How to see the command block in minecraft 1.9. Console commands Minecraft PE. Teams for solo play in Minecraft

Zvichayny chat in MCPE allows keruvati thunder. Commands change the mode, add items to the inventory, turn on different weather minds, create monsters and wink for the server to clear. Upstairs the stench came from Minecraft Pocket Edition version 0.15.9.

To win commands, you need administrative rights on the server or activation of cheats in game settings:

Settings (Parameters)> Game (Gra)> Cheats: On (Chiti: Uv_mk.)

Hot directive format:


Sometimes the order is changed and the non-essential part is turned off.

Command blocks

A lot of engravings about special blocks, as if directives were written in them and they are consumed in Redstone. The stench is often vicorated for the creation of story cards.

The command to remove the command block:

/give @p command_block

New remap of Minecraft Pocket Edition commands

  • /help side_number- Reviewing available chat directives.
  • /gamemode 0-2- Select the regimen gri ( survival/creativity/fitness).
  • /clear nickname_engraving- Clear inventory of items.
  • /clone x y z(Pochatkov coordinate) x y z(Kintseva) x y z(transfer to given a point) - transfer of the seen area in the indicated place.
  • /connect server_id- Connection to the server.
  • /Difficulty 0-3- Change of folding.
  • /op, /deop- Zrobiti engraved by the moderator or rozzhaluvati.
  • /enchant name_engraving name_enchantment riven_enchantment- Enchant an item from Ruci.
  • /effect nik_engraving to name the hour_of_the_effect- put a buff/debuff on the grave.
  • /execute or /kill label_name or coordinate- Get rid of the moba or gravel.
  • /fill x y z(Pochatkov coordinate) x y z(Kintseva) naming_block parameters and_block(additionally: block_name to replaceі parameter_block to replace) - Save the assigned area with blocks or change its structure.
  • /give name_engraving object_name number- Add an item to your inventory.
  • /list- look at the list of graves on the server.
  • /locate- See the closest life, the village or the underground for the coordinates.
  • /say- write a note in the chat about the third person.
  • /setblock x y z new_block_name command - destroy block assignments, replace replace block.
  • /setworldspawn x y z- Move the birthplace of graves after death.
  • /spawnpoint x y z nick_engraving- Set the recovery point.
  • /summon im'ya_mob x y z- Create a mob in the singing point.
  • /tell nick_engraving- send special instructions, we see only the engraved engraving.
  • /time command number of years - add add the indicated number of years to change the hour, set set the value of the hour (it will be necessary to set the value to 24000, for the butt 9 the wound will look like 9000).
  • /title nick_engraving or im'ya_moba text- Show the text above the mob's head or engraving.
  • /toggledownfall 0 or 1- turn off / turn on the fall at the sight of the board in the snow.
  • /tp x y z/nik_engraving- teleport to a spot or to the indicated grave (you can also teleport someone behind the coordinates, for example nobody_to nobody or x y z coordinates).
  • /weather command - clear means no fall, rain includes a simple board or snow, thunder activates a thunderstorm chi zaviryuhu.
  • /xp number of nick_engraving- Get the eyepieces right.
  • /gamerule commandblockenabled true or false– activates all the blocks.
  • /scoreboard objectives- Scoreboard with eyepieces.
    • add Testing dummy table_name- Create a new table.
    • players add nick Testing number_oculars- Add names.
    • players remove nick Testing number_oculars- You can see the eyepieces.
    • setdisplay sidebar Testing- Vibration on the screen is right-handed.
Updated: 07 December 2019

A lot of possibilities, which are present in the game, can only be reached with the help of commands, so we have prepared for you a list of commands in Minecraft. Most of them work only in multiplayer mode and for administrators, but some of them work for single play. Do not forget that you enter the commands next to the chat, which you can click on the T or / key.

Press to go:

Teams for solo gri in Minecraft:

me<сообщение> - Show the input of the reminder with the name of the third individual: "Im'ya_engrave the text of the reminder". For example: "Player doslіdzhuє pecheru".

tell<игрок> <сообщение>, w<игрок> <сообщение> - Strengthening special support to another grave. Corisno, as you wish, that other graves on the server did not succumb to the message.

kill- Allows you to drive in your character, as if you were stuck in the textures. After the second command in the chat, the message "Ouch. That look like it hurt."

seed- Let me recognize the grain of the world, in which you know.

Commands for admin in Minecraft:

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data]- Clears the inventory of the specified engraving for all items with specific IDs.

debug - Starts the mode of enrichment or starts yoga.

defaultgamemode - We give you the opportunity to change the mode for promotions for new graves on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> - Changes the folding of the grey, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - folding.

enchant<цель>[riven] - Enchant the object in the hands, on the instructions of the team, it is equal.

game mode [meta]- Change the grill mode for the specified engraving. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, with or 1), Usefulness (adventrure, or 2). Sob the team spratsyuvala, gravelets can be at the border.

gamerule<правило>[value] - We hope you can change the dekilka of the basic rules. The value can be true or false.


  • doFireTick - if false causes the fire to expand.
  • doMobLoot - if false, no drop is dropped from the mob.
  • doMobSpawning - when false, the spawn of mobs is hindered.
  • doTileDrops - if false, then the blocks that will be destroyed will not drop objects.
  • keepInventory - if true after death, the gravel does not waste its inventory.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs can't gnaw blocks (creeper vibes don't push terrain).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block will not display anything in the chat for the next hour of commands.

give<цель> <номер объекта>[number] [additional information]- View the engraving of the subject, indications for block IDs.

help [page | team]? [Storinka | team] - Display a list of available console commands.

publish- Open access to the world through a local barrier.

say<сообщение> - Show all the graves with an erysipelatous color.

spawnpoint [meta] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set a spawn point for engraving at designated coordinates. If no coordinates are specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

time set<число|day|night> - Allow me to change the hour of finishing. The hour can be specified in numerical value, de 0 ce svitanok, 6000 nights, 12000 sun days and 18000 nights.

time add<число> - Add the indicated number of hours to the in-line one.

pushing back- Nadaє mozhlivіst vіmknuti or vimknut fall down.

tp<цель1> <цель2>, tp<цель> - Gives the possibility of teleportation of the indicated on the im'ya engraving to another or after the entered coordinates.

weather<время> - Allows you to change the weather by the song hour, by seconds.

xp<количество> <цель> - Give the number of letters to the singing grave, from 0 to 5000. As soon as you enter L after the number, the number of rubles will be added. In addition, the rivna can be lowered, for example -10L, change the riven graving by 10.

ban<игрок>[cause]- Allows you to block access engraving to the server by nickname.

ban-ip - Allows you to block access by engraving to the server behind the ip address.

sorry<никнейм> - Allows unblocking the specified entitlement access to the server.

sorry-ip - Vidalyaє assigned to the IP-address from the black list.

banlist- Allows the list of currently blocked on the gravel server.

op<цель> - Grant the privileges of the operator to the specified entitlement.

deop<цель> - Vіdbiraє from the engraving privileges of the operator.

kick<цель>[reason] - Kicking the specified engraving from the server.

list- Display a list of current gravels online.

save-all- Primus saves all changes on the server.

save-on- Allows the server to override automatic savings.

save-off- Protecting the server's performance is automatically saved.

stop- Shut down the server.

white list- Display a list of graves in the whitelist.

whitelist <никнейм> - Add or see engraving to the white list.

whitelist - Vmikaє chi vimikaє vikoristannya white list on the server.

whitelist reload- Reload the whitelist, so that it is updated to the file white-list.txt (you can change it if white-list.txt is modified manually).

/region claim<имя региона> - I take care of the region as a region from the designated names.

//hpos1- Set the first point exactly to your current coordinates.

//hpos2- Set a point to a friend close to your current coordinates.

/region addon<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Dodaє vykazanih engravings from Vlasnik to the region. Vlasniki cherish the opportu- nity that is the creator of the region.

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Add the designation of graves to the participants in the region. The participants are able to exchange opportunities.

/Region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Vidality of the appointments of engravings from Vlasniks to the region.

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - View of the indicated graves from the participants in the region.

// expand<длина> <направление> - Expand the region at the given point directly. For example: //expand 5 up - expand the view by 5 cubes up. Permissible straight lines: up, down, me.

// contract<длина> <направление> - Change the region at the given one directly. For example: //contract 5 up - change the view by 5 cubes from the bottom of the hill. Permissible straight lines: up, down, me.

/region flag<регион> <флаг> <значение> - A region can be assigned an ensign if you have sufficient access.

Possible ensigns:

  • pvp - what is allowed PvP in the region
  • use - what is the acceptable choice of mechanisms, doors
  • chest-access - chi is a valid variant of the screen
  • l ava-flow - what is the allowed flow of flow
  • water-flow - what is the permissible water outlet
  • lighter - what is the acceptable number of igniters


  • allow - upvoted
  • deny - enabled
  • none - such an ensign itself, as if not in a private zone

Commands for WorldEdit plugin

Seeing the active area over which we will be working for help WorldEdit will be the next step:

You can forgive the regions with the regions for help.

//pos1- Set the block as the first coordinate point to where you are standing.

//pos2- Vstanovlyu as a friend the coordinate point of the block on which you are standing.

//hpos1- Set how I change the coordinate point of the block to whatever you see.

//hpos2- Set a different point of coordinates block to whatever you see.

//wand- Give you a wooden juice, clicking with the left button of the mouse on the block, you put the first point, with the right button - to a friend.

//replace - replace all selected blocks on the assigned to the seen region. For example: //replace dirt glass - replace all dirt glass in the selected area.

// overlay - Cover the region with the specified block. For example: // overlay grass - cover the region with grass.

//set - Fill the empty lot with the indicated block. For example: //set 0 - View all blocks in the region (restore repeats).

//move - Break blocks in the region<количество>, in<направлении>and replace the blocks that you have run out of .

//walls - I create walls<материал>in the selected region.

//sel- Know more precisely the vision.

// sphere - I create a sphere , with radius . Raised can be yes or no, if yes, then the center of the sphere will move uphill by one radius.

//hsphere - Create an empty sphere from the assigned parameters.

//cyl - I create a cylinder from , with radius that curls .

//hcyl - Create an empty cylinder from the assigned parameters.

//forestgen - I create the forest x blocks, with type that schilnistyu , The number can be set from 0 to 100.

// undo- Let me tell you the number of your children.

// redo- Confirmation of the number of words indicated by you.

//sel - Allows you to choose the form of the region that you see. cuboid - sees a parallelepiped. extend - the same ones that are cuboid, but when another point is inserted, you expand the region without adding the vision to what has already been seen. poly - see less at the flat. cyl - cylinder. sphere - sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

//desel- knowing the vision.

// contract - change to indicated quantity the region directly selected (north, east, south, west, up, down), where a number is given - then straight ahead.

// expand - Increase the region by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), as well as the number of reverse-amount - that of the opposite direction.

//inset [-hv] - The region sounds directly to the skin.

//outset [-hv] - Expanding the area of ​​contact with the skin directly.

//size- show the number of blocks in the seen region.

//regen- Newly generated request region.

//copy- Copy to the region.

//cut- Look at the region.

//paste- Paste in the copied region.

//rotate - Turn instead of the copied region to the indicated number of degrees .

//flip- View the region at the buffer directly at dir, or at your direct look.

//pumpkins- I create a field of harbuzov from the appointed rose.

//hpyramid- I create an empty pyramid from the block, from the world.

//pyramid - I create a pyramid from the block, from the world.

//drain - Pick up water at your destination .

//fixwater - Correct the rіven rіven vіdstanі. .

//fixlava - Correct the rіven lavi on the indication of the state. .

//snow - Cover the lot with snow to show you .

//thaw - Take away the snow at your choice .

//butcher [-a]- Drive in all the fortune-telling mobs on the indicated city. . Victory [-a] kill and friendly mobs.

// - I give you a super pick for shvidkogo ruynuvannya blocks.

Tі OK commands, scho th in the great chat. What is the command block like yogo otrimati and yak vikoristovuvati? In these articles, we tell you about something new!

It is true that the darker block and the wines expand the possibility of folding kart in minecraft

New list you can know the commands on, but not all stinks work with Minecraft on Android, IOS and Windows 10 versions.

+ command blocks for MCPE:

  • On the PC and PE versions, the command blocks do not give a big boost, so the FPS will be stable.
  • Interface of command blocks adapted for mobile applications.
- command blocks for MCPE:
  • Too little functionality.
How to remove the command block?
You can’t take the command block with a crafting path, but you can see yoga for an additional command /give Steve command_block, de Steve nickname engraved, to which the command will give the whole block. Deputy Steve can tag @p to block yourself. Don't forget to add chiti to your light.

How to enter a command in a command block?
For which it is necessary to open a yoga interface. It's easy to fight, just tap on the new one. In the field Command introduction the command unit itself fits in, like the command block. There is a field below, where you can call for a pardon, if you entered it wrong.

Apply commands:
  • give @p apple 5 - give engraving five apples.
  • setblock~~+1~wool - place in coordinates engraving a block on the outside.
  • tp Player 48 41 14 - engraving with the nickname Player moves to a point at coordinates x=48, y=41, z=14
How do command blocks work?
The zavdyaky to the Kazakhs can be told to engrave or to the accuracy, the command to follow is the following:
  • @p - Gravez, who activated the command.
  • @a - all gravity.
  • @r - vipadkovy gravel.
  • @e - all daytimes (including mobiles).
Additional indicators:
And how can you do it so that it is permissible to move all the gravitational forces at a point, let's surround ourselves? It's so easy, for whom it is necessary to vicorate additional indicators, for example: tp@a 228 811 381- teleport all graves, encircle grave with a nickname Admin exactly x=228, y=811, z=381. Usі parameters:
  • x - coordinate along the X axis. ~
  • y - coordinate along the Y axis. ~ then the dot will be the command block.
  • z - coordinate along the Z axis. ~ then the dot will be the command block.
  • r is the maximum radius of the joke.
  • rm – minimum radius of the search.
  • m - game mode.
  • l - the maximum price to reach.
  • lm - the minimum price to reach.
  • name - nickname of the engraving.
  • c - an additional argument for @a, which is between the number of graves for the command's choice. For example, if you type @a - the command will go to the first five graves in the list, @a to the remaining five in the list.
  • type - like a butt, the command /kill @e kills all bones, and the command /kill @e kills all daily life, not gravel.
Command example:
  • give @p gold_ingot 20 - sees the nearest grave, which is within a radius of 10 blocks 20 gold coins.

Command block modes

There are three modes available for the command block: pulse, lancet and repetition - the color of the block is changed depending on the mode.
  • Impulse mode (orange): activate the given command
  • Lancer (green) mode: the command is sent, so that the block arrives before the next command block and connects with the next command blocks
  • Repeat mode (blue): The command is repeated every tick until the block is alive.

Impulse mode
These are primary command blocks, which are victorious for interaction with lance blocks, and you can simply win commands in these blocks.

Lance mode
I think that it was already called and it was so sensible that the command block mode works behind the "lancet" scheme.

It should be noted that a command block with an impulse is needed for a robotic type of lancet, which is a kind of signal, and also a block of a red stone, without which a command block with a type of lancet is not pracyuvatime.

Team title and її parameters:
  • title clear - clears the engraving of the screen.
  • title reset - clears the screen gravitation and resets the parameters.
  • title title - the title that shows the text on the screen.
  • title subtitle - a subtitle that appears when the title appears.
  • title actionbar - displays the text above the inventory.
  • title times - appearance, stutter, and spelling of the text. Behind the locks are the following values: 10 (0.5 s), 70 (3.5 s) and 20 (1 s).
Butt of vikonannya commands:
  • title @a title §6Cob - title with orange color.
  • title @a actionbar Hello! - Display text over inventory.
  • title @a subtitle Chapter 1 - subtitle.

In this material, we can see, as you can see, the Minecraft command block. When the cards are created, as they appear in the generation of stories, or the creation of plot scenarios, the server administrator cannot manage without stopping the functions. Implementing them allows the command block. Go about special attachments, on which you can save the system command, such as grabbing the resource or teleportation from the same place.


Dali reportedly looked like a command block. There are two methods of possession of this subject. For both, it is necessary to win system commands. Such a camp is wised up by the fact that it is impossible to craft a command block with handy materials. But the problem is still maє solution.


Let's move on to the practical part of the power supply, as you can see your own command block. The command, to allow it, will be directed far away. The first method is to create a picture as "creativity". At to this particular type command block accessible among other subjects. That's not all. Let's move on to the offensive method of cultivating power, as you can see your own command block. You may have to zastosuvat console command.

Otzhe, open the chat. I'll enter the command: /give (im'ya) command_block (k_lk_st). For this decision, you can not only especially take away the necessary element, but also give it to another koristuvachev. All syntax is specified without arcs. Before speech, the main mind robot and such a command - allowed to stop reading. As a matter of fact, the possibility of being included is included, and the task cannot be taken into account either in insurance on a rich corystuvach, or in a single group. In order to place a block on the earth's surface, it is necessary to vikonate only one day. Move yoga to the access panel. Far away we see a block and we can tell you need a place. At this moment, the keruvane interface will appear, from which you can enter the function.


It is not enough to know, as you can see the command block. It is necessary to learn how to win yoga. For which it is necessary to correctly specify the syntax of the instruction. Let's go over the basic rules. The command itself is shown on the back. It is possible to write a function that is activated behind an additional console. Dalі say "zone of congestion". Tobto koristuvach, which is necessary to add the building and coordinates of the object being named.

Zreshtoyu, let's move on to additional arguments. The stench gives the ability to specify the different characteristics of the object. The combination is ready to be indicated by the offensive scheme: / (command) (coordinates or gravity) (parameters). Let's take a look, as you can see sobі command block and cherubate them on the butts. Let's look at some of the different subjects.

Enter / give @ p. For additional instructions, our command block to the nearest grave, which is located within a radius of ten blocks, can see the flood of zlivka at a number of 30 pieces. Now we aim the butt of the robot with coordinates. Enter / spawn 10 20 30 / summon EnderDragon. From the syntax, it is obvious that the command for the song coordinates calls the dragon. For a complete list of functions that can be used by a command block, we may as well enter the /help command.

Vikonannya be-yakah diy, which are assigned to the participants of the Gri, are commanded by command blocks. Do not give in to create a similar team, playing in the survival mode. Not spratsyuє i їkh call as a tool for playing the creative game mode. In order to functionally remove such blocks, it is necessary to block the sprat to send simple commands, like, well, allow the viconation of their calls. Let's take a look at some simple methods.

Remove Command Block from Minecraft: Method 1

Launch Minecraft and select single player mode. Vikonate the creation of the world, in which chiti is included.

Open the end of the chat and press the "/" key. This symbol is displayed at the end, where you can enter commands.

Enter the required recognition, choosing from the following rows:

  • "/give" name minecraft:command_block and required number - after її entered into the console, the objects that are called will appear among the tools;
  • "/setblock x y z minecraft:command_block" – change this row of one of the blocks to the next one, change it to a command block, and to change it, press F3 and select one of the known blocks;
  • "/summon Item x y z (Item: (id:minecraft:command_block, Count:1))" - enter the following sequence, the participant calls the blocks there, where you need it.

Remove Command Block from Minecraft: Method 2

Start the game, select single player mode. Wait for the entrance to the real world, maybe, you will be a server. See the chat, the necessary commands, by clicking on "/".

Enter one of the requested options:

  • "/give name minecraft:command_block required number" – this row allows you to call the required number of items and add them to the actual inventory;
  • "/setblock x y z minecraft:command_block" - if you enter such text, you can replace any obvious block with a command block, and you need to press the F3 key;
  • "/summon Item x y z (Item: (id:minecraft:command_block, Count:1))" - blocks appear at the given location.

Remove Command Block from Minecraft: Method 3

  • Use the "E" keys to drag the block and open it on the panel. Press the bear button to the right and place the object on the ground.
  • Click on the new mouse button again. As soon as the menu appears, in which you can change the menu.
  • For whom you need to enter the symbol "/". The options for these blocks predict those that are chosen in the chat. The stench is sometimes tied with an electronic board. This allows commands to win automatically.
  • Press the / key, appear at the end of the console, in which write the word help. After a new one, type the name of the object, to which the sequence of commands is assigned.

In what was added dovgoochіkuvane innovation - command blocks.

For the help of command blocks, you can set the same commands, which can spread to the entire server, as well as to a random grave.

Important to know: You can only create a game world and only in a creative mode. Command blocks in survival mode do not work.

You don’t know a lot of gravity and you don’t understand how to win these blocks and how to enter commands so that the stench is active.

To remove the command block, you need to open the chat and write the command /give @p command_block

After what is chosen, and before the new one, it is important that there be another activator.

How to insert a command for a command block?

In order for the command block to execute that other function, it is necessary for you to set the first command. For whom it is pressed on the command block and it turns out victoriously with sodium. In the "Console command" field, you need to enter the command we need.

Below will be presented the Top 15 most popular commands for the command block for minecraft mobile.

Top 15 Commands for Minecraft PE

/title @a title Your introduction. For additional help, you can write a command and send it to everyone on the server as a message.

/effect @a regeneration 2000 2000 . Regeneration team. 2000 - church and kіlkіst.

/tp @a 0 0 0 . De - your coordinates, and 0 0 0 - coordinates where you need to teleport. To recognize your coordinates, you need to download and special mod.

/clone~ -1~1~3~3~-3~4~-1~-3 Command for unscrambled minecart road. So the road is constantly cloning and creating.

/setblock yogo coordinate diamond_block . A command for a never-ending diamond block. In this rank, you can already be richly rich.

/weather rain . Change the weather team on the board.

/weather clean

/gamemode 0 - Quick transition to survival mode. / gamemode 1 - switch to creative mode. It is installed for whom the mode will be changed, for example /gamemode 0 @a - in this way the mode will stop to all gravity.

/time set night - the command is given to change the hour of doby to night. /time set day - it's the day of the day for minecraft.

/give @a diamon 1 - command to give you the items you want. Our vipad has tse diamanti. De 1 number of diamonds.

command block- Not a clear block, which cannot be crafted. This block is necessary for the activation of various commands, as they are written in the command console.

How to remove the command block from minecraft?

To take yoga off, at the chat you need to write down the command without the bows: /give [Your_Nickname] command_block [Bazhan number of blocks]. For example, /give Razmik command_block 1. After pressing the Enter button, the command block will appear at the inventory.

How to activate command block in minecraft?

You can set up the activation of the code you entered in the command block, for example, redstone, redstone torches, or through the button.

Let's take a look at the simplest commands, which you can win at the command bloc.

  • Zmina doby. For example, if you want, nothing has come. For which block is installed, click on the new LMB and write in the console I will attack the command: /time set night.
  • Teleportation. For example, you need to teleport to a certain point on the map. For which we break on the selected point, press F3 and remember the coordinates x, y, z. Let's go to the command block and write down the command: /tp @p 252 56 -175. Digits 252 56 -175 x, y, z coordinate values.

There is a great number of teams, more than the simplest of them.


The command block appeared in popular gris Minecraft only from version 1.4, which introduces the newest functions of the participants in the game. From this version, gamers found out about such an understanding, like a command block, as well as connecting with a console command. It is impossible to create independently.

The command block is a special item, before which you can add and write different ciphers. After which fault the team is recognized, if the redstone signal is cancelled. Such a universal richness significantly expands the possibilities of the creators of cards, in which case the regime is suitable. It is possible to seize space in such places. Yogo can be opened in Minecraft for the help of the right key of the bear. As a result, you will win at the end, in the yak you will write singing symbols.

How to do yoga

Most of the graves will be embarrassed and embarrassed, because it’s impossible to do such a speech on your own. The reason for such an exchange is due to the fact that the wine shows the neimoverness of the ability, and the very ones that you can use the card to win over with a card, chat with us with the gravity of the word. Therefore, yoga cannot be done independently, but then there is a unique chance to take it.

Appliance options:

  1. As a server creator, you can easily master yoga.
  2. You can also remove the administrator of the song server, and ask for the rights yourself. To create this action, hurry up with the offensive function give Player command_block. Enter the name of your character.
  3. You can prepare a command block to minecraft for help with a special cheat code. Ale Grati will be needed only on the singing server, which supports the selection of similar codes. The final stage is activation, which creates the sparkles of a red stone.


How do you have the ability to take away the entire list of commands, how can you win, chat quickly and enter the word help. For example, in order to take ten iron_ingots, it is necessary to enter the following form - give @p iron_ingot 10. Otherwise - allow teleportation to the required point from the assigned coordinates, and itself - tp Player 42 21 60.

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