Outside the passage of Batman Arkham City. Headmaster: Follow the Black Mask. Forgive for the card, for the help of the beacon, to go to Ras al Ghul

Perebuvayuschie in the Bauery area, you will feel the talk about the police radio. Htos vipav іz hotelel. You need to look around the mischief and find out about the details of the fall. Arriving at the mischief, we recognize the victim, and then we restore the evil. Climbing on daha and following on daha rozumіёmo, scho bіdolahu htos zіshtovhnuv. Now it is necessary to know the case with documents. The case is on the trough. We also know the name of the hack: Robert Haynes. Ask Alfred for mischief and let's catch yoga. Robert will not be alone, but with friends. Druzhkіv rozkidaєmo, and Robert dopituєmo. Closed on the right.

Mischief. Strilyanin in the dots of Dikson:

Flying over the docks of Dixon, we feel a policeman's rozmov about a shooter in Dixon's dots. You need to go and conduct an investigation. We analyze the corpse before us. The victim was journalist Owen Grant. It is worth noting that the photo camera has been overshot and after that it is analyzed. Let's prove to Alfred that we're going to catch mischief. Rozkidaemo yogo friends, and then dopituemo pidozryuvannogo. Right closed.

Mischief. Pozhezha in Coventry:

Tse zavdannya you take away the fact that you finish the body of the soldier Bane in morse. Fly near the Coventry area and listen to the police report. Fly on the spot and analyze the body. If you see all the evidence, direct it to Penguin's ship and beat Qin Li with his friends. On the right side it is closed.

Mischief. Walkway in Burnley:

Guidance on the purpose of the investigation is taken after completion storyline. It is necessary to come to the mіsce malice and scan the body. Let's drive in the special forces. Usya yoga group at once under the investigation. We happen to find out what we are doing here. Razіbravshis іz evidence, ozumієmo, scho podzryuvany one of the colossal corral hammered. Vin hangs out at the same time with his friends. Zbivaemo Demarco and yogo friends, then let's drink and close to the right.

Mischief. Beating at the amusement park:

We take it after the completion of the book "Road trip to Bernley". Arrive at the mist. Scan the body and prove it otherwise. Suspected: Andrew Carter. Let's go to yogo coordinate, b'mo that dopituemo. Right closed.

Mischief. Strilyanina in Zlochinniy avenue:

Aiming at the purpose of the investigation is taken after the completion of the right: “Road visit at Burnley” and “Beating at the amusement park”. There was a shooter at the Evil Alley, and now there are two corpses. Can't guess anything? We come to the misfortune. Zlochin is guessing the vipadok, like eating out of little Bruce. The fathers are dead, but nothing has been stolen. Tse did not try to rob. Show it, prove it, check it, and scan the sleeve. Im'ya suspected: Jan Chase. Come to the coordinates, b'єmo that dopituєmo Yana. Finished on the right.

"Insecure List"

Headquarters Enigmi

We have the headquarters of Enigmi at our district. We come to the mark, we smack the weak place at the Ukrainian, we break through yoga and we go in at the door. We conduct a dialogue with Enigmoyu and go to the door to the control panel. Zlamati don't go in, don't ruin the computer. Also, we whisper to the helpers of Enigmi and vibivaemo from them information.

On the way out of life, we need an informer. Forget yoga and take away information about the misuse of compromising materials. Now we walk with a card and choose them, and also beat other informants.

The mission starts after the exit from the Penguin ship. By the way, we feel like Anarky is an extremist, who tries to protect the power of Gotem. Another candidate to be captured by Batman. Anarky got his partner, who would say that three bombs were planted in Gotham, and we need them. Idemo at the place where the first bomb was laid. We may be close to 3 whilins, to get to the bomb, the enemies of the enemy, and then the bomb itself.

Let's say it directly to another anarchist in Coventry and speak to him. We repeat it for the first bombing of the first bomb: let's fly, b'emo, zneshkodzhuemo. Directly to the third anarchist and we speak from him. Why is the scheme itself.

Recognizing that you have lied all the foreigners bombing and vryatuvati mercenary comradeship, Anarkі calls you to wake up the court for battle. Well, well, you need to go. In the wake of the court, we will be taken from Arches and yogo by the poplars. The arches look like a splendid child, but Batman all the same її poov'yazuє that floods the police. So you can listen to yoga stick promo about the situation in Gotham, and then go to court. On which task is completed.

After the mister in the police department and spying on Barbara Gordon, she will call you and ask you to save the boxes with zbroєyu, like Volodya Penguin. The data will be with your GPS locator. We come to the place, neutralize the defense, and for the help of the destructor, seek out the armor. In the city for the task you take away containers for multiplayer.

Divine Kapelyushnik

Having climbed out of the sewers, afterward, help Lacey - Towers and commemorate three people in marvelous masks and nurses. A few hours later, the stench will vanish, and the Divine Dropper will call us. May I have a handcuff. We need to vryatuvati її. Idemo in the Drop Droplet, there will be a logo near the looking green Drop Drop. DO NOT miss. Come inside. The doors are closed to the dropper, close the doors and fasten at the ventilation shaft. Distribute on the other side and defeat the guards, then feed the Kapelyushnik and ... lean in the Land of Miracles. Run with a stitch, and then, uniquely electric pastes, go further. Kill 6 likhtars and go across the bridge to the ledge, fasten on the new one and lift them with offensive ledges.

1) So you spend until the first room. The exterior is like this: left doors, central doors, right doors.

2) At the other room, beat the enemies, and if the mirror breaks, get out of the room.

3) At the third room, go all the way and pick up the image of a clown for help. For an additional raft, get over on that bik to the stepping stone.

4) At the fourth kіmnati grab the ledge, bend down, climb up the mountain with gatherings, go down with a cable and go through the climb into another room.

5) At the fifth rock, for the help of Destroy's claw, make a cable, climb on the new one and beat for years, then work another cable and go out to the next stone.

6) At the highway stone, move from ledge to ledge, grinning at the dial and go to the next stone.

7) At the other room, for help, pull up on the bowl and lower it, after which tie it off at the ventilation. The dropper is already barking and crying. Climb into the yoga room, sing for the help of the gate betarang and cut from the right into the crack. Alice is vryatovano, Kapelyushnik is lying, the police are here. Idemo call.

Walk out of the jar, you will sing the vіzok, from such a valley weeping. Walk up to her and sing, what is empty in the carriage, and Shiva will attack you from behind. Know Batman, before speech. You will not fight with her, you will say that in Gotham an innocent person can perish and Batman is guilty of lying. We come to the mark and we hear screams. Tse from the shopping center, then let's go there. At shopping center hang a policeman, and under it - an electric pool. Let's try yoga. Іdemo on livy bіk and virubuyemo shield. Three ninjas will fly at us, calling on everything, a gift from Shivi. Let's take care of them and for the help of Destroy's claw, we rob the cable and move to another beak. From the other side, the shield is broken and I will be with the friends of Shivi again. After whom we call the policeman, we speak with him. Zavdyaki otrimaniem knowledge scanuєmo mistevіst in search of evidence and apparently from budіvlі. On the street, directly for evidence, and it is known that the corpse of a policeman was found. Back attack Shiva - counterattack and we speak with her.

Now it is necessary to come to Sheldon Park in order to fight with Shiva. We come to the place and we go to wake up. Shiva will not be alone, but with the helpers. Take on counterattacks. After that, as you know your health, I’ll talk to you and find out, but I’m wondering what else I need.

black mask

The job will become available once you find a container of trash at the steelworks. It is necessary to find containers with drugs, as if Black Mask was hiding. After dropping the containers, go to the park street and go to the church for the battle with Black Mask. Outside the church, there are outcast people. We sort them out, then we break the control console and bring the rest of the container with drugs. Now we fight with Black Mask and yoga hand to hand with people. Having won the beat, inform the police about Roman Sionis and leave the church. Everything, the mission is over.

Tse zavdannya you take away after the battle with Mednogolovka. Alfred will contact us and tell us what to ask for help. Let's go to the mark and let's go to the spetsnaz ambush. But the helicopter is falling. It is necessary to know and prove that understanding, who beat it so. Repair from the body of the pilot, then let's get on the ground and scan the gwent. Then turn around and analyze the tail section. Now we know the ballistic trace of a sniper. Spetsnaz was a sniper, ale vin bi did not shoot at his own. At whom it appears, zamіshany Deadshot. Idemo yogo next and known to the cooler with the coordinates. Drive them in at the sequencer and at least remember the Deadshot. We need to go to the bank in order to clash with Deadshot. We come to the bank and ask for the help of the destructor, including the harmony of a few people. After that, we methodically pick them up one by one, without bothering with them on the eyes of Deadshot. The devil of Deadshot has arrived. Beat yoga and try to knock out. You will wince in the face of your remaining blow. After the third try Deadshot in the flow to the handcuff. Foresee the visual position, go to the new back and get out. Everything, the mission is over.

Walking out of the mortuary following the analysis of one of Bane's people, you're talking about the police frequency, in which there are about those that two gangs with a chemical attack ruled the essence. Required to review. On the Mіstsі bachimo bіytsіv, scho b'yutsya. Let's break them down and let them drink a single soldier, who is left at the witness. We go to the amusement park and repeat the same scheme that is at the docks. Let's finish the soldier, and then we'll scan the mission of the canister. Now it is necessary to come before night club My Alibi near Coventry for the battle with Ptah. The club has a mind with Ptah and yoga friends. After that, as soon as you fall, you will drink the bird and it will be virulent. You can go, the police will deal with him.

V'yaznі, scho flowed

How to take care of the task? In order to take care of the tasks, it is necessary to do the following:

1) Vikonuemo do everything well unsafe list let's stop, as if we'll tame Ptah.

2) Find out the investigation. The final future “Shooting on Zlochinniy Alley.

3) Complete the storyline.

After all, think it over, and take away the incoming call from Gordon to the wickedness of the 20 vilifications that flowed from Blackgate. Mustaches will be identified by GPS. Remember, evildoers will be the mothers of friends, and they will come to help them. Otzhe, look back at the mist. Having broken 20 evil-doers that flowed from Blackgate, you take the call from Gordon to the vdyachnistyu. Mission is over.

Pochnemo passage Batman games Arkham Origins at the Blackgate vault, de Chorna Mask and his associates organized a leak. The path is strictly corridor, do not forget to turn on hints in the menu in advance - so you will immediately explain the nuances of management. You will need to bend down on your back, then when descending, we will order you to squeeze a clearing, so that you can get faster, more easily, more easily get to know the thunder. Turning to the right and bending down again, you will go to the mischief, de zlochinets, sho vtik, b'є with a bat of the head of the yaznitsa Joseph.

Come on, take off your first combat score - for the time being only a counterattack, moreover, at an increased pace, a little more to strike, to understand, how to unify the fortune-telling strikes, and learn your own soon. Go through the corridor, go down the gangways, open the doors - there is already a group of enemies, you happen to enter into a full fight. Victory over the counterattacks - if a double icon appears over the enemy, push the mouse button to your friend. Batman is easily swindled to see three and more enemies at once, it’s more smut to hit the mouse at once.

If the icon does not appear above the heads of the fortune tellers, it's time to attack yourself. Robiti tse most without interruption, they clicked the left button of the mouse and the keys W, S, A and D, setting the directions for attacks. It’s important to work smartly, you yourself transfer your respect from one opponent to another - first, so you change the ability to take a hit on the opponent’s side, and in another way - start the multiplier, increase by 1 point with a skin offensive blow. The greater multiplier, the more aggressive and the more powerful our hero of his opponents. Bigger fights, sharper attacks. The multiplier is shaved when idle (a couple of seconds without successful attacks), or when the enemy attacks far away, that is. missed blows abo sho sho squandered in Batman.

Here, the enemies are still not rich, having parted from them, go to the point of being wounded, which is given up and does not try to repair the opera - it is necessary to feed it, for which you need to click the mouse button on the right. After the dialogue, exit through the doors to the corridor, fly the drone, go right hand far. Jump up three enemies, beat them. Now the first dosvіd vykoristannya gaka - vіn tying to the key "F", but you can get together with him far from zavzhd and not creaking. If such a possibility is, then a green indicator appears.

Seeing for help uphill, stribuyte back down in front, there will be self-sufficient, but not the best enemy, clothes on the armour. Yogo, with simple blows, does not virubati, requiring a little bit of madness to be ruined, having put on a cloak, to rush to push on the wheel of a mouse. You can hit it like this twice and finish it off with your fists, or you can hit it three times - the opponent will fall. After that, sit down, pressing Ctrl and press the mouse button to the right - Batman smashes the enemy with his head on the pidlog, that swears - you can continue the passage of the gr Batman Arkham origins.

Chip like this, go uphill, you will see a room near the open space, where you will be asked to launch a detective search - activate it by pressing the "X" keys. Just finish the tips by pressing "1" to pick up the beta rank, then press and press the mouse button for your friend to aim. Navіvshi aim at the right-handed button on the mountain, throw the betarang with the main button of the mouse. Doors open, but not high enough, so that you can easily walk under it. Ale vyhіd є, about gra to tell you at the pіdkaztsi - go ahead, turn around, run back, squeezing the clearing. For a meter-pіtora to the door, which often rose, press the left Ctrl, right on the run.

So Batman slipped to the offensive stone, de happened to beat some of the bandits. Having sorted through them, continue through Batman Arkham Origins, walking right-handed to the elevator, press the button with the punch - the doors open, but there is no elevator. Then there is a subtext, so that you don’t think it’s superfluous, for which vibukhovy gel is needed. It is selected with the "3" button, it is applied to the sublog, it is applied. Sob pіdіrvati, press the middle button of the mouse, until the speech, Batman's detonation does not start, you must say that you are standing on the gel at the moment of vibuhu, which you cannot say about yoga opponents, like wallowing.

After the vibration, put it in the hole in the bed, you will go into the room, dezliva є ventilating grati - open її for a helper probіlu - once you have pressed yoga, you can evade the roof by bending down (Ctrl). Striking down in the end of the tunnel, lean right into the nest with five wounded, wisely, you happen to kill them. Having entered, go right-handed into the room, there, on the mountain, lay a ventilation shaft - you can’t reach it with your hands anymore. Then, how far away for the help of Betkogt - push 2, aim at the Grati, shoot.

Lose yourself less than pulling yourself for a helper problem. With it, you climb up the hill into the ventilation that you see, go all the way, climb down. In front - a wall with dirks, driven by a vibrating gel. Go through the gap to the offensive stone, turn right there - open up the space, and we need the doors to be blocked with buttons, which you need to press at once. For this miraculously pіdіyde shvidky betarang, vіn zadіyuєtsya dvoma pospіl shvidky onslaught of the key "1".

From the advancing stone you will come out through the ventilation shaft under the stele, you can’t reach it with your hands, break the concrete, break the grati, tie it down for help. Look at the ventilation, marvel at the roller and shoot through the soft corner, squeezing the "W" and clicking on the pass on the move. At the host, three opponents will be killed, among them one at the armor - beat them, after which go through the doors to the corridor, from the corridor - go along the new one until it stops, until you stumble in the vicinity of a high stele. There before Tim, how to continue the passage of Batman Arkham Origins, look at the video, our hero removes the flash drive from the drone, after which it is necessary (F) to chime the beast and rise there.

Uphill gatherings fight more, the axis of the attack descend - and we are already on the dash. There, after rewatching the video, you check the final battle of the mission - against Vbivtsi Krok and ordinary opponents, to actively help you. It’s important to get one word from Krok - if a red attack icon appears above his head, don’t try to counterattack, or interrupt it with such blows at the attacker - marno. You just need to drink from the line of attack of the opponent, after which you attack yourself. Krok is not the simplest supernik, but the lightest of all "bosіv".

To seize the moment, if you are fierce when you try to attack Batman on a big scale into the wall - the axis is here and it is necessary to extinguish yoga. Also, effectively in the process of passing through Batman Arkham Origins, they showed themselves a deafening blow with a cloak (I guess that's the middle button of the mouse). Just hit Krok for nothing, need a series, combinations and important hits to finish off.

If the enemy tries to throw a barrel at you with a vibuho not safe - try to immediately launch a betarang (dual key "1") at the barrel itself, while it's out in the hands of the enemy, at the top of the fall - hit the kill in the trajectory of the "projectile". If you want to go to the stalls - actively click on the gap. Follow your attacks at your own pace, don't be choked up.

And vzagali, gra here in your own time to give hints, sho rob, more hearing them, and you will be happy. If we win, marveling at the roller, at which Batman turns to his oven.

Batman's Cave

On the basis of our knowledge, Black Mask hired the most elite killers, claiming 50 million for the elimination of Batman. After rewatching the video, you can already go to Betkril and break on the new mission in Jezebelle Plaza, continuing through Batman Arkham Origins. Ale, I'd be happy to take three available training courses before the administration on the job - there is a chance to take points to get it new rіven, Scho will be dearer. So anyway, early on you will sit on Betkrylo and fly to conquer a new mission.

Vishka GCR near Coventry

According to the cost of the plant, we know that the vines, with which the Betwing is oriented, that I work on the wilderness, need to be sorted out with a reason. After landing, we go straight ahead, we open the doors - we are full of open spaces with cold opponents. Nadalі taka trapyatimetsya regularly, so remember priyomi, how to teach you at once. Throw Dima's grenade to become invisible to the enemies, after which you can hit the beast up to the gargoyle and climb up the hill. Now we have enemies like on the valley, then don’t stink Batman, because it’s too high, look there, they rise less at the top, like a noise.

With gargoyles, you will reach the villainy, as if you were wiping out the handcuff. Leaning right above it, press the mouse button to the right, if the icon "Zhoplennya z visoti" appears. Batman quickly grabs an opponent and moves yoga on the bike with his feet uphill, if you can switch to attacking opponents - they can be seen in the detective star mode (I guess, the X key). At the new one, please give metal grati bіla pіdlogi, scho close the entrance to the ventilation shaft - we are there. Breaking the cover, come in, you will see right back to the opponent.

Having pressed the mouse button to the right, you hit a vicious blow, stunning the opponent with the hitting grenades - remember this trick too, you will need it repeatedly in the process of passing Batman Arkham Origins. Let's go out of the room likewise through the ventilation shaft, but even more, roztashovanu beast - you can see a problem on it, you will see in the darkness of the place. The enemy is known behind a thin wall, which easily breaks through the wall with a fist; After that, go to the wall and push the mouse button to the right, so that you win the virishal blow.

Tse buv peredostannyy vorog, which guarded tsyu vezhu. Go through the corridor to the stop, in a deaf corner, climb uphill for help, but don’t hurry to tie it overboard - there is a bandit who can be thrown down with one button and put on a motuzka. If you already squandered youma on your eyes - beat into hand-to-hand combat, As long as you are not zreshetiv their sacks. Come out through the door to the control room, there the right-hander, on the opposite side of the exit, hit the break at the wall, go to the new one.

The Evidence Scanner is activated in a strict manner for which areas, it is launched by the same button, which is the detective screen. In the mode of scanning evidence, we need a rich language, which is signified by a small chervonim trikutnik, which will simplify the passage of Batman Arkham Origins. If you will be respectful - do not miss your eyes. The first object, which needs to be scanned, will be body dead people, what is lying behind a break in the wall - to scan, to point at a new sight in the detective regime, and to press and reduce the gap.

Let's then scan the flame on the wall with the help of the body, after the flames - the control panel of the doors, de buv vibukh, so having driven in the bіdolakh. If you finish from the panel, you will only have to scan the room at the keys of the key card, which you saw after the vibration - you will lie as soon as the entrance at the ventilation tunnel is ordered from the door. At whom you can perekonatisya, dvoryuyuchi podіyu, scho to try to zatyskannymi right and left buttons of the mouse, scho to move the action forward and backward. At the process, strike a thin red line, which points to the trajectory of the fall of evidence.

The next time open the ventilation grate, start the evidence scanner again to trace the key card. There is a code on it, necessary for Batman to hack the control panel. Go to the control panel, open the doors, press the "0" key to activate the encryption sequencer. You can break such panels often, the procedure is simple - press button A or D until the sequencer shows half of the word or one short word, after which, similarly, press the right or the left button of the mouse, the docks do not look like the other half or the other word. Our mind will have the phrase "nevezinnya". So back to back with buttons A or D I first half of the phrase, then with the right number button of the mouse - to a friend, everything is simple.

Open the doors, go up after her, you will go straight to the jammer, covered with metal doors. Open the break with a break (you need to click a lot of times), after which you remove the sequencer again, break the control panel with a jammer. It's true, before you hear the enigmatic hacker Enigmu, who has set up a bunch of jammers here. Our password in case of evil is "closed zone". That's it, the jammer is turned on - in this area it is now possible to hang out from Betkril, which cannot be said about the region's reshta, the skin area has one jammer on the veins, which makes Batman Arkham Origins go farther away.

In order to unblock the ability to freely hang out in any district, you need to turn on all the jammers on the plugs. You can almost immediately, but remember that you won’t be able to play a couple of pieces at once - it will be necessary to have some control, so that the control panel is not available at this stage of the game, you can stick out for the plot. So, obov'yazkovo like a camp in good time gluing a pomegranate and a destructor, such as we live approximately in the middle of the campaign, and then we know it in the other half. Reshtu vishok you can unblock at any time, but sound for whom you happen to solve mini-puzzles, to get around the defenses, organizing Enigmoy.

At the same time, you can virubaty and repeaters, yakі rozkidanі all over the place in the amount of 10 pieces per district. It is easy to use betarang and betclaw, and best of all - kerovanim betarang, for which you can kill a repeater at a considerable distance. Buvay korisno, oskolki ring out the streets and dahi budinkov teem with opponents. Before the speech, for the sake of everything, take care of yourself on the cob gri - chim far away, there will be more enemies in the mist, it will be important to move, and also snipers will appear on the dahas, evil machine gunners and if you don’t take the cross, they will take your time Batman Arkham Origins.

And if you start turning on jammers and eliminating repeaters right away, you will not only work with the least support, but you will also collect valuable eyepieces for good, as you will need richly on the cob of gris to forgive progress in the campaign. Recognize, save the characteristics of your suit varto vіdrazu and pump it to the edge, increasing by 100% resistance to hand-to-hand combat and by the same 100% in firearms. So we will not take the choice of blocking the data of Enigmi, like rozkidani in the great cities in different areas of the city and the houses.

If you want, honestly it seems, you don’t have to wait for that varte - it’s too rich, but you’ll earn a point for the price of 2000 xp at a time. It will be more difficult to get a block of data in the most part, stink or be well protected, or be on the safe side, but in order to pick up, obov'yazkovo need all the gadgets that show up closer to the finale of the Gri. So you happen to either go through the campaign again, or turn around in the month, where you are already, but with gadgets that allow you to go there, where there was no chance to get through before.

For example, in a tight corridor, steam is poured out of a pipe - at the cost of bad health, Batman does not go through a hot sweat, drying up in the high temperature. And if a sticky pomegranate appears, you can pour a dirka, for some reason a couple. There is more than one butt of the puzzle, but there are many variations. Well, I guess, it’s easy to access blocks of data - don’t skip them, we won’t be able to enter, and if you want, you can get to Enigmi. For the sake of zneshkoditi yogo, it’s already neobov’yazkovo for the passage of Batman Arkham Origins, more precisely, the story campaign, because. tse - dodatkove task.

So what else, turning on the first jammer, go out through the doors to the dachas, there the right-hander will go down - go up the hill. In the sky, there is already an indication of the location, where you need to move. According to the price, reports are periodically announced about the wickedness that they are getting ready for - they can be beaten, tritely beating bandits until they spend their lives. Such a task is neobov'yazkovі, but for them to get the eyepieces right, you can sometimes get in trouble, but if you don't - it's smartly nabridne, that regularity goes off scale. Gangster place, so ... Batman can be a lot of work. In the meantime, we are crashing to the designated point, so we can go through the story campaign.

The Batman superhero franchise has been around for a long time in all spheres of development - starting with comics and TV broadcasting and finishing, obviously, with computer games. Arkadi, the main characters of some kind of superhero, were released from the nineteenth century. However, one can boldly say that before the rest of the years the old game about Batman did not become really successful - the stench of the world was in the middle. However, this charismatic and dark hero is unquestionably meritorious for this masterpiece - and a few years later the fans were happy. A new series of games has begun, the first part of which has become the Batman project: Arkham Asylum. However, in this article, the language is not about pershu and it’s not about another part of the grie. At a glance, the Batman: Arkham Origins project will be looked at, the passage of which was called by rich gamers in serious difficulties. Aje a new part of the series appeared troch folded behind the front. If you can't cope with being a equal, then you can calmly read this article and refute all your inaccuracies from the Batman: Arkham Origins project. The passage of the gris is made up of a set of missions, most of them end up with a barefoot, and sometimes with a kilkom. Ale, you can be sure that game process bring you great satisfaction.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

How does the Batman: Arkham game start? Origins walkthrough? As in the majority of projects, the process of starting from your own training - you happen to learn how to beat all your basic traits, but when you do, you get into the pit, which is well guarded, like bandits. Tse means that you will have opponents from two sides, so like the police officers love a superhero. Otzhe, you will be shown how you need to carry out strikes, block attacks and counterattacks. If so, teach you to swell like that, to strike a deafening blow against the oppressive opponents, and most of all - to scorch with the “eye of the detective”, which allows you to temporarily bachiti the keys of the object in the nearest surroundings, which will significantly lighten the task ahead. Naturally, the first rіven you will end up in a daha in the yard, which you have risen in price for the whole hour, and here your first little thing will be barefoot. Tse bude Krok-Killer, a mutant bandit, what a crocodile will guess. Tse is far from the most important bandit, yogo was deprived of daha, so that he could catch you, obviously, beating him would be far from the best. You need to spit it out more periodically, after which you attack with loud blows. If you pick up a barrel for a throw, then you need to either cheat in such an attack, which is not so easy, but to kick the barrel in the hands of the enemy. If you are barefooted, you can turn to the back and decipher the data on the flashers, as you took from the prisoner - there will be information about the highest professional killers, as if they were hired for the adoption of Batman. Now in Batman: Arkham Origins, the walkthrough is beginning to take on specific forms - you have to fight with us with the help of beats, so that not only the place, but also yourself.

Poshuki Penguin

Prohodzhennya gri Batman: Arkham Origins - tse duzhe zahoplyuyuchy process, which, however, vimagatime vіd you chimalo spritі і kіtlivostі. This means that you won’t be able to pass the game, just ruiyuyuchy foes right-handed and left-handed, - you will have to think more about your actions, and sometimes shukati vishukans come to the end of that chi іnshoy chi battle with the singing boss. In this mission, you will need to know Penguin - a super-strike, which is Batman's old cursed enemy. For the first time, you will need to get to the office, where you know a person, like working on Penguin, and make a phone call in the system, so that she couldn’t call for help - it means її most roztashuvannya your worst enemy. If you need to, you will need to turn on one more link and send two SIM cards, so that at the same time they will give you the necessary information about those who want Penguin. You will be on the great liner wherever you need to get in, get to Penguin's office and do some more. There was no litigation for the drunk, but one of the hired killers, Deathstroke, turns up on the right. The same fault is barefoot of another peer, and you can blame serious problems - be with him for a long time and folding. In the first place, the vin is easily swayed by the richness of your blows, in a different way, the vin trichi for the battle of the dawn and the leader of the rapt attacks, and in the third, if the vin is to carry out a counterattack, then it’s even more difficult to block. So you'll have to spend a lot of time trying out some strategies to overcome them and continue playing Batman: Arkham Origins.

"Lacy Towers"

Somebody think about it for a moment, what is the main space for the city of Batman: Arkham Origins - Blackgate. Passage, prote, stretch far, far away, I can show myself first. Obviously, it’s easy to think that, as a fan of the first part, de diya is practically the same in the territory of the psychiatric hospital. Everything has become richer in your country, and you happen to rise in price in every place. And in this mission, you need to break up to Lacey Tyers, in order to investigate the drive-in, as if it were here. This is a detective mission, in which case you will need to prove jokes, set them up with yourself, so that you can find out who is behind the driving in of the Black Mask - a gang of bandits, as if you were named after you. Naturally, the game could not do without this character - the Joker himself is behind everything, so you sing-songly happen to be right behind him. As you have already understood, one of the main objects in Batman: Arkham Origins is Blackgate, but the passage, however, does not turn all the way around, so that you can enjoy the views of the place, over which creators they trampled the soul.

Police officer

Obov'yazkovo varto guess those without whom you can't get along with the Batman: Arkham Origins game. Enigma (blocks of data) is an invisible element. Obviously, in given passage you won’t see the manifestation of those otrimannya of these blocks, the shards of the same task, which you can do at your free time, mandruyuchi mist, even here it is painted with an exclusive storyline. Ale varto tell you that for a hundred-hundred-thousand passage you should not forget about q-blocks. Father, what is the devil's mission? As you can already understand the name of Gris, this part of the franchise is not a direct continuation of the previous ones - tse, more for all, the prequel Gris, so you should understand something that Batman and the Joker still don't know. And now, if your character is already aware of the rest, you need to go to the police station to find out who he is. For the cob you need a buffing, for help you can get into the pit - you take it off the porch. If so, direct without intermediary at the police station and penetrate inside. Your meta is a police server, you can download data about the Joker. Like in the first mission, here you happen to fight at the same time with the policemen, and with the aggravated, as if they leaned on the will of the pose with their cameras. To get to the databases, you will need to use a special attachment called a destructor, which is a building block at the entrance. As soon as you break the server and take away all the necessary information, you will need to leave the dealership as soon as possible. However, on the cob of the description of the misfortune, it was not for nothing that I thought about those, how strongly blocks can be inserted into those, as it develops in Batman: Arkham Origins. Enigma (blocks of tribute) on this equal footing to reach a great number, but if you get them, you will happen to be strongly influenced by the main line, which will significantly complicate the task. Father, you yourself need to choose what is more important to you.


Just as the topic of blocking data has already come up and it’s been set to this passage, then it’s also a varto signifying and adding to the game Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart. The passage of some interesting content will take not so much time. It can’t be extended to the main storyline, it won’t be looked at here, but it’s still recommended to turn to the new respect.

Well, in this passage, you can play, how to pass through those mischief, like warehouse parts of the original gri. And in the upcoming plot mission, you will need to get through the sewers to the back door, so that you can get hold of your computer from the data base - only in this way you can find out who such a Joker and de yoga can be. Obviously, the way can be unforgivable - you will be stunned by your hard opponents, and you will have room for others, then you will not be lucky, but if you show kindness and in the future you will be led by those newcomers, like Volodya your hero, you can clear your way. Having taken the database of data, you can find out about those de jokers of the Joker, and also read the report of this dossier, which fans of the series, in principle, do not need. As you have already understood, the Joker is your main opponent in Batman: Arkham Origins (“Krizhane heart”, the passage of some kind of zіtkne you with other super-adventure - do not take it to respect).

Commercial Bank of Gotham

Are you ready for Arkham Origins? Penguin is on the cob, and the Joker is on the front. Itself with the head troubles you should lie down at once for the night, so that you could take the data about the yogic misfortune. Break into the head bank of the place, de vie and you will know yoga, only, naturally, before that you happen to fight with less hard opponents. Having got away from the Joker himself, you will know in a different way, how the wine has become so easy to become the most evocative appearances in the world of wickedness. Obviously, the dashing one will try to get in, having mastered the sabotage for an additional vibe - you need to follow it up, you can’t let it go far ahead of yourself, otherwise you will fail the task. Nezabar you will become aware that your opponent is straight to the steel plant - you yourself will be able to continue standing there, as if with a skin quivering flock more and more hoary. What else is ready for gamers in Batman: Arkham Origins (Blackgate Deluxe Edition) walkthrough? Obviously, there are hundreds of battles in front of you, but, moreover, more and more will strike with those long-loved and beloved super-tricks.

steel plant

Otzhe, you are unlikely to have caught a memory, like an hour passed by Batman: Arkham Origins. The passage of the 1st half of the gris has already reached the end, and soon it will appear at the very peak. At once you need to finish the whole steel plant to know the Joker there. After a few small battles on you, a check is beaten with a Mednogol_vka - a heart beater, a meta like - you. No matter what you do, your opponents to give in will cut you off. Vaughn to deprive you of the death, and you are ignorant. In a deaky hour, having come to you, you will be guilty of wiping off the excesses, as if they were torn off - right to Alfred, having done the wines of the rubbish. As long as you are busy with wine, break on the roads, so that you will meet with Mednogolovkoy once again. Obviously, you will be amazed at the fact that you have become tenacious, but if you want to stop rozpochat - and you happen to be unsalted, that you will have hallucinations, that you will have a sprinkling of opponents, only one of them will be right. Only in the third phase of the battle you can take a look at Alfred and fight against it, so that you can get to know the Copperhead and find out where the Joker leans. After that task, the additional mission in Batman: Arkham Origins is revealed - the passage of the dropper. However, as you already understood, the battle with Kapelyushnik, the battle with Deadshot, as well as other tasks in a row will not be described here, shards of stink cannot be related to the plot line and pass exclusively behind your towers at an open hour.

Hotel "Gotem City Royal"

Well, the time has come for one of the most stressful missions at the gr. The walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins - The Complete Edition will teach you a lot of different difficult times, moments, trials and so on, and on your own equal you can know them in great numbers, even if you can reach the Joker without a hitch. Also, you need to check the sensor signal on one of the gates, which will lead you to the hotel. Having consumed the middle, you are guilty to climb 25 on top, de and know the Joker himself. But for whom you will need to go through a sprat test, which has created for you a divine super goodness. The stench will be milked folded, the kіlka of them will be obmezhenі for an hour of passage, the road to the Joker will obviously not become a simple walk for you. On the 25th you will be sent to Bane, who will take you to the Joker. It would have been better if the hour of the final essence had come, but it wasn’t there. The Joker is the ultimate goddamn show, as a result of which it seems to leave you alone with Bane. Same wine and barefoot equal, which you will need to be healthy. By itself, Bane is not so scary, but at the singing moment, you will have a victorious dose of venom, standing richly strong and swedish, sound lower. Here you will need to manifest the maximum spritnist, as well as competently read the actions of your opponent. If you win, don't give in to Bane, or the police will show up. Bain can gather at his helicopter and flick the Joker, imagining him. Obviously, you don’t have anything to lose, cry like a joker, if you stand in front of the court, but leave the police alone and stay safe until you start getting pissed off. What's next for Batman: Arkham Origins? The passage (part 1 of the bula was not so tense) to note: everything continues to develop at a fast pace, the pressure is growing, so hurry up and spread the mission.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate". Joker

You could already understand that the Batman: Arkham Origins game is crashing to its completion. Part 2 of the gris is richly rich in podia, and yet the mission, as if turning you to the Blackgate yard, will become unimaginable. Truly, it is the most important mission for all the people. On the right, in the fact that here you are not playing for Batman, but for the Joker himself - he has more nightmares. On the right, in the fact that yoga was corrected in psychiatric exuberance, and everything that appears on the computer screen is the terrible dream of the Joker. At the same time, you will sing and scary dreams of Batman, who do not have the ability to vryatuvat their fathers. Mіsіya is not more than a long time, but rather it is hostile, as it allows you to understand and understand, as Batman is Batman. On the rest of the food, a little bit of light is added Batman: Arkham Origins – Cold. The passage of the storyline will turn you the management of Batman. Now, if the Joker is staying at the bunker, you will have a hard time: look at that zneshkodity Bane.

Bane's jokes

Well, now we can boldly say that your main opponent has ceased to be the Joker - now Bane. Obviously, you need to know this term and fight with it, because last time you didn’t get enough of it. For whom you will need to make your way to the morgue and scan the body of one of the yogis, who so himself was led to finish marvelously at the hour of battle, like Bane himself. After the scanning, Batman first recognizes about the special speech I call a vein, as if it were built to work a strong, strong, hardened person for a deyaky hour. Well, now you need to know the back of Bane and fight with him, but really, everything is not as simple as it would have been. Leaning on the basis of lihodiya, you can recognize a trio of yoga history, but you cannot reveal yoga itself there. Ale raptom on the screen of the computer, you will remember that you are going to gasp. Yakos Bain zmіg dіznatisya, hto hovaєtsya behind the mask of Batman - and, naturally, vin hasten to victorious against you. That is why you need to quarrel and know your enemy yaknaishvidshe.

City of Pioneers

In addition to the fact that Bane knows about your specialty, you also know that having planted bombs on the Pioneer Bridge, which vibuhne and took thousands of lives from him. For that very reason, you need Gordon's terminology and to tell you about the bombs. Obviously, you should know about the evacuation of people, bomb all the same, it’s necessary for you, so take care of it, after which you turn up to your back in the terminus, the shards were out of place, and Alfred leaned on the blockages. Turn yoga to life and know I'm afraid of the truth- The Joker zahopiv v'yaznitsyu, in a sort of sitting, so you varto turn there, the stars of you rozpochinali gro.

V'yaznytsya "Blackgate" (final)

Later, it will be necessary for you to get into the hole through the sewerage, fighting at a cost with a bunch of opponents, and then, in the same hole, fight against no less than enemy enemies. Everything is in order to reach the Joker himself, who, naturally, does not want to just join you in battle - there may be one final surprise. In the ring, de vie perebuvaete, Bane appears, who has a heart striker installed. If the heart of hardship is beaten for a long time, then on which one the Joker should sit, spratsyu - in such a rank, one of two hardships will die, which is absolutely not the power of Batman. Therefore, you will need to fight with Bane, bring yoga to clinical death, after which turn to life for the help of special electric gloves, following him through. Having gained the residual victory, you can set off in pursuit of the Joker and beat Yogo until you waste your testimony for all those who have been blamed. Pass yoga into the hands of Gordon and find out, as you tried before, - on whom the passage of this masterpiece will end.

Bruce Wayne is going to put on the costume of the fearless Batman. Out of the way "Blackgate" is one of the safest villains...

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

Before Christmas, Bruce Wayne should put on the costume of the fearless Batman. From the "Blackgate" vtikaє one of the safest villains of Gotham - Black Mask. Having landed here under the walls of the pit, we pass through the middle, bending down under the stumps. Let's spare the head of the yaznitsa Joseph mafia. Sneaking up from behind and pushing the button of counterstrike in an uplifted way. Similarly, it is necessary for the boss himself. Drinking yoga, we go to the prison block A and go down by gatherings. We are corrected by the enemies from the sche dekilkom. From the rest of the mafia, it is known that Chorna Mask led Loub to the chamber of stratum.

A drone is seen near the corridor. Zbivaemo uz'yaznenih and chіplyaєmos hook for the upper ledge. Opponents in bulletproof vests first need to be slapped, and then we’ll send a series of hard blows. I’ll start victorious like this, so that I can rise up the hill. Leaning at the point of registration of the aggravated, vmikaemo detective zіr. We select the beta rank i, aiming, we throw yogo into the control jumper of the metal gate. Hurry up, slither under a small slit. Allow the mafia and see Vicky Vale - a reporter, as if she was stupefied in aggravation. Embossed on the elevator door button. Let's go to the mine, choose vibukhovy gel and apply yoga on the German bed. Pіdrivaєmo and zіstribuєmo down.

Black Mask of dissatisfaction with the mind's mind. To that vin virishiv pіdnyati rebellion and straighten out from the commissar Loub, who was “annihilating” with Mask's handout. It's not a secret for anyone that the police officers and their boss are willing to take swabs from criminal authorities. Rozkrivaєmo ventilatіyni ґrati and by mine we get to the aggravated ones. We deal with him and go to the gate, for which the remaining enemy is known. Idemo in the application of the right-handed, vikoristovuєmo betkog, to attract the ventilation arms. Zasribuyemo in the mine and ruhaєmos in obhіd. We apply the gel on a tenditnu wall and adjust it. The steps of the door can be opened by quickly releasing two betarangs into the skin button. Rozkrivaєmo grati betkogtem and along the mine vybiraєmosya until the month of stratum. Vryatuvati Louba, unfortunately, do not go into it.

We break through the slope, pushing the pressure on the button of the haircut. We'll straighten up the mafiosi without protection and only then calmly with them, who has a bulletproof vest. Vibіgaєmo into the corridor, viymaєmo a memory card from a small drone. Chіplyayuchis betkogtem, pіdіymaєmosya more and more. Black Mask vstigaє vkti. On the Dahu, there is less Croc-Killer. Uhilyaєmos at bіk vіd yogo attacks. We'll hit the enemy and start a series of strikes, until the veins hit the oklematis. If Krok is taken for the fire tank, let out a sprat of betarangiv. The enemy can take us. In this way, it is fast and often embossed on the button, which is shown, and under pressure on the button of the haircut, it is fast to go to the side. Dopituemo Kroka-Vbivtsiu. It's obvious that Black Mask recognized the city for Batman's head. Gordon and a bunch of policemen will try to spy on us. Virushaemo to the oven to read the memory card found.

Evil vezhi

We’ll fill up the golden maidanchik and go straight to Betcomputer. The best of the best you can know and figure out Batman. The one who makes money for the best, takes away a city of $ 50,000,000. Vіsіm ubivts, kozhen z yih may be unique novice. One of them we already zneshkodili - Krok-Vbivtsyu.

Penguin is the same as we see Black Mask. The unmanned aerial vehicle of knowledge at the v'yaznitsa lied to you. The GPS signal indicates the next destination - Jezebel Plaza, where you will see the people of Penguin. View a map of Gotham City and select a drop off point in the Bauer area. However, it is not possible to get there, as there is no way to jam the signal on the GCR gates in the Coventry area. We pass forward, open the door and stick to the mafia. Zastosovuєmo dimovu grenade and shvidko chіplyaєmos hook for the upper ledge. Turning on the detective zіr і, re-stringing with serrations, leaning over the head of the enemy. Povisaєmo that conducted zahoplennya. We fly to the protilezhny kut, we open the grati and we go through the mine. Neutralize one more evil and climb up to the stepping ventilation pipe. We go up to the crooked wall, we break through and zaplyuyemo the enemy. Redirect to the next book, turn lefthand and move forward. Chіplyaєmos hook for the ledge and vіdrazu conducted zahoplennya opponent.

We pass to the control room and see the corpse at the toilet. The evidence scanner is activated, the body and footprints on the wall are scanned. According to the post-mortem situation: under the hour of the repair of the access panel, it became such a tightness that the practitioner was killed and broke through the wall of the scrotum. We can scan the access panel that z'yasovuєmo, that the body of the one who podlashtuvav pasta, knew in the surroundings of Diamond Sprat a year ago. It is necessary to know the key card, without it it is impossible to unlock the access panel. I’m revisiting the post-mortem situation and it’s right to move forward. You can see the trace that led by the ventilation shaft. Opening the gate, opening the proof scanner and scanning the key card. We select the encryption sequencer and behind the help of a new hackable access panel. Povіlno obertaєmo mini-joysticks doti, docks z'appear word chi wording. Opening the door, lifting the gatherings and opening one more door, quickly and often pressing on the button. Zlamuemo dzherelo pereshkod. Enigma control everything is safe in the city. The skin area has one vezha. For the mitt's relocation by mist, it is necessary to break the heads themselves.

Vistezhennia Penguin

The path near the Bauer district lies through the Mist. Apparently, from the place, it looks like a door from the left side, and it is chosen on the dachas. We get to the Bauer area and go straight to the place of operation, guided by the green icon on the radar. It’s the first one, it’s good for a quiet place, and it’s worthy of selling it. The first to attack is the one in whose hands there is an armor. Turn on the detective zіr, schobi to reveal the arrow. Under the hour of battle it is not allowed, so that another evil-doer would pick up the garmat. Neutralizing everyone, dopituemo Chatterbox. We pick up our phone, take out the SIM card and find out about Penguin's financial situation. The signal is silenced with fresh GCR. Virushaemo to her, orienting on the radar. We clean up the enemy. Vikoristovuёmo kerirovanie betarang, carried out through the electrification of the rozlom and hit on the access panel. It’s easy to aim, including the inversion of the beta rank in the adjustments. We open the door behind the help of the encryption sequencer, we break the vishka.

We proceed to the evil system of linking Penguin. We point the indicator at the center of the brown stake, the pressed button is shown for the transmission. Penguin, having organized a free transfer without a dart, we feel the same mischievous people that they are moving between themselves. We get to portable radio stations, neutralize enemies and similarly conduct signal blowing. Another radio station is being guarded by two thugs. In the form of a direct attack, it is more likely to be eliminated. We turn on the detective zone, we land here nearby and, having crept, we neutralize one by one.

Liner "Final Offer"

The penguin is on the old ship "Final Offer". In the same place, a military tournament is held there and, vіdpovіdno, the liner is teeming with evil spirits of all stripes. First, take it on board, you need to put snipers on board. We fly to the gate, land on it, sneak up to the gate, silently deal with it. Enemies rotten bachat, but miraculously smell. Passed to a lifted container and a view to a crane. We strebuyemo on the lower container, on which the other sniper is known. Having neutralized yoga, we go down on board and move to the right side. The two part ways periodically. We deal with them if the enemy on the bridge gets angry. Let's move on to the protilezhny bik and through the eyes of the deafening enemy. The one that is on the bridge is filled with nasmkinets. Let's get into position, de bov the first sniper. Let's fly straight to the doors and straighten out the wickedness. For the consumption of vikoristovuemo Dimov grenade.

We penetrate into the middle and stick with two opponents with a dagger. It is not possible to contract them, you can only cheat by pressing the counterattack button and the “back” button. Going down, we sound at the opponents against the enemy and deal with the others, not allowing us to take down any of them (there is a characteristic clatter of reloading). We pass to deck 1. We pass through the dip and bypass the flooded lot. One more lot is bypassed, shackled on a metal beam. Zdiysnyuєmo strike at the planned and neutralize the enemies. We go to the edge, choose a white claw and attract a slab. Having stuck on a new one, we move along the water, pulling ourselves up by the rings on the walls. The rest of the heel is attached to the stele, we cling to it and collapse. We climb up the hill and get to the boiler room.

The tournament will be fought at the very rozpal. Turn right-handed and, pokavshi moment, passable blow the trumpet. Chіplyaєmosya for the step and continue to go forward, looking for pinning the supply of a bet. Lift it up more, beat the white claw, to open the metal doors on the left side. Vibiraemos to the arena and zustrіchaєmosya with a stun gun. One hit is enough to knock yoga out. Neutralize evil spirits, such as Tracey national against us. Keep track of those who have knives and who pick up important items and get ready to throw. Metaєmo in them swidky betarang. Dopituemo enemy, scho zdavsya. You can get to Penguin's office through the theater at the other end of the casino. We open the door with the sign "Exit". Having risen a little more, let's go straight and walk on the steps of the door. Stretching down, restretching through the gap, and, crouching down, slipping under the crack. Propovzaemo forward, anew slipping and going down. Activate the detective air of the manifestation of the German wall, for the priming of the victorious victorious gel.

Let's go slow for a long walk for help, then we'll just hurry up and grab him. We move to the end to the right and chime like that. We walk to the edge, marveling to the left and uphill. Zneshkodzhuєmo a couple of evildoers. We climb up to the upper deck and press against the wall. Behind the horn are three enemies. Distantly turning betarang, launching yoga at the bik vorogiv, passing through the electrified area above the door, zdiyasnyuemo sprat of the latest turns, so that the result is to defeat the enemy with a zbroєyu. It doesn't matter to get along with others. Let's go to the next end of the corridor, chop with a claw behind the bed and bring down yoga. Climbing up the hill, opening the grate and passing through the mine.

Having got away from the casino, we stribuyemo from any side, sneak up to the arrow and neutralize yogo. Follow him best with a detective eye. Having straightened out of the two, the whole of NATO will appear. The one with the armor is left alone. Stitch after him, so that they don’t pick up the fire armor. There is a ventilation shaft near the hut, which will lead us to the access panel. Zlamuemo її sequencer and turn to the hall. With care, we sneak up to the skin streltsya. The stench is to stand on one place, but they can wrap themselves around themselves. I'm going through the doors that are opening, the elevator is calling out and on the new one we are going to the burial room. Neutralizing Tracy, pressing on the button of the counterattack and locking it in the key. Breaking the access panel above the table. We break through the pressure on the button of the haircut. Opening the door, we take a blow against the great adversary. Yogo is too much for us, I’m going to be roamed with the worst enemies. We inflict low blows, if there are red badges above the opponent's head.

We pass to the great hall. Іdemo livoruch and unfailingly climb to the opponent with a break. Vtіm, stink all here zі zbroєyu, also diatimemo sweat. We go down lower and straighten up with another enemy. Chiplyaєmos for a high point, we pass to the next bіk and go down through the ventilation shaft from the bottom of the descent. Follow the route of the enemies for the help of the detective eye and neutralize them one by one. The rest, like a handguard, attacked from behind, moving forward to the top point. Through the passage on the left side we go to Penguin's office. Alberto Falcone, the son of the mafia boss Carmine Falcone, was riding here. Through the sin, Penguin tries to manipulate Carmine, so that he weakens his infusion from the city. We deal with the thugs and get to Penguin. Under our onslaught of wines, we tell you about the drive-in at Lacey Towers. Itself there is known the back of the Black Mask.

He finishes interrupting Deathstroke, who raptly showed up. The enemy is vitrival and shvidky. Yoga is constantly attacked. We don’t need a counterattack, but we don’t have to work before the hour. Obov'yazkovo chekaёmo on the appearance of the button or other visible icons above Deathstroke's head. After sleeping, it is fast and often embossed on the counterattack button, and then similarly on the strike button. Once again, I am ready to carry out a virulent counterstrike. At the last stages of the enemy’s attacks, they will become more frequent; Having won the victory, we take away the claw. Vіn allows you to release the cable between the walls, on which you can climb and freely move in space. We select the claw, pointing to the point of attachment on the wall above the plate, where the Penguin knew, and see it. Chiplyaєmos by the cable, get to the door and try to find out. The chance to break through them is zero. Alfred to confirm that Lacy Towers has been beaten. Before that, not just driving in, but driving in the Black Mask. Strive down, open the door and straight to the exit. Going down to deck 1, let out the cable at the anchorage point on the other end of the flooded boarding house. Let's fill up the liner.

Investigation of shootings at Leslie Towers

When we get to the Dahu, we are ordered to be sent to us in front of the neutralization of the policeman's fire. Having cleaned the Maidanchik, remove the encryption sequencer, point the indicator at the center of the brown stake and conduct the signal decoding. We fly to the balcony, chіplyаєmos for the ledge and, having shifted to the position under the cops, we sigh both. We pass through the Lacey Towers.

Idemo to the apartment of Chornoy Maska, where it became a drive-in. We look around at the body of the unknown. The evidence scanner is activated and the body is examined again. We can scan the body of Chornaya Maska's friend, which is hung on the chandelier. Lay bars on top of a Molotov cocktail. Let's think about it and understand that the appli- cations were fired with the method of replacing the traces. Vivechaemo sled vіd kuli on the body of the beaten. The body of Black Mask's friend is scanned again. We see the fingertips of Penguin on the wall in order from the body. In detail, scan follow the application. Vivechaemo trace on the bed under the body on the chandelier. We look back, to know the cloth robe on the window frame of the balcony. We scan the next on the station. Povilno considering the hour, you can remember that the girl has a phone. In the rest of the above announcement, the Joker figures. Having given all the data, rozmієmo, it was not hammered in to Black Mask, the shards of us sang yoga at the yard of today's night. In order to find out the specifics of the murdered person, having shot at the beaten man and from the balcony, we will have to get to the file cabinet of the National Criminal Data Base, as it is known to the Gotemsky police department. Bіlya exit z budіvlі zіtknemosya іz adversary zі shield. I'm going to hear yoga and vikonuemo under pressure on the button of the haircut.

Police Department

Before that, like virushit to the police station, you see the stove. View the map of the place, move the indicator to the left side of the central bridge and choose the drop off point on the small island. Arriving to the oven, going down the stairs, turn lefthander and pick up the percussion detonator from the table. We turn to the transport and we go to the Bernley area. If you don’t dare to know the needs of the world, you can always look at the sky and sing Batman’s trademark and arrows. At the dahu of the police department, a small group of policemen is being rehabilitated. I'll move the neutral sniper to the upper central position, then move under us. Nasamkinets zalishaemo opponents of the entrance to the helicopter maidan.

We go to the middle, go down, apply the gel on the tenditnu wall and lift it up. Ztribuєmo on the elevator cab and їdemo down. If the elevator is snarling, we can fasten it more easily through the ventilation shaft. To drink up Gordon z'yasuvav, that the city's hired killers are at work. Neutralize the policeman at the rozdagalni. It is passable in the office, for the bazhannya we can beat a percussion detonator, to stun the opponents for a while. Whether it's a vipadka with them, it's necessary to straighten it out. For help betkogtya, vismikuєmo grati over the door. Stribuyemo uphill, go to the meeting hall. The brand and yogo selling zagіn also take part in the messenger "Who is smarter in Batman". Vykoristovuyuchi cured claw, vystrіlyuєmo to the point of attachment from the other side. We move along the cable to the corridor, de-accurately neutralizing the policeman.

Breaking the door access panel with an encryption sequencer. We deal with the opponents, we pass at the dopitnu, we go to the vіkna and zdіysnyuєmo the enemy is buried. Dopituemo Chatterbox, schob dznatisya about the destructor. This attachment allows you to jam the armor and break the locks. Apparently in the corridor, re-streaming through the door and being dispatched by the special forces. Having consulted from the homeless, we apply the gel on the German material on the left eye and it is driven. We get to the open room, zneshkodzhuєmo cop and open the ventilation grate. Stribuyemo down, passable by a pipe. Chiplyaєmos for the upper ledge and podnіmaєmosya gatherings.

Leather police equipment with a heartbeat sensor. In order to instill noiselessly neutralize yoga, then in a few seconds you decide to know about it and get to the victim. We stribuyemo down, we go left-handed and we go down by gatherings. If the enemy leans on the rose, it is passable to the arrival and neutralization of another opponent. Shvidko seems to be in the corridor, nazdoganaєmo offensive and zneshkodzhuєmo yogo. Now you can turn to a high point and change. Let's try to straighten ourselves out of the way with a lot of enemies and work closer to the kuta. Dehto does not go from one kintsa to the next, but we will quickly choose a new victim. Breaking the door access panel after cleaning the territory.

We sneak up to two at the corridor and immediately neutralize them. We get to the server room and try to break the access panel. The system will jam our equipment. Can't do without a destructor. We pass to the destination of the levoruch. I’ll stun the enemy with a shield, then we’ll swipe up and down the hairline. The elevator access panel is hackable. Ztribuёmo in the mine that vibiraєmos to the prison cells. Zastosovuєmo shock detonator against the enemy. We are in front of the opponent's zneshkodzhuemo. We press the door button and go to the infirmary. Actively detective zіr revealing a crooked wall. Znischuєmo її gel, we pass into the abandoned mine. We get up in the center, cling to the ledge and climb up the hill. Vikoristovuёmo curing the claw and letting go the cable at the point of attachment above the head. We pick up more, we pass through the ventilation shaft to the place with evidence. We take the destructor off the table. We turn to the prison cells along the same path, as if they arrived here. Remove the destructor, remove the jammer from the fret over the access panel. Let's work for the assistance of the sequencer. It is necessary to correct the blocking of the passage.

Turning to the server room, we destroy the jammer with the destructor and break the panel with the sequencer. Use the heart of Gordon's daughter. It will help you to connect to the DNA file cabinet, and how to conduct remote connection to the server. A large group of special forces will be pulled up by Nezabar. Expand, expand, open and let through the ventilation. The destructor also allows you to jam the enemy's armor. Vtіm, there is nothing to it, even if the enemies are literally a few meters away from us. Having straightened out from the usima, we went to the door on the right side, passing through the yaki, turn it left hand and break the access panel. I turn back again, at the last moment we can run into the elevator. At the Dahu zіshtovkhuєmos іz Gordon. For the time being, we talked to him, bringing in a herd of Brenden. We throw a Dimov grenade, victorious destructor and neutralize opponents. We are leaving the police department.


Before the sewer hatch, you can eat two ways - through the dah chi through the gate. Mіzh budinkom (three times more than the drop-off point on the map) is a small passage, from which it is necessary to go down to the provulok. No one will ever have a chance to stand up to a group of police officers. If we didn’t want to go ahead, then I’ll put the opponent’s enemy with a firearm behind the help of the destructor.

At the sewer, we stick with the people of Chornoi Maska, as they pass by the skin meter. Enemies in red suits are able to counter our attacks, so they can counterattack more often. Vicorist gel for lowering a wooden partition. We pass by the water treatment area. How to chіplyаєmos for the ledge of zlіva. Before the onset of the ledge, it is simply re-tributable. Trochs passed forward, chiplyaєmos for the ledge of the right-hander and conductively choked the opponent. Zneshkodivshi another, pіdіymaєmosya more. We get to the panel of keruvannya, we press on the button i, we reach the balcony, we grab the roof of the trumpet of evil. Having redirected the steam, we removed the claw and released the cable to the point of attachment of the troch to the right above the window. We are forwarded to the next day, we go to the balcony and break the code panel. Let's fly to the drain, which brought us to the stone zv'yazku.

Let's fly to the vintage pylon and deal with the opponents. Pressing on the button, lifting up the hill and activating the detective zone. How can you remember, one opponent is against me, that we are ahead of us to the last. Connected to the base of data right-handed monitors. Let's put together a new picture near Chornoy Maska's apartment. Later, Chorna Mask, having set up his nalyakan maiden to a safe house. Having suspected unkindly, he sent his twin there, and he himself saw through the balcony. Carelessly vbivtsya remembering yoga. A beat began, surmounted by a murder of viyshov. The Black Mask was necessary for us to live, to help us get into the mercantile bank of Gotham. Only one person, the Joker, could indulge such a zhorstoku reprisal. We select on the surface and break the code panel right-handed from the door.

Commercial Bank of Gotham

We get to the day, wake up, apply the gel on the bichnu tenditnu wall right-handed from the door and lift. Passing through the middle, opening the hatch and stribaemo down. Vikoristovuemo destructor, in order to find a jammer over the gates. We break the code panel, let's go to the hall and transfer it to another book. Nagori levoruch in the doors there is a ventilation grate. Rozkrivaєmo її and passable through the mine. We apply the gel on the podlog and drivaemo. The conspiracy sticks with the Joker, who is hovering under the eyes of the Black Mask. The Joker has taken over power and restored Batman to the soul.

Following a vibe, climbing to a high point and watching out for a group of enemies that came. If you activate the detective zone, you can see only one enemy, behind which is a jammer. Zneshkoditi її can be timely for the help of a destructor, or it’s enough, if you wear it. We get over to the high point of the right hand and check it, if the mafiosi are more likely to come down. Let it fly to the new one, steal it and neutralize it. In a day's time, the body will be detected by a signal from the heartbeat sensor. We deal with them one by one. Stop virishit build up, let's go to the next one to drink. Zalishaemo bank, hovaemosya right-handed behind the car and check for special forces. You can try to deal with them, but there are two archers, so the destructor is victorious against them.

steel plant

Podvіr'ya plant is hard to be protected. We go down to the sniper and silently neutralize yoga. At the center, two people move here and there, we leave them at the halt. After the sniper, we move to the opponent on the balcony above the entrance. Dalі, raspravlyaєmos z mafia on the walls from the skin side of the thief. Here, let's mark one more isolated enemy from the bottom. Climbing up to the last two at the center and for the sake of virubuyemo їх.

Let's go to the middle and deal with the enemies. Detective sir will help you to designate an arrow in the middle. Above the door is a ventilation system. Rozkrivaєmo grati betkogtem and penetrate into the office. Zneshkodzhuєmo striltsiv, clean up the place and hack the computer at the hut. Turn on the machine gun behind the auxiliary destructor or turn back through the ventilation. We go down to the vantage point, light up the left hand and break the code panel of the front doors. Navantazhuvach and sprat mafia appeared in the taemnіy kіmnati. We correct the opponents that we have lost. Nezabar come a new group. Among the enemies there will be a punisher. Opening the armor for ultra-stunned - try to press on the stun button, then robably low hard hits. Activate the right hand button in the wall of the secret room. The design cannot break through the tendon wall from the first try. Rozgoduemo її, zipping with a claw behind the back collar. Stribuyemo to the taemna kіmnata and on the elevator go down to the bottom. We scan the body at the cabin.

Neutralize enemies, break the code panel that is passable to the drug laboratory. Like in a jar, one of the opponents is wearing a jammer on his back. Win straight to the far right corner, check yoga there. So right above the nose there will be another opponent. On the back of your hand zneshkodzhuemo yogo. Enemies are not equipped with heartbeat sensors, it is not to blame for the problems with manifestations. I’ll first use the opponents in the upper positions, and then we’ll move on to the quiet ones, who move on the ground. Idemo to the office of the Black Mask, for the sake of the handcuff, she asks you to tell me where to straighten the Joker. Bronzehead, which has appeared, opens Batman. It is necessary to clean up the warehouse, so that you can prepare an anti-trash. We scannly follow the pidlozі, it is enough to watch the hour and if the Copperhead is rebuffed in poіtrі, we will play one more slіd on the trumpet. While Alfred is synthesizing the anti-truth, the rest of his strength will go straight to the exit.

At the essence of the Copperhead vicorist, it is a swishy vibukhovy gel, so that the great number of clones is more likely to be suppressed. The combination for the new one is in the "Basic management - Vibukhovy gel" section. Having recovered more than half of your health, the clones change noticeably, then the attack of the Copperhead increases. If you get out of the field of the dawn, get ready to push on the button of the haircut + the button of the kill. We pick up the container from the counter and with new forces we achieve the Midnogol_vka. Virushaemo to vantage point. We deal with the enemies and for the help of the gel, we need a container of chemicals in order of vantage. Let's fill up the houses.

Gothel " Gotham City Royal"

The Joker has organized zustrіch іz thoughts for Batman. We get to the bridge support, we catch the signal of the electric shocker and, according to the sensor, we fall in the right direction. The hotel is located in the Diamond area, the entrance is heavily guarded by corrupt special forces and mafiosi. Having penetrated the middle, we go down and neutralize two foes. Having seen the victorious, usuvaemo a small group of mafiosi. Breaking the code panel of the lattice. Metaemo betarang button to turn on the electrics. On the mountains there is a point of attachment, launching a claw in it. Rise uphill, activate the button to open the door. We go down, pass at the last destination and restart the head generator.

Having risen on the lift, we pass by the lobby. On the other version there will be three, one of which will move between the surfaces. Yogo is the best way to get drunk at gatherings. Two meetings between gatherings are filled with nasamkinets. We go down to the first one on top and by the means of neutralizing all the mafia. Quiet, hto zalishivsya, you can stun for the help of a podvyy beta rang, perebovayuchi on a high point. Let's quickly go downstairs and finish it off. Breaking the door of the room and protecting it (behind the reception). It is not important to reveal the Joker's misunderstanding through the cameras. At the collection of wines, he kills a stun gun. We pick up the shock gloves, strebuyemo on the platform and feed the generator. Climbing up the hill, we cling to the upper structure. It is necessary to go to the ruynovanogo passage and let it pass like at the top of the tenth.

I demo right-handed, opened the door, charged the generator at the wall. The Grati rose to the sight not richly, to that we will be quick and slick under her. The more active we are, the more enemies, the more quickly the scale of the mittens will be restored. Activate shock mittens, which allow you to more effectively knock out enemies, instill quiet, whoever has a bulletproof vest or a shield. We pass into the laundry room and open the door to the beast from the right side. We get to the mine, we get to the elevator cabs. Shvidko perestribuyemo to the next cabin and charge it with mittens. Not having reached the necessary top, we independently chip by the ledge and throw the opponent down. Having cleared the corridor, opituemo spіvrobіtnik. At the observant bar, there are more than a handful of guards. Charging the generator, which is right-handed in the gate. Leaning against the sky, let go the claw, which is being controlled, to the point of attachment of the judicial life. We get over to the next beak and beat the enemy.

Behind the horn is an automatic turret. Included by the destructor. Charge the generator at the wall and neutralize the enemies. We pass by the ventilation shaft, chіplyаєmos for the ledges, zmіschuєmos on them and pіdіymaєmosya all the more and more. The remaining failure of the minemo, having let the cable at the point of attachment on the protilezhny botsі. Activate the button and click on the ventilation above the blades. Passing through it, with a claw grab for the ring on the roof of the hatch. Chiplyaєmos for the upper ledge is right-handed and throws off the cutthroat.

We get to the dance hall, as if it had been reclaimed by the right amusement park. It's not much fun, even the Joker has ruled here for us. Cities for the success of vikonanny - the life of the people of the Black Mask. We stribuyemo down and work with thugs. As soon as the gate is opened, we move the betarang to that button, on which the light is straightened. Repeat the same with the other button. If offending planks hang in green light, fixing points appear. Letting out a claw in them, which is surmounted, it is lifted on a cable and it is transferred to a small wooden ledge. With the help of the gel, we lift the wall and break the code panel (the password is “TUKTUKTUK”). Stribuyemo at the water, turn around and go right-handed. Gatherings lift up the hill. We step on the button, launch the betarang, conduct yoga through the electrified eye of the mask, deploy it, passing through the other eye, hitting the shield.

We climb up to the rails through the hatch, which is visible above our heads. We get to the destination with other samples. The essence is simple: remember the masks in the same order, and in exactly the same order, the same order was taken by the beta ranks. We pass far and, not stribayuchi down, we fly to the cutthroats. If you don’t think about it, then it will be poured over to the lower rails. Having straightened out from the opponents, we go to the balcony. It is pressed on the button, the cable is released from the ceramic claw to the point of attachment on the figure that appeared. We move to the next balcony. From the new one, we go into the corridor, let the broken mafia and drink the spivrobitnik. You can drink in the bar through the ventilation system. Leaning under an osbroєny golovorіzom, yogo's voice is heard. Strengthen the armor with triple stuns and a number of hard blows.

Passing through the door, we apply the gel on the wall of the ziv. Chopping for the gargoyle, then we get over to the open window on the left side. Charging the generator zliva vіd vorit. Let's make a bomb with a sequencer, but it's better to do it harder. Twenty-five seconds before vibuhu is lost! Stribaemo at the vikno under the pressure on the button of the haircut + ruh ahead. In the rest of the moment, it is possible to join the helicopter. Striking at the dachas, we continue to fight, navit unrespectfully on those who are seen from the camera on the helicopter. Having cleared them, we climbed higher and it is passable until we wake up.

We get to the pool, climb on the gargoyle and get over to the opposite bik. We drive in two on another version near the center. Dealing with the enemies on the lower version and getting quiet, what was left out. There are less than 8 opponents to conquer the great territory, it’s easier for him to get it, if the stench is divided. We go down to the reception and hack the code panel of the elevator doors (code "DRIVE"). Rise up to the Joker and stick with Bane. Let's go to the library, and then we'll go to the dachas. Let's press on the button of the haircut to kill us, if the enemy is turned right up to us. In case of loud attacks, we transfer through the new one behind the back, conduct a loss of stun and inflict a number of blows. Similarly, diemo and zovnі, only to succumb to death more often. So do not forget to hourly neutralize the mafiosi, which they constantly add, in order to give the opportunity to fill in the scale of shock mittens.

Bein fly at once with his people, and Batman vstigaє attach to the new speed sensor. Vіd vibuhu Bane Joker zrivaetsya down. Nazdoganyaemo yogo in the field, counterattack and more or less land successfully. Zagin the special forces, as soon as they show up, to grab the Joker and cut through the Blackgate yard, and we can’t get in the way any more.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

Intern Harleen Quinzel conducted a psychiatric test for the Joker, and at the hour of each patient, take a turn at the mirror bath on the topic “Darling sound with Batman.” Vіdbivaєmosya natovpu zlochintsіv, povіlno prosuvaєmos khіmіchnym plant. De need - stribaemo, de need - sit down and de need - vychikuemo attached to the fiery stream.

Morgue, police department

From the oven we can see the signal of Bane. Alfred synthesized glue grenades. We take them from the table and destroy them to the mortuary, which is known in the police department. You can get there through the sewer. A great number of special forces were concentrated behind the hatch. We are being dealt with by snipers on the helicopter maidan on the next day.

Tick ​​a couple in the pipes for the help of glue grenades. Let's fly down, pass through the door, and for the most part two more passes. Climbing up the mountain, breaking the code panel and climbing the descents. We scan the corpse and vivchaemo the protocol of the roztin on the computer. The secret of Bane's strength is the "venom" speech. Zavdyaki new m'yazi and brushes swell on the eyes. However, there is a side effect - a loss of memory, with a long line of "venoma". We are left with the management of this very path, which they penetrated here.

Bane HQ

Neutralize snipers in the vicinity, go down and deal with less unsafe opponents. We start the attack with a blow at the planning for the arrow. Let's go to the tunnel, let's go to the right-handed door. Rozkrivaєmo ґrati, we pass through the mine and, going down to the bottom, we clean the territory from the gates. We need to go to the quota to get help for the gel. We throw a glue grenade near the water, we stick it on the stove, which, having settled down, and with a light claw we pull it up to the rings on the walls. Having stumbled out of Bane’s right tricks, as if you were still alive on your back with a “venom”, we are swaying at the beck of their attacks (red marks above our heads) in order to prevent hoarding. One stun will be enough for them, after which we inflict low blows.

Having descended the gatherings, we report zusilla to open the doors. Bein nefariously poked his head up to the speech. If you want to win and practically negate the unsafe lethal outcome, the side effect, like before, can be blamed if you happen to be. We get to the computers and see our photos and videos with Batman and Bruce Wayne. Bein found out about the secret, and now the superhero's confidentiality is being changed under dubiousness. Tim, an hour later, Svitlyachok appeared on the radar of a sign. Vіn having replaced the head luck of the town of Gotham and having zapruchniks. Pechera and Alfred pokayut, even on the horses of the life of people, like they stumbled in an unsafe situation through us.

Mist Pioneriv

Having left the place of recognition, we go down and neutralize the policemen. We go in the middle and in front of Gordon about the bombs. If you are on the right side, let's go to the elevator from the right side. Breaking the code panel (password - "RYATUVALNA") and with a betclaw we cling to the ledge of evil. Climb up the mountain, vismikuёmo grati and climb up the mountain. Charging the generator, ticking the trumpet with glue grenades and transferring it to the next book. Hapaєmos for the ledge, zmіschuєmosya to the tip to the right. We turn around, marvel at the mountains and cry for the offensive ledge. Through the ventilation shaft we choose from the boiler room. Chotiri central gargoyles are replaced and, as if sitting on them, the thieves will immediately reveal us, and after we vibrate, we will rise down. Neutralize evil spirits on the lower river. The rest of the enemy will surrender. Let's do some yoga to find out about the number of bombs planted. One of them is near the center, we take a lid with an attachment for food. For an hour, the code panel is broken. The skin node will have less than one combination available.

Right-handed through the door, passable to the elevator. We climb up the hill, apply the gel on the tenditnu wall and lift it up. Perestribuyemo through opponents with shock clubs and attacked їх зі backs. Razv'yazuemo hands Brenden and inflicted counterpunch. Rise with gatherings and pass to the station. Chiplyaєmos for the ledge instructed with arrows. We neutralize both, bypassing the opponents who ran into the noise, and we also deal with them. We open the doors in front of the central carriage. We rise at the control room, we press on the button i, breaking through the window, we get stuck on the carriage doors. Znіmaєmo krishku, zneshkodzhuєmo friend bomb. The fire doors are blocked. Ask Alfred to know the access code. From the other side to the kutka, there was a passage, which led us to the pivdenny support.

Break the blockage, charge the generator and lower the load. We can see under the pipes, try to apply the gel on the tendon septum, and then fall down. Chiplyaєmos for the car і, dіyshovshi to the middle, gortaєmo levoruchі stribuєmo on one beam and restribuєmo on іnsh. We turn right-handed, we fly down and at the last moment it is necessary to get behind the chergovy car. Sniper neutralize completely without noise. Minemo failed, hopping on the gargoyle from the other side. We clean the electrical switchboard from the enemies. Pressing on the button, opening the door and slamming the third bomb. We turn to the station, ruhayuchis levoruch. Re-attached to the center and lowering the tendon partition. A new group of evil-doers arrived at the station. Hovaєmosya under the bad logo, check on the enemy and neutralize yogo from the back. We use the enemies in the upper positions, and the nasmkinets are quiet, which are known to be white of the fire doors.

We charge the generator, we choose a name and we charge it for a metal beam. Move to the right, grab onto the ledge and continue to collapse in the same straight line. Rise up, climb on the spot and enter the battle with the great number of enemies. Shock mittens will be more childlike. Immediately after the battle, Svitlyachok arrived. Hapaєmos for the new betclaw. The cost to the fire is already great; If the enemy is caught in the middle and gets ready to attack, at that moment we immediately throw a new glue bomb, and then we crush it with swedish betarangs. A stunned Firefly, attracted by a betclaw, swiftly and often pressing on a button. Soon after, try to detonate the fourth bomb and start ticking. Zistribnuvshi down, chiplyaєmos for the metal beam. We blind the enemy with a glue bomb and quickly lift it back to the bridge. At another stage, when the fire is on fire, more types of bombs are needed. But basically the diemo is just like that, like on the cob. We finish the fight by buckling for Svitlyachka and making two counterattacks.

Batman's Cave

While we were occupied with the order of life, Bane reached the distance of the oven and ruled the pogrom there. Vzaimodієmo with the computer, to replicate the work of the betcomputer. Having descended the gatherings, turn right-handed and fly down to Alfred. Cleaned up the tricks, vikoristovuemo shock mittens like a defibrillator. Fortunately, everything worked out: the butler survived and his camp stabilized.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

The Joker zahopiv v'yaznitsyu that pіdnyav rebellion mid'yaznenih. Arriving at the place, we strangle the gates and attack the archers. Having cleaned the Maidanchiki, we penetrate the sewers through the hatch of the window. Trochs passed forward, we applied the gel to the tenditnu pіdlogu. Having fallen down, we rise to the required rye. We let the claw at the point of attachment from the other side. Similarly, two more failures with electrified water are bypassed. We lower the wall and fly down. We strike at the electrical shield, create near the water plates with glue grenades and pull up to the ring with a claw. Climbing up the hill, let's go to the room levoruch. As soon as we press the button, we let out the betarang at the windows of the adjacent room. Conducted betarang through the electrics and hit yoga on the shield of evil. Riven water rises, so we can create plates, shave and pull up to a hystic wall. Weary її, rise more and zatikaemo trumpet glue bombs.

We create one more plate from the bottom. We stribuєmo on the new one and immediately squat. Yaknaishvidshe zatikaemo trumpet zliva. Let's sweat steam from both pipes. I’ll come, we’ll stop three trumpets to the beast, after which we sing for the ledge. Neutralizes the aggravated by the service occupant. We charge the generator, climb onto the elevator cabin and drink more. The ventilation shaft led us to the fortune-telling territory. Silently zneshkodzhuyemo two opponents on the first level. We follow the gargoyle and go down to the sniper on the fourth level. We clean the third row, then another. Call Harlin, go down to the doors and go to block B.

Having grown apart from the enemies, we rise up the hill. After a short break with Deathstroke, we continue to reach out to the Joker, along the way with a great number of afflicted. The essence of Beynaya vikoristovuєmo the same methods, like for the first zustrіchі: killing kills at times, the appearance of red badges, ultra-stunning, moving forward through the enemy, after which a series of strikes and obov'yazkovo virishalny strike. At another stage, shock mittens will help you quickly spread evil. We don’t fight with them and we don’t let the head opponent out of the field of dawn, otherwise a sprig of missed straining rams will lead us to a deep sleep.

Joker vtіkaє, vystrilivshi in Gordon. Pozhvavlyuєmo Bain, after which vin pratsyuє sobі modifications "venom" and razdmuhuєtsya until great roses. At the narrow corridors, we suggest you to take down the opponent from behind. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovuemo detective zіr. Bane hits the electric camera and inflicts impersonal blows. Seeing the enemy, throwing a glue grenade at him. Best hovatisya at the side ventilation shafts, and not in the underside. If you need a jammer, go closer to it and turn it on with a destructor. Dobivaemo that zv'yazuemo Bane with a cable of kerovan claw. About the mystery of Batman's guilt and do not know, strong speech has erased his memory.

Now you need to kill the Joker. We pass forward, climbing up the hill and striving down through the broken lattice. Together from Gordon, we stream the onslaught of villains. We get to the chapel and, having beaten the Joker kindly, we pass yoga into the hands of the justice. We marvel at the closing videos.

Little information: people perceive information differently. Therefore, for greater transparency, I have expanded textual and video Batman walkthrough: Arkham Origins at post

Zavdannya: Explain the misunderstanding of the Black Mask

Let's repair the game before Blackgate. Idemo and sit down under the beam, to go through the middle. Let's get to the mafia and the head of the yard, we will defeat the counterattack of the mafia, we will defeat the attack of the head of the yard.

Task: Find Commissar Loub

Directly to the pit, descending by gatherings, vіdkrivаєmo grati and bring down the people of the Black Mask. One of them tells us that this idea, together with the commissar, has a cell for strata.

Zavdannya: Infiltrate the mist of the stratum

I demo gave a drone on the road to Bachimo. Virubuyemo v'yazniv, scho vyyshli from the cameras, after which chіplyaєmosya so highland and pіdtyaguєmosya to crawl through the solution in the stepping stone. Getting to the mafia, like a bailiff to the defense and virubuyemo yogo. Chіplyaєmos hook for the top, podtyaguєmosya demo far away.

Certification point

Vykoristovuemo detective zіr, choose Betarang, throw yogo into the jump gate, from the rozbіgu we will jump right to the door, pick them up, open another jump door with Betarang, open the next door. We choose a vibukhovy gel, apply yoga on the bed so that the dirka is in the bed.

Task: Follow the Black Mask

After that, as Chorna Mask to talk with the convicts, it is necessary to instruct them to work on ventilation, and we can cope with them. Idemo in the right-handed place to stand behind the mask, choose Betclaw shoot it at the ventilation solution to the beast, we can see it and re-lіzemo at the ventilation. We strebuyemo down and vibukhovy gel robimo at the wall Dirk.

We reach the closing of the doors, victorious shvidky betarang, shooting at two jumpers at once. We pass and ventilate the grate for ventilation through it. Sposterіgaєmo the stratum of the Commissar, after which it breaks through and many more opponents come down. We rush along the corridor to the evil drone in which we know the memory card. For help, we climb up the mountain, apparently on the dachas in the pit.

Quest: Overcome Krok-killer

On the dahu fighting with the bare Krok-vbivtsya. Let's golomshuyemo yogo and inflict a series of attacks, succumb to yogo attacks. In one of the moments of the fault to save us, the button is to be blamed for the need to press on, on the PC it is to blame for everything. How to save a barrel just to burn, vikoristovuemo swidky betarang to drink in it, then it vibrates in a new one right in the hands of the head of your great shkoda.

After the boss was beaten in at the Batman's oven, I deciphered the memory card. In this article, there is information about 8 of the most secure hired men who were killed by paying Black Mask to kill Batman.

Task: Find the penguin

Vishka GCR near Coventry

We need to virubat the jammer on a live link. We go into the room with evil spirits, like trembling zaruchnikov, vikoristovuemo dimov grenade, pull up the hill like a hook. Crossing over the top (vicory-detective zir shobachichi kudi stribati and chіplyatisya) that robimo zakhoplennya from the height of the evil-doer that trims the handcuff. Lіzemo at ventilation and virubuyemo malice, if the wines come out of us. The third villainy was raped through the wall with a handcuff with a vicious blow.

When we get to the dispatcher's room, we can prove it in the room, the body is half dead, then the wall, it is clear that death has become an afterthought of the access panel. We can scan the panel and know the fingertips, we have lost for which one to scan the podium of death, turning an hour forward or back. Chervona smuzhka pіd hour collection of street vkazhe on the card access for the gates. Vіdrivaєmo grati and pіdbiraєmo її. Remove the encryption sequencer, hack the access panel. Rising up the mountain and once again zlamuyemo pristriy, which blocks the pinnacle of Coventry.

After all, I recommend that you go to the Bernley area and see the headquarters of Enigmi, to take a look at information about the people of Enigmi and the stench was shown on the map. In addition, as we add informators, data blocks are also displayed on the map

Quest: Feed the merchant with the money that works on Penguin

Passable Gotemskiy mist Pionerіv, z'appear іnformatsija about skoєny evils, usuvaєmo yogo and demo farther to the Bauery region to the month, where the next day is scheduled. Check it out, if the favor of Penguin's people comes up. We attack a group of beasts, after that, as we manage to cope, we drink Chatterbox. It is necessary for Batman to get a SIM card from his phone, and for him it is necessary to send a call to the area.

Vishka zv'yazku Bauerі

Climbing on a vishka and virubuyemo all evildoers. It is necessary for us to open the door of the vezhu yak under the electricity, for which we launch the betarang at dirku, we go through the electrics and drank at the guard. Let's go in that evil attachment.

First SIM card

Directly to the Amusement Park in order to know the portable stations of Penguin's people, virubuyemo group of evildoers after which we connect to the annex, we will catch the frequency of Penguin.

Another SIM card

Another SIM card is located in the industrial area. Attached to the container, like a crane, from the new attachment to the opponents and zneshkodzhuemo їx, there will already be opponents with a firearm, so carefully drive them in one at a time for the Ukrainians. After what I connect to, I will build a signal. With this information, it is clear that Penguin is on the "Final Offer" liner.

Task: Infiltrate the "Final Offer" liner.

Directly to the liner, which is located in the Amusement Park. From the great budіvlі pіkіruєmo on the vishka on the ship and vporаєmosya zі sniper. We get over on top to the next bik and we know one more sniper who is standing on the container animal. They gave one by one, sneaking up or diving into the beast, running into Penguin's savage people.

We go inside the middle of the fight with two fighters with swords in our hands, succumb to attacks and inflict counterattacks, push forward and fight with a group of bandits. Reach the flooded deck flying bears don't like water!). It is not possible to fall near the water with a zagal, it is broken by ropes and it is re-assigned to the breaking point.

We get to the raft and pull it up to ourselves, after which we stribuyemo on the new one, we pick it up for the ring in front, so we pull it up on the flesh to them. Doplivayemo to the kіltsya gorі і plyаєmo yogo, m it's hard because of what you can pull up on the mountain.

We go to the boiler room, we skip through the hot steam, which blows up from the pipes to the mountain and there it opens up like a great hatch at the wall, we rush to the arena. A stun gun will appear on the beat of us. The people got rich, I got ready for the battle, but varto go to the new one, like a Batman, just pull him into the crack with his foot and cut him off. If other opponents are attracted to the arena, with whom you can fight with your soul.

After a discussion in the arena, let's add one of the fighters, about Penguin's mission. Win reminds us that she is at her office and can only go through Tracey.

Task: Infiltrate Penguin's office

Climbing up the mountain, de bully looking after what we go into the corridor to the deck, stribuyemo down and slizaemo on pіdlozі pіd proshkodami protruding far away. We get to the wall through the ice and we break through with vibukhov gel, then we go into the frozen room, slapping and chirping with our hands over the ledge, the thing collapses uphill down, and away we pull up like this, we repeat, we shoot uphill and two bandits.

Virubuyemo three bіlya ґrat for such a b'є electrician. It is passable and ventilated with a hook, after which we work with the same ventilation grate, climb in it.

At the casino, we deal with evil deeds, check if Tracy has your say and check for more parties. If the lads peacefully sleep on the bedside through the ventilation in the bed, break the password in the room and turn back at the casino, three more will be destroyed and let’s go to the reception, the stars stink. Demo on the lift

Tracey’s lock in the elevator, the computer is broken, I’m getting into the casino hall again, we’re watching the big doors, the stars are waving more soldiers with the punisher, we’re dealing with them, we’re going to the great hall, de rich of opponents, we’re hanging over the top. It is possible to bury it from the heights, and after that, like the stench all will get out of their own elevated people, attack the beast without letting them shoot, vikoristovuyuchi dim. Let's add protection.

Quest: Overcome Deathstroke

Penguin katuє blue mafia Alberto Falcone. Vrivaemosya in the office, fighting with the bandits. After what Batman starts to finish Penguin about Black Mask, then Deathstroke turns around and starts to drink up, preaching to Beta this great.

A lot of gravity zaparyuyutsya zim barefoot, but really everything is simple - the whole head is a "counterattack"

  • Obov'yazkovo and even respectfully check, if the deathstroke is more likely to attack first! Vidbivayemo yogo attack with a counterattack, and immediately after that b'emo yogo 1-2 times with a great blow, or chop with a claw, pull up to yourself and hit.
  • If they throw a blind grenade and stribne on us, a counterattack is onslaught. Batman's lіktami vіdіb'іє strike after what inflicted Deathstroke a great series of combo-hit, in vіd іn vіn vіd vіd lot of HP.
  • If they shoot at us, a “counterattack” is swiftly onslaught, to throw it into a new barrel. If we pull it up like this to ourselves, so that we don’t catch the wind on us, we’ll move with rifts to the new one, or better, drink it like that and pull it up to ourselves
  • If you are angry with your club, with the attack on our attacks, you will counterattack with your own counterattack, and then it’s important to PUSH THE COUNTERATTACK AT THIS MOMENT WHEN THE ICON APPEARS, DO NOT PRESS THE ONE BUTTONS! Zagalom, more headily press the button at that moment only if you show up.

Goofy doesn’t hurry anywhere and all the onslaught at once, even though you obov’yazkovo vporaetes with Deathstroke. If we win, we will take away the claw - we will stretch the rope between objects, so we can move and cling to the new hook.

Investigation of driving in

Task: Investigate Malpractice at Lacy Towers

Pіkuєmo the beast on the litak to the great doors will show up with a patch, Penguin, talk to us through the great screen and let you know that the Black Mask has been beaten. We fill the ship with a vicorous claw. On the way out, one psycho of Anarky will tell you to know three bombs planted by him in the city.

Moving near the Coventry area. Special forces of the policemen were beaten on the daha, after which we caught their frequency. On the balcony we saw two more policemen, we went in until wake-up call. We know the corpse of the Mask. Scan the back of the body and yoga arm. After which we scan the corpse of a girl moved to a chandelier. it is reconstructed, as if it was driven in. Once again, an analysis of the corpses is carried out, for the purpose of establishing the trajectory of shootings, that growing mischief.

At the pouch, it comes to Visnovka, that the people were attacked from the balcony, if she was sitting at the table. We scroll the scene, for the creation of mischief. You can see the klaptik of white fabric, just the same, if you enter the room from the balcony. After scanning in the kitchen, as a result of the investigation, a digital proof is revealed - textual evidence that the girl was talking about a person named Joker.

Task: Deny access to the servers of the police department

We move to the Batman's oven, to get an impact detonator, after which we go to the Bernley area to the police station.

We need to break into the police station without a hitch through the doors. Zastribuyemo on the dates, for the manifestation of opponents, you can win a detective zir. I recommend us to put a sniper in front of us, then silently put the guard on.

If we can get in the middle, we go down, with a vibrating gel, we lama the wall right-handed and stribuyemo on the elevator, in what to say the policemen. It penetrates the ventilation and propovzaemo the police insulator. With a decisive blow, we will destroy the army and the policeman, who will stand behind her.

In the office, we deal with three policemen, after which the ventilation grate is on fire, we breathe in it and lie in it. Below, there is a large group of broken people, victorious claw, sho kerovaniya, which was taken from Deathstroke and pulling the cable over them, preaching in a new way and silently descending into another room.

One more cop is standing with his back to us, you can silently vibrate him, so that you don’t raise an alarm, or quietly call the right-hander to the door, and break the code lock. At the occupant, there is more to be seen. We go to the supplementary room. Behind the fold, the policeman is feeding Chatterbox. Through the slope with a vicious blow, hapaemo yogo and dopituemo Chatterbox.

Passable to kіmnati, de pіdrozdіl spetsnaz, b'є bomzhіv - razpravlyaєmosya with them. Vibukhov gel tolerably clogged the dots at the vіknі. At the shower, we sneak up to the policeman, to talk on the phone and put it to sleep, climb to the ventilation. We get to the police detention center. Silently, one by one, we are corrected by a guarded guard. After that, the lock is broken to the door and we pass into the corridor, in which two mines are opened. Zneshkojuєmo їх. And the demo gave us the door to the server rooms, as it is not possible to break Batman's decoder.

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