Vorozhinnya at tea: predict the future online and free of charge! Divination at tea online - a simple method of predicting the future

Affordable and simple magic for tea nabulo wide popularity in Asia, especially in China. Divination for tea can be done in two ways.

The first way is to give a transfer to the seagulls floating around the brewed tea. Another way of transferring water from a path is clouding the vizierunkiv, like pouring tea leaves on the bottom of the cup.

Vorozhinnya on floating tea-gulls

Vorozhinnya at tea sounds like this. It is necessary to brew a teaspoonful of tea in the middle of a cup, cover it with a saucer or a lid, no more than ten quills.

While you are drunk, stay calm and calm, internally get angry and think about squandering your problem.

Tlumachennya witch at tea

- one tea-leaf was lost on the surface, two - right-handed. Happy signs, friendly sign. It means success in the kohanna, robots and financial rights;

Two seagulls spilled from two different sides, and the right-handed one, may be the bottom of the cup, there is another one, dribnisha. Bad sign. Dissatisfied with the kohanoi people, perhaps welding. The robot has problems, a waste of initiative. It is necessary to stream, a capable emotional sight. Loss of rights to the economic plan;

Two tea leaves of a dovgastoo form, which were merged by the right hand, closed in kintsy, and two more wide particles could not sink. Do bad shit. Ale in the kohanna announced the next hour to the bazhan zustrich, joy, what they say. Diyalnist lansyug unlucky, vtrata vіri vlasnі forces, zastіy. Financial difficulties, potyag to gambling.

The tea lies on the bottom, two tea leaves rise less than the left hand. Possibly and good, and bad. A good sign from the sensi zmіtsnennya vіdnosin. A filthy sign and in financial rights, there will be no material needs, beware of ruin.

There are all seagulls on the surface. You won't be happy. The kohanna has a sign of filth.

One teaspoon has drained about half, two or three more trochs rise above the grate of tea leaves, which has sunk to the very bottom of the cup. It's a good sign. Success to you will accompany everything.

Witchcraft at tea for little ones at the bottom of the cup

For carrying out the witchcraft, only a trifle is needed - tea and a cup - obov'yazkovі attributes of a skin booth.

Vorozhinnya at tea looks like this:

At the cup, the trochs of brewing from the brewing kettle are poured.

Welding can be evenly insulated, so that the bottom is more crooked.

Then let's spin the cup after the year's arrow with the trich's left hand. Turn the cup with the handle up to yourself and look in the middle.

Symbolic little gulls are the results of divination.

For clouding, it is necessary to visually expand the bottom of the cup navpil - the nearest part of the half of the cup is brought to the life of the prophet, the distant part is the life of the well-known people.

The little ones beating the walls of the cup mean under the nearest future, the seagulls on the day - under the distant hour of the future.

The meaning of the symbols of the witch on tea

Plyashka. The transfer of health and sickness.

Burn. Cross over to the path to reach the goals.

Wood. Shvidke dressed up that vikonannya conceived.

Key. Happiness, beautiful camp to the body, kohannya that pennies.

Straight road from two trenches. Close changes in a special life.

Winding road. Problems. As the stitch turns sharply, it means that the changes will be great failures.

The great crowd of tea leaves at the center of the cup guards for the day: change your setting to work that life, otherwise great inaccuracies will be checked on you.

Likewise, please let it go, it’s not a big deal to make it more expensive.

The Cross and the Throne hang sickness and death, inaccuracies and membranes, enemies of that evil.

Kіltse or kolo means swedish coat or zustrich with a new person, and if there are two stakes, check for roses.

Zruynovanie budinok - nadії, yakim were not destined to zbutis.

Get off - move to the settlement without a hitch. As if instructing the little ones of the ball to show up, you are checked for swedes pidyomi and fall, as in a special life, so in a car.

The heart means the lack of a heart. It’s like it’s rotting on the bottom of the cup, it’s close to my heart to ache in the near future.

Arrow. Bad news. As if it’s right in front of you, you yourself will bring inappropriate messages to your relatives and friends.

Divination for tea online will help you recognize the importance of nutrition. Vikoristovuvavsya tea for otrimanny vіrnih vіdpovіdey by our ancestors since the 15th century.

Formerly, such a method of appointing the future in Europe appeared. The occultists remembered that it was the hour of tea bathing in the room, where tea leaves were known, among which it was possible to have a whole lot of real posts.

Vykoristovuvsya Danish method of conjuring from zastosuvannyam tea to infuse with witches-ears. Denmark's way of not wasting its popularity from distant times and also wins for the future.

If you have failed the zastosuvat tsey method, then cook the most common brew, and the axis of the method of preparing the drink does not play a special role. If you have seen the harbor for tea online free of charge, then get positive emotions and be ready to accept any result of the rite.

The rite, which is carried out online, is similar to the standard method of witchcraft on tea leaves. It is necessary to pour the tea leaves into a cup, fill it with dill, drink ready-made drinks and good fearfulness.

Only a few words can be taken to interpret the result. People deny not just knowing what is possible, but also knowing:

  • sho contagiously;
  • what will be soon;
  • what checks with the closest future one;
  • distant perspective.

Vorozhinnya at tea online will help you reveal the mystery of mystery and give the best and most expansive result, declaring everything that you need to check in the future. If the result of the rite is not vlashtovuvatime, then do not be embarrassed. You can repeat this rite in one hour and change your life. Just don’t get excited, because it’s not possible to perform the ritual too often.

BUT lmaz - Happiness at the kohanna.
Angel - Unspeakable joy, garna zvistka.
Harp - Roman. High ideas.
Metelik - Svіtskі rozvagi, yakі іnоdі they end deplorably, but let them sound with a slight heat. Be kind.
Drum - Unique pihatosі, shukaya sobі schos new and hoarsely.
Barrel Povna, closer to the handle - holy to your booth. Empty is better for you. On the day - take the pennies.
Bracelet (kіltse) - a symbol of zaruchin, vesіllya, which is important for you to the union; take a bath. To clarify the details, find out the order numbers or initials. Ale remember: if the bracelet (ring) is found on the bottom of the cup, then through the non-transfer, set it up, or through the mutually unreasonable, it is possible to transfer the date of the zaruchin (weighing) or wind it up outside.
Buffalo - The suffering of the people.

Letters, which are clearly pronounced, mean good sings, fuzzy - bad. As if there are dots in them, they symbolize pennies; like the letters of the heart beat, - check on the emotional excitement. Letters (large and small) also symbolize friends, colleagues, relatives.
And you will win.
B - wealth and power in your hands.
B - Skoda, grief is on you.
G - putting a candle to St. George.
D - a lot of pennies.
E - conscience is clear.
K - wear a cross (otherwise buy a new one).
N - misfortune, worry.
P - zrada, infidelity.
P - a glass (be careful with alcohol).
X - you will see the zamіzh.
Yu - filthy old age.
I - the share turns to your "I", life will be rewarded.

See also the clouding of the word "Initsiali".

Bouquet - Happiness at Kohanna, at family life.
Plyashka - Get lost in the sky. As if the figure is ruffled on the rim of the cup, there is a guard for someone from your loved ones.
Bik - Carefully, you have a security check on you. Stream your temperament. At the top and clear - you take a large sum of pennies for your work. Below and clear - exaltation and health.

At aza - Grapevine that peace of mind will come to you through serving people.
Mitten - Made love.
Vialo (fan) - Be careful. Do not zrobish tactlessness. Your lightness can lead to unacceptable consequences.
Bicycle - Vazka is more expensive.
Vinok - Success at the right.
Camel - Wealth.
Gilka without leaves - welding at home chi robots will bring to timchasovy tension. To the leaves - a new friendship will begin. Newsletter about the people.
Videlka - Wealth and chic.
Grapes - Happiness through vpevnіst kohanіy people.
Povitryany serpent - The share is not on your side, especially in gr. Look at everything calmly and it's great.
Crow - The house is in trouble.
The gate of marriage is a happy outcome of an unacceptable situation. Close - before that, how to come to a result that pleases you, to have a chance to negotiate.
Vershnik - Help for a strong individual.

Gіtara - Pragnennya to a raging kohannya and whimsicality.
Eyes - Change of life.
Golub - Peace, calm, good news.
Burn ahead - the robot is strained, but you have a true friend to blame.
Mushrooms - Short welding with kohanoy. Deyaki ukladnennya on robots at home. Maybe, it’s possible to get over the trouble - and rozumovo, and physically.
Truna - Bad news. Inodi can mean death.

D vir vіdkrita - accepting and not giving news. Closed - be patient and your dream will come true.
Girl - Sincerely kokhannya.
Tree - You are blessed with good health and good luck, Volodinnya is rich in speeches. A lot of trees - you pragnesh change and daughters.
Budinok with dahom and vіknami - family happiness. I charged the booth from a stake - you take away the vlasny booth. Budinok at the top - do it better. The house is small - it is necessary, it is tight, as if the house was knocked out with black specks, then it is safe.
Dragon - Start a new one on the right, look over your point of view.
Oak - Peremoga over the enemy.

AND Elud - Success, no matter how hard it is. Yakshcho zholud viyshov duzhe clearly - good luck. How to outline yoga innocence, to be able to report zusil for the attainment of meti.
Zhіnka is a symbol of the bazhany, which is seen beyond the day; hope and passion.

W Amok - Unstoppable recession. Become supervised by the reception.
Hare - Myopia, fearfulness.
Zirka is a lucky sign. It symbolizes happiness, health and wealth. Sudzheno zbutisya all your promises and hopes.
Budіvlya - For the sake of reaching you, change your look; you may need a change of scenery.
The grains spread along a straight line are easily crossed over.
Snake - Unkind; htos against you buduє podstupi.
The parasol is closed - you don’t fit into the situation, you’re changing. Vidkrity - be careful and do not fight for the sake of friends.

І- Sadness, tears, melancholy.
Initials - mean people, with whom you can say tsі іnіtsіali, and if the stench is close to the handle, then people who are close or important for a person, like a fortune teller. Whether or not the letters of the alphabet can be placed before people who you know or you will soon recognize.

Before amin - The call of the guests, more talk.
Square - A good sign, which looks like a zasіb zahistu in the form of pardons and insecurity, yakі you can either get away (loosen up).
Dagger - Spend Nebezpeka through the witch.
Konyushina - If there were no problems, everything would end up far away for you.
Klitina (great) - As a rule, clitina means vesillya. Ale, it can mean problems, if you are already turbulent. Check - it's time to put everything in its place.
Klitina (small for birds) - Protective of zakhoplennymi: think carefully, first give obityanki, how far to go.
The key is you are a happy person. All the roads and all the doors open before you, like on the right, so in a special life. Be-yakі problems virіshatsya, continue shukati.
The book is closed - don't take hasty decisions. Vidkrita - continue, as you planned.
Goat - Non-receiving calls from the mandriving. Do not be stubborn and try to unique welds with others.
Wheel - Pratsyyuchi rich, you reach the bag, like a wheel roztashovane bіla edge of the cup, you check the salary increase or otrimannya divіdendіv.
Ringing - Good news. A lot of calls - an important podia. Possibly, fun.
Kіltse - Friendship, kohannya, good bazhannya.
Comet - Do not boast about those who may not be in the fire. Relax.
Compass - Virushay rise in price. Find yourself a new occupation.
Envelope - Wait for the sheet. In that case, if there is a square or a rectangle (envelope) nearby, the letter of rotting is not far away, the novelty should be sent. If there is a rich point near you, then, later, there are new financial problems. The closer the envelope is to the handle and to the rim of the cup, the sooner the sheet can arrive.
Kin - Happiness, luck, fun.
Ship - The check is more expensive for you. Like a ship of roztashovaniya bіla handles, - it will be more expensive for coris and for help, and for sim'ї; like bіlya the edge of the cup, - pack the speeches and get on the road in a hurry.
Koshik Povniy - a surprise or a reminder about the nation of a child. Empty - stained glass less pennies.
Box Zakrita - You want a turbo. Vidkrita - your unstable camp will soon pass away, you will find the building of cohesion, just think about those who need to be friendly to the pointy ones.
Box - joy, success.
Cow - Coming from good intentions, a blonde woman.
Crown - Good luck will come after a serious achievement of that honor.
Kіshka - Filthy sign. Zrada bring a lot of inaccuracies.
Armchair (chair) - Unstoppable guest. Find an hour to relax.
Cross - you will have to give up on suttevim. At the bottom of the cup - on someone from your loved ones, great inaccuracies are minted. Closer to the upper edge - the unacceptability will soon end. A cross at the square - soon you will be able to meet the unacceptable. A black cross is a summa zvistka chi death. White cross - family life.
Lizhko (lizhko) - Pіdsvіdome pragnennya vіdpochiti that razslabitis. Sleep can help you forget inaccuracies.
Kolo - Ring out a kolo meaning pennies. More pennies, more pennies. Kolo can also mean success after a bag of recent samples and important practice. Cola without bubbles. - Pennies. Cola with flames - children.
Glek - Nezabar, the time has come to have fun. Unleash the transcendentalities and do not be led by your weaknesses. You have a lot of receptionist checks from your friends.
Kurka - Save your pennies. Good intuition and financial sense to bring good luck.
Kushch - missing pennies; more kusch, more pennies.

L ampa, ruffled on the side - means not tucked away at the twisted hour; roztashovana on the bottom of the cup - it means that it is important to endure, and you happen to survive the rose; roztashovana to the very edge of the cup or to the edge - meaning happy resurrection and triumph; roztashovana bіlya pens - obіtsyaє especially spadshchina. Two lamps show the anger of firms or two lights.
Swan - Unspent pennies.
Lіs - Pardons, marnі blukannya in search of exits, pardons.
Go - Your exercise is uphill, idealism to speed up your progress. Ale, it’s possible to grow up and help you (more than fall!).
Kazan - Unacceptability in the form of jealous people, as you hate. On the way, as you planned, you may appear indecent.
Lilia - Friendship is steel. Rostashovana on the edge of the cup, symbolizes the beautiful zamіzhzhya, and on the denci - sharp laika, welding.
Lines of arcuate curves - An evil enemy, which you need to beware of, close.
The line of the scythe - Ailment. The impersonal oblique lines - your right to end badly.
The line is creamy, in the middle of the cup - even more expensive.
Parallel lines - Promise more expensive, more expensive.
Lіnії urivchastі, khvilyastі - inconsistency, innocence in the aftermath of the degraded camp; spend some pennies.
The lines are straight, short and long - Happiness. A lot of straight lines - healthy and long.
The lines are straight, without interruption - they mean calm, calm, clarity, intelligence for clear planning.
The line is straight torn or zigzag-like line - Good and sickness.
Fox - Deception and cunning garni vodnosiny chi friendship.
Leafing Yakshcho figures, which have hid themselves from tea leaves, guessing dribne leafing, that does not mean that you don’t want to lower your hands, start your right hand.
- New acquaintances to bring you new friends.
Choven - Yakshcho vitrilna, take care of it, what you planned. How great is the ship, - the fear of mandriving chi bazhannya chogosya can sink your plans.
Shovel - Your hard work will be rewarded with honors and honors. On the top of the cup - the knowledge of what was spent there, where it was not possible to know. Sharpened by human guises - to zadryat the station, they rely on robots to form, move. The beat of the square of the chi cross is a call about the death of a kohanoi people. In the hands of one woman there is a dark shovel - a widow, a fall in the form of a man.
Kin - Road.
Month is a symbol of honors. As if the handle of the cup was ripped apart, - check for a new novel; yakshcho on the day, - the trip is more expensive; like a month at the phase of the first quarter, - start a new right; but as in the rest of the quarter, hurry up to make the necessary decisions; it’s like a month in the gloomy, or it’s not clear - your worries will not come to an end.
People want to help you.
Toad - It’s time for you to make changes at the right time with the help of the sick. A sign of happiness, good luck, kindness and great love. At the top (dark), - you will love the wife, or the separated person from the camp. The white of the road - if you come from a distant place, you will be remorseful. Bіlya kіtini - clothes for sickness.

M argaritka - love and happiness are checked on you.
Mask - Take care of your orders of dreams and secrets. As if instructing the ring of chi a ticket to be roztashovuetsya with a figure - you can’t wait to check the Svyatkovskaya urochistist.
Machine - Change for better.
Vedmіd - A warning about the possibility of inaccuracy. Stay at home.
Mitla - new perspectives emerge, blame new interests; hour for change.
Nemovlya - On the wall - financial difficulties. Closer to the handle - lack of honor. These days - bad luck at the kohanna.
Young lad - separation.
Hammer - A way to try and pardon will bring you to success.
Mist - your decision how to fix the overshoot, vreshti-resht appear correct.
Goosebumps - Problems, heavy hours in front of a lot of robots.
Flies are unacceptable moments, on which you can’t win respect.
M'yach - Come change.

H To reach meti, it is necessary to report chimalo zusil.
Celestial bodies - It takes a deuce of fantasy to recognize them. Before them one can see: Sun, Moon, Chumatsky Way, other stars of that planet. All the stinks convey happiness and prosperity.
Nizh - a bad sign. Stitch for your health. Chi do not make business contacts without consulting with experts. They can blame financial incomprehensibility. Like a lower rotting at the bottom of the cup, against you, call the broken courts. Like a lower, roaring guest, he rushed to the handle, which could mean a timely separation from the family, or a break in work. Yakshcho nizhkovo chastkovo crossed by a square, why should you have mercy and ti niknesh deyakih skladnoshchiv. Your little girls with friends and friends know important tests.
Knives - Girka sign. Like the stink of roztashovani bіla pens - check for folded in family vіdnosinakh; like a bіlya edge, - may be separated from a man or a squad; yakscho on the bottom of the cup - a conflict on the robot. The knives are closed - there is no need.

Pro blaku - a bad sign; check for non-acceptability. The more tea leaves are more gloomy, the more folding will be the financial furnishings. Try changing your plans.
Vzuttya zhіnoche - Zustrich, nebezpeka.
Vikno - Kradіzhka. Vikno with a cross - burn.
Deer - Be calm, try not to get lost in the super-cats and do not start welding.
The eagle is a great bird. In this order, your lady is more serious and stronger than you think. Try to expand your budinok, family fire near your friends. Necessary zahist. Trimati eagle - good luck, good luck.
Zbroya - Material happiness.
Donkey - Develop your tolerance. Don't be stubborn. Look at all sides of food.
Eyepieces - chat on mismatch. If she gets on a robot, be a guardian.

P Alma - A sign of good luck, happiness to that friend's well-being.
Folder - Garni successful plans. At the top - shy great help. In the middle - you will be satisfied with life, your share.
Pavuk - I want you to see you all the time, and I don’t know anything about you, I’ve seen it once, that you take away a bunch of pennies and not give gifts.
Pіsochny year (loans for one year). - On the verge of insecurity. Especially bad, like on the bottom of the cup. Do not rush to decisions.
Pіven - Sіmeyna zgoda, prosperous, new vistі. Piven on the pagorbi - zamіzhzhya, great happiness. The piven on the top of the cup is bare, more like a reminder garne. A piven at the bottom of the cup is a small shkoda on the side, be it a person, after all good luck. Piven head down - great change on the edge.
Saw - Chiєs vtruchannya you can do to create serious problems for you.
Pidkova - promises good luck. Wonder what are the signs, yakі clarify yaku itself.
Lizhko - Div.
Posud-Raptova zustrich.
Ptah on the gіltsi - shvidka is more expensive. If you entrust points or short pictures, you will increase the price of the company. Sprat of birds - happiness. Vzagali, ptah means new things, bad things are good, - fallow like signs, roztashovannyh order.

R grid - Aresht or bezvihіd.
Rosa - Zaruchini.
Rig of the month - Marnі Mrії.
Mouth - modesty, pracity, good life. On top of the cup (dark) - good friends, mitzne of life. At the middle of the cup (clear) - filthy or good zvіstka.
Towel - Be careful - home turbos can bring inaccuracies.
Hand - If you require it yourself, you will require yoga. Rozuminnya that friendship give you strength.
Riba is a lucky sign. Garni news; can be more expensive.

W amolet (for a day) - it may not be more expensive; inevitably disappointing. On the wall - I want to see the actual problems, I want to see it on the fly - I want to be wonderful. A charge from a pen - for yourself, for yourself, for this, you happen to work a new one.
Chobit - Є namir pomandruvat, but you need a financial help, so that your dream becomes a reality. If you have planned a more expensive business, then you will be successful.
Candle - Mriya. Candle near the star - sacrifice, nadії.
- You have a friend, or even a close friend. Yakshcho entrusted the kіltse - not a barrage of fun. Dots at the heart - check pennies. Like a fuzzy heart - you are not serious in your minds.
Elephant - Move health and happiness, but you need a friend, whom you can rely on.
- You already have a true friend. On the day - some of the friends will require your help. The head of a dog - something from your sharpness highly appreciates you as a friend.
Sun - Dressing, safe living, intelligent children.
An owl is a filthy sign, it is possible, a disease, or cause death.
old woman- Chesna and hot love.
Style - Zastilla.
Arrow - A leaf will come, after which housekeeping will be possible. Well, the arrow seemed to be vaguely inaccurate, the sound might be unacceptable.
Stіlets - Greatness and a sign of success.

T- If you are embarrassed and you don’t know your own place - go up in price.
Sokira - Perederzhennya about nebezpeku. Like the viishov is vague, the caretaker is not so serious.
Krapki (scho vyshikuvalisya in a row) Mean more expensive. Three speckles, which were picked up at once, are a vikonnannya bazhan. Dots (skupchennya) Skupchennya dot z teaspoons of different sizes means pennies: more skupchennya, then more pennies fit.
Trikutnik - Happily accompanying you, as if only a trikutnik cannot be turned upside down. At such a time, it’s safe to call whether it’s a kind of rock, the first time to work a new one. Two, if the trikutnik hangs around, it means that your position is not firm. Three trikutniks that mingle - love luck.
Tube - Svіdchit about those that the hour has come to think well, listen to the joys. Don't be self-indulgent, try to be reasonable.

At tka - Good luck and optimism will help improve the current situation.
Kachenya is a person with an angelic character and a good heart.

F artuk - Shvidka acquaintance with people, to become your close friends.
Violets - Bagate friendly.
Prapor - Be careful, a powerful attack, diy sloppily and usually. At the top and dark - new luck zavdyaki someone else's bіdі. Below and clear - the lad's people, on what kind of eyes the future is great. Fountain - your plans will go far away completion. Joy and prosperity are checked on you.
Fruit - A sign, which means success, to that - diet.

X aos - Nothing singing - looked at the next hour from the vorozhin.
Hizhak - Zlidni.
Chrysanthemum - Pіznє kokhannya ("Long ago, chrysanthemums were seen in the garden, but the kohannya is still alive ...").

C vіti - Happiness and honor. At the bottom of the cup - a happy love vuzol. On the wall - making friends chi kokhannya. A card with a cross - a hat. A ticket from a kil is a withdrawal of pennies. Church of Love, zaruchini abo vesіllya.

They can indicate a penny, an address, a date, an hour (hvilini, years, days, tizhn, mons chi roki). Explanation of figures is given in other figures. Chim closer to the handle, Tim shvidshe zbudetsya forecast. You can score success at the lottery. also: envelope.
1 - you want to love.
2 - ailment that bad luck.
3 - trade pleasure.
4 - still more spodіvaєshsya.
5 - roses, tiles.
6 - fun, but there will be problems.
7 - family happiness.
8 - get married with a close person.
9 - new acquaintance.
0 - you were born under a happy star.
100 - happy life. a sign of inconsistency - it can mean like supra-divine luck, and a number of problems are closed and metamorphosis is not possible.

H Aїnka is great on the edge of the cup, which means a person, which has an interest in a person, which is to tell fortunes.
A small seagull on the edge of the cup means a woman, like a human being, like a fortune teller.
Kettle - your meta - reach the harmony of the booth. As if steam is coming from the teapot, it means struggle and calmness.
Godinnik - Build a plan for the future.
Chalice (cup) - wealth. New acquaintances bring a lot of joy.
Chotiryokhkutnik. The correct chotirikutnik is the best sign. Your life will pass happily and it will be financially secure, there will be surpluses.

W akhmatnі figuri - Pierce leather vchinok on rich crocks in advance. Numerical folding is checked on you.
Kapelyukh - Pennies. On the day - vrіvnovazhene and happy family life. On the wall - you have over-the-top diplomatic fluctuations.
Sword - Be careful: conflicts are checked on you - both at home and on the job.

E crew - your mystery may be revealed. Don't do anything hastily.

I block - ti zdatna within the reach of business success; work on yourself. Tse also means good health.
Eggs - Nemovlya was born. Two or three nests is a miracle novelty.
Yakir is a sign of success. Vishchy - love and stability. To the side - you need to chirp more, do it dearer, lower sex and love come in handy. On the day - be it repaired, like transferring more expensive, be successful. Yakshcho yakir viyshov fuzzy - tse means temporal inaccuracies, connected with kohanim.
Lizard - Nespodіvanka.


Vorozhinnya for tea online free of charge current version old tradition, as it came to us from Asia - the fatherland of miraculous water. Fortunately, this tradition has taken root in the words of the Yang peoples, moreover, it added some additional elements, before that, in Russia, tea was known earlier, lower in Europe.

It's wonderful, but such a way of transferring even more predictable witchcraft on kavoi grains. The tea leaves are filled with dill right at the cup. You can take large-leaf or granulated for this. They gave the filizhanka a crooked cap and deprive it of khvilin for ten. After preparing to drink yoga, start to drink properly, enjoy it and relax.

If everything is going to be drunk, take the kuhol with your left hand, stir up the motherland with a stake on the stake, which is left with floating tea leaves, sway a small breath in front of yourself and turn the cup over on a saucer. If already the homeland is stіche and the trochs are dry, the kitchen will rise and repair the tlumachity of the symbols in the near future.

Under the hour of carrying out all these manipulations, it is necessary to formulate the food, as you want to take it the most. You can repeat your thoughts a few times. If a fortune teller goes to other people, then all the same can win out.

Slid trimati kukhol on deakіy vіdstanі vіd yourself at tlumachenny, so that you can look at the figures that you have made yourself. Read them against the arrows of the year, passing through the handles to the left side, to look in the past, and then follow the year's arrow to the right, so you know the future.

The handle of the capacity means a person, on which a witch is supposed to be. Tse vyhіdna point of the whole rite. The less there will be figures and the tea leaves, the less problems you have, the more peace and harmony of life. Old-fashioned solitaire today is not obov'yazkovo vikonuvati, dotrimuyuchis usіh rules. You can simply speed up with a virtual prophecy, just as accurately and truthfully ascertain the answer to the question.

For fortune-telling on the cob online, click on a cup of sprat once


On the surface there is one tea-leaf, the other is on the right. Great sign. Transferring success in a special life, pushing through careers. I will become financially rich, I will grow good.

Two seagulls on the surface, one - at the clay cup. Imovirniy conflict with close chi kokhanoy people. A real decline in the professional sphere. Do not give in to emotions, trim them under control, call everything “for” and “against”, first praise those who are otherwise. As soon as you get better, the situation is stabilizing.

Two seagulls came together on the surface, two more - along the sides. Do it will not be so kind, as if you wanted to. Possibly non-trivial folding with a penny. However, in the sphere of a special life, success is checked on you. Might as well get ready for the future, or getting to know a new person, as in the future plays an important role in your life.

All tea leaves are found on the day, and a sprat of tea leaves - I will drink at the clay. Possibly as a positive development, so it is negative. All deposits are only for you and your vchinkiv. Beware of unkind people, don’t be fooled by people you don’t know well. It’s better not to talk more about your plans.

All seagulls swim on the surface. To take away the Bazhans, to report more zusil, you planned less. On the road, it is possible to overcome difficulties.

One tea-leaf - on the surface, two - I will drink at the clay. Good mark. At all right, you will be accompanied by success and success, that Fortune will turn to your faces.


Shtik- Nebezpeka, Skoda. Mabut, schos gave you suffering.

Turtle- Indicates the skritnist and fearfulness of the character. Imovirno, they were somehow sensitive to criticism of any life conditions and “hid themselves” in themselves, hid the top of the problem.

Number 6- Faults in the right for a special life. Divny zbіg obstavin, stray at the right.

Terezi- Spirnі check chi judges call.

Trojan with thorns- Overworld zeal brought to the ease of life.

Nіzh- Overworldly emotionality, impulsiveness, unmistakably streaming to yourself. Step up and move the enemies.

Square— Vkazuє on obmezhennya - like emotional, so physical. Ill-considered words of chi vchinka could be the cause of inaccuracies.

A hammer- Heavy robot, cuff on the right, important period of life.

Cup- Nagorod, singly, at the sight of penny wine for vikonan robot, project, right.

sun- Good luck, good luck, that bright period in life is clear.

Patsyuk- Unrealistic hope for close friends. How to tell fortunes - a woman, a sign to talk about tears.

swan- A little bit of wetness, povaga. Stability and stability of the camp.

Chauvin- Easier, simpler setting up to life, the presence of fears and anxieties, interfering with the host people.

Lines- Zvichayna, equal current of the right of everyday life.

Moon sickle- New possibilities, growth of success. Vdaliy shlyub chi vigidne, pributkove partnership.

Bagattya- Discord in a special life, jealousy, anger, image.

pavuk- Possibility wasted through the steps of enemies and unkind people, an unacceptable surprise.

P'yatikutnik- Purchases, planned delivery of necessary speeches.

Skeli- A period of problems, weldings, welds. Rozriv іz partner or z odinimtsy, friends.

Owl- Correct solution. Wisdom in power, in the distance, the folds of life


Auto- On you check the improvement of goodwill. However, do not hurry - the long way is most often shown to be the most effective.

Yangol- Good news from people, as I can feel deeply about you. A particularly friendly sign, as if you were dying.

antenna- A threat to scandal, welding, tiles. Do not speak to unfamiliar people, especially when it comes to talking about your career and your family.

Deck- Line, activity, stagnant on the right.

Plyashka— Healthy vimagatime respect. Do not allow your own transcendence.

Bik— Prosvіtannya and vіdmіnne zdorov'ya. It’s business to be shortened, and you’ll successfully podolaet prihovanie resistance.

burdock- It is respectful to admire your acquaintances: one of your "friends" spices up your delusions with forests. Tsya people pragna beat you for their purposes. Not varto mother іz him splnih prava.

Zirka- Bringing health, happiness, wealth and success. Do not let these gifts Dolі into the wind.

Zaєts- Fearfulness and rubbishness can make you angry. Try to be impressed by yourself, otherwise you will not have mercy on the right. Clearly read your own thoughts. Stand up to others, like equals, and not like superiors.

Number 3- Far away is the completion of negotiations, mutual cooperation, far away contacts, friendship of colleagues and of the same mind.

Metelik- Waste of time, easy behavior, unimportant chances and opportunities.

booths- Saving and multiplying material protection. A good sign for those who are busy with business, but don’t talk about friendly business opportunities. You can start new projects - they will all be successful. For those who died, the sign means the end of hope.

riba- One of the most important signs, which can be seen when fortune-telling at tea. Vіn neutralize all the filthy symbols of that banner, prosperity, good luck, that world. All your efforts will be crowned with success. Special success checks for financial rights.

Tea is not only one of the most popular hot drinks. Yogo, like kava, can be victorious for magical purposes: witchcraft on savory fragrant tea is a ritual that leaves the old hours. It is necessary to stop the dosі, because the attribute for prophesying is cheap, and the forecasts are accurate.

Vorozhinnya for tea in different light cultures

To look at the taєmnichі symbols on the tea thick and tlumachity їh people began from long ago. If there is no science, advance to development, magic gave the move forward. Tse did not care about the damnable chi sinners: people didn’t get anything nasty at the prophetic future, trying to change yoga, as if the message avenged the negative.

Tea is the most popular drink on the planet, which is not found on the planet, so we didn’t know about it and didn’t get used to it. Therefore, in the skin culture, their own methods of witching on tea thick have taken root. Take away the little ones from the tea leaves, the soothing from the boil to the bottom of the kitchen, it’s not easy to understand. And the axis of Vitlumachiti Yoga is not correctly understood by everyone. In some countries, only professional women are engaged in this type of transfer.

Non-leather tea can be victorious for the sacred rite. Drink, for which the future will be clouded, brew, dorimuyuchis singing rules. If everything is done correctly, getting to know the nuances, putting practice into practice, then you can always be in the know about your future.

Stages of preparation before the ritual

Witchcraft in the thick of tea is not just a rose. Varto step up to the process with a singing degree of seriousness. If you follow all the rules, you can easily become a leader of the future podias. And it is necessary for us to properly brew the magical drink.

Brewing technique:

  • Proportions of tea leaves and dill - 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter,
  • The period for which you can drink is 15-20 hvilin.

The sequence of the fortune-teller:

  • Drink a drink, and the leftovers of the rіdini with swedish circular fluff, like a goose, spread along the bottom of the cup. It’s easy to make out the thick consistency of a newcomer’s heart: it’s too rare not to give a little baby, but it’s too thick to fall into one coma. But with a fortune, it’s better to learn how to determine the proportion to the eye.
  • After that, take a look at the days of the little ones, or pass the cup to a professional widow.
  • The symbols, set on the bottom of the cup, are seen in two options: as a whole baby and as a set from a number of warehouses. Tlumachiti is necessary like a sign, so a picture in a blur.
  • When the process is completed, the cup is resolutely washed and taken away on the plate.

Fakhіvtsі gladly carry out the ritual, if the person is not resting on a specific diet. With this, tlumachachi little ones, it’s not too long to wonder at the new and try to interpret it in the most common ways. The correct option can be looked at by looking at the signs adorned with tea leaves.

The prophecy of the lovers of the beloved will drink - an easy way to find out about the future, accessible to beginners.

Symbol interpretation

Vorozhinnya on seagulls to be carried out different ways. It is rich to lie in the tradition of that other people. So, in some cultures, the excess of tea thick is used to wiggle around the saucer and then try to figure out the symbols. Different posts, the days of the cup, are also interpreted ambiguously by the workers.

Vorozhinnya borrows less than a year in people for tea. For the time being, to tell fortunes, to put food in thought, as a matter of fact, to help you. The clouding of symbols during fortune-telling at tea is carried out until the hour when the tea leaves do not dry out and begin to swell.

Basic values

Tlumachiti signs that have settled down on the bottom of a drunken cup, you can, as a matter of course, vicariously, with a rich fantasy. Ale є sprat wild rules, on the yakі slid spiratisya, looking at the pattern, scho having settled.

Global values:

  • Two gulls stick right-handed, and one left-handed is a good sign that there is joy.
  • The chaotic rozpodіl chaynok vіschuє success like a kohanna, and in a professional field.
  • The self-made tea, which stuck to the bottom of the cup, at that hour, as others amicably spread around the edges - a sign of inaccuracies that are worn out. It is not necessary to panic, just be careful of the closest few days, uniqueness of conflicts.
  • A sprat of tea leaves that have closed in between themselves, sharpened on both sides by tea leaves - a sign of hardships, which will soon be experienced. It can also mean that the result of the planned work will not be the same as it was expected. Possible financial difficulties in the next hour. As if the result of the fortune-telling is the same, people can control their emotions, do not act under their breath.
  • The mustache of tea leaves wasted for a day, only two spills - for a person, the family is happy, but it will be tight with finances.
  • Like all seagulls floating on the surface - an unfriendly sign.

Unacceptable prophecy does not need to be taken close to the heart. Be it a fortune-teller - it’s less likely to find a present day. Negative naslіdkіv zavzhdі can be undone, yakscho dotremuvatsya prudence and strimanostі vchinkah.

Clouding of specific symbols

It has already been said, like guessing at tea: you need to marvel not only at the edge of the symbol, but evaluate the picture in a blur. Everything that tells fortunes to drink at one’s cup can be vitlumacheno, either as a friendly or as an unfriendly sign.

Nice pictures:

  • A floor lamp means that a person invariably takes the necessary support from the top folding food of life.
  • Lily symbolizes more kokhannya, steel, povagu from the side of the other half.
  • Rivni parallel lines announce the number of reparations, take more expensive trips.
  • One lifeline is a sign of peace, calmness and intoxication, like panuvatim at the soul.
  • Lines, roztashovani right-handed in vushka cups, prophesy shvidka zustrich from a good friend.
  • Reading lines, similar to human appearances, declare swedish tsikas and acquaintances, yak can be brown for a distant future.
  • Kviti daisies - a sign of pure and naive kokhanny.
  • Harp - for creative natures means a successful period of work, the appearance of inspiration. For reshti - success on the love front.
  • A twinkle is a welcome novelty, a joyous occasion.
  • Expensive stone - a good fortune in a special life.
  • Kolo, hoop - means a new friendly turn in the life of a family bet. We are bachelor obіtsyaє Shvidka friendly.
  • The leaf of the stable on the bottom of the cup - until the nameless spring.
  • A shovel, a hammer - good will come after a hard work.
  • Stelets, armchair to talk about those who varto check on guests.
  • An egg - until a child is born.
  • A hand is necessary to help when you come with relatives.
  • Gilka z leaves - until swidkoy zustrіchi with friends, or until a new friend is born.
  • The castle is the reception of a podium, as if it were not difficult to become in life, if you were tied with a rank for a penny.
  • The heart is a symbol of a happy family life.

Unfriendly pictures:

  • Image kazhaniv, which straightened the krill, the current shvidka will appear difficult, with which to tell fortunes invariably close.
  • The figure of a deer looks like a super girl, it’s better not to take fate from those.
  • Donkey to talk about unrealistic truth, like a non-abyak psuє people's life. Tsієї risi character it is necessary to try it out.
  • Nіzh - the correct evidence of the fact that people need to obov'yazkovo to change the state of their health. Great is the imovirnist nature of the attachment of problems.
  • Metelik is a symbol of non-turbulence, which can inspire the plans of life.
  • The dance of that іnshі judge - varto but respectful of alcohol, in the next hour it can bring problems.
  • Pagorby, burn - the reach of the sacred mark is difficult through the crossroads.
  • The serpent means presence in sharpened backs, tiles, intrigues.
  • Klitina - conceived plans to fall into a great step of imovirnosti.
  • An owl is a sign of the proximity of a disease.
  • Eyepieces - to an unacceptable failure.
  • Vedmіd obіtsyaє shvidki inadmissibility, like varto perechekat, not actively interfering with the process.
  • Cross - to get what you want, to be able to sacrifice.
  • The drum - announces the problems in life, yak blaming through the intellect of a person that її overworld pride.

How to entrust with negative symbols of roztashovanі positive signs- Tse means that everything is not so bad already.

As the deciphering of the results of the fortune-telling at tea seemed to be very important, you can repeat the process of the next day - completely imaginatively, so that the picture changes and gives hope for the best result.

The transfer of the future - tse vzhd tsіkavo that fun. And manipulations with tea before that do not carry any problems for a beginner, they are easy to implement without special training. Ale zahoplyuvatisya in a similar way of the prophecies is not warto.

In life, a person can be swayed by his own choice, and not rely more on the transfer of shares. As a result, life becomes boring, let's allow for individuality and hard, unstoppable moments. There is nothing to say, if we see in advance that we are preparing the coming day.

Go to magic, to instill such an easy, varto is less in depressions, if a person stands on the road, suffers from an important choice, does not know how to fix it. Prophecy can give joy, protect against wrong decisions.

It’s necessary to go into magical ways to find out about your share - the skin of a person dies by itself. For someone, the prophecy at tea becomes a way to stare in the future, for others, for those who drink, forever be deprived of just a way to wake up in the long winter evenings.

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