Walkthrough batman arkham city. Grey Walkthrough: Batman Arkham City

1 Batman: The Cob

Drink to Arkham City
Well, now we have a chance to get out - for whom we are going to go on the steel. Let's counter-attack defensively and pick up from the new chip. Let's sweat at "room A" and let's go to the gate, and then follow the two "protectors". Because of the wounds, it's best to counter-attack. Upvote Jack Ryder.

Check until Batman wakes up and gets close to the first gate. See the electric impulse from the inventory, and then turn it on the industrial engine, introduced in sublog No. 1. Ignore the handle with the latch on the back, because it’s more than a forward glance of the one that checks you through the sprat of mittevesti. Go to the other brami and again beat the electric impulse to open yoga # 2.

After going through the other brama next to Batman, you will hit the group # 1. Seemingly, there are similar rules for fighting with opponents equipped with knives, but also battling gnuchkishі, lower zvichaynі opponents. After the battle is over, go to the third gateway and come to the detective. Allow me to signify that the third promiscuous dvigun hovaetsya for the damaged part No. 1. Take vibukhovy gel, and then an electric impulse to bring the engine to Rukh No. 2.

Climb up and get in touch with Alfred
Vidbivaemo blow Penguin and distribute cuffs yoga lads. If so, you can virubaty Penguin. Let's go up to the dahi, on the contrary you will be "ACE Chemicals" - stribaєmo and grab over the ledge - ruhaєmosya him. Rise up and transform into Batman.
I break the talks TIGERIV.

You can already drink to the Head Hall of Miracles No. 1. Go straight ahead, after a lot of wheezing to the great gate No. 2. Listen to Batman's comment about the need to finish one Mechanical Guardians, Which is to help you, as if you were driven into another room.

Video of the Mechanical Guard

Find out more mechanical help to make more videos

The chance to join this side quest will appear after you win a duel with Mr. Frizel, which will be under the main quest “The Defeat of Mr. Friese” that No. 1.

2. Batman: Vryatuvat the Cat Woman from Two

Know the meeting of the Two-faced court and eat in the middle
It's easy to get to the point. Here you have the signal of the Bet searchlight in the sky, that green sign on the compass. Let's fly forward with a zagal, until we wake up with columns. At the entrance, the people of Dvolyky will taunt us, no harm. Let's go to the wake of the court of Solomon Wayne and let's go to 2 on top. Climbing with gatherings and knowingly protecting the beast, rushing with a rope - pirnaemo in the NATO. Garniy moment for reaching reach for combos.

Look at the map, and you are responsible for remembering that when you ask Nori Fries, that the squad of Mrs. Friz, you are guilty of going to the trade area No. 1. You are mainly responsible for landing on the bar, which is sailing, on the island’s waters, on the other side of the trade area. #2.

Turn to the next exit and you will hit wall No. 1. As you, it’s possible, remembered, the wall will strengthen you in the wall, so take a frosty vibe from inventory and bring yoga near the water, to create a crisis No. Point your gadget over the weakened anchor of the wall and repair pull # 1. If you reach the wall, take vibukhovy gel, spray yoga No. 2, and then recharge the charge, open access to a new place.

3. Batman: Replenish the Joker to find out more about "Protocol 10"

Scan the place of the evil for the z'yasuvannya of the ballistic data
Vikoristovuєmo scanner of evidence, scanuєmo follow in the cool:
1) Sklo
2) Sublog

Know the point from which the shooter was conducted
Directly to the church, 3 fools are checking us at the entrance, what a fool is checking. Let's go and see Harley Quinn.
In front of us, Harley's people are thrown, if you need to call in, we throw a Dim grenade and fire at the gargoyle. Vikoristovuemo detective mode, schob vivchiti situation. It is necessary to turn in the guards, a total of 4 guards.
Gently descending to the point where the levoruch is breaking through the wall and virubuyemo yoga. Rise and shoot on the fox to the other, virubuemo. Lost 2, going down after them and robimo "subvіyny virіshalny blow".

Inside the store, look at the entrance at the ventilation shaft No. 1 and beat it so that you can start drilling through the shaft. Zreshtoy, you need to get to the stone, there is a large group of opponents number 2. I guessed, the idea is to start a battle with activated attacks with right-hand clatters, if you need to be in order with one of the bandits No. 1. It’s a pity, the battle itself will be done with folding. Zokrema, let's talk about the problem of the hat, escaping the enemy, first of all, first of all, no. 2.

If anyone can draw a pistol, then always keep these people in front of us. In addition to the ozbroєnih bandits, you are also guilty of protecting them for an hour by exchanging blows with opponents equipped with climbs No. 1. After the battle is over, you don’t need to be a kind of rite of interaction with the frozen body of Nori Fries at the magazine, so that the knowledge will be automatically recorded by Batman. You can turn to the street just like that, or you can choose the main exit door No. 1.

Scan the sniper rifle to reveal evidence
Let's go to the link, scan the sniper rifle and see it at the window.

Watch out for the radio signal and know the Joker
Following the sensor, directly to the Pivnichny Dokiv area. Dzherelo comes out of the steel plant "Sionis Industries".

Penetrate on steel plant through the head tube
Chop for the largest pipe right-handed in front of you and fall down.
It is passed from the skeins to the edge of the trumpet and it is passable through the streets. We take a claw, we see a hatch from the hinges, to extinguish the fire. Stribaemo down, grabbing over the ledge and climbing to the next beak. We shoot onto the railing and cross over on that bik, through the fire. Turn on the detective mode, vikoristovuyemo vibukhovy gel, sobbit dirka in the underworld. We pass through the ruins. To turn the pair up, press the right-handed button with a beta rang.
Passable through the "dval", posterіgayuchi for Tim, scho vіdbuvaєtsya. Vilasimo and spare the Joker bandy.

The fact that you can come to this side quest will be informed at the hour of the cost-free visit to Arkham. You will be informed about those who have phone number #1 in the region. Press and select the card and detector mode to find phone number 2. You will be embarrassed to take the fate of the yogo divine grі, straightened out on the order of innocent people. Don't allow you to do anything, keep doing it, don't take away the phone call. As before, you will need to land and pick up the phone number 1.

Vryatuvat the doctor against the thugs of the Joker
And demo at the door is angry, in front there will be a trinity, vikoristovuemo conveyor. We move along the gargoyles and silently know them. The doors are fixed, we break through the windows. Idemo livoruch, virubuyemo two. Neutralize all the occupants, ryatuemo doctors - take away the gadget.

Find the way to the Joker's office near the vintage sector
Idemo to the door livoruch, vіdchinyaєmo for the help of a new gadget. We pass through the ventilation and are familiar with the lads, who "stuck the wind". Turning to the vantage vіdsіku, on the contrary, the generator will be stealing - we shoot at the new electric charge and vikoristovuєmo the crane, to break the whiskey to the beast.
Weide the gang, in order to get better at us - shoot at the one-armed Russian clown with electric charges, shoot them all with a "turntable", and then we will achieve it. Climb up the hill, to the office.

This time you already stick to the right tasks. Having played the stage for a long time, you will be embarrassed by the recognized telephone booth in the other part of the place No. 2. Obviously, the main shifts are those that you need to fight # 1 times. Be kind, work out the map mode, carefully plan your route. Also, the launcher of the hook has been repaired, the launching of the expanded reality has been removed from the side, and the shards of Batman's catapult are out of the building. As soon as you reach the appointed place, take phone number 2.

4. Batman: Find Mr. Freeze and take the faces

Know Friz by identifying yourself cold spot in Arkham City
We may have a temperature sensor, only to know Freese. Ruhaєmos at the bіk Gotem, vzdovzh rivers - we get to the police station. At the entrance, the boys are checking on us, passable. We open the door with an electric discharge and weave under it. We take a chip from a dead guardian and fix it for a new wind. We go in at the door, at the livoruch hall - the guard is broken. Hovaemosya behind the horn, you can shoot at the gargoyle - lift up. We know everything according to our will, but the rest is drunk.

Try not to waste the signal too long and work on your own until you finish the rozmovu # 2. The solution to this quest is even closer. You will sometimes take the new weekly number 1, and in these situations you will reach another stand at the appointment hour number 2.

Yogo roztashuvannya is located in the industrial district No. 2, and you just need to drink there at once. As soon as you arrive, you may need to clean up the deeds of the entangled No. 1 in the same area, but it’s not guilty to be a problem. After the battle is over, find the interactive door #2, go to Zsasha's hideout.

Vryatuvati Mr. Freeze in the view of Penguin at the museum
Vikoristovuemo cipher sequencer, to break the panel at the room of protection and open the door (ANATOMY). Apparently and directly on the light of the spotlight - to the museum. To eat in the middle - the castle is broken (Zakamyanіlіst), we go. Vchimosya sneer at the red line. There will be a gate, which is closed (closed) by a ruh sensor - it’s right-handed at the right hand and it’s turned on to turn on the sensor.

Navite do not try to open the door here, because the stench is instigated. Natomist turn right-handed, wiymіt kіgot z іnventaryu and vytyagnіt lattice No. 1 of the fan. Theoretically, it was supposed to be, Batman should have been unique Zsasha, ale wine, ymovirno, buve bi floorings on the electors, which would have been neobov'yazkovo. Tape off shaft #1 and straighten straight. Zupinіt's bіlya bіlya bіlya rіvієtsya here for a dozen seconds, you're guilty of remembrance that the rіvіn vіdі vіyno change. Check until you get up and go through the station number 2.

You can get around here in two ways. The first way is to choose a program and go to the visible #2 on the screen. We mali b tse robiti, if the rіven drive a buv decrease. If you don't want to rizikuvati, you can vikorate the frosty vibukh and create crying package No. 1 with it.

Disable Generator and Crosscode of Penguin
Apparently, we go to the street and climb to the museum, let us protect it, and then we will create a perestroy. Then we'll have another transmitter, a little bit on the pivnich from you ... and then we'll stop. Vіn know near the metro. We go down to the trains, the left hand will be a car - we climb up the hill, we pass through the abandoned mines. We hear the enemies, for the help of harmony we lift the doors - we go inside. Our meta is guarded by the nato's escaping enemies, we know them one by one, vicarious gargoyles. Let's go down the road, turn to the museum.

Regardless of how you move, you need to turn your left hand if you reach the new police. Reply here and run #1, then skip it. As everything goes according to the plan, Batman automatically spіymaє edge # 2 after forging. Roll right hand until you reach the new police, you can climb to # 1. Straight to the left until you reach the offensive break # 2.

No one has figured out that a superhero character can be rich in content, different and perfected at the same time. Suddenly, we were surprised by the benefits of Batman's Dark Face: Arkham Place. Floating between the dahas, we do not care about the dark streets, to the edges, filled with a dark element. From the other side, budіvlі, yakі we can zapravadzhuvati, є more okremimi objects. The Joker, Pan Friza, the spanking people, the penguin, the fearless Ivy or two individuals know one of the same. At Yogi's arsenal appeared grenades from the frieze, batarangs, baits, and throws. mission is still possible in a different way, if we steal, to stand against dozens of opponents in a regular battle. What is important - difference in game process scho in what є іgryki Batman, yakі ask you to win, for example, battles, bonuses, knowledge and other rewards. As a result, a gra, vikonan with surgical accuracy, and with artistic talent come out.

  • Bigger = shorter.
  • What was crushed by the first, the new Batman became more beautiful.
Batman has a lot of gadgets in the intestines and, which is important, victorious їх ux in the round.

Treat Mr. Freeze to Penguin at the Museum
Break the gate suddenly (dinosaurus). Idemo down, ryatuemo cop - we know the code. Idemo down, there will be a lattice - vikoristovuєmo kerirovanie betarang, straight yogo into the button.
Let's go with the NATO, then we'll see the clown, inflate with "TITAN" - climb up to the back on the back and throw them all. If the wine will be on you - vikoristovuemo swidky betarang, like in 1 part.
To go far, you need to win the betarang and activate the button. Breaking the castle (YURSKIY). Vikoristovuemo lift, for additional harmonies - on the way we will vibrate the wall. Looks like we’re going into the hall, ryatuemo dead cop - and then two more to help the raft of that betclaw. So far, we are not following the penguin, but we are passing through all the rooms and ryatuemo police officers and our main meta - Mister Freeze. (Friz is located opposite the room where the yoga suit is located). To go to Frieze - open the gate (REPTILIA). Right-handed in Friza - wall, lamaєmo її - zustrіchaєmo another twin brother (one-armed), the tactics are the same. Passable that zvіlnyaєmo Friza (MIKROKHVILNA).

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. And de lakalo? Zhakhliva, the nomenclature of the sign, the shkoda, that there was no place in the world for one of Batman's biggest foes - lapped. Zhakhi Batman from the front part of us miraculously know, and we are happy with it, that it is an artistic masterpiece. There was no time for the Scarecrow to inspire yogo, chi, shvidshe, Batman's nightmare. Virobniki tried to compensate for the help of other tendit gameplay, but the stench couldn't help but stink. Nothing amazing. It is possible, if not the fault of the gris itself, but rather the sequence of speeches, but it is impossible to take, that after Arkham we minted a gleaming gris, watching for the splendour of that її mentality, and to that we її otrimali.

  • Too little women-guts.
  • Too bad.
  • Like before, there are no transport costs.
Everything is better, just why are there so few women-guts?

5. Batman: Battling Penguin at the Iceberg Lounge

Take the key to the security system from Freeze's suit, to kill Krizhan Garmat
After that, as Frieza was called, let's go to the hall opposite. Breaking a window with a suit that takes new clothes.
Directly to "Kryzhanoi Vitalni", Penguin is already checking us. It is necessary to go a little closer to deactivate the harmata. We move between the arches, not trapleyuchis under the stream of ice. We reach the place - virubuyemo garmatu.

Solomon Grandi
There are grandiose electricians, on the "arena" є 3 zherel zhivlennya. For help to the gel - dzherela znischuemo, it is necessary that bivaemo yogo. Diemo according to the same tactics once again, do not forget to turn into a sack, stribkiv and majestic paws. Let's finish it with him. We surmount from the majestic hands, roam three dzherels and now we will definitely finish with him.
Bіgaєmo type of missiles, bіvaєmo Penguin.

6. Batman: Know Ra "s al Ghul and take a sip of yoga blood

Follow the crooked trail of the drive to get to Ra's al Ghul
Scan blood, let's follow. Vin may bring you to the dachas, de shave.

Vіdskanuvati bandi vbivtsі for evidence
Let's prove it.

Vistezhiti vbivtsyu and install a beacon
Nazdoganyayemo girl, counter-attack attach a bug.
We need a new gadget for Robin.

Forgive for the card, for the help of the beacon, to go to Ra "s al Ghul
Idemo on the badge, which will bring us to the Joker's Happy Island. We go down into the sewer, we reach the urvish - it is necessary to win the rope thrower. We ferry to the gate (to the next beak), we start to turn back, but to the middle we are right-handed and ferry to that bek. We reach the hatch, break through the log - we know the enemies and break the panel (CARPON). We pass through the subway and we go to the streets. We cross over to the clowns, at the beat - and then at the door.
Ryatuєmo guarantor of the people of the Joker. Going down and apparently, to go through the gate - vikoristovuemo harmat.

Reinvent the video of the mechanical varti
We scan all the robots in my space. 2 on the stands, 2 on the streets, 1 on the dakha, 2 at the broken booths.

Know secret entrance, for help video data
We marvel at the video, we go to the wall and swear by it. We carry out a counter-attack and open the door with a sword. Іdemo and pіdnіmaєmosya gatherings. Everything is falling straight, to the majestic gates. Directly for Talієyu and p'єmo from the cup.
Parim vzdovzh white trajectory on a bril, chіplyaєmosya for hook. For the most part you can’t chip anything, otherwise it’s a failure. Let's take a look at the wars, let's fly into the middle of the whirlwind. Let's step on the bril, then on the other side - we'll climb into the war - in the middle of the tuft. Rise and rise with Talia.
On the back, we’re going down in the air, then, we’re slacking off in the wind of dawn - we’re shooting with an electric discharge at the bigger Ra “c al Ghul (shoot it right in the gap, between the viins, on the other side). attacked and slaughtered the head.
Vikoristovuemo kerirovanie betarang.

7. Batman: Prepare faces

Help Queen Sharpe and get information about Hugo Strange
We turn on the street, the stars came along the way, we see through the metro - the gates are broken (VIDDILENNYA). rise. Directly to the measure ... let go of the boys of the new and take away the yoga.

Turn to Mister Freeze to the Police Lab with Ra's al Ghul's bright blood
Directly to the police station, through the blood.
On the back, let’s go to Frieze, you can overcome yoga in two ways:
1) Vicorist sharpening (Magnets on the walls, lift the walls thinly).
2) Vykoristovuvati gadgets (yogo and technology), beat at the back.
We achieve that we take away the faces, we take away the gadget.

8. Batman: Take the faces from the Joker

Vryatuvati Viki Vale at the scene of a helicopter accident
Virushaemo on the mist of the collapse, let the snipers around (it's easy to know, the stench is seen at gunpoint). Ryatuёm reporter.

Infiltrate the steel plant
Virushaemo to the plant, which once we go through the head door. For additional slabs, it is poured down the drain, it is white-clawed, so that we weave better and do not consume the bream. Far away, passable through the ventilation - effectively vlіtaєmo at the window, handed out to the guardians - at the advancing advancing ryatuєmo people in the form of death. We break through the wall, I renew the victorious plates. We reach the front doors, the left-handed shield shows you, and in front of the electrician. Vikoristovuemo curing betarang, direct yogo through the electrics to the shield.
We create a ledge, we get to the right-handed passage - we break the panel (ROMANSIONIS). Zzadu vpade mist, zustrіchaєmo doctor.

Know the Joker at the steel mill
We go to the shop from remelting, neutralize the cotton. The attacking enemy has a sniper and all the mines - shoot up the hill and reach the conveyor. Zalіzaєmo in a box and transported to the sniper behind his back - stribaєmo uphill and know ... po'yazan Harley Quinn.
We pass through the mine, straight to the vantage vіdsіku. There are two snipers and two simple clowns. Chіpleyaєmosya hook and throw off snipers, sorting out from the enemies that are left out. Rise to the office, let's go for arrows.
Let's take the Joker, and then let's take the servant. We shoot at a one-armed electric discharge - in the rozkin of our own, victorious bully "Titan" - we achieve everything.

9 Batman

Scan helicopter "TIGER" to know the program of general management
Chiplyaєmos for helicopters and scans them until we know the main program. It is necessary to scan ~ 6-7 helicopters.

Pick up the transmitter of the programs of the main control from the lead helicopter
We can scan the helicopter, capture the data in the betcomputer - we will take the access code to Oglyadova Vezha.

Otrimati access to Chudo-Vezhі
Straight to the door. Zlamuemo (Nadihuyuchi). We descend and pass through to the gate, virubuyemo security with electric clubs. After the messenger of H'yugo - weide natovp (1/2 ozbroenі). If you throw dim - the shooter will pochnetsya, so - better in the old way. We go down into the sewer, and then at Dirk to the very bottom. For the help of a cable thrower, we pass to the hall with gargoyles and stun the nurse. We know all the security, we break the elevator:
1) intrusive
We rise, once we climb into the hatch. There will be an ambush from above, we attack from behind. Breaking the gates (ARMORING). On the ledge we get to the antenna (great trumpet) - s її kintsya, so we go to find the point. Pipes tear up the hill.
The elevator shaft has a broken panel (PIDTRIMANNYA) - we swipe at the hatch, which we see, then at the ventilation. At the "heart of the vezhy" the nato's guards are protecting the divine professor, we know one at a time. 1 protect you from the balcony, when you hear it, you will start making jokes. Stribayuchi from the balcony to the balcony will allow everyone (you can also beat the gargoyles to increase the protection). Let's go to Hugo (Zakhist GOTHEM).

10. Batman: Take the faces of the Joker and make you become immortal

Walk behind the beacon, turn Thalia into the Joker
Idemo to the sign, as if you would bring us to the theater. There will be a lot of snipers in the future - maybe, you need to get rid of them. Quietly we go to the theater.
May be beaten with Clayface, among the people - clay people. It is necessary to throw bombs at him with screaming bombs, and when you reach him, you will succumb to the blows. If the wines are more frequent, you will need to stand in front of the dynamite. If health is lost in the new one - we climb that strong sword - we cut yoga into pieces. I repeat once more all the same.
Unexpectedly, clayeys will show up, vidbivaemos - and also thrown bombs by Clayface. Let's go, we'll get it.


Woman-intestine: Episode No. 1
Restrict access to the safe
Well, well, we have before us natovp lads - the time has come to show them how sharp the teeth of Zhinka-Kishka are.
We take the flash card from the safe.

Woman-intestine: Episode No. 2

Pick up equipment from the ukrittya
Straight to the roof, climbing through the top at the door. We attack the enemies - including the "villainous star" - we strike at the windows.
Take away hiss and bola.

Infiltrate the Broken Ivy Lair
Idemo in the ivy light. We get to the hotel vikoristovuemo "villainous star" - we go in the head door, like a city. It is necessary to virub the lads, drugged by Ivy. After that, we shoot it to the stele and climb everything more and more. We get to Pamelya, again b'emo lads ... and at the same time we succumb to the spittles of the bur'yanivs.

Woman-intestine: Episode No. 3

Sneak into the warehouse confiscated
Looks like Ivy's lіgva and straight to the warehouse. Having passed the passage to the sewer, we are aware of the aggressive attack and we go down. We pass to the guard room.

Eat to hell and take vidobotok
On the back, you need to win 3 cards, to open the doors at the shovishchi. Stribaemo on the stele, vmikaemo zlodіyskiy zіr i chekaєmo, while the guards rise one by one. Carefully scribble from behind and quietly pick up 3 cards, turn them and insert them into the computer.
Now it’s necessary to eat to the meeting, with the stars neutralizing tigers. Let's go to the gathering, that blatant diplomat, here we are attacked by NATO - are you swindled? Let's take diplomacy.

Deprive Arkham City of Zdobichchu
Idemo...you have a choice:
1) Turn around in Arkham City and turn Batman...
2) Drink in Gotham City then Batman is dead
If you choose 1 - everything will be alright, and if you choose 2 - it will rewind for an hour and you will be given another chance.
We climb to the surface.

Woman-intestine: Episode No. 4

Take the loot from the loot and get rid of Arkham City
Directly in the back, the best way is not to stick with the scattered lads on the dahas. Zalizaemo at the window, as before.
Rise up and protect yourself ... the rest of the drink.

Collect the loot from Two-Face at the museum
Directly to the museum and try not to get into the biyka. By the entrance, as if through the museum, the people of Two-Face were known. Let's go inside. Virushaemo to the arena - there is already NATO Dvoliky, but it's not a problem for us. We pass to the hall, where there is water. Going down and propovzaemo on the sitci (podlozi). The axis of mi and th was squandered to zbroyovoї (there was a Friz costume). Turn on the villainous star. Two-faced with his majestic accordion on the balcony. And now the axis can not call on anyone, except Dvolikiy himself. Directly to the new and we achieve.

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