Walkthrough of Batman Arkham Asylum. Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Asylum



Bud_vlya _intensive care

Batman delivering the Joker to the psychiatric hospital. As soon as the behavior of the clown is alert to our hero, Batman virues to escort the wounded man to the camera. We follow the guard and hear, I balak the joker. At the intensive care unit in the block, the “chambers” of Batman are not allowed to go further, nibito for peace of mind, and the joker “attack”. Everything was planned ahead of time, the girlfriend of the joker Harley Quinn at the control panel, transferred from the b'yaznitsa, which burned out, blackgate bandits.



Batman, having broken the vikno, ate a mess at the perch. Might be two fights, the first one with a trioma, the other one with a chotirma. Try to hit combo hits, the more hits, hit Batman without a tooth, then take more points per hit. For the glasses you can get better "Wine tech". The Joker propagates to know yoga and opens the energy gates. There is no way out “having called yourself a load, liz at the box”, virushaemo on the whispers of a malevolent genius.

Climbing up the ramp, smash the teeth with a bettarang in the room, which they shoot at the bottom, aiming with the right mouse button or pressing the key Q- Swedish betrang. Ruhaєmos corridor, chuєmo poderezdzhennya security system about the destruction of the regime, in three blocks of coercion rushed to freedom.

Dishovshi to the fork, two thugs, more not figs to mitigate the great and the mighty, after the battle we go to the right, so angry the doors are blocked. Having contacted the oracle (commissar Gordon's daughter), Batman checks the situation.

After drinking to the ward for violent commotion, we will talk with the closest guardian Zak Franklinn, we will explain the situation, the violent aggravation Victor Szas, having pried the guardian to the electric chair, she threatens to beat him. Passable at the vіdchinenі door and pіdnіmaєmosya descents, pіdіyshovshi to okhorontsіv, marveling uphill on the wall, there gargoyles - having pressed the key "F" Batman yells at the gargoyle for help with a rope. Re-attached to the nearest gargoyle, and planned to press the “probil” on evil, at the bottom press the left key of the mouse and hit it. It is necessary to set the final blow, utrimuєmo CTRL and press the mouse button to the right. Having risen from the bandit, marveling at the video, Harley Quinn shows us the shabby senior sharpie. It's clear that the joker controls the security system. It is necessary to get out of the ward for the violent ones. Enable detective mode "X" we look around the room. Bachimo ґrati in the wall and the gap of the wall, for the time being, we’ll suffice until the shortest hours (there is a lot of riddles in the grit, but then the deyaki will become available only after the end of the gri, if Batman takes all his gadgets), pidіyshovshi to ґrat, onslaught, we tried the swidko bug. Іdemo on ventilation shafts to ґrat i її znіmaєmo just like that, like pershu.

Disinfection room

The Joker, having launched his jet gas, and everyone who stays in the room, is doomed to painful death. Behind the doors at the room, I looked and victorious like, just like a badge "F". Climbing up the mountain, ryatuemo guarding, fastening for the help of the hook on the crossbar under the stele and ryatuem more than one guarding, striving far away, here it is vryatuemo in'yaznya, for all vryatovannyh rahovyuyut eyepieces. It is necessary to increase the ventilation in order to clean the room from the gas. I look around in detective mode and betarang, what is kissing, at the ventilation control panel.

The loop

It seems that there is a long corridor of names for a loop. Demo him, on the undercoat of the painted arrows, two bandits will attack from behind, calling it as if it were not serious. Rushing along the arrows, we go to the room and marvel at the video. The Joker releases a wonderful body from the container, perhaps the result of some kind of genetic mutation. Uhilyayemosya in yoga direct attacks, utrimuyu hit and pushing the keys to the left or right, we get the monster on the power shields and until the yoga koriguє, hit it right. As soon as the monster falls, the joker robs his badges on the future, reminds that Commissioner Gordon is suffocated and slandered. It is necessary to take a new basic task to know and vryatuvat the commissar. Let's talk with the guardian, he will try to lead us for the joker, but if we don't go out, then the Batman will go back and check the chambers, ascertaining the presence of evidence. Let’s just turn around not to the disinfection room, but the levoruch before closing the passage. We get to the control cells, orienting ourselves with a map. I scanuєmo її in detective mode, revealing a flask with bourbon from the security guard, we begin to sip yoga in vapors with alcohol, which is in the air. Rushing along the corridor, we follow the whiskey in the window and we go to the elevator, then Dr. Harvey's mischief appears and throws the elevator at us. Let's go to the room with gatherings and pick up an audio recording, listen and take away the eyepieces, now we turn in the elevator and marvel at the docks Passing through the ventilation tunnels, there were three gangsters who were shot down by machine guns. At the forehead attack not varto. Marveling uphill and victorious like that, transferring from gargoyle to gargoyle, dropping by bandits at til. We plan and hold down the key ctrl, sneaking up to the nearest bandit, for the final blow. Razbiraemosya with the bandits, scho lost. We go into the room, where there is one bandyuk and, having crept up behind, we bring down yoga with the final blow. Rushing forward and drinking at the lobby of intensive care, there are two bandits with machine guns. Having broken out of them, the joker sends three more bandits, and they calmly. Bury an audio recording at the kіmnati. I go to the driven guard. Glancing at Yogo, Edward Nigma breaks into our radio, and he gives us a riddle: “Sorry, don’t worry about the shabby portrait.” We looked a little right at the sight of the officer, on the wall there was a portrait of Sharpe, the head observer, scanned by yoga. After that, the guardian and the door are opened.

Corridor with communications

It is necessary to get out of intensive care on the surface of the island. After talking with the guard, we seem to go into the corridor with communications and if it comes to the exit from the new one, we feel an emergency release of news, the Joker tells the bagmen in the city of Gotham City about the burying of Arkham Island. We go into the comora and through the ventilation pipes we climb to the surface.

The look at the part of the Ptashino by the Pollet, the unise, the union straight from the BIK of the Botanchikiye, the blessing of the triviga vіd Betmobil, Betman Zvyazu, the Orakul Ism, Virushamo to the entrance at Viddillennya izhratyatyuye, Vyatyatyati, Vyatyatuya, Vyatyatuyati Passing at the gate, we need to get help from a car with a help and, having hurried up, we climbed on the concrete block, on the new one we go to two bandits at the til and know them with noiseless blows. We pass through the gates and bachimo like seven bandits hit our cars with kicks. Ozbroєni stinks are not serious, it is necessary that we distribute cuffs left-handed and right-handed.

After the battle, we take vibukhov gel from the trunk (we can add non-resistant walls). Now it is necessary to check the space around the car. Turn on the detective mode and scan, the zone is christened with a yellow smug. Knowing the phone, he pressed on, scanning Batman, calling the oracle and telling him good news. We follow the aroma of the Komisar, who is in love with Tyutyun, which is in the air. To go to the attacking location, the left hand through the closed gates lifts the German wall. As we follow, we attack two bandits, having beaten them, we continue to follow the tyutyun, the good stink of the skin is three meters.




At the entrance to the medical unit, there were six studded people, the axis here can be stuffed badly with eyepieces. Let's go to wake up. Bachimo Harley Quinn, pіdіyshovshi i sluhavshi її chuєmo Gordon. Harley is ticking, but we need to know another way to wake up the medical unit. We see the street and marvel at the dachas, vikoristovuyuchi hachok, climb up the hill and let's go levoruch. Here is a German wall, driven by a gel and drunk on a medical block. After drinking in the middle, through the ventilation shafts, we pass to the main hall, we see a picture, like the Joker's followers are chasing the medical staff at the office. Batman is victorious. The bandits guard the doctors, the bandits, the shards of the gra transfer the children to sweat, you can chip the enemies one by one, sneaking up behind you and giving the final blows, or you can make some noise, then all will run down to you and the shooter will become stronger. I'm a hell of a sweat. After tidying up the bandits, we go to the doctors, after talking with them, we need to know and trust three more doctors, to mark their place of expansion on the map. Lіkar Kelerman closes at the room filled with joker gas, walks to the door and talks to the guardian, then marvels at the top of the ventilation pipes and climbs on them, re-strives to the gates and vilamavshi її we go to the room. It is necessary to turn on three fans. Once the mode is up, the detective is surprised to see how to go from the fans to the control panels, turn on the fans with the beta rank, after turning on the skin, go down to the lower level. Dr. Chen is crazy to the bone, everything is banal, a forceful action is being carried out to bring all the aggravated large numbers of people from the unfamiliar camps, after the calmness of the visionary hulks, we come to Chen and press the clearing. Doctors Peny Yang bury five bandits, so that the doctor was not driven in, it is necessary to place two charges of vibukhovy helium on defective walls. Vibrating their tricks of the walls, bury the bandits under them. Talk to the doctor.

Turning to the isolation ward for a far-fetched commissar, we marveled at the video, at the end of which it is necessary to get rid of three bandits. Then we go down to the basement of the medical block on the elevator. We marvel at the screensaver, to pass far, to lift the wall of anger. We pass through the communication corridor and bachimo the commissar Gordon, the dead.

We take a new task to punish the drive. Let's go to the morgue, after wandering around the new place, we'll try to leave it in a gloomy place, it wasn't there. When I tried to get out, I again felt morse, only in the middle of the hall lay three bears. Vіdkrivayuchi їkh on cherzі, zustrіchaєmosya with tatom and mum, but in the rest of us the check lapped. Yeah, all the twists of Crane's schizophrenia are known to be under the nickname "Scarecrow", which is more like a hallucinogenic gas. Now you need to sneak around, so that you don’t remember us. Just rushing forward while the veins are spinning there, having reached the defective wall, podrivaєmo її, lakalya turn around and will marvel at the angry and right-handed in the wall, so the axis of the veins will marvel at the evil, we will re-string to the right. Distant searchlights, Batman attacks.



Change Crane, link with the oracle. Turn back, and straight for the arrows, but not a commissar, but like a bіdolakh to protect yourself. We try to pass at the door, we are to give three bandits one of them, to put a block on all strikes, we need to stun him with a cloak, and then beat him. Arriving with arrows to the corridor, the joker again played his zhorstok game. It’s necessary to get through the bandits so that they don’t commemorate us. There are four of them, raising the regime to the detective, you will see their movement, the first two sneaking up behind you virubav with final blows. Quiet, who was left alone, stitching his way, also taking one by one from the battlefield. Climb up the gatherings and scurry like this, fasten the stones on the bedrock, worthy of Harley and Gordon.

Vibukhnuvshi stele marveling roller. Might be a battle with Venom. Pumped up man, and more evil, but barefoot not more foldable. We sigh in the light of yogo kidkiv and throw betarangs, until you walk more often trembling for disguise, as it only happened, go up to the new one and beat. Batman zastribnuvshi on his back, one by one zrivatima zhivlyachi hoses. If Venom loses his life in the battle, they smashed the joker. We know them a little, then we get Venom.

Marvel at the video - Seeing the death of a good man, Gordon is attacking the mainland, and Batman is giving "tsu" oracle.

Batman's Cave

Find out about the oven and analyze the rest of Dr. Yang's findings.

Directly in the place it is marked on the map, at the cost of trich, we are looking for a biyka. Arriving at the point of re-streaming through parkan, and let's go through the oven, marvel at the roller and go to the computer. Look through all available information about Dr. Yang's follow-up. Batman is virushaya on the jokes of the appointed. We take away the claw, which can be used to lift objects. Right there it is possible to try yoga at the right. Batman refuses to follow the doctor's orders in a different way, which is the way three containers are drawn, which make it necessary for us to transfer them to the places. Walking along the tunnel to the gates of the crypts of the oven, yes, how can you win and win, which is better and more probable. Vilasimo from the other side, and virubuyemo the thug, which at some point resounds in front of the joker. Next is a group of bandits, among them there are reports. Plus, they don’t borrow from the soldiers, they try to pick up different objects in the walls, so that they can try out the real badness of Batman. It is consumed in the oven with old walls and columns, as it falls, it is necessary to know the way to the surface. Nothing particularly foldable is transferred. Having climbed to the surface, we tick off the checkbox about the task “to climb to the surface through the sewer”. It’s time to “get into the Arkham mansion”, the joker has placed his snipers on the fences, taking them directly to the hidden part of the island, there are already some snipers, that in the happy part of the isthmus is a purchase of bandits.



Arkham Mansion

Penetrating into the mansion, scurrying with a betclaw, enduring an embittered bandit, we immediately finish him off with a final blow. The doors are blocked, good old ventilate us. With a light claw, it is visible to steal and to be consumed by the sum of the occupants. Wow, Dr. Yang is in the hands of the joker, but there it is. And the bandits of the Joker ruled in the mansion, what to stand for. You need to hurry up.

We choose to buy bandits, so that we can peacefully base until you appear. For diligent diligence, you can stuff some sour eyepieces. I’m going to step into the room, there is one bandit, attacked by a machine gun, threatening to kill two spivrobitniks of the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, sneaking up to the new zzzadu and virubuyemo. Marveling at the video, the joker, out of sincere kindness, says that the purchase of yoga fellows, beats "fools" for Aaron Cash, to recognize de Dr. Young. At the sudіdnіy kіmnatі six ozbroєnih gangsters, zgaduєmo medblok and diєmo so. Having risen from the wounds, Kesha listened, rushed to the aid of the healer.

We walk through the pub corridor, make our way to the ventilation labyrinth, and go to the office of Dr. Yang, then three bandits try to break into the office, one with a machine gun, slamming them to marvel at the walls, I re-ventilate. There is no healer, a safe vіdkrit, roblyachi visnovki, batmen at once splkuetsya with the oracle. We scan the safe and for the doctor's notes, we follow the notes. Having climbed out of the office just like that, they climbed into the new demo to the door, three bandits like “give me a smoke”, batmen like “I don’t smoke, I’m like an athlete”, and let the cats vomit on them. Um… what am I. Vlasne following the doctors, we were dragged into the kutovy corridor, they sat down behind the horn and in the head of the broken bandit with a betarang, having heard in front of me the rozmov for crying out that the doctor was caught. We go to the library, there are six bandits, two of them, having gone downstairs, two bailiffs, the joker is hot again. If it is not possible to vryatuvat them, then the stench will suffocate. We quickly turn back and for help we climb onto the third top, beat on the stake, until we get on the ventilation grate. Climbing in from her, we reach the labyrinth and vilasimo beat the chandeliers, weave the betarang, the chandelier breaks through the underlay, there ... the handcuffs vryatovani. Turn on the detective mode and one of the police shows the doctor's fingers. We take the formula "after reading, know," what our hero and rob.

We choose from the library, on the way out we drink Crane's hallucinogenic gas, rushed through the new wonder. Idemo along the corridor, having come to the place of death of the fathers. Ledve standing, press the keys to the floor, and go to the exit. The scarecrow checks us for the deepest fears, buried in the depths of our brain. Smuga pereshkod - the axis is called so. Having run into the scarecrow, we stumble into the main hall, visibly zvіn, and zіbnuvshi down we go into the room, which we saw. There, the exuberant Victor beats Dr. Yang, sneaks up to the kuta, sits down and brightens the moment with a sound of Zsasa betarang. Watch the video, Dr. Yang Guinet. And on us, a beat with a chotirma is being checked by bandits, one of them is attacked by an electric truncheon.

After talking with the oracle, we need to get into the secret laboratory. Looks like a stone, following traces of Sharpe's DNA. At the great hall stand three savage bandits, we make our way over them and virubuemo on the back with vicious blows.

Know Sharpe's vision with traces of DNA, find a laboratory for the production of "Titan" in the botanical gardens, take Sharpe's safety code from Sharpe, the axis of the list of assignments before Batman after Arkham Mansion

prison block

Directly by the traces of Sharpe's DNA, we go into the prison block. Let's go through the chambers with God's blessings. Distant Sharp, zvіlnyaєmo old, marveling at the screensaver - Harley Quin z v'yaznennya Ivy and loonies, otrimuєmo vіd Sharpe half the code. Now in Batman's arsenal there is a code sequencer, a tool for evil electronic attacks. The principle of diї is such that we attach an attachment to the panel defense system and the scrolling circles of the control do not yet sing a wide amplitude and the sequencer screen does not flash green. Let's go on the lashing - the panel is broken. We turn in the same way, as they came here, on the way to attack you psychos, try to kill them with the first blow and immediately finish them off, as if stribbing on your back, we’ll gently press the clearing richly.

Having moved away from the cameras to aggravate psychos, check the beat in two, come in with the blackgate controls, which Harley commands, the beat is not particularly foldable. Having beaten the bells and whistles, the electrical connection, and follow Harley. Let's go to the house, we'll see it, and let's go to the room with the help of guards, Harley set the task of guarding the guards, go to the boiler and look at the picture on the wall "Wanted Prometey". Including a sequencer to supply a struma under the first horn, and obviously a beta rank, it is possible to repair a defective wall and to scan a spider. Let's turn on the strum under another okhoronets and also use a betarang motuzka.

The defense is free Harley is rushing, we will have thirty seconds for those to get out of the room. Choose a panel from the three used ones, let the buttons be adjusted every hour, as soon as the required amplitude will be known. After talking with the guards, let's go to the punishment cell. Here, the joker's girlfriend ruled us pasture, before us they were aggravated and urged to beat us, but Harvey periodically launched a strum on mischief. Having got out of the fights, the Joker gives Harvey to Batman, and she wickedly tramples for the sake of it. Vіdskanuvavshi її vіdbitki, Batman pov'yazuєtsya z oracle. Now we are going to the botanical garden for the joker.

Poluvannya on the joker

On the way to the botanical garden, we will be picked up by psychos who have flown in from the prison block. We go into the botanical garden, virubuyemo two thugs with machine guns zakhistu panel, and let's go to the greenhouse, there are six bandits out of the blue, bleating in pairs, do not touch the ice by the handles ... hm ... reckless!? Stribaemo from gargoyle to gargoyle and slowly beat the fool out of them. I'm going to the generator room, here the NATO hooligans are arguing over the everyday technician. We see justice and know about them. We are virubuyemo in front of the betarang those who are with a stun gun, plus there is one more piece of information cloaked in, muffled by a cloak and can be sent to a turboless haven of sleep. Otzhe, the panel that shows the passage is replaced, so that you need to break three times. Robiti needs everything fast. If the panel is broken, the distance is broken. We turn to the greenhouse and, having climbed to the top, we pass through to the stepping stone, the joker fills the passage. On the side of the blockage, we lift the ventilation grate, and we prop it up for ventilation in the abandoned room, for the price to marvel at the feet, under the gates of the riddle. I won’t rush again, I’ll also be able to shoot, the sound of the beast can hear the voice of the joker, it’s understandable that the process of creating an army of mutants at the very rozpal. Having moved to the next bik, we climbed at the ventilation under the stele and, vibrating, we taught two hooligans how to torment the orderly. Required to vryatuvat the staff of nurses. Orienting on the map, virushaemo on order. Zayshovshi to the room, the joker tells about the mind, if it’s possible to remember us then to the paramedics of the kayuk, that plus the guards of the patrolling chipati is not possible. I need to hire an operator first. Dribbling croques we move to the next bik and climb in the technical walk, with attached croques, the axles leaned in the visible station, so we cling to the rest of the guard, we stumbled and passed by the ventilation to make our way to the operator. Virubavshi yoga, we know s іnshoy protective, here you can not stream yourself. One of the operators tells you that the doors to the laboratory are in this room, but the stench is hidden. We turn on the detective mode and just follow Harvey, on one panel there is a whole compartment, a panel is replaced under it, we can’t be bothered. Three receivers have a panel. Axis and the joker, who pidly nationalizes us with his freshly minted mutants, and ticks himself. The tactic is like this, if one of the mutants throws itself at us, throws it in a new swedish beta rank, the stunning mutant crashes into the wall, rises to the new and starts to beat. Batman in the result is guilty of pinning youma on his back, directing the mutant, waving his arms at another. So the sprat comes in until the opponent's HP drops to zero. Pіdbіgaєmo ta dobієmo. Comes a beetle and throws us a rope thrower. With the help of yoga, we choose from the laboratory. It is necessary to know the ivy, out in the greenhouse Mrs. Arkham. Vikoristovuemo rope thrower gets over to it. After talking with her, Batman breaks into the Arkham mansion, to find out from Aaron Kesh, to destroy Krok. On the way back, silently a sprat of groups of bandits, and in the head greenhouse, I am anew shriveled by gargoyles. For the rest of the future, we are blocked by a sprat of unrealistically great roots, let out by ivy, the joker dripped on the “titan”, the axis of the image and nahabnila. Let's go to the root and stribuyemo in technical walk, get over to the next day and go to the next day. Ivy virishila plant the whole island with its bait, and not innocent, flowers that spit, you can sneer, run up to them and push the clearing. We make our way to the mansion, in the middle of the same pool of roslins, plus it won’t go down on the trail, wondrous gas, which, obviously, is seen by roslins, dormant stele and vicorist wire thrower, flying from wall to wall, getting to Aaron. So, the boys did not say anything calm. Well, you don’t see anything, you need to get a ticket.

Bud_vlya _intensive care

To get into intensive care, we climb one of the hills, just not on the ground, virubuyemo sniper beta rank and vikoristovuemo rope thrower. Axis mi y at budіvlі, we make our way near the labyrinth of ventilation, and we eat at the vestibule of intensive care. The gargoyles were replaced, and six bandits left to roam. How to protect everyone at the room, turn on the sequencer to protect the panel. I demo at the passage to the cameras, then we drink it by injecting Crane gas. The rest of the zustrich from the scarecrow. On the way to the spotlight, you will see the skeletons of your skeletons, be careful at the hour of the strike, do not miss the look of the joker.

Having left the spotlight, it checks the beat, the back is just skeletons, then the skeleton of a mutant, it is also virubued like the most powerful, deafened by the beta rank and the wines themselves rise against the wall, and the rest of the skeletons plus the mutant. All the trouble is showing, and the axis of the beater was right. The crane is ticking and going down to the foothill of Krok. Stribayemo down, at the elevator control room to stand three bandits, ozbroeny, dosvіdcheny that simple. Virubavshi їх zlamuєmo the control panel, it's replaced, children need it fast. We strebuyemo into the hatch, which I saw, there are gangsters here, at the hour of the beaten stitch, so that the bandits did not open the box with the zbroyu.

Crocu's lair

We go into the sewerage, and we make our way through the walls, the vikoristovuemo cable thrower, to cut from wall to wall. If we go into Krok's room, the cards disappear, blurry in the labyrinth, focusing on the sensor as far as the super-eye, pick up the rubbish for five super-eyes. Bigati is not possible, krok zasіche kolyvannya drive and snatch you. It’s better to squat down, if the crocodile is attacking, we’ll be in a new beta rank, having eaten a crocodile in the collar in the water. Somewhere in the lamatim, support under us, then you need to fight.

Zіbravshi vsі superechki, the time has come to wind up z tsikh gloomy catacombs. Idemo right where Batman marvels, now it’s ticking in Croc, a couple of turns, from the tunnel. We have super girls going into Batman's oven, making anti-titan zasib. Having created the anti-truta, marveling at the roller, the ivy growth will attack the cave. Having picked up the cuts with a light claw, it is possible to break the walls, before which they could not reach before. Joker running "Titanium" in the sewerage system, if you reach the living areas of Gotham, it is necessary to turn off the pumps. We take away signs on the map, and we begin to make our way uphill with a ruined part of the sewerage. Here, stribnuvshi, here with a cable, from my mountains. Breaking the wall with a betclaw, three thugs have mercy on us, what a zbіg and the betclaw now has three hooks, posterigaєmo watered three "God's kulbabi".

Climbing in the middle, it’s possible for two bandits, here the fork to go left-handed or right-handed is unimportant, and there and there turn on the panels with a sequencer, and the axis after turning on checks the folding beat in the fringed space, that’s for the fate of the mutant. If you want to, you can take away the troubles, we’ll make a mutant, we’ll tie you on the back, and we’ll go to the bandits. Here they did not like it. Kіlka zaїzdіv on a wide back and bіy finished. We look around the elevator shaft, break a couple of defective walls and lift the counter. The axis of wine, the smell of will. In order to reach the stove, it is actively victorious to plan the building of Batman in the distant countryside, that cable thrower is in the air.

botanical garden

Now you need to get away from the botanical garden, Ivy's zneshkodity, so that she does not overtake the island. Get out of the garden, we are helped by growing trees, which are spitting already three bags, plus a couple of snipers. Having made our way by the garden straight to the orangery, for the last time we quarreled with the lady we needed. Be folded in two rounds, throwing a bud of a majestic flower with a swedish betarang, so that you can have mercy on the most reckless ones, snuggle up in a sack, which to fly, and follow the roots, which grow up the earth, so that you don’t save our light. If the trouble of life ends, we apply vibukhovy gel on the wall of the cocoon, which makes us look like ivy. Having broken it її times, a new round of the style of waging the same battle begins, the opponents succumbed to the sight of the enchanted ivy of the guards. If we add ivy, we will break behind the head of the joker.




Viishovshi from the botanical garden, straight to the prison block. Here we will be hit with splashes, the joker's frolics one of the most important battles in the entire history of gri. Give more respect to the mutants, marvel if one of the mutants kills you, blind him with a swedish betarang, and tie him on his back, after these simple mutants are directly thrown on another, on the path of the cry of hooligans. As soon as you fill them up, the joker himself will rise up. The final beat looks like this, through the handrails of the impromptu amphitheater, hand-witted jokers are vibrating, plus the wine itself throws cracks into the arena that vibrate. At the first round z_stribuvatimut simply uv'yaznenі. As soon as you figure it out, the joker will go up to the helicopter, aim for the ultra-light claw and throw the joker down, move it up to the new one and deliver a series of hits. So far, I have not chosen wine. At the coming round z'yavlyatsya dosvіdchenі vysnovka, the principle of the same. Razbiraєmos z usima and again throwing the joker to us. At the third round they will be fired with electric batons and a couple will be fired with machine guns. Well, what can I say, keep everything in view of your skills in combat, don’t waste your time picking up Batman’s gadgets, especially a good ultra-bet claw, but the cracks that shove up to you can be thrown with swedish betarngs.

The Joker is knocked down, Gordon is vryatov, and we are given a push on the stepping part.

After looking at the final video, you can go to the history mode and select Ridler's riddles.

Bud_vlya _intensive care

Let's get to walkthrough gri Batman Arkham Asylum. We deliver the Joker to a psychiatric clinic, in your opinion, it's a wonderful thing to do. Carry Yogo to the camera at once from the guard. And let them not let you in, the Joker is attacking, and your girlfriend Harley Quinn will be at the control panel, transferred from the house, which burned out, Blackgate bandits. Break the window and there the first thing with the enemies is checking for you. You will have 2 battles, one of three fights, and the other of two fights.

Hit the combo, try to hit them without a dent, for the eyepieces for the beat are going to hurt you. For them, you can buy a better "Wine tech". The Joker will propagate yoga, make an energy gate. You will need to know yoga. Climb up the ramp, from the left side of the room, break teeth in it with a beta rank, then shoot at the bottom, aiming with the right button of the mouse, or press on the “Q” key - swidky beta rang. Follow the hallway, you will feel that in three blocks the fights broke free. On the road, light two veletniv, and then turn to the right side. Get in touch with the Oracle (daughter of Commissioner Gordon) and report, as you can. As soon as you are in the ward, you will meet with the watchman Zach Franklin. Vіn you rozpovіst, scho Viktor Szas prikuvav watchman to the electric style and threatening with violence.

Look at the entrance door and climb up the mountain, marvel at the walls, there will be gargoyles, emboss on the “F” key and greet the gargoyle for help with a hook with a cable. In the field, press the mouse button on the left and inflict a blow on the enemy. To get a residual hit, press CTRL and press with the right mouse button. Check out the video. Highlight the Detective mode - press the "X" key to look around the place. Pididit to ґrat i tysnіt duzhe swidko richly once probіl. Hit the ventilation shafts to the gates, after which you know. Batman Arkham Asylum Gris Plot on our website.

Disinfection room

Bіlya doors marvel at the mountain, there you will dance like that, you need yoga vikoristati, like a badge “F”. Directly on the mountain, if you are guilty, you will turn the watchman. For the order, you will get points. Then vryatite zatrimanogo, increase the ventilation, so that the room is ventilated in the gas. Turn on the Detective mode and aim with a beta rank at the panel to remove the ventilation.

The loop

Go down the hall, there you will be attacked by evil spirits, deal with them and continue to follow the arrows. Focus on the arrows, then see the stone and look at the video. Fight with the mutant, lure yogo to force shields. You reject such a meta - you will need to know the commissar and vryatuvati yoga. Ask the watchman and follow back.

Virushayte in the wrong room, where they ventilated the gas, but the levoruch at the closing passed, there the cameras are checked for the presence of evidence. How to reveal a flask with bourbon, which the watchman lay on, joking yogo in pairs of alcohol, walking along the hall, vishukuyuyu follow the whiskey, which is avenged at the door. You lean back against the elevator, then Likar Harvey will appear and throw yoga on you. Go uphill to the room and take an audio recording, you need to listen to it.

Turn around to the elevator and look over the hill, where you can get hooked. You lean in the company of evildoers, we know them and let's go through the ventilation tunnel. Enemies lean there, wink like that, cross the gargoyles on the gargoyle, and strike the opponents from behind. At the kіmnati you need to liquidate one more evil-doer, so it’s for sure that you hit me in the back. As you will be at the vestibule of therapy, look for two enemies and then three more. Take an audio recording from the watchman's room and follow until the death guard. You need to take a look, after which Edward Nigma gets on the radio-air, you take away the riddle - "Wonder, don't worry about the sloppy portrait." On the right-handed wall, you can draw a portrait of Sharpe, the head observer, scan it, then the watchman will appear and open the door.

Corridor with communications

Leave intensive care and go to the surface of the island. Look at the hall and listen to the news. Go to the comor and climb to the surface through the ventilation pipes. Go to the botanical garden, on the way there you will feel the flash of a betmobile. Contact the oracle and you will be given a map of the island. Seek out intensive care. Vryatite commissar and defend the wheelbarrow. See at the gate and hurry up like that, climb on the concrete cover. There you will need to liquidate a sprinkling of opponents.

Come in at the devil's gate, you will dance, like the opponents will turn your wheelbarrow into a coupe of metal. Find everything on your way and take the gel from the trunk. Insert the Detective mode, to scan the mist, the zone will be christened with a yellow haze. How to know the phone, press on the probe, and immediately call the oracle. Speed ​​up with gel and from the left side of the gate to break the wall, so you can drink on new rіven. On the way you will see the evil-doers, beat them and continue to follow the tyutyun.


Beat the six yazniv, as they will be at the entrance. Look forward to waking up, and sing to Harley Quinn. Then you will feel Gordon, and Harley will be in the same hour. Tell me about the next passage in the future. Then leave the booth and hurry like this, as if you are on top, straight to the left side. Vikoristovuyte gel, schob pіdіrvati stіnku, you lean in budіvlі. Get to the main hall through the ventilation shafts. Call the medical staff out of the office and sort out the opponents to protect the doctors. Diet quietly, hit your ass. Speak with the healers and take away the offensive meta. You will need to bring in three more doctors, marvel at the map.

The room, filled with gas, knows Dr. Kelerman. We’ll join the doors with a watchman, and then we’ll climb on the ventilation pipes and cut them to the gates. You need її vilamati, you lean in the room. We turn on three fans and turn on the Detective mode, go through the fans to the control panels, turn on the fans with a beta rank, after the skin switch is on, go down to the location below. To sort out the troubles and call the Doctor Chen, you will be coaxed to the bone, press on the gap.

Likar Peny Yang is known for the protection of the evildoers, so that yoga was not liquidated, two charges of vibukhovy helium were placed on the lining of the walls. If the vibe of the evil will be under the tricks, consult with the Doctor. Then you will need to turn to the isolation ward for a low-lying commissar. Take a look at the video and liquidate the enemies. On the elevator, go down at the bottom of the wake and watch the video again. Hang the wall from the left side, to continue the path. Following the cold, you will shake the corpse of Commissar Gordon. You have a new meta - you are guilty of a murderer. Break into the grave, take a walk through it, then fill the motor area. If you try to get out, you will again lean at the deceased.

At the center of the hall, you will bobach three bears, open them at the order of the ranks. You see with mother and father. And the third bear will lap. Tse to the right of Craik's hands, on top of the Scarecrow, yoga hallucinogenic gas. Make your way later, so that you won’t be mentioned. Get straight and hang in line with the wall. It was as if it were just to turn around and marvel at the left-hander and right-hander in the wall, at that moment, if the left-hander marveled, re-string the right-hander. As soon as you are at the searchlight, attack and finish it. Calling with the oracle and straight back for arrows. The watchman's deputy commissar will show up there.

When you try to open the door, sort out the evil ones, one of them will be more than intelligible, with a cloak, and then we strike. Hit the arrows to the hole. They gave you the need to sneak around behind the enemies, so that the stench did not commemorate you. Turn on the Detective mode, and let's move on. Let's hit two enemies from the body, and then we'll get two more. Follow the descents up the hill, wink like that, fasten on the stele, Harley and Gordon will be there. Take a look at the video clip.

Fight for Vidny. sneer at yoga kidkiv and shower yoga with betarangs. Like only wines, try for a disguise, strike a blow like a trace. Clip youma onto his back and rip off the hoses. As soon as the new one will have half of the costs, the mutants of the Joker will enter the battle. You will need liquid for the cob of them, and then we will finish off Venom. Let's watch the video. read on the other side of the portal.

Batman's Cave

Like a furnace, you need to analyze the rest of Dr. Yang's records. Break at the place, as it is marked on the map. Fight the bandits at a cost, don't give up. How to lean on the mist, cross over the parkan and follow the stove. After reviewing the video, go to the computer. There you can see all the available information about the doctor's follow-up. Cheer on yoga jokes.

Take away God, you can lift objects with it. Tighten three containers and so, as you deserve to be transferred to the places. Virushaemo tunnel to ґrat, vityaguєmo hook їх. Choose from the other side and eliminate the mutant. You will spend up to the oven with old walls, like in the fall. You are guilty to know the way to the surface. Untick the checkbox. Your meta is coming - it's your fault to climb up to the Arkham mansion. Joker having placed his snipers on the fences, deal with them and destroy near the other part of the island. Continued Complete Batman Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Mansion

How to lean in the mansion, hurry with a quick claw, carry out evil and liquidate yoga. Turn off the ventilation, the shards of the door will be closed. Zirvіt Grati betkogtom, you spend until the court of appropriation. You've got to talk to the dumb Dr. Yang at the Joker's in full. Zlochintsy conduct a survey of budіvl, so you need to hurry. Fight with evildoers and follow to the Chergov room. There you will fight the opponent with a harmata in your hands, you will threaten the right with the right of two spivrobitniks in the Arkham psychiatric hospital. Strike you out of the body and watch the video. The Joker will tell you what your buddies have Aaron Cash to know, de Dr. Young.

The room, which knows order, has six evildoers. Diet just like you did to a medical doctor. Eliminate enemies and listen to what Kesha will tell you. Virushaye to help healer Yang. Follow through the pivnichny hall, along the labyrinth of ventilation and lean on the doctor's office. Three evil spirits will rush into the office, deal with them and again direct through the ventilation. The safe will be vidkrit, the doctor will not appear in the field. We call the oracle and scan the safe, we follow her for bitcoins. Get out of the office and go to the door. There count three enemies and then follow the tracks. You will have a drink in the inner corridor, sit down there and throw a wicked betarang at your head, after you know that the doctor got caught. Look to the library and drive in six evil spirits.

As you lean down below, you will buckle two guards. If you don’t overtake them all at once, vryatuvati, stink of suffocation. Turn back and for help climb onto the third top. Run on the stake until you hit the ventilation grate. Podolat the maze and turn around the chandelier. Throw a betarang - a sample chandelier. Turn on the Detective mode and on one of the police you will find the doctor's fingertips. Take the formula, and then її zanishchit.

You will need to leave the library, and on your way out, you will have a drink by injecting Crane with hallucinogenic gas. Go in the cold - you will come to the death of your fathers. Zovsі trohi fast and virushay on vihіd. The scarecrow checks you in the deepest fears, as if buried in the depths of your brain. You need to leave him. How to lean in the main hall, see the link and stretch down. Go to the room, in niy you will dance Victor, who is always in Dr. Yang's handcuffs. From the kuta to make a betarang. As soon as Dr. Yang is dead, fight against the evil spirits.

On the very cob of the Batman: Arkham Asylum game, take a look at the old opening video, in which the prehistory will be told. It appears that Batman did catch the Joker and follow him to Arkham Asylum. There rejoice unsafe minds. Just like Batman did some yoga there, then he understands the behavior of the blasphemy, which seems to be unkind. To that vin virishu escort yoga right to the camera.

Then just follow the guards and listen to the Joker's words. You play some funny scenes, but you won’t reach the camera’s distance, how to get in the way of Krok. Warto signify that we’re not attacking you, navpak, turn back there yourself, but through this the words of the Dark Litsar’s doubts thickened more and more. Leaning on the intensive care, Batman asked to buckle behind the fold, so as not to break the wounds. Get rid of the Joker as soon as possible. I'll kill the guard, and then for the help of my partner Harley Quinn, let's go free. Downstairs on the new one, for a long time now, the aggravated-spilniks from Blackgate have been checking.

Nadalі prodzhennya gri Batman: Arkham Asylum you need to break the window and become a participant in the first battle. Varto means that there will be no more than two battles. In the first one, you see trioma in yasnyami, and in the other - with chotirma. Raju should do more combo attacks to take the most amount of damage.

As soon as you run into enemies, the Joker will let you know about himself. Vin is angry, say, that the Dark Face knows yoga. We will build energy gates for you. Now climb up the hill to the psychiatric hospital, and then go to the room. There you will be attacked by "Joker Slits", which will streak at you and croak. Varto indicates that the available toys were thrown by the Joker throughout the territory of Arkham. Then push through the corridor, and after one hour you will feel an alarm signal. It is clear that many blocks of psyche flowed through the efforts of the Joker. Get to the point of separation and defeat two opponents.

Continuing the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum, you need to turn right-handed, de zustrіnete the daughter of Commissioner Gordon - the Oracle. You need to take care of her. Then you can turn back and know that you are safe. Go and talk to him. If you move, you can turn around to the ward of especially violent psychos. After talking with the guardian Zak Franklin, it is clear that this is not a safe psycho Victor Zsasz, like the Joker, after hopping and chaining one of the guards to an electric steel, and threatening to get involved with him, as if Batman were to go into the room. You also need to go through the gates, and then go to the descents, with which you can climb up the hill. There you will need to climb on the gargoyle, and then attack Zsasz. After you overcome yoga, look at the video about how Harley Quinn shows his Sharp fight. Become aware that practically all security systems were blocked by the Joker, and those that are functioning are under control.

You varto yaknaishvidshe come out of the cієї ward. Speed ​​up in the "detective" mode, and then look around at all the sides and find out what's on the wall. Walk up to her and stare, and then go further. And so doti, the docks will not be able to get a room for disinfection.

To come out, as a joker, the gas is released, which at once opens it up. That is why in that case, de vin buv launches, mustaches for a long and painful death. You need to get to the door, to lead you to the room, and try to climb up the hill. Then you can vryatuvat two bandits that guard. Let's shoot the gangster and continue through Batman: Arkham Asylum. Find out and activate the "Detective" at the place of driving, and then throw it into the betarange control panel. Then you can look over the screensaver, and then let's go farther.

Leaning at the corridor, which is called the "Loop", respectfully look around at all sides, so that you happen to stick out, finishing the arrow. If you spend before the appointment, you can look at the video. It appears that the Joker, having launched from the container, has an unseen, seemingly mild, mutational body. You need to be faster and faster than the new one, and if you want to ram the mutant, then launch it at the new beta rank. Vin will try to ram you only a few times, but all the attempts will not be successful, wine will just fall into a trap and you will convulsively shake. Now the Joker will be broken down the same badges, so that they will modify it miraculously. In the meantime, the evil-doer will tell you what the commissar Gordon is full of. Nadali prozhennya gri Batman: Arkham Asylum crazy pіde vіd you, vikoristavshi majestic screen, in yakіy nadislav marvelous body.

Immediately before you stand a new meta - report the maximum zusil for the sake of the commissar Gordon. Go and find out the security, and then ask him. Vin will try to lead you by traces of evil through the transport system. However, it is possible, youmu tse not go into it. Then you need to turn to the cameras, where they attacked the crevices, vikorostuyuchi card of mistevity. Then activate the "Detective" mode and scan the location in a new one. Raju look right-handed at the door. Go there, you will find a flask with whiskey, take it and go further. At that moment, if the warehouse is already in trouble, just collapse along the corridor, focusing on those "hmarks", like vomited alcohol.

Varto signify that the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum all peresleduvannya behind the evidence you need to try only with the activated "Detective" mode, so you will be too busy watching yourself. In the other direction, you can get lost.

At that moment, as you see in the place with elevators, Harley Quinn's station. What do you care about, win? No one will guess, because they will throw an elevator on your head. If so, you will need to climb to the very top, having stuck the hook. When you get there, be careful, because you can already check five hellos from the Joker. Beat them fast and tell them to the potrochid, which is known in the corridor. Vibrating without a middle into the corridor, you will shake three people around. Be aware and respectfully look up at the mountain, and find a hook there. For the help of a new one, we saw more, and then we’ll tie it to the gargoyle. And the axis can then be found in a number of ways: just destroy them all, or shoot the one who sows at the kіmnati kіlkom. Then you can propovzat in the black povіtrokhіd, and then straighten up to the hall.

There you will get some people with machine guns on you. Radzhu liquidate opponents, being overwhelmed by the incomprehensible ones, for the coolies of the machine gun transform the Dark Litsar into an opudalo. After you deal with them, the joker will be very dissatisfied and send three more people to you. You will also have to deal with them, and then go through to the exit. Having reached the new one, shake the body of the defense. Pidіydіt ta look around yogo. Become aware that this is a sanctuary. Then, at the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Edward Nigma (Riddler) will be on the air on the radio. Vіn not unanimously throw a cry to the main character, who swears at solving the faceless riddles of Nіgmi, and to herself - 240 pieces. Varto indicate that the first of them, the language in which there is a story about "Injured about a shabby portrait" - is plot. You varto look around at all sides and look at the right side of the officer. Look at the picture on the wall, which shows the head of the observers - Sharpe. Go to the portrait and scan yoga. After the broken one, the guard appears and walks to the door, which leads to the corridor with communications, to call them out.

You continue the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum and go into the corridor, carefully listening carefully to the news that are being transmitted on the radio, so what can I say there, that the Joker is not only Arkham, but he has passed the place. Go further and climb into the comoros. There respectfully look around and see the ventilation pipes. Go to them and turn around. After you enjoy the landscapes of the island from above, I will descend again. You now take the beacon from the Bette-mobile.

Then the Dark Face will try to get in touch with Commissioner Gordon's daughter, because she can give you the map of Arkham. You should be warned respectfully and go to the signal, which is the way of the Bet-mobile. Go to the devil's gates and snarl, to watch for the picture, like seven gangsters behind the help of pipe cuts to support your car. You need to obov'yazkovo go to them, especially do not be afraid, because the stench is not even safer with pipes in your hands, and from the yakbi they were automatically called out on the right. Continuing the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum, you need to show them Kuzkin's mother. How to check the bad guys, then go to the trunk and look, remove the gel that vibrates. However, yoga can only be placed on those walls, which are not narrower than the walls.

As long as the armor is not in your hands, modify the suit's strength, moving it forward. To the one who has a good vipad, I will be practically povnim. And the axis at that moment, as you know it, you need to invest all the money yourself in the її polіshennya. Ale tezh varto pay respect to those who are vibukhivka do not have a special stature, as you will know yogo mayzhe prikintsі gri, and the betarang axis will stop constantly and to the end.

Then we’ll let you go to your car and scan the whole space for a new one. After that, how to find the commissar's pipe, you can get in touch with the Oracle, so that you can see about those who have found Gordon's trace. Then you can follow the traces of the tyutyun, who will lead the stench to the medical unit.

Warto signify that Arkham has a lot of Riddler's riddles. Ale, in order to know them, zastosuvat Ridler's card. You saw it yourself on the stink. It's just that Batman: Arkham Asylum is going through the game. But remember that there is a map for the skin territory. You can see them in quiet booths, like rotting in the middle of the location, and make a force field, that part of the riddles can only be solved at the other half of the forest.


As soon as you get to the entrance, which leads to the medical block, then you will dance there six guys. You need to liquidate them, and then go through the middle. Zayshovshi, look around at all sides and know the force field. Harley Quinn and Commissar Gordon will also appear at your field of vision. You won’t get through here, it’s better for him to know another laziness. Now go out and look at the trees. Let's move away like this and get there for help. Having vibrated, straighten up to that wing that is on the left side. Varto means that there is only one not too narrow a wall, which can be separated, having stuck not a vibukhovy gel. As soon as you lean in the middle of the ventilation shafts, straight into the insulator.

Protyag Batman: Arkham Asylum, leaning in the insulator, you will dance like gangsters are engaged in the selection of doctors in one place. Zvichayno, quickly break to bіdolakh and help. Only you need to remember that doctors are guarded by chotiri opponents, so that they can be completely safe. Therefore, you are responsible for children, be careful, do not hang out. After that, as soon as you deal with the enemies, go to the bells and ask. You will become aware that three more members of the medical staff are locked in their offices. Hang out and help them.
Warto indicate that you can trust medical practitioners in any sequence.

1. Dr. Kellerman is located near that room, which is refilled with the Joker's deadly gas. For the passage of which task at grі Batman: Arkham Asylum you need to go to the burying and consult with them for the cob. Leaning on it, activate three fans. Raju turn on the "Detective" mode. Zrobivshi kidok, it is necessary to lower the shoes on top of the lower, and so after the skin. At that moment, when all the fans are awake, run to the door and fix them, and then go out.

2. To the electric style by bandyugans, professor Chen. Eliminate opponents with trumpets, and then straight to the doctor and call yoga.

3. And the axis in order to lie to Dr. Penelope Young, get a little drunk. Vaughn is known in sharpened p'yatoh naimantsiv. If you don't mess with Yang, place two charges of vibukhov gel on unstable walls. As soon as you make up the vibes, the opponents appear to be knocked down, and you will have the opportunity to consult with the doctor. As soon as you finish the conversation, you can boldly turn to the isolation ward to continue the jokes of Commissioner Gordon.

Now take a look at the video, and then go farther and clear out three enemies. Then let's find out and go to the elevator, to go down to the new one. Here we can take a breath, having looked at the headpiece, and then we will restore the order to the stashed wall. Walk the corridor for an hour and shake Gordon's corpse. And the axis of the next thing in front of you is standing far away passing Batman: Arkham Asylum zovsіm іnshe zavdannya - try to catch up and straighten up with him, who has driven the commissar. Go straight to the morgue, respectfully sing yoga, and then go out through the doors. However, do not think that you will go so easily from this month, that you will spend it again to the mortuary. For the first time in every place there are three bears of black color. Come and tell them according to your heart, in this rank you will know the fathers of the Black Litsar. Varto signify what your body says. And if you see the third bear, then the new one will appear more psychologist Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow). Axis who tse zrobiv!

Also, when you see the third bear, you will be shown a mini-roller, which invariably transfers you to the world of the "scarecrow", in which it is majestic, wonderfully simply pragne zustrіchi for you. Here Raju leans forward quickly and does not light up.

Varto signify that sometimes in the reality of "Scarecrow" you can get a little lost, to those who know you can't see the passage and don't have gadgets. But it’s not especially to worry about the war, the fragments of the armor are saved, but otherwise you just can’t see it. That road is not so smooth, because the whole territory is twisted like a monster.

When passing through the first episode in Batman: Arkham Asylum, you need to take into account the fact that Sauron is throwing a glance from one scenery to another, and pokavshi that moment, if you won’t be amazed at your book, move. Ale Scarecrow will be enough to marvel at you once more, and you will perish at once. Later, if you get to the area with defects, spread the gel and pierce it, and then go further, trying not to waste on the Scarecrow's eyes. Then let's find the spotlight and quickly move on to the new one, so that we can shine on the Scarecrow. In such a rank, the illusion will break up.

These sessions of psychotherapy are a rare occurrence during the passage of Batman: Arkham Asylum. To that varto to train and improve your acrobatic vminnya zadalegid.

After having a chat with Crane, go to the Oracle and also consult with her. Then you can turn around, passing through the corridors. Become aware that Commissar Gordon is a ciliary and incompetent, and in the corridor there is a corpse of an invisible guard. If you get some nasty news, bandits with a knife will open the door for you. Deal with them.

Varto signify that opponents, ozbroєnі knives, richly unsafe for іnshi, to that it is not possible to win against them with victorious attacks, as soon as they will be blocked. To that, it is necessary to wave your cloak on the cob and stun the enemies, and then we will deal with them. And if you take the one with the knife, then the other one can take the cold armor and come after you.

You can chant with trumpets there, de pacify the commissar. Shvidko liquidate the opponents, trying not to be flagged, because the commissar will be beaten up. Then let's go downhill and walk to the hook, having scurried like that, you will climb onto the bedrock of the stone, in which Harley and Gordon are found. Let's just pidirvіt stele and proceed to rewatch the video. After the end, you will need to get better with the Week.

Varto mean that when you go through the essence of Batman: Arkham Asylum, do not happen to apply maximum force from your side. Just follow the same principle, like a mutant: do not get on the attack line, and then throw your beta ranks at him. Dock to the moment, while you are healthy, and then pour calmly, and so on. Having dealt with this enemy, look at the video again, and then go straight to the Batman's furnace, to think a little about the role and think of the suspicious Dr. Yang.

Father, we'll fix it. We marvel at the video, which reveals the whole gloom of the essence of life in the foretold city of Gotem. Batman, after drinking the Joker and taking yoga to the Arkham mental hospital, where the worst psychopaths will go. Batman to bring the Joker, there yoga zustrіchaє friendly staff of the clinic. It would seem that Batman's work is over, but if our hero feels unkind, then he must escort the Joker to his cell. From this moment, vlasne, control passes to our hands. We walk along the corridor, accompanying the Joker in a special armchair, as if it were better for you to try it in the flow, listen to the fry, it’s more importantly flat (to the point of speech, the whole game you happen to appreciate the sense of humor, the same ailment, like the mind). We won’t let the “patient’s” accompaniment work for an hour during the active days, he can relax for the time being. We guide the Joker to the point of recognition, leaving behind a forceful field, just like our antagonist, that doctor guards. Zvichayno, the Joker to try the test in the future, as soon as he was crowned with success. Yogo's hands are untied, and vіn obіtsyaє vlastuvati "joviality" at the clinic. Beginning with the battle between Batman and the rank-and-file aggravated, at any hour one can properly appreciate the simplicity and at the same time the beauty of the military combat system. I won’t get ahead of myself and once again I’ll be amazed at the beat of the hour, I’m going to fold the blows at the old combo. Tse give a lot more balls, lower zvichayn short series. The eyepieces are often used to improve the size of our protagonist. We are picked out of the two by the whiffs of the evil-doers and we are virushaemo on the jokes of the Joker's wickedness. Idemo along the corridor, moving along with the guardian. You can’t open the door, so we happen to turn around and walk back, but even straight ahead, and not right-handed, we saw the stars. Let's look at the guardian, we know that Zsazs, a troubled psychopath, is on handcuffs of another guardian. Only Batman can help you. Raise a little more and turn on the "Detective Mode" first. This regime will accompany you all the time and greet you constantly. In this mode, objects are illuminated in orange color, in 80% they are in the color of the flowers, otherwise you can interact with them. For help, we climb onto the gargoyle, then on to a friend. We choose that gargoyle, with which you can hit the blow. There is a written message on the screen, which reminds us about the possibility of a strike in planning. Let's create the action, enjoy the beautiful animation of the hero in slow-mo. Zsass prigolomshheny, go to the new and virubuyemo yogo. The defense is screwed up. We marveled at the roller, then we “breathed” the ventilation walls against the wall, rushing along the “pipe”. Bachimo green figurine from food images. This is the Riddler's prize, a great number of them are scattered all over Arkham. Your choice is not included in the main storyline therefore, it is not obov'yazkovo to choose prizes.

Disinfection room

Apparently from the pipe, Bachimo behind the wall of the room, filled with gas. Tse all Joker. There are still living people left near the room, so it is necessary to bury them. We look up at the mountain and beat the hook. Rise, bachimo guard, hang on the platform, ask for help. We help the guards. There's another one on the platform, let's go up there, do yoga. Trochs were farther to know the platform is even lower, but the distance for the haircut is even greater, it is necessary to plan, to fight for the help of the “break” button. Ryatuemo malice, having eaten at the pasture of his boss Joker. Virubuyemo, even if you are evil-doer! Turn on the detective mode, bachim the remote control for ventilation by the room. Metajemo to the betarang remote control (Rights mouse key - aim, leva - “posted”). Povіtrya in the room is cleared of deadly gas.

Corridor "Loop"

Ztribuuyemo on the basis of the kіmnati. let's go along the green arrows to the doors, on which green color Joker's peak is painted. We watch the video. The Joker let go of the big creature. Vlasne, the first barefoot at grі. “Maє buti important thing,” thought you? A axis i nі. All you need is to squirm in the face of the attacks of the creature (under the pressure of the “probilla” that powerful key move). Through literally one whilin, the creature will shove behind the head and die. The Joker muttered something about the experimental material and “go” on camera to see such creatures get away. We are talking about the guardian, which is the hour of the "baked things", we will call out to a friend such a camera for Batman, so that the snake will destroy the Joker. Alas, it’s a pity that it’s impossible to appear, so we have to come at the door, through which we came to this destination. I vryatuvati commissar Gordon, who was so happy to bury officer Bowles. Until the speech, so, after the battle will be available before Batman's redevelopment. I will say that there are no special methods for leveling a character, so you can level first those that you are tempted to. Іdemo on the spot, de Bowles hopped Gordon (click on the map (Tab), the need for the spot will be indicated). We can scan the room, we know a broken dance with bourbon. Vaughn belonged to Bowles. To help the regime, the detective went through alcoholic vapors, as they came out of Bowles. we come to the room with an elevator, marveling at the roller. The elevator appears to be out of date. Rise up for help on the mountain, everything is higher and higher. Passable ventilation tunnels, zustrichaemo three bandits zbroєyu. Against such superniks, there is only one correct tactic - noiseless neutralization, it is not varto to attack. Climbing on the gargoyle, then on the offensive, we shoot it to the bandits at the til. According to the heart, quietly zneshkodzhuemo skin bandit. We go to the room, there is one more evil-doer moving after the Joker, killing Yogo. Idemo on ventilation. Spend at the vestibule with intensive patience. Silently we take away two bandits with a bang. The Joker has three more, with them the rose will also be short. Let's go demo there, three bandits have come. Bah, that's Frankie Bowles himself, just dead. Maybe the Joker Yogo servants were no longer needed. Edward Nigma aka Riddler rushes to our radio. Vіn proponuє Batman to go low "to a ridiculously foldable" sample. Give us a first riddle: "Don't worry about a shabby portrait." We look a little more right at the sight of the dead Bowles, look at the portrait of the sharp-eyed Sharpe, scanned. Then we are guarding and opening doors for us.

Arkham Island

We need to get to the surface of Arkham Island. Ide through the doors along the corridor, then the doors, through the ventilation shaft we go into the oven, through the yak we go to the surface. The oracle calls us, we take a map of the entire island. The Joker, having punished his posipakam "to rule" the Betmobile, to that it is virushaemo to Arkham Pivnichny (on the way out of the city, where you are from the ledge of the oven, the entrance to Arkham Pivnichny will be indicated on the map), to cross it. Passing at the gate, bypassing the car of the guard to help the evil, climbing uphill for help of the hook, two bandits go in at the til and quietly neutralize them. Let's go to the next gate, Bachimo, like Betmobile, we'll beat seven bandits. Let me tell you for the price! We pick them up, pick them up from the trunk of the car Explosive gel, zasib, which we need in the future. We scanned the place of Betmobile, we know Gordon's pipe, we directly gave traces of the tyutyun. The gates are fixed, but the charge is a German wall, a vibukhovy gel is applied and lifted. Highway vіdkritiy. Far away from the two bandits, blizzard them and directly far away with the traces of the tyutyun, it’s impossible to get lost, but follow practically the skin 2-3 meters. We approach the medical block.


Behind the entrance to that cost is the purchase of bandits, we know them. You can go to the medical block, but we won’t go far, there we have Harley Quinn on us, and there is a force field in front of her. It is necessary to find another way at the medical unit. Rise for help at the medical block, let's go lion-handed. Bachimo a German wall, on the right side there is a vibukhov gel. Moment - and mi at the medical unit. Through the ventilation shafts we can get to the main hall. The bandits took to the guards of the doctors, you need to vryatuvat them. Grass of a skin bandit, you can sneak up on him and beat yoga. І so from the skin. You can vicorate German steles, underlay that stele by applying gel on them. Priyshov bandit under the bed with gel, voila - and there is no bandit. Having taken the enemies, we go to the doctors, we will cut them. The stinks tell me about three more doctors, who need help. The appointment of doctors will be marked on the map. Dr. Yang is at the handcuffs of the bandits, it is necessary to place a vibe on two walls, so that you vibrate at once and neutralize all the bad guys. Penny Young is safe, we move with her. Idemo ryatuvati offensive doctor. Likar Kelerman closes at the room filled with Joker gas. We speak with the guardian, marveling at the mountain at the ventilation pipes and climbing on them, retributing to the gate and drinking gas to the room. Vmikaєmo mode detective. We need to activate three fans, so that they clean them again in the gas. Following the wires from the fans to the control panels, moving along the betarange consoles - in this way you can solve the problem. Through the eyes of a leather fan, we move for the guardian Kesh. The rest of the medicine is left in us. Vіn prikuty to the bed in the kіmnati, pіdіyshovshi to the new one, we are consumed in pasta: sprat of bandits. It's funny to say. Calm down violent patients, ryatuєmo doctors. Turning to the isolation ward, listening to Rozmov, the three bandits died, who went to the room. Quietly we know them. We go into the elevator, go downstairs. We marvel at the screensaver, after which we lift the wall of anger. Passable corridor and Bachimo dead commissar Gordon. Batman immediately tries to get in touch with the Oracle to send a sum call, but the call is unavailable. Now Batman can punish you. I'm going to the mortuary, I can hear your voice. Looks like back, but not here Bulo. I know the morgue. Bachimo three bears on the tables in the middle. It looks like a skin, in one will be Bruce's father, in another mother, and in the third - a TERRIBLE Muzzle. Tse all the twists of the psychopath Crane aka Scarecrow. More precisely, the gas that Batman inhaled in the elevator. Now we need to unify the look of the giant Scarecrow, otherwise it’s over. Just crumbling vzdovzh stan, squatting at the hour, unique look. Vibukhayemo defective wall, Scarecrow beastly respect for us, to move left and right. We choose the moment, if we look at the left side, let's go to the right. We get to the safety spotlight, we attack the psycho. Our victory. Calling with the Oracle, let's go, Bachimo, that on the plate of the corpse of the commissar is the corpse of some kind of guardian. Yeah, then tse buv not Gordon! Crane's gas strongly vplivuv. Let's go to the door, the bandits are coming up to us, one of them will be with knives. Vіn dosvіdchenіshiy, nizh ryadovі blockheads, yogo stunned by a cloak (middle key of the mouse), then b'єmo. For the arrows we get to the corridor, and the Joker plays again at his zhorstoki game. It is necessary for us to lick the rise of the guards without memory. Ale and tidy up none of them, right? There are only four of them, the regime will help the detective to guide the movement of bandits. the first two can be cleaned up with a blow from the back, the others - by cutting through the path and breaking through the skin one by one. Rise of the gatherings, for help, we tie the stone on the bedrock, where to stand Harley Quinn and Gordon. We are making a bed. We watch the video. May buti battle with the boss - Venom. Great and strong mutant. But it's easy to finish yoga. Golovne - to sneer in the yogo kidkiv, vikoristovuvat betarang, if you fly at you, hop on your head and there will be stuns, then we’ll blow and mutuzim the negidnik. Batman zastribuvatime on the back and vіdrivatime hoses, yakі vivify the forces of Venom. If you know 50% of Venom's life, the Joker was smashed to help him. You can get along with them, and then continue to beat Venom, or you can just try to drive bandits and hit and throw Venom, in such a rank you yourself will recognize them. We see the fall, we marvel at the video.

Batman's secret oven

Directly on the spot, marked on the map. By the cost of kіlka razіv narivatimosya on a beat with bandits. We come to the speck, we transfer through the parkan, we go through the stove. We watched the video, we went to the computer. Batman will take all the information about Penny Young and її doslіdzhennya, we should know the doctor. We've got Batman's new gadget, Betclaw, up to our hands. You can lift objects. Possibility to test this device to show up negligently. Three boxes are tied, yakі zavazhuyut us to transfer to the places. We went through the tunnel to the gates under the crypts of the oven. For the help of Betkogt, now we can draw gratings from the ventilation tunnels, which are found on the walls in the mountains. So we work. Vilazimo from the other side, virubuyemo thug. We gave another group of bandits. Until then, do not zantі in the battle of the thugs magatimutsya vіdіrvati vіd stіn objects, like they can hurt you shkodi. We deal with them. It is consumed in the oven with old walls, as there is no possibility of winning. Ale, there will be nothing folding, we just climb up the ledges uphill. If we climb to the surface, we take the next day- Get into Arkham Mansion. The Joker did not sit with his hands clasped for an hour, but placed his snipers on the branches. We know it, because the stench can lead to a decent shkodi. We choose to buy bandits.

Arkham Mansion

We penetrate into the mansion. For the help of a betclaw, we bring in an escaping bandit, then we finish it off. The doors are blocked, but we can still walk through the ventilation shafts. With a light claw, it is visible to steal and to be consumed by the sum of the occupants. Penny Young is in the hands of the Joker, but there you go. And the Joker's thugs ruled in the mansion right-handed, so you need to hurry. We choose to buy bandits, let's go to the offensive stone. They threaten to kill two spivrobitniks in the clinic. Climbing up to the new back and neutralizing it. We watch the video. The Joker tells that the yogo bandits beat the "fools" of Kesh at once, trying to find out about the place of doctor Yang's rotting. At the sudidniy kіmnati six ozbroєnykh thugs. Next to guess the secret carding, as if we were working in the insulator of the medical block. Listen to Kesha, hurry to help the doctor. Let's go through the pivnіchny corridor, make our way through the labyrinth of ventilation, and then we'll get to Dr. Yang's office. Three bandits try to get into the office, one of them is thrown. We do not stand on ceremony with them for a long time. Let's look at the walls, I'll renew the ventilation. And there is no doctor, the safe is open. Tim an hour Batman roams with the Oracle. We scan the safe, we follow her for the doctor's notes. It looks like they got out of the office in the same way, like they got in here. Three bandits. No bandits. Directly following the doctor's footsteps, we walked into the apex corridor. Gently sitting by the horn, like a special forces, listening to Rozmov bandit. Likar Young got caught. Well, you can take the bandit. Betarang youmu for a thought, I don’t deserve more. We go to the library. Zustrichaemo six bandits, two of them were informed. Going downstairs, Bachimo two guards. Oh, fire the Joker! If we can’t reach the bailiffs, the stench will suffocate. Shvidko we turn back, for help we climb onto the third on top. Directly to the ventilation grate. We take away from her, passable, we beat the chandeliers. Spurlyayemo in her betarang, the chandelier breaks through the underlay. Voila - zaruchnikov vryatovano. We turn on the detective mode, on one of the police we mark the fingertips of the doctor Yang. We take the formula, like "after reading it is necessary to find out." Batman, like a honest person, so rob. Chosen from the library. On the way out, we consume Scarecrow's hallucinogenic gas. Hello, fun drug trip! Idemo along the corridor, we come to the place of death of the fathers. Ledve standing, press the keys to the floor and go to the exit. The scarecrow checks us for the deepest fears, buried in the depths of our brain. Smuga pereshkod - the axis is called so. Having run into the Scarecrow, we stumble into the main hall, visibly zvіn і, z_stribnuvshi down, let's go to the room. There the exuberant Victor beats Dr. Yang, sneaks up to the kuta, sits down and, having seized the moment, sounds Zsasa with a beta rank. Watch the video, Dr. Yang Guinet. And on us, a beat with a chotirma is being checked by bandits, one of them is attacked by an electric truncheon. After talking with the oracle, it is necessary to infiltrate the secret laboratory. Looks like a stone, following traces of Queen Sharp's DNA. At the great hall stand three savage bandits, we make our way over them and virubuemo on the back with vicious blows.

prison block

Directly by the traces of Sharpe's DNA, we go into the prison block. Let's go through the chambers with God's blessings. Distant Sharp, zvіlnyaєmo old, marveling at the screensaver - Harley Quinn z v'yaznennya Ivy and loonies, otrimuєmo vіd Sharp half of the code. Now Batman's arsenal has a code sequencer, a tool for hacking electronic attacks. The principle is this: put the device on the panel of the security system and scroll the control circles until a wide amplitude is heard and the sequencer screen does not flash green. Let's go on the lashing - the panel is broken. We turn in the same way as they came here, the psychos will attack you dearly, try to hit them with the first blow and immediately finish them off, like a snake on your back, quickly pushing the glade a lot of times. We get to the cells of the laying of psychos. On us, check the beat in two, come in from the Blackgate command, which Harley commands, the beat is not even more foldable, I want to say. Having beaten the vulnerabilities, we turn on the electric connection and follow Harley. Let’s go to the house, which I’ve seen, and we’ll have to go to the room with the help of guards. Harley put in charge of vryatuvati okhorontsiv. Quickly go to the boiler and scan the picture on the wall Wanted Prometey. Including a sequencer to supply a struma under the first horn, and obviously a betarang motuzka, you can pick up a defective wall and scan a spider. Let's turn on the strum under another okhoronets and also use a betarang motuzka. The guards are vryatovani, and Harley's axis is zmivaetsya. At the present, she took 30 seconds for us to get out of the room. Choose a panel from the three used ones, let the buttons be adjusted every hour, as soon as the required amplitude will be known. After talking with the guards, let's go to the punishment cell. Here, the Joker's shaly girlfriend ruled over us pasture, before us they were aggravated and urged to beat us, and Harvey periodically launched a strum on the pidloz. Having got out of the fights, the Joker gives Harvey to Batman, and she wickedly tramples for the sake of it. Having seen її hits, Batman will appear with the Oracle. Now we are going to the botanical garden behind the Joker.

botanical garden

Otzhe, let's go to the botanical garden. Bandits will attack us on the way to the new one, they flowed in from the prison block. I think it's not your fault to divuvati you. We go to the botanical garden, virubuyemo two okhorontsiv zі zbroєyu. The panel is hacked and zakhistu is taken to the greenhouse. Here the situation is as follows: there are six outrageous thugs, and they walk two at a time! Although it doesn’t make the situation worse, we quietly understand with us, we don’t forget to retreat from the battlefield for help gargoyles, as if I’ll become stingy. Let's go to the generator room, where the bandits know about honest equipment. Punish bandits. The panel that shows the passage is replaced, and we need three come in for the evil one, all the work is needed quickly. The panel is broken, we are virushaemo far away. Let's turn to the greenhouse. Climb up the mountain and pass through to the stepping stone. Unstoppable Joker zaluuє prohіd. On the side of the obstruction, a ventilation grate was placed, and we lifted it into the mine. Spend in an abandoned room, de hook not pratsyuє, bring the old way. We hear the voice of the Joker. It seems that the process of creating an army of mutants does not stand on the spot. We move to another bik, we climb at the ventilation shaft under the stele. Lіzemo through it, bachimo two bandits, like torturing the orderly. It is necessary to ryatuvate all sanitary workers. Virushaemo on їhnіy poryatunok, do not forget to koristuvatisya card. Tim an hour Joker tells you that if you remember, then the orderlies will die. Respect, you can't protect yourself! I need to hire an operator first. Accurately get over to the next bik and climb at the technical walk. How to eat at the rest of the guard, stribuyemo, go to the ventilation, get to the operator. Neutralize, understand with a grate of protection. One of the operators will tell you that the doors to the laboratory are in this room, but the doors are hidden. To help us come detective mode. Turn it on, follow along. On one panel there are many traces of Harvey, under it a panel is replaced. Three receivers have a panel. And the axis and the Joker is a powerful person! It’s a pity, there are less national mutants on you, and he himself is gone. That coward. Tactics of the battle with mutants: as soon as one of the mutants beat you, throw a swedish betarang at the new one, the mutant will crash into the wall. For the time being, wines of golomshcheny, pіdbіgaєmo to the new and b'єmo. At the result, our hero is zaprgne on his back to the mutant. It is necessary to send the mutant to someone else. And so the kіlka went to the end of the transition. Get tired of getting hit and finish it off. Betman's flyer (Betlitak) arrives, delivers a cable thrower to us. For the help of a new one, we choose from the laboratory. It is necessary to know Ivy, out in the arrangement of Mrs. Arkham. For an additional cable thrower, we move to it. Let's move on with her, then let's move on, we need to break to the Arkham mansion. to find out from Kesh, to detriment Krok. By the way, we will have to kill the standard operation - to calm down the bandit groups. In the greenhouse, I swear by gargoyles. Bachimo, that we were blocked by a majestic root - Ivy let them out under the Titan, the Joker's windings. Let's go to the root and get it on the go, get over to the next day and get out of the morning. Ivy virishila planted the whole island with its flowers. Moreover, the squares are by no means peaceful. For good luck, you can go down. For tsgogo pіdbіgaєmo before them, that onslaught is a clearing. We get to the mansion. There are the same problems: in the middle of a lot of growth, on a pіdlog it is not possible to go down through the deadly gas, which the growth sees. Dorimuёmosya stele, koristuєmos with a cable thrower, poured from wall to wall. We get to Kesh.

Bud_vlya _intensive care

To get up to intensive care, we take one step, but not the other way. A sniper is virubued by a betarang, a vikoristovuemo by a cable thrower. We are at the wake. We make our way to the vestibule through the ventilation shaft. There are six bandits walking around, before that the gorguls were replaced. The children were preparing. Virubuyemo all sixty, let's go to the burying room. There, behind the help of the sequencer, a panel is turned on. Idemo in the passage to the chambers, raptly consumed the gas of the Scarecrow. How unfortunate! For goodness sake, let our rest be with him. On the way to the spotlight, you will see the rise of our skeletons, be careful at the hour of the strike, do not miss the look of the Joker. Having reached the searchlight, we lay a beat. On the back, just skeletons, then the skeleton of a mutant, it’s virubuyemo like that, like the greatest, with a beta rang, and the wine itself rises against the wall, and in the kintsi there will be a couple of skeletons that mutant. As you have already understood, we were in trouble trip, wanting to fight us in a right way. The crane runs and descends to the foothill of Krok. stribaemo down, at the kіmnati keruvannya with an elevator to stand three bandits. Virubuєmo їх, zlamuєmo zaminovanu panel keruvannya. We strebuyemo into the hatch, scho vydkrivaєtsya, there are natovp bandits, fight with them, ale stezhte, so that at the hour of the stench the stench didn’t open the box zі zbroєyu, otherwise it will be foldable.

Crocu's lair

We go into the sewerage, we make our way through the walls, we cut through the rope thrower, so we cut from wall to wall. If we go into Croc's world, the map disappears, blunders into the labyrinth, focusing on the sensor as far as the super-ear, pick up the rubbish for five super-ears. Bigati is not possible, otherwise Krok zasіche kolyvannya will drive you to snatch you. It’s better to squat down, if the crocodile is attacking, we’ll put it in a new beta rank. Betarang to eat at the collar, the crocodile will fall near the water. Somewhere in the lamatim, support under us, then you need to fight. Zіbravshi vsі superechki, the time has come to wind up z tsikh gloomy catacombs. Idemo right where to marvel at Batman, now it’s ticking in Croc, a couple of turns, from the tunnel. Superchki in us, let's go to the Batman's oven, create anti-titan zasib. Having created the anti-truta, marveling at the roller, the cave is attacked by the growths of Ivy. Having picked up the cuts of the claw, we take the opportunity to break the walls, until some earlier they could not reach. The Joker, having launched the "Titan" at the sewer, will not hesitate to reach the residential areas of Gotham, it is necessary to turn off the pumps. On the map, we take away signs and a part of the sewer lined up, we begin to make our way up the hill. Here, stribnuvshi, here with a cable, from my mountains. Breaking the wall with a claw, three thunders had mercy on us, what a blast! And the betclaw now has three hooks, it’s likely to be watered by three cutthroats. Climbing in the middle, we can defeat two bandits, then it’s easy to go left-handed or right-handed. It does not matter, and there, and there, turn on the panels with a sequencer, and the axis after the turn-on checks for folding in the open space dragging the fate of the mutant. If you want to, you can take advantage of it. We will slap the mutant, we will fasten the youma on the back, and we will direct it to the bandits. Here they did not like it. Kіlka zaїzdіv on a wide back and bіy finished. We look around the elevator shaft, break a couple of defective walls and lift the counter. The axis of wine, the smell of will. In order to reach the oven, actively victorious building of Batman to plan for a distant country, that and cable thrower is natural.

Botanical Garden (II)

Now we need to get to the botanical garden, Ivy's zneshkodity, having planted the islands themselves. Distance from the garden to us is worthy of growing and snipers. We make our way to the garden, let's go to the greenhouse. May buti beat, which is made up of two rounds. At the first, we throw a bud of a majestic flower with a swedish betarang, sway in the sack to fly, and follow the roots of the earth’s growing ground, so that you don’t shovel us. If the wife of Ivy's life is sporadic, we apply a vibukhovy gel on the wall of the cocoon, which makes us look like a villain. Vibuhaemo її, and another round of battle begins. The style of warfare is such itself, only as far as Plyushch came the soldiers at the sight of guardians, enchanted by Plyshch. We'll get rid of Plyushchy. Joker in hell.


Apparently from the botanical garden, straight to the prison block. We will be blasted with splashes of the bandit Joker, what an honor! We go into the booth, we love the antics of the Joker, then we shake the TV. Let's go to the opening, that we've settled. Get ready for the hardest battle at the grі. Get hit with a swedish beta rank, and also climb onto the back of one stunned mutant, direct it to another, kill other bandits. Dosvid such battles in the camp in good fortune. It is forbidden for us to speak out against the Joker himself. Through the handrails of the improvised amphitheater bandits viskakuvatimut, that Joker zrіdka throw slits onto the stage that vibrate. On the back of the hand, we are picking up from the wounds. Then the Joker will turn up to the helicopter, for the help of the ultra-light claw we will attract yoga, lift it up and inflict a series of blows, until the dashing one is not vibrated. In the other round, it is already clear that the algorithm is the same, including the Joker. In the third round, there will be bandits with electric batons and wind up with machine guns. To get drunk, do not guide Batman's gadgets, the same ultrabetclaw, for example. You can throw cracks with swedish betarangs.

Well, the Joker was knocked down, Gordon was lying, and you went through the game. Vitaemo!

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