Pies and pirozhki with cowslips. Vipіchka with cowbass - the best recipes. Dish with yeast dough with cowbass in the oven

Pirіzhki with cowbass and sir can be prepared before the morning tea or cavi, you can - at noon as a snack. Such pies can be served before the first and other holidays. Syr can be vikoristovuvat whether it be hard varieties, and cowbass - boiled or smoked for bazhannyam. The leather version will be savory in its own way. Dough for pirіzhkіv can be prepared by hand, or you can add bread dough. I chose another option.

For the preparation of pirіzhkіv p_dgotuvati products from the list.

Pour milk at room temperature or a little warmer at the bowl of a bread pot. There, crack an egg and add butter, cut into small pieces.

Let's sweat at the viderce borosly, add tsukor, strong and dry. Run the program "Zamis test". How to cook by hand, the milk should be added, add to the new zukor, strong and dry, leave for 10 whilins. Let's sweat until dry sumish, add an egg and a pinch of butter. Chastically pіdsipati flour | boroshno | and mix it up. Leave it out for 1 year.

Tim, for an hour, while it's getting ready, you can cut the sir and the cowbass. I have 2 vidi - boiled and smoked. Sir namagatimetsya narizati such a rosemary, like a cowbass.

The axis is so quiet to go out at the baker's.

Vynyati tіsto z vіdertsya i vyklasti on the board, lightly powdered with borosh.

Divide the dough into pieces of 40 g each. I had 16 pieces.

I cut the skin of the bag into a cake until it is expanded so that you can pinch the filling. At the center of viklasti is a sir, on the new one - a cowbass.

Pick it up in the center and pinch at the seams. See pirіzhki-trikutki.

Cover the deco with parchment and lay out the pirіzhki with a seam to the bottom. I made other pirozhki at the sight of a dumpling, so that I could separate the filling. Top usіh pirіzhkіv zmastiti | let's beat the zhovtkom.

The oven is heated up to 200 degrees and the pie is 20-25 minutes. Rum'yanі and savory snack cakes with cowbass and cheese are ready!

We serve pirіzhki to the table and enjoy with gusto!


To cook savory that delicious drink of the master's knowledge is not for everyday hardships. But what about the work of the team, who is not yet at the reach of this culinary mastery, while preparing everything that is under the hand? Everything is simple! We looked at the refrigerator and marveled: what do you have a cowbass, what are you lying around, cheese and eggs? Delicious that kind of sitna strain is safe for you! What can be prepared from these ingredients? Too rich. Golovne - mother bazhannya, garniy mood and trishka fantasy, then your vypіchka will be namingly spicy, and your snack cakes, balls, muffins and buns will turn out just miraculous!

Later, let’s take a look at some of the simplest and easiest recipes for preparing a sourdough bread with cowbass different types testa.

Dish with yeast dough with cowbass in the oven


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • egg;
  • top oil;
  • package wet drizzle(25 g);
  • a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of zucru;
  • borosno (about 800 g is needed, but more may be needed);
  • boiled cowbass (approximately 300 g).


  1. For the cob, it is necessary to knead the dough. For whom the milk is warmed up (it’s even colder, it’s necessary, it was three times higher than the room temperature). Let's figure it out with a new drіzhdzhi.
  2. At the bottom, the bowl visipaemo borosno, add strength, zukor, egg. Step by step, we pour in milk with yeasts, which have already been opened. Everything is good for you and we leave it for a year, so that it went quietly.
  3. Ready to rozgortaёmo no more than a thin layer and a bottle of virіzaєmo parnu kіlkіst gurtkіv. Dali mizh two of these rounds put before the wounded cowbass.
  4. Robimo on the count of visim nadrіziv from the same interval. Do not go to the center varto. After that, the two halves of the skin are called and put on the deco. On top of the pie, we smear with a chewing gum. We put everything in the oven up to 190 degrees and boil until ready.


Samsa with cheese and cowbass


  • home sheet paper(1 kg);
  • three sausages;
  • hard cheese (150 g);
  • a pack of mayonnaise;
  • one chewing gum;
  • sesame (if you don't like it, you can not take it).


  1. Razkochuєmo crispy approximately 4 mm zavtovki. Rozsіkaєmo yoga on equal squares.
  2. In the middle of the skin patch we add mayonnaise (spread over all surfaces), chopped sausages and sir.
  3. We burn everything with an envelope.
  4. Turn on the oven up to 220 degrees. We cover the sheet with parchment paper, smear with dewy oil and put envelopes. Everything is adjusted to the oven for 30-40 minutes.
  5. At the middle of the vipikannya Zhovtkom.

Let's serve hot.

Tistechka with liver

From the number of ingredients described below, about a bowl of pirozhkiv comes out (6 great arches for the oven). If you don’t need such a quantity, skip the ingredients 2 or 3 times.

For liver:

  • 1 kg yalovichi liver;
  • 1 kg of yalovichi legenia;
  • 1 kg yalovichi heart;
  • a pack of butter;
  • sprat cibulin medium size;
  • peppercorns;
  • bay leaf;
  • roslinne oil;
  • a tablespoon of celery;
  • sil.


  1. On the back of the head, it’s good to clean offal. We gave the liver to be cleaned from the spleen of the zhovchny ducts, rіzhemo on the middle shmatka and soaked in milk.
  2. We put a large casserole torn on large pieces of legend and heart. Add halves of cibulin, pepper, seler. We put it on a dead fire for about 2 years. Nasamkinets put more bay leaf. As soon as the heart will be easily pierced with a saw or a knife - ready. As a rule, it’s better to cook better, then the heart is ready to come.
  3. We take a liver. We pour milk, the liver is soaked. On a roasted frying pan, we smear the frilly wounded cibula, on top of it we lay the liver wounded with small pieces. All the good is salted, peppered, translated into full fire and extinguished until the moment when the liver does not see blood. Try not to remake, otherwise you will be firm. Let him win, and vikoristan cibula wink.
  4. On the olії okremo we smear two more cibulini.
  5. All prepared products (lung, heart, liver and cibula) are passed through a meat grinder with a large nozzle. In the minced meat, add a little bit of chilled broth. Everything is good mixed and tested, as if everything is sovereign and it is not necessary to add salt - the liver is ready.

For test:

  • liter of milk;
  • 5 eggs;
  • vial tsukru;
  • roslinna oliya(Approximately 7 tablespoons);
  • sil (2 tsp without top);
  • packing of dry yeasts;
  • five second kilogram is boroshn.


  1. Zamіshuєmo densely dry so that it stood up from the walls of the dishes. We put yoga in a warm place for pidyomu. We close all the windows of that apartment, so that it doesn’t last. Quietly pick up about 40 quills, no less. The message of tsygo mi yogo is interrupted and again put up again.
  2. Then we start, in the middle we put the stuffing ready. Give them a little bit and proceed to the brewing or lubrication. Weeping at 180 degrees.

Smachni buns with sausage filling

Buns stuffed with kovbasi - a miracle substitute for sandwiches. With them, you can safely order a child to school to replace the best sandwiches from cowbass, or take the replacement of shashliks to nature. The stinks look like cicadas, with which they tie up respect like children, so grown up, to drink savory.

To prepare you need:

  • borosno wheat - 475-510 g;
  • drіzhdzhi - 16-23 g;
  • oliya vershkove - 135-155 g;
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh milk - 180-220 g;
  • zukor - 18-25 g;
  • sil - 9-14 g;
  • boiled cowbass - 450-500 g.

Cooking order:

  1. To prepare the simmer to room temperature, add milk, add zukor, kitchen salt, yeast and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Put the future dough in a warm place for 17-26 quills.
  3. Viliti brew in a large saucepan, add one egg and mix it.
  4. Add 65-70% borosna to that kitchen power.
  5. Quietly, step by step, adding a surplus of borosh.
  6. After picking up the dough with a boar, then add cooled, melted butter in a frying pan and re-mix everything.
  7. Form koloboks from dough, put yogo in a container, cover it with a cloth and put it on a windmill in a warm place for 110-120 strands (for this hour, it’s just a few kilka once taken).
  8. For the filling, cut 4-7 mm ribs into sourdough bread with rings.
  9. The dough, which has grown, is thinly cut and seen from the cut off milk, mugs are the same in diameter, like a cowbass.
  10. Form "sandwiches": fold three kukhlі dough and two kukhlі cowbass (tisto in "sandwiches" is not necessary to smear).
  11. Gently pinch the edges of the torn “sharuvat sandwich” to grab the filling.
  12. Bury 4-5 incisions from the near and far sides (you don’t bring them to the end of the shortbread).
  13. Otrimani pіvsmuzhki buns, wrap the filling with the name and creak the edges of the buns between themselves.
  14. Prepared rolls of viklasty on deco, borosny sippan.
  15. Give them rolls to eat close to 27-30 quills and maybe even brush them with an egg and place them in a roaster up to 175-195 degrees in the oven for 47-50 quills.

We prepare the buns to give a deaky hour for reaching and you can click on the right ones to the table.

On cowbass for the sake of stravy, do not save money: in it you can lay down and have an aesthetic look, and the taste of future rolls.

Soufflé with cheese and cowbass (bacon)


  • 4 eggs;
  • sour cream package 15%;
  • vershkov oil (20 g);
  • sir m'yaki (100 g);
  • cowbass abo bacon (100 g);
  • borosno (50 g);
  • packing of a raspushuvach;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • sil.


  1. Dribno rіzhemo kovbas chi bacon, rubbed sir on the dribniy tert.
  2. We wash the greens, visushuemo and even shaky shaky.
  3. We eat eggs with sour cream and butter (melt it in front). Everything is mixed with wine until the end homogeneous mass.
  4. Dodaemo to otrimanou sumishi borosno, that rozpushuvach. All good is mixed and beaten. There we put the cowbass and the sir. I'm changing it again.
  5. Whiskers form for brewing, smeared with a small amount of a pinch of oil.
  6. Pouring otrimana sumish at the mold and pouring into the oven on a sheet for 20 fibers at a temperature of 160 degrees.

Deco can be half filled with water.

Trojandochki from yeast dough with cowbass


  • dry-dry;
  • cowbass, no matter what.

If you want, it would be easier and easier, you can come ready to dry dough. Yakshcho nі - mix it yourself.


  1. We take a small piece of dough, we skip it in a sack, after which, behind the help of a rocking chair, it grows on the table and is cut into squares. The width of the collar must not be less than 2 cm.
  2. Kovbas rіzhemo kіltsami, navpіl. Klademo її trohi more at the edge of the tіsta.
  3. Zgortaёmo densely in the middle of a cowboy in the form of a tripartite.
  4. Put on a sheet, oiled and put into the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Vipkaєmo until the appearance of a golden streak of trojandochok.

Pizza with cowbass and cheese (video)

Like me, it’s easy to cook a brew from different types of dough, before that, like a stuffing, you can beat it absolutely be-like ingredients, eating them all at once. Do not be afraid to experiment and cook from satisfaction, then your specialty will be more savory.

How to cook pies with cowbass and cheese at the oven.

1. Milk trohi pіdіgіti, ale do not boil. Vono may buti trohi warm, lower the guy's milk. Crack an egg into a bowl with milk.

2. Vіnochkom spin masu. Vsipati in the same bowl strong ta tsukor.

3. Get rid of the big sums of drіzhdzhі.

4. Vershkov oil cut into small pieces. Sprinkle the olive oil into a bowl.

5. Vsipati borosno. You can not ask. Relatively twist borosno into a deep summish. It’s more to blame for the night, it’s spring and quiet. Cover the bowl with grub plіvkoy, deprive it of dough for a year on the table. Tisto may commemorately increase.

6. Cowbass is cut with tovstimi circles. Sir narizati so with tovstami shmatki.

7. Quietly file on shmatki. The amount of skin shmatka can be about 40 grams.

8. Rocking the skins of the dough with a rocking chair. At the center of the rolled piece, put the piece of sire and cowbasi. The edges of the cakes should be fastened, give the virobs the shape of a trikutnik.

9. Viklasti blanks on the sheet. So that the bottom of the pies does not burn, it is necessary to lay parchment or foil. Vip_kati pir_zhki 25 hvilin|minutes| in warm up to 220 degrees oven. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, smear the top of the rolls with chicken gum.

With ease replace bread. I'll savour the vipichka- a type of pie with smoked cowbass and sir, can be served with soups and borscht, vegetable salads and porridge.

For those who are satisfied with the lunch-box pirozhki, it’s easy to know more than a light snack. The stuffing is good because for it there are already ready-made products: cowbass, sir and eggs - classics of shvidko їzhi. It’s good to walk and miraculously get drunk, pies with cowbass are filled with soft stretching for two days.

Products for cooking pie with smoked cowbass and cheese

  • borosno - 380 grams;
  • syrovatka - 200 ml;
  • dry drizzle - 10 g;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - 3 tablespoons;
  • tsukor - one tablespoon;
  • sil - 1 teaspoon.

For stuffing:

  • smoked cowbass - 150 grams;
  • sir - 150 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • tsibula is green - 30 grams.

The procedure for preparing pie from smoked cowbass and cheese

For pirіzhkіv with smoked cowbass and cheese, prepare all the components, as per the presented recipe. If you want a solid sirah, then wine is ideal for pizza and baked pies. At the closed pirіzhki, it’s better to put soft siri, in order to scream, then the filling will be filled with juice.

The accuracy of the proportions of the drizzle and the zucru are added to the quality of the vipichka. Tsukrovy pistok and dry put a bowl at the corner, so that the test will be open for the future “pidrostannya”.

Fresh sirovatka trochs heat up and wag around a bowl with yeast, mix. With a stretch of 15 breaths, the yeasts are activated.

At the bowl of yeast, everything hangs in the air.

Put strength and that Sonyashnikov oliya.

Mix it up. It will be soft, ale without much stickiness.

Quietly jump around a large breast and put yogo in a bowl. Cover it tightly with a towel, leave it for 50-60 strands near the warm place.

Syrah rub on a tertzi or knead with a fork. Syria already has spices, licorice pepper and greens. If you put cheese without additives at the pie, you can flavor the filling for the help of your favorite dry spices.

Smoked cowbass is spiced with long shmatochki.

Cool boiled eggs cut into cubes.

Add green cibula.

Mix the stuffing, add strength to the taste.

The dough is removed from the bowl, if it is increased by 2.5 times.

They pluck the pieces of dough, the bags scatter, make a towel. Take one sack each, grow at the shortbread.

Put a tablespoon of sausage filling on the leather shortbread.

Pinch the pies, turn them over with a seam to the bottom. You can rock the pirіzhki with a rocking chair, or crush the trochs with palms.

Zliplenі pirіzhki pіnіnі come with a stretch of 15 quills. Pirіzhki can be left on the doshtsi, sifted with flour, or transferred to the sheet.

First, put the pies in the oven, brush them once. Sonyashnikova Oliya. The oil ball is thin, sticking out one ruhu penzlik.

40 chills are boiled with cowbass, the temperature is 180 degrees.

Hot pirіzhki are covered with a towel and are deprived of such a look until they are fully awakened.

And now testuєmo relish. I'm sure that my recipe for pirozhkiv was worthy and you prepare it for the diversity of your menu. I have a lot of appetite for you and a hugely warm mood.

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