Skіlki prepare the heart of yalovich stew. Serce yaloviche - recipes. How to prepare chicken hearts stewed with cibulae

It is impossible to say how fresh is the heart of Yalovich - a product that is constantly present on the table. However, if you know how to properly prepare the yalovy heart of the new, marvelous passions will appear. By itself, the heart is an offal, which is brought to the first category, which, in spite of its authority, is often valued more than meat.

In modern cookery, the heart beats even wider. They zapіkayut, lubricate, vіvaryuyut and navіt quench. Prepare yoga as a whole and at a detailed look. The heart is perfect for salads, appetizers and pate. Often in the minds of the home, it is vikoristovuetsya like a filling for mlints and pirozhkiv.

4 recipes for preparing yarrow heart

Cooking at home stewed yaloviche heart

Practically, whether a gentleman can cook stewed meat. I will reveal the secret of extinguishing that savory brown heart.


Servings: 4

  • yaloviche heart 500 g
  • borosno 3 art. l.
  • cibulya ripchasta 1 PC
  • zukor ½ st. l.
  • ocet 2 tbsp. l.
  • roslinne oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.

per serving

Calories: 106 kcal

Proteins: 13.2 g

Zhiri: 5 g

Carbohydrates: 1.8 g

4 year. 10 quills. Video recipe Druk

    Yalovichi heart kindly vimiti and cut into small pieces.

    Salt in front, smear yogo on olive oil. Pіd kіnets smeared with flour | boroshnoy | and take on the fire close two whilins. Then put everything into a saucepan.

    Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. The result is a sauce. Yogo protsіditi and add to the pan with offal. They gave me a second bottle of pure water and left it on a weak fire for three years.

    Tsibulyu trim and lubricate in a frying pan. Let's add tomato paste, ocet, zucor and bay leaf, let's boil, and we'll put it out on the fire. If the extinguishing is over, instead of the pan, we put it in a saucepan and add strength.

As a side dish, I recommend serving Greek porridge, rice, cooking potatoes and pasta in some way. For dessert, we have a classic biscuit. Nasamkinets dodamo, which can be cooked around the yalovich heart, like a stewed yalovichina.

Yaloviche heart in a classic way

Yalovichi heart, nirk and liver are consumed by products, the processing and preparation of such will require the correct approach. The easiest way cooking - cooking in salted water.

Until the very preparation, the product must be properly prepared. List of performances for washing, removing excess fat and spitting. Before the procedure, it is better to cook a sprat of water at room temperature. As a result, the product was filled with blood. By stretching the appointed hour, change the water for a few times.

In order for the meat to become soft, yogo trochs are beaten with a special kitchen hammer. With whom it is necessary to saturate, so that the integrity was left unbroken. As soon as the preparation procedures are completed, you can start cooking.

  1. For cooking, take a medium saucepan, pour cold water into it. Water can be overwhelmed.
  2. On a small fire, cook close to three years. Under the hour of cooking add strength, whole bay leaf, season that pepper.
  3. If the heart is brewing, take a few kastruli and let it cool down.

Lost to pour the grass into portions. Seeing such a rank, the heart miraculously eats mashed potatoes.

Yaloviche heart stuffed with cheese and mushrooms

At once I will reveal the secret of cooking stuffed with mushrooms and cheese of the yalovich heart. Let's get started.


  • one big yalovich heart
  • hard cheese - 150 grams
  • mushrooms - 250 grams
  • tomato sauce- 2-3 spoons
  • roslinna oliya
  • young cabbage, tsibula, greens.


  1. Fresh offal relatively vimiti, see blood-bearing judges and rozrazati vzdovzh. Mushrooms, you can glivi, trim and brush well.
  2. Add the cibula to the pan, cut into strips or slices, grated sir, spices that strength. Remind your heart with a washed-out sum, after which you tie it with a special thread, so that you roll it.
  3. Bring the dish to the oven, heated to medium temperature, for 120 minutes. Under the hour of preparation, periodically water the meat with juice, which drains from the new one.
  4. A quarter of a year before readiness, put finely chopped cabbage and leek into the fat, and pour the sauce over the roll. They gave everything anew, breaking into the oven to make a quickie and roasting vegetables.

Recipe for goulash with yalovichi heart

How to prepare goulash actively, it is necessary less than pivgodini. In the passive mode, cooking takes two years. Zagalom go out chotiri portions.


  • big yalovich heart
  • three bell peppers
  • great cibulina
  • a can of canned tomatoes 200 g
  • two flasks of broth
  • 5 scoops of bacon
  • oil for greasing, sirchany pepper, starch, sil, paprika and chili pepper


  1. Yalovichi heart kindly vimiti and see the vein and vein. It is best to do it with your bare hands. If you don’t have time to fiddle with it, you can bring the product to the market, prepare it for processing.
  2. Cut offal into cubes rosemary for cherries. Cut the cibula into thin pivkiltsy, and the bacon into small cubes. Bulgarian pepper is recommended to be cut with skewers, and chili - with dried shmatochki.
  3. Heat the oven or the cabinet up to 200 degrees. At the rocker, or the great casserole, add oil | oil |, put bacon details and grease with a stretch of thin wool. Just a little more to add the cybula. As soon as we begin to drink, we will put paprika and chili. You can put bacon and cibula on a plate for some khvilina. Next, add a drop of dewy olive and brush the pieces of the heart.
  4. If the meat becomes rum'yanim, turn the cibula at the casserole, add tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper. After the dish is salted, peppered and the broth is added. It is important to prosteghit, so that the motherland completely curled up the little things of the heart. They gave the pan to put it in a lubricated bowl for 90 quills.

Video recipe for Dukan Diet

What is the color of the yalovich heart?

Nasamkinets guess, yalovichi heart is respected by the product of the first category. In other words, it is practically not compromised for food prices. And in deyakih moments m'yaso navit act. So, for a new one, there are more vitamins in that hall, lower for Yalovichi.

I realize that this offal is important for pickling. I dare to sing, but the truth is far from it. The amount of fat in new is 4 times less, lower in meat. At the same time, about stylki and minerals, vitamins, and whites are about to be removed. Plus, it's a low-calorie product. It is not surprising that professional dietitians should be encouraged to live.

Stewed yalovichi heart | Home recipes

Yalov'yache heart - tse miraculous dietichne m'yaso, yak just cook it up, want to do it for a long time. Yakshcho, obviously, you don’t get ready stir fry with egg heart- Tse fight fast.

chime in yalovy heart v_dvariuyut, or put out at the miner's house with ovochami, ale and tushkovane yaloviche heart zovsіm not rіdkіst. The sauce at the center of the stravy comes out of quantities and wines, it’s even better to go to different garnishes.

When you decide to cook stewed jalovichina, then guess about the recipe.

For a stewed yalovichi heart, you need

  • Yalovich heart. 1 kg.
  • Ripchasta cibulya. 1 large cibulina.
  • Bay leaf. 2 pcs.
  • Strength. For relish.
  • Black pepper. For relish.
Ready stewed yaloviche heart

Tsibulyu is narrated by thin feasts. With such a decoration, the cibula will begin to grow in the sauce. Hocha in to this particular type the narration has no meaning, the shards extinguish the heart for a long time.

Rozіvaєmo in a deep frying pan trohi olії i vkladєmo in it tsibula, strong and black chalking pepper.

The heart is washed, cleanly in the presence of excess blood and vessels, like a stench. Narizaemo with small shmatochki.

Tsibulya is smeared to the point of transparency and put into a frying pan with a piece of heart.

We add strength, if necessary, that we smear the little things of the heart until the appearance of the smeared maids. Give me some meat on the back of my head, also, help, check, while the vologa boils and the heart is more lubricated.

Kіlka raz_v_shuєmo and vlivаєmo okrip - approximately the same as the bottle. Vologists may be stylki, so that the whole heart was filled with water, but no more.

Gasimo under the roof with a stretch of the second year. For 20 minutes before readiness, add a bay leaf to the pan.

Ready canned heart better served with a side dish, for example boiled potatoes or puree, buckwheat porridge and rice, pasta virobami and polenta.

The same m'yaso m'yake, ale schіlne, and the sauce comes out mіtsniya and nasichenny, even better add garnishes.


Other cicada recipes:

Yalovichi heart stewed: recipes and special preparations

Yaloviche's heart is a noble hedgehog, for which they prepare a rich variety of fears. Whole product to finish the bottom and juice. In terms of savory characteristics and crusty wines, there are no livers and veal meat. Methods for preparing yalovichi stewed heart, recipes and reports are described in sections of the article.

You can work with yakіsnoy and fresh savory herbs. That is why it is necessary to respectfully admire the product, like cupping yoga.

The heart is guilty of the mother's uniform structure and bright-red vitreous. The presence of dark color spots and a dot on the surface of the product is unacceptable. Before that, as a preparation for the heart, it should be thoroughly washed in cold water, look at the pieces of fat, judge. Today, there are a lot of ways to cook a stewed yarrow heart. Recipes with photographs tell about those that the preparation of vicorist is served with various garnishes. Similar herbs are perfectly suitable for everyday eating, as well as Christmas chastuvannya.

Cooking goulash with sauce

The following ingredients are included in the stock of ingredients:

  • Cibulya - 1 head.
  • Yalovich's heart.
  • 2 large spoons of tomato sauce.
  • Such is the quantity of wheat borosh.
  • 2 arches of laurel.
  • Three large spoons of rose fat.

Yaloviche stewed heart for a recipe with tomato sauce is prepared in this way.

The by-product needs to be rinsed, z_zati z new fat that judge. Shatkuvati with small squares, cover with a ball of wheat boar. Then the heart needs to be cooked on the fire with the addition of the dewdrop fat by stretching five quills. The cibulina is trimmed with round pieces. Place a vessel with an offal and smear it for another hour. Then we need to add water, bay leaf, kitchen power and chalking pepper at the grass. Let's mix the ingredients with tomato paste, mix thoroughly. Yalovichi heart stewed for a recipe with tomato sauce, next to prepare a protracted pivgodini.

Strava with sour cream

Before yoga warehouse enter:

  • One cibulin.
  • 2 large spoons of rose fat.
  • Such is the quantity of sour cream itself.
  • Approximately 400 g of yalovichi heart.
  • Trochs of kitchen salt and spices.
  • A small spoonful of wheat boroshn.

Heart yaloviche, stewed in sour cream for a recipe, about which can be found in the article, cook like this. The offal needs to be rinsed, you can see it from the new one. Yogo is trimmed by cold water for about 3 years, then we stagger with frail bows. Shmatochki hearts should be placed in a frying pan and brushed. Vono may grow up. A vessel with a product needs to add a little bit of water. The head of the cybuli is cleaned and shaken with round bows. Її it is necessary to cook on the fire with growing fat until the golden color is cooked. Wheat is boroughly smeared on a frying pan, and then we will pour it out with water. In the otrimaniy mass, it is not to blame for hard particles. Pieces of the heart sip with kitchen sill and spices. Use this product from the qibulei. Then we add sour cream to the pan and sumish borosna with water. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed.

Tsya grass is good to eat with a side dish of boiled cereals, vegetables or pasta virobs.

Strava with additional potatoes

For yoga preparation, you need the following components:

  • The heart of Yalovice is close to 600 grams.
  • Morquin - 3 root crops.
  • 2 ripi.
  • Such is the quantity of potatoes itself.
  • 3 cybuli heads.
  • Two salted saline stumps.
  • Trochs of greenery and kitchen salt.

Tsyu grass is prepared from podlivoyu. To її warehouse to enter:

  • 5 tomatoes.
  • 1 cibulin.
  • Part of a watchmaker.
  • Laurel leaf.
  • A large spoonful of olive oil.
  • Trochs of kitchen salt and pepper.

One of the simplest and most popular strains is the yalovichi heart of stewed potatoes. Recipes є chimalo. Axis is one of them.

Cooking stravia

Rinse the heart, cleanse it with shmatochkіv fat, spit. The by-product of slid trimati in cold water is approximately 2-3 years old. Let's cook yogo with a stretch of 60 strands. For example, cooking requires a little bit of salt to the heart.

To grow a pidlivu, a tomato, a head of a cibulist and a small part of a watchmaker. Qi products need to be placed in a frying pan, add a little water, a bay leaf. We sweat them with a kitchen sill, trim them with pepper and quench under the lid about 5 strands. Then you can take the components out of the fire. They give olivi olives. I need to take off the masa under the cover with a pivgodini stretch. Then let's grind for the help of a blender.

Potatoes, carrots, cibula, rips and parsley root shaky. Tsі ovochі slid to cook for a couple of stretching 15 strands. Crocks in a salty look, those greens podrіbnyuyut. When the heart is ready, it is necessary to cut it into small squares.

Whole product is fed from the podlivka. At the grass, ogirki and other vegetables are added. Yalovichi heart stewed for a recipe with potatoes, it is necessary to cook about 10 quills on the fire under the lid. Serve on the table, sipping chopped fragrant greens.

Recipe for adding green kvass

To prepare such an herb, the necessary components are:

  • 1 carrot.
  • Two heads of cibules.
  • Such is the number of chastochok to the watchmaker.
  • 6 cartolines.
  • A large spoonful of tomato sauce.
  • Pivkilo green kvass.
  • Such is the very quantity of the heart of the yalovichi.
  • Laurel leaf.
  • Trochs of kitchen salt, spices and rosemary fat.

At whom did you tell about the preparation of a stewed yarrow heart in a multi-cooker for a recipe from green kvass. Strava to fight in such a way. The head of the cybuli is shaking. Carrot needs to be trimmed for an additional grater. Add more fat to the bowl and cook on a new vegetable in the mode of boiling. The heart needs to be cut, placed to the other components. Potim multicooker put cut into squares of potatoes and green kvass.

Straw needs to be sipped with kitchen sill, spices, poured with tomato paste. Get ready for the program to extinguish approximately 10 minutes. Yaloviche heart is ready, stewed with kvass for the recipe, seasoned with a fresh teapot.

Serce yaloviche tushkovane recipe with photo, how to cook on

Krok 1

To prepare the herb, you need to take a yaloviche heart, cibula, wheat borosno, tomato paste, apple ocet, zukor, refined sonyashnikova oil, meat broth or water, bay leaf and strength.

Yalovichi broth recipe with photo

Rose the heart, cleanse the spit and great vessels, remove blood clots, thoroughly wash, soak in cold water for 2-3 years, dry and cut into cubes.

Put the heart into a frying pan with hot olive oil.

Lubricate the heart with a stretch of 10 strands on a weak fire.

Obsipati borosnoy heart.

Lubricate 1-2 whilini.

Fill the heart with hot broth and water.

Cover the frying pan with a lid and put it out on a weak fire for 2-3 years (fallow from the vіku creature).

Peel the cibulina, cut into quarters and finely shake.

Lubricate the cibula on olive oil until lightly pidrum'yanyuvannya.

Add tomato puree, ocet, zucor and rozlamaniy bay leaf to shmatochki.

Masu zgasiti 2 hvilini. Krok 13

Viklasti masu, sho viishla, to the heart.

All at once extinguish 30 whilins.

Serve with a garnish of potatoes, sipping some parsley.

Hallowe's Heart Recipe - Stewed Heart on Friend

I also like strains from offal, especially from the heart. Yalov'yache heart for its savory qualities, that chestnut antrohi does not go to meat, but it is 2 times cheaper than mayzha. To that, on our table, the stewed yalovich heart is part of that bagged guest. Like a yalovichin, the heart can be extinguished in various ways, today I will share my cohanim with a photoreception - with an apple, a green cibulia and a carrot. Such grass comes out like a sap, lower, with a great bunch of thick and fragrant podlivi. Marvel at the recipe and cook it with me!

Chob cook stewed yaloviche heart we need:
- heart of yaloviche - 1.1 kg;
- carrot - 180g;
- tsibula is green - 1 bunch;
- apple - 1 pc.;
- 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
- 1 tbsp. from hot boroshn;
- 1 tbsp. starch without weight;
- roslinna oliya - 4 tablespoons;
- Water.

The heart is set on portions of shmatochki, it is especially great blood-bearing judges, it is washed with blood clots (do not start to trap and ideally cleansed yalovich heart). Carrot rіzhemo like you like it - I cut it with circles, and then - with quarters.

The qibulyu is miєmo and pіzhemo kіltsami, and the apple is peeled from the skin and pіzhemo small cubes.

On a baked frying pan, smeared with 2 tbsp. dewy olive tsibulya, apple and carrot khvilin 7-10. We need a middle fire, so that it doesn’t subside, but it subsides.

To the heart we add borosno and starch, mix it up, we have a leather shmatochok leaning in obsipci, and also smeared on a strong fire 7 quills per olive in a deep saucepan or a frying pan. Tim, we ourselves seal our hearts and, while extinguishing it, preserve the juices and do not let our juices near the water and change in communion.

We add vegetables and tomato paste to the heart. We mix and extinguish 7-8 quills on a medium fire.

Potim - dodaєmo okrіp so that the water mayzhe povnіstyu pokrivala meat and quench the heart on the middle fire until ready - I extinguished 1.5 years. In the middle of the process, put strength and spices for relish.

Potim - served on the table with a side dish. I served ready yalovich heart with boiled buckwheat. Savory! The heart was soft and savory, and spicy - even fragrant, rich and meaty.

See also delicious recipes on a friend:

Stewed yalovichina - savory recipe
Pork rolls with mushrooms

chicken liver from tsibuleya
Cookie cake

Yaloviche heart, stewed in sour cream

Lots of people to love and often prepare various offal. In my homeland, the most fond of yalovichi, pig heart, chicken hearts and turkeys, no matter how you look. I tell you to try yaloviche heart, stewed in sour cream,- superbly savory, lower grass, as you can give with some kind of garnish: mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables, porridge or pasta. It’s even more delicious that Korisno!


To prepare a yalovichi heart, stewed in sour cream, you need:

heart of yaloviche - 0.5 pcs.;

cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;

sour cream 15% - 4 tbsp. l.;

oliya vershkove - 10 g;

strength, spices, seasoning for meat - for relish;

saffron - pinch;

oliya roslinna - 2 tbsp. l.;

water - 2 tbsp. l.;

meat broth - 50 ml;

hourglass - 1 clove.

Steps of cooking

Yaloviche heart vimiti, dry.

Cut your heart into pieces, soak it for a year in cold water. The water needs to be changed periodically. Then fill your heart with clean water, put it on fire, bring it to a boil, change the fire and cook until ready, for 2-2.5 years. Cool the heart and cut it into small pieces, place it in a frying pan, pour in the olive oil.

To add to the yalovichi heart, I cut a pretty cibula, salt and sip with spices.

Add sour cream to the pan with a yalovich heart at once with saffron (I have Imeretinsky) and seasoning. Mix it up, extinguish it on a small fire without a lid of wheezing 5-7. Salt to taste.

In the end, add some extra teaspoon and vershkov oil | butter | to the pan, mix, warm the dish for 3 more chills and turn off the gas.

Lower and savory yalovich heart, stewed in sour cream, served to the table with a side dish.

Have a great appetite!

How to prepare a yalovich heart?

How to prepare a yalovich heart? Recipes for preparing a yalovichi heart with sour cream, with potatoes - savory, but how to prepare a soft heart?

The heart of a calf, or a grown-up creature, is a valuable living product, like a cow's liver. Yalovichi by-products are prepared by analogy with the meat of yalovichi, but when preparing yalovichi heart, they are thin.

How to prepare a yalovich heart, so that it will be soft? The heart looks like meat, it does not have long fibers, which is an absolute plus when cooking herbs from the heart of the yalovichi in the frying, heh.

Porada from the Miracle Cook. Sob the heart of the yalovichini was soft, it is necessary to cook it longer, and the better to cook the heart, then the by-product becomes soft.

This recipe for stewed yarrow heart in tomato sauce, boil the shmatochki, and then quench and soak with sauce, as a result of simple manipulation, the heart is soft, lower that juice.

For the savor of the stewed yalovichi heart, the classic meat goulash from yalovichi with savory, only lower and less calorie, is guessed. The low calorie content of the heart is conditioned by a small amount of fat in the product.

We suggest an easy way to prepare that simple recipe for goulash with yalovichi heart and spicy

Ingredients for the stewed yawl heart recipe

  • tomato paste - 3-4 tbsp.
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;
  • heart - 500 g;
  • hourglass - 2-3 cloves;
  • borosno wheat - 2 tablespoons;
  • water;
  • spices for meat;
  • oliya roslinna odorless 3-4 tbsp;
  • black pepper chalking;
  • sil.

How to prepare a yalovich heart, so that it will be soft

  1. You can see all the fat, non-essential spitting, possibly blood clots. For cooking, we only need a small part.
  2. Let's sweat the heart with cubes of medium size.
  3. We then lowered the preparation of shmatochki into a saucepan with water about 2.5 liters, brought to a boil.
  4. After boiling, we know the pin, we give the body, the cibulin is cleaned from the skin, we change the fire. We cook for about 2 years, the world is circulating water.
  5. Let's sweat the frying pan and pour olive oil.
  6. The healthy heart looks like a drushlyak, so that all the water comes from new glass.
  7. Dali put shmatochki into a frying pan, salt, pepper, sip seasoning. We change the fire and brush it with a stretch of 1-2 strands, help.
  8. After that we add a tomato, passing through the freshwater, we mix and quench the masu 2-3 whilini.
  9. Sweat, sippy, burn with a boar, mix it up and fill it with cold water, so that the little things were visible.
  10. We bring it to a boil, resolutely zavazhayuchi, so that the breasts sink.

Ready yalovich heart is taken from the stove, crooked with a lid, it is filled with 5 quills. Serve a stewed heart with spicy and garnish with peas, rice, barley or potatoes.

Tushkovan yalovich heart. Video recipe

To prepare a salad from a yarrow heart, you need the following ingredients:

1 kg of yalovichi heart; - 2 large carrots; - 2 cibulini; - 2 great salted stumps; - ½ bottle of dewy olії; - mayonnaise.

Do not bathe the heart with a great amount of fat. Fresher sire heart bovaє without syncs and maє equal erysipelas color

You can see that the yalovichi heart has good valves, as well as great blood-bearing judges. Kindly wash it, let it cool the offal. Cleanse the yogo from the splinter and the tendon, sharply cut.

Clean the cibula and carrots. Potim narіzhte or grate carrots, cibula and salted cocks on the dry terts. Grill olive oil in a frying pan and brush all the vegetables on the new one. The salty stumps must be lubricated, the stench must not dry out.

Put all the greased vegetables on a crusher and let the oil drain. After that, mix all the ingredients: boiled heart, carrot, cibula and ogirki. Dress salad with mayonnaise and mix well.

To prepare a stewed yawl heart, you need to take:

500 grams of yalovich heart; - 1 tablespoon of borosna; - 1 head of rіpchastoy tsibuli; - 2 tablespoons of tomato paste; - 2 tablespoons of 6% otstu; - 1 teaspoon of zukrovy pisk; - 2 tablespoons of butter; bay leaf; - strong.

From the yalovichi heart it is also possible to cook minced meat for mlintsiv and macaroni in a naval way

Wrinkle the heart of Yalovichi, dry it at the server, cut it into small pieces, salt and brush it on a hot frying pan with olive oil. Potim sip the borosh and lubricate 1-2 more quills.

Transfer the pieces of heart into a small saucepan, and pour water into the pan or broth and boil. Strain the sauce, scho viyshov, into a saucepan with a heart, add another glass of water to the broth, cover the dishes with a lid and put on a weak fire for 2-3 years to cook.

Melt top butter in a frying pan, lightly brush the peeled husk and finely cut the cibula, add tomato paste, table ocet (you can replace the yoghurt with rose salt), zukor, bay leaf and bring to a boil.

Khvilin 20-30 before the end of the quenching of the heart, pour in the preparations of tomato sauce near the pan.

Yalovichi heart in Russian is served to the table with buckwheat porridge, boiled rice, pasta, boiled or greased potatoes.

Choose wonderful and tried recipes for stewed hearts on the online culinary site. Evaluate the variations of spicy greens, mushrooms, carrots, cibulae, tomatoes and various vegetables, cheeses of various species.

Chicken hearts are one of the best dietary products, rich in protein, which is easy to get. When buying, the optimal choice will be chilled hearts. Fresh by-product of dark red color and thin structure. Preparing to cook chicken hearts is not easy. Їx next vimiti, clean up the excess blood from the chambers and see the fat from the tops. Most often, the heart is quenched with sour cream, cheese sauce or broth.

The five most common vicarious ingredients in recipes for stewed hearts:

Cicavi recipe:
1. Make and clean chicken hearts to cover 15 quills.
2. Add a cibulka, a couple of teeth, trimmed in some way to the watchmaker.
3. Extinguish about 10-15 more strands.
4. Add | add | sour cream, grated cheese. Add your favorite spices. Help the sire until it's clear.
5. Vsipati drіbnorubani krip, parsley or cilantro and іn.
6. Give a little brew.
7. Serve with a prepared side dish: rice and other cereals, potatoes, pasta.

Five of the best recipes for stewed hearts:

Korisnі for the sake of:
. So that the sour cream and syrn sauce swelled thicker, add a little flour to it.
. Sour cream can be replaced with fresh tops, yogurt or not even sour kefir.
. Smear better by-products vershokov oil. So the hope of a dodatkovogo lower prismak and aroma.
. As soon as the heart is ready for a sprat of time, then put the fresh greens rather not in the sleeping grass, but in the skin plate in front of the hedgehog.

The heart of the yalovichi is respected by a noble savory offal, which replaces the meat of high quality in rich herbs. Properly cooking wines to turn over the veal.

The fresh brewed product has a slight licorice aroma, a uniform dark red color. Cover with a small amount of fat with a yellowish tint.

The middle wagon stores 1.5 kg - 2 kg.


Put the offal in a saucepan with cold water, bring it to a boil and cook it on a weak fire under a lid. After 30-60 minutes of cooking, you need to change the water. A year before the end of the cooking, add cibula to the broth, bay leaf and pepper.

Cook until ready for 2.5-4.5 years (what is older than the creature, it is more time to cook). You can cook at the multicooker.

Save best in broth, because the meat is dry dry.

The taste of cooked yalovichini is reminiscent of venison and may have a pleasant aroma.

Stravi z yalovichoy heart

Yogo is boiled with vegetables, baked at the oven, served with additional beans, corn, carrots, pickled ogirkiv. Vegetables to color Kharchov's value Stravi, scho neutralize shkіdlivy injection of cholesterol.

From a simple drink, you can sprout:

  • goulash
  • steak
  • barbecue

Vіdvarieny product vikoristovuyut in recipes of various salads, cold appetizers and home-made liver cowbass.

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