Top 10 bosses in games. Giant bosses: rozmir maє znachennya! Ornstein the Dragonslayer and Kath Smough, Dark Souls

Who in the bright gallery of the bosses of the Souls series remembers the greatest editors of gotVG? Learn from our material.

Series Souls I attract to myself gravity from the earth for more than one reason. At the worlds, creatures Hіdatakoy Miyazaki (Hidetaka Miyzaki), gamers can know not only the advancement (poorly from most of the current projects) foldability and a little satisfaction from the bottom of the black one, it was supposed to be immobile, equal, but also alive and wild with its own history, all the world of other characters.

Proteo leading representatives of the series igor vіd From softwareє barefoot, who block the path of gravity - in a right way, and unforgettable opponents, with such gamers, they can not “separate” for a few days after sleep. Today's mova is about the best representatives of the galaxy: varto designate what is the basis of the series in an hour Miyazaki And they managed to "spawn" such a large number of unique characters that all the stinks physically could not fit into this list. So be ready before the fact that among the contenders, who have been taken to the top, for the title of the best boss of Igor series Souls you can not jest your loved ones hardships.

With the choice of the best ones, a few aspects were damaged: the design of the boss and the battlefield, the musical theme, the atmosphere, the literacy of the game mechanics and, obviously, the folding.

It’s good, however, it’s quiet, who didn’t get into our top ten, ale, it’s not less, meritorious for the riddle:

  • Maneater(Demon "s Souls) - twin demons, who caught the sign of rich graves, play the role of guardians Old Monk (Old Monk), his with a sultry look they inspire not fear, but fears of fighting for their safety: they are similar to the chimeras of a monster with wings in the air kazhaniv, serpentine tail and green eyes, which glow evilly, do not let them get bored, who, having shown it, have not completely devastated the battle in Demon's Souls;
  • Gwyn, Lord of Cinder(Dark Souls) King of Light to be called the ultimate final opponent of Dark Souls, there were a lot of forum copies: a sumptuous musical theme and naivishcha until death, obviously not to rob you of honor;
  • Burnt Ivory King(additional Crown of the Ivory King for Dark Souls II) - battle with the final boss of the remaining DLC for Dark Souls II it will be remembered if you want to use your own swing: before that, as if you were in, so apparently, the very heart of Hell, you happen to deign to chotirokh faces - stink to help you to help the guardians King and wall up the portals from which they appear. After that s mov polum'ya speaks himself King of the Elephant Brush, with yakim gravtsev, you have to deal with it independently;
  • Shadows of Yharnam(Bloodborne) - triytsya, sho krokuє nazustrich engraving in a deaf fox. Tiney Yharnamu» Alone, you are not in any way unsafe, but at the same time, it’s all three times to get on the nerves of knowing graves. Dyakuvati for tse varto one of the main mechanics of Bloodborne, as a guarantee that the fight with the skin barefoot will not turn into a routine.

Let’s talk about the “new days”: the time has come for the leaders of today’s top. Proponuemo to your respect the ten greatest bosses of the series Souls for the editorial version gotVG!

Pursuer With great courage, you will become the first serious opponent for graves in Dark Souls II. For all the passage of wines, you can be told more than once or twice (chotiri, as if to be accurate), the prote is most remembered, without any sumnivu, and the first message is with him: on the vіdmіnu vіd bіlshostі bosіv, tsey doesn’t check on you at the singing world , and "prilitaє" on zustrіch іz gravets on the wet falcon. Two balls stand on the battlefield, as if they could beat the enemy who is floating above the ground. Be, however, protective: if the enemy’s sword is covered with blue color, tremite in the distance, otherwise hide the mitte Curse be problematic.

As much as possible 9 rooms Flamerlurker s Demon's Souls - not the worst, but the biggest opponent in the series, for sure - one of the worst. you want a break and warmth, but the nastiness is yours with an unacceptably high swedishness for you to rush into the fire miraculously, like in the course of a duel not only does not become weak, but, on the contrary, it flares up (at a direct roaming) with new strength, through which until the end of the battle you look yoga is practically impossible.

Deep at the top Dark Chasm of Old live Darklurker- Another neo-obvious boss of Dark Souls II. The distance to the new one is no less complicated, the lower one I will overcome: for this grave you need to go through three covenant undergrounds Pilgrims of Temryavi (Pilgrims of Dark), in the rest of the world, for those who are on you Temryavi like a similar unfingered angel, Whose history is filled with mystery and donin. For the first half of the duel, gravity may be able to remember the simple attacks of the enemy, but then for another hour Darklurker I create my own twin, which can be the one who gains wisdom, which is his “twin”. Graduzhe competently let the gamer get used to the battle, like "viving" another enemy. In this manner, the success of the duel to lie down only in front of you - Dark Souls II gave you all the tools to fight for victory. It would be better to speed them up.

The Dark Souls Help can be found here. Everything that gamers got stuck up to this moment should be considered for learning. The gargoyles that bury one of the wake-up calls can rightly be called the calling card of the series and the first reference of the gravel-cob. Shiry shock (" How can I alone fight two gigantic monsters?”), which you see at the first time with them, will more than pay off with this charge of full-fledged enthusiasm in your own strength, if the suvori zahisniks of the fire still fall into your hands.

Protyagom usіh іgor series Souls gamers had a chance to see each other forever with the great diversity of all the monsters, the most safe of them, not like a giant dragon, but a non-transferable mind of the same, like you, grave. Well, it was like the first myslivants were attacked by the demons, who got to the final boss alone from the Demon's Souls location, if the stench was revealed, that behind the dark wall, not someone is checking for them, but aggressively setting up a Tuesday, in a kind of decline old chentsya yogo golden turban. This duel is rich in what to serve as a re-verification on PvP- Attachment of gravel. It’s scary to reveal, but in a moment I don’t wake up: for the knowledge of myself Miyazaki, the team did not want to win in this battle on the experimental online mechanics, the pro game designer played on his own, and we, on our side, took away one of the best opponents in the entire series.

Can you compare skilfully about those who are Orphan of Kos an honorable adversary, but the overpowering wolf of Hell, who does not give his other phase of graves a worthy blow to a new one, albeit one that an orphan does not see, so marvelous in his ugliness of design. Nothing conducive and at the same time zhalugidnogo, we dare to allow, series Souls I haven’t bachiled yet (the fact that the replacement of victorious victors is nothing like the placenta of your mother, it’s just a cherry on the cake of Bogeville). Regardless of intransigence, rise in attacks orphans Kos it’s not so foldable, and if you grow up, you can take care of him in battle with satisfaction.

Back before the first Dark Souls in a small place under the name Olachil (Oolacile) a group of enchanters, as if they were joking about a way to shatter the dark magic, paid for their greed, digging up the grave of the first person, as if not only did not heal the unsustainable awakening, but grew angry and doomed the whole place to death. Biy z Manus, Father of the Abyss, we also know how Father Bezodni(broadening, as if not a zmіg zupinity to navіt a gentry's face Artorias (Artorias the Abysswalker)) becoming the culmination of the whole additional Artorias of the Abyss. Extremely unreliable Manus“forgive” pardons of gravity, yoga magical attacks, zahistu such as those of a disrespectful gamer simply will not be (because of the blame, hey, shvidkoї reaction), the design of the location is the same, and the story is also tied to it, to shy away from it is truly unforgettable .

So it already happened that the only bosses from Bloodborne, yak drank to the whole list (spoiler), linger at the additional The Old Hunters. Yakby this material was folded before its release, then on that place with great frequent imovirnosti standing bi Herman (Gherman, The First Hunter), prote Lady Mary, which guards the terrible secret of a small fishing village, is given to us by the enemy for a number of reasons. Fights with other thoughts can rightfully be considered the best of all grі, to the fact that your adversary is not unrelentingly reconciled miraculously, it’s possible to crush you with one blow, but training and a nimble warrior Vishukan dance of death. Yak i u vipadku z more bosiv u Bloodborne, bіy z Mary divided into sprat parts. However, on the vіdmіnu vіd deyakh, pіd hour transition to the onset phase Maria does not transform into an absolutely different character with a completely different set of tricks from the previous one ( Ludwig (Ludwig, The Accursed), Father Gascoigne (Father Gascoigne)). Natomist city prepares the gamer for її new, more aggressive and tighter attacks by demonstrating their basic options in the first part of the fight. In this rank, zavdyaki competent game design, miraculous musical theme and wild atmosphere, this battle is worth the best among the best in the entire series Souls.

If people talk about the folding nature of the series Souls, one of the first and leading її butts є battle z Dragon Slayer Ornsteinі Katom Smough (Executioner Smough). One of them is strimky and aggressive, standing among the elite faces of the Gvina, Vladyka Svitlana, At that hour, like a different one - a more powerful and clumsy giant, with one blow of his hammer, the building of an unprepared character to the nearest rich. At once, the stench satisfies one of the most effective duets of the wretchedness of the Undead: two dimensions, the strengths of which complement the shortcomings of one of the one. And if you thought that, having driven one of them, you would make your life easier, then you will have a deep mercy: not only that, having lost your opponent, I will restore my health, so I will also wake up the strength of a dead comrade. At the time of death smog, Ornstein pretend to be a bigger strain and ugly version of yourself, otherwise you will get stuck with Electro-Smough, which is also zbіlshivsya in rosemіra. Viber is yours.

One of the greatest achievements of the series Souls, which most gamers often flatten their eyes, є іstorіya її svіtіv і inhabiting їх characters. The most tragic of these stories seems to be useful to us Great orphan wolf Sif ta yoga of the noble ruler ta friend, sulfur Artorias if an elite person Gwina, Vіdomogo also on Prіzvisko Mandrivka Bezodny.

Behind the legend Artorias together with your true comrade-in-arms Seth Zmіg Zupinity wider Temryavi in Olachile, wink father of Bezodni, Manus. In fact, everything turned out richly worse: Artorias, not vitriavshi vise Temryavi, bowing down on her, before zim having caught the nakriti Sifa with your shield, to protect your life. Himself if the gentry's face turned to the place already obsessed with generations Bezodnі de yogo i zustrіchaє gravets, virvany with a mighty hand Manus from the fabric of the hour.

Temryava not only penetrated into the soul Artorias, ale y vikrivila yogo obladunki ta robochu, left hand, To that with his giant sword, waving his weak right. Behind the dialogues that have come to us are unrealizable in gr Artorias you can recognize that you are deeply mistaken about your defeat, in a way that your weakness sounds like a switch to yourself. To the main character, it is necessary to throw a wick to the obsessed Bezodnya face, schob zupiniti wider Temryavi near the town that call yogo kind of damnation. Zrobity, however, is far from being so simple, as it turns out: regardless of those who Artorias having spent a part of their strength, the tightness and stiffness of yogo do not strike blows, but new spells come from Bezodnі roam life engraving more folding. Zreshtoyu, hero ryatuє Artorias that yoga honor, laying the cob of your own legend.

After hundreds of years (in the course of the main plot line), mi zustrіchaєmo yogo friend, that twist, Sifa who are protecting the grave of their noble owner. How dare you lie Sifa on top of that, as you saw him at the grave Artorias, a gigantic vovk recognizes you and inspires us to save your coming before him, as we see the meta. On a sign of sympathy for your order Sif goiter to bury the grave of your ruler and kіltse, what lay with you, what allows you to turn over Dayless. Sif remember how it ended for the yogo ruler and do not want a repetition of such podias. Krim tsgogo, vіn swore to protect the grave Artorias in the event of any encroachment, to inspire the stench to resemble the one who, if you vryatuvav. At this moment, I am a hero, and for the time being I realize that, regardless of the distant fates, at once I will have to fight to the death. Yak zbroya Sif his friend's victorious sword, with sharp swings of such a building's wine, break through the defense of the most prepared heroes. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshostі іgrovіh bosіv, yakі in the course of the battle become less strong, till the moment when Sifa it is practical not to be deprived of eyepieces of health, more often shchitilgati on three paws and mournfully whine, zmushuyuchi at the same moment feel like a right-winged and non-human.

History Sifaі Artorias and battles with them for the hell of a time serve as painful guesses about those that the series Souls maybe the floorings are gloomy and depressive, all of them are vvazhayut її folding.

The most and most enduring bosses, starting from Dark Souls and Undertale, and finishing mass effect 2 and Arkham Knight.

Battles with bosses are miraculous in themselves. It's true, the cream of quiet moments, stench is stinky. The situation was fried, if the editors began to talk about those that battles with bosses were an acceptable option, or else to finish off the beaten plot of the green, then we tried to prove it on the support of both sides.

The first dobirka - our beloved bosses, fights, as they were remembered by us for long years. On the other side, there is a “doshka of shambles” - a large collection of filthy, narrow-minded bosses, they couldn’t stand it, they discussed the prosthesis for such abuse. You deserved the stink, really.

I went through Fallout girls, and I never once killed the creator, kissed right in my eyes, otherwise there was a place for them. Whose piece of flesh, mutuvav, majestic flooring, sho, staring right into the new one - just hook it up lightly.

At the first pass of Fallout, I am a gravitational, sprit character, who secretly penetrated the base, and then vanished.

The advancing passer-by has already a tactful, charismatic hero, who called the Creator to death, and speaking to those in whom he clearly looked at the incompetence of yoga ideas, who stunned him to recognize his own goodness, and in such a rite to bring to self-destruction.

You can also just attack the Creator for additional impulse grenades or a majestic towel, but as a counterargument to such a topping, the result is a seemingly miraculous Fallout. A lot of people hate barefoot, but the ability to choose fight with barefoot or turn off yoga with grey, looking at the flooring, I suspected that after 21 rivers the idea of ​​​​optional
Bosiv did not particularly take root.

Khutro Argus, Vanquish

Japanese videogames have been following the Macross concept for decades: a flurry of terrible missile strikes breaks the sky, leaving behind a plume of white dim. Long time ago, everything was good, mainly in 2D games-in shwamps, as well as in the wonderful Bangai-o. Regardless of those who beat Argus, lie down to the very straightforward style of “beating in weak places”, zustrich from sim barefoot є one from my kokhanih for the whole hour. We can predict the implementation of the vibrations of Macross rockets in 3D - and it looks really miraculous.

After that, as you gave Argus a significant shkodi, you start to smoke in your own harmony, starting to let out hundreds of missiles. At the same moment, you can enjoy it without a hitch, and at the same time, you will demonstrate the whole essence of Vanquish Gris. Won є sumіshshu typical for Japanese anime action with elements of an American shooter in 3rd person.

Otherwise seeming, stereotyping, rude American anti-hero, like, in his body, wearing clothes and tight armor and b'є on the huts, which let out rockets, with such force that you vibrate.

Artorias of the Abyss is the boss of Dark Souls. This tragic character is a symbol of the main story of the Abyss DLC, which NPC dialogues describe as a hero "to the teeth". You don’t want to beat Artorias, but obviously you’ve gone too far, you won’t be left with that choice. Tse typical Dark Souls. At the same time, Artorias is not similar to the peppery barefoot ciєї gri, and to make it so unique.

Most of the bosses of the original game version are more powerful, ungrabable monsters, which you can properly finish, the docks do not find them leftover. Artorias-povna protylezhnistyu. It’s apparently small, but at the same time a hardened face, which collapses like a slyly that shvidko.

I have lost the image of desecrations, the prote ruhi have become permanent. Throughout the group you fought with hippos, the attack of some of them is three times less than 19 seconds, and here Artorias appears with his front somersaults. Vin graє just like that, like gravets on that bek screen. Vіn migrate, like ti, attacking and coming, like ti. Vіn nagaduє raptovy disturbing signal, which does not allow you to navit reread, do not compromise with your plan to the bosses of Bloodborne, but Dark Souls 3. Otherwise, you just can’t be.

Yuvileus, Creator, Bayonetta

How else can such a colorful game end, if not a battle on a cosmic scale? At this stage, you will be able to easily understand the basic opponents and bring down the low bosses of the middle ones, which reach the great ones. Juvileus descended from heaven in a hurry, with a great reserve of health, in the most manipulative looks, skin from some pragmatic battles.

Juvileus is more accurate, variegated heroes of the city of grey, on the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih transfer bosіv. Vaughn can see a spear, the skin has its own attack, as if it is easy to fight the weak of the body, before that, with your skin blow, it becomes only strong. Your strength begins to shake strongly. Leather armor specializes in singing purposes.

The price of a long battle, ale wine is worth a stained hour, and the entry of Jeanne's group partner in a bad way completes this tangled story.
Vaughn is also barefooted, the miraculous summation of all the advantages of Bayonetta: includes wild hauls, swedish change under, pretty angles, and, obviously, unforgettable finale.

In the middle of the Platinum Games, I can't know if there's ever going to be a race against the gods.

What kind of unsatisfactory finale? Undertale I’m thundering, as if I’m going to go out of your minds. The final boss (not the same main boss) creates such a unique atmosphere, as if it were the concept of Undertale. Bey just rips into the structure of the grey, niby throwing you a tweet, trying to get you out of excess pacifism before him, like preparing you to go through all the parts of the grit and play the right finale. This battle is more of an emotional character, but first of all, Zustrich from Flow demonstrates to us how we can realize our ideas.

Ornstein the Dragonslayer and Kath Smough, Dark Souls

I've beaten Gwyn hundreds of times. Sam rozpalyuvav polum'ya and uniqav yogo. I have seen the miraculous designing of the world of Lordran more and more. I marveled at the majestic number of passages, lets play. Now that I've completed my role-playing game in the gothic-action genre with Software, I couldn't win the first time Ornstein the Dragonslayer and Kat Smough without Soler's help.

Ale ce me befitted. I have long finished Anor Londo, first to accept this great battle. I appreciated the exchange of courtesies with Koval Veletny after updating my halberdi-bliskavka. I had a chance to earn a little extra souls in the battle with the Royal Guards, like guarding the boss arena.

I had to develop in my head bad strategies in advance. I love to say to myself: Axis out. Nareshti, I can heal these half-witted ones without the help of a sony brother, ”and then we’ll scrape those who are left out with pidlogs.
Chi bachite, it’s not important, how many times, or two, overcame me, on the right, in the fact that the lady could overcome them without third-party help, I’m afraid to turn around again and again.

A couple of two dashes, one of which will strike you as the main opponent in the finale - shattering the result of the game is truly unreproducible. Everything seems to be quick, crazy, and not important;

The bosses in this series grim all sorts of things, but the other part was seen in this plan as a greater dynamic, on the front in the first place, as it mainly included repetitions of the bully with great opponents. Beat with Frieze good thoughts, Batman's arrangement has a lot of all sorts of things - electrics, vibukhivka thinly, in front of him, like Victor Fries, bestial respect for similar priyomi and repeat їх.

More than those who freeze the gargoyles, you will not be able to see the new mountain. what was yours head managers yakscho you vyrishili b grati carefully. You are left below and Friz will follow you. My colleague has defeated everything that is going on in the final battle of Metal Gear and the mavericks - also the coincidences of various tricks and help of an organized mind.

Monster Zoo, Dungeons of Dredmor

Chi mozhe kіmnata become barefoot? I swear that it is.

Jack Krauser, Resident Evil 4

Tsya gra is one of the poor things that go from QTE, as for the rest of the decade, it may have died out.

The fight on knives between Leon and Krauser can be faceless cut-scenes, you can watch a real fight in them - you can imagine the battle between two characters.
The fight itself with the barefoot is also good - everything is in a ruined labyrinth, de vin will attack you with a knife, then we will be transferred to an undesirable concrete bril, de Krauser mutuє. Sometimes in battle you can poserіgati elements of the internal game file QTE on knives, but also the cicada pidhіd. History tsієї gri is banal, ale tsіkava, and if you don’t have to be emotional, you deserve it more expensively. For a long time, check for the zіtknennya of two characters, the beaten cіcaviy and the cinematographic one - tse Resident Evil 4 in its best manifestation.

One of the biggest minuses in fights with bosses is the difference in the concept of Gris. You are given the freedom of management, guilt, natomism and large-scale arena scuffles and barvy productions. Protilezhnistyu є tsya gra-Torment - singsongly, the most beautiful RPG for the whole hour, yak proponuє vybіr virіshennya konfіktu protyazh іgrovogo protsess.

Use a number of scenarios in the future with Transcendent One of them can end in a battle, as you wish. Ale dialogue, how to start at tsіy grі, є naytsіkavіshoy option. It is rare to develop one's own philosophy, and it is even better to go out successfully.

Twisted Marionette will be available close to one month and one hour of the first update of Guild Wars 2. You can't fight with her anymore - and you don't see 4 more rocks, but one of my favorite bosses that I can overcome. The deputy of zonal teethers, Marionette was light, which changed the skin for 2 years.

The engravings on the card were divided into 5 lines (as if you were lucky) 25 special leather. Biy folded from two head parts. You spent the main part of your hour at the line, defeating the attackers. In addition, the skin line changed in the center, so they could eat in one of the five mini-arenas - the skin line with their barefoot. At the time of success, one lancet of the puppet fell.

Failingly, they stood one step closer to the bottom.

As if the offending parties were victorious, the bіy vvazhavsya vigranim and the puppet fell. For whom it was especially important, it would require great coordination, and not just smashing the monster's HP, but the problem was that everyone could be better only by harder servers.
Our server has not been able to fix it for days, but at the same time, our pidkhid has gradually become better. Our zavantazhennya were seen, but post-yne education, thoroughness, podlannya reshkod to fight all alone for those dearly loved by grі.

So, as the goblins and elves stop drinking, on the right - trash. But the right opponent, whether it be the founder of the fort, is the all-powerful water current. Underground was dzherelo, as if it could flood your fort strongly, because you don’t know how to stream. Vіki mayut tsіlu storіnka, dedicated to the water streams of Dwarf Fortress and the ways of their streaming. I have never seen such a boss before.

I won’t write the name of the final boss, tsієї gri-so tse bula nіsenіtnitsa. The first Mass Effect took its toll on its own climax in the final battle with an imposing, praised, unacceptable agent, whose role was richly folded for the typical role of stereotypical evil and was accompanied by a low, important decision, which was thrown into the lot of the Citadel.

Tse bula miraculous sumish action and roleplay - the very ones who can and can play. Another game, unimportant to all the wildness of the passage of the final suicidal mission, a small ending, equivalent to zestrichi with barefoot at the counter. Boss іz counter, bіy z yakim looking at something light and divine. If people complain about the mass effect of the series to revenge too much, this battle is the butt number 1.

The Arkham Knight drill fight, Batman: Arkham Knight

Arkham games had a couple of good zustrіches with barefoot, but the nasty ones had a lot more. They have the popular scenarios of playing on a kshtalt enticing a rolled-up garden lad, in the process of which you will then go on to trick yourself in such a way that the vines crash into the wall. Arkham Knight vyrіshili zrobiti z tsogo the very chase, in yakіy you have to do more caring and betmenmobile.

Arkham Knight attacks in the dungeons of Gotham, using an outbuilding similar to a drill, rather than the rest of the trouble. You are guilty of enticing Yogo into the month with vibes, unique bar'eriv and wilting in the climb that wraps around. If you are embarrassed, take a little less than 10 hvilin, but then you will be given to you forever.

At that very hour, all sorts of fools vibrate at the kshtalt of the phrases “You are not good!”, And “I know you!” - sob tell you about those who wrote two heroes of the miraculous Joker at Viconan Mark Hamill's, now you are playing with a typical flute in a tee. I fit Arkham games Ale stinks є naochnym butt, why 90 vіdsotkіv bosіv could tidy up without great expenses.

Zerstorer Robots, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

I mostly play for boss fights, but Zerstörer Robots is a garniture drive to turn off the bosses from the green. We don't have enough of everything to make Wolf 2 funny at the same time. different options pidkhodіv, raznomanіtny glance, vykonannya strebkіv, pozitivnі vіdguki vvvstvâ.

The robots are so richly healthy, and the stench of the bastard is so strong that you don’t lack anything, moreover, how to hang out in the H-like bunker of the ship, on which you fight, and the robots were shot from the internal tunnels constantly come out.

Accept, on a high level of folding, the battle with them is more correct, repeating the process, which by no means can be called fun. I went through the whole load for equal folding, three times higher than the average, estimating the throwing me a wink, prote ce motloh bv the flooring, so much fighting me that I just set the minimum folding in order to just go through it. I zrobiv bi so znovu.

Alma, F.E.A.R. 2

What kind of idiotic kіntsіvka?

The final battle with Ghaul, the leader of the Red Legion, and with a stature similar to the walruses of Darth Vader, which zruynuvav Bashtu, so much rose through not through those who may be short, but through those who have none.
Tse peresіchny fight in the arena against the vaunted Commander Cabal. Ghaul is the sum total of great health and manifest power. For more than an hour, you are not present at the battle, and if you don’t lift your tilting head, you just shoot at the new one with your superpower to pop up.

You spend more than an hour, fighting with the most significant enemies on the ship, which obviously can’t be seen in front of you as a climax, because the arena is boring, there are those enemies, and it’s not so rich anymore. Type the axis of the wines - the Red Legion, the axis of the yogo flagship ship, the axis of the final battle. The best thing you can do is visit Team A.

Alas, with a blue riddle, the scene sets in, in a kind of Goal it transforms into a cackling rare phantom, and rises in front of Mandrivets. At this moment, I, and all with me, I may be on the skin, the cream of the quiet boys from Bungie, I thought, “Oh, great, I’ll raid at once for an hour, I’ll do yoga in a right way.”

Ale don't know. Vіn just razchinivsya, and natomіst mi battling with like a random dude. Destiny Youtuber Datto saying in the best way: "I want to fight with this great thing." Destiny 2 does not allow you to fight with this great thing, and it's terribly vague.

Zgіdno z Dark Souls wiki, a whole necromancer with three heads, who has crucified the power of the lord of the graves and now rule the catacombs. The whirlwind teleports from place to place and makes copies of itself, like attacking with magical projectiles. Sounds like a dosit, doesn't it?

Besides, in practice everything is not so. Zovsіm negarazd.

In grі, like a majestic bunch of name battles, Vikhor is a total anomaly. Tsya biganina is not only easy to fight with the barefoot dark souls, but also easy to fight with great opponents.

Yogo peresuvannya peredbachuvana, s yogo klonіv importantly marvel, like a projectile-type object Rite Zapaluvannya - just smittya. I didn’t forget the script for the next hundredth shock in the sight of Ornstein and Smough. Natomista, with a sense of well-being over them, could not win over them. At the same hour, Vikhor let me go naked, being so weak.

"It's greedy. You play in this miracle game, and you will end up with a battle with a giant naked lad. "We didn't have better ideas" - Kevin Levin said once. with the great muscular boy. it was much more complicated.

Eli, Metal Gear Solid 5

Damn, I hate this nissenitnitsa with the little Liquid Snake, against whom it was impossible to just win over and quit with the mustache. nuclear robots and people who read the human mind will give you a saw.

The deputy of whom you are guilty of running after him throughout the entire ship, the docks do not blame him. And here you can work calmly.

Joden with fights with bosses, Metal Gear Solid 5, unfortunately, is not good. What a trifle is bad for the series, for some of them it was so rich in the past. MGS and MGS2, which appeared on the PC for that, were successful, kind words about Gray Fox in the first and Vamp in the other. Luckily, in other parts of The Phantom Pain there are more indiscretions.

Vaas, Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 has a lot of fights with bosses, so it's not easy to see them as specific ones. I sang on Vaasi, oslkilki vin, singly, naytsіkavіshiy and memorize the character of these series, and that's why it's worth stinging more strongly for others, because vin buv is a good іnshої kintsivki.

The creation of a strong barefoot in grі, de vizhe from the very cob ozbroєni to the teeth, and you can single-handedly vitrimat majestic Skoda, obviously є viklik, to that you yourself are dumb boss. In such a mood, Ubisoft is robbed of those who, having driven themselves into a trap, pump you with drugs, screaming hallucinations. And we kindly ask the dark sweating world, hovering with television screens (unreasonably why), de Vaas after Vaas, to live on you, and then the guinea in the same cool, roaming at the sickle. This is not a test for virility, but less hope for patience. After that, as you must have primarized Baas's wretchedness, you come to the finale, at the hour of which you skillfully throw it from one hand to the other, and then we will posture, like a wine in the world. You don't have anything left, crim rozcharuvannya that vaguely aware of the fact that you are still Jason Brody.

Boss in games - not cool, not epic. Majestic, charismatic and strong. Today, we have prepared for you the top 10 most powerful bosses in the games, as if they terrified you to work hard and go through all the mothers for an hour of battle with them. Absolutely all zbіgi and vіdsutnіst of your darlings igor vipadkovі.

10. General Draug from Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

In the rest of the city, General Draug z Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings. Neimovirno tovstokiry, healthy and swarming with the thug. As an arch-ghost, Draug can't do anything on his own. Muster the servants. Primary and cursed spirits always act as servants, as they are inspired to rest in peace.

“The general did not recognize the blow. Having continued to fight to navit after death.
- Description of the Draug card at Gvinti

Why does the battle with him have the fold? Through yoga, the signs of that bomb can not be seen on him. Therefore, in the battle with him, the old witch-didvish way is lost - the silver sword. From the top of the top, the weakest boss, but not less, it will be easy to go through yoga from the first time.

9. Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

Albert Wesker rose from the forest at the frontier place Resident Evil 5. Crying out that everyone knows who the dude is. Before the speech, the wines are far from being so filthy, those dashing plans did not originate from early childhood. Vіn buv dosit unintelligible, gifted to the people with non-human intellect. That's why I've spent a lot of time before the Wesker Children project. The project is a long-standing dream of the Umbrella corporation with the creation of superhumans to help the virus. Albert and becoming himself a superhuman. This is the hour of vіn vvazhavsya longevity of the series resident evil, the styles of times around the fingers of the leading heroes and death were given to few people. But to survive the battle of Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar you did not go far. Bіy buv dovgym, a sea of ​​cartridges, grenade launcher volleys that QTE mountain.

At Devil May Cry 3 The main hero Dante can fight against his brother Virgil. The leather is folded with it and hangs behind the front. And how did it cost the salutation of an hourly schoolboy, because Virgil can regenerate health, and oppose your enchanting swords with the victorious power of your mind, one wrong move -
and you are a corpse. Everyday cunning, you will only be helped to perfect your skills.

7. Baal from Diablo 2: Lords of Destruction

If I drive in Baal z Diablo 2 LoD, then I really wanted to give five lyashchiv to that sadist who killed that boss. I do it more painfully to think about it, to create your own copies, to use mana, to teleport, and also to have a tentacle and help me to wear half of my life.

6. Ludoger from Demon's Souls

The best place to win the safest supernik Demon's Souls. Yogo vminnya litati і, so be moving, multiplying to rob yogo to be strong, do not forget, like the mechanics of winning the game. Add here those who are in the place, devi, are a narrow path, along the edges of the prirva, which strongly surrounds your ruhi. Healing in the face of yoga attacks is incredibly easy, the raja will fly to the island with a fire, there is more space.

Dark Samus quickly resets all your wife's lives, as you weren't prepared to grow up with her. There is a shvidka, in the її arsenal there is a bad arsenal, but the novices are the same, like you have. If the vatazhok virishuy, scho you vytratili її zdorov'ya, then immediately begin to vilіkovuvat yourself. So, she's reasserting her health. Ale on tsomu yet not all. Vaughn can multiply brunkuvannyam. So in a deaky hour you happen to fight at the same time with two of these.

4. The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

The Nameless King Dark Souls 3 spravzhnє vyrodzhennya baked. Trying to overcome the thinness from the secret location in the honest essence, you can easily lose more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. The nameless king is richly haunted by passing through the moon, scorching, pobazhaemoy to the happy New fate and the quiet of the torment itself, which the wine brought to us.

We could take the most popular game of all hours. Moreover, more than three equals passed more than one, then even fewer reached the gang - the majestic dragon. The creators have done a good job over their thunder. We knew for a fact that we would become a cult. And Bowser can be beaten in the following way: kick up to the new one, try to hit up to the new one behind the back, grab the tail and throw it on the bombs on the edges of the island.

Another place, taking your own main negative character Fallout 2 Frank Horrigan. A mutant cyborg with a majestic and vrei mіtsnim body. Having taken a part in the excavations at the military base of Mariposa, having demutated and become the last year in the experiments of the Enclave, which did not positively signify on yoga intelligence. Look at all the combat operations of the Enclave. Zustrichaetsya Reversed in script scenes, as well as resist youma in the final battle. Strong, cunning, evil, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Emperor Shao Kahn sits on the throne of the most folded boss. I won the wine in the same place in a fair fight. We really don't know. At Mortal Kombat (2011) veins without teeth throwing write-offs and hitting them with a giant hammer. Yogo can not be fooled, and special X-ray-priyomi take away a tiny amount of health from a new one. And if you die over something rich, then the game itself will reduce the rіven fold. I turn, those, how to fight in the 9th part, do not look like a real nightmare Mortal Kombat 2і Mortal Kombat 3.

At the other part of the veins, with one blow, taking out a quarter of your health, and another vein blocking your skin attack, negligently sticking out to the point, de vin razmazhe you at 3 go. At the third part of the wines with a nameless swedishness, I got healthy for the help of the hammer and that of my fucking knee. It was more difficult to drive in yoga, ale vreshti-resht, having gone through all the mothers, you still drive in yoga. Why is it so good to sit with a gamepad, which, having changed into the mind and mind, that you are healthy.

Axis and reached the end of our top most valuable bosses in games. So, there are more folding bosses, they showed me lower, but you can’t list everything. Leave it in the comments, like the bosses made you tense up, show your middle finger at the screen and guess everything.

Boss in games - not cool, not epic. Majestic, charismatic and strong.Today I prepared a list for youthe best bosses in the games, as if they terrified you to strain and go through all the mothers for an hour of battle with them. Absolutely all zbіgi and vіdsutnіst of your darlings igor vipadkovі.

General Draug from Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

How about General Friend from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Neimovirno tovstokiry, healthy and swarming with the thug. As an arch-ghost, Draug can't do anything on his own. Muster the servants. Primary and cursed spirits always act as servants, as they are inspired to rest in peace.

“The general did not recognize the blow. Having continued to fight to navit after death. - Description of the Draug card by Gwent

Why does the battle with him have the fold? Through yoga, the signs of that bomb can not be seen on him. Therefore, in the battle with him, the old witch-didvish way is lost - the silver sword. 3 cgbcrf price is the weakest boss, it will be easy to pass yoga the first time.

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5. Crying out that everyone knows who the dude is. Before the speech, the wines are far from being so filthy, those dashing plans did not originate from early childhood. Vіn buv dosit unintelligible, gifted to the people with non-human intellect. That's why I've spent a lot of time before the Wesker Children project. The project is a long-standing dream of the Umbrella corporation with the creation of superhumans to help the virus. Albert and becoming himself a superhuman. This is the hour of vіn vvazhavsya longevity of the series resident evil, the styles of times around the fingers of the leading heroes and death were given to few people. But to survive the battle of Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar you did not go far. Bіy buv dovgym, a sea of ​​cartridges, grenade launcher volleys that QTE mountain.

Virgil from Devil May Cry 3

In Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition, the main character Dante has to fight 3 times with his brother Vergil. The leather is folded with it and hangs behind the front. opposing your enchanting swords, victorious with the power of your mind, one wrong move - and your corpse ... None of the cunning, you can only help you to perfect your skills.

Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Dali ide Dahak from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. If the Prince of Persia has woke up a year-old year and succumbed to the squeaks of the hour of wine and let it not be a moment to wake up the ancient demon, with the method of which you will drive that very year-time. In fact, it is not more difficult to overcome yoga, where it is more convenient to reach the battle with him. You can’t drive in yoga even as it’s hot, so in the kіnci, you didn’t take away the water sword. And in order to take yoga, it is necessary to take all the skhovanki from life, so it’s not so easy to get there. Try all the locations in their searches.

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will quickly reset all of your wife's life, as you weren't prepared for her. There is a shvidka, in the її arsenal there is a bad arsenal, but the novices are the same, like you have. If the vatazhok virishuy, scho you vytratili її zdorov'ya, then immediately begin to vilіkovuvat yourself. So, she's reasserting her health. Ale on tsomu yet not all. Vaughn can multiply brunkuvannyam. So in a deaky hour you happen to fight at the same time with two of these.

Ludoger from Demon's Souls

Place on the list having won the safest superhero from Demon's Souls. Yogo vminnya litati and, so be it, "multiply" to rob yoga to be strong, do not forget, like a victorious mechanics tya gra. Give here those who are in the right place, deviant, є a narrow path for yourself, along the edges of the prirva, which strongly surrounds your ruhi.

The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

The Nameless King in Dark Souls 3 has been a blessing in disguise. Trying to overcome the thinness from the secret location in the honest essence, you can easily lose more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. The nameless king is richly haunted by passing through the moon, scorching, pobazhaemoy to the happy New fate and the quiet of the torment itself, which the wine brought to us.

Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2

Another place, taking with him the main negative character of Fallout 2, Frank Horrigan. A mutant cyborg with a majestic and vrei mіtsnim body. Having taken a part in the excavations at the military base of Mariposa, having demutated and become the last year in the experiments of the Enclave, which did not positively signify on yoga intelligence. Look at all the combat operations of the Enclave. Zustrichaetsya Reversed in script scenes, as well as resist youma in the final battle. Strong, cunning, evil, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat

Emperor Shao Kahn sits on the throne of the most folded boss. I won the wine in the same place in a fair fight. We really don't know. In Mortal Kombat (2011), the veins are constantly throwing write-offs and hitting them with a giant hammer. Yogo can not be fooled, and special X-ray-priyomi take away a tiny amount of health from a new one. And if you die over something rich, then the game itself will reduce the rіven fold. I turn, those who fight in part 9 do not look like a real nightmare in Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat III. At the other part of the veins, with one blow, taking out a quarter of your health, and another vein blocking your skin attack, negligently sticking out to the point, de vin razmazhe you at 3 go. At the third part of the wines with a nameless swedishness, I got healthy for the help of the hammer and that of my fucking knee. It was more difficult to drive in yoga, ale vreshti-resht, having gone through all the mothers, you still drive in yoga. Why is it so good to sit with a gamepad, which, having changed into the mind and mind, that you are healthy.

So, there are more folding bosses, the lower ones are presented in this list, but you can’t list them. Leave it in the comments, like the bosses urged you to strain, show the middle finger at the screen and go through all the mothers.

For Gordon Freeman, it’s more important to warn: to rob those who go out into the newest way – in which people are roaring. Ale mi vpevneni, scho to inspire that fearless talented physicist, saying to himself a sprat of matyukiv, if he had beaten the final boss of the first Half-Life - Nikhilant.

A flying little overgrowth can be great to get on the nerves of a gamer, zavdyaks of an army of servants, homing attacks and indolence of a dot, until you have two energy crystals. And if you are lacking in raptom, then Nihilant has an additional trump card at the sleeve - teleportation of gravity to other locations. Well, even though the cosmos doesn’t control it, and it’s like that.

9. Shadow of the Colossus - Ear #15

The cult gra Fumito Uedi is a reference hymn to the bosses in games. 16 bagatovіkovyh veletnіv іz tedious looking zastrіchayut krychіtny p_dkoryuvach veletnіv. Even if they are afraid of something, the blow of a sword for them is like a prick of a toothpick on an elephant's skin. Ale, at the skin ear, has its own Achilles heel, you know how you will be head folding in the battle with stone titans. Everyday tips, only the method of trials and pardons

In the midst of the most varied bosses, I would like to recognize the human-like windfall with number 15. It is shameful to know that the authors of this text had a chance to work guides on the Internet in order to show the correct sequence of events for the triumphal victory over the ear.

8. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil 5

Athlete, genius and just blushing Albert Wesker instantly made the career of a prominent scientist, forcing the whole world to infect the T-virus. Ale navіscho, if panuvannya over the world is much more busy. And schob zdіysnilis napoleonіvsі, Wesker did not forget to inject his own dose of the virus, turning into one of the most complex bosses of the Resident Evil series.

Nadlyudska swidkіst, dodge the Neo style that indifferentness - Albert became the right Chuck Norris in the world of videoіgor. As if honestly, Sheva, the partner of the protagonist, is talking about the secret spirit with Wesker; But most of all, Sheva, at the critical moment, somehow forgets about her confession, which further complicates the already difficult final boss fight.

7. Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Satan

For the sake of Kohana, a person is ready to do anything: to go through the most difficult trials, to accomplish the exploits of the old ones of Hercules himself and to start fighting with Satan. Itself such a path to go through Gebriel Belmont, to turn from the realm of the Dead his kohana at Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

And if a gra could be built foldable, then only with the help of Satan you start to work about the rozrobniks, like about the maniaks from the sadistic brats. Satan cannot boast of visible strength, but spritnist, but magical barriers, for the passage of which it is necessary to constantly move between the magic of light and darkness, they can bring in themselves the chances of Zen that they have drunk.

6. Metal Gear Revengeance - Steven Armstrong

Japanese gamers are always with special twists to be placed before the creation of bosses. І Metal Gear Revengeance without becoming a culprit, be prepared to break your gamepad while playing with Steven Armstrong, and if you go through the game on a PC for help keys, then God will help you.

Steven Armstrong dreamed of reviving the social order of the American society, making room for the most powerful, so-called superpeople. And so the clichés of Armstrong's ideas can evoke more than laughter, his physical strength, strong with nanomachines, and supersonic speed make you hate the self-voiced president of the United States.

5 Mortal Combat 2 - Shao Kahn

In a battle with a character who bears the title of "Emperor of the Outer World", it is unlikely that you can exchange blows lazily. And add to all other divine power, schilnist to zhorstokost that wholesale black magic, and you take away the most sophisticated boss in the history of Mortal Combat - Shao Kahn.

In another MK, Shao Kahn, having become the final opponent, and in a moment, after many blows, proceed to kill fatality, breaking the grave. Ale against Shao Kahn, one strategy is true - an uninterrupted hail of blows, like to terrify the barefoot, constantly rest at the guard's station, but remember: one pardon - and you are a corpse.

4. Dark Souls 3 - The Nameless King

With the passage of the Dark Souls series, ordinary opponents can create problems, and what to say about bosses, about how you can already add up legends. Use the stench like a pidbіr epіchnі, strong, tenacious and insanely folded. In the midst of the most varied bosses in the Souls series, it’s easy to say about the Nameless King.

The person-lethar, without curling words, falls on the grave of his dragon and waving his old sword, hovayuchis behind the thick skin of the monster that is flying. However, after driving into the gneath of thinness, it is not necessary to triumph before the hour. The Nameless King and without the support of his faithful animal can trample the most hardcore gamer into the ground in a few seconds.

3. God of War - Queen of the Valkyries (maximum folding)

Studio Santa Monica razroblyala svіy masterpiece from a clear eye on the Souls series. It’s worth mentioning like in a combat system, so it’s on a equal footing, which influences the gravity of superhuman reflections. And just like the first three equal foldings, as a whole, under the force of greater gravity, then the maximum, under the name of God of War, is the right hardcore challenge.

The Queen of the Valkyries in God of War is the final boss, even though it's neob'yazkovy. To win over her, the most effective tactic of post-spam runic attacks is light, then strong, minyaesh zbrou, repeat - and so on until you see the evil beast of the krill. Ale, I’ll do it again, the least pardon and the prorakhunok, to watch out for the screen of interest.

2. Metal Gear Solid – Psycho Mantis

Even more doubting that Kojima is a genius, the same Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid is coming to you. Vіn does not oppose with gigantic rosemories, with the primordial strength of chi vitality, yoga kozir is called another - extrasensory vibrancy, for example - reading thoughts. If you play Metal Gear Solid on the first Playstaton, then you won’t have to spend some time on Psycho Mantis, we’ll guess all your actions in advance.

Such an unfair duel calls out for more than one food: “How do you, the devil take it, overcome it ?!”. The solution to the problem seems to be non-trivial and innovative in 20 years after the release of the first MGS. So that the boss can’t read thoughts, connect one more gamepad to the console, and only in this way Nostradamus at the protigas will be infuriated for gravity attacks.

1. Punch Out!! - Mike Tyson

The first place among the strongest bosses in games is played by Mike Tyson from the immortal fighting game Punch Out. The game has been played more than 30 years ago and, singsongly, it’s better to say that modern gamers are unlikely to get stuck with Tyson in the electronic ring.

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out was dubbed invincible for a reason, even if it's just one miss, the building's uppercut is right for a deep knockout. To win over the legendary boxer, you need to cheat, counterattack and block attacks with mathematical accuracy. In the wild, the retailers miraculously conveyed the idea of ​​a duel with Mike Tyson, zmushyuyuchi zealously training in the contact sport to reach the champion title. Everything is like in real life.

Also wonder r. Truthfully, the stench does not stink, the anatomy compensates for it with an unimaginable scale, epichnistyu and zhorstokistyu.

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