Walking Batman Litopis Arkham Scanning corpse. Walkthrough of Batman Arkham Origins - Batman Chronicle of Arkham

Outside passage Batman Arkham Origins - Batman Chronicle of Arkham. Podії tretoї for rahunkom gri about Arkham flare up for deyaky hour before the last part, oskolki tse prequel, kakiy rozpovida about the formation of the young billionaire Bruce Wayne as a superhero Batman. At the Chronicle of Arkham, you will move around the updated Gotham, which is richly turning over the maps of the past parts. The super-adventure and unsafe villains have not yet climbed to the top, and the young Batman has not yet gained enough knowledge. The possible Dark Face can survive the turning point in life, which is to mark a distant fate.

Key Features

The group has introduced an impersonal innovation and you will be right to take care of it.

  • The training panel allows you to enter the trial mode and conduct combat training. On the very cob you will have access to 2 Deathstroke characters, for which you can score 270 points, and Batman himself from 306. Testing is divided into 4 warehouses: Rating, Campaign, Nalashtovuyutsya and Battle training. Until then, if you complete all the battles, then you will be given a new Injustice costume, and you can find out about all the costumes from the Batman costume guide Arkham Origins.
  • Database - in the world of acquaintance with new characters, an additional Dossier is being conducted. In total, along the way, you collect 32 dossiers on the main characters and hardships. Krim tsgogo you happen to see 29 audio files.
  • Mitteve relocation — Select the icon on the map to quickly relocate to Betkril at the need of a city location.
  • Black Litsar system - special chotiri testing: Invisible Mesnik, Protector of Gotham, Biggest Nightmare and Great Detective. The skin manager has 15 ranks. With the help of your mind, you will be rewarded for the wine city by looking at the eyepieces until you reach XP. Nadalі tsey dosvіd give eyepieces polypshennya, yakі rozpodіlyayutsya impersonal pіznіh polypshennya.
  • Weintech - here you can pump Batman by expanding the eyepieces of the polish. Weintech is divided into 4 types of pumping: Basic control, Advanced melee combat, Invisible hut and Additional upgrades. The middle categories have their own hierarchy. In order to get to the points of improvement, it is necessary to unblock the back of the head. What they gave, then available polypshenia become more difficult.

The entire Gotham City is divided into several districts: Parkova Street, Amusement Park, Bowery, Sheldon Park, Promislovy District, Pioneer Town of Gotham, Coventry, Diamond County and Burnley. From them, you can find Vishki's link and Betkril's drop points. About points zrozumilo - tse mіstsya for shvidkogo remіshchennya, and the axis of Vyshka zv'yazku vybnіblyuvat, shchob otrimati access to the point of dropping and signifying mistsenahodzhennya repeater in Enigmi. Available food on the map is shown with a green food sign.
Let's finish the move and move on to the passage of Batman Chronicles of Arkham, as presented in video clips, as divisions on the main game mission.

Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Origins

Bauery area

Headquarters Enigmi

Chatterbox and Cobblepot's jokes

Arena and Taser

Tracy Buxton


Mischa malice

Gotham Police Department

Passed by the Showroom of Evidence

Zbroyovy destructor

Skhovanka Penguin and Repeaters

Sewerage Bernley

Divine Kapelyushnik

Sector vantage


Gotham City Royal Hotel

Handcuffs to Gotel

Pasti Joker

Police and Morgue

Paul's Headquarters Bane

Bomb Firefly

Battle of the Firefly

Joker leak

Battle with Bane [Final]

Blackgate. Prologue:

On the nose Rіzdvo, ale Batman is not up to the saint. Black Mask ruled the riot at the "Blackgate" pit, and to that Batman, and at the same time from him and mi, throwing preparations to the New Year, striving in the air and flying to the pit, hanging in order from the broken wall - our single passage to the ' tongue.

It is necessary to know the Commissar Loub on the back. I demo following the collapse of the vglyb in the yard and feel the mafia with the head of the yard. Hurry up for help and in the training, it is virubuyemo thugs and bezzbroyuemoly the head of the yaznitsa.

Outside passage storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

If anything, you can talk to him about the situation in a flash. Then we pass through the hallway to the “Prison block A”. We go down to block A2 and know about thugs. Then feed one of them and you will know that the Black Mask destroyed the stratum at the same time from Loubom. A few miles away, we are more likely to be an unmanned aerial vehicle, calling for everything, we are not alone. I demo gave and calmed down in'yazniv, who flowed in.

Chіplyаєmos like a ledge and passable in the chergovі door. Here mi zustrіchaєmo crocodile Krok, ale vin do not give us respect and go far. But then we are brutally respected by the thugs at the bulletproof vest. Pryholomshuemo yogo for the help of a raincoat (SCM) that is achieved. If someone picks up the ledge, we pass by the door. The room has a detective space (X), select the beta rank (1) and cull yoga in the control panel. Bіzhimo and podkochuєmosya in the chink, zbivayuchi from nіg one of the foes, we achieve quiet, who is gone, and we try to talk with vryatovami. It's a pity, they're afraid of us. We press on the button of the elevator and lift it up, now for the help of the vibukhovy gel (3) we break through the dirka in the lift and pull it down. Marveling at the scene, de Louba introduces Krok, and Chorna Muska plays with the cops at "your group". Vilamuєmo grati, we pass through the ventilation shaft and stribuєmo for one of the convicts, and then we straighten it out with a grate. We go into the chamber, select the claw (2) and fork it, and then we climb from the ventilation shaft. We put vibukhovy gel on the wall and pidrivaєmo її, virubuyuchi mafia. We pass at the next door.

Pressing swiftly “1” and letting two betarangs into the activation buttons, we pass into the room, we sing loudly and collapse through the ventilation, listening to the dialogue of the Black Mask with our own fights. Strive down and posterіgaєmo the scene of the death of Commissar Loub at the gas chamber. For what I fought, I ran into those, as it seems. Nasamkinets, Krok is roaming one of the fighters Masks in the slop and they themselves rob a crack. The combination "W + underpressing punch" breaks a crack and mourns the death of Loub. Boys masks run into the vognik and slander on what they can’t vibrate. Virubuyemo lads and let's go. On the way, I’ll take a memory card, so that it can be read in Batman’s oven. For help, be sure to climb up to the ledge, and then go up to the helicopter Maidan to the first boss: Vbivtsi - Krok.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

The combination is offensive: if red flurries appear over Krok - sneer, taking a barrel to burn in your hands - shoot with betarangs at the barrels. After whom, put a cloak on Yogo and beat him in the teeth. After the first time, two mafia come to help you, and after the third time, three mafia come. Explore them and Krok, marvel at the video, de police officers jumped on the fire, and Batman discovers that for his head he is recognized in the city and virishu deceived the plan of Beth - the stove.

Bet - Pechera:

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Outward passage of the storyline

At the stove, Alfred is singing us, and we are praying for a festive evening. We’ll learn something and go to the betcomputer in order to find out a lot of new things about our cards. Usy їх vіsіm: Bane, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Shiva, Copperhead, Tsvirkun, Electroshocker, Croc (already behind the grats). Now we need to know the one who was cherubing a drone. The suspicion falls on Penguin, and for him it is necessary to shake the local sellers with a bang. Also, at this moment, a training arena with trials for Bets is revealed.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

For the help of a swedish relocation, we hang on to the location we need and proceed to the search for Penguin.

GCR tower near Coventry:

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

On the way to Penguin, Batman respects that the towers jam the signal of yoga outbuildings. It is necessary to get out of this circle. To that, it is dived right in the wake of life and proceeds to the explanation of the reasons. Have budіvlі ozbroєni foes. Opening the door, throwing Dima's grenade and pushing it onto the ledge for help. Now you need to turn the handcuff. Fly to the extreme ledge and cut down the enemy like a handcuff. The first handcuff was vryatovano, two more were missing. Break the enemy and cut down the enemy from the ground. Now I have lost the rest of the handcuff. One of the enemies in the flow, snarling at Batman. Go around the enemy, and strike a vicious blow through the smart construction. Zaruchnikov vryatovano. Finish off the rest of the enemy by throwing Yogo over the ledge, and then go to the control room. Carry out an analysis of evil, starting from a corpse and closing the access panel, and finding out who, having brewed all this porridge, but our friend is already dead and is left with a mystery, who is right behind everything. After that, the key is scanned - a card, as it is located at the ventilation, that control panel behind the help of the encryption sequencer (0) is hacked. Go further, go up the gatherings and contact Alfred. Then break the panel and sound Enigma. On which quest is completed.


Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Penguin is found in the Bauer area. You can get there by the bridge. The place is already a long time, so for moving, use a white claw and plan. Also on the bridge is the informant Enigmi. Beat the vіdomosti, schob not to turn on the kіlka razіv.

Arriving before the mist, we didn’t see anyone. Vіdminno, it's time to know the quiet position and prostegize for the sake of it. We marveled at the roller, then we descended and more filthy lads, after whom the bandit in the hat of Santa Claus was drunk. After that, we take the phone from the head office and try to get the SIM through the decoder. Ale nothing to go, the signal is blocked by one of the heads. We fly to the door and know the bandits. After that, we select the betarang (=), we burn it in the electric field and charge the control panel, then we go in the middle and we use the jammer for the additional decoder.

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Outward passage of the storyline

Now zlamuєmo Simka Penguin. We know the orange dot on the decoder, and we need to select the frequency. Having adjusted the frequency, we hear the soldiers of the Penguin and let's go to the Amusement Park to find the first SIM card. At the park we are familiar with the enemies, and then we will win the decryption system. Now we need to come to the industrial area to find another SIM card. There will be security guards in the city, kill them one by one, and then hack the system. After the evil of another month, we know that the Penguin is on the ship.

On the approaches to the ship, Bachimo, the ship is swarming with snipers and machine gunners. We also know that there is one of the following on the ship: Electric shocker. Be respectful. Kill the snipers at the back, and then take on the machine gunners. Go to the coal of the ship and cut down two enemies with knives according to Penguin's comments.

Our meta: battle tournament on a ship. We pass into the room without breaking it and virubuyemo machine gunner, and then we switch our respect to others. I demo gave and felt an alarm signal from Kend. We are picked up by an advancing group of enemies and we are heavy on ourselves for help from the claw and we are attracted to ourselves to the death by the same rank. After that, we smack for the smut of the kilce and bring down the tiles, we rise up the hill to the Boiler Room.

Penguin goes to his office, and Tracey stays in the head room. We need її to feed. Nagori, for the help of the claw, open the hatch. Get down to the arena and fight with the electric shocker. A pathetic stun gun falls from one blow on the street, but other lads run into the arena, as if not against Bets's head.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Lama wear, beat nirks, rob those who you can work best. So here you can hit the achievement "Fifty without interruption", in which it is necessary to carry out 50 strikes without interruption. After the mess, drink up the one thing that you’ve lost at the witness, where Penguin’s mission is. Penguin is staying at the casino, then, we are there. Follow Tracey, zastosovuchi nachki acrobat, like that fist. On a pіvdorozі Tracy let us know that the Electric Shocker has come to you and is even more angry with us. Well, let's be careful. For the help of the claw, work open at the bottom and go up to the mountain. Upstairs, see the grate of the ventilation shaft and lift it. See to the hall.

Listen to Tracey, cut down the enemies, break the grati and call the mine. For the help of the sensor, break down the doors and get ready for the devil's party of enemies, once you break it. Let's get on the elevator, let Tracey for the sake of it, and we ourselves will break the panel, so that we can fix the doors on the ship. Trying to open the door to Penguin, we will be taken away by the face of the Punisher (no, not the Punisher, but the other). Beware, if there is a red coat over your head, re-string Yogo and double it, until you fall down. Why go to the theatre. There will be a lot of opposing opponents. Try to get to know them one by one. Then let's go to the room, where you will drink Penguin's tortoises. Time to turn around. Get out of the way and try Penguin. Licorice Rozmov pererve Deathstroke. You'll be spicy right now!

Hit yoga attacks and attack yourself. At the scenes, press RMB and hit yoga. Repeat until possible. If Deathstroke blind you and put on the beast, right-click on the ship, and then LMB. Everything, the first phase is completed. Slade without a mask. Now for your very scheme. When Slade throws a barrel at you, press RMB and pull Slade to yourself for an additional harpoon and continue according to the old tactics. Slade will make you sleep again and again, emboss with RMB, and then with LMB. Slade is now without his club and distant sword. Now you will need to work 3 counterattacks, and then the final scene with RMB and LMB. We marveled at the roller, barefooted, and we have a new gadget: a curing harpoon. Zastosovuєmo new gadget and try to go to the apartment to Penguin. It didn't.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Contact Alfred about the shooting in Lacey - Towers and find out that the victim is Black Mask! You can't do that. It is necessary to look around the mischief. We’re flooding the ship, there’s nothing for us to do, for now.

Lacey - Towers:

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

It is necessary to come to the place and virubuyemo three copies of the zbroєyu. Why is it so bad police frequency. Bachimo, like two mines go out onto the balcony and block the doors with them. We walk in it, without touching the policemen themselves, and we get drunk at the hotel. We pass on a mischief and a bachimo corpse at a black mass. But it’s not a fact that Chorna Mask himself can lie on the bed. It is necessary to conduct an investigation. We can scan the body, the chandelier, the pidlog. And so far. Just scan the red dots and rewind the hour to find new evidence. After investigating, we know about the Joker. Batman doesn't know yoga yet, so do the right thing. Now it’s necessary to turn to the hospital for a percussion detonator, for help, which you can use to the police dealership for some kind of biographies.

Police officer:

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

The impact detonator is on the table. Take yoga and turn around to Gotem. At the police station, you can have a drink through dah. Come to the people, how to stand beside the doors and check until the stench blows, then go to the keruvannya. Shoot to the elevator, and call to the mine and call to the exit, listening to the police officers about the situation in Gotham. Apparently from the ґrat and knockout of the policeman with a rapt blow from the ґrat. We go to the kіmnati and virubuєmo three okhorontsіv. If so, for the help of the claw, we will grow, and we will pass far. There are too many guardians here. Also, for the help of Deathstroke's claw, we pass over them without a trace. After that, it is virubuyemo self-protection that zlamuemo panel. For the help of the claw at the offensive kіmnati, we throw a fire extinguisher at the gates and virubuєmo їх. We go into the right of the room and virubuyemo okhorontsya, which is to drink our old friend in Santi's hat. Now you yourself supplement yoga and virubaemo. We see at the door. At the cost of the rozdyahalnya, we send police officers. For help, the gel is lifted vikno and we go into the roost, virubuyemo policeman and znimaemo grati. Do not forget for help to open the doors of the wardrobe and take away compromising evidence. At the exit from the ventilation, there is a certificate of a verbal supergirl between Barbara and Gordon.

We are in isolation and can kill a dozen special forces. Let's see the route and try to turn one by one. If the rest of the enemy falls, we break the doors, we break two cops and we go far. Namagayuchis zlamati servernu - zaznaєmo nedachi through the blocker. It is necessary to have a destructor of this collection and for yoga to help you to get over it. We go to the place where we give two copies. After all, the control panel is broken and removed from the elevator shaft.

We go to prison cells and know the convicts. After that, we go to the elevator shaft and climb to the stone of evidence behind the destructor. We turn by this very path and bachimo, that the cameras are open, and the convicts are free. We break the jammer and open the camera, after which we kick ass in the company of Bane's soldier. Now you can go to the server room and download data. There we will call Barbara Gordon, and then we will be attacked by special forces. Vivaemo grati and demo from the police station, fighting the policemen. Let's move on and break the castle, then we'll go into the elevator, hove in the fire of Branden, who wants to take the city for your head. On the way out of the elevator we see Gordon, and also Brenden on the back. Throw Dima's grenade and get rid of annoying persecutions. Now you can go from the farm.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline


Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Idemo at the sewer for police departments. There are a lot of people at the sewers. Masks at the company with masters of martial arts. Tactics predicts Destroke's tactics. Contract and strike attacks. Breaking through the new enemies, go further. Zastosuvavshi acrobatic stunts and that cunning, you will pass far - a room to call the police. The people of Chornoi Maska want to get the boat out of the sewers. It is necessary to save whom. Attach to the platform, kill everyone who is standing on it, and climb up the hill. Take care of the funeral and take the dossier. Now we have strayed on the right Lacey - Towers and we need to go to the commercial bank of Gotham.

Commercial Bank of Gotham:

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Outward passage of the storyline

You won’t see through the head entrance, let’s go around. We rise on the dachas, with gel we drive the wall and we go to the bank for an additional hatch. At pіdsobtsі virubuєmo on a flash destructor and zlamuєmo panel. Wake up sesame! We are in the middle of the bank. Everyone is dead here. You can’t get out through the head door, let’s go through the ventilation, smear it with qualium gel and add it. We marvel at the video, de we know that the Mask is the Joker. Syonisa (Spravzhnya Mask) will be taken to the unseen and brought in by vans. Bets are shot, but the armor is broken, and the helper of Sionis is dying in the vibe. Time for revenge! At our new enemies, a man appeared, like to jam the detective mode at Bets. Put the yogo on the front, and then move on to the reshta. Stay on your feet and give up, and you can feed it. Joker's friend tell me what's wrong with steel plant. If so, leave the next day and watch the police patrol.

Steel plant:

Go to the factory, take care of the funeral and go to the factory. There, the bandits are discussing a new boss, that yoga zdіbnosti masquerading, as well as the survivability of Batman. Break the box from the armor, so that no one can take the armor. And for the help of Destroke's claw, throw a barrel on the body and rush to finish off the enemies. After that, go up to the other one on top of the i, unique ambush, flood the ventilation shaft, after which give the enemies a surprise. If the body of the remaining enemy is cold, connect to the computer of Sionis and download the code. So, Alfred will contact you and share ideas about sticky grenade, which can be synthesized in the laboratory. Hack the access panel and go through the door. There fly like a shadow. Calling on everything, Mednogolovka. We go in the next door and know the bandits. Now blast the Punisher at the armor. The tactic is as follows: squeeze the SCM three times, and then hit the punisher, defeating the attacks of yoga friends. If Yogo armor is broken, the tactics will become the same, like the greatest Punisher. After the strike, press the button and try to break through the wall. Didn't it go? Help with how and everything we see. Having drank on that bik, you will feel the laughter of the Copperhead and drink a present at looking dead mafia. Vivchaemo yogo body and razumіemo, scho vіn buv otruєny. Ride on the elevator, it seems that we imitate a couple of mafia. After that, the panel is broken and it is passable far away - to the drug laboratory, to destroy Sionis, and for the time being, the alarm generator is blocked. On the back of the head, we will destroy the generator, and then we will fix it. Now you can go to Sionis and marvel at the roller.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Copperhead cut Batman. It is necessary for us to know the antipode, and for whom to recognize, with what a scoundrel she cut us off. Scanuyemo mіstsevitst that zbiraєmo prove. Please prove it, correct it on the computer and ask Alfred to synthesize the anti-truth. I lost my way to the surface through the hallucinogenic vision. Viyshovshi from the elevator, we can fight with Mednogolovka. Tse will be important, but we can. Fight with the Copperhead and її іlyuzіami. If I take it out of the container, I will take it myself and virubuyemo tsyu cobra. Іdemo іz the factory, simultaneously virubavshi a couple of mafia and pіdіrvavshi container іz otrutoyu.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Gathering driving:

Now it is necessary for us to know the place; Zrobiti tse you can use electric signatures in the mittens of a stun gun. Let's go to the Gotemsky Bridge and plan to fly to Diamond County, following the sensors. Bring the sensors to the hotel, where we will kill the special forces at once with black masks. Virubuєmo їх that passable to the parking lot of the hotel. At the station, destroy the enemies, break the lock, for the help of the betarang, destroy the electrics, and for the help of the cable, climb up the mountain and open the gate to the parking lot. And from the parking lot, take the elevator to the hotel itself.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Shukaєmo protect the room. We enter at the foyer, virubuyemo man with a jammer of our electronics, and then we take for other mafia. Zlamuemo vkhіd at the kіmnatu protect and marvel at the video. The stun gun spiksya. Pick up yoga mittens, the stench of the good will come to us. We lift the trolley and take it to the dachas, call for help at the window and walk along the corridor. At the corridor, the electric drive is charged and the mafia is thrown out. Combining your gadgets, moving on top of the hotel and virubuyemo more and more enemies. І such a scheme for stretching the net worth: combinating gadgets - fighting with enemies.

On the twenty-fifth version, we are going to the dance hall designed by the Joker. In this room, there are obstacles, then we choose pasta in this way: shoot with betarangs at the illuminated buttons, throw a cable, lift the wall and break the control panel. Everything, we are no longer in the past. Let's move on, throw a betarang into the electrics and turn it up by 180 gr. to charge the panel. Lift up the hill. Now you need to solve the puzzle with bags in two moves. Have mercy - start again. Solution under spoiler.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

After the completion of the riddle, send it to the arena and spread it to the mafia. Let's throw a cable and go stars. By the way, kill the machine gunner and vryat the life of the zaruchnikov, which you say, that your friends are still full. Stribajemo in dirka in the middle and virubuyemo machine gunner after the mind of the mind. Vibukhayemo vikno and fly on 28 over. On the 28th version, try a bomb, and before the pasta appears, slap it at the window and go for the helicopter. They hung and hung up. Ztribuєmo on the balcony to hire the Joker and Bane, and it was hellish for him. After that, we go to wake up and methodically mimic Bane's machine gunners. We break the control panel and sit in the elevator.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

May you fight with Bane. Turn around, if you enter at the fierce, beat with a raincoat (trichi SKM), and then with your fists. І so to another phase. In the other phase, Bane is called to help his people. We don’t give a damn about them, because Bein pissed his fierceness on his way. If Bane is under a venom, then three strikes with a cloak and hit him all the way. If you become normal, then fight one blow with your cloak and beat again until it stops. Repeat until possible. After that, we marveled at the video and transferred to Blackgate.

V'yaznitsia Blackgate:

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Have v'yaznitsa gratimete for the Joker. More precisely, you will understand the Joker. As long as the clown speaks with a psychiatrist (hello, Harley's future), you are going to buy enemies for additional counterattacks.

After the beats in the theater, we are transferred to the chemical plant near Chervony Kovpak's shkir. Just let's go, listening to the dialogue between the Joker and Harley. We marvel at the video, and after that, it will switch us to Batman. We pick up a glue grenade and destroy it in the mortuary of the Gotham Police Department.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline


Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

At the garage, the order from the police departments virubuyemo spetsnaz and stribaemo at the hatch. There we beat the glue grenade and pick up a couple. On the water, you can win a grenade and robimo screaming plates. Then we go to the morgue and analyze the corpse. Having analyzed the corpse, we read the results of the rosette and the mortuary is flooded.

Now the next thing to know is the next beacon, which we threw on Bane for the first hour of the battle on the dahu. Let's fly to the bay of Bane, we know it with yoga hires and for help with gadgets we use it in yoga ukrittya. We know that Bane knows and guess who we really are and hurry to the Bethcave.

Ale, it’s not here, we’ll get to know the police. Svіtlyachok zahopiv zaruchnіvіv and threemієєєєєєєєєє єх on the bridge. Connecting to the channel, the link Svitlyachka is heard. Let's go to the Gotemsky place for the order of the guards and the beating of the Svitlyachka. On the way to the bridge, we call out a claw for the fire of Svitlyachka. Brenden's special forces don't show up all of a sudden. Virubuyemo їх і we go to the technical accommodation, where Gordon is known. Let's tell Gordon about the laying of the deposit, but they won't hear us. Through tse Brenden was buried at the full. Zavdyaki gadgets get to the location with the first vibe, vimikaemo lads with garmats and we talk about the enemy, scho zdavsya, about bombs. The first bomb is right here. By the way, we call Brandon. Ale Brandon can’t speak any better, that’s how it is, yogo, sit on the elevator and go to another bomb. Razbiraєmos with enemies and zneshkodzhuєmo friend a bomb.

Idemo to the third bomb through the streets. Having leaned against the room with the gates, I sighed that bomb.

Now let's go to the fourth bomb through those places, where they fired a bomb at a friend and hit Svitlyachka on the bridge. The tactics are offensive: we throw sticky grants (5), then we shoot with betarangs (1), and in the end we shoot with claws (2) and emboss the clearing. Repeat until the next phase. At the other phase, you will happen to have a large number of cars and ulamkiv in the fire of the Svitlyachka, after which you can see the fire on the fire. On the moon, shirk your attacks and stop the tactics of the first phase. If the Svitlyachok fires the mist, chop after the hook (F) and counterattack (RMB). After all, we marvel at the video.

Outward passage of the storyline

Over the course of the storyline Over the course of the storyline

Take care of the lazy bastards of the head gate at the pit, and then shoot down the hatch and lean into the sewers. James Gordon will soon arrive and vryatanovannye you polіtsіnі zstrіnі yogo. At the sewer, avoid the trend line, and then move onto the ledge. Call for help of the cable, go to the next bank and lean in the location with electric water. Robimo cable, from the other side, we lift the wall to the wall and plan on the ledge. We lower the electrical panel, and then we work together to collect the stove for additional glue grenades and move to the next bik. At the place of water, we press on the button and turn on the electrics, select the beta rank and start the control panel, passing the electric beta rank in front. Riven water will increase. We manage the slab for additional sticky grenades, pull ourselves up to a crooked wall and lift it up. I’m changing the stove to the right and closing the steam draughts. Through the church, the vise in the pipes is to shift the allowable values, and we will go further. It is explicable for the service occupants, who are hit on their fists, that it’s nasty to stir up the chase in our slander. Looks like a stone, lively mini-generator. The elevator is falling. Climb onto the new one and lift it up to the upper one. If anything is consumed by the guards from the aggravated afflictions. We choose them for additional gadgets and smartness, and then we ryatuemo brants. Now we follow the Joker to block B. The block had a b'emo in'yazniv and we got further. By the cost of deathstroke, who spends an hour behind vigimanny. Let's demo with advancing blocks and break through the path to the Joker through the body.

Outward passage of the storyline

Outward passage of the storyline

Coming to the Joker, taking a cardiometer with Bane, which he has accumulated on himself. May be foldable. We sigh in the light of the yogo shvidky big trichi sleep. Let's succumb to the yogo strike in turn. After that, b'emo yoga three times with a cloak and we begin to beat until we see the harmony of the venom's attachments. Suddenly, Bane's followers will be in charge of us. Do not give them any respect and repeat the tactics in a minute. If another time, Bein will kill us, and we will turn on the electric gloves. B'emo them Bane, I repeat the past tactics and marvel at the video. The Joker ducked, and Gordon and Joseph followed him. Reanimate Bane. Vіn prokinetsya, but not the other way around, I’ll build it up, and along my own TN-1, swelled up to great roses. Here is such a tactic: hovaemosya in the mines and pid podlogu or bypassed from the back and attacked, trying to get yogo into the electrics, and it’s possible to beat until the wine is unobtrusive. Repeat until possible. Pomilkovo thinking that we overcame, we take a couple of blows and break through the wall. Stand still and check while Bane roams to attack. Behind the help of a kerovanny claw, Bane is shackled and shackled. To the point, the mutagen blew Bane's memory and forget everything he knew about Batman.

Games became a true masterpiece Arkham Asylumі Arkham City, yakі introduced to gamers Batman in a new way You will take away the ability to control a superhero, victorious majesty the number of different abilities and tricks. At the same time, the dark style of the show is taken away, perfectly conveying the atmosphere. Rozrobniki vyrishili not zupinyatisya on reach, but not to continue the story, and release a prequel, which won the name "Batman: Chronicle of Arkham". The passage of the last part of the series was no less sloppy, lower in the previous episodes - here you happen to get smart and compete with the great number of hardships in those їhnіh poplіchnіv. That will definitely not bore you, and you can find out why history began.

V'yaznytsia Blackgate and Poshuki Penguin

It starts from the fact that you need to break at the Blackgate yard. There are twelve splits for Usy, where the whole game "Batman: Arkham Chronicle" is split. The passage of the skin razdіlu vіdіznyatimeetsya in others, in some of them you will be barefoot, and in some of them you will be a sprat. So be ready to the maximum diversity. Later, at the first place, you will need to win your spritnist and obvious outbuildings, so that you can get into the pit and there liquidate the bandits, step by step making their way to the dachas. Itself there and become your first essence with a barefoot - Krok-vbiveyu. This mutant, similar to a crocodile, purposefully tries to kill you, it won’t be easy for that. As soon as you hit the new one in your hands, throw the betrangs at it, so that it will vibrate. Don't bury Croca, and you will successfully overcome it, if you can decrypt instead of a flash drive found on the territory of the village. Why do you need to blame Penguin's jokes. It won’t be so easy to do it - you’ll need to turn on one of the towers at the city, then get to the trader, whose barefoot is Penguin, and supplement yoga - you won’t say anything to you, but you can quickly turn on one, turn on the mobile . If you need to know two SIM-cards, they will help you to determine the cost of travel. Є result - Penguin is on the great liner, you need to correct yourself there. There you can resist the natovpi bandits and bring on the boss Electrocutioner, but you can also get rid of the gris in a practical way. And if you spend time in Penguin's office, if you get drunk - the boss himself won't cause you any special problems, and then the poplars - as a whole. If you start to feed Penguin, Deathstroke will arrive, the cutest boss at grі. Behind him, you are checked for a long and important beating, if you try again to get into the office to Penguin, but you won’t be able to do it again. Therefore, be satisfied with the removed information - її to get it, so that you can continue to play with the game "Batman: Chronicle of Arkham". The passage, however, only starts, and in front of you checks a lot of cuckoo.

Lacy Towers and Police House

The coming mission is not too complicated and not too long - you will need to investigate the carding, as it has become in the town of Lacy Towers. Vrazhayuche, ale buv murders the bandit Chorna Mask - the very one who hired the most thugs to get you - the axis is such a surprise in the form of "Batman: The Chronicle of Arkham". The passage of the troch changes the wraps, and you calmly search for information about those who stood behind the carding - naturally, Cicavia fact- at the time of the game, Batman and the Joker have not yet been called, so the mission is coming to get you information about this person in the database of the police. For which you will need to turn back to the base, take a destructor, get into the police department, get to the server room and gain access to the databases, after which you need to enter the policemen who showed up. Dali the passage of "Batman: Chronicle of Arkham" again more often to collect wraps, more rich essences from the great number of opponents, and more powerful bosses.

Sewerage and Commercial Bank of Gotham

Through the sewers, you will have to fight with the policemen, while at the same time fighting against the bandits. Not even simpler, but smarter - the passage of "Batman: The Chronicle of Arkham" more than once has brought you such a difficult task. If you need to get access to Betcomputer and get the data base of the evildoers, so that you will come to an understanding, Kim is the Joker. At the same time, you know about those, de yoga shukati - break in the wake of a commercial bank and fight there against a great number of opponents. There will be the Joker, and the most famous - Black Mask, who did not die, but entered into an alliance with the Joker. If you try to catch a bad luck, you will need it, and you will need to break after him in pursuit - everything is merrier and merrier at the side of "Batman: The Chronicle of Arkham" passage. Enigma, Anarky and other characters step by step enter the process, become accessible to them, and all bring no less satisfaction.

Steelworks and Gotel "Gotem City Royal"

Following the Joker, go to the steel plant and finish yoga - this mission will be one of the most famous in "Batman: Arkham Chronicle". Blackgate, the passage of which has already been described more, in the same day, the equalization does not go beyond the scope. As a result, you will find the Joker, and Black Mask, with whom you still appear as the same Joker and now you want to take revenge on him. Well, Batman was fired, and it is necessary for him to know the anti-truth, after which he fought with the Copperhead, as he was fired. If you win, you will need to see the signal of the sensor on another hire - a stun gun, by which you will know the Joker in the hotel. Vlastovite pursuit of him on top, and having reached the top, fight with Bane, whichever you want to defeat the Joker. But if it’s not your meta, do it for trouble and pass yoga into the hands of the police. In "Batman: The Chronicle of Arkham" the Hatter's passage and other characters are secondary, don't sneer at what the article doesn't have. Now your meta is to complete the storyline.

V'yaznitsya Blackgate and Poshuki Bane

As already mentioned earlier, in the action "Batman: Chronicle of Arkham" Deathstroke's passage is one of the most important moments. But the final thing with Bain will not be less collapsible. As long as you proponuyut play for the Joker in yogo nightmares, like wine in the process of jubilation in a psychiatric clinic, as well as the nightmares of Batman. Then you need to turn back into the real world and debunk Bane's tricks. For whom you will need to penetrate into the morgue and scan the body of one of the recruits - so you know about the vein that robs Bane and that yogo priest is richly strong.

Mist Pioneeriv and V'yaznytsya Blackgate

The Joker is in Tyurma, and now you have other turboti - for example, bombs, yakki, all over the place, slaying the Svitlyachok. Get ahead of the police about them and turn on their jokes and rozminuvannya. One of them will be at the boiler house, another one will be at the opera house, and two more will be at the foot of the bridge. If all the bombers will be zneshkodzhenі, fight with the Svitlyachk himself, after which you will need to vryatuvat Alfred z-pid ulamkiv. Then you find out that the Joker zahopiv in Blackgate. Violate there, make your way, because of which you have a foldable essence with Bane for security - a new insertion of a cardio sensor, and that Bane has lived more than five times, Joker zagin. Batman, obviously, doesn’t want anything - he has other goals, so he needs to fight with Bane, defeat his death, and then resuscitate Yogo. After zim, another thing passed with Venom Bane, which is impossible to overcome. And then you can beat the bezakhisnogo Joker and re-build yoga police.

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