Why do people not pay compliments? The lad is not like affectionate words. What is Robity

Why work, how does your person not give compliments

It seems that a woman is more sexually aware and more sensible, if she is clearly watered with respect. You know, people are very hearty with compliments to reach their goal. Obviously, shards of all people are different, stench and reach different goals. Who cares for the favor of the authorities, who - for the winter of this night, who needs to eat important food, and who - “quench” I will burn that unreasonable anger. However, it is necessary for people to be careful - even more often the stench is choked with intelligence, beauty, sexuality and the enchanting relish of the enchantress. It’s not surprising, as if to guess the perversity of Nature – Yin and Yang, That Shia’s Head, Mars and Venus, Man and Woman – they can’t stink one without one!

So, tse so, but your kohany man does not rob you of compliments! True, wine is lower and dbailiviy, and you don’t have a lot of doubts about what to love more, but you can’t praise your new bed, straightening that garni of teeth!

What is the job of such a situation?

There is only one answer - calm down. I want to, no, I don’t want to calm down, but it’s still possible to try to correct the situation! Nasampered, try to understand yoga. No, seriously, talk to him. For psychologists, the reasons for which your dear one, like riba, may be impersonal - commencing in vihovannia, and ending with it, that in the distant past, yogo does not call far away the words of the buli bismiyana bad unapproachable beauty. Softly and calmly try to explain to you, as importantly as you can a little bit of a NEW word of praise, even if you do it so that you are worthy of Youmu! Guess Yoma in a hot form, that a woman, like before, loves with her and say that she loves and appreciates Yogo even more, if you want, you know, it’s impossible to do more!

That’s all, if you move, if you don’t bring results, you will have to calm down. DO NOT turn the food over to the intrusive and painful principle, more importantly, do not fall into confusion, and do it to yourself, that you have everything to blame. See at the camp of your kohan and marvel at the situation for a second, as if you were drinking wine. You are with him - a miracle couple, and love one alone - you can see it for a kilometer! Vin dbaє, we are trying to get the best for you. In order not to “firewood”, leave everything, like є - you don’t think about “driving” yogo pіd podbor? At the same time - you accept your person as such, like a wine, and trust whatever your decision is.

Let your little one go, mark the positive moments more often (before speaking, this recipe is not only used by women with kohanim), adore yoga and ... don’t hesitate to talk about yoga! Possibly, soon you will learn simple speeches at once, you will grow up and you will come to the “sleeping banner”.

Quite often the woman's attention to compliments and that respect becomes a great problem. Wealthy women would like to be independent all the time, if a person was constantly talking about kohannya, writing knowledge on the pavement, sending dozens of text messages a day, uninterruptedly turning around the suffocation, he didn’t see a single one. Do not help, neither help, nor image, nor prohannya.

Why? I pronounce roses.

I don't mind compliments and romantic twists. But if it becomes an intrusive idea, if it is hostile and psuє your vision, then there is a problem.

And why is it not a human problem, that you don’t give compliments, don’t know, talk, female psychology and your problem.

If you see a lack of love and respect, then you are most likely to joke about being praised, acknowledging that hoarding. Behind it, the bazhanya takes away those words, as if they were underestimated in children: - You are good, you are beautiful, you are bazhana. And the people tell you about those that are important for a woman, you know that it’s not a woman you seem to repair.

“If I’m running, if a man takes his wife by the hand, then I want it like that! However, since I have fed my friend, why don't you take my hand? Vіn having said that you care about the childish garden.

If you think that you are covered and hurt more "without respect", it appears that your person will feel guilty about your misfortunes, the order is simply uncomfortable for you. And you take it away from you, or anger and aggression, otherwise you happen to be swindled by another person.

There is no sense to explain to people, what you will require compliments, what you don’t get, what a woman loves with boos, what whether a woman wants to be sympathetic, what a person їy zahopluєєє, etc. Golovne pitannya: Are you impressed by your own beauty? What do you broadcast people?

Some women seem to say: I sounded a little compliment and all men should give compliments, but if you don’t rob, then blame the filth. Blame the food, but what about those people?

Never ask a man: How do I look? Do you love me? Your food is missing your goodness and value: “I myself can sumnіv and want to give you credit for my innocence.”

If I look good, if I’m satisfied, I don’t need confirmation. I am glad to see the interest of that suffocation in the eyes of a man without words. Compliments are like a bonus and my mood is not to be missed. My happiness cannot lie in the face of what to say to me a compliment. That's not happy.

"Giving me respect, I was happy, not giving - I God-willed"

An installation that you need compliments, and that a woman loves you in the spirits and surrounds you and respects your joy and be happy. Foreseeable scenarios are already life-changing.

You are to blame for the appointment of a person before you. If the fault is true and respectful, then it’s more smut.

The people still show a kohannya, the stench of the streamer, non-emotional. A dear person will send dozens of SMS a day and call regularly. For them, it is even more obtrusive and often the stench takes on such our forces as pressure and control. Їx tse dratuє.

Richness is not human, you can speak richly, but it’s not enough to be shy. Yes, obviously, people, yak it is a lot of compliments, give a lot of obitsyanok, but it’s not enough to stink. Decide what is more important for you - kohannya in deli chi in words.

Bazhannya robit and compliments are popular in the form of sensibilities, and in a pale one, your setting to a person can be less. That vdyachny look of a mature woman is more important, and not the whims of a powerful child. A compliment comes from a broad heart, stubbornly, yoga cannot work for the better.

Pardon for rich women for those who stink to think that the man himself should rob us of happiness. Praise me now, choke me, exalt me, and I will become happy. But the scheme is not working. If you feel beautiful, contented, joyous, then the next person will feel the same way with you. Otzhe, vіn obov'yazkovo tell you about it. You need less podbat about yourself that your happiness.

Life is composed of stages: if one ends, another one begins. The period of hoarding and compliments ends and the period of deep recognition begins one by one. Otherwise, if you don’t repent, it’s better to lie down less than you.

Tetyana Dzutseva

At the first stage, the man of the building hoots his lady with compliments. Ale, without a bar, the wine becomes more zhorstky. I kind of situation, if the lad does not seem to be affectionate, the girls suffer a lot. It’s easy to understand this situation. Aje cannot be separated only through tse. But all the same, if a person doesn’t say a kind word, it’s not normal. It is necessary to fight against it. Otherwise, far away, everything will be only girsche.

Affectionate words and compliments from the natives

In most cases, after 2-3 days, the number of loves is sharply reduced. The lad (that girl) will understand that everything was trapilos. The other half is definitely with you, and there is no more sense to add.

So here is the effect of the call. The person is calling to you. Vіn not vіdchuvaє trembling and sorom'yzlivіst. Your beauty is already being built, no matter how loud, but rather banal.

It is important that the lowering of degrees in the air is observed in all. I do not need to press on your kohan, trying to repeat “upward”. Even though the situation is a law. I do not enter into it.

Why doesn't the lad say kind words?

There are more reasons described above, but there may be other factors in the presence of evidence in the court:

  1. You have distanced yourself. Scandals and so on;
  2. Win not to love you. Take boo;
  3. Vіn vtomlyuєtsya on navchanni, at the gym thinly;
  4. Vin himself is not a romantic;
  5. You rotten after yourself and do not give compliments.

Sob to hear the lagidnі words of a kohan cholovіka, you varto zavzhd mother garniy looked. Todi you want to pay you a compliment.

A great role is played by the weather in the booth. The more you are jealous, angry, believer, the less you will be praised. Navіt yakscho you corrected that not fighting the lad, the image may be lost. Zreshtoy, you can’t waste words on lagidni.

Deyaki people simply do not overdo any kind of love. They don't like to be on the bottom. Otzhe, rіven stosunkіv varto look not for words, but for the vchinkіv of your kohan.

The man does not seem to caress the words. What's wrong?

The presence of verbal warmth - don't forget the bad sign. You need to look at those:

  • Chi chirping MCH to your lives;
  • Chi is appropriate for you to be with you;
  • Chi good wines with you;
  • Chi do not fool vin you.

If all the indications are normal, then it’s not a good idea to hit the flashes. And from what a lad when you know where to go, breshe, it’s good to be put up to you only after sex, then it’s better for everything.

And even as affectionate words, those compliments at the vіdnosins were long and sharp, then it was better for everything in the new one. In this situation, it is important to take the lad under your control and to sort out everything. Possibly, wine works on two fronts.

What is not required?

A lot of girls, if a man or a lad doesn’t seem to have affectionate words or compliments, they start to get angry. Layat people for those who don’t give you such respect - it’s stupid.

Even worse is the hero of the new kindness. "Tell me I'm your gut." Wait a minute, it's stupid. You are guilty of understanding that your little ones will require half a mind.

In addition, do not varto rob youma for evil. If you start acting colder, then wine will definitely not change. You will start to rage in aggression one to one, and stosunki fall apart.

To solve this problem, varto diyati delicately and cunningly. Otherwise, the stosunki are not viide. And with a diligent approach, we will honor you for another hour, without mentioning the others.

Why doesn't the lad give compliments?

Your young man does not rob compliments? Think, what do you really deserve? If so, then the problem is new. You can hatefully pidshtovhnut your way on the true path, or talk to him directly. The truth is, the remaining method can be used to form yoga, even if people and women in a different way understand compliments. What work, if you can’t win?
Often you can feel like a person, but you can’t make compliments. Why is it due to the fact that people are less than women and do not give words such a majestic meaning. The stench gives priority to diyam. What work, how is your example of such?
Talk to him, carefully, calmly, and vpevneno. Try to explain that you are a girl, it is acceptable to you, if you speak strong words, praise for your vchinka, give respect. Just don't overdo the chick. You don't want a little neshchiri words and rude flattery addressed to your address? It’s possible to wine it up, but it’s just that you don’t understand yourself yet, like a compliment.
Deyakı people are more modest and don't know which way to go to the girl. Maybe I’ll tell you myself, I want to tell you, but I’m afraid that you will feel it wrong. Let him know that you lie warmly up to the new and check your eyes.
"Little Girl" mode successfully activated
Sob not to embarrass your friend half and seek respect for her, you can guess childishness. Just don't confuse a little girl with a whimsical princess, otherwise, instead of compliments, you will take away the praise of teasing. How tse robiti? Yes, it's easy.
You can just pretend to be imaginative, pout your lips and in the voice of a crooked child say that she has stopped praising you and robit compliments. Golovne, so that the mood of your lad at the moment is kind, otherwise you risk replacing the laudatory or taking away a cup of inappropriate words.
Guessing about feelings
If you’ve been in the windows for a long time, then you can easily trample on it, try to speak to me. Think about it, throw everything away and spend an evening or two in a romantic setting, guess what? It’s unlikely that you’ll be constantly moving, and you’ll expect a compliment not to be heard from the mouth.
And what about those who are better?
Do you want to compliment your companion's life? Adzhe vin yak be-yaky cholovik - often a child. And children should love, if you praise them. I call it unimportant, for myself. Having nailed the policewoman at the bath room? What a fine fellow, what a gentleman! Chi brought groceries from the store chi donis on hand? You are so strong and vibrating! Let you know that you have appreciated your contributions, and without a doubt, you should confirm mutually.
Have some kind of mood, remember that people are three others. From other planets, and also, you need to learn how to do something cheap and work indulgence. Only in this way it is possible to vibuduvat dovgі and schaslivі stosunki, and all the problems are more likely to be discussed, as it seems, on the birch. Otherwise, your family chauvin does not show off the first storm, and you will drown in discord, dissatisfaction and incomprehensibility.

The person does not seem to compliment.

A woman “to love with a wow”, and without compliments one does not feel like a kohana. Compliments are not a joke, but rather an important warehouse vіdnosin.

Ale buvaє, scho cholovіk not kazhe compliments. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? The reasons can be different.

For example:

1. Cholovik, like a lot of people, upevneniya, scho vin already friends on a woman (otherwise, he’s having a chat with her at the vіdnosinah), she’s guilty of nobility without “zayvih” slav, who she herself should love. І scho love zagalom.

2. A person can think that the compliments of the squad can be a sign of the size of the squad and that the squad seems to “be proud”. (That’s how the deyak people say on my request, why don’t they stink compliments to their squads).

3. A person to be ashamed of chi not able to show his feelings.

4. The person, when trying to say compliments, timidly stubbornly, and osm_yany and criticism by the squad.

These are the "normal" causes.

There are more people who are aware of belittling their wives, exposing them to violence (for example, psychologically), respecting that the wives are not varto "spoil". With such people, it’s better not to be mothers of stosunkiv. And if you still see blue, you stink more for everything without prospects. You try again to change it (with whom you can be helped, for example, my trainings and audio courses), but if you don’t see it, it’s better to separate from such a person. To the one who lives behind the aggressor or a human being, as if showing violence, will not be happy.

Qi people do not mind kohati!

Reshtu cholovikiv can learn (or instill) rob and compliment. I'll tell you about three ways to help you get better.

Wow like this:

1. Eat with a person about those you look like. Vin can be definitely confirmed. Ale Vi, explain to you that your very thought is important to you, and continue to inquire. (Robіt tse coquettishly). If you WANT TO SAY IT WELL, say to you and say that it is acceptable to you. Do not criticize at any time.

2. Ask a person to tell you "it's good." And speak for those who say wine. You are worthy of it, and after a certain hour, you will be able to do more yourself.

3. Talk to people about those who are the “master of the compliment”, and I will become such for you.

Would you like to know about your report? Do you want to learn how to take on a person everything you want? Everything is reported in the audio course: “Harmonious stosunki with a man and “weather at home” for two days”.

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