Who is such a Khrushchev really. Terrible mysteries: Mikita Khrushchov. "In a situation to become sensible"



The period of Khrushchov's reign has gone down in history as if it were a league, but, to analyze everything that happened during the 11 years of his reign in power, the picture seems to be, frankly, not so good. Thus, Khrushchov’s merits in the cult of specialization and rehabilitation of victims mass repressions, insanely, went down in history. Buli in the rocks of yogo rule and help pierce: guess if you want to water the first people in space chi rozkvit mass life life.

Ale, in the order of 60 years in the SRSR, a national anti-religious campaign was organized in the post-war period, the term "punitive psychiatry" was introduced, in Novocherkaska it was shot down by workers, who were on the streets near the stars of the link.

You can also guess the court proceedings with the guilt of the strata to the currency workers and the shopkeepers, which the Radian propaganda called the thieves of the socialist power, and accepting pardons from the strong state, strangling the rebellion in Ugorshchina in 1956, and Boris Pasterka.

Zreshtoy, for Khrushchov, the pressure was exerted on the border between the USSR and the USA. The cold war and the Caribbean crisis did not lead to a global nuclear catastrophe. The policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Mikita Sergiyovich of de-Stalinization called for the rise of the communist regimes of Mao Zedong in China and Enver Hoxha in Albania.

Otzzhe, otsіnyuvat all good in the merits of Khrushchev, yakі pov'yazyuyut z yoga im'yam, rather through the prism of real historical podіy. Apparently the league, madly, went down in history, but the siege, as it seems, was over.


Massive popularization of corn in the countryside of the countryside, Khrushchov's rocky kilka squandered the edge on a sprat of negative factors. As a result, Mikita Sergiyovich did not get far from growing corn, the queen of watering. The climate of the land was not protected: for the growth of corn is less in regions with a scorching climate, the planting of the entire country was not far off.

The history of corn started like this: in 1955, Khrushchev got to know the American farmer Roswell Garst, who spoke about the role of corn in the American agricultural state. Later, the Radian leader, having visited the USA, became especially familiar with the culture of growing corn, as for the area of ​​crops and crop yields, it was rich in grain culture, traditional for the SRSR.

Virishili reorientate the silske gospodarstvo on tsyu culture. It was planned for the expansion of the crops of corn to increase the growth rate of the great horned thinness, for the cultivation of crops on the pivnich and the borders of the country, the party delegates were appointed.

On the cob of the 1960s, a quarter of the early lands near the SRSR was occupied with corn, and fallow lands were plundered on yak, which gave especially valuable blue. As a result of the birth, the corn turned out to be richly lower for the seeding and, until the mid-1960s, the crops began to grow quickly. Khrushchev's Kukurudzyan campaign failed.


Khrushchev, having presented Crimea to Ukraine - so sound it seems, guessing the fate of 1954. Really, I didn’t give anything to anyone. At that hour, the Radyansky Union, as a single power and the cordons between the republics, was no longer on the map. The formal transfer of the Crimean region to the warehouse of the Ukrainian RSR could not have contributed either to the suspіlnі moods, nor more to the emergence of international problems.

In Khrushchev's decree, the legal re-ordering of the region was explained by the spielnist of the economy, the territorial proximity and the close government and cultural links between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian RSR. Truth, and at the same time there are a lot of historians in vpevnі, scho tse assertion does not prove the truth.

As some of the successors are concerned, this transfer appeared to be an impulsive entry through an important economic situation, which is small in the field on the farm, viklikan with a military devastation and lack of labor force after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars. On the thought of others, the assertion about the importance of the economic establishment of Crimea before coming to the URSR did not prove effective - until 1954, the Crimean economy already reached the pre-war level of development, and after a promiscuous development, it overcame it.

Closest to the truth is the version of Sergiy Khrushchev's son. Vіn stverdzhuvav, that the transfer to Krim was necessary in order to legally and financially formalize the process of life of the Pivnіchno-Krimsky canal, vіn mav to provide water for the dry territories of the Kherson and Crimean regions from the water intake from the specially constructed water supply system at the lower river. Shards behind the project, the canal passed through the territory of two Radianian republics, it was done so that the water artery was roztashovuvaetsya exclusively in Ukraine.


The whole world was surrounded by a photograph, like Khrushchov banging with a shawl the UN tribune near New York. In truth, the photo montage, Mikita Sergiyovich did not knock on the tribune in the main hall of the meeting of the international organization, but the story is explained and in the case of a changed look, the place is still small.

On July 12, 1960, at the hour of the meeting of the 15th UN Assembly, a Ugorian diet was discussed, and Khrushchev, together with the other members of the Radianian delegation, did his best to help. For one version, on the right, it sounded like this: Khrushchov’s boots that day were not wearing lace-ups, but wearing shoes, with modern sandals on them.

Khrushchov, taking off his shoe and resting on the old її to look at and shake, raising his heads on equal heads, as well as hitting her on the table a few times, knocked on the table, no matter how much he knocked on it. Tsimi deyami radyansky leader demonstrating that he did not tell yoma tsikava.

Sin Khrushchov Sergiy, a kind of buv at that meeting, rozpovіd zovsіm іnshe: the chervil from Khrushchov's feet flew at the NATO in front of the entrance to the meeting hall, that bov Yomu brought protection. Vіn, tapping on the table with his hand at the sign of the villain, with a ledge of additional dopovidach, having begun to help with a cherevich.

One more note - Life magazine photographer John Longard - voicing one more version. For yoga firmness, Khrushchev definitely did not hit his shoes on the table, wanting to get out of the way. The leader of the country Glad to have taken the cloak, put it on the table and showed with a free hand that we can hit it on the table. A mustache of journalists in the hall turned cameras on Khrushchev in the eyes of the distant children, but only put the shoe on his foot and pishov.

Happiness in Khrushchev

Millions of radyansky hromadas said "dark" Mikitya Sergiyovich for the improvement of living minds. The famous Khrushchevs began to massively resemble the 1950s. For the quiet, who lives in barracks and communal apartments with one toilet for ten families, moving to a five-top panel booth without an elevator and a smіttєprovod zdavavsya dream of all life.

Small kitchenettes, after the purchase of a minimum set of furniture and a refrigerator, there was no room for two people; crimson bathrooms, where people’s shchilnoi statues can’t burst into flames: a small corridor and thin walls, crazily like a slightly shriveled susida. Today, minds seem to be not comfortable, but in the era of Khrushchev, moving to new houses was a holy saint for them.

Insanely, the life problem at that time was solved by Khrushchev, but no power, no architects even conceived that there would be tsimi booths in 30-40 or 50 years. The resource of these is already practically exhausted, to the very fact (for the time being only in Moscow) a decision has been made about the transfer of Khrushchevs and the resettlement of meshkants from the new house.

The history of the dossi did not give evidence - what was more in the fate of the reign of Mikita Khrushchov - the success of the fall. At the plan of grandiose events, the hour of the league was marked by a majestic list of wins, but, on the other side, a lot of pardons were crushed, as if in fact they became a prologue to the Brezhnev stagnation that step-by-step connection of the edge to the point of inversion. Even from the moment of Khrushchov's adoption in power, before the collapse of the SRSR, 27 years have passed: the global historical context has only a second for the anniversary of eternity.

Mikita Khrushchov is one of the most important articles in the history of the USSR. Vіn buv “village son”, which rose to the top of power, which did not cause the policy to be considered low by the “perebudovі” radyansky supremacy after the dead ideological schemes of the yogo adept. Mikita Sergiyovich, having become the best reformer of the Radyansk Union, the failures of such achievements are discussed by historians today.

Mikita Sergiyovich Khrushchov was born on April 15, 1894, in the village of Kalinivtsi, Kursk province, near the miner's motherland. Mikiti's childhood cannot be called happy, the oskolki from the youthful fates of the future head of the SRSR had a chance to practice, to help the fathers build kintsy z kintsy.

Khrushchov received Pochatkov's consecration at the parish school, where he learned to read and write. On summer vacations, the lad worked as a shepherd, and he began to write and read in return. On the cob of the 1900s sovereign fiance moved to Yuzivka, de Mikita Sergiyovich already from 14 years machine plant. Here the young man was taught the slyusarny. After 4 years, Mikita moved to work at the coal mine and joined the party of Belarusians, taking the fate of Hromadyansky war.

In 1918, Mikita Khrushchov took off his membership in the communist party, and two years later became a political potter in the Donbass Rutchenkovskaya mine. In that period, the future leader of the Radyansk Union entered the Donbas Industrial College at the Faculty of Labor and within the walls initial mortgage begin to conduct party activity, which allows you to recognize the appointment of the party secretary of the technical school.

In 1927, Mikit Sergiyovich was lucky to have a meal in the right political “kitchen” - he was asked to be a representative of Yuzivka at the ranks of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union; That having succumbed to Khrushchov's political potential and having gained yoga strimky kar'eri.


A serious political biography of Mikita Khrushchov begins in 1928. Todi Kaganovich slipped yoga to the central apparatus of the Communist Party of Ukraine. At the link with the cim Mikiti Sergiyovich had a chance to join the Industrial Academy of Moscow, a shard of middle education was a little less of an official of the republican level.

In the academy, Khrushchev, having begun to actively engage in party activities and nevdovz, after scoring the Politburo of the initial mortgage, the shards of this policy were more successful, lower the initial process. The zeal and diligence of Mikita Sergiyovich in the party right was appreciated by the radyansk government, and it was not difficult to appoint another secretary of the Moscow city of the CPSU. In 1934 Khrushchov became the head of the Moscow party organization, replacing his protector Lazar Kaganovich in the city.

1938 Mikita Khrushchov was sent to Ukraine and appointed First Secretary of the URSR. Having received the first honorary "landing trophy", Mikita Sergiyovich proceeded to the establishment of the administrative apparatus in Ukraine, which was crippled by the repressions of 1937. Todі zh vіn having revealed himself as a merciless fighter against the "enemies" - literally for the river, giving reprisals mayzhe 120 yew. especially from Western Ukraine, from the native lands.

Velika fell on the fates of the Ukrainian order Khrushchov Vitchiznyan war, under the hour that the politician is also not sitting with his hands clasped. Vіn cheruvav guerrilla movement behind the front line and until the end of the war he rose to the rank of lieutenant general, wanting historians to put Mikita Sergiyovich in recognition for the low defeat of the Red Army in Ukrainian territory.

After the war, Mikita Khrushchov became the leader of the Ukrainian RSR, and in 1949 he was promoted to Moscow, where he was transferred to the landing of the head of the largest party organization of the SRSR.

1953 Mikita Khrushchev reached the pinnacle of power. Then, if the whole country has filed a complaint against the death of Stalin, together with his comrades-in-arms, Marshal Zhukov came up to them, masterfully beating the superniks on the planting of the head of the SRSR. Khrushchev killed Lavrentiy Beria, the head contender for the planting of Spilka, who called him the enemy of the people and shot him for espionage.

In the spring of 1953, Khrushchev was called the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which became an unstoppable turn for the Radianian population, so as the fate of the government, Stalin always made Mikita Sergiyovich an illiterate simpleton.

The fates of Khrushchev's rule were marked by serious breakthroughs and economic failures of the Radyansk Union. The most important of them was the “corn epic” - the leader of Radyansk, who killed the “queen of watering” with the main cereal of the SRSR, punished to grow corn through, wind it there, in principle, she could not give birth, for example, near Siberia.

Among "prosperous" politics, it is impossible not to recognize Khrushchev's reforms, which were the key to it. The stench took away the name "Khrushchev's Vidliga" and was associated with the larger world with the cult of Stalin's specialness.

Mikita Khrushchov's reforms are characterized by the use of catastrophic legacy Stalinist repressions of the 1930s, the rise of thousands of political attacks, the appearance of private freedom of speech, the introduction of a zahіdny svіtu and the impoverishment of the democratic political economy of the country will survive

However economic policy Khrushchev's bula was not just a failure, but a catastrophic one for the Union. The ambitious ker_vnik of the SRSR vyrishiv “overtake America” and promoted economic indicators of the country in the country's development, which led to an unrelenting collapse of the silskomu statehood and famine.

In the midst of Khrushchov's reach, one can see significant and impeccable successes - by rapidly expanding everyday life and settling millions of Radyansk citizens in their apartments. Khrushchev apartments were too small and not far off planned, but at times they overturned for the comfort of the communal services that ruled the population.

Also, Khrushchev initiated the development of a space gallery - at the rocks of the first launch, the first satellite of space and the famous flight. Okrim tsyogo, Mikita Sergiyovich otrimav fame and as a patron of art. Vіn easing censorship in literature, launching television broadcasts in the greater part of Splits and activating the film industry. The first films of the "Khrushchev's Vidliga" were "Spring on Zarichniy Street", "Carnival Night", "Amphibian Man" and others.

The old policy of Khrushchov called for the settlement of the Cold War, and at once marked the camp of Radyansky to the Union of the international arena. Nasampered, having come to power, Khrushchev initiated the creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD), as little as possible to resist the Pivnichno-Atlantic alliance of Western powers. A new agreement on the union of the SRSR, the borders of Northern Europe and the PDR. Over the river in the Ugorshchina, the first rebellion against the Radian power was fought.

In 1957, the All-World Festival of Young Students took place near the capital of the Soviet Socialist Republic, where participants from 131 countries went to work for orders from Khrushchov. Podiya positively intervened on the image of the Radiant people in the eyes of foreigners, but the decrease in the voltage of foreigners from the USA did not help.

In 1961, a political crisis arose in Nimechchyna, which caused the emergence of the Berlin Wall. At this fate, Khrushchov and I were born. Threats were exchanged through the rivers of the United States and the SRSR - America deployed nuclear warheads directed to the Radian Union near Turkey, and the SRSR - to Cuba. The Caribbean crisis began, as the ice did not grow into the Third holy war. Ale diplomatic negotiations helped to take the strain. In 1963, a number of offending parties signed an agreement on the fence of nuclear tests in the air, space and under water.

Zahid of the political car of Mikiti Khrushchov fell on the 1964 river. In the midst of pardons, that pro-rakhunkiv policy was taken away from the government by the communists. Youmu came to change. Mikita Sergiyovich, having become the only leader of Radyansk, who, having left the head of the SRSR, is alive.

Mikita Khrushchov took away the Radyansk history from an ambiguous political image. Tim is not less, navit ponad 70 years after the 19th ruling of the SRSR, the cliched phrases of the politician are overflowing on the lips of the modern society. “We bury you” and “Kuzka Matir” by Mikita Khrushchov are well remembered in the USA, since the Radian leader saw similar “threats” at Zakhod. Another phrase was given by the delegation of Americans in choli with the vice-president of the mission, but the translation of this idiomatic expression sounded literally: “matir Kuzmi”.

And the photo of Mikita Khrushchov, a sort of waving with a cap, brought on the status of a caricature in the western world. Khrushchov's son Sergiy called this sign a photo montage. Indeed, Mikita Sergiyovich chimed the little chimneys, being at the UN meeting, if the power of the Ugorsky treaty was seen.

Life Specialist

The special life of Mikita Khrushchov is no less a cicave, a lower political career. The third head of the SRSR buv dvіchi odruzheny і mav p'yatoh children.

The first time Mikita Sergiyovich, having made friends on the very beginning of party activity with Euphrosyne Pisareva, in 1920 died of typhus. For six years the first team of Khrushchov gave birth to two children - Leonid and Yulia. In 1922, Khrushchev started life with a girl on the name of Marusya. Vіdnosini trivali troch more than two rocіv. The maiden already wielded the child in front of the plume, like Khrushchov, having helped further financially.

Another squad of Mikita Sergiyovich was Nina Kukharchuk, a Ukrainian for nationalism, as she went down in history as the first squad of the Radyan leader, as she accompanied yoga on official visits. With Nina Petrivna, the head of the SRSR lived for more than 40 years in a Gromadyansky slub and less than 1965 officially registered the blue.

Nina was the daughter of the villagers, at Yuzivtsi she worked as a vikladachka of the party school, and she got to know Mikita Khrushchov. Regardless of the trip, Nina Petrivna freely spoke to the Russian, Ukrainian, Polish French language, oskolki received enlightenment at the Mariinsky Women's School. Self-illumination Nina Petrivna did not blame even the first hour of the winter. For example, in the 30s, being already the mother of three children, she began to English language. Three children were born to another love in the family of the leader of Radyansk - Rada and Olena.


Іz Nina Kukharchuk Khrushchov lived to the end of his life. After the delivery, Mikita Sergiyovich was “cleaned up” from Moscow and moved to a dacha near Moscow to Zhukivka-2. The politician did not immediately call to the point of austerity. Like a big manager, Khrushchev often barked at the new order, which led, one might think, to the gradual collapse of the state power. Mikita Sergiyovich, unaccountably for his relatives, having called for listening to the programs of foreign radio stations "Voice of America", "Bi-bі-si", "Nimetska Khvilya", having started the city. But an hour later, the head of the state fell into a depression, which could not help but injure his health.

Vin died on 11 April 1971 due to a heart attack. They buried Mikita Sergiyovich at the Novodevichy Tsvintary of Moscow. After the death of Khrushchov, Nina Petrivna came with telegrams with words speaking to the earth. Pіznіshe on the grave of the head of the SRSR a monument, creations.


  • 1989 - Stalingrad
  • 1992 - “The weather is good on Deribasivsky, otherwise the boards will go again to Brighton Beach”
  • 1992 - "Stalin"
  • 1993 - Sir Vovki
  • 1996 - "Children of the Revolution"
  • 2005 - "Battle for Space"
  • 2009 - "Divo"
  • 2011 - "Kennedy clan"
  • 2012 - Zhukiv
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space"
  • 2015 - Golovny
  • 2016 - "Taymnich addiction"
  • 2017 - "Death of Stalin"

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Mikita Sergiyovich Khrushchov, for his long life, has learned a lot. Pot-bellied prem'єr-p'yanitsa, vin buv the most radiant despot of Radyansk - in fact, the only Rabelian in the gloomy gallery of Russian rulers.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a war veteran, a friend of President Kennedy and the enemy of the creative intelligentsia, Mikita Sergiyovich Khrushchov (1894–1971), had a lot to gain in his lifetime. The author of the song “Let's catch up and remarry America”, which showed the UN a Kuzkin matir, a vikrivach of the Stalinist cult, a skirmisher of the “vіdliga” and a fan of everyday life “Khrushchob”, a pot-bellied premier-p'yanitsa, vin buv nayzhittєradisnіsh radyansky despot - in fact, a slave, є . rulers.

Proletarian alcohol consumption Khrushchov took off at the factories and in the mines of Donbass, depraved the slyusar, and returned to Hromadyansky. The two Khrushchev tried to get enlightened: in 1923 he graduated from the robit faculty in Donetsk, and in 1929 he started studying at the Industrial Academy in Moscow. Ale offended by throwing tedious training for the sake of the party career. Povily, ala virno passed all the ranks of an ordinary member of the party to the First Secretary and Golovi for the sake of the ministers, Mikita Sergiyovich, to reduce the netherlands to the very top of the state. Wow! At the order of the sybarite shirt, all the alcoholic and gastronomic notes of the rich-tonational Krayina Rad appeared. For this very reason, the ruinivnik of the cult of singularity has left the undistinguished Stalinist tradition of wide Kremlin walls, which were truly small in scale: at especially tracts of the day, they drank and ate there from 3 to 10 thousand people. “Friendship of the peoples is a stronghold” vaguely spiced with Virmenian cognacs, Georgian and Moldavian wines and Crimean port wine, and for dessert, we kindly went to the majestic dances and poured burning alcohol on them.

Khrushchev himself used to drink some cognac and vodka (especially vodka, which was specially fortified from Ukraine), and lard and salty like an appetizer. Zrіdka indulging in the sumnіvnі sіlskogospodarski reforms, the liberal Khrushchov, for the help of mіtsnoї vypivka today, having for the sake of taken for himself bezkhmarny komunіzm, nayvish vіlennyam as small as the state burn without a hangover. For a bit, on the cob of sixty Khrushchevs, having seen a decree on the creation of a new burner for party needs - wine for savory yaks, bagatoria purification, in fact, the elixir of life. Vіm, Zavdyaki Khrushchov, the vocabulary of alcohol culture was enriched with a whole lot of real new articles. So, having called on the watering in Bіlovezka Forest and drinking there from the jäger's flask a special tincture of alcohol, herbs and zucrі, Mikita Sergiyovich poked the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, and through the river of the drink appeared at the new one on the table. Nezabar the arsenal of the Radyansk drunkard was filled with a dark 42-degree tincture "Bіlovezka Pushcha". Khrushchev spurred on alcoholism and foreign alcohol enthusiasts: the measures of the French city of Dijon and the creator of the popular cocktail "Kir" (more wine "Aligoté" with the liquor "Kasіs") " + "Aligote" + burner.

In 1958, Khrushchov put the vodka into bottling at the distant and snack bars of the hromada tavern, and the radyansky hromadas, diluted the sonic flask of the vodka at a cost at home from work, zmusheni boules were bought in the shops as a whole. For the profitability of that economy, the bulk of the people wised up to throw off the ruble (pіvlіtrova plyashka burner cost about 3 rubles). Tsey zakhid - drinking the collective dance of the gore with unknown giants near the nearest public garden - having omitted the name "remember for three" and becoming a kind of trade mark of the Radian period in the history of Russian drinking.

At our booth, Khrushchev often got drunk. Shhora yogo needed to be dragged along by the lіzhko. Sergius Beria

In 1964, the party comrades-in-arms, who defied Khrushchov's arrogant liberalism, organized an oxamite assembly and appointed Mikita Sergiyovich to the post. Having become a personal pensioner and moving to a dacha, Khrushchov dedicated to himself the preparation of roasted liqueurs and infusions, as well as the creation of memoirs, in which he resolutely turned his love to alcohol, then zhvavlyuvav spogad about the unknown.

Khrushchov died in 1971, before he had passed twenty years, as the last alkogeny-sanguine, to the throne already known in Russia.

Genius against survival

Khrushchev joins the party and takes the fate of the Gromadyansky war, after the end of his work in the Donbas at the mine. P'є, how to lich a miner, in a black way. Entering the robotic faculty of the Dontechnikum, and then throwing a lesson. Messages to the Promaacademy near Moscow - the forge of party cadres. Ordered by the secretary of the party committee, district committee, then secretary of the regional committee of the party.

Taken by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Under the hour of war - a member of the military district for the sake of the Kiev special military district. At the parade Peremohy stand on the podium of the Mausoleum at once from the closest Stalinist otchennyami. Dobre p'є zі Stalinim:
Buvalo, you will come before the new, but you will be offended. Soup was served - a Russian yushka, standing a decanter with a burner, a glass of bula was dead for rosemary ... If you want to drink - take a decanter, pour a glass, drink. If you want a friend, then write it yourself, as it seems, the soul knows the world ”(from memoirs).

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union elects Khrushchov as First Secretary. At the closed meeting of the XXth century, Mikita Sergiyovich spoke out with a revolutionary additional opinion “About the cult of specialness and її heritage”, as if she had started the “vіdliga”. Sob it would be easier for the communists to unfreeze, the government banquets with a great number of requests, no less than two receptions per day. As if at the reception of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gromiko uttered a sip for the presence of the Polish Secretary General Vladislav Gomulka. Khrushchev shouted: “I won’t drink for this zradnik!” - and smashing a wine glass about a pidlog. For a sprat of flasks, Suslov chanted a drink for the health of Khrushchev's squad. “I won’t drink for a fool!” - Khrushchov captivated and smashed another glass.

Khrushchev's voice went out "Catch up and overtake America!" and rozpochinaє a failed corn campaign. Lead a wide life life. At the Kremlin's Tainitsky Garden, a reception is given as a sign of the end of the All-World Festival of Young Students, for which 10,000 guests have been requested. Special chergovі to deliver to the hotels of foreigners, who did not call before the Russian rout. Attendance at the restaurant "Beijing". After chatting that the waiter is drinking a splash of champagne, he picks it up and turns it himself: “Well, you’re not good, you are a lovely person. Bring you to call."

On the black star, they declare about the residual victory over socialism and the transition to the emergence of communism. The first of the Radian leaders will make a trip to the United States, and one of the grandiose receptions will come to the future Frank Sinatra. Installing nuclear missiles in Cuba - stretching the whole world for two years, tamming the bottom, checking on the cob of the third light war. Conservation of sales of burners and wines at bottling, increase prices for alcohol. Sob not to transfer the grain, allowing the burning of the burner from technical alcohol, which becomes the cause of mass bruises.

Tapping on the table for an hour with the speech of the British Prime Minister Macmillan at the UN. Smack on the “burnt with pepper” of the socialist colleagues-general secretaries of Janos Kadar and Walter Ulbricht. Having asked the head of Finland Urho Kekkonen to Moscow, so that he gave the Sunset a Radiant ultimatum about Zahidny Berlin, virishu show you what it means to drink Russian. After Khrushchov’s watering, which does not stand on its feet, the spivrobitniks of the 9th Directorate speak, as if the head of the state did not have an astringent face, they muttered: “I’ll show Kekkonen how it’s necessary to stand steadily while drinking ...” near the Opera House, filling the skin with a bottle of burner with dumplings, and then we can’t get out of the sleigh.

To hold a meeting with representatives of the creative intelligentsia: “Khvanchkara” is standing on the tables of the intelligentsia, that water is at the transparent decanters, in front of Khrushchev, at the same transparent countess, the water burner is disguised for drinking water. Zamishlyaє reform spelling, schob write like you can feel - "zaєts". On April 17, 1964, a grand banquet was held in the Georgievsky Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Khrushchov, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Radian Union. Nevdovzі members of the Politburo suvayut Khrushchev in the right words from the formula "at the link with the frail age and I will become healthy."

Live at the dacha in the village of Petrovo-Dalekoy, dictate your mind, have been seen in the USA for a year, dig in the city and quietly sip in the air. Vmiraє 11 spring 1971 to the fate of the fifth heart attack.

Original taken from unlimmobile New Khrushchev giving China a nuclear weapon?

A political technological myth about those who brewed the SRSR and China, it’s not surprising, even a stable and tenacious nonsense. Prote nіhto z teanofilіv navit not suspect that Stalin was against the transfer of nuclear technology to the celestials. Qi technology passing Khrushchev. Quietly, modestly that is classified. In order to understand all the unique abomination of this bastard (Nikiti Khrushchev), it is necessary to understand the price, as it is necessary to pay for the removal of nuclear technologies. Tse samoviddana worked two generations of the majestic country with even more victims, including the testing of nuclear accidents at nuclear factories. The same stiltki paid all the edges of the nuclear club, they splintered it and made their nuclear bonnet from scratch. And if there are other lands, if they took it away as a gift, it’s like it’s unbearable. But the fact is overwhelmed by the fact -.
Stalin did not die his own death, it is no longer a mystery. And those who Lavrentiy Pavlovich zovsіm was not a rotomaniac, it is also clear. It is also impossible to believe in those who wet Beria at the trousers, if they led him to be shot. And the axis of those who went to the apartment, de sacking Beriya, buv zdijsneniya poured with an important automatic shooting zbroєyu with a method of harming the creator of the nuclear zbroї SRSR, they recognized us not long ago.

Golovne nutritiousness - now? Why did this operation take place? As the essence of Khrushchev's operation in culture is to spread awareness - to create a negative image of the SRSR in one part of the population, then from the bottom of the heavens more cіkavіshe. Here it is clearly seen that the operation was carried out behind a vkazіvka. I did not see the opponents of the SRSR in the first instance. To think that the United States would ever recommend anyone else to transfer nuclear technology to the Chinese is simply unthinkable. And if we introduce our figurant, then the puzzle folds more beautifully. Only the axis is beautiful for the SRSR, that yoga decline turns out to be even worse. More precisely - the course of Khrushchev - the downfall of the SRSR. Ale bipolarity will require the obviousness of the deputy of the SRSR іnshої forces. China is assigned to it. New bipolarity - China and the USA.

Where do you live Sina Khrushchev? That's right - the US. Axis vіdpovіd on the power supply. Khrushchov knew what to rob, and robbed himself for a vkazіvkoy. Seeing whom it happened - we don't know. Possibly, tse buv is an analogue of the Gagtungr kіmnati.

Professor Sergiy Khrushchov and director of the Kenan Blair Ruble Institute.

New York professor New schools international vidnosinNina Khrushchovashe commented to the Voice of America about the shelling of Moscow: “Putin will become more aware of reality. Vin, pevne, forgetting that Orwell's novel "1984" is a whole literary work, but not an instruction. Mabut, not for nothing, propagating Stalin as a hero of all Rest of the Rocks. More trohi, and coats to pretend to be cleansing after the image of the 1930s for all those who are respected as the enemy of the people (or the enemy of the regime - like today). Putin himself is now the enemy of the people.”
Dzherelo: http://www.golos-ameriki.ru/content/sta te-department-opposition-russia/1205991.h tml

Professor Nina Khrushchova, niece of Sergiy Khrushchov and onuc N.S. as it is also engaged in the development of new information technologies

Ale, the celestials could not take the baton and lost their nuclear technology on a par with the 50s. Tse th served as a ryativnym stake, which and pulled Russia out of the black dirka, the ear of which slaughtered the Khrushchev itself.

At the corners of Willy Brandt(Chancellor of the FRN in the 1960s - mid-1970s pp. - L.Sh.) Khrushchov's conversation with the then Chancellor of the FRN K. Adenauer is well described. Khrushchev snarled at you about his fear of a possible strong China. Adenauer, rejoicing at the novelty, unreservedly shared it with de Gaulle, telling you that the SRSR would soon be given a vice and that the SRSR would soon send them (Sunset) to deeds, the shards did not show the underwire vice.

At zvyazku z tsim Nd. Yezhov writes: “...Adenauer, having taken into account that in front of the guise of China, who is quickly gaining chivalry, Russia can become a barrier against China for Europe.” This is how it was de and yak that Khrushchov’s “zaklopotanistnost” China was hung up: “...Khrushchov, having urged Adenauer to take a walk in the garden. Vіn talking about those that Russia and Nіmechchina were beautiful girls in the 1920s, that they could be neighbors and trustworthy at once (similarly, NDR was respected by Khrushchov "skasovanoy" - L.Sh.). And here Khrushchov asked, on the chancellor's side, to "run in" with the Chinese. In the coming days of Khrushchov, three times turned to tsієї those. Adenauer, in his great form, responded negatively...” The late Chancellor “did not forget, like Khrushchev, asking Moscow for help in the struggle against China.”

Khrushchov's talk about China, ozozumіlo, was not included before the official transcripts of the talks between Khrushchev and Adenauer. In this context, K. Adenauer's thought about Khrushchev himself becomes of particular interest.

“Khrushchov is a zhorst reckless driver,” the German chancellor said. - Vіn oshukanets, for whom there are no everyday moral pіdvalin ... For one and the same, you can say vin one today, tomorrow - іnshe.

Original taken from unlimmobile in Khrushchev. A cunning clown and a fake like a right communist

This is the continuation of the cycle of conspiracy versions under the infamous title "Stalin's Pardon". And such an iconic figure, the meaning of which is important for reevaluation of the SRSR, will be assigned more like one material. In the first series, the language is about that robot, like Khrushchev (spelled in small letters) robbing the non-material sphere. And to be more precise - in culture, in evidence and in the greatest deceit of all the citizens of the largest empire in the history of mankind.

Possibly, I condemn the middle part of the readers, but the author is aware that those generations, like they fell for the grandiose nonsense of the 20th z'izdu of the CPRS, believed the nikittsі, and carried the same blame for the collapse of the SRSR. Everything started from the same point. But once again, those who were stretched out for 30 years, it was impossible. The inertia was too strong, as the Stalinist system took it, and the ideology was too strong, as it was necessary to suffer.

Photocollage of guidance is not without reason. The one who has them, I’ll say right away - a person with such a hand cannot be a leader, the first in a majestic empire. This is the character who is ordering, viconuing someone else's order. The first version, as soon as it is voiced, goes directly to itself.

Nasampered, the version of the operation of the special services of potential opponents of the SRSR is being pointed out. For such a filling, mystical virtuosity is needed. And on the right, it’s not about what the agents tried to do, everything will be the same - as if Grigory Rasputin was beaten by an English spy. Ale, in the fact that Stalin's system and Stalin himself misunderstood the paranormal character of such operations. After a decade of revolutionary struggle, Stalin had a good nose for a psychic. To the one who, having conceived the idea of ​​​​sucking Stalin, mav, persh for everything, blocking phenomenon. Tobto be actually equal, but to override the mystic hundred and fifty percent of Stalin.

Khrushchev is not like that. Ale, yakbi such a figure was at the warehouse of the car, then she showed herself obov'yazkovo to herself, wanting to have a dribbling episode. There was no alecia. Please, the author gives a sympathetic admission about those that our figurant does not support the SRSR Church and will not become opponents. І navіt not zі svitovoї fin.elіti. Even though voice acting is a character with a characteristic handwriting and a whole clearly stitched motivation.

But in this material, we are only touching the cultural part, rather than Khrushchev’s nice behavior, from the butt of the exhibition of abstract art. Vіdpovіdno to the official version, nіkіtka buv duzhe dissatisfaction tim, scho on tsіy exhibition is shown, calling the authors pederasts. The axis here itself is an hour to guess, like to this particular type having found Stalin. For the sake of understanding, for Stalin, the very fact of the appearance of such an exhibition was even more doubtful. To that, not artists, but vidpovidalni for qiu village of culture could rake in such a way that it would not be enough to give up. And for the most impertinently creative practitioners, Stalin, sometimes allowing a little bit of criticism. Ale, in front of him, guessed that “you don’t need to shoot more than that.” Ale, it’s just that the respect was getting high, so that the nutrition was already violating even more radically.

So why did Khrushchev really die? Vіn having created an exhausting promotion with his extraordinary reaction. Abo, as it seems at once - PR. Such a yak, they were robbed in the Russian Federation for scammers 3.14zd. This was part of the great program of development in the culture of the Stalinist trend. Through the war, if Stalin's culture was directly overwhelmed, a new type of culture and art was launched. Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha rozmov. This episode is important to us, like a correlation of another, richly global Khrushchev’s chick. І about the future material.

Son of Stalin Yakiv bov at the crowd. Buv at the full son of Khrushchov.

At Birch 1943, one more pilot of the Kremlin office, Leonid Khrushchov, died. About yogo share, the rest of the month of combat robots, the number of commanders of the 303rd air division, Hero of the Radyansk Union, Major General of Aviation G. M. Zakharov.
Before Georgy Nefedovich, the litter Khrushchov had spent one day after the tribunal. How it happened there, who knows, ale vin someone shot at the restaurant.
Gribanov S. S. 232

Mom and Dad had three sleeping children - me, Sergiy and Olenka. Two of the first squads - Yuliya and Leonid, stench were richly older. Leonid's daughter, tezh Yuliya, was close to us for a century, and we adopted like a sister. The Khrushchevs adopted Yulia after the death of the father.
Leonid is alive near Kiev, having worked at the school of pilots. Under the hour of war, taking the fate of the masovan nalyots of Nimechchina. Naglioti without accompaniment. Recognizing an important wound, lying at the hospital, at Kuybishev, I was all the same in Kuybish, in evacuation, and my father was at the front. Leonid had been lying at the hospital for a long time, in the same ward with Ruben Ibarruri. They were friends. Brother long dressed. They drank at the hospital, and brother, p'yany, having shot a person, having spent a pіd court. Yogo was sent to the front line.

R. Khrushchova (daughter of N. S. Khrushchov).
Cit. by: Vasilyeva L. S. 132

It became known to Stalin about it. Khrushchov, as a member of the Viysk war for the sake of one of the fronts, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine, began to rite the sina in the morning. In conversation with Khrushchev, Stalin asked yoga: “You are clamoring about your son, like a member of the Politburo, what is it like a father?”
- Like a father, - Khrushchov.
Todi Stalin, having asked Yogo: “Have you thought about that father, who’s son, having driven your son? What can you say?
Є. Dzhugashvili (onuk of Stalin)

Mikita Sergiyovich, it seems, having asked Stalin for a son, on what he replies: “If you earn money, take it away ...”
Gribanov S. S. 232

The details of Stalin's incident were not cleared up. Vіn firmly buv opevneniya, scho guilty at the son of Khrushchov, scho vіdbuvsya. It’s not the first drop, if in the blows of an alcoholic fumes of wines you have drunk a gun and raided a kos.
Dokuchaev M. S. 342
On the cob of 1941, fate had already become similar to him;
Dokuchaev M. S. 342

The war dictated the law of the hour of war and the stench was the law for everyone. Leonid z ofitseriv buv salaries in a row and directions to the penal battalion. Nevdovzі after eating at full. Nimtsі, recognizing that in the middle of the middle of the sons of a member of the Politburo, they began victorious yoga for agitation at the front-line smuzі: speaking on the radio, campaigning for the radian soldiers and officers in full… Stalin gave an introduction to the head of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement P.K.. If Stalin was told that Leonid had been delivered to one of the partisan pens, and they asked for a litak to deliver yoga to Moscow, then Stalin responded: “You don’t need to judge by one officer, to judge Leonid Khrushchov at home” .

Sin Khrushchov was shot like a guardian of the Batkivshchyna. Khrushchev, after the death of Stalin, relatively prihovuvav tsey fact, and it was started up a bit, that the pilot Leonid Khrushchov perished the death of a good man in a battle with a kilkom with German winemakers. We are able to let loose bits.
Є. Dzhugashvili.
Cit. for: Aliluev V. S. 159-160
Khrushchev was an opponent of Stalin in his soul ... Anger at Stalin through those who had eaten his son at such a camp, who shot him ... Stalin didn’t want to have mercy on him ... After such an embitterment of guilt at everything, abi confuse them I am Stalin...
V. Molotov.
Cit. by: Chuev F. S. 324

Khrushchov himself, being a member of the Viyskovo Radiation of the Pivdenno-Zakhidnogo directly, that the armies that are fighting near Kharkiv, is at a critical moment, if the Germans have turned our troops away, throwing the front and vtik to Moscow. Threatening Yoma to have a trial before the Viysk tribunal. Vіd early warning vryatuvav Molotov.

Kharkiv cauldron. The tragedy is blamed on Khrushchev and Timoshenko.

After the idea, after the capture of Stalingrad, Turkey and Japan entered the war against the Soviet Socialist Republic.
Dozens of thousands of Radian soldiers perished through Khrushchev

Zvichayno Abbakumov is SUCCESSFUL to bring Rukhla's information to Stalin ..... However, having mercy ... At the result - he himself was ILLEGALLY shot by Khrushchev in the 1953 fate ...

.... Tsey negidnik has long worked on the British. The stinks did help you in the strength of a sprig of times, driving in certificates.

Khrushchev did not have our Batkivshchyna. Vіn pratsyuvav against our Fatherland.
Dyuchi obviously behind the British vkazіvka, Khrushchev himself, having found the base of the Navy and the Air Force of the SRSR Port Arthur, closed them in 1955, as the Pacific region is of little great strategic importance for the SRSR.
Russia also entered the Mediterranean. We had military bases and naval officers in Albania. Khrushchov purposefully barked stosunki for Albania.
The politics of that day led to the rise of Enver Hoxha's regime in Albania.

Khrushchev purposefully began to underestimate Radianska army. For a little less, 1 million 200 thousand military servicemen were squandered officially. Vіn same nenischuvav tіlespryamovano that elite of the army.
Plus, Khrushchev purposefully underestimated the UPU ...
The newlyweds were cut into pieces...
Khrushch hung out - "A good litter can become a kind colleague."

Well , and in one of the military speeches, Stalin called Khrushchev a half-wit. Possibly, all the whole thing swelled afterwards, after the death of Stalin, I found out hatred for Stalin, and Khrushchev became the nasadzhuvaty among the people.Khrushchev was a vengeful man. Avenging Stalin, taking revenge on yoga children.
Є. Dzhugashvili.
Cit. for: Aliluev V. S. 159-160

The People's Republic of China was given the opportunity to invest in the development of military nuclear weapons, and the frequent transfer of the technologies necessary for the SRSR.

All the same, Khrushchov robbed himself purposefully, pretending to be a petty fool and a fool,
"knocking with a cherevik", as the deacons of ZMI wrote later, at a meeting at the UN.

Todi was discussed about the sickness in the SRSR food - the legacy of the strangulation of the Ugor rebellion. The sense of the said tiradi is briefly like this - we ourselves are virishimo, like the people are calling.

Mao Zedong: “We have Khrushchev-type people sleeping next to us, the time has come to wake them up. Khrushchev started the cause of Stalin, and the adversaries will complete it with the Radyansk Union ".
The moral of Navoi is "Be faithful, but forget about loyalty."

The downfall of the Stalinist recession.

Also, 50 years ago, the British protégé M. Khrushchov - the hangman of Trotsky-Bronstein - purposefully created a famine in the SRSR.
Particularly hated are M. Khrushchov, Yak and Trotsky-Bronstein, Cossacks of Russia ... That is why M.Khrushchov organized in 1962 a mass shooting near the capital of the Don Cossacks - Novocherkassk.
If they added to you that the workers would strike in Novocherkassk, saying: Novocherkask? Cossacks? No humanism"

And to show respect, as our defenders of law, and in fact foreign agents, resolutely omit this topic.

Cavalier of the Order of Lenin 1956 Sukarno (Indonesia) and Prime Minister Khrushchov enjoy cigarettes

It is obvious that the children of Khrushchov's onuki are in the spirit of HATE before the SRSR and Russia. "
In principle, the theme for the Analysis of Psychiatry.
Tse - psychic inspiration of people, like victorists actively British research

Original taken from unlimmobile in A revolution in Russia is impossible - a nuclear illusion is a factor of stability

Most lakaet those who suspect the fact of vbivanie
do not blame zovsim, but with a sufficient degree of appointment
arrows should be translated into handy substations.
This is a sign of the greatest professionalism.
Fandorin - "death of Achilles" (c) Akunin

Russian revolution and nuclear club

It is worth while respectfully chastising for the succession of reasons that the revolutions of 1917 were passed over to rock, it was shown that there were a lot of signs that were already rooted among themselves. At the same time, in Russia, all the signs are obvious. It’s unlikely that they are varto, as if citing a comedy about the revolutionary situation in Ulyanov-Lenin. Ale pitanya: what could be the revolution for the quarter of 1917? Dumok some food is too rich. However, below it will be broken down to show that a revolution is impossible, and the main reason will be painted out, so as not to allow it to happen.
The nuclear program of the Third Reich is more or less the same from the same point of view, as it is briefly formulated as: Andzhe itself on the foundations of Hitler's Germany, the United States created a nuclear weapon for fire.
The transfer of the secrets of the creation of a nuclear weapon to the United States in the SRSR is not the most important episode in the entire history of mankind. Here it was necessary to translate the arrows into coke. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the spontaneity of elementary particles. So, it was innocently befriending Rosenberg on the electric steel. The character, about which the language is going, did not light up again, but such a walk even clearly confirms the handwriting of the superbly charming faker from the special operations carried out.

Phenomenon Kennedy merits on okremy analiz. Why is Kennedy boldly drinking against the transnational financial elite? Chi buv vіn such a bad chi moment to know what power is greater? There is no word, Kennedy's frostbite was on the river, suitable for the shrill viklik of the secular plutocracy. Ale chi bula yoga intelligence sufficient for intelligence, what will you be after? What are some thoughts about Kennedy's lack of recourse in his decree No. 1110? Why do you want to drink on the spot, yakby knowing for sure that the financial elite is the most powerful group of managers on the planet? It seems to be the fault of a child of a mighty clan of many gangsters-smugglers who carried counterfeit alcohol for hours of Prohibition. So, as a brainless fool, who doesn’t understand, to whom I throw the blame, it’s definitely not the fault. And tse means that vin mav is really able to change in that scho is quiet, who, having created the Fed, has more power. Nutrition: if you have "know" yourself by strength? So, zrozumilo - under the hour of the Caribbean crisis. Ale, it’s a pity that this force didn’t protect yoga from the swing. Obviously, she gets involved less than once, if she is fed even more severely - in all other ways, she can do it to the point that she eats on the planet, there is nothing good.

1993 rok for Russia as a landmark rock. At the same time, the comprador elite, which came as a result of a typical color revolution, decided to build enough leftovers of the great empire for the benefit of this financial elite itself. Nemaє need to explain that the Yeltsin-Gaidar-Chubaisiv zgraya is ready to sell everything and everything. І in fact, the process of selling the empire was successful. However, if on the right it went to the nuclear gallery, the process zipped like a rapt. More than that, the process of disintegration, and disintegration, has begun. Behind all the signs, there was a point of no turning, as if the process had gone straight ahead. . Inquiry: who zmusiv zrobititse? There is also no evidence.

Nuclear galuze, crimson, sche th strain factor of stability. Guess PAR! Tsya marvelous for the equal development of the country is a small locomotive in the storms - the bait of the Dutch settlers. I realized that the stench was like a brush at the throat of the Anglo-Saxons. Not less dratuvav and development of the country, which threaten the prospects of plundering future periods. To that, by hook or by crook, better for everything, PAR was blamed from the nuclear club. I was like a little bit of a trap - the color revolution of the zombies, the mandela and the new chaos and devastation.

Pokazovaya є i share of Ukraine - after the nuclear disarmament, ukraine turned into a rabbit for the testing of polytechnologies on nearby її hromadyan. To understand how important it is - varto correct the behavior of the opposition in the Russian Federation, especially those who, like the Russian opposition, are being recruited. The very nuclear eye is the main reason that in the Russian Federation everything is super stable, and will be even more stable.


Khrushchev, like a richly known politician, pretended to be a mythical hero. For some wines, the destroyer of a tyrant, for others - the destroyer of a bright idea, which laid down the mine of an uplifted fiend of the Radyansk Union. Vidchaydushny smilivets, scho pishov against the system, and non-perfection intriguer and liar. You can guess other epithets - from school lessons, ZMI, books and learn anecdotes ... Or you can guess the tombstone of Ernst Nevidomy's robot - black and white, like our statements about Khrushchev.

It's not easy to break the edge of the myth and swindle Khrushchov the man. Vcheni write more about people and not even more historical backgrounds, all the stinks come out as if, but ink is not overflowing into people. Help the co-workers in the advancement of the assessments, avenge the more recent claims to Khrushchev, lower the vіdomosti, which help to understand the reason behind it. That same Mikita Sergiyovich himself robbed chimalo, sob spatelichiti naschadkiv: cleaning the archives, in which the most important documents were taken, dictating words, in which he made Stalin, Beria and Malenkov as fools, and “forgetting” talking about himself. It is possible, obviously, to take him as a boyaguz, who is afraid of the voice of his unfriendly rights. And you can take a look at some great human bajannya to save good memory for yourself. Really, who wants to be left in history with a marvelous and suspicious type?

Head of rice

Zvichainist bula, maybe, the head rice of Mikit Sergiyovich. Having been born on April 15, 1894, at the birthplace of the peasants, they became the largest part of the population of that country Russian Empire. And for the sound of quiet rocks, literally for a high school assistant, for the sake of earning money, moving to the city - Yuzivka (probably Donetsk), the center of that hour, which was gaining popularity to Donbas. The blessing of Mikiti was traditional - pochatkovoy, sufficient for reading a little and raising up to thirty (such was the maximum salary of a worker). The young Mikita was spared the profession of a profession: he became not a Shevtsy, as if he had a father, and not a seller at a shop, like a mother's dream, and not a miner, but a slyusar - an elite of the robotic class. Zavdyaks of their profession, having taken off not only an apartment, but zapovitni thirty carbovents for a month, and armor, zavdyaks of yakіy yogo were not taken to Persh Svіtova.

Politician Khrushchev came unapologetically for that revolutionary era, 23 years, having joined the party ... eseriv. Natomistity at the lavas of the bіshovikіv appeared at once, like the fate of 1918, if it became clear that the power of the stench should not be sacrificed to anyone. The first political way itself led Khrushchov to the caravan. Commissar of the battalion, director of the mine, secretary of the povit (the lowest - to the district), head of the head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine ... For fidelity, it was only necessary to get the goodness of the middle light, which was helped by that very party membership, and to be properly lit by the important right, the benefit of such people was enough. Khrushchev, having become famous at the Shakhty Council (from the same filing, engineers were arrested in Donbass) and as a secretary at the capital's Industrial Academy, de vin began in 1929-1930. Granit of science Mikita Sergiyovich griz unsuccessfully, natomіst sympathetically vyyavlyavl Trotsky among students and vikladachiv. To whom I added the halo of Trotskyist - in 1923 I actively supported the ideas of the cunning Lev, - the veils of those who, having respected Yogo to their own, yelled and stumbled at the NKVS. Also, the pardon of "political" youth turned into an obvious benefit. The merits were appreciated and the memory of replacing the old Bolshoviks of the Stalinist team of Khrushchov began to resurrect anew: in 1931 they appointed the secretary of the Baumanivsky district, and that was the head of the Moscow City and Regional Party.

Vikonati and perevikonati!

It was said that Mikita Sergiyovich, a former classmate from the Industrial Academy, Nadiya Alliluyeva, to the “rapt” zloto. Movlyav, she said to the almighty kind person, and that i asked the student to lay the ceramics of the country - and it went off. Tsіkaviy, obviously, a turn, but it’s not the same one. Mikita Sergiyovich was just a frequent guest at Stalin's: in his office, in his dachas, and at the loud gatherings, which cheered with simple, but healthy joy. Vin was a good spy, arrogantly jittery, easily roaring people to himself, and for an hour he laid the soul of the company. Alezim with talent, we follow Khrushchov in his youth, only the eyes of Stalin from the middle of the 1930s, if he was killed at the university near the rulers along the edge, and not outside, would shine before Stalin. That Stalin respected people not for vipivating and tskuvati tales, but for vіdminnu work. And Khrushchov really appeared like this: having figured everything out exactly and at once, reacting negatively to the respect and correcting the shortfalls, showing the initiative, but in the world. Vіdminnі yakosі, scho allowed yomu, for example, to stay with the everyday life of the metropolitan metropolitan. True, everything that was entrusted to you, Khrushchev, having deceived to perevikonati and tsim to bring his fidelity, wanting to be at the cost of blood. So, under the hour of mass reprisals in 1937, the fate of the wines outperformed the successive regional chiefs, requesting a shootout for 8500 people, and asking for a larger number of cobs. Vtіm, don’t varto vbachat in this fact, it’s not a lot of recklessness: the population of the Moscow region, which included the capital, accumulated twelve million people, more, less in any other region, that’s where the reprisals hit here greater number of people.

"In a situation to become sensible"

Khrushchov's failure to commemorate after Stalin's death sounds like a scheming talent. However, it is unlikely that the repair of ceramics was given to you in the same art. Sooner, signs of a different quality were given here, as if in 1930 they wrote down in the certificate of the reserve commissar Khrushchov: "In a situation to become sensible". In 1953, mayzhe, all the inhabitants of the political Olympus started to take in a lot of new state plantations. Georgy Malenkov, becoming the head of the order, and Lavrenty Beriya, the first intercessor and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, turned the MZS, and Mikola Bulganin, the Ministry of Defense. And Khrushchov has sprung up more, for Kim the future! Even the same party organs, not respecting Stalin at all with the rest of the fates of life, cast them into other roles, continued to play a leading role. The necessary decisions of official bodies - the parliament and the order - were required to be approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. On tsyu "konyachku" and zrobiv bet Mikita Sergiyovich, having lost his secretary. I, on the vіdminu vіd comrades-competitors, not having mercy! Beria was swayed with sleepy zusills, wanting to play the violin in the right hand of Malenkov. Natomist, if Georgy Maksimilianovich himself, having pardoned lowly, with the head of some kind of boons, would allow the party nomenclature of privileges, Khrushchev, for the help of the crooked party members, ruled the premier at the post. And in 1957, the fate of the zavdyaks pidtrimtsі tih of the party chiefs themselves, having dealt with other opponents - Molotov, Voroshilov and Kaganovich.

Leader at the Vishyvantsi

From these podias, before the speech, the transfer of the Russian Crimea to Ukraine was tied. Khrushchev himself was right in the wake of the life of the Pivnichno-Krimsky canal, water for which was taken from the Kakhovka reservoir on the territory of Ukraine. The inconsistency of such an explanation "spile economy, territorial proximity"- was obvious and at the same time, there were a lot of government projects in the Soviet Socialist Republic, the implementation of such projects was carried out on the territory of several allied republics and the price did not call out some difficulties. The reason for the generous present was clearer than clear for a wide zagal: Khrushchev is a Ukrainian. It’s not for nothing that I won Ukraine, I spoke softly and wore embroidered shirts. The protege leader, who was born in the Kursk province, was like 99% of the population of the Dmitrov district of Russia. I did not change the nationality by stretching its old life. The real reason for the Crimean history was Khrushchov's rozrahunok on the support of the largest party organization in the Union ahead of the Chergovy, after the defeat of Beria, a round of struggle for the victory of power. Such a podtrimka demanded an extraordinary cut. I best gift nomenclature, lower Krim - an all-Union health resort, you can’t imagine! In any case, the decision about the transfer to the Crimea was accepted not especially by Khrushchev, but by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and already two days later it was rumored to be confirmed by the same parliament - the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR.

Khrushchev on the verge of a nuclear attack

Поголос приписує Хрущову чимало сміливих і епохальних кроків: повалення Берії, освоєння цілини, розвінчання культу особистості Сталіна, масове будівництво житла, вихід у космос ... Але при найближчому розгляді ці досягнення виявляються результатом тривалої роботи, розпочатої задовго до піднесення Микити Сергійовича, і замислювалися stink call other people. For example, in 1948, Stalin especially praised the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpanel houses made of cast-in-place concrete, but until 1950 they tried it out, in order to expand the life of the masses, they began to build a chain of factories of the ZBV. In 1957, the program was launched with full force. The merit of Khrushchov is less in that, having squandered wines on cheap renovation of facades, and less than five tops of the fenced heights of new houses, so as not to concentrate the population and reduce it during a nuclear attack.

The development of the countryside is clear to them: the fallow lands were raised before and after the war, they planned slowly, without the release of resources from the main areas of farming, to develop and further. Khrushchev napolig on a sharply expanded scale in the development of the whole country. Kіlka rokіv іn kraїnі buli nebuvalo vysokі vrozhаї, ale zreshtoj otrimali drank vіchі, moreover, it has a literal meaning (erosion of soil and sawn storms). Beriya, who already in Birch 1953 had criticized the rest of Stalin's initiatives, and Malenkov, who in the lime of the same rock destroyed the food of the cult of specialness, began to fight against the ten of the dead leader. The idea was given over to a bold one, and they didn’t let me go ahead. Ale needs to change the priorities of internal and foreign policy, Consecrated by the authority of Stalin, until the 20th century, practically all the kerіvnitstvo of the country was in time for the vikrittya of the dead leader. They entrusted the dopovіd to the most balakuchi, and he waited a while: for the future political battles, the nationwide "vodomist" camp will be in good luck ...

Corn and fisherman

The children of the greater-smaller independent Mikita Sergiyovich became less of a rock in 1958, if he had sunk the most informed opponents, becoming the head of both the party and the order. Todі th scoring a non-streaming fountain of yoga of great ideas. The lowering of special subsistence states, with which the collective workers fought a little nad, shalena campaign against Orthodox Church, "corn lihomanka" and the destruction of meat production for three years, the adventurous deployment of missiles in Cuba, and the useless podіynykh party organizations on trades and silskі. And all the chains of showings went out to the people, the bad ones went out, divacia with a cherevik and piglets. And all the prices for the aphids of innumerable cities up to the three Hero of Socialist Pratsі and to bring the Hero of the Radian Union.

From i go out, scho buv Mikita Sergiyovich great people. Navit at sim'ї at the new one everything was like with people. Being a boss, having lost wine on robots, I didn’t give respect to the squad and children. Chi varto marveled, that without the batkiv's strictness, the children, used to, whacked in the hands. The most embarrassing senior Leonid, who became famous throughout Moscow for such sprees and riots that surpassed Vasil Stalin himself. Truthfully, Leonid managed to turn on the litter and from the first days of the war he fought the battlefield. Ale navit vin there, contrived to shoot the officer on the right and take the greatest fates of acknowledgment of the punishment in the army. In the face of real awareness, it was more than death at the battle of the spring of 1943. Possibly, as a compensation for the trip, the family’s daytime Mikita Sergiyovich, who is angry at the very height, taking from him to the reception, including for the cordon, a friend’s squad - Nina Petrivna Kukharchuk. There was no such thing in front of the SRSR kerivniks. Residually, Khrushchov turned his back on the "turbos" of his colleagues, like the 1964 rock. Obrazheniya, scho lost this fate, vin provіv іz retinue that onukami, going to the church to put a candle for the father. I also choked on a fisherman.

Oleksiy Fedorov

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