How to deliciously cook stuffed zucchini at the oven. Zucchini stuffed with minced meat. Recipe for stuffing zucchini with mushrooms

Stuffed zucchini, baked in the oven - it's savory, brown and practical. For tsієї stravi miraculously go like zvichaynі zucchini, so zucchini. You can stuff it with cheese, mushrooms, and various vegetable fillings, but I want to know how to cook zucchini, stuffed minced meat. Qi zucchini come out more juice and lower.


(4 portions)

  • 1 kg. young zucchini and zucchini
  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 1 qibule ripchasta
  • 50 gr. rice
  • 100 gr. grated sirah
  • fresh black pepper
  • roslinna oliya
  • mayonnaise
  • greens
  • We choose young zucchini with a lower skin. Miєmo, then the leather tavern is cut into two halves.
  • To take away the burial, in a yak we put a stuffing, along the perimeter of the zucchini we pierce the core with a knife. It is not necessary to take the equal garniy edge of our squash opener.
  • For the help of a sizable teaspoon, we take the pulp of zucchini. M'yakush poddaetsya even more easily, and if the groove was not deep enough, then you can expand it, carefully scratching everything with the same spoon. M'yakush is not mentioned, with it you can cook even a savory puree soup.
  • As a result of a simple procedure, we will take such nice officers.
  • First, stuff the zucchini, then boil them in the same way. If you don’t make any, then if we put the zucchini in the oven, the meat filling will be cooked crispy, and the zucchini will be so hard. Just don’t worry that the zucchini was humous, but it’s cooked well.
  • Otzhe, take a wide saucepan, pour water, salt and put on fire. When the water boils, put the vegetables there. We cook 8-10 quills, then carefully, so as not to break the zucchini, which have become soft, we mustn't. Since all the halves are not placed in a saucepan, then cook in two.
  • Meat stuffing for stuffing zucchini

  • Stuffing for zucchini can be prepared both from raw minced meat, and also from lubricated. I recognize fresh minced meat: chicken or sumish pork and yalovichi.
  • We put the rice to be boiled at the great obsyazі pіdsalenoї vody. It is not necessary to boil the rice until it is fully cooked, it is wonderful to cook, if we order zucchini in the oven. So already after 10 minutes we take rice from the fire and put yogo on a drushlyak.
  • We cleanly and shrewdly cut one great cibulin. At a small number of dewy olives, the carcass has a torn cibula. If the cibula becomes soft and clear, we clean it from the fire. Let's let the cybuls cool.
  • Zadnuemo rice, lubricated cibula and minced meat. Everything is good mixed, salted and peppered. Salt and pepper in the filling may be enough, so that the stuffed zucchini did not come out fresh. For each quantity of the filling, put 1 tsp. salt without fat and 1/2 tsp. black pepper milling.
  • So that the stuffing in stuffed zucchini looked like juice, add some water in it (50-100 ml. Once again, we will change it well.
  • Cooking stuffed zucchini

  • Now let's get down to the most famous - stuffed zucchini. Otzhe, deco zmaschuemo Oliya. Let's say on the new preparation halves of zucchini. We stuff zucchini with a savory filling. With this filling, we put it freely, without tamping it. Klademo in the soul, with a small girkoy.
  • Deco stuffed with zucchini put in a hot oven, zapіkaєmo 25 quills at a temperature of 170-180°C. Literally for five-seven hvilin before readiness, zucchini from the oven and sippy grated with cheese.
  • I'm changing the sheet with stuffed zucchini into the oven. If the sir is melted and taken with a roaring ruddy streak, we take the grass out of the oven.
  • Ready-baked zucchini in the oven, transfer it to the big grass or to portion plates. Water the zucchini with sour cream sauce and sip on fresh herbs.
  • Like bachite, it's easy to cook stuffed zucchini in the oven. For diversity, you can change the warehouse of the filling and the form of stuffing zucchini. For example, we cut the zucchini not in a vzdovzh, but across, with a spoon we see the core, so that we see a small barilo with a height of 4-5 cm. Cooking is exactly the same, but from old look a few others.

Tsi stravi varto skushtuvati

Suggestions and comments:

Nastya 08.11.13
Stuffed zucchini is savory and delicious. I sprout zucchini just like that, only grow them in a vdozh, and not across. Old officials come out. One choven - one serving. And I’ll smear the minced meat with a sound, so it’s better to come out and it’s a guarantee that everything will be baked, even the zucchini themselves are ready to be shvidko.

Alisa 25.05.14
Relish! Tertium Sir tse far away supplement. The vegetable filling comes out lower, one might say, vishukana

Tetyana Mikhailivna 04.06.14
So that the filling in the zucchini does not dry out before the hour of preparation, I curve the skin with a plate of zucchini. You can serve it on the table at once from a small krishka, or you know that, as it is indicated in your recipe, you can sip the cheese.

Nata 03.08.14
Dyakuyu for the site, if I cook for guests, then I work like you have, if for myself, then I cut the zucchini, I beat the pulp with a spoon and stuff it with stuffing. So go out more and more vlazit at the oven.

Nata, thanks for the tip)))

Diana 29.01.15
And I took note of the commentary of Tetyana Mikhailivna and virishila covered the zucchini with a tomato. Wiishli stuffed mushrooms. I wrote more than that, as the stench started to stink, I put a couple of specks of mayonnaise on the beast, and the fly agaric mushrooms looked more delicious. І tasty, і garno. For wonderful ideas. Especially menі stinks help to prepare a newcomer.

Diana, I have a wonderful idea for you with a fly agaric)))

Svitlana 30.05.15
Stuffed zucchini is delicious! I love only sir more, so I could drink from them.

Irina 02.06.15
I stuffed not zucchini, but savory white zucchini. The greats appeared. The skins of the chovnik have 200 grams of stuffing. Trochy marnotratno, then delicious :)

Irina, like zucchini is large, it is not obligatory to work a wide and deep groove in them. You can settle into small pits in the middle and put a reasonable amount of stuffing. And baked zucchini in the oven and on your own delicious grass.

Tetyana 22.07.15
miracle recipe. but in the new it is appointed that mayonnaise is required. but it is not written if i kudi yogo add. maybe you have minced meat or you need to coat the zucchini already.

Tetyano, you guessed it))). Ready zucchini or pour mayonnaise, or serve mayonnaise before stuffing zucchini okremo.

Victoria 18.05.16
I don’t stop zahoplyuvatisya your site, vchora zrobila qi stuffed zucchini, added sir mmm ..... such an easy and korisna supper))) just class !!! the axis so embellished)) Olena, you are a charmer, I’m always squaring with your site, and I already forgot about others. Most of the available products, and little tricks that help to improve the grass. Thank you)))

Victoria, thank you for the good luck)))) The zucchini has become even more appetizing)))))))))

Svitlana 15.07.16
Offended, you see the preparation of marrows are beautiful (and chovniki and piles). I just seem to want to add a small touch to myself, the m'yakush of the zucchini zucchini, I immediately add the minced meat, tobto. stuffing. Sorochenko and savory to go out. We won’t call on the vegetable version of the filling.

Svitlana, thank you for the advice and for the cicavia and for the practical addition to the recipe))))))))))

Valentine 15.07.16
Olena, you are great razumnichka! I give you for your work. The site is easy to use, some of them have available recipes, and we will report that with a clear description - the right school of culinary in absentia. BUT cover photo to help you understand what and how you can go, as if you are robish ahead. I myself only recently began to take away satisfaction from cooking, I didn’t feel like a child, I didn’t call out to the interest of cooking - and the need to infuriate oneself was given no more than an accepting shackle. Ale! If you start to go out and go out juicy, interest and satisfaction in the process are thrown. And you help us to get ready. Dyakuyu.

Valentino, great to you in kind words)))))))))))))))))

Nataliya 29.05.18
The axis of such round zucchini-barrels planted flowers of spring. The variety is called "Cook".

Daria 06.07.18
Good evening Olena! I just like Svitlana put the pulp of zucchini into the filling! Relish! Yak zavzhd dyakuyu for the recipe! :)

Sergiy 12.09.18
Please be kind! I bake 25 khvilin in the oven, but I’m wondering if the zucchini are zhorstka - what kind of stink is it? Before cim, brewing zucchini 10 hvilin

Sergius, as you boiled 10 khvilin, and then baked 25 khvilin, then the zucchini should be ready. The stench is not guilty, do not fall apart, trim the form, but don’t crunch on the teeth)))))) Did you win the squash? I’m sure that they didn’t overtake with a hard kirka and great dreams.

Sergiy 12.09.18
Do I have zucchini-chooshka? What's wrong? And the savory zucchini looked great!

Zucchini have recently appeared on our markets, so not everyone knows how to choose zucchini.
The young fruit of a small size has a thin gleaming skin, as it is easily cleaned with nails, like a young potato. Such zucchini are lower, licorice is already ready to cook.
Insha rich fruits, like the sprats of tyzhniv lay. The skin becomes thinner, it doesn’t shine anymore, but it becomes matte, but more headless - hot water accumulates in it. Such a skin needs to be cleansed without sting, otherwise the hot water can sip all the grass. To that tsukіnі not varto kupuvati in reserve, not zucchini, yaki can lie down)))))

Have a happy day!

Today we are preparing stuffed zucchini, baked in the oven. Especially for you, I am publishing a selection of recipes for naming savory brown straws, Yakimi you can always enjoy it while the zucchini season is on. Wanting, obviously, the most thrifty that fee can take away the gastronomic satisfaction from the feast of the sheep.

It’s amazing on the right, in 100 g of zucchini there are about 5 g of carbohydrates, which are easily acquired, more than one gram of food fibers, which makes it an indispensable helper for our herbal system. It is not for nothing that the sheep themselves often start feeding dbayli matus.

To the point, zucchini helps women to recover from the body zayva homeland, pozbavlyayuchi such a rank nabryakіv. With this guilt, miraculously you experience hunger, without adding calories to your body. And the axis of mothers who are celebrating is not only possible, but it is necessary, if you want, to get used to this sheep, moreover, to look at the orphan. So be healthy and cherish the gifts of nature for your own good!

Straw is prepared to come out savory and succulent for a rahunok of tomato-top sauce. It will be especially relevant before the Christmas table - the guests will be left at the capture!


  • Young zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Minced meat - 350-400 gr.
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Rice fresh - 1 bottle
  • Sil, pepper - for relish
  • Roslinna oliya - on the sheet

To prepare the sauce:

  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Force for taste
  • Roslinna Oliya - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Take a deep cup and add minced meat, rice, egg, salt and pepper to it for savor.

Grate half of the peeled cibulini and add | add | in a bowl of minced meat. Mix it all up.

It is not necessary to peel young zucchini from the skin! Cut out the rims with approximately 2 cm of rims and cut out the middle.

Remind the skin of zucchini meat stuffing. Coat the sheet with oil, put zucchini on the new stuffed zucchini, salt them and put them in the oven. After 15 minutes, turn the baked vegetables over and put them in the oven for another hour.

While the zucchini is zaping, prepare a savory sauce for them. For whom, cut half of the cibulini that is left out, grate carrots, mix them in a frying pan with a dewy olive. After a light obsmazhuvannya, add tomato paste and strength for relish.

Add|Add| sour cream and mix the ingredients well. After 10 minutes the sauce is ready!

If the zucchini suddenly comes out of the oven, pour them with vegetable sauce and serve to the table. Savory!

Zucchini stuffed, baked in oven with cheese and tomatoes.

Lovers of tomatoes fall into a similar fit. It’s a savory meal of zucchini, sir and tomato - it’s more delicious to go out, it’s sifted and corny!

You need:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Tertiy sir - 100 gr.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Chicken mince - 200 gr.
  • Sil, pepper - for relish

Cooking method for the steps:

For the cob, we call the zucchini the calves of the zavtovshka one centimeter.

The core is cut with a small knife or a special attachment. Zucchini rolls are put into a bowl, salted and mixed.

Dribno rіzhemo tsibula and add її to minced meat.

The core of zucchini is refined in a blender and it is also corrected to meat.

Salt and pepper for relish.

Deco is smeared with rosemary oil, it is richly laid on a new ring and it is remembered that it is prepared with minced chicken.

Tomatoes are narrated with calves.

Tomato heel skin is used for stuffing zucchini and put into the oven. After 20 quills, the dish is removed and sipped with yogo grated with syrup, after which it is again corrected again for 10 quills.

Oven-baked zucchini stuffed with mushrooms and cheese

Obviously, don’t give such grass to small children, shards of mushrooms are an important thing for a hedgehog. And grown-ups can enjoy the gifts of nature, preparing stuffed zucchini for a savory recipe.


  • Young zucchini
  • Mushrooms
  • Sour cream
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking method for the steps:

For the cob, prepare the stuffing for stuffing zucchini. Tsibulyu is dribly spiced and smeared with yogo in a frying pan on olive oil.

Mushrooms are detailed.

Zucchini rozrіzaєmo navpіl, and then virіzaєmo their core.

The core (meat) is dribly spiced and added to the frying pan until mushrooms and cibules. Pepper and salt to taste.

We rub on the third sir.

Before the filling, add sour cream, without pripinyayuchi obsmazhuvannya.

We smear the leaf with rosemary oil, put it on a new zucchini and salt it.

Let's add the stuffing.

Let's grate the cheese and put it in the oven until it's done.

Diet recipe for baked stuffed zucchini with vegetables and cheese

Ignorant of those that this grass is already tasty, that korisna proper eating. On the right, in the fact that the calorie content becomes less than 50-60 kcal / 100 g, the protein miraculously grows hungry.


  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Sir - 50 gr.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Mushrooms - 3 pcs.
  • Watchmaker - 3 cloves
  • Half of licorice pepper
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sil, pepper - for relish
  • Greens
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking method for the steps:

Dice cibula into cubes.

We cut mushrooms.

We rub carrots on the grated.

Let's fix the watchmaker.

Mushrooms, cibula and carrots were placed in a frying pan and smeared on olive oil.

We add strength, pepper that watchmaker, after which we take the frying pan with fire.

Pepper and tomato narizaemo.

Three sires on the great third.

Coated vegetables are mixed with tomatoes, peppers and greens. Let's sip and mix well.

Zucchini rіzhemo navpіl і virіzaєmo their core. We put it on the sheet.

It is reminiscent of zucchini with vegetable filling, the beast is sipped with syrup and put into the oven until cooked (for 30-40 quills).

Recipe for stuffing zucchini with cheese, baked at the oven.

This grass is already dear to little children, especially as it is cooked in victorious sir. For yogo, calorie content per 100 r becomes less than 70-80 kcal.

For cooking you need:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Sir - 250 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sir - 100 gr.
  • Clockmaker - 1 head
  • Greens (krip)
  • Force for taste

Cooking method for the steps:

Add one egg to the sir.

Dribno dip krip and mix with cheese.

Prepare zucchini: open them up and cut the middle.

Nasipte into the core of a finely chopped clockwork.

The watchmaker, who is out of stock, mix with cheese.

Add one more egg to the sir.

Stuff the zucchini with sirnoy masa, scho wiyshla.

Lay the vegetables with cheese on a sheet.

Sip the cheese and put it in the oven. Seal 50-60 quills.

Baked zucchini chovniki with minced meat and sir

“Nothing tasted better!” - the guests themselves will tell you so, if you frequent them with a miraculous herb. This is my love recipe, and I am happy to share it with you.


  • 2-3 zucchini
  • 300 g minced meat
  • 100 g syrah
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 qibule
  • little crop
  • 3 teaspoon cloves
  • 300 g sour cream
  • sіl ta pepper for relish

Cooking method for the steps:

Prepare the required ingredients.

Grow from zucchini chovniki: open the vegetables and cut the middle.

Cut the cibula and the core of the zucchini.

Put lubricate the cibula, for five khvilin add minced meat to it.

After 2-3 more chills, add the core of the zucchini to the pan and simmer 10-15 chills in the right fire. Add strength and pepper.

Slice a tomato.

Detail the clock.

Rub the cheese.

If the minced trochi is okholone, add tomato, chasnik and sour cream to the new one. Mix everything.

Salt the chovniki before putting on the toppings. Then fill them with minced meat and sip grated cheese for the beast.

Brush the sheet with oil and put it on the new stuffed bells and whistles. Cook at the oven 30-40 khvilin. Savory!

Recipe for cooking round zucchini with meat at the oven

And this recipe was sent to me by a reader from Italy. You won’t believe that round zucchini have become fashionable with them, and you won’t be happy with them, savory and fragrant, and smut, sitna grass.

We need:

  • 4-6 round zucchini
  • 200 g minced meat
  • pivsklyanki with boiled rice
  • 2-3 teaspoon cloves
  • 1 qibule
  • 2-3 pcs. medium size potatoes
  • tomato paste or tomato, strong and pepper for relish
  • parsley
  • roslinna oliya on the leaf

Cooking method for the steps:

Ready to use products.

In round squash, you can see the top and see the pulp.

We cut the cibula into cubes, the teaspoon and put it into the pan to smear.

After 3 hvilini, minced meat is added to the cibuli and the bowl. While the wine is being smeared, we rub potatoes on the tert and add them to the frying pan. Dali put tomato paste, strength and pepper and mix everything well. Trimaёmo on fire 10 quills.

I smear the filling with rice and finely chopped parsley.

Trochi salted zucchini and we start to remind them with stuffed masa.

We cover the leaf with a dewy olive and add our stuffed vegetables. We put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40-50 chills (until ready).

A written recipe for baked stuffed zucchini with rice and vegetables.

Such a strava vіdmіnno pіdіyde іn fіst, oskolki vаnієєє good, and do not avenge at your warehouse the harvested products. Before speech, it’s easy to get ready, try it!


  • 3 zucchini
  • pivsklyanki with boiled rice
  • 1 qibule
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • 100 g bakery
  • 100 g syrah
  • Greens
  • 2 teaspoon cloves
  • Strength, pepper for relish
  • Roslinna Oliya on a leaf

Cooking method for the steps:

Tsibulya is called pivkiltsy.

Draw the clock with thin particles.

Pepper with thin pivkiltsami.

Mushrooms clean and straight, as shown in the photo.

Harvest a tomato.

The zucchini rose up and sprouted, as shown in the photo, so that it was kind of bright.

Start stuffing zucchini, neatly slicing vegetables. Sip sill and pepper.

Shake the olive.

Gently place the rice on top in a thin ball and sip the cheese. Bake 30-40 quills at the oven.

I want to stuff it a little, but I want to cook crunchy baked zucchini, and I’ll be amazed at the video. I'll take a look!

Cook for health and don’t forget to share in the comments, which recipe for baked stuffed zucchini is best for you. I would be glad to hear your thoughts! Until the new zustriches on the block!

Well, from i we got a check at that hour, if the first young ones appeared on the bazaar and on the shelves of the shops. I think that the gentleman's skin can have his own love recipe for zucchini. I’m guessing that among all the different varieties of fears, one of the best ones stuffed zucchini in the oven. Recipes for stuffing zucchini today can be known for any relish, which will satisfy both vegetarians and gourmets.

As a filling for stuffing, you can vicorate fresh vegetables, seafood, meat, fish, cereals, soft varieties of syrah. Also, for stuffing ovens and eggplants, a good stuffing product can be minced meat. Zucchini stuffed with minced meat in the oven is not foldable, but rather strong. As for the technology of preparing stuffing zucchini, then here, behind the great rahunka, there are only two methods.

You can stuff like halves-chovniki from zucchini, so cups or stumps (as they are called among the people). Today I want to show you how to cook. The zucchini, prepared according to this recipe, look like juices of zucchini to a savory sauce based on tomato and sour cream. And if you need minced meat, then beat the one you love. From this recipe I took mixed minced pork and veal.


  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.,
  • Minced meat - 400-500 gr.
  • Black chalking pepper - pinch,
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.,
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 300-400 gr.
  • Tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons,
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Strength for taste
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat at the oven - recipe

Wash the zucchini. For the help of a peeler, take a scuff from them. Cut the skin of the zucchini into small sticks 3-4 cm high. With a knife cut the zucchini into the middle. Wiishli filizhanki, accessories for stuffing.

Peel the cibula and carrots from the skin. Grate the carrot on the middle third.

Cut the cibula into small cubes.

M'yakush zucchini chop finely with a knife.

Place zucchini, carrots and cibula on a hot frying pan with olive oil.

Mixing the vegetables with a spatula, brush them with a stretch of 5-7 strands. Vegetables may become soft, but not roasted.

Put minced meat in a bowl.

Add to the new saved on olive vegetables.

Vsipte black chalking pepper and strength for relish.

Stir the minced meat with vegetables until the mass is homogeneous.

For the help of a teaspoon, stuff the filizhanki with minced zucchini. Minced meat soak up the crumbs with hot, to that in the process of zapіkannya vin osyade. Place the cups in the baking dish.

Pour sour cream from a bowl. Add ketchup (tomato sauce) to it. Salt.

Mix sour cream-tomato sauce with a spoon or a fork. Grate on the middle third of the cheese of hard varieties.

Pour stuffed zucchini with minced meat in the prepared sauce.

On top, sip them generously with sir.

Place the form in the oven, warm up to 190C. Stuffed zucchini with minced meat at the oven one should be prepared for at least 30 hvilin in the middle police.

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat at the oven. A photo

Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone richly accept, lower for yourself))


Zucchini is a miracle product, from which you can cook impersonal savory and brown herbs. For the sake of respect, I deserve the recipe for preparing the vegetable stuffed and baked at the oven. Dekіlka from them varto memorize the skin gentlemen.

How to cook stuffed zucchini

є sprat different ways obrobki. Cooking stuffed zucchini is easy. It is necessary for us to prepare them: kindly pray and tidy up the fruits. Dali zucchini are narrated with circles, cylinders or vzdovzh. The core of the nasinnyam is pulled, and the space, having settled down, is filled with minced meat, mushrooms, cereals or other products. Let's put the grass on the deco, bake it at the oven for the hour indicated in the recipe.

Stuffing zucchini at the oven - recipe with photo

There are a lot of options for suffering. The main difference between them all is the form of vegetable cut and stuffing. You can choose a recipe for stuffing zucchini with meat, cheese, dairy products, cereals, mushrooms. Often they are reminiscent of other vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, tsibuleya, cabbage, selera, kvass. Courgettes in any recipe can be replaced with zucchini. They cook them just like on the sheet, so on the form, pouring sauces.

3 minced meat

Even the original grass can be boldly prepared on the Svyatkov stele, even if it looks just miraculous. easy to work. On all processes from the preparation of products before serving the food to the table, no more than a year. The recipe for stuffing zucchini with minced meat at the oven is the transfer of minced meat - pork and yalovichini.


  • zucchini - 3 large;
  • mayonnaise - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • oliya;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 large;
  • black pepper, strong;
  • minced meat pig-yalovichi - 1 kg;
  • greens;
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • hourglass - 3 cloves;
  • sour cream - 4.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the vegetables. Fill the curls with cylinders approximately five centimeters each. Remove the core from the skin, so that the dens is lost. You will see glasses.
  2. Trim the cibula, squash pulp.
  3. Coat the minced meat at the frying pan. Vin may become golden.
  4. Coat the cibula, through sprat of whilin, add zucchini pulp, silt, pepper to it.
  5. Mix the minced meat with vegetables, chopped greens. Add 2 tbsp. l. ketchup and 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, vise watchmaker. Salt, pepper.
  6. Zapovnіt minced zucchini cups.
  7. Coat the sheet with oil. Put stuffed bariltsya.
  8. Mix mayonnaise with excess ketchup and sour cream. Put a teaspoon of sauce on the skin bottle.
  9. Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Bake the grass there with a stretch of pivgodini.

3 Sirom

Hurrying up with the approaching recipe, you take it as you can, without worrying about gaining kilograms. Tsya appetizer is even original. іz sir, borderline simple. At minced meat, put peas and pidrum'yanenu on a frying pan with a cibula with carrots. Even if you cook this grass once, you will work regularly.


  • zucchini - 6 pcs.;
  • spices, strength;
  • cibulya - 1 large;
  • oliya - 100 ml;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • voloski gorіkha tovchenі - 1 bottle;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • feta sir - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil zucchini fruit and five quills in boiling water.
  2. Trim the qibula and carrots, brush them in olive oil.
  3. From a boiled skin vegetable, cut a thin late dress, scrape the pulp. I’ll stop to pick it up and put it on a frying pan until the carrots are cubular. Mix everything tomato paste. Lubricate until soft.
  4. Pour the cheese into cubes, mix with peas, beaten eggs, greased with vegetables, salt, season.
  5. Stuff the zucchini chovniki and bake in the oven, roast in advance up to 200 degrees. Tse trivatime pivgodini.

Z meat

Step on the dish to come out even more invisible. Zucchini stuffed with meat at the ovens are prepared with special breading, which positively blends in with your outside look. The photo shows how the stench comes out. Like the filling is not minced meat, but small pieces of chicken fillet, sautéed in front. Ovoch before zapіkannyam nedovgo vіdvaryuєtsya.


  • zucchini - 2 large;
  • muscat mountain chalking - 0.5 tsp;
  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • strong pepper;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • bread crumbs;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet with dry pieces. Place in a saucepan, fill with water, lemon juice, Salt, pepper, season with nutmeg. Extinguish under the roof close to the fire.
  2. Ready m'yaso mix s | iz | tomatoes cut into cubes. Add siri eggs, crushing the chasnik, strength and pepper.
  3. Remove the pulp from the zucchini. Boil them to softness. Start, cover with sour cream, roll in breadcrumbs. Put on a sheet, cover with foil.
  4. Heat the oven up to 250 degrees. Weep the grass with 20-25 strands.

With rice and meat

Chudova strava, prepared according to the upcoming recipe, will miraculously fit into the menu of the Christmas table. Zucchini stuffed with meat and rice, just rotten. The stinks come out sitting, live. Meat minced meat and rice miraculously come together with the lower baked squash meat. Miraculous relish of the seasoning, which is made up of dry herbs.


  • minced meat - 450 g;
  • round rice - 125 g;
  • sum of dried cumin, krop, coriander, chasnik, turmeric, selery, curry - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • large zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • strong pepper;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • oliya song.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil rice in salty water until ready.
  2. The head ingredient is cut in cylinders of 4-5 cm each. Carefully remove from the skin core. Vityagnut pulp podrіbnіt at the blender. Mix with minced meat. Add the egg, spices, strength, pepper.
  3. Decorate the deco with oil and put it on the new stuffed vegetables.
  4. Heat up the oven to 180 degrees. Sweep there 40 stravu khvilin.

O vely

Chergova's variation of the strain, yak can be worthy of all the addicts of dietary eating. Zucchini stuffed with vegetables have few calories. The recipe can be edited independently. For the filling, go be like vegetables, cream is quiet, which is indicated at the warehouse: eggplant, white cabbage, broccoli. Grass is served under sour cream filling and sulfuric flavor, but you can not add these components, if you want to spread yoga to the lungs.


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • sir - 50 g;
  • tomato - 1 small;
  • carrot - 1 small;
  • sour cream - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • cauliflower - 75 g;
  • sil, pepper, spices;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • greens;
  • cibula - 1 small;
  • chasnik - 1 clove;
  • oliya pisna - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Tsukіnі pozhte navpіl uzdovzh, vydalіt core. As if the stink is not too young, you should put them on the cob in the salty water, a sprat of quills.
  2. Carrot, cibula, Bulgarian pepper and tomato diced.
  3. Divide the cabbage into bunches. You can boil it for a short time, but it’s still young, just put it out in a frying pan.
  4. M'yakush tsukіnі podribnіt.
  5. Roast oliya in a frying pan. Spread in a new cibula, carrots, cabbage and pepper, mixed with a pressured teapot. After five khvilin add tomato, zucchini pulp. Salt, season. Extinguish until complete evaporation of the rіdini.
  6. Fill with the stuffing of the chovna, put them in the form, smeared Oliya. Heat up the oven to 180 degrees. Pіkayte in nіy chovniki pіvgodini.
  7. 7 minutes before turning on, pour sour cream over them and sprinkle with grated syrup.


Even more tasty is the grass, just like that swidko is getting ready. Stuffed with circles miraculously combine with whatever side dishes. You can serve them with rice, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, pasta. If you want a light evening, then supplement the grass with a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with olive oil. Vegetables with minced meat at tsomu vikonnі obov'yazkovo will fall to your liking.


  • zucchini - 4 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 0.3 kg;
  • sir - 100 g;
  • chasnik - 4 cloves;
  • great tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • tsibulya - 2 small ones;
  • strong pepper;
  • mayonnaise - 150-180 ml;
  • Oliya.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut them with circles, the comrades of such a warehouse are two centimeters. Scrap the core, make it look like a ring, put it on deco, covered with olive oil.
  2. Zucchini pulp, cibula and chasnik roll at the meat grinder, mix with minced meat and eggs, salt and pepper.
  3. Spread the stuffing along the kiltsy, smear with mayonnaise. Place tomato mugs on top, grate with syrup. Bake in the oven, then warm up to 220 degrees later. Strava will be ready in 40 minutes.

3 mushrooms

As a filling for vegetables, you can vicorate not only meat, ale and pecheritsa, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, milk mushrooms. Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms look savory and juicy. If you give a fox, then you can take whatever variety. Add fresh and frozen mushrooms to the grass, and also pickle recipes. If you didn’t take it away, it’s even more delicious.


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • ovens - 1 kg;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • sir - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut zucchini with zavtovshki 4-5 cm before it, how to cook. Scrape the middle, fill it with a centimeter dense.
  2. Trim the mushrooms, brush them with a chopped cibulia. Stuff the vegetables with them, but not to the very edge.
  3. Cut tomatoes into cubes, add mushrooms to the animal. Sip chopped greens.
  4. Mix mayonnaise with grated cheese and pressure with a teaspoon. Cover the dish with cim sauce and put it in the oven, roast it up to 180 degrees. Bake 30-40 quills.

Chovniki with minced meat

Tse variant of the stravy, as a bigger pidide for the Christmas table. Chovnik zucchini, stuffed with minced meat, baked in the oven, look like a culinary masterpiece. The taste of the stench is just wonderful. Obov'yazkovo try to prepare sausages, and you yourself will change into tsoma. Just don’t sing, so the vegetable is ready to readiness, pierce the yogo, scrape the middle and burn it down with no stuffing, and then stuff it.


  • zucchini - 4 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 550 g;
  • Oliya song;
  • tomatoes - 2 small;
  • strong pepper;
  • canned corn - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • hops-suneli - 0.5 tsp;
  • solid sir - 120–130 g;
  • cibulya - 1 large;
  • mayonnaise - 130 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Trim the cibula, smear it to clarity. Add mince. Cook 10 minutes|minutes|, stirring regularly. Add salt, pepper, hops-suneli.
  2. Dice the tomato, mix it with corn.
  3. Wash the zucchini. Porіzhte vzdovzh navpіl, scrape the pulp. Save the sum of vegetables with minced meat.
  4. Stir the third cheese with mayonnaise. Coat the skin portion of the herb with cim sauce, put on deco, smeared with oil. Cook pіvgodini in the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees.

With ovochami and rice

Wonderland for vegetarians. Zucchini with rice and vegetables - tse korisnі і sitni lasoschi. For the preparation of bazhano, choose a variety, in which the fruits of a round shape grow, so the grass looks even more beautiful. If you have a good amount of vegetables, then it’s not scary. The shape doesn’t spoil the relish of this miraculous snack.


  • round zucchini - 10 pcs.;
  • greens;
  • carrot - 1 large;
  • strength;
  • tsibula - 2 middle ones;
  • olive oil;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • solid sir - 200 g;
  • rice - two thirds of a bottle.

Cooking method:

  1. From the round fruits, sprouts and trochs of pulp, so that the krishechki came out. Scrap the pulp. Koshiki, scho to walk, fill with dill, boil 10 khvilin. Water can be both called and in the middle.
  2. Boil rice mayzhe until fully cooked.
  3. Detail the cibula, carrot. Cut the pepper. Coat the qibula until soft. Add|Add| carrots on a frying pan, and after 5 hvilin | minutes | licorice pepper. Salt, simmer until done.
  4. Mix rice and vegetables with grated syrup. Stuff cym koshiki, but do not press down.

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat and cheese, among the ovens - the grass of zucchini in our homeland is loved. I especially love blues, as if they came from friends, and if the zucchini were ready, I invited them all - then they asked for the recipe to give to moms! So, if you don’t know about it, try it, you won’t be disappointed for sure. Zucchini stuffed with minced meat and cheese and baked in ovens are perfect for a children's menu, especially the variant with sour cream, which I propagate.

Prepare food items on the list. Minced meat can be taken whether it be: zmіshany, pig, yalovichi, chicken.

Sliced ​​zucchini with zucchini about 1 cm, peeled from the skin (zucchini can not be peeled). Salt and pepper the minced meat and put it on the skin of a circle of zucchini cutlet with minced meat.

Lay a circle of tomato on top, sour cream on top (I also take mayonnaise).

Be some kind of hard sire rub on the tertz and stick it on top of our spores.

Zapikat zucchini stuffed with minced meat and cheese, the oven has about 20 chills at 200 degrees, then reduce the heat to 120 degrees and bring to readiness (more chill 20).

Stuffed zucchini is ready!

Їx can be served once.

Or you can take a robot with you for a snack at the dacha. Grava to come out juicy, savory to look at the chilled look. Savory!

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