Outside the passage of Batman Arkham Origin. Remind the video of the mechanical varti. Prepare faces. Help Queen Sharpe and get information about Hugo Strange

Tsenova is a multi-platform game with a suitable action genre. The game was broken up by Warner Bros. This part is a prequel to the front part Arkham Asylum. This is a living example of what a game project about a superhero can be serious, to endure deep, clique and hoarse. At this passage, we tell about the labor days of all Bruce Wayne, at those moments, if we haven’t gained great popularity yet.

Filthy nonsense, success in management - folding on the right, richly less, if you reach unsuccess on the right. Mi bachili tse kіlka once at igrah, and we bachimo tse znova іz the Earth: The Shadow of Vіyni, the continuation of the unsatisfactory garnoy and the successful Middle Earth: The Shadow of Mordor. The Darkness of Mordor took away the best ideas from riches of other mountains, destroyed on the way at the world of Tolkien, threw into the blender and sprat the avant-garde with the Nemesis system and a cocktail of honesty. Silence of war, how does she cope with us?

History begins without delay after the fall of the first rain, and de tse it was just m'yake, ale dimly added to the world of the Middle Earth, now there is no sense. The troubled end of the Darkness of Mordor, obviously, guarded us: the foundation of a new 21st Kilts, equal to Sauron and accessible to the hero Talion, means only bad news. Well, that's true. If you want such a reason, people can get the strength of darkness and light from the ends of the Earth, only Shelob accepts її and vipadkovo know її.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

At the peak of the holidays, our beloved hero Bruce Wen will need to dress up in the costume of the hero of all hours - Batman. From the vіdomoї v'yaznitsa "Blackgate" vtіk is not a safe swashbuckler, on top - Black Mask. As soon as you arrive at the walls in the pit, go inside, hobbling behind the ulamki. Know all the evil-doers who are trying to drive in the head of the cisco in the yard, Joseph. Move in the back and press the key for a counterattack at the right sight. The same way to save everyone is necessary. To talk to the boss, rush down to the cell block A and go down one of the exits. It is necessary in front of the zneshkoditi a couple of aggravated ones. Seeing the rest of the opponent, you know that Black Mask is going to lead Loub to the stratum chamber.

In one of the corridors you will find a drone. Because of what it is necessary to beat the bandits and cling to the ledge, so that you will be on the mountain. The enemy, who will be in a bulletproof vest, will need to be bare, and only after a few hard blows. Now it is necessary to renew my vikoristati svіy hook, sob chepitis for the upper ledge. How to lean in the place, de make out in'yazniv, increase your detective mind. Choose a beta rank and aim, after which throw yoga to the control jumper of the metal gate. Hurry up and slip under a small gorge. Beware of the enemies and you will find here Vicky Vale - this is a reporter, as if she was stupefied in this entanglement. Next, push the elevator button and go to the shaft, after which you need to choose the gel that vibrates, and apply yoga on the German bed. How to swipe your pidlog, scribble to the bottom.

Shelob, obviously, is portrayed as a woman, bred according to the law, yak, zreshtoy, if you want Sauron to fall. Basic knowledge of books, so that you can understand the tragedy in a moment. And on the right, not only in the fact that the Monolith victorious original material is just like an imaginative barker. This serious negative contribution also robs the fact that the script is just a sham.

The dialogues in the scenes are drastically simple due to the drive of the severity of the undertones, which are brought out, the vocal talents of the actors are thrown into a brainless formless lyric, and the plot is simply, rarely true to reality. Here, obviously, this original material is left with the great and hourly in the context of the high world, and the widest range of Darkness of war is left with the first-class truths for remembering the high light of Tolkien. It develops in Mordor and its outskirts, to which the strength of that darkness is the source of eyepieces.

Here you can see that your friend Chorna Mask is no longer satisfied with the minds of the mind. With such a rank, having started this rebellion, you wanted to beat Commissar Loub, who is still alive, for handouts from the Mask. Here it is not a secret for anyone already that the skin wise man in the pit took from the satisfaction of the swag like some kind of authoritative bandit. Go to the ventilation grate and after that, open it, after which you will get to the necessary connections along the shaft. How to deal with them, go to the gate, for which your remaining enemy will be. Shoot down to the mines and crash down the bypass road. Apply the gel on the tendinous part of the wall and then, pat it down. Step on the door, as if you’ll see it, you can already work it out, with which you released two beterans at once for goals. Dali pіdirvіt vzhe rati with your betclaw and through the mine you will get to the stratum. Vryatuvati commissar Loub do not give up ...

It’s good that there are no reasons for mothers of different races in this gallery, so that you didn’t move with hobits, dwarves, or there are a lot of elves, and even with a fattening, there are enough heads, so that you can make up for any mistakes. In the foreground, like in the first grі, there are battles with orcs, with literally indistinguishable owls, like they linger at Mordor and tame the Sauron armies. They can be divided into two main categories, fallow in vіd їkhnої vag and vlivu. The first simple skin day, as you might say, fighting the hordes of simple orcs, as if they simply leaned on your path.

Break through the slope for the help of the underslung on the haircut. For the cob, drive in the mafiosi, who are without armor, that and only later, deal with the bandit at the armor. After that, jump into the corridor and grab a memory card from a broken drone. For the help of the claw, chop on the surfaces more and more. The first axis is another chrono novelty, dashing - Black Mask caught in the flow. At the same time, on the dahu of wines, having flooded Krok-Vbivtsia. Unleash your attacks, you need to stun him and take a couple of hits, until you can't get stunned again. If you chop the fire tank later, let out a couple of betarangs. With this wine, you can be spiteful. Well, it’s worth it, then it’s better to press a button on the button to vibrate. If you are free in the face of yoga, then I will immediately go in the face of the new. If you win over him, you need to supplement yoga. When you understand, it becomes clear that Batman's Head is recognized in the city. Dali Gordon and a couple of copies to try you out, so go to your backyard to get some information from the memory card.

Інші - ті, yakі pov'yazanі іz nemesis system, yak here that shirsha is foldable, lower at the first grі. In this rank, the skin area of ​​the map is controlled by a dozen orcs, captains, which are richly strong, lower. In addition to the necessary improvement in the pace of life, the stench can also have special characteristics, for example, the stench can be sharp, more turbulent, or less attacking. Shcho can Zhittyu with a lot of things, and the kapitan is tolerantly tolerate to the abbot, the one is more than the bouty of the enlightenment, the essence of the Nemesidi systems in the organic character, the way, the yakshcho Kapitan is driving you, then the pydnima, it was rejoicing. unheard of an offensive time, if you stick.

Evil vezhi

Leave the platform and go straight to Betcomputer. Here it will become clear to you what the best and most found hires are behind Batman's head. Whoever reaches the first one, takes away pennies from the rozmiri 50 million dollars. Usy, Vіsіm najmantsіv, dermal z є є є svoї osoblivі vminnya that zdіbnostі. You already could have done one thing - that Krok-Killer.

Lihodіy on prіzvisko - Penguin so very poluє behind the Black mask. In such a rank, unmanned aerial vehicle, which, having changed at the budіvlі in the yaznitі, lying down to youma itself. The GPS signal will point to the approaching recognition point - Jezebel Plaza, where Penguin's people will be recognized. Now you need to enter a map of the Gotham area and select a point of recognition for the collection. Tsya point is recognized near the area of ​​Bauer. But you can’t go to that location, but all through those that your signal is jammed on the GCR gates, which are located here in the Coventry area. Go ahead and open the door, if you get the mafia out of your way. That is why it is necessary to stomp Dimov's grenade, after which you quickly sip your hook on the top. Let your detective zdatnіst zor and stribayte on all the ledges, you will dance, after which you will lean over the head of one of the mafia. How to hang, to spend a time in a rush. Then, fly to the protilezhny kut, as you go to the gate, open it and go through the mine. Here again I will be dashing, it is necessary to neutralize it, after which you continue your way with ventilation pipes. Now let's go to the trend wall, it's necessary to break through. As soon as you try, you will be protected by your widow, it is necessary for you to know yourself. Now it’s necessary to streak on the next bank, and then we’ll sharply turn left and forward. For help, grab onto the ledge, if you bang, then we’ll need to hit the opponent’s enemy.

At the same time, two captains can fight one by one for convergence in the ієrarchії, podіya, like Talion can beat for zastosuvannya there an old order, tied with a scarf and two prunes. The whole history is based on a system, although it is foldable, it can have positive and negative effects, like the Darkness of Mordor. Vіn proponuє tsіkavu perspective in battles and missions, ale postіyna zamіna tih, whom you will conquer with young people, zmushuє process nudguvati after the songful moment and give your character the resistance of yogo meti, roblyachi yogo anonymous.

As you get to the main control room, then reveal the corpse that lies by the toilet. You need to upgrade your scanner for evidence. How to notice yoga, then it is necessary to scan the body of that trace, which was left on the wall. Now the situation will be like this: if repairs were carried out on the access panels, it became wrong, because of which there was a great "boom", and moreover, a majestic tightness, because of which the shock wave carried the body of the worker to the wall, de vine and broke through the same wall. Scan far away and it will become clear that the one who has grown this vibukh, used knowledge, but already a corpse, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bDiamond's sprat is a year old. Tom, joke the card, for help, you can turn off the access panel. Now I will recreate the situation in order to clarify everything. Please tell me why you need to highlight the scanner for evidence and scan the found card. Come on, what you need to choose is an encryption sequencer, for this you can use an access panel to help you. The joystick needs to be rotated properly, it needs to be rotated, the docks do not hang out the word, but just a word. After that, open the doors, and go ahead with the gatherings, I will need to reopen the doors. Shchob її zlamati, it is necessary to quickly press on those buttons that appear on the panel. If you slay tse, then slander yourself if you know the pereskod. Enigma now controls all the towers that are in the area. For one district, one taka vezha is given. Sob you could mittevo be put on the mist, it’s necessary to slander such a cherry.

Gras priymaє tsyu pardon that gives two solutions. A handful of skins captain, having done the program, fills in the object for Talion, and in more radical attempts to take interest in the subject, fortification is recommended. In the skin area, the captain's crime, there is a fort, to remake, which is controlled by the lord who is otherwise a mighty orc. Leaders are lower than the ruler, yak may have the same logic, less vplivov і may be like guardians just see. The goal is to conquer the fort, whose defense is tied to the leaders.

Vistezhennia Penguin

The road to the Bauer area lies in one place. Get out of the house, looking out of the left side of the door, so why turn around at the cottages. Get to the district of Bauer, as soon as you are in the city, break to the city of the forest. There you can talk, how trade is carried out for the sale of military equipment. Attack on the back of the head is necessary for someone who can take it with me. For whom it is necessary to activate your detective zir, in such a rank, you will know a person, like a shooter. How to fight with the bandits, follow them, so that no one could take the garmat. Like us zneshkodite, feed Chatterbox. Then, take a phone from him, and call a SIM card, after which you can easily transfer Penguin's name. As a rule, the signal will be jammed by one of the heads. It will also be necessary to virushit there, while looking at the radar for orientation. Clear out your opponents. It is better to vicorate at the same betarang, then it is necessary to vicorate again in order to conduct electrification with a break and strike it on the access panel. If it’s important for you to apply, then in the adjustments, turn on the inversion. Next, open the closed doors behind the help of the cipher sequencer, after which I break myself.

Now you need to break the Pingvinchik's communication system. Point the receiver to the central brown circle, press the button as shown, it is necessary in order to switch the transmission. Penguin managed to make his own handless transmission, so you can fight like opponents move among themselves. Given the need to reach radio stations, as if neutralizing all opponents, then it is necessary to blow the signal in the same way, as it was said above. I will step on the radio station to guard two healthy evildoers. It is better not to carry out direct attacks with them. Activate the detective zone, land here beating them, if you need to kill them one by one.

If one of them falls down, the Zakhist also wiggles. In other words, you are to blame for the lack of captains, for the lack of leaders, for reaching the master and conquering the fort. I realized that the conquest of the forts was not a one-time show of Talion, as if it would be an overworld navit for the ruler of the kilts. In other words, it is possible to create epic battles between armies of orcs and to fight about the same. Indeed, before the conquest, be it fortresses, they especially oppose the scenes that predict war films.

But the problem is left there, the struggle at the fort is fenced, and the most extreme situation, as it may be, lies in the fact that the leader is given a little folding, to which Talion calls his special guardians, to balance the battle. Checking the cicatrix through the perspective is difficult, to the fact that everything is just right and so very good, like a hero, you know them dark, so you don’t protect. The whole idea of ​​ordering the captains is not supported, just giving head to the special army of Talion.

Liner "Final Offer"

Penguin hovaetsya on the arch of the old ship, like the name "Final Offer". On the ships of the vins, they fought the battle games, and the bandits of the lower levels of "coolness" were also picked up there. Before that, how to get on the board itself, it is necessary to have snipers, so they can cross. Just fly to the gate, land on it and how to sneak up to the gate, drive in yoga without a loud noise. Qi opponents are even worse to snipe, but they feel good, it’s even more wonderful for snipers. Now it is necessary to fly to the lifted container and fly to the crane. Now you can shoot to the bottom container, there will be another sniper. Like zneshkodite yogo, then go down on board and move a little more right-handed. Two foes, as if they would be far apart, they would diverge in different sides. To that it is possible to correct one by one with the skin. Now you can go to the next book, and so by the will of your opponents. The enemy, who will be on the spot, fill in the yak "for dessert." Now climb into the position of the first sniper and fly straight from that position to that villain who is on the spot and deal with him. As much as it is necessary, then beat the dim grenade.

Now you can penetrate into the middle, if there will be a essence from two enemies, the stench of daggers will corrode. To go on a counterattack and turn on Skoda, to short version koristuvatisya uhilennyami, such a rank, utrimite button counterattack and keys ruhu "back". If you manage to deal with them, then go down even lower, and immediately stun the enemy at some kind of streak, after which you deal with other enemies, as if you were, better not to allow what you want to pick up the harmat. Now to go further to the deck - 1. Here it is necessary to re-string one break and go around the flooded area. If it is necessary to go around one more house and then tie it to the bay beam. Now there will be a couple of opponents, so it’s better to strike at the planned one. Walk to the edge, pick a white claw here and attract a plate to yourself. If you step on a new one, then collapse on the water, it is necessary to pull yourself up behind the rings, which are on the walls. And the rest of the ring will be already on the stele, chip for a new one and bring down the stele. After what you climb to the top and get to the boiler room.

You can punish someone who attacks you with Sauron, who in such missions, like the Colosseum, will also endure a tedious battle. You can also put a spy in the ranks of the leader, so that you can find out about his weaknesses, or, if possible, kill him from behind. You can also become a victim, the shards of the captains can heal you at the last moment, and the battles will quickly become unbearable. The system of unmistakable now may be a sprinkling of tsіkavih expansions and like a point, in yakіy won't work, proponuyuschos effectively new and tsіkave.

Obviously, you can’t get away with this fall of periodicity, so like in the past, if you stick with the fortress, everything is miraculous, a little less, a third - maybe tedious. The basis of all these battles is that obloga, obviously, the combat system, as it may have not changed in parallel with the front thunder. Only it's not so acceptable. Too many orcs attack you at all times, fight, so that you can feel the calls of the captains, marvelous tactics, so that you can strike three and two zustrіchni at once, at that hour you can only make one attack, you can place archers at all other times, you can , nedosvіdchenі, slacken battles by a potentially drastic process.

The Penguin Tournament will take place at the most special moment. Now it is necessary to turn to the right bank and after that, as you check for your chance, destroy the trumpets. Then, it is necessary to chop for the steps and continue your movement in advance, after which it is necessary to check, until the steam is put in front. Now, lift yourself up more, with the help of a claw, so that you can open the door, which is on the left side. Now choose to enter the arena and shoot a stun gun. You need to hit one single punch, so that you get a knockout. Now it is necessary to neutralize all the enemies that Tracey has on you. Follow respectfully for those who are fired with a firearm and knives. You need to throw your betarang. After the battle, you can feed the enemy, after having given up. To get to the penguin room, you need to go through the theatre, which you can see on the other side of the casino. Open the doors, on which it will be written "Leave". How to get richer, go straight and open one more door. If you shoot to the bottom and immediately re-string through the collapse, then hurry up and slip through one crevice. As you propovzete the whole tunnel, go down. Here it is necessary to activate your detective mind, so that you can reveal the German wall. As you know її, vikoristovyte special gel for pіrivu tsієї stіni.

Everything is broken with a small amount of secrecy, so that you can surround the enemies with invisible, metaphorical shadows, so that the battles become easier to manage. As for the summation of loot blocks, which is not enough, we can say about the practice of completing the Tinі vіyni or, in fact, її dodatkovu meta. Tse tactic, yak absolutely condemned that mayzhe unacceptable in grі such a scale.

Luckily, for the better part of the day, the stench doesn't show up anywhere. There are no great problems, only the laurels of the avant-garde and technical perfection are not taken away. Naygolovnіshe, scho vіn pratsyuє mayzhe zavzhd smoothly, without breaking the frame. Models of heroes and orcs are kindly disassembled, and deacons textures of the world predict the past doby. Zvichayno, tse large-scale gra, and її areas may be different, which was not in the shadow of Mordor, to that it is adequately true, yоogo small technical nedolіki.

Now, for the help of one’s own, one should pull up for the steps of a trio far away. For help, you can quickly gather for them. They gave me the right-hander until the very end, and chime in for help. Climb to the very edge, after which to marvel at the left side and to the top. Zneshkodite opponents, such as you can. Now you can climb up to the upper deck, after which you need to snuggle up to the wall. Behind the horn there will be three adversaries at once. Therefore, remove the betarang, as you can cherubate. It is necessary to launch packs of enemies near the bієї, fly through the region, as if to be familiar with electricity, after which to make a couple of turns, so that you can knock out opponents, and they have a zbroya. With opponents, if you have lost them, you will not be in trouble. After them, you can continue your way further, or rather, go to the end of the corridor, for help with a claw, cling to the bed and bring down yoga. You can climb up the mountain along the street and open the grati, after which you can go into the mine.

As soon as you get to the Penguin casino, then subscribe from any side. If something needs to be quietly distanced, the shooter will drive in yoga. Carry out such operations with the help of a detective eye. Like two zneshkodite, then meta will come to replace them, defeating opponents. Bandit, what will be in the armor, stand still. Like a zavzhd, it’s necessary to stitch, so that the stench doesn’t take harmat. There will be a ventilation tunnel in one corner, which will lead to the access panel. Break її for the help of the sequencer and turn back to the hall. It is necessary to carefully approach the skin opponent. Fix it sooner than the shooters, the stench is the most problematic. Want to stink and stand in one place, but wrap around around your camp. In addition, as you sort out with them, go through the doors, as if you were married, there you will need to call the elevator and go up to the stone of the funeral. Nareshti in niy you can zneshkoditi Tracy, when you press the button, as if you were hit for a counterattack, you can close it in the klіtsi. Once you figure it out, hack the access panel under the table. After that, break through the slope for the help of a subway pressure on the key of the haircut. When you open the door, you take it off in the face from a healthy enemy. Like a zavzhd, the largest left in the rest, to that there are plenty of dirty enemies here, like to be respected, it’s necessary for them to be the first to rise. If you enter into battle with a healthy man, then strike him with a spear of blows, if there are no red marks above his head.

Now you can go against the great hall. Pass levoruch and climb up to the opponent at some kind of armor. The stinks in this hall are all with garmats, it’s better to rob everything as much as possible. It’s necessary to go down a little lower and get along with one more archer. Here you will find one of the most important points, for which you will need to jump in order to go to the next bik and go down through the passages of the ventilation shafts, which are left-handed from the exits. In order to follow him, as the opponents are collapsing, turn on your detective mind and one by one you can calmly snatch the whole pack. Dali one of the bandits will be directly beating the handguard, it is necessary to attack him only from the second, before that, obviously, it is necessary to climb to the top of one of the points. Dali through the passage, which is on the left side, you can go to the office of Penguin. Here you can see that torturias were carried out over Alberto Falcone - the son of the most naive gang of mafia Carmine Falcone. For the help of his son, Penguin manages Carmine, so that he will find his hand in his hand, relaxing the injection into place. After that, like a zneshkodite thug Penguin, you can get away from him. Under your vise, there is a report about the drive-in at Lacey Towers. In the same place, the color of the Chornoi Mask was restashed.

Now your dogoochіkuvany finishes the break Deathstroke. Vіn arc swidky and vitrival, be prepared for that. Yogo needs to constantly attack. Do not sleep at the hour of counterattacks, and do not work arto їx earlier for the singing hour. Check the icons above your head or other buttons will appear. As soon as you sleep, then quickly and often emboss on the button of the counterattack, after which it is similar to emboss on the button of your strike. After such a maneuver, do not relax and get ready for a decisive counterattack. If you spend a significant amount of time on a healthy opponent, attack more quickly, it will be necessary for him to hit his own claw. If you win, take the claw from Deathstroy. This new claw to allow you to release the cable between the walls, after which you can climb on the new one and fall freely. Now the hour has come to build a new armor, aim for it at the point, as if to fasten on the walls, where Penguin stood up to, after which he shot. After that, how to cling to the cable, then distance yourself from the door and try to crack it. If you try to get through the new one, everything will be fine. Alfred confirms that the death on Lacey Towers is true. Before that, it’s not just driving in, but driving in the evil of the Black Mask. Now stribayte down and open the door, then collapse before the exit. I need to go down to the deck again - 1 and let out a new cable at the point where the reinforcement is located, it is located on the flooded area. Like zrobite tse, leave the ship.

Investigation of shootings at Leslie Towers

Get to the day you wake up, as you are told. If we need a little policeman for us, I’ll pick it up in my hands. After stripping the dash, remove the encryption sequencer, after which point it at the center of the brown stake and decode the found signal. Now you can fly to the balcony and cling to the ledge, while yourself moving to the position of the policemen. You can buy both. If the weather sees you inside Lacey Towers.

Go to the apartment of Chornaya Maska, de bulo knocked down. Marvel at the body of the unknown. Activate your evidence scanner and resurrect the found body. Why scan the body of the maiden Chornoi Maska, as she lifted the mountains up to the chandelier. On the pіdlozі you can know the bars of the Molotov cocktail. Now you need to prove it, if you understand why the apartment was built in order to replace your surveillance. On the body of the beaten veil, you can see the sack. After that, scan the body of the maiden Black Mask again. Move Penguin's ticket on the wall of the order from the corpse. If you want to scan in more detail follow what you know about it. Remember to follow the pidloz, pid the body, what was raised. Look back now, so that you can find a sholom and clothes on the balcony by the window frame. Now scan the follow on the post. If it’s proper to look back, then respect that the girl’s phone is dead. And the rest of the message was sent to the Joker. After all, it is possible to understand that the corpse of the unknown is not the Black Mask, to which you were slaughtered this day at the vault. In order to find out the identity of the murdered person, like a shooter at the beaten man, who flew out of the balcony, it is necessary to get to the file cabinet in the National Crime Database, you can be found at the police station Notem. If you see from the future, then you will be an adversary, who will have a shield. Yogo needs to be slapped, after which the viconate is under pressure to press on the key of the haircut.

Little information: people perceive information differently. Therefore, for greater transparency, I have expanded textual and video Batman walkthrough: Arkham Origins at the post.

Zavdannya: Explain the misunderstanding of the Black Mask

Let's repair the game before Blackgate. Idemo and sit down under the beam, to go through the middle. Let's get to the mafia and the head of the yard, we will defeat the counterattack of the mafia, we will defeat the attack of the head of the yard.

Task: Find Commissar Loub

Directly to the pit, descending by gatherings, vіdkrivаєmo grati and bring down the people of the Black Mask. One of them tells us that this idea, together with the commissar, has a cell for strata.

Zavdannya: Infiltrate the mist of the stratum

I demo gave a drone on the road to Bachimo. Virubuyemo v'yazniv, scho vyyshli from the cameras, after which chіplyaєmosya so highland and pіdtyaguєmosya to crawl through the solution in the stepping stone. Getting to the mafia, like a bailiff to the defense and virubuyemo yogo. Chіplyaєmos hook for the top, podtyaguєmosya demo far away.

Certification point

Vykoristovuemo detective zіr, choose Betarang, throw yogo into the jump gate, from the rozbіgu we will jump right to the door, pick them up, open another jump door with Betarang, open the next door. We choose a vibukhovy gel, apply yoga on the bed so that the dirka is in the bed.

Task: Follow the Black Mask

After that, like Chorna Mask to talk with the convicts, we should entrust the grate with ventilation, and we can cope with it. Idemo in the right-handed place to stand behind the mask, choose Betclaw shoot it at the ventilation solution to the beast, we can see it and re-lіzemo at the ventilation. We strebuyemo down and vibukhovy gel robimo at the wall Dirk.

We reach the closing of the doors, victorious shvidky betarang, shooting at two jumpers at once. We pass and ventilate the grate for ventilation through it. Sposterіgaєmo the stratum of the Commissar, after which it breaks through and many more opponents come down. We rush along the corridor to the evil drone in which we know the memory card. For help, we climb up the mountain, apparently on the dachas in the pit.

Quest: Overcome Krok-killer

On the dahu fighting with the bare Krok-vbivtsya. Let's golomshuyemo yogo and inflict a series of attacks, succumb to yogo attacks. In one of the moments of the fault to save us, the button is to be blamed for the need to press on, on the PC it is to blame for everything. How to save a barrel just to burn, vikoristovuemo swidky betarang to drink in it, then it vibrates in a new one right in the hands of the head of your great shkoda.

After the boss was beaten in at the Batman's oven, I deciphered the memory card. In this article, there is information about 8 of the most secure hired men who were killed by paying Black Mask to kill Batman.

Task: Find the penguin

Vishka GCR near Coventry

We need to virubat the jammer on a live link. We go into the room with evil spirits, like trembling zaruchnikov, vikoristovuemo dimov grenade, pull up the hill like a hook. Crossing over the top (vicory-detective zir shobachichi kudi stribati and chіplyatisya) that robimo zakhoplennya from the height of the evil-doer that trims the handcuff. Lіzemo at ventilation and virubuyemo malice, if the wines come out of us. The third villainy was raped through the wall with a handcuff with a vicious blow.

When we get to the dispatcher's room, we can prove it in the room, the body is half dead, then the wall, it is clear that death has become an afterthought of the access panel. We can scan the panel and know the fingertips, we have lost for which one to scan the podium of death, turning an hour forward or back. Chervona smuzhka pіd hour collection of street vkazhe on the card access for the gates. Vіdrivaєmo grati and pіdbiraєmo її. Remove the encryption sequencer, hack the access panel. Rising up the mountain and once again zlamuyemo pristriy, which blocks the pinnacle of Coventry.

After all, I recommend that you go to the Bernley area and see the headquarters of Enigmi, to take a look at information about the people of Enigmi and the stench was shown on the map. In addition, as we add informators, data blocks are also displayed on the map

Quest: Feed the merchant with the money that works on Penguin

Passable Gotemsky mist Pionerіv, to show up information about the current evils, usuvaєmo yogo and demo farther to the Bauery area to the city, de appointed the next day. Check it out, if the favor of Penguin's people comes up. We attack a group of beasts, after that, as we manage to cope, we drink Chatterbox. It is necessary for Batman to get a SIM card from his phone, and for him it is necessary to send a call to the area.

Vishka zv'yazku Bauerі

Climbing on a vishka and virubuyemo all evildoers. It is necessary for us to open the door of the vezhu yak under the electricity, for which we launch the betarang at dirku, we go through the electrics and drank at the guard. Let's go in that evil attachment.

First SIM card

Directly to the Amusement Park in order to know the portable stations of Penguin's people, virubuyemo group of evildoers after which we connect to the annex, we will catch the frequency of Penguin.

Another SIM card

Another SIM card is located in the industrial area. Attached to the container, like a crane, from the new attachment to the opponents and zneshkodzhuemo їx, there will already be opponents with firearms, so carefully drive them in one by one for the Ukrainians. After what I connect to, I will build a signal. With this information, it is clear that Penguin is on the "Final Offer" liner.

Task: Infiltrate the "Final Offer" liner.

Directly to the liner, which is located in the Amusement Park. From the great budіvlі pіkіruєmo on the vishka on the ship and vporаєmosya zі sniper. We get over on top to the next bik and we know one more sniper who is standing on the container animal. They gave one by one, sneaking up or diving into the beast, running into Penguin's savage people.

We go inside the middle of the fight with two fighters with swords in our hands, succumb to attacks and inflict counterattacks, push forward and fight with a group of bandits. Reach the flooded deck flying bears don't like water!). It is not possible to fall near the water with a zagal, it is broken by ropes and it is re-assigned to the breaking point.

We get to the raft and pull it up to ourselves, after which we stribuyemo on the new one, we pick it up for the ring in front, so we pull it up on the flesh to them. Doplivayemo to the kіltsya gorі і plyаєmo yogo, m it's hard because of what you can pull up on the mountain.

We go to the boiler room, we skip through the hot steam, which blows up from the pipes to the mountain and there it opens up like a great hatch at the wall, we rush to the arena. A stun gun will appear on the beat of us. The people got rich, I got ready for the battle, but varto go to the new one, like a Batman, just pull him into the crack with his foot and cut him off. If other opponents are attracted to the arena, with whom you can fight with your soul.

After a discussion in the arena, let's add one of the fighters, about Penguin's mission. Win reminds us that she is at her office and can only go through Tracey.

Task: Infiltrate Penguin's office

Climbing up the mountain, de bully looking after what we go into the corridor to the deck, stribuyemo down and slizaemo on pіdlozі pіd proshkodami protruding far away. We get to the wall through the ice and we break through with vibukhov gel, then we go into the frozen room, slapping and chirping with our hands over the ledge, the thing collapses uphill down, and away we pull up like this, we repeat, we shoot uphill and two bandits.

Virubuyemo three bіlya ґrat for such a b'є electrician. It is passable and ventilated with a hook, after which we work with the same ventilation grate, climb in it.

At the casino, we deal with evil deeds, check if Tracy has your say and check for more parties. If the lads peacefully sleep on the bedside through the ventilation in the bed, break the password in the room and turn back at the casino, three more are broken and let’s go to the reception, the stars stink. Demo on the lift

Tracey’s in the elevator, hacking the computer, I’m getting into the casino hall again, we’re watching the big doors, the stars are waving more soldiers with the punisher, we’re dealing with them, we’re going to the great hall, there’s a lot of opponents, we’re hanging over the top. It is possible to bury it from the heights, and after that, like the stench all will get out of their own elevated people, attack the beast without letting them shoot, vikoristovuyuchi dim. Let's add protection.

Quest: Overcome Deathstroke

Penguin katuє blue mafia Alberto Falcone. Vrivaemosya in the office, fighting with the bandits. After what Batman starts to finish Penguin about Black Mask, then Deathstroke turns around and starts to drink up, preaching to Beta this great.

A lot of gravity zaparyuyutsya zim barefoot, but really everything is simple - the whole head is a "counterattack"

  • Obov'yazkovo and even respectfully check, if the deathstroke is more likely to attack first! Vidbivayemo yogo attack with a counterattack, and immediately after that b'emo yogo 1-2 times with a great blow, or chop with a claw, pull up to yourself and hit.
  • If they throw a blind grenade and stribne on us, a counterattack is onslaught. Batman's lіktami vіdіb'іє strike after what inflicted Deathstroke a great series of combo-hit, in vіd іn vіn vіd vіd lot of HP.
  • If they shoot at us, a “counterattack” is swiftly onslaught, to throw it into a new barrel. If we pull it up like this to ourselves, so that we don’t catch the wind on us, we’ll move with rifts to the new one, but rather drink it like that and pull it up to ourselves
  • If you are angry with your club, with the attack on our attacks, you will counterattack with your own counterattack, and then it’s important to PUSH THE COUNTERATTACK AT THIS MOMENT WHEN THE ICON APPEARS, DO NOT PRESS THE ONE BUTTONS! Zagalom, more headily press the button at that moment only if you show up.

Goofy doesn’t hurry anywhere and all the onslaught at once, even though you obov’yazkovo vporaetes with Deathstroke. If we win, we will take away the claw - we will stretch the rope between objects, so we can move and cling to the new hook.

Investigation of driving in

Task: Investigate Malpractice at Lacy Towers

Pіkuєmo the beast on the litak to the great doors will show up with a patch, Penguin, talk to us through the great screen and let you know that the Black Mask has been beaten. We fill the ship with a vicorous claw. On the way out, one psycho of Anarky will tell you to know three bombs planted by him in the city.

Moving near the Coventry area. Special forces of the policemen were beaten on the daha, after which we caught their frequency. On the balcony we saw two more policemen, we went in until wake-up call. We know the corpse of the Mask. Scan the back of the body and yoga arm. After which we scan the corpse of a girl moved to a chandelier. it is reconstructed, as if it was driven in. Once again, an analysis of the corpses is carried out, for the purpose of establishing the trajectory of shootings, that growing mischief.

At the pouch, it comes to Visnovka, that the people were attacked from the balcony, if she was sitting at the table. We scroll the scene, for the creation of mischief. You can see the klaptik of white fabric, just the same, if you enter the room from the balcony. After scanning in the kitchen, as a result of the investigation, a digital proof is revealed - textual reminders that the girl was talking about a person named Joker.

Task: Deny access to the servers of the police department

We move to Batman's cave to get a percussion detonator, after which we go to the Bernley area to the police station.

We need to break into the police station without a hitch through the doors. Zastribuyemo on the dates, for the manifestation of opponents, you can win a detective zir. I recommend us to put a sniper in front of us, then silently put the guard on.

If we can get in the middle, we go down, with a vibrating gel, we lama the wall right-handed and stribuyemo on the elevator, in what to say the policemen. It penetrates the ventilation and propovzaemo the police insulator. With a decisive blow, we will destroy the army and the policeman, who will stand behind her.

In the office, we deal with three policemen, after which the ventilation grate is on fire, we breathe in it and lie in it. Below, there is a large group of broken people, victorious claw, sho kerovaniya, which was taken from Deathstroke and pulling the cable over them, preaching in a new way and silently descending into another room.

One more cop is standing with his back to us, you can silently vibrate him, so that you don’t raise an alarm, or quietly call the right-hander to the door, and break the code lock. At the occupant, there is more to be seen. We go to the supplementary room. Behind the fold, the policeman is feeding Chatterbox. Through the slope with a vicious blow, hapaemo yogo and dopituemo Chatterbox.

Passable to kіmnati, de pіdrozdіl spetsnaz, b'є bomzhіv - razpravlyaєmosya with them. Vibukhov gel tolerably clogged the dots at the vіknі. At the shower, we sneak up to the policeman, to talk on the phone and put it to sleep, climb to the ventilation. We get to the police detention center. Silently, one by one, we are corrected by a guarded guard. After that, the lock is broken to the door and we pass into the corridor, in which two mines are opened. Zneshkojuєmo їх. And the demo gave us the door to the server rooms, as it is not possible to break Batman's decoder.

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