Cutlets with zucchini, carrots and potatoes. Cutlets with zucchini and carrots. Lubricated vegetable cutlets with zucchini and potatoes

Carrot cutlets with vikoristannyam zucchini. How to prepare a savory vegetable recipe at home. Vikoristovuemo Pokrokov instructions with photographs. How to properly process all the products before the cob is prepared.

As soon as the summer season is here and vegetables flood the counters of all markets and shops, the gentlemen immediately start shukati - what can I cook from them. Aje tsi give nature is not only savory, but also superbly beautiful for our body. The stench will take revenge on your own faceless vitamins and minerals, as well as micro and macroelements.

To help you increase your dietary intake, today we suggest you prepare lower and higher intakes on carrots. And for greater accuracy, all detailed recommendations will be accompanied by report photographic materials.

Cutlets with zucchini and carrots in a frying pan

Cooking hour: 40 hwilin

Number of servings: 17

Energy value

  • proteins - 3.3 g;
  • fat - 4.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.7 g;
  • calorie content - 110.6 kcal.


  • zucchini - 0.9 kg;
  • carrot - 0.3 kg;
  • tsibula green - 15 g;
  • parsley - 20 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • boroshno wheat vischogo gatunka - 225 g;
  • sіl kitchen grub - for relish;
  • refined olive oil for lubrication - 50 ml.

Pokrokove cooking

  1. Wash the zucchini thoroughly under the onslaught of running water, dry them with paper towels, peel them hard and see a lot of us, and then rub them on the grate with dribbling vents and see well.
  2. Remove the peel from the carrots with a vegetable peeler, rinse it and trim it with an additional grated grater. Vіdpravte in єmnіst to zucchini.
  3. Parsley and green cibula should be diligently crushed under the crane in the saw and other smittya, slightly shaken in the zavoi vologia and sharply cut with a hospitable knife.
  4. Throw the trimmed greens at the bowl to the vegetables, season the sum for your taste with spices, stir and let it rest for a quarter of the year.
  5. After 15 minutes, put 3 great chicken eggs into the hall, one by one, in the wheat boroso, as it shines, and diligently mix in the same minced meat.
  6. Put the vegetable mass on a roasted frying pan with olive oil for an additional tablespoon and coat the zucchini-carrot cutlets on a sprat of whilin from the skin side until a smooth ruddy crackle is cooked.

Porada: add to the dough 15 g of grub soda and 6 g of granulated citric acid, So your cutlets will look even more like that food.

Recipe at the oven

Cooking hour: 1 year 10 hours

Number of servings: 20

Energy value

  • proteins - 1.7 g;
  • fat - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 11.1 g;
  • calorie content - 69.3 kcal.


  • zucchini - 900 g;
  • carrot - 300 g;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 150 g;
  • chasnik - 20 g;
  • krip - 15 g;
  • manna groats - 150 g;
  • vegetable broth - 500 ml;
  • refined olive oil - 35 ml;
  • black pepper chalking - for relish;
  • sіl kitchen grub - for relish.

Pokrokove cooking

  1. Carefully pick up the zucchini from the skin and the back, grate them on the great third and sip the sill for about 10 khvilin, after which you can see the vegetable and anger the sik, which you saw.
  2. At the same time, clean the carrots from the skin and trim them on the shank with the most important openings.
  3. From part of the cibulins and the hourly cloves to take the lushpinnya, wash them, having cut them into a fine cube, save in a toasted stewpan with a baked olive oil until golden.
  4. Then pour the broth into the bowl with vegetables, bring it to a boil, infuse semolina into a ladle with a thin glass, stirring constantly, boil the masa with three strands of white, after which you know it from the fire and cool.
  5. Prepare zucchini, carrots, summish with semolina with tsibuleya and chasnik and finely chopped krip, season all the whole and grind with pepper to taste and mix well.
  6. Gently form small oval or round oval meatballs with your hands and lay them on a small surface, one on a sheet of paper covered with parchment paper.
  7. Whip cutlets with carrots and zucchini at the oven, roasted up to 180 ℃ in cold weather.

Serve appetizing carrot-zucchini cutlets with natural yogurt without additives or low-fat sour cream. If you want a side dish, then it will be better to cook it with your own lightness, or you can present it in a way that looks independent, supplementing it with a salad of fresh vegetables. Try, experiment and know your ideal tastes. Savory!

Prepare products for chicken cutlets from carrots and zucchini. All vegetables must be thoroughly dried. Grate the zucchini on a dry tertz, relatively waving the sik, as you saw. Sokovitytst tsim cutlets give vegetables, so you can take minced meat, cook s chicken breast, and do not be afraid that the cutlets will look dry. If you are afraid of the dryness of the prepared cutlets, then take the minced meat from the chicken breast and stegna from equal spivvіdnoshnі.
Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.

Peeled carrot rubbed on a dry tert (you can also on a large one, if you want, the carrot was clearly seen in ready-made cutlets). Tsibulina is finely cut. Heat the frying pan with additional dewy olive and we have prepared a cibula and a carrot. Extinguish on a small fire 5-7 quills. You can extinguish the dewy olive oil with a couple of tablespoons of water.

For minced chicken, add stewed carrots with tsibuleya, grated zucchini, semolina and egg. Salt for relish and really taste everything.
You can cook such cutlets without adding an egg, replacing it with additional two tablespoons of semolina.

Soaked in water with your hands, shape the cutlets of bagan shaped like a rosemary. Roll the cutlets in semolina and put them on a parchment-lined sheet.
Wipe chicken cutlets with carrots and zucchini at the oven 35-45 quills, turning them over once for more even frying. The hour of roasting the cutlets is to lie down in the rozmіru of the cutlets themselves.
You can cook cutlets in a frying pan, smearing them with a small amount of dewy olives to a ruddy crackle, and then extinguishing them until cooked, adding a little water.

Chicken cutlets with carrots and zucchini are ready. Savory! Serve їх із be-like a side dish for your taste.
You can give such cutlets in cakes and lavash. For that, on a shortbread, add a tablespoon of thick natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream, a cutlet to the beast, and be like greens and vegetables. Burn with a roll. Like victorious pita bread, you will need to cut it on shmatochki.

Vegetable cutlets can be cooked different ways. Lubricate them, bake them at the oven and cook them for a couple. Vegetables ring out (on a grater, with a blender, minced meat). Moreover, for minced meat it is possible to vicorate like cheese, and boiled products.

Vegetable cutlets can be prepared with carrots, potatoes, zucchini, spinach, harmelon, zucchini, cabbage, beetroot, rutabaga, ripi, broccoli, cauliflower, cibuli and so on. Really, there are too many options.

Vegetable chops

Vegetable cutlets are a source of vitamins and minerals, as a way to improve immunity. It is especially important to get them used by people with problems of the herbal system.

It is also good to prepare vegetable cutlets for small children. In addition, dietitians recommend the grass to those who care not only for their health, but for their figure.

The main ingredients of minced vegetables

As an additive component in the minced meat, you can add smoky cibula, sil, pepper, love greens, sire egg, grits. Feel free to add spices to your favorite, stench does not savor relish. Golovne, do not sort out, so as not to kill the taste of the vegetables themselves.

For breading, vikoristovuit borosno, semolina chi crackers. If you want to grease cutlets, then call on dewy or melted butter.

Licorice lovers can add zukor to vegetable cutlets. Cutlets with carrots are especially savory.

How to drink vegetable cutlets

  • Like minced vicorists, sirі ovochі, after podribnennya, if the stench let the sіk out, next vіdzhati.
  • Vegetable cutlets need to be molded in such a size, so that it would be easier to turn them over when cooked.
  • It is necessary to wet your hands near the water, then it is easier to drink.
  • For a crunchy appetizing sour cream, panuvaty cutlets in breadcrumbs (manzi).

Share recipes for vegetable cutlets. The stinks come out even lower and savory.

Carrot cutlets, steamed, are suitable for people with diseases of the herbal system, as well as for infectious diseases of the intestines, colitis. Tse miraculous grass for the little ones. Carrots have an anti-painful, anti-seizure, anthelmintic and antiseptic effect on the body.

  • Carrot 4 pcs. (Medium)
  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі 3 tbsp. l.
  • Oliya Vershkove 50 gr.
  • Boroshno 100-13 g (130)
  • Zukor 2 tbsp. l.
  • Force for taste
  1. Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grate. Sik, what you saw, vіdtisnіt.
  2. Add all additive ingredients. Stir and form cutlets of small size.
  3. Place carefully in a double boiler and cook 20-25 strands. Serve together with sour cream or vershkov oil. You can also give honey and chi to your favorite brews.

White cabbage is a miraculous source of mineral resources (calcium, potassium, sirka, phosphorus) and microelements (zalizo, zinc, aluminium, manganese). And for more fructose, I turn over lemons, carrots, potatoes and cibula. Glucose in white cabbage more, lower in apples, lemons and oranges. We suggest a recipe for cabbage cutlets prepared at the oven.

Cabbage cutlets baked in the oven

  • White cabbage 400 g
  • Milk cow'yache 100 ml
  • Egg 2 pcs.
  • Vershkov oil | oil | 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі 3 tbsp. l.
  1. Trim the cabbage with a knife, a blender or a combine.
  2. Extinguish with it with oil and water about 10-15 strands.
  3. Salt, add | add | hercules, milk and continue extinguishing for about 10 minutes | minutes |. Let's cool down the mass.
  4. Next, add eggs and mix well. Yakshcho є forms for vipіchki, you can viklasti in them (portionally).
  5. Rip at a good rose oven (200 degrees) for about 20 minutes.

Serve cabbage cutlets better with hot looking sour cream.

Vegetable cutlets can be combined. Vіdmіnno poddnuyutsya zucchini with potatoes.

Zucchini tsinnі mixed with some mineral salts, yakі nebhіdnі for the exchange of speeches. It is recommended to be used by people who are ill with diabetes, as well as people with problems of the herbal system. They have a small number of revenge organic acids that lower cellulose, which does not call for teasing the intestines, that shell.

Potatoes are the core of mineral resources. Yogo proteins have all the amino acids (and indispensable), which can be found in roslins. Zavdyaki great amount of potassium in potatoes is introduced into the body. It’s even more painful for people who suffer from ailments of nirok.

Lubricated vegetable cutlets with zucchini and potatoes

  • Young zucchini 2 pcs.
  • Potato 2 pcs.
  • Syr firm 50 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Greens, strong pepper, chasnik for relish
  • Boroshno 1 tbsp. l.
  • Roslinna Oliya for obsmazhuvannya
  1. Grate potatoes on a coarse third, and zucchini on a large one. Salt that one, so that they let the sik. Vіdіzhmіt tsіk.
  2. Rub the sir on the dry tertz and trim the greens.
  3. Put potatoes with zucchini in a bowl, add borosno, egg, greens and cheese. Mix everything vigorously.
  4. Shape the patties with your hands and tack with a tablespoon.
  5. Pour olive oil at the frying pan, place the vegetable cutlets and coat it on both sides. Lubricate more on the middle fire, so that in the middle of the cutlets are not run out of sirimi.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Savory bread! Burda is bad not to please

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pokrokovy recipe with photo

Baked cutlets from zucchini with carrots and chasnikovy aroma - an easy addition to the summer diet, as if not nabridne. At the oven, the stench adds a crunchy sap and at the same time preserves the juice.

Carrot licorice miraculously complements the lower squash pulp, and manna groats miraculously cover minced sheep. Grease the teapot and the cibula before introducing it at the new varto, put it on a drushlyak, so that excess oil is drained. How to grate the vegetables more, and how to mold the cutlet blanks more efficiently.

Hot cutlets can be garnished with beaten tops, tribute with sour cream, gostri tomato sauce but spicy adjika.


  • zucchini 1 pc. (240g)
  • carrot 1 pc. (100-120 g)
  • cibulya ripchasta 1 is small
  • hourglass 2-3 teeth
  • manna groats 2 tbsp. l. + for sip form
  • water 125 ml
  • oliya roslinna 1 st. l. + for protection
  • creep 0.5 bunch
  • ground black pepper
  • coriander chalking


1. Rinse the zucchini, open the tails (and skin, like a mature zucchini). Grind the zucchini on the great third bowl for cooking minced meat. Trochs of pidsolity and suffice for 10-15 quills, so that you become sik.

2. Boil 125 ml of water in a saucepan, after which change the flame and sip a thin glass of semolina in it. At once, swish with a spatula or with a wine glass, so that the sumisha does not have a manny breast. Cook 2-3 hvilini until thickened. Let's sweat out the fire and cool off in a cold place.

3. Clean the cibula from the shell, wash it. Fill with crushed cubes and put them on an okrema plate. Dekіlka zubchikiv in the watchmaker to trim with a knife.

4. Peel and wash the carrots. Detailed on the other third.

5. Put the frying pan on the stove, add a little bit of olive oil to it and leave it for a couple of quills to heat up. Add cibula and chasnik and smear until soft on a medium fire 5-7 quills.

6. Zucchini vіdіzhmіt sіk. At the deep mist, mix a zucchini, carrots and smeared cibula with a watchmaker. Add the semolina, which is cool, as you will creak our future cutlets. Resolutely stir until a homogeneous vag is established.

Zucchini was brought to Europe in the 16th century from Mexico. Young zucchini are easily conquered by the body. Qi fruits are vicarious for a child and a dietary meal. Zucchini is a universal vegetable. From the new cook various vegetable stews, bake with various fillings, salt, marinate and add sirimi to salads.

Cutlets from zucchini are prepared with various additives. For the help of kitchen appliances, the process will take a little time.

Cutlets from zucchini and cheese

Cicava is an alternative to fried pancakes.


  • zucchini - 800 gr.;
  • sir - 100 gr.;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • chasnik - 3 chastochki;
  • bread crumbs;
  • pepper.


  1. Rinse the zucchini, remove the rind and the lining. Wipe at the electric hot water.
  2. Salt the shavings and enjoy the juice.
  3. Detail the vegetables. Mix s | iz | vіdzhatoy massa z | іz | zucchini.
  4. Add grated, rather hard cheese.
  5. Cut the greens with a knife.
  6. Mix in the eggs and crackers. For flavor, you can sip pepper.
  7. Grind small cutlets and grease them on a frying pan.
  8. Fire may be weak.
  9. When your cutlets are cooked, turn off the gas and cover the pan with a lid.
  10. Let the troch stand and call all the truth.

Tsya Strava singsongly please your loved ones.

It is light, ale sitna, that cicava grass. A wonderful option for an evening at the native country.


  • zucchini - 250 gr.;
  • minced chicken - 250 gr.;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • borosno wheat.


  1. You can buy minced meat in the store, or better, turn it yourself from the fillet part of the chicken.
  2. Peel the zucchini and turn it into shavings in a combine or grate it. Dati Stekti zayvoї rіdini;
  3. Pick up the products and throw them in the storage capacity. You can add more egg white, or you can add a whole egg.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and thicken the mass with a couple of tablespoons of borosna. Salt and add chalking pepper.
  5. Brush the cutlets on a small fire.

Such cutlets are suitable for a child's eating, that and grown-up members of this family are melodiously worthy of their lower texture.

Super-juicy and fluffy meatballs, baked in oven.


  • zucchini - 250 gr.;
  • minced meat - 300 gr.;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • white bread - 2 pieces.


  1. You can beat the prepared minced meat from the yalovichini, or you can make yogo zі pork and the yalovichi booth for an additional meat grinder.
  2. Grate and wedge zucchini mass add to minced meat.
  3. It is better to fill the bread in front with milk and trohi vijati.
  4. At the great mist, mix minced meat, cibula, bread and eggs.
  5. Add salt and spices, as you like. Grind small cutlets and put them on the oiled deco glibock.
  6. Pour the troshki and drive it in the preheated oven for about half a year.
  7. Leave the deco in the oven for a sprig of khvilin and call everyone to the table.

You can serve such cutlets with fresh or stewed vegetables. For embellishment, add greenery.

Qiu grass can also be classified as dietary, but not less savory.


  • zucchini - 250 gr.;
  • minced meat with turkeys - 500 gr.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • borosno wheat.


  1. Turn over the turkey fillet at the meat rub, grate the zucchini and see the homeland.
  2. Put a clove into the cutlet masa and give it to the egg.
  3. Stir and for consumption add a couple of spoons of borosna. Salt and put spices for relish.
  4. If you are preparing for small children, then you can not add that spices.
  5. Smear it lightly on both sides until golden brown, then transfer it to the oven.
  6. For a quarter of a year, cutlets can be served to the table, embellishing the greens.

You can prepare a sauce for such cutlets based on sour cream, herbs and spices.

Cutlets with zucchini and semolina

Cutlets come out more like food, rum'yanі and appetizing.


  • zucchini - 250 gr.;
  • minced meat - 500 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • chasnik - 3 chastochki;
  • manna groats.


  1. Clean and grate the zucchini, add water.
  2. Zmishayte z minced meat we'll fix it with a watchmaker. Salt and put it down, be it spices, as you like.
  3. Add a couple of spoons of semolina to the egg, good masu.
  4. Let the pivgodini stand, so that the manna groats will absorb the homeland.
  5. Shape into patties and roll them in the pan.
  6. Lubricate on a small fire until done.

Serve with vegetables and steamed rice.

Cutlets with zucchini and potatoes

Another recipe for vegetarians. Such cutlets troch make potato pancakes.


  • zucchini - 500 gr.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bread crumbs.


  1. Open potatoes at the uniform. Let it cool and open the skin.
  2. Pick up zucchini, potatoes and cibulina at the harvester.
  3. Beat the egg, salt and add your favorite spices.
  4. Bring the sum to the required consistency, adding breadcrumbs.
  5. Grind small flat cutlets and grease them on a hot frying pan with olive oil.
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