Pardons at hundreds of women from people, how to hide them. How much can a woman's activity cause. Rozmova from a psychologist. How to understand, what did they see you? Like a person zustrіchaє

Hello to the readers of the Samprosvitbulletin blog!

“How to understand the mind of a person, how does a person uniquely explain? After a few monies are not needed for a reminder. I tormented myself for a month at the unknown, not knowing what happened. Then it became clear that from the very beginning of our acquaintance we got to know another girl and now they are already serious. Wasn't it so important for me to say straight out about it? - write Marina

How to educate a man on the cob of acquaintance? I feel enchanted, for the people, with whom I spoke, were unique to tell me the truth. For example, about those who want to stink in the eyes of stunners, who joke about serious stoks, who want to just spend an hour at once, with which they earn a living, and smut, who sing even more s kimos. Zagalom, only hung me a lokshina on the vukh, ”- write Vira.

Most of the women, on the cob of acquaintance, would like to know the name of the man: who will chat with other women at once, who will joke about serious stosunkiv, who will get ready to go to bed.

A typical scenario - we’ll tell you more about it

I'll give you a typical scenario. Vee on the first chi to another, everything goes miraculously. You are laughing a lot, you are wondering how you have a lot of sleep. You see that a spark has passed between you. It’s possible to talk about those who want to ask you. You are wondering what is the cob of what is significant for you two.

Ale passes the day two days later, but no signs are given. Possibly, you correct yourself to kshtalt: “For a long time you haven’t felt anything ... how are you doing?” Ale wine does not answer the question and you do not understand your try to find out why on the right.

Shvidshe for everything, you analyze everything that was said and robbed for an hour of wisdom, so that you could understand how pardons you could allow. Ale, in a month, or more you will know the truth: if you have enchanted you, you will already be talking about another woman, like in a pouch and choosing.

You are happy, disappointed, embarrassed, and you can’t understand why you couldn’t just tell you the truth. The truth would be less painful, the days of rest would be restless.

Like Bachite, this is a typical scenario for dating and women want to know why a person is unique to tell the truth.

Why is it unique to tell you the truth

A person can take the truth from you on the cob of your acquaintance, for those who do not like confrontations, they are afraid that your reaction will be emotional. So, you are afraid that you can’t figure out the situation, we don’t know what you think and how you behave, be afraid of being humiliated and degraded. A person can show that you will start crying, swearing, get angry, or you will lament. We are afraid of being attacked by you. It doesn't matter what you are a smart person and how you behave. I don’t know how to do good to you and it’s possible in the past there were wives who strongly “stressed” him with their emotional reactions.

Cholovik instantly bi buti honest and say bluntly: I know a woman, I want to know better. You are a miracle, but I wonder what chance I can have and I want to try it. Natomist vіn unique you, spodіvayuchis, scho yom never happen to speak to you vіch-on-vіch and listen to your judgment about the new. You don’t think at the moment, what do you see, for the new smut - avoid confrontation and criticism, which you are afraid of.

Obviously, I didn’t see, the child’s behavior, but it’s the same ones that often occur in similar situations. I want not all men to behave as described above, many women stick to such a scenario.

A man in roses can guess for himself about his intentions, about look at the woman and the woman, about his past. You just need to respectfully listen to what you say and robiti visnovki.

If you want to call a person to the door, you need to give it to you to understand that we will safely criticize you. Without saying wine, you will simply accept everything as a gift without a negative reaction. Show that you are calm, easy to accept any information and react neutrally.

Being a smart listener and being a spy on the side does not mean that you accept that you praise everything that a person seems to you. You simply take away information about the new one, so that you can learn the words and verses, which will tell you about him. Chi come to your life that could those who will tell you.

Separate two divisions:

1. Remember to be a neutral listener than that speaker, who can calmly, without losing self-control, listen to information.

2. In the meantime, analyze the received information and make a decision on the same basis.

As far as you can show yourself as a neutral listener, you can put it like food, like you licking, giving you an armchair, which at once ruins you just a cluck.

For example:

- “You are contagious at the same time s kimos, just cicavo”;

- "Me tsіkavo, but what do you not like the most in women?";

- “Click, how do you care, why do you have to go more at once, serious stosunki chi just goiter without goiter?”.

Neutral spriynyattya words, tsіkavіst, show that you will normally accept everything that will be said, without judging your assessment. You are independent and honorably placed before the independence of others, you can safely tell the truth and you can be honest without a trace. How to spare you such an atmosphere on the first two dates, you take as much truthful information as possible from the person. So work with her then write yourself.

On the right, it’s not about the fact that a person is afraid of singing food, but about how a woman puts food on food and how she can react to them. If you want to spoof a person to honesty, you can learn to neutrally accept those who share guilt with you. Such a trick will help you not to spend an hour on an innocent person, as you are not caught in serious business.

Good luck to you and to the swedish zustrіches on the sides of the Self-promotion bulletin!

anna base

Science has shown that women express their feelings emotionally, lower people. Chi is the anger of the image, love is jealous - you don’t try it in yourself. It is necessary to speak clearly, that the woman is aware of strong emotions.

People are stingy with showing emotions. Rarely speaks a man, who demonstratively demonstrates joy, fear and divination. Tse OK rule stosuєtsya and kohannya.

However, the heart of a representative of the strong half of the people did not stand before these eternal feelings, it is immediately evident.

The dying man is ready:

deal with hostility;
robiti romantic (and divine!) stuffing;
change the way of life.

Zhіnocha and cholovіcha zakokhanіst - yakі vіdmіnnostі?

Life is earthly and pragmatic. A woman looks at the heart of a person, which looks like a woman’s subjects:

dobuvachem - vіn building godovati probable offspring, oblashtuvati pobut;
strong and nadіynym, virishuє zhittєvі problems;
get ready before family life. Light-weight womanizers share of light-weight and bezgluzdih osib. A sensible woman thinks in advance: what good man can become a man and a father?

Cholovіcha zakohanіst is not so pragmatic, but thought out. The person does not praise the social status of the person, material wealth. Vіn zvetaє respect for the ovnіshnіst obranitsі, pratsovіtіst, wise to conduct dіm.

What are the stinks, signs of a dead man?

Sign number 1. Zhaga splkuvannya

The dying man seems to be rich. Vіn rozpovidaє about his work, friends and relatives, to share with friends, podkreslyuє zhittєvі reach.

I want to look at the death of a person in the eyes of a successful and strong one.

In addition, a representative of the strong half of the people to cheer for the life of a woman, which is worthy. Vin is ready to hear you for years. Yogo tsіkavit, devi were born, as if they started at school, your beloved grass is that zakhoplennya.

The death of a person at the hour of the conversation:

gallant, courteous;
marvel at the vіchі svіvrozmovnієі і slyaє skin word;
know the order from the image;
vіdchuvaє neruchnіst, zbentezhennya;
constantly chepurate (correct hair, clothes).

Oznaka No. 2

Win chirping, you put on your hat and mittens on a cold winter day, you don’t want to have a bite to eat. Before going to bed, I’ll phone you to help you Nadobranich, and vranci obov'yazkovo pro_nstruktuє, how to carefully handle the car.

The dying person helps by deed, not by word.

Feeling like a dead man, the expression is unvarnished expressively and brightly, like a woman. Burkhlivy emotions and z'yasuvannya stosunkiv in the character of a woman. Cholovik, yakscho kohaє, dіє.

If you have a tap in the kitchen or if you need to take the cat to the veterinarian - a person calls difficulties on his strong shoulders.

Gifts are another showcase of turboti. A person gives a ticket, pays for a meal at a cafe.

Sign number 3. For you, wait an hour

Navit as a person - the president of an international corporation from defending the rights of a creature or an actor, a new obov'yazkovo has a hint for arguing with a kohan woman. Vіn know the hour for the care, yakim bi schіlnim not yogo work schedule. Zustrichi with you is a priority.

Call often, write a comedy message. Most of all, I don’t talk about what - how do you do it, mood, plan for the evening.

Sign number 4. Non-verbal contact, jealousy and the right to power

Yogo dotiki is easy, possible, navit unseen. Getting off the bus, Vin gives you a hand. On the streets of Yogo, the hand unobtrusively lies on your waist. Under the hour, move the tulub of a person for more turns at your bek. what can you seriously plan.

Vіn frown, if you smile nicely at people who are going to pass later, otherwise you will warmly tell about someone you know, who helped you in an important life situation.

Sign number 5. Acquaintance with fathers, friends

Classical and Yaskravy showcase of human interest. The dead person brought you in at his own place. Vіn request for a family weekly meeting, get to know with friends. For whom the reward is not necessary. Yakshto vin say: "Let's go to the friends, pop'emo kava" - it means that for him it's not just a good thing.

As soon as you get to know your friends, you should look at them, what you appreciate, that means, you already formally know the stink - a man has told you about you.

Vin also wants to get to know your homeland and friends. Under the hour, the son of an honorable and gallant man, especially your fathers, will be honored.

Sign number 6

Zakohany cholovik tsіkavitsya de vie, scho rob and if you turn back home. Praise Yogo, to whom you are going on National Day, who are planning to work at Monday evenings and why don’t you sleep at night.

It doesn't mean that you are afraid to go with your friends to a disco or take a walk with an old friend near the park. However, a person, as if he was aware of you, feels better, right at the center of your life.

Oznaka No. 7

As a person at the process of making a request, where would you like to go on the road - to Egypt and Turechchini, be singing - you can almost do it right. This person will succumb to you in order from himself and tomorrow, and for the river.

Behavior of a dead man

In order to understand, as if you were feeling like a person, it is enough to analyze yoga behavior.

A stammering person of non-performing, to rob the powerless voice of speech. Vіn is ready for years to choose a pay for you, to ride on kovzan or to get ready to pay. A person takes over your interests and hoards.

However, it is similar at the cob stage of stosunkivs, until the person does not sing, but the woman agrees.

The man transforms into a face and a gentleman. Wine spoils the reception with sweet treats (chocolate, quince), prepares surprises, thinks over leather treats. The dying man is constantly amazing.
Cholovіcha zakohanіst (received at the cob stage vіdnosin) is not summed up with critical words at the address of the application. A person will be filled with your gusto (to make you dress like a grandmother’s light), culinary talent (if you want to be inspired that cooking zhzhi is not your horse). Vіn do not allow sobі that otochennya negative vyslovlyuvannya, critical vіdguki at the address of kohanoi. In addition, the dying person does not hear other people's joys.

In the period of stagnation, the representative of the strong half of the people behaves in their own way. And yet the signs of a human kohanny are universal. A sensible woman obov'yazkovo analyzes the behavior of a person and wears visnovkas.

21 December 2013, 10:52
How often do you put your own food “How to understand a person, do yoga and do it?” Do you know the exact answer?

Can you tell me how satisfied you are, how much you understand your person? It's a pity, some women try to find out more about the psychology of a dead man, relying on those who nibito impossible ". Especially, as in the case of the natives, there is a place for mutual images and enchantments.
Vіdnosinakh between a man and a woman have their own strategies and mechanisms of reasoning.
And you need to put your own supply: what do we really think about them? Chi is correct mi diemo, schob qi mekhanіzmi practiced?

As soon as you find yourself in a miserable person, it will become easier for you to be rich with them. Truths, like giving the key to the understanding of the psychology of people in the kohanna. Successful women are more likely to be lucky if wise women do not ignore these axioms laid down by nature.

If you finish reading this article, you will not be deprived of food, like a mind of a person. People are genetically trained to work according to plan, why shouldn't women try it? Zvichayno, not at your own expense, your nature and womanhood.

If you don’t have enough of my reconciliations in order to believe in the devilry of my joys, hurry up with the knowledge of one of my students (I’m more than happy to Marina for these warm words):

Before that, how to reveal important truths, how to understand a person, I will start from one butt. Not typical for a man, but sensible for a woman.

Yakby I want to cook savory apple pie, then a little bit of knowledge about fakhivtsya on the Internet and after reading your recipe. Having trusted the expert opinion, I would not have spent too much time and effort. And the pie is the same, as I want it. All that I half-heartedly recognized about this “mechanism” is a recipe, and then on the right it went by itself.

Just show yourself! Truly everything that leaves us, can be true in such a way that we WANT to be in our life. It's simple. Enough to know the "mechanism". I want to give you knowledge. So let's report on the recipe for how to understand a person. Guess what, unreasonable things came out of your stosunkiv? Let's go!

5 facts about a person's inner world that will help you understand better.

Obviously, to learn how to understand a person is not to prepare a biscuit. And here you can’t get by with a good cupcake and a couple of broken eggs. Therefore, I present to you 5 facts about human behavior, which will help you figure out the psychology of people with women:

1. A woman can make a majestic splash on a person.

It is important that the power of the vіdnosinakh lies with the people. Ce myth, people understand the role of a person in her. A person who is good for family, wine is healthy. It is accepted to respect: "
vіdpovіdno i vlada in sim'ї, tezh on yogo's shoulders. Zmagannya is a natural person’s quality, ready to accept the calls of other people, ready to take the calls of other people, ready to take the callsWhose world). Tse important partCHOLOVIKI».

Ale tse" masculinity»We are most intrigued by a woman with a woman (with you). A man of no nationality, from the minds of the minds, knows pіdkhіd to zhіnok. It’s easier for us to get a salary increase from our boss, plan to conduct business negotiations, as a priority for our robots. Hooking up with great risks and taking away from them zisk - the very thing is laid down in the genes of people.

And if you stand on the right side of a woman with a woman, the fears of a person will appear impossible; The greater number of people do not need to give direct assistance to the helper for the support. Alecholovik is not built to motivate himself as effectively as he can be.competent Woman ". Do you want your person to earn more, making you happy? If you believe that I have often hugged you, saying and showing you how much you are dear to you? Then motivate your person and every day, conducting the order with such a person, you will be a good joy for you.

I'm not talking about the best sessions of the woods for your person. I'm talking about the creation of the atmosphere in your windows.

Therefore, motivate your person and wine to grow everything and more for you.

2. Women are like men, they take the initiative.

I often had a little bit about those who are the most important person in charge - the bitterness of grief.pershy krok". Tse zovsіm do not have anything to do with reality.

For us, may you always see blue with a woman - this is a suvorian plan. Starting with acquaintances, and ending with butov and family meals. I have already pointed out to you those that it is easier for us to enter into magic with another person, for the fear of losing is not so great.

For us, all wives are a forte, before you need to know your pidkhid. Nasampered, it is necessary for a woman in her own zatsikaviti. Mi practices - we need to create a plan and implement yoga. To our mind, "
pershy krok» - Tse tі dії, yakі mi spramovuєmo on those, schob schob vyklikaty at the woman's interest.

For example, if a person puts himself as a metaphor for taking away a robot, then first, what to kill wine - try tozatsіkavitipotential robotic provider in your own. Those same are seen and at the vіdnosinakh with a woman. As a person who wins, he tries to gain respect, he directs his actions to those who want to gain interest for themselves. Ale, be aware that in the past with acquaintance with a woman, people are more often afraid of risking their own "masculinity", almost " no"at vidpovid.

So think about cym. How do you let people understand their zatsіkavlenіnіnі nоmu (for example, you can chuckle, or just say “
bathing”), then you know from yoga shoulders qiu the majestic burden of choice -risk your masculinity, no ". Believe me, people in absentiazakohani» in that woman, as if she were showing the insufficiency of the new one. And the one who happened to you to shut up here with a man, who, as you get it, you come up - smile.
You have a big - Whisk yoga!

3. If a woman allows her to repair it, be it a rank - a man will speed up.

Tse cover, mind. Ale Vi is here in order to recognize the truth and take a look at nutrition - like understanding the psychology of the behavior of people. Cover it up, but it’s a fact - the stench is corrosive by these women, as they allow them.

Yakshcho Vi Bachite, that stosunki with a man develop at the key "Vіn zі me doti, doki do not know anyone better ”, then do not call - bring me between. I tell you about it. More people react to it adequately. So you show yourself.

People don't know how to separate stosunki
We are good at once » vіd « We will see the blue with the method of creation of this" . Just so you know that a person does not see each other in a long-term perspective - tell him about it and put a spot. Bo vіn tsgogo not to break.

4. Humans are innately jealous. Like a woman provoking yogo jealousy with a method of rapprochement - ce matime reversal effect.

First of all, I want to tell anew about those that the magic is inherent in human nature. Help for a person to think about those who can better tell a friend about his soul mate, lower himself.

To that - call out jealousy of a person with a method to turn yoga closeness - one of the best methods. І, nayimovіrnіshe, vіn vikliche zvorotny effect. A man from such a woman. Deputy of that, schob vdchuvati tse katuvannya.

5. Way to the heart of a person - through His yoga. Men make friends with women, as if they believe in them unguardedly.

I will point one stock butt. One man is happy, it would have been a crazy idea. The idea was to create a self-propelled apparatus (which, having taken the name - dvigun internal fire). І z tsієyu method vіn provіv dovgі roki in garages, pratsyyuchi all your time over tsієyu іdeєyu, of course not mav time for those, schob good to take care of your family. Ale Yogo Druzhina, being 'beforecompetent”, she believed, right now, with the strength of her own person, and instilled in the new qi a sense of urgency. Even if it is necessary to vrahuvat, that over її person, that and herself, the judges supported, it is possible to inspire friends, people close to them.

And so the sprat of old fates was thriving. By the way, she won wine for her patience, that wisdom. The day, if at once with her person she flew out of that same garage, on a self-propelled vehicle, the whole world is remembered, like the day the car was born. This family couple was Henry Ford and Clara Bryant.

What is important for rosy people

Well, I want to make it clear. Be inspired - your man can cope with his straight man shoes. In fact, youma do not need practical reasons about those, for example, how to earn pennies, or how to manage your time. So it is not necessary for you to tell a story about those who are like wines, having found out on themselves the goiter that you are that sim'ї zagalom.

A good man will entrust only such a woman, like on yoga boots. We don’t need to be taught anything, we don’t care about any other mother. Your person will become successful and we will be able to start your big fidelity, turbot and vіrі in the new.

Remember: You can booty for something. I already wrote about it more than once in other articles. And the life of the novice with the minds of a person is achieved independently. You won't need
play in jealousy with a person, otherwise victorious as an unethical, dishonest method to bring yoga closer to yourself. Necessary for newspigot”, grant you faith in yourself.

And more - trust your image. Don't tell the taxi driver if it's better for you to take you to the point of recognition? What are the pedals and if you push? Where do you turn? That's right - you just give you pennies, tobto
motivate yoga, and Vіn himself miraculously vporaetsya z laying on the new task.

Do not forget about the truth. І You know that the hundred girls can and do not have problems from their minds.

Dyakuyu for your respect, I do appreciate yoga! I sincerely hope to bring lightness and comfort to your life. You merit for those who have a happy skin day. Your thoughts are worthless to me. Especially, as a source of nutrition, the psychology of people at the kohanna.

I check your comments.

The most important articles of Yaroslav Samoilov:

Zhіnok sounds at the zayvіy balakuchnosti, cholovіkіv - at the supra-world movchasnostі. And that second sound for an hour starts an impersonal turbo, especially when it comes to the right to wake up. It's no secret that it's strong and weak to become, through your psychophysical powers, to think in a different way, to take decisions in a different way and, not rarely, think about the same different speech. In order to understand what people really want, for an hour it’s a little cherubing life’s wisdom, how to fix it for others so, as we want, for others to repair it for us. It is not included, that your bachelor of happy and harmonious stosunkivs are rooted in the air of human dreams.

Having lived and taken 10 speeches to the point of respect, if you want people, but not to ask for it, you can better understand your partner, reminding him and your life of right harmony.

1. People want to shave.

In the skin man, by nature, it is laid down to play the role of the head of the family. A man on a genetic level dream about those, that a woman, as a person instructed by him, listened to his thoughts, believed in a new one, and, obviously, sang yoga. At to the current world Gender roles seem to be deciphered: a faceless woman protrudes through career gatherings far away from her partners, earns more people and doesn’t need a man’s shoulder so much, which involuntarily boosts the authority of a strong state. However, in order for a person to continue to feel like a person, it’s not obligatory to be aware of the social rights of women, it is more likely to show respect for a partner, giving them the understanding that you accept be-yak-yogo solution.

2. People want mercy.

A dear man is not endowed with Marnoslavism. And if you want to seem that women love women, people, it’s just like us, accepting compliments and praise, especially how the stench sounds from the mouth of a kohanoi people. Do not be stingy to support the strengths of your partner, even if your wider suffocation will become for a person a drive for self-development and the growth of new heights.

3. People want to make friends with themselves.

I have a thought that a strong person is similar to a wolf, the same, which does not require a boost or a turbo. Ale, under a strong skin shell, is vulnerable and unrepentant in his own person, it is necessary to know that in this world there can be at least one true friend. And even better, as the best friend for a man, you will become a woman. Obviously, with all your efforts, you cannot thoroughly develop a person's psychology, however, it is not necessary, even if it is sufficient, to show an insubstantial interest in the life of your partner. Eat more often with a new worker, don’t be inspired when you go to a football match, and also protect your mind at the top, whether it’s food that you blame.

4. People want a little bit of independence.

Starting serious stoks, rich women easily say goodbye to their colossal lives: going to cafes and clubs become unfamiliar, chatting with old friends does not call out too much joy, and exercising to the root of the car's heights is insignificant among relatives with family happiness. However, for people, this process goes on trohi anyway. Irrespective of the need for family happiness, the thought of those who, having dressed up their hats, are required to act as belongings to a great life, is unbearable to them. In order not to change the life of your partner on a torturi, do not go for it if you need it in independence. Let some part of a person's free time lie down for you.

5. People want kindness.

Having said that, people love bitches. Obviously, the woman thought this thought was non-standard, and then - truthful, and the stench hooted for her like a ryativnu straw, spitting in her own character. And if it’s like the thought of the people themselves, then it will appear that most of them want to be good, turbo-fueled, loving, merciful and a woman who is wise. And it’s not surprising, even if the transcendental vigor, arrogance, criticality and self-sufficiency of the building’s deficiencies are more pleasant, even as simple and, more heady, wider, more powerful, attract no more for a love spell.

6. People want to get excited.

Some people do not believe our hopes: the deputy of cars will give bouquets of tulips, the deputy of strollers will celebrate a weekend of TV, the deputy of unrestricted respect will assign computer games and friends with friends. Ale, no matter what, the skin of a normal person pragmatically talks about his maiden, everything for her that allows his imagination and ability. It’s good for people to piss, but only in that moment, like a turbota to know the sound of our hearts. Try to find out more about your partner's initiatives, demonstrating the need for yoga.

7. People want you to appreciate them.

What do we do better with vіdnosinah, more often everything that a partner can work with, we accept it more appropriately. If you go through a period of acute stagnation, a lot of partner’s ugliness, as if you were attracted earlier, you don’t seem to be so prominent. Step by step, one by one, you experience emotional intimacy and a person of intelligence, so you don’t choke on him anymore, but rather rozcharovu yoga and cause mental pain. To prevent the loss of harmony, just tell your partner more often, trying to emphasize respect for his successes, ignoring failures.

8. People want your support.

The need for people at the side of the foot close people in no way does it look like our bazhannya, in the person of an all-wise person and an all-forgiving wise friend. It is unlikely that you are worthy, as your partner criticizes whether your mistake is, we shift the blame on your shoulders and support your failures. Like a person to ask for your help, or to share with you his whiskers, it means that at once he should take his support from you, so that you don’t trapilos, you are guilty of overwhelmed by yoga boots.

9. People want honesty.

Believe me, people are not worse for us, spying on lies and incomprehension. If you ever want to look like your partner, following the rule of “nonsense for the good”, think about what you would be good to do on this mission? To that, if you dream up a little, or masterfully denounce the mysticism of nonsense and be convinced that a person will never know the truth, otherwise you will see your windings. Tim is more, than what is more important to us than we are greedy, people do not give great importance.

10. People want to be loved.

The people are ready to sing a lot to us, but the stench must not sing out our dislike. Having fallen in love with a partner and understanding that nothing can turn a lot more, rather, open up the stosunki, ryatyuyuchi life and sobi, and yoma. As well as you, as before, love your young man, do not hesitate to show your love, even though the secret of your right is the biggest enemy.

Really, the bazhannya of a person has fully understood that the truth is. In order to spare your little ones from the incomprehensible problems, just listen to the partner’s inner world, protecting him a little, but without compromising with others from the power of I.

20 years ago, the American writers Ellen Fein and Sherri Schneider took from their best-selling book about those, how women take away the man of the world. From that hour, a feminist movement was born and changed, and similar literature took away the stamp of “sexist”. Prote "New Rules" see dosi and know chimalo shanuvalnitsa that sledovnits. What's the secret?

For a long time, the gurus Ellen Fein and Sherri Schneider analyzed the behavior of women who are happy in a special life - quiet, who are richly shanuvalnikov, who are far away viishov zamіzh and be happy with a slave. Oprah Winfrey called her bestseller “The Rules for Winning the Heart of a Man of Your Dream” a phenomenon and requested authors for her talk show. People magazine ranks the book in the must-read category, and glossy magazines called it the best ever seen about pictures. The authors sing: for 20 years of establishing the "Rules", millions of women could become absolutely effective. The stench took away the stosunki of all love and feuds, like they flowed from happy that mіtsny shlyub. At the "New Rules" writers help modern women and the girls communicate through Facebook, Skype, SMS too. And when you get rid of the mysterious, inspire in a person the instinct of thought, if it’s so rich in a “light look”, make friends in the era, if everyone lives with civilized sloops and don’t hurry to take it for granted.

"People love hardships and develop interest, if the object of affliction - and especially a woman - is easy for them."

“The secret way to take care of the lad: be sure to help you with important tasks. Behave with him like that, niby vin buv you baiduzhy,” shout Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider. In today's thought, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mystery and contemplation of a person with a prejudice to hear about you, which is a great rarity in the last hours. “Rules” is such a way of arguing with be-like a person (be aware that the first century is your fault, especially on the Internet), it’s the beginning of such an obsession with you that you are ready to serious stosunkiv.

How to win for a man of the world, zgіdno Ellen Fein and Sherri Schneider

Be a maiden, unlike the ridge, and look like a maiden, unlike the ridge.

Don't go to the first person and don't start a rose, don't call her, don't write the first person.

Do not ask people for help for help SMS, social measures and in any other way.

Check out less than 4 years, first lower on the first person, and at least a third of the year, first lower on the skin of the foot of the notice.

“Let's talk / sleep in the future”: start and finish everything first - and learn from the field of dawn!

Do not reply to SMS that be-yakі іnshі nіdomlennya pіdlja opіvnochі.

Do not accept a request on Saturday for a later date for Wednesday. "Correct girls" lead a bigger life. Well, you already made plans for the holidays before it was Thursday! If you ask me to ask you about it, don’t force me to dogan. Just tell me, what is wrong with you, but you are occupied.

To make yourself "invisible" for the meeting of the exchange of reminders. To know that your life doesn’t have anything to say, don’t talk about the lad, mittevo remind you of it. As and for any other form of communication, I am guilty of a check to be able to talk to you. Sob buti you cіkavim, you happen to be seriously corrected. Do not let a person who is capable of being able to come back to you for a reminder and sit online for years! Remember, you have your own life (training, work, friends, hobbies, training and, as we support you, work), and only 10 thins are left for balakanina and no more. Like a lad, what do you need to say and a lot about what to ask?

Do not spend 24 years with him for the benefit of this day for this day.

Vіdnosini na vіdstanі: don't hai vіn yourself proponuє often talk to Skype and see you.

Do not write to people first, ignore emoticons and pidmorguvannya on online dating sites.

Do not cry for the supper and in the same way do not buy this kohanna.

Do not break self-destructive vchinkiv, friendly people. If you want to bachiti, tell him to call you if you become unfriendly. And for every future communication, forget it, say "come on!" - and be attentive to the joke of people, if they are right.

Do not chat with a person who is more than once talking to your chatter.

Do not force a person to do anything that would be unacceptable to deprive someone of your separation.

Don't wait for sex for one nothing that stupid zv'azki.

Do not hurry to sleep with a man. “The girl is right” zmushu slapping checks, to help you to sway in her, her soul, her life – and not only in her body. Why do you see intimacy, do you want to keep an eye on you, plan romantic meetings and dreams about you. People love difficulties and do not value anything that is easy for them, especially for sex!

Don't try to be a man without goiter! If your stoks try more fate and when the stench is “correct” (you allowed people to “follow you”, chatted with him no more than 2-3 times a day, encouraged him to pass permits with him, did not wait until a new life), then we themselves helped you to squirm in you and want to make friends. A man wants to kill you more. And yet, through the rіk stosunkіv cholovіk not zaproponuvav vyyt for new zamіzh, next to say yoma, you are an old-fashioned girl and can't namіru nі z kim forever. If you want to be more truthful, pronounce a pause at the vіdnosinakh. Ask him to think it over on his own and call, if you are ready to goiter.

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