8 fire taro. The meaning of the card “The Fire of the Elements” of the deck “Taro Manara” for the book “Erotic Tarot. Recent Mystery Kokhannya by Anna Kotelnikova and Deer Gerasimova

Taro Manara. Mustache Farbi Kokhannya Nevsky Dmytro

8. Fire

8. Fire

Key words, meanings: іluzії, mrії, fantasії, vіdstoronenіst, zanurennya in piece creations of the world.

The reason why. Їx two, but skin from them maє dots peretina one by one. First dissatisfaction with reality. Another impossibility to take away from reality those who want to. And that, th іnsha reason is flowing into the reality of that world, de є everything you want.

The value of the card in the direct position

Iluzії, mrії, mrії all the same people. Vіn not in zmozi bachiti the reality is such as it is for real. And most of all, reality itself does not call out to the desired interest. People chirp less exotic see zv'yazkіv, yakі pochinayutsya s sex on the phone or listing on the Internet and end up blaming naoslіp. But if a person is not ready to move on to the active phase of the conflict, setting up barriers between a partner and partners.

Podiya at the real hour

About such people it seems that they stink "eyepieces". Smell so stink yourself navkolishniy svit ta people have new. Illusory, unrealistic, giving them the same characteristics, as if they were not taman.

Description of the situation, plot, environment

Use two century periods, if you can be more active, show your strength. The youth of the girl (deyak) checks for the “prince on the white horse” and believes that he will come and do everything for them, or for them. And in times of the presence of a real prince, the rest of the bastard is most likely to be endowed with such qualities. Another age of self-development is quiet, whose life “has not gone far” and still needs to “change the image of life”, to that change yourself pizno.

Vchinok people at the robot, on the right

The robot on the right is a human, seemingly not adequate. Vіn do not succumb to reality, ale dіє for the best, let's create thoughts. You can buy goods that are not needed by anyone, st_yko v_ryachi, which are the same ones that people have minted for so long. They just didn’t understand the stench yet, but the axis-axis of their eyes are clear.

Vchinok for pennies and financial nutrition mutually

For pennies, people do not know how to enter. More than that, some of you have been educated with less than one statement about life. Vіn can buy “I will need” rіch from that hour, if there is nothing. More than that, there is nothing not only for you, but for the team who is taking charge of him.

The reason for the psychological state and the behavioral aspect

It is not necessary to recognize your pardons and change yourself, pragnuchi become better. People live happily "this way". Ale realnіst shorazu zataє tse respect. І todі, schob mіnіmіzuvat conflict, it is necessary to create virtual world, in which way to live abiyak correctly.

Fear and fear

Fear does not deprive people. Vіn zdogaduєtsya, scho yogo life becomes even more in the middle, scho early chi pіzno іlyuzіya not stand in front of the vise of reality. I win all the stronger and stronger zanuryuєtsya in іluzії, spodіvayuchis, scho light does not reach the new one.

Mutual reaction of people

It is necessary to be placed before such people with wonders with deakim spivchutty. The stench understands, in the light of which people tick and allow them to be weak.

Love form of expression is sensitive

Kokhannya of such people is already familiar, the shards of no one can say what you stink to love, what stink you have to drink someone, whom to love. And more like a similar zruchny image. Rarely kohannya of such people is wider and more realistic.

Sim'ya vchinok

At the same time, the skin of friends lives in the light of the family of two people with illusions. In a different way, the hat is impassible. Everything is real in fantasy.

Magic signs in vlivu

Like a magical hint, a card can only figure in that moment, if a person is normal, they transform into a ghost that lives beyond the boundary of reality. But if this behavior is “like a people”, then there is no magic here.

It is not easy to "distance" a person from the virtual world in the region.

What's more, if the trival hour continues, it's simply impossible. Ale try varto ...

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author Nevsky Dmitro

1. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: addiction, exercise of sexual pleasure, greed, almost prevail over the mind. The reason for this is the very nature of the person, the sexuality of both one and the other participant in the undertaking. But it’s important to understand what, for the time being, what (or else)

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

3. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: emotional or moral pressure, soft blackmail, non-striding viraz sensible, strong pull. The reason for the podії is the bazhannja of a person and the presence of the object of that bazhann. Everything has gone wrong and nothing cares about those who have been so long ago

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

4. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: taєmnі vіdnosіnі, scho prihovuyutsya almost, those zahovanny vіd third-party eyes, vikoristannya or manipulation. The reason for the undertaking lies in the life of one or both partners. I don’t want to stink, or I can’t advertise those who are living in between

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

5 Fire The reason is to take your turns in 1 fire. Ale, in this way, a person can do everything and learn more, to realize his pragnennya. Framework, obezhennya, moral qualification is not all about

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

6 Fire The reason for this is this: from one side, people don’t need anything, but they want something else. Relax, spend an hour, you can sleep. Just like that, without

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

7. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: a victim of vlasnoy behavior (weakness, vices, pardons), retardation, ailment, lack of strength, impossibility to turn back to reality.

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

8. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: illusions, dreams, fantasies, vіdstoronіst, zanurennya in piece creations of the world. Reason for dropping. Їx two, but skin from them maє dots peretina one by one. First dissatisfaction with reality. Take away another impossibility

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

9. Fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: cicacity, interest, engraving, experiment, search for a new one, non-seriousness of the filling, non-self-interest. It is not necessary to joke

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

10. FIRE (FIRE) Key words, meanings: physical or moral violence, internal protest, physical or moral pressure, znuschannya. The reason for this is not an exact explanation, shards explain the reason why one person is aware of your

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Page fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: vtom, revtom, razdratuvannya, dissatisfaction through the prism of vtom. Cause insults and I will become the basis of people. At any time, it’s not good to seriously evaluate those, like

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Litsar fire (Fire) Key words, meanings: active development of fire, rush, need to be active, trip, goal-directed action. The reason for falling is not such an important fact in this particular mood. This situation is not the cause, but

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Queen of fire (Fire) Key words, meaning: the card is personal and describes a specific person is strong, active, purposeful, ready to take everything into your own hands, independent. The reason is the person herself. Vіn vіd nature is so strong, independent and ready

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

King of fire (Fire) Key words, meaning: the card is personal and describes a specific person strong, active, purposeful, ready to take everything into their own hands, independent. In fact, the King of Fire is a human image of the Queen of Fire. The reason is the person herself. Vіn vіd


Image. It's bright, rich, enchantingly addictive to my mind - what calls the spirits? - Girl. Eyes closed. Below, the burning fire of bazhan burns. What is it? Dream? Meditation? Trying to revive the visible pictures? Fantastic images of indefatigable people, fairy-tale creatures and birds (why aren’t you happy?) become real Daedals... Illusions, dreams, magic is even more material. From enchanting pictures that change, blaming the image is unrealistic real people. Win the girl in a new way to show sexuality. Learn the lessons are simple, understandable and bring the right satisfaction to the heroine of the card.

meaning. Vіsіmka Vognyu pokaєє: schos dies out in the future and now it's brighter, lower mi ochіkuєmo. The process has already begun, it’s still not remembered how it is. It points to the spontaneous nature of the changes that occur, and to speak about those who caught the manifestations and begin to collapse. Incubus card. Rich in what її is the essence - creative visualization. How different we are to see ourselves, how we feel, how much more stench we see, moreover, in such a way, in which we want them to bachiti.
Another card can just talk about a phone call. So, as a matter of fact, look at whether virtual contacts - via the Internet, telephone, or for the help of a forgotten epistolary genre.
According to this card, there can be sensitive, tiles, selection of information, moreover, as a rule, the information that comes up, may be little known from reality - more than a set of empty roses, the fruits of many fantasies.

Mill. A search for exotic experiences that you haven't tried before - from meditation to sexual tourism. Ale, no more shoving at the head.

Characteristics of vіdnosin. Seen in fantasies, in dreams, in reality. On this map, there is practically no direct contact between people.

Physical state.
Phone sex. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex without physical contact. Orgasm in meditation.

Almost. Happy. Ale be careful - tse psuє soul and rob її sympathetic to other waters. The softest option is a person with great fantasies and living in them.

Advance. Beware of chums. Htos schos slander - ty roznosish (read, pobachene at the cinema). Watching the fantasy, vtrata svyazku z diysnistyu.

Porada. A free flow of fantasy, the realization of sexual fantasies.

Astrological evidence. Mercury at Striltsi. The first dean of Striltsya. Shvidkist, information.

Kotelnikova A., Gerasimova E. - Erotic taro. Doslіdzhennya taєmnits kokhannya

8. SUIT Fire (FIRE)

Tse I call, Tse is so invisible,
Invisibly nothing, and it is impossible to describe,
And it doesn't matter that everything is not clear to you,
You can’t take it, feel it, touch it, pestit it.
I won’t pragnu to reality,
There, uvі snі, at mriyah, garnіshih, darling,
And I'll get wet with the dew,
Otrimavshi, scho I want, everything is better and better.
I'll spend contact with the world - it's not scary,
More wines, lower lie down the heart,
Ale I live and I dream differently,
Let's not worry about anything.

The plot of the card

The card is lost in itself reality and vision, flesh and illusion. In front of us is a woman, as if stepping bare, as if to her inner pranayama and strength, about scho say її flattened eyes that nasolod, as if she died in her guise. Behind її back you see all її thoughts that bazhannya: i human hands, like to reach out to her, and the guise of a summer people, as if they are trying to turn on themselves її respect, and a fabulous bird, like flying in heaven. In reality, such a simple and black-and-white one, the clapsticks, which can be seen in the coddle of the card, have become redundant.

Iluzії, мрії, мрії - all the same people. Vіn not in zmozi bachiti the reality is such as it is for real. And most of all, reality itself does not call out to the desired interest. People chirp less exotic see zv'yazkіv, yakі pochinayutsya s sex on the phone or listing on the Internet and end up blaming naoslіp. But if a person is not ready to move on to the active phase of the conflict, setting up barriers between a partner and partners.

Reversed card meaning
Before the realization of extraordinary fantasies, a person at his pragnennia goes from dream to active action. It is no longer enough for you to simply dream of chi to manifest. The first one, who knows about it, will be his partner, who needs a word and a deed to help share with the witness close people dream that reality, that is illusory.

Be positive in the situation (stronger rice)
The very building of a person fantasizes and brings diversity to the present world, insanely, even brightly and positively. Yakby is not “ale”, you will know about yakbee below.

Show the situation negatively (weaknesses)
People step by step start making connections from reality and stop critically evaluating their thoughts and ideas, as if they became the continuation of yoga fantasies. Win step by step swear by the dream, it is not easy to see the stars.

Trends in the development of the situation with a positive value (what to look further)
Early chi pizno reality take the mountain. І fantasies are left there, de їm і need to be rebuffed, being only a drive for thinking, but a support for possible plans.

Trends in the development of the situation with negative value(what can you estimate distance)
Pragmatism and realism, as if they are hovering around a human being, do not allow you to feel all the depths of the senses, as they are present in this world. Forgive me and understand that we will try to rob the savor of life.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. Magic kokhannya

Key words, meanings:іluzії, mrії, fantasії, vіdstoronenіst, zanurennya in piece creations of the world.
The reason why. Їx two, but skin from them maє dots peretina one by one. First dissatisfaction with reality. Another impossibility to take away from reality those who want to. And that, th іnsha reason is flowing into the reality of that world, de є everything you want.
The traces of a person's life are all far and wide zanuryuєtsya at the piece-creations of the world, exercising control and ruining those that yogo feel.

The value of the card in the direct position
Iluzії, mrії, mrії all the same people. Vіn not in zmozi bachiti the reality is such as it is for real. And most of all, reality itself does not call out to the desired interest. People chirp less exotic see zv'yazkіv, yakі pochinayutsya s sex on the phone or listing on the Internet and end up blaming naoslіp. But if a person is not ready to move on to the active phase of the conflict, setting up barriers between a partner and partners.

Podiya at the real hour
About such people it seems that they stink "eyepieces". Itself so stinks to take in the light of that people from a new one. Illusory, unrealistic, giving them the same characteristics, as if they were not taman.

Description of the situation, plot, environment
Use two century periods, if you can be more active, show your strength. The youth of the girl (deyak) checks for the “prince on the white horse” and believes that he will come and do everything for them, or for them. And in times of the presence of a real prince, the rest of the bastard is most likely to be endowed with such qualities. Another age of self-development is quiet, whose life “has not gone far” and still needs to “change the image of life”, to that change yourself pizno.

Vchinok people at the robot, on the right
The robot on the right is a human, seemingly not adequate. Vіn do not succumb to reality, ale dіє for the best, let's create thoughts. You can buy goods that are not needed by anyone, st_yko v_ryachi, which are the same ones that people have minted for so long. They just didn’t understand the stench yet, but the axis-axis of their eyes are clear.

Vchinok for pennies and financial nutrition mutually
For pennies, people do not know how to enter. More than that, some of you have been educated with less than one statement about life. Vіn can buy “I will need” rіch from that hour, if there is nothing. More than that, there is nothing not only for you, but for the team who is taking charge of him.

The reason for the psychological state and the behavioral aspect
It is not necessary to recognize your pardons and change yourself, pragnuchi become better. People live happily "this way". Ale realnіst shorazu zataє tse respect. And then, in order to minimize the conflict, it is necessary to create a virtual world, for someone to live abyak correctly.

Fear and fear

Fear does not deprive people. Vіn zdogaduєtsya, scho yogo life becomes even more in the middle, scho early chi pіzno іlyuzіya not stand in front of the vise of reality. I win all the stronger and stronger zanuryuєtsya in іluzії, spodіvayuchis, scho light does not reach the new one.

Mutual reaction of people
It is necessary to be placed before such people with wonders with deakim spivchutty. The stench understands, in the light of which people tick and allow them to be weak.

Love form of expression is sensitive
Kokhannya of such people is even more familiar, shards of no one can say what you stink to love, what stink you have to drink someone, whom to love. And more like a similar zruchny image. Rarely kohannya of such people is wider and more realistic.

Sim'ya vchinok

At the same time, the skin of friends lives in the light of the family of two people with illusions. In a different way, the hat is impassible. Everything is real in fantasy.

Magic signs in vlivu

Like a magical hint, a card can only figure in that moment, if a person is normal, they transform into a ghost that lives beyond the boundary of reality. But if this behavior is “like a people”, then there is no magic here.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. All farbi kokhannya

The tamanna tsіy card dynamіka tsіkavo was placed in the erotic Tarot Manari. Near the heroine of the picture, images of a man, flowers, an exotic bird are chimerically intertwined. Kovzayuchy lifted them, she flattened her eyes and shattered her eyes. I її hand, pressed to the pubis, naked, which can be seen as sexy. Otzhe, the rise of alertness, intolerance of people is symbolized by the map. If you give favorable results, if not - and n. Therefore, such a subject should be slandered in the same way "to galvanize". As an unfriendly, visual card, it can symbolize the climacteric disorder of a woman. Reveal, visualize, fantasies.

Vidnosini - virtual, in dreams, manifestations, dreams. The most important vipadkivs of such sights have no physical contact, but the wines are actively represented in the eyes. You can be intimate in meditation or on the Internet. The map often shows calls from listing, by phone, sms, or only in the head - telepathic contact. Either it’s a telephone call, or a call, information, sensitive, tiles, like, vtim, far away from reality. Also, this card can be used as a statement on those who, under the waters, come to see better, lower their eyes. Moreover, the more bazhana should be visualized, the more it will be seen in a higher form.

Pochuttya: There are even more fantasies about having sex with a partner, searching for extraordinary feelings and sexual dreams. However, they may seem far-fetched, far away from reality, but the partner himself in your appearance may be a real person. Greediness, hope to survive those whom you have not experienced yet. Life is kind of like - in real life.

Oleksiy Klyuev

Full description of the card:

Vіdmova in the form of a human suspіlstva, so the very thing is in vіdbuvaєtsya vіdpratsyuvannya kakogos nakogosvіdu. She will show herself, like a woman, like a person who is pleased with her is impromptu. The map looks like a harn of erotic pathology, disease, sickness. Їy need sexual fantasies for povnoti vіdchuttіv. Try to know the inner balance, take the rank, the barring of human presence and the impossibility of contact between the physical and the human. Those with whom she is engaged, help her only at that stage, so that she won’t be taken seriously to this kind of sexual viraz, that will help her survive this stage. They give you respect, but you can’t give respect to anyone, because there is no one among them who can satisfy your sexual appetite. You can be buried by your own people, you are not up to a man. Hour of vіddany special.
Tse point to those that the woman does not know yet, yet there is another way to please the її bajannya (close your eyes). It is possible to point out in the distant її past, to childishness, if older people poured into it, pathologies, born in childishness, tse indicate as early youth, if she was innocent (bіlі kіti on black aphids), the person having formed or lowered її, out and poohovala at her own heart (the person on the map is a saintly old man). Tse buv like a hypocrite, like a її having calmed down, a victim of pain. Vіn having lost such a soul to her, vіn її so evil, and now she nods at the minuliy dosvіd and porivnyuє all the people from him. The barrel of the way, yoga is no longer in її life, ale vіn її so wihovav and led її cim way and now. it can't turn back in the face of this evil infusion. Vaughn praised herself in the past, like a couple for another person. Vaughn drank her hands in the filth (boozkovі kolori cholovіka ptakhіv), uїї її problems from the deep past. Vaughn is afraid of people, stink everything for her on one guise, she thinks that they stink like wine. They victorious, she got caught in this land, maybe she was friends with the old and got caught in the nexus of hairy lack of knowledge. Vaughn took away from the recessions of filth the dosvіd, which was recognized by її sexuality.
Pleasing to itself, she was bogged down. If he entrusted the Emperor's card - that's filthy spadshchina її dad, or vіtchima. The map is ahead, which way you can not turn around. There is no turning back. Sleeping mustaches.
A charge from the maps of the recession - a recessionary state of illness.
Just like a woman is going to sleep, it’s necessary to stream your passions, to interrupt the clock, otherwise it’s the wrong way. For a person - a card to talk about those who are a woman, having acquired a wine - they do not squawk.

Vіdtorgnennya cholovіka, sexual stosunkіv couples that self-satisfaction. The impossibility of friendship. If you are friends and fall out of the map, then you will not enter into a new one, it is impossible to contact with a person.
Pathologically the banter of self-satisfaction. A total attack is coming, as it happened in the past and changed your whole life. View from genetics.
Well-trodden path, active diya chogos.

Nope. Vіdtorgennya be-yakikh vіdnosin. Set up to the norms of life baiduzhe. Human posture human norm. You can squawk, but you are distrustful and do not betray respect.

A shock, like a buv of taking away from the past, like having done your way. Like a genetically genetically ill. Visnovok situation, stagnation, vimushena vіdmova vіd vіdnosin іz reasons.

Dose your busyness, put it under control. In such people, there may be more than a negative developmental development.

You are obsessed with your own problems, with your own illness, so you don’t try to get out of your own way, and if you don’t get help, then you can get lost there.

Nataliya Manok, Olena Boyko (Suriya)

The card of the Tarot Manara deck is coming - Visimka Vognyu. “I’m new, it’s so inaudible, invisibly nothing, and it’s impossible to describe, and it doesn’t matter, what’s everything is invisible to you, what you can’t take, feel, touch, pestit ...".

The plot of the card Vіsіmka Vognyu of the Tarot Manara deck

First of all, as if to break the map, you see the singing unreality. We don’t know what it is: a dream, an illusion, a dream? But it’s clearly unrealistic, it’s impossible to take it and touch it, the details can be less visible. Girl s close ochima- unequivocally, tsedumki, form that bazhannya. Since on the map there is red and orange colors, and the girl is naked, then obviously there is no work to be done beyond the borders of the project. Here the passions, the emotions are overwhelmed.

The meaning of the card Vіsіmka Vognu of the Tarot Manara deck

Straight mill

Deyakі authors of books and tarologists chomus interpret this map as informational and like that, like giving the beginning of this process, talking about those who fantasize more about us, tim more tse zbuvaetsya. For my neabiyaku practice, this card has never shown itself so-so, to that in my interpretation I only rely on my own knowledge, and not in view of any theory. I interpret this map as a fantasy, an illusion, a dream and all the internet connections. According to this card, we can talk about listing, telephone calls, phone sex and everything else that is not related to a true dot of people here and now.

Flip the position

And the axis of the y in the inverted position can be said about those that the people have already begun to work for the realization of their bazhan, we are no longer just imagining, fantasizing that we will be dog castles. We already took a shovel and, for good reason, applied some physical force in order not to fall into the castle, and not to see it in the sea. Meaning of the card for vidnosin- as we are talking about the blues of the real and the real (quiet, like it’s true), then you can generally admit that people are far away one at a time, and they have to talk online, moreover, stink actively think one about one, stink mriyut shvidshe buti together. If we are just talking about the boy and the girl, then it’s the same virtual link, a virtual novel. According to this map, we can only state the fact of unrealistic sightings, but we can’t say anything about future futures. The inverted variant will have double meanings. ELEMENT OF FIRE

IMAGE. The card depicts a vamp woman, a hut, a heart. I'll do it with the power of my passions. Її internal fire will constantly require їzhі, which is the heart of a person. By giving, out to rob them with a part of yourself.
In this card, love addiction is represented, like a mother’s bazhannya, poglinut. Singingly, not vipadkovo with lagidnih animals, we often vikoristovuemo such an epithet, like "salty". Here you can indulge in a rudimentary cannbalism, like a bazhannya to accept a kohana person in yourself.
VALUE. Ace of Fire - the flow of sexual energy. Separation of all-mighty passion without pivtoniv, almost sloppy and intolerant. Passion is manifested in a pure look, and all the suborders are only їy: є I (Woman), є my bazhanya, and what the partner thinks from the first drive - do not take it to the point of respect. Butt of Ace of Fire - Lolita from Nabokov's novel; Sutsilne bazhannya, ale povna vіdsutnіst pochutіv. There is no room for pragmatism, a part of which is also necessary for a mature life, and agility.
Buvay, scho zhіnki koristuyutsya model behavior "vamp" all life, to the same scho such a style in the majority of vipadkіv vede to success among people. Who should act in the light of shameless propositions, it is no longer necessary to take the annual goiter on oneself? "Vampirsha" in the doorway - now to the month, then out of place - exploits her sexuality until the feast, until she tries something, who can explain and show such a person, who can prove the values ​​of Crimea, winning people's hearts.
In general, the meaning of the card is sexual energy, it will require satisfaction, it will go over the edge and you will be able to know the exit.
An ace of fire can be applied to a specific character. Tse fatal woman. Vaughn maє yaskrava zovnіshnіst, privertaє respect of cholovіkіv and nicely koristuєtsy tsim. Take the initiative without any hesitation in your own hands and energetically reach the result. Vaughn will not be the eye of fidelity. Let there be a lot of partners, let the stench change like mittens - a vamp woman does not get attached to anyone. For her, it doesn’t matter what the subject of bazhannya lies on, - she doesn’t have the usual ethical norms and understand about order. Even more often, such a woman herself breaks the lovers of splits, not thinking about plundering other people's shares, similarly sticking around for the impersonal other people. However, here it is impossible to talk about її guilt and innocence - what a joke, such a character. And in order to save yourself from the conspiracy of a similar "vampire", it would be good for your mother to have your head on your shoulders ...
MILL. Bazhannya. Porushennya, pristrasne bajannya. Passion is like that, hizhist. Egoism, unintelligibility. The character of Ace of Fire cannot tolerate selfishness and, as such, "under the hand" cannot of a distinguished person, be a "vampirity" be-whom.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Onslaught from one side. The sound is intense, addictive, all life is shattered. But it’s important for people to get along with such a woman: the fire is burning. To that, stosunki cannot be called simple, they always have to fight for life.
PHYSICAL STATION. Youthful hypersexuality. Satyrias.
I FEEL. Pristrasne bajannya partner's mother. At the location of a person, you can show the presence of a kokhanka, with which you can feel even more intense sexual blues, but without mutual feelings and pretentiousness.
So, in certain moods, this card can indicate the importance of smokiness. (What a pleasure - take your partner to a restaurant with some exotic cuisine.)
EARLY. Why don't you waste your heart eating someone else's? Why don't you consume the spiritual cob, do you get addicted?
PORADA. Realize your passion. Show the initiative. Less words more action. Focus energetically on the result.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Element of fire. Spring. A riot of growth and an ear of bloom, an active overflow of life energies.

IMAGE. Two girls models are smiling at the objects. Stink to sit, as if they had planted the director. Everything is thought out: the posture, the grim turn of the head, the folds of the robe, so that it doesn’t hurt to show off your bodies. The girls, demonstrating their accessibility, seemingly without turbos and having fun, but no one knows what the stench is really about. Your inner world is filled with a mystery, that chi cicavy wine comus?
VALUE. The theme of the Twin of Fire is evocative, the side of speeches is ostentatious. Yaskrava obgortka, under which it is unknown what to know.
A parallel of the image can be drawn on this card with the Arcana "Priest". In Arcana V, the maiden also showed herself, but it was natural - there was no arrogance in her behavior and could not be. It just didn’t show the situation to the educated society, and through it it was made ridiculous and stupid. There is also a twist of the turn: the girls demonstrate their body, otrimuyuchi for the sake of desire. The stench wins socially zamovlennya. From the ethical side of the robot, everything is in harm's way - the stench is good to usvіdomlyuyut those who drink on erotica є, і chimaliy. I do not allow them to easily put themselves on a deep look.
MORE SIGNIFICANT. Respect for yourself. The woman demonstrates her accessibility, hello. It’s more of a provocation or a protilege article on kshtalt “So ... but not here, not with you, not at once.” May mean less than the sound of speeches.
MILL. Awareness of your sexual energy and acknowledgment of your victories. Exercise to demonstrate to yourself. The display of the body showed off that otrimannya in the form of contentment. Demonstration, to evaluate yourself through the reaction of otochyuyu, self-advertising. Appeal to lower energies. Exteriorization of libido. Vinesennia brudnoї blizni. Vodnochas internal closeness. Calm and dilovy pidhіd (in the "staging" of the situation, the vіdminnіst vіd Vіd Arcana "Priest", the girl's behavior is natural). Cynicism.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Deliberately garni - for show. Naked in public. What to stand behind the tsim is attached. Vіdkrіst is less declared, depicted. Possibly false in stosunkah. So you can "go into people" as a couple, smiling down with a grin to your own person, in yourself you hate and znevazhaesh.
PHYSICAL STATION. Vіlna, deshcho rozvyazna behavior. Exhibitionism. Sexuality shown.
I FEEL. Awareness of the vlasnoi value. Declared to myself. Accessibility demonstration. Ale, under the grafting of ostentatious naturalness and ostentatiousness, baiduzhity can appear. Mapa points to deak vulgarity, primitiveness, boulevardism.
EARLY. Chi do not overestimate your ability? Є engravings and dosvіdchenishі. There is a lot of window dressing at your side.
PORADA. How do you feel sexy, show them. Dress up more erotically, lead yourself more cheerfully. Trohi cynicism also does not make.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mars in Aries. First Dean of Aries. Vykoristannya sexuality in its own purposes.
troika fire
IMAGE. Trochs of old-fashioned and trochs of turbulent people resting on lava in the park. Not about something like that (well, let's say, about something like that, about something not accepted on the lava in the park ...) and without thinking, even looking at the beautiful woman, who was sitting in charge. Krasunya unsuccessfully tried to tighten her respect and, perhaps, not badly spend the evening. Protecholovik did not show any initiatives, and our heroine sang children singsongly. Vona took all her clothes off herself, and, with a burning passion, she threw herself on his knees. Їy mustache dovkola, we will surround our bajannya, bayduzhe. The man does not know how to react, - wines of spanking and sounding. Nache wines and don’t mind, but for a new one it’s so unsustainable ... They develop differently, like wines. (Filmi "Beauty", "Tidy of the nimble".)
VALUE. Women's activity. Mozhlivo, there pro-! it was revealed not at once, but not at once. Lolita, not thinking about the consequences, and showing her partner that the consequences do not seem to have the desired meaning, she is reminded of the mistake. Don’t let her fight aggressively, but she miraculously knows that few people stand in front of such a doorway. There will be no mitzny stosunkiv for tsim, wanting to know how ...
The card is already active, but tell me, what will happen next? Inheriting a fiery ear, after the satisfaction of her biased bazhan, our Lolita is smart to drink. (Re-read Nabokov's novel, it will help you with the rose-colored suit of Fire.) Such a behavior, as a rule, surprises a partner: what is all this for? І scho bulo vzgalі? Axis and start a person to feel at the sound of something. Vіn vaguely tries to caress the situation, "distayuchi" vipadkovy partner with his tediousness and bazhanny put all the specks over the "i", without suspecting about those that the specks over the "i" were placed at that moment, if the vіn pіshov about his pasії.
the stars are screaming blatant meaning karti - inadequate manifestation of his bazhannya. Sports excitement calmness. Conquest.
MILL. Excitement and passion to achieve your be-what-be. Our lady, what is called, suffered ...
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Imbalance. One of the partners is addicted, and the other one is not ready to sleep and sleep with a non-tactful onslaught. Some of it is squeezing, and some of it is jammed, notorious, self-esteem can be underestimated. Inconvenience. The woman is inadequate to show feelings, the man - "not at his own pace."
PHYSICAL STATION. People of different ranks have a relationship about sex. Rizny temperament and potential. Can be complex. Vikoristannya energy is not for recognition - in the wrong place, in the wrong hour.
I FEEL. The greater the partner to repair the opir, the greater the number of faults in the cicavia. From the side of the man - "... and talk? ..".
EARLY. Did you rightly take the report of the forces right away, what time is that place? You spend energy for free - not for recognition, not at once.
PORADA. Find the privability of the one who already has it, and it is boldly diy.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Sun in Aries. Another dean of Aries.

IMAGE. Evening, the working day is over, the servants have gone home. Only two of them hunkered down after the robots in a quiet corner of the office. What do they say? How can you smell the stench? It seems that the skin has its own motives and its own interests. Golovne, skin obsessed with those, on which they have rozrokhovuvav. The images of people on the map are similar to the characters of the XII Arcana "Punishment". Our heroine has reached her goal, but now do not be able to pin this link. And she’s obviously not on equal terms. Maybutnє tsієї bet - at the darkness. Surely chi was simple and obvious both.
VALUE. Naytemnisha card from the 6th row of Vognyu. Її diya vіdbuvaєtsya kradkom, in the daytime office. Dark tones are pulling: stosunki may be left behind in the dungeon. Sex stealing. Service romance, de leather take your own. Vіdnosini raznorivnі. Vipadkovy zv'yazok, scho can prodovzhennya, zv'yazok, for which then you will spend for yourself.
MILL. Binding a partner and manipulating him through sex. One realizes his secret mission, and the other allows him to work. Pragnennya save in the mystery of the real situation and the real camp of speeches. Your client on this card can be more obvious from an enviable business.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Dark novel. Vipadkovy nerіvniy i neprіbny zv'yazyok. People are pleased with the mitteva in a little way, without thinking about the consequences.
PHYSICAL STATION. Sometimes you can talk about the attachment of a barrel, or damage to the state sphere.
I FEEL. Interdependence. Attached motives. Damaged vіd taєmnitsі vіdnosin - like the svіlnikіv, reckoned to the extent of such that others do not know. Might be an element of incompetence (impotence). There is not much action to bring about your right closeness. Bazhannya, better for everything, twisted. Vikonannya zabaganok partner and prihovuvannya svoїh. Thoughtlessness.
EARLY. "There is nothing hidden that would not become obvious." How long will the women keep in secret? How long can you win one by one?
PORADA. Don't advertise the stosunki, keep your secrets in mind. Those who are involved in fixing the doors, cost only two.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Venus in Aries. The third decan of Aries. Kokhannya head, not heart, impulsiveness.

IMAGE. Two wives, like two hungry lions, pounced on the man in a fit of passion. Vіn buv nadto sloppy and reckless in his bajans and himself provoking the situation, if you start tearing it to pieces, a situation that is impossible to get out without victims. These women are not supergirls, their sexually aggressive energy never gets stuck one on one, the stink of insults is on people. Such a fury of building znischiti yogo.
VALUE. The person is cut into pieces by two protracted bajans, two pulls. Tsі protirichchya do not give a quiet life, their internal conflict can make life unbearable (film "Osіnіy marathon"). Trying to reach everyone has led to the fact that so many supergirls turn into an ally and, with marvelous single-mindedness, begin to tear a person to pieces.
The card can be shown on "consumer" in return, if identification with your girlfriend (friend) is strong enough.
MILL. This is the scene of the inner world: people are torn apart by rubbish and bare their daily life. Required to signify that for P'yatirka Fire, far from zavzhd between partners, the third person is a kohanets chi kohanka. Tse often happens to the very inner state of a person, or a situation, having driven himself into guilt.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Trikutnik. Ruinivnі vіdnosiny. Complicated, tense situation. In the course of the day, it is thoughtful, shards of respect and respect are directed not at the partner, but at the understanding of the inner self.
PHYSICAL STATION. Break into pieces. You can see. A lot of aggressive energy at the ruinous stage. Do you remember P'yatirka Vodi? There, this energy is small, sensitive, and was directed to a partner (partnership). Here the aggression is not so called, as in the middle.
I FEEL. There is less passion on the surface, but in the middle there is empty air - for what less? How do you manage to survive in this situation? Inner weakness and lack of action. Super-clear, you can feel the tension in the studs.
EARLY. These forces create a ruinous potential and tear a person apart. The integrity of the specialty is being used. In such a state, "nerves and ailments" appear, for which one you do not know, how to vibrate. All your energy is going to resolve internal conflicts.
PORADA. Vykorivuy tsyu energy protirіch. Try to direct її in one direction.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Saturn at Lviv. First Dean Leva. The fear of being deprived without respect of that love of others, the fear here will appear as worthless.

IMAGE. Small street cafe. Behind the windows, the flow of people, and the skin hurry at their right. The waiter scurries loudly between the tables, waiting to see you. Alas, one self-conscious lady showed a new interest. You want to take away the servants that go far beyond the borders of service shoes. Chogos tsіy panі is clearly not vistachaє. Feel alive? Gostrikh vіdchuttіv? Chi tse just nostalgia for the past hours, if so it could easily "take" any kind of person? So what else, for a new price, an emergency situation with the threat of wasting work, for a woman is a black primha, the possibility of a comedy.
VALUE. Gravity with a person from a smaller social sphere (gentleman, guardian, driver, rest). Nervny zv'yazyok. The creation of a state building and a scandalous situation for rozvag.
MILL. Stosunki look like nudgi, grow up. Nothing serious. Feels superficial. Є slight relish of sadism. Opacity. Permissiveness. Two-valued station.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdnosini duzhe raznih people, i xtos through tsі stosunki suffer. Zvyazok vіd nudgi, for rozvag. Nothing serious. One of the partners of the victorist another.
PHYSICAL STATION. Gra in one gate. One wants everything, the other through it opines at the ambiguous camp.
I FEEL. Feels superficial. Seeing permissiveness. Gravity without serious intentions.
EARLY. In your bi situation, you didn’t stumble - don’t let your status in, camp.
PORADA. Get well without serious intentions. Create shocking situations to change your partner. Just don't overdo it.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Jupiter at Levi. Another Dean Leva. Nice nobleman, who loves roses and is pleased. I would like to give up the other part of my happiness.

IMAGE. At the medical chamber, everything is clean. Dbailiviy medical staff apply masu zusil to resuscitate the sick and put yoga on his feet. The garnished nurses are ready to do everything and learn how to go beyond the scope of their service shoes. Only their servility, it seems, turned to the ailing side. The stench did not lie, that with a zay of respect that turbotoy can be strangled. All is good in the world.
VALUE. Overworld. Deliberateness, support. The propositions are rich, but there are no possibilities. People are "removed" with respect. Whose attempt to "resuscitate" the stosunka, or to know the partner, you should be aware. So is competition. If a lot of people are too eager to take on one right, the stench begins to respect one to one.
MILL. Imbalance of respect, sexual needs. One partner becomes too rich. "Distali".
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Zayva activity and intrusive respect of one of the partners. Choke the kohanny.
PHYSICAL STATION. When you are married, you can talk about the difference in temperaments among partners.
I FEEL. The proposition is revisited. Abo bajannya zapituvacha perevischuyut mozhlivosti partner. Vtoma vіd stosunkіv, transcribed to ogidi. In the presence of a partner's support, you already begin to nudity. The difference of temperaments.
EARLY. Overworld do not lead to success. You can stifle your love with the rest of your partner's feelings.
PORADA. More respect for the needs of the partner. There will be no more.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mars in Levi. Remaining Dean Leva. Demonstrative activity.

IMAGE. It's bright, rich, enchantingly addictive to my mind - what calls the spirits? - Girl. The eyes are flattened. Below, the burning fire of bazhan burns. What is it? Dream? Meditation? Trying to revive the visible pictures? Fantastic images of indefatigable people, fairy-tale creatures and birds (why aren’t you happy?) become real Daedals... Illusions, dreams, magic is even more material. From the enchanting pictures that change, blame the image of an unrealistically real person. Win the girl in a new way to show sexuality. Learn the lessons are simple, understandable and bring the right satisfaction to the heroine of the card.
VALUE. Vіsіmka Vognyu pokaєє: schos dies out in the future and now it's brighter, lower mi ochіkuєmo. The process has already begun, it’s still not remembered how it is. It points to the spontaneous nature of the changes that occur, and to speak about those who caught the manifestations and begin to collapse. Incubus card. Rich in what її is the essence - creative visualization. How different we are to see ourselves, how we feel, how much more stench we see, moreover, in such a way, in which we want them to bachiti.
Another card can just talk about a phone call. So, as a matter of fact, look at whether virtual contacts - via the Internet, telephone, or for the help of a forgotten epistolary genre.
According to this card, there can be sensitive, tiles, selection of information, moreover, as a rule, the information that comes up, may be little known from reality - more than a set of empty roses, the fruits of many fantasies.
MILL. A search for exotic experiences that you haven't tried before - from meditation to sexual tourism. Ale, no more shoving at the head.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Seen in fantasies, in dreams, in reality. On this map, there is practically no direct contact between people.
PHYSICAL STATION. Phone sex. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex without physical contact. Orgasm in meditation.
I FEEL. Happy. Ale be careful - tse psuє soul and rob її sympathetic to other waters. The softest option is a person with great fantasies and living in them.
EARLY. Beware of chums. Htos schos namovlyaє - ty roznosish (read, pobachene at the cinema). Watching the fantasy, vtrata svyazku z diysnistyu.
PORADA. A free flow of fantasy, the realization of sexual fantasies.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mercury at Striltsi. The first dean of Striltsya. Shvidkist, information.

IMAGE. Two young people on Galaslivy street. Two representatives of different races, peoples, worlds. Їх po'yazuyut spіlnі іnteresi that seksualnі bajannya. Vіdmіnnosti stench not chаtаt chi don't want to pomіchat - ochi, the mirror of the soul, prihovanі behind dark eyepieces. Is it important for them to respectfully wonder one into one? Significant interests prevail over us.
VALUE. Like you, sing-songly, they caught memory, the image shows an element of repetition - the slowness and the crumbling element, which is to say about the gnuchkistity of the stosunki. Add an idea element here - and take away the meaning of the card: it will sound the theme of shared interests, through which people are chattering without looking back at intelligence. Sexual interest is often blamed for such a connection - why not? - Ale wine is not prevailing. At the same time, the eyes are filled with a lot of speeches and inconsistencies. Similar stosunki often do not care for the long-term perspective, but our heroes, better seen for everything, do not complain - the stink of living today and at a time, not looking at the distant future. It is possible, if the stink of the dark eyepieces rises - and the vіdmіnnosti become obvious, so as to prevent the continuation of the stosunkiv. It is not for nothing that it is important that the global impact on the clubs is given by the religious and cultural powers of the partners.
MILL. Vilni vzaєmini, interes not respecting the intelligence. Life "this year and at a time".
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. A novel with a person from a different social background, a person of a different culture (for example, with a foreigner; in an institute). A novel from a classmate and a colleague, possibly on the basis of the same interests and hobbies.

PHYSICAL STATION. Calm, mindfulness, intellectual development and spiritual interest. Sexual blues will not be the main warehouse of the link with the cym, but they will not cross over.
I FEEL. Tsіkavist, intellectual interest. Zagalnі problems, pov'yazanі іz іz іntelektualnym type іyalnostі.
EARLY. Can you keep the glasses, how do you wear eyepieces? What do you understand the difference between you and how can bar'iers stand on the path of your mutual?
PORADA. Like a person suits you, do not marvel at anything - be one of her.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Month at Striltsi. Another dean of Striltsya. Svoboda vіd usіh i vіd usgogo, lover to rise in price.

IMAGE. The passage of the elevator cabin rises uphill, it rises the descent, it rises the window, it’s bright as it shines. The cabin has two. These stosunki went to the critical boundary, to the critical moment, in which the negative energy that is accumulating is to be discharged. The image of a human and a woman in this card is nevertheless aggressive, the stench is like a mirror image of one of one. The elevator is a closed space, there is no way out.
VALUE. This card is connected with an uncontrolled release of aggressive energies. The vuzol of karmic problems of tightening the flooring is tight, which is the axis-axis of the moon. Primus, zhorstokіst, bolіsne zіtknennya, vіdchaydushna bezkompromіsnіst. Passion is fried to the brim, whether any opir is more powerful than the squeeze. In such a situation, all the rules of the gri are dictated by passion and rude instincts, if you don’t have the ability to somehow bring the people to reconciliation - out, better for everything, you just don’t feel any arguments, or your calls to high feelings.
MILL. A person on the border. Vin (chi won) can no longer control his behavior. Rozpach driven animal. Flexibility to stimulate conflicts. Anger. Children have an effect.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Claiming for a partner like for your rich - it is important to show your strength, power. Mutually zgvaltuvannya.
PHYSICAL STATION. Nevminnya control yourself, schilnist to rudeness that primus.
I FEEL. Lyut, dissatisfaction. Get angry at partners.
EARLY. Be careful, you risk provoking violence.
PORADA. Make your own be-yakim ways. You perebuvaєsh at the situation, if the cіl is true.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Saturn at Striltsi. The third dean of Strilts. Fear of showing weakness.

IMAGE. Along the long-standing likarny corridor with a business move, where the languor of the doctor in a white robe, which is growing. Vіn mav napruzheny working day, yakі vіn provіv ryayuyuchi ailments and unfortunate people. Vіn dіyav іz completely self-giving, forgetting about yourself. The whole map, how to identify the suit of fire, is vikonan in dark colors. That chi is not too rich here red? In the image, it seems so - too richly robotic in people, too richly turbot ... Even more strained and gnatuchimi steel of color, if it is too rich.
Guess: Servant Vodi buv Ryatuvalnik, who ryatuvav unfortunate z viru pochuttіv. Servant of Vognyu - tezh Ryativnik. Ale vin ryatuє in the operating room, in the yak, people are consumed through their predilection, thoughtlessness of stosunkiv. Tsya people do help with the right, but chi do not sleep. And it’s not surprising that in the new one you don’t get tired of an hour, nor force on yourself.
VALUE. Enthusiasm for a robot, vtom. You can talk about trouble, vanity, about the superworld, even the languid fate of some problems. At the layouts, I often point out to a person, for which there are no more ties on the robot with businesslike vodnosins.
MILL. A companion or a colleague, a good father, who loves his right more for himself. They are called workaholics. Yogo kohana woman is a robot.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdnosini sooner friendly chi daily business. Ale through qі stosunki can come to the rescue.
PHYSICAL STATION. Vysnazhenist, the extreme step of you.
I FEEL. Turbulence, languor. I don’t want anything anymore and I don’t need anything. If we are in a position of sensitivity, we can assume that people have too many problems on the robot, but on the special officer of life they simply don’t get it.
EARLY. Why don't you take care of your work? You can't forget yourself like that.
PORADA. Help people with deeds, wear your own shackles. Try to know in tsimu nasolodu. Sometimes in the "for the sake of" position, the card can give a recommendation for a special life and give more respect to your work.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. The beginning of spring.

fire rider
IMAGE. The maiden sees out of the forest (under the bridge) in the open space (if you want to tell yourself). Dashing top fearlessly leads the horse, and in the dynamics of the rush one can see the inexpressible activity and the forward movement forward. But what's up ahead? The girl may not know what, she is full of energy and rush, not picking the way. Possibly, the meta was set earlier, and possibly, tsya activity is a self-kill, like a self-sufficiency of life in Russia is more expensive.
VALUE. Pragnennya, watering, shvidkist. Movement, dynamism, adventurism, fearlessness, purposefulness, independence. Rush grip. More expensive and different moving, outside. Possibly not far expensive.
MILL. The heroes of the card do not sit on the floor, they are collapsing for the whole hour. And it doesn’t matter what she’s doing - what she’s doing business, what’s the cost of making money and growing lives, she’s working with sports passion, enthusiastically grabbing for new directions and opportunities. For her nature, she is a maximalist, not a building worker, they somehow got drunk. Maiden-hussar with an independent character. Bajannya risika, shvidkostі. Travestism. Purity straightening.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdnosiny rozvivayutsya quickly. For partners, freedom and independence are very important. If the call is described by a card, then for the sake of savings, you can recommend separation for an hour or a vacation with separate accommodations (if you want it in different rooms, if you want it in different beds).
PHYSICAL STATION. Restlessness, temperament. In other words, you can indicate the day of a person, a short-line entry.
I FEEL. Optimism. Zhaga change that risk.
EARLY. Chi not nadto strimko ty mchish? Є nebezpeka "haircut on the tops", if nothing deeply zachіpaє.
PORADA. Rushing forward, do not sit in one place. Maybe you should break the road?

fire queen
IMAGE. The hand of another woman, maybe a lesbian (an older person; just an older man) helps Lady Fire see her ear of fire ... One partner in growing up to a younger one is a teacher, who helps the development of sexuality, joins the growth of another. ("Emmanuel" - the need for initiation.)
VALUE. The young woman is not informed about the activity of the partner. Only after taking away some of the lessons learned can you become a Woman of Fire. Initiation. A person with sexuality, who is being thrown around.
MILL. Sleeping sexuality will require encouragement. Vaughn is like a bud of a flower, which, having not blossomed, speaks so richly.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Htos priyaє awakening of the sexuality of the partner. Some stosunki between women. Self-satisfaction, ale ochіkuvannya spravzhny action. First sexual experience.
PHYSICAL STATION. Checking the activity of the partner.
I FEEL. Awakening sexuality.
EARLY. Be careful with the sexual energy that opens up.
PORADA. The time will slip by. Shukay your way. Victory sexuality.

IMAGE. At clubs dimu ritual bagatya zayavlyaєєєєєєє to post shaman. On yoga, there are less magic amulets and a cape with a sleepy sign. Rutsi has a ritual dagger. Shaman vikonu є svoєї znachennostі. Win to believe in the strength of your art and in the power of blame.
Description of the person. This person is a strong person, a right person. Vіn vmіє with their beautiful faces, turn your head to be a woman. The King of Fire in singing has his own human strength Temperamental, love life in all yoga manifestations. Vin easily becomes the "soul of the company", you can always cheer up and tell a bunch of anecdotes (albeit, some are not like the other ones and do not know the decent ones). It is important for King Fire to stand at the center of respect, look at the women on your own. Drama and gra, love come that zalitsyannya, rizik and rozvaga - the axis that attaches yoga. It is important for youmu to be the first in everything. You will be a beautiful Kokhanian, but rather a mad man, who will not endure the daily encumbrances; ignoring the routine, love freedom and do not miss every garnished girl.
For all the advances, the new one has one more shortcoming - the intellect of the King of Fire is seriously indulging in yoga charm and prudishness. Vtіm, rich woman calmly splatter her eyes. Aje love Yogo not for reason, but for those who instruct him, you can consider yourself a Woman.
VALUE. Povnota that joy buttya. Holy. The moment of human initiation. Day with Light, Nature.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Yaskra and beautiful stosunki. The stench of a lot of respect is attached to all love rituals, signs of respect, watchfulness. According to this card, a person from a wine-coloured glamor and an incomparable reason is placed before his partner, and she takes it like a real one. It is necessary to indicate that for our sister such a setting is already silent, and the link with the King of Fire is filled with a miraculous spell.
MILL. Bazhannya garnogo kokhannya. Willingness to reveal the best human qualities. Mriya bachit yourself a hero. Bazhannya be the master of life. Stretch to Volodinnya, vlady. Rishuchist. Confidence in oneself.
PHYSICAL STATION. Plenty of strength, physical beauty, that day of enchantment.
I FEEL. Vіdnosinakh have important rituals and ovnіshі effects. The stench can even bind people one to one.
EARLY. The map can be guarded against the singing zhorstokostі at the stosunka: you bury yourself on the flooring, which you can take down and not remember. For a woman - you, with a human being, are rich in what you happen to flatten your eyes, including on yoga mittev, suffocation and weakness to a woman’s state of fire.
PORADA. Robi everything is beautiful: streak beautifully, and part beautifully.

It's bright, rich, enchantingly addictive to my mind - what calls the spirits? - Girl. The eyes are flattened. Below, the burning fire of bazhan burns. What is it? Dream? Meditation? Trying to revive the visible pictures? Fantastic images of indefatigable people, fairy-tale creatures and birds (why aren’t you happy?) become real Daedals... Illusions, dreams, magic is even more material. From the enchanting pictures that change, blame the image of an unrealistically real person. Win the girl in a new way to show sexuality. Learn the lessons are simple, understandable and bring the right satisfaction to the heroine of the card.


Vіsіmka Vognyu pokaєє: schos dies out in the future and now it's brighter, lower mi ochіkuєmo. The process has already begun, it’s still not remembered how it is. It points to the spontaneous nature of the changes that occur, and to speak about those who caught the manifestations and begin to collapse. Incubus card. Rich in what її is the essence - creative visualization. How different we are to see ourselves, how we feel, how much more stench we see, moreover, in such a way, in which we want them to bachiti.

Another card can just talk about a phone call. So, as a matter of fact, look at whether virtual contacts - via the Internet, telephone, or for the help of a forgotten epistolary genre.

According to this card, there can be sensitive, tiles, selection of information, moreover, as a rule, the information that comes up, may be little known from reality - more than a set of empty roses, the fruits of many fantasies.


A search for exotic experiences that you haven't tried before - from meditation to sexual tourism. Ale, no more shoving at the head.

Characteristics of vіdnosin

Seen in fantasies, in dreams, in reality. On this map, there is practically no direct contact between people.

Physical camp

Phone sex. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex without physical contact. Orgasm in meditation.


Happy. Ale be careful - tse psuє soul and rob її sympathetic to other waters. The softest option is a person with great fantasies and living in them.


Beware of chums. Htos schos namovlyaє - ty roznosish (read, pobachene at the cinema). Watching the fantasy, vtrata svyazku z diysnistyu.

A free flow of fantasy, the realization of sexual fantasies.

Astrological evidence

Mercury at Striltsi. The first dean of Striltsya. Shvidkist, information.

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