Chi does not flow to the young: how to save a hundred dollars, like an older woman for a man. Rіznovіkovy shlyub. If the squad is older for a person The girl is older for a lad for 6 years psychology

Spravzhnya love does not know between that pereshkod. Waving kril kupidon, arrows at two hearts, and on the right is crushed - a man and a woman zakohani. Let's take a look at the essence of nutrition, let's look at dry statistics. Passion, suffocation, fire in the eyes and important zіthannya - all the same with the hour. І є tsіlkom "down to earth" officials, scho vplyvayut on mіtsnіst vіdnosin - for example, raznitsa vіtsі mіzh partners. Let's take a look at the fahivtsy, and what is the ideal secular interval, which guarantees the music, harmony between the man and the woman.

Most of the created families have a man older than a woman by 3 years. Such a trend is observed in all countries of the world. And it is easy to explain - pіdsvіdomo lyudina jokes about "equal" and for social status, and for intellectual development. And here the role of victories is great - the life is being enriched, wisdom is coming, the thought is changing.

With a skin step on a hat, a person is joking to a young squad. “Sivina at the hair - encore at the rib” - the order is clearly working. From the beginning of the century, the bazhannya bachiti appears in order from itself to the woman “fresh”.

Ale povirte, and tі spilky, de one of the partners is richly older and younger for his training - today is not rare. And what do you think, how will you dance such a couple - a grown-up man and a young girl? First of all, first of all, it falls into a thought - "nervous" houses do not have daily prospects, even if they are driven by mercantile interests. І statistics is unfavorable - splits, where there is a great difference among the vicis, they break up more often, lower ti, the girls are not so friendly. Ale kohannya є kohannya - buy and receive blame!

The ideal formula: what is the optimal price for the company?

Psychologists vvazhayut, what is the optimal difference between a woman and a woman for the creation of a motherland - 5-6 years. With this “classic” the situation is taken into account, if the person is older.

The difference in 5-6 years is ideal in terms of psycho-emotional development of friendship. To go out, scho vin and won on the same level - in both already directions of life dosvid, є a hundred dollars for the shoulders, їhnє decision to create this is thought out, є material base. All tse - even as a guarantee of long-term vodnosin. Sociological studies show that there are more children.

The Chinese sages have developed their own formula for a favorable price among friends. We take a calculator to hand. Ideally, it is named after such mathematical roses - every person is divided by 2, and 7 are added to the result. To gain respect - with such roses to go out, what an older man, then a young woman is an “ideal” woman. Skhid on the right is thin.

Love among one-liners - a classic for hours in the USSR. Nothing marvelous - at the time it was respected as “correct”, so that the musters were equal, and the least deviations from the “norms” called out the narration of the midst of the shocking ones. There was no difference between a man and a woman - neither in special, nor in social life. The axis of why the age of friends is approximately the same - so it was accepted.

Love among peers, as a rule, - early love. Most of the young people learn from the senior classes of the school or in the institute, and then they do it wrong. “Rivnі” splіk mаut masu prevag: svіlnі іnteresi і druzi, svіbіbі sposіb zhittya і zhittєvі іnnostі. Get out, scho win and won on equal rights and on equal security to pull luggage family life.

Ale can’t get along with friends of the same age and without problems - the stink can be swept together one by one. Like an early school, you can always blame the problems and the lack of finances. The couple does not have a partner who is ready to extinguish the storms in the waters - but I threaten them with thoughtless vchinka, chvars, zrada.

Statistics show that in this case, de friends with one-liners, they often get together for the sake of it - especially, as if the shelter was in advance. The reasons for the kіlka are one of the partners joking pіdtrimki and vtіhi on the side, as well as banal cіkavostі due to insufficient sexual intercourse.

The elder man for his companion of life is a classic of love votives. Ale is one on the right, if the difference is not too obvious (3-5 years), but it’s better if the misalliance falls at the wife’s.

Zrіlih cholovіkіv, like joking with their young squads, as much as you can understand. Vaughn is not covered with children, which reduces the financial investment in family life. She has a good deal of good fortune in sexual intercourse - you can try yourself in the role of a "reader". That young body embraced the reception. But don’t let people re-examine the “mercantile goals” - all the same, they often remake the kokhanny.

For 10-15 years

Suspіlstvo tolerantly put up to slyubіv, de cholovіk senior for the squad for 10-15 years - stereotypes no longer panic. І stosunki can be full of mіtsnimi!

The man has already grasped to inspire a career, not to lay low on the thoughts of his friends and relatives for his special life. Before the creation of these wines, it’s necessary to walk in a positive way - without rushing emotions, wisely female psychology no bad pardons. A couple with such a difference has few welds - a person has a dosvіd in vіdnosinakh, vin is tolerant to a small amount of the other half and in a state without zigzag vrats virishuvati conflicts. A woman in a couple is happy as a whole - she is getting better and better, she is a material base for self-development, she is satisfied in a lie.

For 20 years and more

A dekilka to make a situation for that, if the girls were seen abroad for someone who was suitable for their father, was the norm. At the same time, it’s less than a sentence of suspіlstva. Only when you look at such a couple, one immediately thinks that they are rozrahunok. Well, how can a young person live with an old man? Yake is a kohanna here?

In fact, such a union can be “handy” and їй, and yomu - the woman will choke on an informed partner, who knows her life, and the person will take satisfaction in the form of a cheerful party and nіbi live in the energy, take on the role of an opponent.

But here it’s important to understand that it’s 10-15 years old for a ship - and a man with a light gray hair on his coats pretend to be the old one. And the squad will still be at full strength - іsnuє rizik zrad. Girls varto deprive them of dreams about 3-4 children from their family - fates take their own, and for the way of life of rich people, the chances of conceiving are reduced. The first word is no less for physiology - up to 40 years for a person already singsongly є children in front of the lovers. Chi varto you want to take on your old shoulders more children?

Vcheni dіyshli vysnovka great difference in the capital, buildings, make friends quickly. And all through stress, like a man and a woman, even the stink of living in the middle of human gossip and tiles, a huge litigation. And tse negatively vplivaє on camp zdorov'ya! From the other side, man, who lives with a young squad, raptly starts youth - wine is made to "drink" youth. And the axis of the woman, navpaki, shvidko in'yane - pіdsvіdomo won namagaєtsya vіdpovіdati vіku obrantsya.

It was always appreciated that if the couple had an older woman, it was not normal. Navit at once, for hours of free marriages, often calling for a sentence of conscience. And even more dharma - statistics show that such a dream is to finish the mitzna.

If a woman is 5-7 years older for her education, such a difference is practically unremarkable - especially if both partners are over 30 years old. A couple can be called ideal - making friends plich-o-plich go according to the steps of family life. A woman is a little wiser, she has a good fortune - there is a light guide for a man on a great beast. Mitzny union! Until then, in order to show your young man, a woman “to be young” - to follow herself, to reach the rules healthy way life. Satisfied with both.

And how should you try to pay a couple, if a woman is significantly older for her education?

For 10 years

Such plumes are rare. And it's easy to explain - most of the people in the world are joking with the partners of the youngest for themselves. You can’t see anything, but nature is a “male” to bring it to yourself in a special way, and to the whole world, that you can win the youngest and most sexual. Old ladies, obviously, do not call out the excitement among young lads.

Bagatyom couples, the woman is older for a person for 10-15 years, let’s indulge in harmony love stand. Deyakikh cholovіkіv tsіlkom vlastovuє role led in pairs - the stench of a mature woman cries, listens to її joys. And the woman feels like a kohana.

Ale, don't get in trouble. The druzhina often becomes superciliously distrustful, jealous and podozriloy - like a lot of young supergirls, they can pick up a frantic. It's not surprising that you cry out in uneasiness. That one of the daedals is more foldable, it becomes more masquerading - you can’t run out of nature. Abo man put up with the "nedolіkami" zhіnki, immeasurably її lyublyachi, but vin sooner chi pіzno virusha on the jokes of the young squad.

For 20 years and more

Make yourself feel comfortable and want a leather woman. Tse i ruhaє zhіnkoy, if you know your partner richly younger than yourself. Such a pair is a Yaskra butt of stosunkiv “mother-sin”. The woman is opikuetsya young man, often provides for it financially.

Zrila, tsіkava panі tsіlkom zdatna twist the head of a young lad. Ale, such a union is clearly not going to be long-term - a person, having gained enough knowledge (more importantly - sexual), will soon go to the same age. And as a young cavalier and zatrimuetsya in the arms of madam, as old, then, more for everything, either Edipiv complex, or mercantile interest. Obviously, neither one nor the other is acceptable to a happy, blessed union.

Optimal difference in vicinities between kohanimi is understandable even more subjectively. And in the skin condition, you can know both advantages and disadvantages. Describe them as a warning about possible problems in women, and not as a clear guide to choosing a partner. Let's not forget about the power of love, which is all rooted!

In the rest of the hour, there are more and more splits, in which the woman is richly older for her companion. One should marvel at such a slut out of a smile, one should be surprised at such a slut, and one should be far from crying, that nothing good can be seen from such a “nervous” slut. What is the future of such people?

European sociologists have designated that already on the cob of our century in the skin of the third pair, that she violated the pіd vіnets, she was named the elder for her deed. And in the United States, a third of independent women mate with young people. The reason for this is the lack of emancipation of women. Most often, a woman should marry a man, who is signifi- cantly younger, if we do not want to talk about the material side of the statues. As a rule, such women lived at the car'er, provided with a living and a stable income. Otzhe, pіdtrimka in the person of a possible person is not so important to him. It's no secret to anyone that modern woman You can independently, without the help of a person, to boost and grow children. Therefore, the main instinct develops in social mishaps, and a representative of a beautiful state is drawn to young and productive representatives of a strong state.

Myths about the "nervous" school
The life of such a bet is rebuyed under the sawy respect of the mindless, and there are few willing, as if all their free time is devoted to discussion, if the union breaks up. Gromadska thought richly loyal to family couples, in some people richly senior for the squad. To that woman, as if she had done her share with the young stalker, had to go through impersonal troubles and acted out of stereotypes, first of all, she would cease to give respect to the retail at the head. Let's try to break through the myths about the "nervous" school, which induces the soul, and understand that the stink cannot be expected to come to reality.

MYTH FIRST. A similar cloak is laid with a rozrahunka.
Yakshcho cholovіk - Alphonse, tse zovsіm not to lay low in vіku. People of this type are not encouraged to live at the expense of a woman until deep old age. And if a young man doesn’t get a penny, to pay for a dinner in an expensive restaurant, and ask a woman to go to a great inexpensive cafe, you don’t have to rob him by a gigolo.

MYTH IS ANOTHER. The woman will become for him "mommy and nanny."
As a person, be it ever so, a woman begins to play the role of a nanny and a housewife. At to this particular type, better for everything, everything will be navpak: the young man was trying to prove that he was already grown up and in his mind.

MYTH THREE. Early early in the night before the young girl.
A man can live and live with a great lover for twenty years, and then drink until his daughter is the same age. This is the reason for impersonal applications from life. No one can give guarantees of a long-term blueprint. It’s better for him to just live with a kohanoy people without bad zabobonivs.

MYTH OF THE FOURTHS. The school of peers is the best.
The statistics speak in reverse: close to 50% of single-story clubs fall apart. The reason is the sexual madness of the young bet. The young squad is ready for the sexual activity of a person and accepts it. To that s_m'ї, de cholov_k 10 and more rokiv youngest for the squad, they do not suffer from such problems.

Perevagi such a whore
Sexologists and psychologists say that similar "nervous" girls have a lot of chances for stability and longevity. On the right, in that, in such a way, a man sings a woman for once, swear for his zvnishnistyu, before that, the libido of a young man is on the heights, which, without a doubt, go to the mischief of both. The average peak of sexuality in women reaches 30-40 years of age, and the most sexual age of a person is 18-25 years of age. Most of all, the woman grew up, that she stood on her feet, giving the priority to the young partner. From the sexual point of view, the most beautiful place that satisfies the needs of both a man and a woman. Sexually more life goes only to the misery of a woman in a life, and older ladies have sex with a young young man to help them to become beautiful and healthy. And the most important - in the union of a mature woman, a man more maturely "ripens" himself, gaining in the spirit of that worldly wisdom. Young people, as they continue to live with their own more mature squad, demonstrated to sociologists a high professional and enlightened growth, wanting to take the leadership of the squad in such families.

How to save the stosunki
Before old-fashioned look women hang especially brightly. A young man - he brought to constantly trim his tone, chastise for his zovnistyu. A woman can always be on high, so that she can successfully compete with young girls, so she helps to save her youth and presentability, even more - even more beautifully great value What a strong love would not be. At the same time, it is impossible to put a partner at the camp of a child, for example, if you do not know the wine, it’s not buv. It is impossible to alienate a person with hyperopia. If a person needs leadership, it is important for him to want the very leadership qualities, and not infantilism.

If a woman squeezes her partner more often with her authority, takes kermo into her own hands, then sooner or later a person will know a less powerful kokhan. Do not let yourself relax, even if the “nervous” school may have more chances to fall apart already in the first three fates of the foundation. Joke the pluses of such vidnosin in stable feelings, in the presence of hysterics, ringing and suspicion. Do not be jealous of a partner only to the one who is the youngest, and become like twenty girls, as if ready to rule a scandal with the smallest drive. It is necessary to remember that jealousy is the number one enemy of your stosunkiv. And don't forget that you put on goiter and be wiser.

It is inappropriate to tell people about their fears, forget once and for all the phrase: "Axis you have grown up - and you will change me." You don’t need to work a toy from a person. As soon as the woman has grown up in the whole sense of the world only to the point where she does not skimp on financial gifts and gifts for a young man, and natomistity checks less than sex, then a man is early in life. Without trust, breadth, that roaming everyday life is not washed for a long time.

Apply happy "nervous" beats
Well, happy "nervnі" whores are clear! There were many applications for this. Tsarіvna Elizaveta Petrivna was older than her other person for eighteen years. The stench lived happily for twenty years at the secret shelter. Balzac and Laura de Berny, like a bula older than twenty-two rocks, three or three hours at a time. The Prophet Mohammed at the seventeenth rokіv died forty years old Khadija, his first team, and loving її richly rokіv, navit that, if there were numerically young squads in the new one. Popular matchmaker Klavdiya Shulzhenko was the eldest for her man Georgy Yepfanov for twelve and a half years. Vіn carried tse kokhannya through all his life.

In a word, if a woman is older than a person, then such a couple is doomed to a happy future and the severity of feuds at once, as if it were another couple. It’s true that it’s not enough to give respect for the future, even human fates - there are more than a few. And about the life to judge the camp of the soul and the way of life. Joke to that person, as if you become a faithful support for life, gladden the soul of that eye, divide one life into two. And let your difference be great or small, or maybe її simply will not be, even more headless - tse kokhannya. And as you can see, kohannya all the time pokirnі! There, de є tse light, that bajannya buti at once, there will be no reasons for welding that separation.

Live with the holy woman. He is already over 40, separated from a man, children grew up and left their nest - now they have their own special life. Here it is, the hour has come to start putting on your mittens, to close the apricot brew for the winter and slowly get ready to calm down old age.

Ale raptom on the horizon vyavlyaєєєєєєєєє vin: young, addicted and untidy on the right side of love lad, before the well disgrace himself!

Mutual interest, almost like they blew it - the story of a romantic film. Vіn to wear її on the hands, like a princess, not pomіchaє vіku, mimіchnyh zmorshok and a lot of curled kilos on the sides ... Everything is perfect! Ale passes an hour and in one beautiful day, the young Apollo uniques his old girlfriend.

Why does it feel like this and how to grow up like that, so that a young person would not want to get rid of the kohana? Read more about it.

What is the stock of a woman for a hundred years from a man of a young age? Bazhannya again saw how krill were flying behind my back, and the earth was going s-pid nig? Try to jump into the rest of the car and get young, where are you going? Nostalgia for the first bezkhmarny kokhannya?

Kozhen may have his own reasons. I don’t care about suspіlnі stereotypes, a romantic union, a woman is older than a person, not sayings for failure, but often maє your own perevagi!

The woman begins to look after herself

Youthful kohanets, whom you want to slap, calm down and beat from the ground - a miracle motivation, to change the style! The bright cloth is a substitute for blue jeans, loose hair is a substitute for a slick tail, red lipstick and arrows on the eyes! Cosmetologists, massage therapists, run-ins of vranci - for which only women are not addicted, that beauty is worthy.

A man and radium! Instructed by a tight woman, she wants to move only forward, burn down, reach goals, lift up new heights for her sake.

Individuals are easier to implement

As an older woman, I can have a great honor in the field of work, in the social sphere, and it’s not a sin to show myself in a critical role. You can give a person a pleasing hint, but don’t be shy in the tone of a dirty boss!

The woman of the building has grown up to help the young partner to inspire in career initiatives in the light of the unacknowledged young beauty. Ale robiti tse carefully, not making a strong squeeze.

Yaskraviy sex

On the right, not in acrobatic stunts, there are fences, but in rosemary bazhan! A woman without litter is brought to light, biting her lips and lowering her eyes, say what you want. Maybe sex in the car? Chi mine in the restroom of the restaurant? Chilka orgasm_v pospil? Vaughn no longer be ashamed, but dіє! And tsya іnіtіativnіst іnіtіtіativnіst іnіtіtіatіvnіst іnіt'і іnіkіv іn more, nіzh guise of “lyalki Barbі” – і staє baiduzhe: raznitsa vіtsi rіk, 6 roіv chi 26!

“A woman is older than a man for 10 years - the price is not normal,” - quietly whispering about separation and unhappiness from a friend’s friend. І tse zvichna the reaction of people, vyhovanih from the Radyansk Union. Do not listen to these tiles: evil languages ​​and tedious women will always know how to talk about life in an inappropriate way.

The famous actor Hugh Jackman has that yogo team - the difference is in the 13th century. The back of the press scandalously reacted, asking: “Well, what do you know about your old one?” Ale, the noise is out loud, and the couple is already on the 23rd of the year with a happy love with two children.

Learn one by one

Significant difference in vіtsі go to the reproach of both partners. A woman shares wisdom and life full of fates, and a person brings “novelties” of modern prosperity and fresh ideas to a couple.

Don't be jealous of the young man

Jealousy manifests itself through innocence in oneself. Never know, what did the harmonic woman have sense to go into such girlish experiences? Yakshcho obranets order - it means vin otrimu nasolod vіd stosunkіv!

So that you don’t have to wind yourself up, spend more than an hour at once: come in, pick up a place at the weekend, chat with friends.

Enjoy the lightness of the stoks

A young partner is never aged in lightness, does not read morality and is instructed on the paths of truth. Ease of setting up to life, freedom and roaringness - the axis that checks for a "nervous" couple!

Do not be afraid to plan for the future, as your people

It's a pity, among those of the same age, less successful - 53% of lovers fall apart after three or three years. The average trivality of women, as a woman is older for a person - up to 16 years. So don’t be afraid to risk going abroad again, move with him to a foreign country, start a new life!

Have more sex

A well-deserved woman without bad sexual relations, as you know, de and in such a position you want to lie down - richly chuttevish kohanka, a young girl of twenty, as if imitating orgasms and stogin, like in porn films.

Young kokhanets - hot, addicted and hungry for sex, you can satisfy the partner's erotic fantasies all the time, without getting involved.

Be sensitive to the nasolods: if you are the youngest for you, then in sex it’s definitely a win!

Irrespective of those who have 3-4 fates with the optimal price between partners, you have a chance to create a happy union and for less minds! Remember our minds and read some of the stories that make you breathe!

The stench could - you can and you!

  • Salvador Dali ta Gala - she was 12 years older, went for the sake of a young kochanets from Paris to a remote Spanish village, and for 53 years she never told a story about her decision;
  • Sergiy Yesenin and Isendora Dukan - romantic dark blue, de partners added 17 years;
  • Einstein that first squad of Miler Marich is a genius who was 5 years younger, two children were born to a girl, and a woman was inspired for a great man;
  • Honoré de Balzac's first lady was a woman, 22 years older. Vaughn was Yogo's muse, a friend of hers!

Get zaboboni

Is the person younger by 8 years or 10? Mіzh you digital prirva, what is so scary to accept? What is the difference between 15 years? Senior woman for a partner - isn't it normal? Why don't you blame the young girl?

See and calm down! You are beautiful in your position and merit for three miles, lightness and freedom! If you have become addicted, give in to it and do not fight anything.

11 robbed

Often you can feel a little, like girls, like chatting with young people, already experiencing from this drive. In this way, there is a difference not in a sprat of rokiv, but more - in 5, 6, 10 rokiv ... Okremi women survive the flooring, so that the majestic susillas of the will will be afraid to put down the cost of the stone - and it’s not respectful in the open space. The stench vvazhayut, as if they could stand in the ranks in life to their young kokhan, "ballast", which pulls down and allow the possibility of light, induce car'er, mother "normal" with me too thin. etc. And those who know that they have the strength to continue the “age-uneven” blue, all the same constantly experience from this drive and do not feel absolute guilt in the fact that the stench is roaring correctly.

I’m especially vague and feel sore a little more. And I am resting in a firm conviction that it is not possible to carry out one’s own life through the depths of carelessness and the thoughts of the mindless, as if you are absolutely not going to goiter to bring anything. Isn't it possible to live your life the way you want, and not the way, how do you feel about yourself?

They instill children with us, as we should choose our own partner. Katherine Elliott, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, says: “We are victims of internal criticism and internal environment. We think that we can only take 54 kg. It is our fault to come out to be friends / make friends with people who are not older and not younger than us, two years lower. We pay attention to the pathology of everything that goes beyond the borders of “guilty / guilty”. Hiba can you allow stereotypes to affect your life and be the main factor in choosing a partner? Wouldn't it be better to trust not strangers, but your own good feelings, your thoughts and your heart? And qі faktori definitely do not stay in vіd vіku.

But all the same, it’s hard to finish the bulk of the Duma for an hour. Tom wanted to break up three old stereotypes, with which the couples that are made up of more grown-up women and young people are constantly brought together.

stereotype 1. "Vin pіde vіd you to a young woman." Really, people don’t go in the sight of one woman until the only one who has shown a friend as a young woman. As a rule, for this and other, serious reasons. For example, a young man dreams about children, but a woman doesn’t want to be a mother anymore, and so on. Vіk itself in tsimu vipadku not ¾ the cause of separation.

Stereotype 2 “The woman herself became the initiator of the cob of cob from a young man for herself.” Even though it’s wonderful, but sound everything sounds exactly the same. So, Susan Winter, co-author of the book "Older Woman, Younger Man - New Opportunities for Cohanna and Romantic Stoons", means that all 200 couples, as they were experienced in the process of writing a book, the man himself was the first to contact and rob the songs vodnosheniyu to the woman, scho vouchsafed.

stereotype 3. "Such stosunki can't last long." Statistics mature woman and the youngest person should be thrashed by the average 13 years old. Deyakі such a bet to live together and significantly longer (to go about the term 25 and more years), and zovsіm not to think about separation.

In this rank, forecasts for the foundation of a mіtsnogo and trival union in couples, the woman is older, and the man is younger, to be optimistic. As a rule, they often have conflicts because of the woman’s fault, as long as they have good knowledge and sufficient wisdom, so that they don’t “be capricious through drіbnitsa”. She tries her best to promote her person, to look at a young girl, as she is still more focused on encouraging her own kar'ieri. In a row with a young man, a woman gives more respect to her own beauty and health, - it’s good that today’s minds of life allow, be it a representative of a beautiful state, to lose “in form” longer and longer. As it seems, it would be bazhannya!

Such women have, perhaps, only one significant minus - the ability of a woman to mother children, as it changes rapidly with fates, and the rizik is more complicated vagity and sloping, navpaki, growing. In addition, grown-up women often have children already, and they are not always ready for the price again. And a young man may even want children. But you want them in a certain hour, if it’s already practically impossible ... Also, it’s better to discuss the delicate food in advance, “on the birch”, so that later it wouldn’t hurt more ...

It’s better here, like on me, not to be afraid, listen to your heart and don’t listen to the forecasts of the “good-natured” for the sake of it. Adzhe reasons, through yaks people are separated, do not stay in sight. Problems in the brethren can, however, be the same for peers, and for partners with a difference in the head, and the stench definitely does not lie with the rest of the clerk. I’m sure that this is the fall, if it’s better to smash and blow, don’t splurge and swear badly, we’ll sweat about all of life. Be respectful, be tolerant one to one, enjoy the skin mitt carried out at once, do not think shokhvilini about those how many times you were destined to be together - just be at once, and let it be shortest hour in life, skilki would not be out of it! I vzagali, take the butt of celebrities (not from all the senses, obviously, but only a hundred times from all the partners!). Some of them are really happy - for example, Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov (їй - 44, yomou - 28), Yana Rudkovska and Zhenya Plushenko (8 years of life for the greed of the squad), Larisa Dolina and Illya Spitsin (12 years of life), and richly someone else, not less than the vіtchiznіnі zіrki...

In rich couples, the elder is 10 and more years old for his appearance. The girls explain their love to older people, that the stench, as a rule, is more seriously put up to life and confirms that it’s already ready to lie down for more than one woman, not roaming on the vipadkovі zvyazki. Prote yak we were not attracted to older people, we are all the same afraid that we are doomed to failure through retail having looked at that interests.

Why are we drawn to them?

Explaining the importance of a woman’s life as a person, who is decently older, psychologists see a sprinkling of the main reasons.

Think garnenko - it’s possible, you just have to feel like a donkey, a little girl to wind up with such vents.

First, privablyuє the prospect of stable, serious and mіtsnih vіdnosin. If you go about a young woman close to 30, then a person over 40 will be successful, who, if you think, will get a family. Obviously, it would be foolishly equal to all of them and one comb, but more women would sacredly believe in those who, fortunately, check on them themselves at the same time, who are over 40, 50 and so on.

In a different way it is given as a sign of the marriage of the batkivsky kohanny, like tato s for some reasons for not having a daughter in childhood. It’s easy to understand, and more for all you care that you die in a mature person for some other reason, but think seriously - it’s possible, you just need to feel like a little girl, like a little girl like that.

Thirdly, mature person - tse specialty, what did you see, both in the material, and in the psychological plan. Vіn do not rule scandals on an empty field, do not put at stake special happiness in im'ya passing through car'er gatherings. I, what is important, vin, on the vіdmіnu vіd young cholovіkіv, vyznaє, scho in life іsnuyut pіvtoni. Maximalism - tse passages of the stage.

Why do such stosunkivs win?

1. What do you care zrіly cholovіk - miraculous kokhanets, who is oriented not only on himself, but on those who feel like an obsession with him at the lie. Young women, like women who are 100 years old and over 40, insist that sex with such a well-known partner is the right thing to do.

Young women, like women who are 100 years old and over 40, insist that sex with such a well-known partner is the right thing to do.

2. Life dosvіd and bumps, stuffed for an hour ahead of the hundred suns, to shy away such a person is more streaming. Think ten times, first rub from the shoulder and shoot everything.

3. Thoughtless vchinki - not about older people. Accept not about most of them. Before speech, they themselves cost a penny: having learned to earn money, stench, as a rule, learns that wisely stained glass.

4. I want to stink with it. As far as zustrіchі with you cholovіkovі so i didn’t get far from zbuduvat mіtsnі family blue(whilst you didn’t start friends, but you already caught up with separation), and you’ve found that you know that unity, as if having scolded all your life, then, better for everything, you can do it all, so that you become a team and give birth to your children. Viewed people are more oriented towards family values, lower youth.

Why has a trick?

At a glance, you can see that such a link is just a glimpse of mystic romantic vodnosin. However, it didn’t happen without a spoonful of dog. Or rather, navit kіlkoh.

1. Redraw not visible. If you are a lover of "getting drunk on what happened", then a mature person is not your story. Change it for someone else more smoothly, shards of wine may be clear about those that are right and which are not. I know for sure how it is necessary to live. That is why you happen to either get under your scrutiny, or become water, like, like you know, sharpen a stone. It's true, it's not enough time for someone to need it.

2. With the prefix "ex". Zrіly cholovіk - tse chis chiys kolishnіy cholovіk і, maybe, dad. You happen to be reconciled with him, so that your heart will forever be occupied with kimos. If you are not able to share your respect with children and so many retinues, then you will either step on the throat of your bazhanny, or shukat another, young youth.

3. Various interests. If there is a difference in the day, then get ready for the fact that sooner or later it will play its role in the nutrition of the sleeping accommodation. You want to have a great evening, go out by the world and have a song at karaoke, and sometimes quiet evenings on a quiet sofa in front of the TV. Zrozumіlo, on the cob of your hundred sons, people will have to use their strength to take care of you, constantly asking for parties, in restaurants. Ale, if you say wine, say: “Dear, let’s leave home this Saturday evening.”

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