Batman arkham walkthrough. Know Mr. Freeze and take the faces. Find Freeze by identifying the coldest spot in Arkham City. Vryatuvati officers of the police, what they have lost.

Bruce Wayne is going to put on the costume of the fearless Batman. Out of the way "Blackgate" is one of the safest villains...

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

Before Christmas, Bruce Wayne should put on the costume of the fearless Batman. From the "Blackgate" vtikaє one of the safest villains of Gotham - Black Mask. Having landed here under the walls of the pit, we pass through the middle, bending down under the stumps. Let's spare the head of the yaznitsa Joseph mafia. Sneaking up from behind and pushing the button of counterstrike in an uplifted way. Similarly, it is necessary for the boss himself. Drinking yoga, we go to the prison block A and go down by gatherings. We are corrected by the enemies from the sche dekilkom. From the rest of the mafia, it is known that Chorna Mask led Loub to the chamber of stratum.

New investigation of mischief in the detective mood. After the singing of the podia, you need to sing, chi vbivtsya є vbivtsy. In practice, it means that you are trying to know the evidence, marked by a scarlet tricutnik on the cordon. Ring out, the investigation starts from the twisting of the body. As if the fire-fighting armor was driven in, you will see the victim pouring into the trajectory of the cool. Step by step you transform all the evil things on the line of the hour, you can roll forward and back smoothly. You know that the victim missed the subject, or was buried in prison until death.

A drone is seen near the corridor. Zbivaemo uz'yaznenih and chіplyaєmos hook for the upper ledge. Opponents in bulletproof vests first need to be slapped, and then we’ll send a series of hard blows. I’ll start victorious like this, so that I can rise up the hill. Leaning at the point of registration of the aggravated, vmikaemo detective zіr. We select the beta rank i, aiming, we throw yogo into the control jumper of the metal gate. Hurry up, slither under a small slit. Allow the mafia and see Vicky Vale - a reporter, as if she was stupefied in aggravation. Embossed on the elevator door button. Let's go to the mine, choose vibukhovy gel and apply yoga on the German bed. Pіdrivaєmo and zіstribuєmo down.

The axis of the stars has come, the stars have shown up, and then you will know the little piece of the jacket on the broken window. The pardons were filled with Batman's gadgets, the stench easily blew up the combat system and the tree's vitality, but all the changes were cosmetic. Batman can make new gas grenades, like throwing enemies at the berserker. In battles, you will take away electric mittens, as if you are guilty of trying to hit with your fists, so that you could stick your fingers out, as if the vikoristos will sound like a combo. The best butt is a police officer of anti-terrorist gangs, which you are guilty of missing and laying hands on yourself.

Black Mask of dissatisfaction with the mind's mind. To that vin virishiv pіdnyati rebellion and straighten out from the commissar Loub, who was “annihilating” with Mask's handout. It's not a secret for anyone that the police officers and their boss are willing to take swabs from criminal authorities. Rozkrivaєmo ventilatіyni ґrati and by mine we get to the aggravated ones. We deal with him and go to the gate, for which the remaining enemy is known. Idemo in the application of the right-handed, vikoristovuєmo betkog, to attract the ventilation arms. Zasribuyemo in the mine and ruhaєmos in obhіd. We apply the gel on a tenditnu wall and adjust it. The steps of the door can be opened by quickly releasing two betarangs into the skin button. Rozkrivaєmo grati betkogtem and along the mine vybiraєmosya until the month of stratum. Vryatuvati Louba, unfortunately, do not go into it.

Only visual changes have recognized improvements in functions. Looking differently, but doing it the same way, like before. For the completion of battles, investigations, attachments of speeches or quiet mischief-makers, you take away the eyepieces of good faith, so you invest in susani or stusani or in the improvement of gadgets.

Utilization is visible everywhere. Ale it was so bright, the nіbi shirt was spilled, and yet the bird's last was visible in the sky, nіbі vіn shoyno vypav from the sky. Ale stinks could not grab a lot of cheap pardons before the thunder. The most important dialogues are silent. Instead of hearing that the filthy lad may be with you, Batman starts talking about Alfred.

We break through the slope, pushing the pressure on the button of the haircut. We'll straighten up the mafiosi without protection and only then calmly with them, who has a bulletproof vest. Vibіgaєmo into the corridor, viymaєmo a memory card from a small drone. Chіplyayuchis betkogtem, pіdіymaєmosya more and more. Black Mask vstigaє vkti. On the Dahu, there is less Croc-Killer. Uhilyaєmos at bіk vіd yogo attacks. We'll hit the enemy and start a series of strikes, until the veins hit the oklematis. If Krok is taken for the fire tank, let out a sprat of betarangiv. The enemy can take us. In this way, it is fast and often embossed on the button, which is shown, and under pressure on the button of the haircut, it is fast to go to the side. Dopituemo Kroka-Vbivtsiu. It's obvious that Black Mask recognized the city for Batman's head. Gordon and a bunch of policemen will try to spy on us. Virushaemo to the oven to read the memory card found.

Sometimes a street villain shouts at your zipped fool, call if you are blacked out. After the recording of a new window opening, it looks like a sound, and to finish the recording of a new window, the image is opened at a one-hour recording, and the position is seen at the same time. The design is a place of zagostreniy and іnоdі іnоdі іnоdо іnоdіn іnоdіn zоzіmіlo аnd where іt і go і thе stakes.

Nothing surprises you, which means the mass of the year of a well-thought-out follow-up dovkilla, quietly lowering the enemy with hopeless gadgets and, no less importantly, subtly lashing. From the other side, you know it will come in handy, as you have already lost a lot of originality for a long time.

Evil vezhi

We’ll fill up the golden maidanchik and go straight to Betcomputer. The best of the best you can know and figure out Batman. The one who makes money for the best, takes away a city of $ 50,000,000. Vіsіm ubivts, kozhen z yih may be unique novice. One of them we already zneshkodili - Krok-Vbivtsyu.

Penguin is the same as we see Black Mask. The unmanned aerial vehicle of knowledge at the v'yaznitsa lied to you. The GPS signal indicates the next destination - Jezebel Plaza, where you will see the people of Penguin. View a map of Gotham City and select a drop off point in the Bauer area. However, it is not possible to get there, as there is no way to jam the signal on the GCR gates in the Coventry area. We pass forward, open the door and stick to the mafia. Zastosovuєmo dimovu grenade and shvidko chіplyaєmos hook for the upper ledge. Turning on the detective zіr і, re-stringing with serrations, leaning over the head of the enemy. Povisaєmo that conducted zahoplennya. We fly to the protilezhny kut, we open the grati and we go through the mine. Neutralize one more evil and climb up to the stepping ventilation pipe. We go up to the crooked wall, we break through and zaplyuyemo the enemy. Redirect to the next book, turn lefthand and move forward. Chіplyaєmos hook for the ledge and vіdrazu conducted zahoplennya opponent.

We are all just agents of chaos

Adaptation of the grit of one of the most popular comics in the world can be written in dekilkom ways. I'm not guilty of forgetting about twenty-five-fifteen-fifteen-fifteen-fifteen-fifteen-seventh birthdays about how Bruce Wayne came to the dark wires for his fathers. The end of the goalless promotion of one of the best and most promising brands in the sphere of development. It’s amazing that they didn’t choose a specific story from the universe of kazhaniv for their sake, but they allowed their Polen Dinim, a certified scriptwriter of animated series.

We pass to the control room and see the corpse at the toilet. The evidence scanner is activated, the body and footprints on the wall are scanned. According to the post-mortem situation: under the hour of the repair of the access panel, it became such a tightness that the practitioner was killed and broke through the wall of the scrotum. We can scan the access panel that z'yasovuєmo, that the body of the one who, having added pasta, knew in the Diamond sprat's surroundings a year ago. It is necessary to know the key card, without it it is impossible to unlock the access panel. I’m revisiting the post-mortem situation and it’s right to move forward. You can see the trace that led by the ventilation shaft. Opening the gate, opening the proof scanner and scanning the key card. We select the encryption sequencer and behind the help of a new hackable access panel. Povіlno obertaєmo mini-joysticks doti, docks z'appear word chi wording. Opening the door, lifting the gatherings and opening one more door, quickly and often pressing on the exit button. Zlamuemo dzherelo pereshkod. Enigma control everything is safe in the city. The skin area has one vezha. For the mitt's relocation by mist, it is necessary to break the heads themselves.

The result is marvelous, and now you can curse anyone who tries to tell you a story. How does it end, it’s clear to you from the first second, but the spell is cast in the step-by-step roaring of the clips storyline, revealing new kutochkiv of Arkham Island and confrontation of crooked enemies. You care that you are not impossible on the cob. For winning duels, fantastic and effective combos and impersonal other speeches, you will take away the eyepieces so that you can unlock the best armor or more effective Batarani.

Changing the renewal of the Medal of Honor: Airborne paratroopers can simply paint your hair in your head, but you don’t need to paint Kazan on the wall - otrimannya novlenya vіdbuvaєtsya more properly, and there is no logical reason, because you don't have three batarangіv at a time, and in a second, don't mark it for the whole hour. Batman is not a hero of the classical slaughter. If you ever figured out that you don’t have any special strengths, should you be honest? For this reason, there is a wide range of technical achievements, yak, obviously, you sip at the paw.

Vistezhennia Penguin

The path near the Bauer district lies through the Mist. Apparently, from the place, it looks like a door from the left side, and it is chosen on the dachas. We get to the Bauer area and go straight to the place of operation, guided by the green icon on the radar. It’s the first one, it’s good for a quiet place, and it’s worthy of selling it. The first to attack is the one in whose hands there is an armor. Turn on the detective zіr, schobi to reveal the arrow. Under the hour of battle it is not allowed, so that another evil-doer would pick up the garmat. Neutralizing everyone, dopituemo Chatterbox. We pick up our phone, take out the SIM card and find out about Penguin's financial situation. The signal is silenced with fresh GCR. Virushaemo to her, orienting on the radar. We clean up the enemy. Vikoristovuёmo kerirovanie betarang, carried out through the electrification of the rozlom and hit on the access panel. It’s easy to aim, including the inversion of the beta rank in the adjustments. We open the door behind the help of the encryption sequencer, we break the vishka.

Absolutely great - so the titles of the detective mode, the specialty of Batman's glasses, de vie can fire the thermal paths of the enemies, important objects and collapsible objects, which will show you more expensively short analysis. All buttons are marked with one button, which is very intuitive.

Polit with a smile on the faces!

However, you may not need any of these gadgets at the classic battle of night and day. It's one of the most poignant aspects of the new Batman. With your fists you will spend 50 vіdsotkіv in the whole game hour. If you want to practically control less than three of them, you will know from the very cob that we will frown on the screen. The wrapper wraps around his back, the blow of the haircut is not insignificant, you stop blaming your fist in disguise, you take the filthy lad over your head and throw yoga over the railing. I, regardless of the simplicity of operation, you still do not have an enemy of too great simplicity.

We proceed to the evil system of linking Penguin. We point the indicator at the center of the brown stake, the pressed button is shown for the transmission. Penguin, having organized a free transfer without a dart, we feel the same mischievous people that they are moving between themselves. We get to portable radio stations, neutralize enemies and similarly conduct signal blowing. Another radio station is being guarded by two thugs. In the form of a direct attack, it is more likely to be eliminated. We turn on the detective zone, we land here nearby and, having crept, we neutralize one by one.

Special features - pass, in whichever you are guilty, include the opponents of the move one by one, in order to avoid the anxiety. Please you, to enjoy yourself with haircuts from one kіntsa kіmnati on іnshe, more kupiruvannyam and distant swidka and effective immobilization of the enemy and widowy weed at the safe place, like prishovuє tіn at the upper part of the stone and mine ventilation. Obviously, there are no duels with bigger monsters, as you need to beat with shovels for more warmth and quick maneuvering, and logically not with duels of opponents.

Liner "Final Offer"

The penguin is on the old ship "Final Offer". In the same place, a military tournament is held there and, vіdpovіdno, the liner is teeming with evil spirits of all stripes. First, take it on board, you need to put snipers on board. We fly to the gate, land on it, sneak up to the gate, silently deal with it. Enemies rotten bachat, but miraculously smell. Passed to a lifted container and a view to a crane. We strebuyemo on the lower container, on which the other sniper is known. Having neutralized yoga, we go down on board and move to the right side. The two part ways periodically. We deal with them if the enemy on the bridge gets angry. Let's move on to the protilezhny bik and through the eyes of the deafening enemy. The one that is on the bridge is filled with nasmkinets. Let's get into position, de bov the first sniper. Let's fly straight to the doors and straighten out the wickedness. For the consumption of vikoristovuemo Dimov grenade.

Їх here sprat, and schorazu є іnsha tactic. Advance: You don't want to have a surprise, skip the upcoming fragment. In grі you can know Harley Quinn, sexy nurse, yak, unconcerned with infantilism, and an unacceptable adversary. From yoga v'yaznitsі otruyna Ivy otrimuetsya the whole island with majestic kvіta. As one of the first, you will be sanctioned by Pan Zhsas. You are so maddened, as if defiantly taking off your goose skin with your stingy visions.

And at the end, you will win your strength by the Joker himself, who, obviously, will crush a fatal pardon and stand on your back. The Oracle, the daughter of Commissar Jim Gordon, will help you, you will always be in touch with you, but you will happen to rely on yourself.

We penetrate into the middle and stick with two opponents with a dagger. It is not possible to contract them, you can only cheat by pressing the counterattack button and the “back” button. Going down, we sound the opponents against the enemy and we deal with the others, not allowing us to take down any of them (there is a characteristic clatter of reloading). We pass to deck 1. We pass through the dip and bypass the flooded lot. One more lot is bypassed, shackled on a metal beam. Zdiysnyuєmo strike at the planned and neutralize the enemies. We go to the edge, choose a white claw and attract a slab. Having stuck on a new one, we move along the water, pulling ourselves up by the rings on the walls. The rest of the heel is attached to the stele, we cling to it and collapse. We climb up the hill and get to the boiler room.

From heaven heavenly Robin cannot stand. A robot with these filthy lads borrows a lot of decent ones from you, plus minus fifteen years of a clean hour to an average folding, and if you don’t get it, you can either drink a joke food signs, that rozpovsyujuyutsya just Riddle's Riddles, or tame adrenaline into a special problem mode, which is nothing else, like an impersonal arena, in which you will resist more and more zbrayna group of enemies. Shvidshe, however, repeat the whole story, prinaymni z'yasuvati, zavzhda Batman's costume.

The tournament will be fought at the very rozpal. Turn right-handed and, pokavshi moment, passable blow the trumpet. Chіplyaєmosya for the step and continue to go forward, looking for pinning the supply of a bet. Lift it up more, beat the white claw, to open the metal doors on the left side. Vibiraemos to the arena and zustrіchaєmosya with a stun gun. One hit is enough to knock yoga out. Neutralize evil spirits, such as Tracey national against us. Keep track of those who have knives and who pick up important items and get ready to throw. Metaєmo in them swidky betarang. Dopituemo enemy, scho zdavsya. You can get to Penguin's office through the theater at the other end of the casino. We open the door with the sign "Exit". Having risen a little more, let's go straight and walk on the steps of the door. Stretching down, restretching through the gap, and, crouching down, slipping under the crack. Propovzaemo forward, anew slipping and going down. Activate the detective air of the manifestation of the German wall, for the priming of the victorious victorious gel.

Oskіlki Batman - really dark comics, don't joke about cheerful and warm letters here. Navpaki, everything is nailed either to a cold steely tone, or it’s namingly divine, in the ideal case of that and the other. However, the greatest joy lies in the fact that you cannot get enough of the right comical thunder, as if not only miraculously looking, but miraculously graying. You will find a lot of documents that will help you to understand the motivation of other characters and show you what the evil ones are, and the first stink will become the evil ones.

Let's go slow for a long walk for help, then we'll just hurry up and grab him. We move to the end to the right and chime like that. We walk to the edge, marveling to the left and uphill. Zneshkodzhuєmo a couple of evildoers. We climb up to the upper deck and press against the wall. Behind the horn are three enemies. Distantly turning betarang, launching yoga at the bik vorogiv, passing through the electrified area above the door, zdiyasnyuemo sprat of the latest turns, so that the result is to defeat the enemy with a zbroєyu. It doesn't matter to get along with others. Let's go to the next end of the corridor, chop with a claw behind the bed and bring down yoga. Climbing up the hill, opening the grate and passing through the mine.

The price will not be voiced, like a slander about professionals, and the result is true. The greatest joy lies in the fact that you will have a whole gra in the rest of the gra, so that you can continue a hundred grafts. " Naykrascha gra with a comical hero, as if there was a light in the world.”

The stench is adding to the group's reception dim chi snig. Vidobrazhennya. Vibration is good seen in the grі, for example, the earth. The effect of superfluous occlusion adds darkness to dark spots. On the stage of visibility, it is most visible on the doors. The tension after the occlusion effect of dovkill increased from 24 to 27 frames per second.

Having got away from the casino, we stribuyemo from any side, sneak up to the arrow and neutralize yogo. Follow him best with a detective eye. Having straightened out of the two, the whole of NATO will appear. The one with the armor is left alone. Stitch after him, so that they don’t pick up the fire armor. There is a ventilation shaft near the hut, which will lead us to the access panel. Zlamuemo її sequencer and turn to the hall. With care, we sneak up to the skin streltsya. The stench is to stand on one place, but they can wrap themselves around themselves. I'm going through the doors that are opening, the elevator is calling out and on the new one we are going to the burial room. Neutralizing Tracy, pressing on the button of the counterattack and locking it in the key. Breaking the access panel above the table. We break through the pressure on the button of the haircut. Opening the door, we take a blow against the great adversary. Yogo is too much for us, I’m going to be roamed with the worst enemies. We inflict low blows, if there are red badges above the opponent's head.

Minimum against. maximum graphics settings

Best nashtuvannya gri. Improving the maximum detail. Povna yakіst. Nalashtuvannya of the lowest nalashtuvani. Small amounts of fine adjustments are not enough to add to the schedule, the difference between the minimum and maximum adjustments of details is small. You note the presence of dynamic shadows and the effect of superfluous occlusion, fermentation, fermentation like a rose in swedish rus. Seemingly, the Russians have a lot more vіdmіnnosti, but the stench is still dramatic.

You can know the comments for the rest of the distribution. I have a filthy setting to what. As the main campaign takes 12 years, there are a few bled from the past. It’s not a single way, if you want to grow up in a vipadical order, it’s normal, it’s important too thin. oskіlki htos want to play in hardcore, vin may such a choice.

We pass to the great hall. Іdemo livoruch and unfailingly climb to the opponent with a break. Vtіm, stink all here zі zbroєyu, also diatimemo sweat. We go down lower and straighten up with another enemy. Chiplyaєmos for a high point, we pass to the next bіk and go down through the ventilation shaft from the bottom of the descent. Follow the route of the enemies for the help of the detective eye and neutralize them one by one. The rest, like a handguard, attacked from behind, moving forward to the top point. Through the passage on the left side we go to Penguin's office. Alberto Falcone, the son of the mafia boss Carmine Falcone, was riding here. Through the sin, Penguin tries to manipulate Carmine, so that he weakens his infusion from the city. We deal with the thugs and get to Penguin. Under our onslaught of wines, we tell you about the drive-in at Lacey Towers. Itself there is known the back of the Black Mask.

The whole bula was a side work, but not obov'yazkovo knows all the friends that work all the problems. To deposit in order, chi vikoristovu htos karti merezhі, navichki or just vipadkovі podії. If you want to play hardcore, you can have such a choice. If you don't want to unblock yoga, you can go through the mustache. Tsikavo, how will it be from the cob of a new mushroom.

The trivality of the greece of the campaign is over, the light of the world, and, later, the cry-o-plech of the misery, the spark of pure satisfaction. In such a rank, which time will you quietly rise to 15, and what more hardcore graves will work from her. Well, it's still rich. Not properly.

He finishes interrupting Deathstroke, who raptly showed up. The enemy is vitrival and shvidky. Yoga is constantly attacked. We don’t need a counterattack, but we don’t have to work before the hour. Obov'yazkovo chekaёmo on the appearance of the button or other visible icons above Deathstroke's head. After sleeping, it is fast and often embossed on the counterattack button, and then similarly on the strike button. Once again, I am ready to carry out a virulent counterstrike. At the last stages of the enemy’s attacks, they will become more frequent; Having won the victory, we take away the claw. Vіn allows you to release the cable between the walls, on which you can climb and freely move in space. We choose the claw, pointing to the point of attachment on the wall above the plate, where Penguin knew, and see. Chiplyaєmos by the cable, get to the door and try to find out. The chance to break through them is zero. Alfred to confirm that Lacy Towers has been beaten. Before that, not just driving in, but driving in the Black Mask. Strive down, open the door and straight to the exit. Going down to deck 1, let out the cable at the anchorage point on the other end of the flooded boarding house. Let's fill up the liner.

At the light of that which can propagate the front parts, it is, without a trace, rozcharovuє. Another campaign on the stand - more details, as it can be broken after the end of the campaign and problems in the puzzle mode. Addendum. Batman's 52: Arkham City.

New list

I'm guessing that the honorable editor was wrong with this news and, maybe, history = 12 years. bіchnі mіsії \u003d deakі pozitivnі іgroі vіdniki, і navіt tse tse tse tse vіdі no reasons skarzhiti. Flip it, like headlines won't be good for online games. In addition to which ker_vnitstvo also includes a row brown colors, descriptions of the recruitment, as well as the secrets available from the gr.

Investigation of shootings at Leslie Towers

When we get to the Dahu, we are ordered to be sent to us in front of the neutralization of the policeman's fire. Having cleaned the Maidanchik, remove the encryption sequencer, point the indicator at the center of the brown stake and conduct the signal decoding. We fly to the balcony, chіplyаєmos for the ledge and, having shifted to the position under the cops, we sigh both. We pass through the Lacey Towers.

Idemo to the apartment of Chornoy Maska, where it became a drive-in. We look around at the body of the unknown. The evidence scanner is activated and the body is examined again. We can scan the body of Chornaya Maska's friend, which is hung on the chandelier. Lay bars on top of a Molotov cocktail. Let's think about it and understand that the appli- cations were fired with the method of replacing the traces. Vivechaemo sled vіd kuli on the body of the beaten. The body of Black Mask's friend is scanned again. We see the fingertips of Penguin on the wall in order from the body. In detail, scan follow the application. Vivechaemo trace on the bed under the body on the chandelier. We look back, to know the cloth robe on the window frame of the balcony. We scan the next on the station. Povilno considering the hour, you can remember that the girl has a phone. In the rest of the above announcement, the Joker figures. Having given all the data, rozmієmo, it was not hammered in to Black Mask, the shards of us sang yoga at the yard of today's night. In order to find out the specifics of the murdered person, having shot at the beaten man and from the balcony, we have to get to the file cabinet of the National Crime Database, as we know at the Gotem police station. Bіlya exit z budіvlі zіtknemosya іz adversary zі shield. I'm going to hear yoga and vikonuemo under pressure on the button of the haircut.

Police Department

Before that, like virushit to the police station, you see the stove. View the map of the place, move the indicator to the left side of the central bridge and choose the drop off point on the small island. Arriving to the oven, going down the stairs, turn lefthander and pick up the percussion detonator from the table. We turn to the transport and we go to the Bernley area. If you don’t dare to know the need for the place, you can always look at the sky and sing the Batman’s trademark and arrows. At the dahu of the police department, a small group of policemen is being rehabilitated. I'll move the neutral sniper to the upper central position, then move under us. Nasamkinets zalishaemo opponents of the entrance to the helicopter maidan.

We go to the middle, go down, apply the gel on the tenditnu wall and lift it up. Ztribuєmo on the elevator cab and їdemo down. If the elevator is snarling, we can fasten it more easily through the ventilation shaft. To drink up Gordon z'yasuvav, that the city's hired killers are at work. Neutralize the policeman at the rozdagalni. It is passable in the office of the office, for the bazhanya we can beat the shock detonator, to stun the opponents for a while. Whether it's a vipadka with them, it's necessary to straighten it out. For help betkogtya, vismikuєmo grati over the door. Stribuyemo uphill, go to the meeting hall. The brand and yogo selling zagіn also take part in the messenger "Who is smarter in Batman". Vykoristovuyuchi cured claw, vystrіlyuєmo to the point of attachment from the other side. We move along the cable to the corridor, de-accurately neutralizing the policeman.

Breaking the door access panel with an encryption sequencer. We deal with the opponents, we pass at the dopitnu, we go to the vіkna and zdіysnyuєmo the enemy is buried. Dopituemo Chatterbox, schob dznatisya about the destructor. This attachment allows you to jam the armor and break the locks. Apparently in the corridor, re-streaming through the door and being dispatched by the special forces. Having consulted from the homeless, we apply the gel on the German material on the left eye and it is driven. We get to the open room, zneshkodzhuєmo cop and open the ventilation grate. Stribuyemo down, passable by a pipe. Chiplyaєmos for the upper ledge and podnіmaєmosya gatherings.

Leather police equipment with a heartbeat sensor. To instill noiselessly neutralize yoga, then in a few seconds decide to know about it and get to the victim. We stribuyemo down, we go left-handed and we go down by gatherings. If the enemy leans on the rose, it is passable to the arrival and neutralization of another opponent. Shvidko seems to be in the corridor, nazdoganaєmo offensive and zneshkodzhuєmo yogo. Now you can turn to a high point and change. Let's try to straighten ourselves out of the way with a lot of enemies and work closer to the kuta. Someone will not go from one end to the next, but rather we will quickly choose a new victim. Breaking the door access panel after cleaning the territory.

We sneak up to two at the corridor and immediately neutralize them. We get to the server room and try to break the access panel. The system will jam our equipment. Can't do without a destructor. We pass to the destination of the levoruch. I’ll stun the enemy with a shield, then we’ll swipe up and down the hairline. The elevator access panel is hackable. Ztribuёmo in the mine that vibiraєmos to the prison cells. Zastosovuєmo shock detonator against the enemy. We are in front of the opponent's zneshkodzhuemo. We press the door button and go to the infirmary. Actively detective zіr revealing a crooked wall. Znischuєmo її gel, we pass into the abandoned mine. We get up in the center, cling to the ledge and climb up the hill. Vikoristovuёmo curing the claw and letting go the cable at the point of attachment above the head. We pick up more, we pass through the ventilation shaft to the place with evidence. We take the destructor off the table. We turn to the prison cells along the same path, as if they arrived here. Remove the destructor, remove the jammer from the fret over the access panel. Let's work for the assistance of the sequencer. It is necessary to correct the blocking of the passage.

Turning to the server room, we destroy the jammer with the destructor and break the panel with the sequencer. Use the heart of Gordon's daughter. It will help you to connect to the DNA file cabinet, and how to conduct remote connection to the server. A large group of special forces will be pulled up by Nezabar. Expand, expand, open and let through the ventilation. The destructor also allows you to jam the enemy's armor. Vtіm, there is nothing to it, even if the enemies are literally a few meters away from us. Having straightened out from the usima, we went to the door on the right side, passing through the yaki, turn it left hand and break the access panel. I turn back again, at the last moment we can run into the elevator. At the Dahu zіshtovkhuєmos іz Gordon. For the time being, we talked to him, bringing in a herd of Brenden. We throw a Dimov grenade, victorious destructor and neutralize opponents. We are leaving the police department.


Before the sewer hatch, you can eat two ways - through the dah chi through the gate. Mіzh budinkom (three times more than the drop-off point on the map) is a small passage, from which it is necessary to go down to the provulok. No one will ever have a chance to stand up to a group of police officers. If we didn’t want to go ahead, then I’ll put the opponent’s enemy with a firearm behind the help of the destructor.

At the sewer, we stick with the people of Chornoi Maska, as they pass by the skin meter. Enemies in red suits are able to counter our attacks, so they can counterattack more often. Vicorist gel for lowering a wooden partition. We pass by the water treatment area. How to chіplyаєmos for the ledge of zlіva. Before the onset of the ledge, it is simply re-tributable. Trochs passed forward, chiplyaєmos for the ledge of the right-hander and conductively choked the opponent. Zneshkodivshi another, pіdіymaєmosya more. We get to the panel of keruvannya, we press on the button i, we reach the balcony, we grab the roof of the trumpet of evil. Having redirected the steam, we removed the claw and released the cable to the point of attachment of the troch to the right above the window. We are forwarded to the next day, we go to the balcony and break the code panel. Let's fly to the drain, which brought us to the stone zv'yazku.

Let's fly to the vintage pylon and deal with the opponents. Pressing on the button, lifting up the hill and activating the detective zone. How can you remember, one opponent is against me, that we are ahead of us to the last. Connected to the base of data right-handed monitors. Let's put together a new picture near Chornoy Maska's apartment. Later, Chorna Mask, having set up his nalyakan maiden to a safe house. Having suspected unkindly, he sent his twin there, and he himself saw through the balcony. Carelessly vbivtsya remembering yoga. A beat began, surmounted by a murder of viyshov. The Black Mask was necessary for us to live, to help us get into the mercantile bank of Gotham. Only one person, the Joker, could indulge such a zhorstoku reprisal. We select on the surface and break the code panel right-handed from the door.

Commercial Bank of Gotham

We get to the day, wake up, apply the gel on the bichnu tenditnu wall right-handed from the door and lift. Passing through the middle, opening the hatch and stribaemo down. Vikoristovuemo destructor, in order to find a jammer over the gates. We break the code panel, let's go to the hall and transfer it to another book. Nagori levoruch in the doors there is a ventilation grate. Rozkrivaєmo її and passable through the mine. We apply the gel on the podlog and drivaemo. The conspiracy sticks with the Joker, who is hovering under the eyes of the Black Mask. The Joker has taken over power and restored Batman to the soul.

Following a vibe, climbing to a high point and watching out for a group of enemies that came. If you activate the detective zone, you can see only one enemy, behind which is a jammer. Zneshkoditi її can be timely for the help of a destructor, or it’s enough, if you wear it. We get over to the high point of the right hand and check it, if the mafiosi are more likely to come down. Let it fly to the new one, steal it and neutralize it. In a day's time, the body will be detected by a signal from the heartbeat sensor. We deal with them one by one. Stop virishit build up, let's go to the next one to drink. Zalishaemo bank, hovaemosya right-handed behind the car and check for special forces. You can try to deal with them, but there are two archers, so the destructor is victorious against them.

steel plant

Podvіr'ya plant is hard to be protected. We go down to the sniper and silently neutralize yoga. At the center, two people move here and there, we leave them at the halt. After the sniper, we move to the opponent on the balcony above the entrance. Dalі, raspravlyaєmos z mafia on the walls from the skin side of the thief. Here, let's mark one more isolated enemy from the bottom. Climbing up to the last two at the center and for the sake of virubuyemo їх.

Let's go to the middle and deal with the enemies. Detective sir will help you to designate an arrow in the middle. Above the door is a ventilation system. Rozkrivaєmo grati betkogtem and penetrate into the office. Zneshkodzhuєmo striltsiv, clean up the place and hack the computer at the hut. Turn on the machine gun behind the auxiliary destructor or turn back through the ventilation. We go down to the vantage point, light up the left hand and break the code panel of the front doors. Navantazhuvach and sprat mafia appeared in the taemnіy kіmnati. We correct the opponents that we have lost. Nezabar come a new group. Among the enemies there will be a punisher. Opening the armor for ultra-stunned - try to press on the stun button, then robably low hard hits. Activate the right hand button in the wall of the secret room. The design cannot break through the tendon wall from the first try. Rozgoduemo її, zipping with a claw behind the back collar. Stribuyemo to the taemna kіmnata and on the elevator go down to the bottom. We scan the body at the cabin.

Neutralize enemies, break the code panel that is passable to the drug laboratory. Like in a jar, one of the opponents is wearing a jammer on his back. Win straight to the far right corner, check yoga there. So right above the nose there will be another opponent. On the back of your hand zneshkodzhuemo yogo. Enemies are not equipped with heartbeat sensors, it is not to blame for the problems with manifestations. I’ll first use the opponents in the upper positions, and then we’ll move on to the quiet ones, who move on the ground. Idemo to the office of the Black Mask, for the sake of the handcuff, she asks you to tell me where to straighten the Joker. Bronzehead, which has appeared, opens Batman. It is necessary to clean up the warehouse, so that you can prepare an anti-trash. We scannly follow the pidlozі, it is enough to watch the hour and if the Copperhead is rebuffed in poіtrі, we will play one more slіd on the trumpet. While Alfred is synthesizing the anti-truth, the rest of his strength will go straight to the exit.

At the essence of the Copperhead vicorist, it is a swishy vibukhovy gel, so that the great number of clones is more likely to be suppressed. The combination for the new one is in the "Basic management - Vibukhovy gel" section. Having recovered more than half of your health, the clones change noticeably, then the attack of the Copperhead increases. If you get out of the field of the dawn, get ready to push on the button of the haircut + the button of the kill. We pick up the container from the counter and with new forces we achieve the Midnogol_vka. Virushaemo to vantage point. We deal with the enemies and for the help of the gel, we need a container of chemicals in order of vantage. Let's fill up the houses.

Gothel " Gotham City Royal"

The Joker has organized zustrіch іz thoughts for Batman. We get to the bridge support, we catch the signal of the electric shocker and, according to the sensor, we fall in the right direction. The hotel is located in the Diamond area, the entrance is heavily guarded by corrupt special forces and mafiosi. Having penetrated the middle, we go down and neutralize two foes. Having seen the victorious, usuvaemo a small group of mafiosi. Breaking the code panel of the lattice. Metaemo betarang button to turn on the electrics. On the mountains there is a point of attachment, launching a claw in it. Rise uphill, activate the button to open the door. We go down, pass at the last destination and restart the head generator.

Having risen on the lift, we pass by the lobby. On the other version there will be three, one of which will move between the surfaces. Yogo is the best way to get drunk at gatherings. Two meetings between gatherings are filled with nasamkinets. We go down to the first one on top and by the means of neutralizing all the mafia. Quiet, hto zalishivsya, you can stun for the help of a podvyy beta rang, perebovayuchi on a high point. Let's quickly go downstairs and finish it off. Breaking the door of the room and protecting it (behind the reception). It is not important to reveal the Joker's misunderstanding through the cameras. At the collection of wines, he kills a stun gun. We pick up the shock gloves, strebuyemo on the platform and feed the generator. Climbing up the hill, we cling to the upper structure. It is necessary to go to the ruynovanogo passage and let it pass like at the top of the tenth.

I demo right-handed, opened the door, charged the generator at the wall. The Grati rose to the sight not richly, to that we will be quick and slick under her. The more active we are, the more enemies, the more quickly the scale of the mittens will be restored. Activate shock mittens, which allow you to more effectively knock out enemies, instill quiet, whoever has a bulletproof vest or a shield. We pass into the laundry room and open the door to the beast from the right side. We get to the mine, we get to the elevator cabs. Shvidko perestribuyemo to the next cabin and charge it with mittens. Not having reached the necessary top, we independently chip by the ledge and throw the opponent down. Having cleared the corridor, opituemo spіvrobіtnik. At the observant bar, there are more than a handful of guards. Charging the generator, which is right-handed in the gate. Leaning against the sky, let go the claw, which is being controlled, to the point of attachment of the judicial life. We get over to the next beak and beat the enemy.

Behind the horn is an automatic turret. Included by the destructor. Charge the generator at the wall and neutralize the enemies. We pass by the ventilation shaft, chіplyаєmos for the ledges, zmіschuєmos on them and pіdіymaєmosya all the more and more. The remaining failure of the minemo, having let the cable at the point of attachment on the protilezhny botsі. Activate the button and click on the ventilation above the blades. Passing through it, with a claw grab for the ring on the roof of the hatch. Chiplyaєmos for the upper ledge is right-handed and throws off the cutthroat.

We get to the dance hall, as if it had been reclaimed by the right amusement park. It's not much fun, even the Joker has ruled here for us. Cities for the success of vikonanny - the life of the people of the Black Mask. We stribuyemo down and work with thugs. As soon as the gate is opened, we move the betarang to that button, on which the light is straightened. Repeat the same with the other button. If offending planks hang in green light, fixing points appear. Letting out a claw in them, which is surmounted, it is lifted on a cable and it is transferred to a small wooden ledge. With the help of the gel, we lift the wall and break the code panel (the password is “TUKTUKTUK”). Stribuyemo at the water, turn around and go right-handed. Gatherings lift up the hill. We step on the button, launch the betarang, conduct yoga through the electrified eye of the mask, deploy it, passing through the other eye, hitting the shield.

We climb up to the rails through the hatch, which is visible above our heads. We get to the destination with other samples. The essence is simple: remember the masks in the same order, and in exactly the same order, the same order was taken by the beta ranks. We pass far and, not stribayuchi down, we fly to the cutthroats. If you don’t think about it, then it will be poured over to the lower rails. Having straightened out from the opponents, we go to the balcony. It is pressed on the button, the cable is released from the ceramic claw to the point of attachment on the figure that appeared. We move to the next balcony. From the new one, we go into the corridor, let the broken mafia and drink the spivrobitnik. You can drink in the bar through the ventilation system. Leaning under an osbroєny golovorіzom, yogo's voice is heard. Strengthen the armor with triple stuns and a number of hard blows.

Passing through the door, we apply the gel on the wall of the ziv. Chopping for the gargoyle, then we get over to the open window on the left side. Charging the generator zliva vіd vorit. Let's make a bomb with a sequencer, but it's better to do it harder. Twenty-five seconds before vibuhu is lost! Stribaemo at the vikno under the pressure on the button of the haircut + ruh ahead. In the rest of the moment, it is possible to join the helicopter. Striking at the dachas, we continue to fight, navit unrespectfully on those who are seen from the camera on the helicopter. Having cleared them, we climbed higher and it is passable until we wake up.

We get to the pool, climb on the gargoyle and move on to the opposite lake. We drive in two on another version near the center. Dealing with the enemies on the lower version and getting quiet, what was left out. There are less than 8 opponents to conquer the great territory, it’s easier for him to get it, if the stench is divided. We go down to the reception and hack the code panel of the elevator doors (code "DRIVE"). Rise up to the Joker and stick with Bane. Let's go to the library, and then we'll go to the dachas. Let's press on the button of the haircut to kill us, if the enemy is turned right up to us. In case of loud attacks, we transfer through the new one behind the back, conduct a loss of stun and inflict a number of blows. Similarly, diemo and zovnі, only to succumb to death more often. So do not forget to hourly neutralize the mafiosi, which they constantly add, so that they can be able to fill the scale of shock mittens.

Bein fly at once with his people, and Batman vstigaє attach to the new speed sensor. Vіd vibuhu Bane Joker zrivaetsya down. Nazdoganyaemo yogo in the field, counterattack and more or less land successfully. Zagin the special forces, as soon as they show up, to grab the Joker and cut through the Blackgate yard, and we can’t get in the way any more.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

Intern Harleen Quinzel conducted a psychiatric test for the Joker, and at the hour of each patient, take a bath at the bath on the topic “Darling sound with Batman.” Vіdbivaєmosya natovpu zlochintsіv, povіlno prosuvaєmos khіmіchnym plant. De need - stribaemo, de need - sit down and de need - vychikuemo attached to the fiery stream.

Morgue, police department

From the oven we can see the signal of Bane. Alfred synthesized glue grenades. We take them from the table and go to the mortuary, who is known in the police department. You can get there through the sewer. A great number of special forces were concentrated behind the hatch. We are being dealt with by snipers on the helicopter maidan on the next day.

Tick ​​a couple in the pipes for the help of glue grenades. Let's fly down, pass through the door, and for the most part two more passes. Climbing up the mountain, breaking the code panel and climbing the descents. We scan the corpse and vivchaemo the protocol of the roztin on the computer. The secret of Bane's strength is the "venom" speech. Zavdyaki new m'yazi and brushes swell on the eyes. However, there is a side effect - a loss of memory, with a long line of "venoma". We are left with the management of this very path, which they penetrated here.

Bane HQ

Neutralize snipers in the vicinity, go down and deal with less unsafe opponents. We start the attack with a blow at the planning for the arrow. Let's go to the tunnel, let's go to the right-handed door. Rozkrivaєmo ґrati, we pass through the mine and, going down to the bottom, we clean the territory from the gates. We need to go to the quota to get help for the gel. We throw a glue grenade near the water, we stick it on the stove, which, having settled down, and with a light claw we pull it up to the rings on the walls. Having stumbled out of Bane’s right tricks, as if you were still alive on your back with a “venom”, we are swaying at the beck of their attacks (red marks above our heads) in order to prevent hoarding. One stun will be enough for them, after which we inflict low blows.

Having descended the gatherings, we report zusilla to open the doors. Bein nefariously poked his head up to the speech. If you want to win and practically negate the unsafe lethal outcome, the side effect, like before, can be blamed if you happen to be. We get to the computers and see our photos and videos with Batman and Bruce Wayne. Bein found out about the secret, and now the superhero's confidentiality is being changed under dubiousness. Tim, an hour later, Svitlyachok appeared on the radar of a sign. Vіn having replaced the head luck of the town of Gotham and having zapruchniks. Pechera and Alfred pokayut, even on the horses of the life of people, like they stumbled in an unsafe situation through us.

Mist Pioneriv

Having left the place of recognition, we go down and neutralize the policemen. We go in the middle and in front of Gordon about the bombs. If you are on the right side, let's go to the elevator from the right side. Breaking the code panel (password - "RYATUVALNA") and with a betclaw we cling to the ledge of evil. Climb up the mountain, vismikuёmo grati and climb up the mountain. Charging the generator, ticking the trumpet with glue grenades and transferring it to the next book. Hapaєmos for the ledge, zmіschuєmosya to the tip to the right. We turn around, marvel at the mountains and cry for the offensive ledge. Through the ventilation shaft we choose from the boiler room. Chotiri central gargoyles are replaced and, as if sitting on them, the thieves will immediately reveal us, and after we vibrate, we will rise down. Neutralize evil spirits on the lower river. The rest of the enemy will surrender. Let's do some yoga to find out about the number of bombs planted. One of them is near the center, we take a lid with an attachment for food. For an hour, the code panel is broken. The skin node will have less than one combination available.

Right-handed through the door, passable to the elevator. We climb up the hill, apply the gel on the tenditnu wall and lift it up. Perestribuyemo through opponents with shock clubs and attacked їх зі backs. Razv'yazuemo hands Brenden and inflicted counterpunch. Rise with gatherings and pass to the station. Chiplyaєmos for the ledge instructed with arrows. We neutralize both, bypassing the opponents who ran into the noise, and we also deal with them. We open the doors in front of the central carriage. We rise to the control room, press on the button i, breaking through the window, squealing on the doors of the car. Znіmaєmo krishku, zneshkodzhuєmo friend bomb. The fire doors are blocked. Ask Alfred to know the access code. From the other side to the kutka, there was a passage, which led us to the pivdenny support.

Break the blockage, charge the generator and lower the load. We can see under the pipes, try to apply the gel on the tendon septum, and then fall down. Chiplyaєmos for the car і, dіyshovshi to the middle, gortaєmo levoruchі stribuєmo on one beam and restribuєmo on іnsh. We turn right-handed, we fly down and at the last moment it is necessary to get behind the chergovy car. Sniper neutralize completely without noise. Minemo failed, hopping on the gargoyle from the other side. We clean the electrical switchboard from the enemies. Pressing on the button, opening the door and slamming the third bomb. We turn to the station, ruhayuchis levoruch. Re-attached to the center and lowering the tendon partition. A new group of evil-doers arrived at the station. Hovaєmosya under the bad logo, check on the enemy and neutralize yogo from the back. We use the enemies in the upper positions, and the nasmkinets are quiet, which are known to be white of the fire doors.

We charge the generator, we choose a name and we charge it for a metal beam. Move to the right, grab onto the ledge and continue to collapse in the same straight line. Rise up, climb on the spot and enter the battle with the great number of enemies. Shock mittens will be more childlike. Immediately after the battle, Svitlyachok arrived. Hapaєmos for the new betclaw. The cost to the fire is already great; If the enemy is caught in the middle and ready to attack, at that moment we immediately throw a new glue bomb, and then we squeeze it with swedish betarangs. A stunned Firefly, attracted by a betclaw, swiftly and often pressing on a button. Soon after, try to detonate the fourth bomb and start ticking. Zistribnuvshi down, chiplyaєmos for the metal beam. We blind the enemy with a glue bomb and quickly lift it back to the bridge. At another stage, when the fire is on fire, more types of bombs are needed. But basically the diemo is just like that, like on the cob. We finish the fight by buckling for Svitlyachka and making two counterattacks.

Batman's Cave

While we were occupied with the order of life, Bane reached the distance of the oven and ruled the pogrom there. Vzaimodієmo with the computer, to replicate the work of the betcomputer. Having descended the gatherings, turn right-handed and fly down to Alfred. Cleaned up the tricks, vikoristovuemo shock mittens like a defibrillator. Fortunately, everything worked out: the butler survived and his camp stabilized.

V'yaznitsya "Blackgate"

The Joker zahopiv v'yaznitsyu that pіdnyav rebellion mid'yaznenih. Arriving at the place, we strangle the gates and attack the archers. Having cleaned the Maidanchiki, we penetrate the sewers through the hatch of the window. Trochs passed forward, we applied the gel to the tenditnu pіdlogu. Having fallen down, we rise to the required rye. We let the claw at the point of attachment from the other side. Similarly, two more failures with electrified water are bypassed. We lower the wall and fly down. We strike at the electrical shield, create near the water plates with glue grenades and pull up to the ring with a claw. Climbing up the hill, let's go to the room levoruch. As soon as we press the button, we let out the betarang at the windows of the adjacent room. Conducted betarang through the electrics and hit yoga on the shield of evil. Riven water rises, so we can create plates, shave and pull up to a hystic wall. Weary її, rise more and zatikaemo trumpet glue bombs.

We create one more plate from the bottom. We stribuєmo on the new one and immediately squat. Yaknaishvidshe zatikaemo trumpet zliva. Let's sweat steam from both pipes. I’ll come, we’ll stop three trumpets to the beast, after which we sing for the ledge. Neutralizes the aggravated by the service occupant. We charge the generator, climb onto the elevator cabin and drink more. The ventilation shaft led us to the fortune-telling territory. Silently zneshkodzhuyemo two opponents on the first level. We follow the gargoyle and go down to the sniper on the fourth level. We clean the third row, then another. Call Harlin, go down to the doors and go to block B.

Having grown apart from the enemies, we rise up the hill. After a short break with Deathstroke, we continue to reach out to the Joker, along the way with a great number of afflicted. The essence of Beynaya vikoristovuєmo the same methods, like for the first zustrіchі: killing kills at times, the appearance of red marks, ultrastunning, moving forward through the opponent, after which a series of blows and a tongue-lashing blow. At another stage, shock mittens will help you quickly spread evil. We don’t fight with them and we don’t let the head opponent out of the field of dawn, otherwise a sprig of missed straining rams will make us have a deep sleep.

Joker vtіkaє, vystrilivshi in Gordon. Pozhvavlyuєmo Bain, after which vin pratsyuє sobі modifications "venom" and razdmuhuєtsya until great roses. At the narrow corridors, we suggest you to take down the opponent from behind. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovuemo detective zіr. Bane hits the electric camera and inflicts impersonal blows. Seeing the enemy, throwing a glue grenade at him. Best hovatisya at the side ventilation shafts, and not in the underside. If you need a jammer, go closer to it and turn it on with a destructor. Dobivaemo that zv'yazuemo Bane with a cable of kerovan claw. About the mystery of Batman's guilt and do not know, strong speech has erased his memory.

Now you need to kill the Joker. We pass forward, climbing up the hill and striving down through the broken lattice. Together from Gordon, we stream the onslaught of villains. We get to the chapel and, having beaten the Joker kindly, we pass yoga into the hands of the justice. We marvel at the closing videos.

For the most part, we would happen to be under the care of Zhinka-guts, and not Batman, as it could have been. We are investigating with the people of Two-Face, because of which the safe is broken, de all our success is interrupted by Harvey, who said.

Penguin wants revenge on Wayne, that's it. with Batman, he steals yoga right at the entrance from the closet of Arkham City. Having become conscious of the dark apprenticeship, before our noses, the mystifying Dr. Hugo Strange, who, perhaps, will gain power over our mist, starts migrating. I don’t think twice, I’m going to go on the style and it’s fluttering in the case of bandages. The soldier who appears is stunned by a counterattack, after which another soldier takes us to the Maidan until other blows. We get up in line “A” and we pass into the elevator. Climbing up the hill, blatantly yazniv, after which Jack Ryder is helped to get on his feet. It's time for Penguin himself to show up. After moving with him, a counterattack is inflicted on him at the moment, if he swings again. Razbiraemos s yogo by people and podnіmaєmosya on dachas on drabintsі, podnyatisya on yak can be on the container zі smіttyam. Now you need to change the greasy suit on Batman's firm outfit. Stribajemo to the court I will wake up with neon Vivisky i, making our way through the ledges, we will eat on the dachas. Having equipped, the radio signal coding is broken, the meanings of the orange stake. It is necessary to vryatuvat the Woman-intestine in the Two-faced. We fly until the wake of the court, we understand with the protection that we penetrate into the middle. Silently crushing the enemy against the enemy, after which it strikes down and proceeds to scuffle with the public.

Selina vryatovano, it is necessary to provide a place for the presence of evidence. Scanuyemo sklo, in a yak shooting the Joker, as well as dirka in a close quarters. Judging by the trajectory of the bush, the archer, being in the church nearby, is right there. Use the middle of the sound Quin, how to live us nazustrich, to welcome, calling on everything. We put a fist forward, after which it appears and leaves the place. Ale її ozbroєni smashed, to stand in front, not to let us pass. We throw Dimov's checker and climb on the gargoyles in the mountains. Vikoristovuyuchi mode Detective, flying on the remaining ledge in the distance, noiselessly stribuyemo down and zdiisnyuyemo counterattack. Two thugs were left out of handcuffs. One is strangled with feet, hanging on the foxes, the other is cut down, breaking through the wooden wall. The guards have been called, now it is necessary to secure the place of shooting, that is the link. The door is right-handed at the head entrance, and it rises uphill. Having scanned the sniper rifle, we marveled at the video of the Joker, after which we saw it at the window, roaring at the bombs.

Batman on law enforcement.

It is necessary to know the Joker in order to supplement yoga about those who know about Protocol-10. Shukati yogo can easily be reached by radio signal. If the signal is clear and signifies gillyastishim, then we will go straight to the right one. So it’s up to you to help yourself to help me. We get to the gate, the stars call from Alfred. Schob to spend at the factory, happen to strebnut in Dimar, which is known once by the state.

Zstribuyemo from the skeins forward to the Maidanchik. Kovzemo under concrete, re-pipe. Sob not to burn on the corner, take a light claw and help open the hatch in front. Stribujemo down, along the ledge, perepovemo over the melting hall. Climbing on the railing, the stars are re-attributed otherwise. Being in a deaf kutі, we apply a vibukhovy gel on the bed and go down. Viymaєmo betarang and launch yoga in the red button above the pipe, the stars come out hot pari every time. We climbed at the vuzky passerby and bachimo the stratum of the doctor. If everything is in trouble, it is propagated by clowns, which are lost, without coming into contact with them, we are far away. In order to clean up a couple that we want to go far, at the regime the detective should blow his trumpet and for the help of a Swedish beta rank, turn on three times at once. Now you can go through the wicked trumpet with a calm soul to fall on the heads of the Joker's servants. Having sorted out with them, we open the map of mistevity and straight to the conveyor. Vikoristovuyuchi mode Detective, shukayemo іnshiy way. For whom, directly along the conveyor, de opening the door for an additional button, which is located right there. Silently usuvaєmo clowns and stribaєmo at the foot of the foot through the vein. Usuvaёmo other obroєnih bandits, after which the doctor Stacey is called. We pick up a new armor and continue the path to the Joker.

We turn back to the vintage workshop, but, soldered by Kuynn people to the door, do not let us in. Lіvoruch vіd ї є іnshі doorsі, vіdkriti yakі it is possible for additional remote electric charge. Behind her, in the same way, the doors come and go to the conveyor. Through the ventilation, we can see a lot of clowns and spread them out. Directly on the Maidanchik, de zustrіchaєmo Kuynn. If it's up to the very titan-beaten Joker, we'll have an electric charge and vikoristovuemo yogo on the generator, which is opposite vivisky. Rozgoyyuchi the crane itself, we carry the vivisco and climb up the hill. Take us off with your chavunny leg, one-armed pumping clown. It is paralyzed by an electric charge, which, waving its sledgehammer, inflicted a serious harm on the clowns, without disturbing us strongly. If all the clowns are on the slopes, we achieve health and climb up the mountain, de Joker has ruled the paste for Batman.

For a deep bazhannya, you can wind a flight like a “hare” on a helicopter.

Now we have to fight again for Selin. Virushaemo on її apartment, schob take deakі speech. We get to the dahu, we open the grati, we throw away the unfortunate guests and we take away the objects. Now, if we have everything, straight to Ivy. Feeling її bey-friends, step by step raising everything on equal footing, so that you don’t suffocate in the її junk gloom.

Tim an hour the Joker blasted Batman and wiggled his faces to get rid of himself. So the very faces are needed by Batman himself, he will have a chance to tell Friz. Vіn know at the police station, the coldest point of Gotham, which is on the birch inlet. Two clowns were viruble at the entrance, and for an additional electric charge, the door was half-opened. Let's forge it through the middle, take the chip from the corpse and decipher the Penguin's radio signal. We go in the middle and sweat deafeningly chotirioh of Penguin's people. The fifth fight, which is overdue, is drunk, after which we try to get out of the pasta. For whom it is necessary to go to the panel, it is for the help of a cipher sequencer. Weide the word "Anatomy". Look back at Gotham through the exit and straight to the museum. For the entrance we know the security and hacker panel, the password is like “Skam'yanіlіst”. Having penetrated the middle and having learned to wiggle out of knives, we shoot at the right side of the window and try to break the console in the direction of the sensors in the hand, which close the front. Unsuccessfully to us zavazhat viyskovskij jammers, to happen їх їхичити. The first one is known to the museum, the friend of the troch to the pіvnіch vіd dahu. The rest of the third is on the subway. Directly on the spot and we know the security call. We penetrate into the middle and at the same time we hear two fighters. We go down and see the old metro tunnel. Kovzemo on the car, pushing the wall from the boards, throwing three bandits. They immediately opened the door for help with an electric charge and slid through the middle. We’re destroying the broken soldiers and we’re working with the rest of the jammer. Tim himself turns back to the museum.

Without pale.

It is hacked by the new console and takes the password "Dinosaur". Passable far away that vilnyaemo afflicted. One of the copies appears, as if they came here for the tasks. However, the stench is all in full, if you happen to let them go at once from Friz. We descend lower and pass at the door. Sob raise the gate, beat the betarang on the button. Let's go ahead and enter the arena, de Penguin will unleash on us simply majestic NATO's wars. Sob vryatuvatisya in the midst of greed for the flesh of Batman attovpu, shoot with an electric charge at the people who were paralyzed, so that in paralysis they beat their own comrades-in-arms. If a bandit, against us, is pumped by a titan, we will sneer at the yogo battering ram, we will snuggle and we will tie the yoma on the hump. Znishchuyemo reshtu v'yazniv and the thug himself. To go far, victorious betarang on the button of zliva, which is behind the dart under the pressure. The panel is hacked, the password is "Yaskraviy". Get into the elevator, lift it up, apply the vibukhovy gel on the bed, go down, lift it up and lift it up again. Vibukhayemo concrete and krizhan wall. Viyshovshi to the Great Hall, Bachimo, like Penguin freezing the policeman. Ryatuemo yogo, carefully making your way through the ice. We get to the lifted raft and, for the help of a claw, we lower it into the water, after which we take two other frozen mines. Now there are no more vryatuvati of five police officers, the place of which is marked on the map. For the cob virushimo to zbroyovoї, deryatuemo three policemen. Frieze's costume is also found here, but Yogo himself is not visible. Directly back to the ice, and let's go to another place, which is opposite to the front. To get through to three bandits, to fight, the console with the password "Reptile" is broken. Having installed lights under his eyes, we pass forward and we know Friza. The right-handed one looks like an unstrengthened wall, smeared with gel on it, like a thug looming before us. Having sorted out from it, we pass forward and vilnyayemo Friza, having broken the password of "Mikrokhvil". Now it is necessary to turn back to the suit and pick up the module. Otrimavshi destructor krizhanoї harmati, straight to Penguin. Pіdbіgaєmo up to the new at point-blank range and victorious destructor, after which we prescribe a noble lyash lihodіyu. Ale, Solomon calls on our head. Sob yogo overcome, for the help of the gel, we give three dzherel energy three times sleep, until we can overcome this walking machine for driving. Dali, whimpering in the sight of rockets, climbed up to Penguin and virubuyemo yoga.

At Arkham Asylum hallucinations to us having created the Scarecrow, now yoga replaces Ra's.

In the detective mode, the blood of the ninja is scanned, and, following the tracks, we go to the street. Shelter us vivede on da budіvlі, de viyavlyаєmo binti. We scan and attack that assassin. Let's follow it, and if it's necessary, we'll counterattack and add a bug on his back. At about an hour before us, Robin will show up, who will give a cable thrower to the gift. Having taken a fancy to this corny gadget, right behind the signal of the bug. Vin lead us to the island of the Joker. Having broken some clowns, they beat the entrance to the sewer, parried down and straight through the tunnels. Removing the shave from the water, we remove the cable thrower and shoot from the new aisle in the next end. Ale, we need to turn the left hand, to that, if we are on the road, we will shoot yoga in the next day and we ourselves will get to the place we need. We reach the wall healthy hatch, at the bottom of which we can break the log. Rozіbravshis і from the people of the Joker, zlamuemo console - "Transport". Through the gate, which you saw, you can see in the old familiar metro. We turn right-handed, we go in at the door, we go left-handed, we pour water for an additional cable thrower.

Vibrating on the collapsed streets, Batman will not be able to cope with everything through the same Joker's scum. Arriving up to you, overflowing with clowns. Apparently to the hall with a marvelous machine, de ryatuemo doctor. We go down and pass through the door, de Batman again, again, not on my own. To open the gate with an electric charge. Zustrivshi three ninjas, arranging with them and, just like that in a moment, wielding the gates. Apparently to the majestic sealed gates. It’s just that you don’t recognize them, it’s necessary to know another way to spend the middle. A robot is on hand, which you can scan to see the video. But I know, unfortunately, not all information is hidden in his head, it is necessary to know other robots. One is behind us, two others are at the windows, one is opposite one. The fourth roztashuvavsya levoruch in the form of a sealed bramy in a booth on another version. We shoot with a cable thrower at the top of the slope, we fly through the middle, we wake up, we break another slope of the fifth robot. Having left the rest, you will find yourself on the opposite side of the hut on the dakha with wicked chotirma walls. Marveling at the video recording, we know secret entrance at lіgvo ninja. Let's go to the next month, deliver a counterstrike to the assassin and beat the sword to penetrate the middle.

Climbing up the hill through the hatch, Batman will become filthy, right up to hallucinations. Happily, Thalia is grabbing us, as she is ready to receive us at her side. For whom it is necessary to pass a test. I'm going for a big friend, she's drinking from the bowl. In front you can see a great krizhana shaved - we fly to it, vikoristovuyuchi pikіruvannya, to gain height. So by itself we get to the offensive shave, on which we break two dog ninjas. Pіkuєmo into the portal, which will take us to the next month. Anew we get to the krizhano shave, and so on to the very portal. Now it is necessary to know Ras himself. Rise to Taliya. We pass with her in the middle and zustrіchaєmo її dad. The hour has come to fight with 600 years old. For the cob razumієmos on yoga dog army. Far away, whimpering in the sight of metal stars, it climbed, shooting at Ra's with an electric charge. After that, a counterattack is applied and the operation is repeated with an electric charge. Robimo tse doti, the old docks do not take your daughter, Thalia, as handcuffs. We choose the right betarang and ratuyemo the bidolahu.

On this screenshot, Batman, try to know yoga.

Vibiraєmos back on the street by a turning way through the subway. Go around the gates for ventilation and samper in front of the armored clown. Rozroblyayemosya s reshtoyu and zlamuemo console - "Viddilennya". Vibrating under the sky, virushaemo to the stolen measure. Rozkidavshi yoga vikradachіv, dopomogaєmo merovі vіdvesti i vkradaєmo yoga themselves. Having fed the infidel, straight to Freeze, in order to give the blood of Ra's to you. Ready for jubilation, but first of all yogo sorbnuti, Friz vimagaє turn yomu yogo squad. Ale, you need to drink the potion at once, so we enter the battle with the scientist. Sob yogo overcome, hand-to-hand combat it is not enough, it is necessary to block impersonal offensive attacks: stoking the walls, luring an electromagnet, stoking electrics on a spilled kaluzha with water, stowing a destructor, stoking a cable thrower, sneaking up from behind, burying from a ledge, luring a piss from below, attacking a beast from a side, attacking a beast through a side vikno and haircut to the beast. If Friz is going to be able to, it will show the safe, and it will show the sight of the faces. You need to choose yoga from the Joker, Victor will help us.

We choose to go to the street through another weekend. So that the hot steam was not a problem for us, we chirped with a screaming blow. Viyshovshi Nadvir, Bachimo the fall of a helicopter with a journalist on board on the name of Vika Vale. Right before the fall, let the snipers and ryatuemo Vika. Now it's time to straighten up to the Joker. Through the old entrance, do not use the pipe, half a day is literally waving through it. Directly to the other entrance, de obov'yazkovo let's protect. Penetrating into the middle, let the three clowns and stribuyemo to the water. For the help of the krizhan strike, we create stoves and plivemo for the flow, virulyuyuchi for the help of the claw. Through the ventilation propovzaemo trochs forward and plan to clown through the windows. We pass far and, having made two additional drinks, we do not ryatuemo a person, tk. that deputy of the "dakuyu" ogre zzad with a fist. We break through the wall, we create slabs and weep under the wall. Far away, right-handed, and transferred to the next bank for an additional cable thrower, tk. plate is stuck. With a shouting blow, we tick off the trumpet. Having reached the steel doors, we note that the knife switch in it is known as a left-hander in us behind the gates. Distantly curing betarang, launching yoga into the electrics, after which we redirect yoga to the shield. We make screams of plates, we burn for the flow. The right-hander saw us under the stele, a ledge, we climbed there. Hacking the console with the password "Romansionis", deployed and passed through the bridge. Pіdіyshovshi to the door, otrimuєmo steel pipe on the nose. Tse likar, all harazd. Vіdchinyaєmo dvorі that potraplyaєmo at znayome primіschennya. Chose with yoga bagging and passable in the foot with an impersonal min. Knocking over them, ignoring the sniper and looking at the highlands, Kuyn is tied. We pass far, we throw two snipers over the ledge, so we can easily take three clowns and we go uphill to the Joker. The battle is far from easy: a faceless clown, a one-armed, titanium-filled clown and the Joker himself. For the cob, we allow the clowns, shooting at the one-armed with an electric charge, so that they spread it with their sledgehammer. Dali let go of the one-armed, by the method of stunning. So we fix it ourselves and pump it up like a clown. Now the Joker is gone.

For the help of a grit of light and darkness, Batman becomes more brutal.

While Batman comes to you, we have a new episode from the life of a woman-intestine. It is necessary to get to the warehouse-confiscate. We reach the sewer hatch and go down. For the evil security system, we need three keys from the Tiger fighters. Noise is fenced, that child will have to sweat as much as possible. For whom we put on the stele, three keys are stolen from any three soldiers. Turn back to the computer, that evil thing. Ale bats of Tiger do not spare the brain, like the people of Penguin. Prihovano znіmaєmo skin soldier that we go to the shovische. We choose from support and we take away diplomacy. If we see zі shovischa, we have two paths to appear: vryatuvat Batman chi pіti zdobichchyu. So that we were not tormented by our conscience, let's go levoruch and, having thrown our rolls, hurry to Batman.
Tim in an hour Protocol-10 will soon be in good spirits, you need to do yoga in a negligent way. It is necessary to scan the helicopter on the back for the program of general management. We scan all helicopters, docks do not know the main program. We fly by helicopter and download data. Now the hour has come to go to the Miracle Vezh. Arriving in the field, we throw off two snipers and that panel is broken - “Nadyhayuchi”. We pass forward, opening the doors with an electric charge, until we hit Tiger's warriors and warriors. Having listened to Strange's notation, we let loose all the soldiers and go down at the sewer hatch. For the help of a cable cutter, we get to the stone with a year-old, de pіdrivаєmo pіdlogu. Zustrichaemo doctor. Razіbravshis іz іzhoronoy bіlа foundations vezhі, zlamuєmo lift zvnі і і sredіnі - "Intrusive", "Medicine". Climbing to the top, we climbed out of the elevator through the hatch of the hill. Through the slope, a vicious blow is inflicted and we achieve the destruction of the enemies. Roztinaёmo gate - "Armored". Pushing forward with an antenna, s її kintsya so we rise to the point, which is greater. So we keep pushing the beams higher and higher. The console is broken - "Pidtrimka". We climb into the hatch, which I see, we climb into the ventilation. We choose up to six defunct fighters, having conquered them, we break the panel to Strange - "Gotham's Defender". We turn on Protocol-10 and proceed to the joke of the Joker.

Yak do not say it, but Gotem is wonderful.

Vіn know at the theatre, along the perimeter of which snipers were roaming around. Quietly we work with them and penetrate into the middle. It appears that the Joker is correct, replacing the role of Clayface. The Joker himself is not healthy and so very ill. Ale z Glinolikim will still grow up. Weeping in the face of yoga blows, throwing yoga screams with a blow, until that one is completely stoned. Pіdbіgaєmo at point-blank range, distance the sword and miss the clay. You can also lure yogo into a kuti with dynamite, so that you can get the maximum shkodi. Robiti is necessary if she pretends to be a sack. Changing the scenery, fighting with the clay wind, moving on to the Clayman. Vidbiraemo have a new face that ztsilyuєmosya vіd wipe.

But the story is not finished yet. Switching to Selina, straight to the booth for speeches. The middle of us checks for a surprise at the sight of a planted bomb. It appears, the speeches are false, Dvolikiy, straight to the new museum, having dealt with the majestic NATO people, we take those who came to visit us.

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