Why am I so young. Why am I such a fool and don't read my life? Why am I such a fool chi woman psychology

Well, I'm naive! It didn’t give any significance to my friend, yoga to “friendly” kisses-witans with her. І axis at the evening vin sat down with her on the balcony, and if I went before them, vin said, they just stink. After the evenings of wine, having said what you need to spend її, because you are far away alive. Now I’m getting mad at her... And I could have done all the flirting at once, but somehow I flattened my eyes. Why am I such an idiot?

“I told youmu that Yogo Mama is talking about something rich. Vіn formed. What else did I say to you?

“I turned, and at the same time the phone rang. I began to rush in my bag, and the kermo raptom led, as a result, I rammed a car into the parking lot on the pavement. Well, what kind of idiot am I?

A lot of girls, arguing for a pardon or a pardon, often, as they say, “tear their hair on themselves” and engage in self-flagellation: why did I turn out to be such a fool? Axis idiot! And what could have been prevented, yakby ...

Ale, no matter how true you feel, softly seeming, weak in the head? If you put your own food, it means that you are no longer an idiot, otherwise you would not have been able to work. But sometimes pardons shy away from the truth, which is called, “out of stupidity”: through ignorance, until the rules, instructions. Such pardons are passed around by people, regardless of their state affiliation.

Some women of the world should not churn out the "mystery" of their patterns. Everyone knows that I’m deceiving you for something else, but she’s bad, I don’t remember. Why don't you fight? What will you do to flatten your eyes, so that you don’t bring the right to the opening of stosunkiv? More food.

But it is most often the cause of inaccuracies, like zmushuyut zhіnok pity and vigukuvati - like I'm an idiot! - it's just a peculiarity of the psychology of a woman, which makes them feel different, lower people, react to those other things. It's no secret that women are emotional, less human, and outbursts of emotion are able to adequately assess the situation - it is possible less in a calm state.

In extreme situations, people show themselves more vitrimano, lower women, and that’s why these decisions are correct. So, women are emotional, that's a fact. But the fact is that it is especially special, on the vіdmіnu vіd cholovіkіv, іntuїtsіya, which allows you to guess a lot of speeches and accept the correct decisions. Tom chi varto so-so bichuwati? Self-flagellation is a bit ruinous. If a person is constantly calling to himself in some way, he will become less rewarded, including up to positive activity, correcting pardons. So don't focus on the negative. "Oh, I'm such an idiot!" Natomist try to calm down and blame the lessons of your pardon. And how to be positive you know

People of all hours of that nation guessed about those that woman's psychology is a mysterious and little-understood thing. The skin is a representative of the beautiful state of the hour every hour to put your own sacramental nourishment, why am I such a fool?

The formula may change, but the sense does not change in any way! The maiden finishes her work, wondering in detail what happened to that ill-fated day.

Who is guilty and how buti? Why am I such a fool? Chi varto ringing yourself in chomus and constantly calling you a fool?

Why am I such a fool chi woman psychology

The woman begins to engage in self-flagellation, trying to bring herself to believe that everything was invented in truth and is true. Chi can be like a niknuti vsyogo pererakhovanogo vishche?

Good! It is only necessary to get out of the foreseeable reality and you can boldly think over the situation.

Psychologists say that most of the representatives of the beautiful state are right to do it often like a fool. Can you tell me what kind of a skin woman is like that?

Well, without it, nowhere. Mov hvilya, yak literally twists his head and it’s unlikely that you’ll succumb to the virinuti. What is necessary in order to come to you? Obviously, the hour is the engine of progress.

Varto joke about the question: why am I such a fool? But why are all women stupid? Chantly tse delusions on the genetic equal.

Women can't think logically, they live with emotions. While a man can seriously assess the situation, a woman cannot take a good look at it.

Don’t take quick decisions, the stench obviously won’t be rational. Here it’s better for everything, take a quick decision without a hitch in your life.

Zhіnocha psikhologiya u kokhanni ta stosunkah


Grant others beautiful girls hoary glances - such is the nature of people. There is nothing terrible here.

As if your brethren have harmony and you are inspired in yourself by your companion, you can’t drive for a fight, and we won’t change your guilt.

Possibly, Kokhany specially zmushu you jealous. Understand, as if you were victoriously deceitful to you, change it, to destroy everything, so that you did not know about it.

Therefore, there is no sign of your readiness to change in your eyes.

Jealousy has a colossal ruinous potential. It will grizzle you in the middle, dumb worm and may become fatal for your stosunkiv.

If all the same you happened to shut yourself up with the innocence of your person, do not take it close to your rahunok. And don’t worry about food, why am I such a fool?

This is a pardon, a legacy of the fact that yours, on the cob, developed behind the pardon scenario. It’s important to get in from the hell of a kohan people, but to see if it would be more foldable, like everything went farther away?


Do not wart to find out about those about whom you don’t talk about without interruption. People - richly more closed іstoti, nizh women.

You don't get ready to tell about your problems. It is better for you to survive everything in yourself, to try to overcome the difficulties on your own.

It's not necessary to "lick the skin" if your partner is "not in the mood". There are moments when people simply need to be left alone, to sort out their thoughts that little bit.

3. VZHE loosened up

This is the widest reason, through the way a person goes to another woman, otherwise he is indulging in harm. Girls always need to look after yourself.

The presence of a fast partner does not mean that you can forget about your own kindness. Navpaki, your cohabitation is not guilty of doubting the correctness of the broken choice and the sake of skin teeth.


Tse zhakhliva pardon, what to rob a woman. Try, if possible, to remind your life with significant podias, robots, huge lives, collusion with girlfriends, work with a mustache, which is worth it, but don’t transform a person into the sense of your life.

Otherwise, we'll see it early, we'll take you as a gift. How can you only inspire your unskinned love and trouble, I will leave you.


Everyone has problems, and if you run out of wine, what’s wrong with you, then you start to chirp with the cause of a nasty mood.

Even though you don’t dare to talk about it, try not to show that you are unacceptable. However, if on this question about those who have been trapilos, you say: “Nothing”, but at the same time check that you can continue your drinking, then fix it wrong.

Similar behavior is typical for all girls and it is scary to beat people. You can bring it to the point where, for the last time, you just don’t get caught up in your problems.

Youmu doesn't want to vivujuwat your skin. And then, I’ll come back to feed myself, well, why am I such a fool?

6. Zayvі prichipki

There are no ideal people in this world, and your statement about those who can talk with you, in any case, will not prove the validity. Iz tsim need to be reconciled!

It is permissible to try to correct the behavior of your kohan, but to do it neatly, for example: “Love, I love it so much, if you .... I’m so embarrassed if a person ... "

Varto signify that the words with a positive subtext are accepted well, but to argue them for discussing their claims are not varto. The stench automatically pidshtovhuyut your spіvrozmovnika to confrontation with you.

7. You don't rate yoga for goodness

Stop paying respect to those who were shattered, not so chi was not shattered zovsіm. Praise yogo for those that were vikonan for you and for you.

At to the current world praise is not accepted for people, but not to talk about those who stink like you and do not require warm, broad words. Allow me to be placed before you with great understanding and love.

On a supposed equal basis, a woman often flattens her eyes at elementary speech: is a person flirting with another special person? Get out, you don’t see anything, and the axis of the person will think that she’s a fool.

Hiba can't remember the obvious speeches? It appears, it is possible, it is necessary to marvel at the situation from the other side and once everything is in its place.

Trustworthy and naive girls can also be called fools, even if in a court you can’t be a fool, you’re ob’yazkovo “z’idyat”.

It’s really not necessary to put yourself intrusive nutrition and rebuke yourself, why, why am I such a fool. Righteous fools don’t feed why the stench is bad.

Well, who among us is not familiar with the life of moments, if you want to burn in the middle of the night, crawl into a dark meadow, cover your head with a pillow, change yourself into a molecule that is incomprehensible to another's eye? If there is only one thought in your head: "Well, why am I such a fool ?!" Now, now, I got drunk yesterday and rang up my baiduzhi heartless thinness, my womanizer (I froze foolishness on naradi, kicked that bad cloth, I cracked it on the dupi, took it and broke the car)?

Wake up! You are not the only one. Sacramental food "why am I such a fool?" And you see, how much hasn’t slept like that yet on the thought of asking a joker, and stink of your beloved girlfriends, mothers, and also intestines?

Zavdyaki Mikhal Mikhalych Zhvanetsky, zdatny, explain the essence of speeches in two words, we all know that women can be seen in two ways: “Beauty, like fools” and “Zah, like fools.” Penetrating into the depths, pinking, so move, between you, let's try to expand the range. Aje, there is no measurable thoroughness, especially in what food, why not?
Fool zvichayna abo Just a fool
Її you can squint: on a robot, at a local shop, at a wet spot, swipe on your side at Odnoklassniki. There is nothing to accept the creation, which in no way speaks out your thoughts in the voice and tries to sneak past you unremembered. Vipadkovo staring at її gaps sir eyes, who are hovering in fluffy vines, I want to say: “Who is at home?” And at home she has loves for people and children, and merzhivn servets on pіdvіkonnі under a leather voucher. Well, fool!

Stupid fool (Fool, just zhah!)
Mow under the "charіvnu fool". Її motto: "Nothing farbuє so zhіnku, like peroxide water." The presence of a wild bouffant is obov'yazkovo. The most important color of lipstick is crooked-chervony. Odyag - yaskravy. The style of clothes is eclectic, tobto. total disharmony, well, and in the head the same way. To drink the will of mіtsno brewing tea, biting with the mouthpiece. Smoking exclusively mіtsnі cigarki. As a rule - self-sufficiency. "Oh, I'm so selfish! .." God forbid you show interest in her, "love" you to death. Vindicate your legs, linting in the її chip fingers of your clothes and ruffs, while still intact.

Durnytsya or Miska Bozhevilna
Vіd bazhannya vznachiti tsey vіk tsgogo instance vіdvolіkaє її manner of dressing. Umіly hіd for quiet, hto razumіє. Її fashion - pose for an hour and competition, even if nothing, krim neї, without thinking of sewing up to the coat of a decimal prescription a new green comir, tied with a gachk with a vlasnoruch. A woman is born with a dog, such an unknown breed of that age. Well-read, intellectual, hateful. At zv'yazkah, scho to slander її, it is not marked.

Impossible fool (rozmir maє meaning)
The breadth of її forms, at once from the growth of a grenadier, with a sonorous voice and a categorical manner of speaking loudly and in a voice of absolutely impossibly speech - is on the spot at a radius of three meters. There is an animosity that Lieutenant Rzhevsky himself is the father. It is necessary for you to direct a positive reaction to someone, to take it out of yourself. For rosemancy, so be motion.

Pridurkova (won - Pridurkovata)
The color of the hair changes for the day, from bright blue to soothing lower erysipelas. I don't want to say anything about Picasso. The style of clothes is nedbaliy. It’s easy to get in touch and it’s unimpressed. So just go out, because the Martian dialect is not enough for anyone to understand. Smoke, and not less than a cigarette. The holy day is not over, in the shortest time - the course for the growth of nails. Chi is not a tramp, right?

The fool has finished with a holy light)
The craving for knowledge and recognition of new universities leads to the collection of diplomas about enlightenment, stosuvat yak for acknowledgment їy never happen. Let it be. The process itself is appropriate, but let the horses practice. For a thorough fool, there is no distance between self-perfection. Most often they become patrons of psychiatric clinics due to the overstrain of the mind's forces. Zagalom - woe to the mind.

Durnitsa vitonchena (poetesa)
Write verses and vibrate with your "masterpieces" at the address of anyone who will lean under your hand. You run your own poetic blog, which you see infested and divine graphomaniacs. To love to sleep in the soul of an opera aria with a high and penetrating voice, revealing yourself to Sarah Brightman. May someone be happy, for example, become a foreign producer, live in Bali and paint watercolors from nature. It's like that.

Soul fool (itself scabies)
Vaughn is always ready to come to the rescue and bring in the light, let him instill a soul in the person, which will require twenty for a hangover. Years of all the intestines in the vicinity, through shcho, and without that, to the shabby and vapid pіd'їzdі, "amber" and stosunki with susіda - vіdpovіdnі. Її the vest is wet in the form of tears, which suffer for help. With cholovіkami її pov'yazuє schira friendship, navіt іz timi, hto with her got into trouble if you sleep.

Folly is beautiful (zaya, me)
The whole thing is created from poses, grins, the timbre of the voice of the same gestures, richly practiced in front of the mirror. Її uncomplicated, ale moving and graceful office movements riveted to yourself look and feel hypnotic. Such a fool is beautiful to embellish not only the office, but the businessmen’s permit, which is nudgu, joking charm companion for a trip to the Arab Emirates for a couple of days.
Classic fool (so, so!)
This character, nachebto, has perished on the side of the Russian classics. An, nі, vin alive and dosi. More precisely, out. Vaughn is zakokhana, mriyliva and samoviddana, like a Turgeniv pannochka. For the vindication of "spelling untidy addiction to the subject" you need to jump to the new one. Inakshe - tedious and necikavo. Experience - shorazu, like upershe. With accompanying suicidal escapades.

Fool professional (clown)
They are taught at the circus, as well as cult-enlightenment schools. Your profession is to fool and rozvazhat masi. Professionally. You can find out about the most popular TV shows, KVK has some comical programs on TV. Don't be afraid to be ridiculous and stupid, even if it's your profession. Why bother?

This classifier of fools and their predictions can be continued to infinity. The more distant we zaglyublyuvatimosya at the engraving of this object, the more copies will be possible to show that increase at that registry. So don’t torture yourself with the food “why am I such a fool.” You are not stupid! Simply, you are a woman. And the women are allowed to dear women fools, high wind these fools without a border. For the price of us and kohayut.

It’s too early for a big rhetorical food “Why am I such a fool?” you can put your own leather girl. It’s better to instill not so nourishing, like an emotional projectile, letting go of yourself, which you carry in your own minds of “fillings”. For example, one of the options for deciphering “Why am I such a big fool?” it can turn out to be a human language: why do some girls shy away from adequate vindication and how do they collapse in this situation? In this article, we will try to give an opinion on the difficult question.

As you can see, the drive for the maddening can be something like this: starting from the deadness in a bad person, ending with the devilish dressings of stitched cosmetics “by 50% lower”.

Reason number 1: "Zokhanist"

There is no sumniviv, a dead woman has practically no chance to think adequately, which by itself can translate into the status of a rightful fool. Even if everything is good, and if you turn out to be a good person, then the food is “why am I such a fool?” not winicne. Ale, yakscho vshchent having broken the mustache of the world, appearing at your zvichaynisinky p'anitsa-womanizer-ledar-negіdnik-zhmot-motom (consume a seat), but in the middle you still continue to love it - on your emotional stick and blame: Why am I such a hopeless fool?

The solution to the situation is simple, but it’s easy to do it viconati yogo - it’s negligent to fall in love. Just as soon as you have poured in the magic charms of the merciless Cupid, at the same time with the illusion of unseen dreams - at the same moment, the building turns with firmness of thought and change of food to the bed: “Why am I such a fool, how could I love such a thing?”. The most important thing is not to worry about this drive, but to get away with such a pardon.

Reason #2: The "herd instinct"

Women, like nothing else, are shy to that instinct, especially when it comes to buying cosmetics, clothes, perfumes, and making a daily decision for women. In this category, you can include serious solutions in the sphere of vindication: terminologically, it is necessary to become a foreigner; terminovo treba naroditi, even all girlfriends have long been with children; termіnovo stick out kar'єrnymi descents, to the fact that everyone wants to, etc.

As a result - a goddamn reward to ask yourself “why was I born such a fool?”. You have a strong allergy to the cream that your girlfriend comes for, the cream was bought at a super offer, the cloth looked at you greedily, the child and the person are not in joy, but to care for the team is not your nature. "Lord, why am I such a fool?" - s vіdchaєm zіtkhnete vy, rozіrkovuyuchi about stained glass for nothing rocky/pennies/strength.

Yak buti? Scream about those that you don’t already know, and slander about those who are still missing, or you can drink, so you don’t change anything. In everything, rely exclusively on your thought (as such, there is no such thing - the term is assigned to him!), Vibudovyte in your life priorities and do not let yourself think, or I will butt fix a vice on your decision.

Reason number 3: "there was no recession"

Like not covered, but, as a rule, woman's foolishness can be transmitted from the recesses. If mom constantly puts the food “why am I such a fool?”, then it’s not surprising that every year and more often in the hearts of the donka vygukuvaty: “Well, why did I grow up such a fool?” Rarely, if a mother-duri viroste has a smart daughter. And it is not uncommon to traiplyaetsya so that the pardons of youth from the donka are already spoiled by mothers. As it seems, you can’t fight against genes.

As you can see, what food is “why have I been such a fool all the time? If you follow all your life, try not to let go of your acting innocence, but, on the contrary, take your “not far away” nature for your own sake. It seems like a wise woman, pretending to be weak, stupid, and defenseless - the very ones who make a person harmless and help them to reach some kind of assigned task. Listen to them, and success will come to you in a melody!

Like the thought “why am I not like that other?” I want to bury myself in the pillow and do not go into navkolishniy svit. How to stop thinking, why don't you "see the whole world"? Why should such people be respected as "great ravens" and how to become a gray mass? Because you appreciate the uniqueness of your life, this article is assigned especially for you. What can you do for special happiness, having made a fortune with others? Read to the end, and you will no longer know the “foreigner” syndrome.

Why am I like this all the time?

You go out onto the street and through the door you realize that all these people need strangers to you. Feeling familiarity accompanies the way to work, in shopping center in electricity. How to live with your own syndrome of uniqueness, without feeling discomfort? As soon as a person sees that she does not fit into the globally accepted framework - they can repeat fears for an hour of intercourse, baiduzhist to everything in the middle. How to get rid of yourself, but not to drink at your inner world of ideals?

When you think “I’m like that and let’s not think that I came from another world”- tіlki drive you into a deaf kut. The decals of the girl with non-standard zvnishnistyu in the nature become a handcuff of complexes. What do you say, to instill specialty with thoughts about it. Non-standard sounds, inner light - did not lead to the right thing as a must, but did not lead to think about mutually with others.

Why am I so spiritual, and why are all those who are surrounded by the idea of ​​wealth? Values ​​come to the fore. The very appearance of them is leathery, and it will be its own image in the future. People prioritize, for example, deposits. Axis is a lad of a sports statue and in his guise is a harmless mime. And the axis is a lady with a frown grimace, as if to be rude to her friend. And you’re all so positive, thinking “why am I so special and I can please the skin moment, but the stench starts to pile up empty.”

Uminnya recognizing the psychology of the skin transition, usvіdomlyuvati svіt navkoly yogo pravzhnіh farbakh - tse pragnennya to the truth. Philosophy of alienation in the form of a sycophantic masi for an hour to rob a person of izgoєm. In spite of my thoughts, I myself suffer, but I can’t understand how to suffocate my potential.

A woman with albino syndrome is embarrassed to walk around for a long time, as she protects her from ultraviolet radiation. Vaughn can’t corny get into the transport, because it’s all the same to marvel at her and take pictures. Vaughn may feel discomfort in the company of colleagues, and they hardly took a job. What to say, she’s afraid to start a dream, even if she thinks that I can’t love anyone.

How to accept yourself in the true way and pragne to break through the windows of life? It is important to let the bill in, remember to tell falsehoods, even if they stink, give the necessary proof. The survivors allow people to either reconcile with their share and continue to suffer, or value their chip and remember to bear. Such a person, like this woman and millions of other people, is important to note that the stench is not selfish. Why not think “I’m like that and I can’t do anything about it, and then, I’ll stop calling myself for it”?

I'm not like that, how can I live in harmony?

Who cares about yourself as a "white crow", then how do you designate it? Use special notes:

  • People call such a person marvelous and try to make contact with her as much as possible. Similar problems and specialty are experiencing for an hour from the childish age of the child.
  • In childhood, a child has a small invariable behavior, so the fathers tried to change it. Through the process, innocence is formed in oneself.
  • Deyakі rich time to live in isolation in the form of suspense. If the hour of socialization is coming, then the stench cannot know how to speak in the voices of voices.
  • "Bili Ravens" to try to acquire the power potential in order to reduce criticism from their bik. Your talent is richly fateful not to know zastosuvannya, and the stench to watch the inner world.
  • At early age people were belittled in every possible way and demonstrated like a smile. Over the years, this image has grown into itsism, that unreasonable understanding of other people.
  • Osobistist in principle vanished from the system and did not want to turn to it. The physical world is less sick, the spiritual world is less refined and less “obliterated”.

I'm not like that, and how should I live? The skin may have an episode of life, if it is not similar to others. It is enough to bring an example of specialness from a subtle spiritual nature. Like a sideways rudeness, a moral vice, even such a person simply flickers in himself. It is important for Yomu to know rozuminnya, to live creatively, and Yogo is squeezed into a strict frame, and wine is thrown from kut to kut, like a creature driven.

It's best to bring the butt of the story of one girl. Now 35 years, and from 17 more years, she began to feel deeply zadrіst to others. “Why am I so negligent, I don’t have enough pennies, do you think you are reasonable for me, respect them?” All the same, “why” hit me in the soul, did not give peace. Vaughn bachiled the world thoroughly, and lowered her eve for nothing. It became important for her to self-deprecate when she knew, she would sooner go out to the zustrіch, so as not to be tormented. The thought "I'm ugly, and the stench is beautiful, I'm poor, and the stink is rich" brought її to see. Everything cheered for the carelessness of people trying to talk to her and the difficulty of looking for romantic dreams.

It was as if she had ventured and wanted to talk about her with her mother. Vaughn burst into tears and slept, “What should I do?”. Vidpovid dad opened his eyes: "Do not be unattainable ideals, start loving yourself in your true image." On the same day, the heroine telephoned an old acquaintance, invited her to go shopping with her. After a few years, the maiden reconciled with such a choice, as if she was only dancing on glamorous beauties. After that won went to the beauty salon, she changed the haircut. At the result, at the mirror, she didn’t shake “Sir Misha” with an empty look, but an effective brunette with an eye to burn.

It is necessary to follow your dream and not deceive yourself with stupid patterns. To know porazuminnya, to say imprinted "I'm not like that, like a mustache, but I value it." The axis is short, to help you get out of the closed stake:

  • Stop being a victim. Once the hunted deer is taken care of, the mind immediately does not allow it to be let in. It is important for the team, family, and friends to be equals with others. A person is inscribed with value for others, and with a thought they begin to call.
  • Prices of special space. How can you not be a "dab-buvail"? Do not allow others to climb into special spaces and make their own rules there! Cordoni is founded in a scrambled manner, and if anyone claims your freedom - such people need to be unique and given a clear understanding.
  • Please forgive others. Friends, colleagues, be it possible to unintentionally escalate the situation. Varto let the whole image in and don't get hung up on the negative. It’s very obvious that you’re baiting your behavior, stop stinking in public.
  • Take the vіdpovіdalnіst for yourself. World of Garni, but people don’t have a present for him. It is important to create harmony with your sharpness and vibudovuvat especially happy with all your strength. It is not possible to check in the share of vinyatkiv. The best result is to come only through the confirmation of the submission.

Vitaemo! You went through the course “why am I so special or how to live in harmony”. The article is based on the real evidence of thousands of people who could know how to appreciate their uniqueness. You can pretend to be normal for the whole hour, but all life suffers from Movchannya. It is important to accept for yourself that buti vdachnym for everything that we can. Take care of yourself and do not worry through the dribnitsa!

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