Mother beat me when I was a child. I hate mother. Humiliation is one of the mental traumas that comes from childhood

Nutrition for a psychologist:

All my life was like a filthy little girl for my mother. First, what I want to guess, (maybe it’s important) tse those, scho scho z 4 I was like a sexually slurred chi I don’t know the stars came to me in such a situation, I try to guess, but I didn’t play such scenes. In the first century, it grew less and less. I’m not the same with children, I was the same, but I didn’t make contact first, older girls could easily change me for me. Ale grati with ditlakhs, I still loved. Even in childhood, I began to lie. I don’t remember when it started, and what could be tied up with him, that I bachil like a mother regularly breshe tatovі. I remember my first punishment, it was so, if I went to the first class, and my mother and I taught the alphabet at home, I didn’t understand the difference between the letters Y and I, I couldn’t correctly learn them, hello. My mother was already angry, she beat me on the back, she thought that I specifically didn’t want to read the letters, and if the assault didn’t help, she locked me in the toilet and turned off the light. I already don't remember what I sneered at the same time. Ale, she always praised me and swaggered before the mustache, as I got good, got good grades. She beat me often, for which I no longer remember. I only remember those that I often lied about. In a flash, her nerves were roaring. The stench with the father often barked. And my father spoiled me, beating children less than once, for which I don’t remember. Often buying me toys, gifts. Protecting the view of mothers. If I was 9 years old, my brother was born. I grew up, and my faults became more serious, as if punished for them. Mom sounded beat me in disguise, I instinctively zatulyalsya hands, my mother ordered to clean up your hands, otherwise you will be louder, and just as I cleaned up their kinds of disguise, they beat me. Vaughn literally beat me for everything, for example, I was allowed to walk until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and if I came at the last hour, she beat me. If I started at the 4th grade, through those that I came about 4 years old, and not about the third, she beat me again. I was 10 years old and I didn’t play in the snow with my girlfriends. I was too lazy. From the childhood itself, there was no order in our booth. We always had a crazy and speechless speech, if I grew up, my mother began to tidy me up. Ale, she herself was more neohaynoy. For example (before asking for details) I didn’t know until the 6th grade that the girl was guilty of changing her life and sleeping every day. I bathed and changed my lower whiteness once a day. Until one time, my girlfriend, when we were playing in perevyagannya, zvivulas as if I had a whiteness, I was furious, that I only remembered that її її, that she was so zvivano vіdpovila, that vzagali blu change today. And then, with skin rock, everything was getting hotter and hotter, I got into 3s and 4s. Mom barked and beat. Then she started to work as head teacher at my school. Once, I and a handful of people from my class did not go to physical education, my mother came and, in the eyes of my classmates, hit me in the face. At home, scandals with her were all shivering and shivering. It was shameful for me to bring my friends to my home. I had one best friend and I spent the whole hour in her at home. They have been very quiet, the atmosphere is calm and calm. At the 16th anniversary, I went to study at a prestigious university in Moscow, but I lied, didn’t go on a bet, and threw yoga over the river. Then I turned back home, my mother was even more angry with me. Then I joined our institute, but I didn’t go to bet there, I went out of the house and went to friends, we walked, hung out (I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke, I didn’t have a good sound) I just wanted to have fun and spend an hour with friends . Out of the blue, the fathers called from Univer and my mother beat me again, even though she didn’t protect me, she barked at me, calling me a faggot, dirty, nonsense. Mom told all her friends about them, that I'm not a good bastard. And in the meantime, I began to steal pennies from її gamantsya, sometimes 500 rubles, sometimes 1000, and sometimes as many as 5. I used to buy a lot of cosmetics and jewelry for myself, but most of all I loved to buy gifts for friends. No, the stench didn’t bother me, and no matter what they didn’t say, I just needed to be happy, happy. I slandered the fathers that it was not I who took the pennies, they beat me again, scandals. Mom often belittled me for my friends. As if she took me by the hand and led me to the university, I did not repair the opir, otherwise she would start beating me less in courts, in front of people on the streets, or just in the university. So she brought me to the university, everyone marveled at me, and she told everyone that I was lying and not missing a bet, and now she especially brings me like a little one. Let's sweat me after beating my father for those who are not tidied up at home. With fear, she described herself. Meni was 19 years old. I’m sorry to write, but I hope that a detailed description will help solve my problem. Then I wanted to run out of the house and flowed in, went with a friend to a different place, I was planning how to start working, I would buy my own apartment and so on. But my mother’s sisters knew me, whom she asked me to know, and the stench at once from my father brought me home. And then I went abroad. That’s how it happened, my lad just came for me, I went from home, to which I was, not ahead of anyone, we signed up and went to live until new. The fathers reacted normally. I once zavagіtnіla, having born a baby. My person is put before me kindly, I don’t practice, and I’ll take care of everything for me. Buy me everything that I want, a sprat of razіv vin me tezh biv. Ale vinna bula myself, I provoked yoga. I don’t tell anyone about it, the one who is too shameful for me. But still not all. Before me, my man had two girls. Yogo pershe kokhannya, deisno more garna girl Like a model from a lining, plus she’s like a person, she’s more good, everyone loves them, and she’s more reasonable, enlightened. Navit I know that there is a girl without waters, God bless. Aleone left yoga and went to another. Let’s have a friend’s friend, the girl, like a lining for a magazine, she’s even more beautiful. Ale y won yogo left. I was a girl of girls, short legs, great nose, drooping ears, I’m not beautiful that way, the maiden of vin left a friend, having made friends with me. Why not take revenge on your colossus, mind you? Somehow they know, they talk, they have a lot of beauty. And I feel like a fireman, that in me there is a majestic nіs and I'm ugly. Some people marvel at me with such enchantments. Ale z lіzhkom we have everything. And as I already said, I win all my dreams. And another one of my mother's sisters knows that I have the right to help me more if I want to. It’s like she beat me up if I was visiting them, even though I was already friendly. For example, there is a lazh my man, if he makes me dear gifts, he will tell us what to bathe in a house and how to vikhovuvat a child, and as my man must be taken out of duty, then I am afraid of it, not physically, but morally. Vaughn always supported my mother when she beat me. But from the other side, my aunt is less and love the same, I know for sure that she can come to the rescue just now. Prote and rot me out like that! For example, you tell everyone that I came to the world after the sun, that until the winter I was better (!), Wanting my first and only person to be my person, that closeness with us was only if we started to live together. I'll guess why it's so rob. To that її good daughter, my cousin herself changes people like mittens, p'є, bark obscenities, and so on. It’s the same with them, like we had with my mother. And my aunt, as you know, what a smart woman, you can’t admit that her relatives doubted that she’s a filthy mother, and they didn’t talk about the wicked image of її donka, everyone seems to talk about me like that. For me, it’s wild, abnormal, but I don’t know how to be with her either. And in a flash, I remembered what to zazdrit everyone. Tim who is richer for her, smarter, better. And if you get out of it, what is done to someone at the chomus, you begin to remembrance those people's brushes, to vigaduvat nebilits. Navit about my mother, her sister, she let out tiles.

What made me want to turn to a psychologist. For the past 4 years, I’ve been friends, but at night I’m throwing myself into dreams, de me b’є mother, de mi scandalimo. Tse arcane important, real dreams. I am in tears and in unbearable pain, I can’t put it into words, how important it is for me to see these dreams. Ale batkiv don’t be surprised at anything I love so much. I love to pamper with my mother over a cup of tea, but at such moments she tries to find herself more busy. I know, I didn’t know the truth about the fathers, but I can’t know the point of why I became filthy, I can’t, but I know that I’m a liar at once, I’m really an icebreaker, but I want to be garnoy, I want to understand how to correct it. First of all, I want my son ris, not like me, I want my wine to be happy for me, better for me. I want richly in life to reach and to secure my relatives and close ones in the world, so that the stench did not demand anything. Do not marvel at everything, I want everyone to climb to the holy place and have fun. Alemeni zavazha tsya line! I am the most ice-cold, even though I read a bunch of literature, how to wake up in the night. And I don’t want to hurt myself, but it’s like going out on my own, I declare that some of my relatives are dying, and I’m sumuvatim in a new way, go in complaints, did they start normally ??? How can I wake up these dreams? How do you explain why the root of the problem? I beg you to help me.

The psychologist Dvoretska Elina Oleksandrivna is on the supply.

Hello Zarino.

It's hard to read your list. Such hostility, that you remember less children from the children, you can only imagine that humiliation. Adzhe, sing-songly, it was good and it was good, only you remembered to imagine. Obviously, everything that happened to your childhood has traces. And even though it has already grown into a terrible dream, then, more than anything, you need to take care of yourself with a specialist, so that you will be aware of this, take an interest in happy moments and vibudovuvat your life. Tse those who are a hundred years old.

But I want to talk to you about your life at the same time that zokrema about you. I, obviously, about nights ... It's wonderful, what do you understand, how much you know about life. Here I chula such a whistle: "Lin was born earlier for us." Mabut, you are still worth the trouble. And there may be only one joy here - keep the memory, I respect you in your life, and ask yourself for food: “Who is the strongest - are you linki?”. Z vіdpovіdі tse pitanya, zvіdіtі and pochinayutsya change in life. If it’s molting, then it’s possible to do everything and not start it, but if it’s all the same, Vee, then start it up.

Why do the dii repent? Maybe, from faith in yourself, like in specialty, like in a woman, like a love of that povga? Like a matir, how to love your child, I’ll tell a story about her, give it good lighting. Yak for the squad, I'll do it, good, Garnu master, what a mind of your own person, like a yoga supporter. For sure, you have everything. Be more respectful to yourself. І Didn't you yourself think of a plot for cuffs? Take a look at what suits you, that which you know is true. Pin already the same shutter to you from the side of the strangers. Tim is more, what is your setting up to yourself. It's in the middle of you, but it's just yogo translucent. Perhaps, the first few steps to fight against the nights will help you to respect yourself?

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5 mental trauma from childishness, which is to respect us in a grown-up life - tsezrada, humiliation, distrust and injustice. Describe in your book “5 mental traumas , how to respect you to be yourself Liz Burbo.

Mental traumas are the legacy of sickly childish hostility, which signify our specialness, if we become mature, pour on those who are mi, that signify our building and do bad things.

We can recognize ourselves in the presence of soul traumas and stop masking them. What do we do better than we check for clothes, then the stench will melt away. Fear of re-experiencing suffering, as they have become with us, causes us to collapse forward.

It's a pity, often dosit our emotional and mental health is ruined by children. Having already become mature, we do not see that we are blocking. We do not understand that the manifestation of mental trauma, as we took away for the first acquaintance with the world, orders us to go forward.

1. Let's leave the fear of buti

Bezporadnist - the biggest enemy of a person, a yak was thrown into. Reveal yourself, as it is painful for a childless child to feel the fear of selfishness, to be left alone in an unknown world.

For a year, if the child is hopeless and becomes grown up, she tries to avoid the situation, if she becomes deprived again herself. In this rank, be-yak a person, they left the yakin childhood, everything is more visible to your partners. Tse pov'yazano zі fear again know the pain of the soul.

Often people think and seem something like this: “I’ll throw you before you throw me”, “I don’t support anyone, I can’t blame anyone”, “You can’t go wrong, you can’t turn around anymore.”

Such people are guilty of practicing over the fear of selfishness. This is the fear of being abandoned and the fear of physical contacts (hugs, kisses, sexual intercourse). You will help yourself, so that you drown out the fear of selfishness.

2. Fear of being repulsed

Tsya trauma does not allow us to express our feelings, thoughts, that experience. The appearance of such fear in childhood is connected with the mother, taken away from the fathers, like friends. Bіl nasledіdok tsgo Veda to the wrong self-assessment and zayvogo narcissism.

This fear provokes thoughts about those that you see, you are an unbearable member of your family / friend and that you are a filthy person.

The sight of a child does not feel the good love of that rose. Vіn іsоluєєєє, schob again not zіtknutisya іz suffocation.

Greater for everything, a person has grown up, they have grown up like a child, become a vtіkachem. It is necessary for you to practice over your inner fears, as if to provoke panic.

Just as your attitude, try to learn how to make important decisions on your own. So you will stop being turbulent that people like you are moving away. You will stop accepting those who have forgotten about you for one hour on your special account. To live, you need only yourself.

3. Humiliation - one of the mental traumas that comes from childhood

This wound is blamed, if we see that other people do not accept us and criticize. You can seriously injure a child, seeming, that she is bad, filthy, or you can’t behave, and equalize її with others. It's a pity, they trap quite often. For the ruin of a child, she teaches children to learn to love themselves.

This type of specialty is often transformed into a fallow specialty. Deyak people, yak recognized humiliation in childishness, become tyrants and hisists. The stench is beginning to belittle others - the whole shackling mechanism.

Like you were trawling like this, it is necessary to practice over your freedom and independence.

4. Fear of trusting other people for the sake of

This fear develops after the fact that, like close children, people do not beat their obitsyanok. As a result, you will feel like oshukanim. A new one develops a lack of confidence, as it can be transformed into a zadrіst chi іnshі negative feelings. For example, the child feels like an indecent public speech, or quiet speeches, like in others.

From such children, perfectionists and lovers of everything control grow. Tsi people love everything over and over again, without depriving anything of their will.

As if you got stuck with similar problems in children, it’s even better that you should be aware of the need to control other people. It often proves true to the presence of a strong character. However, the whole mechanism of zahisny is more opposed to one possible deception.

Qi people often repeat their pardons, confirming someone else's advance. It is necessary for us to develop patience, tolerance towards other people, to live peacefully and to spread the new.

5. Injustice

A sense of injustice often develops in children of cold and authoritarian fathers. Tse podzhuє vіdchuttya powerlessness and vlasnoї worthlessness and in childhood, and in mature life.

Albert Einstein miraculously hawked this idea from his famous hawk: “ We are all geniuses. And yet we judge the fish for її zdatnіstyu climb trees, we think all life is bad.

In the wake of this child, as if they suffered in the face of hardship and coldness, virostayuyutsya, transforming themselves into zhorst people. The stench does not tolerate nap_v_zahodіv at any one of the spheres of your life. In addition, the stench will feel even more important and powerful.

The values ​​of perfectionisti are fanatically set to order. Often such people bring their ideas to the point of absurdity For that it is important for them to take the important decision.

For the solution of these problems, it is necessary to be aware of the childishness and emotional zhorstoknosti to learn to trust others.

Now you know all five of the most widespread mental traumas, which can negatively affect your life, health and block your development. Having found out about them, it’s easier to mentally intimidate them.

First obov'vyazkovy krok: recognize yourself in the fact that you have one of these mental traumas, allow yourself to be angry with yourself and give yourself an hour to fix it.

Im'ya: Navchin

Good day! Meni 20 years. I live alone, with a friend, I rent an apartment, I take care of myself, I make a lot of money ... I went from father to 17 years. I don't mess with them. Because if I first tried drinking at home (at 17), everything turned out badly ... I don’t know how to talk about it.

Well, what can I say, my mother beat me in childhood, belittled me, imitated me. Mate, the cries of the curva larva bl * t shob ty zіthnula and more richly something ... Mother, I was afraid of fire. She beat with her hands, sometimes with her feet and it was even scary once lower by the belt, if she said that I broke the remote control from the TV, but it turned out that there were just batteries :))

If I try to tell anyone about it, I lower my eyes, I’m not telling the truth. It all seems to me (psychologists tell me and tell me at the back of the porch) that you have miracle fathers, they yearn, you want to leave the apartment, well, you think they gave you a sweatshirt, you need to love and respect ... And you are on a kshtalt with fat bishish ... so covered. Ale, they spoke so sing-songly to the one that I didn’t speak about the beating and the like in a report. Aje, I… blew my matir! Vibachila. And she won me over again.

Mother always controlled me. Until the eleventh grade, she took me to school and home. It’s impossible to walk around (to teach a nasty thing.) It’s impossible to make friends at school (the stink of everything there is possible), as if my mother recognized that I was cooperating, knew the school was listing - they beat me terribly (so, without blood! Ale krivdi!) scary! screamed, such grimaces in disguise, I'm afraid to guess, beat in disguise, on the back, on the head ... once in a lifetime she beat the trio and to the blood (pleased psychologists?

Total control. Beaten. Living with constant fear. І zhodnoї podtrimki. Father pidkabluchnik povny ...
Like wine to sip my sync… well, there….. (I was still small, dressed up) Ask for a star? Well, how are the stars? And mothers stand behind Yogo's back and marvel at me with such appearances that I understand everything. She said she was running around at school, she hit her desk.

If the father is on the robot, and the elder brother is on the navchann, nothing can be done and not protected. The mothers took off at the zhakovih mittens trimal the whole homeland. Navit father brought to tears.

Who am I for mother? Curva, larva, damn it, the future PROSTITUTE and p'yanika like my grandmother, creature, pidla, ore is fat creature. I have eyes for me and vengeance, and all of me is so accommodating, all in the father that is notorious and seems to be all niyaka. And it seemed to me that in me the filthy moods were so “big clay in the face and all depression will pass!”. the axis was so supported by the important hvilini.

Moreover, sometimes she was more lagid and lisped. It’s true, if you mentioned that I’m not going to be caressed by a friend (well, I didn’t want to humble myself in front of a person, for which I “fuck”), then Rozmova was a diva. more paragraph...

I dreamed of running out of the house, even if I was small, but I was so streaked that I didn’t know that I could scare someone!

At 16 years, I just beat it once. I sat, roared in the toilet and thought that the yakbi would not get out, I would be impressed in myself, I would have a lot of friends and in the fire I would not be so unfortunate. And then I zupinilas and understood - everything, years. you need to take life from your own hands. Who would not be guilty of my misfortune, resolve everything and correct ME. And I vibachila ... іnsha rіch, scho nі lyubі nі native pochuttіv і to this mother, zokrema, I can't.

They didn’t let me talk to each other at home, but when I had the Internet at home, I spun nothing to recognize the fathers, that I only go to physics and mathematics forums, and I didn’t mind. In fact, I had a bunch of interests, like friends with merezhi. Before them, or rather before my best friend, I decided to move to another place. So, I wanted to remember absolutely everything, I wanted to work and spend pennies, as if I wanted to, I didn’t want to learn, I wanted to give hope! :)) Start your life! Oh so!

About the 17th, if I took the diploma in my hands, having taken the deyakki kishenkovі pennies and the troch cloak, I already said unbearably for my mother - I'm going. It was already unbearable for me to see that I fell on my knees with a rag, and with snot smearing in the face I said, "You are my beloved child, don't go, live until I've lost me for a long time" buti z usima and classically drink from the motherland. It wasn't there. Batko, turning from the robot, mother smeared everything on youma. I got locked up. picked up the phone. Batko, having filed an application with the police, nibito a bunch of my friends from different places scammed me from the biggest place, so that I could sell it to the organization to increase my income... my brother sang out the contacts from my computer. And I was so naive and believed in change and that I didn’t need fathers, that I didn’t erase anything ...

They ruled me for work, for summer, they took me to work and home under escort. Only on the 1st spring I was admitted to the university alone, believing in those that my mother said “in our family everything is good”, I flowed in, having taken my money with me. But I didn’t get far enough to take my passport. I was turned from another place. bulo days de men hit the pity in the porch, so it would “be tighter” flowed into the porch in a month. the whole month my mother brought me to hysterics and tears.

She came in the evening to my room.
- I want to talk...
and then it started "Why did you tell the police that I beat you"
"Mommy, to the one who did this and that, you beat me, pop this and that and that .."
“I remember, but if you are so reasonable, you musish me out”
“I vibachila, but I don’t want to live with you”
“Ale, once you vibachila ty musish love me and don’t musish throw ...”

My opinions in the style that I want my LIFE did not give any result. The day after such roses, she began to say that there were NO BEATS, THAT YOU DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING, AND THAT I HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING! I wanted me to go to the psychologist! why did she only start talking every other day ... but until now she didn’t see anything ...

Seeing this, I flowed up to the butt. Powered by the work, filed before the court for emancipation. Court won. Vikhala to another place. A few times I had to write a statement to the police about those that I didn’t call without a call (it seems that my fathers filed such a request) and that I’m working on my own, and I’m not in a sect, and I don’t beat anyone. :) )

Immediately I work as a cook at the great mortgage, I work as a freelancer in physics and mathematics, and I’m getting ready to enter the university as a programmer. I know a decent life, what I want, I wear what I want, I think what I want, I live, I live!

Wanting my mother from childhood to say that I was dumbing down a goat, I didn’t know anything, I wasn’t independent (I wanted to stink, in principle, I didn’t allow me around the house or in my life to work myself, speaking nevmiya)

So, I vibachila її one time. And now it’s so important to read these words: “I DO NOT REMEMBER ...” Just like that, you don’t remember ... I’m still guilty of loving you for the price ... Bula is on the right, if I just went to the bula in my life and wild bіdnіst (even if I was bula without learning that specialty) and hunger! and wore cast-offs, and there was no support. Ale, I didn’t call anyone, and I didn’t have a thought in my thoughts, I didn’t have a tail of the whip to the fathers. Aje Batko literally saying “TURN UP, ME IS SIMPLE FOR YOU!” Dosi I can’t understand FOR WHAT ....

I didn’t drink myself, I didn’t go hand in hand, I write OWN! If you want to pay the childishness programs, it’s important

І axis, I want to wake up the ballast of the past. I want to break up with him.
But I can't forgive.
Reading a variety of spiritual and psychological literature, I whisper with my heart my way, and my mind, that I am less than a bad mother. She also had a heavy childishness. Ale, my hatred and anger are stronger at the same time ...
Aje, I so vibachila її todi, forward. And it seems to me that I need to forgive, that I should repent, that I wanted to drink, that there were no daily beatings ... like a cover.

Everyone who reads it, who read it to the end, vibatch me for grammatical pardons and the same syntax:) Vibatchte. And more ... If you want to podlaє MnOgAbuKAFF and deprive me of comments - I’m already getting ready for what you’ll say "є bіdi і on gіrshe, children roar the fathers, or the fathers drink" (I didn’t practically drink the stink!)

So, so, I know, be terrible for my childishness. Ale, it’s even more sore ... I’m such a pig that I’ve got choked up.

From my childhood, my mother shouted at me, belittled me, beat me like one. not much, but in a blow of anger she could bite me to the blood, pinch me to the blues. but in appearance - no way. I'm sixteen at a time. dribni beatings stumbled, and now we are offended by shouting one on one, as if we were deprived in one more occupied place for five years. shouting with terrible power. I didn’t bachila, so that someone screamed so. ale, no matter what, she’s going to torment me with her hyperopia. constantly show that, how and if I can work, show so that in me I know the need to be busy. won’t often go to my room, and I begin to behave like a dog, guarding my territory. I need it if I want a place, so I can be a good one in the city, in the city, my special place, let it out and it’s small. I often do not want to come home. at home I watch head bіl, Apathy, trash in the soul - all the time that can accumulate. for a great number of times, I was literally for a sprinkling of shards of self-destruction, if for the devil's time I barked at my mother, cried, said goodbye in the light, but as a result I didn’t rob anything, because I was afraid of death. I'm afraid and dosi. I have є mrії, bajannya, like I want to zdіysniti, but now I'm afraid. I'm afraid of people, I'm constantly living, I've been sitting on the Internet for days, I've been bred for education. I guess that I can’t do anything, I can’t think that I don’t need anyone, but most of all I laka, that I’m going to hurt a kohan people, I want to create something with her, I behave like that myself, like my mother. just like that, I'll get back to her. I can't control myself, I don't know what to do. I will understand that I cannot love my mother, that it is unacceptable for me to think about those who will embrace me, but I want peace in the world where I live. elementary povagi (like її to me, so і mine to her), don't shove, you don't need anything else. I want to feel robbed, calm, peaceful, sung. help, be kind, suggest that I can work.
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Katerina, vic: 16 / 14.04.2013


Road Katyusha! History one to one! Ale, in less than 14 years, trapilos first kohanny - clean, with the first kiss in my life. The history of this kokhannya was unhappy - my grandmother in the village was close to the month (I'm on vacation, I'm on vacation - three elders behind me). And once the lad saw me off, throwing my jacket over my shoulders, we went to the booth, and then my mother appeared raptly. Vaughn made me blunder and shouted "Tomorrow we'll see the gynecologist, proshmandovka, poviya!" I now remember it so vividly, why did it happen yesterday. The lad was ruined, and the coming day was seen by me. Vіn motorcycle їhav behind the bus. Then we were leafed out, serving in Afghanistan. Well. and as if everything had come to an end. I’m already 46 years old, but I still love this lad and cherish the rag for my matir. The axis is such a story. Up to the 7th grade, she began to learn "vіdmіnno", and then, after a blunder, she didn't give a damn about everything. I didn’t get stressed at the navchanna, I went threes, I became a problem child, I drank alcohol, cigarettes. In short, the course of a young soldier. Zamіzh vyskochila shvidshe - at 19 roki, abi pіti z-pіd opіki mother. I live as a person for 26 years, I have children. And in my soul I can’t work my matir. I gave my word to myself - do not be like her. I try to put everything easily and with humor - even help. You, Katyusha, have lost a lot - you will soon recover your independent life. Try without mom. Everything is known in pairs. It seems that you need to love your fathers, but you need to love your children. They can sue me, but my mother is trying to help me to take care of my world, but I don’t need it. That's why we don't have trustworthy stosunkiv. That's how it turned out.

Laura, vic: 46 / 14.04.2013

Katya, you are not alone. I have a similar one.
I try and you try, everything will be good with us.

Laura! you are a strong woman, I am suffocated
you. tell me please, like you
"psychologically" did you see mothers? my axis is me
hate, and I її kohai. I can't see
її, I'll lie down. yak little kid want me already

China, vic: 20 / 15.04.2013

First, hello. In a friend way, what are we robimo, if we don’t fit like a human being? That's right, we are uniquely talking about him. You are not tied to your mother. Be patient for a few years, and then you’ll go to the bride’s maiden. And you can spend tsі roki with greed - train your vitrimka.

Yuna, vic: 45 / 18.04.2013

Hello, Katyusha,
Well done for writing.
Here you can’t do without God, I’m serious. You need God's order for you. God's order - if there is peace, prosperity, tranquility at home, if everything is within reach help God. And if a person spodivaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє і all itself, її її єєєєєєє їє 5-10, or 15 roіv at the shortest drop, then pomenayutsya nerves zrivi, shards of strength become less daedal, you start to grow on home - I can you in such skіlki zavgodno, about znayomih, relatives, to herself. I understand, it becomes the norm in our life, to know everything about it, so calmly it seems: little more than that,” and the other one: “What are you doing? What's up? Adzhe vin pratsyuє, godє їх. I have such a dual axis myself, ”and so on. But it's not the norm! So don't be afraid! It's a pity, tse our payment for godless life.
If you shout one on one with your mother, you don’t just shout in a singsong voice, seeing the sounds, but everything is accompanied by words, and more behind everything negative. And from which I drive the axis, what is said in the Bible:
“In the presence of riches, do not overlook sin, but the one who keeps her mouth on her mind is sensible” (Priposti. 10:19).
Jesus saying: "I tell you, for every empty word, as people say, give the stench in the day of judgment: for in the sight of your words you are true and in the sight of your words you will be condemned." ( New Order, Matt. 12:36)
It is also written about the Batkiv in the 5th Commandment that they should be read.
And the Bible says to the fathers: Fathers, do not play tricks on your children (New Testament, Before Ephesians, 6:4)
Children are not the power of the fathers, but the gift of God.
You can lead a richer area of ​​writing, obviously one thing, you offended by your words constantly, why you suffer, you are offended, shards you gave access to your body spirits of marnosliv'ya, richness of slander, roiling, violence, control. That's why you have a headache, apathy. But you have the ability to improve everything, not only in your life, but in your life, your mothers, and this ability has been given to us by God.
Ask God for forgiveness for all your sins - anger, anger at your mother, for other sins. I tried my mother, those other people, as if they had shown you, if you don’t go out, ask God for help to work out their hearts.
Find the prayer of Our Father, Psalm 90, and read it every day for a few times. Look at the information about this marvelous psalm on the Internet. Read more Psalms 15,16,17, you can read them all. You can just know on YouTube їх, increase that rumor for the cob. Just as you realize that I’m going to the right to sort out, immediately ask the Lord for help. First of all, before any initiative - speak, go somewhere, ask, work hard - ask for help that protection from God, help everything.
Shukay church, and bazhano that, de є juveniles, it will be easier for you to talk. Get to know these ministers, the priest, explain your situation, ask them to pray for you and for your mother, ask them if they have a week of school. Start learning the Word of God, believe me, It’s more important, and I’ll help you not to repeat your mother’s pardons and achieve rich good goals in life.
May God grant you and your mother wisdom, integrity, that strength, having overcome everything, stand up.

Alina, vic: 42 / 18.04.2013

Do not fight, go among the people of children, you have no right to interfere with your life!

Piraneva Anastasia, vic: 20 / 27.11.2013

Caterino, hello! I will rozumіyu you, like a stingy, if you constantly shout at you mom with a drive and without a drive. I'm impressed that there are a lot of problems, if you try to get your mother to work and explain to you that you don't know that she was screaming at you now. Keep the chance to set yourself up and what else I can take away from you, I’ll go to myself. Good luck to you and happiness!

Aykerim, vic: 29 / 28.02.2015

Front prohannya Step prohannya
Turn to the cob

Most important

Take care of fear and anxiety

Suppression of fears through social positivity

Fear, anxiety rises in people in that mood, as if they start to feel wrong, filthy, unpromising. As if you were unfamiliar, you can judge what you can judge, catch on wrongness, on failure. And our psyche is so powerful that it’s not afraid of any kind of ringing, but only of that, for whom, as it’s given, it’s supposed to be. Like a professor of mathematics, ask: "Did you take the multiplication table?" Well, what should I say to a dvієchnik - wine pіde chervonimy plyamami.

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