You don't know where to go. How to choose a profession if you don't know what you want? (Where do you want to read?). Vіd chto lie vіbіr profesії

Online test for a profession: Which profession to choose?

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Test for applicants. What profession should I study?
The eleventh grade is the most important period in the life of a skin schoolboy. At this time, it is necessary to choose one's future profession. VNZ on this day to propagate to applicants the greatness of the number of professions. Do you want to be a doctor, an economist, a designer, a programmer, maybe a veterinarian? How well you can be distinguished by your future profession - pass our test, support, we will help you to praise you the right decision!

Psychological test What profession to choose? You can go online free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, fill in your comment and rate it. Good for you testing!

Notes about the test for a profession:

  • Dayana| Yekaterinburg
    Little food

  • Yulianna| Ternivka
    Good test, please help me

  • Katerina| Feodosia
    The test is good, but for a doctor or a veterinarian, I will never go


  • Alina| Kharkiv
    I even wanted to apply for a landscape designer and for the test they also promoted my profession! DAKUYU

To everyone who doesn’t know why, how to choose a profession, half-mind hello! For the whole hour, robots with fakes (and we won’t fall into my biography) have been watching one and the same, so many of them don’t know who to read and how to know bring the vibir to the future: income, prospects, stability? My reason for that proposition was a small positive effect and in the future they showed in practice that the boys could successfully grow up in themselves. I share with you. In a better way: be it, you haven’t directly rebuffed you yet, vimaging a real wedding, as if you didn’t dream and didn’t show your own enchanting success. Bagato, at first glance, dratuvatime and be uncommon. There are no easy routes.

If you want to become a partner, an actor or a prominent athlete, everything has nuances, important problems. And “problems” are the worst thing, for which you are guilty, learn to fight and live calmly and without panic (with a notebook and a pen). In a different way: choose neobov'yazkovo schos one and only at the narrowest straight. As one wise man said: if you don’t know what is good, the docks in you will not be enough for choice.

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Teachers of teaching schools and active experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

How to become an expert?

And thirdly: try to try and develop yourself in a creative way, for some reason you get hooked (creativity grows on its own). For example: if you like little ones, try everything that is related to it: farbi, crady, different styles, ways. How do you choose to choose clothes-everything to remember: styles, fashion of different hours and capital, day colors in clothes, characters of people, color to those and style of pidide, sewing and design, fashion models. Remember everything in the house people they started from a small, from a high lava, from a simple head in a hand. And now head! To start your life more dearly, to choose your own life, to start these schools, to be surprised, what lessons suit you the most, why should you be called? Like biology, attach chemistry here. Professions: doctor, veterinarian, and navit scientific, perhaps, specialist in microbiology - you check, wondering how much you are, obviously, zatyagne in science. Do not worry about income, that you can become a millionaire in whatever profession, if you love your right job very much. For example: a veterinarian can look at a number of clinics, home-grown nurses and others (abbi bula fantasy and majestic care). Teacher, as a matter of fact, you know that it’s far from retirement, to just sit at the school, to work at the center: preparing first-graders, preparing to enter, helping with control and important moments in this subject, keeping children’s private kindergartens. It’s possible to guess at any time, but it’s a bit of a fantasy. I repeat: choosing a profession, or directly (for which you would like to develop), do not think about income, think about those that YOU LIKE. Come on, tse vtіlennya in life. The pen and the notepad are farther away, so take your guilt. Merezha shops not vіdkrієsh "notebook and pen." Ale paint your first income, pluses and minuses you can. Start with something small, and smut, having risen, teach yourself discipline: "Having said, having grown." It's important! And so, it’s better to have a bag: to be appointed at your choice to help you, first: a choice of subjects (received by you) at the school and more retelna їх, friend: development at different directions, so that you didn’t get it and you didn’t get it (develop it). tse) navitt as not a school subject. Third: to help you in your life, get a notebook and a pen, write down everything that helps you to grow, minuses and pluses. Wonder how to go to others, already famous, or have achieved success, read about those who have achieved success. Do not hesitate to repeat. Because everything new is born in the sight of the old. None of them once enchantedly sang and folded songs, not listening to the docks, how to rob others and not listening to them. The world is more diverse, try it, as much as possible and you will drink it to the point. Don't joke about anything, you don't know anything. Success!

Life develops rapidly. For a short time, dozens of professions are thrown overboard. And for high school students, the daedals are more likely to be appointed from the future specialty. Good, if you know for sure that you are sea dwellers and distant nebulae. And if you can’t see an unambiguous call - how do you sign up for a university? Futurologists say about the revolution in the system of professional education, as it may be in the next 10-20 years. Golovna peredumova - in the world, which changes quickly, it is impossible to prepare a long list of fahivtsiv with the necessary skills. Possibly, the concept of uninterrupted remote lighting. In the past, there will be a university with departments and cheerful student kapusniks. Enlightenment become distant, and take care of it all your life, gradually gaining knowledge of that newcomer. Already at the same time there are a lot of online projects with a subscription to video lectures and the possibility of accepting certificates that they confirm.

Sphere of activity

Fahіvtsі z profієntatsії raduy rob not the profession, but the sphere of activity. For tsgogo є impersonal testsіv profієntatsії i konsultatsії fahіvtsіv z profієntatsії. Establish and cost-free municipal centers, de practice such specialties. Information about them can be obtained from the school or from the educational institution. Tests show the strength of a person. Classics - types of professions. Klimov:
Lyudina - nature (veterinary medicine, biology, agriculture, geology, agricultural technology, biotechnology, medicine),
Lyudina - technique (engineering specialties, life, mechanics and etc.),
Lyudina - a sign system (mathematics, programming, accounting),
Lyudina - lyudina (pedagogy, physical culture, medicine, sphere of services),
Lyudina - artistic image(Artistics, music, design, choreography).
Likeness can be seen already at the age of 13-16 years. In some, it categorically does not fit with the “man-man” format, in others there is an obvious conflict with the technique and the sign system.

VNZ and faculty

The less important the future profession is, the more varto choose fundamental education - the classic university base with a great number of high-profile subjects that are on good terms. Tse to allow the student to "take" specialized subjects - special courses, or to gain the necessary skills in practice. A lot of specialized universities (theatrical, architectural, musical, choreographic, etc.) May sense to recognize the number of budgetary areas and the number of education. This information is found in grass-black houses and is published on the official websites of universities. Varto go to all selected faculties at the day of opening doors. And also remember: don’t obligately study at the university, as already after the first semester it became clear that the profession is not the one that can’t be silenced like a light. There is nothing nasty about transferring to a different faculty and joining the next one before the next one - it’s better, sit at boring lectures for a few years, and then we’ll file a diploma and take up other things.

Those that are needed by everyone

It’s hard for people to learn to think that for rich professions it’s necessary to get into the “4” and “5” at school. Movlyav, schvachka chi auto mechanic works with his hands, and not with his head, that profession is a whole lot of work. Is that something to bother yourself with the old sciences of chemistry and English? And now the axis. Modern world live on majestic shvidkosti. And to those who want to be in a new success, follow the same rhythm. To be like a robot, you need to be smart, think analytically, remember a lot and be disciplined. All the newcomers vibrate at the school. And only for those lads, who are good at learning from all subjects, but at the least report to that zusil. The fathers are also responsible for making a contribution to the success of the child: to take care of your regular sleep and resolutely fit the diet. The most safe for students is fast food. And the most beautiful is fat sea ​​fish: you will supply your brain with omega-3, which will increase the memory of that respect. Child vertaє vіd ribi nіs? Let's give it to you fish fat in capsules.

It’s important to explore yourself, to inspire a lot of interests. Even if you need to know, how to make professions: what to rob a person, with such an object, they work and how to help, a profession is given to a person. The axis is necessary to know when choosing a profession.

Seemingly true, for the skin of us, there are ten types of professional and reception professions. But you won’t follow ten paths: you need to choose a new job and a better profession.

Why choose a profession?

Here we don’t see America for you. Choose a profession to lay down according to interests, wealth, values ​​of a person, age, material possibilities and family plans, according to the place of residence. But still, do you know everything about yourself, what should you do with this knowledge? How to understand, how to stink as a profession? There are two paths: try to make your own diagnosis and trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try to get tested. Є vocational test and є test on the profession. Try those and іnshe. Є methodology 7 krokiv for choosing a profession. Vaughn is not a test, but helps to grow up at your own bajans. You can, you know, listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions and learn how to get better on holidays with a company and respectfully marvel at what people are doing there. And everything you can help, but if it didn’t help, then I will help.

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