Walkthrough batman arkham city. Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Origins: Vishka near Coventry. Know the secret entrance for help video data

Pochnemo passage Batman games Arkham Origins at the Blackgate vault, de Chorna Mask and his associates organized a leak. The path is strictly corridor, do not forget to turn on hints in the menu ahead of time - so you will immediately explain the nuances of management. You will need to bend down on your back, then, when descending, we will order you to squeeze a clearing, so that you can get faster, more easily, more easily get to know the thunder. Turning to the right and bending down again, you will go to the city, de zlochinets, that vtіk, b'є with a bat of the head of the yaznitsa Joseph.

The heavy and gray atmosphere may be apocalyptic in the stigmatization of the figure of the great virtual game Maidanchik, which suffers less from a defective color palette and drawing of critical and closed mediums, the rest, perhaps, too similar to "one to the other." One more aspect, which is to make the back sore, is the battles, which are more similar to the previous episode, but have been shortened from the beginning of the day. In fact, the characteristic pidhіd "bіt-em", zіtknennya pass from the crazy buzzards to the bars, de skin gives them bare hands, right sessions of the green-invisibility, scho mіrkuєtsya, vikorostovyuchi tinі and tremtіnnya devastated human middle like their comrades do not accept yoga.

Come on, take off your first combat score - for the time being only a counterattack, moreover, at an increased pace, but to strike it, to understand, how to unify the fortune-telling blows, and learn your own soon. Go through the corridor, go down the gangways, open the doors - there is already a group of enemies, you happen to enter into a full fight. Victory over the counter-attacks - if a double-click icon appears over the enemy, press the mouse button for your friend. Batman is easily swayed by three and more enemies at the same time, it’s a smut to hit the mouse at once.

With such a great and modern arsenal that you can browse through the drop-down menu, to select gadgets in a melee hand-to-hand essence, it’s really not really easy, the retailers assigned all gadgets to this. Zagalom combat system - tse one more eyebrow Batman Arkham.

Expansion on all fronts is now є faceless tactful possibilities, yakі mzhe prilomshlivі, especially vrakhovuychi, sho leather gadget and skin okrema vaga body can be painted at the great tree navichok. On the pass of equals, we can have a sense of vitratiti in one of the rich available fields, which will also significantly change the variety of rich skills and the very structure of combat operations. The latest success of the system of coping with it is that, regardless of the impersonal options, you can try to emphasize simplicity and “bottomless”, so that it is accessible to everyone and it’s more than the fact that the balance of folding is not necessary to balance.

If the icon does not appear above the heads of the fortune tellers, it's time to attack yourself. Robiti tse most without interruption, they clicked the left button of the mouse and the keys W, S, A and D, setting the directions for attacks. It’s important to work smartly, you yourself transfer your respect from one opponent to another - first, so you change the ability to take a hit on the opponent’s side, and in another way - start the multiplier, increase by 1 point with a skin offensive blow. The greater multiplier, the more aggressive and the more powerful our hero of his opponents. Bigger fights, sharper attacks. The multiplier is shaved when idle (a couple of seconds without successful attacks), or when the enemy attacks far away, that is. missed blows abo sho sho squandered in Batman.

In fact, turn it on and install yoga as much as possible, you won’t have to beat all the cool parks and gadgets available for even more unsafe situations. We said that the whole game process accessible from the very cob, and to this, it plays a central role in this new name, which comes out of the larger linear slot structure of the first episode. Through the reasonable movement between the gloomy one and the other one, we are talking about the bagatma more or less with the companion or dual characters, who are ready to call for help or the tulub in Kazan.

Here, the enemies are still not rich, having parted from them, go to the point of being wounded, which is given up and does not try to repair the opera - it is necessary to feed it, for which you need to click the mouse button on the right. After the dialogue, exit through the doors to the corridor, fly the drone, go right hand far. Jump up three enemies, beat them. Now the first dosvіd vykoristannya gaka - vіn tying to the key "F", but you can get together with him far from zavzhd and not creaking. If such a possibility is, then a green indicator appears.

It didn’t hurt us to climb on the palace of that other one, we stezhitimemo for antijeron for this special mission, unreasonably grave, but fundamental in all titular history. For example, in addition, as the main quest will be completed again, we will all turn to Arkham City, and we will be able to finish those that we need, drawing control over the two characters, as we seem to finish all the investigations. In fact, the “investigation” itself allows, in any situation, to analyze the territory, giving the attachment of enemies, adding special features, and allowing you to choose the right attack strategy.

Seeing for help uphill, stribuyte back down in front, there will be self-sufficient, but not the best enemy, clothes on the armour. Yogo, with simple blows, does not virubati, requiring a little bit of madness to be ruined, having put on a cloak, to rush to push on the wheel of a mouse. You can hit it like this twice and finish it off with your fists, or you can hit it three times - the opponent will fall. If you sit down, pressing Ctrl and press the mouse button to the right - Batman slams the enemy's head on the scam, it will be destroyed - you can continue the passage of Batman Arkham Origins.

However, it’s unfortunate that this regime is actually victorious only for combat purposes, and all the ways, as if it were my fault, to investigate the field, they pilot, if they want to be even more effective. Sir, you can learn yoga practice, to that you don’t forbid - and wisely - to confuse us, just draw the goals of the enemies, to overcome, but to those who are small environmental puzzles to block the road, and just a hint will come, explaining to us, helping us work.

Our goal is to solve this problem, the gadgets that are available to us. We know that we got stuck with a few stretches of thin air at some points for about 12 years, which is necessary to complete the plot of the prince. Zvichayno, є richly right, moreover, a dozen years old. In order of alternative quests, the Riddler's riddles turn around looking at the trophies and objects, which are necessary for the help of a sibilant phrase. Crimea, obviously, the technical sector can take advantage of this type of investment.

Chip like this, go uphill, you will see a room near the open space, where you will be asked to launch a detective search - activate it by pressing the "X" keys. Just finish the tips by pressing "1" to pick up the beta rank, then press and press the mouse button for your friend to aim. Navіvshi aim at the right-handed button on the mountain, throw the betarang with the main button of the mouse. Doors open, but not high enough, so that you can easily walk under it. Ale vyhіd є, about gra to tell you at the pіdkaztsi - go ahead, turn around, run back, squeezing the clearing. For a meter-pіtora to the door, which often rose, press the left Ctrl, right on the run.

How many months were victorious? We do not know at all about the evidence, but we understand the traces. Speaking about other more important aspects, piece intelligence is even better practiced by its robots, and the troublesome and attacking routines of the enemy overturn the strategies of gravity, wanting not to shine with diversity, and if the stench is revealed, we will be able to win. The skin of the body of the protagonist and the enemies is fluid and characterizes the character of the characters. Batman is a king, a sculpture, you can hit it about Marmur's buildings, to get lost in the cracks of others, to wind a vicorist middle like an armor, or simply adapting all the main features of this combo, accessible to morphology.

So Batman slipped to the offensive stone, de happened to beat some of the bandits. Having sorted through them, continue through Batman Arkham Origins, walking right-handed to the elevator, press the button with the punch - the doors open, but there is no elevator. Then there is a subtext, so that you don’t think it’s superfluous, for which vibukhovy gel is needed. It is selected with the "3" button, it is applied to the sublog, it is applied. Sob pіdіrvati, press the middle button of the mouse, until the speech, Batman's detonation does not start, you must say that you are standing on the gel at the moment of vibuhu, which you cannot say about yoga opponents, like wallowing.

The gut is more zhorstock, winding, prickly. Hit it more powerfully less effectively, lower at the m'yazovy Bruce Wayne, ale vin compensate for secrecy, for any vin to rob: you won't get lost in the new. Less efficient and unpredictable can also restore mimicry, so as to still stand on the equal footing of a good interpretation of competition. Apparitions - tse voice, scho diє on English language Therefore, we recommend that everyone turn on yoga without guards, with the tears of Mark Hamill in the tears of the Joker, who only sees splashes and, without a doubt, the most effective vocal interpretation in the genre of both a specific character and the industry.

After the vibration, put it in the dirka in the podloz, you will go into the room, de lavoruch є ventilating grati - open її for an additional probіlu - squeezing it once, you can evade by crouching (Ctrl). Striking down in the end of the tunnel, lean right into the nest with five wounded, wisely, you happen to kill them. Having entered, go right-handed into the room, there, on the mountain, lay a ventilation shaft - you can’t reach it with your hands anymore. Then, how far away for the help of Betkogt - push 2, aim at the Grati, shoot.

Richly shorter, lower Italian version, with a bit, like hanging on the characters and giving the troch unnatural, because the lips are not synchronized, but thick, with which tracks are inserted, piecewise for dovkilla in a way, the wines are also flat and dry, the troch under the front part of the cunning deep gates, above the world, wind up like this in the world of wines, they don’t fight and don’t know. The music, nareshti, is thoughtlessly organized, with themes that slander like “epic to noir”, without being invasive and always changing, to come from a low, calm and disturbing situation.

Lose yourself less than pulling yourself for a helper problem. With it, you climb up the hill into the ventilation that you see, go all the way, climb down. In front - a wall with dirks, driven by a vibrating gel. Go through the gap to the offensive stone, turn right there - open up the space, and we need the doors to be blocked with buttons, which you need to press at once. For this miraculously pіdіyde shvidky betarang, vіn zadіyuєtsya dvoma pospіl shvidky onslaught of the key "1".

The protect of the IGROVROUS INECULATIONAL, Underly, the roller of the roller, in the yaku Zbilshena glybin rizkosti, to rob Kinematographic Estrate, unequivocal in the managerial scenes, in the Yakiks, the vibuhi in the prison, and Inshe was burning. and also, if we rise in price, we will make a mantle for the place of Arkham, all will be framed with a ramp.

The only defect, which we have revealed, was a small halo of overtaking the menu, if the stench is more important to resist the dark surfaces. Vaughn write about videogames - one river and another more than ten years, and won't spend her bazhannya to continue the market from a bright cіkavіst. She will be choked with indi-development and experimentalism, she will love everything else.

From the advancing stone you will come out through the ventilation shaft under the stele, you can’t reach it with your hands, break the concrete, break the grati, tie it down for help. Look at the ventilation, marvel at the roller and shoot through the soft corner, squeezing the "W" and clicking on the pass on the move. At the host, three opponents will be killed, among them one at the armor - beat them, after which go through the doors to the corridor, from the corridor - go along the new one until it stops, until you stumble in the vicinity of a high stele. There before Tim, how to continue the passage of Batman Arkham Origins, look at the video, our hero removes the flash drive from the drone, after which it is necessary (F) to chime the beast and rise there.

London view update - Simon Paganini

Tse problems, if we will have an hour and a way of analysis. At the moment, the demo session is ongoing. Batman caresses straight ahead to the Palace of the Justice, wandering again from the side of the barreled “Two Individuals” skeleton. Facing the façade, the bulo was covered with sacks, deformed with hot lead. We enter, just to be present on the absurd monologue of one of the dashes, which, if anything, have come to mind. We thought that the iconographic tower of the Joker and the Scarecrow, ale Harvey Dent's schizophrenia, was a perfect replacement for two historical enemies.

Uphill gatherings fight more, the axis of the attack descend - and we are already on the dash. There, after rewatching the video, you check the final battle of the mission - against Vbivtsi Krok and ordinary opponents, to actively help you. It’s important to get one word from Krok - if a red attack icon appears above his head, don’t try to counterattack, or interrupt it with such blows at the attacker - marno. You just need to drink from the line of attack of the opponent, after which you attack yourself. Krok is not the simplest supernik, but the lightest of all "bosіv".

Skoda, which again fills up with little time for direct interaction with head troubles. It turns out that everything was ruined after such a thing with pillows, as we found out in the first episode. Yogo's voice is trembling, the words are drowned in coughs. The English dubbing, to the point of speech, is absolutely hostile, ideally suited for characterizing a skin character. Possibly, only Kіshka, let's go, shattered the trochs, її special fishing. We would like to have a little more masculinity in the strokes of the character, like the strokes of "guts".

Batman enters the detective mode, and after opening the entrance to the point of impact, the cooler is able to identify its trajectory at the try to know the Joker. Investigations led Yogo to the cathedral, de after a short interview with Harley Quinn, you will be threatened with a small seance. It seems that they don’t change at any one’s point of view, but there are some additions. For example, by throwing a Dim bomb, you can mittely appear, zalyakyuchi your opponents. Stars, whistling at the gargoyle, as if controlling the interior of the life, are collapsing invisibly, trying to get off their backs.

To seize the moment, if you are fierce when you try to attack Batman on a big scale into the wall - the axis is here and it is necessary to extinguish yoga. Also, effectively in the process of passing through Batman Arkham Origins, they showed themselves a deafening blow with a cloak (I guess that's the middle button of the mouse). Just hit Krok for nothing, need a series, combinations and important hits to finish off.

Once again, this time, the trochs are quicker: the old vibukhovy gel, for example, used to get drunk on the mischief of the approach, which allows Batman to break through the crisis of founding lines. Get over the hardships, Batman rises to the veve that leads to the Joker. Ale lihodiya, zvichayno, navit not tіn C - just a vibukhovy gift, which led us to the end of the demo. Tim is not less, not a trace of forgetting that in two years after the marketing of the game process based on the product, it looks a little less glaring, lower at that hour. The phases of stealth will be more effective and fun, but you will notice the missed update.

If the enemy tries to throw a barrel at you with a vibuho not safe - try to immediately launch a betarang (dual key "1") at the barrel itself, while it's out in the hands of the enemy, at the top of the fall - hit the kill in the trajectory of the "projectile". If you want to go to the stalls - actively click on the gap. Follow your attacks at your own pace, don't be choked up.

In addition, those who wanted to play along missed our presentation: more members and new smart gadgets. Obviously, Arkham City will become a title, which is necessary to recognize, but at the same time, there is no interest in the right. The planar between gloomy eyes was seen on the popil of old Gotham, vikoristovuyuchi, if the ramp rises and falls, if the vultures on the gates become a hoary practice, freshen up the rhythm of the grey, like a lesser part, lower the first part. In this way, the nature of the open world can have a greater breadth of life and a greater gameplay for play: the path that leads us to the cathedral, the jokes of the Joker, is not unique.

And vzagali, gra here in your own time to give hints, sho rob, more hearing them, and you will be happy. If we win, marveling at the roller, at which Batman turns to his oven.

Batman's Cave

On the basis of our knowledge, Black Mask hired the most elite killers, claiming 50 million for the elimination of Batman. After rewatching the video, you can already go to Betkril and break on the new mission in Jezebell Plaza, continuing through Batman Arkham Origins. Ale, I'd be happy to take three available training courses before the administration on the job - there is a chance to take points to get it new rіven, Scho will be dearer. So anyway, early on you will sit on Betkrylo and fly to conquer a new mission.

We can choose, as the best way to walk in the road, between the skeletons and others, between the gargoyle and the helicopter that hangs from it, or, it’s possible, put your feet on the ground between these brooked streets of Bogeville and the rude and unreasonable, let’s repeat, let’s repeat that the voucher was not transferred. Then we turn to the magnas pump and play a key role in the economy sub-quest. Naturally, the term "voice of light", which is repeated for those who speak, does not stick with the kennel.

The focus is on the main quest, the logic of the strong and the unique rationale. In addition, the place is divided on the territory, which is to lie with the singing evil. Let's hope that ecological progress will be tied to the thread on the ZPS. The combat system reduces the violence of violence, but it also improves the actions of less abrupt dynamics. Nasampered, the number of one-hour presence of sokovite thorns. Up to 25 contenders on the screen, obviously, park on the ground with minimal logic that hour.

Vishka GCR near Coventry

By the cost of the plant, we know that the vines, with which the Betwing is oriented, that I work on the wilderness, need to be sorted out for a reason. After landing, we go straight ahead, we open the doors - we are full of open spaces with cold opponents. Nadalі taka trapyatimetsya regularly, so remember priyomi, how to teach you at once. Throw Dima's grenade to become invisible to the enemies, after which you can hit the beast up to the gargoyle and climb up the hill. Now we have enemies like on the valley, then don’t stink Batman, because it’s too high, look there, they rise less at the top, like a noise.

With gargoyles, you will reach the villainy, as if you were wiping out the handcuff. Leaning right above it, press the mouse button to the right, if the icon "Zhoplennya z visoti" appears. Batman quickly grabs an opponent and moves yoga on the bike with his feet uphill, if you can switch to attacking opponents - they can be seen in the detective star mode (I guess, the X key). At the new one, please give metal grati bіla pіdlogi, scho close the entrance to the ventilation shaft - we are there. Breaking the cover, come in, you will see right back to the opponent.

Having pressed the mouse button to the right, you hit a vicious blow, stunning the opponent with the hitting grenades - remember this trick too, you will need it repeatedly in the process of passing Batman Arkham Origins. Let's go out of the room likewise through the ventilation shaft, but even more, roztashovanu beast - you can see a problem on it, you will see in the darkness of the place. The enemy is known behind a thin wall, which easily breaks through the wall with a fist; After that, go to the wall and push the mouse button to the right, so that you win the virishal blow.

Tse buv peredostannyy vorog, which guarded tsyu vezhu. Go through the corridor to the stop, in a deaf corner, climb uphill for help, but don’t hurry to tie it overboard - there is a bandit who can be thrown down with one button and put on a motuzka. If you already squandered youma on your eyes - beat into hand-to-hand combat, As long as you are not zreshetiv their sacks. Come out through the door to the control room, there the right-hander, on the opposite side of the exit, hit the break at the wall, go to the new one.

The Evidence Scanner is activated in a strict manner for which areas, it is launched by the same button, which is the detective screen. In the mode of scanning evidence, we need a rich language, which is signified by a small chervonim trikutnik, which will simplify the passage of Batman Arkham Origins. If you will be respectful - do not miss your eyes. The first object, which needs to be scanned, will be body dead people, what is lying behind a break in the wall - to scan, to point at a new sight in the detective regime, and to press and subdue the gap.

Let's then scan the flame on the wall with the help of the body, after the flames - the control panel for the doors, de buv vibukh, so having driven in the bіdolakh. If you finish from the panel, you will only have to scan the room at the keys of the key card, which you saw after the vibration - you will lie as soon as the entrance at the ventilation tunnel is ordered from the door. At whom you can perekonatisya, dvoryuyuchi podіyu, scho shy to zatyskannymi right and left buttons of the mouse, scho to promote the action forward and backward. At the process, strike a thin red line, which points to the trajectory of the fall of evidence.

The next time open the ventilation grate, start the evidence scanner again to trace the key card. There is a code on it, necessary for Batman to hack the control panel. Go to the control panel, open the doors, press the "0" key to activate the encryption sequencer. You can break such panels often, the procedure is simple - press button A or D until the sequencer shows half of the word or one short word, after which, similarly, press the right or the left button of the mouse, the docks do not look like the other half or the other word. Our mind will have the phrase "nevezinnya". So back to back with buttons A or D I first half of the phrase, then with the right number button of the mouse - to a friend, everything is simple.

Open the doors, go up after her, you will go straight to the jammer, covered with metal doors. Open the break with a break (you need to click a lot of times), after which you remove the sequencer again, break the control panel with a jammer. It's true, before you hear the enigmatic hacker Enigmu, who has set up a bunch of jammers here. Our password in case of evil is "closed zone". That's it, the jammer is turned on - in this area it is now possible to hang out from Betkril, which cannot be said about the region's reshta, the skin area has one jammer on the veins, which makes Batman Arkham Origins go farther away.

In order to unblock the ability to freely hang out in any district, you need to turn on all the jammers on the plugs. You can almost immediately, but remember that you won’t be able to play a couple of pieces at once - it will be necessary to have some control, so that the control panel is not available at this stage of the game, you can stick out for the plot. So, obov'yazkovo like a camp in good time gluing a pomegranate and a destructor, such as we live approximately in the middle of the campaign, and then we know it in the other half. Reshtu vishok you can unblock at any time, but call for whom you happen to solve mini-puzzles, to get around the defenses, organizing Enigmoy.

At the same time, you can virubaty and repeaters, yakі rozkidanі all over the place in the amount of 10 pieces per district. It is easy to use betarang and betclaw, and best of all - kerovanim betarang, for which you can kill a repeater at a considerable distance. Buvay korisno, oskolki ring out the streets and dahi budinkov teem with opponents. Before the speech, for the sake of everything, we should take care of ourselves on the cob - we’ll be farther away, there will be more enemies in the mist, it’s important to move, and also snipers will appear on the dahas, evil machine gunners, and if they don’t take the cross, they’ll take your time to pass. Batman Arkham Origins.

And if you start turning on jammers and eliminating repeaters right away, you will not only work with the least support, but you will also collect valuable eyepieces for good, as you will need richly on the cob of gris to forgive progress in the campaign. Take into account the characteristics of your suit and pump it to the edge, increasing resistance to hand-to-hand combat by 100% and by 100% in firearms. So we will not take the choice of blocking the data of Enigmi, like rozkidani in the great cities in different areas of the city and the houses.

If you want, honestly it seems, you don’t have to wait for that varte - it’s too rich, but you’ll earn a point for the price of 2000 xp at a time. It will be more difficult to get a block of data in the most part, stink or be well protected, or be on the safe side, but in order to pick up, obov'yazkovo need all the gadgets that show up closer to the finale of the Gri. So you happen to either go through the campaign again, or turn around in the month, de already buli, but with gadgets that allow you to go there, where there was no chance to go before.

For example, in a tight corridor, steam is poured out of the pipe - at the cost of bad health, Batman did not go through a hot sweat, drying up in the high temperature. And if a sticky pomegranate appears, you can pour a dirka, for some reason a couple. There is more than one butt of the puzzle, but there are many variations. Well, I guess, it’s easy to access the blocks of data - don’t miss them, we won’t let you know, that, maybe, you want to get to Enigmi. For the sake of zneshkoditi yogo, it’s already neobov’yazkovo for the passage of Batman Arkham Origins, more precisely, the story campaign, because. tse - dodatkove task.

So what else, turning on the first jammer, go out through the doors to the dachas, there the right-hander will go down - go up the hill. In the sky, there is already an indication of the location, where you need to move. According to the price, information is periodically announced about the evildoers who are getting ready - they can be beaten, tritely beating bandits until they spend their lives. Such a task is neobov'yazkovі, but for them to get the eyepieces right, you can sometimes get in trouble, but if you don't look fast - it's smart, that regularity goes off scale. Gangster place, so ... Batman can be a lot of work. In the meantime, we are crashing to the designated point, so we can go through the story campaign.

Perebuvayuschie in the Bauery area, you will feel the talk about the police radio. Htos vipav іz hotelel. You need to look around the mischief and find out about the details of the fall. Arriving at the mischief, we recognize the victim, and then we restore the evil. Climbing on daha and following on daha rozumіёmo, scho bіdolahu htos zіshtovhnuv. Now it is necessary to know the case with documents. The case is on the trough. We also know the name of the hack: Robert Haynes. Ask Alfred for mischief and let's catch yoga. Robert will not be alone, but with friends. Druzhkіv rozkidaєmo, and Robert dopituєmo. Closed on the right.

Mischief. Strilyanin in the dots of Dikson:

Flying over the docks of Dixon, we feel a policeman's rozmov about a shooter in Dixon's dots. You need to go and conduct an investigation. We analyze the corpse before us. The victim was journalist Owen Grant. It is worth noting that the photo camera has been overshot and after that it is analyzed. Let's prove to Alfred that we're going to catch mischief. Rozkidaemo yogo friends, and then dopituemo pidozryuvannogo. Right closed.

Mischief. Pozhezha in Coventry:

Tse zavdannya you take away the fact that you finish the body of the soldier Bane in morse. Fly near the Coventry area and listen to the police report. Fly on the spot and analyze the body. If you see all the evidence, direct it to Penguin's ship and beat Qin Li with his friends. On the right side it is closed.

Mischief. Walkway in Burnley:

Guidance on the purpose of the investigation is taken after completion storyline. It is necessary to come to the mіsce malice and scan the body. Let's drive in the special forces. Usya yoga group at once under the investigation. We happen to find out what we are doing here. Razіbravshis іz evidence, ozumієmo, scho podzryuvany one of the colossal corral hammered. Vin hangs out at the same time with his friends. Zbivaemo Demarco and yogo friends, then let's drink and close to the right.

Mischief. Beating at the amusement park:

We take it after the completion of the book "Road trip to Bernley". Arrive at the mist. Scan the body and prove it otherwise. Suspected: Andrew Carter. Let's go to yogo coordinate, b'mo that dopituemo. Right closed.

Mischief. Strilyanina in Zlochinniy avenue:

Aiming at the purpose of the investigation is taken after the completion of the right: “Road visit at Burnley” and “Beating at the amusement park”. There was a shooter at the Evil Alley, and now there are two corpses. Can't guess anything? We come to the misfortune. Zlochin is guessing the vipadok, like eating out of little Bruce. The fathers are dead, but nothing has been stolen. Tse did not try to rob. Show it, prove it, check it, and scan the sleeve. Im'ya suspected: Jan Chase. Come to the coordinates, b'єmo that dopituєmo Yana. Finished on the right.

"Insecure List"

Headquarters Enigmi

We have the headquarters of Enigmi at our district. We come to the mark, we smack the weak place at the Ukrainian, we break through yoga and we go in at the door. We conduct a dialogue with Enigmoyu and go to the door to the control panel. Zlamati don't go in, don't ruin the computer. Also, we whisper to the helpers of Enigmi and vibivaemo from them information.

On the way out of life, we need an informer. Forget yoga and take away information about the misuse of compromising materials. Now we walk with a card and choose them, and also beat other informants.

The mission starts after the exit from the Penguin ship. By the way, we feel like Anarky is an extremist, who tries to protect the power of Gotem. Another candidate to be captured by Batman. Anarky got his partner, who would say that three bombs were planted in Gotham, and we need them. Idemo at the place where the first bomb was laid. We may be close to 3 whilins, to get to the bomb, the enemies of the enemy, and then the bomb itself.

Let's say it directly to another anarchist in Coventry and speak to him. We repeat it for the first bombing of the first bomb: let's fly, b'emo, zneshkodzhuemo. Directly to the third anarchist and we speak from him. Why is the scheme itself.

Recognizing that you have lied all the foreigners bombing and vryatuvati mercenary comradeship, Anarkі calls you to wake up the court for battle. Well, well, you need to go. In the wake of the court, we will be taken from Arches and yogo by the poplars. The arches look like a splendid child, but Batman all the same її poov'yazuє that floods the police. So you can listen to yoga stick promo about the situation in Gotham, and then go to court. On which task is completed.

After the mister in the police department and spying on Barbara Gordon, she will call you and ask you to save the boxes with zbroєyu, like Volodya Penguin. The data will be with your GPS locator. We come to the place, neutralize the defense, and for the help of the destructor, seek out the armor. In the city for the task you take away containers for multiplayer.

Divine Kapelyushnik

Having climbed out of the sewers, afterward, help Lacey - Towers and commemorate three people in marvelous masks and nurses. A few hours later, the stench will vanish, and the Divine Dropper will call us. May I have a handcuff. We need to vryatuvati її. Idemo in the Drop Droplet, there will be a logo near the looking green Drop Drop. DO NOT miss. Come inside. The doors are closed to the dropper, close the doors and fasten at the ventilation shaft. Distribute on the other side and defeat the guards, then feed the Kapelyushnik and ... lean in the Land of Miracles. Run with a stitch, and then, uniquely electric pastes, go further. Kill 6 likhtars and go across the bridge to the ledge, fasten on the new one and lift them with offensive ledges.

1) So you spend until the first room. The exterior is like this: left doors, central doors, right doors.

2) At the other room, beat the enemies, and if the mirror breaks, get out of the room.

3) At the third room, go all the way and pick up the image of a clown for help. For an additional raft, get over on that bik to the stepping stone.

4) At the fourth kіmnati grab the ledge, bend down, climb up the mountain with gatherings, go down with a cable and go through the climb into another room.

5) At the fifth rock, for the help of Destroy's claw, make a cable, climb on the new one and beat for years, then work another cable and go out to the next stone.

6) At the highway stone, move from ledge to ledge, grinning at the dial and go to the next stone.

7) At the other room, for help, pull up on the bowl and lower it, after which tie it off at the ventilation. The dropper is already barking and crying. Climb into the yoga room, sing for the help of the gate betarang and cut from the right into the crack. Alice is vryatovano, Kapelyushnik is lying, the police are here. Idemo call.

Walk out of the jar, you will sing the vіzok, from such a valley weeping. Walk up to her and sing, what is empty in the carriage, and Shiva will attack you from behind. Know Batman, before speech. You will not fight with her, you will say that in Gotham an innocent person can perish and Batman is guilty of lying. We come to the mark and we hear screams. Tse from the shopping center, then let's go there. At shopping center hang a policeman, and under it - an electric pool. Let's try yoga. Іdemo on livy bіk and virubuyemo shield. Three ninjas will fly at us, calling on everything, a gift from Shivi. Let's take care of them and for the help of Destroy's claw, we rob the cable and move to another beak. From the other side, the shield is broken and I will be with the friends of Shivi again. After whom we call the policeman, we speak with him. Zavdyaki otrimaniem knowledge scanuєmo mistevіst in search of evidence and apparently from budіvlі. On the street, directly for evidence, and it is known that the corpse of a policeman was found. Back attack Shiva - counterattack and we speak with her.

Now it is necessary to come to Sheldon Park in order to fight with Shiva. We come to the place and we go to wake up. Shiva will not be alone, but with the helpers. Take on counterattacks. After that, as you know your health, I’ll talk to you and find out, but I’m wondering what else I need.

black mask

The task will become available once you find a container with an open steel plant. It is necessary to find containers with drugs, as if Black Mask was hiding. After dropping the containers, go to the park street and go to the church for the battle with Black Mask. Outside the church, there are outcast people. We sort them out, then we break the control console and bring the rest of the container with drugs. Now we fight with Black Mask and yoga hand to hand with people. Having won the beat, inform the police about Roman Sionis and leave the church. Everything, the mission is over.

Tse zavdannya you take away after the battle with Mednogolovka. Alfred will contact us and tell us what to ask for help. Let's go to the mark and let's go to the spetsnaz ambush. But the helicopter is falling. It is necessary to know and prove that understanding, who beat it so. Repair from the body of the pilot, then let's get on the ground and scan the gwent. Then turn around and analyze the tail section. Now we know the ballistic trace of a sniper. Spetsnaz was a sniper, ale vin bi did not shoot at his own. At whom it appears, zamіshany Deadshot. Idemo yogo next and known to the cooler with the coordinates. Drive them in at the sequencer and at least remember the Deadshot. We need to go to the bank in order to clash with Deadshot. We come to the bank and ask for the help of the destructor, including the harmony of a few people. After that, we methodically pick them up one by one, without bothering with them on the eyes of Deadshot. The devil of Deadshot has arrived. Beat yoga and try to knock out. You will wince in the face of your remaining blow. After the third try Deadshot in the flow to the handcuff. Foresee the visual position, go to the new back and get out. Everything, the mission is over.

Walking out of the mortuary following the analysis of one of Bane's people, you're talking about the police frequency, in which you can find about those that two gangs with a chemical attack ruled the essence. Required to review. On the Mіstsі bachimo bіytsіv, scho b'yutsya. Let's break them down and let them drink a single soldier, who is left at the witness. We go to the amusement park and repeat the same scheme that is at the docks. Let's finish the soldier, and then we'll scan the mission of the canister. Now it is necessary to come before night club My Alibi near Coventry for the battle with Ptah. The club has a mind with Ptah and yoga friends. After that, as soon as you fall, you will drink the bird and it will be virulent. You can go, the police will deal with him.

V'yaznі, scho flowed

How to take care of the task? In order to take care of the tasks, it is necessary to do the following:

1) Vikonuemo do everything well unsafe list let's stop, as if we'll tame Ptah.

2) Find out the investigation. The final future “Shooting on Zlochinniy Alley.

3) Complete the storyline.

After all, think it over, and take away the incoming call from Gordon to the wickedness of the 20 vilifications that flowed from Blackgate. Mustaches will be identified by GPS. Remember, evildoers will be the mothers of friends, and they will come to help them. Otzhe, look back at the mist. Having broken 20 evil-doers that flowed from Blackgate, you take the call from Gordon to the vdyachnistyu. Mission is over.

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