To know the hidden entrance for the help of those. Batman Arkham City walkthrough. Turn on the generator pereshkod

Drink to Arkham City.

As usual, we start over Batman: Arkham City z reviewing the video, in which we are to be hunted down for the order of Hugo Strange. After that, as soon as it was clear, we began to break up the stele. If you fall in love, protect your respect, protect you, what you win, virubuyemo "counterattack", vyyshovshi from the landing, you come to others, and fall right-handed and straight. Having reached the gate, check until the stench is visible, after which we rush forward, virulently by the attackers with counterattacks. The rest of the opponent is destroyed by a great blow, after which Jack Ryder is helped.

We will arrive at the first fate of the fate of the next day. Serving for the strangulation of the platoon outside the walls of the Archimandsk Psychiatric Institute was attributed to one of his followers, Queen Sharpe, who became the mayor of Gotham. І in his office, virushiv robiti krok stresses. Part of the netrivals at Gotami was transformed into the so-called place of Arkham, the place, de vine of the most evil. Hugo Strange, dictator, and manipulator of side effects.

Tilki in tsomu and є reason, schob pіti at fіktsіyu. From the very cob there are those legendary characters who are remembered, complied and everything that can be known is a comic book maker. But the history is only one of the aspects, as to add the name to the positive moments. Offensive and head - tse game process what is left on the arch of a high equal. Well, I know, it’s important for Batman to change his mind in the shadows and invade the enemies in the face of defeat, so that he can help them for the help of the necessary technological toys.

Vibrate more.

We are beaten by Penguin's orders. As soon as a candle appears over him, we begin to counterattack, and then, as soon as we can in handcuffs, the possibility of victorious combinations of strikes appears. Having killed all the opponents, we climb onto the smіtєvy container, from which we get off. Having cut off the ventilation pipe, we climbed along it in the dachas, destructing Alfred. Then you need to shave at the "ACE" booth before you start well. Having chained up behind the ledge lіzemo to the top, de us chekatima Batman's suit. Dalі occupied by switching frequencies on which the enemies are moving.

Neither style gree, nor control did not recognize the substantive changes. But if you don't fight with Batman, you don't need to stain. The basic principles are good. Well, I know, you think, be careful to put your opponent in the back and try to see them quietly and effectively. Alée, don't be embarrassed. If you want a richer dish, be kind, Batman is a bjola, but not a good bun for the left tilu.

Ale, the dynamics of the grill are not so good, as you can see at first glance. Days of the month are not allowed at the hymns, but it does not mean that you will be honored at the quiet corridor without the ability to enter. Positive messages can be victorious, inspire Riddle's thoughts and you cannot spend a lot of time. Dzvіnki tsіkavі and pozbavlenі uniqueness. Garniy bonus bonus to the main line.

Poryatunok Zhіnki-kіshki.

Stribnuvshi down let's fly until the wake of the court, it is necessary to guard the defense on the back, you can attack the Crimea again, for which it is necessary to get close to the enemy and press the attack button, if a sign appears above the enemy's head. kazhaniv. Having broken up with a funeral on the street, we penetrate into the life and rise to another overhead. The cut-scene is small, if we climb to the top with descents and break the defense, shoot down, pressing the attack. Poloniv dvolikogo and vbivshi іnshih ryatuєmo zhіnku-kіshku, after which we marveled at the video we say to Selіna and again ryatuєmo її її zhіtya vіd sniperskogo postrіlu.

Riddle's tricks will be significant in the world beyond. Go up to Arkham City - it's a joy. Serving the very ones that look like a new one: the same place, darker, tighter, colder, but graphically more kindly broken. Vin miraculously remembers the tower of one of the most terrible places near Gotem. I obviously don't check Batman good people buy bread, named and friendship. So prepare your armor, swing your fingers on your fingers and quarrel.

The element of control is simple, for an attack and a counterattack, only two buttons are used. It is true that part of the Gris is great, as it is true that it may be the most important. If you marvel and shake the buttons at the right time, you will be more than welcome. Do not forget, remember without Batman that Batman will be recorded. He has a decent business, and he wants to fight. There is more to know about different types of contractors and it is necessary to improve different tactics and methods.

Ask the Joker for details about "Protocol 10".
Scanning mischief.

We need to know the stars were shot, for which we use the "evidence scanner" and look around at the coolies on the windows and the pidloz. After that we are virushayemo to the church as a missus of the shooting.

Know the place of the shooting.

Having left the church, we go inside and in the middle of it, for the help of a counter-attack, Harvey is victorious. If it is necessary to call two handguards, the first handguard forcibly attacked the villain from the back through the wall, the other neatly descended like budvelnye foxes. Having broken through the gates that we have lost, let's go to the exit and go in the left door, which leads to the door. It is necessary to climb up the mountain for the help of a harpoon.

Zavdyaki to whom the people are thoughtful and zvichny. Although it is true that the battles with the bosses themselves are not so merciful, like a lot of other mountains, the stench is not unacceptable. Helping you to control yourself with names in the world of Batman, yoga cannot be shtovhati. I want fear, call the Joker, again with the voice of Mark "Skywalker" Hamillo.

For the overpowered enemy, you take away the eyepieces for good, as you contribute to the promotion of the wine city of Cholovikiv. As you see, but we will protect, tse, impeccably, show up. Improvement - it’s not only a niche, but the stench is already poured into the group.

We scan the guinea pig for evidence.

Climbing up the mountain, you can see that the Joker is not on the spot, the sniper rifle is no longer available, scannable, and also the video is missing the Joker. After the cob, it’s swishy vistribuyemo at the window.

Joke the Joker for a radio signal.

Joker's further jokes lead us to steelworks, you can eat inside the middle through dimar.

Part of the gri is also written " Nova gra plus”, as it will be available after the completion of the classic mood. Crime prihovuvannya, fights and modernization, hour and hour will be a troch reasonable reason for "puzzles". In fact, you are guilty of learning how to get the money, as it would have been, it would have been inaccessible.

І tse truth, ale tse on the back. The gut itself is not included in the game, as you take it on the disk, but you take the code for help, which you can take and come in handy. Kota maє іnshiy style gri, that over there varta. After the first season of wines, the possibility of fighting for her at any hour, and not only on the singing equals, will be costed for that.

Infiltrating a steel plant.

Having flown from the skeins to a hard surface, we rush forward, until we run into the wall of fire, it is not possible to repair the yak through a strong sinter. For the help of a bet-claw, we cling to the hatch from the protilege side, strebnuvshi down, chop over the ledge and move along the handrails, until we can get into a black, deaf hut. Having turned on the "detective" mode, it shows a part of the sub-logs with a blue color, puts a vibukhovy gel at the indicated place and moves in the direction of lightening yoga. The first time to go farther is necessary to turn on a hot bet, as if you want us to go through, robimo for help betarang, it is necessary to throw yogo into the button, which the right-handed beast knows. Climbing under the footsteps, rushing forward, not turning around the respect of the enemies, which are too rich. Then you need to know the way to get uphill, in the "detective" mode, you need to control the pair and for the help of the betarang, three buttons are activated to release the sleep, for which you press "1" three times. After whom we choose to the mountain, having been decomposed from the aggravated by the sound of Harvey.

Vryatuvati the doctor in the wake of the assistants of the Joker.

Violating the doctor's whispers, the livoruch is greedy and we pass right along the corridor, in the "detective" mode, we know that there are three enemy opponents in the room. You can’t go in at the door, so we’re lifted to the top by a conveyor, scurrying with a smoke grenade, so that we’ll be left with incomprehensible ones, collapsing like gargoyles bypass opponents from behind and silently drive them in. Breaking the window is consumed in the attack, where it is penetrated into the melting chamber, there will be two guards, check until one pidide until the next day after which it is virubuyemo both. If you don't need to protect people, if you want to bury a doctor, Stacey Baker will be buried by them.

Find the way to the Joker's office.

Otrimavshi new device - remote electric charge, vikoristovuёmo yogo for the opening of doors, shoot at a straight line above the door (which can be called a "detective"). Turning around the vintage sector and shooting an electric charge at the central motor, you will need to rock the switch (the middle and right of the mouse button). Having broken through the passage, we climb up the hill, the stars of us are thrown off by Mr. Hammer. Having risen against us in front of these weak enemies, and then with them, which are bigger, we shoot at the Hammer by pressing the "4" button. I'm climbing up the mountain again, where we have the power to set the Joker and Queen. The Joker to introduce us to his shelter, so self-proclaimed її in all the librarians of Gotham City.

Know Friza and take it from the new face.

Rushing forward at Frieze’s whispers, as the temperature drops, it’s a sign that we are rushing in the right direction. It turns out that the coldest place is in the police station, having killed all the enemies nearby, we open the door for an additional electric charge. We go in the middle and turning right-handed, we pick up a chip, which is good for the needs of the wind. Passed under the guard, as if bypassing the tops of the ventilation shaft, climbing onto the gargoyle. From the five opponents in front of us, two are silently victorious, that they stand unruly, then two more, the rest will give up without a fight and resound, that Frieza is trimmed at the museum.

Order of Mr. Freeze from Penguin.

Turning to the exit, you can see that the doors are covered with grates. In the "detective" mode, we take it under the log from where we can go to the dry room. There is a cipher sequencer on the panel, it is necessary to wrap the left (with the buttons "A" and "D") and the right part (with the left and right buttons of the mouse) until the word is folded. Having chosen the name, we will go to the museum. Opened the central door with a victorious sequencer, we knew two opponents were knocked down, after which, after squeezing the right-handed one at the window, the right-hander slammed the panel.

Vimikaemo generator pereshkod.

Breaking the panel does not come out through the generator and pereshkod. Vibrating into the street, we know the generator is about to squirm in awe. Razіbravshis іz zekami virubuєmo generator, pіdіyshovshi to the skin z display and typing "probіl". Having seen the offensive generator, we take it more and destroy one of the hits, after which we check until the next push is made. Rozrobyvsya z yakami virubuemo another generator. The remaining generator is located under the ground. Having got to the entrance to the ground, we pick it up with a funeral and go down. Having moved away from the generator, five opponents were seen, in the first turn, two beasts were destroyed, having turned into the others, including the remaining generator.

We continue the order of Mr. Frost.

We turn to the museum and that panel is broken. Walking forward and going down to the bottom, we spam the policeman. Having stunned the enemy with a cloak and kіlkom with powerful blows, we know the password. Having gone down, stumbled upon a grati, for the help of a ceramic-worked betarang, it was roaring її on the button. We enter into a battle with NATO aggravated, throwing them right-handed and left-handed, after that, as a clown appears, it’s more likely to hit you with a new super stun and finish with great blows. To go far through the victorious betarang, through the opening doors we pass forward, having reached the elevator, we break the control panel, we go into the elevator and shoot at the motor with an electric charge. The lift lifts up more often, after that, as if it’s zupinitis, I lift the bed for help with the gel. Zustrichaemo Penguin, scarlet once never revisited yoga, ryatuemo frozen cop, carefully shifting on the ice, calling out two more policemen, vicorist god and plate. We pass through all the places and call for copies, after which we call Mr. Freeze. Before them, like a dead man, we straighten out with one-armed and kіlkom yaznyami. The control panel is hacked by Frieza and she knows the new secret is broken.

Beat from Penguin in "Iceberg Lounge".

After Frieze's permission, we pass in the opposite direction and breaking the window with his yoga suit, we will take a new device (a security system for turning on the kryzhan harmony). Virushaemo in a screaming hotel, de zustrіchaєmosya with Penguin, our task is to go closer to the opponent, without having consumed the ice. Standing on the spot, aiming and pressing LMB (selecting a new device in front of the arsenal) activates the security system to turn on the harmony.

Solomon grandi.

A giant is appearing, which draws energy from the energy-saving at the bottom, quickly lifts three from the bottom to help the gel, after which the Grandi is attacked. We continue to add the middle, only once to lay the gel and to add yoga, if necessary, if the middle is near the bed. If the Grande grab us, it's necessary to swipe the onslaught of the "probile" keys. Residually weakening the monster, driving in yoga, virvavshi heart. Attacking a penguin, trying to wiggle in the direction of missiles. We watch the video.

Poshuki Ra's al Ghul for the taking of yoga blood.

Having scanned the roof, we follow the crooked trail, which brought us to the dachas. Here we should break, scan binti to take a new proof. Knowingly I will attack the enemy, for the help of a counterattack, I will strengthen on her attachments. Robin will come to the rescue, in the form of a rope thrower. The beacon signal will lead us to the Arkham City underground. We go down, here we need a rope thrower. The regime of the detective has lamaemo pidlogu, razumіemo vorogіv. Diyashovshi until the gates are closed, the control panel is broken, it is passable far away and for a short hour we become nasty. Having reached the appointment from the handcuff. Calling the doctor, we say from her that she is brought in at a safe place. Having gone down through the devil's door, I renew the attack of weakness. For the help of an electric charge, we shoot at the engines on the ground. We get to the door, they haven't done it for a long time.

Supporting video from mechanical wart.

We can scan a mechanical wart from the right side in the detective mode, increasing the "X", by 32% the head of the wart will go in, you will have to search for other warts, not turning on the detective mode. In the process of searching you will be attacked by beats, about their proximity you can find out about the characteristic music. Recognizing 100% of the data, we marvel at the video clip.

Poshki taєmnogo entrance for help video.

Having learned from the video about the secret passage from the left side of the gate, let's move forward, counterattacks are coming from the opponents. dіyshovshi before the descent, raising up the hill, here at Batman the black attack is trapping for the hour of some wine to succumb to his fathers. Arriving before you, we rush forward in full until we see the beats in front of us. Thalia comes to help, after talking with her, we go downstairs and go to the room. Having heard the voice of Ra's al Ghul in the middle, asking us to go ahead of the test, drinking from the bowls, we go forward without drinking anything, we fly to the first platform, hooked on the first platform, we fly over to the next step. Rozіbravshis іz dvom opponents on the platformі, we fly to the portal below. Ruhayuchis in the same platform to іnshoy, until we choose from the first wondrous mission. Having worked with Ra's al Ghul, we know that we want to, that Batman, having killed Yogo, having taken away the guardianship of Ra's al Ghul, renews us in his world.
Having killed all the enemies with a big stake, sneezing into the climbs, shooting at Ras al Ghul with electric charges, pushing "4", three defenses for additional counterattacks, pushing the PKM. Repeatedly re-arranged more often, only in a folded version (running not on the stake, but on the sides). Turning around at our light, Ra's al Ghul, having buried his daughter, is ready to beat her. Take a betarang, aiming for the help of the RMB, priming the SCM, releasing the buttons, thus stunning the enemy from behind.

Ready faces.
Finishing Queen Sharpe.

We turn on the streets, where we check for a new type of enemy, shielded by shields. In order to get behind such foes, I’m going to go silently їх, pushing the SCM, after which we emboss the glade of the girls, after which we achieve the enemy. We know the measure of sharpened aggravation, for an additional electric charge, the motor is activated, which is known to be instructed, to cripple the aggravated. After what ryatuemo the world.

Let's turn to Mr. Freeze.

Turning to Friz in the police station, having crossed the road with the mustache, we pass the blood sample to Friz. Friz, having created a sirovatka, to respond to її Bethman, hanging to the mind of his friend Nori from the paws of the Joker. We enter the battle with Friz, we need a sprat of cunning in the battle with him:
a) having increased the detective mode, attacked Frieza from behind with a silent attack and finished off with a series of powerful blows
b) you can beat Frieza from nig for an additional rope thrower
c) press the button to turn on the electricity to get wet, luring Freeze in front of him in the right place
d) podrivaєmo for the help of the gel weak walls, if the enemy will instruct, a couple of vibrations to loosen.

For the time being, we still love Friza, who steals the orphanage. It's clear that it's Harley Quinn. Unfinished Friz proponuet his help, but for the mind, scho mi vryatuemo yogo squad. As a bonus, a crying blow is required.

Take the orphan from the Joker.
Vryatuvati Viki Vale.

Pіdіyshovshi before the exit, clog the steam pipes for the help of the crying blow. Having climbed onto the street, it’s safe to say that the Joker’s people beat the helicopter. Idemo before the accident, remembering the laser pointer in the sniper rifles, zneshkodzhuemo snipers, sneaking up to them from behind and silently deafening them. Dali let's go to the helicopter and ryatuєmo Viki Vale.

Get to the steel plant.

The streets in front of the plant are lined with snipers, so that we may have to deal with them. This time the point of penetration will not be a pipe. The new entrance, however, is well protected. having broken through the security of the entrance, we penetrated into the middle of us to check three more aggravated ones, virubavshih such will be necessary to throw a krizhan kul at the water. We stride on the krizina, which has settled down by the water, on which we move forward, clinging to the steel rings for the help of a claw. Obijshovshi rizaki, climb to the top and go to the ventilation. On one more krizhin rozblena behind an additional krizhanoy kulі we get to the vіkna, climbing in a wise way on the opponents and listening to the Joker on the display. Having passed into the next room, we are corrected by the aggravated ones, who are in it, after which, having broken through the wall, we create a new krizhina on which we get to the great metal doors. Having launched through the open betarang, we direct it to the button, and we open the door ourselves. Having created one more krizina, we rise to the top from the right side. Having broken the control panel, we omit it as if we are moving to another book, de essentially Stacey Baker.

Poshuk Joker.

Zayshovshi in the accommodation of a bachimo of the same opponents, silently spreading out from the two mountains, with a grate, straightening out one by one, luring down. The next arrival will be outside the mines, plus one sniper, with some sort of varto, we will be picked up in front of us. It is known that Harley was tied, pulling the gag, listen to what she will say after that, again shut up her company. The offensive will have two more snipers, having sorted out some kind of snipers with the Joker. In the fight with the Joker and yoga, people try to force everyone to golomshuvat the rest, and the result is to lure them to zaliznitsyu, poїzdi zroblyat іnshe. In addition, as if we are alone with the Joker, everything collapses more often, Batman is left under the rubble, and the Joker with Thalia is ticking away from the factory.

Infiltrate Oglyadova Vezhu and Zupiniti "Protocol 10".

We need to scan six helicopters "Tiger". Knowing them will be easier in the "detective" mode. The blue lights were scanned, but the orange ones were not scanned. For scanning, we marvel at the helicopter and try the "X" button. After that, it will be enough to get rid of the transmission of the programs of the main control from the head helicopter. In the detective regime, it’s up to the yellow helicopter, and it starts to get caught up in the programs of the criminal management.

Spend until the miracle-vezhі.

Having arrived at the place for the cob, we are known by snipers, after which the panel is broken. After drinking in the middle for help with an electric charge, we opened the door. Having stumbled among Strange's people, we were attacked in front of us quietly, with stun guns around our backs. Strange has a handcuff so that he can get a little bit pokachat, Batman will vanish, we will be spared our opponents in front of us. Dali stribaemo into the sewer hatch, which you can play like a detective.
Moving for the help of a rope thrower, we get to the room, in which they called the doctor. Trying to cope with the enemies one by one and on the rocks, you can quietly collapse to the elevator. The elevator control panel is broken; At the elevator, one more panel is checked on us, in case of evil we can see the word "Medicine", climbing onto the lif, so as not to be marked, we attack the opponents of the beast, after which the devil's panel is broken, see the word "Armored". Walking forward and shackling over the ledge and tumbling down to a long beam, climbing up the mountain. Diyshovshi to the chergovoi panel zlamuemo її, see the word "Pidtrimka". Through the hill climb up the hill, having reached the balcony, we trap in the middle. Here it will be completely guarded, so that it is safe, having got Hugo Strange to break the devil's panel, the word "Gotem's Defender" will appear. We marvel at the video, in which the vezha vibrates, and in the space with it, Hugo Strange.

Take the faces from the Joker.
Vryatuvat Thalia.

First of all, it’s necessary to protect Thalia from snipers, deacons from such ones cover one by one, so that it’s quiet to attack in the middle of nowhere for them. Let's try to work as quietly as possible. We go inside the theater, marveling at the video clip, fighting with the clay people. For the help of a crying blow, we freeze the opponent, if it is necessary for her to achieve yoga, we repeat the sequence of diy kilka times. The Joker hangs under Batman and we fall down. It is selected from clay vines attacking from the sides. If the earthen man reappears, we attack him for the help of a savage frost, having shriveled up in front of a spit. After getting away from the opponent, we marvel at the final video. Batman Arkham City completed.

For the most part, we would happen to be under the care of Zhinka-guts, and not Batman, as it could have been. We are investigating with the people of Two-Face, because of which the safe is broken, de all our success is interrupted by Harvey, who said.

Penguin wants revenge on Wayne, that's it. with Batman, he steals yoga right at the entrance from the closet of Arkham City. Having become conscious of the dark apprenticeship, before our noses, the mystifying Dr. Hugo Strange, who, perhaps, will gain power over our mist, starts migrating. I don’t think twice, I’m going to go on the style and it’s fluttering in the case of bandages. The soldier who appears is stunned by a counterattack, after which another soldier takes us to the Maidan until other blows. We get up in line “A” and we pass into the elevator. Climbing up the hill, blatantly yazniv, after which Jack Ryder is helped to get on his feet. It's time for Penguin himself to show up. After moving with him, a counterattack is inflicted on him at the moment, if he swings again. Razbiraemos s yogo by people and podnіmaєmosya on dachas on drabintsі, podnyatisya on yak can be on the container zі smіttyam. Now you need to change the greasy suit on Batman's firm outfit. Stribajemo to the court I will wake up with neon Vivisky i, making our way through the ledges, we will eat on the dachas. Having equipped, the radio signal coding is broken, the meanings of the orange stake. It is necessary to vryatuvat the Woman-intestine in the Two-faced. We fly until the wake of the court, we understand with the protection that we penetrate into the middle. Silently crushing the enemy against the enemy, after which it strikes down and proceeds to scuffle with the public.

Selina vryatovano, it is necessary to provide a place for the presence of evidence. Scanuyemo sklo, in a yak shooting the Joker, as well as dirka in a close quarters. Judging by the trajectory of the bush, the archer, being in the church nearby, is right there. Use the middle of the sound Quin, how to live us nazustrich, to welcome, calling on everything. We put a fist forward, after which it appears and leaves the place. Ale її ozbroєni smashed, to stand in front, not to let us pass. We throw Dimov's checker and climb on the gargoyles in the mountains. Vykoristovuyuchi mode Detective, flying on the remaining ledge in the distance, noiselessly stribuyemo down and zdiisnyuyemo subway counterattack. Two thugs were left out of handcuffs. One is strangled with feet, hanging on the foxes, the other is cut down, breaking through the wooden wall. The guards have been called, now it is necessary to secure the place of shooting, that is the link. The door is right-handed at the head entrance, and it rises uphill. Having scanned the sniper rifle, marveling at the video recording of the Joker, after which it is visible at the window, ryatuyuchis in the bombs.

It is necessary to know the Joker in order to supplement yoga about those who know about Protocol-10. Shukati yogo can easily be reached by radio signal. If the signal is clear and signifies gillyastishim, then we will go straight to the right one. So it’s up to you to help yourself to help me. We get to the gate, the stars call from Alfred. Schob to spend at the factory, happen to strebnut in Dimar, which is known once by the state.

Zstribuyemo from the skeins forward to the Maidanchik. Kovzemo under concrete, re-pipe. Sob not to burn on the corner, take a light claw and help open the hatch in front. Stribujemo down, along the ledge, perepovemo over the melting hall. Climbing on the railing, the stars are re-attributed otherwise. Being in a deaf kutі, we apply a vibukhovy gel on the bed and go down. Viymaєmo betarang and launch yoga in the red button above the pipe, the stars come out hot pari every time. We climbed at the vuzky passerby and bachimo the stratum of the doctor. If everything is in the flow, it is propagated by the clowns, which are lost and, without coming into contact with them, we are far away. In order to clean up a couple that we want to go far, at the regime the detective should blow his trumpet and for the help of a Swedish beta rank, turn on three times at once. Now you can go through the wicked trumpet with a calm soul to fall on the heads of the Joker's servants. Having sorted out with them, we open the map of mistevity and straight to the conveyor. Vikoristovuyuchi mode Detective, shukayemo іnshiy way. For whom, directly along the conveyor, de opening the door for an additional button, which is located right there. Silently usuvaєmo clowns and stribaєmo at the foot of the foot through the vein. Usuvaёmo other obroєnih bandits, after which the doctor Stacey is called. We pick up a new armor and continue the path to the Joker.

We turn back to the vintage workshop, but, soldered by Kuynn people to the door, do not let us in. Lіvoruch vіd ї є іnshі doorsі, vіdkriti yakі it is possible for additional remote electric charge. Behind her, in the same way, the doors come and go to the conveyor. Through the ventilation, we can see a lot of clowns and spread them out. Directly on the Maidanchik, de zustrіchaєmo Kuynn. If it's up to the very titan-beaten Joker, we'll have an electric charge and vikoristovuemo yogo on the generator, which is opposite vivisky. Rozgoyyuchi the crane itself, we carry the vivisco and climb up the hill. Take us off with your chavunny leg, one-armed pumping clown. It is paralyzed by an electric charge, which, waving its sledgehammer, inflicted a strong harm on the clowns, without zmushyuyuchi us strongly naruzhuvatisya. If all the clowns are on the slopes, we achieve health and climb up the mountain, de Joker has ruled the paste for Batman.

Now we have to fight again for Selin. Virushaemo on її apartment, schob take deakі speech. We get to the dahu, we open the grati, we throw away the unfortunate guests and we take away the objects. Now, if we have everything, straight to Ivy. Feeling її bey-friends, step by step raising everything on equal footing, so that you don’t suffocate in the її junk gloom.

Tim an hour the Joker blasted Batman and wiggled his faces to get rid of himself. So the very faces are needed by Batman himself, he will have a chance to tell Friz. Vіn know in budіvlі politsії, samoї cold spots Gotema, there are streams on the birch. Two clowns were viruble at the entrance, and for an additional electric charge, the door was half-opened. Let's forge it through the middle, take the chip from the corpse and decipher the Penguin's radio signal. We go in the middle and sweat deafeningly chotirioh of Penguin's people. The fifth fight, which is overdue, is drunk, after which we try to get out of the pasta. For whom it is necessary to go to the panel, it is for the help of a cipher sequencer. Weide the word "Anatomy". Look back at Gotham through the exit and straight to the museum. For the entrance we know the security and hacker panel, the password is like “Skam'yanіlіst”. Having penetrated the middle and having learned to wiggle out of knives, we shoot at the right side of the window and try to break the console in the direction of the sensors in the hand, which close the front. Unsuccessfully to us zavazhat viyskovskij jammers, to happen їх їхичити. The first one is known to the museum, the friend of the troch to the pіvnіch vіd dahu. The rest of the third is on the subway. Directly on the spot and we know the security call. We penetrate into the middle and at the same time we hear two fighters. We go down and see the old metro tunnel. Kovzemo on the car, pushing the wall from the boards, throwing three bandits. They immediately opened the door for help with an electric charge and slid through the middle. We’re destroying the broken soldiers and we’re working with the rest of the jammer. Tim himself turns back to the museum.

It is hacked by the new console and takes the password "Dinosaur". Passable far away that vilnyaemo afflicted. One of the copies appears, as if they came here for the tasks. However, the stench is all in full, if you happen to let them go at once from Friz. We descend lower and pass at the door. Sob raise the gate, beat the betarang on the button. Let's go ahead and enter the arena, de Penguin will unleash on us simply majestic NATO's wars. Sob vryatuvatisya in the midst of greed for the flesh of Batman attovpu, shoot with an electric charge at the people who were paralyzed, so that in paralysis they beat their own comrades-in-arms. If a bandit, against us, will be pumped by titanium, we will snipe in the sight of a battering ram, we will snuggle up and we will tie the yoma on our hump. Znishchuyemo reshtu v'yazniv and the thug himself. To go far, victorious betarang on the button of zliva, which is behind the dart under the pressure. The panel is hacked, the password is "Yaskraviy". Get into the elevator, lift it up, apply the vibukhovy gel on the bed, go down, lift it up and lift it up again. Vibukhayemo concrete and krizhan wall. Viyshovshi to the Great Hall, Bachimo, like Penguin freezing the policeman. Ryatuemo yogo, carefully making your way through the ice. We get to the lifted raft and, for the help of a claw, we lower it into the water, after which we take two other frozen mines. Now there are no more vryatuvati of five police officers, the place of which is marked on the map. For the cob virushimo to zbroyovoї, deryatuemo three policemen. Frieze's costume is also found here, but Yogo himself is not visible. Directly back to the ice, and let's go to another place, which is opposite to the front. To get through to three bandits, to fight, the console with the password "Reptile" is broken. Having installed lights under his eyes, we pass forward and we know Friza. The right-handed one looks like an unstrengthened wall, smeared with gel on it, like a thug looming before us. Having sorted out from it, we pass forward and vilnyayemo Friza, having broken the password of "Mikrokhvil". Now it is necessary to turn back to the suit and pick up the module. Otrimavshi destructor krizhanoї harmati, straight to Penguin. Pіdbіgaєmo up to the new at point-blank range and victorious destructor, after which we prescribe a noble lyash lihodіyu. Ale, Solomon calls on our head. Sob yogo overcome, for the help of the gel, we give three dzherel energy three times sleep, until we can overcome this walking machine for driving. Dali, whimpering in the sight of rockets, climbed up to Penguin and virubuyemo yoga.

In the detective mode, the blood of the ninja is scanned, and, following the tracks, we go to the street. Shelter us vivede on da budіvlі, de viyavlyаєmo binti. We scan and attack that assassin. Let's follow it, and if it's necessary, we'll counterattack and add a bug on his back. At about an hour before us, Robin will show up, who will give a cable thrower to the gift. Having taken a fancy to this corny gadget, right behind the signal of the bug. Vin lead us to the island of the Joker. Having broken some clowns, they beat the entrance to the sewer, parried down and straight through the tunnels. Removing the shave from the water, we remove the cable thrower and shoot from the new aisle in the next end. Ale, we need to turn the left hand, to that, if we are on the road, we will shoot yoga in the next day and we ourselves will get to the place we need. We reach the wall healthy hatch, at the bottom of which we can break the log. Rozіbravshis і from the people of the Joker, zlamuemo console - "Transport". Through the gate, which you saw, you can see in the old familiar metro. We turn right-handed, we go in at the door, we go left-handed, we pour water for an additional cable thrower.

Vibrating on the collapsed streets, Batman will not be able to cope with everything through the same Joker's scum. Arriving up to you, overflowing with clowns. Apparently to the hall with a marvelous machine, de ryatuemo doctor. We go down and pass through the door, de Batman again, again, not on my own. To open the gate with an electric charge. Zustrivshi three ninjas, arranging with them and, just like that in a moment, wielding the gates. Apparently to the majestic sealed gates. It’s just that you don’t recognize them, it’s necessary to know another way to spend the middle. A robot is on hand, which you can scan to see the video. But I know, unfortunately, not all information is hidden in his head, it is necessary to know other robots. One is behind us, two others are at the windows, one is opposite one. The fourth roztashuvavsya levoruch in the form of a sealed bramy in a booth on another version. We shoot with a cable thrower at the top of the slope, we fly through the middle, we’ll wake up, we break another slope of the fifth robot. Having left the rest, you will find yourself on the opposite side of the hut on the dakha with wicked chotirma walls. Marveling at the video recording, we know secret entrance at lіgvo ninja. Let's go to the next month, deliver a counterstrike to the assassin and beat the sword to penetrate the middle.

Climbing up the hill through the hatch, Batman will become filthy, right up to hallucinations. Happily, Thalia is grabbing us, as she is ready to receive us at her side. For whom it is necessary to pass a test. I'm going for a big friend, she's drinking from the bowl. In front you can see a great krizhana shaved - we fly to it, vikoristovuyuchi pikіruvannya, to gain height. So by itself we get to the offensive shave, on which we break two dog ninjas. Pіkuєmo into the portal, which will take us to the next month. Anew we get to the krizhano shave, and so on to the very portal. Now it is necessary to know Ras himself. Rise to Taliya. We pass with her in the middle and zustrіchaєmo її dad. The hour has come to fight with 600 years old. For the cob razumієmos on yoga dog army. Far away, whimpering in the sight of metal stars, it climbed, shooting at Ra's with an electric charge. After that, a counterattack is applied and the operation is repeated with an electric charge. Robimo tse doti, the old docks do not take your daughter, Thalia, as handcuffs. We choose the right betarang and ratuyemo the bidolahu.

Vibiraєmos back on the street by a turning way through the subway. Go around the gates for ventilation and samper in front of the armored clown. Rozroblyayemosya s reshtoyu and zlamuemo console - "Viddilennya". Vibrating under the sky, virushaemo to the stolen measure. Rozkidavshi yoga vikradachіv, dopomogaєmo merovі vіdvesti i vkradaєmo yoga themselves. Having fed the infidel, straight to Frieze, in order to give the blood of Ra's to you. Ready for jubilation, but first of all yogo sorbnuti, Friz vimagaє turn yomu yogo squad. Ale, you need to drink the potion at once, so we enter the battle with the scientist. Sob yogo overcome, hand-to-hand combat it is not enough, it is necessary to block impersonal offensive attacks: stoking the walls, luring an electromagnet, stoking electrics on a spilled kaluzha with water, stowing a destructor, stoking a cable thrower, sneaking up from behind, burying from a ledge, luring a piss from below, attacking a beast from a side, attacking a beast through a side vikno and haircut to the beast. If Friz is going to be able to, it will show the safe, and it will show the sight of the faces. You need to choose yoga from the Joker, Victor will help us.

We choose to go to the street through another weekend. So that the hot steam was not a problem for us, we chirped with a screaming blow. Viyshovshi Nadvir, Bachimo the fall of a helicopter with a journalist on board on the name of Vika Vale. Right before the fall, let the snipers and ryatuemo Vika. Now it's time to straighten up to the Joker. Through the old entrance, do not use the pipe, half a day is literally waving through it. Directly to the other entrance, de obov'yazkovo let's protect. Penetrating into the middle, let the three clowns and stribuyemo to the water. For the help of the krizhan strike, we create stoves and plivemo for the flow, virulyuyuchi for the help of the claw. Through the ventilation propovzaemo trochs forward and plan to clown through the windows. We pass far and, having made two additional drinks, we do not ryatuemo a person, tk. that deputy of the "dakuyu" ogre zzad with a fist. We break through the wall, we create slabs and weep under the wall. Far away, right-handed, and transferred to the next bank for an additional cable thrower, tk. plate is stuck. With a shouting blow, we tick off the trumpet. Having reached the steel doors, we note that the knife switch in it is known as a left-hander in us behind the gates. Distantly curing betarang, launching yoga into the electrics, after which we redirect yoga to the shield. We make screams of plates, we burn for the flow. The right-hander saw us under the stele, a ledge, we climbed there. Hacking the console with the password "Romansionis", deployed and passed through the bridge. Pіdіyshovshi to the door, otrimuєmo steel pipe on the nose. Tse likar, all harazd. Vіdchinyaєmo dvorі that potraplyaєmo at znayome primіschennya. Chose with yoga bagging and passable in the foot with an impersonal min. Knocking over them, ignoring the sniper and looking at the highlands, Kuyn is tied. We pass far, we throw two snipers over the ledge, so we can easily take three clowns and we go uphill to the Joker. The battle is far from easy: a faceless clown, a one-armed, titanium-filled clown and the Joker himself. For the cob, we allow the clowns, shooting at the one-armed with an electric charge, so that they spread it with their sledgehammer. Dali let go of the one-armed, by the method of stunning. So we fix it ourselves and pump it up like a clown. Now the Joker is gone.

While Batman comes to you, we have a new episode from the life of a woman-intestine. It is necessary to get to the warehouse-confiscate. We reach the sewer hatch and go down. For the evil security system, we need three keys from the Tiger fighters. Noise is fenced, that child will have to sweat as much as possible. For whom we put on the stele, three keys are stolen from any three soldiers. Turn back to the computer, that evil thing. Ale bats of Tiger do not spare the brain, like the people of Penguin. Prihovano znіmaєmo skin soldier that we go to the shovische. We choose from support and we take away diplomacy. If we see zі shovischa, we have two paths to appear: vryatuvat Batman chi pіti zdobichchyu. So that we were not tormented by our conscience, let's go levoruch and, having thrown our rolls, hurry to Batman.
Tim in an hour Protocol-10 will soon be in good spirits, you need to do yoga in a negligent way. It is necessary to scan the helicopter on the back for the program of general management. We scan all helicopters, docks do not know the main program. We fly by helicopter and download data. Now the hour has come to go to the Miracle Vezh. Arriving in the field, we throw off two snipers and that panel is broken - “Nadyhayuchi”. We pass forward, opening the doors with an electric charge, until we hit Tiger's warriors and warriors. Having listened to Strange's notation, we let loose all the soldiers and go down at the sewer hatch. For the help of a cable cutter, we get to the stone with a year-old, de pіdrivаєmo pіdlogu. Zustrichaemo doctor. Razіbravshis іz іzhoronoy bіlа foundations vezhі, zlamuєmo lift zvnі і і sredіnі - "Intrusive", "Medicine". Climbing to the top, we climbed out of the elevator through the hatch of the hill. Through the slope, a vicious blow is inflicted and we achieve the destruction of the enemies. Roztinaёmo gate - "Armored". Pushing forward with an antenna, s її kintsya so we rise to the point, which is greater. So we keep pushing the beams higher and higher. The console is broken - "Pidtrimka". We climb into the hatch, which I see, we climb into the ventilation. We choose up to six defunct fighters, having conquered them, we break the panel to Strange - "Gotham's Defender". We turn on Protocol-10 and proceed to the joke of the Joker.

Vіn know at the theatre, along the perimeter of which snipers were roaming around. Quietly we work with them and penetrate into the middle. It appears that the Joker is correct, replacing the role of Clayface. The Joker himself is not healthy and so very ill. Ale z Glinolikim will still grow up. Weeping in the face of yoga blows, throwing yoga screams with a blow, until that one is completely stoned. Pіdbіgaєmo at point-blank range, distance the sword and miss the clay. You can also lure yogo into a kuti with dynamite, so that you can get the maximum shkodi. Robiti is necessary if she pretends to be a sack. Changing the scenery, fighting with the clay wind, moving on to the Clayman. Vidbiraemo have a new face that ztsilyuєmosya vіd wipe.

But the story is not finished yet. Switching to Selina, straight to the booth for speeches. The middle of us checks for a surprise at the sight of a planted bomb. It appears, the speeches are false, Dvolikiy, straight to the new museum, having dealt with the majestic NATO people, we take those who came to visit us.

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