape to be fucking. And what is the result?

We need less than the least statutory assets! Cholovik, know your shoes!

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