Mushroom dough. How to prepare mushroom stuffing?

Spravzhnіy rosіyskiy budinok obov'yazkovo bovaє smell of fresh pirіv, tsim smell of kohannya, lull and turboti. From generation to generation, Russian recipes for pies are passed on. savory toppings vikoristovuyutsya with a different test - dry, piskovy, pouring, biscuit. Russian national cuisine is impossible to reveal without mushrooms, and even pies with mushrooms seem to be impersonal, and the gentleman's skin tries to bring his own, original and unforgettable to them.

Nothing will be compared, as forest mushrooms, (birch, boletus, chanterelles) are picked in the autumn forest in Zhovtni, if only rankova dew, naismachnishi, but not varto, are thrown off from rachunkiv and dried mushrooms, and also clay ovens. the stench is miraculously suitable for fresh pies with mushroom filling.

Most often, the basis of the pie is made up of dry yeast dough, French quiche is boiled from the pistachio and chopped dough, and the mushroom pies on sour cream are even more popular, if a bunch of hungry guests are on the raptom of vinyl, and you need to swear the term.

Mushroom pie - product preparation

The greatest respect should be given to the preparation of mushrooms. Sort the fresh mushrooms, remove the zipped meat, wash it with running water and cut it into small pieces. Dried mushrooms should be soaked for a year in cold water. For cooking yeast test vikoristovuyut fresh chi dry yeast.

Mushroom pie - cooking dishes

Pies with mushrooms are boiled in special forms or in braziers; Lubricate the mushrooms better in important chavun pans with high sides. Sob it didn’t climb up the mountain, for the fire it’s better to pick up the capacity, double-double more for obsyagy, lower the number of products.

Recipe 1: Pie with mushrooms from yeast dough "Pomishchichiy"

For the preparation of this pie, we quickly use a recipe for yeast dough. The recipe for diyshov to us is a long time ago, the helpers loved, so that everyone worked hard and following the rules, so there’s a lot of dough, milk that fresh drizzle we’ll put it in the evening, and summarily check it, while it’s out of the way. For the filling, there were white mushrooms.


For sponge: dry (30-40 g), borosno 2, 5 flasks, warm water pіvsklyanki.
Basic dough: tsukor (1 tablespoon), gore (1 cup, 50 grams), egg 1 pc., Tops (2 tablespoons), top butter (200 gr), silt, borosno (you can take the dough in yourself).
Stuffing: 100 g tops, eggs (4-5 pieces), white mushrooms 500 g, green cibula 400 g, strong.

Cooking method

Zmіshati drіzhdzhі, borosh that water and put for wandering on a sprat of a year. Let's add tops of butter, tsukor, one egg, tops and a cup of burner. Anew zalishaєmo for pidmomu in a warm place. Do not forget to crush the kilka once. Get an omelet from eggs and tops, cut yogo into pieces. Okremo obmazhuєmo mushrooms, tovchemo sap the green cibula with sill and mix it up, add dribly cripples. This is a beautiful “pomishchitska” filling, all so natural, fresh and appetizing.

For shaping the pie, put a piece of dough with a ball on the form or a sheet, front, like a crown, smearing with oil. We put mushrooms on top. Curve with a ball of rolled dough, pinch that shape, embellish it - pussies, quotations, and everything that your strong fantasy suggests. From above it is smeared with an egg and it is brought to the oven on a medium fire.

Ah, what an appetizing beauty, you yourself will recognize, if you are ready for wine - rum'yany is the homeowner's pie!

Recipe 2: Poured mushroom pie.

duje savory pie on the swedish hand. Guests on the porosi - do not worry, it’s less than a year of preparation, a sprat of whilin vypikannya, and a mushroom herb is ready.


For the dough: flour (1.5 bottles), tsukor (0.5 bottles), sour cream (1 bottle), soda (1/2 teaspoon), eggs (2 pcs).
For the filling: fresh or frozen biscuits 600 grams, cibula (2 pcs), boiled rice 200 grams.

Cooking method

So, like a swedish pie, we’ll prepare the filling on the cob. Smear the cibula, add mushrooms and smear it to a ruddy color. Cool down, add the crepe that strength with pepper. Zmіshuєmo іz boiled rice. Shvidko prepared dough, which will guess sour cream dough - for whom all the ingredients are simply mixed. Smashchuєmo olієyu form and wilivaєmo tіsto. From above we put the stuffing - part of it sinks to the bottom, spreading according to the whole dough. Vipkati 30 khvilin. Trohi okholone - narizaemo and ... forward, pile on with all the gang! Trochy licorice and dry salted mushrooms are still unimaginable for relish.

Recipe 3: Mlynets with mushrooms

For the preparation of this pie, vicorist’s milk, and if the stench was especially lower, vicorist’s secret is prepared with the addition of gas water.


Mlintsі: eggs (3 pcs.), milk (1 bottle), zukor (1/2 tsp), soda water (bottles), boar, melted butter (by ? bottles).

Stuffing: fox mushrooms (abo pecheritsi) 500 grams, chicken broth(1 bottle), vershkov oil (3 tbsp), dry vermouth (2 tbsp), cibula (2 pcs.), garlic cloves, sil, pepper, tops (a quarter of a bottle), sour cream (1 bottle) , tertiy sir, krip, breadcrumbs (three spoons), butter (2 spoons).

Cooking method

We change the ingredients for the preparation of mlints, and we smear the mlints, put them in a glass. For the filling, we clean the mushrooms and grease them all at once from the cibula and the teaspoon to the softness of the cibula. Pour in vermouth and simmer 2 more quills, season with silla, pepper, add sour cream, tops and half of the syrup, quench 5 more quills over medium heat. Guilty vyyti dozhe thick sauce.

The cake is shaped like a creamy, creamy filling. From the top can be a shower. I’m smothering my mind, that I’ve lost it, and sipping on syrup and crop, breadcrumbs, and on top of everything I’m putting a piece of butter. It is corrected to the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Tse is not just delicious - wine in the company!

In order to save the greenhouse stoves, they strengthened the smell of mushrooms, it is necessary to respectfully stand up to the lubrication of the cibul. The cybula is smeared with juicy and not ripple on the teeth, soft, vologous and lightly golden cibula to reinforce the right smell of mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms are wonderfully suitable for mushroom fillings, as it is necessary for a long time. Do not hurry to have some water, in which mushrooms were boiled - trochs of the lower broth can be added to the filling, even if there is a great concentration of brown words from various particles of dried mushrooms.


"At the pirіg everything will burn," - say the old order. You can practically “pack” the dough with it, whether it’s a grass, or, obviously, not a soup, but a compote. Pies and pirіzhki were for our ancestors a kind of form of snіdankіv and obіdіv posture at home. Violating the work in the field or on a long trip, the people took from themselves not cauldrons with cabbage, but porridge and not turnips, but potato bulbs, burnt into a servlet. Vіn klav u zvičnі zvichnі produktіvі for yourself, ale in zruchnіshіy, їstіvnіy "packing" - baked in dough.

Vtіm, vipіchka with stuffing bula in olden days not only similar to those everyday peasant grievances. Pies, kuleb'yaki, rozstіbki, dumplings, mlintsі - mustaches of stravi were the obov'yazkovy embellishment of the Christmas table, and the word "pirig" itself is not vipadkovo hot root with the old Russian word "benket". Without pies and pirіzhkіv with the most tempting fillings, the day of the feast in Russia could not do.

Our great-grandmothers and great-grandparents did not know that rich assortment of products that you can find in today's supermarkets. It didn’t fall into my head that pies, roses, milk, dumplings, dumplings can be stuffed not only with meat, fish, buckwheat porridge, or apples, but also with shrimp, for example, or overseas fruits. Ale, regardless of food sufficiency, homemade pie with juice stuffing, having established its position and sacrificed a meal on the table for unappetizing beverages, tedious swedish-flavored lokshina and frowned upon sandwiches, such as office workers, students, workers.

Do you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with savory food, moreover, not only in the saint, but also in everyday life? Guess about the undeservedly forgotten pies, pirozhki, kuleb'yaki, dumplings, creamy stuffing. Kohany will be welcome, as if in the afternoon I will interrupt the place of ostogidli sandwiches to be seen at the container for zhi pirіzhki, baked by your dbailivimi hands. And what a happy child you will be if you turn around from school to a quiet booth that smells like mother's pies! Obviously, the hour will happen to be more, lower when playing in micro-furnace drink the products, then, as a matter of fact, you will be satisfied with those close to you, and you yourself!

Like the old chanuval of pirogues, proteo fillings are no longer crying out for enthusiasm either in you or in your homeland, try something new.

Cook together!

Secrets of the perfect filling

The first thing to do is to start preparing the most delicious pies in the world, dumplings or mlints, we will try to learn in the subtleties of technology.

The stuffing - tse is prepared according to the special rules of sumish for pies, pirozhkiv, kulebyak, mlintsiv toshcho. Traditional fillings for Russian pirogues are porridge, to the point of adding cibula and eggs; cabbage (fresh or pickled) with eggs; mushrooms from tsibulei; m'yaso, riba or viziga with rice and eggs. The names of the toppings are given after the name of the main product, so that all other ingredients become additive. With all the main products (meat, fish, cereals, wild game, cabbage, poppy seeds) in one choice, they do not sound like each other.

A pie, stuffed with a folding sum, is called a kuleb'yakoy. Folding stuffing should not be mixed, but put into balls. To save a clear bottom of various fillings (so tastier!), between them you can lay thin cakes of dough, like a zazdalegid. The filling is also foldable, the bottom row is the best for porridge, and mushrooms, fish or meat, as well as cibulus, are necessary for the beast.

All kinds of products should be put at the viper after cooling. Vignatok become less rib, її it is possible to viklasti syroy, prote in the hour of the vipіchki to fight. For the preparation of pies, pirozhkiv, kulebyak, salted (mostly red) rib is also used. Even more savory is a savory pastry stuffed with salted ribeye and porridge: greek, rice and sago. Good and toppings are a must, the product will require special processing.

In the old Russian cuisine, the fillings for licorice pies were mainly brewed: apple, pear, raspberry, currant, cherry, blackberry, lingonberry, midnight or sunichne. Licorice pies were also boiled with a filling of dried fruits, poppy seeds and zucru, rodzinok and rice, gorobini, dried wild cherry with honey toshcho. For such fillings, berries and fruits (raspberry, midnight, apple, blackberry, thin cherry), and exotic ones (bananas, kiwi, pineapple and other.) are used for such fillings.

Liquorice fillings are most often put at the vіdkritі pies and pirіzhki. Vignatkoy є lest stuffing from deyakyh produktіv, for example, dried fruits, poppy seeds and wild cherry. Non-licorice fillings are recommended for closed pies. Mayzhe, do not slacken with pies with fillings of meat, ribs, birds, and also with folding and stuffing that can be sippy: mushrooms, eggs, cibulei, rice, buckwheat, etc. . And if not, then the filling may rise, dry out, and spend its aroma. In addition, as a cake, we fold it up to grow up, it will be important to cut it, the shards of the wines will be painted and lamatized.

If the filling is simple and to revenge the great number of waters (syrup, apple, cabbage, jam), it is recommended to cook the pie, or cover the filling with a grate, or with a crack of tist, which you should mark.

Іsnuyut pies, yakі closed, but not again: at the center of їх є there is a small gap, as it expands under the hour of the vipіchka, creating an attack, that the pie is spreading. Starting the pie, put a small piece of filling near the qiu schilin, for example, a bunch of ribi, apple, carrot, dried apricots. Qi, seemingly small pies are called roses.

Fillings with meat, ribs, mushrooms, salt grains should be put more, lower in the primary seasoning, otherwise, after the vipichki, we can add it a little early. For your taste, the fillings are not only salty, but also delicious and fat, lower quality streaks, otherwise the pie, otherwise the other kind of vypіchka will not be savory. In licorice fillings, they also put more tsukra, even if it can still have the power to clay the rest.

Fill the pies with the filling taken on the deck.

Stuffings from mushrooms

Stuffing from fresh mushrooms


Fresh mushrooms - 500 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Oliya Vershkove - 2 tbsp. spoons

Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons

Greens kropu chi parsley - 3-4 tbsp

Force for taste

Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, put on a colander, drained of water, cleaned, chopped, salted and brushed with a pinch of oil.

Clean the cibula, chop it and coat it, add it to the mushrooms at once with sour cream.

Extinguish at full fire with a stretch of 10-15 strands. I'm ready to stuffing with chopped parsley and krop.

Like the greens of the crop, the celeri or the parsley grafted, її can be refreshed by lowering it into cold water, acidified with otstom. Ziv'yaliy salad can be "revived" by tasting yoga tripe in warm water.

Stuffing from salted mushrooms


Mushrooms salted (milk mushrooms, maslyuki, mushrooms toshcho) - 300 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Oliya vershkova (fired) aboroslinna - 2–3 tbsp. spoons

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, roughly chopped and brushed in a frying pan with a roasted olive.

Clean the cibula, chop it finely and brush it in an okrem utensil.

Mix the cibula with mushrooms, salt and pepper.

The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirіzhkіv, mlintsіv.

Stuffing from dried mushrooms


Dried mushrooms - 100 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.

Oliya Vershkove - 2 tbsp. spoons

Boroshno wheat - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Egg - 1 pc.

Vidvar mushroom - 100 ml

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Mushrooms should be washed, poured with cold water and left for 2-3 years for soaking. Seek in the same water and look at the crusher, glassy water. Skip through the meat grinder.

Clean the cibula, cut it dry and smash it with mushrooms.

Oliya rose and add to the mushrooms.

Put out 10-15 strands of fire on the full fire, boil it boroughly for density, pour in the mushroom broth.

Boil the eggs cool, peel, finely chop and add to the mushrooms. Salt, pepper, mix well.

Stuffing from dried mushrooms and eggs


Dried mushrooms - 50 g

Eggs - 6 pcs.

Cibulya ripchasta - 3 pcs.

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Wash the mushrooms, soak them, boil them near the salty water, put them on a drushlyak, glass the water. Dribno cut.

Clean the cibula, cut it roughly and brush it in olive oil at the same time with trimmed mushrooms.

Eggs are cool, peel, chop.

Z'ednati eggs and mushrooms with tsibulei, salt, pepper, mix.

Stuffing vikoristovuvatime preparation of dumplings, dumplings, pirіzhkіv, mlintsіv.

Stuffing with fresh mushrooms with cybulny sauce


Fresh mushrooms - 400 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Borosno wheat - 1 teaspoon

Water chi broth - 100 ml

Parsley greens - 3-4 tbsp

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Wash fresh mushrooms, clean, boil in salty water until cooked. Dribno narizati and smear in 1 tbsp. spoons of olives.

Prepare the sauce. For the sake of smearing in oil, what is left out, I cut the cibula finely and finely to an equal light golden color, add water or broth, pepper, strength, chopped greens.

Zmishati mushrooms with sauce.

Fresh mushrooms do not blacken, so put them down in salty and sour water

Stuffing of dried mushrooms with cybulny sauce


Dried mushrooms - 100 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Borosno wheat - 1 teaspoon

Mushroom broth - 100 ml

Parsley greens - 3-4 tbsp

Laurel leaf - 1 pc.

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Soak dried mushrooms for 2-3 years in cold water, then boil in fresh water with bay leaf. If the mushrooms are cooked, cut them with a knife, or finely grind the meat grinder for help and brush it in 1 tbsp. spoons of olives.

Prepare the sauce. Smear in a frying pan with oil, what is left out, cut the cibula finely and dryly to a light golden color, add broth, pepper, silt, chop the greens. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms and mix everything well.

The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirozhkiv, kulebyak, dumplings, dumplings.

Stuffing from fresh mushrooms with sour cream


Fresh mushrooms - 400 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Oliya vershkove abo roslinna - 2 tbsp. spoons

Borosno wheat - 1 teaspoon

Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Mushrooms should be washed, cleaned, cleaned. Chopped boiled mushrooms with a knife or pass through a meat grinder, brush in a frying pan s | iz | 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil. Clean the cibula, cut it roughly and brush it with boron in oil, which is gone. If vin trohi ocholone, add | add | sour cream, chopped greens, salt | salt |, pepper.

Mix it up and don't heat it up any more, so that the sour cream doesn't lose its flavor. Z'ednati mushrooms and sour cream sauce and mix. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirozhkiv, kulebyak, mlintsiv, vareniki, dumplings.

Stuffing from dried mushrooms with sour cream


Dried mushrooms - 100 g

Tsibulya ripchasta - 1/2 pc.

Oliya vershkove abo roslinna - 2 tbsp. spoons

Borosno wheat - 1 teaspoon

Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons

Parsley greens chi kropu - 3-4 tbsp

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Wash mushrooms, soak in cold water for 2-3 years. Vіdvariti in nіy, then chop with a knife, or grind for the help of a meat grinder, after which you brush it in a frying pan with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Clean the cibula, chop it finely and brush it with boar in oil. If there are trochs of oholone, add | add | to tsibuli sour cream, ruban greens, salt | salt |, pepper. Mix well again. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirozhkiv, kulebyak, mlintsiv, vareniki, dumplings.

Stuffing from dried mushrooms and rice


Dried mushrooms - 100 g

Rice - 1 bottle

Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.

Oliya - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, soak in cold water for 2-3 years. Seek in it. Clean the cibula, cut it dry, zmіshati z|іz| mushrooms and smear in olive oil. Boil rice, eat with mushrooms and cibulae, salt, pepper, mix well. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirozhkiv, mlintsiv, vareniki.

Stuffing from dried mushrooms and sauerkraut


Dried mushrooms - 100 g

Sauerkraut - 600 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 3 pcs.

Oliya - 3 tbsp. spoons

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Clean the cibula, chop finely. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, soak in cold water for 2–3 years, then boil. Drіbno narіzati, zmіshati z|іz| chopped tsibuleya and brush in 1 tbsp. spoons of olives. Promit the cabbage, sprinkle with dill, cut it into pieces and put it into a saucepan. Pour in the reshta roslinna oliya and put out the fire until the cabbage becomes soft. Zmіshati mushrooms and cabbage, salt and pepper. Vikoristovuvat stuffing for pies, kuleb'yak, mlintsiv.

Stuffing with fresh mushrooms with roots


Fresh mushrooms - 500 g

Carrot - 1 pc.

Parsley root - 1 pc.

Tomato puree - 3 tbsp. spoons

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Parsley abo kropu - 3 rolls

Force for taste

Eggs are cooked cool, cleaned, watered down.

Mushrooms should be washed, finely cut and cut with the aid of a meat grinder.

Peel and grate the parsley root and carrots. Place the root and mushrooms in a saucepan with melted fat, add tomato puree and quench the doti, do not boil the whole country.

If the stewed mushrooms with the roots of the troch are chilled, add breadcrumbs, boiled chewing gum, strong and finely chopped greens, mix well.

The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirіzhkіv, kulebyak.

As for the filling, it is necessary to lubricate fresh mushrooms, it is necessary to quench the head in a frying pan without olive oil for 15-20 strands, just after that, add olive oil, and after 10 strands of salt, salt.

Stuffing from salted mushrooms and carrots


Pickled mushrooms - 300 g

Carrot - 2 pcs.

Tomato puree - 3 tbsp. spoons

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Margarine chi fat - 2 tbsp. spoons

Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons

Parsley greens - 3 balls

Force for taste

Eggs are boiled cool, cleaned, vodokremiti zhovtki vіd blіkіv. Promite greens and chop finely.

Salted mushrooms are soaked in cold water, and then chop finely with a knife or pass through a meat grinder.

Peel the carrot and grate it. Z'ednati mushrooms and grated carrots, put in a bowl of melted fat and tomato puree and stew until cooked. At the end of the sumish, add narizan boiled zhovtka, strength, ruban greens and breadcrumbs, mix well. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies, pirіzhkіv, kulebyak.

To see from fresh mushrooms and other mushrooms, mushrooms need to be trimmed in cold salty water.

Stuffing with glivie


Gleaves fresh - 400 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Egg - 1 pc.

Oliya Vershkove - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Parsley greens - 3-4 tbsp

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Boil the egg cool, peel it and chop it finely.

Parsley, parsley and cut.

Gliv good promit, vіdvariti, vіdzhati, so that the water came out, and podrіbnit for the help of the meat grinder.

Clean the cibula, finely cut it and brush it with topsoil until it becomes clear.

Zmishati glivi, tsibula, add ruban egg, sour cream, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

Stuffing vikoristovuvat for pirіv, pirіzhkіv and kuleb'yak.

Stuffing with mushrooms and shinki


Fresh mushrooms - 400 g

Smoked low-fat shank - 70–80 g

Hard Sir - 40-50 g

Boiled egg - 1 pc.

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons

Force for taste

Mushrooms should be washed, cleaned, put into a saucepan and extinguished, without giving any oil, no water. Let's cut it dry.

Chop the shank of that egg, grate it on a grate. Mushrooms with shank, cheese and eggs, add sour cream and salt. As the filling came out too rare, you can add breadcrumbs to it.

Stuffing vikoristovuvat for pirіv, pirіzhkіv, kuleb'yak, mlintsіv.

Stuffing for ovens, siru, shinki and licorice pepper


Fresh bakery - 400 g

Hard Sir - 200 g

Shinka - 200 g

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Licorice pepper - 1 pc.

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons

Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons

Peel the mushrooms, wash them, chop them finely, brush them all at once from the trimmed cibulia in the olive.

Boil eggs cool, cool, peel and grate. Cut the shank into small cubes, peel the peppers into thin strips. Grate the cheese. Eat all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix. Vykoristovuvati as a stuffing for mlintsiv.

Stuffing with mushrooms and yalovichini


Fresh mushrooms - 250 g

Yalovichina boiled - 200 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Oliya Vershkove - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Mushrooms should be washed, cleaned, boiled and at once from the cleaned cibulae and boiled meat, grind for an additional meat grinder. Vershkov oil | oil | melt and pour in minced meat. Pepper, salt and mix. Vikoristovuvat stuffing for pirozhkiv, pirozhiv, kuleb'yaki cheesecakes.

Stuffing with mushrooms and cabbage


Fresh mushrooms - 400 g

White cabbage - 400 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Margarine - 2 tbsp. spoons

Egg - 1 pc.

Gorіh nutmeg - 1 pc.

Kmin for a taste

Force for taste

Boil the egg cool, peel it and chop it finely. Clean the mushrooms, rinse and cut. Chop cabbage and peeled cibula. Coat the qibulya in a frying pan with melted margarine doti, we will see the docks. Z'ednati tsibula with cabbage and mushrooms and stew until cooked. Add the egg, tert nutmeg, kmin and sil. Mix everything well. Instead of fresh mushrooms, you can take 300 g of salted. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pirozhkiv, pirozhiv, kulebyak, mlintsiv.

The qibulya comes with a rich color and it will be savory, as when smeared lightly with spicy powder, or add it to oil, in which wine to smear, troch tsukra.

Stuffing from salted mushrooms


Pickled mushrooms - 500 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.

Oliya - 3 tbsp. spoons

Crop greens - 3-4 tbsp

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Wash the mushrooms by the cold water, cut them dry.

Crop greens and chop. Clean the cibula, trim and brush it in olive oil to a light golden color. Add to cibulі gruzdi, salt, pepper and lightly brush. Soak up the greenery and mix it up. Stuffing vikoristovuvatime preparation of pies and pirozhkiv.

Stuffing with fresh mushrooms with sour cream


Fresh mushrooms - 1 1/2 kg

Oliya - 3 tbsp. spoons

Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Kindly wash the mushrooms, cut them with great skewers and dry them on a serving dish. Pepper, salt and smear in the oven in olive oil until the time the vologa is boiled. Add sour cream and mix.

Stuffing vikoristovuvatime pirіv.

Stuffing with morels with sour cream


Morels fresh - 1 kg

Oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons

Sour cream - 200 ml

Egg - 1 pc.

Force for taste

Zmorshki thoroughly rinse, pour cold water and cook with a stretch of 20 strands. Look at the drushlyak, put a stream of cold water on it and pass it on. Narizati, salt, brush in a frying pan with olive oil. Add sour cream, boil a hard chopped egg, stir and cool. The filling of vikoristovuvatime is the preparation of pies.

Stuffing with mushrooms and liver


Fresh mushrooms - 200 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.

Yalovich's liver - 200 g

Oliya - 3 tbsp. spoons

Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Black pepper chalk for relish

Force for taste

Mushrooms should be washed, cleaned, cut into pieces. Clean the cibula, chop it and brush it with mushrooms in olive oil. Wash the liver by the water, pick up a meat grinder for help, add strength, pepper, lemon juice. Eat the liver and mushrooms, mix well. The filling can be made for pies and pirozhkiv from dough or potato masa (how to prepare it is given below).

Potato masa for mushroom pie


Medium sized potatoes - 8 pcs.

Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.

Oliya Vershkove - 3 tbsp. spoons

Oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons

Parsley greens - 3-4 tbsp

Force for taste

Potatoes are good to be bred and bred at the shkirts. Cool, remove the skin, pass the potatoes through a meat grinder.

Cut the peeled cibula and parsley, brush it in olive oil, add potato masa and syriya yaechni zhovtki. Mix everything well, then let's spread on the doshtsі, covered with olive oil. Wipe the mugs with a bottle, roll them in breadcrumbs. Put mushroom stuffing on the skin and pinch the edges.

Fry the patties in a frying pan with hot olive oil on both sides.

It is impossible to have a quiet family evening, Christmas festivities without fragrant whiskey - pies, buns, cakes. Appetizing rum'yanі pies are already the most popular for a long time. The skin of the gentleman has always had a firm love for the recipe for a pie with mushrooms.

For the stuffing of mushroom pies, you will need to name the ingredients, the list is growing, continuing to be amazing. Exotic products do not compare with mushroom stuffing that has been popular for a long time. For lovers of a quiet watering, it’s easy, a sprinkling of miraculous svitanki in the autumn forest, and you can boldly break into the kitchen to cook marvelous simple sweets. It doesn't matter for others to go to the store, de show a lot of mushroom sightings.

Regardless of the way, they happened to grow mushrooms, invariably torment the food more often, with a recipe to speed up, for the tastiest pie. It’s not easy to come up with a recipe for a pie with mushrooms, which is impossible to choose. Do not believe? Having glanced over the sides of the cut, I happen to believe that the mushroom pie can be cut.
See fillings for mushroom pies:

  • pie with chanterelles;
  • a pie with ovens;
  • from dry mushrooms, marinated, fresh;
  • from white mushrooms;
  • with stuffing with chicken and mushrooms;
  • with potato and mushroom filling;
  • Loranian;
  • with cheese;
  • with cabbage;
  • with minced meat

So, just like and dough for a pie with mushrooms, you can beat it the same way:

  • leaflet;
  • dry dough for mushroom pie;
  • milk pie with mushrooms;
  • filling.

Mushroom pie, with tsoma, you can cook kіlkom in the following ways:

  • in the oven;
  • at the multicooker;
  • in a frying pan.

The list is three to inexhaustible, the skin of the master is trying to make up to simple recipes savory and unimaginable, a marvelous pie with mushrooms, similar to others, will come out. Obviously, it’s not enough just to know the recipe for a mushroom pie and look at the photo. You get the taste of the wine only after hand-held cooking.

With recipes for simple pies with mushrooms, proponated with rozdil, you won’t be troubled by the cook, who will try yourself in the role - numerically, the curing of professionals will help you easily master the preparation of the most delicious and fried pies with mushrooms. Pokrokovy memorandum, numerical barvist photo of the finished recipe and cooking processes, stored in such a way, so that the food was left with only one thing - why is the cake on the table so savory?

Mushrooms for life do not grow up in the form of meat. Having eaten two ingredients, we will end up resenting the work and have a fun picnic in nature.
It’s a single meal - there’s not much, a pie with mushrooms and a chicken, or a pie with minced meat and chi mushrooms is prepared, you can always make it rich, you can ask for an addition of obov’yazkovo to those who don’t have mushrooms for a special chopping.

How to cook a pie with mushrooms?
For a variety of mushrooms, they pick up dough for a pie. The white ones that grew in foxes, chanterelles, aspen mushrooms are ideal for preparing a Russian mushroom pie with a crispy twist. Navit not Skoda zagayat an hour on the miracle of dry land. Purchased mushrooms are more likely to be eaten from leafy or flooded.

Vibrane for vipіkannya tіsto additionally be distinguished from the form of virobu. As it is necessary to greet guests with an incredible cake, the articles of the heading will help. Per Christmas table for a long time we will marvel, as the masters far away to grab the mushroom stuffing from the chimeras virib. Really, everything is simple, but you can recognize yourself on the sidelines with recipes. Here you will find a recipe for a pie with forest mushrooms, as well as how to prepare dough for a pie with mushrooms, or the simplest mushroom pie.

Before preparing any recipes for appetizing pies with mushrooms, it is necessary to remember that the product can lead to wrong health. So it didn’t happen, only fresh mushrooms, victorious, like vpevneni.

Mushroom pie- The whole country of Russian cuisine. You can make it richly, you can make shards of yogo from potato, leaf or yeast dough, as well as adding other products to the filling: tomatoes, meat, eggs, vegetables, etc.

mushroom pie recipe

You need:

Borosno, mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons each
- starch, gorilka - 3 teaspoons each
- strength - 3 g
- rozpushuvach - 3 g
- testicle - 3 pcs.
- sour cream - 3.2 tablespoons

For filling:

Fox mushrooms - 190 g
- hard cheese - 95 g
- a teaspoon of salt
- testicle - 2 pcs.
- creep
- tops - 45 ml
- green and ripchasta cibulya
- roslinna oliya
- black pepper

Steps of preparation:

Prepare the filling for the pie: cover the cibula with a cube, grease it until it becomes transparent. Put mushrooms. In front of them it is necessary to cook. Smear them to blush. Prepare an omelette: beat strength, tops, eggs, smear on olives. Grease an omelet with a greased mushroom mass. Dribblingly coat the green cibula, grind it with the addition of salt. Mix with chopped crop, mix. Prepare dough: beat z | iz | eggs, add|add| mayonnaise, sour cream, beat. Pour in the burner. Put rozpushuvach, starch that borosno, reshkodit. Take a silicone mold, pour it hard. Put the stuffing to the beast warm. Posipte solid cheese, put in the oven for pіvgodini.

Look at the variations.

Mushroom pie.

You need:

Sour cream - 295 g
- repeat flasks of wheat boroshn
- bakery - 290 g
- chicken fillet - 390 g
- chicken egg - 3 pcs.
- Razpushuvach for dough - 2 small spoons
- ripchasta cibulina
- hard cheese - 145 g
- bunch of greenery
- sіl іz sumіshshu peppers

Steps of preparation:

Before us, it is necessary to make it quiet: lightly beat the eggs, sip pepper and sill, pour in sour cream, stir. Ask for flour | boroshno |, save for | iz | rozpushuvachem, enter sour cream-egg sumish. You can proceed to the preparation of the filling: cover the bakery, mix with a chopped cibulia. Vіdvarіt or smear the trigger, decorate with small pieces, salt. Rub hard syrup. Just as soon as you start up the bulbs, it’s not enough to talk about those who are ready. Prepare a form with sides, hang the bottom and walls with baking paper, lightly brush vershkov oil, pour in ¾ part of the dough, spread the filling, pour in the dough dough. Sip the top with a ball of sirah. Put the dish in the baked oven. For 20 minutes, the pie will rise and be covered with humps.

How about you?

Recipe with lavash and minced meat

Required products:

Pecheritsa - 300 g
- Packaging of thin lavash
- ripchasta cibulka
- eggs - 3 pcs.
- tomatoes - 90 g
- hard cheese - 115 g
- Vershkov butter - 20 g
- minced meat- ½ kg
- bunch of greenery
- sour cream - three large spoons
- spices from sill


Fresh mushrooms ahead of time to see, open. If you have taken marinated pickles, rinse them with running water. Cut them with little things, mix them with tomatoes and chopped greens. At the minced meat, put a sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcibula, sip with spices and a small amount of salt. Good mix up. Razn_mnu form smear with top fat. Divide a sheet of lavash into 2 parts. Put the filling on the edge, burn it with a roll. Lay them in the form, trim the excess. Їх you can win at the offensive kіltsi. Make rolls with mushroom filling. Lay the rolls with a ring, filling the whole shape. Prepare the filling: eat sour cream, cheese, eggs. Pour the dish, zapovnyuyuchi usі promyzhki mizh kіltsami. Vipkayte in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Zrobіt i.

Recipe for potatoes


Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
- soda, strength - 0.5 tsp each.
- nutmeg - half a small spoon
- middle card - 2 pcs.
- repeat bottles of borosna
- Vershkov butter - 90 g
- hard cheese - 90 g
- glivi - 7 tablespoons

How to cook:

Rub Olya, eat with borosnoe, pour in sour cream, strength and soda, and drink it. Extinguish the mushrooms and the cibula, give it to the okholone. Peel the potatoes, cut them into circles. Rub the sir. Divide dough into 2 parts. The first part can be bigger. Lay flat in the form, form the sides. The first ball is mushrooms, cut potatoes, sip nutmeg and sill. Cover the filling with a small part, fill the edges, boil at a low temperature - 180 degrees.

Variant with tomatoes

Required products:

Boroshno - 195 g
- potatoes - 190 g
- chicken egg- 4 pieces
- Vershkov butter - 45 g
- cibulina
- strength
- mushrooms
- tomato - 3 pieces
- hard cheese
- bunch of greenery
- half a glass of vershkiv

Steps of preparation:

Cover the mushrooms with small pieces, and the cibula with thin rings. Lubricate the cibula, mix it with mushrooms until ruddy. Pepper and sip sill. Dodatkovo can be seasoned with nutmeg. Let the filling cool down. Peel the tomatoes from the skins, cut them into circles, boil the eggs. Finely cut the greens. Peeled potatoes, dry them, dry them in salty water, irritate the homeland, dry them and rozimnіt. Add|Add| egg s | iz | oil | oil |, remember. Ask hard, join with mashed potatoes. Zamіsіt m'yake, m'yaké it is. Shape the mold with growing fat. Lay the dough in a new one, evenly spread along the bottom, prick with a fork, transfer to the refrigerator. Put the mushroom stuffing, rub the boiled eggs for the beast, spread the tomato mugs, sip the grated cheese. Add grass to the oven for cooking.

Vipkaite i .

Snack cake "Happy evening"

You need:

Clock tooth - 6 pcs.
- sіl іz sumіshshu peppers
- red kvassola - 1 bottle
- fresh bakery, hard cheese - 300 g each
- chicken egg - 3 pieces
- tomato - a couple of pieces
- cibulina ripchasta

Steps of preparation:

Chervona kvassola for a couple of years, pour two glass bottles of water. Yakscho є hour, more likely to be left out for 4-5 years. Fill the swollen beans with flasks of okrop, cook pіvgodini. Roast the oven shafa at 180 degrees. Refrigerate kvass from a blender. Detailed tomato right there. Tse will be the base of the sauce. Ocremo smear the ovens and the cibula. In front of the product, it is necessary to cover it with a cube. Rub the sir, chop the teapot with a knife. Prepare the form, coat with refined olive oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Take away the excess crackers, turn the form over.

Break the eggs at the plate, sip with spices and sill. Kill the egg sum with a fork, pour in the tomato puree. At a deep bowl, mix kvassola, chasnik, grated syrup, mushrooms and cibula. Get in with a tomato-egg filling, respect it. Prepare the sumish, pour it into the form, sprinkle it with cheese. For a drink, put the grass in a zap_kanka.

Enjoy that one.

Leaf mushroom pie with vegetables


Listkove dough - 490 g
- Vershkov butter - 20 g
- white cabbage- 195 g
- large potatoes - 2 pieces
- hard cheese - 90 g
- bakery - 190 g
- milk - 65 g
- soy sauce - a tablespoon
- dried basil
- roslinna oliya
- seasonings that sil


Cut cabbage, salt, season with pepper and smear in hot olive oil. Mushrooms cut into small plates, mix with basil and brush over. Pour in the soy sauce, warm up more sprat. Boil potatoes, pour in hot milk, put butter | oil |. Zrobіt mashed potatoes. Mix bakery with cabbage, add mashed potatoes, sip 50 g of syrup, start. Roast the oven to 210 degrees, boil the cakes. About 13 quills are needed for the brewing of cakes. Cool the cake slightly, put the filling and cover with another cake. Sip the top of the sir, which is full, sip three quills with a draw.

Pies with mushrooms

Recipe with liver and chanterelles


Vershkov butter - 95 g
- flour - 1.6 tbsp.
- a tablespoon of sour cream
- testicle
- fresh chanterelles - ½ kg
- chicken liver- 390 g
- vershkov butter - 45 g
- cibulina
- cibulina

For pouring:

- greens
- sour cream - 245 g
- egg


Cut the frozen olive into a cube, chop at once from a boar until I become crihti. Beat the eggs, beat them with sour cream, mix them with chrychta, knead more elastically, burn at the spit and tidy up for 40 quills in the cold. Prepare the liver: brush it on a frying pan with olive oil. In the middle of the liver, it can be filled with sulfur, it is not necessary to grease it to a ruddy. Mushrooms cover with plates and brush with cream. The stench may change 2 times. Put the stove, mix it up and take it out of the stove. For filling, mix with eggs, mix with sour cream. Rozkot_t_sto with a layer, transfer from smeared | smeared | fat shape. Raise the sides, boil in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Put the stuffing on a dough ball, fill it with filling, bake 40 quills.

Try so.

Yak zrobiti pies with mushrooms

Required products:

Boroshno - 1 kg
- olії vershkove - 90 g
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.
- a sachet of drizhzhiv
- bloody pisok- 3 large spoons
- sir - 245 g
- cibulin - 3 pcs.
- roslinna oliya
- mushrooms - 700 g
- sil - half a teaspoon
- spices

Steps of preparation:

Drіzhdzhi pour warm milk, drink a large spoonful of zucru and the same amount of borosh. Razmіshayte і on kіlka khvilin fill for pіdnyattya steamed. Mix dough with milk, melt olive oil, zucr and sill, which is left out. Beat chicken eggs, kill insults, to achieve uniformity. Step by step, enter borosno, what you ask, vimіsіt tіsto, so that it will be elastic. Cover Yogo with a towel, leave it in a warm place until you feel better. Remember yoga and renew it for the next hour. Coat the cibula with the pivkiltsy, mix it with the prepared mushrooms (before they need to be cooked). Coat the spicy masa, season it, sip the tert sir, make it, add some spices, shape the pies, brush it on a frying pan with rose oil.

In the past, mushrooms were a natural product for rural residents. They took them and prepared them for the winter from the majestic kіlkostyakh (as the mіstsevіst allowed). Today, the stinks are miraculously associated with the saint, prosperity, and inspire chic. That is why the mushroom filling is a wonderful option for preparing the most addictive herbs.

Mushrooms fresh, marinated, dried

This is a unique product, which is kind to everyone. Fresh mushrooms can be cooked. Salted or marinated stinks are good on their own. it is necessary to soak it by the water, and then lightly boil it. Dalі їх it is possible to cook like fresh. Have a vipadku viyde miraculous mushroom stuffing, yak zdatna embellish be-yak grass.

Tartlets - a tasty snack

The basis for a tartlet can be made from pistachio or potato dough, or just buy it in a store and remind it to your taste. It’s even better for the mushroom stuffing. The simplest option is to brush fresh mushrooms with cibulae on olives. You need 300 g mushrooms and 1 cibulin. If the vegetables are smeared, add finely chopped whites of three boiled eggs and 100 g of mayonnaise to them. Mix well, put it at the tartlet and sip with grated zhovtkom.

Uriznomanіtniti relish appetizers can be tomatoes and cheese. For which mushroom stuffing is needed (500 g of bakery lubricate with one cibulia). Before it, add 100 g of mayonnaise. This quantity is covered for 10 tartlets. Krym tsgogo, take 5 tomatoes black and cut them navpil. Put the stuffing in the skin form with the dough, and add the tomato to the beast.

Tartlets with mushroom filling can be the main feature of your table. Try the same vershkovy option, yogo accurately assess the guests. For this, it is necessary to cut 1 kg of oven and 1 cibulin. Let's grease the ingredients in a frying pan, salt, add basil and tops (100 ml). Boil until thick cream. Add|Add| 200 g grated syrah. I lost the viklasty in the form of dough and put it in a hot oven on a sprat of fluff.

Julien - another wonderful option, if you want to cook tartlets with mushroom filling. For this, brush 300 g of ovens with one cibula. Okremo needs to prepare Bechamel sauce. For this next, melt a tablespoon of butter | oil |, wisip a tablespoon of borosna, pour in 100 ml of milk and bring the sum to a boil, stirring constantly, so that the breasts do not shrink. Next, you can spread mushrooms from tartlets, pour sauce and sip grated cheese (70 g). Now the spirits are getting tired of them.

The most delicious pies

Mushroom stuffing for pies can be whipped up independently or supplemented with other ingredients. For example, it’s good to come out with a stuffing from smeared cabbage and openkiv. For this, 400 g of cabbage and 200 g of salted salmon or 400 g of fresh mushrooms are required. For the cob, brush the cibula, add the mushrooms, and then the cabbage. Extinguish until ready, and then open the roof, so that the homeland boils away.

And it’s easier to prepare the classic filling: brush with 500 g of any mushrooms and 2 finely chopped cibulini. Two weeks before the readiness, add butter, krip, curry, paprika and other spices. This option is good for open and closed pies from yeast or healthy dough. To mushrooms, you can also add potatoes and cooked rice.

Also, mushroom stuffing for pies, cooked in such a way, with a rich fit to the taste. Tsibulya (1 pc.) And mushrooms (600 g) should be smeared, add 0.5 bottles of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of borosna. Mix it up and add it to the top.

You can beat not only fresh mushrooms, but also salted ones. For whom it is necessary to remember and even if the stench is over salty, then drink it. Let's cook like a fire. These dried mushrooms can also come out as a miracle filling for pies. It’s better to soak it in the water, boil it, and then extinguish it with a cibula.

Mushroom stuffing for pie

The basis, as always, is mushrooms, smeared with tsibulei. Ale often vikoristovuyutsya and different additives. Tse mozhe buti mashed potatoes, cabbage is smeared, Greek porridge boiled eggs. The patties themselves, as a rule, are made from classic yeast dough. You didn’t choose any variant of the filling with mushrooms, the result will please you.

Cutlets and rolls

Such, it would seem, everyday life can appear in a different light. Even better cutlets with mushroom filling come out of minced chicken. For this, take 700 g of minced meat, add strength, soak milk bread, spices. One hour you can prepare the filling. For whom, add mushrooms and one cibulin with small pieces, brush on a frying pan until cooked. Now divide the minced meat into small sacks, add mushrooms in the middle, carefully pinch and roll in breadcrumbs. Smear on olives.

You don't like meat either, because you have unique products, lubricated with olive oil, and other options for cooking cutlets. So, instead of a chicken, you can beat up minced potatoes. To struggle with such a rite: boil potatoes, mash them with mashed potatoes, add milk to the olive. From the center of the masi, form small bags, roll them into a shortbread, put the middle and pinch. Then roll them in breadcrumbs and brush them on olive oil. You can also bake cutlets at the oven.

One more miracle herb with mushroom stuffing can be taken apart, how to cook them. For the cob, it is necessary to take the whole cock and take the shkir from it. Let's sweat the meat in the form of brushes and grind the minced meat. Grease the cibula on a frying pan, add the mushrooms and extinguish until ready. We choose the roll: lay the skin on the table, spread the meat on it with an even ball, and prepare the mushrooms for the beast. For the bajans you can add the third sire and spices. Burn with a roll, close with a thread and bake in the oven until a ruddy crackle.

Mlintsy with mushrooms

With the lower vipіchkoy, the mushroom filling is also good. For millenniums, it is best to eat pecheritsa, white mushrooms, clay and chanterelles. Be sure to vip the mlins, and then take on the stuffing. For this, brush the cibula on the frying pan and add the mushrooms. Extinguish until ready. Now, at the skin, put milk on a spoon of mushrooms, rub it with syrup and burn it with an envelope. Before implantation, the millet is smeared in a frying pan with topsoil from both sides.

Stuffed cabbage with mushrooms

Tsya grass is something unseen, but savory. Mushroom stuffing is better served with cabbage. Come on, be like mushrooms, like in reality. It is necessary to smear them all at once with smoked lard. For example, before preparing them, add 1-2 tablespoons. tomato paste and half a bottle of rossipchastoy rice porridge. Let the country get ready like a fiend. 8-10 leaves of cabbage are lightly folded, a hard vein emerges from the middle. The stuffing is laid out on the leaves and the leather of them is brightly burnt. Now the cabbage rolls need to be smeared on olive oil, after which they are transferred to a saucepan and extinguished. Before finishing the quenching, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream.

P_vedemo p_bags

Mushroom filling - tse spravzhnya wand-viruchalochka. You can practically improve the grass, become miraculous additions to the duet with meat and vegetables, as well as play a beautiful solo, become the full heart of fragrant pies, the lowest mlintsiv and vishukanih tartlets. Surely, you can come up with other options, just show yourself the mushroom stuffing. Do not be afraid to fantasize, and your kitchen will always have different and savory flavors.

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