Liver pie with chicken liver pokrokovy. Cookie cake from chicken liver: a recipe for cooking from a photo.

Cookie cake (recipe from chicken liver bude representations of yours uvazі lower) go out even lower and savory. Such grass can be served before the Christmas table, like after salads, but before the main meal. Varto indicates that there are few ways to prepare this unsalted cake. Today, we look at the best and simplest option.

Cookie cake: chicken liver recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • odorless oliya roslinna - 75 ml (for coating the herb);
  • chicken liver - 1 kg;
  • a small chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • cibulini great rіpchasti - 5 pcs. (2 їх at the base);
  • carrots are large fresh - 3 pcs.;
  • fat mayonnaise for quail eggs - 200 g;
  • milk 3% fresh - 250 ml;
  • borosno wheat - 4 large spoons;
  • fresh teapot - 2-3 cloves;
  • sіl kitchen - sipati for relish;
  • tertiy sir - 80 g (for embellishing stravi);
  • fresh parsley, krip - (for

Foundation preparation

Cookie cake (a recipe made from chicken liver that uses more than simple components) should be started from mixing a rare base. For this purpose, it is good to remember 1 kg of offal, having cleaned it from the dry spittle, veins and other unnatural elements. Dali the meat, it is necessary to cut it in the meat cutter, cutting up to 2 heads of the cibulus. As soon as the mass, which came out, should be added 3% fresh milk, chicken eggs and wheat is borosno. As a result of long-term mixing of all components, you may be able to finish a rare base (like thin licorice creams).

Filling preparation

Such a savory appetizer is richer and more savory, as in the process of preparing vicorist and such products, like a carrot and a cibula. To understand, how to create a fragrant vegetable filling for the sake of fear, let's look at it report recipe. Pechinkovy chicken cake It is molded exactly the same way, like a wonderful licorice dessert, so the carrot and the cibula for such a strain should be strongly trimmed (shredded and grated). Dali the offending components and smear them with rose oil, moistening them with kitchen sill.

The process of preparing unsweetened milkshakes

To make a savory and lower liver cake, it is necessary to prepare 6 to 9 mlnci for one streak. Such “cakes” are smeared in a frying pan Oliya just like that, like a wonderful licorice milk.

Straw molding

To prepare such an appetizer, it is necessary to cook the liver milk on a flat plate, smearing the skins with mayonnaise and seasoning with vegetables to sauté. As a result of such events, you are obliged to finish a tall cake, on top of which you should decorate with grated syrup and chopped fresh greens.

How to properly serve to the table

Cooked with chicken liver, more ideas) next, crit and put in the refrigerator for a couple of years. They gave the grass to cut into portions of shmatki and bring it to the table at once with a sharpened spatula.

Do you want to welcome guests and loved ones? Prepare a cookie cake from chicken liver. Vaughn doesn’t have a hot taste, like a pig, and not such a zhorstka, like a yalovich.

With this offal, you can cook even lower and non-primary grass, like a fit to relish gourmets. There are no options for the filling, so that the mother often enjoys a different taste and aroma.

Learn different recipes for making liver cake. One of them is an appetizer stuffed with carrots and cibules.

You need the following ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • borosno - 2 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • roslinna oil for lubrication;
  • strength, pepper - for relish.

Defrost the chicken liver, but not to the end. Clean and rinse in cold water. Scroll the offal on the meat cutters with fine grains, sob viishla homogeneous mass. At the mincemeat, add the eggs and thoroughly mix the masa. Then pour milk into it, season with pepper, salt and put flour | boroshno |. Pass the teapot through the press and add to the mass. Thoroughly mix the liver dough, so that the new one does not have a breast. Chicken liver dough can have the consistency of thin sour cream, thick troch, lower on milk.

Heat the frying pan on the stove, pour in the trochs of olives. Let's vip the milky liver, so it's as if it's shattering when smeared with great milkshakes. Pour the batter into the frying pan and brush on both sides until golden brown. Give the world a small amount of olive oil.

Prepare the stuffing. Peel and grate the carrot. It’s best for this vicory grater, such a filling will blend harmoniously with the lower texture of the liver milk. To clean the cibula from the lushpinnya and to trim it. In a frying pan with olives, sauté the cibula, then add grated carrots and brush the vegetables at once. Put them in a glass of dishes and let them cool.

Now you can mold the cake with chicken liver. On a dish, or on a large flat plate, put the first cream, smear it with mayonnaise and put the filling, spreading it on the surface. Cover the construction with other liver milk, cover it with mayonnaise and add the filling.

In this order, put one on one all the mlints that are left out. Cover the remaining ball with mayonnaise. Let's cover it with a plate and press it lightly. For the cake to be juiced and savory, it is necessary for you to let it stand. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 years. After that, you can proceed to the cake.

Vrahuyte, that the calorie content of the strain is great. However, there are other recipes for those who follow their diet.

Chicken liver cake with tops

Tim, who wants to eat or not live mayonnaise, is worthy of a cookie cake with tops and fresh lemon juice. The calorie content of the strain is richly reduced, lower at the appetizer with mayonnaise.

To prepare, take:

  • chilled chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • white plastic - 50 gr;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • fat tops - 200 ml;
  • chasnik - 1 clove;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • strength, pepper - for relish.

Soak white plastics in milk. Rinse the chicken liver in cold water and mince the minced meat, passing it through a meat grinder with coarse grains. Then let's scroll the cibula and swirl the bells and whistles. Mix all the ingredients, add | add | eggs and thoroughly mix the masa. Lubricate the liver oils on both sides until golden.

Churn the sauce. Beat tops until creamy. Let the clock pass through the press. See the juice from the lemon. At the top, pour in the sik, add a chasnik and beat the masa in a short time. Season with pepper. With the sauce miraculously harmonizes with white, but not less tasty dressing, so pepper it with black pepper. Let the sauce infuse for 30 chills, after which proceed to form the cake. Lay the mlints one on one, smearing the skin ball with top dressing and lemon juice.

Chicken liver cake with pecheritsy

Recipes, how to prepare a liver cake from chicken liver, are different. As a filling, you can vicorate sir, chop boiled eggs, grate an apple with a sour relish and cranberries. Ale, maybe, mushrooms are best eaten with chicken liver.

To prepare a cake with ovens, you need:

  • chicken liver - 0.7 kg;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • borosno - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • fresh bakery - 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • roslinna oil for lubrication;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • black chalking pepper, strong for relish.

Prepare mushroom stuffing. Cut the cibula with thin pivkilts and save yoga on olives.

Wipe the ovens with a dry servette and cut with skewers. Coat the mushrooms in a small amount of dewy olive oil until the whole country is boiled out of them. Add|Add| save the cibula and cook the ingredients at once for about 5 minutes|minutes|. Season the filling with ta sill pepper.

To prepare the cakes, cook the chicken liver in meat grinders, add the eggs, the milk is good. Salt the masa and thoroughly mix it so that there is no breast.

Lubricate the cakes, shape the cake. Cover the skins with mayonnaise and mushroom stuffing.

You can talk about the savageness of chicken liver for years, but we can’t overdo all the cooking methods. For special respect, I deserve a liver cake with chicken liver, the recipes of which we can look at today.

Secrets of making a savory and baked liver cake

Such a cake is traditionally prepared with liver muffins, leaking stuffing. Fillings for liver cake can be different. So, for the filling, you can vicorate the original mayonnaise, mix with sautéed vegetables - cibula and carrots. Whoever adds mushrooms, tomatoes and other vegetables.

Whatever way of cooking you did not choose, you will be independent to get acquainted with the varieties of known culinary specialists:

  • the liver before cooking needs to be soaked in milk - it is allowed to drink hot water;
  • to break the liver, then scald it with hot water;
  • obov'yazkovo need to be removed from the liver ducts;
  • for the filling, add mayonnaise with a high fat content;
  • The baked masa for the cake is guilty of buti in consistency similar to pastry for pancakes.

Cake with chicken liver: recipe with photo Pokrokovo

For this recipe, you can change the filling and replace the greens in mayonnaise, add carrots and cibula, as you need to sauté on olives in the front.


  • 650 g chicken liver;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ st. millet borosh;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • hour teeth;
  • greens;
  • strength and sumish of peppers;
  • roslin oil.


Cookie cake from the multicooker

A cookie cake can be made in a multivarce. Let's not go out less savory, less cooking in a frying pan and oven.


  • 500 g chicken liver;
  • 3 cybuli heads;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp rozpushuvacha for dough;
  • 100 ml tops of chi sour cream;
  • 100 g boroshen;
  • 1 carrot;
  • mayonnaise;
  • hour teeth;
  • sil that sumish peppers.


Dodamo to the familiar mushroom notes


  • 800 g chicken liver;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • 2 cybuli heads;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 50 g boroshen;
  • roslinne oil;
  • sil that sumish peppers.


Stuffings for liver cake

Cream of descriptions in recipes of types of fillings, a cake with chicken liver is also added:

  • boiled rice and buckwheat;
  • olives;
  • fresh creep;
  • basil;
  • boiled eggs and cheese.

We’ll also savor the cake, the skin of the cake is covered with various fillings. In such a state of mind, it is necessary to take care of the ingredients.

Do you know who invented it? But I don't know. My attempt to recognize the history of cookie cakes on the Internet was recognized as a fiasco. Ale, yak, it wasn’t there, the cookie cake is not the one to love, but to love richly, and I lie down to the shanuvalniks in the wonderland and even savory passion.

On the vіdmіnu vіd pechіnkovy cake z yalovichoї аbo pork liver, liver from chicken liver come out with a less pronounced relish and aroma of the liver, which is maddened by the peculiarities of the chicken liver.

The classic and savory liver cake with chicken liver is prepared with liver dough on milk, boiled in a frying pan and picked, smeared with mayonnaise from proshark і from carrots and cibules. Krym tsgogo іsnuyut іnshі recipes of liver cakes. Do not be surprised, as you learn the recipe for a liver cake with chicken liver in oven, multi-cooker, with mushrooms, without milk and mayonnaise. It is uplifted that the skin of the master can have his own kohan best recipe chicken cake. I will be glad if you need the same recipe.

And now let's move on to the recipe and wonder how to cook cookie cake with chicken liver pokrokovo.

Ingredients for liver cakes:

  • Chicken liver - 600-700 gr.,
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Milk - 200 ml.,
  • Strength for taste
  • Black chalking pepper - pinch,
  • Boroshno - 150 gr.,
  • Sonyashnikova oliya for greasing cakes

Ingredients for the filling and decorate:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 100-150 gr.,
  • Sil,
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.,
  • Green tsibulya - a small bunch,
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.,
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova.

Chicken liver cake with chicken liver - recipe

The preparation of a liver cake with chicken liver is made up of several steps. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a dough and a variety of liver milk. On the other hand, prepare a vegetable prosciutto for a cake with carrots and cibules. І third stage - selection of liver cake.

At once from the liver, twist that cibula through the meat grinder.

Tsibulya and join in one mist.

Crack the eggs into a bowl.

Stir them with a wine glass.

Pour in milk and stir again.

Pour the egg-and-milk sum into a bowl with the chibula and the liver. Eggs with milk can be added immediately to a bowl with a liver, after which all the ingredients are mixed. Marvel at how you feel better. Mix the liver with milk and eggs again.

Masa is obliged to be uniform.

Salt and pepper. Mix again.

The rest of the component was left to be added - wheat borosno.

Stir the liver dough until the breast is borosna. Behind the consistency of the liver, the dough comes out like this, like a dough for liver pancakes.

For the brewing of liver cakes (mlintsiv), it is necessary to beat a frying pan no more than a large one. The ideal diameter is 15 to 20 cm. Pour trochs of dewy oleage into the pan. Pour the opolonik into the oven dough on a good frying pan.

So that the milky viyshov is equal, as if it were thin, it is necessary to twist the frying pan in different sides, so that it is neatly evenly evenly spread along them. To make thin mullets, the thickness of the dough ball is to become 0.5-0.7 cm. In principle, the steps of the smearing of mlints can be adjusted to your taste and judgment. I love if the milk is smeared to a golden color.

Ready for a liver cake, stack in a pile.

Now it is necessary to prepare a savory carrot roast. Clean the cibula and carrots. Grate carrots on the middle third. Dice the cibula roughly into cubes.

Pomishyuyuchi, brush the cibula with carrots with a stretch of 5 quills. Know from the stove and let it cool. It is even more important, otherwise, mayonnaise will melt from hot carrots.

Folding a liver cake with chicken liver is quite simple. Cookie cakes are smeared with mayonnaise and balled with carrots smeared with cibulae.

Practically preparing a cookie cake can look like this.

Left yoga to embellish. Classically, baked cakes are decorated with greenery and greenery. Ale, there are a lot of other options. I am giving you my simple and easy way to decorate a liver cake.

Zvarenykh coolly eat whites from zhovtkiv. Zhovtki rozіtrіt hands in kryhtu. Grate whites on the great third. Dribno call the green cibula. Cover the top of the liver cake with chicken liver with a small amount of mayonnaise. For bajannyam to mayonnaise, you can add passes through the freshwater. Eat a cookie cake with white. Dali sip a zhovtkom that green tsibuleya.

All, liver cake with chicken liver and carrots get ready. Vinesіt yogo in the cold and let it seep if you want for a long time.

And the axle looks like a cookie cake is ready at the rose. In the view, you can clearly see the yaskrav morkvin, as we hope for the cake even more Christmas and appetizing looking. Good appetite for you. I will be glad if you have been honored with this recipe for liver cake.

Cookie cake with chicken liver. A photo

Hello dear readers. For a long time I wanted to share my secrets with you at the prepared liver cake, so give your photo recipe. Ale axis, the hour has come. Vchora bought all the necessary products and decided to please her homeland and you with a perfect recipe. The first time I tried a cookie cake on National Day with a friend, on the 10th anniversary of this, the country is one of the favorites in our homeland. Tse buv great ta savory cake with chicken liver with a prosciutto of stewed vegetables (cibulya and carrots). Plus, the original presentation is that embellishment. Vin standing at the center of the holy table. That relish at the cake to finish the bottom and soft. I have been making a cake for a long time and I am satisfied, the recipe is good, everything in the world. We have a sacred day, jubilee, people's day, we can not do without a miraculous decoration on the table, that other guests will appreciate it with a proper rank.

Stilka is holy in front, you have to walk one to one with the guest. Always want to zdivuvaty, to please that part of your guests with delicious treats.

The cake is easy to prepare, come out garnished, original, holy. Vykoristovuyutsya simple and accessible ingredients. Come out lower, savory, seep. It’s good to embellish whether it’s a holy styl. Become a yoga color. Most suitable for offal lovers. Children can also eat yoga with great satisfaction, even if there is a liver in an undivided supply.

This recipe can be looked over for 1.48 times from the video with photos, as shown in the article below.

Delicious liver cake made from chicken liver - ingredients

Ingredients for mlints:

  • 500 grams of chicken liver
  • 0.5 bottles of borosna (bottle 250 gr.)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream (I have homemade)
  • 2 eggs
  • sіl ta pepper for relish
  • roslinna oliya

Ingredients for the filling and decorate:

  • 1 large cibulina
  • 1 large carrot
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • roslinna oliya (to coat vegetables)
  • boiled eggs to decorate the liver cake
  • greenery for decoration

Cake with chicken liver comes out savory, lower, invisible, and looks like a garnet of wine Svyatkovy style. It's just a masterpiece.

Cooking does not take a lot of time, no matter how hard it is, as if you are ready at first glance, but only a little at first glance.

Cake with chicken liver.

Same pokrokovy recipe to help you easily cook a cake, even if not all masters know how to cook a cake from a liver. Tom report instruction before speech.

1. It is necessary to prepare the liver on the back. Її it is necessary to fill it with water for a year or two. And as a victorist yalovich liver, then for a couple of years and pour її milk, to relieve bitterness.

I filled the liver with water for a year. I dried it on a paper towel. From the drive you can see them, or you can do without them. Obov'yazkovo reversal, chi is not in the oven of the zhovchny mikhura, otherwise everything can be just thrown away, like one liver to appear with the zhovchny.

2. Now you need to refine the liver. Vikoristovuvati can m'yasorubku chi blender. Since we recently got our own blender, it’s just a sin for him not to be quick. I’ll give you a closer look at the liver for the help of a blender.

3. We have a cake with chicken liver, and everything is robitimemo pokrokovo, what and after what follows. The third - add in the trimmed masu borosno, sour cream, 2 eggs, strong and black pepper.

I have sour cream, like a store-bought sour cream, then take 20%; For a quarter of a liver, I added 1 teaspoon of salt, a trio of black pepper and a lot.

Boroshna, I took exactly pivsklyanki (a glass of 250 grams), or you can take three equal tablespoons with hot water. This recipe comes out just perfect, everything in the world, nothing to tweak, it’s not necessary to add anything, it’s just not enough.

Yet, I would like to add, the gentleman twists the cibula into a thick mass, or cut it with a cube, not varto tho robiti, so that the cibula is not caught and prepared and treated in them, the cake will no longer be so lower, as you want.

So I don’t add soda to the dough, I have thin milk.

4. We continue to beat the masa with a blender. The heart of the liver was red, but if we added additional ingredients, the masa became significantly lighter.

Today's day is miraculous, sleepy, the whole kitchen is flooded with sleepy light, and we still have to go out to the pivdenny side, for that I swear away for the photo.

5. Now we are going to grease the buttermilk from the liver for the liver cake. I put a frying pan on the fire, I play it. I add a teaspoon of olive oil.

6. I collect piv opolonik liver dough, like we had it and pour it into the pan. I have a frying pan 21 cm in diameter.

Bachite, liver milk go out at the dirochka. Dali carefully turned over. And so we cover all the mlins from both sides. Literally on hvilinі (dvі). See if the milk doesn’t burn, then regulate the fire.

The frying pan can be oiled with oil | oil | Like you have a pan with non-stick coating, which you can not work.

So lubricate until our "dough" is over. Otzhe, I can say with perfection, pouring on pіv ladle test for s a frying pan with a diameter of 21 cm. I had 12 mln cookies for a cookie cake.

You can have more or less, fallow, depending on how you take a frying pan and pour some dough into it.

The axis is such a stack in me. Well, the truth is, we tried the first milk, more wine rose from me. Ale potim everything went like clockwork. Without a doubt, we don’t call good the frying pan.

7. Stuffing for liver cake. I should also smear the balls with mayonnaise and give the beast a smeared cubula with carrots.

Ale, you can shift the balls with mushrooms, sip with grated cheese, grated eggs, green cibules, crops and what only the soul zabazhaє.

If you like more fillings, then take 2-3 carrots and a couple of great cibulins. I fawned over one tibule and one carrot.

8. I rub the carrots on a rubbish grater, and I try to smack the cibula. Zvichaynno, zazdalegіd, I cleaned and wilted the veggies.

9. We smear a couple of quills on the cob on the olive, and then we add carrots. We don’t cover it as soon as possible, but we simmer the vegetables until cooked. Let's give them a chill.

Strongly smear the vegetables, virishuvate you like you love, so work.

10. Prepare mayonnaise. Vikoristovuvati can be chi shop. Fatty take be-yaku. If you need 30% mayonnaise, take yoga. In my refrigerator, only 67% showed up.

In mayonnaise, you can add strength, pepper, krip, chasnik, parsley to your taste. I have grown black with black pepper and a pinch of salt.

11. Millions have already caught the chill, now let's get down to picking a liver cake from a chicken liver. If I want to know honestly, don’t wait for the mlints to eat at the cake. Buvaє so, scho zalishaєsh їх attain, and the stink of the boil. Dzhe tsіkaviy and nizhny they relish. And if it’s on me, then it’s easier to navit for the names.

On the skin, we apply a small amount of mayonnaise and spread it with a spoon. I’m at least vicarious mayonnaise, to that cake from the liver and so it’s supposed to be fat.

I put a teaspoon of grease on top. I spread it with a thin ball over the entire surface of the mlins.

So we smear the skin with a cream and put a lubricant on the skin. You can split the lube into 11 parts, so that it sticks out for sure.

And if it was like that, if the cibules of the carrots showed up a little, then it’s possible to get a boost, but it’s not very famously.

The axis is such a wiyshov cookie cake.

The cake after folding is necessary to be laid flat, if you want it to be fresh, but you can do it later, so that the wine can seep out like a trace.

12. Color of the cake Yogo can be transferred to a lettuce leaf, transferred to a side dish and a plate.

You can decorate with greens, eggs, hard cheese, mushrooms, olives, fresh vegetables, greased with carrots i tsibuleyu, or deprive everything like є.

I embellished with grated zhovtkom and berries of frozen cranes.

Leaked cake I've had for three years. And then I cut yogo into little pieces. I also made a photo, because I have a chicken liver cake with a recipe for a recipe. Obviously, you want to know, like a cake looking in the middle.

Vіn is not fat, I'll tell you, everything in the world. If you love, then generously smear the skin of the cake with mayonnaise and generously spread the grease, then the cake will be fat and seep. I decided it right away, shards of richness do not fit the grass itself through those that are fat. The cibula and the carrot were smeared with a dewy olive, dragging the skin with mayonnaise.

We love this one.

So I didn’t forget a little, so that the grass is small licorice relish, choose licorice carrot for lubrication.

And if you don't want to lubricate the liver milk, you can just in a frying pan. It's true, after an hour you won't be richer swidshe.

Write, below, in the comments, how do you cook a cookie cake, how do you bake a cookie? Share your notes about how to prepare the strain. I will be sure to find out more about your thought. Or maybe I’ll add koriguvannya to our recipe. Always want to taste a new taste.

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