10 products that you can't eat. Don't eat it! The list of unsafe products Ale is still products, yakі vzagalі nіkoli can not be bought! stink axis

Be respectful! ⚠⛔

Oliya fat less than 82.5% fat.

Kharchov's industry is developing at a fast pace, now new products are being introduced to the police of shops - they save more stench, they look better, but they smell like!

The natomist population of the planet is less alive, older, more mature, and the cancerous disease has become a striking phenomenon. Why so?

Perhaps, all the rіch of the bazhannі virobnіvіv incite more people and at the same time save on the syrovinі? We want to, that the hedgehog was cheap and savory, but about the “brightness” we vvazhemo for the better just don’t worry.

"You listen - so nothing is possible," - say you. I will be right.

Ale still є products, yakі vzagalі nіkoli can not be bathed! Stink Axis:

1) Sedentary in plastic packaging.

The little-salted settler is guilty of saving only in the olive. In settlers without olії add urotropin - not a safe additive, yak was harvested from rich civilized lands. Vіn utvoryuєtsya at vzaєmodії ammonia іz formaldehyde.

2) Caviar lightly salted.

In order to continue the term of applicability of eggs, it is necessary to either freeze or salt. Slightly salted caviar, melodious, revenge urotropin, citric acid or else. At the exit, everything is the same as formaldehyde.

3) Oil fat less than 82.5%.

Only such a product is spravzhnіm top oil. It is made from natural tops. cow's milk. It is better to take one spoonful of such oil, lower packs of trans fats, so you can sell it under your eyes.

Before products with trans fats, there are:

  • margarine, mix of vershokovy taroslin oil,
  • refined roslinna oliya,
  • mayonnaise and ketchup
  • french fries, yak are cooked on hydrogenated fats,
  • confectionery varieties: torti, tistechka, pechivo, toshcho crackers,
  • chips and popcorn,
  • frozen beverages.

4) "Engineering" products (these are products that nature simply does not have):

  • Crab sticks. Crab meat in chop sticks is practical. Masa under the name "Crab sticks" would be more correct to call "Crab essence, zmishana with soy".
  • Peanut. In order to preserve the power of the peanut, the genius of the petunia is implanted in it - the arc of the blasted growth. In a different way, it is processed with chemical methods, which create an allergic reaction.
  • Imported potatoes. Nearly 1000 varieties of such potatoes have been bred. The leaders in the field are the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and China.
  • Canned greens peas and corn.
  • Licorice corn sticks and plastics. In the process of virobnizstva tsukor does not vicorist - because of the high temperatures, the wines begin to burn. Yogo is replaced by zukrozaminnikami, and itself - cyclomate.
  • Kashi with flavorings and barvniks. Like yours porridge there is a smell of that prismak of a pear, half-nice, banana, thin, nothing natural and brown in it.
  • Iceboxes. Try to leave a lightly soaked tsukerka on a tablecloth - you'll be spoiled. There is a need to build plastic. Find out what comes out of your hose.
  • Jamie. Marmalade. The vicarious varieties have the most intense antioxidants, the stench saves half a day from its primordial appearance. Marmalade and jam today is just a diva of chemical craftsmanship.
  • Pepper (out of season)– 100% genetically modified product.
  • Cupcakes in the package. Rolls. Navit after the end of the term of appurtenance, the stench will be fresh, juicy and appetizing in appearance. Are you not worried?
  • Chocolate zukerki and bars. They have chocolate - tse sumish fat and barvnikiv. The stench is to miss the gigantic quantity of calories, chemical additives, genetically modified products, barvniki and flavorings.
  • Imported tea, flavored tea. It is better to drink natural tea - without additives, yaki does not smell like jasmine, bergamot, or other flavors. Shvidko zvikaєsh before them. The stench is rich in acid, like to harm the body.

5) Farm fish.

Such fish is treated with antibiotics, pesticides and other carcinogenic chemicals. Farmed salmon have about 16 times more polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) than wild salmon.

6) Liquorice gassed.

One of the main culprits of cancer diseases is fructose syrup - wine is easily picked up from the wall of cancer cells. In this rank, gassing with syrup is one of the first places on the black list of carcinogenic products.

7) Juices in packages.

Just remember: there are no natural juices in the packages. Krapka. Be it "100% natural" sіk in cardboard or plastic boxes - the same product, made from powder. At the new one, add the name of the number of tsukra and other “stabilizers”. It looks like relish, but you won’t fool the body!

Implantation of these products is deadly unsafe:

  • Swiss made products. Everything that is prepared for 5 khvilin, everything that is not necessary to cook, but rather poured with sprinkles, everything that can be sizzled and just stirred by the water - this is a significant chemistry.
  • Smoked cowbass and others. Try to avenge genetically modified soybeans. Kovbas is not to be smoked anymore. Virobniki give priority to barvniks with formaldehyde.
  • Sausages, sausages, boiled cowbass, pate. The stench is prepared mainly from the meat industry. Їx relatively mask for meat for additional savory additives.
  • Masu їm nadaє special gel. The rozhevy color of the stink swells up the veils to the colors and lamps. Turn on the lamps by the window, and sing that you produce greenery.
  • Dairy products with the great term of conservation(More than 2 months). Everything that is saved over 2 years cannot be lived in.
  • Aseptic packaging– її warehouse є antibiotics.
  • Kavuni. The stench is fertilized with speeches, like a majestic bastard to your body.

Today the process of sbіlshennya chastki shkіdlivih produktіv reached its apogee. A list of shkіdlivih produktіv, yakі categorically not possible to live, unsafe for health!

“Zha, as the body does not overdo it, for the one who її z'їv. To this in the world” © Abu-l-Faraj

(Total 37 photos)

1. Monosodium glutamate

You can not eat products with the additive E-621 (sodium glutamate). You take the packaging of the goods to the store and read it. If monosodium glutamate is prescribed, do not buy її zovsіm. Glutamate sodium є pіdsilyuvachem relish. At the same time, yoga is added to inspire the newly-supplied products, so that the populace will “supplement” them. Be respectful! Use natural products more often: sil, tsukor, toshcho pepper. Ale glutamate at any time!

2. Tsukrozaminniki

If you want a lot of zukrozaminnikov not to save calories and save money (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of zucru), regardless of the price, you can’t trust them recklessly. It appears, seeing the malty relish, our stravohid thinks that he is taking a portion of carbohydrates at once - but he doesn’t. After such a deceit, be it in carbohydrates, like it is consumed in the body for 24 years, after receiving a donation, crying out more strongly than hunger. NIAKI tsukrozaminniki can not live.

3. Trans fat

Oliya 72.5% cannot be eaten at any time. Tse trans fat is a low-grade olive, broken up with water.

Olії less than 82.5% DO NOT BUVAY. If you don’t see such an oliyu, then rather zhte roslinna. Rather, take two tablespoons of natural inches of butter lower per pack or kilo of trans fats.

4. Lightly salted stag in plastic packaging

The light-salted settler is taken only in Olії. At the same time, guilt won't be saved. Yakshcho settler without olії, it means before him donations urotropin.

5. Red caviar slightly salted

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not saved for a long time. Only in the frozen look or strongly salted. If weakly saline is being sold, it means that it is necessary to add either urotropin or citric acid to it. Maybe it’s added later, but on the way out, formaldehyde comes out all the same.

6. Svіdomo genetic engineering products

  • Peanut. The petunia gene is being implanted. Terribly bad speech. I do not eat comahi peanuts.
  • green peas(canned food).
  • Corn (canned).
  • Imported potatoes.
  • Crab sticks (crab essence, zmishana from soyu).
  • Cocoa.

7. Corn sticks and plastics with zucr

Like buying corn plastics, sticks, stench, but only not licorice. Because tsukor does not vicorate at the virobnitsa. Zukor burn at a temperature of 140 degrees. To this, vicorists are zukrozaminniki, to this particular type cyclomate.

8. Kashi and cereals with flavorings and barvniks, identical to natural ones

Tse chemical speeches that smell the smell - a sip of a pear, half a moon, a banana toshcho. There is nothing here.

9. Ice cloves, barberry

At the same time, the floorings have a strong chemical essence, so if you lightly soak the zucerco on the tablecloth, you will see through the tablecloth, all at once with varnish. There is a need to build plastic. Find out what comes out of your hose.

10. Marmalade

Nothing sleepy in the meantime, what was in the hours of the SRSR, the last marmalade is not possible. It's just miracles of chemical industry. Deadly unsafe.

The most powerful antioxidants. No way you can save a cherry in such a pristine look.

12. Potatoes are lubricated u fast food ta ready in stores

Anti-oxidant vicorists are so strong that the potatoes are trimmed rіk and not black. Everything worth fast food. Shaurmi, pies and salads at Makdachny.

13. Varenі kovbasi

The stench of genetically modified soy. Sausages, wieners, boiled cowbass, pates and other products made from the so-called prihovannymi fats. In warehouses, lard, visceral fat, pork rind take up to 40% of the fat, and masked with meat, sour cream and additional savory additives.

14. Shinka

There is no way to go about the nature of nature in any mood. Take a thin neck and a kilogram of gel. For nothing, at a special machine, the gel “spills” at once from the neck, and the majestic “meat” comes out to the wound. Like this meat, a new troch has more than 5%. Everything else - gel (karatinin, pіdsilyuvachi relish, pіdsilyuvachi kolora). An erysipelas color is given to such a "m'yasu" to give a sublime color at once from special lamps. Turn off the lamps by the window, and you will sing that the color is so green.

15. Smoked cowbass

As before, nothing should be smoked. Vykoristovuyutsya smokers rіdini, de new formaldehyde.

16. Dairy products of the three-term saving term (over 2 months)

Everything that is saved over 2 years cannot be lived in. Aseptic packaging - the same packaging with an antibiotic.

Ocet, scho znahoditsya in mayonnaise, wanting yoga there is not guilty of buti, breaking the walls of plastic packaging, vilifying carcinogens. At plastic packaging, you can put extra neutral products.

18. Kavuni

If you were carried 10 times, then 11 can not be carried. Kavun is fertilized with such speeches that it is the first candidate for destruction.

19. Grapes

Grapes grow mushrooms on the roots. Yogo has not yet been taken from the bush, but already eating mushrooms. That is why it is sold as quiche-mish there and lie over 5 deb, you know, wines of chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

20. Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product. It is impossible to live through the world for those who suffer in the fuse of the slunk-intestinal tract, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, diseases of the heart and the lungs. Pepper itself includes up to dozens of products, which avenge nitrogenous goodness, pesticides. And if you have just one such pepper, then you can blame the problems of your health. To that, it’s better to buy yoga, especially in the season of growth, and to itself, in turn, and bazhano virіs near your area of ​​​​residence.

21. Half pay

Winter midnight - absolutely encore brown product. There is no good vitamin there. Tse do not bother you, because you live, for example, in Israel, de same winter midnight season.

22. Purchase mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, rodzinki

Yakshcho bachite garnenka dried apricots or rodzinki, pass poz. Think about what you need to work with it, to save the apricot, like it was recently out of the tree. Dried apricots can be ugly and wrinkled.

23. Frosty

Especially in specialty mortgages of the “Robbins” type. Abo іnozemne frosty. At the same time, it is practically impossible to know the frost, prepared from milk. If you know here a good ice cream made from milk, then you can boldly cup it. Fruit frosty - the whole essence, there is nothing natural in it.

24. Cupcakes in packages and rolls

The stinks don't stale, don't fuss, don't dry out, don't fight anything from them. We lie for a month. And in a month you will be like that yourself.

25. Chocolate zukerki

90% of chocolate is not chocolate (barvniki-zaminniki). Chocolate bars. Tse gigantska kіlkіst kіlkіst kіlіstі kіlіst vіdnіnі s khіmіchnymi additives, genetically modified products, barvniki i flavorings. The use of a large number of zucru and various chemical additives ensures a high calorie content and a healthy diet.

26. Chicken

Especially people who are interested cannot eat the meat of chickens. Bo chicken is all on hormones. Chicken meat contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. To that, as a person begins to have female hormones, in a new one, obviously, testosterone falls, moreover, to a level, which is not recognizable later. A ram is a single creature, as there are no daily hormones. Live the meat of non-commercial lines. Smoke at once - the best-selling product!

27. Sirki melting

Por_vnyano with solid varieties of syrіv, melting syri to avenge more sodium, so that they can rob even those who are not bugged, like they suffer from hypertension and other heart-sudinnі disease. The stench is absolutely not conquered!

28. Rozchinna cava

People can’t get excited! Absolutely! Vіdbuvaєtsya outside the rebirth of hormonal diseases.

29. Flavored teas

Drink natural tea, don’t swim at all, don’t have any additional taste. All flavored teas citric acid, sometimes with orange acid, sometimes I am acid there. Zvikannya vinikaє mittevo. We need to bring acid to the body.

30. Refined deodorized roslinna oliya

Refined oliya, to the point, it’s impossible, because of the molecular structure, it may not look like plastic, which comes into contact with it in the process of strong heating during refining. Such an oliya is a slag organism and is the most powerful carcinogen. For good reason, you can’t lubricate two oils with the same oil, olive cream ... Refined olive oil cannot be victorious in salads. On the new one, you can lubricate it less.

31. Ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high amount of barvnikiv, substitutes for taste and GMOs, moreover, preservatives that protect the qi products from drinking, damage the intestinal microflora, reducing the color of microbes in the body.

32. Potato chips

Potato chips, especially prepared not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. Essentially, it's the sum of carbohydrates and fat plus individual flavor additives.

33. Shvidky products

Swedish cooked products: Swiss made lokshina, retail soups, mashed potatoes, retail juices like "Jupi" and "Zuko". Everything is essential chemistry, which is responsible for the damage to the body.

34. Alcohol

Alcohol. To learn from the minimum quantities, you need to acquire vitamins. In addition, alcohol is more caloric in itself. Tell me about the injection of alcohol on the liver, nirki, mabut, and not varto, you know so miraculously. I don’t rely on those who are drunk on alcohol and go to hell. All the same, there is more than enough time for a reasonable approach to yogo implantation (rarely dosing in small doses).

35. Liquorice soda

Liquorice of gaseous water - sumish tsukru, chemistries and gases - so that it is easier to spread fluffy speech over the body. Coca-Cola, for example, miraculous zasіb vіd vpnyanoy scum and іrzhі. Think well, first of all, put such a motherland into a slug. Until then, gassed licorice is drunk with a high concentration of zucru - equivalent to chotiri-five teaspoons, diluted in a glass of water. It’s not for him to marvel at the fact that, in the blast of spragu with such gassings, you see, after five hvilin, you want to drink again.

36. Dry bread and white bread

Vzhivayuchi yeast bread, you see mushrooms. Perevagu is necessary to give life's bread. Refined white flour of all sorts, as well as other refined products, is guaranteed to be among the top shkidlivyh produktiv eating. "Narizny baton" is not the same bread. Tse goodies, with a mustache.

37. Juices in packages

About everyday natural juices you can't go to this place. NІ natural juices for sale in packages. NI! Do not dare to scare children with them! Tse pure chemistry.

Tse eye list products that need to be reviewed! It is not about unoriginal products, but about enough unsafe ones.

“Zha, as the body does not overdo it, for the one who її z'їv. To that in the world. Ninі process zbіlshennya chastki shkіdlivih produktіv reach apogee. We suggest to your respect the list of shkіdlivih produktіv, yakі categorically can not get used, the stench is not safe for health.

1. Monosodium glutamate

You can not eat products with the additive E-621 (sodium glutamate). You take the packaging of the goods to the store and read it. If monosodium glutamate is prescribed, do not buy її zovsіm. Glutamate sodium є pіdsilyuvachem relish. At the same time, yoga is added to inspire the newly-supplied products, so that the populace will “supplement” them. Be respectful. Use natural products more often: sil, tsukor, toshcho pepper. Ale glutamate at the same time.

2. Tsukrozaminniki

If you want a lot of zukrozaminnikov not to save calories and save money (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of zucru), regardless of the price, you can’t trust them recklessly. It appears, seeing the malty relish, our stravohid thinks that he is taking a portion of carbohydrates at once - but he doesn’t. After such a deceit, be it in carbohydrates, like it is consumed in the body for 24 years, after receiving a donation, crying out more strongly than hunger. NIAKI tsukrozaminniki can not live.

3. trans fat

Oliya 72.5% cannot be eaten at any time. Tse trans fat is a low-grade olive, broken up with water. Olії less than 82.5% can not be. If you don’t see such an oliyu, then rather zhte roslinna. Rather, take two tablespoons of natural acres of butter, lower a whole pack of kilos of trans fats.

4. Light-salted oseledets in plastic packaging

The light-salted settler is taken only in Olії. At the same time, guilt won't be saved. Yakshcho settler without olії, it means before him donations urotropin.

5. Red caviar of little salt

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not saved for a long time. Only in the frozen look or strongly salted. If weakly saline is being sold, it means that it is necessary to add either urotropin or citric acid to it. Maybe it’s added later, but on the way out, formaldehyde comes out all the same.

6. Svіdomo genetic engineering products

  • Peanut. The petunia gene is being implanted. Terribly bad speech. І comakhi peanuts do not eat;
  • Green peas (canned);
  • Corn (canned);
  • Imported potatoes;
  • Crab sticks (crab essence, zmishana from soyu);
  • Cocoa.

7. Corn sticks and plastics with zucr

Like buying corn plastics, sticks, stench, but only not licorice. Because tsukor does not vicorate at the virobnitsa. Zukor burn at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, vicorists are zukrozaminniki, in times cyclomate.

8. Kashi and cereals with flavorings and barvniks, identical to natural ones

Tse chemical speeches that smell the smell - a sip of a pear, half a moon, a banana toshcho. There is nothing here.

9. Ice caps, barberry

At the same time, the floorings have a strong chemical essence, so if you lightly soak the zucerco on the tablecloth, you will see through the tablecloth, all at once with varnish. There is a need to build plastic. Find out what comes out of your hose.

10. Marmalade

Nothing sleepy in the meantime, what was in the hours of the SRSR, the last marmalade is not possible. It's just miracles of chemical industry. Deadly unsafe.

11. Jamie

The most powerful antioxidants. No way you can save a cherry in such a pristine look.

12. Lubricated potatoes at fast foods are ready at stores

Anti-oxidant vicorists are so strong that the potatoes are trimmed rіk and not black. Everything worth fast food. Shaurmi, pies and salads at Makdachny.

13. Varenі kovbasi

The stench of genetically modified soy. Sausages, wieners, boiled cowbass, pates and other products made from the so-called prihovannymi fats. In warehouses, lard, visceral fat, pork rind take up to 40% of the fat, and masked with meat, sour cream and additional savory additives.

14. Shinka

There is no way to go about the nature of nature in any mood. Take a thin neck and a kilogram of gel. For nothing, at a special machine, the gel “spills” at once from the neck, and the majestic “meat” comes out to the wound. Like this meat, a new troch has more than 5%. Everything else - gel (karatinin, pіdsilyuvachi relish, pіdsilyuvachi kolora). An erysipelas color is given to such a "m'yasu" to give a sublime color at once from special lamps. Turn off the lamps by the window, and you will sing that the color is so green.

15. Syro-smoked cowbass

As before, nothing should be smoked. Vykoristovuyutsya smokers rіdini, de new formaldehyde.

16. Dairy products with a three-term savings term (more than 2 months)

Everything that is saved over 2 years cannot be lived in. Aseptic packaging - the same packaging with an antibiotic.

17. Mayonnaise in plastic bags

Ocet, scho znahoditsya in mayonnaise, wanting yoga there is not guilty of buti, breaking the walls of plastic packaging, vilifying carcinogens. At plastic packaging, you can put extra neutral products.

18. Kavuni

Like 8. you were carried 10 times, then on the 11th you might not be carried. Kavun is fertilized with such speeches that it is the first candidate for destruction.

19. Grapes that don't bite

Grapes grow mushrooms on the roots. Yogo has not yet been taken from the bush, but already eating mushrooms. That is why it is sold as quiche-mish there and lie over 5 deb, you know, wines of chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

20. Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product. It is impossible to live through the world for those who suffer in the fuse of the slunk-intestinal tract, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, diseases of the heart and the lungs. Pepper itself includes up to dozens of products, which avenge nitrogenous goodness, pesticides. And if you have just one such pepper, then you can blame the problems of your health. To that, it’s better to buy yoga, especially in the season of growth, and to itself, in turn, and bazhano virіs near your area of ​​​​residence.

21. Half-day payment

Winter midnight is an absolutely maritime product. There is no good vitamin there. Tse do not bother you, because you live, for example, in Israel, de same winter midnight season.

22. Buy mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, rodzinki

Yakshcho bachite garnenka dried apricots or rodzinki, pass poz. Think about what you need to work with it, to save the apricot, like it was recently out of the tree. Dried apricots can be ugly and wrinkled.

23. frosty

Especially in specialty mortgages of the “Robbins” type. Abo іnozemne frosty. At the same time, it is practically impossible to know the frost, prepared from milk. If you know here a good ice cream made from milk, then you can boldly cup it. Fruit frosty - the whole essence, there is nothing natural in it.

24. Cupcakes in packages and rolls

The stinks don't stale, don't fuss, don't dry out, don't fight anything from them. We lie for a month. And in a month you will be like that yourself.

25. Chocolate zukerki

90% of chocolate is not chocolate (barvniki-zaminniki). Chocolate bars. Tse gigantska kіlkіst kіlkіst kіlіstі kіlіst vіdnіnі s khіmіchnymi additives, genetically modified products, barvniki i flavorings. The use of a large number of zucru and various chemical additives ensures a high calorie content and a healthy diet.

26. Chicken

Especially people who are interested cannot eat the meat of chickens. Bo chicken is all on hormones. Chicken meat contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. That is why a person starts to have female hormones, in a new one, obviously, testosterone falls, moreover, to a level, which is not recognizable later. A ram is a single creature, as there are no daily hormones. Live the meat of non-commercial lines. Smoke at once is the most valuable product.

27. Sirka melting

Por_vnyano with solid varieties of syrіv, melting syri to avenge more sodium, so that they can rob even those who are not bugged, like they suffer from hypertension and other heart-sudinnі disease. The stench is absolutely not conquered.

28. Rozchinna cava

People can’t get excited! Absolutely! Vіdbuvaєtsya outside the rebirth of hormonal diseases.

29. Flavored teas

Drink natural tea, don’t swim at all, don’t have any additional taste. All flavored teas are either with citric acid, or with orange acid, or else with acid. Zvikannya vinikaє mittevo. We need to bring acid to the body.

30. Refined deodorized roslinna oliya

Refined oliya, to the point, it’s impossible, because of the molecular structure, it may not look like plastic, which comes into contact with it in the process of strong heating during refining. Such an oliya is a slag organism and is the most powerful carcinogen. For good reason, you can’t lubricate two oils with the same oil, olive cream ... Refined olive oil cannot be victorious in salads. On the new one, you can lubricate it less.

31. Ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high amount of barvnikiv, substitutes for taste and GMOs, moreover, preservatives that protect the qi products from drinking, damage the intestinal microflora, reducing the color of microbes in the body.

32. potato chips

Potato chips, especially prepared not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. Essentially, it's the sum of carbohydrates and fat plus individual flavor additives.

33. Swiss made products

Products of swedish preparation: lokshina of swede preparation, retail soups, mashed potatoes, retail juices of the Yupi and Zuko types. Everything is essential chemistry, which is responsible for the damage to the body.

34. Alcohol

Alcohol. To learn from the minimum quantities, you need to acquire vitamins. In addition, alcohol is more caloric in itself. Tell me about the injection of alcohol on the liver, nirki, mabut, and not varto, you know so miraculously. I don’t rely on those who are drunk on alcohol and go to hell.

35. Liquorice soda

Liquorice of gaseous water - sumish tsukru, chemistries and gases - so that it is easier to spread fluffy speech over the body. Coca-Cola, for example, miraculous zasіb vіd vpnyanoy scum and іrzhі. Think well, first of all, put such a motherland into a slug. Until then, gassed licorice is drunk with a high concentration of zucru - equivalent to chotiri-five teaspoons, diluted in a glass of water. It’s not for him to marvel at the fact that, in the blast of spragu with such gassings, you see, after five hvilin, you want to drink again.

36. Dry bread and white bread

Vzhivayuchi yeast bread, you see mushrooms. Perevagu is necessary to give life's bread. Refined white flour of all sorts, as well as other refined products, is guaranteed to be among the top shkidlivyh produktiv eating. "Narizny baton" is not the same bread. Tse goodies, with a mustache.

37. Juices in packages

About everyday natural juices you can't go to this place. There are no natural juices for sale in packages. Do not dare to scare children with them. Tse pure chemistry. This is an approximate transfer of goods, for which it is necessary to advise. Going not about the wrong products, but about the unsafe ones.

Korisnі oradi

Do you remember the famous truth about those who "mi - those who mi їmo"?

This time becomes especially relevant after 30 years, if we begin to grow old, and our body wears out.

The skin of us wants to be garnied not only in 20 years, but also to improve our life.

Vіk ta zdorov'ya

With the fates of our organism, we become fadingly viable and already not so easily reacting to difficult products, like, for example, at 18-20 years of age.

For example, the older the man is, it is more important for him to fight with the zayva vaga. With fate, metabolism improves, so the diet can be looked at. Kharchuvannya can, by the way, be correct and properly balanced.

Therefore, choosing food products becomes an even more important moment, if you have crossed between 30 years.

It is important to choose the right way, and healthy image life can become your constant companion, if you want to live a healthy and happy life and not think about serious illness.

And the axis of the low products in the fourth ten was the next to be noticed. The axis is a list of the biggest enemies in the body, if you are over 30 years old:

Shkіdlі produkty kharchuvannya

1. Yogurt with flavors and various additives

Really such a brown product, like yogurt with different flavors, taste for more zucru, less chocolate.

So that the mother of a healthy color is exposed that she doesn’t provoke the appearance of a zmorshok, vіdmovtesya vіd vіd vіvannya store-bought yogurt for the measles of a home-made product.

2. Canned vegetables

At the canned vegetables, there is a rich amount of salt, which will sprinkle the old shkiri before the hour.

Strength also negatively affects the normal blood pressure. It is especially unsafe to live in canned food in plaques, as they can see harsh chemical speech that calls for cancer, without that obesity.

Tom doesn’t want to stink with canned vegetables, I want some savory stink boules.

3. Low alcohol drinks

Over time, the body stops absorbing alcohol.

If you can drink liters of beer on the 21st night, dance until the night and look good at the same time, then forget about 30 years. On the fourth ten, you won’t get such a rose.

Crime of a rank hangover, you see, you see that your good looks can get worse. All right in the fact that alcohol "vismoctues" the entire body of the body, that skin consumes the volog, it is visible and elastic.

As a result - I will become healthy sane looking your shkir. If you want to get rich with beautiful and catchy ones, try to get drunk on low-alcohol drinks.

4. Kovbasnі virobi

Preservatives, pіdsilyuvachi relish and stabilizers, scho vengeance in cowbass virobs, provoke the development of cancer of the duct and other serious illnesses

Shkidlivy speech in products

5. Pechivo with stuffing

Someone who loves us loves to have a snack with a fresh bakery, snacks and buns. Wow! Aje tse shvidko, deliciously that zruchno.

Ale, be careful with these malts! Evil oven and other confectionery virobs threaten with serious health problems.

Often malting is a great risk for the body. If you have diabetes, you can easily acquire intolerance from the cardiovascular system.

Even though it is a biscuit itself, it also includes a great number of tsukra, which is negatively signified on your self-perception.

6. Gassed water

For those who think about the continuation of their family, it is necessary to forget about licorice gassing for a while.

Do you want to be healthy and strong? Replace whether you are gassed with plain clean water, in a few tides - tea.

7. Dietary drinks

So drink, like a dietary cola, substitute for a caramel chemical bar, like a hopeful famous brown color, revenge the elements, brew bromovanim. Oliya, which wins in the rocket fire.

This component negatively infuses the hormones of the thyroid gland, which also boosts healthy people.

Fat, fat, once again fat, strong and sublime taste. What is there to bring, tse shkіdlі products of eating, yakі do not correspond to anyone and nіkoli.

Donuts, muffins

The stench is addictive to the sight and even to the taste. But really, the whole glazed vipіchka looks like a succulent bomb. With a fat succulent bomb, as if to put a threat to the robot of the sub-sliding hatch.

Licorice dry snacks with milk

A popular herb for a “sweet” diet is simply unrealistic for gluten and zucru and may have a dramatic effect on the mucous membranes of the herbal tract. About melancholy here not go.

white chocolate

It is important to call yoga and chocolate - cocoa in this product is only 35%. Mayzhe all the melancholy of the right hot chocolate in your white brother during the day, and the axis of 24 spoons of zucru on the bar is present.

French fries

You yourself are chips, only you are not spicy. Tsilih 500 kcal in a small bag!

Dietary carbonated drinks

Liquorice decoys for insulin, like a virobivsya, but there’s not much to clay. It's not far from diabetes.

white bread

A carbohydrate bomb without the least bit of brown speech. Pure calories. It is better to replace the great white bread with whole grain or viscous bread.

Salted pretzels

Stop їх їsti and don’t rattle anymore. And in the meantime, 10 things have 300 calories!

Ribni sticks

Trans fats with invisible ribosmitter under breading. If you want to pamper yourself with fish sticks, cook them yourself with fresh fish fillet.


In two mugs of medium size, add an additional dose of sodium. And sodium is more common in all food products, then an overdose starts already from the first sandwich.


Whole milk is driving our skin, calling out the appearance of pimples, and judges, powering a cholesterol attack.

Сікіfrom the package

Let's be honest - tse not sіk. Tse powder, diluted with water, plus preservatives, flavors and other health-killers.

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