Beautifully cut potatoes into cubes at home. How to get everything right

Students from the British University conducted a survey on the topic of cooking potatoes. The stench z'yasuvali, like a shvidko and correctly por_zati її on chotiri parts, so that later there would be no problems from frying. It turned out that there is a greater way, lower just to draw a knife horizontally and vertically over the sheep, as if not all of the world could be broken.

Scientists from the Department of Management in the Hospitality Industry at Essex University have found a new way to cut potatoes before frying or roasting. The stinkers conducted a study and studied the knowledge of the course of trigonometry, in order to round the cicava, but logically concluded: when cutting potatoes on typical chotiri, parts of the won't fry as well as when slicing trikutniks, so the rest is especially grown. Tse, obviously, did not finish from the series “”, but it’s also too busy.

To understand your method, it is not necessary to be yourself. Everything becomes logical when you look at the little ones with clues - you don’t want to hurt the knowledge of geometry. Like a butt, a potato 5 cm long and 11.5 cm wide was taken, like a spadix was cut into pieces by the standard method - the students hardened what British chefs spun with it.

Two ruhi with a knife, horizontally and vertically, and as a result, we will take chotir visibly even shmatochki. Now, on the right, there is mathematics: the total area of ​​​​the inner surface of the maple, as if smeared, becomes 26 π. The leather shmatochok at the dovzhin and the width of the weed is half less than the average values ​​of the whole potato.

Let's remember the number and cut the potato again - tezh on chotiri parts, but in the butt of the sheep there will be cuts on trikutniks. All the smells go from one part of the kartoplin, and in fact, the students just propagate the navpil, and then cut the skin half along the diagonal with a cut close to 30 degrees.

The results are guilty buti zrozumili sche behind the front little one, but the numbers speak more richly. With an alternative method of cutting the cooks, we take a new straight diagonal. I won cardinally change the size of the coated surface of the potatoes - now the price of thin shmatochki. And the total area of ​​​​the inner surfaces of the card-tops should be 52.9 π.

The difference in the top sums of the area covered on top (do not forget about the top of the potato) is even larger - with an alternative method, with a frying pan, 65 hundred pieces of potato are more.

The motive for the student's follow-up was the video recipe of the famous British chef and host of the culinary show Heston Blumenthal. For some cooks, like a rich one, having cut potatoes in the traditional way, the students were not honored with the method. At the video stink they call Heston to rewrite it in practice and give the recipe a roar. And if the celebrity commemorated the students, they threw yoga in social media.

The editorial office of Medialeaks can spend every hour watching the hedgehog and above the hedgehog. We wrote a life hack about those. And before the tsim mi they wailed crooks of authority orange skins - not like Gennady Malakhov, but those of power.

On the method of cooking potatoes, pour in like rosemary, that form of bulbi, and so on the way of slicing. Іsnuє impersonal technologies for cutting potatoes, with the main ones, we can immediately recognize them.

How to properly cut potatoes

Rubbing on the ground

Potatoes are rubbed on the third like an orphan, so it looks like a boiled one. Varenu potatoes, which she has reached, rub for an additional grater with larger openings into a thick grass.

When rubbed with syrah, potatoes give a large amount of starch root. To that, proceeding to the process, virishit, chi need you out of the country, that you are getting ready. If you don’t get lucky, then grate the potatoes on the doshtsi for the help of a standard grater. In that case, if you need a native land for cooking more or less grass, then you need to grate potatoes for an additional middle or large tertz in a deep dish, so that the native land does not drain. With your hands, you can really see the motherland from the potato mass and pour it into the room. Remember that the grated potato syrah is already dark and brown, so it is necessary to cook it in a bowl.

French fries

To prepare classic French fries, it is necessary to cut large bulbs of potatoes into 1.5 cm buntings (tovshchi for bazhanny). And then we’ll cut the skin skewers into small cubes 1.5 cm wide.

Potatoes are grown in the same way to prepare more soups.

Dice cutting

From bulbi vyrіzaєtsya rіvna tsegla, and trimmings that are left out are left out for vikoristannya in the preparation of potato soup or vegetable stew. Then we’ll be narrated with even equal shmatochki. The next stage - the little pieces are stacked in an equal pile, they are cut into ties, after which they are across, so that equal cubes come out.

Narіzka with skewers

Most of the time, the hour of cooking potatoes is not important, as you will exactly call the bulb, but in days potatoes tse vplivaє yak on old look, and for an hour of preparation. For cutting potatoes with skewers, take great expansion hospitality lower. Cut the potato on the back of the head into two halves, and then cut the skin half of the cheek into two halves - until the long shmatochki in the knitted form are removed. So that the skibs were equal, for an hour of work, put the tip of the knife on the board and rhythmically press the wrists on the handle of the knife.


To prepare a small portion of chips, it is necessary to cut the potatoes into skewers with a width of a yakomoga thinner with a knife, while pressing the bulb with one hand to the board.

To prepare thin chips, grate potatoes for an additional large grater with a special slanting cut of the forest, it is also called berner grater or cut the potatoes shredding knife.

Korisna porada: during the hour of drawing the chips, the grater did not forge, put a ganchirochka under it, or a kitchen towel. However, if you plan to make a larger batch of chips, rather than using the help of a food processor.

Dribna narizka

This method of slicing potatoes is most often used when preparing salads. For tsієї meti vikoristovuyut starch varieties with a larger schіlnoy texture, yakі not rozvaryuyutsya. Narizati for salads need only cold potatoes. The bulb is shriveled up, then the skin half of the skin is stretched on the sprat of the husband, and then across.

Potatoes are lubricated with a bagatioh rokіv posіdaє leading place among the beloved countries of the post-tradyansk powers.

Such popularity is enchanted not only by the simplicity of that swedishness of cooking, but also by the savory taste of grass, as if it were miraculously eaten like with fresh vegetables, and with different salts.

Acknowledged culinary specialists are stupefying, scho savory tastes buttered potatoes rich in what to lay down in order, in some way, ovoch narіzan. Therefore, today we will try to grow up with it, like slicing potatoes for lubrication.

The Danish way of detailing the root crop is the simplest and most intelligible. As a rule, cutting potatoes into cubes is most often stagnant in the fall, as the vegetables are transferred to the prepared salads and soups. How do the culinary experts affirm, not less savory appear and potatoes are lubricated, cut in such a form.

Cutting potatoes with neat cubes does not become especially difficult. For this purpose, it is fastened with a knife with a small plate, on a yak and placed in front of the promition and cleansing in the skin of a sheep, such a trace is cut into two equal parts.

After that, one of the halves is split into two parts. For transparency, lay the її zrіzanoy part down to the bottom.

At the time of planting a great root crop, you may need additional details for a larger number of sprouts. Picking up all the skewers at once, it is necessary to cut the sheep in the shape of cubes for the help of transverse rukhiv with a knife.

Obsmazhuvannya veggies, cut into cubes, maє your own luck, even as a result, the connoisseur of oiled potatoes cuts off the grass, in a skin like a small shmatochok will be covered with a crispy golden grain. With this in the middle, the potatoes will become soft and juicy.

Straws are the same form of cutting potatoes, which is the greater number of present-day gifts to give glory. On the right, in the fact that slicing the vegetables with straws after being smeared on the olії is already guessing and ringing, and to the relish I am in love with bagatma French fries. Later, it is also necessary to clean the root pad from the skin and thoroughly wash it under cold running water.

The coreeplid is then put on the edge of the doshka with the side side, after which we cut a small part of the zavtovshka of 1 centimeter. Z vіdr_zanoї skebochka sіd to form the same bands, the width of which is due to the comrade's part.

Without intermediary before obsmazhuvannyam sliced ​​​​vegetable yogo, once again resolutely wash it, so that you can allow too much starch.

In front of the peeled and washed potatoes, lay them on the board, fixing the sides with your fingers. After that, the root is divided into several equal parts for the help of later and transverse rukhiv with a knife. The skin is molded into a chastochka, which is cut into two parts in such a way that two of the same folds are formed in the result.

The thickness of the skin bar must not be less than 1 and not more than 3 centimeters, to ensure proper frying. Narizanu potatoes are also recommended to be washed again in a container with cold water.

Smear the vegetables more often on a fine frying pan with a sufficient amount of olive oil. This technique of detailing root crops can be mastered in such a popular way, like potatoes in a rural way.

The method of drawing potatoes for lubrication, which transfers the molding of vegetables of equal mugs, is more appropriately victorious. Tsey method of trimming a root crop is simple.

Then put the peeled and washed potatoes on the edge of the board with the bicep part down and for the help of the transverse ruhіv narrate with equal circles, the skin of the skin is not guilty of revisiting 5 millimeters.

The Danish way of dressing the vegetable pidide for roasting in the oven together with other ingredients, as well as for obsmazhuvannya in a frying pan with olive oil.

At to this particular type when mixing in the frying pan, it is necessary to do it very carefully, in order to preserve the cob shape of the main ingredient.

To make it easier to manage modern state gifts, you can use various outbuildings, which are used for figured painting of potatoes.

Similar kitchen utensils are not better to ensure the molding of the same shmatkіv, and to a minimum, there is minimal injury when vikoristannі gostroy knife.

Potato is an indispensable ingredient for rich culinary recipes, but it can also be prepared as an independent herb. However, the potato needs to be properly prepared, so that it can be cut.

Use impersonal different ways to properly cut potatoes. Be-yak, the master may keep his secrets, and then follow the rules that are the same for everyone. For the cob, it is necessary to choose from the grass, as you want to cook, and then choose special kitchen tools for slicing potatoes.

Fallow in the culinary recipe, potatoes can be cut different ways, and here a special skill is simply necessary. And if it’s not good for you, then you don’t have to be confused: with the knowledge you can cope masterfully and quickly with cym.

We choose the form

  • For the first straws, potatoes are cut into small (about 3 cm) pieces, and for roasting or stew, it is better to grow a larger rosemary (5 cm). Potatoes are cut into halves, and then the skin is trimmed from them.
  • Bagatioh of young gentlemen to chirp, like cutting potatoes for lubrication, sob to burn the burnt. It’s even easier to fight: it’s necessary to cut potatoes on the middle stalk (the middle potato is cut along the radius up to 6 parts).
  • At the vinaigrette and other salads, boiled potatoes are put, as they are trimmed to circles or bars.
  • For vegetable soups otherwise, it is better to cut the bulb into cubes of 2 cm each.
  • In order to prepare a savory side dish, a kind of pidide to be-such a strave, it is necessary to know how to cut potatoes into strips. Potatoes are cut into pieces, and then the skin part is divided into small sticks.
  • Before the meat comes a special way of slicing into balls, which is called "chateau". The diameter is up to 3 cm and is ideal for lubrication. Bags of medium size (2 cm).
  • Before the ribeye, the syro potatoes are given the shape of a baryl. Їх vіdvaryuyut that sue to the table.

If you want to manually take care of slicing potatoes, then you can choose and add special attachments and kitchen tools for slicing. With their help, you will not only save a lot of time, but you will be able to achieve beautiful forms of shmatochki without zusil.


  • Lomterizka. For the name, everything suddenly became clear: there is a problem behind the help of this tool, like cutting potatoes on the same stalk, it falls by itself. Lomterizka will help you with other products. It’s already handy, as it’s necessary to cook shvidko. Dane's attachment sounds like a knife made of steel with jagged edges. The stainless steel material ensures maximum longevity of the government.
  • We also need a virob and attachments for slicing French fries. You can be like a mit to cook your favorite grass, practically without exercising your strength. This tool for the security of two guests with knives, the expansion of the grating in some of them is different and adjustable.
  • Also, at the same time, a lot of copies of kitchen appliances are presented for sale, yakі can virіzati spiral, robiti raznі viїmki. And the special corrugated knives will be more comfortable to give the shmatochkas a curly shape.

One of the most important steps in the process of preparing food is to properly refine the product. Adzhe in culinary arts does not use fritters, but such a diy will require singing in the right. Take, for example, potatoes. Mostly at the cob stage, after purification, it is necessary to cut. Fallen, in the form of a specific stravy, the workpieces are made according to the mother's form. It is acceptable that for robots, straight-cut sticks like straws are needed. What is needed to grow up in such a state of mind? How to cut potatoes into strips? It appears that the work is possible in a different way.

French fries

In our days, fast food has become popular, so many people in the house are trying to prepare the fear that they fell in love with. Spratsovuє banal power zvichki. As you know, one can't do without the famous French fries. Tim more, scho work yoga zovsіm not smoothly. Golovne, it is necessary to give a uniform form to the main product. Here is a food: "How to cut potatoes into strips?" For whom you can speed yourself simple method. With tools, you need only gostry and that small plate.

In order to understand, how to cut potatoes into strips, it is necessary to clearly understand such things:

  • The bulbi needs to be cleaned, cleaned and dried well with a paper towel.
  • So that the straw was long-lived, it is necessary to grind the potatoes on the doshtsi so that the blade of the knife went away.
  • The bulbi was neatly spread on the rivers of the late kilts.
  • It is necessary to cut the skin blank into trochettes larger than 5 mm.

Once prepared, the potatoes can be boiled in small portions into the oliya.

The secret of the correct form

When you visit French fries in a cafe, people often marvel at how easy it is to look at the side of fried potatoes. Adje tsey ovoch may have an oval shape, and when cut, part of the blanks may be rounded. Here the culinary experts keep their secret. You know for sure how to cut potatoes into strips, so that the skin shmatochok mav is in the correct shape.

On the right in what is necessary before the details of the bulb:

  • On the back of your head you can see the late late edge.
  • Rotate the maple by 90 degrees on the axis and add the same part from the other side. There are two flat sidewalls.
  • Put the product on one of them and divide it on equal pieces in parallel to the other one. Reshtu, which may be rounded, vіdklasti ubіk.
  • Take away the blanks and add them to the smugs of the same comrade.

As a result of small board a neatly large straw with regular even sides appears. And the zirzan shmatkas of potatoes, which were left behind after harvesting, can be stoked for the preparation of other herbs.

Preparation for lubrication

Fri - just one of the ways to smear potatoes. But the greater lord rarely wins yoga in the minds of the home, mainly through the great vitrata of the olive. More economically lubricate potatoes just in a frying pan. With this її, you can also trim the looking straws. In this type, it is better to vikoristovuvaty drіbnishi or middle bulbs. How to cut potatoes into strips for lubrication? The technology of which is richer is simpler than the previous options. For robots, you need cleansing and a mimic product. In front of it, it is necessary to dry the shoes of the tongue, so that the nefarious brizok is hidden from the contact of the water with boiling fat.

Processing of prepared potatoes is carried out in three stages:

  • Nasampered by the bulb, it is necessary to see offended tops. So the vin becomes similar to a small barilo.
  • Next, put yoga on one of the supports (wider) and, using the other hand, carefully cut it with a knife on the same plate.
  • Rotate the product 90 degrees without twisting the plate and rotate the product 90 degrees.

To come out is a neat straw rozmіr to lie down in the form of a comrade of plates. kіntsi, scho lost, tezh can be narіzati. True, the stench will be short for the reshta. Ale for lubrication is not of particular importance.

Technique to help

The skin of the host knows the situation, if, as it seems, the guests are already on the threshold, and there is little time left for cooking. I would like, for example, to dazzle them with thin, greased potato straws, but there is no time for those to take care of neat cutting. What is needed to work in such a situation? How to shvidko cut potatoes into strips? For such a vipadka in the booth, zavzhdi may be special by-butov technique. Today's arrivals in the store do not become especially difficult. You need a special shank for vegetables with a nozzle for cutting straws. With help for the treatment of ailments, you can turn a handful of potatoes into a mountain of thin, even shmatochkiv.

If so, you will be deprived of less lubrication. As soon as you plan to have a side dish with French fries, then in front of you, you need to drink the finished product on a servlet, in order to see the vologger. The product does not boil hot. Yogo needs to be laid out in a thin ball and the sprat gets wet once, the docks in the frying pan are heated.

Combination option

For skin lesions, develop your own special ways of cutting the ingredients. For example, it is impossible to stverdzhuvat, that straws from potatoes can only be smashed with the help of a sharp knife. There are a lot of other options, and the skin of them is good in its own way. It is acceptable that as a side dish it is necessary to prepare a potato pie. This is a savory product, which looks even more effectively on the plate. What is the right way to cut potatoes into strips for such an attack?

Acknowledged culinary specialists in this way should be in this order:

  • On the back of the skin, the bulb is cleared and cut on thin plates. You can do it with a knife, or vicorist, be it a mechanical detail.
  • Then the skin plate must be shaken with an additional grater for Korean carrots. There should be more than 2 mm straws of the troch zavtovka. In addition, all stinks will be the same size.

After any preparation, the product can be awarded for recognition.

Point butt

In the rest of the hour, the designers have broken up a lot of unique outbuildings, which will make it easier for the work in the kitchen. For example, not long ago, original cartographers appeared for sale. Uncomplicated inventions by Chinese maisters. It has a plastic case, at the center of which, at the sight of the lattice, steel knives are fixed. Marveling at the new one, easily stumble, like cutting potatoes into strips. The photo will help you to get more detailed information about food.

I will add the principle of robotics even simpler:

  • It is necessary to put the cleansing bulba on a plate.
  • On top of the new one, install a mapper.
  • Trimming with two hands from the sides, press hard on the attachment.

As a result, blanks of the same size and cut will appear. Having installed the maple in a vertical position, you can take a large straw in a few seconds, reporting the minimum physical zusilla. In the instructions, I will add evidence for additional photographs, which demonstrate the simplicity of yoga work.

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